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''Journey to Hell Part One'' contains content that may be highly disturbing and/or triggering to some readers. Due to most of the episode being made up of this content and the inability to take another path due to stats playing a factor, there is only so much I can do. The following can be found in the episode: abuse, varying amounts of gore, self-injurious behavior, violence, death, blood, and fears that are mentioned in past episodes. You can choose to either hide or show the above content. If you do wish to hide, understand that parts of the story will be hidden as well and the story might become confusing in some places due to information skipped. Again, this choice will SKIP parts of the story and choosing to hide the content will hide any areas that contain triggers. [[Yes, hide triggering areas.|Episode Eight: Journey to Hell Part One][$hidet = true]] [[No, do not hide triggering areas.|Episode Eight: Journey to Hell Part One]]
<<nobr>>\ <<set $want = "unknown"; $decline = false; $chosenAmari = false; $chosenZillah = false; $chosenSydero = false; $chosenChris = false; $chosenRahim = false; $lustsex = false; $teleport = false>> <<unset $nosebreak, $withTristen>> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/epeight.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> “Come on, $name,” Raum shouts impatiently, “unless you want me to burn this neighborhood to the ground.” The possibility of Faye’s neighbors hearing this is uncomfortably high. If they come outside or even call the police, this would all become two times more complicated. “Why is he like this!” I growl, heading straight for the door when Rahim grabs my arm, yanking me back towards him. “And you’re just going to walk out there?” “You don’t know Raum like the rest of us do,” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> tells him as he walks up to us, “if we don’t go out there now then Raum will do exactly what he says.” Rahim frowns deeply but releases me. “Remember, $name, you’re not stable. The outcome of this fight is not one you want.” “I know,” I growl, glaring at him, “stop. Alright-” I take a deep breath just as a headache begins to hit me. This is not the time. I take a deep breath in and clear my throat and mind before opening the door. I walk outside with the others behind me. Raum standing on the curb, five others who I automatically guess are demons stand right behind him. “$name, it’s been a while,” he smiles. Despite hearing his voice last time, he was right that we haven’t exactly been face to face with one another. He looks the exact same save for his face, a burn scar has laid claim upon it, causing the skin to overlap and appear melded together. “Hmm,” he chuckles, noticing where my eyes rested. He points to the area and snarls, “you like it? Compliments of your bitchy cambion friend.” [[“Remind me to high five her.”]] [[“She missed a few spots.”]] [[“Ouch, I hope it hurt.”]] [[Say nothing.->JHOSN]]
“Remind me to high five her when I see her in a little bit.” He sneers, “she’ll kill you first.” The words cause me to stiffen, and I prepare to question him when Rahim clears his throat. <<include "JHO_0">>
“Maybe you should go back to her for round two, seems like she missed a few spots.” As I say this, I motion to the side of his face that had been spared. “I’m almost tempted to let you meet her so that she can give you a matching one.” The words cause me to stiffen, and I prepare to question him when Rahim clears his throat. <<include "JHO_0">>
“Ouch,” I say and recoil, “I hope it hurt.” “I’m almost tempted to let you meet her so that she can give you a matching one.” The words cause me to stiffen, and I prepare to question him when Rahim clears his throat. <<include "JHO_0">>
I stand quietly, not being a fan of lowering myself to stand on the same level as someone like Raum. The last time I saw him, he held Bradley over a portal to hell and then proceeded to drop him. I had no words for Raum, only actions. Rahim, on the other hand, seems to have something to say though. He clears his throat and steps up so that he’s standing next to me, his eyes taking in Raum. <<include "JHO_0">>
“What’s your plan here?” Rahim asks, “attack us in the middle of a suburban neighborhood? Even you must know how bad that would be.” “Do I? I don’t care about your world’s petty rules. If this neighborhood burns, then it burns. Along with every living soul here. Ask $name, life means very little to me.” “All to keep us from getting to Sydero?” Rahim questions further. Raum pauses, “I’m tempted to let you go,” he shifts his attention to me, “to see that she’s not who she once was. I’m so tempted. I want to see the shock on your face right as she pulls the skin from your body. Meticulously pulling out one organ after the other, trapping your soul in your body, so you get to feel each and every bit of it.” We’re all quiet, our side staring them down and them staring us down. “That’s disgusting,” Amari says loud enough for all of us to hear, and out of the corner of my eye, I see her suppress a shiver. “Yes, it is.” Raum eyes us all before his gaze lowers just enough, and I stiffen, already knowing who he had set his sights on. “Bradley, I brought five more friends for you to play with.” [[Attack him.|JHO1Attack][$zillah -=2; $rahim -=3; $chris +=3; $bradley +=2]] [[Shift to stand in front of Bradley.][$rahim +=2; $chris +=2; $amari +=2]] [[Verbally assault him.][$zillah -=2; $rahim -=3; $chris +=3; $bradley +=2]]
I lunge forward to meet him. “$name!” I hear Zillah shout, but I push his voice, and anyone else’s, to the side, I didn’t care. I shock myself with how fast I make it to Raum. I throw my first punch and miss. My second punch, missing. I grit my teeth as I unleash all of my pent up energy and rage, hitting nothing but air as my vision blurs, and pain racks my body. With a tired and defeated heave, I fall to the ground, clutching my head as it feels like a tremor is let loose upon my brain, cracking the surface and trying to get down to the foundation. “So, it’s true then?” Raum asks, and I feel hands grab me, pulling me backward. Another hand joins the previous one, and the pain subsides. My vision corrects itself just in time to see Zillah rolling his eyes as he pulls his hand back. “You’re dying?” Raum laughs, clapping his hands and throwing his head back in glee, “this is too good. And you want to head into Hell in your condition? You won’t make it past Gluttony’s territory.” <a data-passage="JHO1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
With my eyes still on Raum, I shift so that I’m now once again in his line of sight, his gaze rising to meet my own. “Look who’s finally being protective. If only you acted like this when you practically gave him to us before.” The accusation causes the already rising anger inside of me to peak, my mouth opens, but it is not my voice that I hear. Instead, it’s Bradley’s. He moves from behind me and shoots a bird at Raum. “Fuck you. Don’t blame what happened on anyone but your damn self, you monster,” he shouts, his voice steady and confident. “Send those demons on over and watch each of them get fucked up!” I raise an impressed brow and notice Rahim giving him a shocked expression<<if $cp>>, Chris, a look of pride<</if>>, and Amari trying not to laugh. <a data-passage="JHO1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Physically attacking him isn’t the wisest move, but that doesn’t mean I can’t insult him verbally. A piece of is better than no success. “Hey, shit stain, your focus should be here,” I say and gesture to myself, “now, I’ll say this slow since I know your last four brain cells are overworked enough, but how about you and the Other Guys back there just get back into your big boy cars, do the world and every dimension a favor, and drive the fuck off a cliff?” “Let me punch em first,” Bradley growls, and though I can’t see him, I can tell that he’s a ball of barely suppressed anger, ready to release it all. “No, Bradley. We don’t touch the exhibits.” “Do you feel better?” Raum asks, scoffing, “does insulting me make you feel all warm inside?” “Yes, deeply. Killing you will feel like killing that one gnat that just refuses to die.” “So you admit that –,” he begins, but I don’t let him finish, my face void of emotion as I stare past his eyes and deep into whatever piece of soul he had left if there is even that. “I admit only that you’re a gnat, tiny and irrelevant. Killing you will bring a moment of joy, and that’s it because your death will mean so little in the grand scheme of things. So little, in fact, that your name will be forgotten before <<if $medical >=10 or $cmjaor is "Nursing">>autolysis can even begin<<else>>you even take your last breath<</if>>. And then I will watch you be devoured by gnats, whose purpose outweigh your own.” Raum stares at me, wordlessly, his jaw clenching to the point that I’m now just waiting to hear his teeth chatter. <a data-passage="JHO1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We don’t have time for this distraction,” Faye reminds me, pulling on my sleeve and leaning in to whisper in my ear. “The window is open, and we’ll only have about an hour left in totality with this eclipse. As soon as it’s over, that gateway is down and our chance along with it.” “And that’s what this is,” Rahim adds in, looking from Raum to his goons and then to us, “this is a distraction. The longer Raum can keep this going, the less time we have.” “That makes sense,” I add in, “if we do try to leave, he’ll probably try to start a fight. Prolong it too.” “So, then what?” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Amari<</if>> asks, listening to the conversation, “telling him we’re onto him won’t make him move.” <<if $pr or $petrifree>>\ We’re all silent, trying to think of the wisest course when Amari sniffs the air, glancing around in confusion. “Do you guys smell that?” she reflects and rolls her eyes before tapping the side of her head, “of course, you don’t smell it. We have an issue incoming.” “Ugh, what is it?” Rahim groans, his attention wholly on Amari. “There’s another werewolf in the area, and they’re getting closer.” I pause as my mind goes to one werewolf in particular. And, to answer the questions forming in my thoughts, a Doberman comes racing from the darkness, charging straight for Raum. “It’s Petri,” I say just as the werewolf leaps, tackling a shocked Raum. “That’s all the distraction we need,” Rahim says, grabbing my arm and pushing me towards my car. “We need to head there, now. Go.” I take a few steps towards the car as I look back at Petri and Raum. Raum’s forearm is bleeding, but he’s otherwise still in one piece. His demons have since moved in to grab Petri, keeping him down as Raum says something to him, a crooked grin on his face. [[Help him.|JHOHelp][$amari +=5; $bradley -=5; $zillah -=3; $chris -=2; $rahim -=3]] [[Go, now.][$amari -=5; $bradley +=3; $zillah +=3; $chris +=2]] <<else>>\ We’re all silent, trying to think of the wisest course when Rahim finally speaks up, rolling his eyes but nodding his head. “You guys go, I’ll distract them.” <<if $rahim >=50>>\ “You’ll what?” me, Amari, Faye, and Bradley all question, eyes wide and looking at him as if he had just spoken a different language entirely. He rolls his eyes, “it warms my heart that you guys care, but I know what I’m doing.” “You hear that? The cur knows what he’s doing. Let’s go,” Zillah pipes up, Amari tapping his arm harshly as a warning. <<else>>\ “You’ll what?” Amari, Faye, and Bradley all question, eyes wide and looking at him as if he had just spoken a different language entirely. The rest of us exchange looks and then nod towards Rahim, who seems bothered by our lack of care but also thankful that we don’t question him. <</if>>\ “No, you won’t,” Faye tells him, “there has to be another way.” “You forget I can smite,” Rahim tells her, “that alone will scare them off.” “You smiting them in the middle of a suburban neighborhood won’t go over well,” Jeff adds, but Rahim seems to already have a plan for that as well. “We don’t have time for discussion,” he groans, “so just do what I say and get your asses to the gateway.” He turns his attention to the demons about to meet them. <<if $rahim >=50>>\ [[Hug him. “Be careful.”][$rahim +=3]] <</if>>\ <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“I don’t like this idea.”][$RRomance +=1; $rahim -=3]]</span><<else>>[[“I don’t like this idea.”][$RRomance +=1; $rahim -=3]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“No, I’m staying with you.”][$RRomance +=1; $rahim -=3]]</span><<else>>[[“No, I’m staying with you.”][$RRomance +=1; $rahim -=3]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[“You heard the man, let’s go.”]] [[Just go.]] <</if>>\
<<if $pr>>\ I move to help him, refusing to let him do this himself. “$name, don’t,” Rahim barks, lunging out to grab my arm, but he misses. My focus is on the fight, and the best course of action, firing a gun is pointless and would cause unneeded attention, especially in this neighborhood at this time. But my blade, now that will make a difference, either that or an exorcism. <<if $blades >=15>>\ <<nobr>><<set $petri_alive = true>><</nobr>> I grab my blade and, with confidence and past training guiding my aim, throw it at the demon whose weight is holding most of Petri’s shifting form down. The blade embeds itself into the demon’s shoulder, and though it causes but a momentary distraction, it also gives Petri a weapon. He snatches it out and drives it into the cheek of another demon, all of them backing off of him before he again attacks Raum. <<elseif $exorcise>>\ <<nobr>><<set $petri_alive = true>><</nobr>> I recite the exorcism, hoping that it’ll get rid of at least two of them. Upon finishing, I watch as two of them indeed fall to the ground, their bodies spasming as signs of the exorcism take hold. Three of the demons shift their attention to me, forgetting momentarily about the raging werewolf right beside them. Now done with his transformation, Petri grabs one of them by the neck and throws them into the other, not missing a beat as he turns his attention to Raum and pounces on his old boss once more. <<else>>\ I grab my blade and throw it at the demon whose weight is holding most of Petri’s shifting form down. The blade misses, flying past the demon’s head and drawing his attention. I stand beside my decision to go with the blade instead of using my gun, but I have no delusions to how bad my skill with the blade is. This doesn’t really shock me. The momentary distraction at least allows Petri to get free from underneath the demon. He punches another and then turns his attention to Raum, tackling the man to the ground. <</if>>\ “Happy now?” Rahim growls, pushing me towards the car, “now go!” This time I don’t argue. Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> and Zillah all get into my car. Well, Zillah is more so forced to get into the car, far more concerned with the moving contraption than the mission and everything that can be at risk. With Amari keeping him still, I take off. Faye and Jeff ride in Faye’s car, and Rahim lingers just in case he needs to stall the men but tells us to text him as soon as we make it so that he can join us. I speed down the road, glimpsing in the rearview mirror, hoping that I had helped, even a bit. <<else>>\ I move to help him when Rahim grabs my arm, “don’t.” “I’m not going to just let him die.” “That’s his decision,” Rahim continues, pulling me towards the car, “he’s a grown man.” I fight against his hold, but Rahim’s grip doesn’t lessen, only releasing me when we get to the car. I touch the driver’s side door but don’t move to open it, turning to see how Petri was faring. Somehow, he had gotten himself free from the demons, and his jaw was clamped down on Raum’s throat, bringing a shouting Raum down to his knees. There was no way Faye’s neighbors hadn’t grown curious. “Go,” Rahim urges, opening the door for me and ushering me inside. Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> and Zillah all get into my car. Well, Zillah is more so forced to get into the car, far more concerned with the moving contraption than the mission and everything that could be at risk. With Amari keeping him still, I take off. Faye and Jeff ride in Faye’s car, and Rahim lingers just in case he needs to stall the men but tells us to text him as soon as we made it so that he could join us. I speed down the road, glimpsing in the rearview mirror, a part of me knowing that would be the last time I saw Petri. “Good riddance,” I hear Bradley murmur from the passenger seat, a small twisted smile on his face that fails to reach his eyes or even match his tone. No one says anything, and I drive in silence. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I tear my eyes from the sight, blocking out the sound of his whimpering and ushering the others into the car. Petri is probably about to shift, buying us a few more needed minutes. But he’s inevitably going to lose this battle. He’s outnumbered and underpowered. Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> and Zillah all get into my car. Well, Zillah is more so forced to get into the car, far more concerned with the moving contraption than the mission and everything that can be at risk. With Amari keeping him still, I take off. Faye and Jeff ride in Faye’s car, and Rahim lingers just in case he needs to stall the men but tells us to text him as soon as we make it so that he can join us. I speed down the road, glimpsing in the rearview mirror, a part of me knowing that will be the last time I see Petri. “Good riddance,” I hear Bradley murmur from the passenger seat, a small twisted smile on his face that fails to reach his eyes or even match his tone. No one says anything, and I drive in silence. <a data-passage="JHO1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I lunge forward and wrap my arms around his midsection, “be careful, Rahim,” I murmur into his back. His posture grows relaxed after hearing my words and he squeezes my hand. “Compared to what we’re about to walk into, this is a warm-up.” “Not really inspiring confidence,” I chuckle, releasing him. He smirks, “good. Now hurry up and go. Text me when you guys get there safely. I’ll end whatever game I decide to play with them then.” I nod and watch as he walks over to the demons, all of them stiffening. I don’t recall ever seeing Raum scared but even he seems to cower under Rahim’s gaze. “Let’s play then,” Rahim says before snapping his fingers. I hear the sound of his wings and a second later, all of them have vanished. Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> and Zillah all get into my car. Well, Zillah is more so forced to get into the car, far more concerned with the moving contraption than the mission and everything that could be at risk. With Amari keeping him still, I take off. Faye and Jeff ride in Faye’s car. I speed down the road, getting closer and closer to the gateway. <a data-passage="JHO1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<set $rahim +=5>> <<if $j3 or $j2>> <<set $chris -=5>> <<if $j3>> <<set $zillah -=3>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “I don’t like this idea. Are we sure we can’t think of something that doesn’t involve you acting like the sacrificial lamb?” No one speaks up, answering my question. Rahim looks at all of them before back to me, waiting to see if I would say anything more. “Your worry is refreshing,” Rahim says to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, “but it’s not needed.” “Just be careful, please,” I plead, not realizing how much emotion has leaked into my voice until it’s too late. Rahim’s entire demeanor lightens as he raises his hand towards my chin, “$name –” “Scared to go into hell without your leashed angel?” Zillah questions, popping his head between us and causing both Rahim and me to take a few steps back. The vulnerable expression he wore before has vanished, replaced with irritation, “must you open your mouth and remind everyone that you exist?” “I must,” Zillah smirks, throwing it my way and following it with a wink. “Ugh. Text me when you guys get there safely. I’ll end whatever game I decide to play with them then.” I nod and watch as he walks over to the demons, all of them stiffening. I don’t recall ever seeing Raum scared, but even he seems to cower under Rahim’s gaze. “Let’s play then,” Rahim says before snapping his fingers. I hear the sound of his wings and a second later, all of them have vanished. Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> and Zillah all get into my car. Well, Zillah is more so forced to get into the car, far more concerned with the moving contraption than the mission and everything that could be at risk. With Amari keeping him still, I take off. Faye and Jeff ride in Faye’s car. I speed down the road, getting closer and closer to the gateway. <a data-passage="JHO1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<set $rahim -=5>> <<if $j3 or $j2>> <<set $chris -=5>> <<if $j3>> <<set $zillah -=3>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “No,” I argue, “I’m staying with you, two of us is better than one.” “You really don’t like to listen to me, do you?” he asks, the look in his eyes, and how he asks the question causes me to believe that he’s referring to something else. I pause as I turn to him fully, ready to question him when he grabs my forearm, his grip tight before relaxing a mere second later. He runs his free hand through his hair and sighs, “I’ll be fine. I’ve made it this far without you watching out for me.” “Rahim,” I say, stopping him. “I said that cruelly,” he murmurs, releasing me and shaking his head, “you just …” Zillah clears his throat, taking both of us out of the moment as we turn to look at him, only receiving his carefree smirk. “Go. Now. And text me when you guys get there safely. I’ll end whatever game I decide to play with them then.” I watch as he walks over to the demons, all of them stiffening. I don’t recall ever seeing Raum scared, but even he seems to cower under Rahim’s gaze. “Let’s play then,” Rahim says before snapping his fingers. I hear the sound of his wings and a second later, all of them have vanished. Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> and Zillah all get into my car. Well, Zillah is more so forced to get into the car, far more concerned with the moving contraption than the mission and everything that could be at risk. With Amari keeping him still, I take off. Faye and Jeff ride in Faye’s car. I speed down the road, getting closer and closer to the gateway. <a data-passage="JHO1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Well, you heard the man, let’s go,” I tell the others, ushering them towards the car. “$name, text me when you guys get there safely. I’ll end whatever game I decide to play with them then.” I nod and watch as he walks over to the demons, all of them stiffening. I don’t recall ever seeing Raum scared, but even he seems to cower under Rahim’s gaze. “Let’s play then,” Rahim says before snapping his fingers. I hear the sound of his wings and a second later, all of them have vanished. Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> and Zillah all get into my car. Well, Zillah is more so forced to get into the car, far more concerned with the moving contraption than the mission and everything that could be at risk. With Amari keeping him still, I take off. Faye and Jeff ride in Faye’s car. I speed down the road, getting closer and closer to the gateway. <a data-passage="JHO1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Not having to be told twice, I do as he asks and begin walking towards the car, prompting the others to act as well. “$name, text me when you guys get there safely. I’ll end whatever game I decide to play with them then.” I nod and watch as he walks over to the demons, all of them stiffening. I don’t recall ever seeing Raum scared, but even he seems to cower under Rahim’s gaze. “Let’s play then,” Rahim says before snapping his fingers. I hear the sound of his wings and a second later, all of them have vanished. Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> and Zillah all get into my car. Well, Zillah is more so forced to get into the car, far more concerned with the moving contraption than the mission and everything that could be at risk. With Amari keeping him still, I take off. Faye and Jeff ride in Faye’s car. I speed down the road, getting closer and closer to the gateway. <a data-passage="JHO1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Thankfully, Raum hasn’t sent any demons to try and reclaim the gateway again. If he did, then there’s no sign of them, meaning that the wendigo could’ve taken care of them. “Amari, do you sense the wendigo anywhere?” I ask her, and she sniffs the air, “yea. A few yards ahead of us. It seems calm.” “Good, would hate to become its next snack,” Zillah murmurs. I glance up at the still dark sky to see that totality is still ongoing. The moon doesn’t seem to have moved, but if Faye’s words hold true, we have about thirty or so minutes left to get inside. I fire off a text to Rahim and then hand my phone to Bradley. I don’t know what would happen to electronics in an entirely different dimension, but I’m not in the mood to learn. We arrive in the clearing, and the first thing I see is the gateway. I thought a portal in the ground would open up, one similar to the portal to hell that Raum had created, but this is not that. It’s made up of skeletons, stones, dirt, and grass, and wind currents seem to keep all the elements suspended in the air. Though it was up, and I can hear a faint wailing, I’m unable to see where the portal leads to as there is nothing on the other side but the rest of the forest. I see the wendigo rise out of the corner of my eye, approaching me and then grabbing onto my wrist. In both shock at the quick movement and in pain, I scream as my flesh burns under its grip. My attempt to snatch my wrist away fails horrendously. “Do not fight,” a throaty, low voice warns, but it’s not my ears that hear it, but my mind. The sound goes in and out, much like a bad signal would, “need this.” My eyes widen as I look up at the wendigo, its eyes glowing a brighter orange, the same shade of orange that the gateway has as well. [[“You can speak?”]] [[“Great, another thing in my mind.”]] [[“What are you doing?”]]
“You can speak?” I question aloud, ignoring the confused questions that the others ask me. “Only to those who bear mark.” Its voice is much more precise than before, and it finally releases me. <<include "JHO1_1_1">>
“Great, so now there’s another mystic being in my mind?” I ask aloud, ignoring the confused questions that the others ask me. “I will soon be out. Must provide mark.” Its voice is much more precise than before, and it finally releases me. <<include "JHO1_1_1">>
“What exactly are you doing?” I question, taking its advice and not fighting against its grip. Sure enough, the pain begins to subside. “Mark of Gluttony, my master. Must possess to enter.” Its voice is much more precise than before, and it finally releases me. <<include "JHO1_1_1">>
Like it had spoken, a dark rune-like mark now rests against my skin. It has three triangular points, and underneath it is a wide arch that ends with two jagged edges, almost resembling that of an open maw. Trying to make sense of it leaves me feeling confused, and I find that the more I stare at it, the more a pit seems to grow in my stomach, urging me to feast upon nothing in particular. Movement causes me to shake off the mild stupor, and I glance up to see the wendigo backing away from me, “the mark connects you to this gate and will disappear at the end of the eclipse. Fret not.” I nod my thanks when I hear the oh so familiar sound of wings, and at the edge of the forest appears Rahim. The wendigo seethes as it eyes him, but Rahim ignores the beast as he approaches me. He eyes the gateway before turning to me, waiting for the question he knows is coming. “What happened?” <<if $petrifree or $pr>>\ <<if $petri_alive>>“Petri killed all the demons and injured Raum before Raum then retreated. Where Petri went, I don’t know. But he said that he’s indebted to you.”<<else>>“Raum killed him,” Rahim answers, observing my expression to see how I will react. I don’t know how to feel. I would be lying if I said that he didn’t deserve it and that Bradley wouldn’t be excited by the news, but on the other hand, someone had died. And this all meant that Raum is still alive. I close my eyes and nod my head.<</if>> “Did anyone ever come out to investigate.” “Only one, but I’m sure others were watching. I told them I was recording a scene for a movie. You’d be amazed at what people will choose to believe, especially since I was able to answer questions about Faye.” I place my attention back on the wendigo, who still refuses to come closer. <<else>>\ “I took them to an old cemetery that I know to be blessed land. They’re probably still trapped there, but I have no doubt that they’ll manage to find and destroy the warding to escape.” “You can force them onto blessed land?” “I can,” he tells me. His attention moving back to the wendigo, which still stalks the forest’s outskirts, refusing to get closer. <</if>>\ “Doesn’t Rahim need a marking?” I ask. “Angel needs nothing,” it tells me, and I gaze over at Rahim, who nods to the marking on my wrist. “It’s the symbol of Gluttony. The human side of me can bear it, but the angel side of me will reject it, and with how close I’m leaning towards angel, it will probably kill me.” Rahim’s next words are directed at the wendigo, “open it.” In response, it slinks forward with a growl, touching the top of the quiet gateway, and though there is no sound, it feels like an explosion goes off. <a data-passage="JHO2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I throw my hands up to protect my face from the blasting wind that strikes me. How can one feel like they’re in the middle of Antarctica, but at the same time as if they’re traveling through the hottest desert on Earth? The wind that strikes me almost brings me to my knees. It seeps past my clothes and clings to my bones. My stomach churns and knots form, everything telling me to turn around and head back. My instincts screech at me to turn back, so loud that I almost think Zillah is back in my head, giving me yet another one of his notorious headaches. //Sydero is in there?// I ask myself. In an attempt to catch a glimpse inside the portal, I shield my eyes and squint but see nothing but darkness. It mesmerizes me, silent but loud, mysterious but bold. It’s like a siren who refused to sing. Instead, they bring me closer to what could be. Alternative worlds and situations, those who I miss coming back to me, my every whim I have taken care of. Everything I want rests in that darkness, all I have to do is give in. “$name?” Rahim shouts, shaking me roughly. His brows raised and his expression one of agitation. When I finally come back to the now, he does nothing but shake his head. “We’re not even inside, and its already taking you.” He sighs and composes himself, “I was going to ask you if you were ready.” “Who’s ever ready to descend into hell?” I chuckle nervously, rubbing my arm. “True,” he growls, stretching before turning to me, “listen closely to what I say. When we get inside, don’t believe anything you see, hear, or experience.” “What do you mean?” “Hell, the Underworld, whatever you want to call it. It shifts to show you what it wants. It plays with your senses; it knows you better than you know yourself. Because we’re in Gluttony’s territory, we’ll have to first make our way through his kingdom. I don’t know what other kingdoms we’re passing through, but each has its own temptations. Even worse, we have to go the backway which harbors the Nightmares. You’ll see things that’ll try to tempt and weaken you. You can’t let it.” [[“Is Heaven the opposite?”]] [[“Aw, so much positivity.”]] [[“Nightmares?”]]
“Is Heaven the opposite? If we were breaking into there, then we would be surrounded by loving animals and rainbows?” “I don’t actually know what you would see. Because I’m a nephilim, I see Elysium’s truth, while you will see something else. And I haven’t heard of anyone trying to break into Elysium.” <<include "JHO2_0_1">>
“Aw, so much positivity, Rahim. So much that I don’t even know what to do with all of it.” “I’m serious,” he growls, and I meet his glare with one of my own. “Yes, I know. You always are.” <<include "JHO2_0_1">>
“Excuse me, but it sounded like when you said nightmares, you said it with a capital N instead of a lower case. What are Nightmares?” “Monsters, creatures, ideas really that live outside the Underworld’s walls. They feed on the emotions of lost souls. All emotions, which is why I told you to go in as numb as possible.” “Fun,” I sigh. <<include "JHO2_0_1">>
<<if $cp>>\ “I’m a broken record, I know this,” Chris pipes up from behind us, standing next to the others, “but I really don’t like this. Do you really need to save Sydero?” “Shut up,” Bradley snarls, containing his rage, but barely. His body shaking as he glares at Chris, ready to pounce. “No,” Chris finally says, “you’re putting both of your lives in danger, and for what, her?! Come on, they said Sydero isn’t even herself anymore. Who you’re going to go find, that’s not Sydero. If she wanted to leave, then she would’ve already left.” I look over at Rahim, who’s listening, but his eyes stay trained on me, possibly wishing to see if I’m going to change my mind. “Listen to the idiot,” Zillah tells me, about to take a step forward, but Amari lets out a warning growl. He raises a brow and sizes her up but otherwise stays put. “You’re risking your life, and unlike any other time, I can’t save you if you get into trouble in there.” For the first time ever, he looks worried though I doubt it’s for my own safety, “you die down there, and that’s it.” <<else>>\ “Don't be an idiot,” Zillah tells me, about to take a step forward, but Amari lets out a warning growl. He raises a brow and sizes her up but otherwise stays put. “You’re risking your life, and unlike any other time, I can’t save you if you get into trouble in there.” For the first time ever, he looks worried though I doubt it’s for my own safety, “you die down there, and that’s it.” <</if>>\ “?He <<verb "has">> Rahim,” Bradley reminds them, throwing his hands up so that everyone will look at him. He looks <<if $cp>>from Chris to Zillah, both glancing away, not proud of themselves but not moving from their stances.<<else>>at Zillah, who glances away, not proud of himself but not moving from his stance<</if>>. Bradley then whips around to face Rahim and me. <<if $bcure>>\ He tears up, and though he tries to fight it, the sobs wrack his body. He shakes his head, refusing to continue crying. “Tears aren’t going to help Sydero. Please, $name. Please bring her back. I … I won’t ask for anything else. I just … she’s like a sister to me … she //is// a sister to me, and I don’t want to lose her. If I could, I would march in there myself.” <<else>>\ He seems to deflate, as if the anger he had exerted due to<<if $cp>> Chris and<</if>> Zillah was all that he could manage. “I know I’m the last person to be asking you guys for something, but please, bring her back. I … I don’t think I can fully heal without her. I can’t explain why, I just need her. She’s like a sister to me … she //is// a sister to me, and I don’t want to lose her.” <</if>>\ Rahim stiffens, his face full of disgust, “she doesn’t deserve you.” “Yea,” Bradley sniffles, narrowing his gaze and standing straighter, “and you don’t deserve her.” Bradley focuses all of his attention on me. <<if $bcure>>“$name, you do this, and I forgive you. Please.”<<else>>“You’re the only one I trust. Please, just bring her back.”<</if>> [[“Consider it done.”][$chris -=3; $zillah +=3; $amari +=3; $bradley +=3; $rahim -=3]] <<if $proSyd <2>>\ [[“Don’t have much of a choice here.”][$chris +=3; $zillah -=3; $amari -=3; $bradley -=3; $rahim +=3]] <</if>>\ [[“I’ll try my best.”][$chris +=3; $zillah -=3; $amari +=3; $bradley +=3; $rahim -=3]]
“Consider it done, Bradley. I’m going to bring her back.” Bradley nods and steps in for a hug, “thank you. You need to be safe too.” He releases me as the others step up. <<include "JHO2_0_2">>
“It’s not like I have much of a choice in that regard. We’re dooming the world if we don’t save her, isn’t that right, Faye?” Faye doesn’t answer me, and Bradley seems less than pleased with my response. <<include "JHO2_0_2">>
“I’ll try my best. But that’s all I can say, I don’t want to make any promises.” Bradley nods and steps in for a hug, “thank you. You need to be safe too.” He releases me as the others step up. <<include "JHO2_0_2">>
“I’d say I would rather go in there with the two of you, but I’d be lying,” Amari chuckles, or at least attempts, the sound comes out strangled, and her humor does not reach her eyes. <<if $ARomance >=3>> “Be careful, $name,” she says and grabs my hands, squeezing them and placing them near her heart, “please come back to us ... me ...” My eyes meet hers, and I find myself unable to speak or do much else but nod.<<else>> “Be careful, $name. Alright?” I nod my head.<</if>> Faye and Jeff both give me a quick hug, Faye’s worry is not surprising, but the less than amused expression on Jeff’s face almost causes me to point it out if only to warn the aging man that his emotions are slipping through the mask. “Kick all their asses,” Jeff huffs triumphantly, sounding as if he has already done so. “No, don’t do that,” Faye scolds, “be safe, though.” Jeff leans in with a sly grin, “be safe and kick ass.” I roll my eyes but nod my head. Though I don’t expect him to say anything, my eyes naturally move to Zillah, whose bonds are still in Amari’s grip. <a data-passage="JHO2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
He raises a brow at the attention, <<if $raincheck>>“try not to miss me too much while in there,” he snorts. “Do I need to remind you that we have more to,” he pauses as his eyes crawl over my body, and a flash of something dangerous appears in his hungry gaze, “talk about.” I swallow the words that I was thinking and hide the smirk that threatens to form.<<else>><<if $zillah >=50>>“try not to die in there. I’d hate to have to go in and kill every demon for such a transgression.” Zillah says this with his usual amount of confidence, but his body is taut with tension. I was sure that if he didn’t have those manacles on then, he would be doing everything within his power to keep me here.<<else>>“hurry up and go get the cambion. And try not to die, I know that might be too much to ask of you since you have a death wish.” I roll my eyes at his tone and words, though seeing where I was headed, I couldn’t exactly disagree.<</if>><</if>> <<if $cp>>\ “One last plea?” Chris questions next, chuckling after the expression that I make, “yea. Okay. Just stay close to Rahim and don’t do anything stupid.” <<if $cbreak>>Chris yanks me towards him for a hug before I can respond, squeezing before whispering in my ear, “you better come back to me.” As he pulls back, his lips lightly trail across my skin, and I can practically feel their want to press themselves against mine.<<elseif $cbup>>The two of us stand before one another awkwardly, the argument from the dream still present in both of our minds. With nothing left to say, he clears his throat and moves away from me, joining Bradley.<<else>><<if $chris >=50>> I snort, but that’s all Chris allows me to do as he yanks me into a tight hug. I return it before we pull apart, both nodding at one another.<<else>> I snort and Chris and I perform a short but favored handshake of ours, with a smile, I back away so that I was once again beside Rahim.<</if>><</if>> <</if>>\ I shift my attention over to the wendigo that has remained silent, swaying from side to side. “We’re ready.” It’s voice again appears in my head though it screeches in front of us, upsetting the birds that were perched nearby, “if you fail, then you are stuck. If you succeed, then the cambion or your friends should be able to get you out.” “Can’t believe I’m doing this,” Rahim mumbles to himself. The portal roars and the wind stops as I close my eyes and step forward. <a data-passage="JHO2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/divider.png"> <<if $cbreak>>\ <<if $j2 or $j3>>\ Chris’s gaze drifts from $name’s face to Rahim’s, spotting the obvious concern held within both of their gazes. His eyes were then drawn to the twitching of Rahim’s hand as it seems to reach out for $name’s, grazing ?his hand softly. And then they disappeared, and Chris’s heart began to beat in worry for something that has nothing to do with $name’s trip into Hell. He has nothing to worry about, right? He and $name had talked about this, not this specifically, but they had spoken about being there for one another. His heart began to thud. Were he and this break of his just pushing $name away? Giving $name time to speak to others who had their shit together? Rahim can play the hero, can have a heart to heart with ?him, can say everything that $name needed, and wanted to hear. And Chris can do nothing. He feels his heart shattering due to mere possibilities and feels a rising hatred for Rahim. “Chris?” Bradley questions, shaking him out of his thoughts, “I’m sure they’ll be fine, Rahim is there. He’ll make sure nothing happens.” “Yea, I’m sure he will,” Chris says through gritted teeth. Bradley shrugs, probably far too caught up in his own mind to pick up on Chris’s tone. Chris watches as the young boy joined the others in walking back to the car, and Chris moves to follow, still feeling a shortness of breath. He closes his eyes, praying that he hasn’t ruined the one thing he wanted most of all. Hoping this wouldn’t be the last time he could touch or hold $name near, for more reasons than one. <<else>>\ Chris did his best to calm his thudding heart, which meant he mostly just tapped his foot on the ground and told himself that $name needed to do this. $name would be okay, ?he always came out of these things okay. The thought alone causes him to snort, $name hadn’t ever gone through something like this, so how was he to be sure that ?he would survive? Involuntarily he takes a step forward as if to grab $name just as they walk through the portal, and Chris’s heart drops. He feels like he had just said goodbye to someone who still had yet to know how much they had touched his heart. They were making progress, true. Chris had finally been able to get his brain to accurately compute how he felt and put it in words, but damn did he feel like he hadn’t done a good enough job. If he had, would $name still be going in there? “Chris?” Bradley questions, shaking him out of his thoughts, “I’m sure they’ll be fine.” “I guess one of us needs to be positive,” Chris murmurs. Bradley manages the smallest of smiles before turning. Chris watches as the young boy joins the others in walking back to the car, and Chris moves to follow, still feeling a shortness of breath. Hoping this wouldn’t be the last time he was able to touch or hold $name near. <</if>>\ <<elseif $ARomance >=3>>\ Amari watches with bated breath as her two teammates exchange glances and then walk into the portal. A bright light illuminates the dark forest before dimming, the gateway staying up, but all sign of Rahim and $name were now gone. It was as if they hadn’t even been there. “How long will it take exactly?” Amari asks, fiddling with her t-shirt as she turns to Faye. “For us, at the minimum, it’ll be a week.” Though she wishes to voice her thoughts, she can do nothing more than perform a whimper. Maybe she should’ve told $name how she felt right then and there. Oh, what if ?he <<verb "doesn't">> come back? What if $name dies inside? She silences the dark voice that begins to awaken, hushing it softly and putting it back to sleep with positive ideas. It wouldn’t keep the monster down forever, but she never really thought that far into the future anyway. $name would survive, ?he <<verb "was">> $name. $name knows nothing but survival, and if anyone can do this, it’s ?him. Still, she almost wished to rush in after, if only to make sure $name remained safe. “Well, hanging around here won’t do us any good. We should probably go do those wards,” Zillah says to Faye, quickly freeing himself from Amari’s grip on his arm. She cared little, her eyes still on the portal. “You’re right. Come on, everyone, let’s make sure they can come back.” Amari hears them walk away, and she even tells herself to go with them, and yet, her feet refuses to move. Her eyes staying on the erected gateway that waits patiently for the end of the totality phase of the eclipse. “Come on, Amari,” Jeff whispers, offering the friendliest smile he can muster at the moment, “they’ll be back, and you can tell $name all about those feelings when ?he <<verb "returns">>.” Amari’s eyes widen, but she reminds herself who she’s talking to. With a nod, Amari follows behind him, telling herself not to glance behind her, or else she’ll dart inside. <<elseif $raincheck>>\ With only an ounce of care, Zillah watches as Rahim and $name walk into the portal. A bright light appears shortly after before calming and showing nothing but the still erect gateway. It’s then that fear decides to grip him, to seize hold of his lungs, and squeeze tight. What if $name did falter? If the Underworld took ?him, what will that mean for him? He would’ve failed on both accounts and the penalty, even he didn’t wish to imagine. “Are you really worried about them?” Amari asks, sensing the shade’s heightening fear and worry. Zillah snorts, he’s becoming used to the vaewolf’s inquisitiveness and was growing tolerance for it. “It’s almost cute that you think my fear is for them and not for my own self-preservation.” She pouts, “but you care for $name, don’t you?” “Of course I do. I care about how fast I can bed ?him and have ?him screaming my name. Any other questions, little wolf?” “I don’t believe you,” Amari states, shaking her head, causing Zillah to raise a brow at the movement and words. “That’s because you’re horribly naïve. You seem proud of what you think is your ability to read people. Read me then, tell me I’m lying.” Amari studies him for some time, searching for anything, using both sides of what she was to pull forth the truth, but she only comes up with what Zillah has already said. His care went only as deep as his dick could. In disgust, she shakes her head and turns her back to him, yanking him after her but ending their conversation. Zillah smirks, silently promising himself that if $name did make it back, he will perhaps go ahead and taste ?him, before ?he decides on throwing ?himself into danger again that is. <<else>>\ They all watch as the two enter the portal and after a bright light flashes, all grows quiet and still. The wendigo huffs as it curls up on the ground, checking the eclipse before seeming to drift off into sleep. “Well, hanging around here won’t do us any good. We should probably go do those wards,” Zillah murmurs, his voice causing the rest of the group to act. “You’re right,” Faye says, taking one last look at the gateway, “come on, everyone, let’s make sure they can come back.” They all trudge off, worry in the air and the same thought on all of their minds. //Would they return?// <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Nothing. I feel nothing. I open my eyes to find myself in a massive room. The lavish golden walls each hold multiple stained windows that depict different scenes that I can’t make out. The symbols and colors clash to give a vague idea to the viewer, but that is all. The ground is a white tiled floor with gemstones decorated throughout, and tables line the walls on all sides, with some sprinkled throughout the middle. Food lines each table, its steam mesmerizingly drifting upward as the smell and sight beckon me closer. Dishes that I’ve seen and some that I’ve never seen lay on display. Every bit of it was mouthwatering, the sensations caressing me, begging me to take a bite. My stomach growls, shouting at me to get closer to let the various spices touch my tongue. Groups of people are scattered around the room, plates stacked high with food in their hands as they laugh with one another. There are few near me, walking around me and not seeming bothered that I was interrupting the flow and even blocking some of the food choices. “Try it, try it, try it,” multiple voices tell me, whispering. I no longer have control of my body, my mind somewhere else as I raise my hand to take a piece. The flavors are amazing, perfectly balanced and seasoned. My tongue screams in ecstasy as I take another bite, and then another, each one as amazing as the last. I felt like this was what Heaven would be like, absolute bliss and nothing else, nothing could come close. But this wasn’t Heaven. The thought is dismissed as soon as I think it and begins to fade, morphing into the nothingness of my mind as I continue to eat. I know that whatever I had thought was important, was crucial, but I can’t remember it. I want to remember, but I can’t. I pause my hand, and begin to shake, every fiber in my being telling me to eat, to not stop. <<if $hidet>>\ <<nobr>> <<if $stubborn >=50>> <<set $curse_gluttony = true>> <</if>> <</nobr>> <a data-passage="EP8-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <a data-passage="JHO2_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
Something shifts in my mouth, and then something else, I move my mouth around and then reach inside, pulling out a sizeable maggot and watching as it wiggles in my grasp. I glance down at the food before me, wishing to vomit but unable. Food that was once rich in color and beautiful to the eye, now was swarmed by insects and held nothing but the signs of decay. The meat was taking on tones of grey and larvae crawled through it in glee. The fruits, wrinkled and sporting multiple bruises. The desserts had been claimed by the multiple insects that held congregation amongst their deeply moldy surfaces. If the sight and smell of the food wasn’t enough, not even those who surround me brought much solace. The patrons were still carrying on, but I saw their true actions now. They laugh in conversation as insects scurry in and out of the food that they eat, crawling over their skin and entering and exiting their mouths as they wish. Some bury their faces in the moldy food, and others even gnaw on the tables or drop down to the ground to lick the floors as a speck of food falls. There were even a few who were chewing on others, ripping flesh and wolfing down meat and blood. I needed to stop, I needed to get out of here. <<if $stubborn >=50 or $m_fear is "controlled">>[[Keep eating.][$curse_gluttony = true]]<<else>>[[Stop eating.]]<</if>>
I fight my brain, telling it to stop, needing to stop. “Eat. Eat. Eat,” I hear the voices around me chant. Their voices growing louder and louder. The chanting echoes through my entire being. They take control of me, forcing the food closer to my mouth. “Join us. Join us,” they say, and I mentally tell them to shut up, to stop. To set me free. I lose the battle, the food connecting with my tongue as tears run down my eyes. “Join us,” they repeat as I chew and then swallow. I break down as my body works on its own accord, entering into a frenzy as it throws food after food into my mouth, needing to eat everything. I push anyone in my way out, my actions animal like as I seek out food. I was never fulfilled, never had enough. More was to few and I was willing to do anything to quench the pit that grows in my stomach. “Join us.” I hear the words, but they feel like they leave my own mouth, like I was the one who had said it this time. This food did nothing, helped nothing. My gaze slowly moves to the closest person who was gnawing on the wooden table, blood spilling from their mouth and some of their teeth lie underneath them. But it was not this that I was interested in. “Eat.” I say and dart towards them, eyes wide and greedy. I tackle them and move towards their neck. This. This would close the gaping hole, this was the food I needed, the food I craved. To survive and thrive was to eat. I needed to eat. “Welcome to Hell, $name Roe,” I hear a low, menacing voice say before everything goes black. <a data-passage="EP8-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
I fight my brain, telling it to stop, needing to stop. I tell myself I wasn’t hungry, which wasn’t actually false since I learned that none of this was edible food anyway. “They need it more obviously,” I say and just like that, my mind clears. The sound of people howling and begging for more disappears. And my world is instead, plunged in black. <a data-passage="EP8-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/acttwo.png"> “$name! On your feet,” Rahim tells me. There’s a pounding in my head, and the pit in my stomach still exists, but the scene from before has disappeared. Instead, I lie in a forest whose ground is carpeted entirely by a thick fog. A fog that not only rests below but around. Though it doesn’t obscure my immediate vision, it disallows anyone from figuring out what rests in the distance. The trees of the forest are close enough to plot out a small trail, but not too tight that one can’t drift off the path and head a different direction. I turn my attention to Rahim, pausing at the sight. He’s no longer in human form but angelic, his eyes now an icy blue and glowing while parts of his beige skin glisten and shimmer in unique ways, reminding me of the surface of water existing underneath the sun. This is the first time I’ve seen his wings, and they do not disappoint. They’re large and the color of parchment or buttermilk, and despite the darkness, I can tell that they hold stray strands of a slightly teal tint. The wing itself resembles that of an angel’s but also remind me of wings that an eagle or another large bird would possess. Both wings create a curved M shape on the top, rising from his back and then once a few feet above his head, sloping back down and growing thinner and thinner before meeting in the middle near his lower spine. “Well, at least I know you’re not an abomination,” Rahim says, eyeing me with little interest. “What do you mean?” He gestures to the world around us, “the Underworld, much like all the realms, forces you into your true form. You’ve shifted as well, and you’re not a demon.” “What am I?” I question glancing down at myself but only seeing a dark mist following me as if warning others away. “I still don’t know. You are a hybrid, though, and yet, not one that would classify as an abomination.” “You can sense that?” I ask, walking a few steps. He follows me with his eyes, his expression never shifting. I never thought Rahim had a lot of facial expressions, but this is crazy, it seems he can’t even be bothered to change the inflection in his voice. “I don’t have an overwhelming need to kill you, that’s how I can tell.” He walks past me, leaving me with that information and causing me to wonder why we couldn’t have brought another with us. [[Bring up what happened before.]] [[“Describe what I look like.”]] [[Ask him where we’re going.]] [[Stay silent and follow him.]]
“What happened to you when we first got here?” I question, wondering if he had a similar experience or if that was just me. “I went through Gluttony’s court. If that’s what you want to call it,” he tells me. “And?” “And nothing,” he stops and turns to me, already seeming to be done with this discussion and any other in the future. “As soon as I was there, I got out. It was not hard.” <<if $curse_gluttony>>I keep my mouth closed, suddenly not wanting to tell him that the only reason I escaped was due to pure luck. For all I know, Rahim is the one who helped me out. I remember the voice, and something deep down tells me that it belonged to Gluttony.<<else>>“I wasn’t about to brag, but sure,” I tell him with a shrug, hiding the pout that develops as I go. <<if $serious >=50>>Perhaps he’s right, it only took enough inner willpower to break whatever hold that place had on me.<<else>>I’ll just pat myself on the back and toot my own horn, seeing that he isn’t about to do either for me.<</if>><</if>> <<include "JHO2_4_1">>
“Do you mind describing what I look like, Rahim? I only can see the whole black mist gathering at my feet.” Rahim glances down before looking at me, a soft trail of light blue is left behind due to his quick action, fading into the darkness around us. “Your eyes are now black, much like a demon’s, but your iris is bright orange. That’s all I can see, but there’s probably more to you.” He gives me a lingering gaze, obviously trying to figure out a riddle he knows no clues to, “much more.” <<include "JHO2_4_1">>
“Do you know where we’re going?” “Yes and no. I know we’re headed to Lust’s kingdom, but if an intersection was to appear before us, I wouldn’t know which direction to go.” “How easy is it to get lost here?” “I don’t rightfully know. But I’m sure it won’t be hard. This circle is large, perhaps the size of an entire continent to put it into scope.” “Great,” I answer, glancing up at the midnight blue sky where traces of white also linger. <<include "JHO2_4_1">>
I say nothing as I continue following him through the forest, pausing here and there when I hear something, but mostly paying it little to no mind. <<include "JHO2_4_1">>
Rahim stops in his tracks, grunting as he stretches one of his wings out. “What’s wrong?” “We could be going in circles for all we know. I’m going to fly up and see what I can find. Stay near me.” I’m not even able to argue or question as he flies directly up, flapping his wings two more times before breaking the tree line. He seems like nothing but a white dot in a dark blue sea, appearing idle amongst the rolling waves. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, and I turn around, looking around the quiet forest and finding nothing. No one is staring at me, and I don’t exactly feel a presence, but there’s something dangerous here that wasn’t here a minute ago. I take a step just as Rahim lands, his wings folding back in. [[“Which direction?”]] [[“Do you feel that?”]]
“So, which direction should we go?” “I didn’t see anything but fog and more fog. All of this is pointless.” <<include "JHO2_4_2">>
“Do you feel that?” “Feel what?” he questions, swiftly moving on to explain what he saw, “there’s nothing but fog and more fog. A pointless venture.” <<include "JHO2_4_2">>
“Fog?” I question, glancing up to see the clear blue sky once again, not one inch of fog residing above us. “You sure?” I point up, and Rahim follows my line of sight, frowning when he sees it. “I knew this wouldn’t be easy, but this is feeling more impossible. Not to mention that this is the easy part.” “What’s the hard part?” “Sydero. If she is as far gone as I think she is, then she won’t be coming back with us.” “So, what do we do?” He reaches into his pocket and brings out a small blade and a pair of familiar cuffs. “We have to carve a rune into her skin before slapping these on her. If Sydero is still herself, she could open an exit portal on her own, getting us all out of here. But the possibility that she’s demonic means we’ll have to do this the hard way. The rune will connect her to the portal that we make and the one that Faye is creating. The cuffs will stop her from using her ability, much like it did Zillah.” [[“I can reason with her.”]] [[“Can you not open a portal?”]] [[“You make it sound like it’ll be easy.”]]
“You have little hope in believing that I can reason with her.” Rahim snorts, raising a doubtful brow. “I have //no// hope that you can reason with her.” “We –” He lifts his hand to stop me, “it doesn’t matter what you have. The only way to reason with her is to be her anchor, and though I’m not saying that you’re not on the route to being that for her, emotional connections with her take a while. Trust me, I know.” He says no more, going back to leading the way out. “Come on, we need to keep moving.” I follow behind Rahim, thinking about the different possibilities regarding the fight with Sydero. Maybe Rahim is wrong, perhaps she isn’t as far gone as we think and can be talked down and reasoned with. Maybe Lust’s kingdom is just around the bend, and we’ll be out of here before we know it. <<if $optimism >=50>>The thought makes me pick up the pace, hoping that my thoughts are correct. That even though we thought about the worst-case scenario, that didn’t mean we were right.<<else>>Yes, and perhaps everything will start making sense, all of my questions will be answered, and I won’t have to worry about my impending death. If only.<</if>> <a data-passage="JHO3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Can you not open a portal?” “I think you forget that I’m a nephilim. As powerful as that makes me, I can’t just open portals, especially portals in and out of the Underworld. Not to mention that I’m not all that powerful here.” “Wait,” I say, pausing, “you can still fight, right? You can take on Sydero even though you’re here?” Rahim gazes at me but says nothing more, continuing on. “Come on, we need to keep moving.” I follow behind Rahim, thinking about the different possibilities regarding the fight with Sydero. Maybe Rahim is wrong, perhaps she isn’t as far gone as we think and can be talked down and reasoned with. Maybe Lust’s kingdom is just around the bend, and we’ll be out of here before we know it. <<if $optimism >=50>>The thought makes me pick up the pace, hoping that my thoughts are correct. That even though we thought about the worst-case scenario, that didn’t mean we were right.<<else>>Yes, and perhaps everything will start making sense, all of my questions will be answered, and I won’t have to worry about my impending death. If only.<</if>> <a data-passage="JHO3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You make it sound like it’ll be easy.” “My apologies, because that’s not what it’s going to be. She’s going to fight us. So, let me handle that part, and you handle getting close enough to put them on her.” I frown, attempting to figure out how hard that would be, not to mention that we were in hell, she had home-field advantage. “Come on, we need to keep moving.” I follow behind Rahim, thinking about the different possibilities regarding the fight with Sydero. Maybe Rahim is wrong, perhaps she isn’t as far gone as we think and can be talked down and reasoned with. Maybe Lust’s kingdom is just around the bend, and we’ll be out of here before we know it. <<if $optimism >=50>>The thought makes me pick up the pace, hoping that my thoughts are correct. That even though we thought about the worst-case scenario, that didn’t mean we were right.<<else>>Yes, and perhaps everything will start making sense, all of my questions will be answered, and I won’t have to worry about my impending death. If only.<</if>> <a data-passage="JHO3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I hit something sturdy yet fluffy, shaking myself out of my thoughts to see that Rahim has come to a stop, his eyes narrowed and taking in our surroundings. “You feel that, right?” I glance down at my arms, seeing the chill bumps that decorate them, and I release a shudder. “I do now. What do you think it is?” “Multiple,” he says and then points behind us. I turn to see many eyes, not all belonging to the same creature. The glowing orange eyes dot the trees, some of them low to the ground, some average height, and even some high up in the trees. There’s a blankness about them, as well as a corrupt nature. Whereas predators have a reason to kill, a motive behind their actions. These eyes scream that there is nothing they desire but the lust of the kill. Bloodlust that goes so far that I feel like the description is too weak to truly fit those who carry it. “Food,” one of the closer beasts screeches in a low grating tone, breaking the tree line and showing itself. It stands on four scrawny, rotting legs that support an oddly shaped body, much like a giraffe’s. Its roughly pink, pus-appearing neck twirled and arched, and residing on the tip are three deformed faces with long, unkempt black hair. Each sporting razor-sharp teeth that stick out in odd directions. “Food,” it screams again, and its words are like a beacon to the others, more eyes appear, and more monsters begin to crawl, fly, and walk out of the trees’ safety. “Rahim,” I whisper, fear crawling up my spine. “Stop feeling,” he growls. <<if $nerve >=50>>\ I try to do as he says, focusing on the fact that all of this isn’t real. That this is the Underworld’s way of trying to consume me and that as long as I didn’t give it that power, I’ll be fine. I take a breath in and out, feeling some of the fear from earlier flee. Once calm enough, I open my eyes and nod, only to pause when I see that the creatures shift into <<if $a_fear is "birds">>a flock of birds. They fly straight towards me <<elseif $a_fear is "dogs">>a pack of savage appearing dogs. They sprint towards me <<elseif $a_fear is "cats">>a clowder of feral cats. They hiss before dashing towards me <<elseif $a_fear is "insects">>a swarm of different insects. The buzzing grows as they make their way towards me <<elseif $a_fear is "spiders">>a cluster of spiders all crawling over one another in their rush. They make their way towards me <<else>>a collection of different snakes, all slithering rapidly towards me.<</if>>and I feel all the air leave my being, everything in me telling me to retreat, and so I do. <<else>>\ I try to do as he says, focusing on the fact that all of this isn’t real. But that isn’t exactly true, is it? This is real, and this place can kill me faster than something on Earth. We’re here, physically. These things are dangerous, and they want nothing more than to rip me apart. They’ll probably do it slowly, tearing at my limbs and fighting each other in an attempt to eat me. “$name!” Rahim shouts. But it is far too late to try and bring me down now. Right in front of my eyes, the creatures shift into <<if $a_fear is "birds">>a flock of birds. They fly straight towards me <<elseif $a_fear is "dogs">>a pack of savage appearing dogs. They sprint towards me <<elseif $a_fear is "cats">>a clowder of feral cats. They hiss before dashing towards me <<elseif $a_fear is "insects">>a swarm of different insects. The buzzing grows as they make their way towards me <<elseif $a_fear is "spiders">>a cluster of spiders all crawling towards, crawling over one another in their rush. They make their way towards me <<else>>a collection of different snakes all slither towards me <</if>>and I feel all the air leave my being, everything in me telling me to retreat, and so I do. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I think I hear Rahim shout my name as I go, my mind no longer on my side as I shoot through the trees. Out of the corner of my eye, I see all of them growing closer, faster than they have any right to be. <<if $a_fear is "birds" or $a_fear is "dogs" or $a_fear is "cats">>Each of them bare frightening human-like smirks, grinning over at me as they inch closer.<<elseif $a_fear is "spiders" or $a_fear is "insects">>They come after me in clusters, grouping together at random intervals and creating what looks to be an oddly shaped face.<<else>> They slither over one another, crawling faster than any snake I’ve seen. As they come, they shed their skin, leaving putrid fleshy strips behind that, even with being shed and left behind, continue to move as if they had been reanimated.<</if>> I continue to tear through the trees, my body growing numb as a chill that I hadn’t recognized before begins to settle over me. My energy depletes faster than ever before, causing me to go from a full-on sprint to a jog. Soon, I feel like I’m running on nothing but adrenaline, my breath coming out in quick, shaky pants. “Rahim?” I shout out with energy that I don’t have. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. It felt more like a caged beast desperate to escape than my own heart, eager to see me live. Momentarily distracted by my own reaction, I trip on air and groan when my body collides with the ground, hearing the creatures' triumphant groans behind me. <<if $m_fear is "controlled" or $m_fear is "deprived">>\ The creatures catch up, and just as I think they’re about to attack me, they stop. Some of them shift back into their monstrous forms, while others stay as $a_fear. One in particular approaches, one that causes the last of my breath to escape prematurely. If I wanted to scream, blink, or run, I’m unable to. The creature has the shape of a large pig or boar, though its pink skin overlaps profusely, upon closer inspection I can see that there are some things stuck between the thick folds, one thing in particular moves. Its face is covered in thick tusks that go out in various directions, some painfully close to the creature’s eyes and even one sticking out of its nostril and upper lip. The beast’s eyes are sewn closed, and its mouth looks as if someone had grabbed a knife and extended the sides as far back as they could. The boar-like beast stands over me and opens its mouth. In the back of its throat rests a single eyeball. It awakens, shifting in its dark alcove and glancing around until it finds me and begins to glow orange. <a data-passage="JHO4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ [[Get up. Keep going.]] [[Lay there. Just forget it.]] <</if>>\
<<if $optimistic >=50>>\ I get to my feet and push myself to keep going and not give up, especially right now. I didn’t know how many more kingdoms we would have to go through or how many more backroads to run along, but if I give up right now, right here, then that will spell doom for the rest of this horrific trip. I hear the creatures behind me and use their existence to push myself to go faster, to leave them behind, and get free of this place. I need to reunite with Rahim. The sound of the creatures begins to fade, and before long, the forest is once again as quiet as it was before. The feeling of others watching me vanishes, and it turns into what it was previously, just a forest. <<if $l_fear is "forest">>A creepy forest, one that was making all of this much harder to bear, but a forest still.<<else>>A creepy forest, but a forest, nevertheless.<</if>> “Rahim?” I call out, keeping my voice calm and trying to empty myself of all feelings. Thankfully, my heart was beginning to calm down, allowing me to rid myself of emotions as best I could. Though, I wonder how much that would help, seeing that the Nightmares had ways of their own to make sure emotions surface. <<else>>\ No, I couldn’t. I really just wanted to lie here but didn’t want to do it without at least trying to gather the strength. Though, I suppose getting up was the only wise action. As soon as I think this, the $a_fear are upon me. <<if $hidet is false>>\ <<if $a_fear is "birds">>I scream as they peck at my flesh, tearing whatever they could. They swarm all around me, the forest disappearing as nothing but beating wings and open beaks come into view. <<elseif $a_fear is "dogs" or $a_fear is "cats">>I scream as they tear and claw at my flesh, savagely ripping me apart. They crowd around me, attempting to bring me to my knees as they nip at my ankles and calves.<<elseif $a_fear is "spiders">>I scream as they crawl over me, their individual bites combining to cause massive pain, their venom working immediately as I feel specific parts of me begin to go numb. The forest disappearing as they travel upwards, covering my face.<<elseif $a_fear is "insects">>I scream as they swarm around and crawl over me, their individual bites and stings combining to cause massive pain. It doesn't take long for their venom to kick in, specific parts of me beginning to go numb as it races through my veins. The forest disappearing as they clutter together.<<else>>I scream as they slither over and up me, sinking their fangs deep into my flesh. Their venom works quickly, parts of my body beginning to grow numb and causing all feeling to disappear.<</if>> I fight back, thrashing and throwing my limbs around, always hitting something but never stopping the onslaught. <</if>>\ I become hyper-aware of everything. The pain, the adrenaline, the sweat mixing with tears, the aching of my muscles. I fall to the ground and cover myself as best as I can against the assault, ignoring the pain as much as possible. I can only hope that it will go away soon. And it does. I’m left staring up at the midnight sky, feeling as if I was inches away from death. Pain vibrates through every part of me, and my eyes refuse to stay open for long. I urge myself to get up, but I can’t even get a full thought out, everything felt hopeless. It is only after what feels like hours later that feeling returns and I’m able to push myself to my feet. Still woozy, I stand and let the blood settle back in its respective spots. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I huff as I lay there, telling myself to forget it. I was too tired. <<if $optimistic >=50>>\ No, I couldn’t just lie there, I needed to act. Giving up was not the answer. As soon as I think this, the $a_fear are upon me. <<if $hidet is false>>\ <<if $a_fear is "birds">>I scream as they peck at my flesh, tearing whatever they could. They swarm all around me, the forest disappearing as nothing but beating wings and open beaks come into view. <<elseif $a_fear is "dogs" or $a_fear is "cats">>I scream as they tear and claw at my flesh, savagely ripping me apart. They crowd around me, attempting to bring me to my knees as they nip at my ankles and calves.<<elseif $a_fear is "spiders">>I scream as they crawl over me, their individual bites combining to cause massive pain, their venom working immediately as I feel specific parts of me begin to go numb. The forest disappearing as they travel upwards, covering my face.<<elseif $a_fear is "insects">>I scream as they swarm around and crawl over me, their individual bites and stings combining to cause massive pain. It doesn't take long for their venom to kick in, specific parts of me beginning to go numb as it races through my veins. The forest disappearing as they clutter together.<<else>>I scream as they slither over and up me, sinking their fangs deep into my flesh. Their venom works quickly, parts of my body beginning to grow numb and causing all feeling to disappear.<</if>> I fight back, thrashing and throwing my limbs around, always hitting something but never stopping the onslaught. <</if>>\ I become hyper-aware of everything. The pain, the adrenaline, the sweat mixing with tears, the aching of my muscles. I fall to the ground and cover myself as best as I can against the assault, ignoring the pain as much as possible. I can only hope that it will go away soon. And it does. I’m left staring up at the midnight sky, feeling as if I was inches away from death. Pain vibrates through every part of me, and my eyes refuse to stay open for long. I urge myself to get up, but I can’t even get a full thought out, everything felt hopeless. It is only after what feels like hours later that feeling returns and I’m able to push myself to my feet. Still woozy, I stand and let the blood settle back in its respective spots. <<else>>\ At first, I believe it was just my own lack of care that causes the forest to turn quiet, but I soon realize that it was more than that. Glancing up and behind me, I find that the creatures have all vanished, not one in sight, not even the glowing of their eyes. The forest is as still as it was before. The feeling of others watching me vanishes, and it turns into what it was previously, just a forest. <<if $l_fear is "forest">>A creepy forest, one that was making all of this much harder to bear, but a forest still.<<else>>A creepy forest, but a forest, nevertheless.<</if>> “Rahim?” I call out, keeping my voice calm and trying to empty myself of all feelings. Thankfully, my heart was beginning to calm down, allowing me to rid myself of emotions as best I could. Though, I wonder how much that would help, seeing that the Nightmares had ways of their own to make sure emotions surface. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>><<set $curse_gluttony = true>><</nobr>> <<if $m_fear is "controlled">>\ The entire forest has gone quiet. The once boisterous creatures now stand silently, seemingly hypnotized by whatever is about to happen next. My left arm begins to twitch and then move on its own accord, and though I attempt to stop it, it continues on. I dig into the ground and grab a handful of mud, shaking as I bring it closer to my mouth. I shake my head, refusing to open my mouth, but the eyeball glows brighter, and my lips begin to part. I scream internally as I glance down at the soil, immediately finding the worms, bones, and green gooey material. I whimper, and with all my strength, scream for the beast to stop. It ignores my pleas, and I instead focus on fighting for control of my body. This was my life, my body, and my soul. Nothing and no one could take that from me. I wouldn’t allow anything to take that away from me! I fight with everything I have and in the end … I fail. <<if $hidet is false>>\ The creatures around me roar and grunt as my actions pick up, the boar controlling everything I do, watching over me with a neutral look as I swallow after every handful, quickly shoveling a fresh handful of goop into my mouth. I don’t remember ever blacking out, but when I come to, the beasts are gone, and the forest has quieted down. My throat is dry, but there’s no lingering taste of what I had just endured, but that’s not what my brain chooses to center on. I felt dirty for another reason. That creature had taken control of me like it was just another meaningless action. It did it because it could, no other reason than to show me that. No matter how much I fought, how much I tried and attempted, it didn’t care, it used me. It controlled everything but my thoughts. But I felt like that was a lie as well. I was held prisoner within my own mind, and the inside was crumbling at the same speed as the outside. <<else>>\ I don’t remember ever blacking out, but when I come to, the beasts are gone, and the forest has quieted down. My throat is dry, but there’s no lingering taste of what I had just endured, but that’s not what my brain chooses to center on. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ A ravenous hunger awakens within me, one that grows, and I’m more than sure that I can’t control. I bare my teeth at the beast, but it doesn’t move. The eye continues to stare at me, quietly informing me on how to fill that pit, the one that refuses to stop growing. Transfixed, I grab a handful of mud and shove it in my mouth, eating it like it was my lifeline. My body screams for me to stop, and yet, I cannot. I need to fill that hole, I need to, there was nothing I wanted more. But it refuses to close, choosing to instead expand. <<if $hidet is false>>\ In bewilderment, my eyes swivel back to the eyeball that reassures me, telling me what to do next. I nod like a deranged creature before turning on my heels and charging toward the nearest creature that doesn’t put up a fight against me. I tear into its flesh with my teeth, gulping down everything, devouring it, but the pit doesn’t close. It groans, hungry, needing. I let out a guttural scream as I lash out at everything near me, feeding. One rash act after another, every attack, every bite, every swallow telling me that this time I will fill that abyss. That after this, I will be able to finally think right, that everything will once again turn to normal. I’m coated in blood as I stumble back, groaning in despair as my empty belly continues to moan. I raise my glance to meet the last creature there, the boar. This time, the eye says nothing. The boar begins to back away, disappearing into the forest, the eye never straying away from me. <</if>>\ It is only when it disappears that sense comes back to me. My stomach shifts at the disturbance, and I involuntarily throw up, my throat burning profusely as I empty my stomach of the foul contents I had ingested. I had just … I glance around, and my fears are realized. The bodies of the creatures I had slaughtered, still rest there, reminding me that no matter how much I puke, the deed had been done. <</if>>\ [[Attack everything.][$nerve -=5]] [[Deny it.]] [[Break down.][$nerve -=5]]
I scream out as I pound the land beneath me, my adrenaline kicking back in as I get to my feet and go to the nearest tree, punching it. The pain in my head numbs as it transfers to my fists, but after a while, I can’t even feel that. I continue on, tears obscuring my vision as I continue to pound and kick the tree. It needed to feel this pain, something needed to feel the pain that I had just experienced. My body freezes as I back away, my heart beating so loud that I could hear it even over my own screams. This pain … I just needed this pain and this feeling to go away. Despite my emotions doing what they wish, no creatures show themselves. On unsteady feet, I rise and glance around with blurry vision and a racing heart that begs me to sit. But I could do no such thing, I needed to get out of here before they decided to come back. <a data-passage="JHO5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My head grows woozy as I sit back on my knees and shake my head, I felt emotionally numb, and my brain was starting to ache at how fast it was throwing up its own mental walls to block out what had just happened. What had just happened? My thoughts seem jumbled at best, similar to a dream but far more surreal than that. Whatever it was, I know it was terrible, and that was all that I needed to know. Despite my emotions doing what they wish, no creatures show themselves. On unsteady feet, I rise and glance around with blurry vision and a racing heart that begs me to sit. But I could do no such thing, I needed to get out of here before they decided to come back. <a data-passage="JHO5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My body seizes up as I fight the tears, but I’m able to stop them. They rush out and slip down my cheeks at an alarmingly fast pace. My entire figure shakes as I lay there in the mud, silently regretting and wishing to go back, wishing that what had happened never did. My thoughts become jumbled, and soon I’m overtaken by only grief and sorrow. Despite my emotions doing what they wish, no creatures show themselves. On unsteady feet, I rise and glance around with blurry vision and a racing heart that begs me to sit. But I could do no such thing, I needed to get out of here before they decided to come back. <a data-passage="JHO5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I walk through the bleak forest, harshly pushing branches out of my face and kicking away rocks that lie in my path. I prepare to punt another stone when, just like that, the scene shifts. <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>Without warning, the forest disappears, and I find myself treading water, a small piece of driftwood being my only lifeline. In all directions, I see nothing but water and more water, the horizon stretching on for miles with no sight of any form of land. <<elseif $l_fear is "forest">>Though I’m still surrounded by forest, this forest seems much more dead than the last, which was saying a lot. The sky is now gone, the trees thicker but farther apart. The fog is much denser, giving everything a far eerier and ominous feeling than the last forest. The previous forest made me stiff, but this forest makes my knees shake in utter fear.<<elseif $l_fear is "underground">>Without warning, the forest disappears, and I find myself staring into an ominous narrow tunnel with one lone torch in the distance. Surrounding me was hard-packed dirt, causing me to immediately feel claustrophobic. <<elseif $l_fear is "hauntedhouse">>Without warning, the forest disappears, and I find myself standing in the middle of a dark, gloomy house. Signs of abandonment noticeable in every corner, the cracked window letting in a slight breeze that causes the tattered curtain to fly on the current. The house shifts and I shriek in fear, my heart thudding.<<elseif $l_fear is "openspace">>Without warning, the forest disappears, and I find myself standing in a large clearing. No trees, no houses, nothing for miles in all directions. The horizon is all that I can see, and that seems like it was mocking me. <<else>>Without warning, the forest disappears, and I find myself in a cornfield. The stalks far too high to see over, and besides the wind rustling them, I hear nothing. I stand frozen in the middle of the half-concealed trail, not knowing what rests around me.<</if>> If I expected hell to give me a break, it proved me wrong and idiotic for being the least bit optimistic. I doubt my heart could thud any louder or that the invisible hand clenching it could squeeze any harder. The dire mood that lingers in the air wraps itself around me like a safety blanket, though it’s missing the warmth and protection elements. The area is still, and besides the meager ambiance that one would expect, I hear nothing more. An oppressive loneliness descends upon me, and my mind goes out to Rahim and wherever he was. Had he adequately escaped from Gluttony’s kingdom? Did the creatures attack him as well? “$name?” I freeze at the sound of my name. <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>I was in the middle of an ocean, and still there was no one in sight. Who could’ve called my name? I glance up and around before a vague feeling slithers down my spine, I glance down, looking at the water, far too scared to even think that something underneath the surface was calling out to me.<<elseif $l_fear is "forest">>I exist in a forest whose trees, though spread apart, had thick enough trunks to hide a body, as well as the dense treetops whose leaves obscured what rested beyond at certain angles.<<elseif $l_fear is "underground" or $l_fear is "hauntedhouse">>The voice bounces off the walls, echoing throughout the entire area but not letting me into the origins or even the direction of where the voice had come from. All was silent, and I was pretty sure I was the only one here …<<elseif $l_fear is "openspace">>I was standing in the middle of a clearing, and still there was no one in sight. Who could’ve called my name? I glance up and around but see nothing. For a voice to even travel in an area like this, it had to mean they were close …<<else>>The thick cornstalks make it pretty much impossible to know which direction the voice originated from, let alone how close they were.<</if>> <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>\ “$name.” I turn to see a small boat approaching, coming out of a fog that was once not there. A broad smile rests on the lone person crewing the boat, and he reaches down to help me aboard. <<else>>\ “$name.” I turn on my heel and freeze at the figure that now stands there. A broad smile rests on his face as he extends his arm towards me. <</if>>\ <<if $uncledead>>“Uncle Matheus?”<<elseif $cp is false>>“Chris?”<<else>>“Bradley?”<</if>> I question. <a data-passage="JHO5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $uncledead or $cp is false>>\ “$name! It’s so great to see you again.” My reaction is flawed as I continue to stand there in shock, stiffening when he brings me in for a hug. Was this real? <<if $uncledead>>Was Uncle Matheus truly sent to the Underworld? The others had said that there was nothing wrong with being sent here and yet, it still felt wrong, like he didn’t deserve to be here when he could be in Elysium.<<elseif $cp is false>><<if $chrissafe>>The last time I had seen Chris, he was alive and on a bus going who knows where. Was it possible that he had died? Did Raum or Petri or Langston go after him, if only to wrap up loose ends?<<else>>Was Chris truly sent to the Underworld? The others had said that there was nothing wrong with being sent here and yet, it still felt wrong, like he didn’t deserve to be here when he could be in Elysium.<</if>><</if>> <<else>>\ “$name?” My reaction is flawed as I continue to stand there in shock, stiffening when he approaches me and wraps his arms around me. This wasn’t real. This was some sick visage that the demons of this place chose to play. Bradley was back home, worrying his ass off probably, but safe. <</if>>\ I am quickly brought back to the now when his hug tightens, past what many would deem as a firm hug. No, this had crossed over into malicious territory. <<if $uncledead>>“Uncle,”<<elseif $cp is false>>“Chris,”<<else>>“Bradley,”<</if>> I manage to squeeze out, thrashing and wiggling to get free. <<if $uncledead or $cp is false>>“This is your fault,” he says in my ear, his voice low in pitch, “I’m stuck being tortured here for the rest of my life, because of you. My only sin, knowing you.”<<else>>“This is your fault,” he tells me, his voice low in pitch, “this is where I’m coming when I die, to be tortured for all eternity, because of you.”<</if>> <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>\ I manage to get free but the action causes me to lose my balance, about to fall off the boat when <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> reaches out and grabs me. If he releases his grip on my shirt, I'll go falling back into the water, this time without the driftwood I had earlier. I glance at him, and my eyes widen, taking in his skin, which grows darker and darker as if someone had been holding a torch to it and simply sat back to watch as his skin melds due to the heat. Parts of it rot away, leaving small crevices for insects to scuttle in and out of. His eye sockets are pushed in as his eyes grow larger, staring at me in hatred and detest while his mouth goes from residing along his face in a horizontal-like fashion to a vertical one. <<else>>\ I manage to get free, putting some much-needed space between the two of us. My eyes widen as I take in his shifting skin, watching as it grows darker and darker as if someone had been holding a torch to it and simply sat back to watch as it melds due to the heat. Parts of it rot away, leaving small crevices for insects to scuttle in and out of. His eye sockets are pushed in as his eyes grow larger, staring at me in hatred and detest while his mouth goes from residing along his face in a horizontal-like fashion to a vertical one. <</if>>\ <<if $uncledead or $cp is false>>“Look at what I became because of you!”<<else>>“Look at what’s going to happen to me because of you!”<</if>> he roars, a somber note to his timbre. If I had been staring at a human, I could picture him on his knees sobbing, begging for the universe to explain to him why he was suffering through this infection. But he wasn’t human, he was a beast, whose tone was deeply saddened but his posture screamed bloodlust. [[“This isn’t my fault.”]] [[“You’re not real!”]] [[“I’m so sorry.”|JHOSoSorry]] [[“How do I fix this?”]]
“This isn’t my fault,” I tell him, “whatever happened was something that I couldn’t stop.” He giggles much like a little kid who had a secret that they refused to tell, “you’re innocent, is that what you think?” I refuse to answer, biting my tongue as I continue to glare at him. “You think your existence hasn’t affected the world around you? That it hasn’t caused all of us who know your name to suffer?” He laughs again, his mouth widening each time until it’s a large gaping hole on his face. The air stills, and though it’s not cold and no breeze comes through, I shiver, and I can’t stop. Despite not making a move to say otherwise, I can feel the tension crackling between us, and, with no hesitation, <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>I swipe his arm away and let myself fall into the water.<<else>>I turn and sprint away.<</if>> <<include "JHO5_2_1">>
“You’re not real!” I scream back at him. His neck stretches, and his limbs do likewise, giving him an even more horrific look that before. He smells of rancid meat and rotten eggs, and every few seconds, another piece of his flesh would peel off and drop to the ground, evaporating into nothing as soon as it hits the <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>boat<<else>>earth<</if>>. “I’m not real!?” he questions. “I’m not real!” he shouts this time. “The Underworld doesn’t create things that are not or will not be.” The air stills, and though it’s not cold and no breeze comes through, I shiver, and I can’t stop. Despite not making a move to say otherwise, I can feel the tension crackling between us, and, with no hesitation, <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>I swipe his arm away and let myself fall into the water.<<else>>I turn and sprint away.<</if>> <<include "JHO5_2_1">>
“How do I fix this?” I question only to be met by roaring. “No! Everything you touch, you ruin! Everyone who crosses paths with you pays for it! I don’t want you to fix anything.” The air stills, and though it’s not cold and no breeze comes through, I shiver, and I can’t stop. “Instead,” he begins, “die.” <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>He releases me and I plunge into the freezing water.<<else>>I fall backward as he swipes at me, and as fast as I can, I get back up and sprint away.<</if>> <<include "JHO5_2_1">>
“I’m so sorry,” I say, feeling my voice begin to crack. “No, you’re not!” he roars in reply, “you're sorry that this is happening to you. If you were sorry, then you would’ve killed yourself long ago! You would have fixed the problem! I don’t want your empty apology!” The air stills, and though it’s not cold and no breeze comes through, I shiver, and I can’t stop. “But I,” he begins, “will fix the problem.” <<if $l_fear is "ocean">>He releases me and I plunge into the freezing water.<<else>>I fall backward as he swipes at me, and as fast as I can, I get back up and sprint away.<</if>> <<include "JHO5_2_1">>
<<if $l_fear is "ocean">>\ I surface just in time to hear him unleash a bloodcurdling scream followed by the sound of splashing. The boat drifts away as if someone was still paddling it, and as it departs, letting the fog claim it, the water surrounding me grows calm. I tread and glance all around me, finally seeing a figure swimming towards me, gaining speed. <<else>>\ He lets out a bloodcurdling scream, and I can hear his footsteps thumping against the ground as he takes chase. I race <<if $l_fear is "forest">> through the forest, attempting to ignore the figures that I see peeking out from behind the medium width trees. He was still behind me and growing closer, I didn’t have time for anything else.<<elseif $l_fear is "underground">> through the underground tunnels that keep me from straying too far in any one direction. The walls feeling like they were closing in, the ceiling trembling and causing me to fear that it would soon collapse.<<elseif $l_fear is "hauntedhouse">> through the halls of the haunted house, hearing the creaks and sounds of whispering from apparitions that refuse to show themselves. I head towards one room only for the door to slam closed in my face. I have no time to mind it though; he was still behind me and growing closer, I needed to move.<<elseif $l_fear is "openspace">> across the open field, wishing for something to show itself, a hill, a hay bale, something! But nothing appears, nothing but emptiness and a horizon that I will never reach.<<else>> down the trail, swatting some of the cornstalks that lean into the trail out of my path. Sweat begins to roll down my forehead as I go, shadows within the stalks vying for my attention. But he was still behind me and growing closer, I didn’t have time for anything else.<</if>> <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO5_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $l_fear is "ocean">>\ I react by turning and swimming, pushing my aching muscles to go faster as I can practically feel him catching up with me. My body chastises me with every stroke, warning me that if I kept going, it would fail me. I turn to see where he was, only to freeze when I see no one there. It is then that I feel something brush past my leg, and I kick out, moaning in fear as I go back to swimming, hoping that I can somehow escape him. <<if $hidet is false>>\ Terror fills me as I think about what lies just beneath the surface, what was swimming around, hoping to grab and yank me down into the depths. The fear that permeates my body is apathetic to my suffering, squeezing and jabbing and provoking. My heart sounds like it was racing faster than a Thoroughbred’s, but it felt like every beat was in two-minute intervals. My entire body feels attached to the same nerve, senses overloading, and stomach in turmoil as it wishes to upheave everything within it. I pause to catch my breath, choosing to dive down after my breather to see if I can spot where he had gone. I come up with nothing, seeing nothing but darkness. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ The fear that fills me is apathetic to my suffering, squeezing and jabbing and provoking. My heart sounds like it was racing faster than a Thoroughbred’s, but it felt like every beat was in two-minute intervals. My entire body feels like it was attached to the same nerve, sensory overloading, and all other nerves long since shot. My stomach in turmoil as it wishes to upheave everything it could. My muscles aching, and my body soon feeling like bricks. I pause to catch my breath, wiping the tears from my eyes as I dart around to see where <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> was. He had disappeared, and my legs give out. I hang my head as I hyperventilate, wishing to escape this. <</if>>\ [[I just wanted a normal life.|JHO5_4][$want = "normal"]] [[I don’t want to be here anymore.|JHO5_4][$want = "disappear"]] [[I just want to move past this.|JHO5_4][$want = "future"]]
<<if $l_fear is "ocean">>\ I pause when I feel another tug on my leg, waiting to see if anything would come next, and it does. Something drags me down beneath the surface. I mentally shout as I thrash and try to swim up, feeling the oxygen that begins to leave my lungs, hearing them scream as I needed air. My attempts mean nothing as I’m pulled farther and farther, the light from the surface grows fainter until there is nothing but darkness. Panic sets in, I feel woozy, and I can feel one organ after another give up, collapsing. Death is so close that I can shake hands with it. <<if $pacifist >=50>>“Please stop,” I think, “whatever you’re here to do, just do it.”<<else>>“I’m done playing this game with you, <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>>,” I think to myself, hoping he could hear, “come out and face me!”<</if>> <<else>>\ I pause when I hear a nearby sound, my body refusing to budge as my senses go back on full alert, if they had ever calmed down enough to not be so attentive. <<if $l_fear is "forest">>\ Wind rushes through the forest, causing some of the rune-like symbols dangling from the tree limbs to take flight. The fog was still too dense to see through, and my only wish was for the fog to obscure what hung around me. Animal heads of different varieties hang from trees, each with a different symbol carved into their forehead. I glance at one tree only to pause when a figure quickly jerks back to hide. “Whose there?” I question, though I have a feeling I know who it was. I continue searching the top and base of the trees, spotting the figure or a hand right before it disappears. A whisper on the breeze grows louder, and I can feel another panic attack seize me. My head growing woozy as heat flashes appear and then disappear without a moment’s notice. <<elseif $l_fear is "underground">>\ The ceiling of the tunnel shifts again, pulling an involuntary shriek out of me as I duck and try to avoid the falling rubble. “Shit!” I shout, wiping away tears as the dust begins to settle, my heart still racing rapidly as I try and figure out where <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> had disappeared to. He couldn’t have just vanished, or could he? Besides the few torches scattered around the tunnel, there was no other light source and no other way of knowing what thrived in the dark recesses. Another shift in the tunnel causes me to pound the wall behind me, I was feeling claustrophobic and anxious, a panic attack rearing itself. My head growing woozy as heat flashes appear and then disappear without a moment’s notice. <<elseif $l_fear is "hauntedhouse">>\ The old house creaks, but then the creak seems to turn into a full-on howl as doors open and close on their own, picture frames fall off the walls, and the sound of multiple feet running across the loose, worn-out floorboards echo down the halls. I hear the creaking of a nearby door and look just in time to see a shadow staring at me from between the crack. As soon as I see it, the figure disappears, the door slamming and the house quieting down. “Who's there?” I question, though I have a feeling I know who it was. I wait for another sign, but nothing appears. The house is far too quiet to put me at ease, much like the calm before the storm. I can feel another panic attack seize me. My head growing woozy as heat flashes appear and then disappear without a moment’s notice. <<elseif $l_fear is "openspace">>\ The area around me was completely empty, no sign of <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> anywhere. He couldn’t have just disappeared, right? The atmosphere feels claustrophobic, placing an obscene amount of weight on my shoulders as well as supplying an eerie feel to the air. I hear nothing, but I sense something behind me, and I dart around, finding nothing there. The feeling disappears, only to return a moment later. “Whose there?” I question, though I have a feeling I know who it was. I can feel another panic attack seize me. My head growing woozy as heat flashes appear and then disappear without a moment’s notice. <<else>>\ Wind rushes through the stalks, causing an odd like whistling to be heard. The sound I was less afraid; instead, it was the oppressive feeling in the air that drew most of my concern. Shadows flit in and out of my view, always too fast to track but lingering long enough for me to know that it wasn’t my mind making up things. The sound of crunching is heard behind me, and I spin around, only to find myself looking at nothing. At my side, the stalks shift, and I shriek at how close it was. “Whose there?” I question, though I have a feeling I know who it was. I continue searching the stalks, spotting the figure or a hand right before it disappears. A whisper on the breeze grows louder, and I can feel another panic attack seize me. My head growing woozy as heat flashes appear and then disappear without a moment’s notice. <</if>>\ <<if $pacifist >=50>>“Enough,” I gasp, now on my knees, “whatever you’re here to do, just do it.”<<else>>“I’m done playing this game with you, <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>>. Come out and face me!”<</if>> <</if>>\ The world shifts and settles into the inside of an ordinary old, sparsely decorated cabin. Nothing about it was familiar, and unlike every other place I had been, there was no eerie atmosphere hanging over me or something that called upon my goosebumps to show. <a data-passage="JHO5_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $pacifist >=50>>\ <<if $hidet>>\ “Okay,” <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> says, appearing right in front of me. His monstrous form had disappeared, and besides a few cuts and bruises, he looked like himself. I can only take in his appearance for a short time as his hand whips out to slap me across the face. <<else>>\ “Okay,” <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> says, appearing right in front of me. His monstrous form had disappeared, and besides a few cuts and bruises, he looked like himself. I can only take in his appearance for a short time as his hand whips out to slap me across the face. Sensing the oncoming assault, I throw my hands up to protect myself, only to realize that I was stuck, my body refusing to heed my warnings and commands. Instead, I take every punch he throws, every kick, and every slap. I feel every attack, but I’m powerless to do anything about it. <</if>>\ He stands over me with no sign of emotion on his face, not even bloodlust or rage residing in his eyes. Every punch was as empty as the other, though it hurt just the same. <<else>>\ <<nobr>><<set $curse_wrath = true>><</nobr>> <<if $hidet>>\ “Okay,” <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> says, appearing right in front of me. His monstrous form stood in front of me, glaring down at me with a crooked smile. He takes a step towards me, but I choose to beat him to it, lunging for him and delivering a punch and then a kick. <<else>>\ “Okay,” <<if $uncledead>>Uncle Matheus<<elseif $cp is false>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> says, appearing right in front of me. His monstrous form stood in front of me, glaring down at me with a crooked smile. He takes a step towards me, but I choose to beat him to it, lunging for him and delivering a punch and then a kick. My actions become wild as my own bloodlust takes over me, I can feel nothing but rage, rage at everything that had taken place to me, in the past and in the present. A part of me says stop, to calm down, but a greater part of me doesn’t understand what that means anymore. I continue, staring down at him as his smile never wavers, a maniacal laugh soon forcing its way past his lips as I continue to beat him. His face is no longer discernible, only appearing as a red, mushy mess. But I don’t stop. I refuse to stop. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<if $m_fear is "separation" or $m_fear is "evil">>\ Each punch that <<if $pacifist >=50>>he delivers<<else>>I deliver<</if>> brings with it a different scene, a quick one, one that I can barely register before it disappears, but it’s there. //Punch.// Faye splutters out blood as she lays there, her eyes slowly closing as runes on her body glow and then dim. //Kick.// Amari falls as a range of bullets pierce her skull and chest. //Slap.// Jeff sits at a table and slowly brings a bottle to his lips, the last sip he ever takes before the bottle falls to the ground, chattering, and his face collides with the table, blood pouring past his lips. //Bite.// Rahim gasps in shock as he stares down at the blade going through his insides, right before he falls over. <<if $cp>>\ //Pound.// Something grabs Chris and tears his head from his shoulders, tossing the head as if it was a mere inconvenience. <</if>>\ //Slam.// Sydero crawls along the floor, bloody when her body erupts into flames, her screams fading as the fire eats at her skin. //Bash.// Zillah screaming for mercy right before his entire body explodes, and he ceases to exist. <a data-passage="JHO5_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ I let out a scream that echoes like a siren through my mind but then fades as the sound of my own beating heart takes over. It gets louder as it slows down until all is quiet. <a data-passage="JHO6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<nobr>><<set $curse_wrath = true>><</nobr>> <<if $m_fear is "separation">>\ Each death hits me, and I’m left with nothing. Left in a world on my own, with the weight of all the deaths circling me. I shiver as I try to call out to them, try to make the repeating visions disappear, and when they do ... I am utterly alone. I have no one. There is only me. <<else>>\ There is one thing consistent in each death scene that hits me, one thing that causes me to want to retreat into myself and never come back out. A fear that I didn’t think I would ever face. As Faye splutters out blood, her body carved with runes, I stand before her with a brow raised and a bloody blade in my hand. Amari runs from me as I lift a gun, shadow figures standing behind me, waiting for me to give them permission to shoot her down. Jeff’s head falls to the table as I sit across from him, the poisoned bottle shattered along the ground, and the poison that killed him, in my hands. Rahim raises his gaze to meet mine as I back away, an approving smile on my face as he falls. <<if $cp>>I toss Chris’s head to the side as I stare down at his body, walking over him as I continue along my way.<</if>> Shadow figures continue to throw balls of fire at Sydero’s screaming body, my waning figure leaving the scene behind. Zillah screaming for mercy, and I stare at him, lowering my hand back to my side as his insides go flying. I glance down at my hands and find them completely covered in blood. My clothes soaked in it. Glancing up, I see my reflection in the mirror, finding a smirking character gazing back at me. Their eyes are wild and calculating, a darkness residing in them that I know doesn’t lie in mine. “We look good.” I don’t say it, but the words leave my mouth. I raise my hand and lick the blood off my finger, releasing a mirthless laugh coated with evil intentions. A laugh that hides something just below the surface. My world grows black as something foreign invades me, tainting me, shifting me. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The feeling of falling pulls me out of the growing abyss that has begun to surround me, and when I open my eyes, I see the ground getting closer and closer. I’m unable to even let out a quick scream as I collide with it, my body aching painfully as I lay there. <<if $m_fear is "insignificant">>\ <<nobr>><<set $curse_greed = true>><</nobr>> I slowly get to my feet, groaning as I glance around. I was in the middle of a small park, the entire group standing there. The only problem was that the world was bleak, everything coated in shades of grey. “We need to see if they’re still hiding in the woods,” Bradley says, motioning to the forest to stand on the edge. “I doubt they stuck around,” Rahim adds in next, standing beside me and seeming to be bored with what Bradley was saying, “it would be smarter to just head back to the street and find a clue there.” “Let’s just split up,” Amari adds in, looking over at me for my thoughts. [[Agree.|JHO6_1]] [[Disagree.|JHO6_1]] <<elseif $want is "normal">>\ I slowly get to my knees, groaning as I shift to take in my new scenery. I was sitting in a large auditorium that was filled to the brim with a roaring crowd. Right in front of me stands a man in graduation ceremony robes, and with a broad smile, he leans toward the microphone. “$name Roe,” he says, and a few shouts of joy and clapping ring through the building as I watch myself walk across the stage. A large smile is on my face as I shake the man’s hand and grab my diploma. My clone continues on for a short while before turning to the camera tracking me <<if $daring >=50>>and then performing a little dance that gets a majority of the crowd to laugh before I walk to the end of the stage.<<else>>and giving it a wide smile and a thumbs up.<</if>> Numbly, I wander over to the stairs where my other version is, hoping to get a better view when my clone stops, giving me a cocky grin. “Sucks to be you, huh?” “What?” I gaze around, the scene fading though it continues to play. Instead of answering, my clone just shakes ?his head as ?he looks me up and down. “Tsk tsk, look at you, $name. You’re a mess. No, you’re pathetic is what you are. Is this really what I could’ve turned into? Thank goodness for me having a brain and a backbone, not to mention common sense.” “What do you mean? Could’ve?” <a data-passage="JHO6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $want is "future">>\ The surroundings shift once again, but instead of merely walking across the unseen boundary, I fall face first into a large living room. “That makes no sense,” I hear Amari say and force myself to get up, my heart skipping a beat as I silently hope that this was all coming to an end. The group, the entire group, was sitting in a living room I’ve never seen. They all are situated in comfortable positions, smiling and laughing while playing some kind of card game. I find myself, my clone, sitting in a nearby seat. Their eyes aren’t on the others; instead, they watch me with a small smile. “You’ve had to have been there,” Zillah sighs with a smirk, throwing his hand in the air as he eyes his cards. “I normally would disagree with that, but he’s right,” Sydero adds, “as soon as he started singing, everyone just calmed down. I just thought he was nuts.” “I have a beautiful voice.” “Your voice is shitty, and we all know it,” Sydero snorts, causing Bradley <<if $cp>>and Chris <</if>>to choke on their drinks. The scene begins to fade in color, and I can no longer hear what is being said, though I can see everyone’s mouths still moving. I turn to search for the other version of me, finding them now directly in front of me. ?He <<verb "shakes">> ?his head as ?he <<verb "looks">> me up and down. “Tsk tsk, look at you, $name. You’re a mess. You’ll get out, but ... can’t really tell you much other than that. There are so many paths you could still take.” “What do you mean? Could?” <a data-passage="JHO6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ The surroundings shift once again, but instead of merely walking across the unseen boundary, I find myself standing in a dark void. “Hello?” I shout, not even hearing myself. It felt as if my voice had begun to make a sound, but then, a second later, it had just vanished, as if the void had claimed it. I shift, and a series of scenes appear, each playing something different. I squint as I take a step closer to the one directly in front of me, finding Rahim there, sitting at home and reading a book. It seemed ordinary until another person enters the scene, Sydero. She hands him a mug and sits next to him, casually flipping through her phone. “What is this?” I mutter, turning, and catching the sight of Amari in another. “This is what could’ve been if you had never existed. Well, beyond existing for your purpose,” an unknown voice says. Unlike mine, their voice doesn’t get swallowed by the abyss, and I’m able to hear them loud and clear. “If I disappeared,” I whisper, the words cutting deep. <a data-passage="JHO6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<if $m_fear is "insignificant">>\ Instead of answering, I find myself saying nothing, and she continues speaking to the others without it anyway. I attempt to tell them my thoughts again, but nothing comes out. Instead, I begin to walk. Following behind Bradley<<if $cp>> and Chris<</if>> as Rahim, Amari, and Zillah go another way. Confused at what has happened, I decide to question Bradley<<if $cp>> and Chris<</if>> once we make it to the forest. This was undoubtedly one of Hell’s tricks, but I didn’t actually understand it. “<<if $cp>>Either of you has your<<else>>Do you have your<</if>> blade on you?” Bradley questions, “I know Rahim wants to capture this thing alive, but I want to see it dead.” <<if $cp>>“Seriously, Bradley? We should at least get the full story first,” Chris points out.<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ [[Agree with Chris.|JHO6_2]] <</if>>\ [[“Killing it seems kind of excessive.”|JHO6_2]] [[“It’s what needs to happen.”|JHO6_2]] [[“Let’s get the whole picture first.”|JHO6_2]] <<elseif $want is "normal">>\ “See, like I said, no brain,” ?he says, tapping ?his head and then gesturing to what surrounds us, “this is what happens when you think through your problems. I saved that girl, but whatever she had going on, I left her to it and continued on with //my// life. Guess who just graduated and guess who’s a week or so away from dying?” “I am you!” I growl, not believing my own words, fury and envy entering my heart. “Fury and envy, yes, but not quite. More like greed. You’re me, but I’m not you. My uncle is alive and still in my life, my best friend is about to have his name called. Shit, I have a nice little job lined up and a party to get to after this. I’m on top of the world. Everything I want, I got.” ?He takes a step closer to me and ?he <<verb "grins">> wickedly, “what have you gotten lately? Besides pain, I mean?” “You’re acting like ignorant is bliss.” <a data-passage="JHO6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $want is "future">>\ “What you see is the future, but it’s not a future you can get.” “And why not? The future isn’t written in stone.” “It is. But there are different futures all written out. Every decision you make, every path you decide on eliminates certain futures from your path until there’s only one, and that’s the one that’ll take you to death. This one, you’ve already fucked up on getting this one. Pity, this one is good. Peaceful with just the right amount of excitement.” “I don’t believe you.” ?He <<verb "shrugs">>, “I don’t need you to believe me. All I need to know resides in your eyes right now. You want this future. You haven’t even gotten that much of a sample, but you already know this is what you want. Because your future is going to be filled with pain and division, no room for happiness.” <a data-passage="JHO6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Indeed. If what was to be, happened, then this would be the fates of those you care about.” Amari’s scene is of her with her parents, the three of them having a lovely picnic. Sydero teases Rahim, and she ducks just as he throws a pillow at her, the two laughing. Bradley sits in front of his computer, laughing as it’s evident that he’s playing some kind of computer game. I hardly recognize his surroundings but only because of how long it’s been since I’ve seen his bunker. <<if $chrissafe is false>>Chris, well Chris was alive, and he was sitting in what looked to be an apartment laughing with someone as he seemed to be studying.<<else>> Chris seemed to be in an apartment laughing with someone that I couldn’t see, flipping through a textbook every now and then.<</if>> “They’re … happy?” I question, my gut twisting. “Yes. That’s what happens when you take the catalyst off the board. Nothing starts the pain, and life becomes something ... beautiful. Something worth living.” I gulp, refusing to look at the multiple scenes in front of me. “Look,” it growls, and an invisible force grabs my chin and forces me to take them in. They were all happy, not one of them crying or suffering. Could my existence alone truly be the cause of all of our suffering? <a data-passage="JHO6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<if $m_fear is "insignificant">>\ Nothing comes out yet again and <<if $cp>>the other two continue<<else>>Bradley continues<</if>> to talk as if I wasn’t even there. And yet, I knew that much wasn’t true as <<if $cp>>they<<else>>he<</if>> would occasionally glance over at me. I also notice that all the pain from earlier has since retreated, but not in a way that caused relief. It felt less like I had just gotten over it, and more like my body just couldn’t hold it. As if my pain receptors, no, my emotions in general, were turned off. I tune back into my surroundings just as we walk into a small clearing where we spot a creature feasting on something’s dead carcass. “Hey!” Bradley shouts, darting forward without thinking. [[Stop him.|JHO6_3]] [[Warn him.|JHO6_3]] [[Go in as well.|JHO6_3]] <<elseif $want is "normal">>\ ?He <<verb "pouts">>, raises a brow, and looks around, “I’m living proof that it is. You tried to play hero and went and got yourself killed. You’re going to die, and no one’s going to remember who you are. You’ll have a grave plot somewhere out yonder, and it will simply say ‘RIP.’ Meanwhile, in this dimension, I’ll be getting richer, and happier, and living my best life with the people I love and care about right by my side.” [[“This is supposed to be my life!”]] [[“I don’t want this …”]] [[“This. Isn’t. Real.”]] <<elseif $want is "future">>\ “You said yourself that there’s multiple paths, don’t act like you know which one I’ll get.” “True, but can that still be true if I’ve seen them all? You’re going to die, and no one’s going to remember who you are. You’ll have a grave plot somewhere out yonder, and it will simply say ‘RIP.’ Meanwhile, in this dimension, I’ll be getting richer, and happier, and living my best life with the people I love and care about right by my side.” [[“This is supposed to be my life!”][$curse_greed = true]] [[“I don’t want this …”]] [[“This. Isn’t. Real.”]] <<else>>\ “Why am I being shown this?” I ask. “Because it’s what you want, what you crave deep down. It’s something that you will never receive but the one thing you would give everything for. Having those you care about happy is enough to make you want this. To make you want to remove yourself from the board. But you shouldn’t be here. You hold no greed.” The darkness slowly disappears, and I instead find myself standing in a hole. One step and I falter, whatever I was walking on was unsteady ground. Just enough light streams into the hole to show me what I was lying in, and the sight causes me to want to throw up. Quickly, I get to my feet but find that the same sight greets me no matter where I step. <a data-passage="JHO6_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
I stand idly by, watching as Bradley runs straight towards the creature, a cryptid beast that I had never seen before. With razor-sharp teeth and large orange eyes, it turns around and snarls at Bradley, lunging forward and jumping on the boy. “Bradley!” I scream in my head, but I don’t move, and I don’t even feel worried. I again feel nothing, and despite my mind telling me that I should be, I don’t. I whimper as my world seems to grow duller than before, as if the lack of color reflected what I was feeling inside. <<if $cp>>Chris is the one to act, taking out his gun and shooting at the beast until it finally releases its hold on Bradley. He moves back towards us, his shoulder bleeding and looking afraid but otherwise okay.<<else>>Bradley screams and fights the beast, trying to get it off of him but to no avail. Finally, he decides to fall to the ground, making sure to fall so that the beast would take the brunt of it. It releases him and before I or the creature can act, Bradley darts back to my side.<</if>> The monster doesn’t let up though, on four legs, it skitters across the ground. “Run!” Bradley shouts, turning on his heel and doing just that. <<if $cp>>Chris is close behind him, telling me to come on and encouraging Bradley to keep going.<</if>> [[Run!|JHO6_4]]
I scream it to myself, but I don’t move. I just stand there like I couldn’t be bothered, and I watch as the creature darts straight towards me. It darts past me though, heading for <<if $cp>>Chris and Bradley<<else>>Bradley<</if>> and behaving as if I didn’t even exist. I continue to stand there, hearing the growls and shouts as they grow distant. The more time goes past, the smaller I begin to feel, and even that response felt trivial, diminishing with each second. Soon, I feel nothing. Regardless of the emotions I think of, reminding myself of what it feels like, nothing comes to me. I start to walk with no destination in mind, only with a hope. I walk into trees, stub my toe, I do anything that would cause an emotional reaction, but each act leaves me feeling more emotionally numb than the last. The world grows blurry, and I fall, animals walking over me and going about their day as I lie there. I meant nothing, my existence reduced to being nothing more than dirt, perhaps even less. I close my eyes, and a new sensation overcomes me. Part of me celebrates; after all that time, I could finally feel again, show and feel emotion! But the other half screams as this sensation is akin to falling. I land on something hard, whatever it is digging into my back, the pain only ceasing when I sit up, but at least I could feel. Just enough light streams into the hole to show me what I was lying in, and the sight causes me to want to throw up. Quickly, I get to my feet but find that the same sight greets me no matter where I step. <a data-passage="JHO6_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“This is supposed to be my life!” I shout at my clone, taking a step closer but thinking better of it and retreating. <<if $want is "normal">>“It //was// your life! //Was//! But you threw it away, didn’t you? You want it?”<<else>>?He <<verb "offers">> me a woeful smile, “it was //never// your life! You messed your chances up for this long ago, before you even knew the supernatural existed. But hey, you want it?”<</if>> ?he <<verb "questions">>, backing away and motioning to all that surrounds us, “then take it.” I don’t know what ?he <<verb "means">>, nor do I know if ?he <<verb "was">> expecting me to hit ?him. I falter, not knowing which route to take when ?he <<verb "lunges">>, grabbing me. ?His grip tightens and with a smirk, pushes me back. I go falling, watching as ?he <<verb "waves">> me away before walking over the hole as if it didn’t exist. I land on something hard, whatever it is digging into my back, the pain only ceasing when I sit up, but at least I could feel. Just enough light streams into the hole to show me what I was lying in, and the sight causes me to want to throw up. Quickly, I get to my feet but find that the same sight greets me no matter where I step. <a data-passage="JHO6_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I don’t want this …” I mumble. “You sure? Because Hell doesn’t lie. It knows you better than you know yourself. And you want this. I would almost say that you’re willing to do anything to get this.” “No,” I correct ?him before ?he can continue on, “you’re wrong.” ?He <<verb "places">> ?his hand on my chin and ?his $eyes eyes glare back into my own, “am I? Rejecting the truth will do nothing for you. In fact, you’ll just be stuck here in a never-ending loop.” ?His grip tightens and with a smirk, pushes me back. I go falling, watching as ?he <<verb "waves">> me away before walking over the hole as if it didn’t exist. I land on something hard, whatever it is digging into my back, the pain only ceasing when I sit up, but at least I could feel. Just enough light streams into the hole to show me what I was lying in, and the sight causes me to want to throw up. Quickly, I get to my feet but find that the same sight greets me no matter where I step. <a data-passage="JHO6_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“For the last time,” I start, glaring back at my made-up clone, “this. Isn’t. Real. All of this is just another trick. Another damn test.” “Does it make you feel better thinking that? Makes all of this just a tad more bearable? That if you keep thinking that then maybe, just maybe, you can get out of here with some piece of your sanity still intact?” ?He <<verb "takes">> a threatening step towards me and then, before I can react, lunge, grabbing me by my shirt and pulling me in close with a wicked smile. “Keep telling yourself that.” ?His grip tightens and with a smirk, pushes me back. I go falling, watching as ?he <<verb "waves">> me away before walking over the hole as if it didn’t exist. I land on something hard, whatever it is digging into my back, the pain only ceasing when I sit up, but at least I could feel. Just enough light streams into the hole to show me what I was lying in, and the sight causes me to want to throw up. Quickly, I get to my feet but find that the same sight greets me no matter where I step. <a data-passage="JHO6_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $hidet is false>>\ Dozens of people reside down here, seeming to be half alive as their eyes dart around and their muscles twitch. But there was little they could do, mostly since their skin had somehow been fused alongside gold, silver, and bronze half-melted bars. They moan, trying to tear themselves away from the items. Most of the time, they fail, groaning as their progress is set back to zero. Other times, they succeed, tearing themselves away, which also involves tearing their flesh. But the actions always end in vain as when one part gets free, a fire would start, melding them back to another. Their screams echo through my mind, and I do my best to block the sound, sight, and smell as I look for a way out. <</if>>\ “Where are you going?” I hear something question, darting around but seeing nothing. [[Keep looking for a way out.]] [[Question the voice.]]
I ignore the voice, studying the walls for a foothold or anything that would help me get out of here. The walls had decently sized holes, but they weren’t deep enough to aid me. “I said, where are you going?” the voice asks again, and this time I choose to turn around, feeling the presence behind me. My breath leaves me as I stare at a sight I hadn’t thought I’d see again. A shadow figure slowly shows itself, oddly familiar to Zillah’s shadow form, but this one was different. Zillah’s figure had always stood taller, and he could manipulate his face in multiple ways. Also, his face didn’t look like this. This shadow’s face looked like someone had taken an electric hand mixer, and uncaringly placed it close to its face. If it could bleed, then I’m sure it would be, but instead only clumps of darkening black flesh stuck out. There was also something so familiar about this figure that it didn’t take me long to put a name and idea to it. “My guardian … from when I was a child,” I stammer, unable to figure out what this meant, why it was here. I hardly even remembered its purpose, it wasn’t like Zillah had given me much information. I knew one thing though, “you shouldn’t be here. Shades aren’t allowed in Hell.” “You know what I am,” it laughs, “you’ve grown so much.” “What happened to you?” “You,” it said matter-of-factly, “no one has ever failed. I was the first, I failed, and so I was tortured and then exterminated. I failed so badly that they had to send him in to clean it all up, his second … I messed up that bad.” The shade seemed to be talking more to himself than to me now, mumbling and speaking in a language that I didn’t know and couldn’t place. His presence here still confused me, though, leaving an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I hadn’t thought about him since Zillah had appeared a few months back, so why would he be here? I again find myself examining the walls when something grabs me and yanks me backward, the shade standing over me. <a data-passage="JHO6_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Who are you? Do you know how to get out of here?” The last question seemed a bit stupid. If the figure knew how to get out, then I doubt it would be lingering here, unless … I glance down at the multiple faces and bodies, some of these people were still alive, could one of them be the speaker? “You don’t remember me?” I glance up, my breath leaving me as I stare at a sight I hadn’t thought I’d see again. A shadow figure slowly shows itself, oddly familiar to Zillah’s shadow form, but this one was different. Zillah’s figure had always stood taller, and he could manipulate his face in multiple ways. Also, his face didn’t look like this. This shadow’s face looked like someone had taken an electric hand mixer, and uncaringly placed it close to its face. If it could bleed, then I’m sure it would be, but instead only clumps of darkening black flesh stuck out. There was also something so familiar about this figure that it didn’t take me long to put a name and idea to it. “My guardian … from when I was a child,” I stammer, unable to figure out what this meant, why it was here. I hardly even remembered its purpose, it wasn’t like Zillah had given me much information. I knew one thing though, “you shouldn’t be here. Shades aren’t allowed in Hell.” “You know what I am,” it laughs, “you’ve grown so much.” “What happened to you?” “You,” it said matter-of-factly, “no one has ever failed. I was the first, I failed, and so I was tortured and then exterminated. I failed so badly that they had to send him in to clean it all up, his second … I messed up that bad.” The shade seemed to be talking more to himself than to me now, mumbling and speaking in a language that I didn’t know and couldn’t place. His presence here still confused me, though, leaving an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I hadn’t thought about him since Zillah had appeared a few months back, so why would he be here? I again find myself examining the walls when something grabs me and yanks me backward, the shade standing over me. <a data-passage="JHO6_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $m_fear is "supportless">>\ <<nobr>><<set $curse_greed = true>><</nobr>> “I can fix this!” he shouts at me, his eyes turning a horrific shade of red as he places his hands around my neck. “I can fix this!” he yells louder as if to someone. I claw at the figure, attempting to get free but failing. At the top of the hole, I see familiar faces peek their heads into view. “Help!” I scream, caring little if they were figments of my imagination or not. Right then and there, they could help me escape this. I needed their help. “Guys!” “It’s about time someone finally kills you,” Bradley says with a giant smile, drawing back and disappearing, I could hear his footsteps walking away, and my eyes widen, air escaping me. It felt as if someone had just ripped out a lung. “No,” I say as Amari kicks some dirt into the hole before leaving. “A shame,” Zillah adds, “I wasted time making sure a pitiful person like yourself could live. Such weakness,” he laughs, and he leaves. “Goodbye, $name,” is all Rahim says before departing. Sydero smiles widely, and after a second, laughs, “I was just curious about how fast it would take for something to kill you. Got my answer!” She waves me off before disappearing<<if $cp>>, leaving only Chris.<<else>>.<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ “Chris, please,” I say, making eye contact with him next, a stabbing sensation erupting through my stomach as tears fill my eyes. “Please don’t leave me.” I struggle to figure out what was causing me more pain, watching them each walk away or the shade attempting to murder me, and I being able to do nothing to stop such action. “I could never leave you,” Chris responds, “because I was never here for you.” And just like that, he disappears. <</if>>\ I hear multiple footsteps moving on, hearing them laugh and conversate as if I wasn’t down here dying. My insides churn, and I lay there feeling cold and alone. Feeling like there was no one left. The shade had disappeared, but I still found myself unable to move. My body refuses to. I don’t even register my flesh burning as I melt against someone else, light fading. <<else>>\ “I can fix this!” he shouts at me, his eyes turning a horrific shade of red as he places his hands around my neck. “I can fix this!” he yells louder as if to capture someone’s attention. I claw at the figure, attempting to get free but failing. He continues to repeat how much he could fix this, how he wanted to rejoin his master’s side, how sorry he was for failing. Each time he screams it, his grip tightens, and the fight within me fades until the light follows. Everything … fades. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I gasp as I lurch forward, finding myself on a bench in a booming nightclub. Naked men and women dance under dim lights, letting the music take over them as they grind against their partners. I allow myself a minute, taking in my new surroundings, and getting over the feeling of everything that happened before. I remain stiff, eyeing the bare crowd with suspicion. One of them would prove to be my next test, the next thing to either add pressure to my mind, heart, or body. A few minutes go by when someone finally notices me, and they dance over. I don’t recognize them, their face not matching anyone from my past that could do a significant amount of damage. [[“Fuck off.”]] [[“My test starts now, huh?”]] [[“Can I help you?”]] [[Say nothing.|JHOSayNothing]]
“I don’t care what you want or what you are, fuck off,” I hiss. This is probably a Nightmare, and based on my surroundings, I had finally made it to Lust’s kingdom. That was a positive, but I also didn’t have the energy to fight off a bunch of Nightmares that would be feeding on my desires, especially when that desire was to just rest. “Your manners are atrocious, but I don’t think I can blame you. If you wandered here, you met Nightmares. For that you have my sympathy.” “What are you? Who are you? What is this?” I question, adding one after the other. This conversation was different from all the other ones, it seemed almost civil. “I’m a succubus,” she answers and without being asked to do so, shifts into her demonic form with dark purple scales, a long furry tail, two tall horns protruding out of her forehead, goat-like legs, and small bat-like wings. “You are on the outskirts of Lust’s kingdom, safe from Nightmares … for now.” “What do you mean for now?” “Like I said,” she hums, taking a seat beside me, her tail sliding across my chest, causing me to lightly shiver, “you are on the outskirts. You are lucky to have been dumped here and not elsewhere, Nightmares here are the worst of all.” “Aren’t they all different kinds of horrible?” “I suppose there is truth in your words. They all act differently, for example, Gluttony Nightmares are never sated, no matter how much they eat. While Envy Nightmares tend to fight amongst each other more so than those unfortunate enough to make it into the Dark Lands. Lust Nightmares, they are always craving another victim, never sated even after consuming a soul. And unlike other Nightmares who are not as smart, they are clever in their machinations, only beaten by Pride Nightmares in such area.” [[“And I’m supposed to believe you?”]] [[“You’re a little friendly for a demon.”]] [[“How do I get to Lust’s castle?”]]
“My test starts now, huh?” I question, rolling my eyes. “Ah, so my thoughts are true. You have met Nightmares, for that you have my sympathy.” “What are you? Who are you? What is this?” I question, adding one after the other. This conversation was different from all the other ones, it seemed almost civil. “I’m a succubus,” she answers and without being asked to do so, shifts into her demon with dark purple scales, a long furry tail, two tall horns protruding out of her forehead, goat-like legs, and small bat-like wings. “You are on the outskirts of Lust’s kingdom, safe from Nightmares … for now.” “What do you mean for now?” “Like I said,” she hums, taking a seat beside me, her tail sliding across my chest, causing me to lightly shiver, “you are on the outskirts. You are lucky to have been dumped here and not elsewhere, Nightmares here are the worst of all.” “Aren’t they all different kinds of horrible?” “I suppose there is truth in your words. They all act differently, for example, Gluttony Nightmares are never sated, no matter how much they eat. While Envy Nightmares tend to fight amongst each other more so than those unfortunate enough to make it into the Dark Lands. Lust Nightmares, they are always craving another victim, never sated even after consuming a soul. And unlike other Nightmares who are not as smart, they are clever in their machinations, only beaten by Pride Nightmares beat in such area.” [[“And I’m supposed to believe you?”]] [[“You’re a little friendly for a demon.”]] [[“How do I get to Lust’s castle?”]]
“Can I help you?” I question, raising a brow. “You are not one of us, and I was curious,” the woman tells me, still dancing. “My curiosity is mildly sated. If you have wandered here, you have met Nightmares, for that you have my sympathy.” “What are you? Who are you? What is this?” I question, adding one after the other. This conversation was different from all the other ones, it seemed almost civil. “I’m a succubus,” she answers and without being asked to do so, shifts into her demon with dark purple scales, a long furry tail, two tall horns protruding out of her forehead, goat-like legs, and small bat-like wings. “You are on the outskirts of Lust’s kingdom, safe from Nightmares … for now.” “What do you mean for now?” “Like I said,” she hums, taking a seat beside me, her tail sliding across my chest, causing me to lightly shiver, “you are on the outskirts. You are lucky to have been dumped here and not elsewhere, Nightmares here are the worst of all.” “Aren’t they all different kinds of horrible?” “I suppose there is truth in your words. They all act differently, for example, Gluttony Nightmares are never sated, no matter how much they eat. While Envy Nightmares tend to fight amongst each other more so than those unfortunate enough to make it into the Dark Lands. Lust Nightmares, they are always craving another victim, never sated even after consuming a soul. And unlike other Nightmares who are not as smart, they are clever in their machinations, only beaten by Pride Nightmares beat in such area.” [[“And I’m supposed to believe you?”]] [[“You’re a little friendly for a demon.”]] [[“How do I get to Lust’s castle?”]]
“Untrustworthy, I assume?” the woman asks, still dancing, not missing one beat. “If you have wandered here, you have met Nightmares, for that you have my sympathy.” “What the hell are you?” I finally ask, not liking how this conversation was going. “I’m a succubus,” she answers and without being asked to do so, shifts into her demon with dark purple scales, a long furry tail, two tall horns protruding out of her forehead, goat-like legs, and small bat-like wings. “You are on the outskirts of Lust’s kingdom, safe from Nightmares … for now.” “What do you mean for now?” “Like I said,” she hums, taking a seat beside me, her tail sliding across my chest, causing me to lightly shiver, “you are on the outskirts. You are lucky to have been dumped here and not elsewhere, Nightmares here are the worst of all.” “Aren’t they all different kinds of horrible?” “I suppose there is truth in your words. They all act differently, for example, Gluttony Nightmares are never sated, no matter how much they eat. While Envy Nightmares tend to fight amongst each other more so than those unfortunate enough to make it into the Dark Lands. Lust Nightmares, they are always craving another victim, never sated even after consuming a soul. And unlike other Nightmares who are not as smart, they are clever in their machinations, only beaten by Pride Nightmares beat in such area.” [[“And I’m supposed to believe you?”]] [[“You’re a little friendly for a demon.”]] [[“How do I get to Lust’s castle?”]]
“And I’m supposed to what? Just believe you? You just said that the Nightmares here are clever when trying to feed.” “Aww,” she whines and pouts seductively, leaning forward just enough to show off her curves, “you don’t trust me?” “Full offense, but I’ve been passed from one Nightmare to another, so no.” “I can’t blame you, but I can assure you that no one here means you harm. We have no need for it. And though we reside on the outskirts, we still must obey Lust’s laws. Long story short,” she says as she stands, biting her lip seductively, “is that lying will not get me what I want.” <<include "JHO_LustD">>
“You’re a little friendly for a demon, don’t you think?” Her entire body shakes seductively as she laughs, the sound smooth and wrapping itself around me like a warm blanket, “all demons are different, but those of us guided by Lust are special. Our behavior is still malicious and selfish, but what we want often calls for finesse and not brute force. What I mean to say,” she says as she stands, biting her lip seductively, “is that lying will not get me what I want.” <<include "JHO_LustD">>
“How do I get to Lust’s castle?” I ask. Her entire body shakes seductively as she laughs, the sound smooth and wrapping itself around me like a warm blanket, “it is down the road, though you must make your way past other Nightmares. But no one simply goes to Lust’s castle without an invitation.” “Is there a way to avoid the Nightmares?” “No,” she answers simply, playing with her tail. “And why in such a hurry when you can stay and do much more //interesting// things.” “You want something?” “We all want something.” <<include "JHO_LustD">>
I raise a brow, “and what is that you want?” “For you to come with me. Play with those of us who are hungry.” “Yea, so you can devour me whole, no thanks.” She hums, “Hell works on different rules, my dear. Here you can not die from a lust demon’s powers. If anything, you simply feel tired afterward. A never-ending cycle of us being fed, and those like you, being pleasured.” She extends her hand to me, and I raise a brow, still not convinced. Seeing my doubt, she motions to those dancing. “There is little I can say to win your trust, and I don’t like prancing around the truth like some. If we were Nightmares, then these people would not be here, for Nightmares feed on mortals’ souls until they have fully consumed them. My intentions are selfish, like the others’.” “The others?” She giggles, “I wish to lead you to an orgy. Do you wish to come or not? I can only promise you that no harm will come your way.” She pauses as if to let her words sink in before proceeding, “don’t you deserve a moment of pleasure? After all that you were put through, at least one thing to make this moment in Tartarus worth it?” “You can tell I’m not meant to be here?” “Your scent is not the same as those you see. They are here for the revelry for eternity, you smell temporary. A beating heart is rare, and so is the pleasure that can be seduced from it.” She holds out her hand yet again. “What will it be?” <<if $s_att is "high" or $s_att is "low">>\ [[Go to the orgy.]] <</if>>\ [[Decline her offer.][$decline = true]]
<<if $decline>>\ “If it’s okay with you, I’d rather not. I have more important things to do, and one of those is not getting tangled up in … that.” She sighs, getting to her feet and rolling her eyes, “fine,” she draws out. “The door is that way. You can try and escape the Nightmares, but they will find you. My advice, let the first one you come across take you without a fight, lest you wish to run into a hoard of them. Good luck.” With that, she strides away, drawing the eyes of some of those dancing, even a few following after her as if she had just put a spell on them. I follow the direction that she had pointed to and open the door, leaving the building behind and finding myself on a road. <</if>>\ My surroundings looked like I was in the middle of the desert, and besides the building I had just left and a few others scattered about, nothing else resided for miles. I sigh and begin walking, relieved to have gotten at least a mild break before having to get back into this. I keep my emotions quiet as I walk, wondering where Rahim was. Could he be farther back, or did he find himself in Lust’s kingdom? Sticking together was hardly an option, we weren’t in Hell for a few minutes before Nightmares targeted us. I think harder about this, wondering why Rahim hadn’t taken some of my emotions away. He had warned me once, but it had been too late, and the Nightmares had found us before his warning was even uttered. Could it be my unstable nature? I had been falling from one Nightmare’s clutch to the next, this being the first moment of peace. Was I just a gigantic walking beacon for Nightmares due to what was happening? <a data-passage="JHO7_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I shrug and grab her hand. Her face lights up as she squeezes mine, and then pull me after her. The club-goers move out of the way without being asked, staring at the two of us as if we were celebrities. The succubus goes through a door and down a set of stairs that leads straight into what she had told me before. The room was large, with several toys, machines, beds, and chairs placed around. If someone could have sex on it … they were. My jaw drops, and she closes it, chuckling as she motions to what surrounds her. “There are only three rules,” she tells me, holding up three long fingers, “one, no clothes. Two, no killing. And three, stop and no means stop and no.” [[Dive in.]] [[Back out.]]
I stand there awkwardly, feeling overwhelmed, and my mind telling me that this was foolish. This was the wrong place, wrong time, and wrong thing to be doing. With a shake of my head, I turn and head back up the stairs, half expecting to be stopped, but no one comes after me. I search the club for an exit, and upon finding it, leave and walk out onto a road. <<include 'Decline her offer.'>>
I start by following rule number one, peeling off my clothes and placing them somewhere I could grab them later. In a way, this seemed like some kind of fever dream. After everything I had just experienced, I was now about to participate, willingly, in an orgy, put on by lust demons no less. On the one hand, it seemed like this was the wrong place and time, but on the other, why the hell not. I would just add this to the list with everything else, and if it meant getting a more extended break and my mind off of every horrible thing that had happened, I was for it. <<if $virgin>>\ In all truth, I was still a virgin, and this entire act felt weird. Even weirder was the idea of telling the group, if it ever came up, that I lost my virginity in a demonic orgy. It had a badass ring to it, one that would make brows raise anyway. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO7_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $m_fear is "unloved" or $m_fear is "worthless">>\ <<set $curse_lust = true>> <</if>>\ I hear a shrill whistle on the wind, and I expect that my momentary break was now coming to an end. I search but find nothing, but I knew better than to trust my eyes when it came to the Nightmares. I rely on my gut, and my gut was saying that something was closing in. I feel a presence behind me that wasn't there a moment ago and turn to see a tall cow-like creature standing there. It stood on four legs though instead of hooves, it had hands, and a collection of tentacles stick out of its body, thrashing around as if trying to get free from their host. Four massive horns sit on its head, and in the middle of its forehead rests an oceanic blue rune. The rune glows, the cow opens its mouths, and a black smoke rushes out and straight towards me. It envelops me, and for a minute, everything is silent. I open my eyes again and find myself staring at … <<if $j3>>\ [[All three guys.|JHO7_4]] <<elseif $j2>>\ [[Rahim.|JHO7_4][$chosenRahim = true]] [[Chris.|JHO7_4][$chosenChris = true]] <<elseif $ARomance >=4 and $SRomance >=5>>\ [[Sydero.|JHO7_4][$chosenSydero = true]] [[Amari.|JHO7_4][$chosenAmari = true]] <<elseif $int is "none">>\ <<if $uncledead>>\ [[Uncle Matheus.|JHO7_4]] <<else>>\ [[Everyone.|JHO7_4]] <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <<if $cbreak>>\ [[Chris.|JHO7_4][$chosenChris = true]] <<elseif $raincheck>>\ [[Zillah.|JHO7_4][$chosenZillah = true]] <<elseif $ARomance >=5>>\ [[Amari.|JHO7_4][$chosenAmari = true]] <<elseif $RRomance >=5>>\ [[Rahim.|JHO7_4][$chosenRahim = true]] <<else>>\ [[Sydero.|JHO7_4][$chosenSydero = true]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
<<nobr>><<set $curse_lust = true; $virgin = false>><</nobr>> I take a deep breath in as I follow the succubus from earlier. She leads me by the hand towards a decently sizeable group where a mixture of demons and humans, men and women reside. She takes one of the free spots on the sofa, and immediately someone moves in to begin touching her. <<if settings.showec and $sex is not "na">>\ “So,” I say awkwardly, “do I just jump in or –,” the entire sentence doesn’t even leave my mouth as a hand grabs me and pulls me flush up against them. There were too many bodies for me to know what was going on. Parts and pieces everywhere as someone’s mouth falls on mine, and my eyes widen as I immediately feel a dose of pleasure shoot up my spine. I wrap my hands around their neck and deepen the kiss, feeling someone else pull my hips towards them and then they <<if $sex is "p">>grab onto my cock, pumping me slowly.<<else>>trail their tongue along my ass.<</if>>\ <<if $sex is "p">>\ I whimper as the person deepens the kiss, pulling me further into a world of wickedness and pleasure. Half of my attention is on them, and the other half on whoever was behind me, their grip tightening around me as they quicken their pace. “Fuck,” I groan, letting my head fall back as the person behind me kissed my neck, and the other one trailed their kisses along my chest. My eyes flutter open when I feel someone’s mouth take in my tip, their tongue swirling around it before taking more of me into their mouth. I begin to feel woozy from pleasure, drunken off a feeling that I can’t combat. The next time that I open my eyes, the entire scene has shifted, one to an outdoor terrace like area, everyone surrounding me beautiful and waiting to do whatever I asked of them. My mouth parts as the <<if $int is "men" or $int is "both">>man<<else>>woman<</if>> between my legs deep throats me, peering up at me to see if I was enjoying myself. Another kisses my cheeks and then my lips, deepening the kiss and causing me to feel out of breath. I let out a shaky breath, unable to stay alert as my senses fixate only on the raw pleasure. <<if $int is "men" or $int is "both">>The man comes up with a satisfying plop and with a smirk, lowers himself onto me, biting his lip as he slowly takes all of me in.<<else>> The woman comes up with a satisfying plop and with a smirk, lowers herself onto me, biting her lip as she slowly takes all of me in.<</if>> My back arches at the tantalizingly slow pace and I make to grab <<if $int is "men" or $int is "both">>him<<else>>her<</if>>, only to have my hands pinned over my head forcefully, a mouth nipping at my chest as if to punish what I was about to do. I let out a whimper of ecstasy as the <<if $int is "men" or $int is "both">>man<<else>>woman<</if>> rides me, <<if $int is "men" or $int is "both">>his<<else>>her<</if>> pace just enough to sustain me, and yet enough to make me want to beg for them to speed up. A fire in my hips that wished to be extinguished. It crawled up my gut and rushed along my nerves, driving me crazy. <<else>>\ I whimper as the person deepens the kiss, pulling me further into a world of wickedness and pleasure. Half of my attention is on them, and the other half on whoever was behind me, their grip tightening around my waist as they slide in two of their fingers. “Fuck,” I groan, letting my head fall back as the person behind me kissed my neck, and the other one trailed their kisses along my chest. My eyes flutter open when I feel someone’s mouth close around my core, their tongue swirling and lapping up my wetness. I begin to feel woozy from pleasure, drunken off a feeling that I can’t combat. The next time that I open my eyes, the entire scene has shifted, one to an outdoor terrace like area, everyone surrounding me beautiful and waiting to do whatever I asked of them. My mouth parts as the <<if $int is "men" or $int is "both">>man<<else>>woman<</if>> between my legs nips at me softly and sucks, peering up at me to see if I was enjoying myself. Another kisses my cheeks and then my lips, deepening the kiss and causing me to feel out of breath. I let out a shaky breath, unable to stay alert as my senses fixate only on the raw pleasure. <<if $int is "men" or $int is "both">>The man twirls his tongue around inside me before inserting two fingers, working them in and then out of me at a tantalizingly slow pace. I make to grab for him only for someone else to grab both of my wrists and pin them above my head, nipping at my chest as if to punish me for what I was about to do. The man continues, inserting another finger and I release a whimper of ecstasy at the mounting feeling.<<else>> The woman twirls her tongue around inside me before inserting two fingers, working them in and then out of me at a tantalizingly slow pace. I make to grab for her only for someone else to grab both of my wrists and pin them above my head, nipping at my chest as if to punish me for what I was about to do. The woman continues, inserting another finger and I release a whimper of ecstasy at the mounting feeling.<</if>> I gasp when <<if $int is "men" or $int is "both">>he removes his fingers to instead work his entire fist inside of me.<<else>>she removes her fingers to instead work her entire fist inside of me.<</if>> A mouth capturing my scream-like whimper. A fire starts in my hips, one that wishes to be extinguished but never will if the pace isn’t picked up. It crawls up my gut and rushes along my nerves driving me crazy. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “So,” I say awkwardly, “do I just jump in or –,” the entire sentence doesn’t even leave my mouth as a hand grabs me and pulls me flush up against them. There were too many bodies for me to know what was going on. Parts and pieces everywhere as someone’s mouth falls on mine, and my eyes widen as I immediately feel a dose of pleasure shoot up my spine. I wrap my hands around their neck and deepen the kiss, feeling someone else pull my hips towards them as they shower my back with kisses. I whimper as the person in front of me deepens the kiss, pulling me further into a world of wickedness and pleasure. Half of my attention is on them, and the other half on whoever was behind me. “Fuck,” I groan, letting my head fall back as the person behind me kissed my neck, and the other one trailed their kisses along my chest. I begin to feel woozy from pleasure, drunken off a feeling that I can’t combat. The next time that I open my eyes, the entire scene has shifted, one to an outdoor terrace like area, everyone surrounding me beautiful and waiting to do whatever I asked of them. <</if>>\ Goosebumps crawl up my skin, and there is an intensity so high that my mind fails to put a proper name to it. It felt like another one of those damned tests, but an actually enjoyable one. While all the other moments caused me to want to escape, I felt like submerging myself deeper into this. There was an intensity to all of this, one that woke up every nerve in my body and left them on fire. At that moment, everything vanished. If it didn’t center around this feeling, it didn’t exist. I let out a long moan and find myself falling into the raging desire surrounding me, the feel of tongues along my skin, hands wrapped around me, soft kisses, and teasing nips. I was drowning, I knew I was drowning, but I didn’t care. The sea around me was singing a lullaby with such fervor that it didn’t matter. It didn’t take long for the darkness to take me, and I didn’t care. I gladly let it. <a data-passage="JHO7_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>><<set $lustsex = true>><</nobr>> I wake up on a comfy ottoman, the club’s music dimmed down but still audible from wherever I was. My mind was still swimming but not as bad as before. Once again, I felt weak, and my body yearns to just lie back down. Unlike every other time, every part of me felt horrible, like someone had physically sucked the energy out of me. I suppose the succubus had warned me, at least she had been honest about not being able to kill me. I’m surrounded by others who I believe are suffering the same thing as I, only they could sleep forever. I stand, my legs weak and muscles sore as I crash back down, groaning. I take a moment to myself, urging my body to wake up, and when I think I’m ready, I try again. The soreness doesn’t disappear, but this time my legs work. I walk up the stairs and back into the nightclub's central area, pushing past the eternal partiers and darting to the exit. My surroundings looked like I was in the middle of the desert, and besides the building I had just left and a few others scattered about, nothing else resided for miles. I sigh and begin walking, relieved to have gotten at least a mild break before having to get back into this. I keep my emotions quiet as I walk, wondering where Rahim was. Could he be farther back, or did he find himself in Lust’s kingdom? Sticking together was hardly an option, we weren’t in Hell for a few minutes before Nightmares targeted us. I think harder about this, wondering why Rahim hadn’t taken some of my emotions away. He had warned me once, but it had been too late, and the Nightmares had found us before his warning was even uttered. Could it be my unstable nature? I had been falling from one Nightmare’s clutch to the next, this being the first moment of peace. Was I just a gigantic walking beacon for Nightmares due to what was happening? <a data-passage="JHO7_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $j3>>\ All three guys stand before me, staring at me with raised brows and tired eyes. Looking around, I see that we were in an unfamiliar room, one that almost looked like it might belong to a motel. “What?” I question, stirring from my position, sitting up, trying to understand what was happening. “Why are you guys looking at me like –” “Like a hoe?” Zillah laughs, his entire body shaking from the laughter, “we call it like we see it, sweetie.” “I don’t even know why we’re still standing here,” Rahim growls, not even bothering to look at me. “Never thought I’d see the day I’d agree with these two but damn, $name, congratulations on making that so.” “I … I don’t understand,” I whimper, feeling myself grow smaller and smaller under their judgmental gazes. “You’re filthy,” Chris is the first to say, “you open your legs to anyone. We talked about which one of us wanted to put up with you but realized, none of us did. Who wanted to end up with someone as disgusting as you?” “Stop?” I growl, but the sound comes out more like a sob. “Or what?” Zillah laughs, “you’ll bed us? Flirt with one of us and then not the other? I don’t know if you know this, $name, but you’re not worth it. A toy that hasn’t even been used yet, discarded before it could even find a use.” I tremble in anger and sadness as I look at all three of them and watch as none disagree. “You all feel this way?” I ask, my heart aching as Rahim snorts and turns to leave. <<if $m_fear is "unloved">>\ Chris shrugs, “kinda, yea. It’s just more of a ‘wow, it took me this long to see the real you.’ You’re someone I can never love, someone I don’t want to love.” “Love?” Rahim asks, pausing right before he walked off, turning to face me with an incredulous look. “Did you think any of us felt that? Chris was infatuated, I was merely curious, and Zillah, well Zillah just wanted you for your body. None of us ever loved or could love you. Look at you.” I close my eyes, fighting his words, telling myself that this wasn’t real, but my heart crumbling said differently. I open my mouth to say something in my defense, but the three of them all turn and walk off simultaneously. Chris closing the door, not even glancing back at me for one last look. I wasn’t even worth that to him. I wasn’t worth that to any of them … <<elseif $m_fear is "worthless">>\ “You’re not even worth a quick fuck, $name,” Zillah points out, “so what do you think? Would you stop and try to bend over backward for someone that’s not even worth that?” “You say it like sex is that far down on the charts for all of us,” Chris points out, “because you’re not barely worth that second glance. Decent to look at at best. But that’s it, that’s where your importance stops.” I open my mouth to say something in my defense, but the three of them all turn and walk off simultaneously. Chris closing the door, not even glancing back at me for one last look. I wasn’t even worth that to him. I wasn’t worth that to any of them … <<else>>\ I open my mouth to say something in my defense, but the three of them all turn and walk off simultaneously. Chris closing the door, not even glancing back at me for one last look. I wasn’t even worth that to him. I wasn’t worth that to any of them … <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO7_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $chosenChris>>\ Chris charges straight towards me, a blade in his hands, and when he gets within reach of me, he attempts to pierce my side with it. “What are you doing! Stop, Chris!” I scream, grabbing his wrist and trying to knock the blade from his hands. I wrestle him to the ground, but I was weak, after everything, I hardly had enough fight in me. “You’re a monster,” he snarls, “I’m a hunter. What do you think I’m doing?” “Chris!” I shout, “we both know that’s not what you think?” “Isn’t it? You think I made up all of that break stuff for the heck of it?” I pause, a horrible mistake as he takes advantage of it and stabs me in the side. I punch him and push him away, staggering away as I try to figure out if keeping the knife in or pulling it out was the smarter move. A mixture of pain, sadness, and fear take over as I stumble to the ground, gripping my side as Chris gets to his feet, wiping the blood off his lip. “This isn’t you.” “But this is what I’ve always been thinking,” he corrects, shooting forward and grabbing the knife, yanking it out of my side. “I fell for a human, for $name Roe, and you are not ?him. You’re a monster. And we all know that monsters deserve to be put down.” [[“Shut up! Shut up!”]] [[“Then put me down.”]] [[“This is my worst fear, that’s all.”]] <<elseif $chosenZillah>>\ Zillah draws back, untangling himself from around me and taking a few steps back. I let my head fall back onto the headboard, letting out a deep refreshed sigh as I stretch out along the bed. “That was …” I sigh with a soft smile. “Adequate at best,” I pause, swallowing a lump in my throat as I look over at Zillah, who's busy redressing. “Adequate?” “Yes. Lacking, mediocre, subpar, whichever word you wish to use,” he answers, waving his hand nonchalantly. I was at a loss for words, not knowing how to reply. “I guess I only have myself to blame,” he continues, turning to me as he buttons his shirt, “I was interested in what you would feel like, and I got my answer. A waste of time at best. Congratulations, $name, you are now what many would call a used toy.” [[“Fuck you, Zillah.”]] [[Stammer and look away.]] [[“You’re not Zillah.”]] <<elseif $chosenAmari>>\ Amari lets her bag fall to the ground, and she glares at me, crossing her arms over her chest. “Where … where are you going, Amari?” I ask, taking a minute to try and figure out where we both were. It looked like some average motel but not one that I recognize. “Don’t act surprised,” she tells me, “you knew this was coming. The only question was when.” “What are you talking about?” My question seems to only cause more anger, and she visibly bristles and then stiffens, “you know I lived my life always believing there was good in the world. That for every evil there were at least two good forces that would quell it. That there was a balance, and no matter how horrible something was, there was a bright side. But congratulations, $name.” I shake my head in confusion as tears stream down her face, and her voice cracks. Moving her arms to now wrap them around her. “Congratulations, you broke me.” [[“Amari, what are you talking about?”]] [[“Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”]] [[“You’re not real.”]] <<elseif $chosenRahim>>\ I glance around the small room to see Rahim leaning on the doorframe, peering at me like he was exhausted. “Rahim?” I question, realization setting in. “Why are you still here?” “What?” “I told you to go. You’re not welcomed here anymore, you know that.” “Why? What … what did I do?” There weren’t any dead bodies or blood streaks on the walls meaning that I hadn’t just killed someone or lost control. “Let’s not have this talk all over again; just go, dealing with you is exasperating.” I open my mouth to question him again but then close it, did I really want to know what I did? This was Hell, whatever scene was about to unfold could be totally averted if I just do as he asks and leave. [[Leave.|JHO7Leave]] [[Question him first.]] [[Apologize for whatever happened.]] <<elseif $chosenSydero>>\ “You never learn? Do you, Roe?” Sydero questions from in front of me. The desert surrounds me, but the cow beast has vanished, and besides some furniture just magically appearing, it looks like I hadn’t moved at all. Sydero looks like her usual self, no trace of her demon lineage to be seen. “This isn’t real? Please tell me it isn’t real,” I beg, clenching my eyes closed and refusing to meet her gaze. “It’s as real as anything else you experienced in here.” “And I still don’t know how real those things were,” I tell her, and she nods her head in understanding. She gets up from the seat that she had been residing in and approaches me. “You have no one to blame but yourself.” “Don’t, Syd.” “Am I lying? Did I not give you chances? Countless warnings? Either you’re an idiot or a masochist, or both.” [[“I want an apology.”]] [[“Takes one to know one.”]] [[“Another Nightmare, huh?”]] <<else>>\ <<if $uncledead>>\ I knew this is just another test, but the surroundings are calm, peaceful. Tranquil waters rest around me, along with a thick fog that reminds me of the same fog that surrounded us when we first arrived. A solemn drumming sound can be heard in the distance, and though my mind tells me that I should fear it, I can’t. I just can’t. “$name.” I turn around and see Uncle Matheus standing there, his arms open towards me. I shake my head and take a step back, not wishing to go through this again. “I know you’re a Nightmare. I’m not doing this again.” A tear rushes down my face as I look him over, “I can’t, please. Something else, please.” Lightly, my chin is raised, and I see that my uncle now closer than before. “I don’t know what you’ve been going through, but I’m no Nightmare.” “Then, what is this?” “This is goodbye.” For some reason, that hurt more than I thought it would. I move back, but my uncle doesn’t let me escape this time, wrapping his arms around me and bringing me into a tight hug. <<else>>\ I find myself in an open field, an unusual scene based off of all the other scenes that I’ve been privy to. There is no ominous feeling, no dark, gloomy sky, or foreboding fog. The sky is blue, and a few speckled clouds drifted by overhead. A cool breeze dances past me, rustling the tall grass and causing trees’ branches to sway. <<if $cp>>I hear the soft sounds of a guitar and follow it to the side of a lake where I find Chris resting against a log, at his side was me, a notebook in my lap.<<else>> I hear the soft sounds of music and follow it to a lake where I find myself sitting with my back against a log, a notebook in my lap.<</if>> Observing the scene closer, I spot the others in no time. A few feet away from us sits Bradley, of course typing away at his laptop, and watching him from the shade of a tree is Sydero. When not gazing at him, she seems to be daydreaming with a light, carefree smile. A few feet away from her, sitting on a picnic blanket is Amari, Rahim, and Zillah. Zillah looks to be taking a nap, and Amari is picking through the picnic basket while Rahim flips through a book’s pages. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
I move towards the door, my heart hopeful that I could end this before it even started, but I should’ve known that that was all wishful thinking. Something forces me to stop and look over at him before leaving, waiting for him to say something, anything. He stares at me, but he’s the one to gaze away, his frown deepening. “I must’ve done something horrible,” I say. “Yea, like existing.” “What?” He sighs and tilts his head back, regarding the ceiling before finally looking at me, “something told me that trusting you wasn’t wise. And I didn’t trust my gut, because I’m that idiot.” “Rahim … I thought …” “You thought what?” he asks, raising a brow and I find myself asking the same question. What did I think? That maybe after getting to know me he would come to trust me? That him saying he had feelings for me would change the course our relationship? Did I think me and him ever had a chance? “Just,” I sigh, feeling the turmoil start in my chest, spreading and corrupting everything it comes across. “Just that maybe …” “Maybe what? That we would end up together?” he snorts and shakes his head in amazement, “$name, I will never love someone like you. Ever. You had to have known that.” I swallow my words, forcing them back down my throat as I stare at the wall, the floor, outside the door, anything but him. “You’re not worth it and some things … some things just aren’t worth the fight.” My heart trembles in my chest at his words. Who wanted to be told that they weren’t worth it? Wasn’t worth the added work? That if they were to walk away, no one would follow. “You mean me!” I shout, shivering as I stand before him. I was fully clothed and yet I felt bare, as if everything was exposed to him. “Yea, I mean you.” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You know I’m close to coming for you, when we find you, you owe me an apology, and I will collect.” I hope that my words would defuse whatever situation we had entered in, but it doesn’t, her expression doesn’t shift and she doesn’t look the least bit amused. She frowns and looks into the distance, “you’re almost there, huh.” “Yea. Yea, I am.” “You’re not going to like what you find. Whatever happy reunion you’re preparing for isn’t going to happen, you know that, don’t you?” “I know that I’m going to free you from here and take you back, that’s what I know,” I answer, closing my eyes and refusing to think about what she was insinuating. “You’re making this too easy, Roe,” she laughs, circling me much like a predator, her calm mannerism gone. “You know when you came up to me and said that you wanted in on this. I knew that I’d hurt you eventually. That somehow, I would be the cause for your death. And now, you’re just walking towards it.” My heart freezes as it waits for her to finish her thought. She comes to a stop in front of me and, with a lack of emotion in her eyes, observes me. <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“It takes one to know one, don’t you think?” She throws her head back as she lets out a long laugh, shrugging her shoulders when she finally calms down. “I suppose so.” She frowns and looks into the distance, “you’re almost there, huh.” “Yea. Yea, I am.” “You’re not going to like what you find. Whatever happy reunion you’re preparing for isn’t going to happen, you know that, don’t you?” “I know that I’m going to free you from here and take you back, that’s what I know,” I answer, closing my eyes and refusing to think about what she was insinuating. “You’re making this too easy, Roe,” she laughs, circling me much like a predator, her calm mannerism gone. “You know when you came up to me and said that you wanted in on this. I knew that I’d hurt you eventually. That somehow, I would be the cause for your death. And now, you’re just walking towards it.” My heart freezes as it waits for her to finish her thought. She comes to a stop in front of me and, with a lack of emotion in her eyes, observes me. <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Another Nightmare, huh? When is this all going to end?” “Did you walk into Hell, thinking it would be easy?” “No, but I am mentally and physically exhausted, and something tells me you’re not about to make it easier.” She frowns and looks into the distance, “you’re almost there, huh.” “Yea. Yea, I am.” “You’re not going to like what you find. Whatever happy reunion you’re preparing for isn’t going to happen, you know that, don’t you?” “I know that I’m going to free you from here and take you back, that’s what I know,” I answer, closing my eyes and refusing to think about what she was insinuating. “You’re making this too easy, Roe,” she laughs, circling me much like a predator, her calm mannerism gone. “You know when you came up to me and said that you wanted in on this. I knew that I’d hurt you eventually. That somehow, I would be the cause for your death. And now, you’re just walking towards it.” My heart freezes as it waits for her to finish her thought. She comes to a stop in front of me and, with a lack of emotion in her eyes, observes me. <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I’ll leave, but only after you tell me what we so-called talked about and what I did.” He lazily looks at me, “why? So, we can fall into another pointless argument? I’m tired, $name, I really don’t have the energy for you, nor the care.” I pause, my brow furrowing. Something deep inside told me not to ask, but I do so anyway, “what?” He sighs and tilts his head back, regarding the ceiling before finally looking at me, “something told me that trusting you wasn’t wise. And I didn’t trust my gut, because I’m that idiot.” “Rahim … I thought …” “You thought what?” he asks, raising a brow and I find myself asking the same question. What did I think? That maybe after getting to know me he would come to trust me? That him saying he had feelings for me would change the course our relationship? Did I think me and him ever had a chance? “Just,” I sigh, feeling the turmoil start in my chest, spreading and corrupting everything it comes across. “Just that maybe …” “Maybe what? That we would end up together?” he snorts and shakes his head in amazement, “$name, I will never love someone like you. Ever. You had to have known that.” I swallow my words, forcing them back down my throat as I stare at the wall, the floor, outside the door, anything but him. “You’re not worth it and some things … some things just aren’t worth the fight.” My heart trembles in my chest at his words. Who wanted to be told that they weren’t worth it? Wasn’t worth the added work? That if they were to walk away, no one would follow. “You mean me!” I shout, shivering as I stand before him. I was fully clothed and yet I felt bare, as if everything was exposed to him. “Yea, I mean you.” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Rahim, I don’t know what I did or what I said, but I’m s –” Is all I’m able to get out before he stops me, shaking his head and waving his hands through the air as if to ward off some kind of evil spirit. “Don’t you dare. I swear if you apologize, I’m going to grab you and throw you out myself. Stop apologizing, especially since we both know that you don’t mean it. You never mean it, and after the first couple of times, I realized that too.” He sighs and tilts his head back, regarding the ceiling before finally looking at me, “something told me that trusting you wasn’t wise. And I didn’t trust my gut, because I’m that idiot.” “Rahim … I thought …” “You thought what?” he asks, raising a brow and I find myself asking the same question. What did I think? That maybe after getting to know me he would come to trust me? That him saying he had feelings for me would change the course our relationship? Did I think me and him ever had a chance? “Just,” I sigh, feeling the turmoil start in my chest, spreading and corrupting everything it comes across. “Just that maybe …” “Maybe what? That we would end up together?” he snorts and shakes his head in amazement, “$name, I will never love someone like you. Ever. You had to have known that.” I swallow my words, forcing them back down my throat as I stare at the wall, the floor, outside the door, anything but him. “You’re not worth it and some things … some things just aren’t worth the fight.” My heart trembles in my chest at his words. Who wanted to be told that they weren’t worth it? Wasn’t worth the added work? That if they were to walk away, no one would follow. “You mean me!” I shout, shivering as I stand before him. I was fully clothed and yet I felt bare, as if everything was exposed to him. “Yea, I mean you.” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Amari, what are you talking about? What did I do?” She stares at me and then shakes her head, “so, that’s how this is going to end? I was hoping that you would discover your fault. That you would at least claim it, but you can’t even do that. At the end of the day, you’d rather act stupid. You’re the wolf in that story, the wolf in sheep’s clothing.” The last part of her words seeps out thick with poison instead of sadness. “I –,” I start, but she again cuts me off. “Stop. You once told me everything I should be afraid of, but you managed to leave off one important thing from that list, yourself. I am terrified of you, $name. And I hate myself for not seeing this earlier. When you come around me, I feel dirty and horrible, and …” she shakes her head as she wipes the tears from her eyes. “And what?” “And like a monster. Like the beast everyone expects me to be. The one thing that was saving me from this world, you took away.” She takes a step away from me, and grabs her bag, “you’re the darkness that blocked out the sun.” She moves for the door, and I react by moving towards her, wishing to know where this was coming from and why. To understand what I did to cause here to feel like this. She shrieks, jumping away from me and breaking my heart in the process. I watch as she cowers to the side, much like someone who was used to being hurt by someone they had once thought they cared for. My jaw moves but no words come out as I take a step back, and then another, confused and hurt by her reaction. <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Whatever I did, I’m sorry. I didn’t –” “Stop!” she shouts, pain laced through all her words, “your fake apologies won’t work anymore. I truly thought it was always something out there, but it’s you, $name, you’re the evil, and there is no bright side to you. There is no light, and there is nothing positive about you.” The last part of her words seeps out thick with poison instead of sadness. “I –,” I start, but she again cuts me off. “Stop. You once told me everything I should be afraid of, but you managed to leave off one important thing from that list, yourself. I am terrified of you, $name. And I hate myself for not seeing this earlier. When you come around me, I feel dirty and horrible, and …” she shakes her head as she wipes the tears from her eyes. “And what?” “And like a monster. Like the beast everyone expects me to be. The one thing that was saving me from this world, you took away.” She takes a step away from me, and grabs her bag, “you’re the darkness that blocked out the sun.” She moves for the door, and I react by moving towards her, wishing to know where this was coming from and why. To understand what I did to cause here to feel like this. She shrieks, jumping away from me and breaking my heart in the process. I watch as she cowers to the side, much like someone who was used to being hurt by someone they had once thought they cared for. My jaw moves but no words come out as I take a step back, and then another, confused and hurt by her reaction. <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You’re not real, and so the stuff that you’re saying means nothing. You’re just some Nightmare who wants to feed on me. I won’t give you the benefit.” The tears that rush down her face look real enough, though. The way that her bottom lip quivers do as well, and the hopeless look in her eyes, screams Amari. “So, that’s it? I was hoping that you would find your fault. That you would at least claim it, but you can’t even do that. At the end of the day, you’d rather just ignore everything. You’re the wolf in that story, the wolf in sheep’s clothing.” The last part of her words seeps out thick with poison instead of sadness. “I –,” I start, but she again cuts me off. “Stop. You once told me everything I should be afraid of, but you managed to leave off one important thing from that list, yourself. I am terrified of you, $name. And I hate myself for not seeing this earlier. When you come around me, I feel dirty and horrible, and …” she shakes her head as she wipes the tears from her eyes. “And what?” “And like a monster. Like the beast everyone expects me to be. The one thing that was saving me from this world, you took away.” She takes a step away from me, and grabs her bag, “you’re the darkness that blocked out the sun.” She moves for the door, and I react by moving towards her, wishing to know where this was coming from and why. To understand what I did to cause here to feel like this. She shrieks, jumping away from me and breaking my heart in the process. I watch as she cowers to the side, much like someone who was used to being hurt by someone they had once thought they cared for. My jaw moves but no words come out as I take a step back, and then another, confused and hurt by her reaction. <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Shut up!” I scream, fighting back the tears, “shut up!” I want to crawl away from him to numb my hearing or even my feelings and block him out. But I can’t, I’m stuck listening to everything that leaves his mouth. “You’re a Nightmare. I’m not stupid, you’re a Nightmare.” Chris grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. I was staring into his blue eyes, the same lovely blue eyes that always cheered me up. That always told me that even when we fought, it would get better. “I lied to you. I said that we needed a break because I needed to be better, that was such a lie that I’m surprised your dumbass didn’t see through it. I needed a permanent break because you disgust me.” I attempt to punch him away, to get away, but he stomps down on my ankle, and I whimper as I lie there. Why did this hurt more than all of the other things that I’ve been put through? “You’re a walking abomination, and I’m embarrassed to have ever had feelings for you. I thank you, though.” He grabs my chin and looks me in the eye, “I thank you for this one thing. For making me into a hunter so that I can kill shits like you.” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Then put me down!” I scream, half of my attention on trying to stop the spread of blood, and the other on the man threatening me. “Kill me and stop giving me this speech just to get a reaction. I don’t want to, nor do I need to hear this.” Chris grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. I was staring into his blue eyes, the same lovely blue eyes that always cheered me up. That always told me that even when we fought, it would get better. “I lied to you. I said that we needed a break because I needed to be better, that was such a lie that I’m surprised your dumbass didn’t see through it. I needed a permanent break because you disgust me.” I attempt to punch him away, to get away, but he stomps down on my ankle, and I whimper as I lie there. Why did this hurt more than all of the other things that I’ve been put through? “You’re a walking abomination, and I’m embarrassed to have ever had feelings for you. I thank you, though.” He grabs my chin and looks me in the eye, “I thank you for this one thing. For making me into a hunter so that I can kill shits like you.” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“This is my worst fear,” I whimper, trying to stop the spread of blood. <<if $bloodfear>>The thought of blood was enough to make me want to pass out, but this wasn’t the first, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. I had to stomach it if only to get out of here.<</if>> “You’re a Nightmare, feeding on me.” Chris grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. I was staring into his blue eyes, the same lovely blue eyes that always cheered me up. That always told me that even when we fought, it would get better. “I lied to you. I said that we needed a break because I needed to be better, that was such a lie that I’m surprised your dumbass didn’t see through it. I needed a permanent break because you disgust me.” I attempt to punch him away, to get away, but he stomps down on my ankle, and I whimper as I lie there. Why did this hurt more than all of the other things that I’ve been put through? “You’re a walking abomination, and I’m embarrassed to have ever had feelings for you. I thank you, though.” He grabs my chin and looks me in the eye, “I thank you for this one thing. For making me into a hunter so that I can kill shits like you.” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $chosenChris>>\ <<if $m_fear is "unloved">>\ I wait for the blade to strike me, for the darkness to come and claim me like it always did, for some kind of new pain to settle. But nothing comes. I open my eyes and see Chris closer than before. His eyes are the first thing that I see, those soft eyes capturing me like they always do. I glance away and choke on my own blood, trying to push his face out of my thoughts, the surmounting feeling of betrayal and being unloved. I unleash a whimper as the tears stream down my face. “You don’t mean any of this,” I mutter. He delicately lifts my chin to meet his eyes, but I close mine, not wishing to be fooled. This hellscape wasn’t real, but if I looked into his eyes, then a piece of me would doubt it. They would bring back every real moment that I felt with Chris, everything we shared between us. I was tired, and my body was broken, I didn’t need my heart to join it. Against my better judgment, I open my eyes and see him. He trails his finger lightly down my cheek, and I shiver, blinking away the tears. “I wanted a version of you. And now, not even that.” He backs away, and I feel him tugging my heart with him, despite how much I mentally scream at it to stop. “Where … where are you going!” I stammer. He turns to me with a sneer, “the only thing that will hurt you more than killing you is leaving you alive. Letting you know that no one out there loves you, least of all me.” And with that, he leaves. I let out a strangled gasp, my chest caving, a burning sensation deep within. “Chris!” I yell in both rage and sadness, clutching my side, clutching my heart. The darkness claims me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<elseif $m_fear is "worthless">>\ I wait for the blade to strike me, for the darkness to come and claim me like it always did, for some kind of new pain to settle. But nothing comes. I open my eyes and see Chris making his way to the door. “Where are you going!” I scream. He turns to me with a sneer, “I misspoke, I’m not going to kill you, you’re not worth the energy.” He shrugs but adds nothing else to that as he opens the door and leaves. Another strangled breath escapes me as silence sets in, and I realize, he truly left. I glance around in agony, and I find myself feeling small like I genuinely wasn’t worth it. The darkness claims me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<else>>\ I attempt to crawl away when the blade strikes me, plunging deeper than before. The darkness claims me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <</if>>\ <<elseif $chosenZillah>>\ <<if $m_fear is "unloved">>\ “Or what? What will a broken thing like you do? I think you know, deep down inside, what this was. You were either hoping that I would change your mind or prove to yourself that someone could love something like you. Possible, if you had anything to offer, which you don’t. No personality, no strength, sex appeal is meh at best. Face it, $name, you will forever drift through this world unloved.” “And what about you!” I say, choking on a sob that I force down, “you’re no better.” “Ah, that ploy. Try to bring someone down to your level to make yourself feel better about yourself. A shame that it won’t really work. I have no fear of this; in fact, I went more than a few centuries without it. You, on the other hand, feel yourself crumbling inside. Your heart-shattering, peeling much like a dying rose, petal by petal.” He pauses and grins, “how close am I?” I glare at him, and he snorts in victory, nodding his head as he departs, leaving me there alone and naked on the bed. My heart does precisely what he had described, delivering an even harder punch to my pride. Telling myself that it wasn’t true, that this didn’t affect me was pointless, just another lie to stack on to the many other ones that were rushing about in my head. I sit in agony, holding everything in until I release it. And as I do, the darkness claims me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<elseif $m_fear is "worthless">>\ “Or what? What will a broken thing like you do? I think you know, deep down inside, what this was. At most, you just didn’t want me to say anything. You can’t think, even for a minute, that you were important, least of all to me, right? If so, then you’re more delusional than I thought.” My chest constricts, and I glare at my hands, squeezing them together as if they alone were going to make all of this disappear. He leaves with a snort and a light condescending laugh, and I find myself breaking. This hurt, this was the worst of all. The darkness claims me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<else>>\ “Or what?” he asks in interest, “what will a broken and used thing like you do? You’re just a toy for the next person to use before they throw you away, a never-ending cycle, really.” My chest constricts, and I glare at my hands, squeezing them together as if they alone were going to make all of this disappear. He leaves with a snort and a light condescending laugh, and I find myself breaking. This hurt, this was the worst of all. The darkness claims me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <</if>>\ <<elseif $chosenAmari>>\ “Don’t come near me,” she shouts and darts for the door. “Amari,” I say again, but I don’t make a move in her direction. <<if $m_fear is "unloved">>\ “No! I hope you don’t find anyone. That you keep searching, and you always come up empty. I hope that everyone sees through whatever mask you think you wear properly. I don’t want anyone to ever go through this, to find that monsters don’t reside under their beds, that they sleep on top of them, right next to you. You’re a horrible person!” She turns on her heel and rushes out of the door, her sobs growing dimmer as she gets farther away. <<elseif $m_fear is "worthless">>\ “No! Don’t come near me. You’re a horrible person, and you won’t be happy until you drag down everybody with you just so you can stand on top and say that you were there first. I regret ever knowing you and if I could … if I could go back and redo that day, I would walk away. I would walk away and let the wolves take me.” She turns on her heel and rushes out of the door, her sobs growing dimmer as she gets farther away. <<else>>\ “Leave me alone!” she shrieks and rushes out of the door, her sobs growing dimmer as she gets farther away. <</if>>\ I stand frozen, she had successfully pierced my heart, and I didn’t know what to say or do. I felt out of breath, and my heart was in pieces at the bottom of my stomach, the acid eating it away. This hurt, this was the worst of all. I fall to my knees, and the darkness begins to claim me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<elseif $chosenRahim>>\ “You’re a coward,” I find myself saying, taking a step towards him, hoping that he was going to retreat, that he would stop looking at me as if he had nothing but pity for me. But he doesn’t, he gives me a sympathetic glance like that was what I needed, him and his damn sympathy. <<if $m_fear is "unloved">>\ “I … I thought if anyone would understand, you would,” I lament, the tears rushing down my cheeks even as I tell them to stop. Rahim’s shoulders slump as he turns towards me, cradling my cheek as he leans in, our foreheads almost touching. “If I could go back, I would’ve turned you away.” I don’t know what I expect, but those words were not it, and as his hand drops from my face, I find myself shivering uncontrollably, yearning for warmth once again. “Rahim,” I find myself saying, but he just shakes his head and refuses to turn back. Somewhere on his person was my heart. Somehow, he had grabbed it, tore it from its place, and crumbled it, and let the pieces fall to the floor. The world grows so cold that it’s unbearable, my chest feels empty, and I feel like someone was squeezing my lungs. With everything that had happened today, this hurts the most, it stung in a hundred different ways, and I just needed it to stop. I fall to my knees, and the darkness begins to claim me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<elseif $m_fear is "worthless">>\ “And you’re not worth it,” he says so simply that I don’t know whether it’s his tone or the words themselves that cause the tears to rush out. He turns on his heel and before leaving, looks over his shoulder, “and you never will be, $name. You will always be left behind because you’re too heavy to bring along, and yet so insignificant.” And with that said, he leaves. He leaves, and I crumble. With everything that had happened today, this hurts the most, it stung in a hundred different ways, and I just needed it to stop. I fall to my knees, and the darkness begins to claim me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<else>>\ “I’ll be that,” Rahim tells me, gazing at me with icy eyes that I thought were beginning to thaw, eyes that, at one point, were getting just slightly softer, slightly kinder. There was no need within them, no want, and nothing but pity that lacked empathy. He turns and walks out of the door, leaving me there, and I crumble. With everything that had happened today, this hurts the most, it stung in a hundred different ways, and I just needed it to stop. I fall to my knees, and the darkness begins to claim me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <</if>>\ <<elseif $chosenSydero>>\ “You’re just going to walk straight into your death, huh?” “I trust you, Syd,” I whisper, and she throws her head back laughing. <<if $m_fear is "unloved">>\ “For what reason? Do you think I care?” And there it goes; I knew I was waiting for her to hit me with something, but I didn’t know what it would be. “Do you think that I care about hurting you emotionally or physically? If you do, then you’re horribly wrong.” She cups my face and yanks me forward so that I stumble into her, “you mean nothing to me, and it took me this long to figure that out.” She releases me and laughs again, “I really did try and tell myself that you were something special. You have no idea how hard I had to persuade myself on that lie. I should’ve stopped long ago.” “Shut up,” I growl, shivering despite the gusts of hot air that the wind sends our way. “I looked at you every day and felt disgusted,” she continues, smirking, “you know that a demon like me can leave whenever they want to, right? Maybe you should ask yourself why I hadn’t.” <<elseif $m_fear is "worthless">>\ “For what reason? Do you think I care?” And there it goes; I knew I was waiting for her to hit me with something, but I didn’t know what it would be. She cups my face and yanks me forward so that I end up stumbling into her, “you mean nothing to me. You are nothing, Roe. What will it take to make you realize that your purpose in this world is one thing and one thing only? To give yourself over?” “Shut up,” I growl, pushing her away, shivering despite the gusts of hot air that the wind sends our way. “You’re a shell. And it’s about time you realize that the only thing special about you is your body. Not you.” “Say this to my face when I see you, then I’ll think about it,” I scream at her. “You do know that a demon like me can leave whenever they want to, right? Maybe you should ask yourself why I hadn’t.” <<else>>\ “For what reason? Do you think I care?” And there it goes; I knew I was waiting for her to hit me with something, but I didn’t know what it would be. She cups my face and yanks me forward so that I end up stumbling into her, “you mean nothing to me. What will it take you to realize that? You’re a fun roll in the sheets, sure, but barely even that.” “Shut up,” I growl, pushing her away, shivering despite the gusts of hot air that the wind sends our way. “Don’t act like you don’t know,” she snickers, “you look at yourself and know that you won’t ever be loved, that you’re just some lonesome traveler trying to find their purpose. You gotta know this, you can’t be that stupid.” “Say this to my face when I see you, and I’ll tell you,” I scream at her. “You do know that a demon like me can leave whenever they want to, right? Maybe you should ask yourself why I hadn’t.” <</if>>\ With a lingering look that showed more disgust than pity, she turns on her heel and walks away, leaving me with a thought that had only surfaced every so often. Multiple times she had shown me what she was and warned me against the one thing I was now maybe minutes away from doing. And though I tried not to ask myself the question before, it was now the only thing on my mind. What if she didn’t want to leave? If she genuinely didn’t want to go with us and wanted to stay here? With everything that had happened today, this hurts the most, it stung in a hundred different ways, and I just needed it to stop. I fall to my knees, and the darkness begins to claim me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<else>>\ <<if $uncledead>>\ “I’m so sorry,” I tell him, “you shouldn’t have died.” “Shh. I know. I know.” He pulls back, and I watch as his eyes are red, tears streaming down his face. “I never blamed you, not one bit. And this entire time, I just wanted to get to you to tell you how much I love you. And how much I will always love you.” “Why here?” I question. “Because,” he laughs, wiping away a tear that decides to rest on my cheek, “your one desire was to get one last hug from your old Uncle, the coolest guy around.” He laughs and hugs me again, and I embrace him like it was the last time. A second later, I’m hugging air, and I drop to my knees as the sobs wrack my body. This was the first moment that wasn’t horrible, and yet, it hurt the most. The pain would last the longest, and though it wouldn’t leave a physical scar, it wouldn’t fade anytime soon. I let the darkness claim me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <<else>>\ I take a step back and take in the entirety of the scene, realizing how calm and lovely it all was … and how much it was breaking my heart as I realized that there was a chance I may never get this. I wanted //this//. The scene doesn’t shift, nothing dangerous shows itself, and the scene just continues to play on. The only thing changing is everyone’s position when Amari calls everyone over. Zillah wakes up, Rahim puts his book down, <<if $cp>>Chris stops playing,<</if>> I stop doing whatever I was doing, and we all wander over. Laughing and talking about random things. Sydero teases Bradley, and <<if $cp>>Chris and Zillah argue about something trivial<<else>>Zillah points out something trivial<</if>>. I ask Rahim about his book, and Amari goes on a rant about star-crossed lovers. And I, the real $name, watch. I sit back and watch as it all happens, ignoring the stabbing pains in my heart. I don’t notice the tears streaming down my face until the scene begins to fade. This was the first moment that wasn’t horrible, and yet, it hurt the most. The pain would last the longest, and though it wouldn’t leave a physical scar, it wouldn’t fade anytime soon. I let the darkness claim me as it always did. Though this darkness, it was much colder and lonelier than all the others. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO7_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Fuck you, Zillah!” I shout in rage, my anger surmounting as he chuckles deeply. “You already did, and I’m sure it was much more pleasurable for you than me.” I grit my teeth as he grabs his shoes, sighing, and looking at me. “Have at least an ounce of decency for yourself, $name. Put some clothes on that poorly misshapen thing you call a body.” The need to attack him or at least defend myself was growing, but I find myself unable to think of anything that could cut deeper, and somehow, I doubt my punch would even be fast enough. He makes for the door when he pauses, cocking his head to the side as if he had just realized something. “Wait,” he starts, turning to me with a wicked grin, “did you truly think that I wanted you because you were something special, $name?” I don’t answer, and he erupts into laughter, leaning on the wall to support himself, “you must be joking. I see you as a simple object, here for another’s pleasure, and then to be discarded after. You call them sex toys, right?” “Stop talking,” I growl, “just leave!” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I attempt to form words, but nothing comes out, I was still reeling from his previous statements. He pauses and glances at me in disgust. “Have at least an ounce of decency for yourself, $name. Put some clothes on that poorly misshapen thing you call a body.” The need to attack him or at least defend myself was growing, but I find myself unable to think of anything that could cut deeper, and somehow, I doubt my punch would even be fast enough. He makes for the door when he pauses, cocking his head to the side as if he had just realized something. “Wait,” he starts, turning to me with a wicked grin, “did you truly think that I wanted you because you were something special, $name?” I don’t answer, and he erupts into laughter, leaning on the wall to support himself, “you must be joking. I see you as a simple object, here for another’s pleasure, and then to be discarded after. You call them sex toys, right?” “Stop talking,” I growl, “just leave!” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You’re not Zillah,” I say, steeling myself in an attempt to ward off whatever emotion was threatening to spill out. “You’re a Nightmare, and this is Hell, and I’m done with whatever test this was.” “Yes, and yes, but I must applaud you for how on point your perception of me is. All of this is so spot on that if anything, I’m getting you ready for the real thing.” He pauses and glances at me in disgust. “Have at least an ounce of decency for yourself, $name. Put some clothes on that poorly misshapen thing you call a body.” The need to attack him or at least defend myself was growing, but I find myself unable to think of anything that could cut deeper, and somehow, I doubt my punch would even be fast enough. He makes for the door when he pauses, cocking his head to the side as if he had just realized something. “Wait,” he starts, turning to me with a wicked grin, “did you truly think that I wanted you because you were something special, $name?” I don’t answer, and he erupts into laughter, leaning on the wall to support himself, “you must be joking. I see you as a simple object, here for another’s pleasure, and then to be discarded after. You call them sex toys, right?” “Stop talking,” I growl, “just leave!” <a data-passage="JHO7_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I fall deeper and deeper, no longer wishing or having the strength to fight off being devoured by whatever Nightmare had finally claimed my entire being. If it was going to end this, then I welcome it. I close my eyes and let it happen. I finally just let go. <a data-passage="EP8-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/actthree.png"> “$name!” someone shouts, and I find that I’m no longer falling but lying on the ground with Rahim hovering over me. Lazily, I gaze around and discover that we’re still in the desert though a few large buildings rest in the near distance. Whereas once there was silence, I can now hear the faraway hums of music and maybe even shouting, though perhaps that was just my imagination. “$name, look at me,” Rahim growls, lightly tapping my cheek, “you need to conquer this.” [[“I can’t!”]] [[“Easier said than done.”]] [[“No, fuck everything.”]] [[“Are you even really here?”]] [[Don’t reply.]]
“No,” I scream at the top of my lungs. “Fuck you. Fuck Sydero. Fuck Bradley, Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris, <</if>>Zillah, the Princes. Raum and these fucking demons and angels. Each and every one of you. Fuck all of you. I’m tired and dying, and I can’t do this anymore. Every time I turn around, one of you seems to have a bone to pick with me. Something else to nitpick me on or fucking complain about. I’m doing my damn hardest. I didn’t ask for any of this, and I’m trying my hardest to get a hold of it and contain it. So for once, climb off my back.” Tears rush down my cheeks as I scream everything to the skies. I don’t care what Nightmares are attracted or who hears. Nothing inside of me cares anymore. “I’m tired. So fuck everything you guys think about me and how I handle it. I don’t. Care.” The words feel like they repeat in my head, and though the sound begins to fade along with the fierce beating of my heart, I can hear something command me to release it. If I knew how I probably would do everything I could if only to shut it up. It, along with everyone else, can fuck off. The shouts leave my voice hoarse and my body and emotions feeling completely drained. I always heard that releasing stuff like this should make one feel lighter but there’s simply a weight leaning on me. Patting my shoulder with fictious sympathy. “$name,” Rahim starts, but I don’t allow him to finish. “Give me a minute, Rahim. <<if $RRomance >=5>>I just need a moment to gather some energy, if you even care for my excuses.<<else>>And if you have a problem with that, you can kiss my ass.<</if>>” I suppose even angelic Rahim has some common sense or understanding about him, as he does leave me to it. He stands off to the side quietly and waits for me to move. When I finally do, he continues his silence, leading me towards the towering buildings that rest in the distance. <a data-passage="JHO8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I can’t!” I shout, no longer caring about anything. I don’t have the energy to care anymore. My body is tired, and besides the fear that still glides across my sweat-drenched skin, I felt nothing. “I’m fucking tired! I didn’t sign up for any of this! I was a normal person. I had a normal fucking life, and then all of this shit happened to me.” I couldn’t stop, everything that I was feeling, suffering through was coming out. <<if $uncledead and $chrissafe is false>>\ “I lost everything! My parents are dead, my uncle is dead, Chris is dead! Who is left in my life that hasn’t gone through bullshit because of the plain fact that I exist, and they knew me?” My throat hurts from screaming, but the pain feels mild compared to the turmoil that racks my entire body, “I’m dying! I’m confused. And I just want this all to stop.” I sob as the last part leaves my tongue. My legs grow weak, and I collapse, burying my face in my thighs. “I need all of this to stop. Everything is so dark, and there’s no light. I don’t want this anymore. I don’t.” I look up into Rahim’s eyes, unsurprised but still just as broken to see that his angelic nature gave nothing away. <</if>>\ <<if $RRomance >=5>>\ “And I just really want Rahim back.” “$name,” he starts, but I shake my head, recoiling at his hand. “My Rahim … the Rahim who wouldn’t think twice about giving me a hand, and even if he knew that this wasn’t the time, he’d try to make this feel just slightly more bearable.” I don’t bother looking into his eyes this time, I didn’t want to see the emotionless pit that rested there. I take a few more minutes to myself before standing, immediately moving past him. <<else>>\ Each step haunts me. Tired, broken, pointless. Hell could take me … it could take me, and I would fail to care. <</if>>\ Rahim doesn’t push me, standing off to the side quietly and waiting for me to move. When I finally do, he continues his silence, leading me towards the towering buildings that rest in the distance. <a data-passage="JHO8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Easier said than done,” I sigh dramatically. Despite my dramatic behavior, my words hold truth. I don’t have much energy left. It felt as if my body was just done, having experienced trauma on top of trauma, and was now ready to shut down. “We don’t have time for this, $name.” “What happened to our plan back there?” I question, “the whole stick together, and if my emotions become too great, you’ll transfer them over to yourself.” “Your emotions were screaming,” he tells me blankly, “I pulled so much emotion from you that the Nightmares came after me as well, and by then, you were gone. Your emotions were … I don’t even know how to describe it. I’m sure it’s because you’re in the Underworld and unstable, but I wasn’t prepared for that.” “So, I am a beacon? Are my emotions still off the charts? Can you tell?” “Yes. If I was a more sensitive empath, then being around you would probably kill me. Honestly, if you were human, you would probably have killed yourself.” <<if $serious >=50>>“Another thing on a long list of bullshit that I must face,” I growl, “a perfect example at how I will never receive a break.” <<else>>“I do love how I keep learning all of these positive things about myself.”<</if>> “If it means anything,” Rahim starts, extending his hand to help me up, “I’m sorry this is happening to you.” I thank him with a solemn nod but ignore his hand, I needed a few more minutes. Rahim doesn’t push me, standing off to the side quietly and waiting for me to move. When I finally do, he continues his silence, leading me towards the towering buildings that rest in the distance. <a data-passage="JHO8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Are you even really here, Rahim? Or is this just another Nightmare that somehow figured out that showing you to me would work?” <<if $RRomance >=5>>\ He narrows his gaze but stays quiet for a few minutes more before speaking, “the only way a Nightmare could use me against you here is if you had some desire to see me. And I don’t see why you would unless …” He frowns as if the idea of me desiring him is something he’d rather avoid. “Just get up and come on.” “I’d rather stay down here,” I mutter, turning over so that my back is now facing him. “$name, up, now.” “Rahim, down, no.” “You would have me carry you?” I close my eyes and take a hesitant breath in, wondering how cruel my mind was to conjure the image of him carrying me. “I just want to rest, Rahim,” I mumble, “all of this, it’s all been too much, and we haven’t even made it to Sydero yet. I’m tired, and I just want all this pain to disappear. I don’t have the energy to do this. I just really want a hug.” I peer over my shoulder, yearning to see some amount of care for my state of being in his eyes, but there’s nothing. Instead, he begins to walk off, crushing my heart even further, only this is really him. <<else>>\ He raises a brow, “the only way a Nightmare could use me against you here is if you had some desire to see me.” “So, you’re really here then,” I say, nodding my head but feeling no amount of better. Everything hurt, emotions included, and at that point, I just wanted to stop feeling. Even thinking was hurting, and so I just go silent, letting everything within me grow still. <</if>>\ Rahim doesn’t push me, standing off to the side quietly and waiting for me to move. When I finally do, he continues his silence, leading me towards the towering buildings that rest in the distance. <a data-passage="JHO8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I close my eyes and ignore his presence altogether. Everything hurt, emotions included, and at that point, I just wanted to stop feeling. Even thinking was hurting, and so I just go silent, letting everything within me grow still. Rahim doesn’t push me, standing off to the side quietly and waiting for me to move. When I finally do, he continues his silence, leading me towards the towering buildings that rest in the distance. <a data-passage="JHO8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We stop at the edge of a towering cliff, the road curving alongside the side until it reaches the bottom and heads further into the kingdom. Rahim places his hand on my shoulder and flies us both down to the ground, allowing me a closer look. “We’re here,” Rahim tells me, the sight not what I had anticipated. Not to be cliché, but I had certainly expected some dark, ominous castle to be glaring back at me—either that or some cave or hole in the mountainside. But here I was, feeling like I was standing on the edge of the Vegas strip. Lining both sides of the streets were a mix of flashy lit-up buildings that held different debauchery signs such as gambling, strip and fight clubs, and what I guess to be a brothel. And residing in the middle was a row of exotic, beautiful plants and hedges. At the end of the road is the most prominent building of all. Casino in nature, it towers over all and overlooks what I guess to be the entire kingdom. “That’s Lust’s castle?” “Indeed,” Rahim says, stroking his beard, “I heard that each of the demons have their own tastes in architecture, but I didn’t expect this. Reminds me of home.” “Home?” “Well, not home per se,” he answers, “but I was born in Las Vegas, stayed until my mother chose to move me out of state.” [[“Would you go back?”]] [[“Move you? Singular?”]] [[I didn’t have enough energy to question.]]
“Would you go back? To Las Vegas, I mean?” “No. I hate it.” He shakes his head before taking a step forward, “come.” <<include "JHO7_1_1">>
“Move you?” I ask, sighing, “singular? What about Sydero?” “She no longer stayed with us. Instead, she stayed here,” he tells me and motions to what rests before us. “Which I suppose felt just like home. Come.” <<include "JHO7_1_1">>
I don’t even have the energy to nod my head in acknowledgment. And so, I just stay quiet, waiting for him to walk off so I can follow. <<include "JHO7_1_1">>
“We will have to take a more inconspicuous way. Neither of us look like we belong, and the last thing we need is to tell Asmodeus that we have indeed made it into his kingdom.” “He doesn’t already know?” “At best, he knows we’re close, but I don’t want him to know our exact location. This is going to be hard enough as it is.” “So, what’s your plan for entering Lust’s castle?” Rahim glances over at me, and it doesn’t take me long to figure out that there is no plan. “Perfect,” I growl, racking my brain for a way, “how much energy do you have left?” “Not much. The last Nightmare I came across was close to taking me. I spent a good portion of my energy escaping it.” I raise a brow at his words, gazing over to see him glaring at nothing in particular, his brows furrowed. “It was that bad? What was it?” <<if $RRomance >=5 or $rahim >=50>>“It was of someone that I had once cared for, in a place that I thought was my true home. And that’s all I wish to say on the matter, come on.” To further prove his point, Rahim walks ahead of me, staying close to the outskirts until we’re forced to stop out of fear of getting too close.<<else>>“Nothing you truly care to know about, so come on.” To make sure I asked nothing else, Rahim walks ahead of me, staying close to the outskirts until we’re forced to stop out of fear of getting too close.<</if>> <a data-passage="JHO8_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We have two options,” he informs me, pointing to the castle, “I can teleport us inside, or we can head there on foot.” “Pros and cons?” I question. “If I teleport us, then it’ll use up more energy, but it’ll get us there without being spotted and found out. Going on foot helps save energy, but we might as well grab a sign that says, ‘hey Asmodeus, we’re here.’ And I’d much rather avoid that.” I attempt to figure out the best course, but my mind refuses to focus, dropping one negative thought after another into my head. Every possibility and course leading to us failing, and it being my fault. “$name?” Rahim inquires, a hint of worry in his tone. [[Let him decide.][$teleport = true]] [[Have him teleport us.][$teleport = true]] [[Keep going on foot.]]
“You can decide,” I shout in haste, clearing my throat and trying to regain some of my composure, “I mean ... I don’t want to decide. You can.” He frowns but nods his head, looking from the castle to the street. He doesn’t verbally tell me what he decides on, but he rests his hand on my shoulder, and the surroundings immediately shift from the strip to a dull, average appearing room. With a grunt, Rahim falls up against the nearest wall to catch his breath, and I quickly head to a window, glancing out and not finding Lust’s castle anywhere, which means we were inside. <a data-passage="JHO8_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
He nods and places a hand on my shoulder, closing his eyes before opening them. I’m too busy looking at him to notice that we were once on the road, and now we stand in a random room in a building. Rahim falls up against the nearest wall to catch his breath, and I quickly head to a window, glancing out and not finding Lust’s castle anywhere, which means we were inside. <a data-passage="JHO8_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We should continue on foot. If what you said about Sydero is true, you’ll need every last bit of energy. Lust is going to learn we’re here sooner or later, might as well be sooner.” Rahim nods his head in understanding, and I watch as his wings rescind back into his back, and the mist begins to dim before disappearing totally. The only thing that sticks around is his slightly glimmering skin and his glowing icy eyes. “You could do that this entire time?” He grits his teeth as he shakes his head, “it doesn’t use up energy as much as it requires focus.” “Can I do it?” I ask, gazing down at the black mist that has never retreated. “I doubt anyone here will recognize what you are, and I’m not sure with you being unstable and untrained if you should. I can keep everything at bay, but I can feel this place fighting for it to come right back out, it’ll do the same to you. Let’s just move.” I don’t waste any more time, leading the way towards the castle and ignoring the random passersby. Many are humans, and thankfully they look at me for only a second before going back to what they were doing before, devoid of care. It’s the demons that stop and narrow their eyes, studying me long after I have passed them. “So far so good,” Rahim grumbles as the door to a nearby establishment opens, and my eyes widen as Envy, Wrath, and another figure that I don’t recognize come into view. [[Hide.]] [[Change positions with Rahim.]]
“Crap,” I whisper, grabbing Rahim’s arm and yanking him to the side of a building, peeking around the edge to see where they had gone. They continue to stand there, the two listening to whatever Envy is saying, being as dramatic as they possibly can. “What?” Rahim asks. “The Princes, well, Wrath and Envy anyway. But I’m willing to bet the one with them is one as well. We need to find a way to get past them.” “Too late,” Rahim growls, and I straighten up to see that a group of demons standing a few feet away, glaring at us. It’s only a few seconds later that I realize why. My sudden action had broken Rahim’s focus, and his wings are right back out, letting every demon nearby know precisely what he is. “Angel,” one of them shouts, taking a few steps back in palpable fear. I glance for a way out of this, finally just being okay with running. I grab Rahim to pull him after me when something catches the back of my shirt, yanking me off the ground and then throwing me back towards the street. “Look who we have here,” Envy shouts, skipping towards me like I’m their prize, “and here I thought today would be boring. Visited by the angelic bastard and the ‘woe is me’ kid.” Envy grabs me and yanks me to my feet as Wrath brings a struggling Rahim over. <a data-passage="JHO8_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I had half a second to act, and the best I can come up with is shifting so that Rahim is now ahead of me, and I’m behind him. “The hell, $name?” he whispers, and though I’m able to properly avoid detection, I don’t realize how much my action will affect Rahim’s focus. I’m pushed back by his wing materializing, causing all those nearby to gasp as both wings stretch out, and the mist returns. “Shit,” I groan, fear squeezing my heart as Envy is the first to look our way, their eyes widening in glee. “Ladies and gentlemen!” Envy sings, pushing a performer off a nearby stage as they take the performer’s hat and cane, “shift your gaze to see that a lost fabled nephilim has decided to grace us with his putrid presence.” All eyes turn to us, and I can feel Rahim stiffening as he continues to use his wings to shield me. “You’re a little far from home, aren’t you mongrel?” <<if $curse_wrath>>\ I begin to move back when I feel someone behind grab me by the shirt, yanking me off the ground. “And look who he brought along for the trip?” Wrath asks, holding me up, throwing me out into the middle of the street. “My favorite mistake!” Envy grins tossing the hat and cane away, walking towards me, “and here I thought this day would be such a bore.” <<else>>\ “If you think I like being down here in this pit stain you call a realm, I can tell you I don’t,” Rahim barks back. Envy laughs as they throw the hat and cane away, walking to the edge of the platform and taking a seat, “you’d be smart to show some respect. Especially seeing that you barely have any more angel juice. Also, how was your mother? Any more capable than last time?” It’s evident that they’re trying to bait him into doing something, but he refuses to move, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s because of me. <<if $curse_gluttony>>\ I turn around to see if there’s a way out when I find the demon they were with to my side, glaring right at me. My breath hitches, and my eyes dart from side to side to see if running is smarter. When I look back at him, he merely shakes his head and motions for me to step out. If he’s a Prince, then running is idiotic. In fact, running at all is idiotic. So, I step out, hearing Envy hoot as soon as they see me. “Is that my favorite mistake as well?” they shout, hopping off the stage and towards me, “and here I thought this day would be such a bore.” <<else>>\ I try to figure out if there was a way for me to get out of here, but I come up with nothing. Rahim was too far from the buildings for me to just flawlessly move from behind him to the building without being seen. Leaving this position at all was going to get me caught. “He has a friend,” I hear Wrath say and see that she has gotten closer, her tall stature allowing her to see over Rahim’s protective wings. She lunges forward and grabs me by the shirt, yanking me off the ground and throwing me out into the middle of the street. “My favorite mistake!” Envy grins tossing the hat and cane away, walking towards me, “and here I thought this day would be such a bore.” <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO8_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You haven’t met our brother, Beelzebub, known to you dimwits as Gluttony. Gluttony, you know the mongrel, and this is $name Roe.” Gluttony completely ignores Rahim’s presence and examines me, saying nothing as he looks away, looking more tired than anything else. “Lust will want to see them,” he tells the two of them. “Can we not have fun first?” Envy asks, now in front of me, cocking their head to the side with a wicked grin. “No, Envy,” he says through gritted teeth. “Bring them. Now.” Envy turns to him as if they’re going to say something but closes their mouth, shoving their hands in their pocket before looking back at me. “No matter, this’ll be just as much fun. Bring them both.” Two demons in hooded cloaks appear and grab Rahim and me. I feel an electrifying shock speed through my body, and though I open my mouth to scream, nothing leaves my lips. My body goes limp as they drag me, only parts of my body still functioning like normal. They drag us into Lust’s castle and straight towards the elevator that is surprisingly big enough to hold us. Wrath is busy picking at her nails, Gluttony stands with his back to me and directly in front of the elevator doors, and Envy seems to have a staring problem, grinning at the two of us. When the doors open, we walk out to the sounds of low hip hop music, humans decorating every corner, but all of them are surrounded by lust demons. They all look drunk, letting their bodies sway whichever way as the demons’ touch and kiss on them. Even some are having sex in the open. There are a few tables filled with gamblers and others at a bar. I can’t take in anymore as we move into a different room, a small lobby that holds but a couch and a single desk where a demon sits. “Is he in there?” Gluttony questions and they nod, pressing a button that allows the doors in front of us to part. My heart thumps in my chest as we move into the spacious room, filled with three lust demons that slowly dance off to the side and then two other demons, one I recognize as Sloth on the far left. The man sitting behind the desk glances up, and the doors behind us close. <a data-passage="NT_EP9"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You didn't have to know what your location looked like?” I ask as I return to his side, helping him up slowly. “I did. I know the general layouts of buildings like this, so I just imagined what one of the basic rooms looked like, and I was right. Helps when you were raised around similar architecture.” “What now?” “Now we head to the top, that's where Sydero will be. Which room? I don't know.” I gaze at the nearest door and let out a shaky breath, “we're so close.” “Not close enough, come on,” he says through gritted teeth, leading me towards the door and out into the hallway. We both pause and listen in, hearing voices in the distance, mostly of people laughing and chatting. “Who's in this building?” I whisper to Rahim. “I don't know. The lower floors would hold normal people and demons, and if I was to guess, the higher you go, the more you find the higher-ranking demons and Lust's close confidants. The top floors would hold private rooms.” “Any chance of this place having an elevator?” “I'm willing to bet there is one, if only for the aesthetic.” I nod and lead the way, keeping close to the walls and relying on my senses. Every so often pausing to check up on Rahim as he continues to adjust to his waning energy. <<if $curse_gluttony>>\ <<if $stubborn >=50>>\ I stop at an intersection, about to turn the corner when I run into a giant boar-like monster, the same one I came across while in Gluttony's territory. With a shriek, I jump back and right into Rahim. <<else>>\ I stop at an intersection, about to turn the corner when I run into a giant boar-like monster. Its pink skin overlaps profusely, upon closer inspection I can see that there are some things stuck between the thick folds, one thing in particular moves. Its face is covered in thick tusks that go out in various directions, some painfully close to the creature’s eyes and even one sticking out of its nostril and upper lip. The beast’s eyes are sewn closed, and its mouth looks as if someone had grabbed a knife and extended the sides as far back as they could. With a shriek, I jump back and right into Rahim. <</if>>\ “What?” he hisses, and when I look, there is nothing there. My brain rapidly tries to come up with reasons for why that would happen, now of all times, but each idea leads to a list of questions with no hope of ever ending. “Nothing,” I whisper, heading down the halls at a slower pace than before. We finally get to the elevator, and I press the button, hoping no one would appear. My mind still replaying the scene from a few seconds ago, refusing to let it go. <<elseif $curse_wrath>>\ I stop at an intersection, about to turn the corner when I run into a fur-less crimson skinned bear whose face held no snout or eyes, but a large mouth with serrated teeth. Caught off guard and in shock, I shriek as I jump back and right into Rahim. “What?” he hisses, and when I look, there is nothing there. My brain rapidly tries to come up with reasons for why that would happen, now of all times, but each idea leads to a list of questions with no hope of ever ending. “Nothing,” I whisper, heading down the halls at a slower pace than before. We finally get to the elevator, and I press the button, hoping no one would appear. My mind still replaying the scene from a few seconds ago, refusing to let it go. <<elseif $curse_lust>>\ I stop at an intersection, about to turn the corner when I run into a sizeable cow-like monster, the same one I came across while in Lust's territory. With a shriek, I jump back and right into Rahim. “What?” he hisses, and when I look, there is nothing there. My brain rapidly tries to come up with reasons for why that would happen, now of all times, but each idea leads to a list of questions with no hope of ever ending. “Nothing,” I whisper, heading down the halls at a slower pace than before. We finally get to the elevator, and I press the button, hoping no one would appear. My mind still replaying the scene from a few seconds ago, refusing to let it go. <<elseif $curse_greed>>\ I stop at an intersection, about to turn the corner when I run into a human-sized creature. It stood upright on two legs that resembled frogs' legs, but its arms looked more like they belonged to a praying mantis. Its back was hunched, and its face, though frog-like, also resembled that of a lizard with large eyes and sharp pointed teeth. Caught off guard and in shock, I shriek as I jump back and right into Rahim. “What?” he hisses, and when I look, there is nothing there. My brain rapidly tries to come up with reasons for why that would happen, now of all times, but each idea leads to a list of questions with no hope of ever ending. “Nothing,” I whisper, heading down the halls at a slower pace than before. We finally get to the elevator, and I press the button, hoping no one would appear. My mind still replaying the scene from a few seconds ago, refusing to let it go. <<else>>\ I turn the corner, and upon making sure nothing was there, continue on. It's a few short minutes later when we find the elevator, and I press the button, hoping no one would appear. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHO8_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Once it gets to us, we both step inside, and I press the second-highest floor, feeling my entire gut shift as the elevator’s doors close and begin to move up. “Are you ready?” Rahim asks me, retrieving the cuffs he had brought along and passing them over to me. I secure them to my pants, but I don’t answer him. “Remember, after we put those on her, we need to draw the rune somewhere on her as well. It has to be done with her blood.” <<if $bloodfear>>\ [[“You can handle that then.”]] <</if>>\ [[“Where did this come from?”]] [[“And then what?”]] [[Continue to stay quiet.]]
“Well then you can handle that, I’d rather not deal with any more blood today.” I feel the bile threatening my stomach once again, and I push the idea of blood away, shivering, and frowning deeply until everything settles. If Rahim is against such thing, he doesn’t say or show it. <<include 'Continue to stay quiet.'>>
“You said nothing about blood the first time you told me about this, where did this new information suddenly come from?” “It was always there; I just didn’t mention it last time. What did you think? A simple rune would be able to do it?” “Obviously.” “Well, now, you know.” <<include 'Continue to stay quiet.'>>
“And then what? What happens after we do all those things?” “As soon as we draw that rune on her, it should link her to the portal back on Earth. As long as the group did everything right, we should be able to get out of here.” <<include 'Continue to stay quiet.'>>
The elevator slows, and the doors open to the floor that we had asked for. Unlike the other, this floor was darker, only the natural lighting from outside provides any source of light. I walk off the elevator with Rahim right on my heels, hearing nothing as we go. “Do you think this is the right floor?” I question, listening for any signs of life but hearing none. “I can only hope. It will either be this one or the one below. And that’s if she’s even in here, she could be somewhere else.” This floor lacked any doors, holding mostly windows, and that was it. I approach the corner and right before walking out, hear the faint beating of wings and a light screech. We both take a peek and see five small-winged creatures residing idly in the hall. “Imps, fuck,” Rahim growls, drawing back and gazing at the ceiling in thought. “What are they?” “Small demons. Far more annoying than they are dangerous. Think of them as tiny henchmen to the Princes.” “So, getting past them should be no big deal?” “It’s not getting past them that I’m worried about. It’s the fact that they’re either here because they were told to be expecting someone or because they’re just guards. Either way, they spot us, and they’re sounding the alarm.” As soon as Rahim says this, one of the imps darts down the hallway towards us, shrieking loudly. The others shortly doing the same. “I think they know we’re here.” One heads straight for me hissing as it grows closer. [[Attack it.]] [[Dodge it.]] [[Run.|JHORun]]
I wait until the imp is closer before I throw a punch, which is relatively weak in comparison to any other punch of mine. I had slightly forgotten that I was running on nothing but declining adrenaline. The imp shrieks at me, flinging itself at me again, but I just dodge, taking off down the hall. “Do you see a room?” Rahim questions, ducking just in time to avoid an imp’s attack. I study the walls but see nothing, what was this floor used for if it didn’t even hold doors? My eyes glide down the walls until I spot a single door residing at the hall’s end. I relay the information to Rahim, and we both run straight towards it. I let out a growl of pain as one of the creatures manages to claw me, another nipping my shoulder. The pain doesn’t last, but I could understand how they’re more of a nuisance than anything else. Swatting one away just gave another access. <<include "JHO_AfterImps">>
I wait until the imp is closer before dodging out of the way, almost running straight into Rahim, who had the same idea. Managing not to collide into him, we both take off down the hall. “Do you see a room?” Rahim questions, ducking just in time to avoid an imp’s attack. I study the walls but see nothing, what was this floor used for if it didn’t even hold doors? My eyes glide down the walls until I spot a single door residing at the hall’s end. I relay the information to Rahim, and we both run straight towards it. I let out a growl of pain as one of the creatures manages to claw me, another nipping my shoulder. The pain doesn’t last, but I could understand how they were more of a nuisance than anything else. Swatting one away just gave another access. <<include "JHO_AfterImps">>
I don’t bother letting it get closer and take off in a sprint down the hallway, already feeling the lack of energy that I possessed. My muscles groan and ache, begging me to stop. “Do you see a room?” Rahim questions, ducking just in time to avoid an imp’s attack. I study the walls but see nothing, what was this floor used for if it didn’t even hold doors? My eyes glide down the walls until I spot a single door residing at the hall’s end. I relay the information to Rahim, and we both run straight towards it. I let out a growl of pain as one of the creatures manages to claw me, another nipping my shoulder. The pain doesn’t last, but I could understand how they were more of a nuisance than anything else. Swatting one away just gave another access. <<include "JHO_AfterImps">>
Once at the door, I fling it open and provide just enough space for Rahim to fit inside. “Close it!” Rahim shouts, throwing all of his weight onto the door. I do the same, grinding my teeth as I plant my feet and push. The imps charge the door, proving to be much stronger than I would’ve given them credit for. “I’m trying,” I reply just as a large gust of wind causes my feet to slip, my head thumping against the door as both Rahim and I fall. The imps squeal as the blast sends them back down the hallway, leaving silence in its wake. I search for the source when I finally find it, my spirit deflating. “Shit,” Rahim mumbles as the figure closes in, her crimson eyes staring at us both in murderous glee. I say with nervousness, “Sydero.” <a data-passage="NT_EP9"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> <<if $teleport>>\ I move back just in time, watching as debris rains down on the area I was at. “Stop this, Sydero!” Rahim shouts, flying a few feet back so that he wasn’t in her immediate vicinity. “Before one of us gets hurt.” “And by that you mean you?” she questions, ducking an attack he sends her way and then attempting to land a kick to his face. Rahim sidesteps but doesn’t see her tail, unable to avoid it as it wraps around his ankle, and she flings him into the side of a building. I wait for them to go right back to fighting, only to realize that Rahim wasn’t getting up as fast as before. <<else>>\ “Well,” I chuckle, nudging Rahim, who sends a glare my way at the action, “maybe she’s not as far gone as we think.” Lust snorts, “cute. Or maybe she’s so far gone that not even I can talk sense to her. Killing a high-ranking demon is no easy task, and Sydero did it without a blink. You view this as a good thing when it only truly means that she’s about to be so lost that there will be no return.” “And yet, you sound please,” Rahim growls. With a sigh, Lust shrugs his shoulder and fiddles with something on his desk, “I care for Sydero more than you may think, but at the end of the day, she is a weapon. A weapon that needs to be contained.” <</if>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> “If it wasn’t for how vital both of you are to our plans, I would let Envy take you to their little torture dungeon and have their way with you.” “Oh, Lust,” Envy coos from the room's side, “you know I love it when you dangle fresh meat in front of me like this. $name, I understand. But do we really need Rahim alive for our plans to work?” Lust comes and stands before me, observing me before walking away, “unfortunately, yes. Congratulations, $name, you’re the last variable needed to push the world into a new era.” <img src="images/divider.png"> “Let’s play a game, shall we? A simple one at that. You win, and I’ll allow you, Rahim, and Sydero to walk out of here, no problem. No one chasing you, no one trying to stop you, and I’ll even give Sydero a one week head start before hunting her again. But if you lose, well, I’m sure you can imagine what happens then.” [[Episode Nine: Journey to Hell Part Two]]
<<nobr>>\ <<set $knock = false; $open = false; $notchosen = false>> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/epfive.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> <<if $cp>>\ <<if not $savechris>>\ I put the car in park and then turn off the engine. For a minute, I sit in the stillness of the car and listen as the others sleep, even Lucia giving in to the long ride and choosing to rest her eyes. <<if hasVisited("VF5_Bradley")>>The radio has long since gone off and now, with the car off completely, all was quiet.<<else>>The radio has long gone off, and the only true sound was from my still broken car window, the wind stumbling in and settling inside.<</if>> The only light was coming from Faye’s porch. Somewhere in that house, probably the guestroom, if I had to guess, was Chris. Midway through the drive, Faye had called to tell me that he had shown up at her doorstep, practically near death. To know that your best friend was going to die, thinking that your farewell was the last thing you will ever say to him. Only to be wrong. When Faye called me, I almost drove off the road. So many emotions overtook me as I had listened to Faye speak. I had even needed her to repeat what she had said to swallow it all. Chris. He was alive! I was going to be able to see him. But of course, would he even wish to see me was the question. I glance up, seeing movement by the door. Well, sitting in this car wasn’t going to answer that question. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ I put the car in park and then turn off the engine. For a minute, I sit in the stillness of the car and listen as the others sleep, even Lucia giving in to the long ride and choosing to rest her eyes. <<if hasVisited("VF5_Bradley")>>The radio has long since gone off and now, with the car off completely, all was quiet.<<else>>The radio has long since gone off, and the only true sound was from my still broken car window, the wind stumbling in and settling inside.<</if>> The only light was coming from Faye’s porch. <</if>>\ I attempt to summon my brightest smile<<if $optimistic <50>>, failing miserably,<</if>> as I get out of the car and Faye leaves her porch to greet us. The older woman’s attention is set on me as she approaches with her arms stretched out for a hug. [[Hug her.]] [[Don’t hug her.]]
I hug her, instantly feeling her jolt as she rips herself from my arms, shuddering. Her eyes begin to water as I look her over, and she shakes her head. “I am so sorry,” she murmurs, hugging herself as the memories I happened to give her begin to fade. “Don’t be. I forgot about the whole, no touching thing. Well, at least when your guard isn’t up beforehand.” Faye gives me a gentle smile, though it disappears before it can truly settle. Her gaze travels to my car and all those getting out. Before she can get distracted by our two new companions, I grab her attention and focus her back on me. <<include "B0_1">>
I avoid her arms, giving her a soft and awkward smile when she looks at me with hurt in her eyes. “No offense to you,” I reassure her, “but I remember that if you touch me, then you see my memories, and since I’ve been gone, well, you don’t want to know everything.” She chuckles and taps her forehead with her palm, “when you forget your own abilities. Thank you, $name.” <<include "B0_1">>
<<if $savechris>>\ “Bradley?” “He’s inside,” she tells me, and I go to move past but she stops me, grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling me back to my previous spot. “He’s asleep, and I really don’t think it’s smart to wake him up right now … he has a hangover.” “What!?” I shout, not caring when the others all look my way. “He got a hold of the alcohol. I never thought I needed to hide it because, well, Bradley is old enough to know right from wrong. But he got a little past tipsy at best, Jeff was able to stop him before he could go any further.” I move to walk past her again, and she stops me ... again. “Don’t bring it up to him when he wakes. I don’t know what headspace he’ll be in, but the last thing he needs is to be reminded of all of this,” she pauses as she looks me up and down, “<<if $bcure>>especially by you.<<else>>especially with everything that’s going on.<</if>>” <<if $bcure>>\ “He told you?” “No, Rahim did, in Rahim’s usual way.” I note the frustrated tone she takes on when she brings up Rahim, wondering if he’s treating her like how he’s handling the rest of us. “And?” “And what?” “Are you going to scream at me about how I shouldn’t have put the block up? That I went too far? Should’ve let Bradley make that decision?” Faye pokes out her bottom lip and looks towards the car, and the people congregated there, “no. I personally wouldn’t have done it, but I’m not going to say I wouldn’t have thought about it. We’re all going through rough times right now, the worst thing any of us can do is judge another. Now, let me make sure everyone gets comfortable. Go clean up a bit and then meet us in the kitchen when you’re done.” <<else>>\ “I don’t know what Bradley needs right now. I don’t even think Bradley knows. The only thing we can do is keep an eye on him and be there for him. Now, let me make sure everyone gets comfortable. Go clean up a bit and then meet us in the kitchen when you’re done.” <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <<if $cp>>\ “Chris? Where is he?” I question, already attempting to move past her to get into the house. “He’s inside,” she tells me, grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling me back to my previous spot. “What are you doing? I need to see him,” I tell her, attempting to move past her again only for her to stop me. Every failed attempt caused my heart to thump faster. <<if $CRomance >=4>>“Faye … please, I need to see him. I need to make sure he’s okay. After what happened, I,” I begin to stutter, losing my words and unsure of what else to say. I needed to see him; I really did. It felt like my throat was closing, words impossible to convey as my emotions take over.<<else>>“Just let me see him already,” I attempt to persuade, but she continues to block my way.<</if>> “I understand but he’s asleep and I really don’t think it’s smart to wake him up right now … he’s much better, but he’s not 100%. He needs his rest.” “What happened?” I ask, still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that Chris had survived. “Honestly? I don’t know. He showed up looking horrible, and I was terrified because you guys weren’t with him. He looked like he was knocking on Death’s door, not mine. He told me what happened as best as he could, but in the end, I could only do so much for him.” She grabs my sleeve and tears fall down her cheek, “I thought he was dead. I really did. And then, he started getting better. The fever started disappearing, his eyes began to shrink back to their normal size, he actually used words and not grunts. I don’t know what happened, but it saved him.” “You don’t think it was you?” “I don’t know what the cure for this so-called curse is, but I know I didn’t do anything but make him more comfortable and perhaps slow it down.” “Well, maybe you did more than you think. Or maybe Envy was bluffing,” I turn and glance at the car, Bradley grabbing his things and heading towards us, “it wouldn’t be the first time.” “Perhaps you’re right. Now, let me make sure everyone gets comfortable. Go clean up a bit and then meet us in the kitchen when you’re done.” <<else>>\ “Do you think you can do this? What Lucia is asking for seems like a tall order.” “Don’t worry about me,” she snorts, shooing my worries away with a flick of her wrist, “I’m far more powerful than even I give myself credit for. Don’t forget that I was making fairy essence potions for Sydero, and that’s not even the hardest potion out there.” I manage a smile and a nod. “I’m going to go make sure everyone gets comfortable. Clean yourself up, take some time to gather yourself, and then meet us in the kitchen when you’re done.” <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="B1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Faye claps her hands, and a bright smile appears on her face as she approaches the others, shaking hands with Lucia and Amari as she introduces herself. I enter the house. The familiarity of Faye’s house causes a bit of the weight to leave my shoulders. That, along with the lavender and peppermint scent wafting through the air, puts me in the closest state of calm that I’ve been in recently. It was so easy to tell myself to let go, to let all my worries and troubles roll off my shoulders and leave it by the door. But I continue to shoulder them. <<if $savechris or $cp>>\ I approach the door to the guestroom and pause, biting the inside of my cheek. [[Knock on the door.|B1Door][$knock to true]] [[Open it quietly.|B1Door][$open to true]] [[Announce my presence first.|B1Door]] <<else>>\ <<if $daring >=50>>I enter the bathroom and slam the door behind me, caring little, if not at all, for who heard.<<else>>I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me as if everyone was asleep.<</if>> I could hear the others; they were in the kitchen, and from what I could gather, Faye and Jeff were welcoming and introducing themselves to Amari. I tune out their conversation and shift my attention to study my reflection in the mirror, wondering when the last time I had looked myself over was. <<if $hairlength is "bald">>My once bald head wasn’t so bald anymore, hair had started to grow, screaming at me to cut it to go back to a look that I was familiar with.<<else>>My $hairtype $haircolor hair was currently doing whatever it wished. It had grown and was long overdue for a proper cut, one that I would add to my list of things to do.<</if>> Moving past that, I was developing noticeable bags under my eye, bringing attention to my $eyes eyes, but the wrong kind of attention. It gave me a crazed and delirious edge; a story of stress and lack of sleep being told in them. It wasn’t a false story, though. I craved a nice bed, a warm meal, and just peace. I wanted other things too, but I didn’t waste my last two brain cells trying to figure out how I could accomplish unsaid other things. I attempt to pull my gaze away from my reflection, but I’m unable to. I didn’t criticize my reflection, pointing out features that I perceived to be flawed. I instead focus on something that is far more unfamiliar. It was in my demeanor, the way that I held myself, and the ways my eyes blazed with a power that I didn’t genuinely have. So much has happened since I was last here, since I’ve last looked myself over in a mirror. I was changing, but I could feel it in my vaguely sore heart, was this change a good or bad thing? [[It was good … it had to be good.|B1_1][$optimistic +=3]] [[Only time would tell I suppose.|B1_1]] [[After everything, it couldn’t be anything but bad.|B1_1][$optimistic -=3]] <</if>>\
<<if $knock>>\ Knocking on the door softly, I press my ear to it to see if I would get any response. I don’t. I presume that <<if $savechris>>Bradley<<else>>Chris<</if>> was sleeping and as careful as I could, turn the knob and push open the door. <<elseif $open>>\ I grab the knob and turn it entirely before putting pressure on the door and opening it up. I do just enough to be able to walk into the room, not wanting to risk the door creaking, though I would be shocked if such a simple noise woke him up. <<else>>\ “<<if $savechris>>Bradley?<<else>>Chris?<</if>>,” I whisper, “it’s $name, are you up?” I receive no response. I presume that <<if $savechris>>Bradley<<else>>Chris<</if>> was sleeping and as careful as I could, turn the knob and push open the door. <</if>>\ <<if $savechris>>\ I pause when I see the figure lying on the bed. Bradley was lying on his back, his arms extended so that they were touching the edge of both sides of the bed. His mouth was hanging wide open, resembling more of a cartoon character than an actual person. I manage to smile, noting how this was the first time in a long while that he’s actually slept like an average person, no nightmares. It was a shame, though, that it took alcohol to do this. But he was okay, he was right here in front of me, and he was okay. It didn’t erase what I had done, the decision that I had made, and I probably owed Rahim a thank you. There would be a conversation about this, that I had no doubt of. <<else>>\ I pause when I see the figure lying on the bed. Chris appeared just like Faye had described. I take a step, then another, and then three more until I’m standing at the foot of the bed. I could faintly hear the melodramatic beat of a rock ballad playing, and I manage to smile. He was okay, he was right here in front of me, and he was okay. But that wouldn’t erase what I had done, the decision that I had made. There would be a conversation about this, that I had no doubt of. It was a conversation that I didn’t know if I wanted to have or not, especially when I thought about how it would be tacked on as yet another argument between us. <</if>>\ At least, at this moment, he was alive and well. With my worries put to rest and my need to see him sated, for now, I go back downstairs. <<if $daring >=50>>I enter the bathroom and slam the door behind me, caring little, if not at all, for who heard.<<else>>I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me as if everyone was asleep.<</if>> I could hear the others; they were in the kitchen, and from what I could gather, Faye and Jeff were welcoming and introducing themselves to Amari. I tune out their conversation and shift my attention to study my reflection in the mirror, wondering when the last time I had looked myself over was. <<if $hair isnot "bald">>My $hairtype $haircolor hair was currently doing whatever it wished. It had grown and was long overdue for a proper cut, one that I would add to my list of things to do.<<else>>My once bald head wasn’t so bald anymore, hair had started to grow, screaming at me to cut it to go back to a look that I was familiar with.<</if>> Moving past that, I was developing noticeable bags under my eye, bringing attention to my $eyes eyes, but the wrong kind of attention. It gave me a crazed and delirious edge; a story of stress and lack of sleep being told in them. It wasn’t a false story, though. I craved a nice bed, a warm meal, and just peace. I wanted other things too, but I didn’t waste my last two brain cells trying to figure out how I could accomplish unsaid other things. I attempt to pull my gaze away from my reflection, but I’m unable to. I didn’t criticize my reflection, pointing out features that I perceived to be flawed. I instead focus on something that is far more unfamiliar. It was in my demeanor, the way that I held myself, and the ways my eyes blazed with a power that I didn’t genuinely have. So much has happened since I was last here, since I’ve last looked myself over in a mirror. I was changing, but I could feel it in my vaguely sore heart, was this change a good or bad thing? [[It was good … it had to be good.|B1_1][$optimistic +=3]] [[Only time would tell I suppose.|B1_1]] [[After everything, it couldn’t be anything but bad.|B1_1][$optimistic -=3]]
I splash some water on my face and then leave the bathroom behind, noticing <<if $savechris>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> asleep on the couch in the living room. <<if $savechris>>On the ride over, he was mostly drifting in and out of sleep, Lucia stating that such thing was typical for what his body was recovering from. I enter the kitchen where the others are.<<else>>I check on him before entering the kitchen where the others are.<</if>> Faye is following Lucia around, notepad in one hand, as she writes things down occasionally. Amari sits at the table alongside Jeff, who seems interested in whatever rests in his mug, a new one I notice. Rahim finally made his appearance, standing under the arch to the kitchen, leaning on the frame. His standoffish behavior radiates his need and wants to be left alone. Snippets of the conversation we had before he left come to mind. [[Greet him.][$rahim +=3]] [[Walk past him.]] [[Berate him.][$rahim -=3]]
“Rahim, evening … or morning. What time is it anyway?” “10:43 AM,” he answers plainly, not even glancing over at me, his focus entirely on Lucia and Faye. “Thanks.” Is all I can think of to say, mumbling it as I walk past him and take a seat in the one beside Amari. She sends me a wide grin. <<include "B1_1_1">>
I walk straight past him, not caring if I bump into him or not. Thankfully, despite my nonchalant thoughts, I don’t touch him, and I’m able to make it to my intended destination without having to say anything to him. I take the seat right beside Amari, sitting down and returning the smile that she sends me. <<include "B1_1_1">>
“What are you, the guardian of the kitchen? Move out the way,” I growl. Rahim does just that, standing straighter and moving enough out of the way so that I had no problem walking inside. He says and does nothing, and once I’m inside, he goes right back to leaning on the frame, his attention on Lucia and Faye. I huff, but I decide to keep all my thoughts to myself. I take the seat right beside Amari, sitting down and returning the smile that she sends me. <<include "B1_1_1">>
“You know,” Amari whispers to me, “it feels so weird to know that I’m learning names that I’ll use more than once. It’s exciting!” “As long as you’re having fun,” I <<if $serious >=50>>state plainly.<<else>>snicker.<</if>> “$name,” Faye says, noticing my presence, “great.” She doesn’t abandon her job, pausing her nascent conversation with us to jot something that Lucia says down. “As you all know, Lucia is here to finally help $name be free of the spirit that harbors ?his body. There’s a lot of prep that’s needed for the exorcism, and so we’re going to need your help to get the more important, yet hard to get ingredients.” “These ingredients are crucial,” Lucia tells us, closing a cabinet door, “and I mean crucial.” <<if $supernatural >=15 or $exorcise>>\ “I can't picture an exorcism revolving around shades, so what are you thinking?” I question. “You're right, a shade is a very ancient spirit. No one quite knows when the beings came to be, and no one quite knows what they do. Though, I suppose I should let the expert take over here.” She glances down at Jeff, who seems all too happy to do so. <<else>>\ “When did exorcisms start needing ingredients?” I question. “All proper exorcisms need ingredients,” Lucia informs me, “as well as prep and proper timing. Depending on the exorcism, depends on how much and what is needed. Now.” She leaves the counter side to stand in front of the table, “a shade is a very ancient spirit. No one quite knows when the beings came to be, and no one quite knows what they do. Though, I suppose I should let the expert take over here.” She glances down at Jeff, who seems all too happy to do so. <</if>>\ “Like she said, these things are ancient, some people put them before Christ even. The Hebrews had a word for em, tsalmaveth, meaning darkness or shadow of death.” [[“Morning alcohol does wonders for you.”]] [[“Where was this found?”]] [[Let him continue.|BLetHimContinue]]
“Morning alcohol does wonders for you,” I tell him with a wide smile. Jeff has the nerve to blush, sliding the mug to me and tapping his nose. I lean in and sniff, eyes widening when I smell the tea, not one trace of alcohol being detected. “I actually haven’t drunk in like three days,” he snorts, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Oh,” I state, sliding the mug back and throwing a look at Faye, “um, cool.” <<include "BLetHimContinue">>
“Where did you find this information?” “Books. Ancient scripts, stuff I’m not supposed to have, but I do.” “Yes,” Lucia pipes up, “and I would like to remind you that I would love to see them.” <<include "BLetHimContinue">>
“The most accepted theory is that shades are spirits of the dead that reside in the Underworld, Hell, whatever you wanna call the place where the dead roam free,” Jeff explains, “Shades are one of those creatures that have passed detection, meaning that they don’t frequent Earth. But that doesn’t make sense since you said the demons aren’t allowing him in.” “Which also means,” Lucia interjects, pointing at me, “that whatever is allowing you to hold one is vital. You should be decaying by now.” <<if $supernatural >=10 or $exorcism >=5>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $rahim +=3>><</nobr>>\ “Possession causatum,” I say with a knowing nod, “it’s what happens to a body after whatever was possessing them has left. Typical possessions are of an average ghost or a low-level demon. Unless they purposely do so, once the being is exorcised, the body is still fine, and the person can go on about their life, some even with no memory of what took place. The average human can’t sustain and hold the power and energy that higher, more powerful, supernaturals have, and so, their body begins to decay. The longer the possessor inhabits the body, the more the body decays until they’re forced to move on and the host dies. But I’m obviously fine, so what does that mean?” <<else>>\ “Wait, what?” “It’s known as possession causatum,” Faye explains, “it’s what happens to a body after whatever was possessing them has left. Typical possessions are of an average ghost or a low-level demon. Unless they purposely do so, once the being is exorcised, the body is still fine, and the person can go on about their life, some even with no memory of what took place. That’s because the body can sustain the being they’re holding. Poltergeists or mid-level demons have a higher chance of harming the body, causing some kind of lasting or minor damage to the host. Then you have upper-level demons and other beings that can possess a figure, in your case, a shade. The average human can’t sustain and hold the power and energy that these supernaturals have, and so, their body begins to decay. The longer the possessor inhabits the body, the more the body decays until they’re forced to move on.” “But I’m obviously fine, so what does that mean?” <</if>>\ “It means you were built … born to hold a shade,” Rahim pipes up from behind me, his arctic colored eyes examining me. “Even more so, the fact that the shade isn’t in control means that he’s weaker.” “Historically speaking,” Jeff sighs, kicking his feet onto the table, only for Faye to slide them right back to the floor, “there ain’t no known species built for a shade to inhabit them. And if there are, they extinct now. I’m leaning more towards you being a hybrid but –” “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Lucia interrupts, “it also doesn’t matter what you are. It just matters that we get what’s in you, out. Which presents other problems.” [[“I hate that word.”]] [[“Which are?”]] [[“Can you get Zillah out of me?”]]
“I’m really starting to hate that word.” Jeff snorts, “you and me both. That’s all my ma used to call me.” “A problem?” Amari asks in horror and Jeff nods, even more to her horror, “I like you.” “Well, that's because you're a sweetheart,” Jeff informs her, hiding his smile of content behind his mug. Faye clears her throat, “what we’re saying is that there are more unknown factors than known ones when it comes to shades. Meaning that there’s no bona fide exorcism. The one that Lucia showed me is as good as we’re going to get but there’s so much room for error. Not knowing what you are and what shades are capable of ...” she pauses, looking at everyone. “This can kill you.” <<include "B1_1_2">>
“Which are?” I ask. “Too many to actually name them all,” Lucia informs me. Faye sighs, “what we’re saying is that there are more unknown factors than known ones when it comes to shades. Meaning that there’s no bona fide exorcism. The one that Lucia showed me is as good as we’re going to get but there’s so much room for error. Not knowing what you are and what shades are capable of ...” she pauses, looking at everyone. “This can kill you.” <<include "B1_1_2">>
I close my eyes and take a deep and steady breath before exhaling, “can you get Zillah out of me? Yes or no?” “Yes,” Lucia says with confidence. “It’s not that simple,” Faye inserts, “what we’re saying is that there are more unknown factors than known ones when it comes to shades. Meaning that there’s no bonafide exorcism. The one that Lucia showed me is as good as we’re going to get, but there’s so much room for error. Not knowing what you are and what shades are capable of ...” she pauses, looking at everyone. “This can kill you.” <<include "B1_1_2">>
“Listen to her,” I hear Zillah growl, the first thing he’s said to me since I teased him back in Maryland. “Are you trying to talk me out of this?” I question. “Doesn’t matter,” Jeff comments, picking at his fingernails, “not doing it is just going to lead to you becoming even more unstable. And sorry, friend, but I’m not sleeping under the same roof as someone that can send said roof falling on my head.” He snorts, “what ima tell the heavenly guard keep? Yea, it’s fine, $name says it was an accident, no problemo, compadre?” [[“I’m not unstable.”][$rahim -=3; $amari +=3]] [[“Okay, I get your point.”]] [[“You’re going to heaven?”]]
“I’m not unstable,” I argue, feeling the eyes of the room on me. “$name,” Faye says in a delicate voice as if I had to be treated and dealt with cautiously, “Rahim told us everything. What happened at the warehouses with the vampires and werewolves, what happened with Bradley, and what the demons did. We have theories but –” “I’m asking you to get this shade out of me, not for your theories that are just that, theories. You have no idea what’s going on with me, and I would appreciate it if you all stopped treating me like some fragile child that’s going to blow up half the town.” “Which you probably can do,” Jeff says under his breath, avoiding my glare. No one says anything, and they all do their damnedest to avoid my gaze. “Oh, Faye,” Lucia chastises, “we discussed this already. The last thing $name needs is to feel uncomfortable with this entire procedure.” “I understand that, Lucia,” Faye remarks, exasperated with the child-like tone that Lucia takes with her, “but $name deserves to know.” “Telling ?him will only put ?his life in more danger.” I feel close to erupting, they speak as if I don’t stand right there. [[“I want to know.”][$amari +=3; $rahim -=3; $nerve +=3]] [[“I don’t want to know.”][$amari -=3; $rahim +=3]]
“Okay, thank you, Jeff, I get your point.” “Oh, Faye,” Lucia chastises, “we discussed this already. The last thing $name needs is to feel uncomfortable with this entire procedure.” “I understand that, Lucia,” Faye remarks, exasperated with the child-like tone that Lucia takes with her, “but $name deserves to know.” “Telling ?him will only put ?his life in more danger.” I feel close to erupting, they speak as if I don’t stand right there. [[“I want to know.”][$amari +=3; $rahim -=3; $nerve +=3]] [[“I don’t want to know.”][$amari -=3; $rahim +=3]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> I snort and with an amused smirk lean forward, “bold of you to assume that you’re going to heaven.” He mimics me, “bold of you to assume that heaven works the way you think it does. But, you’re right, hell might be way more fun. If there’s alcohol, then I don’t care much about where I end up.” “Oh, Faye,” Lucia chastises, “we discussed this already. The last thing $name needs is to feel uncomfortable with this entire procedure.” “I understand that, Lucia,” Faye remarks, exasperated with the child-like tone that Lucia takes with her, “but $name deserves to know.” “Telling ?him will only put ?his life in more danger.” I feel close to erupting, they speak as if I don’t stand right there. [[“I want to know.”][$amari +=3; $rahim -=3; $nerve +=3]] [[“I don’t want to know.”][$amari -=3; $rahim +=3]]
“Hey!” I shout, getting both of their attention, “I’m pretty sure it’s my choice, and I would rather know how dangerous all of this can be. So, will one of you tell me how this could potentially kill me?” Lucia and Faye exchange glances, before Faye clears her throat and takes the lead, “there are multiple reasons why, and they all surround the mystery of what you are and everything that a shade can do. For all we know, Zillah could be the only thing holding you together and keeping you, you. Or, he could be the reason why you’re drifting further towards unstableness. Not to mention that exorcisms always have an element of danger attached to them.” Rahim groans, “so, is it safer for $name to go through with this or not?” “Like Faye and Jeff said,” Lucia responds, “the only way to know is to actually do it. Don’t worry so much, Faye’s house is perfect for this. Not only is she a kitchen witch and her house filled with positive energy, but you’re familiar and comfortable here. Another important condition.” <<include "B1_1_3">>
“If not knowing is better, then I’d rather keep myself in the dark.” “An excellent decision,” Lucia commends, “don’t worry so much, Faye’s house is perfect for this. Not only is she a kitchen witch and her house filled with positive energy, but you’re familiar and comfortable here. Another important condition.” <<include "B1_1_3">>
Faye rips some of the notes from her pad and works her way around the room, passing them to everyone in attendance, everyone besides me. “We told you earlier that we don’t have the crucial ingredients needed to complete the exorcism. Each of you now has a sheet of paper detailing what we need you to go get.<<if $savechris or $cp>> Some of you are going to go in groups. Amari, for your ingredient, take Chris when he wakes up. Jeff and Bradley will be together, and Rahim, we both believed you could do your task on your own.<<else>> Some of you are going to go in groups. Amari, for your ingredient, you’ll be with Jeff. Rahim, take Bradley with you.<</if>>” [[“And what am I supposed to do?”][$amari +=2]] [[“Does this mean I get a break?”][$amari -=3; $rahim -=3]] [[“I’m not going to just sit here.”][$rahim +=2]]
“And what am I supposed to do this entire time?” Lucia, of course, has an answer. “For an exorcism like this to be successful, then the person who is being exorcised must be both relaxed, comfortable, and have a clear mind. Sending you out to try and grab ingredients doesn’t really help satisfy those three things, and so you will stay here. Faye and I will be helping you cleanse your spirit and mind.” <<include "B1_1_4">>
“Does this mean I get a break? Because I would like to point out how much I need one.” Amari stiffens in her seat and throws a glare my way due to my words. And though I couldn’t see his face, I could feel Rahim’s withering look zeroing in on the back of my neck. “For an exorcism to be successful, then the person who is being exorcised must be both relaxed, comfortable, and have a clear mind. Sending you out to try and grab ingredients doesn’t really help satisfy those three things, and so you will stay here. Faye and I will be helping you cleanse your spirit and mind.” <<include "B1_1_4">>
“I’m not going to just sit here and let everyone try and help me while I do nothing.” “Who said you will be doing nothing?” Lucia asks, brow raised, and truly interested in what gave me that idea, “for an exorcism to be successful then the person who is being exorcised must be both relaxed, comfortable, and have a clear mind. Sending you out to try and grab ingredients doesn’t really help satisfy those three things, and so you will stay here. Faye and I will be helping you cleanse your spirit and mind.” <<include "B1_1_4">>
“So, a therapy session?” “Whatever you want to call it. Any other questions?” No one says anything, and seeing that I was going to be staying here and could ask any further questions whenever I chose to, I decide to remain silent for now. “Alright, go get ready.” Everyone divides up, and I’m the last to stand from the table, looking around and trying to figure out who to talk to first. I’m sure I had time to speak to everyone properly. [[Amari and Faye]] sit beside one another on the sofa, <<if $marked>>Faye tending to Amari’s newly acquired brand.<<else>>the two women look to be in a casual conversation, one whose aim I presume is to learn more about the other.<</if>> [[Jeff and Rahim]] are in the corner as if trying to go for an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ appearance. Jeff raves about something while Rahim genuinely looks interested in everything he says. I pause and glance around, finding that <<if $cp>>[[Chris and Bradley]] aren’t present.<<else>>[[Bradley]] isn’t present.<</if>>
I decide to go over and see what was up between Amari and Faye, collapsing on the other side of the sofa. <<if $marked>>\ “Apply this every night for at least a week, and it’ll be more like a tattoo and less like a brand,” Faye tells Amari, giving her some kind of ointment in a small clear jar. “Are you sure you don’t want me to just heal it completely? I can make that go away.” I perk up at her words, curious when Amari shakes her head. “It’s bad. And I hate the connotation of it, I really do, but I don’t want to just wash it away like it never happened. It’s probably weird, especially since it’s not a badge of pride or anything.” “No,” Faye interjects, placing her hand on Amari’s shoulder, “I get it. It’s your history and will always be part of your history. Making it disappear seems like you’re trying to wash away what happened. And that … that’s something you can’t do.” Amari nods her head, wiping at her eyes. She turns to look at me and gives me the most potent smile she can muster. “I never thanked you for letting me deal with my pack on my own, for letting me speak to them and trusting me. So, thank you.” [[“Of course.”|BAFOfCourse][$amari +=2]] [[“I was about to attack.”][$amari -=2]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“We make a good team.”][$ARomance +=1; $amari +=3]]</span><<else>>[[“We make a good team.”][$ARomance +=1; $amari +=3]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Hopefully, it will help you,” Faye tells Amari, giving her some kind of ointment in a small clear jar. “I gave some to Bradley, and it made the nightmares just a bit more bearable to deal with. In no way am I saying that it’s going to make everything go away, though.” “I understand,” Amari tells her, offering her a small, but thankful, smile. She turns to look at me and gives me the most potent smile she can muster at the time. “I should thank you for helping me with my pack.” [[“Don’t thank me for that.”][$amari +=3]] [[“You’re welcome.”][$amari -=3]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Anything for you, Amari.”][$ARomance +=1; $amari -=3]]</span><<else>>[[“Anything for you, Amari.”][$ARomance +=1; $amari -=3]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“Of course,” I tell her, “I didn’t doubt you for a minute.” “But I doubted myself,” she laughs, “and that’ll get you killed faster than inexperience. Knowing that you had my back made it better, though.” <<include "BA1_1">>
“You thank me, but I was ready to attack them.” “But you didn’t,” she says in a cheerful tone, “instead, you let me handle it and look how it worked out.” She nudges me with her shoulder, and though I roll my eyes, I return the smile. <<include "BA1_1">>
“We make a good team, don’t we?” Amari raises a brow and nudges my shoulder, unable to fight the grin that now covers her face, “you make it sound like I couldn’t do that on my own.” “Oh, you could’ve, but I’d like to think I was a lot of help,” I joke, nudging her right back. <<if $SRomance >=3>>Faye’s brows shoot up at my words, giving me an odd look from behind Amari. She knew about Sydero and me, I’m sure she was wondering if I had finally moved on. It was about to be a full month since she’s been gone. Was it too soon? Did it even matter? It wasn’t like the two of us were a couple.<</if>> “I … that means a lot to me, $name, it really does,” Amari gushes. <<include "BA1_1">>
I relax back, “do you want to talk about it? About your pack?” I question, and she shakes her head. “It ended well, but I don’t think I’ll ever want to talk about it. No offense to you, and I’m touched that you even asked, but I’m okay. It’s going to take a while for me to get over it. But at the same time, it’s freeing.” “What do you mean?” “I like belonging to a pack, I love it actually. It makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger than just myself. But for the past handful of years, I was never with my pack, but I still felt like I belonged to them, like I was tethered to them and that I couldn’t live the way I wanted to because, in a way, I was still representing them.” She glances at her side, where the marking rests boldly against her light-tinted skin, she runs her fingers alongside it. “When I first got this marking, I wondered if I would ever be able to join another pack. And then I realized that I didn’t want to. The freedom I feel now is exhilarating, like I’m in control of my life, and I could do whatever I want. I always thought loners had this horrible and pathetic life, but now I’m starting to think that everyone else is missing out.” [[“We’re your pack.”][$amari +=5]] [[“I’m happy for you.”][$amari +=3]] [[“Whatever you say.”][$amari -=3]]
“What are you talking about?” I question, raising my brow as I smile at her, “we’re your pack.” A bright smile spread across her face as she lunges forward and gives me a hug. “Wait, I can hug you, right? Is this fine? I’m okay?” I roll my eyes and snort, “yea, this is fine, Amari.” She produces a childlike giggle before squeezing me once more and then straightening back up. <<include "B1AF">>
“You know, I’m happy for you. From what it sounds like, this is what you’ve always wanted.” “And never thought I would get. I used to grow up reading all these adventure tales, filling my head up with stories about brave heroines who did what they wanted and helped others. Maybe I could have that, and some other stuff. I want to just be happy and live. Do everything I can before my time comes.” I nod in understanding, hearing everything she was talking about. <<include "B1AF">>
I snort, “whatever you say, Amari.” She smiles to herself, looking back towards an approaching Faye. I hadn’t even noticed that she had walked off. <<include "B1AF">>
I shake my head, rubbing the side of my eye as I avoid her gaze, “don’t thank me for that, Amari. Especially when you don’t mean it.” “I,” she pauses, realizing the truth herself and unable to continue the farce. “But still, it could have gone horribly wrong if you didn’t act, and sometimes that’s what’s needed. So, thank you.” I scratch the back of my neck, “do you want to talk about what happened?” I question, and she shakes her head. “Honestly, no. I would just like to move on.” “Amari,” I start, biting my cheeks before continuing, “you know it’s okay to show emotions other than happy, right?” She stiffens, and her eyes slowly slide over to me, “no offense, but I know that, and I’ll share my emotions whenever and however I choose. To be frank, you killed my pack. And whether it was you or not, or on purpose, or any of those things, doesn’t matter. The pack that I grew up with and thought of as family is now mostly dead with their blood on your hands. So, you’re the last person I want to speak about this with.” I couldn’t argue her words, and defending myself with such a weak argument didn’t seem like the wisest decision either. And so, I nod and drop it. <<include "B1AF">>
“You’re welcome,” I say in a dull tone, not knowing if this was actually something I should be proud of or something she should be thanking me for. At the end of the day, I went to a dark place, and I killed everyone she once loved. I wasn’t in control of my actions. I scratch the back of my neck, “do you want to talk about what happened?” I question, and she shakes her head. “Honestly, no. I would just like to move on.” “Amari,” I start, biting my cheeks before continuing, “you know it’s okay to show emotions other than happy, right?” She stiffens, and her eyes slowly slide over to me, “no offense, but I know that, and I’ll share my emotions whenever and however I choose. To be frank, you killed my pack. And whether it was you or not, or on purpose, or any of those things, doesn’t matter. The pack that I grew up with and thought of as family is now mostly dead with their blood on your hands. So, you’re the last person I want to speak about this with.” I couldn’t argue her words, and defending myself with such a weak argument didn’t seem like the wisest decision either. And so, I nod and drop it. <<include "B1AF">>
“Anything for you, Amari.” Amari clears her throat, a heavy frown on her face. <<if $SRomance >=3>>Faye’s brows shoot up at my words, giving me an odd look from behind Amari. She knew about Sydero and me, I’m sure she was wondering if I had finally moved on. It was about to be a full month since she’s been gone. Was it too soon? Did it even matter? It wasn’t like the two of us were a couple.<</if>> “Do not murder in my name,” Amari says under her breath. I scratch the back of my neck, “do you want to talk about what happened?” I question, and she shakes her head. “Honestly, no. I would just like to move on.” “Amari,” I start, biting my cheeks before continuing, “you know it’s okay to show emotions other than happy, right?” She stiffens, and her eyes slowly slide over to me, “no offense, but I know that, and I’ll share my emotions whenever and however I choose. To be frank, you killed my pack. And whether it was you or not, or on purpose, or any of those things, doesn’t matter. The pack that I grew up with and thought of as family is now mostly dead with their blood on your hands. So, you’re the last person I want to speak about this with.” I couldn’t argue her words, and defending myself with such a weak argument didn’t seem like the wisest decision either. And so, I nod and drop it. <<include "B1AF">>
“Have you spoken to your parents since joining $name?” Faye asks her, and Amari shakes her head. “I will, soon, but right now, I want to stay focused on helping $name. The ingredient that you need me to go and get, what is it? Ayahuasca vines?” “It’s a vine that you’ll have to speak to black-market suppliers to get. Or try and find a shaman, they might have some.” “What does it do?” I ask. “The plant is a hallucinogenic that causes intense illusions,” Faye answers, “it’s going to loosen up your spiritual side in a way, make it easier to exorcise Zillah. And, as long as everything goes right, it should make you numb to it. By the time it’s finished you won’t even know what took place.” “And if everything doesn’t go, right?” “Then you could be in psychological distress. Another thing Lucia hopes to avoid by clearing your conscious later.” I nod in understanding, getting to my feet. <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Bradley")>>“Also, $name, if you haven’t spoken to Bradley yet, when you do can you tell him to come by for some medicine?" I nod.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“And then I looked that shithead right in the eye,” Jeff continues to recount as I approach, “and I said to him, ‘then summon the gotdamn thing.’” “You didn’t,” Rahim snorts, a genuine smile causing his entire face to light up. “I did! I told em that if he could summon it, then I’d piss on the Revenant and then give him my entire case of moonshine. He damn near fainted on that one.” “So did he summon it?” “Hell no, the fool was missing critical information. You can’t summon a Revenant, those bastards come up on their own time, and you can only get rid of em.” Rahim looks shocked at the news, his eyes finally meeting mine. “Consider me shocked,” I say, nodding a greeting to Jeff, “I didn’t see you and Jeff getting along so well.” He shrugs his shoulders, “he’s equal parts annoying and informative. For a human who seems to be so insignificant, he truly is one filled with surprises.” “I hear you, you wingless bastard,” Jeff growls, pointing his finger at him. “Wingless, do you actually have wings?” I question Rahim, who nods once. “I can’t summon them when I’m balanced, but if I was leaning more on the angelic side, then they would appear whenever I chose.” Jeff glances into his mug and grumbles, “I need more tea.” He walks back into the kitchen, leaving Rahim and I standing there alone. [[“How are you?”][$rahim +=3]] [[“Still got that stick up your butt?”][$rahim -=3]] <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ [[“Can we talk, please?”]] <</if>>\
“So how are you?” “$name,” he starts, but I stop him, chuckling as I shift from one foot to the other. “I know you said that your life isn’t my business, you made it clear that we weren’t friends. I’m just trying to be friendly, even coworkers are that.” He eyes me before sighing, “I have a headache, for the first time in a long time, I wish to sleep, and Lucia drives me crazy. Otherwise, I’m fine.” “Understandable.” <a data-passage="B1JR"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Still got that stick up your butt?” I question with a scowl. “Still got the shade up yours?” he snaps back, his face not shifting to show amusement or even disdain for my company. “Hate me for what I did, but I will not apologize or show regret. My mother and best friend were in trouble.” “And telling us that before flying off just wasn’t a thing? And to add insult to injury, you come back and act as if you’re all holier than thou with the ‘we’re not a team,’ speech.” “We’re not,” he reminds me yet again. “If we weren’t a team then why –” <<if $proSyd >=3>>“As you so love to remind me, everything we have done up to this point has been for Sydero, every little thing. Whether you count some of them as helpful or not doesn’t concern me, but it has been for her. I call this a job, a task that benefits multiple parties at best, not a choice, and certainly not because I wanted to.”<<else>>“Because everything I’ve done, save for helping out two of those that I love, has been for an asshole that now resides in the underworld. Whether you count some of the things done as helpful or not doesn’t concern me, but it has all been for her and getting closer to saving her. I call this a job, a task that benefits multiple parties at best, not a choice, and certainly not because I wanted to.”<</if>> <a data-passage="B1JR"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $rahim >=50>> <<set $rahim +=3>> <<else>> <<set $rahim -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Can we talk, please?” “Is there a problem?” he questions back, glancing around as if he could figure out what it was himself. “The only problem is between you and me.” He sneers, turning his nose up, “there isn’t a problem between you and me. In fact, that’s what I was attempting to convey to you yesterday.” “So tell me that these last few days there’s been nothing there, that I’ve imagined it all.” I feel my heart tighten as I wait for his answer. I can see him stiffen, his jaw clenching as he begins to scratch the side of his face. He then stops and stands at his full height. “You’ve imagined it. If I,” he pauses, as if not liking the taste of his own words, “if I led you on then my apologies. But I see you as nothing more than a really cheap employer who has constantly put my life in danger and upturned my way of living.” The more he speaks, the more he seems to reassure himself, reminding him of why I was a bad idea. And I can do nothing but let my heart fall, and my eyes drift to the ground. Out of the corner of my view, I see him shift, his hand twitching at his side as he reaches for me, but then he stops short. <a data-passage="B1JR"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
With that, Rahim ends our conversation. Whether because it was because he didn’t wish to continue it or because Jeff was coming back our way, I don’t know. “What does the old crone got you retrieving anyway?” Jeff questions as he goes back to his previous spot. “Body duty,” Rahim tells him and me, both of our eyes widening. “You gon have to be a bit more specific than that,” Jeff chuckles darkly. “Lucia wants us to go down to the hospital or morgue and see if I can find a suitable body, I suppose. What suitable means, I don’t know. I’m guessing someone recently deceased.” “Will that even work?” I question, and again he shrugs. “It’s more likely to work with someone alive, but then you run into the moral dilemma of forcing someone into becoming a host for an entire entity. No one would willingly agree to that, not if they have the entire story.” “Better you than me,” Jeff snorts. <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
<<if $savechris>>\ I walk back to the guest room to check up on the guys, turning the knob and opening the door, right as I hear someone gasp in shock. I freeze, glancing behind the door to see that I had hit Chris as I was opening it. “Crap, my fault,” I say in a sheepish tone, my eyes taking him in before going to Bradley who still sits on the bed. “It’s fine,” he grumbles, “that’s probably the least painful thing that has happened to me in the past week.” I manage a small grin, Chris looking from me to Bradley. “Can I talk to you outside for a minute, $name?” Chris asks. I nod to him before telling Bradley that I’ll be back to talk to him. Once in the hallway, I turn to him, “how is he?” “Feeling abandoned,” Chris grumbles, running his hand through his already messed up hair, “and I don’t blame him. God, why do I feel like a complete dick for leaving him and putting myself first? I shouldn’t be upset for wanting to live, right?” “Of course not Chris, there was no way we were going to come out of that situation with a win. The Princes and Raum made sure of that.” “I think the whole demon thing is hurting him more than even being abandoned, though. I don’t blame him,” he sighs, sitting on the first step of the staircase, “I went to a really dark place. I guess anyone in my shoes would, you know? I thought I was going to die in the backseat of your car. And I could only pray that I wouldn’t turn and end up hurting you or Amari. I don’t know, I …” he wipes at his eyes as they dart around, as if trying to spot the crooked monster he’s been seeing for the last few hours. “I never knew how traumatizing that was. I kinda just buried it the first time it happened. I never told you, but I had nightmares. I would wake up and hear BB’s howls and its cries, and I’d feel this overwhelming sadness, like some kid who just lost his mom or something. And now it feels like it’s all back.” [[“Tell me what I can do.”]] [[“You beat it, twice.”]] [[Ask to hug him.]] <<else>>\ I walk back to the guest room to check up on the guys, turning the knob and opening the door, right as I hear someone gasp in shock. I freeze, glancing behind the door to see that I had hit Bradley as I was opening it. “Crap, my fault,” I say in a sheepish tone, my eyes going from him to the man that sat on the bed, his eyes following me like a predator in wait. Even from this distance, I can see parts of his eyes still holding the luminescent blue of the BB curse, and it causes me to wonder if it’s truly gone, and if so, the effects left behind. “It’s fine,” he grumbles, “that’s probably the least painful thing that has happened to me in the past week.” I manage a small grin, Bradley looking from me to Chris. “I was just,” he starts, shifting from one foot to the other, “telling Chris …” Bradley seems at a loss for words, attempting to grasp an adequate one but realizing to late each time that those were the hardest to keep a hold of. “It’s fine, sport,” Chris chuckles, offering him a tight lipped smile that said the opposite of his words. “I would’ve been pissed off if $name chose me over you anyway.” Bradley stiffens, “but I was never in danger. I was just stupid and selfish, and –” “Yea,” Chris snickers yet again, but this time it quavers, an edge to it that warns Bradley to stop, “let’s just drop it and never pick it back up, okay?” “Have you gone to see Faye yet? She has something to give you for the nightmares.” <<if $bcure>>He glances at me, a mixture of sadness and disappointment in his eyes. <<else>>He sighs and scratches his temple, resembling an old man who had just about had it with the kids in his neighborhood.<</if>> “Can I talk to you outside for a minute, $name?” Chris asks. I nod to him before telling Bradley that I’ll be back to talk to him. We go into the hallway and take a seat on the stairs. This was awkward. Has it ever been awkward between the two of us? There were times where we would sit in silence, not much to say to one another, so just opting for peace, but I never described it as awkward, not like this. I finally meet his eyes, choosing to give him a more in-depth assessment. Besides his eyes, and a few of his veins popping out more than usual, he looked like regular old Chris. Chris, with deep bags and bed hair. [[“I’m so sorry.”]] [[“You’re looking good.”]] [[“How are you feeling?”]] <</if>>\
“Chris,” I start, feeling my emotions swirl and shift within me. He was right here. I was so sure that the last time I was going to see him was in that motel parking lot, trying to explain why I didn’t choose him, why I had to go save Bradley. And yet here he was, alive and breathing. “I’m so sorry.” Thoughts about how it was all a clever ploy on the demon’s part overwhelm me. Leaving him was all for nothing, Bradley was never really in any danger. They just wanted Chris to suffer, and they knew exactly how to go about it. I shake my head and rub at my eye, “I’m so so sorry.” <<include "B_CB_0">>
“Well,” I begin, not knowing what to say. What did one say to a friend that they were so sure was going to be dead? I left Chris in that motel parking lot, resigned to the thinking that it was going to be the last time I’ve ever seen him, that I was abandoning him to fate. And yet, here he was now. “You’re looking good.” <<include "B_CB_0">>
“Um,” I begin, not knowing what to say. What did one say to a friend that they were so sure was going to be dead? I left Chris in that motel parking lot, resigned to the thinking that it was going to be the last time I’ve ever seen him, that I was abandoning him to fate. And yet, here he was now. “How are you feeling?” <<include "B_CB_0">>
Chris lets out a long and tired sigh, “you know, as soon as I started feeling better, I began replaying this scene over and over in my head. What I would say to you, how I would feel when the time came, and what I would do. And now, when it all matters … I just feel …” His eyes squint as he examines me, “<<if $cbreak>>relieved<<else>><<if $chris >=50>>okay, just okay<<else>>betrayed<</if>><</if>>.” He lowers his gaze, “I went to a really dark place. I guess anyone in my shoes would, you know? I broke into a room and just accepted fate, I laid on the floor laughing to myself about how I was going to die on some dingy ass motel carpet that hadn’t seen a vacuum in forever. I was probably going to scare the shit out of the cleaning ladies because they were going to see some huge beast that was probably starved.” He throws his head back as he lets out a booming laugh, his shoulders shaking. “I had a whole story laid out, I was going to raise a little BB kid and then die. I don’t know, I …” he wipes at his eyes as they dart around, as if trying to spot the crooked monster he’s been seeing for the last few hours. “I never knew how traumatizing that was. I kinda just buried it the first time it happened. I never told you, but I had nightmares. I would wake up and hear BB’s howls and its cries, and I’d feel this overwhelming sadness, like some kid who just lost his mom or something. And now it feels like it’s all back.” [[“Tell me what I can do.”]] [[“You beat it, twice.”]] [[Ask to hug him.]]
“Tell me what I can do. Anything to help you out. I’m here for you, Chris, I need you to know that.” He lets out a <<if $savechris>>long and thankful sigh, “I know you are. After choosing me over Bradley, I’ll never doubt that.”<<else>>ruthless snicker, “you say that, but yet you left me in a motel parking lot.” The jab was well earned, but that didn’t mean it hurt me any less.<</if>> <<include "RandomCBAgainCosToManyOfThese">>
I move uncomfortably towards him, “but you beat it, Chris, you mastered it and overcame it twice already. You’re the winner in this story.” He lets out a biting laugh, making it a point to avoid my gaze. “Yea? So why do I feel like the loser?” <<include "RandomCBAgainCosToManyOfThese">>
I go in for a hug before stopping, thinking to myself if that was the right thing to do. After everything that I did, that he’s been through, would he even want a hug? “Can I hug you?” <<if $chris >=50>>\ He rolls his eyes before opening his arms up for one. With a smile, I lean forward and hug him tightly, squeezing before realizing the lack of effort on his part. Chris’s hugs were something I always looked forward to, but this one almost felt empty, more like I was hugging a dummy or some other inanimate object. “Chris?” I ask, pulling back, cocking my head to the side. He offers an apologetic smile before letting his arms fall back to his side. “Sorry, I just didn’t want to tell you no.” I move back to give him room. <<else>>\ He bites his lip, and I can see the tug-o-war game being played on his heart. He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “I’d rather you not. Not because of you, I just need … I don’t know what I need. But I don’t think I want to be touched right now.” I nod in understanding. <</if>>\ <<include "RandomCBAgainCosToManyOfThese">>
<<if $cbreak>>\ He runs his hands over his face, “you know we’re going to need to talk soon, right?” I raise a brow, and I’m able to hear the first genuine, Chris laugh in a while. One that makes my chest flutter and adds just a little more hope in an overly bleak world. “The one thing no one wants to hear, right? That and all this shit is going on, and yet, I find the time to fuck up over and over.” He sighs, my eyes slowly crawling over his body until they make it to his face. “I thought about that, like a lot, when I was wasting away. I thought about how dark this world was and how much I fucking complain and hate it. And then I thought about how you’re that one good part of it all, like the only bright star in a never-ending black sky. And yet, I was fucking with your shine. You’d think I wouldn’t mess up the one good thing I had.” “Chris,” I murmur, but he stops me, resting his hand on my thigh. “Don’t. Like I said, we need to talk soon. I guess thinking you’re about to succumb to some curse and turn into a cryptid does help get your priorities and emotions straight. I … I’m not making any promises that I can get it all out like I need to. God knows I don’t understand myself, but I think I can come close. So, once all this bullshit is over with. I’d like to talk.” I nod, unable to say more. <</if>>\ He straightens up, “you should probably go check on the kid. He blames himself for all of this, and I think the last thing we need is a Bradley who’s feeling even further down.” I nod, leaving the hallway and reentering the room. <<if $savechris>>\ “Am I the last person you want to see right now?” <<else>>\ “Is he okay?” he asks, getting to his feet and messing with the hem of his shirt, his eyes darting to the door as if he would rather go out there and check on Chris himself. “He’s fine, but what about you? Am I the last person you want to see right now?” <</if>>\ “Am I the last person you want to see right now?” <<if $bcure>>\ “Kinda. I’m not as mad as I was before about what you did. Even a part of me understands why you did it, but that doesn’t mean I appreciate it.” “Yea, I could guess that.” <<else>>\ “The last person I want to see is Raum … or Wrath. You’re welcomed.” <</if>>\ He gives me a half-smile and pats the bed, beckoning me to come over. I do so, the two of us sitting in silence as I stare at the opposing wall, and Bradley wraps up whatever he was doing on his laptop. I point to it, “looking up whatever they said you’ll be doing?” “Yea, Faye told me that I’ll be with Rahim. I was just checking up on nearby places that might be helpful.” “How are the nightmares?” “They’re nightmares,” he answers with a half-hearted shrug, “I can’t really say more than that. I’m just tired now. Growing numb from the pain and just wishing I could sleep and not wake up.” “Come on, Bradley, don’t talk like that.” He visibly deflates, “I’m tired of talking about it. I’m tired of everyone treating me like a damn baby.” //Trigger Warning: Suicidal Topics.// [[“Then stop acting like one.”][$bradley +=2]] <<if $bcure>>[[“How many times can I apologize?”][$bradley +=3]]<<else>>[[“We just want you to get better.”][$bradley +=3]]<</if>> [[“Do you hear yourself?”][$bradley -=3]] [[Skip Bradley’s Conversation|B1CB]]
I walk back to the guest room to check up on Bradley, turning the knob and opening the door and spotting him sitting on the side of the bed, his laptop open and his eyes glued on it. “$name,” he grumbles as a greeting to me. “Am I the last person you want to see right now?” <<if $bcure>>\ “Kinda. I’m not as mad as I was before about what you did. Even a part of me understands why you did it, but that doesn’t mean I appreciate it.” “Yea, I could guess that.” <<else>>\ “The last person I want to see is Raum … or Wrath. You’re welcomed.” <</if>>\ He gives me a half-smile and pats the bed, beckoning me to come over. I do so, the two of us sitting in silence as I stare at the opposing wall, and Bradley wraps up whatever he was doing on his laptop. I point to it, “looking up whatever they said you’ll be doing?” “Yea, Faye told me that I’ll be with Rahim. I was just checking up on nearby places that might be helpful.” “How are the nightmares?” “They’re nightmares,” he answers with a half-hearted shrug, “I can’t really say more than that. I’m just tired now. Growing numb from the pain and just wishing I could sleep and not wake up.” “Come on, Bradley, don’t talk like that.” He visibly deflates, “I’m tired of talking about it. I’m tired of everyone treating me like a damn baby.” //Trigger Warning: Suicidal Topics.// [[“Then stop acting like one.”][$bradley +=2]] <<if $bcure>>[[“How many times can I apologize?”][$bradley +=3]]<<else>>[[“We just want you to get better.”][$bradley +=3]]<</if>> [[“Do you hear yourself?”][$bradley -=3]] [[Skip Bradley’s Conversation|B1CB]]
“Then stop acting like one,” I shout, frustrated and done with coddling him, “you keep reminding us about how much you can watch out for yourself, but every time I turn around, you’re contemplating suicide. You don’t talk to us, you yell. <<if $bcure>>The only reason we haven’t seen //that// side of you is because of the memory block. Now, I’ve already said numerous times that I’m sorry. That there was a lot of things that I could’ve done differently, and if you want to be mad at me about it, then so be it.<<else>>I’m sorry, this happened to you, I really am. But none of us did this to you, and we’ve tried to do nothing but help you out and be there for you. You keep pushing //us// away. If you’re going to hate us for that, then so be it.<</if>> But Bradley,” I sigh as I look him over, suddenly I was the one who was tired, wanting to sleep for a week. Here I am screaming at him about keeping things in when I feel I am doing the same. The only difference is that while he lets the world know, I keep it all bottled in. “Bradley, this has to stop. Pushing us away and screaming at us because we’re not doing exactly what you want. You’re acting like a brat, and I know you know it. I know you’re going through hard times, guess what though, the rest of us are too. For crying out loud, I’m about to have something … someone pulled from my body later today, and it might potentially kill me.” <<if $bcure>>\ Bradley says nothing as my rant comes to an end, or perhaps intervention is a better word for it. He stares into the distance, trying to figure out the secrets hidden within the texture of the walls. “I just wanted to check on you,” I murmur, standing and making my way <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>to the door<<else>>down the stairs<</if>>. If someone could do me the favor of erasing this entire week from memory, it would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I should talk to Rahim about gaining my own memory block. “$name,” Bradley whispers, just loud enough for me to instinctively turn around due to me hearing a voice. “Yea?” “I’m sorry.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>“I know you are, just get better, Bradley, for all of us.” I leave.<<else>>“Don’t be.” I leave.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Wow, a great way to make me feel even worse, $name! If you guys would just leave me alone and let me do what I want –” “What you want?” I question, trying to contain the anger boiling within, “you mean to kill yourself? Are you serious, Bradley?” “Why do you or anyone else have any say in how I live my life? In whether or not I should live?” I stop, <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>two years of studying psychology instinctively come back to me.<<elseif $cmajor is "Nursing">>two years of studying to be a nurse and shadowing doctors instinctively come back to me.<<else>>not wanting to say something that can potentially make this situation worse.<</if>> I take a deep breath in, rubbing my temples as we sit in silence. [[“We’d miss you.”][$bradley -=2]] <<if $cmajor is "Psychology" or $cmajor is "Nursing">>\ [[“Talk to me, please.”][$bradley +=2]] <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("CRSuicidalHelp") or hasVisited("“I did too. For a long time.”")>>\ [[“It won’t be easy. But you can do it.”][$bradley +=2]] <</if>>\ [[“Then, I guess you have a decision to make.”][$bradley +=2]] [[Walk out.][$bradley -=2]] <</if>>\
“How many times can I apologize for the same thing? Huh, Bradley? Because if you give me a number, I can do my best to meet that quota.” “You wouldn’t have to apologize in the first place if you never did it,” he mumbles. “Yep. You’re absolutely right. But guess what, I don’t have a time machine that allows me to go back and fix all of that. I did it. I looked Rahim in the eye and gave him permission to go and put up a memory block that made all the scary shit go away. And guess what, you were happy. You were you. You still wanted to go and get Sydero, you had the same motivations, but you weren’t terrified of life and despondent. We didn’t change your memories, we just kept them from you.” “And you think that’s right?” “Does it matter?” I ask in exhaustion. A piece of me always knew that this conversation would come, I just didn’t know when and how it would be. The best case scenario being that Rahim brought it down because it was time, and Sydero was there to help guide Bradley through the consequences. Obviously, this was the worst-case scenario. “I just wanted to check on you,” I murmur, standing and making my way <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>to the door<<else>>down the stairs<</if>>. If someone could do me the favor of erasing this entire week from memory, it would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I should talk to Rahim about gaining my own memory block. “$name,” Bradley whispers, just loud enough for me to instinctively turn around due to me hearing a voice. “Yea?” “I’m sorry.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>“I know you are, just get better, Bradley, for all of us.” I leave.<<else>>“Don’t be.” I leave.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“I know this isn’t easy,” I start, rubbing my forehead, “but we just want you to get better, Bradley. That’s all we want.” “And I want you guys to back off and give me space!” “And then attend your funeral because you finally thought to yourself that it was your time?” “Isn’t that my choice!” He jumps to his feet, “why do you or anyone else have any say in how I live my life? In whether or not I should live or die? If I wanted to end it now, then that’s my right! Stop taking that from me!” I stop, <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>two years of studying psychology instinctively come back to me.<<elseif $cmajor is "Nursing">>two years of studying to be a nurse and shadowing doctors instinctively come back to me.<<else>>not wanting to say something that can potentially make this situation worse.<</if>> I take a deep breath in, rubbing my temples as we sit in silence. [[“We’d miss you.”][$bradley -=2]] <<if $cmajor is "Psychology" or $cmajor is "Nursing">>\ [[“Talk to me, please.”][$bradley +=2]] <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("CRSuicidalHelp") or hasVisited("“I did too. For a long time.”")>>\ [[“It won’t be easy. But you can do it.”][$bradley +=2]] <</if>>\ [[“Then, I guess you have a decision to make.”][$bradley +=2]] [[Walk out.][$bradley -=2]]
I chuckle darkly, the sound turning into something far more twisted and guttural until I can’t control myself. I’m aware of Bradley’s glare on me, but it doesn’t cause me to calm down, only time allows that to happen. “Do you hear yourself?” I manage to finally ask, wiping a tear from my eye before the seriousness lowers itself back onto my shoulders. “<<if $bcure>>Even you point out that the only way to keep you from committing suicide was to put a memory block up. I don’t know about you and how you would treat the rest of us, but I’d rather have Bradley with a memory block than no Bradley.<<else>>Even you point out that the only way to keep you from committing suicide is to treat you like some fragile child. Trust me, having to look over our shoulder to make sure you’re okay isn’t fun for us. We don’t enjoy this.<</if>>” <<if $bcure>>\ “You messed with my mind!” he shouts. “And potentially saved your life,” I growl back. “Now, in no way am I going to stand here and say that what I did was ethical or right. In a perfect world, we would’ve told you, but that’s not how it worked. Rahim said that telling you would practically undo the block because you would know about its existence.” “Because I’m in such a better mindset now.” “You think I personally asked Wrath to fuck with your mind?” I shout back, “how could any of us know that Wrath and the rest of the Princes would appear? And you know what, I’m sure if you didn’t have the block, then Wrath would’ve just done something else.” I calm down, taking a deep breath as I try to gain control of my emotions. “Again, I know. I know that it wasn’t right, but I’m not about to say sorry or feel bad for doing it because I only wanted to help you. That’s what all of us wanted. And it kept you safe. I’m sorry this happened to you in the first place, but carrying on and blaming and hating us is doing nothing for you.” Bradley turns away from me, hugging himself. “I just wanted to check on you,” I murmur, standing and making my way <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>to the door<<else>>down the stairs<</if>>. If someone could do me the favor of erasing this entire week from memory, it would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps I should talk to Rahim about gaining my own memory block. “$name,” Bradley whispers, just loud enough for me to instinctively turn around due to me hearing a voice. “Yea?” “I’m sorry.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>“I know you are, just get better, Bradley, for all of us.” I leave.<<else>>“Don’t be.” I leave.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Then stop doing this!” “And then attend your funeral because you finally thought to yourself that it was your time?” “Isn’t that my choice!” He jumps to his feet, “why do you or anyone else have any say in how I live my life? In whether or not I should live or die? If I wanted to end it now, then that’s my right! Stop taking that from me!” I stop, <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>two years of studying psychology instinctively come back to me.<<elseif $cmajor is "Nursing">>two years of studying to be a nurse and shadowing doctors instinctively come back to me.<<else>>not wanting to say something that can potentially make this situation worse.<</if>> I take a deep breath in, rubbing my temples as we sit in silence. [[“We’d miss you.”][$bradley -=2]] <<if $cmajor is "Psychology" or $cmajor is "Nursing">>\ [[“Talk to me, please.”][$bradley +=2]] <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("CRSuicidalHelp") or hasVisited("“I did too. For a long time.”")>>\ [[“It won’t be easy. But you can do it.”][$bradley +=2]] <</if>>\ [[“Then, I guess you have a decision to make.”][$bradley +=2]] [[Walk out.][$bradley -=2]] <</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“We’d miss you,” I murmur, “all of us. And I’m pretty sure Sydero would go over the deep end.” “I don’t care,” he shouts, wrapping his arms around himself, “I just want to be free from this! To get these images out of my head!” He hits his head in hatred, causing me to want to reach out and stop him, but I stop, knowing that such an action could make all of this worse. He had just told me to stop coddling him. “I …” I couldn’t find the proper words. With a shake of my head, I stand and <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>leave the room, closing the door softly behind me and leaning my head on it. It takes me a few more minutes before I’m able to reenter the living room with the others.<<else>>walking down the stairs. Before truly entering the living room, I slide into the bathroom, collecting myself before I go and reenter the living room with the others.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
I move closer to Bradley, touching his hand softly, “please, talk to me. Getting this off your chest can help, trust me. Especially to an ear like mine. You don’t have to go through this by yourself.” “Have you seen a demon’s face?” he questions and leans closer to me, “been tortured by them every hour? Had every horrible thought you ever had come up and be reminded of it?” I close my eyes, knowing where this was going, and it was a place that was hardly defensible on my part. “I …” I couldn’t find the proper words. With a shake of my head, I stand and <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>leave the room, closing the door softly behind me and leaning my head on it. It takes me a few more minutes before I’m able to reenter the living room with the others.<<else>>walking down the stairs. Before truly entering the living room, I slide into the bathroom, collecting myself before I go and reenter the living room with the others.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“It won’t be easy,” I finally say after some thinking. We’ve discussed this before, and unless he wanted my help further, I wouldn’t keep trying to sit him down to explain it. I know how I felt when others constantly forced their views on me back when I just needed an ear mostly. “At all. You’ll have days that make you feel like you should go down one path and days that make you think that the specific path is ridiculous. Everyone heals differently. Some need support, others do better with just figuring themselves out, and some need medication to help. The important thing is the healing.” “How will I know if I am healing? Especially if the days just all feel like constant bad ones?” “Well, see it as every day being a fight. And every day you wake up is another day that you win. The war is still being fought, but progress is progress.” With nothing left to be said, and Bradley far too deep in his own mind, I stand and <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>leave the room, closing the door softly behind me and leaning my head on it. It takes me a few more minutes before I’m able to reenter the living room with the others.<<else>>walking down the stairs. Before truly entering the living room, I slide into the bathroom, collecting myself before I go and reenter the living room with the others.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“Then, I guess you have a decision to make.” I give him a sympathetic smile that probably made things worse. I clear my throat and <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>leave the room, closing the door softly behind me and leaning my head on it. It takes me a few more minutes before I’m able to reenter the living room with the others.<<else>>walking down the stairs. Before truly entering the living room, I slide into the bathroom, collecting myself before I go and reenter the living room with the others.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
I decide to leave it on that note, far too worried that the words that come stumbling out of my mouth would push Bradley closer to a tip that I wanted him to back away from. I <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>leave the room, closing the door softly behind me and leaning my head on it. It takes me a few more minutes before I’m able to reenter the living room with the others.<<else>>walking down the stairs. Before truly entering the living room, I slide into the bathroom, collecting myself before I go and reenter the living room with the others.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Chris and Bradley") or hasVisited("Amari and Faye", "Jeff and Rahim", "Bradley")>>\ “You all ready?” Lucia asks, glancing at everyone who was now gathered in the living room, “I won’t give you time limits but try to be back as soon as possible. Faye will text you updates, and when you arrive back here, she’ll send out a message to the others. Any questions text her.” With their orders given, they all head out. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Amari and Faye")>>Amari and Faye visited.<<else>>[[Amari and Faye]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Jeff and Rahim")>>Jeff and Rahim visited.<<else>>[[Jeff and Rahim]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Chris and Bradley")>>Chris and Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Chris and Bradley]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Bradley")>>Bradley visited.<<else>>[[Bradley]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
<<nobr>>\ <<set $tag1 = false; $tag2 = false; $tag3 = false; $chosen = false; $chosen_Amari = false; $chosen_Rahim = false; $chosen_Chris = false>> <<unset $open, $knock>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/acttwo.png"> I lean on the doorframe, watching as the others leave to retrieve the ingredients for the ritual. I feel someone hovering over my shoulder and turn to see Faye now standing behind me. “Are you ready?” “Ready for what exactly?” I question as I follow her deeper into the living room and then up the stairs. “Lucia and I will be helping you clear your mind. That’s the most important part of all of this, making sure you’re not bogged down with worry and other things that will make it harder for Lucia to do the ritual.” <<if $serious >=50>>\ “Are you going into my subconsciousness or something?” “Something like that, yes.” Faye opens a door and motions me into a room that I’ve never had the pleasure of entering. <<else>>\ “So, you want me to lie down on a sofa and tell you about how all my problems can be traced back to the day I was born?” She rolls her eyes, opening the door to a room that I’ve never had the pleasure of entering. <</if>>\ I walk inside and notice how much it resembled an attic. Traveling up a short set of stairs, I find Lucia bent over a bowl, mumbling to herself as the contents glow an eerie shade of red, one whose tones would then shift to orange and then pink and even brown before restarting the cycle. “Now,” Lucia says, though she doesn’t bother to look up at me, “when we begin, I need you to be as honest with us as you are with yourself. Even if you don’t like the answers, be honest. If you don’t, then you’ll only hinder yourself more.” [[“What kind of questions are you asking?”]] [[“How long will this take?”]] <<if $honesty >=50>>[[“Sounds easy enough.”|EP5HD]]<<else>>[[“Great, what fun.”|EP5HD]]<</if>>
“What kind of questions are you asking? And what happens if I can’t answer because I don’t know them myself?” “It’s better to not answer than to answer untruthfully. But even then, it’s still dangerous, we need everything off your conscious. Out in the air as some would say. Not knowing the answer to a question won’t cloud your mind as much as it will settle on you until you figure out an answer. But it shouldn’t be too hard, you know yourself better than anyone else.” I frown at that. Did I? “This drink I’m making will help with concentration and relaxation. Walking through your subconscious will also make it much easier.” <<include "B2_0">>
“How long is this going to take?” “Ask fewer questions, and you’ll find it’ll go by faster.” She throws me a glance, and I <<if $sympathy >=50>>nod my head<<else>>roll my eyes<</if>>, taking a seat on the sofa. “It won’t seem like much,” Faye answers next, “but it’ll probably take a few hours. Once we’re done, you’ll think only thirty minutes or so have passed. Walking into subconscious spaces like what we’ll be doing does that to a person.” <<include "B2_0">>
<<if $honesty >=50>>\ “Okay, that sounds easy enough,” I say and take a seat on the sofa. <<else>>\ “Great, what fun. Because I definitely don’t have anything better to do right now.” “You say that in a sarcastic manner when, we both know, you don’t,” Lucia points out, and I choose to ignore her. <</if>>\ “You should take this seriously,” Faye scolds as she helps Lucia in lighting candles, “we’re entering your subconscious and literally walking around in it. You not taking it seriously can harm you, and us.” <<if $honesty >=50>>\ “I said, okay,” I state again, this time an edge to my words. “Say nothing,” Faye reprimands, suddenly making me feel like a five year old again. <</if>>\ <<include "B2_0">>
“Now, $name, you lay here and get comfortable.” I do as she orders, laying down on the couch and staring up at the ceiling as the two women continue to race around me. Faye places a pillow under my head and passes me a drink. “Drink all of it.” I sniff it for good measure before gulping it down, humming softly as the different spices flit across my tongue and cause my entire body to go into a state of relaxation. Lucia then hands me a sleep mask, and after I put it on, I lay back down on the sofa and wait. My other senses come alive instantly. My fingers lightly trace over the soft cotton fabric that makes up the sofa, and my nose takes in the scents of lavender and peppermint. The senses on my tongue are enhancing now that my sight is cut off. “We begin,” I hear Lucia whisper, her voice nothing more than a voice on the wind that I couldn’t pinpoint. <a data-passage="B2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<playlist "ambience" unloop fadeout>> <<audio "dream" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.70>> <</nobr>>\ Time goes by, and I don’t feel or hear anything. My entire body grows stiff, regardless of me trying my best to relax. The more I lay there, the more uncomfortable I become. Not to mention that the lack of direction on Lucia and Faye’s part causes me to feel worried. I decide to wait just a bit longer when I can suddenly no longer take it, my body feels ready to burst, and I surge forward as if freeing myself from the claws of water. I gasp and tear off the mask, my heart stopping when I see that I’m no longer in Faye’s attic but my uncle’s living room. I slowly stand up, my heart aching as the memories of growing up in this home return to me. Everything is as I remember it. <<if $uncledead>>But I know this isn’t real. Sydero had torched this place, burning it down along with every memory and the remains of my uncle.<<else>>But this can’t be real, right? This is a trick of the mind, an illusion cast by the two witches that still have yet to show themselves.<</if>> I go upstairs, closing my eyes as I run my hand over the chipped handrail, pausing halfway up and looking the banisters over to see if I can spot an old memory of mine. I snort when my finger runs up against the craving that I had made. I forget when I had done such a thing, only remembering it was when I was fairly young and wishing to defy Uncle Matheus. I continue up until I’m standing in the hallway that leads to a bathroom, his bedroom, and further down the hall, mine. My eyes rest on his bedroom, though, and I enter. It looks like I had expected it to. Matheus’s work clothes strewn about and an unmade bed that never saw tidiness due to his inability to understand why one would even fix a bed in the first place. <<if $uncledead>>\ “Stop fighting it,” I hear the voices whisper, turning to see no one there. I turn back to the room and … [[Fight it some more.|B2_1][$tag1 = true]] [[Stop fighting.|B2_1]] <<else>>\ I walk further into the room, trying to see if I can spot something that isn’t supposed to be there. But if this is indeed my dream, then I doubt anything new will appear. The only thing out of place is me. I spy a picture resting on his dresser and approach it, recognizing the image that he loved so much and would blackmail me for years after. It was taken at an amusement park, memorable if only because it was when Matheus declared his hatred for therapists and wanted me to never see one ever again. And so, after another failed attempt, he took me to the amusement park, and we had a blast. We took a picture of the two of us while in the funhouse and standing in front of the distorted mirrors. “Do you miss him?” [[“No, he’s safe. That’s all that matters.”|B2_2]] [[“Everyday.”|B2_2][$tag1 = true]] <</if>>\
<<if $tag1>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I don’t exactly know what I’m fighting, but I decide to keep doing it. I know what this room looks like. And if I focus, I know I can recreate the scene before everything becomes ash. It’s not that I can’t. I just don’t wish to. Why traumatize myself further and remind myself of how I lost my last family member? <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I’m faced with a macabre murder scene. Blood coating furniture that’s either moved or overturned. A body dangling from the ceiling fan with his organs spewing out of a gaping chest wound. The smell batters me, practically bringing me to my knees as the smell of decay drift through the entire house. <</if>>\ “Was it your fault?” I hear the voice from earlier say. This time it sounds much clearer. [[“His death is on my hands.”]] [[“No, this was Raum’s doing.”]]
“His death is on my hands,” I whisper, glancing down at them, “there are so many things I could’ve done to avoid this. He didn’t deserve to die, that’s a death I’ll have to carry around with me for the rest of my life.” I feel a hand rest on my back and turn to see Faye and Lucia standing there. Faye’s compassionate gaze never leaves mine while Lucia is much more focused on our surroundings. “What is this?” I ask, closing my eyes for an extended moment of time, hoping that the action will somehow cause my surroundings to shift. I’m disappointed when I reopen my eyes. “This is you,” Lucia points out, walking a few feet away. She narrows her eyes on something before coming back over. “This was the first part of your journey?” [[“Am I in control of this?”]] [[“Is this typical?”]] [[“Any advice for all of this?”]]
“No, this was Raum’s doing, like so many other things. I did my best, I really did. But Raum beat me, and he took his life. I think about it a lot. <<if $unclepicture>>I have a picture of him in my bag, it’s good luck, and it’s the last thing I have that’s from him. <</if>>I never realized how much I missed him.” I feel a hand rest on my back and turn to see Faye and Lucia standing there. Faye’s compassionate gaze never leaves mine while Lucia is much more focused on our surroundings. “What is this?” I ask, closing my eyes for an extended moment of time, hoping that the action will somehow cause my surroundings to shift. I’m disappointed when I reopen my eyes. “This is you,” Lucia points out, walking a few feet away. She narrows her eyes on something before coming back over. “This was the first part of your journey?” [[“Am I in control of this?”]] [[“Is this typical?”]] [[“Any advice for all of this?”]]
<<if $tag1>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Every day. Talking to him over the phone whenever I can helps, but I wish I could hug him again. I want to let him see that I’m okay for himself. I don’t know what I am, or who, but he’s my only family. He raised me, he //is// my family. And I just want to be reminded that I have that. That there’s an old piece of me still out there.” <<else>> <<nobr>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “To be honest,” I start, answering the voice that sounds much closer than before, “not really. Maybe it’s because I’m worried about what will happen to him if I ever go back to see him. Just knowing he’s safe is enough for me. That and it’s hard to miss someone when every day of your life is a new set of challenges. I barely have time to worry about myself.” <</if>>\ I feel a hand rest on my back and turn to see Faye and Lucia standing there. Faye’s compassionate gaze never leaves mine while Lucia is much more focused on our surroundings. “What is this?” I ask, closing my eyes for an extended moment of time, hoping that the action will somehow cause my surroundings to shift. I’m disappointed when I reopen my eyes. “This is you,” Lucia points out, walking a few feet away. She narrows her eyes on something before coming back over. “This was the first part of your journey?” [[“Am I in control of this?”]] [[“Is this typical?”]] [[“Any advice for all of this?”]]
“Am I in control of this?” I question, hoping that I was so that I can shift this landscape. Faye pouts, unable to respond as she turns to face Lucia for the answer. “Yes and no. In a way, you’re controlling all of this. This is what your subconscious is imagining.” <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>\ “Damn,” I murmur, interrupting any further explanation on her part, “but because this is my subconscious, I have no direction over it. It’s like we’re standing in my memory banks, and it’s playing everything I went through.” Lucia looks impressed, nodding her head as it’s now Faye’s turn to frown. “So, it’s more so like we’re in a theatre watching $name’s memories?” “I would say tour,” I answer, and Lucia nods in approval, “like a virtual tour.” <<else>>\ “So you are controlling this, but you can’t change what we see because you wish to think of something else. Your subconscious doesn’t work like how your conscious brain does. This is like a memory bank, storing everything you’ve ever been through in its purest form.” <</if>>\ “Well,” I sigh, “since I’m not in control of this crazy train, what’s next?” As soon as I speak the words, the door blows open. “This is exciting,” Faye chuckles. The two ladies follow behind me as we head back down the stairs and out the door. The scenery shifts, and no longer are we standing in front of my uncle’s house but residing by a pool. The weather is sunny, and a decently large crowd mill about. I don’t even have to think twice about the location, we’re at my old job, The Alley. <a data-passage="B2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Is this typical?” “Everyone’s subconscious is different, but I will say that yours is peculiar,” Lucia tells me. “How many subconsciouses has she been in?” Faye whispers to me. “Most of those that I’ve seen have one landscape that we meet on, think of it as their soul plane. A reflection of what their soul is and something that even they can’t control. Yours is not that. But it has to be a reason behind that.” “Well,” I sigh, “since I’m not in control of this crazy train, what’s next?” As soon as I speak the words, the door blows open. “This is exciting,” Faye chuckles. The two ladies follow behind me as we head back down the stairs and out the door. The scenery shifts, and no longer are we standing in front of my uncle’s house but residing by a pool. The weather is sunny, and a decently large crowd mill about. I don’t even have to think twice about the location, we’re at my old job, The Alley. <a data-passage="B2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Any advice for all of this?” “Same advice we gave you earlier,” Faye tells me, “be truthful with your response to what you see and remember.” “Yes, but be careful as well,” Lucia adds in, her eyes again drifting around with a calculated edge to them. “There is something … off. I believe it to be the shade’s presence, but its aura is not malicious.” “Well,” I sigh, “since I’m not in control of this crazy train, what’s next?” As soon as I speak the words, the door blows open. “This is exciting,” Faye chuckles. The two ladies follow behind me as we head back down the stairs and out the door. The scenery shifts, and no longer are we standing in front of my uncle’s house but residing by a pool. The weather is sunny, and a decently large crowd mill about. I don’t even have to think twice about the location, we’re at my old job, The Alley. <a data-passage="B2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“How much?” I hear Chris ask, approaching Past $name. He counts the money he’s earned so far playfully, reminding me how we used to split tips if the other ever had a horrible day. It brings a small, reminiscent smile to my face. “Ten with that one. I have forty so far.” “Gotta do better than that if you want to surpass the master, young Jedi.” <<if $cp>>\ “Ah, the Bladenboro Beast Boy,” Lucia hums in acknowledgment, “I almost failed to recognize him.” In all honesty, I don’t blame her. The Chris that I now travel with looks nothing like the one serving drinks to laidback customers. This Chris oozed carefreeness, his hair wild but not because of a lack of sleep or worry. His eyes are bright and filled with life, ready to tackle the world. I also notice that the Chris I know has a darker aura, something about him now holds a dangerous edge that would make people think twice about approaching him. Old Chris looks and was the friendliest person you could meet. “Do you regret bringing him?” I hear Lucia question me. [[“Yes, I do.”]] [[“No, I don’t.”]] [[“I only regret putting someone I care for in danger.”]] <<else>>\ “That,” Faye starts blinking, her mouth ajar, “that was Chris?” I nod, watching as he goes to pour another customer a drink. <<if $chrissafe>>\ [[“I hope he’s doing well.”|B2_4][$tag2 = true]] [[“Good riddance.”|B2_4]] <<else>>\ [[“Part of my old life.”|B2_4][$tag2 = true]] [[“Someone I couldn’t save.”|B2_4]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
<<nobr>>\ <<if $chris >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Yes, I do. It’s not hard to see that this life isn’t for Chris. I kinda noticed that early on but I kept telling myself that he’ll get better.” “And he has,” Faye remarks, but I shake my head. “You can see it in his eyes. It’s not that he’s getting better, he’s turning into something else. Something that can survive this world. And though I know some would consider that a good thing, it wasn’t what I wanted for him. He deserved happiness and to choose his own future, not this.” <<include "B2P1">>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $chris >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I manage a small smile due to Lucia’s question, thinking about the times I asked him if he regretted coming along, and each time my question was met with a firm no. “No. It’s been a hard and tough road, but I’m happy to have him by my side. Chris is a lot of things; he complains like no other, but I know that even he would rather be at our side. He’s growing, and I think he knows that.” <<include "B2P1">>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $CRomance >=5>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ <<if $CRomance >=3>>\ I watch the Old Chris, remembering the first time I looked at him and said to myself, ‘I’d like to date him.’ It’s been a rocky road thus far, full of questioning gazes and sheepish smiles, racing hearts, and more than a handful of arguments and disagreements. I narrow my gaze, remembering how the BB curse took him. How he had given up and accepted death. <</if>>\ “I don’t regret bringing him, not at all. But I do regret putting someone I care for in danger. Chris always talks about how he wants to protect me, that he has to get stronger to do so. But I don’t think he realizes that my goal is the exact same thing.” <<include "B2P1">>
<<if $tag2>> <<if $chrissafe>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I notice Lucia’s look of confusion and interest and decide to answer the question that rests on her tongue. “He was an old friend. One that I hope is doing well,” I say, managing a small smile. It’s been forever since I thought about Chris, and now, I wonder how he’s doing. Did he head back to his old life, or did he follow my advice? Was he even still alive? Chris was a sensible person; I have a feeling he didn’t go back to the life he had if only for his parent’s sake. But then, where was he? He was out there somewhere, hopefully living some healthy life with a 9 to 5, and who knows, maybe even a family. I glance back at Old Chris, my heart lurching as I realize how our lives had gone different directions so quickly. “We went down two separate paths, didn’t we, old friend?” <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “He’s part of my old life, the life that I had to leave behind when all of this crap began.” “He seems to mean little to you.” “Like I said, he’s part of a life that I had to leave behind. I try not to focus too much on it.” <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <<if $chrissafe>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I notice Lucia’s look of confusion and interest and decide to answer the question that rests on her tongue. “He’s an old friend. One who I was a little too happy about putting on a bus and waving farewell to,” I say with a snicker. It’s been forever since I thought about Chris, and though I didn’t care one way or the other, I wondered how his life was going now. Did he head back to his old life, or did he follow my advice? Was he even still alive? Chris was a sensible person; I have a feeling he didn’t go back to the life he had if only for his parent’s sake. But then, where was he? He was out there somewhere, hopefully living some healthy life with a 9 to 5, and who knows, maybe even a family. <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “He’s someone that I couldn’t save. Mistakes were made, and he should’ve never been brought into all of this in the first place.” “So, you blame yourself for his death?” Lucia questions further. “I … I do, but I don’t. Raum is the reason he died, and I recognize that whether or not I picked up his phone call, I wouldn’t have been able to keep him from being kidnapped. But I also feel responsible; perhaps there was something more I could have done to save him.” <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<include "B2P1">>
A bright light erupts in the sky and then fades, proving to be more than the catalyst that started all of this. The scenery changes and we now find ourselves standing on the side of a road, trees lining both sides of the street for miles in both directions. A few feet away stands Sydero, sitting on the ground with her back to a tree. She eyes Past $name with disgust. “This is your fault!” She stands up, continuing to breathe heavy and spit out gathered blood. “She really didn’t like you in the beginning,” Faye mumbles. “What?” Faye offers me a sympathetic glance, “I love Sydero, and you know I do. But she has a darkness inside of her, one that wasn’t bothered with having you die in the beginning if it meant that she was able to escape. I don’t know what changed, but I’m happy it did.” [[“We became friends.”|B2_5][$tag4 = true]] [[“She couldn’t resist me.”|B2_5][$tag3 = true]] [[“Nothing’s changed, we still hate one another.”|B2_5]]
<<if $tag4>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sydero >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I glance over at Sydero’s past version who’s still shouting, “we became friends. She’s not the easiest person to get along with, but I think I got through to her. It took a long time, but I do think she trusts me now.” “And I’m glad for that,” Faye tells me, frowning and looking at the ground, “but I know how she is when the demon part of her takes over. When she’s around all those demons in the Underworld and her father … it’s not good. And I’m worried that this time will be the worst one yet.” <<elseif $tag3>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ I glance over at Sydero, taking her in and refreshing my mind about what she looks like. The entire time I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, my blood pumping faster as my heart thumps wildly. “She couldn’t resist me,” I joke. <<else>>\ I glance over at Sydero, “she couldn’t resist me,” I joke. <</if>>\ “Or you couldn’t resist her?” Faye giggles, smiling at the ground as if she’s recalling some memories of her own. “And I’m glad for that,” Faye tells me, “but I know how she is when the demon part of her takes over. When she’s around all those demons in the underworld and her father … it’s not good. And I’m worried that this time will be the worst one yet.” <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $sydero >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Oh, nothing’s changed, trust me. I still dislike her as much as she probably loathes me.” “If you hated one another so much, then I doubt you’d have worked well together at all.” I shrug, “what can I say? We have a mutual hatred for Raum.” <</if>>\ “Goodness,” Lucia chuckles darkly, causing both Faye and me to glance up. She circles Sydero, who is now standing near my car, my subconsciousness continuing on despite our attention drifting. “The potential energy is astounding. She’s like a ticking time bomb. This is the cambion?” Faye nods, “she was a ticking time bomb. She was the one I was making the fairy essence potions for.” <<if $proSyd >=3>>\ “Is,” I mumble, peering at Faye, who apologizes with a nod. <</if>>\ Lucia’s eyes sparkle, “I would love to meet her after she’s rescued.” “And I’m sure she’ll love to meet you too,” Faye growls, a hint of jealousy in her tone. I raise a brow, but she only offers me a smile. Sydero goes to the car, but I notice that it doesn’t drive off, I look from my beloved car to further down the road, knowing what is probably coming next. <a data-passage="B2_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Come on, we need to get in,” I tell them, opening the door and ushering them inside. As soon as I get inside, I find myself standing in a well-furnished but compact room. Bradley stands in front of us with his arms wide and looking at our group. “What are you doing here? I mean, not that I’m not glad to see you.” Sydero rolls her eyes, judging Bradley, “when’s the last time you actually spoke to someone?” “Just yesterday, I was screaming at some twelve-year-old who told me to eat shit cos I kept killing him.” “That doesn’t count,” Sydero corrects, Lucia grabbing our attention as she points at Bradley. “This is the kid who wants to watch the world burn. What happened to all of you?” she questions in disbelief. “He looks like a healthy teenager here, what did you do to the poor soul?” She says it in a teasing way, but my fist clenches up on its own. [[“Bradley is going through something.”|B2_7][$tag5 = true]] [[“Him being a brat is not my fault.”|B2_7]]
<<if $tag5>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $bradley >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “As you know,” I start, choosing my words carefully, “Bradley is going through something. We’re trying to help him the best we can.” I look over at Old Bradley, sighing as he laughs, his head thrown back as he types something on his computer. “I miss this Bradley so much. I just want to help him. Want to see him better and back to his usual self.” “And he will,” Faye tells me, squeezing my shoulder, “you have to give him time. He was tortured, and whether we like it or not, he has to take the first step on his own. <<if $bcure>>Memory block or no block.<</if>>” <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $bradley >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Him being a brat is not my fault. I’ve tried to do what I can, but I can only do so much. So, don’t blame me for how annoying he is right now.” “Interesting,” Lucia mumbles, “so you don’t feel like this is your fault whatsoever?” “We were being attacked when Bradley was grabbed. It’s as much my fault as it is everyone else’s.” <</if>>\ The sound of whimpering is heard, grabbing all of our attention as the scenery changes, replaced with that of a warehouse. My eyes immediately go to the dying weanling that is slowly dying in front of me. Not, Past Me, but me. My body tingles, a powerful force surging through me, urging me to go on. Where once there is nothing in my hand, now there rests a knife. I fight the need, but nothing helps as I walk closer towards the weanling. I can hear their fading heartbeat, can practically see the last bit of air leaving their body. I want to claim it, to rip it from their body, and feel their soul in my hands. “$name!” Someone shouts, and I jerk around, seeing a shadow figure there, no face, no expression, just a black figure void of anything. “So this is what you’re becoming. If only I had a mirror right now. Would you recognize yourself?” he cackles. “What am I!?” I <<if $pacifist >=50>>whimper<<else>>scream<</if>>, fighting as much as I can. “You’re greatness that has yet to realize it,” he answers, now standing before me. “My last warning, go through with this, and you will suffer.” I hear him, but it feels like something is ripping through me, something that wants to awaken and refuses to stay asleep. “Hmm, I see. What will you do, I wonder?” [[Conquer this pain.]] [[Cede to the pain.]] <<if $flirt_Zillah and $zillah >=50>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Beg Zillah for help.][$ZRomance +=1; $nnZ = "trouble"; $zillah +=3]]</span><<else>>[[Beg Zillah for help.][$ZRomance +=1; $nnZ = "trouble"; $zillah +=3]]<</if>> <</if>> <<if $flirt_Zillah and $zillah <50>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Demand Zillah help.][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah -=3]]</span><<else>>[[Demand Zillah help.][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah -=3]]<</if>> <</if>>\
<<nobr>>\ <<if $pacifist >=50>>\ <<set $nerve -=10>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=10>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I grit my teeth and fight against whatever is inside of me. Whatever thinks it’s going to overtake me, won’t. I’m in control of my body, and I will show it precisely that. I focus on absorbing everything that the strange sensation throws at me, claiming it for myself with a righteous victory. Soon, the pain vanishes, and I’m left standing with a new sense of understanding, though about what still eludes me. Zillah has disappeared, and my senses are coming back to me, the world returning to a colorful one. <<include "B2P2">>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $pacifist >=50>>\ <<set $nerve +=10>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=10>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I drop my guard and decide to stop fighting an enemy that I can’t even see. I let it all go and tell whatever it is that it can do as it pleases. “You idiot!” Zillah shouts, but I don’t feel bothered by his words. The pain explodes like that of a firecracker, and instead of tearing me apart, it dims. Vanishing, much like the individual sparks a firework leaves behind. <<include "B2P2">>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $ZRomance >=5>>\ <<set $nerve +=10>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=10>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Zillah,” I manage to say through clenched teeth, falling to my knees. “I beg you, help me.” “No,” I hear him say, a tendril pushing me onto my back and keeping me down, “but only because I know that you can do this on your own.” “Do what!” I whimper through the pain, the pain traveling up to my throat now. Zillah is silent as I begin to choke on my own words, or perhaps that was my blood. “You are going to be so much trouble for me,” I hear him growl underneath his breath. His tendril moves up to my throat and pokes at a sensitive spot. At first, I believe he was trying to end me right there, but then I feel the pain subside, color coming back into a graying world. And Zillah was gone. <<include "B2P2">>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $ZRomance >=5>>\ <<set $nerve +=10>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=10>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Zillah,” I manage to say through clenched teeth, falling to my knees. “Get your cowardly ass out here and help me now.” “Do you typically get far demanding from your betters like that?” I hear him ask. “I know my betters,” I growl, “and you’re not one of them. You’re just a lacky with a large ego.” A tendril pushes me onto my back and keeps me down, his face appearing and hints of red show. I call against his hold, letting my nails dig into whatever material the tendril is made of. Even if they’re not harming him, I continue on. My mind half on him and the other half on whatever it is that feels like it’s ripping through me. “Aw sphinx,” I hear him chuckle underneath his breath, “I’m not even a bit surprised.” His tendril moves up to my throat and pokes at a sensitive spot. At first, I believe he was trying to end me right there, but then I feel the pain subside, color coming back into a graying world. And Zillah was gone. <<include "B2P2">>
“$name!” Faye calls out, her arms around me as she helps me sit up, hitting my back softly, “what happened?” “You tell me.” Lucia isn’t looking at me but at the sky once again, “you started to shake and then waver before falling.” “It felt like something was trying to overtake me.” “Zillah?” Faye questions, and Lucia shakes her head. “Though the shade might be powerful enough to make an appearance, that is all he is able to do. Part of the spell calls for his incarceration, it’s temporary, but as long as we reside within $name’s subconscious, Zillah has little ability to roam free.” [[“You guys wanna stay then?”|B2_8][$tag6 = true]] [[“Good.”|B2_8]]
<<if $tag6>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $serious >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I snort as I take in one deep breath at a time, “you guys wanna stay then? We can have sleepovers and talk about our crushes.” “No, thank you,” Lucia says almost instantly, and a part of me wonders if she knew I was joking. <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $serious >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Well,” I start, clearing my throat as I unsteadily got to my feet, thanking Faye as she assists me, “that’s good news.” “Indeed,” is all Lucia answers with, her attention on other things. <</if>>\ It’s hard not to notice just how much Lucia has been looking at the sky. Her eyes never stop wandering, and though she proves that she’s listening and paying attention to what’s going on around us, it never seems to hold her attention for long. [[Ask Lucia what she’s looking at.|B2_9][$tag7 = true]] [[Demand Lucia tell me what she knows.|B2_9]]
<<if $tag7>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<set $nerve +=3>> <</nobr>>\ “Hey, Lucia?” I start, appearing at her side. Like I presumed, she hums in acknowledgment but is still gazing up. “What are you looking at?” <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<set $nerve -=3>> <</nobr>>\ “Hey, Lucia,” I start, her eyes moving to me before back to the sky. She narrows them, an expression of interest now on her face. “What are you looking at?” <</if>>\ “Your deterioration.” “My what!?” I question in shock, glancing up as well, but seeing nothing that tells me Lucia’s words hold truth. <<else>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<set $nerve -=3>> <</nobr>>\ “Hey, Lucia,” I bark, her eyes moving to me before back to the sky. She narrows them, an expression of interest now on her face. “What about you tell me what you keep looking at. It’s my head, and the last thing I need is you keeping secrets and things to yourself.” <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<set $nerve +=3>> <</nobr>>\ “Hey, Lucia?” I bark, appearing at her side. Like I presumed, she hums in acknowledgment but is still gazing up. “What about you tell me what you keep looking at. It’s my head, and the last thing I need is you keeping secrets and things to yourself.” <</if>>\ “You’re deteriorating.” “I’m what!?” I question in shock, glancing up as well, but seeing nothing that tells me Lucia’s words hold truth. <</if>>\ “You won’t be able to see it,” she remarks, “only because this is your own mind. Faye, do you see it?” Faye nods but quickly adds in, “but I didn’t think it was deterioration. I noticed the aura as soon as we arrived, but I thought it was caused by Zillah.” “It very much could be, I’m not sure. There’s so much that we don’t know.” “Can we back up to deterioration? What does that mean for me?” “It means that you are indeed unstable. I doubt it’s your shade exclusively that’s causing this and not your powers. But then that begs the question of is Zillah to blame or not. Will removing him aid or deter you?” Lucia finally looks at me, “there are still too many unknown variables, though. We should continue on.” <a data-passage="B2_10"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We continue on. The more we walk, the more the landscape begins to shift until we stand in the middle of a house that frequently appears in my nightmares. A large gaping hole rests in the middle, fire-spewing from it and yearning for any to come close. Raum stands behind it with Sydero to the side, tired and injured, her demonic form howling for freedom. “I would say I’m surprised, but I’m not,” Raum chuckles, throwing me a smirk and setting every fiber of my being on flames. “You’re not human, $name. Something I realized upon our first meeting, and something I know our dear Sydero has.” “So, this is where it all happened?” Faye says more than asks, taking everything in. “You all live exciting lives,” Lucia mentions, carefully walking along the edge of the pit, “even with this being your subconscious, the residual energy of this portal is still there, forever burned in your mind.” I hear her, but I’m not concentrating on her words. Much like the time when I stood near that dying werewolf weanling, I begin to feel like something is awakening. It’s far more subtle, more like someone waking up from a nap and then realizing that they still have a couple of minutes to relax. “Tell me, $name,” Lucia speaks, a glimmer in her eyes, “are you scared of what’s going on with you?” <a data-passage="B2_11"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Instead of explaining myself to her, I focus on the shifting of the scene. The landscape turns into that of the kitchen area of Rahim’s safehouse or home, I’m still slightly confused about what he used the space for. “You can guess why I’m wondering,” he points out, pushing himself off the counter that he had been leaning on. “I’m not only trying to see if you guys can protect yourself, but also how dangerous you can potentially be.” His eyes grow a shade darker. “You don’t know what you are, and you have a malevolent spirit inside of you. In simple terms, I don’t trust you. Prove me wrong.” “That’s Rahim for you,” Faye sighs, “such a ray of sunshine.” “I struggle to see how you can deal with someone like him,” Lucia huffs. [[“He’s not so bad.”|B2_12][$tag8 = true]] [[“I’m still struggling to do so.”|B2_12][$tag9 = true]] [[“He has a lot of layers; I’m still trying to sort through them.”|B2_12]]
<<if $tag8>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $rahim >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “He’s not so bad,” I joke, “he’s a little much at some points, but I think he has a big heart, regardless of whether or not he decides to show it. How long have you known him, Faye?” <<elseif $tag9>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $rahim >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Oh, trust me, Rahim is one of the hardest people to get along with. I’m still trying to learn how to be civil with him. His ‘holier than thou’ personality doesn’t really make it easy. It’s either his way or the highway. Faye, how long have you known him?” <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $RRomance >=3>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ “He has a lot of layers,” I start, trying to hold back my blush as I think more about him and the small moments that we’ve shared from time to time. “I’m still trying to sort through them though, it’s not the easiest task, but I think it’s worth it. Faye, how long have you known him exactly?” <<else>>\ “He has a lot of layers,” I start, “I’m still trying to sort through them though, it’s not the easiest task, but I think it’s worth it. Faye, how long have you known him exactly?” <</if>>\ <</if>>\ She taps her chin in thought, “I’ve known Sydero longer. In fact, she’s the one who introduced me to him a few months after knowing her. I believe they were traveling together at that point.” “That’s surprising, he seems to despise her.” “Their relationship is odd. Even I don’t completely understand it, and perhaps never will. Truthfully,” she laughs coldly, “I don’t think I want to either. Those two can give you a headache before you even know they’re there.” <a data-passage="B2_13"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We decide to continue on our way, hardly interested in the changing of scenery until the next scene chooses to play. This one is relatively recent, and I already know what will happen. The entire table has their eyes on Amari, who’s the only one speaking at the moment. “Meeting you guys, even for that short period of time ... and most of it being filled with you guys threatening to kill me, it reminded me that I don’t want to keep following my parents everywhere. I want to live and be happy and explore. I’ve wanted it for a long time, I just was so scared. I still am if I’m, to be honest with myself.” “Is this how she joined?” Faye questions, and I nod. Odd that it had only been a week, but due to circumstances and events, it feels like she’s been one of us for so much longer. Despite everything that has happened to her, she melded right in with the group. [[“She’s a great addition.”|B2_14][$tag10 = true]] [[“She’s going to get us all killed.”|B2_14][$tag11 = true]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if $amari >=50>>[[“She’s sweet, cute, and fun.”|B2_14]]<<else>>[[“Great, but unrealistic.”|B2_14]]<</if>> <</if>>\
<<if $tag10>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $amari >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “She’s actually a great addition, especially right now when we need someone a bit more optimistic<<if $optimistic >=50>>, being the only one is hard work<</if>>. It’s hard to be completely grim when someone like Amari is smiling and pointing out the positive. She’s goofy, but she still knows what she’s doing, I think she can hold her own and still come out the fight with an upbeat vibe.” “That’s what I get from her as well,” Faye hums and then says, “as soon as I met her, I noticed how bright her aura was. She’s a wonderful addition.” <<elseif $tag11>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $amari >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Unless she puts a bandage over that bleeding heart of hers, she’s going to get us all killed. She’s far too emotional for this life.” “Maybe you could use someone like that on the team,” Faye points out, “as it is now, <<if $cp>>only Chris seems to let his emotions guide him and that’s not always a bad thing.<<else>>no one on the team truly lets their emotions guide them.<</if>> Bradley is acting emotionally now, but that’s only because of his trauma. Rahim and Sydero act far too logical.” <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $ARomance >=2>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ <<if $amari >=50>>\ “She’s sweet, cute, fun,” I start, listing just some of what makes my heart race a bit faster when it comes to Amari, “what’s not to like?” “She does seem like a ball of sunshine,” Faye chuckles in agreement. <<else>>\ “She’s great, truly” I start, just thinking of Amari makes my heart race a bit faster, “but she’s kind of unrealistic with her thoughts on how the world works. It’s nice, at times, but I’m scared the truth of it all is going to break her and I don’t want to see that happen.” “Maybe,” Faye says, not saying what else is on her mind. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ “I have no problem with the hybrid,” Lucia adds in, “but she does talk too much. It gives me a headache whenever she comes around. Though I will say that I’m glad she’s with you, her parents were squandering her potential and treating her like a five-year-old.” “Bradley would rather us leave her on the curb,” I point out, glancing back at the continuing scene and looking at how upset he looks. “And I doubt getting to know her is going to change his stance.” “Bradley has a lot to learn,” Faye admits. “You do have to remember that he spent most of his time in some abandoned house, most of his interaction being between Sydero and I. Until you and Sydero went to go and get him, he was practically alone,” Faye decides to point out, something that I had indeed forgotten. “Give him time. He might surprise you.” <a data-passage="B2_15"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My memory begins to ripple to show the most recent memory so far, a memory that I can do without being reminded of. Envy clears their throat, “Sydero is none of your concern any longer. <<if $SRomance >=5>>Know that she will be harshly punished, again, for failing to keep you under control like we told her to,” Envy sneers, “she used to scream for you, now she screams because of you. If we, even for a second, think that you’re disobeying and continuing along this path, then after properly punishing her, we will come and drop horror after horror into your lap. Starting with the kid<<if $uncledeath>>.”<<else>> and then your uncle.”<</if>><<else>>She is amongst her family and where she belongs. If we, even for a second, think that you’re disobeying and continuing along this path, then we will drop horror after horror into your lap. Starting with the kid<<if $uncledeath>>.”<<else>> and then your uncle.”<</if>><</if>> “I have seen a great many of things in my time,” Lucia whispers, her eyes wide in amazement as she stands before Envy’s figure, “but never did I imagine I would have the pleasure to see one of the Princes with my own eyes.” I study Lucia as she looks Envy and then Wrath over, lastly going to Sloth. There is an insurmountable amount of respect in her eyes as she looks them over, and when she looks back at me, obvious jealousy. I would need to ask Amari more questions concerning Lucia when we got back to the real world. “And you’re going to enter their domain, even after the threat they ushered?” [[“I have no choice.”|B2_16][$tag12 = true]] [[“Yep, and wreck em in the process.”|B2_16]]
<<if $tag12>> <<nobr>>\ <<if $pacifist >=50>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “I have no choice,” I inform her, tossing Faye a look since that seemed to be her favorite line when it came to entering hell and rescuing Sydero. “We need to get Sydero out of there.” “The others can’t do it?” <<if $cp>>Chris was an obvious no, all of us knew he wasn’t ready for something of that magnitude. <</if>>Bradley was a no, he didn’t even make the list of people who could enter. And then that left Amari. Seeing that she was new and a bit too doe-eyed, in my opinion, I fear that hell would either destroy her or she wouldn’t make it out. I didn’t wish to see either happen to her. “No, the two going are the only two who can handle it,” I tell her. <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<if $pacifist >=50>> <<set $nerve -=3>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ “Yep, and they’re going to get wrecked in the process. I have a bone to pick with Envy and Wrath. And frankly, if Raum happens to be there, then he can get some as well.” <<if $pacifist >=50>>\ “$name!” Faye laughs, but there’s also a nervousness to it, “I didn’t think you were one for violence.” “I’m not, but those three deserve everything that’s coming to them. And I’m going to make sure they get it.” <<else>>\ “That’s $name for you,” Faye laughs, “no games played, and a trail of blood that’s easy enough to follow.” I shrug as an answer. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ The scene continues to play, but Lucia has long abandoned her interest in it, her attention solely on me now. “Your journey has been interesting, and I’ve only seen bits of it. I’m impressed. Whatever you are, your resilience and adaptability are more than just admirable.” I raise my brow at the way Lucia says it. Of course, it was a compliment, but the gleam in her eye and the way she puts emphasis on the ‘whatever you are’ part, causes something cold to run down my spine and settle. “I do think this is as far as we’ll get, though,” Faye finally says, pulling me out of my thoughts. <a data-passage="B2_17"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Probably, or at least as far as $name’s mind wants us to go,” Lucia turns back to me, “now, wake up.” And though I had believed my eyes were already open, I feel them opening again, and this time I find myself in Faye’s house, back in her attic. I place the sleep mask to the side and look around to see the attic is empty. “Faye? Lucia?” I get no response, not even from someone outside the room. I get up and walk down to the door, then down the stairs. “Hello?” I feel a dark rush and stop walking, waiting for whatever comes next. “What are you?” I ask, and a hoarse voice replies. “Release me.” “What? Release you?” “Release me,” it restates, though this time it sounds far angrier than before. “How?” “Release me!” The house shakes, and the voice demands its release, again and again, its voice growing into a drone. It feels like it's physically attacking me, hitting me from all sides, and leaving me powerless. I can do nothing more than just take the hits as my mind aids with the assault. Everything that has happened hits me all at once, the numerous suspicious glances, the distrust, the hatred. All of it descends. <a data-passage="B2_17_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<audio "dream" unloop fadeout>> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 fadein>> <</nobr>>\ “$name?” I hear Faye question me and I shake myself awake, glancing around to see myself once again in the attic. Lucia is by a book, looking it overe while Faye glances at me. “Are you feeling any different?” I focus on myself, feeing a lighter air about me but it feels fake, like a mask that my body passes over to me to wear. The assault, all of it still heavy on my mind. My heart thumps as everything tells me to nod and smile. Just nod and smile like always. “Yea, I think I’m good.” I think my voice cracks and prepare an excuse but Faye’s phone vibrates, and she leaves to answer whoever was calling her. I watch as she goes, a frown settling on my features. I feel the gaze of another and look to see Lucia looking me over. “Are you ready?” “You keep asking me that,” I grumble. “I’m not in the business of letting my customers die, especially with exorcisms. It’s bad for business.” [[“How confident are you that this will work?”]] [[“So, I should be asking you if you’re ready?”]] [[“I’m ready, trust me.”]]
“How confident are you that this will work? Give me a percentage, at least.” She takes her time in answering, probably going through her own calculations, “70% sure it’ll work. As long as we get everything we need and that you are truly as calm as we need you to be.” So, 40% chance then, I think to myself. <<include "B2_Something">>
“So, I should be asking you if you’re ready instead?” She snorts softly, “I am. This is weird, but nothing I haven’t done.” <<include "B2_Something">>
“I’m ready,” I say with confidence, steeling myself, “trust me.” <<include "B2_Something">>
“I suppose we’re all about to see,” Faye tells me, opening the door, “it’s time.” “We’ll be conducting the exorcism in here, so while we go make sure they have the ingredients, place two chairs opposite of one another in that area,” Lucia tells me and then points to the area in question. With that, she and Faye both leave, and I rise to do as she had directed. As I place the chairs, my mind travels everywhere and nowhere. My body feels lighter but my mind is as heavy as ever. One day I will stop having new questions and will begin to have answers. No one rightfully knows where this will lead, and if expelling Zillah from my body is a smart or ridiculous move. What if this makes everything worse? What if I became even more unstable? If I became a danger not only to everyone but to myself as well? Or what if this is it? What if getting rid of Zillah makes everything better? And would right so many wrongs? I close my eyes and focus on the lingering lavender smell that still purifies the room’s air. This is the opposite of keeping a clear mind but that seems like a hilarious endeavor. How much was I keeping in? I know it’s not healthy. I know one of these days I’ll explode, and the only question is on who and where. I push my thoughts and doubts and worries away, deciding to just breathe and meditate. And to prepare. If all goes well, then by the end of the day, I will be Zillah free. The thought is an odd one, one that I know is approaching but don’t exactly know how I feel about it. Kicking Zillah out seems only obvious, like the only path that makes sense. But is it? Zillah has done many things, but one of those things is keep me safe or as safe as he can anyway. What if all of his warnings mean something and exorcising him is foolish? Can I afford not to listen to him … can I afford //to// listen to him? I close my eyes when I hear the others approaching, it doesn’t seem like it matters anymore. It’s time. <a data-passage="B3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You are all fools!” Zillah roars in my head, the pressure rising, my body shaking. I roll my eyes for what seems like the fifth time since I’ve sat down in the seat. Zillah has become highly talkative as of late, cursing me in English and what I perceive to be Coptic. “You only say that because you know we got you. So this spell must be the real deal, huh?” I manage to snicker, fighting through the pain as I sit in the nearby seat, right across from the body that rests limply on the other side of me. I’m trying to pay as little attention to it as possible, but it’s a hard feat. The only helpful thing is Lucia, who has already begun part of the exorcism, chanting and being the cause of the mild pain rushing through me. “This is pretty weird, right?” Bradley questions, looking from me to the body, “I mean we’ve done a lot of weird things, but stealing a fresh body from the morgue, that’s gotta top it all.” “We had no other choice,” Faye tells him, an edge to her voice as she flits around the room, “there are too many things to take in consideration for this. The fact that you found a compatible body in the first place is a miracle.” “Are we absolutely sure that this body is indeed compatible?” Rahim questions, leaning forward as if to examine it closer, “what happens if this fails, Faye?” “Does it look like I know?” she growls in frustration, “I’ve never done something of this caliber. We’re literally moving a shade, some ancient spirit, from $name to this body. And you’re asking me –” “Alright,” Rahim growls, rolling his eyes and taking a step back before Faye can unleash anymore of her anger on him. “Ha!” Zillah chuckles, “they’re right to worry. You know how rare this is, don’t you, Roe? Putting a spirit like me in a body is unheard of. I’m not your typical spirit, but you know that. This will fail, and when it does,” he pauses, his voice sounding like it’s in my ear now, “I’m going to truly show you what hell is, consequences be damned.” “Can we make sure this works?” I manage to squeak out, clenching my eyes closed as Zillah continues to throw a temper tantrum in my head. Thrashing around in an invisible cage that no one has erected to keep in place. Lucia stops her chanting, saying something to Faye, who comes to the other side of me. The two tie rope around my wrists and legs so that I can’t move from the chair. “Breathe and think of that one thing or person that we talked about earlier,” Lucia tells me, placing her hands on my chest. “This next part might hurt … a lot.” My breathing picks up, but I do as she says, my mind begins to conjure up an image of … <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Rahim.][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[Rahim.][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $cbreak>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Chris.|B3Chris][$CRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[Chris.|B3Chris][$CRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Sydero.][$SRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[Sydero.][$SRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $ARomance >=2>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Amari.][$ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[Amari.][$ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[A most beloved memory.][$notchosen = true]]
He turns, a gentle but knowing smile on his face as my consciousness approaches him. “What are you smiling for?” I ask, cocking my head to the side. The pain from the real world slowly disappears, making way for a world whose description I don’t understand. At best, it’s a world of neutrality or a world between worlds. Like standing on a set of railroad tracks that just happen to divide two significantly different neighborhoods. “I’m smiling because you’re thinking of me,” he tells me, <<if $hairlength is "bald">>running his hands over my head.<<else>><<if $hairtype is "kinky" or $hairtype is "curly">>fiddling with a strand, letting it wrap around his finger before unraveling it.<<elseif $hairtype is "dreads" or $hairtype is "braids">>touching one of my $hairtype before releasing it.<<else>>running his hands through my hair and watching keenly as his hands disappear within the strands.<</if>><</if>> His gaze comes back to meet mine. “Are you ready?” he whispers. I furrow my brow, not understanding what he’s asking until it’s far too late. Pain shoots through my spine, running both north and south as my body abruptly goes numb, and I begin to fall. But Rahim’s strong and protective arms are already waiting to catch me, slowly lowering me to the ground. “I got you. Focus on the sound of me talking, okay?” I attempt to nod, but I can barely even blink. My eyes fill with tears as the pain intensifies, feeling as if someone is clawing at my insides, a tornado ripping everything up and tossing it wherever it wishes to. “It hurts,” I think, but the words come out a muffled mess. “I know,” he tells me in a tender voice, “but let me help you. Give me as much pain as you can. Let me carry it for you.” [[Give him none of it.][$rahim -=5]] [[Give him some of it.]] [[Give him all of it.][$rahim +=5]]
I shake my head, again forgetting that the task is pretty much impossible to do. “I can do it,” I think to myself, another jolt of pain rippling through my body. “Always the stubborn one,” Rahim whispers, his lips ghosting against my forehead. “What am I gonna do with you?” He stares down at me with such a loving edge that it causes my heart to swell and shudder in pleasure. And then it’s gone. All of it vanishes. <a data-passage="B3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $rahim >=50>> <<set $rahim +=5>> <<else>> <<set $rahim -=5>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I don’t know if it’s possible, and if so, how to do it, but I try anyway. I think about transferring my pain to him, an action that feels unreal. Not because it’s the first time I ever thought of it, but because it actually happens. I feel some of the burden vanish, and I can feel Rahim stiffen underneath me. He chuckles, and the vibration that his throat causes while it rests near my head makes even more of the pain go away. “You must think me weak? You gave me an ounce of your pain.” “I didn’t want to give it all to you. It’s not your burden,” I find myself thinking instead of saying. The need to wrap my arms around him and bring him closer to forget about this pain grows larger every second. “For you,” he whispers, his lips ghosting against my forehead, “I’d carry the world.” And then it’s gone. All of it vanishes. <a data-passage="B3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I don’t know if it’s possible, and if so, how to do it, but I try anyway. I think about transferring my pain to him, an action that feels unreal. Not because it’s the first time I ever thought of it, but because it actually happens. I feel some of the burden vanish, and I can feel Rahim stiffen considerably underneath me. I’m able to move and just in time. Like he had done before, I grab him as he begins to sway, allowing him to rest his head in my lap. “It would seem our positions have been flipped,” he chuckles, wrapping his arms around me as he flips over and gets comfortable. Pain that rendered me helpless and paralyzed seem to do almost nothing to him. At best, he’s tipsy off the pain while I’m full-on inebriated. “Are you feeling okay?” I question, finding that my words actually flowed like normal now. “Promise not to move, and I’ll be fine,” he murmurs. And then it’s gone. All of it vanishes. <a data-passage="B3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Chris jerks around, grabbing me and pulling me close before my consciousness could even fully imagine him in. “You’re hugging me like you thought I was dead,” I chuckle, running my hands through his hair, breathing in the familiarity that is him. This is his effect on me, causing even the worst pain to vanish in his presence. At his best, he makes me forget about the horrible things happening around me and causes me to remember that sometimes, little moments are all that’s needed to help the sun shine again. “Really? I thought I was just hugging you,” he snorts derisively, “you might need to get used to it, though. Seeing that every day is basically something dangerous.” “I’m not arguing,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around him and relaxing. “How’s the pain?” he questions. It was more so his question that causes the pain to intensify. I squeeze out a smile, and he nods in understanding, apologizing under his breath as he slowly lowers himself to the ground and pulls me down with him. “I’m not going anywhere, I’ll stay with through any kind of pain,” he whispers against my forehead, “no regrets, remember?” I manage a chuckle, and he squeezes me tightly again. He holds me close, humming some kind of soft ballad. And just like that, the pain steadily begins to vanish once again. The bland surroundings melt into one of a picturesque forest at night, the stars shining above and a full moon to greet us. He sings bits and pieces of the song that I didn’t know, and though I couldn’t recall ever hearing him sing, it felt like I had thousands of times. Everything is right, and if I can stay in this moment, with just him and me and the night sky watching down on us, I would. And then it’s gone. All of it vanishes. <a data-passage="B3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The world is dark, and no matter how much I try to force light to appear, it doesn’t show. “Sydero?” I shout, knowing that I had entered my subconscious with thoughts of her. So why is there nothing but darkness to greet me? A jolt of pain strikes me, and I fall to my knees in both shock and anguish, the darkness that surrounds me closes in, mocking me. “$name?” I hear her voice whisper, somewhere deep within said darkness. “Sydero?” I get to my feet, fighting to stand as the pain increases by the minute, “where are you? I’ll find you.” I begin to walk forward, swiping at the darkness that now appears more like fog. I squint, jerking my head in one direction and then the other. “Will you?” I hear her question. “I will!” I say through clenched teeth, my leg spasming, but I’m able to continue walking, albeit with a horrific limp. Each step forward sends yet another shot of pain through me as if the pain is now just punishing me for continuing on. I see the fog part around a figure, my eyes widening as I quicken my pace, forgetting for a split second what an idiotic notion that is. I trip, my face hitting the ground or whatever is below me with a hard smack. My vision blurs, though there isn’t much to see in this darkened wasteland anyhow. The figure is there, swaying due to my newly impaired vision. I can feel conflicting temperatures on my cheek as I stare into the deep, red abyss that happen to be the eyes of someone I don’t recognize. “I finally understand,” Sydero says, my eyes drifting closed as her words serenade me deeper into the darkness, “none of it was real, $name.” My heart lurches, I kick and punch, but my actual body does nothing, I continue to be pulled down into a world, not my own. “I hurt people, it’s all I’m good at. You’re just another name on that list.” I open my mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. “Just another number.” And then it’s gone. All of it vanishes. <a data-passage="B3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I breathe in the thick smell of dew and sweet-smelling flowers, and find myself residing in a large meadow with hundreds of wildflowers decorating the immediate area and providing a plethora of bright colors. “$name?” Amari questions, popping up from the long grass, flowers scattered throughout her hair, and a few dirt streaks coating her cheeks. “Amari?” I question, smirking as I take a step towards her, but that’s the only step I’m able to take before she pounces on me. She grabs my hand and yanks me closer, looking me over like a paranoid mother. “Do you need anything? Anything at all that I can do? A massage, some food, a song? Are you in any pain at all?” “Should I answer all your questions or just the last one?” “None of them, actually,” she tells me, pouting. “I just want to make sure that you’re not uncomfortable, I can’t even imagine what kind of pain you’re in right now. And being able to physically do nothing to help is making me feel really useless right now. So, how is the pain?” [[“It’s not so bad.”][$amari -=5]] [[“Yea, it’s pretty horrible.”][$amari +=5]]
“It’s not so bad,” I smirk, wincing as another shock of pain riddles my side, “I’ve been through worse.” Her face falls in horror, “that’s horrible.” She has a point, especially with how nonchalant I’m being about all of this. “I’m fine, Amari. And even if I wasn’t, there’s not much you can do for me anyway.” She moves away from me, swaying back and forth on her feet; her sundress and black hair being blown the opposite way due to the wind. With the backdrop, she looks ethereal, something one would see in dreams. I suppose that isn’t too farfetched, I was in my mind. “Amari,” I manage to say, my mouth gaping, “you know you’re beautiful, right?” She snorts out a laugh, “I’m decent. You’re... you’re the real catch.” I slowly reach forward and take her hand in mine, pulling her closer, refusing to drop her gaze. Her hand travels up my side until it rests on my cheek. I could feel my heart beating, but the real question is, is hers? She moves forward, and I do as well. And then it’s gone. All of it vanishes. <a data-passage="B3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Yea, it’s pretty horrible,” I murmur just as it feels like someone punches me in my ribcage. “I really wish I could do something more. Not being able to do much feels off. Like there has to be something, anything, right?” “Amari,” I chuckle, squinting one of my eyes in an attempt to hide the pain that I was currently feeling from her, “you just being here and keeping my mind off of it is enough.” “It’s not for me,” she grumbles, taking a step forward, an action that puts us reasonably close. My eyes meet hers, and for a second, neither of us look away or seem to blink. She then takes an embarrassing step back, fighting a losing battle against the blush that appears on her cheeks. She moves away from me, swaying back and forth on her feet; her sundress and black hair being blown the opposite way due to the wind. With the backdrop, she looks ethereal, something one would see in dreams. I suppose that isn’t too farfetched, I was in my mind. “Amari,” I manage to say, my mouth gaping, “you know you’re beautiful, right?” She snorts out a laugh, “I’m decent. You’re... you’re the real catch.” I slowly reach forward and take her hand in mine, pulling her closer, refusing to drop her gaze. Her hand travels up my side until it rests on my cheek. I could feel my heart beating, but the real question is, is hers? She moves forward, and I do as well. And then it’s gone. All of it vanishes. <a data-passage="B3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The world appears around me, and not only do I notice that the scene is one I am familiar with, but my body is not my present one. I diminished in age, back to childlike thoughts and ways. “Alright, kiddo. Let’s go have some fun for once, right?” Uncle Matheus asks me, his hand in mine and squeezing it. There’s a hopeful smile on his face, one that was far too contagious to ignore. “Right!” I shout back, practically bouncing up and down. In the back of my mind, I knew I should be in pain, withering on the floor as I begged some higher deity to end it. But with Uncle Matheus before me and an entire amusement park for us to venture, I couldn’t be bothered with it. “We deserve it, right?” “Right!” I yell. Uncle Matheus raises his hand for a high five, and I give it to him, rushing towards the park and dragging him behind me. The part of me that knew this wasn’t true wanted to cry out, to live in this memory for as long as possible. But I push it away, telling myself that I should enjoy it whether or not it would last very long. Telling myself that at least I got to relive it one last time. And then it’s gone. All of it vanishes. <a data-passage="B3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My eyes open, and I see my group all standing over me. “?He<<verb "'s" "'re">> waking up!” Bradley shouts, causing everyone to jump back a step, allowing me to lean forward, perching up and using my elbow to keep me steady. “Did it work?” I glance over at the unmoving body, looking just as dead as it did when they brought it in. “We don’t know yet,” Lucia answers, “do you feel any different? Do you hear him?” I close my eyes and concentrate, searching for any sign of Zillah, but all I feel is emptiness. A strange emptiness that feels almost wrong. “I can’t hear or sense him,” I tell her, and she nods, turning to the prone body. “Maybe it’ll take a while?” <<if $notchosen is false>>\ “Well, while Zillah settles,” Bradley starts and turns towards me with a raised brow and a devilish grin, “do you know that you were calling out <<if hasVisited("Rahim.")>>Rahim’s<<elseif hasVisited("Amari.")>>Amari’s<<elseif hasVisited("B3Chris")>>Chris’s<<else>>Sydero’s<</if>> name?” I blink in surprise, my brows rising as I look at the others, and they all make it a point to look away. “What kind of dreams were you having? Huh?” Bradley asks, wiggling his brows. I lean in and whisper just loud enough for him to hear, “I just said a name, that’s all, right?” “Yea, that’s all. You should’ve seen their faces though, blushing all around.” I suppose it could’ve been worse. I could’ve voiced everything that happened. <</if>>\ I stand from the seat, stretching and listening as the bones in my arms and back crack. I stare down at the unmoving body, waiting for it to move, to speak, or anything really. “What if,” I start before falling to the ground in anguish, yelling as my insides feel like they were being ripped apart. I can feel myself choking on my own vomit, finally spewing it and feeling like there’s far more to come. “$name!” Faye questions, “what’s wrong?” I can feel the others all panicking and hovering around me, unsure of what to do. Their voices begin to meld together before disappearing. “I’m going to make your life hell!” Zillah roars in my head, and I feel all the energy leave my body. The ritual didn’t work … he’s still here. <a data-passage="EP5-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<unset $tag1, $tag2, $tag3, $tag4, $tag5, $tag6, $tag7, $tag8, $tag9, $tag10, $tag11, $tag12, $notchosen>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/actthree.png"> <<if hasVisited("B3Chris")>>\ “$name!” Chris questions, unsure of the emotions that begin to emerge within him. One minute $name is standing, walking towards them, and the next, ?he<<verb "'s" "'re">> throwing up on the ground and unmoving. The last part of his thoughts feel the need to play itself on repeat. $name just stopped moving … $name is unmoving … $name! Before Chris can fully grasp what he’s doing, he’s already on the floor, cradling $name’s head. “$name?” he shouts, wanting to shake them. Chris’s eyes meet the others, “what the hell are you doing? Help me!” Getting into a kneeling position, he picks up $name’s body bridal style, carrying ?him over to the sofa and laying ?him down gently. Chris refuses to move as the voices behind him rise, arguing about what took place and what could’ve gone wrong. But even the voices turn to mere whispers when compared to his own heart. “Hey, $name, come on, this shit isn’t funny,” he chuckles, scratching his own head and trying to nurture the spark of hope that says $name will open their eyes any moment now. It feels like hours go by of Chris just waiting, nothing happening. Shit! He rises and begins to pace, his anxieties skipping to the forefront of his mind and giggling at him. This is what he always feared, is it not? His fear that Zillah would finally bring $name down to ?his knees. The only part of him that keeps that thought at bay is the part that reminds him that this is the same person who had overcome so much. $name is a fighter. But for goodness sake, how did one fight something inside of them like this? “Chris!” Rahim shouts, slapping the side of the man’s face lightly. Chris comes back to the now, realizing that he’s squeezing $name’s hand. He releases the hand, avoiding Rahim’s penetrating gaze. “I can’t lose ?him, Rahim,” Chris whispers, on the verge of tears, “the last thing I’ve done ...” Chris refuses to finish his sentence. “Look at me, Chris,” Rahim mumbles, straightening the man up, “you’re not. <<if $stubborn >=50>>I don’t know $name like you do but I know that ?he<<verb "'s" "'re">> one stubborn character. <</if>>$name will make it through this, and you need to be there when ?he <<verb "does">>.” Chris nods, rubbing at his eye as he tries to get himself together. “You better beat the shit out of that bastard,” Chris whispers in $name’s ear, carefully grabbing ?his head and placing a sincere and ardent kiss upon ?his forehead. His hands shake as he draws back, wishing to just stay by ?his side for the duration of whatever this was. But the group is gathering off to the side, and Chris needed to join them. <<elseif hasVisited("Rahim.")>>\ “$name!” Rahim shouts, dropping to a knee to shake ?him. “Lucia! Answers, now!” “Will you stop shouting?” she asks, already flipping through the pages belonging to the exorcism in an attempt to find out what had taken place. “Faye, list the ingredients we used.” “We’ve done this a hundred times,” Faye whimpers in reply, her eyes never straying from $name’s unmoving body. “I can assure you that it’s not the ingredients.” “Do what she said, Faye!” Rahim commands, the entire room freezing as the room trembles. “You’re getting mighty worked up there, son,” Jeff points out, earning a glare from the young nephilim. But Rahim knows he was right, yelling isn’t going to do anything but cause everyone to panic more. He focuses his attention back on $name’s inert form, they should’ve never attempted this. Without another word uttered out of him, Rahim picks $name up and looks around for someplace to lay ?him down. <<if $CRomance >=6>>\ “I got ?him,” Chris mutters, stepping forward to ease the burden off of Rahim. Rahim stiffens, unable to not look down his nose at the young man. “I don’t need your help,” he informs. “They need you more than they need me. I’ll watch over $name.” “I got ?him!” Amari barks, swooping in and grabbing $name’s body, carefully walking over to the sofa to lie ?him down. “You two are really something. Waving your dicks around and trying to figure out who’s bigger at a time like this?” Amari barks, blushing at the word, “sorry, that was a horrible word to use. But really? I doubt $name cares much about who makes ?him more comfortable.” Neither of the two men exchanges glances, and with Amari’s chastising over with, Chris joins her as the group begins to form in the corner. <<else>>\ Eyeing the sofa off to the side, Rahim walks $name over and lies ?his body down gently. <</if>>\ He hovers over $name, his eyes drinking ?him in, questioning why he suddenly seems to care. He would do this for anyone, right? If Bradley or Amari had been going through this, he’d act the same way. He snorts, that’s the lie he has settled on telling himself anyway. It’s a pretty bad one too. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there’s something about $name, something that draws him in like a moth to light. Only, in this scenario, he’s a moth who had seen more than one of his brethren struck down by similar fixtures. $name’s body shook, a simple jolt but one that causes both a mix of excitement and fear to course through him. Rahim would rather sit and watch over $name, though he knows that the possibility of that happening is highly unlikely. And, if he’s honest with himself, he knows he can do so much more by joining the group. $name needed him, and a piece of him is telling him that he needed $name too. “To get Sydero,” he whispers to himself, but he again feels his body snort in amusement, as if this is about Sydero. He shakes his head and joins the group. <<elseif hasVisited("Amari.")>>\ “I need help!” Amari shrieks as she instantly reacts to $name’s body crashing to the ground. Amari first moves $name away from the pile of throw-up that now rests along the floor, flipping $name onto ?his back and listening carefully for a pulse. ?He<<verb "'s" "'re">> alive, but ?his heartbeat is irregular, adopting a pattern she’s never heard before. “We need to get ?him somewhere comfortable,” she tells the others though there’s little point in doing so. Before the words can even leave her lips, she’s already hoisting $name up and carrying ?him to the sofa. Setting ?him down before choosing to pace. “What happened?” she asks Faye and Lucia, who are both hovering over Lucia’s book, the two speaking in hushed tones until they hear Amari’s question. “Still unsure about that,” Faye answers, “nothing should’ve gone wrong. Lucia did the exorcism spell perfectly. We had all the right ingredients. I don’t know.” “Maybe the exorcism was just wrong?” Amari continues to push, her eyes darting from the two women to $name. Obviously, something had gone wrong. Much to Amari’s amazement, she’s worried. Or maybe it isn’t to her surprise. From the first time she saw $name, she believed ?him to be attractive. Though someone could only be so appealing when they were threatening to kill you and your family. That’s something she since forgave ?him for, especially with everything that had happened later. Amari knew she had a crush on the unknown species lying on the sofa. $name caused her to feel an excitement that she had never felt before. Despite the danger, $name came with adventure, warm eyes, and an astonishing soul. Amari felt safe and brave in ?his presence, like nothing could touch her as long as ?he was close by. The warm thoughts caused heat to rush to her cheeks, but this wasn’t the time, she needed to focus. Especially if she ever wanted to tell $name about these thoughts of hers. <<else>>\ “I need help!” Amari shrieks as she instantly reacts to $name’s body crashing to the ground. Amari first moves $name away from the pile of throw-up that now rests along the floor, flipping $name onto ?his back and listening carefully for a pulse. ?He<<verb "'s" "'re">> alive, but ?his heartbeat is irregular, adopting a pattern she’s never heard before. “The sofa,” Rahim informs her, moving the coffee table that sits near the divan out of the way. She hoists $name up and carries ?him to the sofa, setting ?him down before choosing to pace. “What happened?” she asks Faye and Lucia, who were both hovering over Lucia’s book, the two speaking in hushed tones until they heard Amari’s question. “Still unsure about that,” Faye answers. “Lucia! Answers, now!” Rahim shouts. “Will you stop shouting?” she asks, already flipping through the exorcism in an attempt to find out what had taken place. “Faye, list the ingredients we used.” “We’ve done this a hundred times,” Faye whimpers in reply, her eyes never straying from $name’s unmoving body. “I can assure you that it’s not the ingredients.” “Then look a hundred and one times. Just do it.” Faye nods obediently, rechecking but coming up and offering nothing more than a shrug. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="B4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Can’t you do something, Rahim?” Faye questions, “you’re an empath, right?” “You have me mistaken with Sydero,” Rahim snarls, though his eyes lower to the ground in embarrassment, “my empathy abilities are premature. I can read basic emotions, but that’s only when I focus and even then it’s hardly helpful.” “Just try!” Amari urges, her hand on Rahim’s shoulder. He wanted to continue arguing this. He didn’t want all these eyes judging him when he failed. But they were already on him, and something about leaving $name to just lay here while he did nothing didn’t sit right with him. “Fine,” he groans, positioning his hands over $name’s chest and closing his eyes, he’ll take anything $name gives him. “Jeff, anything?” Faye asks, peering over at the older man. One would think he was strangely relaxed based on his posture, but those who knew Jeff knew his signs. His brows were furrowed, his eyes never straying from the paper, his mug nowhere within grabbing distance, and his fingers poised to flip the page when needed. Faye managed a small smile, whispering to herself that $name was in good hands. “Jeff?” “Oh,” he blurts, rubbing at his eye, “hey, small human.” Jeff points a finger to Bradley, “get your laptop and join me for some research fun. We need information only the dark, dark web can give.” The two of them head out of the room together, speaking to one another in low voices. <<if $cp and $chris >=50>>\ “I’m going to join them, keep an eye on ?him,” Chris shouts to the group before heading off as well. <</if>>\ Rahim draws back, unable to pinpoint one emotion due to the storm that surges through Roe. He shakes his head to the others. “The exorcism was right,” Lucia growls, throwing her book to the side, settling her chin on steepled fingers. “Then, what went wrong?” Rahim asks, his attitude shifting into one of understandable concern and levelheadedness. “Two things,” Lucia starts, “one could be $name. Perhaps ?he <<verb "wasn’t">> as calm and collected as we thought. It’s possible that ?he could’ve done something to mess with ?his head. Or the body isn’t as compatible as we thought.” “But it’s what you asked for,” he barks, stopping himself at the last minute to take a breath in, “this type of body works with any other exorcism.” “That’s just it,” Faye points out, “we all said that $name was special. That an individual’s body has to be made to host a spirit like a shade. Maybe that’s where we went wrong. Maybe there’s just no way to move a spirit like this to another.” “What if we found a body that was built to hold a shade?” Amari hints next, shrugging and hoping her suggestion didn’t seem stupid. “It would work, no doubt. But there’s no way to know if a body we found could,” Lucia points out. She stands, pacing back and forth, her eyes closed as she focused on the issue at hand. “Exorcisms like this are special, they require rare ingredients, and the body has to be compatible.” Amari opens her mouth, but Rahim covers it, giving her a look that warned her against adding her thoughts into the mix for now. Lucia continues, “a compatible body comes in many forms. Recently deceased can work, but typically there still has to be a soul in the person’s body. It feeds the entity you’re moving and allows them to take control of the host. Also, a compatible body can mean a certain blood type or age, sometimes even means they need a certain flaw or physical feature that would match the spirit. A ghost with heterochromia can only fully possess a body that has heterochromia, for example. And then there’s a bloodline, the bloodline is mostly the easiest form of compatibility …” “Guys, guys, guys, guys,” Bradley shouts, rushing back into the room with his laptop close to his chest, a triumphant smile gracing his face. “I think we know what went wrong.” Lucia smiles, “I think we do as well.” <a data-passage="B4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/divider.png"> My body slams against something hard, about to fall to the floor due to a lack of energy when a tendril keeps me in place, drilling itself into my shoulder blade and drawing out another scream that turns into a choke. Blood rushes from my mouth, long replacing the vomit that has come before. It coats the jagged rock flooring of the ruins of a landscape that I feel I know. But I have never seen ruins before, and if I’m to be honest with myself, the view is the last thing on my mind. I hear Zillah before I see him, his scream of rage telling me that he’s to my left, though there’s little I can do to avoid the swipe attack, seeing that his tendril is still lodged into my shoulder. I again go flying across the spacious ruins, skidding across the ground. I can’t find the strength to get up. My arms shake, and my stomach feels like it’s in knots and ready to just pack up, empty all of its contents, and leave me to my pain and suffering. “Get up,” Zillah growls, “I haven’t even gotten started.” [[“Five more minutes.”][$serious -=5]] [[“Then stop while you’re ahead.”][$stubborn +=5]] [[“Someone’s in a pissy mood.”][$sympathy -=5]] [[Say nothing.|B4SayNothing]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> “Ugh, five more minutes, mom,” I joke, rolling my eyes but smirking through the pain when I hear him roar. <<include "B4SayNothing">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Stubborn ++</span><</if>> “Then how about you stop while you’re ahead?” I grunt, rolling my eyes as I wipe the blood from my mouth. This really isn’t my week. <<include "B4SayNothing">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> “Someone’s in a pissy mood. What, being caged while you’re invading someone else’s body doesn’t feel right?” <<include "B4SayNothing">>
Weakly, I sit up, my body shivering as I look for the dark figure prowling the edges of my sight. “Get mad at yourself,” I begin, “if you don’t want to be exorcised then don’t invade someone’s body.” A tendril wraps around my ankle, yanking me across the ground before throwing me to the other side of the ruins. I feel like a ragdoll, and the fear of this doing permanent damage to my actual body is an ever-present thought. “You can’t kill me,” I remind him, coughing up more blood as I sit up, soon it’ll be an intestine. “But I can still break you,” he barks in my ear, appearing over me. I glance at him, taking in the splits in his body and the violent static-appearing holes that appear and then die. I’m still unclear about what had happened to him, but I was able to deduce that even if the exorcism failed, it had done some damage to him. How many more times will I have to go through that ordeal to make him nothing more than a speck on the breeze? “All I ever wanted were answers,” I state, spitting out another wad of blood. I fall back to the ground, unable to hold myself up. “And all I ever did was ask you to listen to me.” <a data-passage="B4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You invade my body, and you think you have a right to anything?” “It’s not even your body!” he roars. <<if $ZRomance >=3>>\ He pins me down with two tendrils, hovering over me as his hand finds itself on my throat. “If I keep things from you, it’s because it’s needed. Do you think I relish being in your mind, being trapped here in this insignificant place?” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “Then leave,” I whimper, fighting against his hold but being unable to move. My body is in pain, my mind feels ready to crack, and I’m tired. The fighting stops as I lay there, I was drained. “Stop acting like you’re weak when we both know you’re stronger than what you let on.” <<else>>\ “Then leave,” I shout, fighting against his hold, gritting my teeth as I struggle with all my might to move him, clawing at his tendril and attempting to hit him. He finally releases me and I move away, though feeling even more drained. “There ?he <<verb "goes">>, finally! Where has this $name been hiding?” Zillah asks, “I already knew how strong you were, don’t you dare try to fool yourself.” <</if>>\ [[“Don’t act like you know me.”][$zillah -=3]] [[“Even the strongest get tired.”][$zillah +=3]] <<else>>\ He grabs the front of my shirt and holds me up, “you do nothing but bitch and whine about how you deserve answers. You don’t even understand what’s happening when you do get answers. If I keep things from you, it’s because it’s needed.” “Oh, so now I’m supposed to believe that you’re doing what’s right for me?” I shout back, thrashing around so that he’d release me. He finally does, and I hit the ground with a massive thud. Or perhaps that just hurt worse because of my current situation. [[“You’re a parasite.”][$zillah -=3]] [[“Fuck. You.”][$zillah +=3]] <</if>>\
My head falls to the side as I avoid looking at him, “don’t act like you know me.” I can see him stiffen and an air of uncomfortableness encompassing both of us. <<include "B4_2_1">>
My head falls to the side as I avoid looking at him, “even the strongest get tired, Zillah.” I can see him stiffen and an air of uncomfortableness encompassing both of us. <<include "B4_2_1">>
<<if $zillah >=50>>\ I manage a low chuckle, “and if I’m as strong as you say I am, why am I at your mercy all the time? You’d think our positions would be reversed.” To my shock, a broad smile appears on his expressionless face. “Is that a suggestion?” The tendrils tighten as the white dots that represented his eyes turn a brilliant gold. <<else>>\ I manage a low chuckle, “but you’re not wrong. Just don’t ever forget who’s the strongest out of the two of us.” To my shock, a broad smile appears on his expressionless face. “How could I ever?” He asks, taking a step closer as the white dots that represented his eyes turn a brilliant gold. <</if>>\ My breathing picks up as I watch as he becomes a shadow upon the ground, confused about what he’s about to do. But then he begins to be dragged, almost appearing like someone had grabbed hold of his legs and yanked, dragging him away until he’s no longer there. For the first time since all of this had happened, I don’t feel pain. The scenery doesn’t change, but the malicious and violent air begins to clear up. I’m able to breathe, and my eyes open. <a data-passage="B4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You’re a parasite, who trots around with the belief that you’ll ever be anything more than that.” “Shut up!” he roars, one of the ruin’s pillars trembling and cracking before it comes tumbling down. “I’ve had,” he breathes harshly, “enough of you.” The white dots that were used for eyes turn a brilliant golden as he stands over me. My breathing picks up as I watch as he becomes a shadow upon the ground, confused about what he’s about to do. But then he begins to be dragged, almost appearing like someone had grabbed hold of his legs and yanked, dragging him away until he’s no longer there. For the first time since all of this had happened, I don’t feel pain. The scenery doesn’t change, but the malicious and violent air begins to clear up. I’m able to breathe, and my eyes open. <a data-passage="B4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Fuck. You,” I snort, too tired to say or do anything more. I believe my words were enough, anyway. “I’ve had,” he breathes harshly, “enough of you.” The white dots that were used for eyes turn a brilliant golden as he stands over me. My breathing picks up as I watch as he becomes a shadow upon the ground, confused about what he’s about to do. But then he begins to be dragged, almost appearing like someone had grabbed hold of his legs and yanked, dragging him away until he’s no longer there. For the first time since all of this had happened, I don’t feel pain. The scenery doesn’t change, but the malicious and violent air begins to clear up. I’m able to breathe, and my eyes open. <a data-passage="B4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I gasp as I shoot forward, coughing, and barely recognizing the multiple hands resting on my back. “Deep breaths,” I hear Faye direct, and I do as she says, breathing in and out slowly. My eyes dart to the familiar faces that crowd around me, and I raise my brow. “What did you do?” “The exorcism worked,” Lucia says with a wide grin. Closing the book in her hands, quite pleased with herself. “How do you know?” I question, and they move. A new body sits across from me now, his body restrained in the chair by ropes as his golden eyes glare at me with enough hatred to last a century. “Well, howdy there, $name,” Zillah smirks. It was his voice, there was no doubt about it, but my brain refused to accept that the faceless apparition from the dark recesses of my mind now had one. That it has a body that isn’t just a silhouette. “You made a big mistake.” <a data-passage="NT_EP6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> “I’m still trying to figure out how this is possible,” I begin, dragging my hands down my face and choosing at that moment to close my eyes. Maybe when I reopen them, then this would all disappear. Three seconds later and I open them, sighing in defeat when my landscape hasn’t shifted. I glare over at Rahim. “You should be panicking, why aren’t you panicking?” “No offense, $name, but with all the shit that happens to you. Nothing causes me to be surprised or panicky anymore.” <img src="images/divider.png"> I jump away, but my foot slips, sending me into falling into the pit below me. My landing isn’t as worse as it could be, though, something soft residing underneath me and softening the fall. I shift around, attempting to get a better look at what was going on when my hand slips on something, and I fall forward. I come face to face with a pile of dead carcasses, all of which have their eyes gouged out and their tongues removed. I shout in horror, but my shout is drowned out by the ravens overhead, each screeching as they take flight. <img src="images/divider.png"> I take a step back as the creature shifts, a man in a somber Italian suit appears before me. He adjusts his clothing before standing at his full height. “$name Roe, a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Let me introduce myself, I am the Archangel Azrael.” [[Episode Six: Dreamscape]]
<<nobr>>\ <<set $ep4unlock = true; $myfault = false; $Sydfault = false; $Rahfault = false; $Envyfault = false; $savechris = false>> <<unset $fileseen>> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/epfour.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> The person before me blinks, their once green slitted eyes going back to normal. I sit frozen, the sound of my companions being threatened around me being the only sound that fills the near-empty bar. “Come on,” the person grins, “what can I get you? Whiskey? Beer? Water? Whatever this shit right here is?” they ask, hoisting a bottle up and staring at the name. They then toss it over their shoulder, leaning towards me as if expecting an answer. [[“Whiskey.”]] [[“Beer.”]] [[“Water.”]] [[“An explanation.”]]
“I’ll take the whiskey,” I tell them, and they snap their fingers, grabbing the closest bottle and pouring me a glass before placing it in front of me. “There you go,” they pause for a beat, “what, no tip?” They snort and look to the others, “the nerve of some people, right?” <<include "VF0">>
“I’ll take a beer,” I tell them, and they snap their fingers, grabbing a bottle before placing it in front of me. “There you go,” they pause for a beat, “what, no tip?” They snort and look to the others, “the nerve of some people, right?” <<include "VF0">>
“Just a water for me,” I tell them, and they snap their fingers, grabbing a cup and filling it up before placing it in front of me. “There you go,” they pause for a beat, “I know it’s just water but what, no tip?” They snort and look to the others, “the nerve of some people, right?” <<include "VF0">>
“An explanation,” I sneer, finding my voice and courage. They hum as they grab a menu from nearby, their eyes comb it from top to bottom before flickering over to mine. “Nope, whatever that is, it’s not served here.” <<include "VF0">>
They straighten up, taking a few steps back as they regard me with interest, “I’m so rude, apologies. Let me introduce myself. To the pricks scattered around this bar, I’m Leviathan. But you may know me, and you will call me, Envy.” They point to the old man who sits in a seat nearest to Rahim’s now slumped body. The man wears a suit with peculiar round eyeglasses perched on his nose. He has greying hair and sports a well-groomed beard. His focus entirely on a book lazily held within his grasp. “That old fart is Belphegor, aka Sloth, and … oh, dear. Where o’ where did Amon go?” The sound of the bar door opening, along with the squeal of a boy, causes me to spin around. In horror I watch as a large, muscular woman drags Bradley into the bar, throwing him up against a wall. <a data-passage="VF1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Envy opens their arms wide, “and there goes dear ol' Wrath herself.” “What?” she growls at Envy. “Ah, piss off. I was doing introductions and you weren’t here is all.” Envy glances over at me, “now, let me see if I got this right.” They point over at Amari’s<<if $cp>> and Chris’s<</if>> table. “<<if $cp>>I know of the human, but barely. <</if>>The werewolf vampire hybrid is new. The small human I know about. And the angel bastard,” Envy smirks, standing up on the bar and walking to the far end to where Rahim is, “well, you’re famous, period. The last time I’ve seen someone like you, well, let’s just say another fallen angel joined our ranks, and nephilim blood had to be cleaned off the upholstery.” “Envy!” Wrath shouts in irritation, “I do not enjoy this shit smelling planet and its walking filth. Let us be done with what we came here for.” Envy looks less than pleased with the interruption but nods, turning their attention back to me. “Lust sends his condolences for not being able to meet you himself, but he is far too busy with our niece to come and pay you a visit. And so, he sent us.” [[“Sydero? How is she?”][$proSyd +=1; $rahim -=3; $bradley +=3]] [[“I’m going to make you pay.”][$amari -=3; $chris +=3]] [[“What do you want?”][$bradley -=3; $amari +=3]] [[“Let them go, now.”]] [[“I don’t care.”|VFIDC][$rahim +=3; $chris -=3]]
“Sydero? How is she?” They stare at me blankly, gazing around at our surroundings, “you’re standing in a bar with five mid-tier demons that can easily rip you and your friends to shreds. As well as three of the Princes of Hell, and you’re worried about her? Loyalty is a bitch. But to answer your question, she’s having the time of her life, nothing but smiles.” Envy claps their hands much like a host would at a party, then turns to the one known as Sloth, “Sloth, if you will. The first item on our to-do list?” <<include "VF1_1_1">>
“I’m going to make you and everyone else pay for what you did and what you’re about to do.” “That’s a big assumption,” Envy chuckles, “and a dire warning. I’m positively frightened now.” I buck, trying to beat whatever power holds me to this spot, “I’m going to arrive, fuck shit up, and as a parting gift, I might just spit on your body, maybe.” The bar is quiet before Envy and Wrath roar with laughter. “You,” Envy starts, wiping away a tear, “are going to be a fun one.” Clapping their hands much like a host would at a party, Envy turns to the one known as Sloth, “Sloth, if you will. The first item on our to-do list?” <<include "VF1_1_1">>
“What do you want?” I question, resituating myself on the bar stool. “Hey,” they growl, “don’t rush me. I hate being rushed. Especially by some insignificant ant that isn’t even supposed to be here.” “Envy!” Wrath barks. “Or by demons who need anger management.” Envy claps their hands much like a host would at a party, Envy turns to the one known as Sloth, “Sloth, if you will. The first item on our to-do list?” <<include "VF1_1_1">>
“Let them go, now!” Envy giggles as they move to lie down on their side, inches away from me, “or what? You gonna use those cute little emerging powers of yours on me? Can you even control them? Or are you still running around with your head in your ass, trying to figure out what you are?” My eye twitches as I look at Envy, my fingernails digging into the bar as I lean in towards them, “what do you know?” “A whole lot more than you, meat sack,” they grin. Envy claps their hands much like a host would at a party, Envy turns to the one known as Sloth, “Sloth, if you will. The first item on our to-do list?” <<include "VF1_1_1">>
“I don’t care. Say what you need to say and get out of my face,” I hiss. Envy giggles as they move to lie down on their side, inches away from me, “or what? You gonna use those cute little emerging powers of yours on me? Can you even control them? Or are you still running around with your head in your ass, trying to figure out what you are?” My eye twitches as I look at Envy, my fingernails digging into the bar as I lean in towards them, “what do you know?” “A whole lot more than you, meat sack,” they grin. Envy claps their hands much like a host would at a party, Envy turns to the one known as Sloth, “Sloth, if you will. The first item on our to-do list?” <<include "VF1_1_1">>
“If you choose to be a cretin, my sibling, then that is your own doing. But do not pull me into foolhardiness as well.” “Just read the damn list, you useless pile of shit.” Out of the corner of my eye, I glance over at Sloth, who doesn’t move a muscle other than to continue reading. But soon I see him stir, flipping a page and clearing his throat. “The map, you blatherskite, is the first order of business.” Envy’s eyes sparkle as they glance back at me, “yes! You haven’t happened to have seen it have you? It’s this rectangular-shaped item portraying the good ole US of A. One little glimmering speck resting on it to point you to the holy grail?” [[“Go to hell.”]] [[“No idea what you’re referring to.”]] [[“Blatherskite?”]]
I lean in as far as I can, still feeling the pressure that keeps me anchored to the seat, “go to hell.” They grab my chin and smirk, “as soon as I finish my list, gladly.” They release me roughly, sliding off the bar and turning towards me with a smirk. <<include "VF1_1_2">>
I move my gaze from Envy and place it on Sloth, “Blatherskite? What the hell is that?” Sloth doesn’t answer me, continuing to flip through the pages in the small book. <<include "VF1_1_2">>
“I have no idea what you’re referring to,” I tell them, and they frown, “no, really. Can you explain to me what a map is? What shape is it again?” <<include "VF1_1_2">>
“So, is that a no?” Envy gives me no time to answer as they clap their hands, “excellent. I was hoping we could fit in this game, a little game I like to call Mystery Doors. Who knows what’s behind which?” An evil grin spreads across their face as their eyes flash to something behind me. “Wrath? Would you like to choose our first door?” I turn just enough to see Wrath move, wearing a malicious grin that causes her eyes to spark. “Gladly.” We all watch as she moves between the tables like a shark, her eyes going from Rahim’s immobile figure to Bradley. Her eyes leave him before she pauses, turning back to him and giving Bradley a second, more lingering glance. <<if $bcure>>“What do we have here?” she whistles, “is that a memory block I sense?” I move, my breathing speeding up as I fight to get to Bradley.<<else>>“Would you look at that,” she whistles, “someone has seen the faces of demons.” I move, my breathing speeding up as I fight to get to Bradley.<</if>> <<if $cp>>I open my mouth, and though I hear words, they’re not my own. “Leave him alone, he’s just a kid. You monsters have done enough,” Chris shouts, fighting against the demon above him. The demon grabs his hair, picks up his head, and forcefully slams it into the table, causing him to groan. But Chris continues to mouth off.<<else>>“Leave him alone! Do anything to the rest of us, but you leave him the fuck alone!” I shout.<</if>> <a data-passage="VF1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Wrath behaves as if <<if $cp>>he<<else>>I<</if>> hadn’t said anything. Her finger trailing down Bradley’s tear-stained cheeks. <<if $bcure>>\ “With a will like that, I’m almost tempted to recruit you as one of my demons.” “Disgusting,” Envy sighs dramatically, “at least wait till the kid grows a bit more peach fuzz.” They hum, “or did you find your mystery door?” “I found it alright,” she laughs, gripping Bradley’s shoulders and leaning in. I could no longer see his face, but I could hear his whimpers, him begging for mercy. “Let’s see if you can survive reliving all that shit for the second time?” I shake uncontrollably, unable to help him as his screams fill the bar. Rebounding off the walls and hitting me constantly, my body was becoming battered, left bloody and weak as I can only imagine what he’s going through. Rahim had locked that up, and now, they were letting it pour right back through him. Forcing him to remember every second. <<else>>\ “I’m going to do you a favor, kid,” she tells him in almost a motherly type of voice, “I’m going to help you face your demons.” Envy hums, “what’s behind door number one?” “Let’s find out,” she laughs, gripping Bradley’s head and leaning in. I could no longer see his face, but I could hear his whimpers of confusion. I shake uncontrollably, unable to help him as his screams fill up the bar. Rebounding off the walls and hitting me consistently, my body was becoming battered, left bloody and weak as I can only imagine what he’s going through. <</if>>\ Envy suddenly is in front of me, leaning in and whispering, “now, what did Sydero say when she went to you? Forget about her and all of this? Save Bradley? Right?” A broad Cheshire-like smile comes onto their face as they lean back, clearing their throat. “So, I’m going to ask again, where’s the map?” [[Tell them.][$honesty +=5; $rahim +=3; $bradley -=3; $amari +=3]] [[Refuse.][$honesty -=5; $rahim -=3; $bradley +=3; $amari -=3]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Honesty ++</span><</if>> “Amari, the hybrid, she has it,” I tell them and look out of the corner of my eye at Amari, “give it to them.” One of the unnamed demons approaches her and holds their hand out. Without a hint of doubt, Amari retrieves the map and hands it over, trembling. <<include "VF1_1_1_0">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Deceit ++</span><</if>> “No,” I growl, <<if $pacifist >=50>>doing my best to stay as stoic as possible.<<else>>wanting to tear them apart.<</if>> “$name!” Rahim growls, my name barely passing through his lips, “you asshole. Amari has the map.” Envy throws a smile at me as one of the unnamed demons approaches Amari and holds her hand out, waiting for it. Without a hint of doubt, Amari retrieves the map and hands it over, trembling. <<include "VF1_1_1_0">>
“Perfect. Next order of business, Sloth?” He groans loudly, “confirmation.” I feel all eyes shift to me, and Envy offers me a polite smile as they back up until their back hits the bar shelf. Their eyes sweep every inch of me, leaving me feeling exposed. “What do you all think?” they question. “I hate to say it,” Wrath begins, appearing to my right, “and if you tell him I did, then I’ll kill you … but I think Lust was right. ?He <<verb "smells">> just like them but slightly different.” Sloth pipes up, “do not overlook the shade that rests inside of ?him either. There are only a handful of creatures who could harbor such beings. Frankly, if Asmodeus truly thought himself clever, he would fear nothing from this parasite. They wouldn’t even be able to enter the Underworld to begin with. I’m surprised you dolts forgot as well. Shades can’t enter the Underworld.” Envy taps their forehead as my eyes grow wide, trying to learn more as well as sense Zillah. All I feel is ice though, a similar chill to when I had first met and learned what Rahim was. Yet, this chill is something else, his fear is my fear. If someone had offered him death at this moment, I’d be shocked if he didn’t take it. “I actually did forget that,” Envy turns to me, “not to mention that Sydero isn’t taking any visitors, only family.” They pause as they glance over at Rahim, “immediate and sane family I mean, no half-brothers or crazy witches allowed.” Despite Rahim’s laxness, I can see his face contort as he fights to raise his enraged gaze to Envy. “Don’t. You. Dare. Speak. Of. Her,” Rahim says, each word a struggle to get past his lips. <a data-passage="VF1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Envy deflates in mock hurt, “now, is that any way to talk to the people who are watching over her? Making sure she doesn’t hurt herself and that she doesn’t eat her own shit?” I watch as a blue mist begins to circle around Rahim. “Oh dear,” Sloth says, tapping Rahim’s shoulder. Rahim attempts to fight, but whatever Sloth does takes hold of him. The blue fizzes out, dissolving into the air and leaving him to only sit and fume in both rage and desperation. Envy stares at him, “she cries for you. Asks where you went and why you abandoned her. She asks some other things as well, but the demons fuck her brains out, so she never actually gets to finish what she’s saying.” [[“Shut the hell up!”]] [[“Rahim don’t listen to them.”]] [[“Are you done here?”]]
“Shut the hell up!” I scream at Envy, who produces their first real laugh, wiping away a tear. <<if $cp>>\ “Big talk for someone who can’t even move,” they clap, “Sloth, mystery door number two if you please.” <<include "VF1_2_1">> <<else>>\ “Big talk for someone who can’t even move,” they clap, “Sloth, the next item on our list if you please.” <<include "VF1_3">> <</if>>\
“Rahim,” I say in a soothing voice, but it comes out broken, “don’t listen to them, alright. Demons lie.” <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ “Rahim,” Envy shouts, mimicking my voice, “don’t listen to them. Especially when they say that every night I fantasize about that large cock of yours penetrating some dainty little hole of mine.” Envy is unable to control themselves, falling over laughing as they wipe a tear from their eye. “You mortals, so easy to read. I’m no Lust but it didn’t even take //me// that long to figure that out. You two, yea, no, I can’t see it.” <<else>>\ “Rahim,” Envy shouts, mimicking my voice, “don’t listen to them. I don’t even know what I am and what’s going on with myself. I’m a complete idiot who dragged you all into this mess. Every single one of you, thank me for the hell that you’re about to personally experience.” Envy is unable to control themselves, falling over laughing as they wipe a tear from their eye. “I might even let you go without a scratch. If only to piss off those who follow you even more.” <</if>>\ <<if $cp>>\ “Sloth, mystery door number two if you please.” <<include "VF1_2_1">> <<else>>\ “Big talk for someone who can’t even move,” they clap, “Sloth, the next item on our list if you please.” <<include "VF1_3">> <</if>>\
“Are you done here?” I hiss, “because now I’m just getting bored.” “Far from it. It seems like you’re as excited as me for what comes next, though. Sloth, <<if $cp>>mystery door number two if you please.”<<else>>the next item on our list if you please.”<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<include "VF1_2_1">> <<else>>\ “Big talk for someone who can’t even move,” they clap, “Sloth, the next item on our list if you please.” <<include "VF1_3">> <</if>>\
“Wait!” I shout in terror, “but you got your answer.” Envy laughs as they flick my forehead, “don’t tell me how to play my own game, bug. I know what I’m doing. Sloth?” “I will not participate in this game of inanity.” “Sloth!” He refuses to answer, causing Envy’s eye to twitch at the lack of respect. But then a placid smile appears as they turn their gaze to Chris. “Never mind, my turn.” They point at Chris. “You know, as soon as you walked in, I felt this energy rolling off of you. It’s the kind of energy that sticks around when someone tries to tell themselves they aren’t resentful when they really are. I can feel it stirring in the pit of your gut, all that envy you have for those around you. Those dark thoughts, I can hear them loud and clear.” “Aren’t you an observant one?” Chris murmurs, glancing up at Envy but then quickly looking away. “Chris,” Amari scolds. Envy walks from behind the bar and to the table where Chris sits. Once there, they plop themselves down on top of the wooden surface and cock their head to the side. “That’s cute, that’s your go-to move, isn’t it? Defuse everything with a slash of that misunderstood humor? But you’re right. They will never understand you. You will always be //that// outsider to them. You’re the one that they’ll kick off the boat first. That beast, it should’ve taken you, because only then would you even be remotely helpful, if only to disappear properly. What can you do, mix some alcohol together? <<if $bartending>>Hmm, $name can do that, right? Better as well.<<else>>$name can do it better though, and ?he <<verb "doesn't">> even like it.<</if>> That’s why Morgan hired ?him and said you’re suitable for nothing but kitchen duty. Come to think of it, $name is better at everything than you. You’re only here because of $name. What was it that your daddy said? You’ll always be a worthless little shadow. Second place. The first loser.” Envy moves and walks back towards me, “answer me something, $name. What does Chris contribute to the team? You have that traumatized kid of yours who’s the brains, the angel mutt is the brawns. Damn, I have no idea who the hybrid is but can tell she’ll be helpful. What about Chris?” Out of the corner of my eye, I look over at Chris, whose eyes continuously look from me to the table in front of him, unsure if he wants to look at me when I say the next few words. [[“Chris is my friend.”][$chris +=3]] [[“He’s learning, you can’t fault him for that.”][$chris -=3; $rahim -=2; $amari +=2]] <<if $CRomance >=3>>\ [[“He’s vital to this team.”][$chris +=5; $amari +=3; $bradley -=3]] <</if>>\ [[“The demon has a point.”][$chris -=5; $amari -=3; $bradley +=3]] [[Refuse to answer.][$chris -=2; $rahim +=3]]
“Chris is my friend,” I bark. “What the hell does that have to do with my question? Or maybe that’s the only thing you can come up with. He’s the comic relief, huh? The dorky sidekick that’s going to always put up with your shit because what else can he do?” Envy whips around towards Chris. “Chris, you hear that? You’re the friend,” they snap their fingers, “let me make you useful again.” <<include "VF1_2_2">>
“He’s learning,” I bark, “you can’t fault him for that.” Envy snorts in laughter, “oh yes the hell I can.” They rest a hand on my shoulder, turning to look at both of us. “Let me make sure I have this timeline right. $name, you found out about the supernatural, and on the same day, you left with Sydero. Two days later, Chris was brought into it. So, the two of you basically started at the same time? Damn, one is a quick study, and the other, well, is the other. But here, Chris,” they snap their fingers, “let me make you useful again.” <<include "VF1_2_2">>
“He’s a vital member of this team,” I bark. “All I’m hearing is that he’s a good fuck and a pretty face.” Envy turns to look at Chris, “yea, I can see it. Eye candy to be sure. I’d probably cut out his tongue to keep him from talking, but that’s just my preference.<<if $RRomance >=3>> Though between him and the angel mutt, there really is no competition.<</if>>” “That’s not what I said!” “No, but that’s what I’m hearing. Here,” they snap their fingers, “let me make you useful again.” <<include "VF1_2_2">>
Seeing that I can’t move, I can’t motion to Envy. I could barely cock my head to the side as I look at the others. “The demon has a point, none of us can deny that.” No one says anything. My teammates all giving me looks mixed with astonishment and disgust. “Thank you, $name,” Envy laughs, unable to keep themselves under control. “You hear that, Chris? You’re a waste of breath. $name would have rather let Raum cut that throat of yours.” “I didn’t say that,” I growl and Envy whips around to face me. “You didn’t have to. I can smell your disgust for him. You wonder again and again why you didn’t just put him on that bus. But, it’s not even that anymore. You wish you had a more permanent way to get rid of him. You wish you had let Raum slit his throat. He’s not your friend, you see him like we see humans, roaches needing to be squashed.” Envy looks over their shoulder at Chris, “Here,” they snap their fingers, “let me make you useful again.” <<include "VF1_2_2">>
I sit quietly, refusing to answer the question. Envy leans in towards me, acting as if they were going to whisper but saying it loud enough so everyone can hear. “Sometimes, a white lie is better than no lie. Isn’t that right, Chris? Aren’t you feeling like the biggest sack of shit? Why the hell are you here? Risking your life when they damn sure don’t see a use for you? Here,” they snap their fingers, “let me make you useful again.” <<include "VF1_2_2">>
Chris dry heaves, holding his stomach as he falls out of his seat. Envy whistles and returns to the bar to sit on the edge of the counter. “That little cryptid curse is going to take hold … I say by the end of tomorrow, maybe the day after that. Do him a favor, let him turn. Though Sydero’s not around, so do you really have a choice?” “Sloth, the next item on our list if you please,” Envy inquires, wasting no time. <a data-passage="VF1_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Warning and reminder.” I stiffen as Envy and Wrath both move in towards me. “Obviously,” Envy comments, “the warning is for you, $name.” “But the reminder,” Wrath follows up with, “is for Zillah.” They knew him, his name, and his species. <<if $m_fear is "evil" or $m_fear is "worthless">>\ How did they know Zillah? Sloth had said that not everyone could hold a Shade inside of them, they weren’t the least bit surprised at him being inside of me. What … what was happening? <<if $m_fear is "evil">>\ “It’s scary, isn’t it?” Envy asks from beside me, “to think that you’re being forced down the one road you don’t want to go? You look into the mirror, and you remind yourself of your righteousness. You take time out of your day to stop and think through the problems that are being presented because, of course, you want to do what’s best for everyone. And yet, you can feel it, can’t you? You’re going to turn into something so much darker than yourself, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” <<else>>\ “Poor $name,” Envy says from beside me, “they think you’re pathetic. You tell yourself you’re a good person when you really aren’t, you’re a horrible creature who seeks to drag others down with yourself. You see, they all have one thing in common, you. You dragged them into this. You’ve dragged everyone into everything, actually, and the best part is, you can’t help. You dragged them into a hole and assured them that you had a rope to get them out, but you don’t. You’re sitting in the corner trying to get your own life together, the last thing you can do is help anyone,” Envy moves so that I was looking straight into their eyes. “You’re worthless to them now, just another figure taking up the good air.” <</if>>\ <<elseif $m_fear is "unloved" or $m_fear is "supportless">>\ Despite their words, my focus is on everyone else, hoping that they were okay. I can only hope that we would get out of this without no one dying. “Hmm, don’t worry about them,” Envy whispers in my ear, smirking when I throw a glance their way. “Trust me, they’re not worried about you. In fact, they’re wondering how they could be so unlucky. You see, they all have one thing in common, $name, you. You dragged them into this. You’ve dragged everyone into everything actually, can you imagine how much better off they would all be if you weren’t here?” Envy moves so that I was looking straight into their eyes. “You’re not as indispensable to them as you like to believe.” <<elseif $m_fear is "insignificant">>\ Too much was happening right now, far too much for me to keep up with. I produce a low whimper, wishing to get out of here, for them to leave. “Hmm, don’t worry about them,” Envy whispers in my ear, smirking when I throw a glance their way. “Trust me, they’re not worried about you. If they didn’t know before, they do now, you can’t even take care of yourself, they don’t expect you to be able to care for them as well. Piece by piece, you’re losing what makes you, you. You’re not a human, your family isn’t who you think they are. You’re holding on to the last slivers of $name Roe.” Envy moves so that I was looking straight into their eyes. “Soon, you won’t be able to recognize yourself, $name Roe will be a name on no one’s lips because in the end, ?he didn’t matter.” <<elseif $m_fear is "incompetent">>\ How did they know Zillah? Sloth had said that not everyone could hold a Shade inside of them, they weren’t the least bit surprised at him being inside of me. What … what was happening? “Poor, $name,” Envy whispers in my ear, smirking when I throw a glance their way. “No one can blame you for not expecting this. I doubt they do anyway, they know you’re not as smart as you like to think you are. You see, everyone hears the game you talk, a big game too. You strive to make yourself better, but that’s where it ends. Your so-called friends see that. They know that they can only trust you to a certain degree before they know that $name is too stupid to go any further. You’re no help to them, you’re no help to yourself.” Envy moves so that I was looking straight into their eyes. “No one wants an incompetent dumbass on their team.” <<elseif $m_fear is "deprived" or $m_fear is "controlled">>\ Too much was happening right now, far too much for me to keep up with. I produce a low whimper, wishing to get out of here, for them to leave. “It must be hard to come to grips with what the future holds,” Envy whispers in my ear, smirking when I throw a glance their way. “One minute you think you’re on top of the world, and the next, a cage is slowly coming down over you. You feel it, right? Piece by piece, feather after feather, you’re being plucked until you can no longer fly. You’re about to be nothing more than a puppet with a monotone heartbeat. That brilliant life in your eyes, you can feel it fading.” <<else>>\ Despite their words, my focus is on everyone else, hoping that they were okay. I can only hope that we would get out of this without no one dying. “Poor, $name,” Envy whispers in my ear, smirking when I throw a glance their way. “Worrying about everyone else, unable to even take a step back and take a good look at yourself. All this chaos, it’s you fault, you do realize that, right? You dragged them into this. You’ve dragged everyone into everything actually. You want peace but you create nothing but chaos.” Envy moves so that I was looking straight into their eyes. “They’re going to realize this. They’re going to see the true you, the you that’s filled with so much negativity and hatred, and they’re going to leave you. And you’ll be all alone.” <</if>>\ <<if $daring >=50>>“Think I’m going to listen to anything you say?” I growl<<else>>“I don't believe anything you say,” I tell them<</if>>, and remarkably, Envy offers me a sympathetic smile. “I guess you’ll just have to see for yourself.” <a data-passage="VF1_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Straightening up, Envy taps my forehead and clears their throat, “Sydero is none of your concern any longer. <<if $SRomance >=5>>Know that she will be harshly punished, again, for failing to keep you under control like we told her to,” Envy sneers, “she used to scream for you, now she screams because of you. If we, even for a second, think that you’re disobeying and continuing along this path, then after properly punishing her, we will come and drop horror after horror into your lap. Starting with the kid<<if $uncledeath>>.”<<else>> and then your uncle.”<</if>><<else>>She is amongst her family and where she belongs. If we, even for a second, think that you’re disobeying and continuing along this path, then we will drop horror after horror into your lap. Starting with the kid<<if $uncledeath>>.”<<else>> and then your uncle.”<</if>><</if>> Envy takes a step back and looks towards Rahim, “Rahim, I will personally see to it that your mother is transferred to demons with more creativity, along with that faerie friend of yours. Hybrid, your parents will die<<if $cp>>, and Chris, so will yours.<<else>>. Isn’t it great to have loved ones?”<</if>> <<if $prep is 0>>\ “And lastly, Zillah,” Wrath speaks, gripping my shoulder tightly. I yell as something seems to overcome me, a darkness that I can’t fight or run from. My soul seems to shift, moving over for something greater than myself. <<elseif $prep is 1>>\ “And lastly, Zillah,” Wrath speaks, gripping my shoulder tightly. I yell as something inside of me shatters, a horrible headache hitting me soon after. <<else>>\ “And lastly, Zillah,” Wrath speaks, gripping my shoulder tightly. I yell as something inside of me shatters. It feels like a void appears inside of me, swallowing me whole, and no matter how much I fight, it’s no use. I will be sucked in. <</if>>\ “A present from us and a reminder from Azrael. You know what will happen if you fail.” <<if $serious >=50>>“What did you do to me,” I gasp, tasting the metallic hint of my own blood. Wrath doesn’t answer me. She follows behind Envy a distance off, Sloth rising and following them as well as the other demons.<<else>>“Oh, that felt like shit,” I attempt to joke, tasting the metallic hint of my own blood. But even my attempt lands weakly as I shiver, my entire body sending up warning signals. Wrath rolls her eyes before following behind Envy a distance off, Sloth rising and following them as well as the other demons.<</if>> “Oh,” Envy snaps, sending me a smile and wink, “and do accept this present of ours.” They all disappear just as the sound of ferocious barking can be heard in the near distance. With their disappearance, I gain control of my body once again. I leap out of my seat and surge towards … [[The door.][$rahim +=3]] [[Bradley.][$bradley +=3]] <<if $cp>>[[Chris.]]<</if>>
I surge straight for the door, slamming my back up against it so that no one on the other side could find their way in. Rahim is soon right beside me, applying pressure just as someone, or something, on the other side, tries to get in. “We need a plan, and we need one now,” he tells me, glancing around. “The plan is to get out of here as fast as possible.” “How, $name? How?!” he yells, sweat beginning to drip down his face. “I’m still trying to think that part through, alright. Can you sense how many of them there are?” “I’m still trying to get my senses back. It feels like I just returned from vacation against my will.” “Sloth’s influence?” “Oh, yes,” he pauses, “here’s what we’ll do, I’m strong enough to watch the door on my own. You get everyone out and to the car, head far enough away and then text me where you are, I’ll fly to you.” “Sure you have enough energy for that?” “Doesn’t matter. Go.” No one was in the position to argue, and so I move away from the door, Rahim applying all of his weight as he scoots over to secure it. <<include "VF1_4_1">>
I surge straight for Bradley, shaking him softly as he shivers on the ground. “Come on Bradley, I’m here.” He doesn’t say anything, but he flings himself into my arms, squeezing me tightly as he buries his face in my chest, sobbing. “I got you,” I say softly, running my fingers through his hair. <<if $sympathy >=50>>Every sob causing my heart to twist even more, wishing to make all of Bradley's problems go away. <<else>>Every sob causing me to wish that Wrath was still here, I was going to have to add her to the hit list.<</if>> “$name!” Rahim shouts, grabbing my attention. He’s moved from the wall to in front of the door. I had almost forgotten about the little present that they left behind, the gift being not so little as it sounded like an entire pack of werewolves had fallen upon us. “I’m strong enough to watch the door on my own. You get everyone out and to the car, head far enough away and then text me where you are, I’ll fly to you.” I don’t even think about arguing, nodding, and looking at our group. <<include "VF1_4_1">>
<<if $chris >=50>>\ <<set $chris +=3>> <<else>>\ <<set $chris -=3>> <</if>>\ I go to Chris, crouching down and resting a hand on his shoulder. “Chris, are you with me?” I question, but he doesn’t answer, still murmuring incoherent words and clutching his head. I place my hand to his forehead, already feeling the fever that’s beginning to grip him. I knew demons were powerful but were they really powerful enough to just go around and fling cryptid curses on others? “$name!” Rahim shouts, grabbing my attention. He’s moved from the wall to in front of the door. I had almost forgotten about the little present that they left behind, the gift being not so little as it sounded like an entire pack of werewolves had fallen upon us. “I’m strong enough to watch the door on my own. You get everyone out and to the car, head far enough away and then text me where you are, I’ll fly to you.” I don’t even think about arguing, nodding, and looking at our group. <<include "VF1_4_1">>
“With me guys,” I tell them, helping Bradley to his feet. My eyes dart from one scratch to the next. They were small scratches, and their origins were unknown to me. Right now also wasn’t the best time to question him about them. We rush out the back way and stealthily over to the car. I rush over to the passenger side when I freeze, noticing the broken glass scattered across the ground. Now Bradley’s cuts made sense, Wrath shattered my window and probably dragged him out. [[“My car!”]] [[“This day keeps getting better.”]] [[“Amari, make sure there’s no glass.”]]
“My car!” I can’t help but scream, deflating as I think about how much this could potentially cost me. That and if it rained then I was going to have to worry about more than just a broken window. “$name?” Amari questions, opening the door and raising a brow at my words. “Oh, don’t give me that look,” I groan, helping Bradley inside as I go to the driver’s side, “if this was your car, then you’d understand.” <<include "VF1_4_2">>
“This day keeps getting better and better. Someone remind me what I did to deserve any of this?” The question is rhetorical but the look that Amari sends me says that she was going to try and answer it. “Rhetorical, Amari, rhetorical. Get in the car.” I help Bradley inside before going to the driver’s side, I wanted another weeklong break. <<include "VF1_4_2">>
“Amari, come here.” Once she’s at my side, I point to the seat of the car, “can you make sure there’s no loose glass on the seat?” She nods and begins to wipe away the smaller shards of glass with her hand. I wish to say something but she doesn’t even seem phased by the action and so I keep my mouth closed, whatever would make this process go by quicker. Once she’s done, I help Bradley inside and dart to the driver’s side. <<include "VF1_4_2">>
I take off down the road, fiddling with my phone as I try to figure out a decent place to stop and rest. There were a few motels, but I needed something farther out, something away from Chicago altogether. A few curse words, wheel jerks, and scrolling later, I find a motel that seems to reside on the outskirts of Illinois, almost in Kentucky territory. I set up the map and head there, the entire ride mostly silent as everyone deals with the aftermath. Once we arrive at the motel, I take Amari inside with me to get two rooms, our little group no longer being able to use only one, especially if everyone needed to sleep comfortably. As we wait for the receptionist, I text Rahim. “Here’s your room,” the woman tells me, handing me one of the cards and Amari the other. I leave without another word, going to the car and retrieving Bradley before helping him to the room. <<if $medical >=10 or $cmajor is "Nursing">>\ I lay him down in the bed, tending to the wounds along his face and arms. Once done my legs finally give out on me and I sit with my back to the bed. I listen to his weeping, concentrating on how they get quieter and quieter until the steady rhythm of him breathing is all that’s left. Occasionally he twitches and screams, <<if $bcure>>something I wasn’t used to and terrified of the first two times.<<else>>but I was used to that, and as long as he didn’t wake up, it was fine.<</if>> <<else>>\ I lay him down in the bed, my legs finally giving out on me as I sit with my back to the bed. I listen to his weeping, concentrating on how they get quieter and quieter until the steady rhythm of him breathing is all that’s left. Occasionally he twitches and screams, <<if $bcure>>something I wasn’t used to and terrified of the first two times.<<else>>but I was used to that, and as long as he didn’t wake up, it was fine.<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Stay there.]] [[Go lie down.]] <<if $cp>>[[Go and check on Chris.]]<</if>>
I stay where I am, and even go to sleep in the position, not realizing it until the next day. I wake up with a minor crick in my neck, and my body still feeling as exhausted as it did the previous night. Besides Bradley, no one else is inside the room. I check my phone, no message from Rahim. Was he able to escape? <<include "VF1_5">>
I head to the only other empty bed in the room. Wrapping the duvet around me before choosing to abandon it, the room was hot even with the air conditioner in the corner blasting. I wake up the next day and still feel just as exhausted as I did the previous night. Besides Bradley, no one else is inside the room. I check my phone, no message from Rahim. Was he able to escape? <<include "VF1_5">>
Once I was sure that Bradley wasn’t going to awake, I leave and head to the room right beside our own. Knocking, and nodding to Amari who opens the door. She points to Chris and excuses herself, leaving me and him in the room alone. “Hey Chris, how are you feeling?” The words fall out of my mouth despite how stupid I know the question is. He’s lying in bed with the threat of turning into a monster once again looming over him. At least before we’re all clear-minded and able to jump to his assistance. Now, we were scattered and fighting our own demons. “I feel like shit,” he chuckles, using the back of his hand to wipe away the sweat droplets accumulating on his forehead. “We’re going to get you that cure, Chris, you don’t have to worry about that.” Chris doesn’t respond to me, his eyes downcast as he toys with loose strings of the duvet. “Yea, of course,” he sighs, “how are you doing though? Do you have any idea what that demon did to you?” “Wrath? No, not yet. Zillah isn’t exactly vocal either, though I’m not surprised.” I sigh, running my hand down my face as I glance up at the ceiling. Exhaustion, concern, anger, all surge through me as I remember everything that has taken place earlier, and everything that still has yet to take place. I’m so very tired. <<if $cbreak>>\ <<if $chris >=50>>\ [[“Can I stay with you?”]] <<else>>\ [[“Can you hold me?”]] <</if>>\ [[Leave and go to sleep.]] <<else>>\ “I’m going to go ahead and head to sleep. Get some rest, okay.” <<if $chris >=50>>\ “If I didn’t know better, $name, I’d say you were worried about me,” he laughs, the laugh transitioning into a cough. Once he gets control of himself, he flashes me an apologetic smile. “I am. This isn’t some common cold.” He waves my words away, attempting to smile but failing, “go get some sleep. We’ll talk more tomorrow.” //Tomorrow//, I think to myself. How much time does he have? <<else>>\ “Just worry about yourself,” he tells me, no signs of spite or anger in his voice when he says the words. “You got just as much to be worried about, maybe even more.” He was right. I stand and nod. <</if>>\ I head to bed, waking up the next day and still feeling as exhausted as I did the previous night. Besides Bradley, no one else is inside the room. I check my phone, no message from Rahim. Was he able to escape? <a data-passage="VF1_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Is it okay if I stay with you? For tonight?” “I don’t think that’s the smartest idea. Not with ... where we are right now. I just -” “Need space, yea.” “I wouldn’t call it space,” he chuckles and shakes his head, “I guess that’s my biggest issue. I don’t know what to call anything. I just know that I still need to think shit through, and right now, we have more to worry about than our relationship.” I snort, “there you go, using that word again.” <<if $gender is "female">>\ “I throw it around, don’t I?” he sighs, “you’ll get answers when I get answers. But let’s first make it past all this. And you, you should go to sleep. <<else>>\ “I throw it around, don’t I?” he sighs, “I know we haven’t really talked since that time where I told you about accepting that I’m ... what did you call it?” “Panseuxal?” “Yea, that. I know and I understand, when I get answers, you will too. But let’s first make it past all this. And you, you should go to sleep.” <</if>>\ I look from the bed we both sit in and then towards the door. He shrugs, “just stay on your side and try not to take all the covers.” He places a single kiss on my head, and I nod, closing my eyes and letting myself drift to sleep. The next day I awaken, feeling like more than just a few inches rest between us. Chris is on the other side of the bed, looking extremely uncomfortable as he sleeps. His face grows pale, and I can faintly see his veins beginning to bulge more. I sigh in helplessness, deciding to check my phone. No message from Rahim. Was he able to escape? <a data-passage="VF1_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Chris, can,” I start, my breathing picking up as I try to keep my emotions in check. Try to keep the dam from bursting as my mind cruelly reminds me of everything that took place. “Can you please just hold me for right now?” I stumble on the last part, wrapping my arms around myself as my breathing picks up. I need to keep myself together, I have too. “I know we agreed on this break, and that means putting space between us but –” “Shut up,” he growls, grabbing my arm and pulling me to him roughly. Yet, as soon as his arms encompass me, it’s gentle and reassuring. The one shield I need at a time like this. “When you’re feeling like this,” Chris tells me, rubbing my arms, “fuck a break. You’re the most important thing to me right now, $name. Don’t ever doubt that … even when I say and do stupid shit.” I chuckle and feel his own laugher reverberating in his chest as he squeezes me. “I’m sure I’ll have to remind you of that.” He snorts, “yea, I’m sure of that too. Now get some sleep. I’m here.” I bury my face in his shirt, getting a whiff of his subtle cologne. A mix of Chris’s natural musk and something that reminded me of ginger. I nod, closing my eyes and letting myself drift. The next day I awaken, no longer in his arms. Chris was on the other side of the bed, looking extremely uncomfortable as he slept. His face was growing paler and I could faintly see his veins beginning to bulge more. I sigh in helplessness, deciding to check my phone. No message from Rahim. Was he able to escape? <a data-passage="VF1_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
With a goodnight, I leave his room and head to bed, waking up the next day and still feeling as exhausted as I did the previous night. Besides Bradley, no one else is inside the room. I check my phone, no message from Rahim. Was he able to escape? <<include "VF1_5">>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $prep is 2>> <<set $prep to 3>> <<elseif $prep is 1>> <<set $prep to 2>> <<else>> <<set $prep to 1>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I walk outside just in time to see Rahim leaning on the railing of the motel’s balcony, his phone to his ear. “Calm down, Flower,” I hear him sigh, “I told you, I just needed to make sure you were safe … and to ask for a favor.” There’s a pause. “Can you check on my mother and then call me back … I … I need to know that she’s alright. If she’s even still there. And watch yourself too, okay? Don’t do anything stupid.” Another pause. “Swear. Alright, bye.” He hangs up the phone and drops his head. [[“You think the demons were telling the truth?”]] [[“Was that Amarante?”]] [[“When did you get here?”]]
“You think the demons were telling the truth about your mom?” He scratches the back of his head, smoothing the hair back down afterward, “maybe. I haven’t heard from her in a while, mostly due to my belief that I hid her well enough. They know she’s the quickest way to get to me, though, so there’s a chance they were lying.” “Better safe than sorry?” “Indeed.” He straightens up and looks at me, “how are you doing?” “I’m okay, a bit shaken from the events last night, but okay.” Rahim raises a brow, and I deflate with a low chuckle. [[“Tired but fine.”]] [[“I’m trying.”]] [[“I’ll be better when we have Sydero.”][$proSyd +=1]] <<if $rahim >=50>>[[“I really could use a hug.”]]<</if>>
“Was that Amarante?” I ask. “Yea. When it comes to demons, you can never be too careful. Most people think they only lie, but I’ve learned that they have little reason to lie most times. The truth is always scarier.” He straightens up and looks at me, “how are you doing?” “I’m okay, a bit shaken from the events last night, but okay.” Rahim raises a brow, and I deflate with a low chuckle. [[“Tired but fine.”]] [[“I’m trying.”]] [[“I’ll be better when we have Sydero.”][$proSyd +=1]] <<if $rahim >=50>>[[“I really could use a hug.”]]<</if>>
“When did you get here?” I question, coming to a stop at his side. “Earlier this morning, near two’o clock, I believe. I did my best to lead them away, but I fear that they still have Amari’s scent. We won’t be able to stay here long.” He straightens up and looks at me, “how are you doing?” “I’m okay, a bit shaken from the events last night, but okay.” Rahim raises a brow, and I deflate with a low chuckle. [[“Tired but fine.”]] [[“I’m trying.”]] [[“I’ll be better when we have Sydero.”][$proSyd +=1]] <<if $rahim >=50>>[[“I really could use a hug.”]]<</if>>
“I’m tired, but seriously, I’m fine.” “$name, if that was true, then I’m far more frightened for you. Anyone who walks out of an ordeal like that, especially if it was their first, saying that they’re fine ... well, they’re messed up in the head.” “You’ve been through something like that? With them?” “Yea, but I met Beelzebub and Asmodeus, the embodiment of gluttony and lust, Sydero’s dad and uncle. They came looking for her one time and,” he stops, his grip on the railing tightening enough to make his knuckles grow white. He doesn’t answer, and I drop that specific conversation. <<include "VF1_5_1">>
“I’m trying,” I start, wiping at my eye, “I’m trying hard. Besides what they did to me concerning Zillah, nothing happened to me, not like what happened to Bradley<<if $cp>> or Chris<</if>>.” “That doesn’t mean you can’t still be suffering.” “I don’t have time to suffer,” I <<if $stubborn >=50>>yell<<else>>sigh deeply<</if>>, “too much shit is happening. None of us have time to suffer and feel bad for ourselves.” I calm down, wishing that the wind was stronger, to cool and calm me down. Rahim drops the conversation, both of us standing in silence. <<include "VF1_5_1">>
I rub my eye, “I really could use a hug,” I tell him, and without needing to say or do anything more, he grabs my wrist and yanks me to his body. His strong arms envelop my body, and to my amazement, I feel like some of the weight evaporates. Standing so close, I feel untouchable, part of my brain even has the nerve to say that yesterday’s events were all a dream. He smells like honey and pine, a fresh walk through the forest in the middle of spring. The time of blossoming and warmth, the sun wrap its arms around me just enough to remind me of its presence. He squeezes, and I fight back a whimper as he pulls away. Suddenly, reality crashes back over me, and I find myself wanting to do nothing more than stay tucked in his embrace. “Anyone ever tell you that you give awesome hugs,” I chuckle, rubbing my arm. “No,” he snorts, biting the side of his cheek as the faintest of blushes begins to take shape, “I don’t really hug many people.” I shiver as assurance and joy works its way down my body, Rahim clearing his throat. <<include "VF1_5_1">>
I straighten up and glare at the parking lot in front of me, “I’ll be better when we have Sydero.” I turn my icy stare to Rahim, “if we just stayed on track, then we would already have her back with us.” “You really need to get over yourself,” he growls, “do you even care about what happened to the others? Or are you so narrow-minded that Sydero is the only person who matters to you?” <<if $sympathy >=50>>“Of course, I care, but forgive me if I’d rather get all of this over with and get Sydero as soon as possible.”<<else>>“What will you do if I say no? If I say that the only thing I want right now is Sydero, and I’m not going to be happy until we free her from hell?”<</if>> Rahim runs his hand over his face, “there are steps to it. And no one is going to help you just because they’re nice. You want to get to Sydero, then learn how to play nice with others.” He sighs in frustration, silence setting in between us. <<include "VF1_5_1">>
“Please tell me you got a good look at that map,” he questions. One that I’ve been preparing myself for. I wipe at my eye and shake my head, “no. I wasn’t in a rush, and so I never glanced at it.” Rahim chuckles caustically, “maybe this is a sign. Any other time I would’ve looked at it out of fear something like this would happen.” “A sign of what?” “That we need to abandon this course,” Rahim tells me. [[“What about Syd?”][$rahim -=3]] [[“I’m getting my revenge.”][$rahim -=3; $pacifist -=5]] [[“Maybe you’re right.”][$rahim +=3]]
I furrow my brows and narrow my eyes, “what about Syd? We’re just going to abandon her because we were threatened?” “That’s what you got from that?” Rahim inquires, “$name, demons don’t give threats. Definitely not demons of their tier. The fact that we got one, to begin with, is beyond me. They will kill everyone we love and torture us if we don’t.” “Syd is counting on us.” “Stop lying to yourself,” he barks, “she’s probably sitting there having the time of her life. She’s a demon, no demon suffers in hell, least of all one of her prestige. When are you going to wake up and realize that she’s not who you think she is?” “Whenever you wake up and realize that the Sydero you knew, isn’t the same Sydero I know. If you want to go, Rahim, then go. Tell us all you know and go. You don’t trust me, remember?” He growls and prepares to contest my words, but I don’t allow him, “and I’m sure you have even more doubts about me after what they did to me.” He bows his head, attempting to hide the embarrassment that appears. <<include "VF1_6">>
“Whoa now,” I chuckle dejectedly, “were you not there yesterday? Those assholes are going to pay for what they did to us. Saving Sydero is now just a bonus.” “$name, that’s a fight you can’t win.” “Oh, really? Watch me. I learn how to control these powers and then figure out who I am. They’re going to be in for a ride.” “Are you hearing yourself?” he asks, a doubtful brow raised, “you can practice your heart out from here until the next time you see them, and you will never be ready for them. They are Princes of Hell and you’re being an idiot.” “No one likes a doubter, Rahim. And aren’t you supposed to be half angel, where was the smiting? How did they even get you under their influence? How did you not sense them?” “There are cons to being balanced, just like there are pros. This isn’t about me, I’m not trying to go up against them, you are.” <<include "VF1_6">>
I chew on my fingernail, telling myself to stop a few seconds later, “maybe you’re right,” I answer. He holds his breath, shocked that I had agreed. <<if $proSyd >=3>>“What?” I question, “I know I’ve been pro Syd, but that was before her uncles and aunties decided to pay us a visit. True, it might be better to abandon her, but that doesn’t change what Faye said.<<else>>“What?” I question, “you act like I’ve been pro Syd this entire time. I told you that the only reason I was going along with this was because of Bradley and Faye. Which brings up a good point.<</if>> If the demons want Syd, it can’t be for anything good.” “You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved,” he tells me. “Again, you’re right. But that doesn’t really matter. We still have to get her out of there.” He closes his eyes and shakes his head, pointing his finger at me as he steps closer, “if you thought this group was broken when we first met. Then it’s mutilated now.” He walks past me and goes into the room that rests beside the one Bradley, and I occupy. As soon as the door closes I hear shuffling and turn to see Amari with bags of food. <<include "VF1_6">>
He closes his eyes and shakes his head, pointing his finger at me as he steps closer, “if you thought this group was broken when we first met. Then it’s mutilated now.” He walks past me and goes into the room that rests beside the one Bradley, and I occupy. As soon as the door closes I hear shuffling and turn to see Amari with bags of food. “I swear I only heard as much as I did because of my hearing,” she starts, rambling, “I can’t shut it off, trust me, I tried. It’s like vampire and werewolf blood just doesn’t really make anything easy when it concerns the senses.” “Amari,” I start, trying to calm her down. “This food, it stinks. Like most food stinks, a lot. The only thing that I can stomach is a really bloody piece of meat or blood, period. And some blood tastes really nasty, like really nasty. Did you know you can get second-hand addiction from drinking an addicts blood? Still better than a lot of stuff, anything else kinda makes my stomach flip. Fast food, totally not real meat, it’s not even plant-based.” “Amari!” I shout, and she stops, “please stop talking. I’m actually starving, and you’re going to make me want to go on a fast.” With an embarrassed blush, she hands the food to me, and I take it graciously. “I’m going to go give Bradley some of the food, I’ll be right back,” I tell her. I grab some fries and a burger and place them on the nightstand beside Bradley’s prone body, leaving back out to not wake him. I motion for her to join me near the pool’s edge so that we can sit and eat. “How is he? Bradley?” Amari questions. “As well as you can guess,” I glance over at her and bite the inside of my lip, “you might not want to go near him. His hatred for werewolves is deep, and it’s probably nothing personal. He has a bad history with them. Probably hates them more than demons still.” “Yea,” she laughs, no joy to be found, “I kinda got that when he looked at me back in Chicago. Back at the warehouses.” [[“Sorry about all that by the way.”]] [[“Regret coming with us yet?”]] [[“Why did you choose to come along again?”]]
“Sorry about all that, by the way. The whole hunting and trying to kill you nonsense, I swear it wasn’t personal.” “No worries,” she laughs, “I guess I should be a little peeved off, right? But the truth is, I’m so used to everyone trying to kill me now that it’s unhealthy.” “You seem rather positive, though. I would suspect someone in your shoes to be dark and untrusting.” “My dad said I should be. Said that half the problems we run into were because of me being too trustworthy. I tried too, but it feels wrong. Like I stopped living and started worrying. I hated it.” She fiddles with her hands, “I don’t want to stop believing that people can change and seeing the good in folks simply because some of them are horrible. I guess that’s stupid.” [[“No, it’s refreshing.”][$amari +=5]] [[“Yea, it is.”][$amari -=5]]
“No, it’s actually quite refreshing. I haven’t been in this life long, literally for a month or two. And the changes I’ve had to go through, to adapt and survive, it’s crazy. The most positive person I’ve met has been Bradley, and he’s mostly filled with dark humor at best. Meeting someone who still sees the beauty, even when there’s nothing but darkness surrounding them. Yea, it’s refreshing.” “Thanks,” Amari smiles widely. <<include "VF1_6_1">>
“Yea, it is,” I sigh and lean forward, “this life, you can’t trust most people, as you have seen. Everyone wants something, no matter how small or big. You can’t even trust those you think are your friends, we all have our own agenda, and at the end of the day, we’re focused on it. You need to be the same, put yourself first.” She doesn’t nod or shake her head, and as we sit in silence, I realize how much I just sounded like Sydero. <<include "VF1_6_1">>
“Regret coming with us yet?” “Surprisingly, no,” she answers, “that was the first time I ever met demons, and let me tell you, not a good first impression. But I’m used to the danger aspect. I’ve been used to it for years, it’s all I can remember honestly.” <<include "VF1_6_1">>
“Amari, answer me this, why did you choose to come along with us?” “You didn’t believe me?” “What? When you said that it was because you wanted to live and adventure? Yes and no. With us, you’re doing what you did with your parents, you just have new companions. We’re no better than them. We hop from place to place, we’re hunted just as much probably.” “That’s true, but I meant it when I said I want to live. Last night was horrible, but it proves my thoughts as well. That was the first time I met demons. I might not look shocked, but I didn’t even know they existed, I heard rumors at best. Humans, I’m around them all the time, but I can’t tell you when’s the last time I actually had a decent conversation with one. I’m traveling with a nephilim and get to help you with your journey in figuring out what you are. I guess,” she takes a deep breath, dipping her toe in the pool. “I guess what I really wanted was friends. I haven’t had them in so long, I don’t even know what the word means really. I guess my reasons are stupid, but they made perfect sense to me.” <<include "VF1_6_1">>
“When were you changed? Into a hybrid, I mean.” “When I was a little girl, six. I remember playing with friends, and the next moment it was like I had drunken something foul. I don’t remember the process, but I remember people screaming and crying, and I remember being in pain, feeling like I was dying. Instead, when I woke up, I was craving blood. I killed one of the girls out of instinct, sucked her dry, and ate her heart. It was only a few hours later that I realized what I did. By then, my dad had come, and we were leaving the city.” “That must have been hard.” “I don’t really remember. I want to say it was, but I don’t know.” “Can you control yourself now, or do you still lose control?” “I can control it, but I do still have to feed. Less frequently than vampires but more frequently than werewolves. I survive mainly off of raw meat, and I used to drink some of the blood bags that my mom had.” [[“Adding that to the list of needed things.”]] [[“Uh, just don’t bite any of us.”][$amari -=3]] [[“Can I see your fangs?”]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Is it true that being fed from is … sexual?”][$ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Is it true that being fed from is … sexual?”][$ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“Adding that to the list of needed things,” I laugh, alongside Amari, “gotta say, I never thought I would have to add blood bags to the grocery list. Though I am surprised that I haven’t heard much about vampires since doing this. Mostly it’s been werewolves, witches, and demons.” “That is shocking, actually. Well, I know enough. Had to after becoming what I am.” <<include "VF1_6_2">>
“Uh, just don’t bite any of us, alright. Especially Bradley.” Amari blushes, “I can control myself, $name, trust me. I haven’t fed from someone in months.” I raise a brow, “I was expecting you to say years.” “We come across willing participants sometimes. I’m thankful for humans like that, really. The meat and blood bags are good, they’re enough. But nothing ever comes close to fresh blood.” “And the heart?” “It fills me up, but I like to stick to things that don’t require me murdering someone.” <<include "VF1_6_2">>
“Can I see your fangs? Is that rude to ask?” “I’ve actually never had someone ask to see my fangs, so I don’t know,” Amari chuckles, throwing me a bright smile. I lean in as I watch two sets of fangs slowly descend and ascend from her gums. On the top row, her lateral incisors are hidden behind two long and sharp fangs while her canines are shorter than the incisor fangs but far sharper. Her bottom row canines mirrored her top ones. “That’s badass. Are these because you’re a hybrid?” “Yea,” she tells me and points to her canines, “these are werewolf fangs. And these,” she then points to the long ones, “are vampire. Werewolves won’t have them, and vampires won’t have the canines. I get both sets.” “When you bite, is it worse?” “Yea,” she says in embarrassment, “I’m a messy eater. Maybe if I just had the vampire fangs, then I could puncture skin like a master, but the canines dig in and tear flesh. The last person I fed on, it wasn’t too bad, but I still choose not to.” <<include "VF1_6_2">>
“Is it true then that being fed from is actually … sexual?” Amari laughs and blushes at the same time, fiddling with her hair, “um, yea. Vampires have pheromones that trick the mind into believing that it’s experiencing pleasure. It’s why most humans don’t push vampires away once they clamped on. Some vampires like the idea of force-feeding, though, so they won’t use their pheromones and like to see their prey squirm and try to get away. It’s disgusting.” “Interesting,” I smirk, and her blush grows. She looks away, hiding her face behind her hair. <<include "VF1_6_2">>
We finish our food and get ready to head back up to the rooms when Rahim approaches us. “We need to talk,” he says to us, motioning for us to sit back down. <<if $cp>><a data-passage="VF1_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="VF1_8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
“Firstly, we need to get Chris a cure. $name, I’m thinking you know what’s going on with him.” “Envy put what we call the BB curse on him. The Bladenboro Beast was a cryptid that dies ever so often, and right before it dies, it ‘raises’ another one to take its place. BB chose Chris, and he was pretty close to shifting, but Bradley figured out a cure, and Sydero helped.” Rahim snorts but doesn’t remark on why, “Sydero’s part in this, do you know what it is or if she even needed to help?” “We put faerie essence, BB’s blood, and Chris’s blood in a bowl before we gave it to him. I remember we had to do it before BB died, but obviously, that’s not a thing here. A lot of what we did revolved around BB, so the best person to ask would be Bradley. He’s the one who came up with whatever we did.” “He’s in no state to help any of us.” [[“He doesn’t have much of a choice.”]] [[“You got a better idea?”|VFBetterIdea]] <<if $bcure>>[[“Another memory block?”]]<</if>>
“Honestly,” I say, “he doesn’t have much choice. No matter how pissed off he is, Bradley wouldn’t want to see Chris die. So, he’ll help, just get ready for a lot of explicit words and complaining.” <<include "VF1_8">>
“You got a better idea? Because if so, then I’m down to hear it. If not, then we’re just going to hope that you’re wrong or beg his ear off. Unless we want to prove Envy right and abandon Chris.” “No one is thinking that,” Rahim tells me, shaking his head. <<include "VF1_8">>
“Another memory block?” I propose, and Rahim sends me an incredulous look. “That’s one of the reasons he’s in this mess, and you want to do it again?” I shrug my shoulders as an answer. “I can’t. There’re two separate memory sequences that I would have to target. Putting one behind a block leaves the other there, so it’s pointless. Plus, I don’t even know what they did, Wrath could’ve done more to his psyche.” <<include "VF1_8">>
“The werewolves after us are another problem. I told $name already, but I doubt that I was able to lead them off of your trail, Amari. The leader, it would seem that he has made it his life mission to destroy you.” Amari frowns as she gazes into the pool, “was he Hispanic? Medium length black hair, bright brown eyes, and a scar over his upper lip?” I glance over at Rahim to see him studying Amari, “that’s your pack?” “Yea, the Duskfall Pack. My dad and Roland were the Alpha and Beta. Several months before everything happened, they took him in, he was an Omega … a rogue. His name is Emiliano, he was vocal about Roland being up to something and would go to my dad numerous times to confide in him. Emiliano he ... he looked up to my father, he loved him. When he found out that my dad was a hybrid, he went into a rage, swore to kill us all. Roland made him Alpha of the pack, probably hoping it would clear his name and make him look innocent.” “How do you feel about killing members of your own pack?” Rahim questions further. Amari shifts uncomfortably, refusing to answer. “Amari?” He asks, saying her name more vehemently. She growls, standing on her feet and pulling off her shirt. Both of us are rendered silent as she throws her shirt to the side and then takes off her pants. Before either of us can question her, she dives into the water, swimming to the bottom. [[“That’s one way to get out of answering.”][$rahim +=2]] [[“Seriously, Rahim?”][$rahim -=2]] [[“Is she trying to drown herself?”][$optimistic -=3]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Did you see that body?”][$ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Did you see that body?”][$ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“That’s one way to get out of answering questions,” I snort, shaking my head. Rahim sends me a glance but says nothing, both of us waiting for Amari to resurface. <<include "VF1_8_1">>
“Seriously, Rahim?” I ask, throwing an accusing glance his way. “What? You think her pack is just going to back off because we ask nicely?” “I think you need to give her some time to come to terms with the fact that her pack is still trying to kill her. She grew up with some of them, might even see them as her brothers and sisters.” “Yea, because they definitely see her as family.” “You have no idea what they see her as. Just because your family is splintered doesn’t mean everyone else’s is.” The words leave my mouth before I can stop them, and Rahim stiffens. Thankfully, Amari resurfaces. <<include "VF1_8_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pessimistic ++</span><</if>> “Is she trying to drown herself?” I question, cocking my head to the side and wondering if I should go in after her. Maybe she just wanted to go for a swim. It was still morning, but it was already a beautiful day, the heat beginning to rise as the sun settles. Rahim sends me a glance but says nothing, both of us waiting for Amari to resurface. <<include "VF1_8_1">>
“Did you see that body?” I ask him, shaking my head as I continue trying to get the curves from my head. “No, because I’m a proper gentleman, and I looked away.” He throws me a glance, and I place a hand over my heart. “I’m sorry I reacted like most people when an attractive young lady just chooses to strip in front of them without any hint or warning.” He rolls his eyes, both of us glancing at the disturbed water’s surface as Amari resurfaces. <<include "VF1_8_1">>
“Ready to actually have a conversation now?” Rahim questions as she swims back over to our side of the pool. “You’re asking me if I’m able to kill people I grew up with. It’s not simple.” “But they want you dead.” “And I understand why. I’m … I’m a monster.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>“No, you’re not Amari. You didn’t choose this. And even if you did, your species doesn’t make you a monster, your actions do,” I tell her, remembering Rahim’s words to me.<<else>>“Join the club, you’re surrounded by nothing but monsters and things that shouldn’t be. We even have a human who isn’t supposed to be alive right now, from what I’m gathering, seeing a demon’s face should’ve killed Bradley.”<</if>> “I don’t know,” Amari sighs, “maybe I can talk to them. Some of them helped raise me, even Emiliano was good to me. He was sweet and helped teach me how to fight. Right now, they’re pushed by anger and betrayal, but if they learn the truth and see me, maybe they’ll agree to just let me go.” <<if $optimistic >=50>>“Yea, you’re right. I’ve always heard that it’s a lot harder to kill when that person is staring you in the eyes. I mean, look at us. We were supposed to kill you, and now you’re one of us.” Amari looks up at me with a wide and thankful smile.<<else>>“Or as soon as they look at you, they’ll drive a stake right through your chest, or whatever is needed to kill you guys. You give them too much credit.” Amari doesn’t meet my eyes, swallowing slowly.<</if>> She hoists herself out of the water and turns to Rahim, “anything else?” “We need to figure out what we’re going to do now that the map is taken, and none of us bothered to look at it,” he informs us. <a data-passage="VF2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Um, that’s not true,” Amari comments, “I was curious about what an enchanted map would look like, so I took a peek.” “And you remember where we need to go?” I question, and she nods. “I have a photographic memory. I don’t know what state, but if I could see a map, I could point to where I remember seeing the golden shimmer. Do you think the map updates itself, or do they have to get a new map each year?” I ignore her as I get up and rush back to the lobby of the motel. I go through the pamphlets they have, grabbing the one that holds a map of the country and head back to the pool. I hand it over, and she opens it, closing her eyes before looking at the southern part of the map, pointing to North Carolina. “This state was glowing, but the brightest part was pretty much in the center.” “Where is that? How can we figure out what city or county we’re looking for?” I ask, looking to Rahim, who is already on his phone, typing things in. “The gateways change every year, but they all are haunted locations or places that have seen a lot of death. So, all I have to do is figure out what cities are in the general area and the internet should give me the results for most haunted locations.” Rahim grows silent after that, busy typing away as Amari dries off and then joins us back on the side of the pool, her attention on the pamphlet though I can tell that she’s wondering about her pack. I take a moment to close my eyes and search for Zillah. He’s been more than just quiet since everything had taken place, silent and absent. In the past, I could at least feel a sliver of his presence, but now, it feels like he’s gone completely. Either that or he retreated to the darkest corner of my soul for refuge. I still needed to look up what he is as well, a shade. “Bear Creek,” Rahim finally says, “not much to look at. Home to some wars and ruins. The biggest thing though, is that it has something called the Devil’s Tramping Ground.” <<if $supernatural >=15>>\ “I remember reading about that somewhere,” I comment, racking my brain to remember everything I had studied about the area, “isn’t it like some small circle in the woods where nothing grows? They tried to say it was the soil but couldn’t actually prove it, and when people put something in the middle of the circle, they come back the next day and find that it’s been thrown out? Also, people who spend the night end up experiencing things.” <<else>>\ “The Devil’s Tramping Ground? Are we supposed to take that literally?” I inquire. “You can if you want,” Rahim answers, “they say that every night the devil comes and dances in the circle. You see, the area is in the middle of the forest, the tramping ground is a large circle that nothing grows in. Legend has it that if you place something in the middle, the next day you’ll find it outside the circle as if someone threw it out. Those who stay the night say they see red glowing eyes and hear voices and footsteps.” <</if>>\ “And no one has disproven it?” Amari asks, scrunching up her nose. “Areas like this rarely ever hold truth,” Rahim explains, “but if it’s the place of satanic worship and rituals, then that’s all that’s needed. It’s evil, whether legends hold truth or not. We might as well check it out when we –,” he trails off as his phone begins to ring. “Flower?” he questions, standing and walking away from us. “None of this matters if I can’t get Zillah out of me,” I tell Amari, resting my head on the back of my chair. “You believed what they said about not being able to enter with whatever that is inside of you?” [[“A shade.”]] [[“Yea, I believe them.”]]
“A shade, and don’t ask me what that means because I don’t know. I still need to do some research into that. Or does that mean anything to you?” “Nope.” I nod. <<include "VF2_0_1">>
“Yea, I believe them. I know demons can lie, but they knew who he was. Zillah told me his name a while back, and I don’t think I told anyone else his name since he told me, I still just referred to him as the Entity to others. So the fact that they knew, it has to mean something. Plus, Sloth was the one who pointed it out, he barely looked interested in anything else, so I doubt he would’ve just decided to lie to get at me.” <<include "VF2_0_1">>
“Maybe that witch I know has some information,” Amari presumes. “Yea, about this witch. You sure she’ll want to help us out with everything going on? For free at that?” “Oh, she definitely won’t do it for free, but she doesn’t ask for money. I never know what she wants, sometimes it’s unreasonable, sometimes it’s not. So, we’ll just have to ask and see what she says.” “Where is she?” “Maryland. I can give you the address when you want.” Amari fidgets, kicking up water as she bites her lips. “Do you think, with everything those demons said, that saving this woman is a good idea still?” [[“Doesn’t really matter.”]] [[“I’d rather not.”][$proSyd -=1]] <<if $SRomance >=5>>[[“I’m getting my Sydero back.”]]<</if>>
“It doesn’t really matter if I’m going to be honest. Saving her is foiling their plans and that’s the most important thing at the end of the day. Especially with talk about these keys, or whatever they are.” “It won’t be easy, huh?” “I’m quite sure you’re used to nothing being easy in life.” She snorts and laughs, nodding her head. “$name,” Rahim shouts from above, both Amari and I glancing up to see him staring down at us from over the railing, “Bradley’s awake.” <a data-passage="VF2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Trust me, I’d rather not go after her, especially with what happened yesterday. If this was my decision then I would wipe my hands clean of this whole affair. Say who's Sydero? But Bradley is ready to devote his entire life to seeing her freed, and frankly, if we don’t free her, then who knows how many problems we’ll have in the future.” “Understood.” “$name,” Rahim shouts from above, both Amari and I glancing up to see him staring down at us from over the railing, “Bradley’s awake.” <a data-passage="VF2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Frankly, I don’t care if it’s smart, stupid, wise, or any other word. I’m getting my Sydero back and the last thing I’m going to let stop me is a group of demons who name themselves after the sins.” “You really care for her, huh?” I glance up to see Amari glancing at me with a wide and interested smile. “I do … besides Bradley, <<if $cp>>the others don’t<<else>>Rahim doesn’t<</if>> understand why I do or why I’m willing to risk my life to save her. But, I can’t, I really can’t just leave her down there, especially knowing that there’s even a chance that I can save her. You’re probably getting a really weird mixed view of her –,” I point out. Amari snorts and shrugs, “don’t worry. I’m going to judge her when I meet her. I’m not going to let someone else’s viewpoint influence me.” “Thanks, for giving her that chance. I won’t lie and say she’s the easiest to get along with either, but she’s got a heart and whether even she knows it, she does care about others.” Amari beams, “then I can’t wait to save her and get to know her.” “$name,” Rahim shouts from above, both Amari and I glancing up to see him staring down at us from over the railing, “Bradley’s awake.” <a data-passage="VF2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I enter the motel room and see Bradley sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the ground. The food I had left for him is nowhere to be seen, and I can only hope that it’s a sign that he ate something today. <<if $bcure>>\ “Why?” Bradley murmurs. I glance over at Rahim. So he told Bradley the truth. I suppose Wrath had done that, and Rahim had just come clean about the events that took place. I struggle to find the proper words or an adequate excuse. “Why!” Bradley shouts, shooting up from the bed and shifting his teary eyes to me. I open my mouth, getting out only a mere word before he’s upon me, pushing me roughly as he re-asks his one-worded question again and again. Amari and Rahim both take a step forward to grab him. [[Stop them.]] [[Allow them.]] <<else>>\ “Hey Bradley,” I greet, “how are you holding up?” He doesn’t answer for some time, staring at the floor as if wishing for it to swallow him whole. When he does finally speak, the whole room seems to jump in shock. “When Wrath said that she was going to make me re-live what happened, I actually had the nerve to think it was a good thing. I always heard that telling your story helped you face it. At the very least it would de-sensitize you and allow it to hurt just a little bit less.” He snorts, rubbing at his eye as he glances up at the ceiling. “Damn, that was a lie. I … I wanted to go to sleep and not wake up, I prayed for it, and I’m an atheist. I prayed so hard. I feel like the only way to end this is for someone to do something worse to me, to beat me within an inch of my life, something that would make me forget and focus on a new pain. I … just need it out of me, and I don’t see it happening.” “Bradley,” Rahim growls, “pain will never lead to healing.” “I don’t care,” he laughs derisively, “because this isn’t living. When I sleep, I don’t dream. I only see darkness, like it’s moving in on me. And it’s terrifying. Like every second, it corrupts my heart. I want this to end.” [[“You have to keep fighting.”]] [[“One day at a time, Bradley.”]] [[“We’re here for you.”]] <<if $suicidal>>\ [[“I did too. For a long time.”]] <</if>>\ [[Say nothing.|VFSayNothing]] <</if>>\
I signal for them to stop, allowing Bradley to continue pushing me until my back hits the wall. He then results in hitting me with punches that don’t convey his true strength. Half of them miss me as he sinks to his knees. <<include "VF2_1_1">>
I let them, though Rahim signals Amari to back off. A smart move, even in his current state, I wouldn’t be surprised if Bradley freaked out even more due to Amari grabbing onto him. He thrashes as Rahim pulls him away, fighting more and more until he finally gives up, sinking to his knees. <<include "VF2_1_1">>
“Why would you do this to me? Why, $name, why?” I begin to reach for him when I freeze, a chill shooting down my spine as Envy’s voice slithers through my mind. “They all have one thing in common, $name, you. You did this to them.” I shake my head, telling myself to forget about Envy, about their words. I choke on my words but manage to get them out, “I’m sorry, Bradley.” “Why!” he screams. [[“Because of this!”]] [[“It wasn’t supposed to go this way.”]] [[“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.”]]
“Because of this!” I shout back, “look at you. Every single day I could see you drifting farther and farther away. You were willing to let the Boogieman take you.” The reminder causes him to twitch, “didn’t think I knew, huh? Bradley, I did this to save you. If I could’ve told you instead then I would’ve, but there was no other way to keep that darkness from consuming you.” <<include "VF2_1_2">>
“It wasn’t supposed to go this way,” I tell him, hoping my words sounded reassuring. He sniffles as he looks at me, “then tell me, how was this supposed to go?” “Rahim was going to take the block down once we had rescued Sydero. We were hoping with her safe with us again, you’d be able to focus entirely on the trauma, and not have to worry about that dilemma. Plus, she could possibly help you.” Bradley nods his head, biting his bottom lip as he stares at the wall, “did you ever think that I can take care of myself? I’ve been doing it long before I met you!” he screams. “I’m not a stupid child.” “Take care of yourself?! You were willing to let the Boogieman take you.” The reminder causes him to twitch, “didn’t think I knew, huh? Bradley, I did this to save you.” <<include "VF2_1_2">>
“I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have. I know, I didn’t know what else to do. You should’ve seen how you were; you were destroying yourself. I doubt even you would recognize yourself.” “And that makes what you did better? You not only violated my mind, but you also did it without my permission, and you have the gall to believe you did it to save me! Normal people go to therapists or offer their strength! You? You put a memory block to make me forget! And now I have to remember all of that shit anyway, and be told about it by a demon!” “I said I’m sorry, Bradley!” I yell, “I know that one word isn’t going to make all this go away. But I didn’t do this with bad intentions. I was scared you were going to slip into a place you couldn’t come back from. You were going to let the Boogieman take you, and that was with the block. What do you think would’ve happened without it?” <<include "VF2_1_2">>
“Maybe I wanted it to consume me!” he shouts, staring up at me. The expression on his face was one that I had seen before but was not used to receiving, one of pure loathing. “Who gave you the right to fuck with my life, huh?” On wobbly legs, he stands, “you fucked with my mind.” He looks down at his hands and then hugs himself, “do you know how violated I feel?” “Bradley,” Rahim starts, but Bradley quiets him immediately. “Don’t even try, Rahim. I know you’re not innocent, but you hardly knew me,” Bradley whips around to look at me, “$name, knew me. I trusted $name.” He stiffens, “my mistake.” He pushes past me and walks out of the room, slamming it behind him. I turn to go after him, but Amari stops me, holding me back and dragging me away from the door. “You need to let him cool off. Trust me, you go after him now, and you’re only going to make it worse.” I hardly register her words as I stare at the door, Envy’s voice once again in my mind. “In the end, you’ll be all alone.” Those words keep repeating in my head as my entire body goes cold. <a data-passage="VF2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You have to keep fighting. You can’t let them win. And I’m not saying this because we’d miss you, of course we would. I’m saying this because that’s not you. There is no way in hell you’d let a couple of lesser demons and Raum and his lackeys win. You are too strong.” He cries and whispers, “I think they already won.” Bradley sobs as a chill shoots down my spine, and Envy’s voice slithers through my mind. “They all have one thing in common, $name, you. You did this to them.” <a data-passage="VF2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“One day at a time, Bradley, okay? You’re not going to beat this in a day, not a week, maybe not even a month. I don’t know the exact trauma you’re going through, but I’ve had my own share of it. Believe me when I say that you don’t ever get rid of it. That fear and pain festers in the darkest corners of your being. It waits patiently for a moment to rise, but we can’t let it. We have to keep it tucked away under lock and chain. And every day is a fight, but it’s a fight we have to face. <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>And you don’t have to go through it alone. I’m here to talk, I’m here to help you in any way I can.<</if>> You can’t let them and this feeling win.” He cries and whispers, “I think it already won.” Bradley sobs as a chill shoots down my spine, and Envy’s voice slithers through my mind. “They all have one thing in common, $name, you. You did this to them.” <a data-passage="VF2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We’re here for you, don’t ever forget that. We don’t know the depths of the pain you’re experiencing but know that we always have your back. Whenever you need us, we’re there. We will always be there. You can’t let a couple of lesser demons and Raum and his lackeys win. You are too strong for that.” He cries and whispers, “I think they already won.” Bradley sobs as a chill shoots down my spine, and Envy’s voice slithers through my mind. “They all have one thing in common, $name, you. You did this to them.” <a data-passage="VF2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You’re not as alone as you think, Bradley. Your experience is yours alone, but some of these feelings aren’t. When my parents died, all of it seemed like it was over. I had both physical and emotional scars, and nothing was going right. It was dark. And I know, sometimes you say dark, and people think you’re talking about it literally being dark. It’s not that kind of dark, is it? It’s bleak. Taste and smells all change. You crave to feel something, but you’re just too tired. You feel trapped within yourself and lost, and when you try to escape, a voice questions you until you’re again sitting. It doesn’t get better after a day. Not even after a month, and sometimes not even a year. Every day is a fight, and you can’t let them win.” He cries and whispers, “I think they already won.” Bradley sobs as a chill shoots down my spine, and Envy’s voice slithers through my mind. “They all have one thing in common, $name, you. You did this to them.” <a data-passage="VF2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I decide to keep quiet, not wishing to say the wrong thing, even with nothing but good intentions behind it. “You can’t let them win,” Rahim tells Bradley, squatting down to look him in the eye. He cries and whispers, “I think they already won.” Bradley sobs as a chill shoots down my spine, and Envy’s voice slithers through my mind. “They all have one thing in common, $name, you. You did this to them.” <a data-passage="VF2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The wind has finally picked up enough to cool off the day, and yet, I still feel like I’m running a fever. I feel drunk, or at least like all the blood had rushed to my head without me knowing about it. The sensation like a hot flash, my body growing increasingly hot and sweat beginning to form, but at the same time, I could see chill bumps appearing. I close my eyes for just a second, attempting to get my bearings. My hand slips from the railing, and I feel the cold of the concrete beneath me. The coolness keeping me there. //Just close your eyes//, I tell myself, //just for a moment anyway//. I open my eyes several minutes later, suddenly aware of where I had chosen to fall, only to wake up in bed, the room empty. I shoot forward and regret the movement, falling back to the pillow as an oppressive force once again settles itself on my forehead. “How did I even get here?” I mumble, though the words never make it past my lips. “I put you in bed,” Zillah tells me, appearing on the corner of the mattress. I pause and take a longer look at the room, it wasn’t real. The wallpaper is rotting, and there’s darkness residing in the corners of my view. “Responsible my ass,” he snorts. <<if $prep is 0>>\ My breathing picks up as I stare at him, “how … how did you do that?” “Idiot,” he grumbles, “how do you think? I took over your body and walked your confused ass here.” “How!” I yell, my voice echoing off the walls as I glare at him, noticing but choosing to ignore the shaking of the walls. “I never gave you permission. I thought you needed permission.” “I do,” he states, a corner of his sizeable all-white eye peering over at me, “though, this was a present from the red-eyed demon known as Wrath.” Whether it was possible or not, I feel my heart pause, and I feel frozen in my spot. So that’s what Wrath did to me. “I don’t even have control of my own body anymore,” I say, fighting back the disbelief. Was I about to cry? I attempt to touch my eye to see, but my body is too numb to react. <<else>>\ “You have horrible timing.” “Excuse you,” he snorts with a smirk, “I think I have the best timing. Would you rather look like a druggie laying on the motel walkway?” “I was talking about the way you just pop in after going MIA after something big happens, and I need to talk to you.” “Does it look like I’m here to respond to your every beck and call?” “You mean you have somewhere better to be?” “I have better things to do.” “Ah, because you have a job to do and you can’t fail,” I say, bringing up what I recall Wrath saying, “what did Wrath do to me?” “She just gave me a little present. <<if $prep is 1>>Opened up your mind so that I didn’t have to do it myself.”<<else>>Gave me access to the last piece of the puzzle that makes up you.”<</if>> Whether it was possible or not, I feel my heart pause, and I feel frozen in my spot. So that’s what Wrath did to me. “I don’t even have control of myself anymore,” I murmur, “someone can just come along and … and change me.” Was I about to cry? I attempt to touch my eye to see, but my body is too numb. <</if>>\ “The sooner you realize you don’t have control over anything, the better,” Zillah tells me with a massive scowl, standing but still not facing me. “You mortals either tell yourselves that fate is a pretense or that you have free will when it comes to your story. It’s a ridiculous notion, you don’t have control over anything. Your story is already planned and outlined. Tell yourself you have some control if that makes you feel better, but you all know that it’s a lie. Someone is always pulling the strings, and never is it you.” <a data-passage="VF2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“What’s a shade?” I question, trying to seem unbothered, trying to block out the fact that I was slowly losing myself to something I didn’t even know about. I just needed something to be in my grasp, an answer to a question without leading to two more questions. Though, a part of me doubts Zillah would answer. <<if $zillah >=50>>\ He finally turns to me, his white eyes now much smaller than before. “Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you that a shade is the spirit of a dead person residing in the Underworld, or to you westerners, hell.” “But that’s not true?” “It’s like saying that a human is a person, or a demon is a distorted spirit. In a way, yes, it’s true. But the explanation is so surface level that it hardly answers the question. Shades are powerful spirits whose mortal lives were filled living in the shadows, figuratively anyway. We’re given a choice before death takes us, and as we die, our spirits are manipulated. Our souls remain intact, our memories our own, we only leave that hindering husk behind. We are called for higher purposes.” “Which is.” “You have enough to worry about,” he sneers victoriously, gazing up at the ceiling, “I think I hear wings flapping.” <<else>>\ He finally turns to me, his white eyes now much smaller than before. “You love to go on about how smart you are. How you have such a large grasp on the world and things around you. Which is odd, since your superiority doesn’t match the ruins around you.” He glances around the room, and I furrow my brows. “What do you mean?” “Ah, there it goes again, not even recognizing your own stupidity. Though I’m sure, something inside of you is telling yourself how smart you are regardless of my words.” He twirls his fingers, gesturing to the room, “this isn’t some twisted scape that I decided to plop you in. What you see is the current state of your mind, gradually deteriorating by the looks of it. I’m not much for symbolism but based on the fact that the world outside this window is all cheery, but in here it’s depressing and smells like shit, I say you’re still trying to convince yourself that nothing’s wrong.” I shake my head, closing my eyes and telling myself that he’s lying. Though the thoughts only make me think he was even more truthful than I would like. “But I’ll be going since you have enough to worry about,” he sneers victoriously, gazing up at the ceiling, “I think I hear wings flapping.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="VF2_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The hand on my shoulder wakes me up, Amari jumping backward as my eyes open. She stares at me in fear and confusion. “What? What happened?” “It’s Rahim, he left.” “What!” I yell. <<if $cp>>“It’s true.” I look past Amari to see Chris leaning on the door, his face caked in sweat, looking far worse than he did when we first went up against BB. “He came into my room to check up on me when he got a call from Amarante. Next thing I know, he was saying that he was leaving. I tried to stop him, but he just mumbled some stuff about allegiance and broken groups and took off.” I frown at his words, both Amari and Chris looking at me to see what my reaction would be.<<else>>“I don’t know what he said to Bradley,” she starts to explain, “I was coming back from my room when I saw the two talking, and then he got a call from Amarante. Next thing I know, he was saying that he was leaving. I was going to go down there, but you know how Bradley feels about me, and after what happened, I don’t want to cross his path right now. But Bradley tried to stop him, and he just mumbled some stuff about allegiance and broken groups and took off.” I frown at his words, Amari looking at me to see what my reaction would be.<</if>> [[“What the hell next?!”]] [[“Fine, we don’t need him.”]] [[“I don’t know what to say.”]]
“What the hell next?! Huh?” Both of <<if $cp>>their<<else>>our<</if>> eyes widen as the sound of dogs barking and howling is heard. <<if $cp>>“You just had to say it,” Chris growls, throwing a glare my way.<<else>>“I guess that’s what’s next,” Amari whimpers.<</if>> <a data-passage="EP4-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
“Fine!” I shout, throwing my hands up, noticing that the sickness that I was feeling before was beginning to fade, “we don’t need him. We know what we need to do and where to go. He didn’t even want to be here, so I say who needs him,” I tell <<if $cp>>them. Chris doesn’t disagree or agree, and Amari seems uncomfortable with the conversation.<<else>>her. Amari doesn’t reply, she only seems uncomfortable with the conversation.<</if>> I sigh, now having to decide what to do next. Fate answers that question for me as the sound of dogs barking and howling is heard. “You have got to be kidding me,” I growl. <a data-passage="EP4-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
“I … I don’t know what to say,” I start, glancing down at the floor, “that’s all he said? Nothing else?” <<if $cp>>Chris shrugs, “the only reason he answered me when I tried to get some answers from him was because I grabbed him. Otherwise, I think he forgot I was even there. Sorry.” I nod, waving his apology away. I sigh, now having to decide what to do next. Fate answers that question for me as the sound of dogs barking and howling is heard.<<else>>Amari shrugs, “I wasn’t down there, sorry.” I nod, waving her apology away. I sigh, now having to decide what to do next. Fate answers that question for me as the sound of dogs barking and howling is heard.<</if>> “Oh, this is just great,” I moan loudly. <a data-passage="EP4-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/acttwo.png"> I walk onto the walkway and look over the railing, finding a group of men and women below, milling about the parking lot. Some were currently putting on their last articles of clothing while others were waiting patiently for the others before starting their search. “What’s the plan here?” I question Amari, who lingers deep inside the room, “do we face them or try to make another run for it?” I receive no answer, and when I turn to look at Amari, I find her sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her knees close to her chest. <<if $sympathy >=50>>“Amari? Are you okay?”<<else>>“Amari!” I growl.<</if>> “This is the first time I’ve seen them since everything happened,” she tells me, “I don’t know. Maybe Rahim was right. Maybe talking to them is pointless.” <<if $cp>>\ “But you still love them, right?” Chris asks, attempting to steady his breathing with every breath he takes. She weakly nods. <</if>>\ “So do we go down there and start ripping heads off shoulders or try to talk them into leaving you alone?” She continues to refrain from answering my question, and so I decide to go about this the way I want. [[Go down there and talk to them.|VF3]] [[If they wanted a fight then they’ll get one.|VF3]]
I head down the stairs and make my way towards the pack, counting at least eight of them. Probably just a bunch of volunteers who decided to track and kill the hybrids that masqueraded as werewolves. One man steps forward to stop me, matching the description that Amari told us when characterizing Emiliano. “Emiliano, am I right?” I question, and he only sneers. “You smell like Amari. Where is she?” He doesn’t look remotely concerned about my presence as he gazes around, his eyes studying the walkway that I had just left. <<if hasVisited("If they wanted a fight then they’ll get one.")>>\ “That’s none of your concern. So, how about you and your buddies just run along. I’m not in the mood to deal with your bullshit.” My words cause his eyes to shift back to me, and a crooked grin slides into place. “You got some nerve,” he says, taking a step closer, “how about you not get involved in business that’s not your own?” “Amari’s with my group now, so it is my business.” With reflexes too quick for my eye to catch, his hand is around my neck, his grip warning me of what will come next if I continue to irritate him. “Now,” he growls, bringing me closer to him, “where is Amari?” <<else>>\ “We don’t want any problems, please. Amari just wants you all to go home and leave her be.” “That’s not going to happen,” he tells me, “and why can’t she come down here and say that to us herself? The big bad hybrid too afraid to own up to what she is?” He bellows the last part, and I fear that others would step out of their rooms to see what was going on. “You make her out to be a monster when she told me that half of you helped raise her. She just wants to be left alone.” With reflexes too quick for my eye to catch, his hand is around my neck, his grip warning me of what will come next if I continue to irritate him. “Now, if you’re done with that sob story,” he growls, bringing me closer to him, “where is Amari?” <</if>>\ <<if $prep is 3 or $prep is 2>>\ My body tenses up, and the world seems to speed up all on its own accord. //“How dare he?”// a voice snarls.// “He dares touch me! Me! Ha, kill him. Kill him.”// Those two words repeat in my head, constantly ringing to encourage me to do as it says. The voice, my own, though it feels twisted and flecked with rot. I can feel something tug on my will, my spirit fighting something foreign for domination. But the worst thing was that I could feel it losing, hardly putting up a fight. It was like an adult snatching a toy from a toddler who hardly cares for the object. “Zillah!” I shout, hoping to get some kind of explanation. Something that would tell me what was happening to me. My body felt numb, but I could feel an electric sensation coursing through me. Power, raw and in its sincerest form. A splash of something alien but enticing, something that I could plainly see myself becoming addicted to if I just ... let ... go ... <<if $prep is 3 or $nerve lte 40>>\ I blackout, coming back a minute later and seeing unfamiliar faces before me. The darkness creeps in again, and then the light fades back in, and I realize that I was more unaware than last time. Something is coating my hands. Every minute that passes causes me to feel stronger, less in control, but the feeling that was overcoming me was delicious. A drug that I needed more of. <a data-passage="VF3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ I fight. With everything I have, I fight against something that I neither understood nor could explain. I felt trapped at sea; each time I was able to rise and breathe in, another wave would just come and bury me all over again. I had to fight tooth and nail against myself. “Just give in,” Zillah barks, “like an idiot, you always choose to fight. And for what? You want to get Sydero? You want to rescue your friends? Be the hero you so desperately crave to be? Then give in. Show everyone exactly how much power you hold.” No longer am I desperately trying to swim, but I’m now falling. I could either fight this or choose to let myself fall. [[Fall.][$zillah +=10; $amari -=10]] [[Fight.][$zillah -=10; $amari +=10]] <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Emiliano!” Amari shouts, rushing down the steps and coming over to me. The werewolf releases me, and I back away, taking in copious amounts of air as I massage my throat, glancing at the weres and then at Amari. Some of them seem uncomfortable now as if not thinking about how they would feel when they finally saw her. Others looked ready to bite her head off. Emiliano, shockingly enough, seemed to be in the middle. There was a touch of sadness in his eyes, but his demeanor showed that he was ready to finish what he came here to do. “About time, Amari,” he states, “it’s been a long time.” “Yea,” Amari snorts, “last time I saw you, you were teaching me and the other pups how to throw a punch without losing our balance.” Conflict, for a second, rushes onto Emiliano’s face as he fights the memories away. But Amari doesn’t stop there, her eyes flashing to the others. “Debra, you look good, how’s Tyler and Maurisa? And Tony, is that you? It’s definitely been a while since I’ve seen you.” She continues, going from face to face as if this was a happy reunion and not them appearing to help end her life. I snort as I remember that just a few days ago, she was trying to stop us from killing her. If anyone could change their mind, I had no doubt Amari could. “Amari,” Emiliano whispers, giving her a reprimanding look, “you know why we’re here. And you know why we can’t just leave without ending you.” [[Stand in front of Amari.]] [[Stay out of it.][$amari -=5]] <<if hasVisited("If they wanted a fight then they’ll get one.")>>[[Hurry this up.][$amari -=5]]<</if>> <</if>>\
I close my eyes and relax my body, a feeling that had just felt so foreign now felt right. What I was falling into, I knew not, but it didn’t seem to matter, nothing did. My eyes open, though the feeling of falling never leaves my body. Before me stands a group of unfamiliar faces, but otherwise, nothing truly stands out in a world of blurriness. The darkness creeps in again, and then the light fades back in, and I realize that I was more unaware than last time. Something is coating my hands. Every minute that passes causes me to feel stronger, less in control, but the feeling that was overcoming me was delicious. A drug that I needed more of. <a data-passage="VF3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I grit my teeth and fight tooth and nail to escape whatever this is. If Zillah wants it, then it isn’t good for me, but perfect for whatever his mysterious endgame is. It feels like nails are digging into my body, tearing away flesh as I continue to struggle. I will save everyone, and I’ll be doing it on my own terms. “Enough!” I scream, and my eyes flash open, and I find myself back in the world. Emiliano and his pack are all standing a few feet away from me, their eyes filled with a primitive type of fear. I don’t know what happened in the last five or so minutes, but it left me feeling woozy and not in control. I wanted to take a long nap, one that would probably last for an entire month if I had anything to say about it. “What the hell are you?” Emiliano manages to say, the pitch of his voice higher than before. Amari comes to my side, placing a hand on my shoulder as she looks me over in worry. “I’m fine,” I tell her, waving at her pack, “handle them, would ya?” I walk over to my car and lean on it, watching as Amari interacts with her pack, some of them still gazing over at me in distrust. <a data-passage="VF3_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $amari >=50>> <<set $amari +=3>> <<else>> <<set $amari -=3>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ As soon as I hear his words, I gravitate closer to Amari until I’m shielding most of her from sight. Emiliano makes eye contact with me, but there’s a lack of bloodlust resting there now, though I notice that his determination has gone nowhere. “Move,” he simply says, “this is werewolf business. You’d be smart to stay out of it.” <<if $stubborn >=50>>“Ask my friends,” I snort, jabbing my thumb in the direction behind me, “they’ll all tell you that you’re wasting your breath.” My heart lurches slightly, in the past, <<if $cp>>Sydero, Bradley, and Chris<<else>>Sydero and Bradley<</if>> would both chime in around this time to agree with me. But there was none of that, just prolonged silence as Emiliano thought about his next move.<<else>>“Amari is one of us now. We can either talk this through, or we can solve it in less peaceful means. Your choice.” Emiliano hums lowly, as he considers his next move, looking from me to a hopeful appearing Amari.<</if>> He sighs, nodding his head as he comes to a conclusion. He stands straighter, and his eyes flicker over to Amari. “Tell us, Amari, why we shouldn’t end you right now?” I notice his posture relaxing, and so I do the same, moving from in front of Amari as she steps up to stand by my side. <a data-passage="VF3_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I decide to stay out of whatever was about to happen, allowing Amari to talk to them as she pleased. This wasn’t my fight, and though I was here in case Amari needed me, I didn’t find it precisely smart to interfere and possibly make this worse. Amari takes a step closer to them, a slow one that stated that she just wanted to talk, nothing more. Emiliano doesn’t move, but I do watch as his shoulders relax. He says nothing, staring into her eyes and giving her the only cue she needed to continue. <a data-passage="VF3_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
It’s felt like forever since I’ve actually had to fight someone the old-fashioned way, but like anything one dedicates themselves to and learns, muscle memory took over. I charge forward just as someone grabs and steadies me, Amari. She pushes me a few steps back and stands in front of Emiliano as if shielding him from me. By now, the other werewolves have begun to move in, all ready to jump me. “Didn’t think this through, did you?” Zillah asks, shaking his head and then sighing like a frustrated teacher. “Shut up,” I snap back, my eyes still darting at the wolves that now surrounded me. “You weren’t going to be able to beat them all anyway, unless.” I stop and stand straighter, now solely focused on Zillah, “unless?” “You give in, let that bloodlust guide you. You’ll be able to take them all on, trust me.” I snort, “trust you? You, of all things?” “Or let Amari handle this since you can’t do shit but lead people into horrible situations,” I hear him yawn, “whichever you prefer.” I bite the inside of my cheek, Amari talking to Emiliano, whose eyes are still resting on me, along with the rest of his pack. They glare at me with smirks and victory in their eyes, knowing the odds were nowhere in my favor. “You curious about what you can do? Give in, show everyone, including yourself, what kind of power you hold.” [[Give in to the bloodlust.][$zillah +=10; $amari -=15]] [[Let Amari handle this.]]
I feel something inside me twist and churn as if awakening a beast that should've been left alone. I pause, did I truly want this? I felt like I was staring into the eyes of the thing that would kill me, though that thing looked so much like me. Everything about it was wrong, twisted, and repulsive. But it was far too late for me, it had me, and it wasn't releasing me. It was dragging me forward, opening its maw, accepting the sacrifice that I gave it. My eyes open, though the feeling of being devoured never leaves my body. Before me stands a group of unfamiliar faces, but otherwise, nothing truly stands out in a world of blurriness. The darkness creeps in again, and then the light fades back in, and I realize that I was more unaware than last time. Something is coating my hands. Every minute that passes causes me to feel stronger, less in control, but the feeling that was overcoming me was delicious. A drug that I needed more of. “$name!” I hear a feminine voice shout, followed by a bloodcurdling scream. So many sounds, and so few sights. The next time my eyes open, I’m lying on the cement, staring up at the cloudless sky. I grimace as I move my arm to cover my eyes, feeling something wet smear itself onto my forehead. Wincing, I sit up, barely paying attention to the commotion near me. I bring my arm back and pause, staring at the blood that coats my hand like a short glove. All the color drains from my face as I slowly pick up my gaze and look around me, blood puddles cover the ground and so do a few bodies. The sobbing sound is coming from behind me, and I turn to see Amari cradling a deceased body, her head buried in their chest. “I didn’t want this,” she whimpers, “I am so sorry.” [[“Zillah!”]] [[“What happened?”|VFWhatHappened]] [[Go to Amari.]]
I close my eyes and relax my body, focusing on the bloodlust, the need to wipe those smirks off of their faces. I feel something inside me twist and churn as if awakening a beast that should've been left alone. I pause, did I truly want this? I felt like I was staring into the eyes of the thing that would kill me, though that thing looked so much like me. Everything about it was wrong, twisted, and repulsive. But it was far too late for me, it had me, and it wasn't releasing me. It was dragging me forward, opening its maw, accepting the sacrifice that I gave it. My eyes open, though the feeling of being devoured never leaves my body. Before me stands a group of unfamiliar faces, but otherwise, nothing truly stands out in a world of blurriness. The darkness creeps in again, and then the light fades back in, and I realize that I was more unaware than last time. Something is coating my hands. Every minute that passes causes me to feel stronger, less in control, but the feeling that was overcoming me was delicious. A drug that I needed more of. “$name!” I hear a feminine voice shout, followed by a bloodcurdling scream. So many sounds, and so few sights. The next time my eyes open, I’m lying on the cement, staring up at the cloudless sky. I grimace as I move my arm to cover my eyes, feeling something wet smear itself onto my forehead. Wincing, I sit up, barely paying attention to the commotion near me. I bring my arm back and pause, staring at the blood that coats my hand like a short glove. All the color drains from my face as I slowly pick up my gaze and look around me, blood puddles cover the ground and so do a few bodies. The sobbing sound is coming from behind me, and I turn to see Amari cradling a deceased body, her head buried in their chest. “I didn’t want this,” she whimpers, “I am so sorry.” [[“Zillah!”]] [[“What happened?”|VFWhatHappened]] [[Go to Amari.]]
“Zillah!” I mentally yell, doing so again and again until I feel his presence. “What is this? What did I just do? What the hell is happening to me?” His laugh reverberates through me, “you’re pathetic, you know that? You finally see even a small bit of power, and you freak out.” “I – I didn’t do that,” I stutter, “you did! You can take over me.” “Rest assured that I didn’t do that. That was instincts, that was all you.” I stare at my trembling hands, remembering how good it felt. I couldn’t deny the need deep within me to do it again. Yet, the worst part about all of it was that I couldn’t find any sympathy within me. Any real fear of what I had just done. I was trembling, but it was the adrenaline leaving me. I tried telling myself that what I did was wrong, and everything inside me tells me it was right. <<if hasVisited("Give in to the bloodlust.")>>“I could’ve talked to them,” Amari abruptly cries, pulling me out of my conversation with Zillah, “you saw me talking to them! This was my business, why did you get involved?”<<else>>“I could’ve talked to them,” Amari abruptly cries, pulling me out of my conversation with Zillah, “this was my business, why did you get involved?”<</if>> <<include "VF3_2_1">>
I struggle to my feet and stumble to Amari’s side, placing a shaky hand on her shoulder. She jumps away, abandoning the body as she backs away from me, tears still rushing down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she says to me in a pleading tone. “Wha … what are you apologizing for?” I question, and she only shakes her head, putting more distance between the two of us. <<if hasVisited("If they wanted a fight then they’ll get one.")>>\ “They deserved it,” I find myself saying, reassuring myself, “they came here to kill you, Amari.” “Is one life really worth all of this?” she asks. “When it’s your own, yes.” She shakes her head, covering her mouth to stop a sob attempting to escape, realizing at the last minute that her hand was bloody. She pulls it away in disgust and shakes her head. <<else>>\ “Amari, you have to understand that I didn’t want this to happen. I came down here to talk to them.” She covers her mouth to stop a sob attempting to escape, realizing at the last minute that her hand was bloody. She pulls it away in disgust and shakes her head. “Some of them had children and spouses. Why,” she questions, my words doing nothing to set her at ease. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Give in to the bloodlust.")>>“I could’ve talked to them,” she cries, “you saw me talking to them! This was my business, why did you get involved?”<<else>>“I could’ve talked to them,” she cries, “this was my business, why did you get involved?”<</if>> <<include "VF3_2_1">>
“What happened?” I question, gazing towards Amari. The sound of my voice causes her to jump, and I watch as she abandons the body she was cradling and backs away from me. With a shaky hand, she points at the blood that surrounds me, “you killed some of them. You just … you just freaked out and started attacking them. I <<if hasVisited("Give in to the bloodlust.")>>was too scared to stop you ... I should've stopped you ...” She looks at the dead bodies.<<else>>couldn’t get down fast enough to stop you.”<</if>> “Did I kill them all?” I inquire, and she shakes her head. “The others ran.” She eyes me cautiously, “what are you?” The question causes me to pause, not only because of how she says it but also because I was beginning to worry about the answer myself. <<if hasVisited("Give in to the bloodlust.")>>“I could’ve talked to them,” she cries, “you saw me talking to them! This was my business, why did you get involved?”<<else>>“I could’ve talked to them,” she cries, “this was my business, why did you get involved?”<</if>> <<include "VF3_2_1">>
Every step I try to take towards her is met with fear and trepidation on her part. Every word that I try to utter to console her or reassure her is only halted due to another sob. I had just killed half of those who had come after her. Would I or anyone else act differently? I was getting a horrible headache, and so I squat down, attempting to realign myself. [[This was all my fault.|VF3_3][$nerve -=5]] [[This was all Sydero’s fault.|VF3_3][$nerve -=5]] [[This was all Rahim’s fault.|VF3_3][$nerve -=5]] [[This was all Envy’s fault.|VF3_3][$nerve -=5]] [[No one was at fault.|VF3_3][$nerve +=5]]
<<if hasVisited("This was all my fault.")>>\ This was all my fault, that was a truth I was beginning to realize. Envy was right … all of this, it revolved around me, and not in a good way. Everyone’s suffering could be linked back to me. The thoughts spin around in my head, growing in fervor and relentless in their mission to have themselves heard. It felt like I was opening my eyes to the truth, but the veracity of it all was comprised of a series of dark catacombs whose sole purpose was to keep me confined for the rest of my life. <<elseif hasVisited("This was all Sydero’s fault.")>>\ This was all Sydero’s fault. There had to be other ways to get to Bradley to free him before hitting the portal to hell. She could’ve jumped or used her powers. But she didn’t, she allowed herself to be taken. She didn’t have to come to me and tell us not to go after her, she could’ve tried to get out of hell on her own. But no, it was all up to us. It was always someone else’s job. Those demons wouldn’t have come after us if it wasn’t for her and our relationship with her. This wasn’t my fault, it was hers! <<elseif hasVisited("This was all Rahim’s fault.")>>\ All of this was on Rahim, not me, not Amari, no one but Rahim. He left us when we needed him. Left us without a word or even a reason. He was supposedly a big bad nephilim, a balanced one at that, so he could face it all with no problem. This would’ve never happened if he was here. Better yet, it wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t choose to drag us all around the states for stupid reasons. Pointless hunts, supernatural political issues, all of it was stupid. He was the one who wanted a drink that night, him wanting to quench his thirst led us into that bar. Into this! <<elseif hasVisited("This was all Envy’s fault.")>>\ There was no one to blame but the conductor of it all, Envy. I suppose their siblings earned some of the ire, but I was more than content on resting all of it on Envy’s shoulders. I don’t care if it’s in their nature. I don’t care if, at the end of the day, Envy could shoulder the blame with a smile and a kick-ass attitude. They did this, it was their fault! <<else>>\ I could blame everyone, myself, Envy, Sydero, even could probably find a way to blame it all on Faye. But what would that solve? More burden for all of us to bear? More reasons to fight one another? No, it was no one’s fault. And whether I believed that deep within my bones or not, it didn’t matter. I would lull myself asleep with that lie if need be. That lie was keeping me from losing it during a time where all I wanted to do was have a breakdown. <</if>> <a data-passage="VF4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I decide to do nothing. If Zillah wanted it, then it wasn’t good for me, but perfect for whatever his mysterious endgame was. It feels like nails are digging into my body, tearing away flesh as I continue to struggle. I had faith in Amari. I relax and Amari nods her head in thanks, turning back to Emiliano and the rest of her pack. She takes a step closer to them, a slow one that stated that she just wanted to talk, nothing more. Emiliano doesn’t move, but I do watch as his shoulders relax. He says nothing, staring into her eyes and giving her the only cue she needed to continue. <<if $rolandalive>>\ “Half of you,” Amari starts, “I’ve known since I was a baby. I grew up with your children, and you were my family. I’m going to tell you what happened, everything because none of you know the full story.” And from the beginning, she tells them what took place, how she went from being a werewolf one day, and a werewolf hybrid on the run the next. Her pack listened, their expressions shifting over time. Some seem even more dedicated to executing her, others look at her in sympathy in sadness. Emiliano, the one who really mattered, was neutral, his gaze never straying from Amari as she tells them. <<elseif $rolandjustice>>\ “Half of you,” Amari starts, “I’ve known since I was a baby. I grew up with your children, and you were my family. I know some of you think you know what happened already, if that’s true then you should at least know that Roland set all this up. He’s being tried for his crimes as we speak. But you still don’t know the full story. I’m going to tell you what happened, everything.” And from the beginning, she tells them what took place, how she went from being a werewolf one day, and a werewolf hybrid on the run the next. Her pack listened, their expressions shifting over time. Some seem even more dedicated to executing her, others look at her in sympathy in sadness. Emiliano, the one who really mattered, was neutral, his gaze never straying from Amari as she tells them. <<else>>\ “Half of you,” Amari starts, “I’ve known since I was a baby. I grew up with your children, and you were my family. I know many of you heard about what happened at the club, and how Chicago is now at war with each other.” I shake my head, power was what everyone wanted, and yet, without it, everything crumbled, and power itself was such a fragile thing. Hard to gain and far too easy to lose. “But you weren’t there, you don’t know the full story. I’m going to tell you what happened, everything.” And from the beginning, she tells them what took place, how she went from being a werewolf one day, and a werewolf hybrid on the run the next. Her pack listened, their expressions shifting over time. Some seem even more dedicated to executing her, others look at her in sympathy in sadness. Emiliano, the one who really mattered, was neutral, his gaze never straying from Amari as she tells them. <</if>>\ And when she finishes, her eyes are trained on Emiliano, waiting for his words. “At the end of the day, though,” Emiliano starts, “you’re still a hybrid. You make it sound like we came after you because of //who// you are and not //what// you are.” <a data-passage="VF3_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $daring >=50>>I raise a brow as he takes a step closer to Amari, daring him with my posture. Amari taps my shoulder, telling me that she could handle this as she faces him bravely.<<else>>I stiffen as he takes a step closer to Amari, and I attempt to move in closer to her. She puts her hand up, stopping me as she faces him bravely.<</if>> “I said I would tell you all everything, and I did. Do what you must.” My leg shakes as she stands before her pack, ready for judgment. My instincts war with my brain as I try to gauge whether or not Emiliano would make a move, what he would do, and when. He was a werewolf, his actions far too quick for me to catch and ever hope to counter. I didn’t have my gun on me either. And that was just accounting for Emiliano, not the others who were ready to protect their Alpha. Emiliano stretches out his hand, and Amari jumps, looking down at it and then at him in confusion. The longer Emiliano stands there waiting, the more recognition begins to appear on Amari’s face. She gazes down in shame, her eyes watering as she turns and raises her shirt. Emiliano looks at her in confusion but then nods. I watch as he kneels down and begins to work the blade across her skin. [[Stop him.][$marked = true]] [[Let him do it.][$marked = true]]
I lunge forward, and in turn, I’m met by the other weres. They growl as they push me back roughly, daring me to try it again. The odds weren’t pretty, and I wasn’t able to figure out if Amari was just accepting death or if something else was taking place. It seemed not to matter, there was no way to get past the werewolf blockade in front of me. <<include "VF3_2_2">>
I don’t move, trusting in Amari and her inaction. Instead, I watch as tears stream down her cheeks at both the pain and something deeper, something that pained her far more than a knife cutting into her skin would. <<include "VF3_2_2">>
When Emiliano stands back up, I can see that whatever he carved into her skin had already healed, though the scars remained. It was a simple symbol, a circle with a more complex one inside and a single diagonal line going across, crossing the emblem in its entirety out. “Amari Foster,” Emiliano says loudly, all the wolves near him bowing their head as he gazes at her, tears running down his cheek as Amari tries to control herself, “you are hereby banished from Duskfall. And to live the rest of your life as a marked wolf, as an Omega.” Emiliano takes a step towards her as if to hug her but then thinks better of it. He spares her one last glance and leaves, the pack following behind him. As soon as they disappear, Amari falls to her knees and lets her howls loose. [[Console Amari.][$sympathy +=5; $amari +=3]] [[“Where is everyone?”][$serious -=5; $amari -=3]] [[“Pick yourself up, Amari.”][$sympathy -=5; $amari -=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> “Hey, come here, Amari,” I say to her, kneeling as she wiggles over to me, allowing me to hug her tightly. I choose against saying anything and decide to just be a silent pillar for her to use as she wished. If she wanted to talk, then I was here. The minutes tick by, and her sobbing grows less. I mentally figure out what to do next since our werewolf problem was solved. <<if $cp>>Smartest thing would be to get Chris to a witch or someone else that could help.<<else>>I suppose the next thing would be to just find this witch that Amari had told me about, to see if she could help with my shade problem.<</if>> <<include "VF4">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> I turn around and look up at the rooms, squinting to see if any of the curtains were drawn back or if I could spot people peering down at us. “You’d think we were the only ones renting right now. That whole altercation was in no way quiet, and not one person has come out to see what’s up.” I turn and gaze back over at Amari who’s ignoring me, still crying over being marked. <<if $optimistic >=50>>I suppose the silver lining was that they had only marked her instead of killing her. But, with how Amari was crying, one would think that the alternative was perhaps more merciful.<<else>>With how Amari was crying, I would think that being marked was a fate worse than death, and perhaps in the werewolf culture it was.<</if>> <<include "VF4">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> I sigh in exasperation, knowing we didn’t have time for this. “Amari,” I start, unsurprised when she seems to be ignoring me, “pick yourself up. Come on, we have things to do.” I wait for a barrage of insults or anything else that meant she wouldn’t do as I asked. And so, I was quite shocked when she slowly rose to her feet, wrapping her arms around herself and still sobbing, but otherwise ready to do whatever I needed her to. <<include "VF4">>
<<if $cp>>\ “$name,” I hear Chris growl, glancing up to see him leaning on the side of the motel building, sweat droplets falling down his face. He looked like he was running the worst fever in history. “Bradley … he’s missing.” <<if $serious >=50>>\ The color drained from my face. “You have got to be joking.” He rests his head on the concrete wall, “I wish. He’s nowhere to be found. He’s not picking up his phone either.” We both glance over at Amari, who shakes her head. Of course, she hadn’t seen him, she’s been with me this entire time. <<else>>\ The color drains from my face but I still shoot him a trembling smirk, “nice one Chris. You almost had me there.” He rests his head on the concrete wall, “I wish I was kidding, I really do. He’s nowhere to be found. He’s not picking up his phone either.” We both glance over at Amari, who shakes her head. Of course, she hadn’t seen him, she’s been with me this entire time. <</if>>\ Before my brain can even process what’s going on, I feel my pocket vibrate. I grab my phone and, without looking at the caller ID, answer. <<else>>\ “We,” I start, and then shake my head as I try to get a grip on reality and everything that was going on, “we need to go. Let’s go get Bradley and just go.” Amari doesn’t answer or even show that she heard me. I leave though. I go to the room and call for Bradley, finding him in neither of the two suites that we had booked. I look near the pool and then the lobby of the motel. He was nowhere. I try his phone, being sent to voicemail each time I dial. I head back to the area, finding Amari coming down the stairs, stopping when she sees me. “I can’t find him,” she says plainly, and the worry inside me increases tenfold. <<if $optimistic >=50>>Before my brain can even process what’s going on,<<else>>Every negative thought I could conjure presented itself to me. But, before my brain could fall down that hole,<</if>> I feel my pocket vibrate. I grab my phone and, without looking at the caller ID, answer. <</if>>\ [[“Fuck you, Rahim!”]] [[“Faye, not a good time.”]] [[“Bradley!? Where the hell are you?”]]
“Fuck you, Rahim!” I scream into the phone, an icy chill running down my spine as the person on the other side laughs. A familiar chuckle that I had hoped to never hear again. <<include "VF4_0_1">>
“Faye,” I sigh, “this really isn’t a good time,” I tell her, an icy chill running down my spine as the person on the other side laughs. A familiar chuckle that I had hoped to never hear again. <<include "VF4_0_1">>
“Bradley!? Where the hell are you?” I shout into the phone, an icy chill running down my spine as the person on the other side laughs. A familiar chuckle that I had hoped to never hear again. <<include "VF4_0_1">>
“Well, hello to you too, $name.” “Raum,” I answer simply. <<if $cp>>Even in his condition, Chris looks like he’s ready to go to war, the fire that burns in his eyes is brighter than any other I’ve seen.<<else>>Amari gives me a confused look. I had told her about Raum but only enough to understand why Bradley was the way he was.<</if>> I move the phone away from my ear and put him on speaker. “Correct. You ready for round two of our game?” <<if $pacifist >=50>>\ “What do you want. I thought you were in hell?” “I was, got let go due to good behavior. Now, for our game, I’m sure you’ve noticed the brat missing.” I almost drop the phone; all remaining energy had been sucked out at Raum’s words. He had him, again. <<else>>\ “I’m going to kill you as soon as I see you.” “Sticks and stones, $name, sticks and stones. Now, for our game, I’m sure you’ve noticed the brat missing.” I almost drop the phone; all remaining energy had been sucked out at Raum’s words. He had him, again. <</if>>\ <<if $cp>>\ “I set up this fun little activity that won’t take you more than the rest of today to complete if you have some help. It’s actually quite simple. The hardest part is the choice.” “What choice?” I practically yell. “Bradley or Chris. You won’t be able to save both.” I glance at Chris, who looks right back at me with large, worried eyes. “If you choose Chris, then I can guarantee you that you won’t be seeing Bradley again. If you choose Bradley, then check your car. The instructions on what you need to do are there. And make sure you say goodbye to Chris for the both of us. Choose both, and you’ll lose both.” <<else>>\ “I set up this fun little activity that won’t take you more than the rest of today to complete if you have some help. It’s actually quite simple. Follow the clues to find the annoying little brat before time runs out, that is. The instructions on what you need to do are on your car. Don’t waste time, $name. If you take too long, then I’m going to have to start entertaining myself.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="VF4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Raum hangs up, and uncaringly, I let the phone drop from my hands. I was developing a migraine that was probably going to last several days, if not for the rest of the month. “To much stuff is going on,” Amari mumbles, trembling, “what … what are we going to do?”<<if $optimistic <50>> If she didn’t regret joining us yet, then she did now, no doubt about it.<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ “We can,” Chris starts but wavers, his hand slipping off the side of the building. Amari makes it to his side before me, helping him regain his balance but not moving away just in case he needed her again. “We can split up.” “You being anywhere alone is not a smart idea,” Amari tells him, and he nods swiftly. “One of you come with me, and the other go and look for Bradley.” “Did you not hear him?” I question, starting to pace, “he said, choose both, and you’ll lose both.” Raum had most definitely been speaking with the Princes, there was no other way his timing was this good. This also meant that all the creativity and torture that was put into this was possibly conducted by the Princes of Hell. They had covered all their bases. I was even starting to worry that they had been betting on Rahim not being here. “$name!” Amari screams, her watery eyes glaring at me. Once I look at her, she calms down just a tad, glancing at Chris and shaking her head, “what are we going to do?” I glance at Chris and think about Bradley. [[Call and inform Rahim.][$amari +=2]] [[Save Chris.][$chris +=5; $savechris = true]] [[Find Bradley.][$chris -=10; $dealisdone = true]] <<else>>\ “What do you mean, what are we going to do? The only thing we can do is play by Raum’s little game and find Bradley. Now come on,” I tell her, already making my way up the stairs quickly, “let’s clear out these rooms and go.” <<include "VF4_2">> <</if>>
I pick up my phone and without answering Amari, attempt to call Rahim. I’m sent straight to voicemail again and again, and though I leave one, I can’t help the irritation that comes over me. Why was this happening? I look back at Chris and Amari, both waiting for me to make a decision that shouldn’t be mine to make. People’s lives were at stake, and not just two random people’s, the lives of two people that I cared about. [[Save Chris.][$chris +=5; $savechris = true]] [[Find Bradley.][$chris -=10; $dealisdone = true]]
“We’re going to save Chris,” I tell them, approaching him and resting my hand on his shoulder. Amari gulps, “that means we need to go find a witch. Our witch is in Maryland. If we want to get there, then we have to go now.” She doesn’t finish the rest of her sentence, and for that, I’m grateful. Helping Chris meant that we needed to leave now and that we would genuinely be leaving Bradley behind. “There has to be witches in Kentucky,” Chris stammered. “Trying to find one will take too long. You don’t just open the phone book and find real witches … well, you actually probably can. But with knowledge about how to save you, probably not,” Amari comments. “No!” he growls, pushing her away roughly, the action causing him to stumble, sliding a short way across the pavement. He doesn’t pick himself up. Instead, he punches the concrete flooring with all of his energy. The BB curse was indeed overtaking him because the first punch actually causes tiny fractures in the ground. And he didn’t look like he was in as much pain as he should be. “Let’s go clear the rooms, we need to go now.” Chris continues to argue, but I’ve learned how to tune him out, especially in moments like these. <a data-passage="VF4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I lower my head, refusing to look at Chris when I say my next few words, “we’re going after Bradley.” I hear Amari take a deep breath in and hear Chris exhale an incomplete groan mixed with disbelief and sorrow. <<if $sympathy >=50>>\ I bite the inside of my cheeks, trying to hold back in every emotion that wanted to claw its way out of me. “I’m so sorry, Chris. But I don’t know what else to do.” “Don’t apologize,” he says, turning away from me, “because it damn sure won’t stop any of this.” “Bradley needs us.” “And I don’t?” he questions, tears filling his eyes as he slides down to the ground, shielding his eyes with his hand. He weeps, and neither I nor Amari, move to comfort him. There was nothing to say. <<else>>\ I steel myself before looking up at him, seeing that he had abandoned Amari and was now leaning on the wall. “What do you want me to do,” I growl, fighting back the emotion in my voice. “Bradley doesn’t deserve this.” He nods and weakly waves everything I had said, and everything I would say, away. “But I do?” he questions, tears filling his eyes as he slides down to the ground, shielding his eyes with his hand. He weeps, and neither I nor Amari, move to comfort him. There was nothing to say. <</if>>\ “Go get him,” he yells from behind his hand. <<if $CRomance >=3>>\ “Chris,” I start, feeling my insides crumbling, “I’m so sorry, for all of this.” I attempt to take a step towards him, but he doesn’t respond. He turns his body away from me, his sobs racking his entire being. I shake my head and refusing to stay back, rush up to him. I gently position my hand on his cheek, the intense heat heating my hand up instantly. I'm shocked when he covers my hand with his own. He looks me in the eye, his eyes taking on a much lighter white that can almost rival the color of Rahim’s. “Lie to me,” he whispers, and I furrow my brow. “What?” “Lie to me,” he repeats, “tell me that this is going to all be over tomorrow and that I’ll wake up and see your mesmerizing face. Tell me that all of this was just one long, tiresome dream, that I ate some bad sushi, and that’s why I feel like absolute shit,” he laughs, causing me to choke out one as well. “Please, $name.” [[Lie to him.][$chris +=3]] [[Refuse to.][$chris -=3]] <<else>>\ <<include "VF4_2">> <</if>>\
I nod, wiping at my eyes as I bring him in closer. “Of course you’re going to wake up tomorrow,” I start, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly. “You’re going to wake up in some shitty motel bed,” I state, and he coughs out a laugh, “and Bradley is going to talk about how you look like shit. We’re going to get breakfast, and we’re going to argue about something, and we’re going to laugh about it because that’s what we do. That’s what type of family we are. Me and you, we’re going to act like we’re on a break while we throw each other looks from across the room, knowing that we’re pining for one another.” I swallow a sob when I feel Chris’s lips touch my finger, taking his time as he kisses each one. “And we’re going to get better. We’re all going to get better.” I can’t help it, I release Chris and move away from him, unable to stay one second longer. Unable to feel his lips against my skin, knowing that I won’t be able to see him tomorrow. <a data-passage="VF4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“No, I can’t do that, Chris.” He closes his eyes and moves away from me, leaving me unnaturally cold. He chuckles, a mirthless tone ringing through it, “is this payback for all the shit that’s been going on?” “Chris!” I shout, but it only causes him to laugh more. He presses himself up against the wall, craving the coldness that radiates from it. “What’s the fucking point anymore, $name?” he asks, peering over at me. “I’m about to die, and you can’t even be honest with me.” His eyes water up some more as he looks me up and down. “You’re pissed off at me, maybe even beyond pissed for everything I’ve done to you. I know I’m not the best at telling you how I feel, shit I confuse even myself with half the crap I do. But I didn’t do any of it out of spite or to hurt you.” I grab his hand and place a kiss on his knuckles. A weak smile slides onto his face, and his eyes thank me. “$name,” Amari whispers, warning me that we were on a time limit, we all were. “Any regrets?” He squeezes my hand as he weakly leans in and kisses my forehead, a long and lingering kiss that leaves behind a realization that I would never get another. “Never.” <a data-passage="VF4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $savechris>>\ I head back into the motel room for a minute alone, letting Amari stay outside and persuade Chris that this decision was for the better. That leaving Bradley was, in any way, the better option. <<else>>\ <<if $cp>>I head back into the motel room for a minute alone. Chris’s best friend, the one who told him that it would be safer for him if he stuck around, had just, in a way, condemned him to death. Amari was outside, perhaps saying her goodbyes or possibly trying to make this entire situation just a wee bit better. But, no, there was nothing she could say to make that truth hurt any less.<<else>>I rush into the room, grabbing things to pack up when my actions grow slower. One by one, I’m reminded of everything that has happened, that has taken place. And I crumble.<</if>> <</if>>\ My back hits the wall as I fight to keep my emotions under control. To keep myself together despite the countless issues falling into my lap. Each issue weighed a ton, and I alone was to manage all the burden. As if my own body was against me, the pain from before began to flare in both my head and the acquired injury from when I was a child. I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to weather through it, telling myself that like everything, it would go away. “Poor, $name,” I hear Envy’s voice whisper in my ear. I jump, unsurprised when I find that it was my own mind. Zillah, myself, and now Envy, my head could only hold so many thoughts. I wrap my arms around myself as a voice that sounded far too much like my own told me how this was all my doing. How I was to blame and how, at the end of all this, I would be alone to ruminate on my mistakes. I shiver despite there being no wind and the air around me temperate. I felt like the world was trying to tear me down, and I was teetering on the edge, wondering if the plunge was worth it. If the pain was worth fighting. If the light at the end of the tunnel was truly a light and not just some flicker conjured up by my imagination. That or the old safe house on fire. I sob, and the tears were all too exhilarated to rush out. [[Stop! This will not shake me!][$sympathy -=3; $nerve -=5]] [[Let it out.][$sympathy +=3; $nerve +=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> I scream at myself, telling myself to get a hold of myself. Telling myself that I needed to be strong, that too much rested on my shoulders. I was being weak when I needed to show strength. I couldn’t let this break me. I wouldn’t. And yet, the tears continue to come, and my fighting words were just whispers filled with lies. <<include "VF4_2_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> I stop fighting myself, and I allow the tears to come. Giving them approval causes them to rush out faster, some halting on my cheeks as they pour from my tear ducts. I hug myself as I try to find something to control, whether it be my breathing or just how loud I was. In the end, I control nothing. <<include "VF4_2_1">>
“If you would just stop fighting it!” I hear Zillah shout and look up to see the shadowy apparition before me. He’s pacing, or gliding, back and forth. “You can conquer this if you just stop fighting it.” “And what does conquering it mean?” I say, hiccupping. He sighs and stops, “you fight something that you can’t control, and then you’re surprised when you lose. If you would just listen to me.” [[“Leave me alone!”|VFLeaveMeAlone][$zillah -=3; $nerve -=3]] [[“Then what do I do?”][$zillah +=3]] <<if $flirt_Zillah>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“I will never stop fighting.”][$zillah -=3; $ZRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“I will never stop fighting.”][$zillah -=3; $ZRomance +=1]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Can I trust you?”][$zillah +=3; $ZRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Can I trust you?”][$zillah +=3; $ZRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“Why don’t you just leave me alone, Zillah!” I shout, letting the rage burn through me. “Stay quiet until I find a way to get rid of your ass. Don’t for a second make it seem like you’re trying to help me, you overgrown parasite.” Zillah’s tentacle whips out, striking me across the face and sending me face-first into the wall. “I can’t kill you but bet on me making your life a living hell.” “You already have,” I <<if $sympathy <50>>shout.<<else>>say breathlessly, clenching my eyes closed.<</if>> <<include "VF4_2_2">>
“Then what do I do?” I raise a finger before he could answer, “and don’t say listen to what you tell me to. Every step in the direction you want me to go has been nothing but me feeling closer and closer to death.” “That means it’s working,” he snorts. “You want to blame me, fine, blame me. But know that you did this on your own.” “What are you talking about?” “Awakening what’s inside of you. As soon as you killed someone, you woke it up, and it’s been stirring ever since. Everything I’ve done, yes, is to get you prepared. But it’s also kept you alive. Make no mistake, if it wasn’t for me, then you would be dead.” “You expect me to thank you?” <<include "VF4_2_2">>
“I will never stop fighting,” I tell him, “whether you like it or not. I’ll never stop fighting whatever is happening to me, or what you’re trying to do to me. I’ll never stop fighting you and this unknown destiny you think will have me,” I narrow my eyes on him as I enunciate my next word, “never.” His demeanor, surprisingly, relaxes and those white orbs of his glimmer with life, “indeed. And I would expect nothing less from someone with a spirit as strong as yours. But,” he pauses as if realizing what he had just said aloud. And I feel my heart do a slight jolt, waiting with bated breath for him to continue. Why did his words fill me with a bit of pride? I stiffen in confusion and uncertainty, shaking my head and telling myself that it was just the mounting emotions, nothing more. I glance back at him and see the white circles disappear as he stands silently. When they return, though they’re still white, red begins to mix, growing in intensity. “I will not fail,” he tells me, but something about his sentence was off to me. It sounded incomplete as if he had more to say about the topic, but something told him to keep it to himself. <<include "VF4_2_2">>
“You say this as if, without a shadow of a doubt, I can trust you.” He stops and turns to me, his white orbs focusing on me, “I’m the only one you can trust right now. If I wanted you dead, don’t you think I would’ve done it by now?” “That’s not what I mean,” I tell him, “tell me everything, please.” The please leaves my lips in a pleading tone, practically begging. I see him twitch, and the white circles disappear as he stands there silently. When they return, though they’re still white, red begins to mix, growing in intensity. “I will not fail,” he tells me, but something about his sentence was off to me. It sounded incomplete as if he had more to say about the topic, but something told him to keep it to himself. <<include "VF4_2_2">>
He stands straighter and looks at me, “your abilities are waking. Abilities that you were never meant to wield without proper knowledge and understanding. Abilities that will drain your life because that is what they’re meant to do. And afterward, they will crackle and hiss in triumph because there is no end to them. Do as I say, $name. Obey.” He vanishes with that warning, and Amari comes in. <<if $marked>>She seems tired and weak, not entirely off from how I feel as well.<<else>>Her eyes were still puffy and though she looks like she’s trying to control herself, she’s not able to.<</if>> She gives me a <<if $amari >=50>>tired smile, “let’s go.”<<else>>look that speaks of her fatigue, “we should go.”<</if>> <<if $savechris>><a data-passage="VF5_Chris"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="VF5_Bradley"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
I enter the car and close the door behind me, my eyes on the steering wheel. Amari sits beside me, giving me a sympathetic glance but keeping her thoughts to herself. Chris has traded in his curses and statements of dissatisfaction for groans of pain. Frankly, I don’t know which I’d rather hear. I get on the road, clenching my eyes closed as we begin to drive off. Every second we get farther away from the motel, the more my mind thinks about Bradley. How would he react when he learned about what we did? Would he understand why we did it? Having to choose between the two wasn’t fair, especially when both of them had differing factors dealing with survival. I keep one hand on the steering wheel while the other checks my phone, still no message from Rahim. I had called him, letting him know what had taken place. It wasn’t because I sought to keep him in the loop but hoping that he would be able to fly in and save Bradley. To do something, anything. I pass my phone over to Amari, “can you put the witch’s address in?” She takes it and does as I ask, whispering later, “it’s going to take about eight hours.” “Do you know how to drive?” She gives me a sheepish grin that answers my question. Eight hours, with hardly any breaks due to the dying figure in the back of the car. Eight hours and not knowing what my own body was going to do, what Zillah might do. Eight hours of agonizing over a decision that was too late to fix. I grip the steering wheel as I focus on the road, the wind rushing into the car as I speed down the road. <<if $optimistic >=50>>I could only hope that we’d all survive.<<else>>If we were lucky then we'd make it, but when were we ever lucky?<</if>> I lean on the side of my car, staring down at the remaining time. We had just entered into West Virginia, and after riding for so long with no food, hardly anything to drink, and barely any talking to keep all of us sane, Amari called for a bathroom break. I did little to complain, I needed it more than she. Every bone within my body felt like it was encased in cement. Chris moans in pain, jerking forward and gazing around with an almost feral look in his eyes. I sigh as I do what I’ve had to do a dozen times already. [[Hit him upside the head.]] [[Talk him back down.]] <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Kiss his cheek.][$CRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[Kiss his cheek.][$CRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
I tap my hand sharply numerous times to wake it up before using it to hit Chris over the head. The first time worked like a charm, ignoring the fact that Amari harped in my ear about it for at least ten minutes. Every time after that, it’s worked sure, but I could see the fire in Chris’s eyes grow. I take a cautious step back as he jerks towards me, his lip rising as he starts to growl. I look him over, noticing all of the changes that he was going through. His eyes were now a brighter blue than before, taking on a glowing aspect to them. They were also more massive than a standard human iris, the sclera appearing more like that of an intrigued cat’s eye than a human. <<include "VF5_Chris1">>
“Whoa, Chris,” I coo in the most soothing voice I could muster. “It’s fine, I’m here. It’s going to be okay. Think about …” I sigh, trying to think of things that I hadn’t said before. I’ve done this so many times that I felt like I was running out of material. “Your mom?” I hear him groan and see him twisting around to look at me, “really, did you just say my mom?” “You don’t hate her, right?” I ask coolly. “No, but you could’ve said bartending –” “Already did.” “Sports –” “Yep.” “Nirvana.” “That was actually the first thing I said. Maybe next time I’ll actually play some of their music. Can we just agree that you’re up now, so I don’t have to come up with anything?” “No,” he chuckles, “because you need better material for next time. Next time I might not …” He drifts off, the light smile that decorated his face began to fade, and his eyes drifted down to the seat. “We’re getting you help, Chris.” He nods right as his body seizes up. He grunts in pain, twisting, and turning. <<include "VF5_Chris1">>
I dodge Chris’s wild throws until I could get close enough to safely plant a kiss. He halts his actions and backs away in fear, his eyes looking straight into mine, attempting to piece together who I was and what I had just done. A softer look enters them, and before I can ask if he was back, he softly yanks me to him. Hugging me protectively as he buries his face into the crook of my neck. “Tell me I didn’t hurt you,” he murmurs against my skin. I rub his back, not knowing what else to do as we both sit quietly for a minute, “no, you didn’t.” He draws back and narrows his eyes, searching my gaze for any chance of me lying for his benefit. “I feel like someone is redecorating my insides,” he chortles, moving his head so that it was now resting in my lap. <<include "VF5_Chris1">>
“We’re halfway there. Amari said that the witch lives in the woods, so we’ll have to walk. You up for that?” “Ask me in an hour,” he looks at me, dread clear on his face, “I can feel something waking up inside of me, and it almost feels familiar. Like … I don’t know, something that should’ve been there all along but never got the chance to actually sprout.” “Chris,” I say, forcing him to look at me, “we’re going to help you. The witch got this.” “I’m more concerned with Bradley. I feel like an utter ass for being relieved that you chose me, but I can’t help it. Bradley’s going to hate me for the rest of his life. He’s going to hate all of us, isn’t he?” “I can’t answer that, and frankly, I don’t want to think about it right now. I’m calling him every time I get the chance.” I pause and wipe my face. I was tired, I was lost, I was scared, and I just wanted to curl up in a bed and go to sleep. There was a swirl of emotions within me, and I just wanted to scream. But that, I couldn’t do. I had to be the strong one here, the one who held us together. If I broke down, then what hope was there? “You ready?” Amari asks, coming back from the break with an armful of snacks. I raise a brow, and she giggles and throws me a playful grin that wavers at the corners. “I thought the shotgun was the snack person.” “No, actually, that would be my job,” Chris tells her, lying back down in the back seat. Shotgun picks the music and controls navigation.” [[“No, shotgun shuts his cakehole.”]] [[“Are we really discussing road trip responsibilities?”]] [[“Come on, let’s go.”]]
“No, the driver picks the music and shotgun shuts his cakehole,” I say with a broad grin, “everyone knows that.” “Shotgun sounds like a boring job then,” Amari pouts, and I pat her head with a smirk. “Great, so then when Bradley …” I’m unable to finish the sentence and the others don’t seem too bothered by me not doing so. The statement hangs in the air as they get settled in, and we head back out. Our next stop, the witch’s house. <a data-passage="EP4-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
“Are we really discussing road trip responsibilities right now?” I ask, glancing between the two of them with a brow raised. “I heard about the different responsibilities, but that’s it.” “Your parents didn’t really give you a stimulating childhood, did they?” Chris questions. “I wouldn’t say that. I just had a different stimulus than you.” Chris opens his mouth, but another jolt of pain causes him to grit his teeth and muffle into the seats as his entire body violently shakes. “Come on, we need to hurry.” I don’t have to tell Amari twice; she’s already rushing to her side of the car and getting in. We get settled and head back onto the road. <a data-passage="EP4-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
I roll my eyes and tap Amari’s arm, motioning to the passenger side of the car, “come on, let’s go.” She doesn’t argue, and with a quick nod, she rushes to her side of the vehicle. We get settled back inside and head back onto the road. Our next stop, the witch’s house. <a data-passage="EP4-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>\ Remembering what Raum had said before he hung up the phone, the two of us go outside and heard towards my car. Chris was no longer where I last saw him, and as I gaze around, I see no sign of him. “He went to the room, but I don’t know if he’s still there.” I swallow and nod, thinking about what could be happening to him. This was his last day unless he was somehow fortunate enough to find someone who could aid him. And whether I wanted to admit it or not, that would rest on my conscience for the rest of my life, the same as any other death did. Would I have to one day come back and hunt him? I shake the thought free from my mind, I still had another issue to solve, one with a time limit. Both Amari and I search my car when we find a piece of paper taped to my broken window. <<else>>\ Remembering what Raum had said before he hung up the phone, the two of us go outside and heard towards my car. We search the perimeter of the vehicle until we find a piece of paper taped to my broken window. <</if>>\ “What does it say?” Amari questions as I read it silently to myself, knitting my brows as I reread it two more times, attempting to find if there was a deeper meaning to this. “It says that I need to go get my window fixed and has the address to the nearest car shop.” “You’re kidding,” she grumbles before snatching the paper from my hands, her eyes speeding across the page as she does what I had done. “Is this a joke? Who is this man?” “A demon,” I answer her, knowing there was much more to Raum than what I had just said, “one that I’ve been hoping to see again, but at the same time, I would’ve been okay with never seeing. I’ll tell you more in the car, come on.” She takes a step back, “are we really about to just go and get your window fixed? You don’t think there’s more to this note or something we’re not understanding?” [[Take a deeper look at the note.]] [[Forget the note. Head towards the car shop.][$amari -=3]]
I pause, glancing over at the paper in her hands and nodding. I sit on the sidewalk, and she comes beside me, both of us looking the paper over and trying to figure out what we were missing. It was an ordinary piece of paper, and unless someone needed to be a specific supernatural being, there was no invisible ink or optical illusion taking place. Amari couldn’t get a scent from the paper, and there was no cryptic or loss meaning behind the words we saw. It was ordinary. After a few more minutes of talking things out, we decide to abandon the task. We clear the two motel rooms out and pack the car before heading towards the car shop. <<include "VF4_Bradley1">>
I lean in towards Amari and take the note from her hands, ripping it up in front of her. “I doubt we’ll be back, so let’s get the stuff out of the rooms and head out.” Amari frowns but says nothing more. Silently, she heads upstairs and empties out both rooms before coming back, and we head away. <<include "VF4_Bradley1">>
When we pull up the man that approaches immediately sees why we came. He tells us the price and how long it would take. I hand the keys over and head in, going to the employee that sits down behind the register, unamused when she sees us. After paying for the services, Amari and I sit in the waiting area, analyzing everything. “Do you think someone here is going to give us the next clue?” she asks me, her gaze lingering on the woman behind the register and then to another man who was taking a water break. “Probably, or Raum himself is here, planting the next clue.” “I don’t like this,” she huffs, “we’re playing a game that’s going to take all day.” “That’s probably what he wants. I’m guessing the princes filled him in on our group, and so some of these clues are going to need senses that only a vampire or a werewolf possesses. Raum isn’t this patient, so I know he didn’t come up with this. He’s more of a ‘get straight to it’ kind of demon.” My eyes move to Amari’s slouched form. <<if $marked>>\ [[“Does it hurt?”]] <<else>>\ [[“I’m sorry about your pack.”]] <</if>>\ [[“Tell me something I don’t know about you.”]] [[“Do Bradley’s thoughts on you hurt your feelings?”]]
I sigh, not knowing how else to say the words that were about to leave my mouth, “I’m sorry about your pack.” She visibly stiffens, and though she tries to hide the action, she moves away from me. <<if $amari >=50>>\ “I keep telling myself that you had a good reason for what you did. <<if hasVisited("Give in to the bloodlust.")>>That you really thought my life was on the line. And I suppose I understand why you did what you did.<<else>>That you weren’t in control, that you’re going through something right now, so I can’t really blame you. It’s not like Emiliano didn’t grab you and choke you.<</if>> But they were still my pack, and I’m still not okay with what you did.” I prepare to say something but then stop, deciding to leave it at that. This isn’t something I can change and wipe away with a few carefully chosen words. <<else>>\ “I really don’t want to talk about it.” I nod, not wanting to push her when we would be sitting here for at least another hour. <</if>>\ <<include "VF4_Bradley2">>
I nudge Amari and nod to her stomach, “does it hurt?” She shifts uncomfortably and, with a forced smile, shakes her head. “I’m part vampire, it was never going to hurt, Emiliano knew that. I don’t think brands are given because they hurt, but what they symbolize.” “It means you’re an outcast, right?” “To someone who doesn’t care, yea, it’s as simple as that. But to a were who cares for their pack, it means everything. Your family just disowned you, and your chances of ever finding another family goes down marginally. Werewolves who see this mark will know that I’m disgraced. They can still accept me in, but it will always follow me. I should be grateful that they gave me just a brand and not death.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>\ “It looked like it hurt them just as much.” “Yea … I suppose that’s a silver lining.” She wipes at her eye, “I’d rather drop this conversation.” I nod in understanding and do as she asks. <<else>>\ “Who needs em anyway? If they don't want you, they don't deserve you.” “I suppose.” She wipes at her eye, “I’d rather drop this conversation.” I nod in understanding and do as she asks. <</if>>\ <<include "VF4_Bradley2">>
“Amari, tell me something I don’t know about you,” I say to her, hoping to strike up a bit of interesting conversation. <<if $marked>>\ She pokes her lips out as she gazes up at the ceiling, swaying to an imaginary beat. “I’m a big fan of dinosaur documentaries. When I was little, I wanted to be a circus performer, but then I learned about how they treated animals, and I said heck no to that. I also let all of the animals in a petting zoo out once, my parents didn’t find it as funny as I did.” “You did what?” I laugh, the feeling peculiar but nice. <<if $optimistic <50>>A part of me felt like I had no right to laugh or smile, that I should be ashamed of myself for having even a fraction of a good time when so many I knew were suffering.<</if>> “Yea. I hate seeing animals behind cages, I really do, especially just for people to walk by and point at them. I understand saving endangered animals, but I still believe sanctuaries are far better. But I put animals on the same tier as people, if you don’t want it happening to you, don’t do it to them.” “You sound like you would be a vegetarian,” I point out, and it was now her turn to laugh. “I actually tried once, my parents told me again and again how stupid it was and how much I was going to suffer.” “Did you? Did it work?” “Oh, no, not at all. I threw up after a week of nothing but salad, and after I was ready to start a riot if I didn’t get a nice bloody steak.” I snort, shaking my head at her words. <<else>>\ “I’d rather we sit in silence. Whether you understand my reasons or not, I’m still mourning my pack.” I sigh, knowing that it was still heavy on her heart and understanding why, but hoping that her recent behavior meant she didn’t blame me. I suppose that was too much to ask for, and quite stupid for me to overlook. I killed members of her family, my reasoning my own, and her reasoning for being mad about it hers. I leave the conversation there, opting to just sit there and try to figure out what form the next clue would come in. <</if>>\ <<include "VF4_Bradley2">>
I pout, sighing as I just tell myself to ask the question, “do Bradley’s thoughts on you hurt your feelings?” “Kinda,” Amari answers with a shrug, “it’s hard to be positive when most of your life, you’ve been told that you shouldn’t even exist. But I try, I try really hard. But I don’t like being reminded of it. I know he’s going through a rough time. Actually, I don’t know. I have no idea what you’ve guys been through, and that’s why I don’t let it affect my thoughts on you. I just wished he showed me the same courtesy.” <<include "VF4_Bradley2">>
We sit in silence for the remainder of the time, both of our minds far off. It was no wonder that when they called for us, we both jumped in shock. Seeing that we already lost an hour, we rush outside and check the car over, finding no note attached to the window or inside the vehicle. “So, what next?” Amari asks as the man who had worked on the car approached. “Just so you know, I don’t recommend you drive the car for at least an hour, let the new glass settle in.” “That’s not possible,” I scoff, opening the door. “Sure, it is. Bradley’s somewhere you can’t reach by car anyway.” I freeze, turning to face the man with calculated readiness. Thankfully, he doesn’t give me some shit-eating grin, he looks just as serious as he did a minute ago. “Do you have the next piece of the clue?” Amari asks, and he nods. “Raum said to follow the trail until you find the burnt tree. You’ll get your next clue there.” “You’re a demon?” I question, my gaze narrowing as I look the man over. “He’s definitely not human,” Amari tells me, sniffing the air, and the man nods. “Yea, I’m one of those lucky demons who were given a choice to leave the pit and come here.” He rolls his neck around in a dramatic way as if still getting used to the body that he possessed, “been out for a month or two. I don’t know, I’m still trying to get used to how fast everything is here … or slow. Time is a fucked up thing.” [[“Choice?”]] [[“What do you mean about time?”]] [[“Do you know Sydero?”]]
“Choice? They give you a choice?” He pauses and looks at me, “yea. When you’re a tortured soul, after a while, they give you a choice. Go topside or stay in the pit. Freedom or continued torture, it’s really no choice. They know that. We know that. But they still offer it.” “Then there must be some drawback to coming back here,” Amari points out, and he nods, playing with the keys in his hands. “There’s nothing but drawbacks. First, we’re demoted of any rank we had when we were down under. Demoted back to a lesser demon with lesser demon abilities. Then, well, if we’re sent back, the whole process starts up again as if it was our first time. A hell of a thing to go through if I’m to be honest. And lastly, we’re constantly pursued by hell hounds and bounty hunters. Raum found and told me if I played my part, he’d turn the other cheek and help me with disappearing. So, here I am.” “You two got a place to be, right?” he asks, turning to walk away. [[Leave.]] <<if $exorcise>>[[Exorcise him.]]<</if>>
“What do you mean about time slowing down and speeding up?” “You don’t know?” he asks in confusion, looking from me to Amari, and then back to me, “Perdition doesn’t work the same way as here. Time, I mean. One day for you guys is like a week for us, a week is a month, and a month is a –” “A year?” I ask though I say it much more like a known fact, my mind trying to figure out how long it’s been since Sydero had been taken. “No, six months. Another week would make it a year,” he corrects, shrugging his shoulders as if that news wasn’t one of disheartening value, “most supernatural worlds are like that. I don’t know shit about upstairs, but I know Purgatory runs on the same damn clock. I don’t know why, and I don’t care to find out either.” “You two got a place to be, right?” he asks, turning to walk away. [[Leave.]] <<if $exorcise>>[[Exorcise him.]]<</if>>
“Do you know Sydero?” I ask, out of the corner of my eye, I see Amari glancing at me with sympathetic eyes. The man snorts, “who doesn’t know the Cambion Princess?” He doesn’t say anything more. Instead, he laughs, shaking his head as he allows himself this moment of amusement. “I was freed right when she walked in, should’ve seen how many demons jumped her sorry ass. I think they damn near were gonna kill her if Prince Daddy didn’t step in.” <<if $proSyd >=3>>\ <<if $pacifist >=50>>\ “Is there anything else you can tell us?” I ask with an urgent tone in my voice, “anything at all?” “Sorry, bud, no can do. Like I said, I left before I could see anything more. Should’ve seen the onlookers though, not only did they see royalty, but they also saw royalty getting an ass whooping, their faces were priceless. It almost makes me wish I chose to stay so that I could figure out what was going on.” <<else>>\ I step up and grab the man’s shirt collar, yanking him closer to me, “what else?” “Whoa, does it look like I know? I said I left right when she arrived. I’m not your typical demon, so I wasn’t able to stay and enjoy the show anyway. Now, hands off the merchandise.” He pushes me back, straightening his shirt and gazing around to see if anyone had taken notice of our altercation. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ “You two got a place to be, right?” he asks, turning to walk away. [[Leave.]] <<if $exorcise>>[[Exorcise him.][$amari -=3]]<</if>>
I nod thanks to the man and motion for Amari to follow. We had already wasted enough time here, we needed to go. <<include "VF4_Bradley3">>
I close my eyes and recount the words that Bradley had taught me when it came to exorcising demons. I quickly go over the words, repeating them to myself before finally feeling confident enough to say all of it aloud. I remember the warning that Sydero had uttered to me once before. If you couldn’t say the exorcism in its totality, then don’t use it at all. It’s not worth the unbridled rage that the demon would unleash onto you later. I open my mouth and begin to recite the exorcism, watching as the demon’s eyes widen in both fear and fury. “You piece of shit!” he screams. Amari, darts to the side to redirect some of the innocent bystanders, corralling them back into the building with some excuse that I didn’t catch. I continue on, ignoring the insults that the demon hurls my way. His complaints soon turn to pleading and muffled gasps, furious tears streaming from his eyes as he looks at me. A charcoal-colored smoke wafts off of his body, along with random sparks. The closer I get to the end, the thicker the smoke gets until I finally finish. As the last word leaves my mouth, a spark goes off in his eyes, turning them black before back to their original color. The smoke disperses into the air, leaving the previously possessed man lying on the ground. Amari returns with a look of worry in her eyes, “what’s wrong with him?” “Truthfully, I don’t know. This is one of the first times I’ve ever exorcised someone, and Bradley and the others didn’t really tell me what happens when you do it correctly. If the hosts live or anything.” <<if $medical >=10 or $cmajor is "Nursing">>I check his pulse and, with my phone, do a few light tests, noticing that one pupil was smaller than the other, head trauma.<</if>> Amari shuffles, her eyes on the sky, and then the body that I’m attempting to help up, “how could you?” I raise a brow at her question, “he helped us?” [[“And he was a demon.”]] [[“He wasn’t helping this man.”][$amari +=3]] [[“Your point?”][$amari -=3]]
“And he was also a demon, or did you forget that little part? He possessed this man and who knows what else he would do in the future.” “I just didn’t think all demons were bad,” Amari points out, “your friend is one, right?” “Sydero is a special case,” I tell her, motioning for her to help me, “help me drag him inside. <<if $medical >=10 or $cmajor is "Nursing">> He’s alive, but I’m pretty sure he’s suffering from head trauma at the moment. We’ll tell the people inside to call an ambulance and then go back to looking for Bradley.<<else>>We’ll tell them to call an ambulance and then go back to looking for Bradley.<</if>> We wasted enough time here.” <<include "VF4_Bradley3">>
“He wasn’t helping this man,” I remind her, nodding down to the man, “demons don’t ask permission to jump into your body and take control, they just do it.” Amari gazes away with a sheepish expression, almost as if she’s ashamed that she didn’t think about that herself. “Come on, help me drag him inside. <<if $medical >=10 or $cmajor is "Nursing">>He’s alive, but I’m pretty sure he’s suffering from head trauma at the moment. We’ll tell the people inside to call an ambulance and then go back to looking for Bradley. We wasted enough time here.”<<else>>We’ll tell them to call an ambulance and then go back to looking for Bradley.<</if>> We wasted enough time here.” <<include "VF4_Bradley3">>
I pause and raise a brow, “your point?” She frowns, “are you saying that this is how you respond to everyone who helps you? You just kill them or betray them after?” “Don’t say it as if you have to now look over your shoulder every couple of minutes. He was going off of Raum’s orders, and I don’t trust anyone who works under that monster. We have no idea what else Raum told him, and so, I just made sure he couldn’t betray us later.” Amari gazes away with a sheepish expression, almost as if she’s ashamed that she didn’t think about that herself. “Come on, help me drag him inside. <<if $medical >=10 or $cmajor is "Nursing">>He’s alive, but I’m pretty sure he’s suffering from head trauma at the moment. We’ll tell the people inside to call an ambulance and then go back to looking for Bradley. We wasted enough time here.”<<else>>We’ll tell them to call an ambulance and then go back to looking for Bradley.<</if>> We wasted enough time here.” <<include "VF4_Bradley3">>
Once everything is taken care of, we do what the demon had told us. Amari and I stand at the edge of the forest, gazing around as if something is supposed to just pop out at us. “So, he said follow the trail until –,” Amari begins, and I finish. “We get to the burnt tree. Question is what trail?” “Do you mind?” Amari asks, and I gaze over to see her taking off her shoes and socks, handing them to me. In confusion, I accept them and watch as she strips, turning her back to me as she takes off her bra, and then as she gets ready to take off her pants, transforms. With wide eyes, I watch as her entire body begins to morph from person to dog. Legs getting shorter, arms turning into thin legs, face morphing into that of a dog. It’s an intriguing process, howbeit creepy to watch as well. She’s a <<if $a_fear is "dogs">>pretty <</if>>black and tan Australian Shepherd, her eyes still the usual brown that she had as a human. [[“So is this a family thing?”]] [[“Were you wearing underwear?”]] [[“Alright, mush!”]] <<if $a_fear is "dogs">>\ [[“This is going to be a hard partnership.”][$amari -=2]] <<else>>\ [[“Can I pet you?”][$amari +=2]] <</if>>\
“So,” I start, “is this a family thing, or is your breed just random?” I don’t know what I expected, the question would be better for a Human Amari. I snort to myself and wave my question away. <<include "VF4_Bradley4">>
I raise a brow as I look down at the clothes that she had given me. I grab her pants, which are now lying against the forest ground, and add them to the pile, raising a brow at her. “Amari, were you wearing underwear.” She whines and draws her ears back, and I laugh, receiving my answer. <<include "VF4_Bradley4">>
“Alright then, mush!” Amari cocks her head to the side, giving me an odd but still curious look. “You know what I mean, let’s go.” <<include "VF4_Bradley4">>
“Oh no, internal struggle alert,” I start, swaying back and forth, trying to keep my excitement to a minimum, and failing significantly, “would it be weird to pet you right now? Can I pet you right now?” Amari viciously wags her tail, moving closer towards me and nudging my hand before barking and almost even sending me a smile. “Yes!” I shout and begin to rub her head and scratch behind her ears. I continue to gush over her for a few more seconds before clearing my throat and straightening back up, nodding my thanks to her, and unable to control my smile. <<include "VF4_Bradley4">>
I’ve seemed to have forgotten one thing about our newly formed partnership. She was a dog, and I was terrified of the creatures. I turn my back to her and take a few deep breaths in, my heart starting to race as the realization and understanding take over me. “This is going to be a hard partnership,” I tell her. I see movement out of the corner of my eye as she nears, and I immediately shake my head, moving away. “Just ... um, keep your distance. Please.” This felt crazy. I know it’s Amari, and she’ll never hurt me, but my heart seems to be of another understanding. Amari seems to understand what’s happening and keeps her distance. <<include "VF4_Bradley4">>
I watch from the side as Amari sniffs around, stopping at one specific location before looking to me and barking. And just like that, we were off. I follow her through the forest, half of my mind on her and the other half on other things. There was no way Raum expected me to find this trail without help, but he had never met Amari, she had just joined us. If I ever had doubts that this wasn’t entirely on Raum, then I knew now. This was the Prince’s doing, and Raum was just their errand boy. <<if $cp>>\ Judging at how much Amari zig-zagged off the original path and head off into a totally different direction, doing this without her would have led to me being lost. They knew this and counted on it so that Chris would be alone. I narrow my eyes, but what if I had only sent Amari to find Bradley. There was probably no chance that Bradley would agree to come back with her, but it also could mean that something here needed my help, and Amari couldn’t do it alone. Did they know about Rahim, though? Did they know he would decide to leave us? <</if>>\ I’m pulled from my thoughts when Amari barks, ahead of us stands the half-charred tree that Raum’s demon friend had told us to watch for. I set Amari’s clothes down, and she goes behind a decently sized tree in the distance. While she changes, I search the tree for any clues, swiftly finding one nestled inside a hole. On the paper is a series of images and a language that reminded me of Arabic, but seeing that I wasn’t used to said language, I couldn’t know for sure. “Amari, can you read Arabic?” I shout, my eyes tarrying on the note. “Of course I can’t,” she huffs, straightening her shirt and fixing her hair as she approaches me. Peering at the piece of paper in my hands in curiosity. “It’s pretty.” “Yea, but it being pretty doesn’t help us find Bradley.” <a data-passage="VF5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Deep within my mind, I hear someone cackling, the volume rising until I realize that it was filled with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. “Zillah?” I question. “These assholes!” he shouts, “they’re quick on their feet, I give them that.” “You know what this says?” I say this aloud, and Amari glances at me, saying nothing as she waits for me to say more or do something helpful. “Of course I do, that’s ancient Egyptian, an early form of the Coptic language. Mostly hieroglyphics with a few words that I later learned when the language was added to. Some of these words are unfamiliar to me, I was only taught so much under the guidance of the hem-netjer.” Zillah pauses as if realizing how freely he was talking. I could feel the excitement and disbelief that he felt as he gazed over the note, reliving a bit of his past. “You’re Egyptian?” I question and I don’t get a response but that doesn’t stop me from speaking, “ancient Egyptian at that.” <<if $ZRomance >=3>>\ “Freaked out by the idea that you’ve been flirting with an old man?” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “I wasn’t, and when have I ever flirted with you?” “The fact that you answered my question is your own answer.” “In your dreams,” I mumble, rolling my eyes at his laughter. <<else>>\ “More so looking forward to beating an old man’s ass once he gets his own body.” “Oh, the cockiness. What makes you think you’ll win that fight?” “We both know who’ll win that fight,” I laugh with confidence. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ “Do you want to know what the note says or not? Last I remembered, you’re on a time limit.” “Go ahead,” I say to him. <<if $prep is 3>>\ “It basically says follow the fall of the sun until the end is in sight. Bare yourself and then wait. The ending is an ancient proverb that I had heard only once: suffering in search of truth gives true meaning to the truth. Whether that is more for me than you, I don’t really know.” <a data-passage="VF5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Not so fast,” Zillah snickers, “I think you know what I need for you to give up to make this deal complete.” My blood runs cold as I realize what Zillah wanted from me. I wasn’t shocked. If anything, I was upset that I hadn’t thought this far ahead and that there was no way of getting out of this. If I didn’t give him what he wanted, then this was all for not, Bradley would remain missing and <<if $cp>>it was too late to help Chris.<<else>>there would be nothing we could do.<</if>> I fall to my knees as I try and think straight. I felt Amari’s arms around me, could hear her voice, but it all felt like it was miles away. “You’re so overdramatic. Just say yes so we can get this over with.” [[“Fuck you!”][$zillah -=3]] <<if $ZRomance >=3>>\ [[“Please, anything else, Zillah.”][$zillah +=5]] <</if>>\ [[“I can’t wait to be rid of you.”]] [[“Fine ... yes.”]] <</if>>\
“Fuck you!” I shout, feeling the rage grow in my heart for the spirit – the shade – living inside of me. “Nothing I haven’t heard before. Come now, quickly. Say yes so you can find the little brat.” “I’m going to make you pay for everything.” <<if $ZRomance >=3>>“Keep talking dirty to me, $nnZ, you have no idea how much I enjoy it.”<<else>>“And you continue to state petty little threats. You’re wasting time –”<</if>> <<include "“Fine ... yes.”">>
“Please, Zillah, there has got to be something else, anything else that I can do for you. Please.” I restate in a pleading tone. I hear him laugh, followed then by a sigh, “damn, $name, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to beg like that? I just got about five dirty images of what you could be begging against. I’m going to sleep well tonight,” he continues to tease, his laughter growing. “Zillah,” I restate in a pleading tone. “Come on, pet, you know this isn’t going to end well for you. Just accept so we can get all of this over with. It makes no sense for –” <<include "“Fine ... yes.”">>
“I can’t wait to be rid of you,” I say through clenched teeth, my nail digging into my palm. “Nothing I haven’t heard before. Come now, quickly. Say yes so you can find the little brat.” “I’m going to make you pay for everything.” <<if $ZRomance >=3>>“Keep talking dirty to me, $nnZ, you have no idea how much I enjoy it.”<<else>>“And you continue to state petty little threats. You’re wasting time –”<</if>> <<include "“Fine ... yes.”">>
<<if $prep is 2>>\ “Yes,” I mutter, and Zillah ends his senseless prattle there. I yell as something inside of me shatters, a horrible headache hitting me soon after. The last thing I remember is Zillah whispering to me. “Follow the fall of the sun until the end is in sight. Bare yourself and then wait.” Everything goes black. It doesn’t last for long, and when I rise, I find Amari pacing back and forth. <<else>>\ “Yes,” I mutter, and Zillah ends his senseless prattle there. I yell as something inside of me shatters. It feels like a void appears inside of me, swallowing me whole, and no matter how much I fight, it’s no use. I will be sucked in. The last thing I remember is Zillah whispering to me. “Follow the fall of the sun until the end is in sight. Bare yourself and then wait.” Everything goes black. It doesn’t last for long, and when I rise, I find Amari pacing back and forth. <</if>>\ “We should’ve brought water, why didn’t we bring water or snacks?” I hear her muttering. “Amari?” I ask, slowly pushing myself up in an upright position. “$name!” she shouts, lunging towards me and wrapping me in her arms. She squeezes and the air leaves my lungs. [[“Stop hugging me!”]] [[“I’m fine, Amari.”]] [[Hug her right back.]]
“Amari?” “Yes?” “What did I say about hugging me?” She immediately let’s go and blushes, “don’t do it. Sorry, forgot.” I nod and extend my hand to her, allowing her to help me to my feet. I turn to Amari, “what time is it?” “You were only out for thirty minutes or so,” she tells me, “it’s almost five now.” “Only out!?” I shout, dusting myself off as I gaze around to figure out where we needed to go. “That’s thirty minutes of wasted time, come on, we need to go!” I pull her behind me as I find the sun and follow it. <a data-passage="VF5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I’m fine, Amari,” I reassure her, patting her back until she backs away. “Sorry, I was so worried. You just fell out, and I didn’t know what to do. And then I realized we didn’t have water or food. And I realized that I have zero training when it comes to tending to someone unconscious. You’d think I would, right? I’ve been around them –” “You’re rambling again,” I tell her, and she shushes herself. If she was in her were form, then I had no doubt that she would be giving me the puppy eyes of death and a ‘I’m sorry’ expression. I turn to Amari, “what time is it?” “You were only out for thirty minutes or so,” she tells me, “it’s almost five now.” “Only out!?” I shout, dusting myself off as I gaze around to figure out where we needed to go. “That’s thirty minutes of wasted time, come on, we need to go!” I pull her behind me as I find the sun and follow it. <a data-passage="VF5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I put my arms around her and hug her right back, thinking that at first, I was only doing so to return the favor. But the longer the hug goes on, the longer I realize that I needed this. With everything going on, with what I had to give up to Zillah, a hug was needed and far more appreciated than I realized. I draw back and <<if $serious >=50>>smile, “thanks, Amari.”<<else>>laugh, “I was expecting you to smell like dog.” She laughs at my joke.<</if>> “I can assure you that I take my scent seriously. I grew up around werewolves, and a wet dog is probably my least favorite smell ever.” I get to my feet and look around, asking, “what time is it?” “You were only out for thirty minutes or so,” she tells me, “it’s almost five now.” “Only out!?” I shout, dusting myself off as I gaze around to figure out where we needed to go. “That’s thirty minutes of wasted time, come on, we need to go!” I pull her behind me as I find the sun and follow it. <a data-passage="VF5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Fine ... yes.”")>> <<if $prep is 2>> <<set $prep to 3>> <</if>> <<if $prep is 1>> <<set $prep to 2>> <</if>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ As we go, I restate what Zillah had told me to Amari, both of us stumped on what ‘bare yourself and then wait’ could possibly mean. “Does it mean to get naked? I mean, that’s what bare yourself means, right?” “You have a fascination with nudeness, don’t you?” “I want to say no, but I do think I do. I don’t see why so many people are freaked out by it, it’s our natural state. We’re the only creatures on the planet that feel the need to cover up.” “Did you walk around with your pack naked?” “Would you look at me weird if I said yes?” Amari laughs, “of course we didn’t. But when the pack was going for a run or on the days of a full moon, we didn’t really think anything of it. The kids stripped, the adults stripped, and we transformed and ran as a pack. It’s an exhilarating thing.” I swat a bush out of the way, almost tripping over an exposed tree root. Amari watches me with a humorous glint in her eye, “this isn’t your element, is it?” [[“Oh, it actually is.”]] [[“I hate nature.”]] [[“It’s alright.”]]
“Actually,” I smirk, “it is. I used to go camping with my uncle all the time. We had to build our own fire, put up the tents, hide the food, the whole shebang.” “Did you forage for food as well?” “Sometimes. My uncle one time played a prank, said it was to test my survivor skills. He hid the food and said that he forgot to bring any. We had to forage, and we ended up getting lost.” I laugh at the memory, “we survived, obviously, but he got an earful. Was stuck in the woods for two days.” I glance over at Amari and find her full attention on me, like a studious listener who wanted to learn everything she could. “What?” “Nothing, I just love hearing about people’s stories. Especially the happy things. This,” she motions to the world around us, “it’s so dark and depressing. Knowing that we all have our own light to guide us is a good reminder. You know?” <<include "VF5_2_1">>
I growl as I right myself and try to avoid a low hanging branch, only to step in a bush. “I hate nature,” I tell her, and she giggles. “It’s pretty, sure. But why be out here when I can be in a house with air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and every necessity I need and more?” Amari shrugs as she grabs my shirt and yanks me backward, pointing at a thick three-leaf plant that clings to the side of a tree. “Careful, poison ivy.” “See, that doesn’t exist indoors.” “I can’t tell you why I find it better out here,” she tells me, taking the lead and showing me where to step. “Maybe it’s the air, the noise, the general feeling of knowing that there aren’t any walls to stop you. Maybe even the idea that all of this is here on its own volition, it’s not manmade. It’s natural. You know what I mean?” <<include "VF5_2_1">>
“I’m not one to go camping or anything, but I don’t have a problem with walking through the woods every now and again. I really had no reason to in the past, unless I chose to. Mostly I just went to the park with my uncle and walked around.” “Parks are nice,” she starts and frowns, “but I still don’t like them, not like this. I can’t tell you why, but something about being out here is raw. The park feels a little too …” “Like a setup? Something man put together?” “Yea, that’s it. While this, forests and woods, it’s untouched almost. Freedom in its purest form. You know?” <<include "VF5_2_1">>
I don’t answer her as we walk into a clearing that holds a few wildflowers but nothing more. The trees in the area hide the sun from view. “This feels like it’s the place,” Amari whispers, walking around and peering at the ground as if something more would appear. “We need to bare ourselves?” I question, “besides being naked, what else could that entail?” “Maybe it’s like putting our truth out there? When someone says bare your soul, then they want you to put everything out, your secrets and all.” I raise my brow, “I have nothing to bare.” She nudges me playfully as she comes to my side, “come on, we all have something to bare. Something to get off our chest.” <a data-passage="VF5_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Do we? And even if we do this, what’s to say that it’ll work? What’s going to give us our next clue, the grass? A bird is going to fly down and drop it in my hands after I tell him about all the horrible things going through my head? Why do Raum or the Princes care about my deepest secrets?” I question and then turn away from Amari, glaring at the trees and sky. “Huh, Raum? Why the hell does it matter? All that matters is that we do what you say and stop looking for Sydero, right? You want me to scream about you ruining my life and Bradley’s? How much I want to pay you back for what you did to him?<<if $cp>> How you made me make a choice and leave my best friend in the fucking parking lot of a motel while he fights for his life!”<<else>>”<</if>> I turn to look back at Amari, who is standing with a paper in her hands and an awkward smile resting on her lips. “What is that?” “Well, after you started your tangent, I thought about other ways one might mean to bear oneself,” Amari dramatically winks at me due to her pun. <<if $serious >=50>>I say nothing, continuing to stare at her.<<else>>I snort, laughing and giving her props before motioning for her to continue.<</if>> “It’s a religious thing too. So I did some prayer stances and found it on the ground over there,” she points and hands the paper to me. I pout but say nothing more about my recent outburst as I look the paper over. Head east is all it reads. <a data-passage="VF5_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Guess we’re heading east,” I murmur, stuffing the note in my pocket as we do what it says. The sun begins to set, darkness slowly overtaking the forest and causing me to follow behind Amari, whose eyesight was improving by the second. My mind was mostly on Bradley and how scared he probably was. Was he okay? Did we waste too much time? Would Raum keep his word? We leave the forest behind, stepping out onto a street and causing both Amari and me to freeze. We were back in front of the car shop, at a different angle, but nevertheless, there it was. “We went in a circle?” I ask, trying to figure out how this was possible. But we couldn’t be wrong since all the clues led us here and we hadn’t missed one, or had we? Could we have skipped a hint? But if we had, then we wouldn’t have found the other ones, unless that was out of pure luck. “$name!” Bradley shouts, and I glance up to see the kid rushing towards me. When he gets to me, he punches me in the stomach. I growl as I hold my stomach, letting him have that one as he stands before me fuming, completely ignoring Amari, who slowly puts space between her and us. My mind is still catching up with the present, Bradley’s here, we found him. “You left me! How could you leave me?” [[Hug him.]] [[Let him finish.]]
I roll my eyes and grab his arm, pulling him into a tight hug that he warmly accepts and gives back. “I’m still mad at you,” he mumbles, but I ignore his words. I take a step back and look him over. He didn’t seem hurt, and besides cuts and bruises he had due to the breaking glass, I could see nothing else. <<include "VF5_4_1">>
“I was all by myself! You left me to get your window fixed?! Why didn’t you come look for me?” “Bradley,” I shout, stopping him there, “we’ve been doing nothing but searching for you.” I frown as I look him over. He didn’t seem hurt and besides the cuts and bruises he had due to the breaking glass; I could see nothing else. <<include "VF5_4_1">>
“Raum didn’t hurt you?” Bradley raises a brow and stiffens, “Raum? Where is he?” I raise a brow, “what do you mean? He said he had you …” I trail off, “Bradley, what happened?” “I went for a walk to clear my head, and a man started following after me. After a while, he started chasing me and told me he was a demon. He didn’t ever catch me, but every time I thought he was done, he would just reappear and chase me again until I got here. I saw your car and hoped you were here, but you weren’t. The demon never came back either. I ... I never saw Raum.” Realization slowly comes over me. They were bluffing. Was Bradley really ever in danger? I look over at Amari, who wears the same expression. If I wasn’t the only one thinking it, then it must be true. <<if $cp>>We had forsaken Chris for no reason.<<else>>Why? What was the point of all this? To just waste our time? To give me a heart attack? Knowing the Princes, the answer to that was yes.<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ I drive back to the motel, filling Bradley in on the way. It was too late, I knew that. Chris didn’t have that much time left, but I was hoping that he was still around, especially since we had Bradley. Maybe getting the ingredients wouldn’t be too hard, perhaps we could still help him. I practically jump out of the car as I go looking for him, the others splitting up to do the same. The rooms were still locked so he couldn’t have gone back inside, and Bradley later tells me that no one matching his appearance booked another place. I call him numerous times to no avail. I collapse on the stairway of the walkway, staring at the wall that I had last seen Chris leaning up against. My memory decides that it’s the perfect time to bring up memories of the Bladenboro Beast, and replays us having to kill it. Would someone call me one day and tell me that they spotted a similar best in the area? Or maybe not even me, they would call another hunter, and they would bring the beast down, they would bring Chris down. “$name?” Bradley questions, sitting down at my side, tears in his eyes, “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” [[“Yea it is!”][$amari -=3; $bradley -=5]] [[“Half your fault.”][$amari -=3; $bradley +=3]] [[“No it’s not, and you know it.”][$amari +=2; $bradley +=2]] <<else>>\ “The good thing is that we got him back, right?” Amari beams, clearing her throat and then nodding towards the car. “I don’t know about you, but I’d rather leave this state and everything that happened behind.” A disheartened look enters her eyes, but she rubs at them before a tear can once again fall onto her cheek. Bradley seems alright, and besides a talk that would have to take place in the near future, there was nothing more to do. I grab my keys and go to the car, plotting a course for Amari’s witch. <a data-passage="EP4-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Yea, it is,” I shout, telling myself to keep an even tone but not being able to. <<if $CRomance >=4>>That wasn’t just my best friend, that was Chris. We were going through every issue in the book right now, but that didn’t mean my feelings had just evaporated. He trusted me, and now ... now he was seeing where that trust led him.<<else>>Chris trusted me and now, now he was seeing where that trust led him.<</if>> I stand up and wipe at my eyes, “you just had to walk off, didn’t you?” I ask Bradley, “I know you were mad, but you didn’t once stop to think that the rest of us had issues. Of course, you didn’t, because none of us are Sydero. At the end of the day, that’s the only other person you care about.” The memory of Chris’s eyes burn themselves into my skull, growing more significant as the beast took over. Looking at me as if I had betrayed him. Did I? I did … I let him go through this alone. Why didn’t I at least drag him along, let him spend his last minutes with us? Try to figure out how to fix this at the same time? <<include "VF5_4_2">>
“Correction,” I mumble, trying to put some kind of amusement in my voice, “half your fault. The other half is mine. I dragged Chris into this. Looking back, there were a few things I could’ve done, even if it wasn’t saving him. We left him here alone, to go through this by himself. That makes me just as much an asshole.” “Do you think he’s suffering?” Bradley asks, grabbing ahold of his knees. I refuse to answer mostly because I didn’t want to think about the possibility of it. <<include "VF5_4_2">>
“Don’t say things you know aren’t true. You needed to take a walk. I don’t think you pictured some demon appearing and chasing you through the woods as you tried to figure everything out.” “I should’ve stayed here.” “Yea, there’s a lot of things we should’ve all done, but we didn’t, and there’s nothing we can do about that now. They probably would’ve just snatched you from the room or something. They knew what they were doing, I don’t doubt that this day would’ve ended any differently even if you glued yourself to my hip. It might’ve even been worse.” Bradley says nothing to argue my words. <<include "VF5_4_2">>
We all sit there in the parking lot, allowing the weight of the world to get comfortable upon our shoulders. Time becomes nonexistent for a while, the setting of the sun giving way to the moon and stars. Knowing that we can’t sit there forever is the only thing that causes us to rise and go about our lives. <<if $cp>>I call Chris’s phone one last time, being sent to voicemail and wondering if this was going to be the only way I could hear his voice ever again.<</if>> We file into the car and head towards Maryland. Going to find Amari’s witch. <a data-passage="EP4-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/actthree.png"> I knock on the cedar wood door for the third time since we’ve arrived, waiting for someone to answer or for any sign of life and receiving nothing. I gaze at Amari, and she glances back, shrugging when no one comes to answer the door. It was bad enough that we were in the middle of the woods, standing in front of a detached cottage that seemed both odd yet standard. Being the only hut here, it caused me to feel out of place, reminding me of Hansel and Gretel. But, when taking a step back and examining the surroundings, it also looked like it fit perfectly. I couldn’t even imagine the space without a form of shelter. “Maybe she’s not here,” Amari reckons, biting the inside of her cheek. “Or maybe she who you seek does not like visitors.” We turn to the side to see a woman peeking her head out of an open window, her gaze meeting all of us before focusing back on Amari. “Hybrid, why am I not surprised to see you yet again?” “I’m so sorry to bother you, Lucia.” Lucia holds up her finger, disappearing from view. A few ticks later, the door opens, and Lucia stands before us. She wore an old peasant style dress that was stained in some parts, and overall, its colors were fading. Her dark brown hair was braided into one braid, though a few stragglers existed outside of it, helping to frame her face. She appeared young but also held enough wrinkles to tell me that she wasn’t our age. Her grey eyes held a sort of astuteness to them, causing me to believe that even her wrinkles did not accurately convey her age. “We need your help,” Amari continues, nodding at me. “Hmm. Let this be known,” she informs, “I don’t work for free. My services are nonrefundable and non-negotiable. You tell me what you want, I tell you what I want and either we do it, or we don’t. Understood?” [[“Why so strict?”]] [[“And what happens after?”]] [[“Understood.”]]
“Why so strict?” I question, and she rolls her eyes, unamused. “I didn’t ask if you have any further questions. I don’t want to know your sob story,” she cocks her thumb in Amari’s direction, “the hybrid has a hard enough time figuring out that I care little about her melodramatics. We do business, we go about our day, that’s how supernaturals keep themselves alive.” Amari pouts, and I nod to show her that I understood. <<include "VF5_5">>
“And whether we agree to the terms or not, when all is said and done, what happens after that?” Lucia pauses and stares at me as if my face would answer whatever question she wanted to ask. “That’s a first. But to answer your question, we wipe our hands clean of one another. Simple as that.” <<include "VF5_5">>
“Understood,” I say with a nod. She inspects me for a minute longer before clicking her tongue and nodding. <<include "VF5_5">>
“What is it you want then?” <<if $savechris>>\ I turn to point at Chris, who was sitting on the ground with his back against a tree a few yards out. “He’s been cursed,” I inform her. She casually makes her way over to him, bending down to peer at him but making sure not to touch him. “By a witch, I assume?” “Demon,” I correct. She pauses, but her shock lasts for only a second before she goes back to examining him. “Do you know the curse?” “We call it the Bladenboro Beast Curse. The beast was a –” “I know what the beast is, well was, and how it operates. You want me to cure him, I’m presuming.” I nod, and she takes a step back, tapping her chin in thought. “Will that be all?” <</if>>\ I point to myself, “I have a spirit, a shade, inside of me. I want him out. Can you do that?” She sneers, “I can exorcise anything. Be it spirit, demon, and yes, shade.” She heads back towards her cabin, and we follow. Before we can get past the threshold, she stops and spins around on her heel to look at us. <<if $savechris>>\ “Payment,” she states, pointing her finger at Chris, who is now leaning all of his weight on Amari, who doesn’t seem at all phased. Lucia then directs her attention at me, “adequate blood samples from both of you.” “Fine,” Chris says, his words slurring, “you’ll need my blood anyway for the cure.” Lucia nods and looks to me. <<else>>\ “Payment,” she states, pointing at me, “an adequate blood sample from you.” <</if>>\ [[“What!”]] [[“Done.”]] <<if $bloodfear>>\ [[“Can we negotiate?”]] <</if>>\
“What!?” I question, “why blood?” “That is what I requested, that is what I want. Is it a deal or not?” “Why do you want my blood?” I ask again. “Simple answer of yes or no.” Amari taps my shoulder and leans in, “there’s a reason why she can be like this. There aren’t many witches as powerful as she.” Amari had a point, but it was still something I didn’t want to do. Lucia waits patiently, or as calmly as someone like her can be. She taps her foot but stands completely still in the middle of her doorway as if she had all the time in the world. “Fine,” I <<if $sympathy >=50>>sigh<<else>>bark<</if>>miserably. <<include "VF5_6">>
“Done.” Lucia seems pleased with my straightforward answer and nods her head. <<include "VF5_6">>
I shrink in on myself as I tell myself not to think about what she had just asked of me. “Is it possible to negotiate?” She sighs dramatically, “they never listen when I say nonrefundable and non-negotiable.” She levels her glare on me, “it’s either a yes or a no. You want the shade out of you, I want at least half a pint of blood. Again, deal or no?” I’m ready to walk away. My fear of blood was far too great to even consider this a suitable option. Amari taps my shoulder and leans in, “there’s a reason why she can be like this. There aren’t many witches as powerful as she.” Amari had a point, but it was still something I didn’t want to do. Lucia waits patiently, or as patiently as someone like her can be. She taps her foot but stands completely still in the middle of her doorway as if she had all the time in the world. “Fine,” I whimper, <<if $optimistic >=50>>breathing in slowly as I try to tell myself that it would all be okay in the end.<<else>>wishing to just disappear. This was going to end with me curled up on the ground, or worse. I shudder.<</if>> <<include "VF5_6">>
“Good, keep all that negative energy of yours outside.” She moves to the side and motions for all of us to enter her home. It was a mix of both modern and the cliché witch hut. A large table sat in the middle of the room, cluttered with a combination of empty and half-filled containers and jars, bones, papers, herbs, and odd objects. On the far wall were a stone fireplace and a large black pot sitting right beside it. The living room area held numerous occult like objects scattered about along with a large flat-screen and in front of it rested an eccentric coffee table. It was made of glass and wood, but the table’s legs looked more like tree trunks and vines wrapped around the glass. She stays in the main room of the cabin, moving a few things so that we could sit and grabbing needles and jars. <a data-passage="VF6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Let’s get this over with,” she says, motioning for me to sit. “Yes, let us,” I grumble, peering over at her as she focuses intently on the needle in her hand. Out of the blue, a flame appears on the tip. Just as quick as it was born, it died. Lucia mumbles to herself as she grabs some more things and then comes to my side. She wraps a makeshift tourniquet around my upper arm and then grabs my wrist and extends my arm. “Make a fist.” I do as she says, and she examines my arm, placing a hand on the area she’s staring at before grabbing a small pad and applying a substance to it. She does this as if she had done it dozens of times, she probably has. I wonder how many times she tells those needing her services that she wanted their blood. I close my eyes as she inserts the needle, not wanting to think about why she wanted it. A witch with my blood, I could name almost a hundred horrible things that could come from this decision, and yet it was a price I had to pay to get Zillah out of me. <<if $bloodfear>>\ “You’re doing great,” Amari tells me, taking my free hand in hers, patting it. [[“Stop touching me.”][$amari -=2]] [[“Thanks Amari.”][$amari +=2]] <<else>>\ “Done,” Lucia tells me, and I sigh happily, throwing Amari a nod of gratitude. She beams from ear to ear. <a data-passage="VF6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Stop touching me,” I heave, and she immediately releases me. “Sorry, um, happy thoughts, though, right? Once this is all over, you’ll be free from the shade inside of you. One of your problems will finally be over with. Can you imagine having your body back in your control?” I pout, not thinking about what would happen after Zillah was out. I hadn’t even thought about what would happen to him. Would he disappear in some unseen mystical ether, or would he just possess me again? “Done,” Lucia tells me, and I sigh happily, throwing Amari a nod of gratitude. She beams from ear to ear. <a data-passage="VF6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I attempt to give her a smile, but knowing what was going on was keeping it from being anything more than a slight mouth tip curve. “Thanks, Amari,” I yelp, “is it done yet?” “Almost. But just think about it,” Amari sighs dreamily, “once this is all over, you’ll be free from the shade inside of you. One of your problems will finally be over with. Can you imagine having your body back in your control?” I pout, not thinking about what would happen after Zillah was out. I hadn’t even thought about what would happen to him. Would he disappear in some unseen mystical ether, or would he just possess me again? “Done,” Lucia tells me, and I sigh happily, throwing Amari a nod of gratitude. She beams from ear to ear. <a data-passage="VF6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $savechris>>\ When Lucia finishes, she stands and goes over to Chris, whose only signs of life are of him grunting. “Any slower and you would have lost your friend,” Lucia tells me, finding Chris’s vein and repeating the steps she had done on me. “Do you need anything from us?” I ask her, and she shakes her head. “Besides silence. No. Give me ten minutes to help your friend. Wait outside.” <<if $CRomance >=3>>\ As soon as she finishes her command, Chris whimpers, struggling to pick up his head and look at me. Lucia notices, and though she gives me an understanding glance, she shakes her head. “We’ll be right outside, Chris,” I tell him, going to his side and giving his hand a squeeze, “next time you’ll see us, you’ll be regular ol’ Chris again.” He squeezes my hand back, the strength of his grip causing me to cringe. His grip releases and his hand falls almost lifelessly to his side. It was strange to know that as he was getting stronger, he was losing it at the same time. The beast in him was growing, but the human side was dying. <</if>>\ I had underestimated the Princes, though, or at least I hadn’t believed how far they would go. But lesson learned of how far they were willing to take all of this. Why kill someone when you can leave them alive and make their entire world pointless? Strip everything away from them with a snap, and then watch as they trip through life, suffering. A few moments pass by before Lucia reopens her door. She wipes her hands off on a dingy rag, throwing it to the side before approaching us. <a data-passage="VF6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Let me look through some of my books for the exorcism you seek. Wait outside.” We do as she says and leave the hut, closing the door behind us. <<if $cp>>\ “Do you think Chris is okay?” Amari whimpers, her eyes beginning to water back up as she thinks about the companion we left behind. “Stop bringing him up!” Bradley shouts at her, “you didn’t even know him.” His words cause her to snivel, even more, appearing like she’d rather crawl into herself than be in the presence of Bradley for another second. <<else>>\ “Do you think Rahim is okay? Amarante and his mother?” Amari whimpers, her eyes beginning to water back up as she thinks about the companion we left behind. “Are you crying?” Bradley growls, “you didn’t even know them, you just want someone to feel bad for you. Pathetic.” His words cause her to snivel, even more, appearing like she’d rather crawl into herself than be in the presence of Bradley for another second. <</if>>\ [[“Do you need a nap?”][$amari -=2; $bradley -=3]] [[“Leave her alone.”][$amari +=3; $bradley -=5]] [[Stare at the cottage.][$amari -=3]] <</if>>\
“Calm down, Bradley,” I scold, “I swear it’s past your bedtime. Do you need a nap?” <<if $bcure>>“Maybe you can just mindwipe me again,” he snaps, and <<else>>“Stop talking to me, $name. It was your stupid decision that led us here.”<</if>> I shrug my shoulders, attempting to hide how much his words had hit me and how aggravating he was becoming. I had underestimated the Princes, though, or at least I hadn’t believed how far they would go. But lesson learned of how far they were willing to take all of this. Why kill someone when you can leave them alive and make their entire world pointless? Strip everything away from them with a snap, and then watch as they trip through life, suffering. A few moments pass by before Lucia reopens her door. She wipes her hands off on a dingy rag, throwing it to the side before approaching us. <a data-passage="VF6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Leave her alone, Bradley,” I scold, “can’t you see she’s upset. We all are.” “Some of us show it better than others.” “You know, I think I liked you better when you just constantly reminded all of us about Sydero’s absence.” <<if $bcure>>\ “Oh, so you want a reminder that because of you, we’ve already lost <<if $cp>>three<<else>>two<</if>> members?” I flinch at the words but otherwise attempt to not seem bothered. I bite the inside of my cheek and look away, trying my hardest. <<else>>\ He snaps his fingers, “thanks for bringing that up. If we had just stayed focused on rescuing her, then we wouldn’t be here!” <<if $proSyd >=3>>\“Yes, we would’ve,” I correct, “I can’t enter hell without removing Zillah. For someone whose entire world is focused around one thing, you’d think you’d remember how most of all of this has been for her.”<<else>>I shrug my shoulders, ignoring him and trying to hide how aggravated I was becoming due to him.<</if>> <</if>>\ I had underestimated the Princes, though, or at least I hadn’t believed how far they would go. But lesson learned of how far they were willing to take all of this. Why kill someone when you can leave them alive and make their entire world pointless? Strip everything away from them with a snap, and then watch as they trip through life, suffering. A few moments pass by before Lucia reopens her door. She wipes her hands off on a dingy rag, throwing it to the side before approaching us. <a data-passage="VF6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I ignore the two as my eyes stay trained on the cottage. My mind rushes back to the look of utter betrayal that Chris had given me. On the one hand, I would be surprised if he had actually been surprised by my decision. While on the other, I knew he was hoping for something more. For me to fight for him or at least come up with three separate plans that could save everyone. Even if in the end they would’ve never worked. I had underestimated the Princes, though, or at least I hadn’t believed how far they would go. But lesson learned of how far they were willing to take all of this. Why kill someone when you can leave them alive and make their entire world pointless? Strip everything away from them with a snap, and then watch as they trip through life, suffering. A few moments pass by before Lucia reopens her door. She wipes her hands off on a dingy rag, throwing it to the side before approaching us. <a data-passage="VF6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $savechris>>\ “Well, your friend is asleep, but he’s safe. I had to put him under. Again, he was lucky, you guys got him here just in time.” Both Amari and I breathe out a collective breath. “Thank you,” I tell her. <</if>>\ She points to me, “I have the appropriate exorcism for you. It won’t be easy and –,” she pauses, her eyes going to the skies. I look as well but see nothing. Instead, I hear it. The sounds of wings flapping. Glancing to the side, Rahim appears. He was wearing the same thing I last saw him in but was now also sporting some fresh bruises and heavy eye-bags. “Rahim!” Amari shouts in glee, about to take a step forward, but one look from Rahim causes her to retreat back to my side. “Another friend of yours then?” Lucia asks, looking at him in interest, “you don’t need anything, do you?” “Nothing you can help me with, witch,” he says plainly, and she grunts as if she had just tasted something sour. <<if $savechris>>\ Rahim narrows his gaze on me, “Bradley is safe with Faye.” My eyes widen in both shock and relief. “Is he okay? Where did you find him? Was Raum there?” He stares at me blankly, and I then realize that those cold eyes were truly just that, cold. The mask that he wore when we first met was slid back onto his face. “Like I said, he’s safe with Faye.” <</if>>\ “This job needs to be over,” Lucia grumbles as she walks back towards her home, gesturing for us to follow. <<if $savechris>>Amari does so<<else>>The others do so<</if>>, leaving me outside with Rahim. As soon as they disappear, I turn to him, narrowing my eyes as I wait for him to say something. He doesn’t, when his eyes land on me, he raises a single brow before taking a step as if to follow the others. [[“The hell are you doing back?”]] [[“Is everything okay?”]] [[“That’s it?”]] [[“Nope, explain yourself. Now.”]]
“The hell are you doing back?” I question before he can go. He stops and turns to me, “excuse me?” “You heard me, Rahim. If you were just going to leave like that, then you could’ve stayed gone. We don’t need you.” “That remains to be seen,” he chuckles fictitiously, “do you forget you still need an escort once inside. Just because you know where the gate is doesn’t mean anything.” “Well then maybe you should remember that we’re a team as well and that you –” <<include "VF6_2_1">>
“Hey, wait,” I say, grabbing his arm and turning him back to face me, “is everything okay? Your mother and Amarante, are they fine?” The question causes him to stiffen, and he stares at me as if trying to figure me out. “Frankly,” he starts, “it’s none of your business.” I turn my head, repeating his words to myself and then relooking at him. He observed me with a careful look like he was dealing with some rabid creature that could bite at any time. “What? Why are you acting like this?” “Acting like what?” he asks, raising an interested brow. “This! We’re a team, and you’re acting like I’m –” <<include "VF6_2_1">>
“That’s it?” I ask, surging forward to stop him, “you’re not even going to explain yourself or why you left or where you went? You’re just going to act like it didn’t happen?” “What do I need to explain?” “What do you need to,” I repeat before throwing my hands into the air, “what don’t you have to explain is more like it? We’re a team, you can’t just –” <<include "VF6_2_1">>
“Nope,” I chirp, grabbing his wrist and stopping his movements, “explain yourself. Now.” He snickers and looks at me oddly, “excuse me?” “Yes, excuse you. You just decide to up and disappear and leave me with all of … this. You could’ve at least told me where you were going.” “Oh, really now?” he questions, pouting contemptuously as he takes a step back and looks me over, “why would I need to do that?” “Because we’re a team, if I –” <<include "VF6_2_1">>
He holds up his finger to stop me, “that’s the thing, we’re not a team. We’re not friends, we’re nothing more than two acquaintances working on a job together. You hired me to help you save Sydero, that’s what I’m here to do. Don’t mistake this for anything else.” I study him, trying to figure out what had brought this on or if he has always felt this way. [[“So, I’m your boss?”]] [[“You can’t be serious.”]] <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“That’s all I am to you?”]]</span><<else>>[[“That’s all I am to you?”]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“So, that makes me your boss, correct?” He narrows his brow, knowing where I was attempting to go with my line of thinking, “you’re the person who hired me for a job, doesn’t make you my boss. Especially when you’re not really paying me anything.” “Look, I’m just trying,” I start, and he once again cuts me off. “What I do with my time is my business. My personal life is none of yours. Where I go is also my business, especially when those reasons are way more important than saving some half-demon who’s vacationing in hell. Don’t question me, $name.” <<if $proSyd >=3>>\ [[Attack him.]] <</if>>\ [[“I’ll question you if I want.”]] [[“You’re right, sorry.”]] [[Walk inside.]]
“You can’t be serious,” I start, pointing to the hut, “if we were //just// acquaintances then you wouldn’t have cared about Bradley. You –” “He’s a liability, I would’ve done the same thing for any other person in his situation.” He says it in such a neutral and formal tone that I almost don’t match his tone to his demeanor. He was standing straighter than normal, his casualness long gone. “Rahim,” I start, and he once again cuts me off. “What I do with my time is my business. My personal life is none of yours. Where I go is also my business, especially when those reasons are way more important than saving some half-demon who’s vacationing in hell. Don’t question me, $name.” <<if $proSyd >=3>>\ [[Attack him.]] <</if>>\ [[“I’ll question you if I want.”]] [[“You’re right, sorry.”]] [[Walk inside.]]
“An acquaintance?” I repeat, “is that really all I am to you? After … everything?” I search his face for something, anything that would tell me that there’s something deeper, that this is just him trying to protect his true feelings. But I deflate when I find nothing but a stern look. “Yes, that’s all.” With everything that had taken place today, this was the cherry on top of so many layers. The one move in Jenga that should send the tower falling. But it doesn’t, the tower wobbles at best but stays vertical. I try to balance myself, a useless action. “Rahim, please,” I start, and he once again cuts me off. “What I do with my time is my business. My personal life is none of yours. Where I go is also my business, especially when those reasons are way more important than saving some half-demon who’s vacationing in hell. Don’t question me, $name.” <<if $proSyd >=3>>\ [[Attack him.][$nerve -=5; $rahim -=10]] <</if>>\ [[“I’ll question you if I want.”]] [[“You’re right, sorry.”]] [[Walk inside.]]
The anger that courses through me is familiar to what I felt earlier today. Deep within me, I can hear my deformed voice urging me to do something about his lack of respect. My nails dig into the palm of my hand as my fist tightens, but my eyes stay affixed to Rahim’s. The wind seems to grow still as the birds cease their chirping and the insects their singing. My entire body shakes as I can hardly contain myself, lunging towards him. My fist comes remarkably close to his face when he catches me by the wrist and flips me onto the ground, and then pins my arm behind my back. I growl and fight, trying to fling him off of me or at least free myself from his grip. His knee digs into my back as he leans close to my ear. “Know this, $name. I have never underestimated you; it would be foolish to. But I also always thought you had at least a decent understanding of how to control yourself.” He squeezes before releasing me. “I see that I’m wrong. If you want to see Sydero, you won’t do that again.” He rises off of me, glaring at me as I push myself to my feet. Sending one last scowl his way, I turn and head back towards the cabin. Trying to soothe the fire within me. <<include "VF6_2_2">>
“I’ll question you if I want,” I growl and then spit to the side. “And you will then be ignored,” he counters, “what will you do then? Continue questioning me or finally realize that you’re not over me, and I don’t have to do anything you said?” He takes a step closer to me, “whatever is going on with you, figure it out. We’ve all had to do it. You came to me, always remember that.” I keep my mouth closed as he takes a step back, the two of us staring at one another, but saying nothing. I soon turn and head back towards the cabin, his words replaying in my head. <<include "VF6_2_2">>
I swallow whatever words I was going to say and nod, “yea, you’re right. Sorry.” I take a step away from him and then another, wanting, hoping that he would stop me. He doesn’t. I walk towards Lucia’s home and then inside. <<include "VF6_2_2">>
I blink as I look him up and down, saying nothing as I walk past him and inside Lucia’s home. <<include "VF6_2_2">>
<<if $RRomance >=3>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> Rahim watches as $name goes, raising a brow at himself. He was … conflicted. A feeling that he hadn’t felt since … //them//. A feeling he still associated with //them//. After everything he had just went through, and everything he had been privy to, he had simply reminded himself what all this is. This is nothing but a job, one that he isn’t even being properly paid to do. When he started this, he knew where he stood and where he would stand once it was over, but somewhere along the way, he lost sight of that. He allowed himself to find comfort in a smile that shouldn’t be as wide as it was. In $eyes eyes that had no right to glisten in such an expressive manner. He began to seek shelter near a soul that was one part tenebrous and two parts stunning. And allowed words to blind him to the truth. The truth is that he’s the one who’s messing up. $name is as dangerous as ?he <<verb "was">> interesting. A species that Rahim knew nothing of. And even though $name is steps away from ejecting it, holds a malicious spirit whose ancientness baffles even Rahim. Demons know about the spirit. Know what $name is, and this whole venture has done nothing but put the only two people he loved in danger. Rahim cursed himself further, inhaling intensely before walking towards the uncanny cabin. Each step brought him closer to Sydero, which meant closer to being done with all of this. That’s all he wanted, to be done. <</if>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> I rejoin the others who are all sitting in Lucia’s living room. “Ah, it’s about time you come back inside,” she says to me, “like I said outside, I have the exorcism you need to get rid of that friend of yours.” I walk to her side, staring down at the yellowing pages as if I could decipher what any of it meant or said. “But know, this isn’t some simple spell. The ingredients I need aren’t for the faint of heart.” “You saw our condition when we first popped up on your doorstep,” I point out, “I think we’ll be fine.” She nods enthusiastically as she rises and goes to look over the spines of books on her shelf, “one of the biggest things I need is another witch to aid me. I’m used to demon and spirit exorcisms, shades are a bit different so the exorcism I’m using follows such lines.” <a data-passage="VF6_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $savechris>>\ “There’s a witch back in North Carolina, goes by Faye,” Rahim tells her. I hadn’t noticed he had come in, but then again, my attention wasn’t set on him. <<else>>\ “There’s a witch I know known as Faye. She lives in North Carolina. I don’t know how strong she is, but she was able to make faerie essence potions for a cambion.” Lucia looks impressed. “That’s not just strong,” she informs, “that takes stomach. I’d love to meet her.” <</if>>\ With that all figured out, Lucia goes to grab her things to come back with us to North Carolina. Rahim excuses himself, saying that he was going to fly back and update Faye. If he hadn’t practically told me he was doing so a few minutes ago, I would say he was trying to distance himself from us. <<if $savechris>>\ Amari and I both head in and grab a barely conscious Chris, Lucia warning us of how much sleep he would need to be back to his regular old self. After setting him in the backseat, I straighten up, placing my head on the side of my vehicle. “I’ll sit in the back with him, look over him,” Amari tells me, and I nod my thanks. <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ I bend down and place a light kiss on Chris’s forehead, closing my eyes as I let the kiss linger for longer than normal. My heart aches, but knowing that he was going to be okay causes the ache not to hurt as much as before. <</if>>\ My mind goes to Bradley, wondering what kind of reception we would be given when we made it back to Faye’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if he decided not to even look at us. He was facing more than just his demons now, he believed we had abandoned him. And I suppose we had. I could only hope that Rahim had tried to explain to him why we had done so. Though based on the conversation the two of us had, I had my doubts. <<else>>\ <<if $cp>>\ I open the backseat for Bradley, who seems far too deep within his own mind. He behaved as if he was on autopilot, his gaze only forward. I watch as he gets in, and my stomach twists, knowing that Chris was out there somewhere, suffering and alone. It was wrong to let anyone die like that, least of all him. His appearance when we left him, the fact that he could barely stand, his face when I told him that we would be leaving him behind. <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ I cover my mouth as I try to hold back the sob that threatens to leave me. I squeeze my eyes shut and attempt to think of everything but him. I don’t know how, but I’ll find out what happened to him. That was a promise, an insignificant one perhaps, but one that I swore would happen. <<else>>\ I take a deep breath in and shake my head. There would be time for this later, but right now, I didn’t need to be driving with my mind on depressing matters. Honestly, I didn’t need to be driving at all, but it was obvious that that wasn’t about to be an option. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ I open the backseat for Bradley, who seems far too deep within his own mind. He behaved as if he was on autopilot, his gaze only forward. I watch as he gets in, and my stomach twists, wondering what was going through his head, what demon -demons - were haunting him. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ We wait by the car as Lucia comes out, clapping her hands with a broad smile. “Ready to be kicked out?” I ask Zillah. He doesn’t reply, and I guess that he is once again either ignoring me or that he’s hiding deeper inside me. “Fuck you,” I hear him hiss after a delayed moment. I smirk as I nod at Lucia’s approaching figure and get into the car, telling the GPS to take me back to Faye’s. It was time. <a data-passage="NT_EP5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> “But I’m obviously fine, so what does that mean?” “It means you were built … born to hold a shade,” Rahim pipes up from behind me, his arctic colored eyes examining me. “Even more so, the fact that the shade isn’t in control means that he’s weaker.” “Historically speaking,” Jeff sighs, kicking his feet onto the table, only for Faye to slide them right back to the floor, “there’s no known species that’s built for a shade to inhabit them. I’m leaning more towards you being a hybrid but –” <img src="images/divider.png"> I lean on the doorframe, watching as the others leave to retrieve the ingredients for the ritual. I feel someone hovering over my shoulder and turn to see Faye now standing behind me. “Are you ready?” “Ready for what exactly?” I question as I follow her deeper into the living room and then up the stairs. “Lucia and I will be doing a number of soul-searching activities to help you clear your mind. That’s the most important part of all of this, making sure you’re not bogged down with worry and other things that will make it harder for Lucia to do the ritual.” <img src="images/divider.png"> “Are we absolutely sure that this body is indeed compatible?” Rahim questions, leaning forward as if to examine it closer, “what happens if this fails, Faye?” “Does it look like I know?” Faye growls in frustration, “I’ve never done something of this caliber. We’re literally moving a shade, some ancient spirit, from $name to this body. And you’re asking me –” “Alright,” Rahim growls, rolling his eyes and taking a step back before Faye could unleash her anger on him. “Ha!” Zillah chuckles, “they’re right to worry. You know how rare this is, don’t you, Roe? Putting a spirit like me in a body is unheard of. I’m not your typical spirit, but you know that. This will fail, and when it does,” he pauses, his voice sounding like it was in my ear now, “I’m going to truly show you what hell is, consequences be damned.” [[Episode Five: The Banishing]]
<<nobr>>\ <<set $visit to 0; $weakRahim = false; $gotthrough = false; $nolove = true; $early = false>> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/epnine.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> <<if $teleport>>\ <<if $lustmet>>\ She looks the same as she did when I summoned her in Bradley’s dream, though, her scales have gotten more prominent, now only a few areas still hold her natural light beige tone, everything else is darker and hold the goldish red glint of her scales. She snorts as she crouches in front of me, narrowing her eyes and grinning, “you smell familiar.” She taps the side of my cheek, “sure we haven’t met before?” <<else>>\ She is most surely demonic. Her appearance close to what she looked like when she came to get me from the prison, though the Sydero now is far more gone than the one who had decided to slaughter those in the station. The only thing that is the same is her skin tone and hair, and even that seems foreign. Bright red pulsing veins are scattered across her body, and parts of her skin are covered in iridescent goldish red scales. A pair of large dark red wings rest on her back, twitching in anticipation for flight. Her horns are curved with rune-like markings etched into them. “Who would’ve known I was having a snack sent up? Especially when I didn’t order it.” “Syd, it’s me, Roe. $name Roe. Come on, you have to remember.” She cocks her head to the side, and I see no such memory coming to her. “Well,” Rahim growls under his breath, “let’s see how far gone she really is.” He clears his throat, drawing Sydero’s glare to him and causing one of her eyes to twitch as she takes him in. <</if>>\ “You remember me S-” He’s unable to get anything else out as she beats her wings, summoning a wind force so strong that it breaks down the door and sends us flying down the hall. We skid across the ground, both of us groaning as we shake the shock away. [[“I think she remembers you.”]] [[“Maybe stop talking.”]] [[“How does she remember you but not me?”]] [[“What’s the plan now?”]] <<else>>\ <<if $lustmet>>Lust didn’t seem any different than the last time I had seen him. Still looking as put together as ever, not one hair out of place, and still donning a crisp suit. The look he gives both Rahim and I says that he isn’t shocked to see us, irritated probably is a better emotion. <<else>>The man sitting at the desk is well-groomed. His dark brown hair swept to the side, not one strand out of place, and I can’t say that his short beard is much different. He has dark eyes with a hint of amber within, reminding me of Sydero. He wears a crisp suit, and from the look he wears on his face he doesn’t seem surprised to see us.<</if>> “Guess who we found just strutting about as if they owned the street,” Envy sings, sitting on the edge of Lust’s desk. He glares at the demon before looking back at us. <<if $curse_lust>>“I would say I’m shocked, but I sensed you in my kingdom a while ago. It was merely a question of how fast you would get here.<<else>>“I had a feeling you’d be here soon after Gluttony reported that two supernatural beings, one of celestial nature, were sensed in his kingdom. It was merely a question of how fast you would get here.<</if>> Though I will admit, I thought the two of you would be smarter. Perhaps avoid being caught.” Lust looks from me to Rahim, smiling as he stands and walks to the front of his desk. “Rahim, it’s a pleasure to see you again. How’s your mother?” “Rot!” Rahim hisses, his body just as stiff as mine, disallowing him from doing anything more than shout and change his facial expression. Lust is untroubled and glances at me next, “and, $name, how are you enjoying the Underworld?” [[“Seriously, Vegas?”]] [[“Give me Sydero.”]] [[“I’d rather be home eating cake.”]] [[Say nothing.->JHTNothing]] <</if>>\
“I think it’s safe to say that she remembers you, Rahim. Either that or she just really doesn’t like your face.” “I honestly think that it can be both,” he groans as he gets to his feet, helping me up next. We both look to see Sydero strolling towards us, tossing a fireball back and forth in her hands. <<include "JHT_0_1">>
“Maybe stop talking. You talking just repeatedly leads to us, or more specifically, me, paying for it.” “I said I was going to see how far she was, and I did,” he barks back, “there’s still hope for her, but we will have to put these cuffs on her. She’s too demonically balanced.” He gets to his feet and then turns to me to help me up as well. We both look to see Sydero strolling towards us, tossing a fireball back and forth in her hands. <<include "JHT_0_1">>
“Not trying to make it seem like I’m hurt, but I kinda am. How does she remember you but nothing of me?” “When we lean to the far right then any memories that aren’t vital to who we are as a character are buried,” Rahim answers, getting to his feet and then turning to me to help me up next. “Then why do you remember me?” “I’m not leaning as far as she.” We both look to see Sydero strolling towards us, tossing a fireball back and forth in her hands. <<include "JHT_0_1">>
“Well, that went well. What’s the plan now that we know that she remembers you?” “What I told you when we first got here. We need to put these cuffs on her and then carve that rune somewhere on her body,” he informs me as he gets to his feet and then turns to me to help me. We both look to see Sydero strolling towards us, tossing a fireball back and forth in her hands. <<include "JHT_0_1">>
“You’ve lost your edge, Theron.” “Theron?” I question, cautiously backing up. “She has a knack for calling anyone she doesn’t like by their last names. Quite annoying.” <<if $sydero >=50>>“Oh.” It takes a few more seconds for my brain to work out what that means, and once it does, I pout, “… oh.”<<else>>“Oh,” I say, unsurprised that I ended up being one of them.<</if>> “Sydero,” he starts, “we’re here to get you out of here.” “If I wanted out, I’d have just left. And the last thing I need from you is for you to play hero,” she growls. <<if $sydero >=50>>\ [[Remind her who she is.]] <<else>>\ [[Use the power of friendship!]] <</if>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ [[Appeal to her.]] <</if>>\ [[Drop the B name.]]
“Syd, it’s me. The two of us are friends or kinda. Come on, you can’t tell me you just forgot about me.” She considers me again, but there is still no hint of recognition. “Please, Syd,” I continue to beg, trying to keep her focus on me and not on how much she seems to want to murder her brother, “tell me you at least have a feeling you remember me.” My words seem to catch her attention as she’s a few feet away and the next, standing right in front of us. She regards me, staring deep in my eyes. She opens her mouth, but no words make it past her lips as she conjures and then shoots a massive fireball into Rahim’s gut, sending him flying into the building’s side and out the window, crashing down to the ground below. “I’ll get back to you in a moment, whoever you are. I have more important things to focus on,” she tells me, spreading her wings and then soaring down to where her brother landed.
“Come on, Syd. When did you become someone’s lapdog?” “You act like you know me?” she questions, considering me again, but there is still no hint of recognition. “That’s because I do, and one thing I know is that I didn’t travel across three different hellish kingdoms just for you to play the amnesia card. So, bring your ass!” She hums, “Or what? We’ll continue this talk, but I have something more important to handle.” One moment she’s a few feet away and the next, standing right in front of us. “Right now, I just want to see him burn!” Sydero shoots a massive fireball into Rahim’s gut, sending him flying into the side of the building and out the window, crashing down to the ground below. “Won’t this be fun,” she grins, completely ignoring me as she spreads out her wings and soars down to the ground to where her brother landed. <<include "JHT1">>
“Syd,” I say, throwing out logic as I take a step closer to her, only stopped by Rahim, who grabs me, “this isn’t you. And don’t try to feed me that bullshit of I don’t know you … I, I know you better than most.” My words seem to catch her attention as one moment she’s a few feet away and the next, standing right in front of us. She regards me, staring deep in my eyes. She reaches out, and I stiffen as her fingers lightly touch my chin. <<if $lustsex>>\ She straightens up and smirks, “I wouldn’t be able to tell. You reek of sex and desire. I doubt you know anything more than my name and some of the things that may bring me pleasure.” She stops just far enough to where if I move forward then our lips would touch, I would be able to feel her lips after all this time. But her words bring me back to the now, “don’t take it personally, I don’t remember any of those that I fuck.” She regards me one last time before backing away, her attention shifting to her brother. <<else>>\ “The desire radiating off of you is … odd,” she frowns, pulling her hand back as if she’s just burned. I reach for it, squeezing it as she looks down at where my hands encompass hers. “That’s because this is not lust. I don’t know what it was that we had, but it was something, and it was growing. And since you disappeared, I’ve been pulling out my hair missing you. So, please, just listen to us.” She slowly pulls her hand back but takes a step closer to me, only a few inches between us as she leans in, her lips growing closer to mine. She stops just far enough to where if I moved forward then our lips would touch, I would be able to feel her lips after all this time. But her words bring me back to the now, “I still don’t know you.” She regards me one last time before backing away, her attention shifting to her brother. <</if>>\ “You, on the other hand.” “Let’s not do anything –” He's unable to finish his sentence due to Sydero shooting a massive fireball into Rahim’s gut, sending him flying into the building’s side and out the window, crashing down to the ground below. “Won’t this be fun,” she grins, completely ignoring me as she spreads out her wings and soars down to the ground to where her brother landed. <<include "JHT1">>
“Don’t you want to see Bradley?” I question, hoping that his name alone will cause some shift in her. She indeed stops, her step faltering, and the fireball in her hand grows dim, but then it lights right back up as if it was all just a trick of the eye. “What I want,” she answers, one moment a few feet away and the next, standing right in front of us. “Is to see him burn!” Sydero shoots a massive fireball into Rahim’s gut, sending him flying into the side of the building and out the window, crashing down to the ground below. “Won’t this be fun,” she grins, completely ignoring me as she spreads out her wings and soars down to the ground to where her brother landed. <<include "JHT1">>
“Now that you mention it, Vegas? Seriously? You have all of this architecture to choose from, and you choose Vegas?” To my surprise, Lust laughs while the others simply sit and appear annoyed. “It was either that or Arabic architecture. In the end, I had to do what was best for my following, and the Vegas feel accomplishes just that. You traveled all the way to the Underworld, and you’re interested in my architectural choice?” “I grew up in a culture with a pretty firm idea of what Hell or the Underworld would look like. And Vegas was not it.” “Simpletons, all of you mortals,” Sloth groans from his seat, adjusting his glasses, “you all walk around with a prenotion of what the world should be and then look at the rest of us as if we are the ones to be ridiculed.” “Sloth is just mad because he was stuck with earthen architecture,” Envy chuckles, all eyes swiveling over to the Prince, but none seem to agree with their words. Envy doesn’t seem to mind either, walking around the office with a bored gait to their step. “I still see little reason to be talking about this when your case is so much more interesting,” Lust points out, “we can all feel the turmoil within you. The emotional outrage, not to mention how your body is collapsing in on itself. You’re still alive right now because the supernatural side of you is holding you up. Otherwise, you sped your little countdown up.” I see Rahim’s eyes go wide out of the corner of my eye, glancing at me in shock. <<include "JHT_0_2">>
“Give me Sydero so we can go,” I order, but I feel all the air speed out of me before the last word can exit. I fall to my knees, trying to breathe but finding it impossible to do. Each time I try, another shot of pain speeds through me. I claw at the ground wishing to yell but finding it impossible. My brain screams and panics, telling me to breathe but then not realizing the pain that it caused. “Rule number one,” I hear Lust say above me, “don’t order me in my own office. It’s highly ill-mannered.” A tear speeds down my cheek as my fingers sink into the carpet. And then air once again reaches me, I gasp, clinging to it like a drowning sailor. Someone helps me back up to my feet, and I find myself facing Lust. “Oh, don’t look at me that way,” he chuckles, “that didn’t speed up that death timer of yours.” I freeze at his words, and he shrugs his shoulders, “we can all feel the turmoil within you. The emotional outrage, not to mention how your body is collapsing in on itself. You’re still alive right now because the supernatural side of you is holding you up. Otherwise, you sped your little countdown up.” I see Rahim’s eyes go wide out of the corner of my eye, glancing at me in shock. <<include "JHT_0_2">>
“I mean, I’d rather be home eating cake and watching reruns of my favorite show, but hey, what can you do?” “For someone who's gone through the backroads of four kingdoms,” the man sitting on the couch beside Sloth says, “you do seem chipper.” Much like Lust, he was dressed in an immaculate, perfectly tailored suit and held himself in the same regard. In a way, he seemed reasonably close in appearance to Lust, a resemblance I haven’t seen between the Princes until now. He had dark brown hair and a subtle beard that was just a bit heavier than Lust’s. The two didn’t look like brothers as much as I would say cousins. “I believe it’s a mask, Greed,” Wrath grunts, taking my attention off the Prince. “Of course, it is,” Lust snorts, looking over at me, “we can all feel the turmoil within you. The emotional outrage, not to mention how your body is collapsing in on itself. You’re still alive right now because the supernatural side of you is holding you up. Otherwise, you sped your little countdown up.” I see Rahim’s eyes go wide out of the corner of my eye, glancing at me in shock. “What is he talking about, $name,” Rahim hisses. <<include "JHT_0_2">>
I continue to stand there, refusing to answer his question but Lust doesn’t seem bothered. “My biggest concern lies with why you would come down here with what you’re experiencing,” Lust points out, “we can all feel the turmoil within you. The emotional outrage, not to mention how your body is collapsing in on itself. You’re still alive right now because the supernatural side of you is holding you up. Otherwise, you sped your little countdown up.” I see Rahim’s eyes go wide out of the corner of my eye, glancing at me in shock. <<include "JHT_0_2">>
“What is he talking about, $name,” Rahim hisses. “I told you this was happening,” I remind. <<if $unstable>>\ “No!” he says with an authoritative voice, “you said you were unstable and deteriorating. You said nothing about a time limit.” “No time than the present then, huh?” I say, hoping every bit of sarcasm that I mean to include is heard. <<else>>\ “We all believed you were being dramatic!” he scolds, “the most we believed was that you were deteriorating, not that you were now suddenly on some time limit.” “So then maybe, Rahim, you should be hissing at yourself,” I advise, rolling my eyes. <</if>>\ “Isn’t this adorable,” Envy chimes in, leaning on my shoulder and tapping my head, “and you wonder why you’re going to die alone, $name.” <a data-passage="JHT1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $teleport>>\ “How am I supposed to get down?” I question. Unlike them, I didn’t have wings, and just falling off the side didn’t seem like the wisest course of action either. I glance over the edge to see small white explosions going off, immediately reminding me of what I saw that day at The Alley. But unlike that day, the light grey explosions are dim while the dark crimson ones are far more powerful. I need to get down there. I shoot towards the elevator, hoping that the imps and anything else that would potentially stop me is now too busy viewing the fight outside. I press the ground floor, and though I’m not surprised, I’m able to ride the elevator to the bottom without any inconveniences. I sprint out the building, pushing past demons and humans alike who all keep their distance, but are glued to the fight. I watch as Rahim flies to the top of a low building, skidding across the top just as Sydero lands beside him, the two throwing punches and kicks too fast for me to catch. [[Try and get Sydero’s attention.]] [[Caution Rahim about not hurting her.]] [[Sit back and watch.]] <<else>>\ “Envy, leave ?him be,” Lust tells them, and though I can hear Envy curse under their voice, they do so. They make their way towards the door and smile back at the entire room. “I’m sure none of you need me, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to show that demon slut how to really work a pole.” Envy marches out of the room without a glance back. “Wrath? Isn’t it your job to keep an eye on the adult baby?” Lust questions, and Wrath stiffens, about to say something, but she chooses to close her mouth and leave instead. “Where’s Gluttony?” Lust asks, sounding more tired than anything else. “He left some time ago to check on Sydero,” Greed tells him. “I swear, she kills someone, and I’m the bad guy for reprimanding her,” Lust sighs, shaking his head and burying his face in his hands. “Well,” I chuckle, looking over at Rahim, who sends a glare my way, “maybe she’s not as far gone as we think.” Lust snorts, “or maybe she’s so far gone that not even I can talk sense to her. Killing a high-ranking demon is no easy task, and Sydero did it without a blink. You view this as a good thing when it only truly means that she’s about to be so lost that there will be no return.” “And yet, you sound pleased,” Rahim points out. With a sigh, Lust shrugs his shoulder and fiddles with something on his desk, “I care for Sydero more than you may think, but she is a weapon at the end of the day. A weapon that needs to be contained.” Lust’s eyes fall on Rahim. “Greed, Sloth, can you take the angelic nuisance here to the playroom? I wish to see how fast he crumbles.” The two stand and Rahim begins to thrash, attempting to free himself from whatever keeps both of us from acting. His attempts lead him nowhere, and they walk him out, leaving only Lust and me in the room. <a data-passage="JHT1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Hey, Sydero!” I scream as I push everyone out of my way and then run towards the area they were fighting. “I got something for you.” My words seem to work against me as she conjures a fireball and sends it my way. I dodge the attack, but I’m left out of breath, my mind and body reminding me that though adrenaline can get me far, even it has its limits. There is no way I can join in this fight and expect to come out alive, especially with Sydero being the strongest one. “You want to join in on the fun too, No Name?” Sydero calls down from the building, watching me with an interested brow. <<if $serious >=50>>“I’d rather you just surrender so we can put an end to this,” I shout, cutting myself short as I watch her create another fireball. She’s in the middle of forming it<<else>>“Uh, depends,” I start pointing to the crater that her previous fireball had created, “will all of them be that big?” She snorts and raises her hands, forming another<</if>> when Rahim rams into her back, the two falling a few feet in front of me. <<include "JHT1_1_1">>
“Rahim,” I shout, getting some of his attention, “don’t hurt her!” He grabs her and slings her a few feet away, turning to me with an exasperated look, “are you serious? You’re worried about me hurting her?” He dodges just in time as she charges him again, and she runs off the building’s side in the process. I watch as she creates a fire whip and strikes Rahim, bringing him down with her and the two land a few feet in front of me. <<include "JHT1_1_1">>
With all that I’ve been put through, the last thing I need is to be brought into this sibling rivalry, especially when one of the combatants can’t even remember me. I sit off to the side, away from the crowd, and watch as the two exchange blows. <<if $perception >=10>>\ It takes a minute, but I’m soon able to follow their action with my eyes, immediately seeing the difference between the two fighters. Even with Rahim not being as powerful as he normally is, I can see how calculated he is with his actions. No punch is thrown without it being premeditated. The majority of his hits land, and even the force he puts behind them is calculated. Sydero, on the other hand, is much freer in her fighting. The attacks don’t seem planned, but they are thrown from someone who looks comfortable, almost cocky in nature. Her movements are more conniving, inviting Rahim to hit her in certain places to expose his weaknesses. The more I watch them, factoring in Rahim not being at his most potent and Sydero perhaps driven more by her demonic side, the more I realize that an actual fight between the two would be disastrous. <<else>>\ Though I try to follow, I’m unable to, only seeing limbs flying and the mist surrounding both of them expanding. Rahim dodges just in time as Syd charges him again, running off the side of the building in the process. I watch as she creates a fire whip and strikes Rahim, bringing him down with her and the two landing a few feet in front of me. <</if>>\ <<include "JHT1_1_1">>
I move back just in time, watching as debris rains down on the area I was just standing at. “Stop this, Sydero!” Rahim shouts, flying a few feet back so that he isn’t in her immediate vicinity. “Before one of us gets hurt.” “And by that you mean you?” she questions, ducking an attack he sends her way and then attempting to land a kick to his face. Rahim sidesteps but doesn’t see her tail, unable to avoid it as it wraps around his ankle, and she flings him into the side of a building. I wait for them to go right back to fighting, only to realize that Rahim isn’t getting up as fast as before. “Rahim!” I shout, growing closer while keeping one eye on Sydero, who doesn’t seem worried about me. The weight of the cuffs reminds me of what my job in all of this is. [[Get closer.][$nerve -=5]] [[Keep my distance.]]
As she walks towards his weak form, I slowly make my way closer, making it seem that I was just as interested in Rahim’s current state. I’m only a few feet away when I see her cock her head towards me, raising a perceptive brow. “Shit,” I groan, not fast enough to avoid the fire whip that she conjures and sends towards me, the impact causing me to slide across the harsh rocky ground, my entire body whimpering, refusing to move. “Got to thank you, No Name,” I hear Sydero say and see her approaching me, “I was getting quite bored.” <<if $serious >=50>>“Seriously, No Name?”<<else>>“Never thought I’d miss you calling me Roe so much.”<</if>> I attempt to push myself up, but my body’s not having it, and I fall right back to the ground. I see a bright orange flame in my peripheral, watching as it begins to shift in color until it turns invisible, and by then, even with the considerable distance still between us, I can feel the scorching nature of the invisible flame. Her intent is clear, and I glare at the ground as I push myself up, trying to assess the chances of getting out of this alive. I knew this whole trip wasn’t going to be easy, but I didn’t think the chances of dying here, by Sydero’s hand, was that high. “So, you’re going to kill me?” “Have a reason why I shouldn’t?” she asks, continuing to approach. I chew on my lip, trying to figure out what I should do. “I’m sorry,” Rahim whimpers from where he rested. Sydero stops her advancement on me and turns to face him, the intense temperatures disappearing. “I’m sorry about all of it.” <<include "JHT1_1_2">>
I think twice about my actions but decide to stay where I am. I felt like doing it now was dangerous. Hopefully, another opening would show itself soon. “I’m sorry,” Rahim whimpers, “I’m sorry about all of it.” <<include "JHT1_1_2">>
“Oh, shut up,” Sydero snorts, “no, you’re not. You’re sorry you’re getting your ass whooped. In fact, I’m sure you pranced in here thinking you were going to get the better of me.” “I just want to help you,” he shouts, forcing himself onto his knees. “No,” she sighs, kneeling beside him, “you want to be in control, like always. Hell and Heaven forbid Rahim not writing //and// controlling the narrative.” “Don’t put words in my mouth,” he shouts, “your actions were going to get her killed. I saved her. I did that for her!” Sydero grabs him by the neck with such speed that I don’t realize what’s happening until she throws him across the street. “You did it for yourself!” she screams with her actions. “Don’t you dare make it seem like you were being chivalrous and unselfish! She was my mother too! And you did worse to me. Remember that day?” Rahim stands, staggering before righting himself again. “You just want someone to blame for what happened. You ever look at what your actions have cost her? Huh? Of course not, because you’re fucking perfect, Rahim.” Rahim attempts to attack, but he’s too slow, a small orb forming, but Sydero hits his hand away as if it’s a nuisance. She grabs him by the throat again, and he screams in pain. My eyes widen as I hear the sound of cracking from above, glancing up to see brimstone raining down, some of it hitting the nearby ground. A chill runs through me and refuses to leave as I realize this is Sydero, this was all Sydero. [[“That’s your brother!”]] [[“This isn’t you!”]] [[“I know where your mother is.”]] [[“Fight, Rahim!”]]
“Sydero!” I shout, panic flooding into my voice, “that’s your brother! You can’t kill him.” “Set killed Osiris, Cain murdered Abel, and Höõr, at the end of the day, killed Baldur. In fact, I rather like the new addition. Sydero felled Rahim.” The energy around her increases and I shoot forward with wide eyes, screaming for her to stop when everything pauses, though it’s not due to me. “Put him down, Sydero,” a booming voice commands. I turn to see everyone take a knee, their head bent as a group of figures approach. <<if $lustmet>>The one leading is no other than Lust, looking exactly as he did the last time I had seen him.<<else>>A few figures I instantly recognize, Envy and Wrath. But it’s the man leading them that garnered my attention. He’s well-groomed, and his dark brown hair is swept to the side, not one strand out of place, and I can’t say that his short beard is much different. He has dark eyes with a hint of amber within, reminding me of Sydero. He looks irritated at best but not shocked as his eyes move to me and then back to Syd.<</if>> Despite Lust’s command, Sydero still holds Rahim in her grip, glaring deep into his eyes. Her grip tightens, her veins looking to be on fire as light golden traces race down her arms and towards her fingertips. “Sydero!” her father shouts again, and she immediately releases him, her veins fading and then lighting back up. She screams, redirects her hand, and a crimson and gold energy and fire blast shoots out and towards a nearby building, eradicating it. She turns her ire on her father as the building burns. [[Stay back.][$weakRahim = true]] [[Go check on Rahim.]]
“This isn’t you!” I shout, panic flooding into my voice, “no matter what you think or who you think you are, I can tell you that this isn’t it.” “You know, I’ve about had it with you telling me who I am,” Sydero remarks, dropping her brother and turning her glare to me. “This is … be … between … me and you,” Rahim wheezes, trying to catch his breath as he speaks. “Obviously not since No Name here keeps interjecting.” She stops in front of me, her figure becoming more and more intimidating by the second. I feel like I can’t move, can’t think. Frozen in fear. “You’re … something. Care to see how strong?” [[Attack her.|JHTAttack]] [[Stay my hand.]]
With all my remaining strength, I shoot forward and punch her in the cheek. Hoping that maybe my adrenaline will kick back in, even some, but nothing. My fist hurts, and I can feel my legs shaking, far too weak to do anything more. She grabs me by my shirt and brings me close. “Was that it?” <<if $sydero >=80 or $sydero <30 or $SRomance >=7>>\ <<nobr>><<set $gotthrough = true>><</nobr>> <<if $sydero >=80>>\ “You know a while ago you came to me and tried to remind me that you were a demon.” “Then you’re not only weak but stupid since you’re here.” I wheeze as my vision begins to swim, “I came … I came because demon, human, cambion, it doesn’t matter. You’re my friend. I’ll always come for you. No matter how blind or stupid you are to it.” <<elseif $SRomance >=7>>\ “You know,” I start, looking into her eyes. This feels like my last moment. It feels like things are turning off, collapsing, and quitting. Air is rushing out of my body, searching for freedom while my body desperately tries to keep it from escaping. “We … we never finished that,” I swallow as tears rush down my eyes, “… that discussion.” <<else>>\ I try to fight her, but my energy just wanes, I grab her wrist and narrow my gaze when I see a slight discoloration resting there. “Ha,” I find myself chuckling, “I remember when you got that scar.” My vision swims, and I shake my head, hoping that would help me stay aware. “I’m sure,” she says sarcastically. “Control it or get burned,” I say, finally giving up the fight, “that’s what yo … what you … learned.” <</if>>\ The light begins to dim, but just before it does, I see the crimson shade in her eye begin to disappear, a streak of gold appearing as she drops me. I scramble for air, taking deep breaths as I look towards her, still seeing her glare at me as if I’m an anomaly. “Roe?” she questions, and my mouth widens. She couldn’t, but maybe she did. She remembers? Before I can further investigate this, a blur of figures rush past me and barrel into Sydero. Five demons restrain her as I watch the crowd part and fall to their knees. I turn to see a group of figures approach. <<if $lustmet>>The one leading is no other than Lust, looking exactly as he did the last time I had seen him.<<else>>A few figures I instantly recognize, Envy and Wrath. But it’s the man leading them that garnered my attention. He’s well-groomed, and his dark brown hair is swept to the side, not one strand out of place, and I can’t say that his short beard is much different. He has dark eyes with a hint of amber within, reminding me of Sydero. He looks irritated at best but not shocked as his eyes move to me and then back to Syd.<</if>> “You know, Syd, I just can’t snap my fingers and restore all of this to what it was before,” he points out. “Yea, well it was a neon shit show to begin with,” I hear her say, the five demons forcing her to her feet, “if you ask me I did you a favor.” [[Stay where I am.][$weakRahim = true]] [[Go check on Rahim.]] <<else>>\ “Sydero, please don’t –,” I start, but that’s it. I hear a crick, and suddenly everything becomes an alarming black. I’m unsure of what’s happening. I can hear screaming in the distance, shouts, and explosions that grow farther and farther. A frostiness that I’ve never experienced clings to my bones, to my heart. I begin to shiver profusely, lost in a landscape that isn’t Hell. I feel like I should know what this place is, but a name doesn’t come to me. Abruptly, a bright, burning light shines in the distance, and I feel myself walking towards it. One foot after the other, curious about what it is and what it means. The closer I get, the brighter it becomes. It burns my skin, but I continue forward, my curiosity far too great to have me turn back now. “Come to me,” I hear something whisper, and I do as it says. Each step brings me closer but also away from something I feel like I should go back to. I can’t turn back. I won’t. And it all vanishes. And I cease to be. <a data-passage="CheckPoint1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
I refuse to move, not that I could even if I wished since her presence was still being forced upon me. She cocks her head at the lack of action before taking a step closer. “Let me rephrase, let’s see how strong you are.” She flings me to the side with her abilities, and I crash into a row of plants, moaning as I unsteadily attempt to get to my feet. Before I can, she grabs me by my shirt and brings me close. “Pathetic,” she growls, her hand tightening around my throat. “Sydero, please don’t –,” I start, but that was it. I hear a crick, and suddenly everything becomes an alarming black. I’m unsure of what’s happening. I can hear screaming in the distance, shouts, and explosions that grow farther and farther. A frostiness that I’ve never experienced clings to my bones, to my heart. I begin to shiver profusely, lost in a landscape that isn’t Hell. I feel like I should know what this place is, but a name doesn’t come to me. Abruptly, a bright, burning light shines in the distance, and I feel myself walking towards it. One foot after the other, curious about what it is and what it means. The closer I get, the brighter it becomes. It burns my skin, but I continue forward, my curiosity far too great to have me turn back now. “Come to me,” I hear something whisper, and I do as it says. Each step brings me closer but also away from something I feel like I should go back to. I can’t turn back. I won’t. And it all vanishes. And I cease to be. <a data-passage="CheckPoint1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I know where your mother is,” I shout, knowing what I said but not knowing why I chose that of all things. A large fireball lands uncomfortably close as I stare up at Sydero whose grip on Rahim has since weakened. “Do you now?” she asks, turning around to face me, Rahim still in her clutches. I glance from him to her and vaguely see him shake his head, warning me against continuing. “Answer,” she shouts, gold specks swimming in her crimson eyes. <<if $honesty >=50>>\ “The demons have her. They’re using her as leverage against Rahim, and from what Envy said, they’re torturing her.” She lunges for me, and I’m too slow to escape. She pulls me close and stares into my eyes, searching for the answer within them. “How sure are you?” she asks me, her grip loosening. “100% sure. Ask Envy.” She cocks her head to the side and grins. “Care to comment, Envy?” I furrow my brow but soon realize that we have a much larger crowd than before. Standing in that crowd are the Princes. I recognize Envy and Wrath, Envy’s eye twitching as they stare at the two of us. And leading them <<if $lustmet>>is Lust himself, looking exactly as he did the last time I had seen him.<<else>>is a well-groomed man. His dark brown hair is swept to the side, not one strand out of place, and I can’t say that his short beard is much different. He had dark eyes with a hint of amber within, reminding me of Sydero. He looks irritated at best but not shocked as his eyes move to me and then back to Syd.<</if>> “If you wish to interrogate Envy, then by all means,” Lust comments, “go and do it. But I will be taking $name Roe and Rahim off your hands.” “Gladly,” Sydero responds, releasing me and turning her attention to Envy. “Sydero,” they start, and as if someone had struck a gong, round two began as Sydero charges towards Envy. Unlike Rahim, Envy retreats, shouting at Lust as they go. “Keep an eye on them,” Lust tells Wrath and another Prince that I haven’t met, and they both nod before disappearing. <a data-passage="JHT1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “She’s in our safe house. I can take you to her, but you have to come back with us,” I tell her. She lunges for me, and I’m too slow to escape. She pulls me close and stares into my eyes, searching for the answer within them. A crooked smile appears on her lips as her grip tightens, “I’m always interested in the reason why some lie. Is it because they’re cocky? Think they can get away with it? Or just too stupid to know any better?” My eyes broaden as she glares at me as if waiting for an answer. “Syd,” I start, but she grabs me by my throat. “Sydero!” Rahim shouts, still too weak to use his abilities or come to my rescue. “This is between you and me! Put ?him down!” Sydero raises a brow and shrugs her shoulders, “okay.” I hear a crick, and suddenly everything becomes an alarming black. I’m unsure of what’s happening. I can hear screaming in the distance, shouts, and explosions that grow farther and farther. A frostiness that I’ve never experienced clings to my bones, to my heart. I begin to shiver profusely, lost in a landscape that isn’t Hell. I feel like I should know what this place is, but a name doesn’t come to me. Abruptly, a bright, burning light shines in the distance, and I feel myself walking towards it. One foot after the other, curious about what it is and what it means. The closer I get, the brighter it becomes. It burns my skin, but I continue forward, my curiosity far too great to have me turn back now. “Come to me,” I hear something whisper, and I do as it says. Each step brings me closer but also away from something I feel like I should go back to. I can’t turn back. I won’t. And it all vanishes. And I cease to be. <a data-passage="CheckPoint1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<nobr>><<set $nerve -=20>><</nobr>> Your actions have led to your death. As the light intensifies, your memory shifts, and another chance has been rewarded. <a data-passage="JHT1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You have to fight, Rahim!” I shout. “Yes, Rahim,” Sydero mimics, “you need to fight. Otherwise, you’re just going to die.” Another massive fireball lands uncomfortably close to me, and when I look up, I see smaller ones beginning to rain down. A few of the spectators take cover, shouting and screaming as the road dissolves into chaos. “Fight me, Rahim!” Sydero roars, kicking him roughly and then grabbing his leg with her tail and throwing him into the nearest building’s side. “It shouldn’t be new. You’ve done it once before, and you almost killed me.” “You almost killed yourself,” he growls, launching an energy ball at her, but it’s weak, even I can see that. It bounces off of her like it’s nothing, and she merely wipes away the impact. “You’re still thinking of ways to justify yourself. That’s nice. Guess what,” she says, grabbing him by the throat and picking him up, “I don’t need a reason.” “Put him down, Sydero,” a booming voice commands. I turn to see a group of figures approach. <<if $lustmet>>The one leading is no other than Lust, looking exactly as he did the last time I had seen him.<<else>>A few figures I instantly recognize, Envy and Wrath. But it’s the man leading them that garnered my attention. He’s well-groomed, and his dark brown hair is swept to the side, not one strand out of place, and I can’t say that his short beard is much different. He has dark eyes with a hint of amber within, reminding me of Sydero. He looks irritated at best but not shocked as his eyes move to me and then back to Syd.<</if>> Despite Lust’s command, Sydero still holds Rahim in her grip, glaring deep into his eyes. Her grip tightens, her veins looking to be on fire as light golden traces race down her arms and towards her fingertips. “Sydero!” her father shouts again, and she immediately releases him, her veins fading and then lighting back up. She screams, redirects her hand, and a crimson and gold energy blast shoots out and towards a nearby building, eradicating it. She turns her ire on her father as the building burns. [[Stay back.][$weakRahim = true]] [[Go check on Rahim.]]
I stay where I am, uncomfortable with the idea of moving and making myself a potential target. “Take a walk,” Lust tells her. “Or what?” she questions with a sneer. “Do you wish to use your chance to fight me now?” Lust questions, the same vein coloring that I had seen on Sydero, now on him. “Because if so, then we can.” The air is heavy with tension, and I find myself unable to breathe. I feel a figure behind me and turn to see one of the Princes there. “You need only know that I am Greed,” he tells me, “if they fight, I will need to remove you.” “Why?” “Unless you would rather die due to seeing Asmodeus’s true face, I must.” Greed says nothing more on that, looking between the two as his hand hovers over my shoulder. Thankfully, Sydero is the one to surrender. The fireballs lessening until they are no more, and the tension begins to rescind. “Beelzebub, would you please,” Lust growls, sending a man that I haven’t yet met forward. The Prince places his hand on Sydero’s shoulder and whispers something to her before dragging her away. “You two grab Rahim. And someone fix my street!” Lust shouts, his eyes narrowing on me. “Come.” <a data-passage="JHT1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Beelzebub, would you please,” Lust growls, sending a man that I haven’t yet met forward. The Prince places his hand on Sydero’s shoulder and whispers something to her before dragging her away. “You two grab Rahim. And someone fix my street!” Lust shouts, his eyes narrowing on me. “Come.” <a data-passage="JHT1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Without second thinking, I rush to Rahim’s side, eyeing the dark marking lying on his neck where Sydero had held him. “How are you doing?” I question, examining his face. “How do I look?” he asks though I don’t know if he asks sarcastically or if he’s truly inquisitive about his state. <<if $cmajor is "Nursing" or $medical >=10>>\ “Definitely some facial contusions,” I begin, assessing the damage and lightly touching certain areas, “possible edema to the nose and a nasal bone fracture. Multiple lacerations. Can you feel this?” I question applying just a bit of pressure to his cheek. <<else>>\ <<if $serious >=50>>“Not good. Sydero really did a number on you,” I admit, lightly pressing his cheek, “can you feel that?”<<else>>“You look like a cambion, fueled by Hell, just kicked your ass up and down the Vegas strip with no care in the world. Can you even feel your face right now?” I ask, lightly applying pressure to a bruised cheek.<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $RRomance >=5>>\ Rahim lightly grabs my hand and presses them to his lips, “I’m feeling way too much, actually.” I freeze as the connection warms me. His lips against my skin feel right on so many levels, and so much of me wishes to deepen that connection. “Rahim, what does that mean?” He groans and attempts to sit up but fails, whimpering in pain as he falls back. “Stop it, you idiot,” I chide, pushing him back down with my free hand, realizing that he still hadn’t let my other hand go. I glance at his weakening mist and how the blue in his eyes seem to be losing color. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that,” he growls through clenched teeth, “I’m so sorry I couldn’t have helped more.<<if hasVisited("“No, fuck everything.”")>> And that I didn’t stop and realize what you were going through. It took you having an entire meltdown for me to realize.<</if>>” <<if hasVisited("“No, fuck everything.”")>>“We can talk about this later, stop speaking like we can’t?” I glance<<else>>“Rahim, what’s going on!?” I question, glancing<</if>> over my shoulder, but seeing that the others would be no help. Sydero is still facing off against her father. “I can’t sustain it,” he chokes, “I’m declining.” “Stop talking then!” “I was too cocky,” he continues, another tear rushing down his cheek, “I thought.” His eyes move over towards Sydero, but he clenches his eyes closed. When he reopens them, his pupil has begun to turn grey. “There has to be something!” I shout, gazing around. [[“Rahim, what can I do?”][$weakRahim = true]] [[Ask the Princes for help.][$weakRahim = true]] [[Try to use my abilities.]] <<else>>\ “No, I really can’t,” Rahim grumbles, coughing up white blood. “Rahim, what’s going on?!” “I can’t sustain it,” he chokes, “I’m declining.” “Stop talking then!” “I was too cocky,” he continues, another tear rushing down his cheek, “I thought.” His eyes move over towards Sydero, but he clenches his eyes closed, when he reopens them, his pupil has begun to turn grey. “Rahim, what can I do? Tell me what I can do to help you?” He says nothing, his body now motionless. The grip he had on my fingers finally releases, and my eyes widen. “Rahim!” I shout, my mind going blank. “He’s not dead,” I hear someone say behind me, looking up to see a smartly dressed man who looked an awful lot like Lust, but some features differed. “Greed,” he says and nods his head, “his body has slowed in an attempt to preserve him. Give him a few minutes to heal, and he’ll be back to his angelic nature.” “How can I trust you?” I question. Greed snaps his fingers, and two demons come over, and though they do so with disgust, they comply and lift Rahim up. “Because Rahim is important to us. His death would hinder our plans, as would yours. Come.” <a data-passage="JHT1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Rahim, what can I do? Tell me what I can do to help you?” He says nothing, his body now motionless. “Rahim!” I shout, my mind going blank. “He’s not dead,” I hear someone say behind me, looking up to see a smartly dressed man who looks an awful lot like Lust, but some features differ. “Greed,” he introduces, nodding his head toward Rahim, “his body has slowed in an attempt to preserve him. Give him a few minutes to heal, and he’ll be back to his angelic nature.” “How can I trust you?” I question. Greed snaps his fingers, and two demons come over, and though they do so with disgust, they comply and lift Rahim up. “Because Rahim is important to us. His death would hinder our plans, as would yours. Come.” <a data-passage="JHT1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Help me!” I shout to the group. Envy and Wrath don’t make a move, glancing at each other and then at me. Lust is still too focused on his daughter, who is now smirking. The one person that does split from the group is one I haven’t seen before. He’s smartly dressed and look an awful lot like Lust, but some features differ. “Greed,” he introduces, looking Rahim over keenly, “he’s not dead. His body has simply slowed in an attempt to preserve him. Give him a few minutes to heal, and he’ll be back to his angelic nature.” “How can I trust you?” I question. Greed snaps his fingers, and two demons come over, and though they do so with disgust, they comply and lift Rahim up. “Because Rahim is important to us. His death would hinder our plans, as would yours. Come.” <a data-passage="JHT1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $nerve >=50>>\ <<nobr>><<set $nerve -=10>><</nobr>> I close my eyes and concentrate on my abilities and powers that I still don’t rightfully understand. “It hurts,” Rahim whimpers softly, hardly strong enough to get those few words out. “I know,” I tell him in a shushing tone, closing my eyes and focusing. I don’t know what I am, I hardly knew what I can and cannot do, but I’m hoping that this is something I can. I can practically hear Zillah chiding me on being stupid. “Let me help you,” I choke out, “give me as much pain as you can. Let me help you carry it.” I’m unable to say more as pain floods into my body, shifting into a scene. I see a vision of Rahim and Sydero fighting, feeling the lack of energy that Rahim has and the pain coursing through him. The vision shifts, and I now watch as he flees with five angels gaining on him. One manages to swoop in close enough to stab him with a blade, and pain radiates through my stomach and spine, the feeling of death hovering over me. And the last vision is of someone caressing Rahim’s cheek, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. And yet, even with how sweet it all seems, I can feel Rahim’s heart breaking, crumbling into nothing. The world around me comes back, and I find myself breathing in and out sporadically, my attention moving to Rahim, who stares at me with half-lidded eyes as if waiting for a reaction. “Rahim, I –,” I start, but something grabs me from behind. I thrash but then go still, feeling paralyzed by whatever caught me. “Bring them both,” I hear Lust say, whoever is holding me turns me to see that Sydero has disappeared and Lust and the rest of the Princes are walking towards the castle. <<else>>\ <<nobr>><<set $weakRahim = true>><</nobr>> I close my eyes and concentrate on my abilities and powers that I still don’t rightfully understand. “Stop,” Rahim whimpers softly, “I can already feel your powers flaring. You’ll kill us both.” “I have to do something,” I tell him, “I will do something.” He gives me a soft smile and whispers, “you’re nothing like them.” He closes his eyes, and his grip on my hand relaxes. “Rahim!” I shout, my mind going blank. “He’s not dead,” I hear someone say behind me, looking up to see a smartly dressed man who looks an awful lot like Lust, but some features differ. “Greed,” he introduces, nodding his head toward Rahim, “his body has slowed in an attempt to preserve him. Give him a few minutes to heal, and he’ll be back to his angelic nature.” “How can I trust you?” I question. Greed snaps his fingers, and two demons come over, and though they do so with disgust, they comply and lift Rahim up. “Because Rahim is important to us. His death would hinder our plans, as would yours. Come.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $teleport>>\ We walk into Lust’s castle and straight into the elevator. Lust blankly looks at the doors as if his stare alone would speed up the ride. <<if $weakRahim>>I glance over at Rahim's still body, covered in bruises and blood. I gulp, hoping he recovers before we have to make a run for it.<</if>> When the doors open, we walk out to the sounds of low hip hop music, humans decorating every corner, but all of them are surrounded by lust demons. They all look drunk, letting their bodies sway whichever way as the demons’ touch and kiss on them. Even some having sex in the open. There are a few tables filled with gamblers and others at a bar. I can’t take in anymore as we move into a different room, a small lobby that holds but a couch and a single desk where a demon sits. Lust nods his head to her but continues forward into a spacious room. The demon leading me stops me as Lust takes a seat, sighing as he leans back. <<if $weakRahim>>While the demons holding Rahim place him on a sofa, seeming all too happy to release him.<</if>> “I’m going to ignore the fact that this was an easy week before the two of you came. So, let’s actually discuss what’s going to happen next.” The door opens, and the other Princes walk in, the air growing heavy with tension. It didn’t take me long to realize our predicament, we were in a room filled with six of the most powerful and dangerous demons. Even if I could move, I don’t think I would. I look back at Lust to see him watching me closely, his eyes now wholly a deep and mysterious blue like that of the ocean. <a data-passage="EP9-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ “I’m sure you have questions so I shall give you <<if $lustmet>>four<<else>>three<</if>> questions before my patience for the activity ceases. But first, answer me this. You pursue Sydero, but for what reason? Sex? Attention? Curiosity?” I open my mouth to answer him, but he raises his hand, leaning forward with a smile. “You do know that she will never love you. Not in the capacity that you can potentially or do love her.” [[“What do you mean?”][$nolove = true]] [[“You’re lying.”][$nolove = true]] [[“Protective dad alert.”][$nolove = true]] <<else>>\ “I’m sure you have questions, so I shall give you three questions before my patience for the activity disappears. But first, answer me this, you’re dying, and yet you choose to come here where no one can rescue you? All for a woman who will not remember you. Is her life worth yours?” [[“I said I was going to rescue her and here I am.”]] [[“No, but here I am.”]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“What do you mean?” I ask, trying not to let how bothered I feel show. <<include "JHT1_1_3">>
“You’re lying,” I hiss, and he laughs casually. <<include "JHT1_1_3">>
“Whoa, protective dad alert,” I say, attempting to say in a joking manner, but my throat is far too dry and my mood, just not there. “Didn’t expect that from you.” “I wouldn’t expect you to.” “Do I even want to know why you think that?” <<include "JHT1_1_3">>
“Demons, by nature, are malignant and selfish creatures. Even when it seems like we’re putting others’ needs in front of our own, it’s all for the long con. I can’t say exactly what Sydero’s endgame is, but I’m sure her needing an anchor has something to do with it.” “This anchor thing,” I speak, biting my cheek, “what does it involve? Why would it matter?” “An anchor allows for a hybrid who needs it to find balance and maintain it. They can balance themselves without it, but maintaining it becomes an issue. One slip of the emotion or power, and they now lean too far right or left. Sydero’s anchors don’t last, and her fear of embracing what she is causes her to become imbalanced. Though I applaud her creativeness, ingesting faerie essence, that’s genius.” “I don’t believe you … the things she’s said to me –” “Is because she’s human-balanced. That is the only way you will receive even a bit of the love you seek. And even that will be lacking. But it’s also the quickest way to kill her. The healthy Sydero, the balanced Sydero, will never love you as you wish her to. And the demonic Sydero will consume you entirely. But whether or not you believe me is up to you. I have no need to lie. In fact, I don’t wish to.” Lust leans back and cocks his head as he regards me. “Believe it or not, Sydero is the first child I have sired, and having this mortal father moment interests me.” “Do you love her?” Lust holds up a hand, “remember your questions, is that one you wish to ask?” <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>
“As soon as she fell through that portal, I swore I would come and rescue her, and here I am.” “Hmm,” he hums, peering at the ceiling in thought, “loyalty. I can respect that.” “Do you? Because you seem okay with your daughter dying.” “Dying?” Lust questions, frowning, “who said anything about dying? And I am loyal to my daughter, but there is someone who’s above her. You’ll learn that lesson soon, the costs of loyalty. In fact, you’re learning it right now. Go on, ask your questions. Do be wise about what you ask.” There’s a sparkle in his eye that tells me he meant it. <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>
“No,” I tell him with confidence, “but here I am.” “So, if I gave you a deal, to let you go without any further altercation, would you leave Sydero behind?” “Too late to be asking that when I already went through all that crap back there with the Nightmares.” “I suppose you have a point. But go on, ask your questions. Do be wise about what you ask.” There’s a sparkle in his eye that tells me he meant it. <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>
“Do you love her?” I ask again. He stares at me, and I stare back, watching his face for any visible cues that will give him away. “You’re waiting for me to say yes so that you can feel empowered,” he answers, “but my answer, it won’t truly please you. I care for her with such depth that I believe some of you mortals would call it love. But I have never lost sight of her true reason for existing, and I have never strayed from getting her prepared for such a path.” He frowns and walks to his window, his back to me, “when she was five, I took her from her mother and brought her here. She cried for quite some time, and I ignored her before finally even I could no longer take it. I went to her, and as soon as she saw me, she ran and hugged me.” He narrows his gaze while turning to face me, “I felt an ever growing need to parent her. I knew what she needed and when and I wished to grant all that she wanted. I questioned the other Princes who have raised cambions, and none of them had ever felt such thing. I then realized that a lust cambion could do just that. Could cause me to feel a desire to please them whether I wished to or not. And I feel that truth still rings true today.” He sits down. “So, a simple answer, yes. But I do think both of us know now that nothing is simple.” <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>>\
“Look,” I sigh, “I just want to grab Sydero and go. I’m ready to bring this hellish visit to an end.” “Hmm, indeed,” he smirks, “and I just want for walking imbeciles to not walk into my kingdom, demanding what’s mine, and forget their place,” he motions to me, “and yet. Here they come, thinking they are far too important.” “Well, according to everyone, I am.” “No,” he answers simply, “you, as an individual, are nothing. You mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. You will cease to exist, and frankly, we shall forget you in an hour’s time. It’s your body and perhaps by extension, your soul, we all care for. Nothing more.” I frown and open my mouth, but no words make their way past my lips, and when I look at Lust, he seems bored. “You’d be wise to remember where you are. Not only in the Underworld but in my specific domain. The ease in which I can kill you wouldn’t even excite me, and I have killed for much less.” He waves his hands, and I can once again hear my voice and the individual sounds that I can make. “But we both know I won’t kill you. But I can torture you, and that will not be some nightmare, that will be real. Do take this as a warning.” “I’ll ask my questions then.” “No, I don’t think you will. You see, you sucked the fun out of it.” “Then at least answer one thing for me,” I frown. “No,” he repeats, standing and walking towards his office door. “What is my purpose,” I ask, refusing to accept what he had said and asking anyway. “I need to know. You can tell me that much.” He turns on his heel and glares at me, the temperature in the room skyrocketing. “You wish to know so bad?” he questions, “then come. I shall show you your purpose,” Lust says, walking up to me and then snapping his fingers. We go from standing in his office to being outside, the sky a sickly purple and a harsh wind rushing past. We exist in the middle of a deserted wasteland, the remains of once-great buildings buried beneath the sand. Parts of the ground give way to cracks, and others even prove to be far more unstable and shift into sinkholes. “Follow me. Carefully.” He walks forward, confident but aware of his surroundings, each placement of his foot seem to be premeditated. I do as he asks, glaring at the ground and making sure that I don’t waver from the path he took, far too suspicious of what will happen if I do manage to stray. <a data-passage="JHT1_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“What am I?” “A mistake.” I glare at Lust, but he doesn’t back down, nor does he look like he said that simply to get under my skin. “I don’t know how this happened; I’ve only heard whispers. But it wasn’t supposed to happen, and that is as much as I can say.” “Why?” I ask in a pleading tone, “do you even know what I am?” “Of course, I do, but if you are anything like most hybrids of your stature, then telling you certain things may trigger an episode. Knowledge is not always power, as I’m sure you’ve learned.” <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>>\
“Where’s Sydero?” “In this building. In her room, actually.” I stare at him blankly, finding it hard to believe, but Lust’s facial expression doesn’t change. “You can’t be serious.” “I am. She’s currently grounded if you can believe it.” “How do you ground a cambion?” “When you see her, you can ask her yourself. The only thing I have over her is that I’m much scarier here, and she knows it. Otherwise, she would walk over everyone.” I try not to show it, but his words bother me. I shake my head, refusing to let it get to me. <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>>\
“So, about Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …” “What about her? You didn’t ask a question.” [[“Do you love their mother?”]] [[“Where is she?”]]
“Do you love her?” Lust snorts, “no. I’ve long since accepted the fact that demons experience no such thing. She was a means to an end, and a willing one at that.” “Willing?” “Two questions,” he points out but continues, “I didn’t take advantage of her if, that’s what you’re thinking. She knew my intentions, every last one when what happened took place. Michael did as well. And a ritual helped the twins to be. You’d be surprised at how many people seem to be victims when they are nothing of the sort.” <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>>\
“Where is she?” “What makes you think I know?” “Envy told Rahim what was happening to her. What the demons were doing.” “Then you should be asking Envy and not me. The last time I saw that woman was when I went to go collect Sydero. And I have not seen nor heard of her since. Nor do I wish to. She has served her purpose.” <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>>\
“Most of you don’t seem to particularly care for Envy, why?” Lust grumbles, scratching his forehead in irritation, “Envy is young and behaves as so. At times, we can all stand them, but most times, not at all. The only one who seems to truly stand them is Wrath, but I believe that’s also because she was their mentor.” “Mentor? Young? Aren’t you all the same age?” “No,” he says simply, “we’ve been around for centuries. Do you truly believe all of us have made it that far?” “You can die?” I ask, interest peaked, and Lust noticing. “Indeed,” he huffs, “and whoever killed us takes on the title. But that is much easier said than done. All of us, besides Gluttony and Envy, have remained here since the beginning. Gluttony’s child was able to overthrow him, and Envy has been replaced twice by higher-ranked demons who got the upper hand.” “Gluttony’s child? Like Sydero?” “Indeed,” Lust leans back in his seat, “if this is giving you ideas, then, by all means, let them flourish. If Sydero takes over, then she will lose herself and become a full demon. The Sydero you believe to know will cease to exist. You asked about ten questions there, but I shall count that as one, you’re welcome.” <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>>\
“Why, Raum? Could you not have gotten a demon who’s less annoying?” “Despite your personal feelings for him, Raum gets the job done, that much is obvious. And being under me, he is far more inclined to listen.” <<if $pacifist >=50>>\ “I don’t typically hate people this much, but he deserves to die.” “Then end him. I’ll not stand in your way, and I’m quite eager to see how you fare in such a fight. I have no doubt you’ll win, but I am curious about how fast you’ll earn that victory.” <<else>>\ “You’ll have to excuse me then when I kill him.” “I will hold no ill will about it. I hired him, yes, but he has completed his true task. He’s yours to destroy as you wish. I lose no sleep.” <</if>>\ “Anything else?” <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>>\
“Answer this for me, how are demons created?” “They’re humans who have become corrupted. The process is different for Lust demons, though, because as soon as they step into my kingdom, they begin to shift. They stay long enough, and they will soon find themselves a part of my legion. Any other demon is created by different means.” “Gonna tell me those means, or are you going to count it as a second question?” He rolls his eyes, “a human accepted into a kingdom can then ask for our rune. With said rune, they must find the Nightmare of Sin.” “Nightmare of Sin?” “We each have a different one, Gluttony has a boar. I have a cow, Envy has a dog, and so on. Upon finding the beast, it will inject them into a nightmare, one worse than all of which you went through. If they successfully come back from it, they come back as a demon. All of their past memories gone.” “And if they don’t?” “They will either die due to the other Nightmares devouring them first, or they will forever be lost and turn into a Nightmare, forever wandering and craving others’ essence.” <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $uncledead>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Why is my uncle here?”")>>“Why is my uncle here?”<<else>>[[“Why is my uncle here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>> <</if>>\
“Answer this for me, Lust, what is my uncle doing down here?” “You deem yourself intelligent, and yet, you still don’t realize that the Underworld is not evil. Upon arrival, your uncle was accepted into both Gluttony’s and Greed’s kingdom and has thus been enjoying his time from what I know. Though,” he chuckles darkly, “he’s not truly your uncle, now is he?” I open my mouth to speak, but I can’t, having feared that possibility before. I stiffen, “he is. He raised me. He’s my uncle.” Instead of laughing or chiding me on my words, Lust nods in acceptance. “I spoke to him once due to pure curiosity. He’s an interesting human, I only wish his wife and child had been sent here.” I lower my gaze, giving myself a minute before continuing. <<if ($lustmet and $visit is 4) or ($lustmet is false and $visit is 3)>>\ <a data-passage="JHT1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Do you love her?”")>>“Do you love her?”<<else>>[[“Do you love her?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”")>>“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”<<else>>[[“I just want to grab Sydero and go.”][$nerve -=5]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("What am I?")>>“What am I?”<<else>>[[“What am I?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Where’s Sydero?”")>>“Where’s Sydero?”<<else>>[[“Where’s Sydero?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”")>>“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”<<else>>[[“About Sydero’s and Rahim’s mom …”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“You seem not to like Envy, why?”")>>“You seem not to like Envy, why?”<<else>>[[“You seem not to like Envy, why?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Why Raum?”")>>“Why Raum?”<<else>>[[“Why Raum?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“How are demons created?”")>>“How are demons created?”<<else>>[[“How are demons created?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“And now I tire of this game. Let us mov –” “Wait,” I interject, “one more question.” “I gave you enough.” “You gave me <<if $lustmet>>four<<else>>three<</if>>. One more.” He stiffens and raises an unimpressed brow, “no.” “What is my purpose,” I ask, refusing to accept what he had said and asking anyway. “I need to know. You can tell me that much.” “The game is over.” “I need to know,” I plead, backing down only when the room seems to heat up significantly. As soon as it heats up, it lowers itself back and I see that Lust was taking a deep breath in. “You wish to know so bad?” he questions, “then come. I shall show you your purpose,” Lust says, walking up to me and then snapping his fingers. We go from standing in his office to being outside, the sky a sickly purple and a harsh wind rushing past. We exist in the middle of a deserted wasteland, the remains of once-great buildings buried beneath the sand. Parts of the ground give way to cracks, and others even prove to be far more unstable and shift into sinkholes. “Follow me. Carefully.” He walks forward, confident but aware of his surroundings, each placement of his foot seeming to be premeditated. I do as he asks, glaring at the ground and making sure that I don’t waver from the path he took, far too suspicious of what will happen if I did manage to stray. <a data-passage="JHT1_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Where are we?” I question as we walk. The sky’s purple slowly gives way to the red hue, causing it to take on a unique but spectral feel. The ruins that I had seen before are now spaced out, causing my mind to create a dozen stories of what could have happened and what they might’ve once looked like. Craggy rocks and stalagmites also begin to appear, jutting out of the ground and making the terrain harder to maneuver around. I pause at the sound of a distant roar, but I’m not sure if it’s just my imagination, the wind, or actually something out there. Lust continues to move, unperturbed by the sound if there even was one. We walk a bit longer when he puts his hand out and stops me. “This is as far as we go.” [[“And why is that.” Continue on.][$nerve -=3]] [[“What is this place?” Stop.]]
I huff, “and why’s that?” I continue forward, noticing that he doesn’t stop me. I make it two steps when a thin tail with a spike on the end speeds towards me. I duck out of the way at the last minute, falling over and scrambling back to Lust’s side as I see what attacked me. A creature on two legs comes out; in its hands it holds a deadly appearing chain. It wears a long-tattered cloak, and instead of eyes, two curled horns jut from its head and residing below that is a mouth with wicked teeth. <<include "JHT1_3_1">>
“What is this place?” I question, stopping alongside him. I’m glad I do when I see a creature on two legs come from behind a building, in its hands it holds a deadly appearing chain. It wears a long-tattered cloak and instead of eyes, two curled horns jut from its head and residing below that is a mouth with wicked teeth. <<include "JHT1_3_1">>
“That is a Pride Nightmare, the worst of them all,” Lust tells me, “all Nightmares are relentless in their feeding, but they are clever. They use your strengths and weaknesses; they pit you against yourself. They make you think one thing when they are planning another.” He nudges me and nods to a figure on the side. It was waiting in the shadows, but now that it realized its prey is gone, it ambles out of the darkness. This beast is made up of nothing but arms and thin legs that appear so weak that I’m sure it’ll fall over when the creature walks. “This … is Pride’s Kingdom?” I question. “Yes. But this is as deep as we can go. The Nightmares destroy anything that crosses the boundary, even the Princes.” Lust chuckles at his own words, only pausing when the roar I heard earlier is heard again. This time, it’s much closer, and it causes my blood to run cold. It isn’t an animalistic roar, like a sound one would expect to hear from a hunting predator. It sounds like it holds emotion behind it, a vehement bellow that promises death to all. “What is that?” “That is our king,” he says and bows his head. I can hardly find my breath as I put the puzzles together and realize what’s going on, “that’s Lucifer.” <<if $m_fear is "incompetence">>\ “Yes and no. Lucifer is only one of his names, a Christian ideology. He who resides deeper goes by many names. For us, he is King or Father. Your culture will change what you shall call him as well as his point. Some call him Apopis or Whiro.” He turns on his heel, but not before looking over at me with a toothy grin, “rejoice, for you are a key in his ascension. You will finally help free him from that cursed cage so that he may walk among us.” Lust takes a step back and turns, “let us go back, though.” I hear him, and part of me wishes to leave, but I can’t, something tugs on my soul. I feel myself being pulled past the barrier and closer to what I perceive to be the kingdom’s center, no sign of slowing or stopping. “$name?” I hear Lust ask with an inquisitive tone. “I … I can’t look away,” I shout in fear, being pulled past Nightmares who roar and hiss at me but otherwise make no attempt to rush after me. <a data-passage="JHT1_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Yes and no. Lucifer is only one of his names, a Christian ideology. He who resides deeper goes by many names. For us, he is King or Father. Your culture will change what you shall call him as well as his point. Some call him Apopis or Whiro.” He turns on his heel, but not before looking over at me with a toothy grin, “rejoice, for you are a key in his ascension. You will finally help free him from that cursed cage so that he may walk among us.” Lust teleports us back to his office where Sloth and Greed have returned to, both now once again sitting on the couch. <a data-passage="JHT1_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<nobr>>\<<set $curse_pride = true>><</nobr>>\ “Describe what you see.” His words slow the feeling of being yanked by a rope, and I come to an abrupt stop in the middle of a sizeable gleaming castle, ones who insides do not match the memory I have of the surroundings. “I’m in a white and gold castle,” I say, the tugging continuing but much slower. I look around, and the world glitches, ruins once again appearing around me. “There are … demons … frozen.” There were hundreds of them, all in different poses, and looking to have been doing different things before being imprisoned. I hear a rumbling sound, and my heart pounds quicker as I’m yanked towards a door. “I’m being pulled to a large –,” I’m about to describe it when a glitch yet again causes the environment to shift. The doors are larger than life, both holding a beautiful, intricate violet rune on both doors. “There’s a door with a rune. I … I don’t want to go in,” I squeak out, but neither whatever is pulling me, nor Lust, seems to care. “Go in,” he growls in my ear, and his command causes the doors to open. A brilliant light appears as I enter, only to subside due to rising smoke. I feel fear like no other, nothing that the Nightmares have done even come close to this. “What do you see?” I hear Lust ask, a malicious tone to his voice. I fight, hoping to avoid it, hoping to be sent away from this horrid place. But I stay there, and the smoke resides, giving way to a frightful beast. A sinister violet eye is shown, and I scream out in pain at the images that rape my mind. And then ... I fall. And I continue to fall, hearing a foreboding and deep voice speak in a language I did not know. And I fall, and the beast shows itself. I scream, my lungs burning as I sit up to find myself once again in Lust’s office. I rest on a sofa, and to the side is Lust, Sloth, and Greed, all staring over at me. “I told you it was a bad idea,” I hear Greed grumble. Lust shrugs, “what did you wish for me to do? Deny him his prey and snap $name here immediately?” Neither of the Princes answer, but I was more concerned with trying to remember what had happened. My body is cold, freezing as if I had just been taken from the frigid arctic water, but I couldn’t remember why. I couldn’t remember why I felt as if death is a much better substitute. And the longer it takes the fear to leave my bones, the more I’m happy I remember nothing. I get to my feet and stand awkwardly before the three Princes when the door opens, and the rest of the Princes come in, Rahim being shoved inside by Envy. <a data-passage="EP9-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
“Where did you go?” “I took our guest to show reverence to our King.” Both of their gazes’ level to meet mine, their expressions giving nothing away. Greed is the first to look away, “you should be more careful, Asmodeus. If ?he had gotten too close, it might’ve done something that we’re not prepared for yet.” “Of course, brother,” Lust says, no hint of teasing or scorn detected. I stand awkwardly when the door opens, and the rest of the Princes come in, Rahim being shoved inside by Envy. “Did he break?” Lust questions, brow raised. I move to go to Rahim as Envy pushes him down on the sofa to the far left, but something freezes me to my spot. When I turn to see Lust, he shrugs his shoulder but smirks. “Sadly, he did not, but the demons had fun either way. I’m sure you boosted morality,” Envy chuckles, and Lust nods his head with a hum. “$name,” he starts, “let’s actually talk about why you’re here then, and what’s going to happen next.” The air in the room shifts, no longer filled with a feeling of neutrality. It shifts enough for me to realize that I’m in Hell, standing in Lust’s kingdom, in a room filled with six of the most powerful and dangerous demons. Even if I could move, I don’t think I would. I look back at Lust to see him watching me closely, his eyes now wholly a deep and mysterious blue like that of the ocean. <a data-passage="EP9-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/acttwo.png"> The room is silent as we all stare at one another. I attempt to move for the fifth time but get nowhere, and I choose to send yet another glare at Lust. “I’m curious,” he finally says, “did you truly think you could just walk in, grab Sydero, and then leave without anyone realizing it?” I narrow my eyes but keep quiet, the question feels like a rhetorical one anyway. “Let me guess,” he hums and holds up the magical cuffs that we had brought, “you were going to put these lovely little cuffs on her and then attempt to, what?” “Obviously,” Sloth chimes in, “they would leave and create a portal, using Sydero’s demonic essence to power it and teleport out. Moreover, I would speculate that they have someone on the temporal plane who has used something of hers to create a linkage portal to teleport far more accurately.” Silence settles in, Sloth continuing to flip through his book before finally raising his gaze to meet mine, “your silence is damning. I suspect that I’m correct in my supposition.” [[“Why not just let us go?”]] [[“This is all pointless.”]] <<if $weakRahim>>\ [[“How’s Rahim doing?”]] <</if>>\
“Why not just let us go?” I question. Lust holds up a finger, “do remember that you walked into //my// kingdom and not the other way around. I didn’t invite you or send for you. You brought this on yourself.” <<include "JHT1_4_1">>
“This is all pointless. Just let us go.” “Hmm, I don’t think I will, not just yet anyway.” <<include "JHT1_4_1">>
“How is Rahim doing?” I ask, wishing to move to see for myself. “The brat will live,” Envy snorts, “worry more about yourself.” <<include "JHT1_4_1">>
Lust taps the edge of his desk in frustration, “if it wasn’t for how vital both of you are to our plans, I would let Envy take you to their little torture dungeon and have their way with you.” “Oh, Lust,” Envy coos from the room’s side, “you know I love it when you dangle fresh meat in front of me like this. $name, I understand. But do we really need Rahim alive for our plans to work?” Lust comes and stands before me, observing me before walking away, “unfortunately, yes. Congratulations, $name, you’re the last variable needed to push the world into a new era.” “<<if $teleport>>What does that mean?<<else>>To help free your King, huh? Whatever that means.<</if>>” “Don’t worry about all of that,” Wrath huffs, “just play your part when it comes.” “So, what? I’m just going to stand here frozen until you feel like letting us go?” <<if $teleport>>\ “The chances of you dying when you return home is greater than ever before,” Greed tells me, “and yet you don’t seem to realize it.” I stiffen, gazing at him and then at the others, all who don’t seem surprised by what he had said. “Yes, yes,” Lust groans impatiently, “we can all feel the turmoil within you. The emotional outrage, not to mention how your body is collapsing in on itself. You’re still alive right now because the supernatural side of you is holding you up. Otherwise, you sped your little countdown up.” “What?” Rahim moans from where he is, trying to sit up but not having enough energy to do so, “what is he talking about, $name?” “I told you this was happening,” I remind. <<if $unstable>>\ “No!” he <<if $weakRahim>>growls<<else>>says with an authoritative voice<</if>>, “you said you were unstable and deteriorating. You said nothing about a time limit.” “No time than the present then, huh?” I say, hoping every bit of sarcasm that I mean to include is heard. <<else>>\ “We all believed you were being dramatic!” he scolds, <<if $weakRahim>>coughing vehemently,<</if>> “the most we believed was that you were deteriorating, not that you were now suddenly on some time limit.” “So then maybe, Rahim, you should be hissing at yourself,” I advise, rolling my eyes. <</if>>\ “Isn’t this adorable,” Envy chimes in, leaning on my shoulder and tapping my head, “and you wonder why you’re going to die alone, $name.” <<else>>\ “The chances of you dying when you return home is greater than ever before,” Greed reminds me, “and yet you don’t seem to realize it.” “I realize it clearly,” I tell him though this information is new to me, causing my heart to thud harder, “but I’d rather spend my last moments somewhere comfortable and not fighting with a group of demonic Princes about the release of my friend.” <<if $weakRahim>>There’s a moment of silence that’s followed by a moan and I look to see Rahim stirring, his mist still not as potent as before, but healthier appearing than a minute ago. Following that, I hear a faint shriek outside the room and Lust raps his knuckles on his desk and gets my attention.<<else>>There’s a short moment of silence before I hear a faint shriek outside the room and, finally, he raps his knuckles on his desk and grabs my attention.<</if>> <</if>>\ “Perfect timing, let’s play a game, shall we? A simple one at that. You win, and I’ll allow you, Rahim, and Sydero to walk out of here, no problem. No one chasing you, no one trying to stop you, and I’ll even give Sydero a one week head start before hunting her again. But if you lose, well, I’m sure you can imagine what happens then.” “What’s the game?” I ask. Instead of answering, Lust motions for someone to come in, and my eyes bulge as I’m faced with not one, but two Sydero’s. They look exactly the same, practically identical twins. <a data-passage="JHT2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $teleport is false>>\ It feels odd to finally see her again after all this time. She’s most surely demonic. Her appearance close to what she looked like when she had come to get me from the prison, though the Sydero now is far more gone than the one who had decided to slaughter those in the station. The only thing that’s the same is her skin tone and hair, and even that seems foreign. Bright red pulsing veins are scattered across her body, and parts of her skin are covered in iridescent goldish red scales. A pair of large dark red wings rest on her back, twitching in anticipation for flight. Her horns are curved with rune-like markings etched into them. <</if>>\ “The game,” Lust begins, “is this. Tell me which of these Sydero’s is yours.” “Oh, that’s so easy it’s –,” Rahim starts, mouthing something, but I hear no words. He looks on in shock as he tries to speak, but again, no words make it past his lips, and he’s now unable to move. “Can’t have you ruining all the fun, Rahim. This is a game for $name.” “There has to be more than this, you expect me to pick her purely off of appearance?” “Of course not. I’ll give you three questions and an additional chance to question Rahim and confirm anything that is said.” <<if hasVisited("q1_3")>>“What’s the trick?”<<else>>[[“What’s the trick?”|q1_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2_3")>>“How can I trust you?”<<else>>[[“How can I trust you?”|q2_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_3")>>“What are the rules?”<<else>>[[“What are the rules?”|q3_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_3")>>“Don’t they know all the same things?”<<else>>[[“Don’t they know all the same things?”|q4_3]]<</if>>
<<if $teleport>>\ “What’s the trick? All I would have to ask is which one almost beat Rahim half to death just a couple of minutes ago.” “Then by all means,” Lust says and extends his hands, “go ahead. Ask.” <<else>>\ “What’s the trick here?” “There is no trick. You claim to know Sydero so well, prove it.” <</if>>\ “I still feel like there’s a trick.” He shrugs his shoulders and looks at his daughters, “which one of you is the real one.” “I am,” they both say at the same time, turning to each other and scowling. “Says the obvious dollar store discount, fuck outta here with you being the real me. I do not look that ugly,” the one on the right huffs. “Says the one with a brimstone sized pimple on their face. Oh wait, that’s just your forehead, my mistake.” Lust sends me a ‘told you so’ smirk. <<if hasVisited("q2_3")>>“How can I trust you?”<<else>>[[“How can I trust you?”|q2_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_3")>>“What are the rules?”<<else>>[[“What are the rules?”|q3_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_3")>>“Don’t they know all the same things?”<<else>>[[“Don’t they know all the same things?”|q4_3]]<</if>> [[Continue|JHT2_1][$visit to 0]]
“How can I trust you?” I inquire, “for all I know, I’ll get it right, and you’ll just say that I’m wrong and give me the wrong Sydero. Or both of these Sydero’s could be fake ones.” “Two questions that you have a right to be concerned about. But I am a Prince of my word. I can promise you that one of the two in front of you is the real Sydero, and if you’re right, then you’re right. I won’t lie to you simply to keep her here. Also, I’ll snap away the wrong one, I can’t do that to the real one.” <<if hasVisited("q1_3")>>“What’s the trick?”<<else>>[[“What’s the trick?”|q1_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2_3")>>“How can I trust you?”<<else>>[[“How can I trust you?”|q2_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_3")>>“What are the rules?”<<else>>[[“What are the rules?”|q3_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_3")>>“Don’t they know all the same things?”<<else>>[[“Don’t they know all the same things?”|q4_3]]<</if>> [[Continue|JHT2_1][$visit to 0]]
“What are the rules for this? Any specific questions I can’t ask? Anything I can’t do?” “Hmm, no,” Lust says casually, “if you really know her, you should be able to figure out who she is after asking just one question. But, again, you have three at your disposal. The only rule is that you can’t go over three.” <<if hasVisited("q1_3")>>“What’s the trick?”<<else>>[[“What’s the trick?”|q1_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2_3")>>“How can I trust you?”<<else>>[[“How can I trust you?”|q2_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_3")>>“Don’t they know all the same things?”<<else>>[[“Don’t they know all the same things?”|q4_3]]<</if>> [[Continue|JHT2_1][$visit to 0]]
“They’ve obviously identical in appearance, but how am I supposed to win if they know all of the same things?” “They don’t. The fake knows Sydero’s surface-level memories and anything to do with her as a character. Basically, just enough to impersonate her, think of the fake one as a really good spy.” <<if hasVisited("q1_3")>>“What’s the trick?”<<else>>[[“What’s the trick?”|q1_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2_3")>>“How can I trust you?”<<else>>[[“How can I trust you?”|q2_3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_3")>>“What are the rules?”<<else>>[[“What are the rules?”|q3_3]]<</if>> [[Continue|JHT2_1][$visit to 0]]
I turn to look at the two Sydero’s and sigh, “alright. Let’s do it.” “Ask your question then,” Lust smiles, a smile that continues to put me on edge. A part of me wants to trust him, but the reminder of where I am and who surrounds is constant. I look between the two, trying to see if I can see any difference between them. <<if $teleport>>The real Sydero would still look like she had fought Rahim not too long ago, but neither look like they have been in an altercation.<<else>>This is the first time I’ve seen her since entering Hell. The first time I’ve genuinely seen her after all this time. And I can’t even figure out which one is the real one.<</if>> “Damn,” Right Syd sighs, “you gonna start today or tomorrow. I have more important shit to do.” Left Syd snorts, “I just don’t want to be standing here.” I should probably start asking my questions. I need to remind myself that even though I don’t know the answer, I can ask something and get Rahim’s answer. [[“I already know. I’ll guess now.”][$speedup = true]] <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
I turn to look at Lust with a confident smile, “I already know. I’ll guess now.” He blinks, clearly taken aback by my words, which causes my smile to turn into a smirk. “You’re gonna let ?him punk you at your own game?” Envy chuckles, their laughter starting off light but then building up until they’re rolling on the floor. I see Lust’s jaw clench and then unclench, an easy smile coming onto his face. “Interesting.” He raises his hand and snaps his fingers, suddenly five more accompany them and the two Sydero’s from before, intermingle, shocked at the new arrivals. “Pick one now, $name, and please do keep that oh so confident energy when doing so.” “This was not part of the deal,” I growl, turning towards him, but he simply shrugs his shoulders as he leans back. “Neither was you not asking the questions. If you can play dirty, then so can I.” “Fine, three questions, right?” “Oh no,” he snickers, “that game is null and void. You showed me that I was idiotic, foolish ... Sloth, I’m sure you have a better word.” “Fatuous,” Sloth says, continuing to read. Lust claps, “there we go, fatuous. For one as confident and smart as you, a game must meet your expectations. So here you go, no questions, just use that wit and confidence of yours to pick the right one.” “At least make it three of them to choose from,” I argue, Envy’s laughter now being directed at me. “Just pick, or I torture you,” Lust sighs dramatically, and I turn back to the Sydero’s, each of them looking as bored as the one next to them. [[“She’s number one.”|“Right.”]] [[“Number two.”|“Right.”]] [[“Easy, she’s number three.”|“Right.”]] [[“Let’s go with four.”|“Left.”][$justlucky = true]] [[“I’m going to say number five.”|“Right.”]]
“Which one of you wants a hug?” I question, spreading my arms wide. The one on the left recoils and snorts as if the thought alone is repulsive while the one on the right raises a brow. “Depends, what comes after?” Right Syd purrs, and I lower my arms. “An interesting question, not smart, but interesting,” Lust chimes in. <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“Who is Bradley.” They both freeze, one thing that I was hoping wouldn’t happen. The one on the left raises a brow while the one on the right furrows hers. “Why does that name sound so familiar,” the one on the left asks, pouting, glaring at the ground as if the answer would spring up. I turn my attention to the one on the right who is looking over at Rahim and then at me, stiffening when she sees me looking. “If you’re hoping for me to give you an answer, I can’t. And I really don’t think, no, I know I don’t have to report to you.” <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“What pet does Sydero want?” I question, mentally shaking my head at the fact that I felt like I was in some twisted quiz show. “I don’t want a pet at all. I’d be okay with a snake though,” Right Sydero answers. “Uh, forget that,” Left Sydero says with a smirk, “I want a snake. Make it a poisonous one too.” I’m about to move on when the Left Sydero hums in thought, “or better yet just a type of viper. Rattlesnake? Mamba?” She seems to talk more to herself after a while, giving me the chance to move on. <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“Who is Faye?” I ask. Left Sydero sighs, “don’t know, don’t care. Can we be done with this?” The right one is quieter for a little longer, seeming to be focusing, “she’s a witch.” She catches herself, furrowing her brow as if her words are escaping her. “Fuck, she’s a witch,” she growls, “but … I know there’s more to that.” <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“Do either of you want to leave here?” Left Sydero snarls, “whether I want to or not, I don’t need you and definitely not him coming in here trying to play the hero.” “I concur,” Right Sydero snorts, “if I wanted to leave, I would’ve done so. I don’t need anyone thinking I need them.” <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?” Left Syd looks around, and there’s a fire in her eyes, but the more she looks around, the more it seems like something fights with that fire until she looks away. Her answer is a shrug, and she glares out the window. Right Syd snorts, “how about we figure that one out? I know for a fact that there’s one person in this room I’m dying to fight, and also one in this room, I would never attempt to fight. The rest are just fair game that can lean either way.” I glance between the two of them and then nod. <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“What’s your role in the prophecy?” I ask, noticing the gaze of everyone in the room falling on me. “Seem more of a question for you than one for them,” Greed points out. “If $name wishes to throw away a question, then they are free to do so,” Lust replies, waving his hand for me to continue. “We don’t both have to answer this? Do we?” Right asks. “You can answer it,” Left remarks, “I don’t care to.” “And you think I want to? The fake is even lazier than I thought.” “Oh, bite me,” the Left sighs. Right ends up answering me, “to free the King, or their King at least.” “And that’s it? There’s more to it than that,” I remind the Right Sydero, but she just smirks. “I answered your question, let’s move on.” <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“The first fight that you two had with one another, how did it go? Who won?” I don’t know the answer to this question, but I still hadn’t used up my one chance to ask Rahim to clarify. He sends me a tired look, but that’s all. “Rahim threw the first punch,” Right Sydero starts, “and he paid for it.” She smirks and looks at me, “meaning I won.” The Sydero on the Left narrows her eyes, refusing to look over at Rahim, “no one won that fight.” I glance over at Rahim for clarification. “The one on the right is correct, Sydero won after I started it.” Even with that said, his gaze lingers on the one on the Left before he goes still, Lust having frozen him again. <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“Earlier today, I got through to the real Sydero, you remembered me. You have to still remember me.” And yet, when I glance into both of their eyes, neither seem to even remember the moment. “You’d be amazed at what my kingdom can do to the memory,” Lust chuckles, winking when I turn to face him. “You’re saying she doesn’t remember anything that happened.” “She remembers beating the shit out of Rahim over there, you throwing yourself in the way, and then me appearing. Wouldn’t have been fair to the clone if I didn’t do something about that.” “None of this is fair,” I shout, my hand balling into a fist, but Lust doesn’t seem bothered. “You wasted a question. How sad,” he says, meeting my gaze with a cocky grin. “Continue.” <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $lustsex and $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”")>>“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”<<else>>[[“Earlier I participated in an orgy, either of you care?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“Earlier, before getting here, I participated in an orgy. Either of you cares about that?” “I care about as much as I do about anyone else. The smell is repugnant though,” Right Sydero says, fanning the air near her nose to prove her point. The Sydero on the left studies me, “I’m curious why you believe I would care. It wasn’t me, and the only other reason I can see you pointing that out is if the Sydero you think you know, should be jealous.” There’s a gleam in her eye, “should she?” “The Sydero I know doesn’t get jealous,” I tell Right Sydero, and she huffs triumphantly. “I really don’t think you’re going to win this, $name, was it?” I narrow my eyes, but she just looks back at me with a cocky grin. <<if $visit <3>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Which one of you wants a hug?”")>>“Which one of you wants a hug?”<<else>>[[“Which one of you wants a hug?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Bradley?”")>>“Who is Bradley?”<<else>>[[“Who is Bradley?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What pet does Sydero want?”")>>“What pet does Sydero want?”<<else>>[[“What pet does Sydero want?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Who is Faye?”")>>“Who is Faye?”<<else>>[[“Who is Faye?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Do either of you want to leave here?”")>>“Do either of you want to leave here?”<<else>>[[“Do either of you want to leave here?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”")>>“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”<<else>>[[“Can you win a fight against every person in this room?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s your role in the prophecy?”")>>“What’s your role in the prophecy?”<<else>>[[“What’s your role in the prophecy?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”")>>“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”<<else>>[[“The first fight you two had with one another, how did it go?”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if $gotthrough>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”")>>“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”<<else>>[[“Remember earlier? I got through to you.”][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[“I know which Sydero it is.”|JHT2_2]]
“So, do you know which one of them is yours?” Lust asks. <<if $visit is 3>>“Does it matter? I ran out of questions to ask.”<<else>>“Yes.”<</if>> “Then guess.” I stare between the two and recall everything that I learned. Movement out of the corner of my eye grabs my attention, and I look to see Envy and Wrath shift in anticipation for me to be wrong, both of them looking ready to pounce. I also notice that one of the Princes is gone, Gluttony, I believe. Both women stand in front of me, and I need to figure out which one isn’t real. “You’ll need these,” Lust chimes in, breaking my concentration. I turn to see him handing me the cuffs, and I take them, taking a step towards both of the cambions. “The real Sydero is …” [[“Right.”]] [[“Left.”]]
<<if hasVisited("“I already know. I’ll guess now.”")>>I point to the one I believe, and there’s a small pause as I hear Lust snap his fingers. All but one disappears into a puff of smoke, and it’s not the one I chose, he laughs.<<else>>“The one on the right,” I say, and there’s a small pause as I hear Lust snap his fingers. The Sydero on the right disappears in a puff of smoke, and he laughs.<</if>> “Wrong answer.” “Go!” Rahim shouts, and I lunge forward, slapping one of the double strands of the cuffs down onto the real Sydero’s wrist. I do so right as she turns and attempts to claw me and fall to the ground, luckily Envy has rushed forward, taking the hit for me. Rahim grabs my arm, and I catch Sydero as he darts towards the window, blasting it with a low energy ball before jumping. “Rahim!” I shout as he grabs both of us and brings us tightly to him. Sydero kicks out and uses her tail to push Rahim off her, her wings flapping to get her out of this predicament. “Grab her,” I shout, but Rahim is far more worried about me. [[Push him away, make him get Sydero.]] [[Let him get me down to the ground and worry about Sydero later.]]
I focus on slipping out of Rahim’s hold, something that is much easier to do since he’s focused on so many things, including himself. Once I’m free, I focus on the ground and making sure that I land correctly. I can hear him screaming for me, but the lack of him catching me lets me know that he did indeed go for Sydero like I had hoped. <<if $combat >=10 or $creativity >=10>>\ <<if $combat >=10>>\ I turn myself in the air so that I’m at a better angle, and once at the ground, I bend my knees, absorb the impact of the land, and tuck and roll. Regardless of me doing everything successfully, the pain that speeds through my body is all the same, but at least I’m not bleeding out. It takes me a while to get my bearings, part of me screaming, and the other reminding me that we’re being chased and I need to get up. <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $nerve -=10>><</nobr>>\ The ground is quickly approaching, and as I fall towards it, I catch a glimpse of the black mist surrounding my feet, and an idea strikes me. I close my eyes, trying to block out my lack of energy, my unstableness, and the fact that I’m falling through the air. I try to will the mist to do something more, to catch or help me. I don’t even know if it’s possible. If this mist is anything more than some bizarre secretion that my body is putting out. But here’s hoping. I close my eyes and wait for the impact, finally feeling it, but I’m dead. I’m in pain, but I can feel, and that’s better than not feeling anything at all. I open an eye and see that I’m on the ground and now lying in the mist. I’m far more curious about my own powers now and precisely what I can and can’t do. I go to stand and feel an overwhelming headache take over me, pounding my body and causing me to stagger to my knee. <</if>>\ <<if $RRomance >=5>>\ “$name,” Rahim shouts, grabbing me with his free hand and yanking me to my feet, “don’t ever do that again.” “I made the decision you couldn’t –,” I start but Rahim’s grip on my shoulders tighten, cutting me off. My mouth closes as he deep breathes, resting his forehead on mine, his breath hitching and coming out in trembles. “Rahim?” I question. “Don’t. Ever. Do that. Again,” he repeats, his eyes meeting mine and showing how much fear resides within. “With all that we’re going through right now, all that I’m realizing, don’t try and make this easy on me,” he chuckles but there’s a tinge of sadness to it. “Please don’t.” He moves his hand from my shoulder and lightly traces my cheek and chin and in his eyes, I spot admiration that fights with his angelic side residing there. “We really need to talk when we get back,” I say breathlessly. “Yes, yes we do.” “Yes, yes you do,” Syd pipes in, forcing us apart as she stands between us, “how about this. You guys take these cuffs off me and then go have that talk? Sound good?” <<else>>\ “$name,” Rahim shouts, grabbing me, a fighting Sydero in his grip, “don’t ever do that again.” “Let’s go,” I moan, stumbling, but Rahim supports me, though he isn’t looking to good himself. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHT2_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ The ground gets closer, and I realize that I really didn’t know what to do. My throat burns and my heart speeds up as I try to figure something out, but nothing works. I begin to panic, practically feeling death whispering my name sweetly and so invitingly. “No!” I shout, hearing someone else scream as everything seems to happen at once. First, there’s intense pain that consumes me, and then there’s some sort of loud shouting and screeching, and then nothing. Nothing at all. A frostiness that I’ve never experienced clings to my bones, to my heart. I begin to shiver profusely, lost in a landscape that wasn’t Hell. I felt like I should know what this place was, but a name doesn’t come to me. Abruptly, a bright, burning light shines in the distance, and I feel myself walking towards it. One foot after the other, curious about what it was and what it meant. The closer I get, the brighter it becomes. It burns my skin, but I continue forward, my curiosity far too great to have me turn back now. “Come to me,” I hear something whisper, and I do as it says. Each step brings me closer but also away from something I feel like I should go back to. I can’t turn back. I won’t. And it all vanishes. And I cease to be. <a data-passage="CheckPoint2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<nobr>>\<<set $nerve -=20>><</nobr>>\ Your actions have led to your death. As the light intensifies, your memory shifts, and another chance has been rewarded. <a data-passage="“Right.”"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I don’t tell him anything, allowing him to figure this all out as he lowers me to the ground. Both of us then glancing up to see where Sydero had gone. Hands still cuffed, she’s hovering in the air, seeming to attempt to get the cuffs off but of course failing. “Shit,” Rahim shouts, shooting back into the air right as the imps rain down. I can do little as he fights them off to get to Sydero, who doesn’t make the task any easier. Some of the imps target me, clawing and nipping at my skin and hair as I swat them off of me, huffing as each little bit of pain contributes to a greater pool. By the time Rahim is back at my side, I’m bleeding out of multiple areas, and my energy feels once again wasted. “Fuck outta here,” Sydero growls to an imp, swatting it with her tail and causing most of the others to flee. “Finally,” I huff, attempting to catch my breath, whimpering to myself when I hear Sydero chuckle. “You’re not free yet, look over there.” We all look and see a troupe of demons rushing towards us with more imps. <a data-passage="JHT2_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We run off, Rahim leading us to the best of his ability as we try to lose them between the buildings. Every turn and corner leads to another street, and another path but those behind us don’t let up. “This is madness,” I huff, looking for another route, “Sydero, which way?” “I do think you need to get to the corner of Who Knows and Fuck If I Care.” I open my mouth to retort but realize that it matters little and go back to searching, following Rahim as we head towards one building and then freezing when we spot Gluttony appear before us. “Ah, my favorite Prince, get me out of these would ya,” she tells him, but Gluttony only glimpses over at her before resting his eyes on me. “Come with me,” he says, already turning to lead us somewhere. I glance at Rahim, who seems just as cautious. “Or be captured. Which one?” he yells over his shoulder. Rahim grumbles something under his breath but moves to follow, Gluttony leading us down one path after another. “Keep this close to her side,” he begins, handing a familiar blade over to me, “when you teleport, she’ll regress. She’ll go from being in pain, to trying to get free, to attempting to feed, and then behaving violently. Keep her separated, in those cuffs, and over a devil’s trap. Do not feed her and keep anyone who may feel desire for her away. In a sense, starve her.” “Gonna tell them how to wipe my ass next,” she snarls but we ignore her. [[“Why are you helping us?”]] [[“Got it, so do the opposite.”]] [[“Do you know what will happen to me?”]] [[Just nod.]]
<<if $justlucky>>\ “Number four,” I say, and there’s a small pause as I hear Lust snap his fingers, as well as grinding his teeth. All but one disappear in a puff of smoke, and it’s the one I chose. “You are annoyingly lucky,” Lust says, sitting straighter in his chair. <<else>> “The one on the left,” I say, and there’s a small pause as I hear Lust snap his fingers. The Sydero on the right disappears in a puff of smoke, and he chuckles softly. <</if>>\ “Congratulations, you got it right.” Sydero huffs in disgust, “you ever make another fake me,<<if $justlucky>> multiple ones at that,<</if>> and you can forget common sense, I’m fighting you.” “I’m sure you’ll get an opportunity, my dear.” I turn to Lust, who hasn’t moved from his seat, waving his hand and letting the doors to his office swing open. “A deal is a deal. You will not hear from us in a week, and you will not be harassed by those here any longer. You’re free to go.” “Just like that?” Rahim questions standing. [[Let Lust answer.]] [[“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”]]
I wait for Lust to answer, curious myself. “Yes, how many times must I say I am a man of my word? Unless you want me to go back on it and send an entire legion after you?” “No, we’re fine,” I hiss, more towards Rahim than to him. I walk up to Sydero, and she raises a brow, looking from me to the cuffs that I hold. <<include "HellSydGo">>
“Hey, Rahim,” I chuckle nervously, “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. If the man says we can go, then let’s go.” I walk past him and up to Sydero, who raises a brow, looking from me to the cuffs that I hold. <<include "HellSydGo">>
“You’re not putting those on me.” “Stand still and let $name do what ?he came to do,” Lust groans, snapping his fingers and freezing Sydero to her spot. <<if $SRomance >=5>>“I’m going to kill all of you!” she hisses, thrashing against the hold and then stopping, glancing at me with a shit-eating smirk, “besides you. I think I’d just fuck the shit out of you repeatedly and call it a day.” I try to block out her voice, feeling the desire within me stir at her words, and I hear her chuckle. Concentrating, I fasten the cuffs on and begin to lead her out of the room.<<else>>“I’m going to kill all of you!” she hisses, thrashing against the hold, and though I watch parts of her shudder as she resists, she proves that her father is still much stronger than she. I fasten the cuffs on and begin to lead her out of the room.<</if>> “You’d be wise to watch her tail; she can manipulate it in all sorts of fun ways,” Envy shouts, and I glance over at it, but don’t see it shift or do anything interesting. “The cuffs won’t allow it,” Rahim tells me, taking over the job of leading her, his pace quicker than mine. “Can we focus on just getting out of here?” We walk to the elevator and ride it down, Sydero focusing on the magical cuffs and probably trying to figure a way out, while Rahim and I exchange looks. As soon as the doors part, I take a cautious step back as Gluttony appears. “Ah, my favorite Prince, get me out of these would ya,” she tells him, but Gluttony only glimpses over at her before resting his eyes on me. He brings my attention to his hands where he holds a familiar blade. “Keep this close to her side,” he begins, handing the blade over to me, “when you teleport, she’ll regress. She’ll go from being in pain, to trying to get free, to attempting to feed, and then behaving violently. Keep her separated, in those cuffs, and over a devil’s trap. Do not feed her and keep anyone who may feel desire for her away. In a sense, starve her.” “Gonna tell them how to wipe my ass next,” she snarls but we ignore her. [[“Why are you helping us?”]] [[“Got it, so do the opposite.”]] [[“Do you know what will happen to me?”]] [[Just nod.]]
I study Gluttony, “why are you helping us?” “I’m not helping you,” he says matter of factly, jerking his thumb towards Sydero, “I’m helping her. Unless you’re hoping she dies, then heed my advice.” Sydero chuckles darkly, “or don’t. Let’s see how much fun we have without it<<if hasVisited("“Left.”")>>.”<<else>>, that’s if you can even get yourselves out of here first.”<</if>> Gluttony isn’t the only one who rolls his eyes this time. <<include "JHT2_2_1">>
“Got it, so do the opposite,” I say, not believing a thing he tells us. “Do that, and you’ll find yourself with either a demonic Sydero or a dead one.” <<if hasVisited("“Left.”")>>\ “Hey, I’m right here,” Sydero reminds, “I can take care of myself, Glut. For a Prince, you worry too much.” “You’re far too reckless,” he growls, but, interestingly enough, he calms himself down immediately after. <<else>>\ “Hey, I’m right here,” Sydero reminds, “I can take care of myself. Look at these two, they hardly seem smart enough to even take care of themselves, let alone another.” “That I will not disagree with,” he growls, continuing on. <</if>>\ <<include "JHT2_2_1">>
“Do you know what will happen to me?” “Yes,” he sighs <<if hasVisited("“Left.”")>>tiredly,<<else>>tiredly, stopping at a corner, waiting a minute, and then continuing on,<</if>> “and though this may shock you, I don’t care.” His eyes shine a bright dandelion orange as he glares at me, “I would even go so far as saying that your death would be fortunate.” “You’d be the only one.” “I’m aware of that,” Gluttony regards me for a few more seconds before shrugging, <<if not hasVisited("“Left.”")>>his pace never wavering,<</if>> “as soon as you get back, you’ll probably have a few days. Maybe not even that.” My heartbeat speeds up, and I ignore the malicious look that Sydero sends me and Rahim’s hesitant glare. I have less time than I initially did, and that isn’t saying much as I hardly had any time then. “This is all because I came to Hell?” “No,” Gluttony says with a click of his tongue, “and yes. The stress, mixed with how time works here, and forcing your supernatural side out, all play a factor.” <<if hasVisited("“Left.”")>>\ <<if $serious >=50>>\ “We save one to just lose another.” Rahim stiffens, narrowing his eyes at my choice of words while Sydero simply looks on, unphased alongside her uncle. <<else>>\ “Great, I get to count my days.” “Hours. Count your hours,” Gluttony laughs as he corrects me, putting me through even more turmoil than before. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ Gluttony stops us, and when I look around, I notice that the buildings begin to lessen here, leading towards the more desert landscape. “Continue that way, and once far enough, make that portal with haste. They are still after you, but I earned you some time.” He turns to me. <</if>>\ <<include "JHT2_2_1">>
I simply nod in understanding, seeming to please Gluttony. <<include "JHT2_2_1">>
<<if $curse_gluttony>>\ “You have my curse, we’ll speak again. But until then, watch her.” Gluttony gives me one last look before saying something to Sydero that causes her to snort in amusement before he leaves. <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Left.”")>>\ “You know the way out. I advise you to go before Lust decides to change his mind for the heck of it,” Gluttony says, giving me one last look before saying something to Sydero that causes her to snort in amusement before leaving. <<else>>\ “Go. Now!” Gluttony says, giving me one last look before saying something to Sydero that causes her to snort in amusement before he leaves. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHT2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if hasVisited("“Left.”")>>\ “Can we finally go?” Rahim growls, grabbing Sydero’s forearm and yanking her after him. He doesn’t wait for me to answer, and we walk towards the castle’s exit, ignoring the many looks we receive. I end up leading even though my steps aren’t as confident or as healthy as they could be. We probably appeared like perfect quarry to all the demons watching us. A nephilim that <<if $teleport>>was still bleeding severely and barely able to walk<<else>>was barely able to walk<</if>> and an unknown supernatural whose insides were practically imploding. Not even Sydero seemed happy, her eyes locked on to the cuffs, and the cogs in her brain rolling as she tried to figure out a way out. We walk onto the street, and everyone we pass by either continues about their business or stop to eye us. Some demons growl and hiss, though mostly at Rahim. I notice a few bowing their heads towards Sydero before scurrying off as if she was able to punish them. We’re halfway down the street when I felt a different type of gaze on my back, turning and looking at Lust’s castle until I see a shadow figure standing in front of the window. The distance combined with the castle's height kept me from figuring out who it was, but something inside me told me it was Lust. <<else>>\ We do as Gluttony says, heading towards the area he had pointed out previously and believing that we were safe. “So, as soon as we get far enough away, you make the portal, right?” I question, turning to Rahim, who seems keener on strangling a still fighting Sydero. “If we ever get there,” he mumbles, the last part of his statement drowned out by a collected shriek. “Shit,” Rahim says as we all eye the incoming imps and demons charging towards us. We had successfully gotten out of the kingdom, but we still weren’t safe. “Go!” he shouts, nudging me forward and taking off into a sprint, even attempting to make the distance greater by flying but never going far due to Sydero’s inability to cooperate. We had one shot and it was all coming down to this moment. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="EP9-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<set $SyderoTheron = true>> <<unset $question, $early>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/actthree.png"> <<if hasVisited("“Left.”")>>\ We continue to walk to the kingdom’s edge, no demon making a move to stop us. “Do you really think Lust will be true to his word?” I question Rahim as we go, eyeing one demon who looks ready to pounce. “He will,” Rahim tells me, “now if we can only stop Sydero from acting up.” “Fuck you,” she roars, attempting to swipe her tail at him, but he sees it coming and moves out of the way, snarling at her. “No, fuck you, Sydero. This is getting tiresome.” “I didn’t invite you here, so I really don’t think I give a fuck. Take these cuffs off and <<if $teleport>>let’s have round two.<<else>>I’ll show you how I feel about you being here.<</if>>” “Here,” Rahim says, ignoring Sydero’s latest order and looking at the area he stops at. “This should be fine.” With the blade that Gluttony gave me, I turn to Sydero, who eyes the blade then me. “You cut me with my own blade, and I’ll be sure you’ll pay for it.” <<if $bloodfear>>\ [[“I’m not doing it anyway.”]] <<else>>\ [[“You sure you can’t do this part, Rahim?”]] [[“Yea, yea, whatever.”]] [[Just cut her.]] [[“Sorry for this”]] <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Rahim!” I shout, watching as he continues to draw the runes on the ground. “I’m going as fast as I can. Let me concentrate,” he screams back, his hand shaking as he draws in the runes, closing his eyes to think, blood seeping out of his injuries. The demons were getting closer, the imps pulling ahead and almost upon us. “What will it take for you to help us out here, Syd?” I question, throwing a frantic look her way. She rolls her eyes and dangles her cuffed wrists in front of my face. “You want to go back there?” I question, and she shrugs her shoulders, faking a yawn and throwing a smirk my way. <<if $bloodfear>>\ “Give her to me and get in the portal,” Rahim commands, grabbing Sydero’s cuffs and yanking her into the portal and grabbing the blade that Gluttony had given us. He begins to carve the symbol into her shoulder, but my attention was on the imps, seconds from being upon us. <<else>>\ “Rahim, handle them,” I say as soon as I see that he’s done with the portal. I grab the blade that Gluttony had given us and begin to carve the rune that Rahim had pointed out before onto her shoulder. My hands shaking as I bring it across her skin. “That’s all I got,” I hear him gasp, stumbling back into the portal and taking a knee as he catches his breath. I wasn’t surprised and place my focus on the task I was doing. <</if>>\ As soon as the rune is finished, the ground begins to glow along with her newly acquired marking. And then a bright light flashes. <a data-passage="JHT3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“I’m not going to be the one doing it anyway,” I inform her, and she sneers in response. “Aw, afraid of getting your hands dirty? You got a soft one here, Rahim.” “Shut up, Sydero,” Rahim grumbles as he continues to draw the portal, using his own blood to do so. I turn away, staring at Lust’s kingdom as he works. In a matter of minutes, we’ll be out of here, we’ll finally be done with this place. “Alright, we’re ready,” he says, motioning for me to step into the portal. I do just as Rahim grabs Sydero’s cufflinks and pulls her in. As soon as she enters, the runes on the ground begin to glow along with the one in her shoulder. And then a bright light flashes. <a data-passage="JHT3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You sure you can’t do this part, Rahim?” “I’m not doing all of this myself. All you have to do is carve a rune into her arm. Not that hard, $name.” “It is when she’s staring at me like she’ll murder me.” “Those cuffs won’t allow her to do anything.” “She has a tail and wings.” “$name just draw the fucking rune.” I roll my eyes and take a step closer to her, watching as she swings her tail towards me, though it never gets close enough to strike. I jump back on instinct regardless, and she chuckles. “Too easy.” “Alright, we’re ready,” he says, motioning for me to step into the portal. I do just as Rahim grabs Sydero’s cufflinks and pulls her in. As soon as she enters, the runes on the ground begin to glow along with the one in her shoulder. And then a bright light flashes. <a data-passage="JHT3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Yea, yea, whatever. I just want to leave this literal hellhole behind, so do whatever you want after we’re out of here.” I snatch her arm and begin to carve the rune on her shoulder, surprised when she allows it. “Alright, we’re ready,” he says, motioning for me to step into the portal. I do just as Rahim grabs Sydero’s cufflinks and pulls her in. As soon as she enters, the runes on the ground begin to glow along with the one in her shoulder. And then a bright light flashes. <a data-passage="JHT3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I say nothing as I grab her arm and yank her towards me, carving the rune into her shoulder. <<if $SRomance >=3>>\ “Mmm,” she purrs in my ear, “cute, dominating, and dangerous. You sure we haven’t fucked yet?” I close my eyes, fighting the raging desire that attempts to shoot through me, knowing what would happen if I gave in, especially here. We’re still in Lust’s kingdom, the last thing I want is to give her the upper hand here. I carve the rest of the rune that Rahim had shown me and take a step back, putting distance between us. <<else>>\ “Ouch,” she says in a mocking tone, “be careful with me, it’s my first time.” <<if $serious >=50>>I roll my eyes and continue carving the rune that Rahim had shown me, blocking out everything else that she says as well.<<else>>I roll my eyes, biting back a smile as I continue to carve the rune that Rahim had shown me.<</if>> Once finished, I take a step back and retreat to his side once done. <</if>>\ “Alright, we’re ready,” he says, motioning for me to step into the portal. I do just as Rahim grabs Sydero’s cufflinks and pulls her in. As soon as she enters, the runes on the ground begin to glow along with the one in her shoulder. And then a bright light flashes. <a data-passage="JHT3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I just want to apologize for what I’m about to do,” I start, grabbing her arm. “How about you just grow some and do it already,” she huffs, and I begin to carve the rune into her shoulder, stopping when she lets out a blood-curdling scream. I freeze, almost dropping the blade as she erupts into laughter. “Oh, that was too easy. Fuck you both,” she chuckles, giving me her arm lazily to let me finish. “Alright, we’re ready,” he says, motioning for me to step into the portal. I do just as Rahim grabs Sydero’s cufflinks and pulls her in. As soon as she enters, the runes on the ground begin to glow along with the one in her shoulder. And then a bright light flashes. <a data-passage="JHT3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The pain is searing, seeping into my flesh and feeling like it’ll melt me if it got any more intense. And then it stops. I hear gasps and mumbles, and I open my eyes. The gang stands before us, their eyes wide as they examine us silently. At first, no one says anything, shock and excitement coursing through the energy in the air, and then I hear someone suffocating and turn to see Sydero falling to her knees. Her scales turn iridescent, starting off red but a moment later when she moves, a gold, and then a blue. “Sydero?” Bradley asks, choking back a sob as he takes a step towards her. I put my hand out, remembering what Gluttony warned us about earlier. And as if to further the truth in his words, she falls to her knees, trembling and letting out a painful scream. “I don’t think right now is the best time,” I tell Bradley, glancing back at Sydero, whose eyes have yet to divert back to her more human color. Some of her scales begin to shift, but most of her remain demonic. “But,” he starts, the heartbreak evident in his voice. [[“I know.”]] [[“Just a bit of time, okay?”]] [[“You said get her back, I did.”]] [[“How are you?”|JHTHow]]
<<if $SRomance >=5>>\ “I know,” I sigh, placing my hand on his shoulder. He glances up at me and stares deep into my eyes. “You really do like her, huh? What did you see in there?” he asks. “Stuff that I don’t want to repeat. I just,” I glance over at Sydero as she lets out another long moan, groaning in pain. “I just want her to get better.” “We both do,” he tells me, both of our eyes trailing back to the demonic woman. Part of me feels a bit of camaraderie with Bradley, both wishing to see a woman we care for get better. But I need more, I want so much more. After a near month of being without her, it feels like everything is suddenly hitting me. All the memories, and the understanding that there is as much of a chance that we will make more, but there is also the possibility that this is where it ends. <<else>>\ “I know,” I sigh, my own heartbreak mirrored in my voice, “trust me I know. But from what I saw and was told, she’s going to need a moment to adjust. Give her that and then try.” Bradley trembles from beside me, glancing over at Sydero who lets out another moan of pain. <</if>>\ <<include "JHT3_0_1">>
“It’s just a bit of time, okay? She’s going to be back to the Sydero you know quickly.” I tell him, and he nods, trembling beside me as he glances over at Sydero, who lets out another moan of pain. <<include "JHT3_0_1">>
“Hey,” I start, my hands up in surrender, “you said to get her back, and that’s what I did. There’s nothing I could do about her current state.” “I’m not blaming you,” he grunts, letting a shiver take over him as he glances over at Sydero. She lets out another long moan of pain, clawing at the ground and behaving as if the air was toxic, for all I know, it was to her. <<include "JHT3_0_1">>
“How are you?” I question, not really worried about Sydero as much as I was about him. Bradley seems to take my question offensively as he takes a step back, giving me a crazed look. “Who cares? Sydero is here,” he drags his hand through his hair in shock, “Sydero is here.” His excitement is soon replaced by sadness when she lets out another moan of pain, clawing the ground from where she lies. <<include "JHT3_0_1">>
<<if $nerve <50>>\ “I’m glad you’re back, though,” Bradley begins moving away from the portal, and I follow, a soft and thankful smile on my face. One moment I’m relieved. Finally back and with Sydero. And then, it feels like everything that has taken place crashes down on me, my entire body feeling like it’s failing. One by one, everything feels like it cuts off or snaps until I’m bathed in darkness. <a data-passage="JHT3_LN"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “I’m glad you’re back, though,” Bradley begins moving away from portal, and I follow, a soft and thankful smile on my face. <a data-passage="JHT3_HN"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<img src="images/divider.png"> <<if $j3>>\ Zillah lunges forward as one minute he was waiting for $name to approach, and the next, ?he<<verb "'s" "'re">> falling towards the ground. It’s only due to his improving reflexes that he’s able to stop himself short when he realizes that he isn’t the only one who sprung to $name’s rescue. He clenches his jaw as he gazes from Chris to Rahim, both guys already crowding a now unconscious $name. At least Rahim mirrors his frustration, his glance flickering up to Chris who had beaten both of them. “Hey, $name,” Chris says quietly, gently trailing his finger down $name’s face as if that’s supposed to wake ?him. “I’ll put ?him in the bed,” Rahim says tiredly, already moving forward to grab ?him. “It looks like you need to put yourself to bed,” Chris points out, exchanging a glare with Rahim that tells him he isn’t about to pass $name to him just because he asked. “Then we’re going the same way,” Rahim points out. “Gentlemen, gentlemen,” Zillah snorts, both of their attention shifting to him, “you’re both ugly. Now that we have that we cleared that up, how about passing $name to someone who can actually do something helpful?” “Yea, because you sticking your dick in places it shouldn’t go is helpful,” Chris growls. Zillah lets out a dark chuckle, shaking his head and running one of his hands through his curls. “Though I must disagree with you there, that’s not what I’m talking about for the first time ever. Either of you knows how to help alleviate this pain?” Zillah pauses, pouting as he gazes between the two, “either of you? Either at all? Great, then fuck the hell off.” He moves to grab $name, but Chris again moves to block him. “I’m not doing this with you, Zillah, not right now,” Chris growls, “this shit is serious.” “I have dealt with your annoying ass for two weeks already, don’t add to it,” Zillah sighs mournfully. “I haven’t even talked to you this entire time.” “Yes, but you continuing to breathe is enough to piss me off, it seems.” “The kiddie table would be to your left, continue your tantrums over there. Neither of you knows what $name went through down there, so just let me handle this,” Rahim sighs. “Excuse me,” Faye pipes up, scratching her head in irritation, “can you three just stop it? Not back for an hour, and you’re already back to this squabbling. Amari, can you take $name to the guest room?” “Yep,” she says, gladly moving the three men out of the way as she picks up $name’s limp form. She sends all three of them smirks before leaving. <<elseif $j2>>\ Rahim ignores his own pain as he moves to catch $name, stopping short just quick enough to avoid ramming into Chris. It took him a few seconds to realize what had taken place, $name now resting in Chris’s benign embrace. He tells himself that it matters little who caught $name, as long as ?he <<verb "was">> caught, and yet, he can’t help but clench his jaw as he takes in the scene. “Hey, $name,” Chris says quietly, gently trailing his finger down $name’s face as if that is supposed to wake ?him. “I’ll put ?him in the bed,” Rahim says tiredly, already moving forward to grab ?him. “It looks like you need to put yourself to bed,” Chris points out, exchanging a glare with Rahim that told him he wasn’t about to pass $name to him just because he asked. Rahim pauses, blinking a few times. Why is he behaving as if he doesn’t know that Chris feels something towards $name? He knows this; it isn’t like Chris is actually cautious about it. And yet, something in him still feels like this is all new. “You have no idea what $name has been through,” Rahim tries, but Chris still doesn’t seem anymore keen than before. Rahim opens his mouth and then closes it a moment later, questioning why he even cared so much. He had feelings for $name, that much is true and indisputable. He has even told $name as much. But he said to himself that he wouldn’t go down that same rabbit hole, not again, especially when $name is still a mystery. So all of this shouldn’t bother him. He glances back over at the duo. And yet, it does. So much. The sight of Chris looking down at $name in such a way tear at his insides, causing him to want to become defensive. But he has no right. Chris gets to his feet, leaving Rahim still there on the floor. By instinct, Rahim moves as if to intercept them, but he’s able to stop himself, cursing himself for the action as he glares at the ground. <<elseif $cbreak>>\ Chris surges forward, shocked at his own speed when he reaches $name just in time. He grunts in pain as ?he <<verb "falls">> into his arms. “Hey, $name,” Chris says quietly, gently trailing his finger down $name’s face as if that’s supposed to wake ?him. His heart is aching, even more so than when $name wasn’t there and <<if $chris >=50>>Chris was thinking up each and horrible possible scenario, most of them keeping him up at night.<<else>>Chris had to go off of his faith in $name and that was it. It at least allowed him to focus on other things, knowing that $name could handle Hell.<</if>> “Come on, $name,” he snorts, trying to bury his emotions, trying to be braver than he really was, “you went through all of that just to faint now? You gotta brag about how Hell wasn’t any match for you.” The laugh that he releases hurt even Chris. It isn’t one he expected to make, not when he finally had $name back. His brain chose to remind him what Zillah had told them, and it took every last piece of willpower Chris held to restrain himself from choking on a sob. <<if $unstable>>None of them had known the true extent of $name’s unstableness, his brain certainly didn’t equate it to death.<<else>>None of them had known the true extent of $name’s unstableness, all of them believing that $name was just being dramatic and leaving it at that.<</if>> <<elseif $RRomance >=5>>\ Rahim ignores his own pain as he falls forward to catch $name, grunting as ?he <<verb "falls">> into his arms. “Fuck,” he growls, closing his eyes in pain when he realizes that the added pressure is crushing his wing in an awkward position. The pain only intensifies as it seems like everything becomes too heavy to bear. He closes his eyes to fight it, slowly being able to right himself after several seconds. A few deep breaths and he lowers his gaze to $name’s tranquil face, and he snorts. One would never know that $name had just marched through four kingdoms, had a showdown with the Princes, and escaped, all while being unstable. He pauses, realizing that that’s what this is. What if $name was dying right now? If the time switch had just made it to where $name’s countdown had finally reached zero? “Zillah?” he growls, twisting in his spot to look at the shade. “I’m going to need you to take some of that bass out your voice first,” he snorts, refusing to move. “This is serious, what’s going on with $name?” “Hmm, I’m still detecting high levels of bass. I need you to go baritone at least.” “Zillah!” Energy Rahim thought he no longer possessed shows itself, his mist flaring up and light blue sparks flying off of his body. He can only guess that his eyes are now doing the usual glow. He doesn’t immediately show it, but he will regret this flare-up later, his body is on its way to just shutting down. “Calm yourself,” Zillah growls, approaching and then crouching beside him, resting a hand on $name’s forehead. Zillah grumbles something to himself, glaring at the floor before looking at Rahim, “yea, ?he<<verb "'s" "'re">> out.” <<elseif $ARomance >=4>>\ Performing a single yelp, Amari leaps forward, knocking all those in her way, out. She just barely makes it to $name’s side, fast enough to catch ?him. “$name?” Amari questions, gazing across ?his peaceful face. She’s about to calm down when she hears ?his heartbeat starting to wane, the beating growing fainter. “Zillah!” she shouts, searching for the shade in hopes that he can help. This week and last has been filled with her at war with herself. One minute she’s telling herself to calm down, that $name will be fine. The next, she’s panicking, her nightmares waking her up with vivid images of how $name will die. She had practically been counting down the days since then, each one leaving her more anxious than the last. And now here $name is, but it it’s feeling more like her nightmares than her daydreams. “What’s wrong with ?him?” she questions, moving just enough for Zillah to take a knee. “What I thought would happen to the idiot,” he mumbles, “?he sped up ?his countdown.” Amari closes her eyes, trying to tell her heartbeat to steady as she reminds herself what Zillah has told them all about $name and ?his ebbing time. “How long?” she questions, fighting a tear that threatens to fall. “I need to concentrate for that,” he tells her, an annoyed tone to his words, but after glancing at Amari’s wide, defeated puppy eyes, he removes the irritation from his tone, “give me until tonight. But when $name wakes, I can help a bit more.” <<elseif $raincheck>>\ Zillah’s eyes widen as he watches $name fall forward, knowing he’s too far back to catch ?him. Faster than his feet allows, he summons a tendril, and it races towards $name, grabbing ?him right before ?he can hit the floor. Slowly, Zillah lowers $name to the ground before retracting the tendril back into his back, grunting at the weird sensation that it still causes. He’s still trying to personally figure out why they only originate along his spinal cord now, no other place, but it’s a personal thought that can wait. He cautiously approaches $name, bending down and resting a hand on the side of ?his head and using his abilities. Zillah can’t do much, not with ?him unconscious, but he can tell just how much ?his countdown has deteriorated. He curses, realizing that $name has hardly a week. “What’s going on, Zillah?” Faye questions, snapping Zillah back to the now. He gazes around to see that everyone is eyeing him in shock, and when he looks back towards $name, he realized why. He thought that he had simply touched ?his head, no, he’s cradling $name’s head. As if burned, Zillah yanks his hand back, holding it close to his chest. “Uh, ?he<<verb "'s" "'re">> just being lazy, ?he’ll wake up later.” With a grunt, Rahim nods and turns to the others, barking orders about where Syd needs to go and what needs to happen. Zillah doesn’t listen, his eyes having drifted back down to $name’s face. It feels like something is pricking his insides with a needle, an annoying action that won’t stop until he addresses it. But the problem is, he doesn’t know what to call it. Even more, he’s too scared to address it. It isn’t lust and feeling anything, but that isn’t allowed or possible. He smirks as he realizes exactly what it is, concern for his own life. If $name doesn’t make it, then he won’t either. At best, he’ll be alive only to go through a century of pain and torture. That annoying feeling is his inner voice reminding him that he needs to make sure $name stays alive, and that’s it. <<else>>\ “Ah, $name!” Bradley squeaks, fast enough to make sure $name didn’t hit the floor but not strong enough to keep both of them on their feet. “Someone help me, please.” <<if $cp>>Chris and Zillah move in to aid him, Chris grabbing $name while Zillah helps Bradley back to this feet.<<else>>Zillah and Jeff move in to aid him, Jeff grabbing $name while Zillah helps Bradley back to this feet.<</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="JHT3_LN1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $j3>>\ “You three should really settle this,” Faye points out, her attention turning to Sydero. “What do we do with her?” “Put her in the attic,” Rahim answers, “cuffs stay on,. She needs to be on top of a Devil’s Trap and everyone needs to give her space.” He takes a deep breath out, his energy obviously diminishing. “Settle what?” Zillah growls, bringing Faye’s words back up, “there’s nothing to settle.” “Aren’t you supposed to be chained up somewhere?” Rahim questions, leaning back on the nearest wall. “You sure you want to be talking shit right now, righteous shit? I reckon I can kick your ass up and down the neighborhood and still not break a sweat.” Rahim’s eye twitches, but other than that, he keeps his cool, mostly due to not having the energy to continue this argument. “Faye, can I have some tea to sleep. I want to wake up and forget this conversation,” Rahim mumbles, getting to his feet. Zillah watches as the angel steps away, and he then decides to get to his feet as well, looking over at Sydero and narrowing his eyes. “Come on, Bradley,” he starts, grabbing the cambion who growls at him but otherwise is far too weak to do more. “Let’s set her up.” <<elseif $j2>>\ “I’m going to go put $name in the guest room, make sure ?he<<verb "'s" "'re">> comfortable.” Rahim hears the words, but they aren’t computing. Not only is he attempting to sort through his own emotions, but now he’s sorting out if this path should still be walked. Chris and $name had a past and the fact that through all of this, Chris is still around means something. Can Rahim keep up with something like that? Did he wish to? Did he really want to open that cage and let his heart go free, knowing the chances of the wind seizing and abusing it? He feels like his chest is sinking in, caving in from years of built-up rust. He doesn’t want this, but that means little. The fact that a part of him is burning up in rage tells him that much. He isn’t a jealous man, and yet, the feelings he feels towards Chris are anything but positive. He can tuck this back in, right? Snap his fingers and vanquish anything that he feels? He just needs to remember why his heart is in that cage to begin with. And why he had purposely lost that key … “Rahim!” He jumps at the sound of his name, once again feeling the same fear that he felt while in the Underworld. Seeing Bradley, though, causes his racing heart to lessen. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” “I’m fine,” he hisses, “what do you want?” “We don’t know what to do with Sydero.” Rahim takes another deep breath as he pushes himself to his feet, “we’ll put her in the attic,” Rahim answers, “cuffs stay on. She needs to be on top of a Devil’s Trap, and everyone needs to give her space. Zillah, Amari, can you grab her? Faye, Bradley, with me to make the trap.” Everyone moves to do as he says, Rahim leading the two up the stairs, closing his eyes when he passes the guest room, refusing to see the two within. <<elseif $cbreak>>\ “Rahim?” he questions, glancing over but not liking what he saw. Rahim attempts to stand but is faltering, his angelic wings coated in blood and dirt. Chris then looks to Sydero as she lets out another painful whimper, fighting against the air but losing. “Chris,” Faye starts, resting a hand on his shoulder, “we should move $name to a bed, the guest room. We’ll handle Sydero.” He didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as Faye says it, he stands and pushes past Amari and Zillah, heading towards the stairs to deposit $name. He enters the room and sets $name down, taking a few steps back as he looks $name over. He collapses on the bed’s side, grabbing $name’s hand as he deposits faint kisses. “You’re a fighter, wake up, don’t leave me now, not when I just realized that I …” He bit his tongue, looking anywhere but at $name’s face as the revelation came to him yet again. “That I love you,” he whispers, placing one last kiss on $name’s forehead, before sitting and waiting for ?him to get up. <<elseif $RRomance >=5>>\ “Help. ?Him.” “Can’t, right now ?his mind is cut off from me, and I can’t just zap myself into people’s minds any more thanks to you. We’ll have to wait until ?he <<verb "gets">> up.” Zillah gets to his feet, smirking down at Rahim. “Why do you even care, Rahim? Didn’t you already say that $name is nothing but a cheap employer, and that’s it?” Rahim stiffens at the reminder, and Zillah chuckles in victory, walking off. He had said that, and he had meant it. So why didn’t he still feel that way? He so badly wanted to go back to the time where he felt nothing but distrust for $name, and yet, here he was, feeling much more than just that. He feels like his chest is sinking in, caving in from years of built-up rust. He doesn’t want this, but that means little. He can tuck this back in, right? Snap his fingers and vanquish anything that he feels? He just needs to remember why his heart is in that cage to begin with. And why he had purposely lost that key … “Rahim!” He jumps at the sound of his name, once again feeling the same fear that he felt while in the Underworld. Seeing Bradley, though, causes his racing heart to lessen. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” “I’m fine,” he hisses, “what do you want?” “We don’t know what to do with Sydero.” Rahim takes another deep breath as he pushes himself to his feet, “we’ll put her in the attic,” Rahim answers, “cuffs stay on. She needs to be on top of a Devil’s Trap, and everyone needs to give her space. Zillah, Amari, can you grab her? Faye, Bradley, go make the trap. I’ll put $name in the guest room.” Everyone moves to do as he says, and Rahim leaves to do as he had said. Once in the room, he carefully releases $name and takes a step back. Perhaps he should stay to make sure ?he<<verb "'s" "'re">> okay. He nods to himself but then freezes, a part of him warning him of his next step. If he did that, if he stayed in here, then that’s it. Wasn’t it? He’s letting $name in. He’s giving $name the ability to creep past his self-built defenses and to potentially tear them down. Fear spreads through him, and he takes a step back. No. That was one thing he didn’t need, one thing he isn’t prepared for. “I’m sorry,” he hears himself say, taking another step towards the door, “I can’t let you in. I’m not strong enough for that.” He turns on his heel and walks away, each step making him question the last, making him want to turn around and abandon all of his principles. But he keeps going, knowing that if he stops, then he’ll go back because though his mind says go, his heart says stay. <<elseif $ARomance >=4>>\ She nods, scooping $name into her arms and turning towards the others. “Take $name to the guest room,” Faye tells her, “we’re going to go –” She pauses, glancing over at Sydero. “We’ll put her in the attic,” Rahim takes over, looking just as worse as the other two. “Cuffs stay on. She needs to be on top of a Devil’s Trap, and everyone needs to give her space.” He takes a deep breath out, his energy obviously diminishing. <<if $cp>>“Then let’s get to it,” Chris claps, and suddenly everyone moves.<<else>>“Well let’s all not stand around, we got shit to do,” Jeff tells the group and everyone then moves.<</if>> Amari is the first to leave, carrying $name to the guest room and placing ?him lightly on the bed. She sits on the edge, staring off into space as she tries to decipher through her own emotions. $name finally was back, and yet, she had no idea for how long. They were going to have to talk about what she learned, but she was far more concerned with $name’s health and wellbeing. What truly made Amari think was the butterflies and the amount of worry she felt. She tried to convince herself that she felt the same worry for $name that she felt for Rahim, and yet, deep down, she knew she didn’t. She was ready to throw everything away and enter Hell herself to bring $name back. She hated to say it, but she didn’t care to go that far for Rahim. “Amari,” she hears $name mumble, and she jerks around, only to see ?him still asleep. <<if $a_fear is "dogs">>\ “I’m here,” Amari whispers, moving forward, reaching for ?his hand but second thinking the action. Instead, she transforms into her canine form, whimpering as she sits on the bed’s edge. Suddenly her eyes widen in realization and she transforms back, almost falling off the side. $name is terrified of dogs, how could she have been so forgetful. How would ?he react if ?he woke up and saw that. She paces back and forth, finally sitting but her trembling leg causes her to get back up, her entire mind on overdrive. This is fine, she thinks to herself as she continues pacing. She’ll do this until ?he <<verb "gets">> up, it’s fine. It’ll all be fine. <<else>>\ “I’m here,” Amari whispers, moving forward, reaching for ?his hand but second thinking the action. Instead, she transforms into her canine form, whimpering as she sits on the bed’s edge, her eyes never straying from Roe’s slumbering figure. She had let ?him out of her sight once, she isn’t about to do it again, not anytime soon anyway. <</if>>\ <<elseif $raincheck>>\ “Zillah!” Zillah shakes his head and looks to the others, seeing them glaring at him now. “Can you take $name to the guest room?” Rahim asks, and Zillah nods. With an annoyed sigh, he takes $name into his arms and starts for the room. He’s halfway up the stairs when $name’s head softly sways, burying itself into Zillah’s chest and causing him to stumble. “Zillah?” he hears them call his name from downstairs. “Still learning how to walk,” Zillah shouts back, his eyes darting down to $name’s face and feeling his cheeks heat up. “What the fuck!?” he growls to himself, shifting his jaw, but the feeling doesn’t leave. He ignores it to the best of his ability, depositing $name in the bed as he begins to massage his cheeks, finally feeling back to normal. Zillah stands awkwardly, looking around the room and trying to figure out if this is all he should do. He’s always seen them sleep with blankets and so he moves in to bring them over $name, about to pull back when $name whimpers. Again, his cheeks begin to heat up, and this time no amount of massaging soothes them. He walks towards the door with a brisk pace, closing it behind him without a second look back. He doesn’t know what’s going on, and he doesn’t like it, nor does he care to stick around. “All of this will be over soon,” he tells himself, heading towards the attic. “I’ll make sure of that.” <<else>>\ Rahim takes another deep breath as he pushes himself to his feet, “Jeff, take $name and put them in the guest room. We’ll put Sydero in the attic. Cuffs stay on. She needs to be on top of a Devil’s Trap, and everyone needs to give her space. Zillah, Amari, can you grab her? Faye, Bradley, with me to make the trap.” Everyone moves to do as he says, no one saying a word as they work, the mood as low as it was before they had left. <</if>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> <a data-passage="JHT4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $j3>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> “$name!” Chris shouts, rushing up to $name, caring little for the two people he ended up pushing past as he made it to $name’s side. Well, he didn’t care until Zillah grabbed his shirt to slow him down. “Calm down, Chris, you act like $name actually wishes to see you,” he snorts, pulling him back and then walking past him and up to $name. “More than ?he <<verb "wants">> to see you, I’m sure.” “?He just got back from Hell, the last thing I’m sure ?he <<verb "wants">> to see is another ugly ass monster.” “You. Guys. Are. Not,” Amari growls, a guttural roar that causes both of them to pause. “Hey, $name,” Chris begins, turning to speak to ?him, but his words die on his tongue when he sees that Rahim has ?his complete attention. “You just got showed up by the walking pile of angelic shit,” Zillah chuckles, huffing in shock when Chris slaps his chest. “So, did you,” he says, not taking his eyes off the sight. Zillah follows his gaze, taking in $name’s disheveled appearance and not being able to wonder how much messier the two of them could get. His eyes then came to rest on Rahim, noticing little details that make his frown deepen. Like the way his eyes hold just enough light to show that even though they went through Hell, it was worth it for $name. Or how the tips of his mouth quirk up. <a data-passage="JHT3_HN1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $j2>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> “Hey, are you okay?” Rahim asks $name, worry coursing through him as he examines the unknown supernatural. His hand twitches at his side as he spies a small splatter of dried blood resting along $name’s cheek. “You’re worried about me when you look just as bad,” $name laughs. “$name!” Chris shouts, suddenly coming into view and wrapping his arms around $name and hugging ?him. Properly pulling Rahim out of his thoughts and causing him to straighten up. “Fuck, I missed you!” “Had fun in my absence?” $name asks, summoning ?his widest smile for Chris. Rahim’s heart stutters as he memorized that smile to memory. His brain tries to figure out if he has ever gotten a smile like that. His heart again shifts in an uncomfortable manner when he comes up with the simple answer of no. Silently, he watches as Chris goes in for one last hug, nuzzling against $name, and further causing Rahim’s heart to ache. But that’s a feeling he shouldn’t feel because, according to him, he and $name will never work out. Feelings are only one piece of it, he doesn’t trust $name or even know that much about ?him … so why is he standing there wishing that he was in Chris’s shoes? Wishing that he was the one with years of knowledge about $name and hours upon hours of time spent. <a data-passage="JHT3_HN1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $cbreak>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> “$name!” Chris shouts, rushing up to $name, caring little for the two people he end up pushing past as he makes it to $name’s side. “Chris?” $name questions, though if ?he <<verb "wishes">> to say anything more, Chris doesn’t give ?him a chance. Throwing away caution and total regard for what may have happened while ?he <<verb "was">> gone, Chris wraps his arms around $name and brings ?him close, burying his head in the crook of ?his neck. He never wanted to let ?him go again. “I change my mind,” Chris grumbles, knowing his words are probably misconstrued due to his positioning, “I’m never letting you out of my sight again.” Chris finally moves back, his heart breaking and doing flips as he stares into $name’s $eyes eyes. Who knew near two weeks would bring him to this realization, though he supposed he had Faye and Amari to thank for that. “Chris, are you crying?” $name asks, softly running ?his hand across Chris’s cheek, surprising even him. “Ugh, maybe,” Chris chuckles, “I was fucking terrified.” <a data-passage="JHT3_HN1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $raincheck>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> Zillah let out a shaky sigh, and his frown soon gives way to a relieved grin. So, $name survived, and though their energy is sporadic, it isn’t significantly worse than when they left. He takes a step forward, ready to welcome ?him back, and catch up on all the missed teasing when he feels eyes on him, and he freezes. A quick glance around reveals the person in question to be Amari. The young woman has gotten even more inquisitive and annoying since the two left, continually questioning him and picking his brain. He abhors the thought but can’t deny that she had managed to sneak her way past most of his personal defenses. Always learning just enough to sate her curiosity for that day. He’s about to stop when he feels himself run into someone, taking his eyes off of Amari to see that $name now stands directly in front of him. He missed this feeling, his skin heating up, and his body tingling due to close proximity to $name. It awakens his senses to the point that he fails to understand why, and he’s beginning to not care. “Zillah,” $name begins, biting the inside of their cheek and taking a step back. <a data-passage="JHT3_HN1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $ARomance >=4>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> “Ah!” Amari shouts, unable to control her excitement as she practically pounces on an unsuspecting $name. It is only a second later that she realizes how horrible her actions are, quickly rising and helping $name to ?his feet in shock. “Sorry, I really couldn’t control myself. I kinda forgot that you just journeyed through Hell, and you’re probably exhausted. And oh, wow, that’s blood. That’s a lot of blood and a lot of dirt. And I literally just knocked you off your feet.” Amari freezes as $name cuts her off by giving her a tight hug, squeezing her tight enough to cause all the anxiety and energy to settle within her. A soft smile and a blush appears as she wraps her arms around $name, pulling ?him a bit closer. “I missed you too, Amari,” $name says, squeezing before releasing. She swallows down a whimper, already missing ?his warmth and the way ?he <<verb "feels">> when so close to her. She pushes her thoughts down, forcing herself to smile. The corners of her mouth feel heavy, her strength coming only from the fact that $name is okay, for everything else is causing her to feel the opposite of happiness. Zillah told them all about $name dying, and to add to that, Amari was starting to now question the crush she had been developing. Not to mention that the cambion lying behind them is freaking her past the normal levels of freak out. <a data-passage="JHT3_HN1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $RRomance >=4>>\ I turn to Rahim, “looks like we –,” I start, but the words dissolve on my tongue as I watch him sway from one side to the other. His eyes flickering, and his gray mist growing before diminishing, and he collapses. “Rahim!” I shout, racing towards him, whimpering as my body reminds me that I’m not far from a similar fall. It’s holding on, just barely. Nevertheless, I catch him, falling due to his unexpected weight as the others move in, everyone speaking at once, but I hear none of them. <<if $weakRahim>>I remember seeing this, in Hell, after Sydero almost killed him.<<else>>I nudge his face softly, hoping to see his eyes reopen, and those arctic blue eyes connect with mine.<</if>> “Come on, Rahim, get up, at least show me you’re okay,” I start, not realizing that I’m holding my breath, hoping for him to move but seeing nothing. My heart begins to ache, my mind constantly reminding me that I can’t save him when I can barely save myself. I place my ear to his heart and hear it beating faintly, looking around but only knowing that Sydero can help. [[Ask her for help.][$bradley -=5]] [[Just hope.]] [[Use my abilities.|HNAbilities]] <<else>>\ The others move in as well, though they stand far enough away to allow me to breathe without feeling crowded. “Welcome back,” Amari pipes up, practically jumping in her spot from excitement. “Yea,” Zillah says, narrowing his eyes, “congrats idiot, you’re closer to death now.” His words seem to shift the entire mood of the room, everyone growing quiet. “Everyone knows?” I question, and they nod. From the look on some of their faces, I could tell that this wouldn’t be the end of it, this would be discussed. <a data-passage="JHT3_HN2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Syd, I need your help, please. Rahim, needs it.” “Fuck you and him!” she shouts, falling to the ground, heaving as it seems like her outburst takes everything out of her. “Leave her be,” Bradley growls at me, and I do. “$name,” Faye says softly beside me, “Rahim is probably just crashing from all that happened, something you’ll soon be doing. We can have a proper reunion later, right now, put him in my bed, and you take the guest room. We’ll handle Sydero.” I hear her, but I show no sign of it as my attention is focused on Rahim’s still form. <<include "JHT3_HN_RahimDown">>
I close my eyes and just hope that he’s okay, as I can do little. He’s probably experiencing a crash, all the stress of Hell finally catching up with him, same as Sydero, same as me. I’m amazed that I’m still up, now that I think about it. I glance up and over at the others, standing around isn’t going to help any of us. <<include "JHT3_HN_RahimDown">>
I clear my mind and close my eyes, feeling a harsh tap upside my head before I can even truly get into it. “Don’t you dare,” Zillah growls, appearing like he wants to do it again, “where does it make sense that you //try// and save him by killing yourself?” I can’t even form words, knowing deep down that he has a point. “Let’s not do anything drastic,” Faye says, “Rahim is probably just crashing from all that happened, something you’ll soon be doing. We can have a proper reunion later, right now, put him in my bed, and you take the guestroom. We’ll handle Sydero.” I hear her, but I show no sign of it as my attention is focused on Rahim’s still form. <<include "JHT3_HN_RahimDown">>
“Syd needs to go in the attic on top of a Devil’s Trap. Her cuffs need to stay on, and we were told that we need to keep our distance for a while.” Bradley visibly deflates at my words. “You guys do that, and I’ll tend to Rahim and me.” “Yea, because you can carry him,” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Jeff<</if>> snorts, standing and picking him up, straining himself. I nod my thanks and lead him to Faye’s bedroom, where he lies Rahim down before leaving. <<if $cp>>Right before he leaves and heads to the attic, Chris squeezes my shoulder and gives me a sullen nod.<</if>> I look back at Rahim and sigh, walking to the edge of the bed and sitting down, letting my eyes trail from his grimy wings to his disheveled appearance. Speckles of blood rest all along his face and arms along with fresh scars and bruises. I suddenly feel totally drained, as if someone has zapped me of all energy and emotions but leaving behind every horrible thought and memory of Hell. “Come on, Rahim,” I sigh with a despondent tone, “I need you to get up. One positive. Please just one positive out of all this crap.” I grab his hand and squeeze it. [[Kiss his forehead.]] [[Lay there with him.]] [[Go to the guest room.]]
Like a warning bell, my body begins to ache, and moving becomes too much for me. I need to go get some sleep. I shift to move, glancing one more time at Rahim’s slumbering form. “I’ll be here when you need me,” I whisper, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his forehead, small sparks erupting in the back of my mind as a slight rush of heat overtakes me. I draw back and head out of the room, closing the door behind me and going to the guest room. “Here, drink this,” Faye says, entering the room a few minutes later and handing me a mug, “it won’t make it go away, but it will ease your nerves and help you sleep and recover energy. I told the others not to bother you until you wake up.” She sniffles, and I raise a brow, realizing that she’s staring at me. “Faye,” I start, but she shakes her head. “It’s okay. I just … we really didn’t know.” She wipes at her eyes, the tears falling freely. “I was so sure that I would find something to slow it down, and then something later that would help, but Zillah told us. He told us that you were dying, and besides what he could do, there’s no helping you.” The last part comes out muffled as she chokes on her words. “Excuse me,” she states and swiftly leaves the room, her sobs growing distant. My lack of energy denies even my brain from thinking up the possibility of following her. Instead, I gulp down the contents of the mug and lay down, closing my eyes and allowing the effects of the tea to hit me. As I drift, I’m unable to tell when I’ll wake up, but a good part of me doesn’t care. I don’t have the energy to care. <a data-passage="JHT4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I bite my lip, and somewhere far back in my mind, I know this is a bad idea. And yet, the yawn that moves past my lips tell me that I don’t care enough. Whatever happens due to my actions will be tomorrow $name’s problem because today $name is too tired and too emotionally beaten. I lie down, giving Rahim plenty of room, mostly due to his wings taking up most of the queen-sized bed. I look at him, my eyes darting from his lips to his hair to his wings, taking in his entire appearance. Second, after second, my eyes begin to close, and I realize that the last thing I will see before sleeping is Rahim’s face. A small smile comes onto my face as my eyes finally close, and I enter into a deep, dreamless sleep. <a data-passage="JHT4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
With a sigh, I get up and head out of the room, closing the door behind me and going to the guest room finding Faye already there. “Here, drink this,” Faye says, entering the room a few minutes later and handing me a mug, “it won’t make it go away, but it will ease your nerves and help you sleep and recover energy. I told the others not to bother you until you wake up.” She sniffles, and I raise a brow, realizing that she’s staring at me. “Faye,” I start, but she shakes her head. “It’s okay. I just … we really didn’t know.” She wipes at her eyes, the tears falling freely. “I was so sure that I would find something to slow it down, and then something later that would help, but Zillah told us. He told us that you were dying, and besides what he could do, there’s no helping you.” The last part comes out muffled as she chokes on her words. “Excuse me,” she states and swiftly leaves the room, her sobs growing distant. My lack of energy denies even my brain from thinking up the possibility of following her. Instead, I gulp down the contents of the mug and lay down, closing my eyes and allowing the effects of the tea to hit me. As I drift, I’m unable to tell when I’ll wake up, but a good part of me doesn’t care. I don’t have the energy to care. <a data-passage="JHT4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $j3>>\ “You see that too?” Zillah finds himself asking, though he cares little for what Chris can or can’t see. “I do,” Chris sighs, fighting the fast pacing of his heart, “you always got something witty to say. Go over there and say it.” Zillah narrows his eyes, “sure.” He clears his throat and steps forward, grabbing everyone’s attention. “We should probably figure out what to do with Sydero. And you two,” he says, pointing at $name and Rahim, “should probably sleep. I need to check in on $name later to figure out how unstable ?he <<verb "is">>.” Chris stiffens, turning his gaze to $name, “yea, about that.” “Not right now, Chris,” Amari berates, slapping his arm as she goes to $name’s side, “let them rest first.” Chris closes his mouth but still doesn’t appreciate what has taken place. He let it go, for now. Turning away from $name to concentrate on Sydero, if only to get the image of the two out of his mind. <<elseif $j2>>\ “You okay, Rahim?” $name asks, pulling Rahim out of his thoughts. Chris still refused to let $name go, and frankly, Rahim can’t blame him. If their positions were switched, then it would be him who wouldn’t leave $name’s side, downright refusing to. And despite how much he tells himself that he shouldn’t think that, he couldn’t help it. His hands lower to where Chris has them resting on $name’s stomach, and he feels himself grow sick. “Just … just tired. We should handle Sydero and then get some sleep.” $name nods along with Chris, and they both turn to look at Sydero, who still is on the ground, much like him, she’s trying to adapt. The only difference is that he wasn’t gone for half a year or so; it had only been two weeks for him. With one last glance towards $name, he turns and heads towards the attic, telling himself that none of this mattered. None of it mattered at all. <<elseif $cbreak>>\ “Hey, I’m back, and I’m fine. I’m here,” $name reassures, and Chris wanted nothing more than to just take them to a quiet place and just sit together. To just let himself drink in the idea that $name is back and right beside him again. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, I love you.” The words leave Chris’s lips so easily that he didn’t realize he said it until $name pulls back, eyes wide, and gazing at him in shock. Luckily, or unluckily, Rahim chose to step in. “Before we all get comfortable, we need to deal with her,” he tells the two of them, nodding to Sydero, who still seems in pain. “Yea, of course,” $name says, turning back to Chris, “we should talk later.” Chris nods, attempting to hide the shaking of his limbs as $name aids Rahim. Perhaps that was too soon. Did he say it too soon? He didn’t mean to. He didn’t really know when a good time was versus when a bad time was. He was definitely sending mixed signals, wasn’t he? One minute he’s asking for a break, and the next, he’s declaring his love? He wants to throw up or just leave. He just fucked everything up, didn’t he? <<elseif $raincheck>>\ “Miss me, $nnZ?” he asks with a wide smirk, shifting uncomfortably when $name doesn’t chuckle or respond back. The more he looks at $name, the more he sees how tired ?he <<verb "looks">>. Almost as if the life has just been drained from ?his eyes. <<if $zillah >=50>>That slight quirk to $name’s mouth is gone, the color flushed out of ?his cheeks, and nothing about ?his posture reminds Zillah of the flustered $name he typically deals with.<<else>>That intensity that usually rested in $name’s $eyes eyes is gone, and the slight curve that typically resides at the tip of ?his lips is gone. This is not the same $name he watched go into the portal.<</if>> And though it irks him to admit, the idea that the Underworld had done this to a character as strong as $name, draws mixed feelings for him. He clears his throat, “I should check on your unstableness later.” $name nods, walking past him. Zillah stays stiff, only relaxing when he reassures himself that these things don’t matter. He’s interested in one thing, and it isn’t whether or not $name adores him. With a victorious smile, he starts to turn, keeping the smile on his face even as he feels Amari scrutinizing it. <<else>>\ “Uh, Amari? Are you okay?” $name asks, lightly touching her face, and just like that, Amari can’t even remember what was bothering her. Her heart skips in happiness at the connection, and Amari can’t tear her eyes away from $name’s, wishing to simply exist in the sea of $eyes. “Yea,” she says softly, leaning into $name’s touch, “I’m good now.” “Before we all get comfortable,” Rahim starts, getting both of their attention, “we need to deal with her,” he tells the two of them, nodding to Sydero, who still seemed in pain. Amari glances over at Sydero, her stomach churning as the cambion gazes up, and she clearly sees her purely crimson eyes. “Uh, I’ll do anything but mess with her,” Amari tells them, $name opening ?his mouth but says nothing. Rahim chuckles, coughing soon after and nodding his head. <</if>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> <a data-passage="JHT3_HN2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I’m so glad you guys are back and safe,” Faye says, clapping her hands together. “And yet, we still have much to do,” Rahim points out, shifting his attention to Sydero, who is attempting to finally get to her feet. “Let’s move her into the attic with Zillah,” Faye suggests, “you two take a seat. When I get back, I’ll make you some tea that’ll help you sleep tonight.” She didn’t have to tell me twice, and I go to the living room and crash into the nearest seat right before my legs go weak. “It feels like forever since we could breathe,” I tell Rahim, who slowly takes the couch opposite to me. I pause, “it really feels like forever.” “Time is catching up with you,” Rahim informs, closing his eyes and relaxing as much as possible due to his wings keeping him from leaning too far back. “What about you?” I ask. “I’m currently dealing with multiple things.” He raises his hand and motions for me to lower my voice though I’m hardly talking loud enough for it to even be declared my inside voice. My energy is dwindling anyway, and so I just sit quietly. <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ “You’re worried about her, aren’t you?” Rahim asks. “I want to go in that attic right now, kiss her, grab her hand, and sit there and wait for her to get better,” I confess. “I would say it’s taking all of my willpower to sit here, but it’s not. My body won’t let me move, but my brain is screaming to.” “You’re doing the right thing,” he sighs, “as soon as her body gets used to this, she’ll be looking for a way to get free. You give her that, and we’ll be back to square one.” [[“I hear you, but I can’t say I care.”]] [[“She’s in the same house as me but out of reach.”]] [[“I know, I’m just anxious.”]] [[“Damn, I just want to go to sleep.”]] <<else>>\ <a data-passage="JHT3_HN3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“You know, I hear you, loud and clear. But I can’t say I care much about anything you said. For her to finally be so close but I can’t even be near her … it’s killing me. It really is.” “Think of it like this then,” Rahim starts, “when you wake up, she should at least be able to talk to you. Not one hundred percent Sydero, but enough to where she can carry on a conversation. Just sleep first.” He looks like he wants to say more, but he stops, scratching his head and looking away. <<include "JHT3_HN3">>
“She’s in the same house as me but still so far out of reach. It’s weird, and it’s killing me to know that I can just walk right upstairs and look at her, but I can’t.” “You can,” he says with a shrug, “shouldn’t but can.” “Don’t say that to me. You have no idea how close I am to just throwing caution to the wind and marching my ass up there. She hates hugs, but she’s about to get one today.” “Think of it like this then,” Rahim starts, “when you wake up, she should at least be able to talk to you. Not one hundred percent Sydero, but enough to where she can carry on a conversation. Just sleep first.” He looks like he wants to say more, but he stops, scratching his head and looking away. <<include "JHT3_HN3">>
“I know, I know, I’m just anxious. I feel physically weak, but some part of me is just waiting on a cue to jump up and race to her side. Like, she’s here. After all this time searching and figuring out a way to get her, not to mention that entire trip to Hell, she’s finally here. I wasn’t thinking negatively, but I didn’t think this moment would ever come.” “And now that it’s here, it’s not what you expected?” he questions. “Not at all,” I sigh, burying my face into my hands. “Think of it like this then,” Rahim starts, “when you wake up, she should at least be able to talk to you. Not one hundred percent Sydero, but enough to where she can carry on a conversation. Just sleep first.” He looks like he wants to say more, but he stops, scratching his head and looking away. <<include "JHT3_HN3">>
“Damn, I just want to go to sleep. I really wish I was in the mood and headspace to be there for her, but I can hardly form sentences.” The two of us chuckle lowly, the sound fading softly. “Think of it like this then,” Rahim starts, “when you wake up, she should at least be able to talk to you. Not one hundred percent Sydero, but enough to where she can carry on a conversation. Just sleep first.” He looks like he wants to say more, but he stops, scratching his head and looking away. <<include "JHT3_HN3">>
“Here, drink this,” Faye says, walking in and sliding two mugs towards Rahim and me, “it won’t make it go away, but it will ease your nerves and help you sleep, help you recover energy. I told the others not to bother you until you wake up.” She sniffles, and I raise a brow, realizing that she’s looking at me. “Faye,” I start, but she shakes her head. “It’s okay. I just … we really didn’t know.” She wipes at her eyes, the tears falling freely. “I was so sure that I would find something to slow it down, and then something later that would help, but Zillah told us. He told us that you were dying, and besides what he could do, there’s no helping you.” The last part comes out muffled as she chokes on her words. “Excuse me,” she states and swiftly leaves the living room, her sobs growing distant. “Seems that everyone knows now,” I sigh, tapping the side of the mug. “Seems so,” Rahim says, chugging all of the contents down before standing, “and it will be talked about, but I think first, both of us should get some rest. We can handle it when we get up. You can take the guest room.” Rahim walks to the kitchen, and after a few seconds of alone time, I down my drink and place the mug on the table. I go straight to the guest room and lay down. Like Faye said, it doesn’t take long for the drink to kick in and send me into a sweet, dreamless sleep. As I drift, I’m unable to tell when I’ll wake up, but a good part of me didn’t care. I didn’t have the energy to care. <a data-passage="JHT4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
//In Lust’s Office …// Lust quietly stared out of his office’s window, glancing over his territory in quiet thought. “We should go after them now,” Envy urges, pacing up and down the office, aware that that the others are watching them intently, “we shouldn’t have just let them go. That was idiotic.” Lust turns and walks back to his desk. “We will leave them be for now. Unless you want to go after them, which then I say go ahead. Perhaps by then, another one of your diminutive followers will have grown bold enough to challenge you for your title.” “You will respect me,” Envy roars, taking a challenging step towards Lust but then jumping back in fear when the unexpected imp appears near their face. “Sit down, Envy,” Greed growls, “you’re embarrassing yourself.” Lust hums in agreement as he stretches out his arm, allowing the imp to perch there. “Deliver a message to our … neutral friend, tell him that $name Roe has returned home. Weak, unstable, and defenseless.” The imp lets out a small screech before flapping its wings and flying to the exit. Lust watches it go with a blank expression, a fire building in his stomach. He gazes out at the room filled with the other Princes. “And now, the stage is almost set. The pieces almost in place. Are you ready for this race to begin?” <a data-passage="NT_EP10"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> The lights explode, and the electricity goes haywire as we all jump to our feet, the only one who doesn’t appear on guard is Rahim. “Shit,” he growls from beside me. A shrill whistling is heard that causes me to scream in pain, falling to my knees as I attempt to smother the noise by covering my ears. I hear a loud whoosh, and the whistle disappears, and the world once again settles. I blink a few times before getting to my feet, greeted by an older man in a navy and gold Sherwani suit. He stands to his full height, and though they aren’t materialized, I can see his wing’s shadows as they fold in. The glow of his eyes finally calm, and he scans over us all, a deep frown residing on his face. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rahim tremble as he takes a knee and bows his head. “Greetings, Michael.” <img src="images/divider.png"> “About time,” I hear a low rumble from the side of the room say, glancing over to see a figure walking from out of darkness that was not once there, “I thought he’d never leave.” “You’re a figment,” I growl, shaking my head, “you’re not here, Azrael.” [[Episode Ten: When Death Comes Knocking]]
<<nobr>> <<audio "start" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.70>> <<include "stattamer">> <</nobr>> <img src="images/epone.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> A month ago, I learned that the supernatural is real.<<if $uncledead>> A month ago, my uncle died due to carelessness, leaving me all alone.<</if>><<if $chrissafe is false>> A month ago, my best friend was killed due to lies and curiosity.<</if>> A month ago, I joined a woman I hardly knew, who hardly cared about my life, on a journey that could easily get me killed. A month ago … All of this happened a mere month ago. It feels more like years. Death, lies, the unknown. Things I had never been privy to before were now daily themes. I’ve been cursed by witches, mauled on by werewolves, impersonated by shapeshifters, tormented by spirits, and beaten half to death by demons. And even now, as I think back on all that has happened, I know crazier things rest in my future. //What have you gotten yourself into, $name.// That was another question that I ask myself daily. It's easy to start thinking about the what-ifs of life. What if I never agreed to go with Sydero? If I ran off instead? <<if $chrissafe>>What if I did as Chris did, get on a bus to some place far away?<</if>> What if I had decided to leave when I had the chance? Would my path be filled with so much torment and uncertainty? Or would I already be dead? And what would await me in the future, now with our group splintered like it was? Raum is still alive, out there somewhere thinking this is all over. Or maybe he wants me dead as much as I want him. And then there's Zillah, the entity living inside of my head, always speaking of the future and preparing for something I know nothing about. I suppose that is the big question. What next? <a data-passage="HS"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The room is deathly silent. Everyone stuck in their own heads, trying to understand what had just taken place merely a day ago. I personally felt like I was still in that room, watching as Sydero wrestled with Raum, saving Bradley, and then getting dragged into what I can only describe as an actual pit to hell. The thought causes a second migraine to start up and I clutch my head, taking deep, laborious breaths. Raum’s words echo throughout my entire being, causing my heart to thump sporadically as I seek an answer. //You’re not human, Roe//. Then what the hell was I? I shiver again, searching for Zillah but not being able to find his presence anywhere. Of course he would go ghost right after a revelation this large was thrown my way. Everything seems to be a lie. Was anything I was told, from anyone, truthful? “Have some tea,” I hear Faye say from beside me, setting down a silver tray that was holding <<if $cp>>four<<else>>three<</if>> large mugs. [[Take the tea graciously.]] [[“I don’t want any damn tea.”]] [[Take the mug but don’t drink.]]
I take the mug closest to me and thank her quietly, sipping it. Faint whispers of alcohol touch my tongue before disappearing, taken over by hints of lemon and chamomile. It wasn’t as bitter as I suspected it to be, in fact it immediately soothed my nerves. My entire body seems to take one large deep breath, yearning for me to sit. I do as my body wishes but remain stiff, my hands shaking as my mind goes back to the events of the previous day. I jump when I feel a warm hand rest itself on my arm, and I gaze up to see Faye standing there. “Fighting the tea won’t help, just relax.” <<include "HS1">>
I reach out and grab the mug closest to me. I stare with disgust at the light liquid peacefully existing inside, no longer wishing to hold my tongue. “I don’t want any damn tea,” I bark, causing all eyes to move to me. “$name, I know that this week was ... trying, to say the least, but you need to relax.” <<include "HS1">>
I take the mug closest to me, and for a time I enjoy the transfer of heat from the mug to my palms. I stare at the contents inside, watching as one subtle move disrupts the liquid, causing it to slosh along the sides. I sigh, resting my head on the back of the chair that I found myself sitting in. “$name, I know that today was ... trying, to say the least, but you need to relax.” <<include "HS1">>
“Relax?” I question, slamming the mug down on the coffee table <<if $langstonfate is "kill">>with my good arm. I wince at the pain that courses through my slowly healing arm. Faye gives me a cautious glance, probably already worried about the state of my arm and her healing remedy not kicking in yet.<<else>>as I shoot to my feet, “how can anyone relax after the crap that just happened? Sydero’s gone! My entire life, for all I know, is a lie! I’m not human,” I scream, shaking as the words leave my mouth. //You’re not human//. It wasn’t Zillah, instead it was something deep down that echoes it, cackling at the fact. It has my voice.<</if>> <<if $langstonfate is "kill">>\ “How can anyone relax after the crap that just happened? Sydero’s gone! My entire life, for all I know, is a lie! I’m not human,” I scream, shaking as the words leave my mouth. //You’re not human//. It wasn’t Zillah, instead it was something deep down that echoes it, cackling at the fact. It has my voice. <</if>>\ Faye doesn’t chide me for my outburst, instead she puts her hand on my shoulder and guides me back down to my seat. <<if $langstonfate is "kill">>She carefully elevates my broken arm before going back to her seat and taking<<else>>She goes back to her seat and takes<</if>> a long look at each of us. <<if $cp>>Chris is sitting on the floor, his back resting on a nearby wall. In front of him rests his mug of tea. His face looks like what I felt inside, a complete and horrendous mess. One of his eyes was swollen, dried blood cakes his chin and lip, and he clutches his broken arm close to him. Bradley, on the other hand,<<else>>Bradley<</if>> sits on a seat nearby, his mug untouched. His eyes are on the table but there’s a distant look in them. He’s probably like me, his body here but his soul still in that room. “We shouldn’t just be sitting here,” Bradley begins, sitting up, “we should be finding some way to save Sydero.” <<if $cp>>\ “I vote to let her ass rot in hell or wherever she is, not like she would come after one of us,” Chris chimes in, earning a hate-filled glare from Bradley. He shrugs his shoulder at the look, truly not looking phased by the boy’s glare. <</if>>\ [[“We’re saving her.”][$proSyd +=1]] [[“She can rot, good riddance.”]] <<if $cp>>\ [[“I’d be damned!”]] <</if>>\
“We’re saving her,” I tell Bradley and he nods, a hopeful look in his eye, “the real question is how.” <<if $cp>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ “After all that she did and you’re still going to save her?” Chris questions me in disbelief, “because you want to sleep with her?” I growl, telling myself to stay in my seat as I glare at him, “stop trying to make it only about sex. You know damn well that that’s not the only reason I want to go get her.” <<else>>\ “After all that she did and you’re still going to save her?” Chris questions me in disbelief. “If that was you, you would want me to save you, right? She’s one of us and leaving her down there is not how we roll. Even if I wanted to leave her down there, demons captured her. I doubt whatever they have planned is good.” <</if>>\ Chris opens his mouth to argue again when Bradley cuts him off, “next time you’re captured or about to turn into some ugly beast, we’ll make sure we don’t save you.” That shuts Chris up, especially since he seems to constantly forget that moment in his life where he was becoming a cryptid and Sydero had turned him back. “This is a shit show,” I hear Chris mumble, and I look up just in time to see him gulp down all of his tea as if it was a shot of alcohol. He gets to his feet and wanders into the kitchen. “Now, don’t you go drinking up all of my beer,” I hear a fifth voice shout in disapproval, causing Faye to roll her eyes and glare at me. “I think you mean //my // beer.” I look up to see Chris coming back with a beer and Jeff trailing him, much like a new mother would someone who was holding her newborn. Jeff’s presence was not one that we had anticipated; that statement proven earlier when we had almost crashed when he decided to show himself. <<else>>\ I lean back and wipe my hands over my face, mumbling, “this is a shit show.” Everything bad that could happen was. “Well, getting drunk and throwing hissy fits isn’t about to solve it!” Faye scolds, glaring at the two of us. “I disagree there,” a fourth voice chimes in, walking out of the kitchen with a beer in hand. “Jeff, I swear if I go into my fridge and find that you drunk all my alcohol,” Faye growls, throwing me a glare. Jeff’s presence was not one that we had anticipated; that statement proven earlier when we had almost crashed when he decided to show himself. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="HS2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I snort at Bradley’s words, shaking my head as I attempt to relax in the chair, my body still stiff though, “she can rot in hell, literally. Good riddance.” “You two can’t be serious?” Bradley asks, <<if $cp>>glancing between Chris and I<<else>>glaring at me<</if>> in shock, “after everything she did, and this is how you repay her?” “Bradley calm down, drink your tea,” Faye states, reaching towards him in an attempt to calm the teenage boy down. “Fuck your tea, Faye!” he shouts, moving away from her touch. Faye sighs in defeat, <<if hasVisited("“I don’t want any damn tea.”")>>mumbling under her breath, “what is everyone’s problem with my tea?”<<else>>running her hand over her face.<</if>> Bradley doesn’t scream anymore, instead tears race down his cheeks. The quiet room is filled only with his sobbing as he collapses into his seat, no one looking over at him. The ride over had been filled with mostly his sobs, a mix of relief from the trauma and due to Sydero’s absence. <<if $cp>>\ “This is a shit show,” I hear Chris mumble, and I look up just in time to see him gulp down all of his tea as if it was a shot of alcohol. He gets to his feet and wanders into the kitchen. “Now, don’t you go drinking up all of my beer,” I hear a fifth voice shout in disapproval, causing Faye to roll her eyes and glare at me. “I think you mean //my // beer.” I look up to see Chris coming back with a beer and Jeff trailing him, much like a new mother would someone who was holding her newborn. Jeff’s presence was not one that we had anticipated; that statement proven earlier when we had almost crashed when he decided to show himself. <<else>>\ “This is a shit show,” I mumble, wiping my hands over my face. Everything bad that could happen was. “Well, getting drunk and throwing hissy fits isn’t about to solve it!” Faye scolds, glaring at the two of us. “I disagree there,” a fourth voice chimes in, walking out of the kitchen with a beer in hand. “Jeff, I swear if I go into my fridge and find that you drunk all my alcohol,” Faye growls, throwing me a glare. Jeff’s presence was not one that we had anticipated; that statement proven earlier when we had almost crashed when he decided to show himself. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="HS2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My eye twitches as Chris’s words make their way to my ear, my grip on the mug tightening until I’m forced to set it aside to avoid breaking it. “I’d be damned,” I shout, narrowing my eyes on a more than shocked Chris, “how many times did Sydero save our asses when she could’ve just walked away? When I went to go save you in that motel room, she’s the one who saved us. When we left, she came after us. When you were turning into a beast, she’s the one who saved you. So, you’re out of your mind if you don’t think that the one time she needs us, we won’t go save her.” The room is quiet after my outburst, and my head is starting to ache. I snatch the mug up, sucking in the slight pain as some of the tea sloshes over the rim and hits my hand. With a shaky hand, I begin to drink, immediately feeling the calmness of the tea overtake me. <<if $cp>>\ “This is a shit show,” I hear Chris mumble, and I look up just in time to see him gulp down all of his tea as if it was a shot of alcohol. He gets to his feet and wanders into the kitchen. “Now, don’t you go drinking up all of my beer,” I hear a fifth voice shout in disapproval, causing Faye to roll her eyes and glare at me. “I think you mean //my // beer.” I look up to see Chris coming back with a beer and Jeff trailing him, much like a new mother would someone who was holding her newborn. Jeff’s presence was not one that we had anticipated; that statement proven earlier when we had almost crashed when he decided to show himself. <<else>>\ “This is a shit show,” I mumble, wiping my hands over my face. Everything bad that could happen was. “Well, getting drunk and throwing hissy fits isn’t about to solve it!” Faye scolds, glaring at the two of us. “I disagree there,” a fourth voice chimes in, walking out of the kitchen with a beer in hand. “Jeff, I swear if I go into my fridge and find that you drunk all my alcohol,” Faye growls, throwing me a glare. Jeff’s presence was not one that we had anticipated; that statement proven earlier when we had almost crashed when he decided to show himself. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="HS2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $car is "Ford F-150">>\ We were driving back, everyone silent and trying to focus when Jeff decided to show himself in the bed of my truck. One minute, I was looking in the rearview mirror and watching as the town disappeared from view. And the next, I see Jeff smiling at me. <<else>>\ <<if $cp>>\ We were driving back, everyone silent and trying to focus when Jeff decided to just pop up and ask where we were headed. I practically swerved off the road, turning my attention to Bradley and asking why he didn’t say anything. From what Bradley said, he was so deep within his own head that he didn’t even notice the man. <<else>>\ We were driving back, both of us silent and trying to focus when Jeff decided to just pop up and ask where we were headed. I practically swerved off the road. I wanted to strangle the man while Bradley was just confused about who he was. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ It was a bit too late to drop the drunk off, and it wasn’t my greatest concern, so here he was. I watch him go back to looking around Faye’s home, Faye watching him with a raised brow. <<if $cp>>\ Chris goes back to his spot near the wall and cracks the beer open, finishing it in record time. “Well, getting drunk and throwing hissy fits isn’t about to solve it!” Faye scolds, glaring at all of us. “Despite how you feel about her, getting Sydero back is imperative.” “For what?” Chris inquires. “Everything. Whatever those demons have planned for her, it’s not good. And if they’re allowed to go through with it, who knows what that means for the rest of us.” “What do you expect us to do, Faye?” I start, “charge into hell and rescue her?” I manage to make the question sound as sarcastic as I meant for it too, and Faye seems less than amused. “Not even that,” Chris interjects, “one does not simply walk into hell.” “Well, of course not,” Faye scoffs. “Ignore him, he did that for meme culture,” Bradley murmurs. <<else>>\ “Despite how you feel about her,” Faye begins again, “getting Sydero back is imperative.” “For what?” I inquire. “Everything. Whatever those demons have planned for her, it’s not good. And if they’re allowed to go through with it, who knows what that means for the rest of us.” “What do you expect us to do, Faye?” I start, “charge into hell and rescue her?” I manage to make the question sound as sarcastic as I meant for it too, and Faye seems less than amused. “Well, of course not,” Faye scoffs. <</if>>\ <<include "HS2_1">>
The room goes quiet, everyone either too frustrated or too tired to continue arguing about what the next course of action should be. I’m the first to rise, taking in multiple deep breaths as I shake my head, giving them all a look. [[“I’ll be in the bath.”]] [[“We should get some rest.”][$bradley -=2]] [[“Where’s the alcohol?”]] [[“Good talk.”]]
“Well, if you will excuse me, I’m going to go soak my memories away in the form of a bath. If you need me, don’t.” I pause at the last words, realizing how much it sounded like something Sydero would say, before walking off. I do exactly what I said, drawing a hot bath before stripping and stepping inside. I close my eyes, letting the steaming water cascade over my skin, blanketing me in its warm embrace. For that moment, I manage to forget what had just taken place. But I don’t manage to relax. Every time my mind shifts, it slips and falls into chaos. Everything said and done comes back to me, reminding me that I’m a cursed soul, or something close to it. I sigh in frustration and get out of the bath before I manage to turn into a prune. I mumble a few curses under my breath, grabbing the nearest towel and wrapping it around myself. It was going to be a long night. <a data-passage="HS2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We should all get some rest. I don’t have to remind you but, we’ve all had a rather stressing week.” Bradley throws a scowl at me but says nothing else as everyone rises. It was going to be a long night. <a data-passage="HS2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Great, good talk, everyone. Meeting adjourned.” I stand and, without waiting for the rest of them to say anything, march towards the guest bedroom. Hopefully, no one else would join me. I was hoping that they were just as frustrated as me and that everyone wanted to keep to themselves. It was going to be a long night. <a data-passage="HS2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Uh, Jeff?” I call out, getting to my feet and walking towards the kitchen, “where’s the alcohol?” “I swear you all will drink me out of house and home,” Faye grumbles, but I ignore her, something that I find I was getting exceptionally good at. There wasn’t that much alcohol left, but it was something that I could work with. I grab a bottle and immediately begin to chug it down. I scowl once done, I needed something stronger and just my luck, Faye didn’t have anything that fit that description. “Please tell me you’re thinking about going to the bar or the liquor store?” Jeff questions at my side, looking like a needy cat. “Why the hell not?” I grumble and grab my keys. Jeff squeals much like a child would as he follows me out, neither of us saying anything else to the others. My mind was currently on one thing, and that was buying as much alcohol as I could. <a data-passage="HS2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We find the local liquor store, and the two of us peruse their wares, my eyes drifting from one label to the other. They all begin to look the same, and I realize that the stress of the week was finally catching up, just my luck. “Jeff,” I start, “what here can make you forget?” “Depends,” he says, rubbing his beard like an old sage, in this particular subject I suppose he was, “are you trying to forget the last few hours or the last week?” “The last week,” I answer and he snaps his fingers and motions for me to follow. He grabs a few dull appearing bottles and turns to show me. “You want Everclear and Balkan 176. Can’t forget Bacardi, you never can go wrong with Bacardi.” I listen to him, but barely. I simply nod and grab the bottles that he hands me. I’m so out of it that I don’t even pay attention to whatever the cashier rings up and how much it is. I give them my card and leave, driving back to Faye’s. “$name,” Faye begins as she looks at the labels that we brought back, “this is not how you should handle this situation.” [[“You’re right.” Pop one open anyway.]] [[“And yet here I am.”]] [[“Jeff disagrees with you.”]]
I look at Faye as I pick up the closest bottle and nod, “you know what, Faye? You’re absolutely right.” A small smile spreads across her face until she sees me pop the top off and take a long gulp of the alcohol. The smell itself causes me to recoil, but I push through it, the warm liquid traveling down my throat and causing me to cringe before it subsides. Oh yea, this was exactly what I needed. I give a thumbs up to Jeff who smiles like he won a prize. <<include "HS2_2_1">>
“And yet here I am,” I tell her, shrugging my shoulders before opening the bottle nearest to me. The smell itself causes me to recoil, but I push through it, the warm liquid traveling down my throat and causing me to cringe before it subsides. Oh yea, this was exactly what I needed. I give a thumbs up to Jeff who smiles like he won a prize. <<include "HS2_2_1">>
I grab a bottle and, with a lopsided grin that doesn’t reach my eyes, point to Jeff who was already on his second shot. “My drinking buddy, Jeff, would disagree with you.” “Hear hear!” Jeff laughs, taking another shot. I’m sure I would soon lose count of how many he’s had. I pop the top off and gulp some down. The smell itself causes me to recoil, but I push through it, the warm liquid traveling down my throat and causing me to cringe before it subsides. Oh yea, this was exactly what I needed. I give a thumbs up to Jeff who smiles like he won a prize. <<include "HS2_2_1">>
“I’m disappointed in you,” I hear Faye say but roll my eyes as I take a seat beside Jeff. My eyes narrow as her words echo in my head, but it was okay, I would soon forget about that too. <<if $cp>>\ “Got room for another?” Chris questions, throwing his beer bottle in the nearby recycling bin before taking a seat. Jeff beams at him, sliding a shot glass and bottle his way. <</if>>\ “It’s been a while since I’ve had a drinking buddy. This … this feels nice.” I huff as I let each shot take me farther away from myself. I raise my glass, “to not remembering.” <<if $cp>>Jeff and Chris raise their glasses<<else>>Jeff raises his glass<</if>> as we toast and in unison swallow the shot. One down, who knows how many more to go. <a data-passage="HS2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if hasVisited("“Where’s the alcohol?”")>>\ I’m asleep, that much I know. Otherwise, there was a connection between Zillah’s domain in my mind and alcohol. Though I knew where I was, I still felt drunk, though the feeling was the opposite of numbing. It was loud and obnoxious, a constant blaring reminder. “I’m disappointed in you,” I hear Zillah cackle, appearing on what I suppose is a post, “she should join the club. Huh, $name?” “Oh, now you want to show yourself,” I say, attempting to ignore the ever present alarm sound. I really needed another bottle. Due to my almost lightless presence, everything seemed to increase in intensity, “what am I?” I ask him, my fingers shaking as I look down at them. “An idiot,” he chuckles to himself. <<else>>\ That night, I sit on the bed alone, massaging my temples and jumping at every noise. The shadows held secrets that, for the first time, I didn’t wish to uncover. They could keep their secrets, I wasn’t interested. “Well,” I hear a voice to my left and look to see Zillah lounging on the bed, appearing much like a cat, “that would be the first time. You’d think you be used to death by now and unaffected.” “What am I?” I ask him, my fingers shaking as I look down at them. “An idiot,” he chuckles to himself. <</if>>\ [[Threaten him.][$zillah -=3]] [[Plead.][$zillah +=3]] [[Sit quietly.]]
“Tell me everything now!” He seems amused as he glances over at me, sitting up attentively. “Or what, $name? You’re going to enter my mind and make my life a living hell? You’re going to take the people that mean the most to me away?” His head cocks to the side as he studies me, “look at you. You’re weak, emotionally, mentally, and physically. But I’m not complaining. It just makes everything a whole lot easier.” <<include "HS2_3_1">>
“Please, Zillah,” I find myself saying, “I need answers. Please, just tell me.” “Aw,” Zillah sighs, “beg a little more, and you’ll find yourself with more than just answers, pet.” I ignore his words, focusing on the fact that he was still dodging the question. Dodging what I needed most. I shouldn’t be surprised, it was Zillah. The spirit was notorious for keeping me out of the loop. <<include "HS2_3_1">>
I say nothing, sitting silently, same as he. He wasn’t going to answer, and I wasn’t about to waste my breath any more trying to persuade him too. <<include "HS2_3_1">>
Zillah sighs as he gets to his feet, stretching and yawning obnoxiously, “let me give you a tip, $name. Give up. This world thrives off of people like you, the hopeless who think themselves heroes. You die easily, and you give others the perfect excuse. It’s better to just lie down and accept your fate.” “And what fate is that?” “You’ll learn soon enough, not quite yet, but soon. My job is slowly coming to an end, I guess I have Sydero to thank for that. Stupid bitch was more trouble than she was worth, but I suppose I can forgive her presence since we’re so much closer to the end game.” <<if hasVisited("“Where’s the alcohol?”")>>\ I’m about to question him about that when it feels like a flood overtakes me, the drunken effects numbing my senses, drowning out my emotions. I was washed away from Zillah’s so-called domain. <a data-passage="HS3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ I’m about to question him about what he meant when a knock is heard at the door, and Zillah disappears. <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ “Can I come in?” Chris questions from the other side of the door. “Yea,” I mumble, burying my face in my hands as the door opens, and Chris comes in. He offers me a weak smile that causes him to grimace, accidentally reopening some of the cuts that decorate his face. “I wanted to check in on you is all. I know you probably don’t want the company, but I had to. I … I don’t think I could sleep comfortably, not knowing.” “My head feels like it’s about to explode.” “I can imagine so,” he says, muttering something that I can’t hear under his breath. He clears his throat and straightens up, “I’ll let you rest now. I just wanted to check on you.” [[“Chris … stay.”]] [[Go to sleep.|HS3]] <<else>>\ The door opens a moment later, Jeff peeking inside and looking around. He lets out a long whistle. “Nice, the floor I’m sleeping on has nothing on this.” “Seriously, Jeff? I’m trying to sleep.” “Yea, and I’m trying to find that damn bathroom.” “Take like ten steps back, and it’s to your right.” “Your right or my right?” “Jeff!” “Well, excuse me for not knowing my left from my right. Dangit,” he shouts, closing the door to the bedroom before walking off. I can hear him mumbling, but soon, his voice disappears, and I’m once again left in silence. I look down at my hands and sighs, bringing the covers to me as I finally close my eyes to rest. <a data-passage="HS3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
My voice breaks as I whisper to him, “Chris.” “Hmm?” “Stay.” He looks over at me, and I watch as a battle plays out in his eyes. “$name, I really shouldn’t, you –” “I just learned that I’m not human and that I’m going to soon have to travel into hell to rescue someone. Please, Chris.” <<if $chris >=50>>\ A war plays out on his face, glancing from me to his feet to the hallway. Finally, he nods and gives me a smile that doesn’t even reach the corner of his lips.<<if $gender isnot "female">>I watch as he walks to a nearby chair and brings it closer to the bed, attempting to look relaxed and failing.<</if>> <<if $gender is "female">>\ “Alright, move over.” His words should bring me some kind of happiness, and yet as I look in his eyes as he draws closer, I still feel the same, only colder. I do as he says, and the two of us lie down on the bed. There’s a space between us, one that Chris makes sure not to fill, despite my squirming and over dramatic behavior to get him to come closer. I shake the dark thoughts that begin to approach, willing myself to go to sleep to the sound of Chris’s breathing. <<else>>\ I sit up, trying to figure out if telling him that this isn’t what I meant is wise or not. The last we talked about the two of us, he was trying to come to grips with his shifting sexuality. On the one hand, I didn’t want to do anything that would rush such a personal and deep acceptance, but on the other, how was I supposed to know? Was I expected to wait forever? Was it wrong to want to delay forever or to not want to? I just understand that at the moment, the one thing I needed at the moment was just beyond my touch, and reaching for it would do nothing. The air between us is tense from things Chris refuses to say and lines I refuse to cross. It fills me with turmoil, and I realize that it would have been much better for us not to ask him to stay. “Chris.” “$name.” We both say in unison. What we wanted to say is evident on both of our faces. “I should let you sleep.” “Yea,” I answer, frowning as I just pull the duvet closer and turn my back to the door. If he lingers, then I don’t know. I don’t care much, either. I want to escape reality. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <<if $gender is "female">>\ “Which is exactly why you need your rest,” he continues to argue. He takes a step, and then another closer to me. Gently, he cups my cheeks with both hands and softly places a kiss on my forehead. I barely even feel the kiss, a whisper of heat there one moment, and the next it’s not. He draws back, and before I can say anything else to him, he leaves my room. In confusion and sadness, I bring the comforter around me, clinging to it as I close my eyes tightly. <<else>>\ “Which is exactly why you need your rest,” he continues to argue. He awkwardly pats my shoulder before drawing back, and before I can say anything else to him, he leaves my room. The last we talked about the two of us, he was trying to come to grips with his shifting sexuality. On the one hand, I didn’t want to do anything that would rush such a personal and deep acceptance, but on the other, how was I supposed to know? Was I expected to wait forever? Was it wrong to want to delay forever or to not want to? I just understand that at the moment, the one thing I needed at the moment was no longer there. In confusion and sadness, I bring the comforter around me, clinging to it as I close my eyes tightly. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="HS3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<audio "start" unloop fadeout>> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.40 play>> <</nobr>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Where’s the alcohol?”")>>\ I wake up to the smell of food being cooked, smelling like it was right under my nose. I jerk forward, growling at the headache that quickly follows. Someone in my head was ringing a gong and I needed them to stop. I clutch my head, and then switch my attention to my neck and the minor crick it now possesses. I look to see that I was still at the kitchen table, both empty and untouched bottles sitting on the table along with knocked over shot glasses. Jeff is nowhere to be seen<<if $cp>> but Chris is still sitting right beside me, a trail of slob trailing down his bottom lip.<<else>>.<</if>> I look around, spotting Faye at the stove, minding her own business as she cooks what smells like ham. She pauses, turning to me. Her eyes linger on the bottles before she gives me a small smile. “Morning,” she almost whispers. “Morning.” I huff in response, my throat dry and the crick reminding me every two seconds of its existence. “I want to say I’m sorry for yesterday,” Faye continues, “everyone has their own way of handling things and I shouldn’t have judged you like I did.” [[“No worries, I judge myself all the time.”]] [[“Thanks for saying that.”]] [[“What you cookin’?”]] [[“Yea, whatever Faye.”]] <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("“Chris … stay.”")>>\ I wake up to the smell of food being cooked, wafting into the room and causing me to groggily sit up. Though my stomach growls, urging me to go forth and discover what was being cooked, my body doesn’t seem to agree. It yells for me to stay in bed, every bone sore and my head pounding. I take a deep breath in and check over on Chris, his back facing me and still knocked out. I decide to let him stay asleep, not knowing how exhausted he was and if he even wanted breakfast. I get up and walk to the door, heading downstairs and towards the kitchen. <<else>>\ I wake up to the smell of food being cooked, wafting into the room and causing me to groggily sit up. Though my stomach growls, urging me to go forth and discover what was being cooked, my body doesn’t seem to agree. It yells for me to stay in bed, every bone sore and my head pounding. It takes a few minutes to get my stomach and body on the same page but when I do, I get up and walk to the door, heading downstairs and towards the kitchen. <</if>>\ I find Faye busy as she sprints from one counter to the next, whistling a tune to herself as she goes. “What’s all this?” I ask, raising a brow as I go to the table. <a data-passage="HS3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“No worries, I judge myself all the time. Anything you have to say I’ve said it to myself numerous times probably.” My words don’t seem to bring her comfort, but they weren’t supposed to. She nods her head and goes back to cooking, my interest peaking as I try to look around her. “So, uh, what are you cooking?” <<include "HS3_1">>
“Thanks for saying that. It means a lot to me.” She nods her head and goes back to cooking, my interest peaking as I try to look around her. “So, uh, what are you cooking?” <<include "HS3_1">>
I ignore her apology and attempt to peer around her, “what you cookin’?” <<include "HS3_1">>
“Yea, whatever Faye. If you don’t want to talk about it then just say that. You don’t have to apologize, not mean it, and then expect me to forgive you.” “That’s not,” she starts but then cuts herself off, frowning deeply and then turning around, mumbling something to herself. “So, uh, what are you cooking?” <<include "HS3_1">>
“I thought everyone here needed some kind of pick me up, so I’m cooking my favorite breakfast spread. Ham or sausage, biscuits or muffins, fruit, french toast, and eggs.” I nod, wiping at my mouth to make sure that I wasn’t salivating. “Sounds great.” “Food will be ready soon. I’d appreciate it if you cleaned this up.” I give her a nod and start grabbing the empty bottles and placing them in the bin. I put the shot glasses in the sink and the unopened bottles into the cabinet where she keeps the rest of her alcohol. We had bought about six bottles last night, varying in sizes. There were only two left. <<if $cp>>\ After that I wake up Chris, ignoring his groans as I grab a rag and wipe the table down, my mind wanting only one thing, and that was food. <</if>>\ “Where’s Bradley?” Faye asks. I pick up my head, looking around the table and, indeed, not seeing Bradley anywhere. <<if $cp>>“I tried waking him up, but he wouldn’t budge at all. So I just left him alone,” Chris informs between chewing.<<else>>“The small lad? I tried wakin’ him, and he wouldn’t move, thought he was dead,” Jeff tells us, earning a glare from Faye.<</if>> I shrug my shoulders, “his week was five times worse than ours. I’m not surprised that he decided to sleep in. I say just leave him be.” The first part of breakfast is eaten in silence, similar to last night, all of us were in our own heads. I figure that most of us were still trying to wake up or at least trying to sate the hunger of skipping a few meals. But the silence stretches on, each of us picking at our food, staring down at our plates as if it held the answers to all our problems. We only needed to keep staring. <a data-passage="HS3_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Well, ain’t this just a bummer mood,” Jeff points out, clearing his throat and rising from the table. I watch, uttering no response, as he collects our plates and heads to the sink. “If I didn’t know no better, I’d say someone shitted on ya.” He giggles at that, causing me to wonder if he had ever done it. Faye blinks in disgust and opens her mouth when someone clears their throat behind us. We turn to see Bradley with a bookbag on his shoulders. The young boy was trying his best to square his shoulders as he gazed at us. His grip tightening on his bookbag straps. “I’m going to go find a way to get to Sydero.” [[“Seriously, Bradley?”]] [[“Sit down and eat breakfast.”]] [[“Were you even asleep?”]] [[“Because you can defend yourself.”]] [[“Stop acting like you're the only one that cares.”]] [[Say nothing.|HS3Nothing]]
“Seriously, Bradley?” I question, sighing and wishing that just for a minute, we could all have a civilized talk. “Yes, seriously! She needs us, and you guys are sitting here eating breakfast.” “It is the most important meal of the day,” Jeff chimes in, humming in satisfaction. “We’re only human, Bradley,” I tell him and immediately regret it, my eyes drifting to the table as the realization that I was the opposite comes to me. At least I wasn’t the only one, Faye was a witch and Jeff ... Jeff was Jeff. <<include "HS3Nothing">>
“Sit down and eat breakfast, get something into your stomach before you try and go play hero,” I tell him. “No. I’m not hungry.” “You should be the hungriest,” I say, trying to keep the irritation and anger from my voice but failing. Bradley hadn’t eaten since he was taken. Add that to a lack of hydration, traumatic events stacked upon more trauma, and his body was suffering. I could tell just by looking at him that he hadn’t slept last night, either. <<include "HS3Nothing">>
I look from him to <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Jeff<</if>>, who was more focused on his food that Bradley. “Were you really asleep, or were you just trying to trick <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Jeff<</if>>?” <<if $cp>>\ “I was,” he starts, pointing an accusatory finger towards the man, “but then he breathed right in my face and wouldn't stop poking me.” Chris shrugs uncaringly, “I've been drinking, what more do you want from me?” Bradley simply rolls his eyes. <<else>>\ “I was,” he starts, pointing an accusatory finger towards the man, “but then he breathed right in my face. He smells like sweat and beer.” Jeff chuckles, rocking back and forth in his seat, “what? That trick always works. Hasn’t let me down yet.” “No surprise there,” Bradley growls. <</if>>\ <<include "HS3Nothing">>
“Sure,” I start before rolling my eyes, “because you can defend yourself and whatever comes after you.” He turns his glare to me, something that I was getting used to. “It’s called hire someone,” he trails off, “I’ve done it before.” I watch as Faye gives him a sympathetic look. <<include "HS3Nothing">>
I twitch as I push some of the last pieces of food around on my plate, “stop acting like you’re the only one in the world that cares about rescuing her.” He focuses his gaze on me, “it sure as hell feels like I am. Seeing that I’m ready to go and find her, and you’re sitting here, enjoying breakfast.” “It is the most important meal of the day,” Jeff chimes in, humming in satisfaction. I ignore him, trying to mitigate the fire roaring inside of me, “because I know we need more than just a go-getter attitude and a bookbag to save her. I never thought I would have to explain to you, of all people, how much a level head would be needed in this situation.” <<if $cp>>\ Bradley opens his mouth, but Chris stops him, swallowing his food and pointing his fork at me and then Bradley, “are you two seriously arguing about who wants to save Sydero more?” If Chris knew that speaking would make him the target of our ire, he shows no sign or care. <</if>>\ <<include "HS3Nothing">>
“Come and sit down Bradley, Sydero was our next topic,” Faye tells him, pulling out a chair so that he could do just that. I raise a brow at her, trying to figure when we all agreed on speaking about Sydero’s incarceration, or whatever one was to call it. Reluctantly, and with a childish and embarrassed look, Bradley takes a seat. He shrugs off his backpack and accepts the orange juice that Faye pushes towards him. <<if $cp>>He makes sure to avoid eye contact with both Chris and I.<<else>>He makes sure to avoid eye contact with me.<</if>> Faye breaths in deeply, takes a sip of her drink, and then looks at each of us in turn, “whether you want to save her or not. I don’t think it’s that –” <a data-passage="HS3_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Who is this girl?” Jeff asks, flicking soap suds on us as he turns around with the dish scrubber. “Sydero?” I question, “she’s the cambion that you met when we were trying to save Bradley.” I watch as Jeff pauses, pouting and tapping his chin with the scrubber and inevitably getting soap all in his unruly beard. “And ya say that the demons took her, purposely?” “Yes,” Faye answers, “what do you //think// you know, Jeff?” “I’m pretty sure I recall seeing one of those so-called prophecies floating around.” “Pretty sure?” Bradley questions. <<if $cp>>\ “So-called?” Chris adds in next. <</if>>\ “Prophecies?” Faye repeats. [[“Floating around?”]] [[“Did you guys not understand him?”]] [[“Continue.”]]
“Floating around?” I ask last, catching glances from both Bradley and Faye. “What? You guys can ask this stuff, but as soon as I repeat something I get ‘the look?’” <<include "HS3_3_1">>
“Did you guys not understand him the first time or something?” I question, giving them each a look before putting my attention back on Jeff. <<include "HS3_3_1">>
“Ignore them. Continue,” I tell Jeff, rolling my eyes. <<include "HS3_3_1">>
“It’s one of those doom and gloom demon prophecies. Something about three keys that will allow Lucifer freedom.” We all paused, gazing at him, and repeating his previous words to ourselves. He had the gall to call this a ‘so-called’ prophecy. Seems pretty significant from where I was sitting. “Lucifer? As in the Devil? Are you sure?”<<if $cp>> Chris questions.<<else>> I question.<</if>> “Well, I suppose they could’ve meant Lucy. But then, who the hell is Lucy?” Jeff asks with a chuckle, clearing his throat when he sees our blank faces, “I’m pretty sure it was Lucifer. How did it go again? A key to the kingdom, a key to the throne, and a key for the king when he takes what he’s owed. No idea what that means, but there you go.” “And you think Sydero is this key?” Bradley asks, already pulling out his laptop and typing away. “One of the keys, sure. I mean, she’s a cambion. Demon lore says only Princes can give birth to cambions. Regular demonic cambions are hunted and killed like any other hybrid.” I look at Faye, who shrugs, her attention moving back to Jeff. <a data-passage="HS3_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“How do you know all of this?” Faye questions, “you’re not supernatural, you’re just a regular human from what I can tell. Where the hell did you get your hands on demon lore?” “Ima nosy old man who will do anything for a drink,” he tells us, and for some reason, it answers a lot of questions, and yet none at all. “I got plenty of stories to annoy you guys with. Each one just costs a beer. If you want, I can call up some ol’ friends of mine. See what they know. I also know how to do research, love looking through those old crispy books. You know the ones with the worms livin’ in em?” <<if $cp>>\ “Stop talking,” Chris growls, massaging his temples. <</if>>\ “Just bring me some beer, and I can give you more by tonight.” Faye nods her head, shocking me with her compliance, “the rest of you … relax.” Bradley opens his mouth to argue, but Faye gives him a stern motherly glare, shushing him immediately. “Whether you agree or not, all three of you have had a horrible and stressful week. You’re in no position to do anything but to de-stress.” <<if $langstonfate is "kill">>\ She glances over at <<if $cp>>Chris and me, “you two<<else>>me, “<</if>> come by later so that I can check on your <<if $cp>>arms<<else>>arm<</if>>.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="HS4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
And with that, we were given the rest of the day, probably the entire week off. I suppose one shouldn’t complain. It feels like it’s been forever since I actually could stop and think things through. Before it was hunt after hunt or we were being hunted by something. There was always something that needed to be done, always someone who needed help, or always a topic that needed to be avoided, and so more work was piled onto the heap to avoid it. I take a seat on the sofa and decide that this was the best time, if any, to figure out where my mind was and inevitably where I was. Only Faye and Jeff stayed in the kitchen, whatever they were talking about, they were doing so quietly. Bradley had left his bookbag but told us he was going to the nearest arcade, wherever that was. Frankly, I didn’t think those places even existed anymore. <<if $cp>>Chris had disappeared with no word of where he was going, I just knew that it was somewhere outside. Since he didn’t ask for my keys, I surmise that he was just clearing his head with fresh air … that or going to the gas station to search for e-cigs.<</if>> I close my eyes and focus. The main problem at the moment, the one that affected everyone, Sydero. How did I really feel about her and the imminent rescue? [[She got what was coming to her.][$proSyd -=1]] [[We needed to save her, immediately.][$proSyd +=1]] <<if $SRomance >=5>>[[There were things left unsaid, I need to find her.]]<</if>>
It was hard to feel bad for someone who deserved it, and more. I was in no rush to save her, in even less of a hurry to hear her tell us that she didn’t need our help. I moan to myself as the conversation that was likely to take place comes to mind. Something about how we shouldn’t have brought Bradley, how we should’ve left her down there to rot, and some other stuff that was all meant to be highly offensive, and nowhere on the horizon was a thank you. Frankly, I was thinking myself into possible ways to leave her down there. If she wanted out, then I’m sure she’d find a way. I had enough crap on my plate, I didn’t need to add her and the demonic forces of the world to it as well. <<include "HS4_0_1">>
She was one of us, regardless of our personal feelings about her and how we felt. If that was any of us, she’d do the same. Or at least that’s what I kept telling myself. I liked to think that I knew all of my traveling companions when, in reality, I probably knew nothing. I knew enough to not feel like a stranger when standing amongst them. I shake the thoughts forming from my head. Again, it didn’t matter. We needed to save her. <<include "HS4_0_1">>
I was still unsure if my want to save her stemmed from me wanting to see her or from me wanting to know where we stand. Since the beginning, she’s flirted and teased, and learning she was a succubus was probably one of the biggest slaps in the face. On the one hand, all of that could be genuine, on the other, it could’ve been her succubus side looking at me as a sweet little snack for a later time. //“I told you! I told you not to trust anyone, especially me! I warned you every step of the damn way. You did this to yourself … I hurt people, it’s all I’m good at.”// Her words repeat in my head, the look of pure outrage and shame on her face. Maybe she was right, perhaps I should’ve heeded her blatant warnings. Or perhaps it didn’t matter, not anymore. If there was something there, I needed to know. I needed to know, and so, I needed to find her. <<include "HS4_0_1">>
Then there was the case of me. I glance down at my hands, biting the inside of my cheek. I wasn’t what I thought I was. I would like to believe that deep down inside, I always knew that, but that would be a lie meant to only coddle me. I was starting to not trust my brain. The dreams I’ve had weren’t dreams, they were real. That shadow creature that had killed my parents, and chased me down, all that had happened. But then why did I also have memories just as vivid of my parent’s death, natural deaths that were caused by the cruelty of this world and not the supernatural. And my wound, I got it in two different ways? How is that possible? I wasn’t human … [[Great, I could actually do something now.][$nerve +=5]] [[I … I don’t know how I felt about that.]] [[I hate this! I hate … I hate me …][$nerve -=5]]
The thought of being supernatural didn’t bother me as much as some probably think it should. The lack of knowing //what// I am, though, did. Maybe if I was in Faye’s position, I wouldn’t care one way or the other. I wasn’t in the field, didn’t have to rely on a gun with limited ammo or a blade with limited reach to save me. Sydero and Zillah, they could defend themselves. They were a whole other force of nature, and hopefully, I was too. I just needed to learn more. <<include "HS4_0_2">>
The thought of being anything other than human was scary, it was all I knew. But was that true? If I was never human, then could one really say that I ever knew how to be human to begin with? Even the word now felt weird on my tongue, as if I was leaning far too much on a crutch that was due to break at any point. I wouldn’t feel so indifferent if I only knew what I was. Zillah has yet to give me any clues, and Sydero’s only clue was that she didn’t know, meaning perhaps that I was something rare. Raum didn’t help much either, not that I expected him to. <<include "HS4_0_2">>
I hate the very idea of being anything but human! It was like I was in a different body, slowly something else was overtaking me. I knew that nothing had really changed besides what I knew, but it didn’t feel that way. It felt like something was invading my person, changing me from the outside. At any moment, I felt like I would be covered in fur or scales, staring into the eyes of someone who wasn’t me. I didn’t need this in my life, and I didn’t want it. <<include "HS4_0_2">>
There are other things to worry about, but my mind is beginning to ache, those two topics are enough for right now. I stand and look around, trying to figure out how I should spend my time. [[Work on my car.][$engineering +=5; $visit +=1]] [[Head to a nearby boxing gym.][$combat +=5; $visit +=1]] [[Read something fictional.][$creativity +=5; $visit +=1]] [[Tend to my wounds.][$medical +=5; $visit +=1]] [[Look over the Book of the Damned.][$supernatural +=5; $exorcise = true; $visit +=1]]
<<if $visit is 1>>\ I choose to do something else with my time as well ... <<if hasVisited("Work on my car.")>>Work on my car.<<else>>[[Work on my car.][$engineering +=5; $visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Head to a nearby boxing gym.")>>Head to a nearby boxing gym.<<else>>[[Head to a nearby boxing gym.][$combat +=5; $visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Read something fictional.")>>Read something fictional.<<else>>[[Read something fictional.][$creativity +=5; $visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Tend to my wounds.")>>Tend to my wounds.<<else>>[[Tend to my wounds.][$medical +=5; $visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Look over the Book of the Damned.")>>Look over the Book of the Damned.<<else>>[[Look over the Book of the Damned.][$supernatural +=5; $exorcise = true; $visit +=1]]<</if>> <<else>>\ <a data-passage="HS5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
I go outside and spend time working on my car. Thankfully Faye had oil and other instruments for use in her garage, and there was also an auto store not too far out of the neighborhood. With everything I needed at my disposal, I give my car the TLC it deserves. I focus on nothing but the machinery, letting everything else drift away as I work. <<include "HS4_0_3">>
I grab my keys and tell Faye and Jeff, where I was heading in case something happened. I bring my bag, a fresh towel, and a water bottle, blasting my workout playlist the entire way to the gym. Once there, I’m met with an instrumental rock and hip-hop beat. I speak to one of the trainers and tell them what I’m doing there, they gladly point me to an arrow to workout, and I begin. Seeing that I knew how to defend myself adequately now, this all was a bit simpler. The best and most important part was that my mind wasn’t on the same topics as before. As of this moment, it was just me, the music overhead, and this punching bag. <<include "HS4_0_3">>
I go to Faye’s bookshelf and peruse the books there. I needed something that looked interesting but hopefully not too exciting, it would be just my luck that I fall in love with one of the books and then wake up and find myself as a character. I grab a book that looks promising, something about a boy fighting for his life against all sorts of demons and kings, a typical fantasy tale. I sit down and begin reading. <<include "HS4_0_3">>
Though Faye did a wonderful job with most of my wounds, they still needed treatment and to be checked on. I needed to improve my medical skills anyway, something that I was learning would be valuable when out hunting. As I go, I make a mental note to add a first aid kit somewhere in my car. It was actually foolish of me not to have had one already. I clean the wounds and provide antiseptic to each of them before wrapping the ones that needed to be redressed back up. <<include "HS4_0_3">>
I sit down with the Book of the Damned, a book I feel I hadn’t looked through in a while. I skim through the pages like always, pausing every now and then to take notes or to read over interesting facts that I hadn’t known before. I also take a look at the exorcism notes that Bradley had previously slid in, rehearsing the lines and making sure that I was pronouncing every Latin word correctly. It would take a few more times before I was able to say it without hesitation and doubt, but I was getting there. <<include "HS4_0_3">>
And thus is how the week slowly begins to roll by. I hardly see anyone as I go from day to day, minding my own business. Faye and Jeff are in and out, sometimes telling me that they needed more information and were meeting someone or that they were off to get ingredients. To my shock, Faye seemed to be learning something from Jeff, and Jeff seemed to be far soberer most often than not. Bradley was reclusive for other reasons. He was making it his personal mission to avoid any and everyone. Sometimes I would walk by a closed door and hear him crying, other times we’d all wake up to someone screaming only to find it was him. And that was when he did sleep, which was a lot more, scaringly so. Whenever I wandered into the kitchen for a late-night snack, he was awake and staring at his laptop. I sometimes was able to take a peek at what he was working on, and mostly it was dark web demonic sites. Sites that even I felt should be avoided in our line of work. But no one could tell him anything. For a boy who was supposed to be only a teen, he was beginning to look a lot like a grown man. <<if $cp>>\ Chris seemed like he was always stuck in his own head as if the world was moving too fast for him to properly keep up. I would catch him staring off into the distance in confusion as if someone had insulted him, and he was still trying to figure out how offended he should be. Funny enough, I could never catch a read on him. I could never tell if he was enjoying this short break or if he was just as antsy as the rest of us. It wasn’t like he talked about it either. He wasn’t avoiding me like Bradley was, but I could tell something was bugging him, something that he felt he couldn’t speak to me about. <</if>>\ And then, there’s Zillah. I once thought that the spirit’s ramblings could never get more confusing, but I was wrong. I now would hear him mumbling in my head about how it would all be over soon and how he just needed to wait a little bit longer. He sounded almost relieved by it all. Not relieved because the job was nearing, but because he had survived it, it would seem. When I questioned him or ever mentioned his one-way conversations, he wouldn’t answer. He’d just stop, and that would be the end of it. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>Bradley spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Bradley.]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Zillah.")>>Zillah spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Chris.")>>Chris spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\
It was less an issue of finding Bradley than it was speaking to him. It feels like forever since I’ve heard his voice, even longer since I’ve listened to him laugh. I was beginning to miss the old Bradley and wondered that if we even did manage to get Sydero back, would that old Bradley return. I find him sitting on the front porch stoop, his eyes on a group of children riding around on bikes. “Reminiscing?” I question, standing and waiting for an invitation. “I never had a bike,” he tells me flatly, his voice distant and emotionless. I take a seat, looking for any cues that he wanted me to leave. When I don’t see them, I get comfortable. “Did you? Have a bike?” he asks. [[“Yea, I did.”]] [[“Nope, never.”]] [[“Had one, never learned to ride.”]]
“Yea, I did. My uncle taught me how to ride, and after that, would scream at me when I didn’t come home before the streetlights came on.” “It was that fun?” “I guess so, yea. We had a lot of inclines, so it was always fun to bike around and just let yourself go. A different kind of freeing that driving doesn’t really fulfill.” “What did you need freeing from?” “The world. You weren’t the only one traumatized as a kid,” I tell him. <<include "HSBradley1">>
“Nope, never. I had that phase where I wanted one, but I got over it. I was too busy to ever go out and ride it anyway, so what was the point in asking?” “I asked,” Bradley tells me, “my parents just never got the chance.” <<include "HSBradley1">>
“I had one. Wouldn’t let a day go by without reminding my uncle that I wanted one. But, as soon as I got it, I never learned to ride it. Life got hectic, and the few times I did take it out to learn, my uncle wasn’t there, and so I just fell and fell. I got tired of falling, so I just stopped, and I forgot about it.” <<include "HSBradley1">>
“I see things when I close my eyes,” Bradley whispers to me, and I notice him move closer. “Do you want to talk about it?” “I feel like I need to, or it’ll only get worse. I never liked sleeping before. It feels like everything slows down more than it should. Like my brain and my body aren’t on the same track, and one is still in the world, and the other isn’t. I could sleep every now and again but only when conditions were right … I don’t really know how to put it in words. Now though, now every time I close my eyes, there’s a demon looking at me.” “A demon?” “They … they showed me their faces, $name.” Bradley begins to shake, his eyes trained on the ground as tears start to run down his cheeks, “they were hideous and things that even horror movies couldn’t conjure up. They were saying all these horrible things, and every hour it happened again and again.” Bradley was practically shouting now, his hand clutching his head as he relived the memories. [[Tell him to stop.][$bradley -=10]] [[Let him continue.][$bradley +=10]]
I move so that he could feel my touch, “Bradley stop,” I tell him, but he doesn’t. He keeps going, his words falling from his mouth as if he never heard me. “And they brought up so many awful things and would say all these things about how I would die there. I would die like my parents. And they’d … they’d beat me … and then they’d … cut me … and my cuts.” He shows me his scars, which I knew were healing. “And I’m scared, $name. I don’t want to close my eyes. I see them! I see them everywhere! And I see the werewolves and vampires, and I see my parents. And I see Sydero screaming.” Bradley breaks down, collapsing into me as his body is overtaken by sobs. He clings onto my shirt as he cries, screaming for nothing in particular. The children have long since ridden away, their gazes on us as they went on their way. I saw Faye peer out the windows some time ago, choosing not to interrupt. Bradley tries to calm down countless times, but each unsteady breath leads into another fit. And I had no way of helping him. There was nothing I could do besides be here for him and try to help him through. I was at a loss for words. My own traumatic past still haunts me. What could I say when I was still just as wrecked? And so we sit there, neither of us saying anything. Two spirits whose souls were being terrorized with no sight of reprieve. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Zillah.")>>Zillah spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Chris.")>>Chris spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
“And they brought up so many awful things and would say all these things about how I would die there. I would die like my parents. And they’d … they’d beat me … and then they’d … cut me … and my cuts.” He shows me his scars, which I knew were healing. “And I’m scared, $name. I don’t want to close my eyes. I see them! I see them everywhere! And I see the werewolves and vampires, and I see my parents. And I see Sydero screaming. But I'm so tired.” Bradley breaks down, collapsing into me as his body is overtaken by sobs. He clings onto my shirt as he cries, screaming for nothing in particular. The children have long since ridden away, their gazes on us as they went on their way. I saw Faye peer out the windows some time ago, choosing not to interrupt. Bradley tries to calm down countless times, but each unsteady breath leads into another fit. And I had no way of helping him. There was nothing I could do besides be here for him and try to help him through. I was at a loss for words. My own traumatic past still haunts me. What could I say when I was still just as wrecked? And so we sit there, neither of us saying anything. Two spirits whose souls were being terrorized with no sight of reprieve. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Zillah.")>>Zillah spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Chris.")>>Chris spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
I look for Chris and find him at the kitchen table staring at his phone. I take a seat and peer over to see him staring at a game that looked like some complex puzzle. I find myself laughing, ignoring the look of befuddlement. Once I calm down enough, I say, “do you remember just sitting in the library. Me thinking that the biggest and hardest thing in life was some essay for an asshole professor? And you not knowing how to control your volume in the library?” Chris pouts before realizing what I was referring to. “Yea, I don’t even know what game I was playing. That seems like years from now, right?” “Oh, definitely. Feels like another life entirely.” I pause, knowing my question was probably a dangerous one when it came to Chris, but I was curious, “do you miss it?” “Everyday,” he sighs, leaning back in his seat and abandoning his phone, “I don’t have regret, but I do miss the simpler stuff. Waking up and thinking that girls were my biggest problem or how fast I was going to blow through my paycheck. Now, well, you know. What’s a paycheck, and what’s a relationship?” [[“What’s a tip at The Alley?”][$chris +=10]] [[“It wasn’t simpler stuff.”][$chris -=10]] <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“What’s a relationship?”][$CRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“What’s a relationship?”][$CRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
I chuckle, “what’s a tip at The Alley?” “The two of us competing for some ten or twenty-dollar tip? Now we’re fighting over ammo.” Despite how serious he says it, the two of us crack up at his words. The laughter doesn’t subside like it should, it continues on. My cheeks begin to hurt, and my ribcage begs me to stop, but I can’t. This life, everything we’ve seen and been through, it was funny. You see shows or books that always have the main character say, “if you would’ve said that this is where I would end up,” but it was completely different when you were living it. When you wake up in a bed, not your own, with a collection of scars and knowing that you would earn more. When you see things that others say is simply sci-fi or fantasy. Here I was. Here Chris was. Here we all were. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>Bradley spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Bradley.]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Zillah.")>>Zillah spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.]]<</if>> [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
“It wasn’t simpler stuff. Yea, it seems like it now, but we shouldn’t diminish it because we feel like we’re lightyears away from it. At that moment, it was the hardest thing we were going through, and I’m sure if we ever left this life behind and went back, it would become the hardest thing again.” “Huh,” Chris starts, “imagine going back to a normal life and thinking to yourself, ‘I’d rather be killing vampires.’” “You can’t see it, can you?” “Not really. Only because everyone says that no one can really escape this life. Look at Faye, she’s probably as normal it gets, and she’s always nose deep in a spell or book to help someone else out. It feels like we’re stuck here, and because of that, I have to change everything about my future. Goals were what got me out of that house, away from my father, and now goals seem stupid. The only goal we really have is to stay alive.” “I’d drink to that … if we had drinks anyway.” We chuckle softly, letting the sounds reverberate off the walls as we sit quietly. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>Bradley spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Bradley.]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Zillah.")>>Zillah spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.]]<</if>> [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
“What’s a relationship? What … what are we?” I question, feeling far too brave. As soon as the words come out, I feel like I should have kept them in, especially when Chris gives me a look that seemed both shocked and unprepared. “I think that’s a question we need to ask ourselves when we actually don’t have so much on our plate.” “That almost sounds like your way of avoiding the conversation.” “I just don’t want us talking about this when we’re stressed out,” he tells me, biting the inside of his cheek as his eyes stay glued on the table. He drags his fingernail up and down, picking at a chip in the wood. I open and then close my mouth, trying to figure out if I had done something. If I had said something. I’m in the middle of about to figure it out when he stands up, giving me no glance or no parting words to tell me. He leaves me sitting there, acting much colder than I’ve ever seen him. The air he leaves behind is bitter, not at all subtle. I don’t even know when the warm air was replaced, but the atmosphere was far too heavy for me to continue sitting there. And so I stand as well. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>Bradley spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Bradley.]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Zillah.")>>Zillah spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.]]<</if>> [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
I was becoming more proficient at entering the small headspace that Zillah seemed to have claimed as his. It was nothing more than focusing and retreating into myself, something I had perfected as a child with therapists. Despite having done this multiple times over the past few days, I still knew little about how this was possible. And it wasn’t as if I could ask Zillah. We had entered a dance; one might deem to call it. I ask him a question, he refuses to answer it, I say something else in my defense, and he calls me an idiot or tells me that it was none of my concern. “Zillah,” I say, once entering the area. The more I came here, the more it felt like it wasn’t my mind. It felt as if I was somewhere far away from my own body, somewhere that didn’t feel like me in the slightest. “And look who’s back. Here to ask that question of yours?” I shrug, and he motions for me to hurry up so that we could get this over with, “you say?” I roll my eyes but play along, “what am I, Zillah?” “And now I say, it’s none of your damn concern. Which you then say?” “You can’t hide this from me forever?” I question more than state. “Eh, a little too stiff for my liking, but it’ll do. A few more times and we’ll be able to take this pitiful little schtick on the road. Now, if we’re done here. Get out.” “Not liking my company?” “It’s its own form of torture, yes.” [[“Good, now you see how I feel.”][$zillah -=10]] [[“You can always leave.”][$zillah +=10]] <<if $flirt_Zillah>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“You must like torture.”][$zillah +=5; $ZRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“You must like torture.”][$zillah +=5; $ZRomance +=1]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“I can make it worse.”][$zillah -=5; $ZRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“I can make it worse.”][$zillah -=5; $ZRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“Good,” I fume, “now you see how I feel.” Zillah sighs like a parent who was getting tired of scolding their child, “correction, I don’t. You are an insignificant fly that just so happens to be in the same room with greater beings. Your company here and now, it’s trivial. Something that I must put up with for the time being to ensure everything goes to plan.” “And you’re a leech,” I snap back, smirking with pride when I see his shadow figure stiffen. He turns to me, opening his mouth before closing it. “Every minute becomes more and more satisfying. Tell me, $name,” he walks away and takes a seat on a post that was not there before, “what are you?” His question works as intended; I say nothing as the two of us stare each other down. My gaze meant to penetrate his being and his, lazy and uncaring. He entertains me no more, and so I come back to the real world, feeling as if I had just risen from a lake of ice-cold water. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>Bradley spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Bradley.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Chris.")>>Chris spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
“You can always leave,” I remind him, and he rolls his eyes. “If you think so, then you simply show how naïve and stupid you are. We both know I can’t leave. Not until it’s done.” “What is it! Can we speed it up because I would love to get you out of //my// head.” “And I would love to be anywhere else right now, so let’s both agree that we despise each other, wish we were elsewhere, and quietly wait for this to all be over.” “Quiet isn’t my style.” He mumbles, “trust me, I’ve noticed. You can go now, come back tomorrow to re-ask your question.” I refuse to leave simply because he told me to, but it’s evident that he wasn’t going to entertain me any further. So, I return to the real world, feeling as if I had just risen from a lake of ice-cold water. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>Bradley spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Bradley.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Chris.")>>Chris spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
“You must like torture then,” I point out, “seeing that you keep entertaining me.” “I do,” he says tiredly, “though yours comes nowhere close to giving me the same satisfaction.” I raise a brow as my mind can only seem to conjure up one form of torture that anyone would say they liked. “Uh, are you talking about?” “Are you acting innocent now?” he questions with a sneer. “I just didn’t think shadow beings could uh,” I motion to him, never finishing my statement. “I forget how stupid you are,” he shakes his head and takes a seat on a post that was not there before, “if you think I always looked like this, then you’re highly mistaken.” “So, you had a body?” He opens his mouth to respond when he realizes where the conversation was going. Instead, he frowns, and I watch as his face disappears, leaving nothing behind but a shadowy sheet. He doesn’t return, and so I go back to the real world, feeling as if I had just risen from a lake of ice-cold water. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>Bradley spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Bradley.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Chris.")>>Chris spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
“Oh, trust me when I say that I can make this worse,” I growl, about to say more when his laughter interrupts me. “Can you, now?” He walks a step closer and glares down at me, “then do it. I’m curious about what you think you can do.” I stiffen at the challenge and the fact that he had called my bluff out like he did. If I knew how to make all of this worse, I would’ve done it. “Thought so, you can’t do shit. So, how about, for once in your life, you be a good little pet and listen to your betters,” he says in annoyance. “I don’t consider a leech my better,” I snap back, smirking with pride when I see his shadow figure stiffen. He turns to me, opening his mouth before closing it. “As much as I like our little back-and-forths, tell me something, $name,” he walks away and takes a seat on a post that was not there before, “what are you?” His question works as intended; I say nothing as the two of us stare each other down. My gaze meant to penetrate his being and his, lazy and uncaring. He entertains me no more, and so I come back to the real world, feeling as if I had just risen from a lake of ice-cold water. <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>Bradley spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Bradley.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Chris.")>>Chris spoken to.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Continue on with your day.|HS5_1]]
It was a week in, and I was beginning to feel a little restless as if the world was passing us by, and we were all stuck in this small suburbia neighborhood, acting as if everything was still exactly the same. But I was also feeling better than I had in a long time. The fact that I could breathe and could pause without feeling my body suffer because of it was a relief I had long forgotten. But like everything, good or bad, it came to an end. <img src="images/divider.png"> I stand rigid. I don’t know how I got here, the old safe house that Sydero had burned down last month, but here I was. It was no longer a burnt pile of ash, but back to what I remember. I remember the days I thought this would be our little hangout, the place that would always shield us from the world. This place had taught me lesson after lesson, held memories that helped shape me into the person I was now. And with one uncaring flick of the wrist, it all came tumbling down. But even then, I was more interested in the figure leaning on the pillar. She turns to me and offers that familiar and annoying smirk. “You got a staring problem, Roe?” <a data-passage="EP1-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/acttwo.png"> “Sydero?” I question, taking one step forward before stopping. “Next werewolf you fight, give them that exact look. It’ll scare them away in a second,” she snorts, stretching as she changes positions to now sit. “How …” I begin, motioning to the safehouse around us. “I can always change locations.” She snaps her fingers, and the safehouse disappears, the familiarity stripped from me as I now sit in a cozy cabin with a blazing fire before me and thick fur blankets on the couch. Outside, I watch as snow falls languidly from the sky, clumps clinging to the windows before melting away. But the frost stays, forever reminding that though the inside of the cabin may be warm, the outside was far less kind. “Where are we?” “Hmm, a nice little cabin I found myself stuck in for a while. Killed the original owners.” I look over at her, her eyes leisurely going from one decoration to the next, admiring each as if they were museum pieces. [[“I’m sure they deserved it.”]] [[“Why?”]] [[“And you bought me here for what reason?”]]
“I’m sure they deserved it,” I mumble, raising a brow when Sydero chuckles at my words. She trails her hands down one of the blankets, “no, no, they really didn’t. They let me in and made sure I had some warm soup.” She relaxes back on the sofa that was parallel to mine, “but what more can you expect from a demon?” <<include "HS6_0">>
“Why did you kill them?” I ask. Sydero shrugs, “can’t really remember, honestly. Wasn’t like they threatened me or anything. They took me in, made sure I had food and was warm, and somewhere along the line I killed them.” <<include "HS6_0">>
“And you brought me here for what reason?” “Wanted to be more comfortable, I suppose, this place is one of the few places that actually check off that box.” “A place with dead owners makes you comfortable?” She shrugs instead of answering. <<include "HS6_0">>
“Sydero, what is this? Why are you telling me this? How am I here? Are you okay?” “Oh, this doesn’t suit you?” she questions, her attention barely on me as much as it’s on our surroundings. She snaps her fingers, and we’re both now standing on a lawn of an ordinary suburban neighborhood. It would be a beautiful day if not for the blood-covered grass and the bodies whose guts were strewn across it like lawn ornaments. One man sat with a child close to his chest, wailing his heart out as he begged for understanding from the spirits above. “Is this better?” Sydero questions, walking around the guts, a trick question if I ever heard one. “Sorry, I don’t have a lot of nice places in mind. This family, they were nice, welcomed me in just like the last. Group of demons showed up, trying to figure out where I was and ended up killing all of them but the dad when the family couldn’t find me. I just … let it happen. You know what the worst thing is?” [[“I don’t care.”]] [[“What?”]]
“I don’t care. I don’t want to know, keep it to yourself,” I warn, but of course, this was Sydero. The woman who cared little for anything but her point. “I don’t feel bad about it. Not one bit. Even now, I fail to care.” “What point are you trying to prove right now? I never took you for the ‘speak in riddles’ type of person.” <<include "HS6_0_1">>
“What?” I ask, still not sure if I wanted to know. “I don’t feel bad about it. Not one bit. Even now, I fail to care.” “What point are you trying to prove right now? I never took you for the ‘speak in riddles’ type of person.” <<include "HS6_0_1">>
She snorts and shrugs her shoulders, “we can agree on that.” I sigh in exasperation. I felt like we were on a time limit, though Sydero’s entire demeanor made it seem like we had all the time in the world. Backing up her previous words, she seems almost at peace amongst the carnage around her. As if she had come back to this very spot time and time again and has since considered it a logical place to think. I avoid the scene, hoping that she would relocate us or bring this meeting to an end. Finally, she snaps her fingers, and again we’re in the cabin. “How’s Bradley?” she finally asks. [[“He’s fine.”]] [[“Not so good.”]] [[“He’s been better.”]]
“He’s fine,” I lie. There was no reason to derail this conversation when I could be getting relevant information from her, “of course he’s not exactly happy about your predicament, but he’s trying. We all are.” Another lie, one that flows past my lips with ease. She nods, withdrawing into her own little world as she fiddles with the edges of a blanket. “That’s great. Better than what I was hoping for. It makes this all easier then.” I raise a brow as she picks up her gaze to look at me. She gets to her feet, “tell him to stop. Tell Faye or whoever you enlisted for help to stop as well. Move on. Look at this as your way out or continue, I don’t really care. Just don’t do anything stupid on my behalf.” <<include "HS6">>
“Not so good. Your capture added with the fact that he was traumatized by whatever Raum and the demons did. He’s hurting every day. I don’t know when’s the last time I saw him smile. He’s obsessed with figuring out how to get you out.” She nods her head, my news eating away at her, “tell him that Raum will pay for what he did. But …” She sighs before continuing. She gets to her feet, “tell him to stop. Tell Faye or whoever you enlisted for help to stop as well. Move on. Look at this as your way out or continue, I don’t really care. Just don’t do anything stupid on my behalf.” <<include "HS6">>
“He’s been better, but I’m sure that much is obvious. He’s not himself, but Bradley’s a strong kid, right? He’ll bounce back ... in time.” “Yea. Everyone bounces back in time.” She gets to her feet, “tell him to stop. Tell Faye or whoever you enlisted for help to stop as well. Move on. Look at this as your way out or continue, I don’t really care. Just don’t do anything stupid on my behalf.” <<include "HS6">>
“Wait, what!? Are you asking me to just forget about you? To forget that you’re literally rotting in hell right now?” “Correction,” she says in annoyance, “no one really rots in hell. Least of all a demon.” “I’m not understanding, Syd.” “Not really surprising,” she attempts to joke, her tone light but her face as somber as the darkening sky, “I’m not asking for you to understand, Roe. I’m asking you to relay the message and to move the fuck on. Simple, if you ask me.” She begins walking towards the door. [[Let her go.][$proSyd -=1; $sydero +=5]] [[“Once a demon, always a demon.”][$sydero -=5; $proSyd -=1]] [[“I need more than that.”][$proSyd +=1; $sydero -=5]] [[“I won’t.”][$proSyd +=1; $sydero +=5]] <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Don’t do this. Please.”][$SRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Don’t do this. Please.”][$SRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“Take care of yourself, Roe.” And with that, just like that, she disappears into the snowstorm. The wind covering up any evidence that she had even been here. The walls crumble down around me, only the winds of the snowstorm persist. And then all of it is gone, and darkness and silence remain. <a data-passage="HS6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“So, once a demon, always a demon? Is that it?” She pouts in an unserious manner, and then smirks as she turns to face me, “you always did catch on pretty quick. I’m hoping the others follow your lead, but I doubt it.” “Maybe because they believed in you. Foolish of them, huh?” She doesn’t seem to care to answer, her attention more on her next schemed actions. “And to hell with us, huh? We’re no longer pieces in whatever game you’re planning so you can just throw us away? Ask us to forget about you and think that’s the end of it?” “Take care of yourself, Roe.” And with that, just like that, she disappears into the snowstorm. The wind covering up any evidence that she had even been here. The walls crumble down around me, only the winds of the snowstorm persist. And then all of it is gone, and darkness and silence remain. <a data-passage="HS6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I need more than that, Sydero. Are you doing this because you’re being forced to? Is this really how you feel? Do you really want me to say //that// to Bradley? Bradley of all people?” “I want you to erase his memory,” she growls, proving that by bringing up Bradley, I had managed to hit a soft spot. “I want him to forget ever hiring me all those years ago. You do that, and I’ll be forever in your debt. But we both know that you can’t, so yea. That’s what I want you to tell him.” “Take care of yourself, Roe.” And with that, just like that, she disappears into the snowstorm. The wind covering up any evidence that she had even been here. The walls crumble down around me, only the winds of the snowstorm persist. And then all of it is gone, and darkness and silence remain. <a data-passage="HS6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I won’t.” She pauses at the door. “I won’t stop looking, Sydero. Neither will Bradley or Faye. None of us will stop trying to find a way to you. <<if $cp>>So whatever this is, save it for someone like Chris.<<else>>So whatever this is, save it.<</if>> And know that when we do find you, I owe you a slap.” She chuckles, “take care of yourself, Roe.” And with that, just like that, she disappears into the snowstorm. The wind covering up any evidence that she had even been here. The walls crumble down around me, only the winds of the snowstorm persist. And then all of it is gone, and darkness and silence remain. <a data-passage="HS6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Don’t do this,” I find myself saying, the words slipping past my tongue and causing me to shake, “please.” “Do what?” she growls. “This!” I yell, pointing to her and then the door, “this whole lone wolf act. I had a feeling that you’d pull some stupid crap like this, but I wasn’t sure. And yet, here you are. There’s nothing wrong with needing help, Sydero.” “Stop,” she yells back just as loud, “stop acting like you know me, Roe. Things always happen for a reason.” “We both know you don’t believe in fate.” She chuckles, her grip tightening on the doorknob, “maybe that’s my problem. I keep trying to run from fate and what I am. All my life, fate has scared the living shit out of me. Because if fate was real, then it would mean that everything was pointless, that I was running from the inevitable. That everything everyone has ever said is true. That the one thing I’m the most afraid of was always going to catch me.” Against her better judgement, she turns to look at me, “that the things I want the most, I’ll never be able to get.” I make a noise, attempting to say her name when she opens the door. The snow rushes in, causing the room to grow alarmingly cold as we stand there. I struggle for words, struggle to think up what I need to say to keep her here. “Take care of yourself, Roe.” And with that, just like that, she disappears into the snowstorm. The wind covering up any evidence that she had even been here. The walls crumble down around me, only the winds of the snowstorm persist. And then all of it is gone, and darkness and silence remain. <a data-passage="HS6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I trudge down the hall, the dream replaying in my mind but fading with each continued step. It left only the message. As I walk down the stairs, I hope that even though it was far too early in the morning for regular people, Faye and Jeff were at least awake. I find more than just Faye and Jeff when I get to my destination, Bradley is among them, each hunched over a laptop or a book. The kitchen had turned into a study area, each occupant trying to figure out how to save Sydero. And here I was about to tell them that Sydero herself told them to stop. “Question,” I begin, all of them but Bradley mumbling some kind of morning greeting, “can lust demons –” “Incubi,” Jeff and Faye both correct me at the same time, never lifting their gaze from their screens or the page in front of them. Bradley gazes at me, though, his eyes wide as he awaits my next words. “Whatever. Can they visit you in your dreams?” “Yes,” Bradley immediately answers, “that’s an ability. Did Sydero visit you?” I pull out a seat, trying to figure out how to tell them. [[“Yea, she says hello.”][$serious -=5]] [[“She told me to tell you to stop.”][$serious +=5]] [[“I suppose you can call it that.”]] <<if $perception >=10>>[[“She’s a demon.”]]<</if>>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> “Yea, she says hello, by the way. You know Sydero, extremely polite in everything she does and says. She was officiating weddings and kissing babies when I walked into the place where she was at.” Jeff erupts into laughter, “I don’t even know this girl, and even I know that’s a lie from the stories I heard.” “Seriously, $name, what did she say?” Bradley asks, concentrating on me and only me. “She said to stop looking for ways to save her. That we need to all move on and that we don’t need to do anything stupid on her behalf. A few explicit words here and there, but that’s the basics.” <<include "HS6_2">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Serious ++</span><</if>> “She told me to tell you to stop. Well, she told all of us to stop and to not find her. That we need to all move on and that we don’t need to do anything stupid on her behalf.” <<include "HS6_2">>
“I suppose you can call it that. She told me that she didn’t even know exactly how she was able to do it.” “Hmm, incubi and succubi can enter the dreams of their prey but only their prey,” Faye informs me, “that’s probably what she meant when she said she didn’t know. You’re not exactly her prey. But I’m guessing she’s able to do more than just that thanks to her cambion abilities.” “What did she say?” Bradley questions. “She told us to stop looking for ways to save her. That we need to all move on and that we don’t need to do anything stupid on her behalf.” <<include "HS6_2">>
“She’s a demon,” I tell them. At first, their faces reflect how I feel inside, confused. Why did I choose to say that? It isn’t much of an answer, and definitely not an answer to Bradley’s question. But then, after remembering what I saw, what Sydero had said, I remember. “No, you don’t say,” Bradley growls, running out of patience, but I ignore his tone. “What I mean by that is that I think she was trying to remind me of that with everything she showed me. She was showing me places where she killed people and didn’t care, and I’m sure she would’ve shown me more if she wanted to just continue fishing in an empty barrel. I think she was trying to tell me that she’s where she belongs. She said that we needed to stop looking for ways to save her. That we need to all move on and that we don’t need to do anything stupid on her behalf.” <<include "HS6_2">>
Faye rolls her eyes, Jeff doesn’t seem moved, and Bradley looks ready to explode. <<if $cp>>Chris walks in, hearing the last part of my message and giving me a knowing look, avoiding Bradley’s gaze as he heads to the cabinets, grabbing a fruit bar.<</if>> <<if $proSyd >=1>>\ “That’s not what she said,” Bradley shouts, “she couldn’t want this. She wants us to save her.” “It bothered me too, Bradley. She didn’t give me a reason why. Just told me to move on and to stop.” “We’re not going to do what she says, right?” Bradley asks, looking from me to Faye. <<else>>\ “That’s not what she said,” Bradley shouts at me, “you’re just saying that because you don’t want to help her.” “So, I would lie to you about something like that just to prove my point?” I question him, attempting to cull my anger, but I was slowly failing. “Would you, $name?” he asks. <</if>>\ “It doesn’t really matter what ya girl wants,” Jeff interrupts, “we found that demon prophecy I had been preachin’ about. A few rough translations that pretty much all mean the same thing, three keys. One into the kingdom, the next to secure the way, and the third to give life. Still, no idea what any of that bullshit means, but it’s clear. Your friend is a key. And leaving her down there is basically preparing her for that role. You leave her and you letting those demons win.” “Nothing the demons want can equal out to be good for the rest of us,” Faye continues on, “and so whether she likes it or not. We need to get her away from them.” <<if $cp>>“Oh,” Chris chuckles as he takes a seat, “I’m sensing a big but somewhere.”<<else>>“You’re pausing like you want to say but, please don’t add a but in,” I whimper.<</if>> Faye nods to say that <<if $cp>>he<<else>>I<</if>> was right, “the but is that there’s no easy way to bring Sydero back. The only way to retrieve her is to enter hell and drag her right back out.” “Even better,” Jeff whispers conspiratorially, “there are only a few ways to get in. And you guys don’t match the criteria for any of them. You gotta either be an angel, demon, or a reaper to get in.” “Though this is true,” Faye says overly loud, scolding Jeff with her eyes, “I know someone who might know a way in and can be a proper guide.” She begins to scribble down an address on a piece of paper before sliding it towards me, “just tell him that I sent you.” [[Slide it right back.][$bradley -=3; $chris +=3]] [[Type the address in.]] [[Do nothing.]]
I slide it right back towards her, earning a scowl from her and possibly an earful later from Bradley. “So, let me get this straight. Sydero says, don’t look for me. Abandon all forms of searching. Stop. And you guys just completely ignore her? What makes you think that even if we find her, she’ll come willingly? Unless there’s a way to drag her out of hell.” “You’ve never listened to what she says before, and suddenly you choose to, now of all times?” Bradley asks, raising a brow. “I do my best to honor the wishes of the dead.” Bradley doesn’t answer me, but he does snatch the address from the table. <<include "HS6_2_1">>
I look at the address and type it in, unsurprised to find it was all the way in West Virginia. Practically a six-hour drive and with tolls, I’d have to dig deeper for the backroads later, for now, my mind was repeating the number six in my head and how gas prices were in this economy. I hand the paper over to Bradley, he had deemed himself my navigator some time ago, and so I trusted him to find out the best route. <<include "HS6_2_1">>
I don’t grab the paper, letting Bradley take it and begin his research. <<include "HS6_2_1">>
“Adding to that, this info wasn’t free,” Jeff adds in next, sliding another piece of paper my way. His handwriting being near impossible to read. “What is this supposed to be?” “It’s an address, duh. Told a friend of mine we’ll cleanse a house in exchange for the information.” I raise a brow and peer over at Jeff, pausing from trying to decipher his script, <<if $serious >=50>>“we’ll?”<<else>>“you know, I love it when people include themselves when, in reality, they really won’t help with shit.”<</if>> “You don’t want an old drunk dragging you youngsters down. I have a bladder problem and a fear of all things horror.” “Why even put those two things in the same sentence?” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> asks in confusion. [[“No, do it yourself.”]] [[“Sure, I guess we can.”]] [[Nod and go get prepared.|HS6_3]]
“No, do it yourself,” I tell him, “we don’t have time to waste on stuff like this. I’m not going on some stupid detour that has nothing to do with saving Sydero.” “$name,” Faye growls, but it hardly moves me from my position. “If you want a chance at being able to save her, then you’re going to have to learn how to compromise.” “Even if that means doing everything but saving her?” I question, raising a brow that didn’t understand what she was asking of me. “I’m with $name,” Bradley announces, “send someone else to do the cleansing.” Jeff sighs, “if you don’t do this, then I can’t promise you I’ll be much help later. This business ain’t free, you give and take or you on your own.” Faye nods in agreement ending the conversation and any further discussion there. <<include "HS6_3">>
“Sure,” I start, “it doesn’t sound too hard anyway, I’m sure it’ll be no problem.” “Wrong,” Bradley growls, “this has nothing to do with Sydero. Faye told us what we need to do and where we need to go, so let’s go.” Jeff sighs, “if you don’t do this, then I can’t promise you I’ll be much help later. This business ain’t free, you give and take or you on your own.” Faye nods in agreement, all of us shooting Bradley a look. He glowers at the ground, refusing to meet our gazes. <<include "HS6_3">>
<<if hasVisited("Type the address in.")>>\ With nothing left to discuss, we each go to grab our bags and prepare for the trip. The address Jeff had given me was in North Carolina, not along the way, but still existing in the same state that we were currently in. We would do the cleansing before making for West Virginia, that trip still causing me to shiver. <<if $cp>>I would have to see if Bradley was able to drive. If so, then that was two other drivers who could help.<<else>>I would have to see if Bradley was able to drive. If so, then that was at least a few hours I didn’t have to worry about.<</if>> <<else>>\ Bradley joining me later to inform me about what had found out about the address Jeff had given us. The cleansing was in North Carolina, not along the way, but still existing in the same state that we were currently in. We would do the cleansing before making for West Virginia, that trip still causing me to shiver. <<if $cp>>I would have to see if Bradley was able to drive. If so, then that was two other drivers who could help.<<else>>I would have to see if Bradley was able to drive. If so, then that was at least a few hours I didn’t have to worry about.<</if>> <</if>>\ I pack my bag, thinking about the last time I had done this. It was easy to fall back into the routine, my mind going through everything I needed like it was a regular hunt. But it was also weird knowing that this would be the first hunt without Sydero. Technically we weren’t hunting anything, but she was always there for supernatural jobs. I had been training for this, but was I ready? [[Hell yea.|HS6_3_1][$optimistic +=5]] [[Uh, we’ll see.|HS6_3_1][$optimistic +=3]] [[Nope.|HS6_3_1][$optimistic -=5]]
The wind slaps my face as we speed down the road, heading towards the town that Jeff’s note pointed to. There was something about being back on the road, a feeling that could never be beaten since I had grown used to it. Despite the fact that these were trying times, the sense of freedom was satisfying. “One would almost say freedom is freeing,” I hear Zillah grumble with a sarcastic tone, “act like you’ve driven a damn car before, $name.” I don’t reply, mostly because it wasn’t just him and me. I peer over at Bradley, who sits quietly in the passenger seat, flipping from one song to another, each holding a sorrowful note. I wasn’t going to be able to drive for an hour, let alone six, listening to such music. [[Fire Bradley.]] [[Leave him be.]] <<if $cp>>[[Look at Chris for help.]]<</if>>
“Alright, Bradley,” I say, grabbing my aux cord from him. With one hand on the wheel, the other maneuvers the wire into my phone, and I slow down as I quickly go to my own playlist, listening as the music sweeps through the car. “Did you fire me?” he asks quietly, causing me to almost not want to answer. “I just don’t want to be depressed for the duration of this ride. Not a good mood when driving, you know?” He doesn’t agree or disagree, he slowly brings his headphones out of his pocket and turns towards the window. Note to self, don’t let Bradley drive later. One person. One person was all it took to make such a freeing experience feel more like suffocation. [[I don’t get it, it was just Sydero.|HS6_4]] [[I would hope my absence would be taken the same way.|HS6_4]] [[And for a good reason.|HS6_4]]
I open my mouth to talk about his choice of music and then close it, shaking my head and leaving him be. If this is how he coped, then so be it, I would allow it … for a little bit longer anyway. Maybe he would have a change of heart and cut on his usual dubstep playlist, anything else would be merciful. One person. One person was all it took to make such a freeing experience feel more like suffocation. [[I don’t get it, it was just Sydero.|HS6_4]] [[I would hope my absence would be taken the same way.|HS6_4]] [[And for a good reason.|HS6_4]]
I look in the rearview mirror and make eye contact with Chris. We stare at one each other for a second longer before Chris clears his throat and leans in. “You gonna play depressing music the entire trip, Bradley?” he questions. “Are you going to be annoying and question my choice of music the entire trip, Christo … Chris?” Bradley counters, the question stinging more than it should have. He had almost slipped into his regular insulting, a good sign to us, but he reverted right back into himself. “Look,” Chris starts, realizing how close we were as well. “Don’t. I swear if one of you say something about coping and how I should be acting, I’m going to scream. Stop treating me like some deranged mental patient, I’m traumatized, not crazy,” he mumbles, though it turns to a whimper near the end. But that was the end of that. Chris sends me a glare for recruiting him and leans back in the seat. One person. One person was all it took to make such a freeing experience feel more like suffocation. [[I don’t get it, it was just Sydero.|HS6_4]] [[I would hope my absence would be taken the same way.|HS6_4]] [[And for a good reason.|HS6_4]]
For the first time ever, I find myself wishing something fascinating would happen. But it doesn’t, the road is as quiet as those in the car. No one dares speak a word, the silence a threatening and depressing presence that looms over all of us with a watchful eye. I even find myself wishing Zillah would pipe up if only to dismantle what the silence has wrought. But he doesn’t. No one does. <img src="images/divider.png"> Robersonville, North Carolina, a Town that Cares from what their sign read. The town was as small as any other. A town one passed by to get back onto the highway or to take a pitstop. It was the kind of town that the young would work their butts off to leave, and the older generations treasured as being their one true home. It seemed like it could have a hometown feel, the type of town that welcomed you back with open arms. It reminded me much like the town that Sydero and I ended up in as soon as we went on the run. But that town had taught me one thing. An elderly couple walks past me, giving me the evil eye and further solidifying my belief that newcomers were kept at a distance. <<if $cp>>\ Chris whistles, waving the papers in his hand back and forth as he approaches where we had parked. “You got it?” “Depends on what you would call ‘it,’” he begins, passing me the piece of notebook paper with a bunch of addresses written across it. “What is this?” “I told you, it depends on what you call ‘it.’ They don’t have pamphlets, they’re not exactly a tourist town. You should’ve seen the look the woman gave me when I asked her for information on the town, I became the crazy one.” Chris pauses to peer into the car, seeing Bradley in the backseat, staring blankly at the roof of the vehicle. “We’re going to need him for this cleansing. Think he’s up for it?” [[“No, we’re on our own.”]] [[“He will be.”]] <<else>>\ I walk back to the parked car, going over the information the woman had given me and staring at the sheet of notebook paper. I suppose I should be less than surprised that they didn’t have official pamphlets, they weren’t exactly the hottest tourist town in the surrounding area. And yet, I had still expected more. I tap on the window to get Bradley’s attention, and he opens the door. “I got the information.” “Isn’t that great,” he mumbles. “Faster, we get this over with, faster we can head to West Virginia, kid.” He rolls his eyes but nods, closing the door and slouching in his seat. [[I was practically on my own.|HS6_5][$optimistic -=5]] [[He would do his part, I trust him.|HS6_5][$optimistic +=5]] <</if>>\
I glance back at the boy for a second before looking back at the paper, “no, we’re on our own. If we weren’t heading to West Virginia after this, then I would’ve just left him at Faye’s.” Chris nods in agreement, glancing back at Bradley numerous of times before shaking his head. “Well, we need him anyway. We have no idea what we need for this cleansing. Sydero didn’t really teach us.” I pause at his tone, hearing the insinuation that rests on the tip of his tongue, struggling to leave his mouth. And yet, Chris says nothing, his attention now on Bradley. “It’s just a cleansing,” I add in, hoping to soothe his worries, “how hard can it be?” “Careful, $name. Our lucks not the best, and that statement just tested it.” I roll my eyes playfully when, in truth, he was right. I probably just jinxed us. <a data-passage="HS6_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Yea, I do. Plus, this’ll be good for him, something to focus on that doesn’t have to do with, well, everything else.” Despite my words, Chris doesn’t seem convinced, glancing back at Bradley numerous of times before shaking his head. “Well, we need him anyway. We have no idea what we need for this cleansing. Sydero didn’t really teach us.” I pause at his tone, hearing the insinuation that rests on the tip of his tongue, struggling to leave his mouth. And yet, Chris says nothing, his attention now on Bradley. “It’s just a cleansing,” I add in, hoping to soothe his worries, “how hard can it be?” “Careful, $name. Our lucks not the best, and that statement just tested it.” I roll my eyes playfully when, in truth, he was right. I probably just jinxed us. <a data-passage="HS6_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>\ We both get back into the car and set out for the nearest grocery store. Getting Bradley to come with us is hard enough, let alone for him to help us with the ingredients needed to perform a cleansing. Chris looks ready to bang his head on the nearest wall while I listen to Bradley groan about each and every little thing. “Furthermore,” he hisses, “this isn’t your common cleansing.” “Then what is it, Bradley?” Chris questions, finally piping up. “Cleansings are used for homes, you have to have a personal connection with it,” he shouts. “I asked a simple question, calm down.” I watch as Chris bends down so that he was staring into Bradley’s eyes, “come on, breathe. Alright?” Bradley nods his head, inhaling and exhaling with Chris until he seems to calm down enough. “I’ll find the items we need; you guys see if you can find cedar or rosemary.” He turns on his heel and walks off, leaving us both standing there. “We should’ve left him at Faye’s,” Chris tells me, though his tone lacks the accusatory tone I had pictured going with it. [[“He’s safer with us.”]] [[“Too late now.”]] <<else>>\ In truth, it didn’t really matter. Sydero had never taught me how to do a cleansing, not that we were doing much of them when she was around anyway. Bradley was the only one who knew how to do it, and so if he wanted to head to West Virginia, it was only wise that he’d help out. I get back into the car and set out for the nearest grocery store. Getting Bradley to come with me is hard enough, let alone for him to help me with the ingredients needed to perform the cleansing. It would seem that when he wasn’t completely ignoring me, he was happy enough with the idea of groaning about each and every little thing. “Furthermore,” he hisses, “this isn’t your common cleansing.” “Then what is it, Bradley?” I question. “Cleansings are used for homes, you have to have a personal connection with it,” he shouts. [[“Calm down.”]] [[“I’m doing my best, stop shouting at me.”]] [[“How was I supposed to know that!”]] <</if>>\
“Calm down, Bradley,” I say, “come on, breathe. Alright?” To my shock, Bradley nods his head, inhaling and exhaling with me until he seems to calm down enough to speak to me again. <<include "HS6_5_1">>
“I’m doing my best here, so stop shouting at me,” I growl. “And what’s your best?” he questions, his tone rising more and more. I don’t know which I was more worried about, him attracting attention or triggering an episode. “You don’t want to be here, I don’t want to be here,” I begin, “but we promised Jeff, okay? Like I said before, faster we get this done, faster we can go. So, can we just work together? You don’t have to like it but right now we’re all that’s left of the team.” Bradley blinks a few times before nodding, taking a deep breath in before exhaling. <<include "HS6_5_1">>
“How was I supposed to know that!” I shout right back, my anger bubbling over as the two of us stare each other down. “If you don’t know how to do a basic cleansing then you shouldn’t be here.” “You think I don’t know that?” I’m ready to shout more, to knock him down a peg when I realize what I was thinking. This wasn’t helping either of us. I take a step back and close my eyes, wishing to just be done with all of this nonsense. <<include "HS6_5_1">>
“What? So he could just run off and try and find Sydero by himself? No, he’s safer with us. We can at least keep an eye on him.” <<include "HS6_5_2">>
“It’s a bit too late for you to be telling me what we should’ve done, don’t you think? And do you really believe that he would’ve stayed there?” <<include "HS6_5_2">>
“But if something happens –” “He has us, Chris, or did you forget that?” Chris chuckles, the chuckle turning into a laugh that has him almost falling over. “What?” I growl, stiffening as he finally straightens back up. “Really, $name? If he had us, then this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. I’m still learning, and you’re going through your own personal war.” “What are you trying to say Chris?” Chris looks in the direction that Bradley vanished and then back at me. “I’m saying that we’re pretty much all dead. It’s just a question of when. We should be back at Faye’s, putting ourselves first. Sydero can wait.” [[“Can she?”]] [[“I agree.”]] [[“This again?”]]
“Can she? She’s somewhere in hell and you think we can afford to wait?” Chris’s agitation grows as he moves a step closer to me. “She said to abandon this. So, why the hell are we not? I’m not willing to risk my life for that bitch, you and the kid might be, but I’m not.” “Then go home,” I hiss. This shuts him up and he looks from the ground to me, backing away, “I’m going to go find some rosemary.” He disappears, leaving me alone in the aisle and with my thoughts. <<include "HS6_5_3">>
“I agree, but that doesn’t mean Bradley does. And you heard Faye and Jeff, leaving her down there is going to make things worse for us in the future.” “It’s making things worse for us now! We could’ve told Faye and Jeff that we were headed that way and go somewhere completely different. You said that Sydero said that this was our chance to get away, why the hell haven’t we taken it? I’m not willing to risk my life for that bitch, the kid might be, but I’m not.” “Then go home,” I hiss. This shuts him up and he looks from the ground to me, backing away, “I’m going to go find some rosemary.” He disappears, leaving me alone in the aisle and with my thoughts. <<include "HS6_5_3">>
“Again, this? How many times are you going to sing this old tune?” “As long as it takes for you two to figure out that this is a suicide mission. Sydero is not worth it.” “I never thought you would be okay with someone dying, Chris. Do you really hate her that much?” “Don’t act like she was the best person to be around in the world. She only cared about herself. How many times did she lie to us? I’m not willing to risk my life for that bitch, you and the kid might be, but I’m not.” “Then go home,” I hiss. This shuts him up and he looks from the ground to me, backing away, “I’m going to go find some rosemary.” He disappears, leaving me alone in the aisle and with my thoughts. <<include "HS6_5_3">>
“I’ll find the items we need; you should see if you can find cedar or rosemary.” He turns on his heel and walks off, leaving me standing there. <<include "HS6_5_3">>
“What is happening?” I ask aloud, no one answering me. I had a being living inside of me, and <<if $cp>>two companions<<else>>a companion<</if>> somewhere within the same building as I. And yet, for some odd reason, I feel alone. I felt like there was a war inside of me and I didn’t even know why. I couldn’t point out the sides or what their purpose was, I just knew that battles were raging, and no side was a clear victor. I believed a week would be enough for me to get back to normal, it would seem that that was a lie. Zillah chuckles lowly, his voice fading as soon as he begins to speak, “I told you, $name. It has begun. You be a nice pet and listen to what I tell you in the future.” <a data-passage="HS6_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The general store, according to Bradley, barely had the needed ingredients for a proper cleansing. Between his grumblings, he does point out that we should stock up and store the items in the car somewhere, a decent idea since we already had a number of weapons. <<if $engineering >=10>>I would probably have to do some upgrades in my spare time to make the car more hunter friendly, all while maintaining the look of just a regular vehicle.<<else>>I would probably have to ask Faye for her thoughts on who I should take my car to, but I would need to pay for upgrades to make it more hunter friendly, all while maintaining the look of just a regular vehicle.<</if>> When we make it to the house in question, I put the car in park and cut the engine. I step out and narrow my eyes at the ranch-style home in front of me. It wasn’t old, it looked like a standard home in a town such as this. The neighboring houses were separated by a few yards, enough to give the homeowner a sense of privacy but then, still close enough for someone to run to in case of an emergency. The brick making up the house was a frost white shade with the subtlest hint of blue. The window shutters and pillars were all white, and the only other color to be seen were the varying shades of green from the grass and plants and the dark brown dirt. <<if $cp>>\ “Looks normal to me,” Chris points out and then turns to me, “you sure this is the right address?” I double check the address that Jeff had scrawled down and nod, this was the address and even if it wasn’t, the surrounding houses didn’t exactly seem like they were in need of a cleansing either. <</if>>\ “So, what?” I question, “it’s built on some ancient burial ground?” Bradley doesn’t answer, gathering the bag in his hands before marching towards the house like a man on a mission. [[I was two seconds away from driving off.]] [[This day couldn’t get any worse.]] [[Ugh!]]
I look from Bradley to my car, imagining myself getting in and driving off without a single care in the world. That was just how annoyed I was with this entire situation, this whole day, no, week. I never thought I wanted things to go back to the way they used to be, but at the moment, it would be a welcome respite from the intense glares and the inaudible mumbles. <<include "HS6_6_1">>
This day was going down as one of the worst, not for its danger element but because of how annoyed I was with it. I never thought I wanted things to go back to the way they used to be, but at the moment, it would be a welcome respite from the intense glares and the inaudible mumbles. <<include "HS6_6_1">>
Ugh! I shout to myself, doing so mentally before marching forward. <<include "HS6_6_1">>
The inside had a much creepier feel to it. The house is empty, wallpaper is peeling, and the floorboards are either rotting or pulled up to expose the foundation underneath. Cobwebs decorate every corner of the room, but there are no insect in sight. The air is heavy and weary, but also electric, an invisible current taking us from one room to the other. “Here,” Bradley says, placing the bag down, “this is probably the best room to start in. <<if $cp>>I’ll light the incense, $name you should go from room to room with the burning sage and rosemary, and Chris … uh, think positive thoughts.”<<else>>I’ll light the incense and $name, you should go from room to room with the burning sage.”<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ Chris glares at him with a deep frown, “seriously? That’s my job?” “You’re always complaining about how you’re worthless,” Bradley says in a callous tone, “so I gave you a job you’ll find worthwhile.” Chris looks ready to offer his retort but bites his tongue. He closes his eyes and goes to the conjoining room. <<if $sympathy >=50>>\ I watch as Chris disappears into the other room, shooting Bradley an accusing glare. “What?” he finally asks, and I nod my head towards the last place we saw Chris. “Was that really needed? You could’ve just ignored him.” “I could’ve, but I didn’t,” he says, spite dripping from his words. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ Bradley hands me the sage and rosemary and I tie the two together, carefully lighting them and waving them around slowly like I remember the people on tv doing. “You have to whisper a prayer with it. Just waving the sage around isn’t going to do shit.” <<if $believer is false>>\ [[“I’m not exactly religious.”]] [[“Easy enough, I suppose.”][$believer = true]] <<else>>\ <<include "“Easy enough, I suppose.”">> <</if>>\
I stop in my tracks and turn to him, “you sure you shouldn’t be doing this? I’m not exactly religious.” “And you think I am?” he questions, continuing what he was doing as he answers me, “plus, you don’t have to be religious to know how to pray. Just go and say stuff you think the spirit needs to hear to move on.” His words weren’t constructive. So did I pray or just try to handhold the spirits here as I walked them to the door? I sigh and decide to act as if I was vouching for the spirits, though I can’t see why any high figure would listen to me of all people. <<include "HS6_6_2">>
I shrug my shoulders, “easy enough, I suppose.” “Great, then go do it.” <<include "HS6_6_2">>
I start in the room Bradley’s in before walking to the next, letting enough smoke fill the air before moving on. I murmur positive words and how the spirits should move on from here and enter the next part of their journey. I walk into what I believe to be a bedroom, noticing the red splotches that coat the oak floors. A chill crawls down my back, and out of the corner of my eye, I see the door swinging back and forth on its hinges. [[“Hello?”]] [[“Guess the cleansings for you?”][$daring +=5]] [[Nope.][$daring -=5]]
“Hello?” I question, looking all around the room for any sight of the spirit that I perceive to be sticking around. I get no reply, but the air still feels odd, like the air right before a thunderstorm. I take one step, and then two, continuing to search the room for anything but finding nothing. I enter the room where Bradley still sits, wishing to check up on him. “Are you done?” “Not just yet, I wanted to check on you,” I tell him. <<include "HS6_6_3">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Daring ++</span><</if>> I look around and poke my bottom lip out in thought, “guess the cleansings for you then? Wanna tell me why you’re here?” I get no reply, but the air still feels odd, like the air right before a thunderstorm. I take one step, and then two, continuing to search the room for anything but finding nothing. I enter the room where Bradley still sits, wishing to check up on him. “Are you done?” “Not just yet, I wanted to check on you,” I tell him. <<include "HS6_6_3">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Cautious ++</span><</if>> I immediately leave the room, shaking my head as I retrace my steps back to the room that Bradley was in. I find him murmuring something in front of a symbol on the floor, kneeling with his eyes closed. It doesn’t take long for him to notice me, gazing at the ground without saying a word. “Is it done?” “No. I just can’t focus.” I raise a brow when the air shifts. It felt like the moments leading up to a horrible thunderstorm, the air is electric, and there is a sense of foreboding. <<include "HS6_6_3">>
“My house,” a voice whispers, and I turn around to see a translucent woman standing before me. She’s dressed in modern-day attire and looks no older than thirty years old. Her brown hair is stuck to the side of her face, though not appearing wet, and dried up blood cakes the side of her face and neck. She glares at me, regarding me with the same air one would have when looking down upon an annoying pest. “Bradley, how close are you to being done?” I question. My voice seems to be the trigger, her eyes widen as she throws both hands into the air, sending my body flying backward, hitting the wall behind me harshly. “My house!” she screams, causing said house to tremble. I slowly pick myself up, fighting the pain that stubbornly seeks to stay. I’m not fully on my feet when the spirit appears in front of me, her hands don’t touch me, but a force is around my neck, tightening its grip. <a data-passage="HS6_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>\ “Bradley!” I scream out just as Chris comes into the room, stopping short when he sees the spirit. I don’t necessarily see what he does, but a minute later, the spirit is gone, and Chris stands in front of me, helping me find my balance and breath. “How’d you do that?” I question him, and he holds up his lanyard with keys dangling from it. “My keys are iron.” Clever. “We need to finish this,” I say to Chris, about to walk around him when his body is launched into the air. He mimics someone choking though no one is there. The hair on my arms now standing on end. [[Finish this.][$chris -=3]] [[Help him.][$chris +=3]] <<else>>\ “Bradley!” I scream out, attempting to fight the spirit, but that was the thing, she was a spirit. My fists go through her, not phasing her in the least. I don’t hear Bradley, and the spirit’s grip continues to tighten around my neck, my body going into panic mode as my lungs scream for air. I struggle to think, patting my pocket, and feeling my keys. With no hesitation, I grab them and sling them at the ghost. She disappears, and I’m once again able to breathe. I inhale greedily, slowing down only when I feel like I might throw up. “The hell, Bradley?” I question, finding him still in front of the bowl, his eyes wide and his body unmoving. “Bradley!” I shout, and this time he reacts, his eyes drifting to me. If there is an ounce of sympathy or sadness for leaving me to deal with the spirit, I can’t see it. My throat aches, and my back feels like it’s ready to crumble, but he didn’t even seem to care. He looks back towards the bowl and takes one of the lit candles and extinguishes it in the pan. I sit there, tight-lipped as the heavy feeling in the house lifts, and for once, it feels like any other typical house. It felt at peace. But I feel the opposite. It would be different if he had even attempted to help me, but he hadn’t moved an inch. I had gotten myself out of that, me, and just me. I clench my jaw as I leave the room, choosing to spend some time away from him and to rest my back. <a data-passage="HS6_8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
Bradley is frozen, staring at Chris with eyes wide. It was up to me to finish this. Though I don’t exactly know how to do that, I recall seeing Bradley about to do something with the candle before the spirit began attacking. I race to his side right as my body is thrown like a ragdoll once again. I hit the corner of the doorway and whimper in pain as I lay there, my body aching and back growing numb. <<include "HS6_7_1">>
On instinct, I dive towards Chris, attempting to grab onto his leg or a piece of clothing so that I could bring him back down. Instead of catching anything, my body is swatted to the side, much like someone would an annoying fly. I hit the corner of a doorway and lay in pain, whimpering as my body aches and my back grows numb. <<include "HS6_7_1">>
“Bradley, what are you doing?!” I hear Chris scream but open my eyes to see Bradley has yet to move. The spirit reappears, and Bradley seems only focused on her as if he saw something in her that none of us could. I block out the pain as best as I could, hearing Chris try to swat at her but no longer possessing the keys he used before. He begins to heave, searching for air as the ghost continues to choke the life out of him. I crawl towards the bowl, snatching the candle from Bradley before extinguishing it in the pan. Hopefully, there were no words that needed to be paired with this action, for I surely didn’t know them. The spirit screams and Chris drops to the floor. Her figure twitches before disappearing entirely. The heavy feeling in the house lifts, and for once, it felt like any other typical house. It felt at peace. I sigh, closing my eyes and centering myself, ignoring the other two people in the room and what had just transpired, and what soon will. <a data-passage="HS6_8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
An hour meanders by before we decide to get up and actually move. I call Jeff to tell him that the job is done, and once I hang up, look at Bradley who's standing on the porch, staring out at the landscape. I stop beside him, biting the inside of my cheek. “Bradley,” I start and then pause, unable to finish my sentence as I try to figure out what to say. He looks at me expectantly, like he knows what my next words were going to be, and he was already ready to combat them. <<if $cp>>\ [[“You’re going too far.”][$bradley -=5]] <</if>>\ [[“You can’t keep doing this.”][$bradley -=5]] [[Say nothing, let it go.][$bradley +=3]]
“You’re going too far, Bradley. What happened in there could’ve gotten Chris killed, and for what? Because you were mad that he doesn’t care about saving Sydero, or were you actually just frozen scared?” Numbly, Bradley shrugs, “why is he even here? All he does is whine about how weak he is and how we should give up. If he can’t handle himself against some lowly ghost with barely even an evil bone, then he shouldn’t be here.” “And so you try to teach him that by letting him get the life choked out of him?” “Are you done lecturing me?” I open my mouth to respond when Zillah’s voice fills my ears, telling me to calm down in an unnaturally soothing voice. Before he leaves, he turns to me, “how about you worry about fighting your wars, and I fight mine?” He doesn’t take a moment to look back, walking straight towards the car and leaving me standing there. <<include "HS6_8_1">>
“You can’t keep doing this.” “Doing what?” he questions, the words barely out of my mouth before he replies. “This!” I shout, motioning to him, “I know you’re going through things, and I’m trying to be as patient and supportive as possible, but you’re walking a dangerous line. You do what you did just then again, and we’re as good as dead.” Bradley stares at me, and my insides begin to churn. Once, I would take his silence as nothing but cooperation or silent agreement, he knew I was right, but his pride wasn’t about to let him admit such a thing. But the look in his eye, that wasn’t agreement, that was consideration. Questioning if my words were as bad as I was making them seem. “Bradley,” I begin, but he rolls his eyes. “Can we just go? And, $name,” he stops and turns to me, “don’t tell me how to react. How about you worry about fighting your wars, and I fight mine?” I open my mouth to respond when Zillah’s voice fills my ears, telling me to calm down in an unnaturally soothing voice. <<include "HS6_8_1">>
I take another breath in, balling up my fist before relaxing it. My entire body relaxes, and I look up into Bradley’s deep brown eyes. My resolve crumbles. “Never mind. Just get ready to go.” I watch him go. I wasn’t his parent, and I hardly knew if I was his guardian. What right did I have to tell him how he should grieve? How he should react to the trauma that he alone experienced? I wanted to be there for him, to remind him that he wasn’t alone, but he was making even that hard. Before he leaves, he turns to me, “how about you worry about fighting your wars, and I fight mine?” He doesn’t take a moment to look back, walking straight towards the car and leaving me standing there. <<include "HS6_8_1">>
<<if $cp>>\ Chris comes to my side, rubbing his neck in pain. “How’s the –” “Don’t,” Chris interrupts me, clenching his jaw as he closes his eyes, “this is all bullshit.” “Well, don’t take it out on me. I wasn’t the one choking you.” <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ “I said, don’t,” he takes a step away from and towards the car, but I stop him, grabbing his wrist and causing him to stop. “What’s your problem, Chris?” I question, “you’ve been acting funny towards me, and like always, I have no idea why.” He waves me off, “I was just choked in thin air, I don’t think I feel like having this conversation right now.” He snatches his arm back and makes his way towards the car, leaving me there alone. <<else>>\ “I said, don’t.” He walks past me and into the car, leaving me there alone. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ And there it was. That gnawing feeling from before returns, but this time it’s something so much greater. The feeling that speeds through my body feels much more paralyzing, a sense of despondency resting itself on my shoulders. It was no longer a question; it was a fact. My team, all of us, we were broken. Could we actually do this job in our current state? Were we just putting ourselves into further danger by behaving like we were fine? Perhaps Bradley is right. I was attempting to take on all of this when I was fighting battles of my own. Not knowing who I was or what I was. Knowing that whatever I was was leading me down a dangerous path, hence Zillah’s words and existence. The weight of all this catching up. I take a step off the porch and towards the car, every step sending a jolt of pain through my still throbbing back. I stop, choosing to just sit down, I wasn’t ready to go, and I was in no condition to drive at the moment. I spend my time sitting there in the dirt, thinking about nothing yet everything. When I finally rise, I take an unsteady breath in before going, knowing what this six-hour ride was about to be filled with. Silence. <a data-passage="EP1-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/actthree.png"> I bring the car to a stop, peering out the window at the building that stands before us. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this. Part of me fully expected some kind of abandoned house, overgrown lawn and rickety floorboards and all. Entering the neighborhood, I could only presume as much when I noticed that the street signs were old, and all the houses had for sale signs. I recall a time when I didn’t think there were this many empty neighborhoods in the states. It just seems like a waste of space since there were plenty of people needing a home. And yet, despite it’s abandoned vibes, the house before me was appealing to the eye. It was more modern than the past few abandoned houses that I’ve been inside, and besides the thriving greenery and the dirty paint, I would even think it was freshly abandoned. “This is the place?” Bradley questions, and I nod. Still not wanting to speak to him, not knowing what I was going to say. It wasn’t as if he wanted to talk to me much either, the entire car ride was silent aside from the blaring music originating from the radio. We get out of the car, stopping at the curb as we continue looking the house over. <<if $cp>>\ “Then let’s get this over with,” Chris sighs, walking past us and towards the door. <</if>>\ We knock once, twice, and then one last time, the third time being much louder than the others. After a substantial amount of time passes, we decide to just open the door and walk inside. Once inside, <<if $cp>>Chris and Bradley keep<<else>>Bradley keeps<</if>> close to my side as I look around. The inside was neatly furnished with a few items, nothing impressive or homey, but enough to warn any intruders that the house was being used. A few cobwebs seek shelter in corners, but besides that, and the browning wallpaper, the house was as clean as one could expect an abandoned house to be. “Do you think anyone’s home?” Bradley questions from my side. [[“Probably not. We didn’t think this through.”]] [[“Hello!?”]] [[Don’t answer him.]]
“Probably not,” I tell him as I peer into the kitchen. There was nothing but counters and a small table. The shelves were filled with non-perishable items and water bottles while the table held nothing but a lone book. I open it to find that it was a sort of log, the handwriting was sloppy, but I could barely make out bits of information, names, and phone numbers. “We didn’t really think this through,” I continue, flipping through the pages, “we have no idea where this person could be and when they’ll return.” <<include "HS7_0_1">>
“Hello!?” I shout as loud as possible, the walls absorbing my voice, ceasing any chance for an echo to occur. I gaze over at Bradley and shrug. I peer into a kitchen, finding nothing but counters and a small table. The shelves were filled with non-perishable items and water bottles while the table held nothing but a lone book. I open it to find that it was a sort of log, the handwriting was sloppy, but I could barely make out bits of information, names, and phone numbers. <<include "HS7_0_1">>
I fail to answer him, continuing to gaze around. I peer into a kitchen, finding nothing but counters and a small table. The shelves were filled with non-perishable items and water bottles while the table held nothing but a lone book. I open it to find that it was a sort of log, the handwriting was sloppy, but I could barely make out bits of information, names, and phone numbers. <<include "HS7_0_1">>
We wander deeper inside, not finding anything that would tell us who the house belonged to. I hear something shift, followed by Bradley yelping and jerk around to where I had last seen him. Standing behind him is a tall, lean man with a light beige skin tone. His silky black hair is cut short at the sides and the part on top swept to the side. He sports a well-maintained chinstrap beard that matches his hair in color. He’s dressed in casual clothes, joggers along with what I guess is a white t-shirt and an open black and grey jacket. <<if $cp>>His narrowed eyes land on me before peering over at Chris, his grip on Bradley tightening<<else>>His narrowed eyes land on me while his grip on Bradley tightens<</if>> as he inches the knife closer to his neck. Bradley stands perfectly still, wide-eyed and shaking profusely as the symptoms of a panic attack seem to set in. [[“Please let him go.”][$pacifist +=3; $rahim +=3]] [[“Release him or else.”][$pacifist -=3; $rahim -=3]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pacifist ++</span><</if>> “Hey, do whatever you want, but please, just let him go,” I tell the man. “You come into a stranger’s house, uninvited, and you think you can tell them what to do?” he questions, raising an interested brow, but I release a relieved breath when he releases Bradley. <<if $cp>>Chris inches forward and grabs<<else>>I inch forward and grab<</if>> the frozen boy’s hand, guiding him back to us. “Don’t move an inch, or I will kill <<if $cp>>each and every one <</if>>of you,” he warns, “explain who you are and what you’re doing here. Go.” <<include "HS7">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Violent ++</span><</if>> “Release him, or else.” The man stiffens, his brow raising as he regards me in a new light. The look he gives me isn’t one that I can rightfully say I was used to, many just overlook me and wave me away, declaring me a minor threat at best. But for him, he regards me differently, wondering if it is indeed in his best interest to do as I say. “You come into a stranger’s house, uninvited, and you think you can tell them what to do?” he questions, raising an interested brow, but I release a relieved breath when he releases Bradley. I inch forward and grab the frozen boy’s hand, guiding him back to my side. “It’s my time to threaten you now and correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like you have far more to lose,” the man tells me, glancing over at Bradley then back at me. “Explain who you are and what you’re doing here. Go.” <<include "HS7">>
“I’m $name,” I begin, my hands still raised as I glance at the blade in his hands, “<<if $cp>>this is Chris, and <</if>>the freaked-out kid is Bradley.” His eyes flicker to <<if $cp>>them<<else>>him<</if>> for half a second before coming back to me. “Faye sent us, she said you could help us with our problem.” “And pray tell that problem?” he questions, relaxing though the grip on his blade doesn’t. “Our friend was dragged to hell.” He hums, taking a second look at me. “Is this friend human or supernatural?” “Supernatural,” I answer, his eyes still trying to piece me together. “Tell me, $name, right? What are you doing traveling with <<if $cp>>two humans<<else>>a human<</if>>? And what exactly are you?” My gaze lowers as I clear my throat, “no one has been able to tell me that. Guess, you won’t be able to either, huh?” This seems to interest him more than deter him as he approaches. I find myself gazing into lapis blue eyes with speckles of grey amongst them. A stark difference up against his skin tone and hair. “So you’re an unknown, even to yourself, interesting,” he says as he circles me and then makes his way towards the staircase, “your friend, the one in hell, they’re gone. Best thing for you to do is accept it and move on.” “What do you mean gone?” I ask, doubting this. “Supernaturals don’t survive in hell. It’s an immediate kill when they -” He then pauses, narrowing his eyes, “you said dragged. This friend of yours, are they a demon?” [[“Cambion.”]] [[“And if they are?”]] [[“Yea, she is.”]]
“A cambion.” His eyes grow darker and the entire room seems to drop by twenty degrees. He motions to the door with his chin and in a dark voice growls, “leave.” “Wait, what?” Bradley finally shouts, stepping towards the man, “that’s it?” “Yes, that’s it. There’s only one cambion in the world who can just get dragged into hell. And you said Faye sent you, that leads me to believe that the person you’re trying to rescue is Sydero. Am I right?” We all exchange glances, already knowing that however he feels about Sydero isn’t a positive thing. I nod and he taps the railing with a smug grin. “Then that bitch can rot. She wasn’t dragged, she went willingly. Big difference. The door is right over there, make sure you close it behind you.” <<include "HS7_1">>
“And if they are?” I ask with a raised brow. “Then I’d say it isn’t worth it. Demons don’t get dragged to hell; they go because they want to. I’ll also ask for you to leave, you said Faye sent you and there’s only one demonic creature that I know she associates with. And if you’re here because of //her//, then I refuse to help you.” “Bad blood?” I ponder aloud. “Who has good blood with Sydero?” he questions, rightfully guessing at who we’re discussing. “That bitch can rot. She wasn’t dragged, she went willingly. Big difference. The door is right over there, make sure you close it behind you.” <<include "HS7_1">>
“Yes, she is,” I answer, watching his face for any sign of what he’s thinking. I didn’t have to search for long, he was far too eager to voice it. “Can’t help you. You see, there’s only one demonic creature that I know associates with Faye, and if you’re here because of //her//, then I refuse to help you.” “Bad blood?” I ponder aloud. “Who has good blood with Sydero?” he questions, rightfully guessing at who we were discussing. “That bitch can rot. She wasn’t dragged, she went willingly. Big difference. The door is right over there, make sure you close it behind you.” <<include "HS7_1">>
“No, she didn’t,” Bradley shouts, causing the man to pause. I watch as he shakes in place, his cheeks red and his hands balled into fists at his side. “I’m sick of people declaring her a monster and acting like they know her.” “I do know her,” the man states, choosing not to hide his irritation. “No! You don’t! You have no idea what she’s been through and how much she fought to get away. The only reason she is where she is now is … is because of me.” He whispers it to himself, closing his eyes as he attempts to hold back tears. “If it wasn’t for me, she would still be here. All of this is my fault.” I cringe at his words, wishing to stop him from blaming himself but I don’t. I just stand there, staring at him and listening to him weep. “I’m not leaving her down there to suffer. And if you can remove your righteous head from your ass, then you’d help us.” I raise a brow and glance from the man to Bradley, and then back again. [[“Shut up, Bradley.”][$bradley -=3; $chris +=3; $daring -=5]] [[Stand in front of Bradley.][$bradley +=3; $chris -=3; $daring +=5]] [[“I don’t know him.”][$chris +=3; $rahim -=3; $serious -=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Cautious ++</span><</if>> “Bradley, this is that moment where less talking means so much more,” I hiss. “I don’t care. Just because she’s a demon doesn’t automatically make her demonic.” <<if $cp>>\ “Doesn’t it?” Chris questions from his position, catching my glance and frowning. The man whose help we sought ignores the two of us, his attention purely on Bradley. <<else>>\ The man whose help we sought ignores me, his attention purely on Bradley. <</if>>\ <<include "HS7_2">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Daring ++</span><</if>> I didn’t know this man and I wasn’t about to risk him taking his ire out on Bradley, who wasn’t really thinking as much as feeling at the moment. I force the man to look at me but even then, he still seems to look past me, no interest in me whatsoever. If my stance did cause him to pause, he doesn’t show it. <<include "HS7_2">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> <<if $cp>>\ I take a step away from Bradley, “let the record show, I don’t know him.” “Yea, me neither,” Chris says, chuckling in fear as he inches towards the door. The man ignores the both of us, his gaze glued on Bradley who refuses to back down. <<else>>\ I take a step away from Bradley, “let the record show, I don’t know him.” The man ignores me completely, his gaze glued on Bradley who refuses to back down. <</if>>\ <<include "HS7_2">>
He walks back down the stairs and stands in front of Bradley, “you sure about that?” “I’d stake my life on it,” he growls in a dark voice. The man holds his gaze for a moment longer before looking up at me and then around the room. “Alright, so tell me then,” he sighs, plopping himself down in the nearest seat as he glances at the <<if $cp>>three<<else>>two<</if>> of us, “why in the hell should I save that demonic little thing I call my twin?” <a data-passage="NT_EP2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> “You can guess why I’m wondering,” he points out, pushing himself off the counter and walking towards me. He stops right beside me and turns only his head to look me in the eye. “I’m not only trying to see if you guys can protect yourself, but also how dangerous you can potentially be.” His eyes grow a shade darker, and I take a self-preserving step back. The same malevolent energy that would sometimes radiate off of Sydero, I felt faintly from Rahim. “You don’t know what you are, and you have a malevolent spirit inside of you. In simple terms, I don’t trust you. Prove me wrong.” <img src="images/divider.png"> “There were bite marks on multiple parts of the body. Not to mention that the areas not seen could have been digested completely.” <<if $cp>>“I am so gonna be sick,” Chris informs us, waving our words away as he holds his stomach with his other hand. <</if>> <img src="images/divider.png"> <<if $cp>>\ “Is this not creepy to anyone else?” Chis questions, both Rahim and I raising our brow as we look at him. “This. Waiting in a car, it being pitch black outside, no sound, and you know something’s stalking you?” “Technically, we’re not on the menu, but I suppose I know what you mean,” I tell him. <<else>>\ “I never thought I would add an experience like this to my creepy list,” Rahim points out, “but here we are. Something is unnerving about sitting in the pitch black, no sounds, and knowing that a monster is out there, and you can do nothing.” <</if>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> Words don’t form as I look at the others, my eyes wide in panic and confusion. I hear a cackling noise echo through my head, Zillah sighing contently before saying, “it has begun.” [[Episode Two: What Goes Bump in the Night]]
<<nobr>>\ <<if $cbreak and $RRomance >=4 and $raincheck>> <<set $j3 = true>> <<elseif $cbreak and $RRomance >=4>> <<set $j2 = true>> <</if>> <<set $petrifree = false; $killpetri = false; $sparehim = false; $withTristen = false; $nosebreak = false; $bradleythere = false>> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/epseven.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> I tear through the underbrush, viciously swatting the low hanging branches out of my face as I go. I can feel the trembling of the earth, and above me, I see the cracks growing in the sky. I feel like I’m in some kind of glass bowl, and whoever is holding it is doing an excellent job of destroying it. My foot catches on an exposed root, and I gasp in shock as I fall forward. Upon impact, decaying hands and arms shoot out of the ground, grabbing onto me and keeping me from rising. “Get off!” I shout, thrashing, but it only causes their grip to tighten. Their pungent aroma stings my nostrils, causing me to gag as grey, waxy arms wrap around me. I yank one of the arms that grab my wrist and throw it, only to growl in annoyance when I see it crawling back towards me. [[This is pointless!]] [[I was going to get out of this.]]
<<nobr>>\ <<if $optimism >=50>> <<set $nerve -=5>> <<else>> <<set $nerve +=5>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ All of this was pointless. I was fighting who knows how many animated corpses. <<include "U0">>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $optimism >=50>> <<set $nerve +=5>> <<else>> <<set $nerve -=5>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ I was going to get out of this, that’s a promise to myself. I’m not about to let some rotting corpses win. I’m in charge of my own life, my own destiny. <<include "U0">>
Each time I take back one of my limbs, another comes and takes hold of another. I feel the ground underneath me shift, and I freeze, my breathing picking up as the dirt seems to fall around a figure that slowly leans up. I freeze in both shock and horror as my own decomposing face stares back at me, ?his jaw broken, swinging from side to side as if trying to pronounce words. The other corpses don’t let up either, continuing to grab me as my corpse gets closer. “Get away from me!” I shout, putting all my strength behind my actions, parts of the sky falling around me as I realize that the crack has surpassed me. My entire world rocks, and the ground opens up, a pit of rotting corpses lying below me. I grunt as my corpse grabs my throat with surprising strength, lifting me up. Pale, lifeless eyes look back into mine. I struggle, clawing at the hand, screaming for release. The corpse’s jaw slackens before it releases me, and the sickly feeling of others seizing me overwhelms all my senses. “$name!” My eyes dart open just in time … [[To see Amari peering at me wide-eyed.][$amari +=5]] <<if $cp>>\ [[To feel Chris’s hand on my forehead.][$chris +=5]] <</if>>\ [[To see Rahim glancing down at me.][$rahim +=5]] [[To hear Zillah shout from his seat.][$zillah +=5]]
… to see Amari peering at me wide-eyed, her face uncomfortably close for someone who had just been staring into their own dead eyes not too long ago. “Ugh, personal space, Amari,” I say, my vocal cords feel like they’re bruised, and I freeze. It was a dream, so why was I experiencing pain from it in the real world? <<if $ARomance >=2>>\ My thoughts are pulled back to the now upon feeling Amari’s fingers sweep across my forehead before trailing down my cheek. I glance back up to see that her eyes have grown incredibly soft, and in response, my heartbeat picks up, wanting to pull her close and keep her there. To run my hands through her dark hair, twirling it around my finger as I listen to her ramble on about whatever she wishes to. To just hear her voice and find refuge in it. She pulls her fingers away, and her eyes widen in fear, “are you sure you’re okay? Your pulse is picking up? Did you have a nightmare?” Ah, of course, she would be receptive to changes like that. <<else>>\ “You look like you had a nightmare,” Amari points out, bringing my attention back to her. In fact, hearing her voice and seeing her made me take in a relieved breath. <</if>>\ <<if $unclepicture>>\ “Yea, I guess you can say that,” I reply, massaging my temples. “Do you see my duffle bag anywhere?” Amari backs away, glancing behind the sofa where we usually keep our bags. Out of sight and out of mind until we needed to go. “Yea, yours is here.” “Mind grabbing the picture frame in there?” I hear nothing else from Amari, presuming that she’s searching for what I asked of her. “Is this your dad?” she finally questions, eyes trained on the picture as she comes back to my side. “No, my uncle. He raised me, though.” She visibly gulps, “did he die?” “Yea, when all this happened. This was the only picture I could save …” Amari nods in understanding, not asking any more questions as she comes and takes a seat next to me. <<else>>\ I continue to practice my breathing as she takes a seat right beside me. <</if>>\ “Did you get any sleep?” I question, peering over at her once I calmed down enough. “I don’t need to sleep.” “At all?” “If I do something too strenuous, then I do, otherwise no. Perks of being a vampire with a beating heart, I guess.” I get ready to say something in response when she jumps up, “oh, I know. Let’s go for a run! I can do with a run. Plus, it’s early enough to where the breeze is just right, and the sun hasn’t even come up yet.” I look from her to the outside world. [[Go for a run with Amari.]] [[Stay inside.]]
“You know what, Amari, yea. Let’s go for a run.” I get up and stretch as Amari jumps for joy, at the last minute her eyes widen, and she calms down. “I’ll wait for you outside,” she tells me, not waiting for confirmation as she leaves the house. I throw on some workout clothes and grab my sneakers, leaving the house and immediately being hit by a brisk wind. The sky was filled with stars and the moon in the far background, waiting for the end of its nightly job to finish. The sky was still dark, but as one leveled their gaze on the horizon, they could see the first sight of dawn. The peaches and purples of a new day hardly blending with the darker blues of the old. I hear an excited bark and look to see Amari trotting out of Faye’s garage and towards me, her tail wagging at an incredible speed as she sits beside me. “You ready?” I ask, scratching her behind the ear, chuckling as she leans into my hand. Once done, she barks as a response, and we head out. Seeing that Amari was faster than me and had far more energy to burn, I let her guide us. I concentrate on my breathing and keeping my mind clear, the last thing I wanted to think about was Azrael’s words about what was happening to me. I close my eyes to stop the thoughts when I hear the unmistakable sound of moaning. My eyes burst open just in time to see the gaping maw of a corpse devouring me. With a shout, I freeze, falling to the street, barely registering the ache in my back as I try to calm my speeding heart. I feel something slightly damp and rough nudge me and look to see Amari sitting beside me. <<if $unstable>>\ “Sorry, it was another vision?” I ask more than say, still trying to figure out what to call them. Vision didn’t seem like a proper word, and neither did image or dream. Perhaps illusion. She tugs on my pants leg before walking back towards the house. It would seem that our run was now over. We head back, and as she heads into the garage to shift back, I decide to stay outside and stretch on the lawn. <<else>>\ “Sorry, I slipped,” I lie, picking myself back up. Amari seems to believe it as all she does is cock her head to the side before trotting off. I follow after her, reminding myself not to close my eyes for too long and to keep my attention focused on the run, and that’s it. Ten minutes later and we’re back in the front yard, Amari panting to the side as I stretch on the front lawn. <</if>>\ I was okay before Azrael came, and similar to what he told me, he probably destroyed the last bit of the damn that was keeping all of this back. It’s already bad. Just how much worse will it get? And how long will I have to experience it all? <a data-passage="U1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Before I can answer, I yawn, though sleep is the last thing on my mind. “No thanks, Amari, I think I’ll stay in and just get ready for the day.” She nods, heading towards the door. “Well, if anyone asks where I am, I went for a run.” “Be careful,” I shout to her as she goes. I put my attention back on what was happening to me. I was okay before Azrael came, and similar to what he told me, he probably destroyed the last bit of the damn that was keeping all of this back. This was already bad. Just how worse would it get, and how long would I have to experience it all? <a data-passage="U1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
… to feel Chris’s hand on my forehead. I jump back in shock, trying to calm myself when I realize that it’s him and not some corpse interested in killing me. “You were groaning,” he comments, taking a step back, “are you okay?” <<if $cbup or $cbupg>>\ “Yea. I’m fine.” This lie is becoming easier to say. That time it simply slips out. The words are barely out of my mouth before Chris is standing and walking off. “Seriously?” I ask, leaning forward to see him over the sofa. <<if $cbup>>\ “Despite what you think, I’m not a total dick,” he says, one foot on the staircase, “you sounded like you needed someone to check in on you and so I did. Doesn’t mean I want to be around you.” He starts up the stairs, obviously not caring to hear what I have to say back. I groan, lying back down though keeping my eyes open. <<else>>\ “What?” he questions. “You’re still giving me the cold shoulder?” “No. But I’m not really all aboard the $name train either. I’m not mad but,” he drifts off, shrugging his shoulders before continuing up the stairs and leaving me alone once again. I groan, lying back down though keeping my eyes open. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “You believe?” he inquires with a raised and doubtful brow, “come on, $name, you’re going to have to give me something better than that.” “I’m fine, trust me,” I snicker, “you always were the one who worried too much,” I remind him, thinking back to our dorm days. “Remember when I had the flu, and you were acting like I had contracted some rare disease?” <<if $cbreak>>\ “Yea, well,” he starts, reaching forward to cup my face, his hand gently resting against my cheek. He looks deep into my eyes, the fear in them overwhelming. “This time, I know you’re not really fine. <<if $unstable>>You can’t be with what you told us the other day.<<else>>You’ve been like a ghost ever since your dream jumping.”<</if>> I move my face away, feeling the uneasiness in my stomach. “I’m going to be alright. I just …” I just what? What did I need? Answers? Time? A break? How about all of the above. “Hey. I know me and you aren’t …” he trails off and shakes his head, leaning down and kissing my forehead, “I’m here for you. Don’t push yourself, alright?” “You got it.” With that, he stands and heads back towards the staircase, leaving me alone in the living room once again. <<else>>\ “You didn’t see how you were acting,” he snorts, “and everyone kept coming up to me asking if you were still alive. I wanted to tell them that I murdered you for stealing my chips just to see their reaction.” “You were a bit too protective when it came to your chips. They probably would’ve believed you.” “I’m not going to say you’re wrong,” he chuckles, and a second later, I join in. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” I wave his worry away and nod, though I’m unable to smile to really sell my lie. Either way, Chris nods, patting my shoulder before standing up and heading back towards the door. <</if>>\ I groan, lying back down though keeping my eyes open. <</if>>\ I was okay before Azrael came, and similar to what he told me, he probably destroyed the last bit of the damn that was keeping all of this back. It’s already bad. Just how much worse will it get? And how long will I have to experience it all? <a data-passage="U1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
… to see Rahim glancing down at me. A book rests in his hands, and he gazes down at me as if I interrupted his one moment of peace, and he isn’t pleased about it. <<if $unstable>>\ “The dreams that Azrael warned you about?” <<if $serious >=50>>“Yea, it was those.”<<else>>“Sure, let’s go with warned and not helped cause,” I say sarcastically, shaking my head and attempting to smile but failing. Those dead eyes are still fresh in my mind and it doesn’t seem like they’re going anywhere.<</if>> <<else>>\ “There’s something you’re not telling us $name. I’m only wondering why.” <<if $honesty >=50>>\ “It’s … it’s nothing to worry about, I have it under control. Just some bad dreams,” I tell him, trying to figure out a healthy middle between lying and telling the truth. He shrugs. <<else>>\ “It’s nothing you have to worry your fragile little wings over, Rahim, nothing at all.” “Fragile?” he asks, more to himself than to me. When he looks back down at me, I can tell that he doesn’t believe a word I said, but I don’t really care, not at that moment anyway. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ “I’m sure Faye has some tea somewhere to help with whatever you’re going through, come on.” “Tea?” I ask, getting up and following him into the kitchen, “I always took you as more of a coffee person, Rahim.” “You’d be correct,” he says, placing his book down on the table before flitting across the kitchen, opening cabinets, and looking in the pantry for the tea packets. He finally finds them and heads over to the kettle pot lying next to the stove. “I don’t find tea disgusting or anything. Just that it doesn’t give me the extra awareness that I seek.” “Are you addicted to caffeine?” He snorts as he touches the kettle and closes his eyes, less than a minute goes by and I can see steam rising off the pot. “I can’t get addicted to anything.” “You know, I see nothing but perks and not that many drawbacks to being a nephilim.” He silently grabs a mug and pours the tea before handing me the cup. “If you’re okay now, I’m going to go back to reading.” I thank him as I take a sip, noting how the tea is hot enough for me to enjoy without having to wait or scorch my tongue. His words replay in my mind, and it dawns on me why he did this. I snort, “did you do this just so I wouldn’t interrupt you again?” <<if $RRomance >=3>>A flash of hurt appears on his face before he schools his expression, “no.” He says nothing more before leaving the kitchen with his book in hand.<<else>>“Yes,” he says with a nonchalant shrug. With one last look, he grabs his book and leaves me to my thoughts.<</if>> I concentrate on the warmth of the mug, staring into the still liquid. I was okay before Azrael came, and similar to what he told me, he probably destroyed the last bit of the damn that was keeping all of this back. It’s already bad. Just how much worse will it get? And how long will I have to experience it all? <a data-passage="U1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
… to hear Zillah shout from his seat. I sit up, looking in the direction that I know he’s in, only to see him glaring at me. “Mind keeping your nightmares down?” “Mind not talking at all?” “I do mind, actually. Jeff told me to talk everyone’s ears off so that I can work out my mouth muscles.” “That’s the only thing you’re working out,” I growl, rubbing my temples, trying to get rid of the remnants of my dream. <<if $raincheck>>\ “Come on over here, then, help me work out something else.” “Have you no shame?” “I don’t think that came with this body’s instruction manual.” I roll my eyes, ignoring his heated glare as I stretch out along the couch. <</if>>\ “What was it about?” “What?” I ask, narrowing my eyes as I look over at him, trying to figure out why he’s asking. “That’s what I’m asking you, you idiot. I’m good with dream interpreting.” I study him, trying to figure out if this is some kind of trick or if I can even trust what he says. Zillah is a cocky bastard, which I learned before I was even able to put a face to him. And seeing that he isn’t smiling or showing the smallest bit of amusement, I believe that there can be worse things than telling him about some dream. “I dreamt of corpses. I was placed in the middle of the woods, running from some weird sounds, and then corpses grabbed me and pulled me down. Then,” I pause, glancing at a quietly listening Zillah, “and then my corpse rose up and tried to choke me. So, tell me, Zillah, what does that mean?” “Simple,” he responds, relaxing as best as he can in his seat, “it means you’re losing control of your life and whatever situation you’re in. It can also mean the past is coming back to pay you a visit. You killing yourself though, that’s an interesting one. You said your corpse was choking you? Well, that probably means your past is threatening your present and that your inability to accept your past is going to doom you. Or much more simply, you have another side in you that wants to take over.” I narrow my gaze, and he shrugs, “why should I believe anything you just said?” “I don’t know how many times I have to say this,” he groans loudly, “I don’t care if you do. I told you what I know.” He ends it on that, seeming to be done with the conversation, and so was I. I had enough to worry about and the last thing he said, about some other side wishing to take over, it doesn’t sit well. I stand and head out, it can be someone else’s turn now. <a data-passage="U1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I take a shower and join the group in the living room, finding Rahim and Bradley standing around the table while Amari sits on the couch<<if $cp>>, Chris not far from her.<<else>>.<</if>> “What’s going on?” I question, butting in to see a wrinkled and aged map lying across the coffee table. “It’s a rough version of Hell,” Bradley answers. “A //very// rough version,” Rahim adds in, a plain coffee cup in his grasp, “they got limbo right, but that’s about it.” “You ever been?” I question, and Rahim shakes his head. “No, but I’ve heard enough to know the general layout.” He points to the area that he had called limbo, “like I said, limbo is correct, but then a river separates it from the kingdoms. All six kingdoms lie on this circle, and not like how it makes it seem like there are seven individual rings. All the kingdoms are separated by a river. Then, the innermost circle is the seventh kingdom, the Kingdom of Pride. The Devil’s Dwelling.” <<if hasVisited("UQ1")>>“Tell me about Hell.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about Hell.”|UQ1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ2")>>“Tell me about limbo.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about limbo.”|UQ2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ3")>>“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”<<else>>[[“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”|UQ3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ4")>>“Tell me about the gateway.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about the gateway.”|UQ4]]<</if>>
“What can you tell me about Hell?” I ask. “Firstly, it has many names,” Rahim starts, “depending on your culture, upbringing, and religion, you’ll probably call it different things. Hell, the Inferno, Tartarus, Helheim, Tophet, the Pit, or the Netherworld.” “I’m guessing there’s one correct term, though, right?” “Not really, none of those that I said are wrong, and no one would chastise you for calling it one thing over another. Well, no one with sense. Many of us just call it the Underworld, though.” “Question,” Amari pipes up, raising her hand and then shrinking when all of our eyes swivel over to her, “um … I was just wondering … does it … um, does this all include different cultures? Like how Ancient Greeks believed in Zeus and Hades, but Christians believe in God and Satan.” “Yea,” Rahim answers, a soft smile appearing, “there’s more than just one God or at least deity in this world. Some pagan gods have died off though due to a lack of followers. Some have just gone into hibernation, and others just go by many names. Like Death, also known as Osiris in Egyptian cultures, Hel in Norse, and Yan Wang in the Chinese culture.” Bradley sighs, shifting the conversation back to the original topic, “the thing about Hell, or the Underworld, is that it’s not as evil as westerners, or at least Christians, have made it. It’s not all brimstone and torture. If anything, it’s closer to the Greek understanding. It just serves as another end destination for the dead with the Princes ruling.” Rahim nods in agreement. //Only choose “What else do we need” when you’re done asking questions.// <<if hasVisited("UQ2")>>“Tell me about limbo.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about limbo.”|UQ2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ3")>>“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”<<else>>[[“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”|UQ3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ4")>>“Tell me about the gateway.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about the gateway.”|UQ4]]<</if>> [[“What else do we need?”]]
“Tell me about this limbo area. Is it the same limbo from Dante’s Inferno?” “Not exactly,” Bradley chimes in, moving the sofa so that it’s closer to the coffee table. <<if $bcure>>I notice that he seems more alert than usual, the dark circles under his eyes finally beginning to clear up.<<else>>I notice the bags underneath his eyes seem to be getting darker and deeper. His eyes drooping.<</if>> “Dante’s Inferno describes limbo as being the reserved space for those who weren’t baptized or born before Christ walked the earth. So, those who couldn’t actually save themselves,” Bradley explains. “Virtuous pagans, I do believe is said to describe them,” Rahim hums, “no punishment other than unable to reach Elysium, uh Heaven.” <<if $cp and $chris <50>>\ “But it’s not?” Chris questions. <</if>>\ “The real limbo is reserved, but it’s for those who have chosen to not enter any of the kingdoms of Hell. Those who are destined for Hell but don’t exactly fit into one domain or wish to. It gets really complicated,” Bradley explains. //Only choose “What else do we need” when you’re done asking questions.// [[“Tell me more about the kingdoms.”]] <<if hasVisited("UQ1")>>“Tell me about Hell.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about Hell.”|UQ1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ3")>>“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”<<else>>[[“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”|UQ3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ4")>>“Tell me about the gateway.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about the gateway.”|UQ4]]<</if>> [[“What else do we need?”]]
“Can you tell me more about the individual kingdoms?” “The individual kingdoms are like what you probably suspected,” Rahim begins to inform me, “if you live your life in line with that sin, then you can enter that kingdom. For example, a prostitute who died can enter the Kingdom of Lust or Gluttony. A warrior could enter the Kingdom of Wrath.” “And they just live there as a demon?” Amari questions. “Actually no, you can enter the kingdom as a human and stay that way. You can also move in between kingdoms if you wanted to, as long as you qualify. Demons are just corrupted humans who wanted more in the afterlife, and so they started climbing the demon hierarchy.” //Only choose “What else do we need” when you’re done asking questions.// <<if hasVisited("UQ1")>>“Tell me about Hell.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about Hell.”|UQ1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ3")>>“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”<<else>>[[“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”|UQ3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ4")>>“Tell me about the gateway.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about the gateway.”|UQ4]]<</if>> [[“What else do we need?”]]
“Does everyone end up going to the Underworld like in Greek culture or no?” “No,” Rahim answers, “the afterlife depends on what you are and the life you lived. Elysium, which is also known as Heaven, Valhalla, Folkvangr, Nirvana, or Paradise is for those who lived a life of virtue, whose purity is still intact, warriors who died, those who gave their lives to worship, any who were able to stop the cycle of reincarnation, or who just lived a life true to themselves. Though, that last one is a touch odd as one can go to the Underworld in the same way.” “And then Purgatory is where all supernatural species go,” Bradley adds, “doesn’t matter what life they lived, they head to Purgatory.” //Only choose “What else do we need” when you’re done asking questions.// [[“What’s Purgatory like?”]] <<if hasVisited("UQ1")>>“Tell me about Hell.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about Hell.”|UQ1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ2")>>“Tell me about limbo.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about limbo.”|UQ2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ4")>>“Tell me about the gateway.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about the gateway.”|UQ4]]<</if>> [[“What else do we need?”]]
“What’s Purgatory like? I always thought it was just the place people went to work off their sins to get into heaven.” “Yea,” Bradley laughs, “Purgatory is nothing like that. In fact, where did that idea even come from?” <<if $cp>>\ “Roman Catholics,” Chris answers, his answer immediate. It’s only a few minutes later that he realizes that we’re all staring at him. “What?” “Remind me to bring you with me if I ever need a trivia buddy,” Rahim sighs, shaking his head. <<else>>\ “The church, undoubtedly,” Rahim answers. “It isn’t a bad place either, just where supernaturals go. I don’t know why that is or if there’s a reason exactly,” Bradley says and glances over at Rahim. <</if>>\ “Purgatory is believed to be the birthplace of the supernatural race. At one point, it was like Elysium and the Underworld, the species weren’t able to leave unless they were a higher up.” “Wait, you mean like angels and demons?” Amari interjects. Rahim nods, “I’ve heard dozens of legends about how Purgatory opened, but I don’t know what is true and what’s not. I just know that it opened up, and the full-blooded ones crossed the void.” //Only choose “What else do we need” when you’re done asking questions.// [[“What is a full-blood?”]] <<if hasVisited("UQ1")>>“Tell me about Hell.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about Hell.”|UQ1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ2")>>“Tell me about limbo.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about limbo.”|UQ2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ4")>>“Tell me about the gateway.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about the gateway.”|UQ4]]<</if>> [[“What else do we need?”]]
“What’s a full-blood,” I question. “A full-blood is any supernatural creature that wasn’t born on this plane, realm, whatever you want to call it,” Bradley starts to explain. “The first ones that crossed over from Purgatory. Purebreds, I guess you can call them as well,” Rahim adds in next. “With some, you can tell immediately who they are. For werewolves, they’re the Pure, any werewolf that can shift into wolves. For werecats, they’re called the Chosen, they change into tigers. But then you have those that are like shapeshifters, they don’t have a pretty name, and besides a few differences, you would never be able to tell. For vampires, they’re the most powerful and the only ones that can turn a person. It’s a lot, we’ll be here all day if I try to explain what makes them each different.” //Only choose “What else do we need” when you’re done asking questions.// <<if hasVisited("UQ1")>>“Tell me about Hell.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about Hell.”|UQ1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ2")>>“Tell me about limbo.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about limbo.”|UQ2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ4")>>“Tell me about the gateway.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about the gateway.”|UQ4]]<</if>> [[“What else do we need?”]]
“The gateway, is there anything important I need to know about it?” “As we all know, the gateway changes every year. It only opens up whenever there’s a supernatural phenomenon, eclipses, unique moons, or anything strange that happens naturally,” <<if $cp and $chris >=50>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> explains, “every continent holds a gateway and has a specific guardian that watches the gateway. Most of the time that guardian is sacred to that continent’s being. North America’s is the Wendigo.” “Do you know any other continent’s?” Bradley shakes his head, “just Asia’s which is the dragon.” “Using the gateway here,” Rahim inserts next, “is basically using the back door into Gluttony’s territory. We’re still trying to figure out if there’s a way we can enter without alerting him, but I doubt it.” “Hold up,” Amari chimes in, “Gluttony’s territory? Is every continent governed by a sin?” “Yea,” Rahim answers, “Envy for Antarctica, Greed is over Europe, Wrath has South America, Sloth in Australia, Lust is over Africa, and Pride is Asia.” “What about the virtues?” I question, “are they a thing.” “They are. But they’re nowhere near as powerful as the Princes, not anymore anyway. Mostly because the Princes aren’t there simply to guard a sin. That and Pandora’s Box is actually a thing, though the lore is a bit off. The virtues are all related, and they destroyed their gates a long time ago.” //Only choose “What else do we need” when you’re done asking questions.// <<if hasVisited("UQ1")>>“Tell me about Hell.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about Hell.”|UQ1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ2")>>“Tell me about limbo.”<<else>>[[“Tell me about limbo.”|UQ2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("UQ3")>>“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”<<else>>[[“Does everyone go to the Underworld?”|UQ3]]<</if>> [[“What else do we need?”]]
“Is there anything we actually need to bring with us?” “No,” Rahim answers, but the severe frown on his face says differently. “You sure?” He closes his eyes and stays quiet for a minute longer before looking over at Bradley, and then back at me, “Faye’s been messing around with some chains that will keep Sydero docile.” “What do you mean?” Amari asks for me. “Going in there believing that she’s not going to attack us on sight is stupid. She’s been gone for what, a month? That’s about half a year for her, and we have no idea what her father has done to her.” <<if $lustmet>>\ “Actually, I have some clue,” I start, unable to forget meeting the man, “I met him when I was in Bradley’s head.” “What?” Rahim and Bradley both say in shock. “I summoned her, and she came. He did too.” “What did she look like?” Rahim asks next, “describe her skin, horns, and wings. If she had them.” “Um, she had runes on her horns, her wings looked normal or as normal as demon wings can look. She had a tail, and her skin had scales.” “All of her skin?” “No, just some parts.” He’s quiet for a minute, his eyes closed as he moves his finger in the air, reminding me of what some look like when they’re doing an overly complicated math problem. “I give her an eight on the scale, but she could be closer to nine. But that just proves we need whatever Faye can give us. Sydero isn’t about to come willingly, and we might need to be forceful. If this leads to a fight, we automatically lose.” <</if>>\ <<if $bcure>>“Don’t hurt her,” Bradley immediately chimes in with, “you know this isn’t her.” Rahim raises a doubtful brow but says nothing more on it.<<else>>Our eyes move towards Bradley, all of us waiting for him to yell at us, but he does nothing, no amount of care in his body language.<</if>> <a data-passage="U1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Rahim focuses on me, “because we’re going through the backdoor, we’ll have to work our way to one of the rivers that run through the Underworld to get to Lust’s kingdom. The pro is that it’s going to be hard to track us, the con is that everything wicked lives on the route we’re taking. You need to be as emotionally numb as possible.” “Meaning what? Don’t feel anything?” “Don’t feel. Don’t think. Don’t be. You’re not $name when you enter. You’re as insignificant as a piece of floating dust.” “Is that even possible?” “No, and yes. If you had any experience, then probably. I’m not a powerful empath, but I can at least warn you and try to transfer anything you’re feeling to myself, which I can easily eliminate. Just stay close to me at all times. Though do that regardless, we don’t want to be singled out.” I nod, wondering if all this is possible with how much shit my mind is putting up with at the moment. “Later today, we need to recon the area and -,” Rahim starts to say as someone pounds on the front door. I do a quick headcount, seeing that everyone is here besides Jeff and Faye. If I had to bet, it’s Jeff. <a data-passage="U1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>\ “It’s too early for him to be drinking,” Chris murmurs, rising and walking to the door to open it, only for a young, familiar woman to charge in, straight into an unprepared Chris. “Amarante?” Rahim asks, his entire body going on alert as he moves towards his friend. <<if $cbreak>>\ “You okay?” Chris questions, pushing her away softly before taking a few steps back himself, looking her over in worry. Rahim takes up the spot Chris was before, bringing Amarante in for a tight hug. <<else>>\ “Well, hello. I’m so glad that we got to meet each other again,” Chris says in what I can only assume is his amorous voice. “Move,” Rahim growls, pushing him backward as he takes Chris’s place. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “I’m going to guess it’s Jeff,” Bradley says, leaning forward as Rahim goes to answer it. Instead of a drunken older man, we watch as Rahim opens the door and a young, familiar woman charges in, straight into an unprepared Rahim. “Amarante?” he questions, steadying her and pulling her in for a tight hug. <</if>>\ He cups her face, forcing her to look at him and him only, “Flower, what’s wrong? What are you doing here?” Her peculiarly colored eyes are frantic and full, her breathing harsh, and she looks like she’s close to passing out. “Hey, hey,” Rahim whispers, slowly ushering her down to the ground, the two of them now kneeling in front of each other. He brings her close, running his fingers through her hair as he continues to calm her down. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know who else to ask for help,” she manages to say. Rahim walks her over to the sofa, and I realize that Amari has left to go grab a water bottle. By now, Faye and Jeff have joined us, all of us now waiting for Amarante to speak. “No dull moments,” Amari says, nudging me in the ribcage as she takes a seat beside me. <a data-passage="U1_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Thuriau Le Droumaguet was kidnapped by hunters.” I glance over at everyone, wondering if that name was supposed to mean something to us. “The scholar?” Faye questions, “was it the Vendikai?” “No, I don’t think they had any part in this.” “Pause?” I say, not waiting for them to get too far in whatever this is, “what’s a Vendikai?” Bradley sighs, “the Order of Vendikai is the official name for the Hunter’s Association. If you register with them, you get all the perks that come with being part of the order. The drawback is that they’re pretty mysterious, scary, and no one likes them.” “Can’t be mad though,” Jeff points out, “imagine having even vampires scared of ya. They get paid too, everything all taken care of. Sounds like the life.” Amarante continues, “Thuriau Le Droumaguet is a druid scholar that belongs to a long line of people that hold the information on my people. He’s typically watched closely, no one really knows how he was grabbed, some believe foul play.” “Why come here?” Bradley asks. “I need your help finding him.” “Of course,” Rahim answers. [[“No, Sydero is our focus.”][$proSyd +=1; $rahim -=5]] [[“How about we put that on the backburner.”][$proSyd +=1; $rahim -=3; $chris +=3]] [[“How important is this guy?”][$proSyd -=1; $rahim +=3; $chris +=3; $amari +=2]] [[“Yea, of course.”|UYea][$proSyd -=1; $rahim +=5; $chris -=3; $amari +=5]]
“Whoa, no,” I chide, “Sydero is our focus, and we have only a week left before we have to march down there and retrieve her. We don’t have time to get distracted, especially about something that has nothing to do with us.” Amarante narrows her eyes on me, probably the first time I’ve seen her look anywhere close to upset, “you don’t understand what will happen if hunters get their hands on Thuriau’s work. He is the record keeper for the fae. His work holds so much of our history and secrets.” “Then, I think you should be out there trying to find him instead of here.” “$name,” Rahim growls, sending me a warning glare to either stop or leave. <<include "U1_4">>
“Just a small suggestion, but how about we put that on the backburner? You know, focus on the bigger problems that we have? Like our trip to literal Hell?” “This is a big problem,” Amarante points out, tossing me an annoyed look, “you don’t understand what will happen if hunters get their hands on Thuriau’s work. He is the record keeper for the fae. His work holds so much of our history and secrets.” “No one man should hold all that power,” I shrug. <<if $cp>>\ “Ah, Kanye West, right?” Chris questions, ignoring the look that the entire group sends him as he waits to see if he’s correct. <</if>>\ <<include "U1_4">>
“How important is this guy exactly?” Rahim turns to give me a look, and I raise my hands in surrender, “I didn’t mean it like that. I just want to know if this whole rescue mission had a time limit.” “Thuriau’s work is vital to our people. He holds valuable information on our history and so many secrets. If the hunters get this information, I … I don’t want to think about what might happen.” <<include "U1_4">>
“Yea. Of course, Amarante,” I say, placing my hand on her shoulder, “after what you did for us in Chicago, we kind of owe you anyway.” “Really? You’ll help?” she asks me, hope causing her eyes to glisten, “Thuriau’s work is vital to our people. He holds the information on our history and so many secrets. If the hunters get this information, I … I don’t want to think about what might happen.” <<include "U1_4">>
“I’ve read some of Thuriau’s work,” Faye remarks, “he’s a genius. I don’t want to think about what might happen if hunters get their hands on his more sensitive information and sell it. Do you have any leads on where he might be? How they were able to capture him?” “No, but I met a guy … a specialist,” Amarante answers, soon interrupted by Rahim. “Flower!” “What? He can be trusted.” “How do you know?” Amarante pouts, unable to answer or just choosing not to and avoiding giving Rahim any more cause to doubt her. Rolling his eyes, Rahim leans back on his heel and studies the floor, thinking hard on what our next move will be. <<if $bcure>>\ “So, are we helping Amarante, or are we going to do this recon?” Amari asks, biting her lip, “we can’t really do both. I guess putting the recon on –” “Don’t finish that sentence, wolf,” Bradley growls, and Amari obeys. <<else>>\ “So, are we helping Amarante, or are we going to do this recon?” Amari asks, biting her lip, “we can’t really do both. I guess putting the recon on pause isn’t all that bad.” <</if>>\ Rahim stiffens, turning to her with a smile that betrays his posture, “yes and no. <<if $unstable>>$name, Bradley, Faye, and Jeff,” he begins, looking at each of us, “I want you four to take Zillah and do the recon. <<if $cp>>Amari, Chris, and I<<else>>Amari and I<</if>> will help out Amarante.<<else>>Bradley, Faye, and Jeff,” he begins, looking at each of them upon speaking their name, “I want you three to take Zillah and do the recon. <<if $cp>>Amari, Chris, $name, and I<<else>>Amari, $name, and I<</if>> will help out Amarante.<</if>>” <<if $unstable>>\ “Wait, you want us to split up?” I question, Rahim nods, about to focus his attention back on Amarante when I stop him. [[“Did you just sideline me?”]] [[“Why bring Zillah?”][$rahim +=3; $chris +=3; $amari -=3]] [[“What do you want us to look for?”][$rahim +=3]] <<if $cp>>[[“Oh, but Chris can go?”][$chris -=5]]<</if>> <<else>>\ “Wait!” Bradley shouts, getting to his feet, “why can’t I come with you guys?” “Because you’re still healing, and the last thing you need is another episode.” “This is about faeries, not demons.” “Faeries can mess with your mind just as much as any demon.” Amarante nods solemnly. I stiffen, reminded of my own problems. I should be fine, though, right? My problems aren’t like Bradley’s, they’re more self-induced than anything else. “Anyone else have any complaints?” No one speaks up, and so Rahim nods, getting to his feet and helping Amarante to hers. “Then, let’s all get ready.” <a data-passage="U2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Wait,” I start, “did you just sideline me? Did I just move from the A-Team to the B-Team? Is this what starters feel like when the coach sits them on the bench?” “Can you stop being dramatic,” he groans. <<if $bcure>>\ “Yea, some of us B-Team members can hear you,” Bradley points out, though it seems like most of his anger is for Rahim. “You’re still recovering,” Rahim reminds him. “I didn’t ask for an excuse,” Bradley huffs, crossing his arms and looking away. <</if>>\ “This isn’t fair,” I argue, but Rahim doesn’t reply, seeming to already have moved on from our conversation. “Anyone else have any complaints?” No one speaks up, and so Rahim nods, getting to his feet and helping Amarante to hers. “Then, let’s all get ready.” <a data-passage="U2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Okay, but why bring Zillah? He’s nothing but a headache.” “Because despite that, Zillah is probably the only one of you who can actually be of use if you get into danger.” “I can still fight,” I correct him, and Rahim stares at me blankly in response. “Yes, and we have no idea if certain things will cause you to freak out. A better idea would be for you to stay here while we all go, but I know you won’t stand for that. Zillah is an asshole, but he won’t let harm come to you, that much I can see.” “Yea, unless he’s the one harming me.” Rahim rolls his eyes, ending the conversation there. “Anyone else have any complaints?” No one speaks up, and so Rahim nods, getting to his feet and helping Amarante to hers. “Then, let’s all get ready.” <a data-passage="U2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“What exactly do you want us to look for while we’re there.” “Where the gateway is and any sign of the wendigo. Finding the wendigo is going to be more important. Another reason why Zillah should go, he’ll make it easier. The day of the eclipse, we need to be fast, and if we have to find the guardian, we’ll probably be out there the entire day.” I nod in understanding. “Anyone else have any questions?” No one speaks up, and so Rahim nods, getting to his feet and helping Amarante to hers. “Then, let’s all get ready.” <a data-passage="U2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Oh, but Chris can go with you?” I ask, pointing an accusing finger at him. “Nice, $name. Thanks for the vote of confidence,” he growls. <<if $chris >=50>>“Chris knows how to defend himself and is good intelligence to have around,” Rahim informs me, putting an end to my questioning.<<else>>“Chris actually is a great shot with a gun, and even a better shot with two of them. So yes, he comes,” Rahim informs me, putting an end to my questioning.<</if>> “Anyone else have any complaints?” No one speaks up, and so Rahim nods, getting to his feet and helping Amarante to hers. “Then, let’s all get ready.” <a data-passage="U2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I rise, feeling the nauseous feeling return, but there’s more than that. I can feel the tip of my fingers and toes tingling, my heart skipping a beat, and my body temperature rocketing. <<if $nerve >=50>>\ “$name?” I hear someone ask, their voice echoes in my head, each time they say my name, their voice grows farther and farther away. Until all is silent. I open my eyes, unable to move. I feel fear grip me as I try to piece together where I am and what I was just doing. My mind coming up blank. “Are you okay, sweetie?” Faye asks, pressing her hand to my cheek. The action seems to reset my body, feeling returns to my limbs, and I once again remember where I am and what’s going on. I glance around, everyone eyeing me in <<if $unstable>>worry<<else>>curiosity<</if>>. “<<if $optimistic >=50>>I’m fine … I hope,” I tell her and the others, shooting them a small smile.<<else>>I’m fine,” I say, narrowing my eyes on the floor as everything in me says that I was the opposite.<</if>> I excuse myself, heading upstairs. <<else>>\ I don’t know for sure if what I think may happen, will. But I don’t wish to test it, and so I bolt out of the room, making a beeline for the bathroom. The door hardly is closed when my knees buckle, and I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from screaming. Instead, I taste something metallic and coppery on my tongue, the liquid rushing down my throat and causing me to gag. I move to the toilet, spitting out some of it, but I only end up dry heaving, nothing but spit hitting the toilet water. I move to the mirror, opening my mouth but seeing no trace of the blood that I had tasted. I sigh as I go limp, resting my head against the cold marble sink top. “Sweetie, are you okay?” Faye questions from the other side. “I’m fine, just felt kinda sick after what I ate for breakfast.” I hear murmuring on the other side, but nothing more. I take a few more minutes to collect myself, leaving the bathroom behind and heading upstairs. <</if>>\ “Zillah,” I say before even fully entering the attic. I look to see him attempting to balance himself on the back legs of the chair, somehow luck being on his side as he doesn’t fall backward. He glances at me but says nothing, concentrating back on what he’s doing. “What are you doing?” “Trying to ignore my stomach, it keeps making noise. This task, oddly, does just that.” “Making noise,” I start but soon realize what’s happening, “your stomach is growling, it means you’re hungry.” “That’s weird ... and creepy,” he pauses to consider what I told him before looking back up at me, “what do you want?” <a data-passage="U2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“How long do you think I have before I … I die?” He stops his balancing trick and peers up at me. “What are you experiencing?” <<if $nerve >=50>>\ “Headaches and nausea, sometimes my surroundings will shift, but that’s the worse so far.” He’s silent for a while, staring straight ahead as he clenches and then unclenches his jaw. “I’d give you less than a month.” <<else>>\ “Headaches, nausea, tingling, blackouts, heat flashes.” I’m about to continue on when Zillah shakes his head with a melancholic chuckle, “you can stop. I give you a few more weeks, two at best.” <</if>>\ “What!?” “Shouldn’t have kicked me out,” he sings, a smirk emerging. [[Leave the room behind.]] [[Punch him.|UPunch][$zillah -=3; $pacifist -=5]] [[“Why did you make this so complicated?”][$zillah +=3]] <<if $unstable>>\ [[“You’ll be helping us later.”][$zillah -=3]] <</if>>\ <<if $raincheck>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Tease him.|UTeaseHim][$zillah +=3; $ZRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[Tease him.|UTeaseHim][$zillah +=3; $ZRomance +=1]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Should’ve done worse.”][$zillah -=3; $ZRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Should’ve done worse.”][$zillah -=3; $ZRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
I don’t entertain him. Instead, I turn on my heel and begin walking towards the door, about to open it when the others come in. “Everything okay in here?” Rahim asks, glancing from me to Zillah, his brow raising. “Yea,” I tell them, straightening up. <<include "U2_2">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Violent ++</span><</if>> The action feels like second nature now as I’m hardly able to pause and think my actions through as I turn and land a punch to the side of his face. Fresh pain blooms across my knuckles as I massage them, my gaze sticking to a still-recovering Zillah. “You know,” he chuckles, “you better hope that whatever magical restraint Faye is working on, works. Because if not, I’m going to show you how a real punch feels.” I punch him again, scowling at the aching that has now spread to my fingers, I would need to figure out a less painful way of making him hurt. “You see how I feel now,” I spit. He says nothing, and I can feel my hand twitch, ready for the next punch I would deliver. I’m barely able to think further on that thought when the attic door opens, and the others come in. “Everything okay in here?” Rahim asks, glancing from me to Zillah, his brow raising. “Yea,” I tell them, straightening up. <a data-passage="U2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I lean back on the wall behind me as I look him over. “Tell me, Zillah, why did you make this all so complicated? It’s like you want me to look at you like you’re the bad guy.” “Are you sure I’m not?” he asks, chuckling. When he sees that he’s receiving no reaction from me, his laugh trails off, and he shifts awkwardly, “I had my reasons.” “Which are?” “Reasons. You don’t need to know anything more than that.” I’m unable to reply as the attic door opens, and the others come in. “Everything okay in here?” Rahim asks, glancing from me to Zillah, his brow raising. “Yea,” I tell them, straightening up. <a data-passage="U2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You’ll be helping us later when we go do recon for the gateway.” “You’re still trying to go save her?” Zillah asks incredulously. “Of course, why would I not?” “You just found out that you’re unstable and you’re decaying from within. And you think it’s smart to go walking through the Underworld to rescue someone who doesn’t need rescuing?” “Because you would know?” He rolls his eyes, an action that he still hasn’t gotten the hang of but has probably seen us do plenty of times, “any demon of her level can leave on their own free will.” “Unless they’re being held hostage,” I remind. Rahim had made sure to bring up that point in the past. Zillah prepares to counter my argument when the attic door opens, and the others come in. “Everything okay in here?” Rahim asks, glancing from me to Zillah, his brow raising. “Yea,” I tell them, straightening up. <a data-passage="U2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Well,” I say in a low and sultry voice, walking over to him. He seems to immediately pick up on the change in tone because a second hardly passes before his eyes begin to darken in want, his eyes taking me in, and his mouth beginning to part. I lean in so that I’m hovering over him, one arm keeping me steady and the other playing with his short beard. “If I hadn’t exorcised you, then I wouldn’t be able to do this.” I begin to lean in towards his lips, all set on teasing him when the door to the attic opens. I jump back and glance to see the others coming in. <<include "URC1">>
“Yea, you’re right, I should’ve done much worse.” He cocks his head to the side and narrows his eyes, studying me, “do you truly think so?” “Yes, I do,” I tell him, hardly containing the sparks of anger as I begin to undo his rope. “Just like how you felt the need to traumatize and abuse and treat me like shit while you were in my head.” I pause and look him in the eye, “why should I treat you any differently? You keep saying that I’m strong, but someone strong would have done everything to exterminate you.” He opens his mouth to say something but pauses when the door to the attic opens. I stand up, feeling a little woozy as I do so. Why does it suddenly feel like I was drained of energy? I feel like I need to take a moment and breathe. I’m getting tired of these weird emotions, not knowing what I’m feeling and why. I’m not someone who doesn’t understand their feelings. I know them and can decipher through them, at least as much as the regular person. And yet, everything regarding Zillah makes me question and doubt. <<include "URC1">>
“Everything okay in here?” Rahim asks, glancing from me to Zillah, his brow raised. With one last deep breath, I nod. <<if $j3>>\ “Oh look, the winged beast has returned,” Zillah states in annoyance, his eyes then flickering to Chris, who comes to stand beside Rahim, “and he brought the talking ape.” “Get your head out of your ass,” Chris growls, his gaze shifting to me, asking if everything is okay. “Don’t worry,” Zillah laughs, “I haven’t taken ?his virtue … yet.” Jeff lets out a nonchalant whistle, and Faye seems utterly shocked by his words. “Someone needs to use their penis around here. Don’t really think these two remember.” “Ever think that maybe there’s more to it than just fucking someone?” Chris growls, taking a step towards him, Rahim stopping him. “Can’t be, since you’re still walking around with the ‘woe is me let’s take a break,’ attitude. And Rahim, well, I’m sure Rahim doesn’t even know how to use his.” “Oh,” Rahim snorts, “because your old and dusty –” “New topic!” Amari shouts, “you guys are disgusting. Why does everything always end up being a literal cockfight between the three of you?” “This is an everyday thing?” I hear Amarante whisper to her, and Amari simply gives her a knowing look. <a data-passage="U2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $RRomance >=4>>\ “Oh look, the winged beast has returned,” Zillah states in annoyance. Rahim ignores him, his eyes looking me over. “Don’t worry,” Zillah laughs, “I haven’t taken ?his virtue … yet.” Jeff lets out a nonchalant whistle, and Faye seems utterly shocked by his words. “Someone needs to use their penis around here. Don’t really think this one remembers how.” “Oh,” Rahim snorts, “because your old and dusty –” “New topic!” Amari shouts, “why does everything always end up being a literal cockfight between you two?” “How about you not make it sound like I’m the one who initiates that conversation,” Rahim warns her. “You don’t initiate it, but you sure do entertain it,” she snaps back, Rahim more in shock over her comeback than her words. <a data-passage="U2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<elseif $cbreak>>\ “Oh look, the talking ape is back. If only I had a banana.” “Get your head out of your ass,” Chris growls, his gaze shifting to me, asking if everything was okay. “Don’t worry,” Zillah laughs, “I haven’t taken ?his virtue … yet.” Jeff lets out a nonchalant whistle, and Faye seems utterly shocked by his words. “Someone needs to use their penis around here. Don’t really think this one remembers.” “Ever think that maybe there’s more to it than just fucking someone?” Chris growls, taking a step towards him, Rahim stopping him. “Can’t be, since you’re still walking around with the ‘woe is me let’s take a break,’ attitude.” “Because that’s a crime?” Chris asks. “Of course not,” Zillah snickers sarcastically, “just don’t bring all that stuffy emotional shit up here and look at me as if I’m the one doing it wrong.” “No, you’re just the monster,” Chris says in disgust. “And you’re the human with a death wish.” “Stop, both of you,” Amari warns, shifting uncomfortably. <a data-passage="U2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Yea,” I tell them, straightening up. <<include "U2_2">> <</if>>\
“We came up here to see if you were ready,” Faye tells me, approaching Zillah. In her hands is a silver manacle with three runes carved into the wrist bindings. She undoes one of Zillah’s bindings and fastens the cuff on before doing the other. We all watch as the runes begin to glow a subtle blue. I expect the color to dim, but they never do. “It works,” Faye says in a relieved breath. “Good,” Rahim nods, “that means we can all go. Call us if you need any help. Otherwise, let’s all reconvene here around seven.” <<if $unstable>>\ I watch as <<if $cp>>Amari, Chris, and Rahim<<else>>Amari and Rahim<</if>> leave with Amarante, leaving the rest of us to go to the forest to find the gateway. Jeff undoes the rest of Zillah’s binding before guiding him to his feet, all of us walking to the car. I sit Zillah in the backseat with Jeff and Faye and start the engine. “Ahh!” Zillah screams, causing all of us to jump in fright. My heart hammering in my chest as I whip around him. “The hell, Zillah!?” His eyes are wide in panic, staring at me as if I’m the crazy one. “What was that?” he questions. “The engine?” And then it hits me, this is his first time riding in a car. I grip the steering wheel, trying to figure out if there’s another way to get him to the forest. The only person who can teleport him, Rahim, has left. And knowing Rahim’s dislike for Zillah, he probably would much rather watch Zillah squirm in the backseat anyway. “You ready?” I ask, and with a glare, he stiffens. <<if $serious >=50>>\ With the car engine already on, I shift the car into drive and gently press down on the gas. We leave the driveway, and I turn to get onto the main road. “Zillah, you’re killing my fingers,” I hear Faye say in pain, checking the rearview mirror to see him sitting as stiff as a statue, his eyes on the front windshield. <<else>>\ With the car engine already on, I shift the car into drive and gently press down on the gas. When we make it to the dip that separates the driveway from the main road, I scream. Which causes Zillah to scream, panicking as he tries to get out of the car. “You’re such an asshole!” Bradley laughs from beside me, unable to stop himself. “I’m sorry,” I say between chuckles, “I couldn’t help myself. You okay back there, Zillah?” He doesn’t answer, still trying to figure out how to get out of the car, he looks ready to just burst the windows out. <</if>>\ For Zillah’s sake, I drive slowly and take any possible backroads. He never actually calms back down, but at least he’s not screaming every other second. The only time he gasps or shouts is when another car appears, and he swears we’ll die. The woods are thirty minutes away, but with Zillah, we get there in an hour. <a data-passage="U2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ I nod to the others as I leave the room with Amari, <<if $cp>>Chris,<</if>> Rahim, and Amarante following behind me. Once outside, Amarante gives me the address, and she and Rahim fly to the area while I drive <<if $cp>>the rest of us to the site.<<else>>Amari and me to the site.<</if>> <a data-passage="EP7-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
Once we park, we immediately get underway. Bradley and I in front while Jeff and Faye trail behind as they drag a complaining Zillah along. “A wendigo is typically violent, right? How do people visit this area for an entire year without being snatched up? Unless someone just covers it up?” I ask. “The guardian acts differently,” Bradley tells me, “I don’t know much, but lore says that the guardians are more cognizant. They probably don’t follow the same lore as their species.” “That’s a bit reassuring,” I grumble, moving away from Bradley just as Zillah butts in. “I’m walking with you. Those two are giving me a headache with their arguing.” I turn to see that Jeff and Faye have both stopped, Jeff pointing at something while Faye looks ready to choke him. “Remind me again why we had to bring you?” Bradley questions. “Because none of you can defend yourselves,” Zillah answers, shooting me a smirk. [[“Says the guy in handcuffs.”]] [[“I know how to fight.”]] [[“How dangerous is this wendigo?”]]
“Says the guy in handcuffs. You’re not defending anyone with those on.” Zillah huffs, his gaze drifting down to the cuffs for a moment before back at me, “I’m sure you’ll change your mind if something happens.” “Are your powers back?” Bradley questions, gaining Zillah’s attention. “They’re starting to.” We all pause when we hear someone shouting something in the distance. Exchanging glances, we creep closer, staying close to the ground. We come to a stop behind a group of shrubs, watching as a group of people move around on top what I can only presume is the gateway. The surrounding area was grassy, but this spot was barren, the ground didn’t seem to hold even a blade of grass. <<include "U2_4">>
“I feel like you guys keep forgetting that I know how to fight, I know $style.” “And you’re also unstable, so unless you want to potentially kill everyone, you should probably keep your moves to yourself,” Zillah tells me. We all pause when we hear someone shouting something in the distance. Exchanging glances, we creep closer, staying close to the ground. We come to a stop behind a group of shrubs, watching as a group of people move around on top what I can only presume is the gateway. The surrounding area was grassy, but this spot was barren, the ground didn’t seem to hold even a blade of grass. <<include "U2_4">>
“How dangerous is this wendigo about to be?” the question aimed at both of them since Bradley had just told me that this one wouldn’t behave like the others. Bradley shrugs. “We won’t know until we meet it. Meeting guardians aren’t exactly an everyday occurrence,” Zillah says to me. We all pause when we hear someone shouting something in the distance. Exchanging glances, we creep closer, staying close to the ground. We come to a stop behind a group of shrubs, watching as a group of people move around on top what I can only presume is the gateway. The surrounding area was grassy, but this spot was barren, the ground didn’t seem to hold even a blade of grass. <<include "U2_4">>
“Demons,” Zillah grumbles. <<if $langstonfate is "sacrifice">>\ <<if $perception >=10>>\ I’m about to state that we should retreat when both Zillah and I pause, our eyes darting to the left of us but seeing no one. “You heard that?” I question him, and he nods, creeping away from us. I tell Bradley to go join Faye and Jeff while I follow after Zillah, both of us staying low to the ground as we creep closer to the noise. My senses are on high alert, heightening until they’re at a dangerously high level that makes me feel like another episode is approaching. I pause, just as a Doberman appears. We all freeze, gazing at each other to see who will make the first move. <<else>>\ I’m about to state that we should retreat when Zillah pauses, his eyes darting to the left, though I see no one when I look. Without a word, he creeps forward, staying close to the ground as he goes. I motion for Bradley to wait as I try to follow behind Zillah, though the look he sends me tells me that I’m making too much noise. I’m about to retreat back just as a Doberman appears. We all freeze, gazing at each other to see who will make the first move. <</if>>\ The Doberman turns, ready to dart off when Zillah rushes forward, tripping in his haste but successfully grabbing onto the dog. “Was that an accident?” I snort. “Shut up!” he growls, pushing the dog’s head further into the ground. <<if $sympathy >=50>>“Hey, ease up on the pup. What do you have against dogs?”<<else>>“Got a bone to pick with that dog or something?”<</if>> “I love dogs,” he growls, not taking me up on my previous advice, “less of a fan in regards to werewolves.” My eyes widen as I look from Zillah to the dog, watching as it begins to shift into a nude but familiar figure. I shift uncomfortably as his eyes pin me to my spot. “Petri?” I say nervously. <<else>>\ But it’s the <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>two standing right next to each other,<<else>>the one standing in the middle,<</if>> barking out orders that hold my attention. My heart drops as I watch <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>them<<else>>him<</if>>, remembering that once upon a time, I believed I would never see <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>them<<else>>him<</if>> again. From beside me, I hear Bradley whimper, “<<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston and Petri<<else>>Petri<</if>>.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="EP7-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/acttwo.png"> <<if $unstable>>\ <<if $langstonfate is "sacrifice">>\ “Oh, yea,” Zillah draws out, pushing Petri closer into the ground as he leans in, “you’re the mutt that kept trying to kill Roe.” I raise a brow at the anger in Zillah’s tone, not to mention how he looks ready to break Petri’s neck. “Just orders,” Petri growls, his eyes shifting to me, “I’m not here for you. I’m tracking Raum.” I cock my head to the side, unsure if I believe him, but I motion for Zillah to move off of him anyway. Petri starts to turn around, freezing when he realizes that he has no clothes. “Mind getting my clothes, they’re in that direction,” he asks Zillah, who doesn’t need to be told twice, immediately standing and heading in the direction. I think I’m left alone with Petri when I realize that Jeff, Faye, and Bradley are behind me. “We should just kill him now,” Bradley suggests, his gaze unwavering, and his fists balled up at his side. Petri says and does nothing until Zillah returns, throwing his clothes at him before joining us. “I’ve been tracking Raum since the portal to hell thing happened,” Petri tells us after he’s fully clothed, “most of this time he’s been absent, but as soon as I picked up his scent again I went after him. It led me here.” [[“Don’t you work for him?”]] [[“Do you sense him now?”]] [[“I’m keen to act on Bradley’s words.”]] <<else>>\ I test the wind before moving closer in, only stopping when I get to the shrubs that rest on the tree line’s outskirts. Petri’s<<if $langstonfate is "alive">> and Langston’s<</if>> attention seems to be on other things, and I can only hope that it stays that way even with the wind on our side. <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>\ “Where is it?” Petri questions one of the demons that approach. “We’re still trying to locate it, sir. We have at least a dozen demons in those woods.” “Ah, camping,” Langston sighs dreamily, “I never liked it.” Petri scoffs, gesturing for the demon to go back to his duties. Petri turns his full attention to his friend, “I’m going to join them. We’ll be out here forever if not.” “Isn’t the wendigo just your cousin twice removed?” Langston asks, chuckling at his own joke, “though, for you personally, he might be a little more familiar.” Petri slaps him over the head, chuckling as he walks off. “Remember to capture your brother, not kill him … yet.” Petri flicks him off as he walks away, causing me to freeze and furrow my brow at Langston’s words. “They’re trying to kill the guardian?” Bradley questions. I glance at him and then back towards Langston and the retreating figure of Petri. I motion for Bradley and Zillah to follow me as I back away from the shrubs and head back where Faye and Jeff wait. “Anything?” she questions. “Petri and Langston are in charge,” I answer, “and if that’s true, then Raum is probably behind this. They haven’t found the guardian yet, but they plan on killing it from what Langston said.” <<else>>\ “Where the fuck is it?” Petri questions, grabbing one of the demon’s collars and yanking them towards him. “We’re still trying to locate it. Maybe if the werewolf went looking for it, we’d find it faster.” I flinch at the sound of flesh upon flesh, watching as the demon falls to the ground due to the force of Petri’s slap. “Maybe if you did less talking back!” Petri shouts, delivering a swift kick to the demon’s middle. I don’t see what he pulls out, but whatever he presses against the demon’s skin causes it to let out a painful screech. The other demons continue milling about, not even pausing their conversations as their companion lies on the ground. “He seems much angrier,” Bradley says from beside me, I nod. “Why do I feel like we’re not going to end this day without starting an altercation with him?” I glance between the two, Zillah shrugging lightly and Bradley looking ready to confront him right now. “I want that guardian’s head! Now find it,” he barks, an animalistic growl following. The demons stop their conversations, all moving to give the werewolf what he requested. “They’re trying to kill the guardian?” Bradley questions. I glance at him and then back towards Petri. I motion for Bradley and Zillah to follow me as I back away from the shrubs and head back where Faye and Jeff wait. “Anything?” she questions. “Petri’s in charge,” I answer, “and if that’s true, then Raum is probably behind this. They haven’t found the guardian yet, but they plan on killing it from what Petri said.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="UF_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\ <<else>>\ I lean on my car, only straightening when I see Rahim and Amarante leave a nearby alleyway, walking towards us. “You guys ready?” Amarante asks, clapping her hands and looking at the dive bar before us. We all nod and enter, each of us taking a moment to case the place. It’s an everyday dive bar, nothing abnormal about it, but the memory of the last time I thought that way has not faded. My eyes dart over to the bartender who doesn’t seem concerned with our presence, and yet, I still don’t feel comfortable. Another step and I sway, my world darkening for a second before righting itself. “Are you okay?” Amari asks from beside me. I nod, continuing on. Amarante leads us to a corner booth where a man wearing a worn-down leather trench coat and slacks sits. “Guys, meet Tristen,” Amarante introduces. The man sitting in front of us, Tristen, appears to be in his late-20’s, perhaps early 30’s even. His sun-kissed, freckled skin is free of blemishes, and there’s a lively sparkle in his emerald eyes, though the slight way that they droop tells me that his current state is anything but. His ginger hair is cut short into a mop-top hairstyle, the hair hiding his forehead just barely reaching his eyes. Tristen looks us over, continuing to pour honey into whatever beverage he ordered. “Who are these people, Amarante?” he asks, his evaluation complete. “We’re friends,” Rahim answers, “we’re here to help.” “Excuse me if I don’t believe you. <<if $cp>>A human and three hybrids<<else>>Three hybrids<</if>> walking in doesn’t really make me feel comfortable.” [[“He can sense us?”]] [[“There’s a joke somewhere in there.”]] [[“Do you want our help or not?”]] <</if>>\
“Tracking him? Last time I checked, you work for him.” “Yea, well, that’s before he went and sacrificed my best friend for some damn ritual.” <<if $chrissafe is false and $cp is false>>\ “Huh,” I snort, “sucks don’t it.” Petri lowers his gaze, unable to meet my eye as I remind him of the fate that Chris met. Someone who shouldn’t have been involved in the first place. “Look,” he finally says, “what happened to your friend, it wasn’t personal.” “I’m sure Chris wouldn’t agree.” Petri sighs again, nodding his head slowly. <<else>>\ “Oh, so suddenly this all becomes personal, and you realize that you were on the wrong side?” I question, cocking my head to the side. “No, I always knew I was on the wrong side. But that doesn’t really change shit when you’re a crooked cop. Look, I get it. We got bad blood; it was nothing personal.” “That’s putting it mildly.” Petri sighs deeply, nodding his head. <</if>>\ <<include "U2_5">>
“Do you sense him now?” I question, glancing over at Bradley, who avoids eye contact. “I tracked him here, but I don’t feel his presence.” “How can you tell with all the demons roaming about?” Zillah questions, “I can’t discern one from the other.” “I’m a werewolf, and I was around Raum enough to tell his scent from the others.” Zillah shrugs his shoulders, dropping any further questions. <<include "U2_5">>
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t go through with Bradley’s suggestion. We both have a bone to pick with you and wouldn’t mind seeing you die.” He raises his hands in surrender, his gaze drifting from me to Bradley. “I get it, we got bad blood, and I deserve to pay for what I did. But I’m way more helpful alive than dead right now.” Bradley sucks in dramatically, poking his lips out as he looks to the sky, “nope. Can’t really see a use for you. Can I hold someone’s gun?” <<include "U2_5">>
“So, you’re here trying to find Raum, why?” “To get revenge. I want the demon dead as much as you, probably less than you, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?” “So, we should just let you go?” Bradley asks incredulously. “Yes. I don’t have orders against you anymore, so you’re not my concern. You let me continue what I’m doing, and you can continue what you are.” “Or we can kill you right now,” he growls. Jeff nudges me, raising a brow, Faye gives me a similar look. //Trigger Warning: Suicidal Topics. If you wish to avoid this then do not choose the first option.// [[Kill him and let Bradley do it.][$bradley +=10; $zillah +=5]] [[Kill him but don’t let Bradley do it.][$killpetri = true; $bradley +=5; $zillah +=5]] <<if $charisma >=10 or $cmajor is "Communications">>\ [[Persuade him to help out.][$pr = true; $bradley -=10; $zillah +=5]] <</if>>\ [[Let him go.][$petrifree = true; $bradley -=10; $zillah -=5]]
I grab the gun from my holster, and Petri immediately attempts to bolt, not realizing that Zillah is standing close enough to trip him. He hits the ground, and Zillah keeps him there. “Stop!” he shouts, squirming and thrashing but getting nowhere. I check the magazine before handing the gun over to Bradley, who gladly takes it. Faye takes a step forward to intervene; her eyes wild as she throws a look my way. “Don’t try and stop me, Faye!” Bradley shouts to her, his hand shaking as he approaches a still fighting Petri. “How about not shooting me,” Zillah huffs, shifting uncomfortably but not enough to give Petri an out. Bradley ignores him, glaring down at the werewolf. Bradley takes the gun off of safety and moves in closer, making sure to stay away from Petri’s arms since Zillah is unable to restrain them due to his own bindings. “You helped torture me,” he says through gritted teeth, “for hours you helped them terrorize me. And not once did you even look put off about it.” If Petri had been planning on talking his way out, he seems to think twice. He glances from the gun to Bradley and then goes still, refusing to glance away from Bradley’s gaze. “Then make me pay, kid. I’m not about to beg when I got no defense.” <<if $bcure>>\ Bradley pushes the gun’s barrel against Petri’s head, causing the werewolf to grit his teeth, but he continues to say nothing. Bradley continues to shake, attempting to control himself but failing. He shouts, all of us bracing for the shot that will soon ring out. Instead, I feel the rough texture of the gun’s grip hit my hand, Bradley stomping off. “Shooting him will warn the demons that we’re here,” he mumbles as he goes. We’re all left silent until Zillah coughs. “Guess it’s your lucky day,” Zillah tells him, interrupting the silence. He rises and stretches his back, smirking down at Petri, “I would’ve shot you.” [[Kill him.][$killpetri = true; $bradley -=10; $nerve -=5; $zillah +=10; $sympathy -=10; $pacifist -=10]] [[Let Petri go.][$petrifree = true]] <<else>>\ “No!” Bradley shouts, all of us jumping at his tone, “you don’t get to act honorable and detached and fucking uncaring! You don’t get to lay here and just accept death!” I freeze, realizing that I had just given Bradley a loaded gun. I hadn’t thought about that, and suddenly I realized why Faye looked at me with such horror in her eyes. I glance over at her, and she shakes her head, her eyes pleading as she looks back at Bradley. He rubs his eye as he stares at the gun, “the shit you guys put me through,” he whispers, “every day I wanted to kill myself more and more. I wanted to just disappear, and the perfect dream ended up with me never waking up.” Tears stream down his eyes as he pulls the gun closer to his chest, “you guys broke me, and I wished you killed me. I wish you just left me there, bleeding out.” The entire forest seems to grow quiet, no one breathing, no one moving an inch, afraid of what was going on in Bradley’s mind. “And now. Now I have two choices.” [[Intervene.]] [[Wait.]] <</if>>\
“Bradley,” I speak, only to stop when he turns his gaze to me, his eyes dead but also filled with fury. I take a step back, not wanting to push him further. <<include 'Wait'>>
“I either kill you or kill myself. One I’ve wanted to do way more than the other.” I close my eyes, my entire body shaking at Bradley’s dead tone. My headache pounds, and I feel myself grow nauseous, though if it’s because of the current predicament or because of my state, I know not. I jump when I feel the warm grip of my gun settle in my hand. My eyes flash open to see Bradley giving me a tiny smile. <<if hasVisited("CRSuicidalHelp") or hasVisited("“I did too. For a long time.”") or hasVisited("“It won’t be easy. But you can do it.”")>>\ “I don’t really act like I’m listening sometimes, but I heard you. Thank you, $name.” He turns to look back at a stunned Petri, “killing you won’t change anything that happened to me. I’ll still have to fight but I’ll have your dumbass blood on my hands. I have enough to deal with than you haunting my conscience.” He says nothing more as he walks away, all of us watching as he goes. <<else>>\ “But, I’ll do neither.” He turns to look back at a stunned Petri, “I forgive you and … and I think I forgive myself.” He says nothing more as he walks away, all of us watching as he goes. <</if>>\ “Guess it’s your lucky day,” Zillah tells him, interrupting the silence. He rises and stretches his back, smirking down at Petri, “I would’ve shot you.” [[Kill him.][$killpetri = true; $bradley -=10; $nerve -=5; $zillah +=10; $sympathy -=10; $pacifist -=10]] [[Let Petri go.][$petrifree = true]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++ | Violent ++</span><</if>> “Me too,” is all I say before pulling the trigger. A lone gunshot rings through the forest, and besides my hand coming down from the vibration of the recoil, I don’t move. My eyes staying on the now unmoving and bleeding figure of Petri. I hear my companions’ voices, each of them speaking over one another and soon becoming indiscernible. My vision begins to blur until everything appears more like ripples of colors. I’m aware of this happening, and yet, my entire being feels at peace. As if the most refreshing wave I have ever experienced has just descended over me. I feel my body erupt in ticklish tingles, a warmth enveloping me, and untapped energy coursing through me. But then all of it suddenly disappears, and the real world comes back to me. I’m on my knees, deep breathing as my senses calm down, and colors begin to calm. “There you go,” Zillah growls, shoving his now unbound hands back towards Faye, who is gripping the manacles tight enough for her knuckles to turn a pale white. “What are you?” Jeff questions, a mixture of fear and astonishment in his eyes. I find it hard to speak as Faye shakes her shock away, placing the manacles back onto Zillah and then ushering him away, leaving me and the shade behind. “What happened?” I question, Jeff’s expression burning into my head. “You did something idiotic,” Zillah answers, raising a brow as he regards me, <<if $ZRomance >=4>>“sexy but ignorant.”<<else>>“you really do have a death wish, $name.”<</if>> He walks off, following behind the others. I glance back at the body, shivering as that voice groans in the back of my head. <a data-passage="UF"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Zillah moves away and the rest of us act as well, leaving Petri there as we get back to what we had come to do in the first place. <<include "UF">>
I grab the gun from my holster, and Petri immediately attempts to bolt, not realizing that Zillah is standing close enough to trip him. He hits the ground, and Zillah keeps him there. “Stop!” he shouts, squirming and thrashing but getting nowhere. I check the magazine before raising the gun to shoot. Faye takes a step forward to intervene. “No, Faye. He deserves this.” “I don’t care if he does or not,” Faye tells me, carefully placing her hand on my shoulder. “But I am concerned about you. You’re unstable, and death affects you in ways we still don’t understand. What do you think this will do, cold-blooded and with no care?” Zillah nods his head, letting me know that he agrees with her words. [[“I don’t care.” Kill Petri.][$zillah -=3; $nerve -=10]] [[“You’re right.” Spare Petri.][$zillah +=3; $bradley -=15; $sparehim = true]]
I think her words over, but one glance at Petri’s face and then at Bradley is all that I need to figure out how much I actually cared about what might happen. “I don’t care,” I say blatantly as I pull the trigger. A lone gunshot rings through the forest, and besides my hand coming down from the vibration of the recoil, I don’t move. My eyes staying on the now unmoving and bleeding figure of Petri. I hear my companions’ voices, each of them speaking over one another and soon becoming indiscernible. My vision begins to blur until everything appears more like ripples of colors. I’m aware of this happening, and yet, my entire being feels at peace. As if the most refreshing wave I have ever experienced has just descended over me. I feel my body erupt in ticklish tingles, a warmth enveloping me, and untapped energy coursing through me. But then all of it suddenly disappears, and the real world comes back to me. I’m on my knees, deep breathing as my senses calm down, and colors begin to calm. “There you go,” Zillah growls, shoving his now unbound hands back towards Faye, who is gripping the manacles tight enough for her knuckles to turn a pale white. “What are you?” Jeff questions, a mixture of fear and astonishment in his eyes. I find it hard to speak as Faye shakes her shock away, placing the manacles back onto Zillah and then ushering him away, leaving me and the shade behind. “What happened?” I question, Jeff’s expression burning into my head. “You did something idiotic,” Zillah answers, raising a brow as he regards me, <<if $ZRomance >=4>>“sexy but ignorant.”<<else>>“you really do have a death wish, $name.”<</if>> He walks off, following behind the others. I glance back at the body, shivering as that voice groans in the back of my head. <a data-passage="UF"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I think her words over, finding the truth in them. I lower the gun and shake my head. “Yea, you’re right.” “Fuck that!” Bradley shouts, shock coursing through me as he rips the gun out of my hands and points it at Petri, not second thinking as he pulls the trigger. Faye barely holds back a shriek as a long gunshot rings through the forest. All of our eyes now on the unmoving and bleeding figure of Petri. “Bradley?” Faye questions in horror. <<if $bcure>>\ “No,” he hisses, “you were going to just be okay with letting him live. Even after everything he’s done to us?” “Killing him wasn’t the answer,” Faye argues, and Jeff places a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. “Well, neither was letting him walk away,” Bradley snaps, pointing down at Petri’s now still figure, despite his strong words, he’s shaking profusely, “if you want to mourn, then there’s the body.” With that, he throws down the gun and stomps off, leaving us standing there, mouths agape. <<else>>\ “Oh, shut up,” he hisses, throwing the gun to the side as his body shakes in shock. He points an accusing finger at me, “you were going to just let him walk away after all he did to me.” I attempt to find words, but I’m unable to, still getting over the fact that Bradley had just shot and killed Petri. “No,” he continues, “I wasn’t about to let him just walk away.” Bradley stomps off, “now, there’s only one left.” It takes a few more minutes for all of us to gather ourselves and head back over to where we had initially been. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="UF"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“How about, no,” I say, “and you help us instead.” “And what makes you think I’ll agree to that?” “It’s either that or you get shot,” Zillah lies, but I say nothing on it since his words were probably incentive enough. Petri scowls, “and you think you can catch me?” Zillah shoots him a cocky grin, raising his manacled wrists and jingling them, “you think these are part of some new fashion statement? There’s a reason the witch put them on me. Run and find out why.” Petri looks Zillah over before sniffing the air, glowering before nodding in agreement. “Fine. What are you thinking?” The question directed at me. “Stick with us for right now until we learn more.” “And if Raum appears?” “We’ll figure that out if it happens, you’re not the only one who has a bone to pick with him.” He nods, and we shake each other’s hands. With our agreement set, we head back to the area we were at before. <a data-passage="UF"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I rub at my eye, it’s unfortunate that we had run into him, this mission wasn’t supposed to end with bloodshed. I gaze from an upset Bradley to a waiting Zillah, and then to a worried Faye and a Jeff who looks like he needs a drink. “Go, Petri,” I say, ignoring the glare that Bradley throws me, “you stay out of our way, and we’ll stay out of yours.” Petri doesn’t have to be told twice before any of my companions could act on my words, he sprints off into the woods, not even sparing a second glance back at us. I’m not in the headspace nor the mood to deal with Bradley. And so, I avoid looking at him altogether, turning on my heel and heading back towards the area where we came. <a data-passage="UF"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>With Petri on our side, we follow behind him to a more covered area, hunkering down as we stay silent in an attempt to hear what is being said.<<else>>We return back to the area we were at before, hunkering down as we stay silent in an attempt to hear what’s being said.<</if>> For a while, nothing interesting happens. I listen to snippets of a discussion that’s pointless, and some of it even spoken in a language I don’t recognize. Finally, a figure appears in the middle, a tall woman with a crisp black suit. “Raum wants an update,” she says with an authoritative voice. “We’re still trying to locate the guardian,” one of the demon’s answer, all conversations pausing. “Why is it taking so long?” “Some of them decided to prematurely shoot at the beast, spooking it deeper into the forest.” They look ready to say more but hold their tongue. “Hurry up,” the woman commands before disappearing. I take a few steps back, motioning for Zillah to follow as we retreat back to where Bradley, Faye, and Jeff wait. “Anything?” she questions. “No,” I answer, “all we learned is that Raum is behind this, they’re trying to find the guardian and that they’re shooting at it?” “Why would they want it dead?” Jeff asks, “can it even die?” “No,” Zillah answers, pausing to think when his eyes light up in understanding, and he even seems impressed, “so that’s what they’re doing. I have to admit, I have to admire whoever puts these plans together.” “Mind sharing with the class?” I question. “The guardian can’t die, but it can be killed, temporarily. It’s happened three other times, two times on purpose and once on accident due to hunters. The guardian ‘dies’ but will be reborn in forty-eight hours. If they can trap and kill it right before the eclipse …” Zillah doesn’t have to finish his thought, all of us realizing what that means. [[“When would the next supernatural event be?”]] [[“Couldn’t Gluttony just close the gate?”]] [[“Ugh, I’m so tired.”]]
“When would the next supernatural event be? Just in case this happens?” Zillah shrugs, “what? You think eclipses just happen conveniently? You might be waiting for another month or two before anything happens.” “And it’ll be too late then,” Faye whispers, “if Sydero goes full demon, then there’s no bringing her back.” “So, this is our one chance?” I question, rolling my head around, “yea, sure, no pressure.” <<include "UF_1">>
“Couldn’t Gluttony just close this gateway if they want to keep us out? It seems like they’re doing a lot to keep us from coming in,” I point out. “Gateways don’t work like that,” Zillah tells me, “a Prince can’t just close it and open it whenever they want. They actually have no power over them.” “How do you know this again?” “I’ve been living this life long enough to know about them.” <<include "UF_1">>
“Ugh!” I shout dramatically, backing into a tree and resting my head back on it, ignoring the bark as it digs into my skin. “I’m so tired. I just want a break, someone just let me take a break.” The others continue to speak, ignoring me. I allow it, my mind shifting its focus when I feel the need to vomit rise in my throat. My heart feels like it’s getting prepared to jump off of a diving board, and the bottom of my stomach is the water. I attempt to breathe, taking numerous breaths before focusing back in. <<include "UF_1">>
“We can’t allow them to get to the guardian before us,” Faye says. “So, walk through a forest crawling with demons to find a wendigo?” Bradley questions, squinting and pursing his lips. “You have a better idea?” Faye inquires. [[“Faye’s right.”]] [[“Call the others.”]] [[Hurry this up.|UFHurry]]
“Faye’s right,” I tell Bradley more so to end the conversation and any arguing that will follow, “either we go after the guardian and get to them before the demons or we end up losing, and I mean everything.” “I know,” Bradley sings, “I just … nothing. Nevermind.” He walks a few steps back, standing beside Jeff and removing himself from further conversation. “<<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>Zillah, Petri, and I<<else>>Zillah and I<</if>> will head out to search for the wendigo then. You guys stay here and keep an eye on them, call us if anything changes.” Faye grabs my hand, placing the key to Zillah’s cuffs into my palm. “Just in case. Be careful, okay? Be mindful of yourself and your limits.” [[“Of course, Faye.”]] [[“Hard to do.”]] [[“I’ll be fine.”]]
“Let me call the others,” I tell her, “even if they can’t come and help us. They should know that we might not be back as soon as we thought.” I dial Rahim’s number, waiting a minute when I get his voicemail. I’m not shocked to hear how professional it was, a standard voicemail where Rahim claims he isn’t able to pick up the call and that whoever is calling should leave a message. Before the operator woman’s voice sounds, he apologizes for the inconvenience. “Hey, Rahim,” I start, “we’ve kind of run into some issues here so we might not be back as soon as we thought. If anything new happens, we’ll call.” “<<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>Zillah, Petri, and I<<else>>Zillah and I<</if>> will head out to search for the wendigo then. You guys stay here and keep an eye on them, call us if anything changes.” Faye grabs my hand, placing the key to Zillah’s cuffs into my palm. “Just in case. Be careful, okay? Be mindful of yourself and your limits.” [[“Of course, Faye.”]] [[“Hard to do.”]] [[“I’ll be fine.”]]
The two stare at one another, and I sigh, we don’t have time for this. “Bradley, Faye, and Jeff, you three stay here and keep an eye on them, okay? <<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>Petri, Zillah, and I will go find the wendigo.<<else>>Zillah and I will go and find the wendigo.<</if>>” “Am I C-Team now?” Bradley asks, but I don’t answer. I understand his anger, but there’s nothing I can do about it. The kid doesn’t really know how to defend himself, and due to my unstable nature, I don’t want him close enough to get hurt again. Faye grabs my hand, placing the key to Zillah’s cuffs into my palm. “Just in case. Be careful, okay? Be mindful of yourself and your limits.” [[“Of course, Faye.”]] [[“Hard to do.”]] [[“I’ll be fine.”]]
“Of course, Faye. Look at me,” I back away and gesture to myself, “I am the epitome of careful.” <<if $serious >=50>>\ “I know, $name. But that won’t stop me from worrying about you.” I nod, turning to head into the woods. <<else>>\ “$name,” is all Faye says as I back away, my foot hitting a low but exposed root, and I fall backward. I chuckle, quickly getting to my feet as Faye continues to stare at me, saying nothing. She simply sighs, shakes her head, and walks away. Zillah appears at my side, raising a brow, “the meaning of epitome must have changed greatly?” <</if>>\ <<include "UF_1_1">>
“Kinda hard to do when I don’t even know what those limits are.” “That doesn’t mean you can’t be careful, $name.” “You don’t have to be so worried about me, Faye.” Faye places her hand on my shoulder, soft and disheartened eyes staring into mine, “I’m always going to worry.” <<include "UF_1_1">>
I place the key in my pocket as I turn to walk away, “I’ll be fine, Faye.” I don’t wait to hear if she has anything to say, turning and heading into the woods. <<include "UF_1_1">>
Despite the many demons that were supposedly walking around, I hear and see no sign of them. “Think the demons are further in?” I question, pausing when I hear leaves crunching in the distance. I spot a squirrel dart towards a nearby tree, reassuring me that it isn’t anyone else. <<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>\ “They’ve been out here for a while, so they’re probably more spread out,” Petri informs me. “Is that good for us?” I inquire. “No, it means trying to evade one could just lead us into another. We gotta be careful,” he cocks his head, “or hope that they found this little guardian of yours. Then at least they’ll all be in one area.” <<else>>\ “Probably.” Is all Zillah says, continuing on. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>\ [[Talk to Petri.]] <</if>>\ [[Talk to Zillah.]]
I fall into step with Petri, letting Zillah continue on leading us through the forest absentmindedly. Petri spares me a simple glance before going back to gazing around, “looks like you got a question.” [[“How long you’ve been corrupted?”]] [[“How long were you hunting Sydero?”]] [[“Anything you can tell me about Raum’s plans?”]] [[“One of my companions is a werewolf hybrid.”]]
<<if $serious>=50>>\ “So, how long you’ve been corrupted?” <<else>>\ “So, how long you’ve been corrupted? Coming up on any important anniversaries? The first time you stole drugs or the death of your first partner that knew too much? Oh, or the first time you wore some really tacky shirt on your way to meet the gang you work for?” “Are you done?” he questions, not seeming offended as much as annoyed. “Give me two minutes, and I’ll be able to come up with more.” <</if>>\ “If you think I joined the force to just turn crooked, you’re right.” I pause, “you mean I’m wrong?” “No. I joined the force knowing I wasn’t going to be some outstanding cop. But a badge will get you far.” “You’re an inspiration to all, I’m sure,” I grumble. <<include "UF_PZ">>
“How long were you hunting Sydero for?” “Felt like almost a year when it was probably only a handful of months,” Petri crosses over a log, looking around as I do the same, “I give that bitch credit. She knows how to evade.” “You were just okay with going after a cambion?” I question, the two of us walking once again. “No. Not until we realized that she was more prone to running than fighting. After that we got cocky. Only ones who got hurt were those stupid enough to help her out.” “Yea, because you killed them,” I point out, and Petri snorts and turns to me. “No, she killed them. A strategic play. Kill those who knew her face so that they couldn’t talk when we popped up. The number of people she killed in that timeframe alone outweighs my number.” He looks me up and down, looking like he’s about to say something else but choosing not to. <<include "UF_PZ">>
“Anything you can tell me about Raum’s plans? It’ll probably be helpful.” “I’m sure you know most of it. Raum was hired to find Sydero, and he then came to Langston and me for help in tracking her down. We had some dealings with him in the past, and since we were cops, we could do more and had resources. He told us what we needed to know, and that was it. So, no, I don’t have anything for you.” <<include "UF_PZ">>
“You know,” I start, “one of my companions is a werewolf hybrid.” “What are they mixed with?” “Vampire.” He raises a brow in shock, but no other emotion appears on his face. “You gotta Vaewolf ... huh, surprised she still breathing.” “Vaewolf?” “Yea, that’s the proper name. I’m not proper, but I think it sounds badass.” “You have nothing against werewolf hybrids?” “They didn’t do shit to me,” he says with a shrug, “one thing I don’t understand about supernaturals is that they shun those who are strong. Is she a Pure?” “A what?” “A Pure. Does she turn into a wolf?” “No.” “Too bad, I’d be interested in learning about how her pack would feel about one of their diamonds being screwed up by fanger blood.” Petri walks off, seeming to be done with the conversation. <<include "UF_PZ">>
“Tell me this, Zillah,” I say, swiping a branch out of my path, “how do you not know what a toilet is, but your language skills are actually pretty good? Shouldn’t you be speaking barely any English and fragmented Coptic?” “I stayed up to date on languages, learned from those who crossed the barrier. And sometimes I learned about the shifting world. I know what a car is,” he growls and his shoulders slump, “I just ... nevermind.” [[“What barrier?”]] [[“How many languages do you know?”]] [[“You learned about everything but a toilet?”]] [[Say nothing.|USayNothing]]
“What barrier?” I continue to question. It would seem that my line of questioning isn’t up for discussion, though, as Zillah stops and turns to me. “Shut up,” he says simply before turning back around and continuing to walk. <<include "UF_PZ">>
“How many languages do you know then?” I question. Zillah remains quiet, opening his mouth to speak before closing it again. “Seven, maybe six. My Russian is what you may call ‘rusty.’” “That many? Was it hard?” “Those who were teaching me were patient, not like they had much to do anyway. So, no.” <<include "UF_PZ">>
I pause at his words, cocking my head to the side, “so you learned about everything but a toilet?” “Fuck off,” he growls, his behavior shifting just enough to tell me that he was embarrassed. <<include "UF_PZ">>
I glance over at him before dropping the conversation, or whatever one would call the few words we had exchanged. <<include "UF_PZ">>
<<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>\ Petri brings us to a stop near the opening of a small abandoned mining cave. He motions for us to be still as he closes his eyes and focus, saying nothing for quite some time before he finally nods his head and stands up straighter. I’m detecting a few demons within, along with something afraid and angry. Zillah waves his hands in the air, causing the chains from his manacles to clink, “yea, I can say the same thing about these damn woods. There’s nothing but demons walking around.” I glance at the area we just came from to where we were headed, “we’re not going to get very far depending on what rests further in those tunnels.” Petri nods in agreement, rubbing his chin in thought. “Ima go in, play distraction, and give you two time to find and do whatever with this guardian of yours. Alright?” Seeing that we had no better plan, both Zillah and I nod. Watching as Petri takes off his shirt and shoes. He pulls down his pants and shifts at the same time. He drags his pants to the rest of his clothes and then barks at us. “You speak dog?” Zillah questions, brow raised. I don’t make to answer Zillah as Petri sprints forward, disappearing into the tunnel. <<else>>\ Zillah and I stop near the opening of a small abandoned mining cave, focusing so that we could hear anything deeper within. I hear nothing, and so I straighten up, waiting for Zillah’s analysis. “A few demons are inside, but that’s all I can tell you.” “So, what? We just head in and hope that the –” A loud roar rocks the mine's walls, something that definitely wasn’t caused by a demon. “You were saying?” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="UF_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $raincheck>>\ I take a step forward right as Zillah yanks me backward, harshly pushing me up against the side of the cave wall and placing himself close. “What’s coming? Who’s coming?” I question, keeping my voice down and stressing my senses to see if I could hear anything. <<if $zillah >=50>>\ He snorts, glancing at me, “what makes you think someone is coming?” He was too close for me to use hand movements and so I just motion to the distance between us using my chin, raising a brow after. He moves in closer, his breath settling on my cheek. My eyes flutter closed as I try to calm my racing heart, taking in his woodsy scent that held just a tinge of lavender mixed in, a scent I’m suspecting came from his time in the attic. I find myself breathing heavily, finally opening my eyes as I look at him again. “Maybe I’m just getting you back for all the times you teased me,” he leans in, his mouth against my ear, “or maybe I just can’t stand being around you and not being able to fuck you.” “You can hardly walk right but you’re ready for that?” I challenge. He pushes himself closer so that his groin was pressed up against my leg and my eyes widen as something pokes me. “I can just sit there while I watch you ride my cock,” he whispers. The heat in my cheeks intensifying as I suddenly feel the need to pull him closer. <<else>>\ He snorts, glancing at me, “what makes you think someone is coming?” He was too close for me to use hand movements and so I just motion to the distance between us using my chin, raising a brow after. He moves in closer, his breath settling on my cheek. I try to calm my racing heart and try not to get lost in his woodsy scent that held just a tinge of lavender mixed in, a scent I’m suspecting came from his time in the attic. I find myself breathing heavily and feeling a headache come on, my body screaming yes, and my mind screaming no. My heart simply sits and glances between the two like a studious child. “Maybe I’m just tired of this little game,” he leans in, his mouth against my ear, “or maybe I just can’t stand being around you and not being able to fuck you.” “Zillah,” I say, breathing harshly, “back away, now.” “Or what?” he growls in my ear, his teeth lightly skimming over my earlobe. I feel my knees shake, growing weaker by the minute. //No//, I mentally roar, I refused to let him affect me like this. This was Zillah! “Back away,” I repeat more breathless than before. My mind rebelling against me as it conjures image after image, frustration after frustration. “You can’t tell me you don’t want this cock buried deep inside of you,” Zillah continues, “because I’ll be sure to give you every. Single. Inch.” The heat in my cheeks intensifying as I absentmindedly push closer to him, feeling his hard on through his pants and gasping. I can feel him smirk. “Just say the word, sphinx,” he whispers. <</if>>\ [[Focus him up.]] [[Continue whatever this was.]] <<else>>\ As we wander deeper, the cave becomes quiet, as if all the noise we had heard before hadn’t actually been here, as if we imagined it. I stick close to the wall, using it to guide me due to the lack of light. Zillah seems much better with navigating, a fact that I pick up on when I stumble over my tenth rock, grunting in pain. [[Grab Zillah’s hand.]] [[Follow the glow of Zillah’s cuffs.]] [[Keep on going.]] <</if>>\
I squirm just enough to get my hands in a better position to move him back. “Focus up,” I tell him, twirling my finger in the air to remind him where we are. “Yea, yea,” he sighs, waving my words away with a nonchalant attitude, “wendigo saving and demon slaughtering.” As we wander deeper, the cave becomes quiet, as if all the noise we had heard before hadn’t actually been here, as if we imagined it. I stick close to the wall, using it to guide me due to the lack of light. Zillah seems much better with navigating, a fact that I pick up on when I stumble over my tenth rock, grunting in pain. [[Grab Zillah’s hand.]] [[Follow the glow of Zillah’s cuffs.]] [[Keep on going.]]
<<if $zillah >=50>>\ “Zillah,” I manage to say, biting my lip as our eyes meet. That was all that was needed as he lowers his lips onto mine, claiming them with such intensity that I feel myself growing unsteady. The kiss is awkward, due to both his cuffed hands and the fact that he hadn’t done this in who knows how long. Our teeth clash, and the kiss is much sloppier than I predicted it being. It was everywhere, but the passion never wavers. The heat between us intensifies, and no matter how close we push into one another, the distance still feels like too much. We jump apart at the sound of another angered scream, and I take that moment to calm my speeding heart, reminding myself what we were doing and why. <<else>>\ It feels like something breaks inside of me, and before I can even question my next actions, I grab his shirt and flip us so that he was now up against the mine’s wall. I slam my lips onto his with such force that I’m surprised I don’t end up missing and injuring myself. It felt like my entire body was on fire as our lips meet, teeth and lips clashing as we show no regard for pausing or slowing. My heart was in my throat. In the back of my head, a voice insulted me, telling me that I was giving myself to the enemy. But this was just lust. That was it. This was mounting frustration that finally found its way out. Nothing more. The heat between us intensifies, and no matter how close we push into one another, the distance still feels like too much. I grind up against his leg, whimpering at the pressure that it causes. I craved more and was more than willing to let this burst of passion and lust get the better of me. We jump apart at the sound of another angered scream, and I take that moment to calm my speeding heart, reminding myself what we were doing and why. <</if>>\ “To be continued,” Zillah growls in a husky tone, his lips hovering a short distance over mine. He tears himself away and walks deeper into the cave. As we wander deeper, the cave becomes quiet, as if all the noise we had heard before hadn’t actually been here, as if we imagined it. I stick close to the wall, using it to guide me due to the lack of light. Zillah seems much better with navigating, a fact that I pick up on when I stumble over my tenth rock, grunting in pain. [[Grab Zillah’s hand.][$daring -=3; $zillah -=2]] [[Follow the glow of Zillah’s cuffs.][$stubborn -=3]] [[Keep on going.][$stubborn +=3; $daring +=3]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Cautious ++</span><</if>> I locate the glow of Zillah’s cuffs and then lunge for what I believe to be his hand, feeling him jump as soon as I do. “What are you doing?” he questions, though he doesn’t release my hand. “I can’t see down here, and if I hit another rock, I’m screaming.” “What makes you think I’m not stumbling over rocks?” “I know you’re still getting used to your body, but you’ve shrieked about smaller things, so that’s how.” He grumbles something and then goes to move on, harshly yanking me after him. His grip is loose, reminding me of someone ready to release it at any moment. <<include "UF_2_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Reasonable ++</span><</if>> I glance from the nearby wall to the glowing runes that rest on Zillah’s manacles. Unless he was just really good with swallowing his pain, he wasn’t hitting any rocks. I abandon the wall and fall behind him, attempting to line myself up perfectly behind him. I collide into a few more rocks along the way but nowhere as many as I did before. <<include "UF_2_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Stubborn ++ | Daring ++</span><</if>> I keep on going, refusing to ask or use Zillah for help. The rocks wouldn’t kill me, and my pride said that I could endure a few more stubbed toes. And that is exactly what I do. <<include "UF_2_1">>
We stop at a large intersection, the voices of others nearby causing us to go flush against the wall to listen. Along with the talking, there is a continuous moan and whimper, something or someone in obvious pain. “Just kill him already, we don’t have time for this,” I hear one of the demon’s growl. “No, don’t! You need me.” The one who says this sounds out of breath, speaking through clenched teeth and trying to conserve energy. I hear him shout a curse, following it up with heavier breathing to tell us that he was still alive. “Where did the damn thing run off to anyway?” “I don’t know, I feel like it’s watching us though.” This was a new voice, causing me to wonder how many demons are here. “Did you at least injure the fucker?” the injured demon asks. “Yea. But we can’t kill it yet. We just gotta trap it.” I take my attention off of the conversation for a second to whisper to Zillah, “how many do you sense?” <<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>“Five,” he murmurs back, “there was more before. I’m guessing Petri did his job.” <<else>>“Five,” he murmurs back.<</if>> I nod before zoning back into the demon’s conversation. “I don’t know why,” the demon who sounded like he’d be the leader said in an exasperated tone, “word is that they’re trying to infiltrate hell to get the Princess.” Zillah and I exchange a quick glance. “No one seems worried,” another voice inserts, “I haven’t seen any change in security. Haven’t heard any of the upper demons speak about it either. The only thing to prove that they know is that we’re out here securing the gateway in this piss poor place.” I hear shuffling and decide that it was time to finally act. “Wait,” Zillah says in a low but harsh tone, gesturing down to his cuffed wrists, “remove these first.” I raise a brow, only now feeling the weight of the key in my pocket. “<<if $zillah >=50>>Keeping you alive is still my job, and after failing the first part of that job, I’d be damned if I fail this part.” <<else>>Oh, please, $name. Get your head out of your ass for a minute so we can get this day over with.<</if>>” [[Uncuff him.]] [[Keep the cuffs on him.]]
I retrieve the key and, with doubt still trying to persuade me against it, unlock his cuffs. My body flinches but then relaxes when I realize that his next action was done just so he could rub his wrists. He smirks up at me, and with a nod of his head, we walk into the opening that holds the demons. Their conversation comes to a halt as their eyes swivel over to us. <<if $exorcism >=10>>\ Remembering the exorcism that Bradley had taught me, I begin to recite it, the demons far too slow to act upon their realization. I had been practicing this specific exorcism, making sure that I knew the words and I had gone over the exact pronunciation a few times. If anything, I should probably start researching more of them, ones that could probably slow down more powerful demons or ones far more powerful to exorcise more than just one or two. I complete the exorcism and watch as two of the demons end up falling to the ground, smoke rising off of them. The other three were hindered but I suspect that they were a tad more powerful than their counterparts. <<else>>\ I hear Zillah mumbling to himself, a few minutes later I realize that he was reciting an exorcism, a few of the words I could recall hearing Bradley utter. I look from him to the demons, watching as two of them go down, smoke rising off of their bodies as they lay unmoving. The other three only seem hindered, as Zillah’s exorcism begins to fade, they glare at us. <</if>>\ “You get that one,” Zillah says, shooting forward. I do as he says but I narrow my eyes at his speed, he was getting used to his body, faster than I had initially anticipated. How soon would it be before his powers came back … if they came back? <a data-passage="UF_CuffOff"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I pat my pocket and give him a look before switching my attention to the demons. Ignoring Zillah’s protesting, I walk into the opening, watching as all five demons shift their focus to me, each of them stiffening as they regard me. “And who the hell are you?” <<if $exorcism >=10>>\ Remembering the exorcism that Bradley had taught me, I begin to recite it, the demons far too slow to act upon their realization. I had been practicing this specific exorcism, making sure that I knew the words and I had gone over the exact pronunciation a few times. If anything, I should probably start researching more of them, ones that could probably slow down more powerful demons or ones far more powerful to exorcise more than just one or two. I complete the exorcism and watch as two of the demons end up falling to the ground, smoke rising off of them. The other three were hindered but I suspect that they were a tad more powerful than their counterparts. <<else>>\ I hear Zillah mumbling to himself, a few minutes later I realize that he was reciting an exorcism, a few of the words I could recall hearing Bradley utter. I look from him to the demons, watching as two of them go down, smoke rising off of their bodies as they lay unmoving. The other three only seem hindered, as Zillah’s exorcism begins to fade, they glare at us. <</if>>\ “Have fun,” Zillah tells me, taking a few steps back as they each sprint towards me. I dodge a punch and then a kick, only to run into the third that grabs me, pinning my arms behind my back. A punch lands to my cheek and the other one to my stomach. My eyes widen as the breath is knocked out of me, my vision swimming as the man behind me releases me. “Idiot,” Zillah growls, performing a high kick that hits its target but causes Zillah to fall backward as well. <a data-passage="UF_CuffOn"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $style is "Boxing">>\ My attention goes back to the demon that shoots towards me, winding up for a punch. I easily dodge, shifting closer to him as I land a two-punch combo to his jaw before backing away before he can recover. “Ah!” he shouts, lunging towards me, knocking the breath out of me as I hit the ground. He brings his elbow down onto my chest, before delivering a punch. I’m dazed for a minute before I grit my teeth, willing myself to focus up. I catch his second fist and deliver a poorly aimed fist to his face, the pain that runs through my knuckles causes me to curse lowly, but I don’t linger on it. I push the demon off of me and get to my feet, throwing a few jabs and shifting my weight backward whenever he tries to get a punch in. I wait for an opening before doing another jab and then throwing all of my strength behind an uppercut. It makes contact and the force sends the demon backwards, hitting the wall behind him. He falls to the ground and I see that he had harshly hit his head up against an exposed piece of rock on the mine’s walls. <<elseif $style is "Judo">>\ I head towards my opponent, already planning out my moves. I take in how he walks, which side he seemed to favor. Anything that would give me an edge in this fight. He lunges for me and I sidestep him, taking more notes as I continue to dodge and observe. He leaves himself wide open after throwing a wild punch and I’m unable to just ignore it. I move in, grabbing his shirt, skidding to this side, and then throwing my foot back to hook it around his calf. Once hooked I use his unbalanced weight against him and throw him to the ground. Moving before he can retaliate, I put some much-needed space between the two of us, when I notice that he’s getting ready to charge towards me. I plant myself, ready to grab him when he came. He charges, as soon as he’s close enough, I grab his shirt, and shift my weight, tossing him but this time, when he hits the ground, I deliver a swift and punishing fist to his face. <<elseif $style is "Taekwondo">>\ I place my attention on the demon that comes towards me, and I, in response, begin to perform short hops, remembering all the lessons that Sydero had taught me. He winds up for a punch, and at the same time, I kick him. The punch makes impact but because of my kick, it barely registers, unlike my kick that causes him to stagger to the side, dazed. I take the offensive, approaching and aiming a kick for his midsection that he swipes to the side. I stagger but quickly recover, aiming my next kick higher. I hadn’t thought it would hit like it did, mostly because I didn’t think he had begun charging towards me. Due to his own actions, he runs straight into the powerful kick, his jaw colliding with my heel and he goes down. <<elseif $style is "Kenpo">>\ My attention shifts to the demon approaching me. I take quick notes of his stance and which side he seems to favor. I take my own stance, preparing for his first attack and dodging it. I act as if I’m about to strike him in the face, waiting for him to block me. Once he does, I quickly grab his wrist, yank him closer, and deliver a punch to his face. “You think you’re pretty smart?” he asks. The last part of his sentence barely is complete as I move in, acting as if I’m about to kick him in the crotch, waiting for him to react. As soon as he does, I again grab his wrist and deliver a punch to his face before actually kneeing him in the groin this time. He moans as I toss him to the ground. Waiting for him to get up when he doesn’t. <<else>>\ My opponent approaches me, bringing his arm back to throw a hook. Instincts take over as I meet him, bragging the elbow area of the fist before it can fully extend, and palm strike him in the chin. I drive him backwards until he’s finally off balance and then I release him. Waiting for him to get up and try something else. His eyes are alight in anger, punching the ground before scrambling to his feet and coming at me for a second time. I move forward, swiping his arm away and then down, and then sending my elbow into his face. Not letting up, I continue sending my arm backwards until he’s down on the ground, this time, he doesn’t get back up. I notice the jagged ground in the area and realize that he probably hit his head pretty harshly on one of them. <</if>>\ Not dead, but out for now. I glance over at Zillah, brows shooting up when I see a thin tendril slithering back into his back. “Your powers are back?” I question, hoping that I did a reasonable job of keeping the panic in my voice from being heard. <<if $honesty >=50>>The shit-eating grin that Zillah throws me tells me that I didn’t.<<else>>Nothing about Zillah’s behavior tells me that I failed and I thank myself for at least being able to successfully do that.<</if>> “Faster than I expected,” he huffs in delight, “but maybe not. I have been sitting in that attic for a while.” I say nothing in response, my attention on yet another long whimper. <a data-passage="UF_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $guns gt $blades>>\ With two of their attention still on me, I reach for my gun, causing them both to pause as they glance from the pistol, to each other, and then to me. It was an odd standoff, one that I could end with just a twitch of my finger, but for some reason, I tell myself to wait. I glance between the two, curious to see what they would do. Both dart towards me at the same time and instinct moves my curiosity out of the way and I shoot the closest. I duck and move, shooting the knee of the one that was still walking and then taking a shot at the one that I had shot first. The one with the bad knee shouts, hitting the ground as he sits there, clenching the wound in annoyance. I gaze over at Zillah, snorting to myself when I see that the demon that had been fighting him was currently choking him. One foot was stepping on the chains, keeping Zillah’s cuffed hands to the side. I aim and shoot. He falls off of Zillah, finally giving the shade the ability to breathe. <<else>>\ With two of their attention still on me, I reach for my blade, causing them both to slow down in their eagerness to get to me. They exchange a glance, communicating through facial cues as I glance between the two, waiting to see who would act first. They both do, both running up to me and attacking. I act as if I’m about to swipe the first before actually turning to swipe the other, grunting in pain when the other hits my back. I stumble forward, turning just in time to swipe the other and duck under a punch. I stab my blade into one of the demon’s legs, and then fall backward to escape a knee to the head. “Fuck,” the demon who I had stabbed in the leg groans, gripping his leg close as the other approaches. I swipe at him and he dodges each one, giving me no opening. I finally decide to try and trip him, dodging his palm before hooking my foot around his and then moving forward. He loses his balance and falls, and I go with him, plunging the knife into his chest. I gaze over at Zillah, snorting to myself when I see that the demon that had been fighting him was currently choking him. One foot was stepping on the chains, keeping Zillah’s cuffed hands to the side. I sneak up behind the demon who was more concerned with killing Zillah than seeing how his companions were faring. I dig the knife into his back, only tearing it out when I hear Zillah gasp for air. <</if>>\ “Do you feel strange?” he questions me once his voice came back to him. “No, why?” He prepares to answer before stopping, a long whimper grabbing both of our attention. <a data-passage="UF_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We have to hurry up and find this thing,” Zillah mumbles, rushing down one of the tunnels, following the whimpering sounds that we had heard before. Navigating as best as I can, I stay close until we both come to a halting stop, bright orange eyes glaring back at us, just enough light peeking in from above to allow me to look the beast over. I’ve heard tales of the wendigo, mostly because it was popular in pop culture. The lore varied, but the common factor being that they all craved human flesh. Representations of them differed, sometimes they looked more animal than human, other times, more human than animal. Which made what I was looking at cause me to be profoundly disturbed. The creature had a long body and a hunched back. Due to the poor lighting, some of its more specific features I couldn’t make out, but I could tell that most of it was scrawny, nothing but bones and a thin layer of skin tightly wrapped around said bones. Its neck was thick and reminded me of a moose or elk, but the face at the end of the neck was human. It was a human skull with a wide mouth filled with teeth and two pits where its orange eyes rested. Its head was crowned by thin scruffs of hair and four large antlers. Its long limbs were currently stuck in a series of traps resting along the floor, thick puddles of blood oozing into the cracks of the abandoned mine. It watches us, swaying its head slowly from side to side, its body following. The whimpers from earlier told us that it was in pain, but looking at the beast right now, I couldn’t tell. [[“You got that Zillah.”][$daring -=3; $zillah -=3]] [[“Are we sure this is safe?”][$daring -=5]] [[“So, what now?”][$zillah +=3]] [[“Alright, wendigo, let’s dance.”][$daring +=5; $zillah +=5]] [[Approach it carefully.]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Cautious ++</span><</if>> I tap Zillah’s shoulder before pushing him forward, “you got that, Zillah.” “Ha, no, I don’t. You see, I don’t care one way or another if your little beast here lives or dies. In fact, if it dies, then I don’t have to worry about you going on a suicide mission for that cambion. So,” he says and then pushes me forward, “you got that, $name.” I throw a glare his way before moving towards the beast, stopping when it hisses at me. <<include "UF_3_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Cautious ++</span><</if>> “Are we sure this is safe? We could free it and then end up in its mouth a minute later. Don’t these things love the taste of humans?” “Look at it this way,” Zillah starts, not seeming to take this seriously, “you’re not human, so maybe it’ll spit you right back out.” I throw a glare his way before moving towards the beast, stopping when it hisses at me. <<include "UF_3_1">>
“Alright, we found it. What now?” “I say we let him out and point him to the nearest demons.” At the sound of the word demons, the wendigo hisses, baring its teeth and jostling the traps, whimpering afterward. “You think it understands us?” “I don’t know. I don’t talk wendigo.” I throw a glare his way before moving towards the beast, stopping when it hisses at me. <<include "UF_3_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Daring ++</span><</if>> “Alright, wendigo,” I start, approaching the beast and cracking my knuckles, “let’s dance.” “You’re going to … dance with it?” “What? No,” I snort in annoyance, “it’s a popular phrase. Like, it means you’re about to fight.” “So, you’re going to fight it?” Zillah questions, further narrowing his eyes in confusion. “No.” “Because if you do, you’ll lose. Horribly.” “Yea, I think I know that, Zillah.” “Then why say it?” “It’s just a phrase ... shut up!” Surprisingly, he does, rolling his eyes. I place my attention back on the trapped creature. <<include "UF_3_1">>
I raise both hands slowly, making a shushing sound as I approach the wendigo gradually. It cocks its head to the side but still seems on edge, ready to lash out if I do anything wrong. <<include "UF_3_1">>
“I want to help you. Do you understand me?” It seems to calm down, some of the fire dying out in its eyes, but its posture is still as rigid as before. “We’re not with the demons.” I point at Zillah and then me, “not demons.” “This is ridiculous,” Zillah growls, I don’t turn to look at him, but I can hear his footsteps retreating before returning. “We came in search of you. The guardian of the gate. Gluttony’s guardian.” At the sound of Gluttony’s name, it seems to relax a little more, “we want to use the gate. If we free you, can you help us?” “You’re talking to a beast!” Zillah sighs dramatically, “it probably doesn’t know the difference between yes and no.” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “It hissed when I said demon,” I remind him, proving my point further when the wendigo hisses again. “It probably just hates the way you say it,” he grumbles, knowing that he lost this argument. <<else>>\ “You’re right. Hey, you know how to speak monster better than any of us, how about you come and give it a try?” Zillah says nothing in his defense, and I snort in victory. <</if>>\ “I’m going to free you now,” I tell it, bending down to take a look at the traps. I close my eyes; the smell of the creature was a mixture between the metallic scent of blood and rotting meat. Holding my breath, I quickly undo the bear traps, crawling backward as the wendigo stands up and roars. Its eyes falling on me. “Shit!” Zillah growls, grabbing me and trying to yank me away. The wendigo leans in, baring its teeth before sprinting past us, its steps getting farther and farther, but its roars still filling the tunnel. Pressure begins to build up in my head, my breathing quickening as I feel like someone was applying an insurmountable amount of pressure to my chest. I struggle to breathe, to grip onto something that would ground me, but I only fall. And fall. And fall. <a data-passage="EP7-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
I furrow my brow, glancing over at Amarante, “he can sense us?” <<include "UD_0">>
I snicker, “you know, there’s a joke somewhere in there.” I pout and tap my chin, “I just have to find it.” “Save it,” Rahim answers simply. <<if $cp>>\ “Find it,” Chris says at the exact same time. The two look at one another before looking away, Chris trying to stifle a laugh and Rahim appearing far more annoyed than before. <</if>>\ “He can sense us?” Amari asks, her eyes glancing over to Amarante. <<include "UD_0">>
<<if $sympathy >=50>>\ “Hey,” I sigh, scratching my forehead, “do you want our help or not?” “Depends on if it’s actually help or not,” he remarks. <<else>>\ “Hey,” I snap, “do you want our help or not?” Tristen pauses, sparing me a glance before testing his drink. <</if>>\ “He can sense us?” Amari asks, her eyes glancing over to Amarante. <<include "UD_0">>
“Tristen is half-fae.” “Surprised you’re not being hunted down,” <<if $cp>>Chris points<<else>>I point<</if>> out. Tristen raises a brow, still pouring the honey, a task he had been doing since we walked in. Granted, the honey is coming out slowly, but I’m pretty sure that there’s more honey in whatever he’s about to drink than the actual drink itself. “Half-fae aren’t hunted,” Amarante tells us, “we actually value them greatly. To us, they are a symbol of greatness and beauty. A connection to this dimension that we treasure.” “Must be the only hybrids who get a pass,” I point out. “No,” Rahim comments, “Skinwalkers get a pass to.” He turns his attention back to Tristen, “what information do you have so far?” <a data-passage="UD"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I notice that Tristen has finally sat his honey aside and is drinking whatever he had ordered. He takes a long sip of it before looking between all of us. “Please, Tristen,” Amarante whispers to him, “I trust them.” Tristen continues to drink before looking between all of us, sighing and then nodding. “What do you have so far?” Rahim asks, taking a seat and causing the rest of us to follow his lead. “Thuriau always has a minimum of two guards watching him at every moment. He’s not against such protection, but when he’s focusing, he does tend to kick them out of his room so that he can think without their presence. So far, my main suspicions is someone knowledgeable about the guard’s schedule, or someone close to Thuriau that knows about his tendencies.” “How many of the suspects are faeries?” Rahim questions. “None of them,” Tristen answers, “faeries are the only ones not on my suspect list.” “Which means they’re probably the ones who did it,” I point out, but Tristen’s frown tells me that he believes differently. “Faeries have nothing to gain from doing this. This information in anyone’s hands but their own will hurt them all.” “He’s right,” Amarante pipes in, “faeries have their disagreements and trivialities, but we love our history and hold it close. We might feud with one another, but the last thing we would ever do is feud with one of the druid scholars. It does us no good.” “Then we’ll focus our attention on everyone else,” Rahim starts. [[“Agreed, you guys know them better than us.”][$rahim +=5; $amari +=3; $chris -=3; $stubborn -=5]] [[“Fine, fine.”][$rahim +=3; $amari +=3; $stubborn -=3]] [[“That’s it, we just don’t investigate the faeries?”][$rahim -=3; $amari -=3; $chris +=3; $stubborn +=3]] [[“Well, that’s a stupid decision.”][$rahim -=5; $amari -=5; $stubborn +=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Reasonable ++</span><</if>> “Agreed,” I say with a solemn nod, “you guys know the faeries and everything that’s going on better than us.” I look at my group and smirk, “honestly, I think we’re just the muscle.” Amari smiles brightly, and Rahim, though he says nothing, seems to agree. <<include "UD_0_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Reasonable ++</span><</if>> “Fine, fine,” I sigh, “whatever you guys think is best, I guess. But only if you guys really think that no faerie would do this.” Tristen looks me straight in the eye, “I know no faerie is behind this.” He says the words with such conviction that I can’t help but believe him. I was beginning to learn more about the supernaturals, but faeries were still a group I knew little about. It was smart to go with the expert on this. <<include "UD_0_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Stubborn ++</span><</if>> “That’s it?” I question, leaning back in my seat and gazing at Rahim, “we just don’t investigate the faeries because they have a feeling?” “$name,” Amari scolds, “they’re literally in the culture. I think it’s best if we go with what they think is best.” “No detective will just allow one group to go because rationale says that it can’t be them. There’s no evidence. You have no idea if one of your faeries went rogue or not.” “We’re also not detectives,” Rahim reminds, “and this isn’t our investigation, but Tristen’s. We’re just here to help.” Tristen raises his mug towards Rahim. <<include "UD_0_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Stubborn ++</span><</if>> “Well, that’s a stupid decision,” I murmur, though loud enough for all at the table to hear me. “But it’s the decision we made. Deal with it,” Rahim growls, placing his attention back on Tristen. <<include "UD_0_1">>
“Anything else?” “Yea. I called a meeting that’ll happen in an hour for all those around Thuriau that night. They’re my main suspects. If the group wasn’t so big, I’d have no need for this, but there’s too many for my eyes to catch alone. Two in the room will be half-fae. If I try to use my powers, they’ll sense it, and it might escalate tensions. You guys will join me, and I’ll say that you’re my team for the investigation. Amarante won’t be able to get in since no faeries are allowed to interfere.” He pauses and glances over at her, she pouts and gazes away, “they’re too emotionally invested.” “I’ll be outside keeping an eye out for anyone who may seem suspicious,” Amarante tells us, clearing her throat and attempting to smile despite Tristen’s previous words. <<if $perception >=15 or $cmajor === "Communications" or $cmajor === "Criminal Justice" or $cmajor === "Psychology">>\ <<nobr>><<set $withTristen = true>><</nobr>> Rahim looks from me to Amari and nods, “Amari will join you, Amarante. <<if $cp>>Chris, Tristen, $name<<else>>Tristen, $name<</if>>, and I will go inside and attend the meeting. <<else>>\ Rahim looks from me to Amari and nods, “$name will join you, Amarante. <<if $cp>>Chris, Tristen, Amari<<else>>Tristen, Amari<</if>>, and I will go inside and attend the meeting. <</if>>\ [[“Are we expecting any trouble?”]] [[“What happens if we learn nothing.”]] [[“We get them and then what?”]]
“Are we expecting any trouble?” I question, more to Tristen than the others. “Nothing too bad,” Tristen answers, “most of the people will try to do everything they can to maintain the lie, and they’re not exactly fighters. Walking in with a nephilim will probably cause them to rethink anything, too,” he says and nods to Rahim. <<include "UD_0_2">>
“What happens if we learn nothing? If whoever did this doesn’t show up?” “The list of those that I asked to show is specific. I didn’t just come to you guys with a bunch of ideas, well, I didn’t come to Amarante anyway. I did my job.” “In other words,” Amarante starts, “they’ll be there. We just have to find them.” <<include "UD_0_2">>
“We get the guy who kidnapped the scholar, and then what?” “Then, your job is done,” Tristen tells me, “we’ll handle it from there.” He’s about to take a sip of his drink when he pauses, narrowing his eyes as he looks back over at me, “am I paying you guys for this?” I’m about to answer when Rahim cuts me off almost immediately. “No,” he replies. “That’s a relief because I’m barely getting paid. I’m doing this more so because this is related to me in some way.” <<include "UD_0_2">>
“Can I order something while we’re here?” Amari asks, bouncing up and down in her seat, eyeing the area near the bar. “Go ahead, we have at least an hour to spare,” Tristen tells her. “Do you mind ordering me another mug of milk when you go up there?” Amari nods and then turns to the rest of us, “do you guys want anything?” <<if $cp>>\ “I’ll go up there with you to see what kind of burgers they have,” Chris says, reaching for his wallet when Rahim stops him, handing him his wallet instead. “I don’t want anything,” he tells him, and Amarante says the same. <</if>>\ [[Order something.]] [[Don’t order anything.]]
“I’ll take a wrap if they have it,” I tell <<if $cp>>them right as they walk off<<else>>her right as she walks off.<</if>> <<include "UD_0_3">>
“I’m good,” I tell <<if $cp>>them right as they walk off<<else>>her right as she walks off.<</if>> <<include "UD_0_3">>
Amarante and Rahim speak to one another in hushed voices, leaving me to talk to Tristen, who eyes the bottom of his now empty mug. “So, milk and honey? Is it a half-fae thing?” “Kinda,” he says, relaxing in his seat, all that rigidness from before dissipates. “Most half-fae stay away from the stuff; it has almost the same effect that caffeine has for humans. But I was raised amongst druids that used it in a lot of ceremonies, and so I got addicted to it.” “Ever try to fight it?” “Being half-fae and fighting it isn’t that easy. It drives me crazy when I don’t have it for more than a few hours. I stopped trying to fight it a long time ago, actually.” He thrums his fingers on the side of the mug before running them through his short ginger hair. I ask a few more questions here and there, mostly ones that hold no meaning behind them. When <<if $cp>>the others<<else>>Amari<</if>> comes back we sit for a bit longer to wait for everyone to finish up eating before getting ready to go. Rahim stands from the table, “let’s head out. Tristen or Amarante, text $name the address. The three of us will meet you there.” We walk out the bar and back to the car, Tristen sending me the address before he, Amarante, and Rahim head back towards the alley that they had first arrived in. <a data-passage="UD_0_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>\ My small group watches them until they disappear around a corner. “How nice it would be to just teleport from one place to another,” Chris says, breaking the silence. “Right,” Amari says a bit too dreamily, “you know some of the purer vampires can actually turn into bats.” “Wait,” Chris laughs, “that myth is actually true? I thought, if any, that was fake.” The end of his sentence sounds farther away. I narrow my eyes on the car door. I could feel the metal right under my hand, and yet, it was farther away according to my vision. <<else>>\ Amari and I watch them until they disappear around a corner. She sighs dreamily, “how nice it would be to just teleport from one place to another. You know some of the purer vampires can actually turn into bats.” “Seriously? I thought that was fake,” I say as a wave of nausea hits me. I narrow my eyes on the car door. I could feel the metal right under my hand, and yet, it was farther away according to my vision. <</if>>\ “Nope. I mean, not every vampire, obviously. Those that are,” I hear Amari say, but her voice distorts. I blink, but the world doesn’t right itself. The sound of cracking echoes, and I glance up to see a tremor appearing in the sky, similar to my dream. Pieces of the sky fall, and before I can figure out whether or not I should be wary, the ground shakes, and something grabs onto my ankle. I shout in surprise as I hit the ground, rotting hands clasping over me. I thrash, but to no avail, they begin to pull me down, the sky continues to fall, and then <<if $nerve >=50>>–<<else>>darkness crashes down around me. My world crumbles into oblivion, every place that the sky hits, disappearing in a cloud of gloom that seems to infect its surroundings. I scream out just as one of the limbs grabs my face. Forcefully, it shoves my head into the ground, and I watch as insects rise from the ground, setting course right for me. Panic races through me as I do everything I can to move, nothing working as they make it to me and –<</if>> <a data-passage="UD_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“$name!” Amari shouts, slapping me. I feel it reverberate through my entire body, I’m almost sure that my cheek was broken. “Ow,” I whimper, and she grabs my shoulders. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Like I’m seriously sorry, like super sorry! That was the only thing I could think of, though.” <<if $cp>>I push her back to give myself time to think, looking around to see that <<if $cbreak>>Chris is standing to my left, ready to act if need be as he gazes at me with concern.<<else>>Chris is now closer than before as well.<</if>><<else>>I push her back to give myself time to think, inhaling and exhaling slowly.<</if>> [[“I’m fine.”|UDFine][$amari +=3; $chris -=3; $honesty -=3]] [[“Know your strength, Amari.”][$amari -=3]] [[“Bad burrito.”][$serious -=3]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Deceit ++</span><</if>> “I’m fine,” I mumble, <<if $cp>>but slap my keys into Chris’s hand, “you drive though.”<<else>> taking a few more minutes to myself to make sure that I could drive.<</if>> <<include "UD_1_1">>
I massage my cheek before shooting a glare at Amari, “you need to know your own strength, Amari. I feel like you slapped skin off my face.” “No! I swear I didn’t,” she shrieks, “oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I let her continue screeching as <<if $cp>>I place my keys in Chris’s hand, silently telling him to drive instead.<<else>>I take a few more minutes to myself to make sure that I could drive.<</if>> <<include "UD_1_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> I fake a burping action and shiver, throwing them both a small smile, “take it from me, never order a cheesy burrito with extra beans. It’ll ruin your entire life.” Amari stifles a laugh<<if $cp>>, but Chris narrows his eyes on me, not believing a word I say.<<else>>. I spend a few more minutes trying to control my breathing and clearing my head to make sure that I could drive.<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if $chris >=50 or $cbreak>>\ I place my keys in Chris's hands, about to walk to the other side when he grabs my wrist and leans in to whisper, “you used that same excuse back in college, multiple times. What’s going on, seriously?” I needed new material. I plaster another fake smile onto my face, “nothing, trust me. I’m fine.” He doesn’t release me at first, searching my eyes for answers he knew I wouldn't give. He finally figures that I wasn’t going to say anything more, and he lets me go. <<else>>\ I place my keys in Chris’s hands, “you drive.” I walk to the passenger side, gulping and shaking what had just happened from my mind before opening the door and getting inside. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<include "UD_1_1">>
The meeting place is at a standard townhall. The real question is how Tristen was able to call a meeting at a convenient place for the rest of us. When we arrive, we see no sign of the others, and so, we wait. Amari makes annoying sounds that <<if $cp>>no one tells her to stop making.<<else>>I don’t bother telling her to stop making.<</if>> In my own defense, I’m far too stuck in my own head to care. <<if $cp>>And seeing that Chris is focused on creating elaborate smoke rings with his e-cig, I’m sure that Amari is the last thing on his mind.<</if>> “There you guys are.” I look, and the first person I notice is Tristen, walking towards us with Rahim and Amarante following close behind. The two seem to be in a deep conversation, not even looking up to greet us. Tristen rolls his head around and manages an almost friendly smile, “you ready?” Amari glances at me but nods her head, then she shakes her head, and then nods once again but this time with much more vigor. “Good, the meeting is about to start. We’ll head in, you two keep us up to date with whatever goes on out here,” Tristen tells us, directing for his group to follow him. <a data-passage="UD_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $withTristen>>\ I follow Tristen and Rahim into the building, glancing around the spacious and bare lobby. A large circular desk rests in the middle with three people sitting behind it, they glance at us but say nothing as Tristen makes his way to a side room. There, two muscular men stand guard, huffing and giving a nod of acknowledgment to Tristen as he opens the door. We find ourselves in a standard-sized meeting room with at least seven other people. Two of those people were wearing crisp suits and stood to the side, speaking to one another in hushed voices. Neither looked exactly happy to be here. The other five were all dressed in what I can only presume is traditional Gaelic wear. One woman stands amongst them with a crown made of vines and greenery and a long, dark forest green dress. The rest were all men, each wearing white robes and two of them wearing white priestly veils. “Tristen,” one of the people in suits ask, clearing their throat and gaining the entire room’s attention. “I know this matter is urgent, but some of us have better things to do than stand around or pray to plants.” “Ah, Nick, you always have the most eloquent ways of speaking,” one of the men with a veil speaks, all of his attention now resting on Nick. “The Druids,” Tristen mumbles to us and nods to those dressed in traditional wear, “the two in veils are priests, the woman is a scholar who worked alongside Thuriau, and the others just knew him.” He shifts his attention to the two in business suits, “they’re both half-fae who suddenly got interested in Thuriau’s work.” “Is that a threat?” the other person in a business suit asks, pointing an accusing finger at the woman. Whatever had been said, I missed. [[“Everyone calm down and take a seat.”][$rahim +=3; $chris -=3; $serious +=3]] [[“I put my money on the druid.”][$rahim -=3; $chris +=3; $serious -=3]] [[Let someone else handle it.]] <<else>>\ I watch as they go, stepping up beside Amarante, who huffs. “Problem?” I ask, raising a brow as I see her shoulders sag as soon as they vanish inside the building. “I’m not exactly thrilled to have guard duty,” she confesses, “I much rather be in there trying to help them or even out trying to find Thuriau’s location.” I follow her over to the townhall’s stairs, leaning against the railing. She peers over at me and frowns. “How long are you going to keep it a secret?” I stiffen, “keep what a secret?” “I’m a faerie,” she laughs lightly, offering me a sympathetic glance, “my most powerful ability is being able to sense auras and energies. And your energy is everywhere, and your aura is twice as chaotic. It’s unstable, like an earthquake or a volcano that wants to erupt but just can’t seem to.” “Do you have any idea how to stop it?” “No. I’m sorry. But you still haven’t answered my question.” [[“I’ll tell them … soon.”]] [[“It’s none of your business.”]] [[“Probably later today.”]] [[“It doesn’t concern them.”]] <</if>>\
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Serious ++</span><</if>> “Everyone calm down and take a seat,” I say in a commanding tone, watching as everyone’s eyes shoot to me. At first, they do nothing, perhaps sizing me up and trying to figure out if I was someone who could command them. It seems that the answer is yes, as they all take a seat at the table. <<include "UD_Tristen1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> “I put my money on the druid. Anyone else?”<<if $cp>> Chris, through sheer willpower, manages to fight against his smile, choosing instead to peer at the ground.<</if>> Rahim sends me a dirty look, probably wishing he had kept Amari instead of me. “Can we all take a seat?” Tristen asks, tired eyes sweeping across the room. A few of them grumble, but they do as he says. <<include "UD_Tristen1">>
I lean against the wall, waiting to see who would take the lead and stop this fight. “Can we all take a seat?” Tristen asks, tired eyes sweeping across the room. A few of them grumble, but they do as he says. I push off the wall and do the same, taking a seat between Rahim and Tristen. <<include "UD_Tristen1">>
“I would like you to meet some of my acquaintances, they will be helping me figure out what happened that night.” “Don’t play stupid, Tristen,” the suit known as Nick huffs, kicking their feet onto the table, “you gathered us all here because you think we’re the most likely to have something to do with Thuriau’s disappearance.” They pause, sneering, “tell me I’m wrong.” “That’s exactly why you’re here,” Rahim says, popping the person’s inflated ego with just a look, “so, let’s start with you, Nick. Tell us about that night.” They clear their throat and get to their feet, shooting a fake smile at Rahim before addressing the entire room. As they speak, I watch their face for anything that would give them away. Change in the pitch of their voice, glancing towards the ceiling, stuttering, anything. But he either knows what he’s doing, or he’s telling the truth. When he’s done, he takes a seat and gazes around the room with a cocky grin. “What do you think?” Rahim questions. [[“He’s innocent.”]] [[“Keep him on the list.”]] [[“What did you get?”]]
“He’s innocent,” I sigh, glancing over at Nick to see that he’s looking at us with a fearless smile, “cocky and an asshole, but innocent.” “I was thinking the same thing. Though I’m hoping you picked up something else.” We exchange knowing glances as the next suit stands, telling us about their day. <<include "UD_Tristen2">>
“Keep him on the list. He seems innocent, but he could be one of those liars that convinced themselves of their own innocence.” Rahim hums as the next suit stands to recount their day, “you could be right.” <<include "UD_Tristen2">>
“Tell me what you got first, you can actually use abilities to figure this out.” “Don’t belittle your own abilities,” he chides, “supernatural creatures, especially with faerie blood, can manipulate their emotions. That’s why I asked you to come with me, your eyes and experience is by far the most valuable thing we have right now.” Leave it to Rahim to compliment someone without even blinking or changing the stern tone in his voice. “He seems innocent, though he’s a little too cocky for my liking,” I tell him as I glance over at the next person to speak, the half-fae sitting right beside Nick. Rahim nods, “he’s coming off as innocent to me as well. Let’s see if that holds up.” <<include "UD_Tristen2">>
This person takes far more pauses and doesn’t seem as confident as Nick, but they seem just as genuine as Nick. And yet, there is something about their body language that causes me to pause. They seem to be telling the truth, nothing about their story jumps out as a lie or odd, no plot holes, and if put on a timeline besides Nick’s, it would work. But the way their eyes swivel around the room as if they’re under a time limit or that someone is watching them, has me worried. It could be that they’re just uncomfortable with speaking, but I feel like that reasoning is far too simple, especially concerning their specific actions. I start writing down everything that’s coming off as odd to me when the room descends into silence. I glance up to see all eyes on me. I straighten up, “what?” I look over to Rahim, who is staring at me with judging eyes, “what happened?” No one answers. They only continue to stare at me as if I had said something out of turn. I open my mouth to question them again when the other suit abruptly lunges towards me. I shout in surprise, falling backward in my chair as their form is on top of me. Their face shifting into a corpse. It’s when I see this that I realize what’s going on. This is just another vision that I need to pull myself out of. [[Close my eyes.]] [[Hit the corpse.]] [[Relax. Deep breaths.]]
I close my eyes and repeat to myself that this all isn’t real, that it’s just a condition of what’s happening to me and that when I open my eyes, I’ll be sitting at that table, trying to figure out who’s lying. The grunts from the corpse fade, and I open my eyes, only to see its face is even closer than before, sharp teeth ready to rip my skin apart. I kick out and then make to crawl away. “Wake up. Wake up!” I shout to myself, softly slapping my cheeks. I turn to see the corpse still approaching, its mouth opening but not stopping past the limitations of its jaw. Rage burns in those cloudy eyes before it lets out an ear-piercing screech and rushes towards me. “Wake up!” <a data-passage="EP7-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
With all my energy behind the hit, I punch the corpse and flip over to crawl away. I scramble to my feet only for the body to grab on to my ankle, yanking me back down and causing my chin to hit the floor. The pain radiating throughout my bottom jaw lets me know that this is more than just some dream or vision, especially if the pain feels this real. I gaze back behind me to figure out where the corpse is, spotting it under the meeting table. It releases an ear-piercing screech and rushes towards me. “Wake up!” <a data-passage="EP7-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
I close my eyes and regulate my breathing, reminding myself to relax, to breathe. I’m deteriorating, but I don’t need to panic to speed it up. This is all fake, and calming down will help me return to the real world. An ear-piercing scream pulls me out of my own thoughts, the corpse rushing towards me. “Wake up!” <a data-passage="EP7-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
“I’ll tell them, okay.” “When?” she pushes me to answer. “Soon. Right now just isn’t the best time.” “I really don’t think there is ever a good time for this, $name. You just have to tell them.” I scratch my temple, hoping to end this conversation. Amarante seems to pick up on my mood shift, and she lets her line of questioning go, both of us sitting quietly as we gaze around. <<include "UD_Amarante1">>
“It’s none of your business,” I remind her. “Seeing that Rahim is part of your group; I would say it is.” “And surprise, it still isn’t any of your business,” I mumble, ending the conversation there and hoping Amarante got the message. Amarante seems to pick up on my mood shift, and she lets her line of questioning go, both of us sitting quietly as we gaze around. <<include "UD_Amarante1">>
“Probably later today, I don’t want to distract them from what’s really important.” “I understand that,” she says with a nod, “and I’m sorry if it seems like I’m prying. Your energy scares me. Do you know how bad it is?” I didn’t feel like being put on the hot seat, especially when I’m still wrapping my mind around it. I scratch my temple, hoping to end this conversation. Amarante seems to pick up on my mood shift, and she lets her line of questioning go, both of us sitting quietly as we gaze around. <<include "UD_Amarante1">>
“It doesn’t concern them,” I tell her, frowning. “Doesn’t it? Don’t they care about you?” “That doesn’t mean this concerns them,” I mumble, ending the conversation there and hoping Amarante got the message. Amarante seems to pick up on my mood shift, and she lets her line of questioning go, both of us sitting quietly as we gaze around. <<include "UD_Amarante1">>
There’s only a handful of people milling about, many of them seem to not have any business with the town hall at all. A few linger, taking calls or appearing to be waiting on someone. Amarante’s eyes go right over them, leading me to believe that none of them are who we’re searching for. It’s an otherwise peaceful day, the heat not unbearable, but it’s also not the kind of weather that I would voluntarily spend my time outside attempting to enjoy. <<if $RRomance >=4>>\ She studies me silently, causing me to feel more like some convoluted jigsaw puzzle, which, in the end, isn’t worth completing. “I see the way he looks at you, you know,” she starts. “What? Who?” “Who else?” she snorts, “Rahim. It’s not the same look, but there was only one other person he ever looked at like that,” she drifts off, “and it changed him.” “You sure that’s just not the look he gives people who annoy him?” I attempt to joke, but the thought of Rahim thinking of me as anything more than a bother is something that causes my insides to warm. “Oh no, trust me, you’ll know that look. He looks at you when he thinks no one is paying attention. It’s actually adorable. It’s like he thinks he’s being stealthy and stealing glances, but those glances are never just glances. They linger.” She looks me over again, “his energy does this thing when he looks at you. It grows excited and calm at the same time, like it doesn’t know what to feel.” I open my mouth to say something but then close it a moment later, not knowing what to say. <<if $j2>>\ “The human, Chris, his energy does something along the same lines. His doesn’t grow as calm, though. More like his grows sad.” “You noticed that, huh?” I question, scratching the back of my neck. “I’m not here to judge you or anything. You can’t help who falls for you, but … but maybe you should help it.” “What do you mean?” “Rahim has been through enough. Letting him down is the best thing you can do for him and his feelings. Chris, I don’t know him, but I see the spark in his eyes, how proud he is when he looks at you and how concerned he gets. I don’t think he deserves to be led on either.” I choose not to answer, mostly because it was something that wouldn’t work itself out in a matter of hours. And so, I nod my thanks to Amarante and end the conversation there. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="UD_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I take in a series of deep breaths as I lean back on the stair behind me, “so what did Tristen mean when he said that faeries aren’t allowed because they’re too emotionally invested?” “Oh, uh. He just meant that a faerie’s biggest weapon is our emotions, but it’s also our weakness.” “So, what? You were going to zap the room because you didn’t like what was being said?” “No,” she starts, confusion on her face, but she wipes it off and sighs, “I … I don’t know what I could’ve done. Faeries are like walking time bombs when it comes to our emotions. When we’re in Fairyland, everything is fine.” “Wait, Fairyland?” She nods, unclear on why I had said it with such doubt in my tone, “Fairyland is the realm we live in, in Purgatory. There, our emotions aren’t really volatile. Magic works differently here and we have to learn how to better control our emotions. Feeling anything too much will cause us to pretty much just explode.” <<if hasVisited("“So, what does sex do?”")>>“So, what does sex do?”<<else>>[[“So, what does sex do?”]]>>/if>> <<if hasVisited("“How do faeries survive here?”")>>“How do faeries survive here?”<<else>>[[“How do faeries survive here?”]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”")>>“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”<<else>>[[“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What else lives in Fairyland?”")>>“What else lives in Fairyland?”<<else>>[[“What else lives in Fairyland?”]]<</if>>
“So,” I say, not being able to keep my interest at bay, “what does sex do to you guys? Do you fight the orgasm?” “I wouldn’t know, actually. Most faeries are what you guys call asexual. Sex just doesn’t appeal to us at all, not when we can connect emotionally. But of course, there are exceptions.” “And?” “And I don’t know. No faerie that I’ve known has ever lived from having sex. We all assume that we’ll probably explode into a bunch of sparkles. Half-fae can experience it, some of us actually just live vicariously through them. Letting their emotions wash over us to know what certain things feel like.” <<if hasVisited("“How do faeries survive here?”")>>“How do faeries survive here?”<<else>>[[“How do faeries survive here?”]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”")>>“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”<<else>>[[“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What else lives in Fairyland?”")>>“What else lives in Fairyland?”<<else>>[[“What else lives in Fairyland?”]]<</if>> [[Continue|UD_4]]
“Wow, if that’s true, then how do faeries survive here?” “We either don’t, or we adapt. We come and go, most often we go. Some of us have learned how to control ourselves. And if you’re lucky you meet an empath that can calm you down. Rahim helps me.” “He always makes it seem like his empath powers are weak.” “Well, I wouldn’t say they’re weak but he’s also not the strongest empath. He knows enough to help me at least.” <<if hasVisited("“So, what does sex do?”")>>“So, what does sex do?”<<else>>[[“So, what does sex do?”]]>>/if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”")>>“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”<<else>>[[“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What else lives in Fairyland?”")>>“What else lives in Fairyland?”<<else>>[[“What else lives in Fairyland?”]]<</if>> [[Continue|UD_4]]
“I recall you saying that you were part of King Oberon’s court, right?” She nods her head. “What’s the difference between him and Queen Titania?” “Queen Titania holds onto the old ways, back when faeries were revered, and people would throw themselves at her feet to be a sacrifice. King Oberon has since moved on from that, he doesn’t allow sacrifices anymore and allows his people to come and go. I guess you can say he modernized, keeping up with Purgatory.” <<if hasVisited("“So, what does sex do?”")>>“So, what does sex do?”<<else>>[[“So, what does sex do?”]]>>/if>> <<if hasVisited("“How do faeries survive here?”")>>“How do faeries survive here?”<<else>>[[“How do faeries survive here?”]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What else lives in Fairyland?”")>>“What else lives in Fairyland?”<<else>>[[“What else lives in Fairyland?”]]<</if>> [[Continue|UD_4]]
“What else lives in Fairyland? Any chance I can go over there and spot a dragon?” “Yes, there’s many of them in the eastern part of the world. We call that area the Trenches, though I think you refer to it as Asia.” “Oh, I was …” “Joking?” she questions with a giggle, “I thought so. But I’m serious. There’re also goblins, trolls, ogres, changelings. Nymphs and satyrs and gnomes.” “Wow, it’s a whole other world.” “It is. And no, you can’t go.” “What!? Why?” “Because only fae creatures can cross into that realm. Not even half-fae can actually stay there for very long and not be affected. They enter into this weird trance if they stay for too long, forgetting who they are and what they are. They wander around without purpose until they disintegrate, their energy cycling back into the magic of the world.” <<if $serious >=50>>\ “That sounds horrible.” “It is, but it’s painless from what I’m told.” <<else>>\ “Sounds like a fun way to go.” “No, it’s horrible.” I clear my throat, looking embarrassed, “I was … I was being sarcastic.” <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("“So, what does sex do?”")>>“So, what does sex do?”<<else>>[[“So, what does sex do?”]]>>/if>> <<if hasVisited("“How do faeries survive here?”")>>“How do faeries survive here?”<<else>>[[“How do faeries survive here?”]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”")>>“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”<<else>>[[“What’s the difference between King Oberon and Queen Titania?”]]<</if>> [[Continue|UD_4]]
“Hey,” Amarante abruptly says, eyeing a man off to the side. I noticed him when he first walked over, but since he, like many others, was on the phone, I wrote him off. I just now realized that he’s still here. “What?” “He’s half-fae.” I stiffen, looking away to not give away the fact that we’re probably onto him now. “Is he onto you?” “No, but I think it’s only because I haven’t been paying attention. I’m staying calm right now, but if my emotions shift at all, he’ll realize it.” “You think he has something to do with Thuriau’s disappearance?” “Can we afford not to?” she asks, peering up at me. I glance from her to the half-fae, racking my brain for ways to question him without causing him to grow suspicious. He already knows I’m acquainted with a faerie; he won’t trust me. “I’m going to get Amari to come out here,” I whisper to her, bringing out my phone. My hands hovering over the keyboard as I suddenly feel the urge to vomit. I close my eyes, trying to swallow the feeling. “$name?” Amarante asks, a look of worry in her eyes. I glance at her to see her there one minute and gone the next. The entire area is now empty, the air still, and the surroundings entirely silent. I get to my feet, the sickening feeling from before growing. “Amarante?” I shout. I receive no response, and the only thing that shifts is the pressure that I feel surrounding me. I’m forced down to my knees by an invisible force, pain that I didn’t feel before shooting through me. The pain subsides for a second before starting again,<<if $darkburns>> this time focused in my hands and moving up through my arms. The pain goes no further than my forearm, intensifying every minute.<<elseif $darktruth>> this time focused in my mouth. My jaw aches, and it felt as if someone was pulling out my teeth, the sound of a hundred voices whispering in my ear though I could not decipher their words.<<else>> this time it shoots through my entire body. A sensation that causes me to wish death upon myself, and yet feel lighter. I feel everything, but at the same time nothing. I know I’m the one in agony, but I feel as if I’m watching another.<</if>> I scream in pain, my eyes widening when I realize that it isn’t just my scream. I gaze around, the world back like it was before, but now Amarante sits in front of me, her eyes wide with pain, concern, and shock, blood seeping down from a wide cut on her cheek. <a data-passage="EP7-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/actthree.png"> <<if $unstable>>\ And then it stops. I’m pulled back to the now and left with nothing but a lightheaded feeling that causes me to want to lay down. “You’re welcome,” Zillah growls, and I just now realize that he’s kneeling beside me. He stands and walks a few steps away, gazing down the path we had last seen the wendigo go down. “What happened?” “What else besides you dying?” [[“Don’t touch me again.”][$zillah -=2]] [[“Thanks.”][$zillah +=2]] [[“Which is your fault.”][$zillah -=5]] <<else>>\ <<if $withTristen>>\ My head aches as I sit up, only to feel a hand on my chest slow my ascent. <<if $cp and $chris >=50>>\ “Slowly,” Chris tells me. I blink a few times, realizing that I’m no longer in the meeting room but in my car. Chris seems tired and now sporting a fresh gash that stretches from his forehead to his left brow. Thoughts of the last few things that I had done come to me, and I sigh, hoping that I’m wrong. “Did I do that?” “Yea,” he draws out, “but Tristen was able to heal some of it. It doesn’t hurt as much as it did.” Though I hear his words, I don’t comprehend them as my head swims. “What else did I do?” “You landed a few good hits on Rahim and was about to hurt one of the half-fae, but that’s when I jumped in and took the hit instead. You’re a lot stronger than you look. And the good news is that you scared them so bad that one of the priests just straight up confessed to being the one who helped kidnap Thuriau,” he chuckles, but I can hear the underlying uneasiness that rests there. “If you’re about to say what I think you’re going to say, then don’t.” “I won’t. But why didn’t you tell us this was happening to you?” [[Point at him. “Because of your face right now.”]] [[“I didn’t even know what was happening!”]] [[“It wasn’t a big deal.”]] <<else>>\ “Slowly,” Amari tells me. I blink a few times, realizing that I’m no longer in the meeting room but in my car. Amari gazes at me in worry. Thoughts of the last few things that I had done come to me and I sigh, hoping that I’m wrong. “Did I do something that I’m going to regret?” “Yea,” she draws out, “I came in when Rahim called me, he was restraining you. The good thing though is that you scared everyone inside so much that the man who actually helped kidnap Thuriau practically blurted it all out.” Though I hear her words, I don’t comprehend them as my head swims. “What else did I do?” “You landed a few good hits on Rahim and me. You’re a lot stronger than you look,” she chuckles, sorrow dripping off her words like a freshly dunked paintbrush. “Don’t give me that look, Amari.” “What look? I’m giving no look.” She bites her tongue, glancing away in a pitiful attempt. “That look! That pity look.” “Well, I’m sorry! Why didn’t you tell us though, $name? We could’ve helped you.” [[“I didn’t even know what was happening!”]] [[“It wasn’t a big deal.”]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“I didn’t want you to worry about me.”][$ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“I didn’t want you to worry about me.”][$ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Amarante?” I question, reaching for her when I hear Rahim’s booming voice. “Step away from her,” he bellows, quickly approaching with Amari following. He throws me a look before grabbing Amarante and looking her over, a deep frown set on his face. “Are you okay?” he questions, pressing two fingers to her cheek. “Yea,” Amarante says, but in a dazed way, she weakly points to where the half-fae had been standing, “suspicious fae,” is all she manages to say before she runs out of energy and Rahim shushes her. “Amari,<<if $cp>> grab Chris and<</if>> see if you can follow the scent of whoever was over there.” Nodding her head and throwing me a sympathetic look, Amari leaves to do as Rahim asks. He sets Amarante down gently, throwing me a glare that causes me to want to get up and leave. “What did you do?” “I … I don’t know. It just … happened.” “What does that mean, $name?” he growls. [[“How did you get out here so fast?”][$rahim -=10]] [[“It means I don’t know.”][$rahim -=5]] [[“Give me a minute!”][$rahim -=5]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“Don’t touch me again,” I grumble, pushing myself off the ground and leaning back on the mine’s walls to keep my head from swimming. “Touching you is an occupational hazard, so that’s not going to happen.” <<include "UF_4_0">>
<<nobr>><<set $zillah +=2>><</nobr>> “Thanks,” I mumble, getting to my feet and sparing him a glance before I look away, sighing. <<include "UF_4_0">>
“Which, let us not forget, is your fault.” “Still singing that song?” “It has a catchy tune,” I snort. <<include "UF_4_0">>
I drift off into thought as the weight of the situation settles upon my shoulders, “I’m really dying.” “What gave it away?” Zillah asks, already walking down the tunnel and beckoning me to follow. “Was it the many visions, your powers doing whatever they want, or all of the above?” I don’t immediately answer him, more so concentrating on figuring out my own predicament than entertaining him. These are starting to become more frequent and the only reason that I wasn’t experiencing the full strength of this is because of Zillah. And that’s a thought that I don’t like either. I glare over at the back of Zillah’s head. How is he even helping me? Does this mean we’re still connected? Is he actually helping me or is he making all of this worse? <a data-passage="UF_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We make it to the intersection where we first fought the demons, all that remains are the remnants of the bodies that they possessed. The wendigo ripped the bodies apart, limbs discarded haphazardly, entrails lying across the ground like left behind party streamers. Along with that, the floors and walls received a fresh coat of scarlet blood. Zillah nods at a trail of blood that leads us out of the tunnels and back outside where a mangled carcass lies, a giant hole in its abdomen with nothing but the broken pieces of its rib cage within. We both glance up at the sound of distant shouts, located further into the woods. “Guess its hunting,” Zillah tells me, “better them than us anyway.” <<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>\ “Any idea where Petri went? Do you think the wendigo might’ve …” I trail off, especially seeing how true my unspoken words could be. “One problem down then, don’t you think?” <<if $pacifist >=50>>\ I stare in shock at Zillah, though I suppose I shouldn’t have been too surprised at his words. “He was willing to help us. He didn’t deserve to go out like that if he did die.” “Save that bleeding heart shit for someone who cares,” he sighs, “you’ll get no sympathy out of me.” <<else>>\ “I suppose you’re right. If it wasn’t the wendigo then it would’ve just been something else.” “Sure, whatever helps you sleep better at night,” he snorts. <</if>>\ “We should head back to the gateway.” “Agreed.” The venture back is quiet, that only changing at random moments when the wendigo lets out a roar and the cries of its next victim fill the world. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “We should head back to the gateway.” “Agreed.” The venture back is quiet, that only changing at random moments when the wendigo lets out a roar and the cries of its next victim fill the world. The area around the gateway is populated with less demons and those that remain seem far more wary than before. Their own footsteps causes them to hop, followed by a silent curse as they go back to being on high alert. <a data-passage="UF_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Do you sense <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston and <</if>>Petri?” “No,” Zillah answers, pausing immediately after saying it. His attention set on the trees behind us. “But I do feel like we’re being hunted.” “He knows we’re here?” “Well, who knows when you last took a shower, he probably smelled you.” <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $nosebreak = true>><</nobr>>\ “He did,” a voice admits, both of us looking to our left to see Langston accompanied by a snarling Doberman that I’m willing to bet is Petri. [[“Nice to see you again, Edgar.”]] [[“Excuse both of you, I shower.”]] [[“Ready for round two?”]] [[“You don’t need to do this.”]] <<elseif $langstonfate is "kill">>\ “At long last,” someone says, both of us turn to see Petri make his way forward. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, $name.” “Looking to get revenge for your fallen friend?” I question, raising a brow. <<if hasVisited("Uncuff him.")>>\ “You’re going to pay for what you did–” Petri is unable to finish his sentence due to the tendril that shoots through his chest, residing on the tip of one of them rests Petri’s heart. He stares at it in shock before falling forward, and the tendril snakes back to Zillah. And just like that, in a matter of seconds, Petri is killed. I look from Zillah to the heart that is now in his possession. He also looks it over before saying, “if I was in my true form, I probably would consume this. Supernatural hearts are excellent sources of energy.” With a roll of his eyes, he tosses it to the side, and the tendril disappears. “I think it’s time you put these cuffs back on,” I say wearily, grabbing them. Zillah doesn’t argue, in fact, he looks bored. “We should go make sure this gateway is secure,” I sigh, already leaving the scene. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $nosebreak = true>><</nobr>>\ “I will get revenge,” he snarls, charging for me. “Have fun,” Zillah sighs, walking to a tree, shocking me. I barely dodge Petri, blocking a few of his punches but then taking so many more. “Zillah,” I growl. “My hands are cuffed, nothing I can do,” he shouts back at me. He has a point; I did decide to leave him cuffed up earlier. I moan as one of his punches make contact with my gut, causing a cloud of haze to set in, hindering my sense of sight and smell. I soon feel the vague feeling of someone standing over me and weakly reach out to push them aside. Only to be met by a hand gripping my throat and a fist slamming into my nose, definitely breaking it. I groan in agony, trying to get my head into the fight that I was most certainly losing. <a data-passage="UF_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Ah,” I say in my most sarcastic tone, “nice to see you again, Edgar the Bug. Have you molted lately? Had any sugar water? Met any cute cockroaches on your travels?” Langston chuckles, “you know, in another life, we would probably be friends.” “I’m more concerned about this life at the moment.” “Understandable, really. Round two then?” He gives me no time to answer as he charges towards me, the Doberman sprinting as well, but he has Zillah in his sights. <<include "UF_5_1">>
“Hey,” I shout, pointing at both of them, “excuse you two. I shower. When’s the last time either of you did?” “You keep me locked in your attic,” Zillah sneers, “not much I can do.” “$name,” Langston says in mock shock, “what a psychotic thing to do.” Zillah snorts, “that’s what I said.” “Oh, screw over,” I murmur. “Cute,” Langston chuckles lightly, “round two, then?” He gives me no time to answer as he charges towards me, the Doberman sprinting as well, but he has Zillah in his sights. <<include "UF_5_1">>
“Langston,” I announce with a biting smile, “you ready for round two?” “More than ready, $name. Though I think we both know how this round will end.” He gives me no time to answer as he charges towards me, the Doberman sprinting as well, but he has Zillah in his sights. <<include "UF_5_1">>
“Langston,” I start, knowing that this was pointless but wanting to try anyway, “you really don’t need to do this, neither of you do.” I gesture to the Doberman, who I know is Petri. “Oh, we know,” he answers, glancing down at Petri, “but we really want to.” Langston charges towards me, and the Doberman growls in reply as he sprints forward as well but with Zillah in his sights. <<include "UF_5_1">>
<<if hasVisited("Uncuff him.")>>\ “This’ll be fun!” Zillah smirks, waiting for the dog to come closer before, at the last minute, moving. It looks like his hand turns into a tendril, racing towards the dog and wrapping around him before throwing him into a tree. Petri transforms, facing Zillah in his nude form before crashing into him. The fight takes them away, but my main concern is Langston, who is attempting to get closer to land a punch. I dodge the first punch and then jump back when he tries to land another. We dance, Langston on the offensive and throwing punches that would hit if it wasn’t for my knowledge of how to fight. I back up when I slip on a rock, trying to find my balance when Langston hits me in the gut before pushing me down. <<else>>\ “Ah!” Zillah shouts, doing the opposite of what I thought he would, even Langston pausing as Zillah dashes behind a tree to avoid the Doberman. “Zillah? Seriously? After all that talk about how you would fight anyone?” I question, watching as he tries to dodge Petri, almost slipping but maintaining his balance and sprinting off again. “My hands are cuffed, you idiot!” he shouts back to me. He has a point; I did decide to leave him cuffed up earlier. Langston makes sure that I’m not able to second think said decision, landing a solid punch to my core and pushing me away from the area that Zillah had gone. <</if>>\ I moan as a cloud of haze sets in, hindering my sense of sight and smell. I soon feel the vague feeling of someone standing over me and weakly reach out to push them aside. Only to be met by a hand gripping my throat and a fist slamming into my nose, definitely breaking it. I groan in agony, trying to get my head into the fight that I was most certainly losing. <a data-passage="UF_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston<<else>>Petri<</if>> yanks me to my feet, and though my vision is still blurry, I can see his vague outline, right as his foot lands in my stomach. I go soaring right back to the ground, spitting a wad of blood out from my busted lip. <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>\ “This is kinda pathetic, $name? The first time we fought was better than this, what happened?” He pauses as I sit up, wiping dirt from my bottom lip, my sight slowly coming back to me. “Trick question. Obviously, a lot has happened. But pardon me for thinking that would have taught you to be a better fighter.” <<else>>\ “This is just pathetic, $name,” Petri spits, “I’m set on killing you but I at least thought you would make this difficult.” <</if>>\ I growl, not realizing how much that fight with the demons had taken out of me, it was energy I didn’t know I was missing until it came to use it again. I felt like the laziest sack to ever exist, just lifting my arm was an issue. [[Try to get my powers to react.][$bradleythere = true]] <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>\ [[Call for help.][$bradleythere = true]] [[Keep him talking.][$bradleythere = true]] <<else>>\ [[Uncuff Zillah.]] <</if>>\
Most of the time, my powers reacted whenever I didn’t want them to. I hadn’t really taken the time to see if they responded to anything, mostly because it was all still so new. I try focusing on one emotion over the others, something that will cause a strong reaction. Nothing happens, and even as <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston<<else>>Petri<</if>> gets a few more hits in, I feel no tingling. I then focus on the abilities I know I did have, <<if $darkburns>>remembering the feeling of both of my forearms burning and the noxious gas that they let off.<<elseif $darkcontrol>>remembering the sensation of leaving my own body and entering another. I focus on <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston<<else>>Petri<</if>> and when that doesn’t work, my own heart and the wound that resides there. <<else>>remembering the aching of my jaw and the sheer pain that would come whenever that power was in use. I then think of transferring that pain to <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston<<else>>Petri<</if>>.<</if>> Still nothing. My energy drains as I run out of ideas, and I glare up at an approaching <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston<<else>>Petri<</if>>. He takes another step forward when the sound of a single shrill pop rings out, causing both of us to pause. I’m unable to make a sound as I look at the gunshot wound now residing on the side of <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston’s<<else>>Petri’s<</if>>head. His eyes are wide as he sways forward, falling face-first to the ground, a pool of blood slowly forming as I stare at the back of his head where the entrance wound rests. Slowly, I continue to lift my gaze to eye the shooter, Bradley standing there, shaking, and still holding the gun out in front of him, his face conveying multiple emotions. [[“Damn, good shot.”]] [[“Bradley, give me the gun.”]] [[“What did you do?”]] <<if not hasVisited("Uncuff him.") and $langstonfate is "kill">>\ [[“Thanks for the help, Zillah”]] <</if>>\
“Thanks for the help, Zillah,” I snarl, tossing a glare his way, unsurprised to see him leaning on a tree, looking unbothered. He holds up his cuffed wrists and shrugs his shoulders before sighing deeply. Ignoring him, I head to Bradley’s side and motion for him to hand the gun over, he does so without question. “How are you feeling?” “I’m fine,” he murmurs, “happy to finally have that bastard pay.” I look him over before sighing, deciding not to speak about it right then and there. “Come on, let’s go make sure this gateway is secure. I’d like to leave these woods.” <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Help!” I scream, the scream itself taking energy that I don’t have. My chest burns as the pain of Langston’s beating and my own problems begin to intermingle. Where is Zillah? If I’m in danger, would he sense it? Does Langston even have orders to kill me? “That’s new,” Langston laughs as he wraps his hand around my throat, tightening his grip as he yanks me to my feet. “You can’t even fight your own battles, $name?” He releases me with a hard shove, and I stumble right back down to the ground, my back aching as it hits a jagged rock. Langston takes another step forward when the sound of a single shrill pop rings out, causing both of us to pause. I’m unable to make a sound as I look at the gunshot wound now residing on the side of Langston’s head. His eyes are wide as he sways forward, falling face-first to the ground, a pool of blood slowly forming as I stare at the back of his head where the entrance wound rests. Slowly, I continue to lift my gaze to eye the shooter, Bradley standing there, shaking, and still holding the gun out in front of him, his face conveying multiple emotions. [[“Damn, good shot.”]] [[“Bradley, give me the gun.”]] [[“What did you do?”]]
“How you’ve been all this time, Langston?” I question, groaning as another wave of pain comes over me. “Really, you’ll talk, but won’t fight?” “You have no idea all the crap I’ve been experiencing, so yes, I’d rather talk than fight. I thought you guys were done with Raum after Sydero.” Langston crouches down right beside me, grabbing my chin harshly as he looks me over. “What’s wrong with you?” “Ah, just dying, the usual, you know?” I answer, snatching my chin out of his hand. Langston actually has the nerve to look confused and disheartened by the news. “Don’t tell me you’re going to miss me.” I chuckle weakly, feeling the familiar sensation of vomit rising in my throat. Another spell, I presume. “Not at all. But you’re not the worst enemy I’ve come across.” I snort, “well,” I start, but the sound of a single shrill pop rings out, causing both of us to pause. I’m unable to make a sound as I look at the gunshot wound now residing on the side of Langston’s head. His eyes are wide as he sways forward, falling face-first to the ground, a pool of blood slowly forming as I stare at the back of his head where the entrance wound rests. Slowly, I continue to lift my gaze to eye the shooter, Bradley standing there, shaking, and still holding the gun out in front of him, his face conveying multiple emotions. [[“Damn, good shot.”]] [[“Bradley, give me the gun.”]] [[“What did you do?”]]
<<if $langstonfate is "alive">>\ <<nobr>><<set $bradleythere = true>><</nobr>> I angle myself so that Bradley can see my wink, and I hope that was enough for him to play along with what I do next. “Bradley, run,” I shout, darting forward as Bradley sprints away from me. The movement causing Petri to act as well as he charges towards Bradley, looking to make good on that promise to make sure Bradley died first. I slide across the ground and reach for the key, quickly undoing Zillah’s cuffs. Zillah moves me out of the way as a tendril shoots from his back, racing towards Petri right before he gets to Bradley. Everything seems to freeze as the tendril shoots through his chest as if it didn’t have to work its way through bones and meat. We all stare openmouthed as the tendril snakes back through the hole in his chest, dragging Petri’s heart with it as it slinks back to Zillah. I look from him to the heart that was now in his possession. Zillah looks it over, “if I was in my true form, I probably would consume this. Supernatural hearts are excellent sources for energy.” “Ew,” Bradley says, followed by a disgusted noise. Zillah tosses the heart to the side. “Let's just go make sure this gateway is secure,” I sigh, already leaving the scene. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<if $athleticism >=15>>\ I would need to dodge someone who was two times faster than me, a feat but one that I was up for. Without warning, I surge forward, the movement causing Petri to act as well as he charges straight towards me. I rely on my instincts as he looms closer, dodging him at the last moment and then sliding across the ground. I reach for the key in my pocket and quickly unlock Zillah’s cuffs. Zillah moves me out of the way as a tendril shoots from his back, racing towards Petri. Everything seems to freeze as the tendril shoots through his chest as if it didn’t have to work its way through bones and meat. I stare open-mouthed as the tendril snakes back through the hole in his chest, dragging Petri’s heart with it as it slinks back to Zillah. I look from him to the heart that was now in his possession. Zillah looks it over, “if I was in my true form, I probably would consume this. Supernatural hearts are excellent sources for energy.” Zillah tosses the heart to the side. “Let's just go make sure this gateway is secure,” I sigh, already leaving the scene. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <<nobr>><<set $bradleythere = true>><</nobr>> I would need to dodge someone who was two times faster than me, a feat that I didn’t believe I could achieve. But what else was there to do? Without warning, I surge forward, the movement causing Petri to act as well as he charges straight towards me. I rely on my instincts as he looms closer, attempting to dodge him and failing. Petri’s arms wrap around me as he throws me to the ground, delivering blow after blow, and I can do nothing but cover my face. The sound of a single shrill pop ringing out causes both of us to pause. I’m unable to make a sound as I look at the gunshot wound now residing in Petri’s head. His eyes are wide as he sways forward, falling face-first to the ground, a pool of blood slowly forming as I stare at the back of his head where the entrance wound rests. Slowly, I continue to lift my gaze to eye the shooter, Bradley standing there, shaking, and still holding the gun out in front of him, his face conveying multiple emotions. [[“Damn, good shot.”]] [[“Bradley, give me the gun.”]] [[“What did you do?”]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“Damn,” I say, whistling and appearing nonchalant despite the accelerated beating of my heart. The shock seemed to have caused whatever was happening to me to subside, only a slight wave of dizziness remains. “Good shot.” “I … I didn’t know what else to do,” he murmurs, dropping the gun. “Hey, calm down. Deep breaths,” I say, stumbling to my feet and making my way over to him. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I steady him and force him to breathe with me, my eyes fleeing to <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston’s<<else>>Petri’s<</if>> dead body. Just a matter of minutes ago, he was fighting me, and now, he lay there dead. I furrow my brow even further; how fickle life could be. Whether we knew it or not, we walk the line between life and death as soon as we breathe our first breath … Whether I liked it or not, I could drop at any minute. “$name? Are you okay?” Bradley questions, and I <<if $nerve <50>>shake my head, pulling away from him as I turn my back to him, bending over to vomit.<<else>>nod, though raising a finger so that he could give me a minute. I didn’t need another panic attack, not right now.<</if>>\ “Let's just go make sure this gateway is secure,” I sigh, already leaving the scene. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Bradley,” I say as calmly as I can, the shock seeming to have driven whatever was happening to me away, only a slight wave of dizziness remains. “Give me the gun.” “I …” he starts, his shaking getting worse as he looks from the gun to <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston’s<<else>>Petri’s<</if>> body. Suddenly the shaking stops as his hand tighten around the gun. He clenches his eyes shut, and he shakes his head. “No. I’m not sad. That bastard deserved it.” “Bradley,” I say again, “give me the gun.” He opens his eyes and nods, immediately shoving the gun into my hands. I put it on safety before straightening up, taking in the scene. “Come on,” I sigh, “let's just go make sure this gateway is secure.” I don't wait for a response, already turning and leaving the scene. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>><<set $bradleythere = true>><</nobr>> “Oh my gosh,” I say breathlessly, eyes still on <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston’s<<else>>Petri’s<</if>> now prone, unmoving body, “what did you do?” “I did what I had to,” he shouts, still shaking as he stares at the gun in his hands. “<<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston<<else>>Petri<</if>> would’ve killed you.” “But //you// didn’t have to be the one who killed him.” “Stop treating me like a kid!” he shouts, “<<if $bcure>>all of this is because you keep thinking I’m some stupid kid that can’t even make decisions for himself. I’ve lived on my own for years before you came into the picture. I can take care of myself.”<<else>>I’ve been surviving this long by myself, and if you think this is the first time I contemplated killing myself, then you’re wrong!”<</if>> I raise my hands in surrender, closing my eyes and breathing deeply. “Just give me the gun.” At least this wasn't something Bradley fought with me about, passing the gun over to me and refusing to look me in the eyes. <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>\ <<if hasVisited("Uncuff him.")>>\ “Well, would you look at that,” Zillah says, entering with Petri in a headlock. Petri’s eyes widen, and he lets out a grief-stricken gasp upon seeing his now dead friend. “I’ll kill you!” <<if $chrissafe is false and $cp is false>>\ “Huh,” I snort, “sucks don’t it.” Petri’s eyes move to me, hardly contained rage residing within them. I probably looked just like that when Chris met his end. Unlike Langston, though, Chris was innocent, and he still paid the price. “You’ll be join–,” he’s not even able to finish his entire sentence as a tendril shoots through his chest, Petri’s heart resting on the tip of it. We all stare openmouthed as Petri’s mouth move, uttering no words as the tendril snakes back through the hole in his chest and tips him over. <<else>>\ “I’ll kill yo–,” he’s not even able to finish his entire sentence as a tendril shoots through his chest, Petri’s heart resting on the tip of it. We all stare openmouthed as Petri’s mouth move, uttering no words as the tendril snakes back through the hole in his chest and tips him over. <</if>>\ “Zillah!” I growl, and he shrugs his shoulders. “It makes all of this much easier if they’re dead.” He turns the heart over as he seems to admire it, “if I was in my true form, I probably would consume this. Supernatural hearts are excellent sources for energy.” “Ew,” Bradley says, followed by a disgusted noise. Zillah tosses the heart to the side. “Let's just go make sure this gateway is secure,” I sigh, already leaving the scene. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “How dare you?” a new voice asks, causing both Bradley and I to turn to face them, spotting Petri standing there with Zillah in a headlock. <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “You okay there, Zillah?” I question, and he just snorts. “Oh, I’m groovy. I get to smell this mutt’s armpit and had his penis constantly touch me as he tried to grab me. Never better.” “Shut up,” Petri growls, punching him in the gut and pushing him down to the ground. <<else>>\ “Wow, Zillah, you lost, what a shock.” “Were you fighting a naked man who growls like some kind of rabies infested beast? I didn’t think so.” “Shut up,” Petri growls, punching him in the gut and pushing him down to the ground. <</if>>\ “There are other ways to get me on my knees,” Zillah laughs, sighing as if this was just another minor inconvenience. I frown and glance away, Zillah’s new position now allowed Petri to face us straight on in the nude, a sight I was better off not seeing. Petri points to the two of us, and then his stare moves to his fallen friend, “I’m going to rip you apart for what you did to him.” The gun was still in my hand, but killing him could cause me to react in a way that I didn’t want. I also could use Zillah; I did have the key. [[Kill Petri.][$nerve -=5; $bradley +=5; $zillah -=3]] [[Uncuff Zillah.]] [[Try and talk Petri down.][$bradleythere = true]] <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Let's just go make sure this gateway is secure,” I sigh, already leaving the scene. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
I pull the trigger. A lone gunshot rings through the forest, and besides my hand coming down from the vibration of the recoil, I don’t move. My eyes staying on the now unmoving and bleeding figure of Petri. My vision begins to blur until everything appears more like ripples of colors. I’m aware of this happening, and yet, my entire being feels at peace. As if the most refreshing wave I have ever experienced has just descended over me. I felt my body erupt in ticklish tingles, a warmth enveloping me, and untapped energy coursing through me. But then all of it suddenly disappears, and the real world comes back to me. I’m on my knees, deep breathing as my senses calm down, and colors begin to calm. “There you go,” Zillah growls, rising back to his feet. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Petri,” I start, thinking of things to de-escalate the situation, “we killed him in self-defense. Not even you can wrong us for that.” “You think I give a fuck about that?” he asks, taking a step forward, making sure to step onto Zillah when he does it. “If he wanted to chew on your fucking neck, then you should’ve allowed it.” “We can all walk away from this,” I start, right as the gun is snatched from my hand, Bradley pointing it at Petri and taking the shot. Petri dodges, but the bullet grasps his shoulder, causing him to falter as Bradley takes the second shot. Petri lets out a long whimper as the bullet tears through his heart, falling to the ground, dead. Bradley doesn’t shake this time, his stance is straighter, and his eyes are colder. He hands the gun back to me before walking towards Zillah. “Can we just finish this crap?” he grumbles, helping Zillah to his feet before walking towards the clearing with the gateway. <a data-passage="UF_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We walk back to the clearing to see the wendigo already there, its body covered in blood and guts and currently bent over as it feasted on something. I shake my head, swallowing whatever vile had managed to travel up my throat. <<if $nosebreak>>\ <<if $bradleythere>>\ “Here, try this,” Bradley tells me, passing me a spare rag. Thankfully it wasn’t dirty, and I thank him as I press the cloth to my nose to ease the bleeding. I would need Faye or Rahim to heal it later. <<else>>\ “This sucks,” I say, sounding odd due to my nose’s current state. “Shouldn’t have let yourself get beat up,” Zillah tells me. I close my eyes, telling myself not to reply unless I wanted to waste more energy I barely possessed. I would later see if Faye or Rahim could help me with their healing abilities. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ “Seems like our wendigo pal got rid of all the demons,” Zillah informs me, “I don’t sense anyone but us now.” “I hope so,” Jeff starts, leaving the shelter of the trees with Faye<<if $bradleythere>>.<<else>> and Bradley.<</if>> “Did everything go okay for the <<if $bradleythere>>two<<else>>three<</if>> of you?” I question<<if $nosebreak>>, appreciating the fact that Faye makes a beeline straight for me, looking my nose over.<<else>>.<</if>> “A few demons here and there, but we were lucky that I was there,” he says with a broad smile, mimicking him shooting a gun. “I don’t like the way he says it,” Faye groans, “but he’s right. He knows how to use a shotgun.” “I was raised in the country,” he tells us, pulling up his pants and putting on a classic country accent that sounds nasally and unpleasant. Faye looks over at the wendigo that seems far more interested in the bodies lying about than us. “It looks different than most wendigos,” she points out, pouting. “So, they all don’t look that scary?” “Oh no, others are far worse.” I sigh, not surprised. <<if hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>\ “What happened to Petri?” she questions next, and I shrug. “He went in to help clear the mine of demons, and we haven’t seen him since.” “He’s smart,” Zillah adds, running his foot over the Devil’s Tramping Ground, “he comes back, and he might just be shot. He got out when he could.” I say nothing, mostly because I didn’t care, not when I just wanted to lie down and sleep. <</if>>\ “Are we done here? Can we head home?” I inquire, “this wasn’t supposed to be this hard.” Faye nods and motions for us to follow, not having to tell us twice. I pause, though, turning to look at the wendigo who seems to feel the weight of my eyes for it turns as well. We stare at one another for a few seconds longer before it nods and goes back to what it was doing. We got our gateway. <a data-passage="UF_8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I pull Faye’s throw pillow close to my chest, feeling myself drift off right then and there. The softness of her sofa, combined with how tired I am and how her house always put me at peace, it’s a recipe for sleep. <<if $nosebreak>>\ “$name!” Faye chides, tapping my shoulder, “I told you to keep your head up for at least ten minutes.” <<if $serious >=50>>\ “Sorry, I was just getting sleepy,” I tell her, straightening back up and doing what she suggested. <<else>>\ “But my head weighs too much, and this pillow is so soft,” I cry, not even bothering to pick my head up. Inevitably forcing Faye to sit me up straight. “I know. You can sleep after.” <</if>>\ <</if>>\ “Are the others back?” I ask Bradley, who walks by. I had wanted to speak to him about everything that happened today but decided not to, especially when he glared at me in the car and told me to drop it. Hopefully, he’ll just come to me if he needs it. “They just pulled up,” he tells me, stopping in the kitchen to grab a water bottle before coming back out. As soon as he sits down, the door opens, and the others walk in. I take note that Amarante isn’t with them and seeing that none of them seem worse for wear, expect that everything went well on their part. “How was the gateway securing?” Rahim asks. <<if hasVisited("“Call the others.”")>>He holds up his phone and gives me an apologetic look, “we got your message late. Did everything work out?”<</if>> <a data-passage="UF_9"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I cock my head to the side, staring at him as if saying, ‘you did not just ask that.’ I point at his face, “because of your face right now. That look you’re giving me, like I’m going to end up self-destructing.” “Hate to break it to you, $name, but you did that regardless of telling us. And for what?” <<include "UF_WT1">>
“I didn’t even know what was happening!” I shout, throwing my hands into the air, somehow bringing another round of slight dizziness. “And that means don’t tell us anything?” <<include "UF_WT1">>
“It wasn’t a big deal,” I sigh, scratching my cheek. “Wasn’t a big deal? I’d say what happened back there was a big deal. You went off.” “Well, it’s obviously getting worse,” I try next, not knowing what else to add to my nonchalant way of looking at all of this. <<include "UF_WT1">>
“I didn’t want you to worry about me,” I whisper, feeling Amari’s hand place itself on my cheek. She manages a small smile, genuine affection resting in her eyes, “I hate to break it to you, $name, but that’s all I find myself doing nowadays.” I cover her hand with mine, removing it and placing it back at her side. “And that’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell you. You don’t need to carry this burden.” “You’re right, I don’t. But I would like to help you carry it if I can. If you’d let me.” <<include "UF_WT1">>
<<if $cp and $chris >=50>>\ “This was just the icing on the cake, okay?” I begin, “everything about me is unknown, who are my parents? What am I? Who am I? What abilities do I have? What happened in my past? What is happening to me? What is going to be my future? I’m a walking question mark! And, right now, I just really need my best friend not to look at me like I’m just another fucking monster that needs smiting.” “Hey, hey,” Chris instantly says, shifting so that he’s directly in front of me. “A monster is Zillah, or Raum or the Princes. A monster is what I was turning into because of the BB curse. You, $name, are no monster. And no matter what happens, you won’t ever be.” “Then stop looking at me like that,” I hiss. Attempts to rein my anger in fails, to the point where I wouldn’t even call this anger. I was tired. Tired of myself and the mysteries, of the riddles, of everyone looking at me as if I was broken. Tired of everyone getting on me for shit that hardly was my fault. He backs out of the car and stands, gazing towards the town hall’s stairs. Rahim stands there with Amarante, Amari, and Tristen. “I’m going to have to tell them, you know that, right?” <<else>>\ I sit up, thankful that I suffer no headache from the action, “look, Amari, you’re still pretty new to this team. All of this shit happening to me; it’s not new. I mean, well, of course, the unstable thing is unique, but not the being without answers part. I’m used to being in the dark and not knowing what’s happening.” “Seems like a bad way to live.” “Our entire lifestyle is a bad way to live,” I point out. She chuckles but I can’t seem to find the energy to join her. I was tired. Tired of myself and the mysteries, of the riddles, of everyone looking at me as if I was broken. Tired of everyone getting on me for shit that hardly was my fault. She backs out of the car and stands, gazing towards the town hall’s stairs. Rahim stands there with Amarante and Tristen. “I’m going to have to tell them.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="UD_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I don’t answer, focusing on my own state of mind as <<if $cp and $chris >=50>>Chris<<else>>Amari<</if>> sighs and walks away. They would all soon know, and what would happen then? Would Rahim try to pull me off the mission to go get Sydero? What would even happen to me when I enter hell? Would this all get worse, or would it get better? I could be some kind of weird, exotic demon who just needed to be returned home. I doubt it, but there was a possibility. <<if $cp>>Chris and Amari come<<else>>Amari comes<</if>> by to check on me periodically, updating me since Tristen, Amarante, and Rahim were inside interrogating the Druid Priest that confessed. And after what feels like an hour later, Rahim approaches us. I watch as he hugs Amarante, kissing her forehead before, in plain view, she disappears, leaving nothing but small floating orbs that slowly fade from view. He approaches the car, and besides making eye contact with me, does nothing else, turning to speak with <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Amari<</if>>. I exchange looks with Amari, who gives me a small smile that does little to help the storm brewing inside of me. [[Berate him.|UDBerate][$rahim -=3; $sympathy -=3]] [[Apologize to him.][$rahim +=2; $sympathy +=3]] [[Make a joke.][$rahim -=5; $serious -=3]] [[Say nothing.|UDSayNothing]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> “So, you’re going to give me the silent treatment because I decided to keep my personal problems just that, personal?” “Didn’t seem very personal when I was hit or when I had to be the one to restrain you. Or when everyone saw you go bat shit crazy. It didn’t seem personal at all. In fact –,” he pauses, closing his eyes and taking a sharp breath in. He shakes his head in annoyment. “I’ll meet you guys at Faye’s.” Using the open door to shield himself from any curious eyes, he teleports away with a single beat of his unseen yet summoned wings. <a data-passage="UD_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> “Rahim, I’m sorry about what happened in there and –” “Do you even know what happened?” I bite my lip, he asked a question, but his tone said that it was rhetorical. And so, I don't answer. He shakes his head in annoyment. “I’ll meet you guys at Faye’s.” Using the open door to shield himself from any curious eyes, he teleports away with a single beat of his unseen yet summoned wings. <a data-passage="UD_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> “You guys have seen good cop, bad cop, right? Well, meet good cop, insane cop, the only formula that will get the culprit to squeal, guaranteed.” <<if $cp>>Chris and Amari chuckle but a moment later stop.<<else>>Amari chuckles but a moment later stops.<</if>> “Yea, because putting people’s lives in danger is funny, huh?” Rahim questions, “you could’ve caused an unneeded quarrel between the fae people and the rest of us, but yea, let’s all laugh about it.” “Rahim,” I start, but he puts his hands up, motioning for me to stop with an irritated expression. He shakes his head in annoyment. “I’ll meet you guys at Faye’s.” Using the open door to shield himself from any curious eyes, he teleports away with a single beat of his unseen yet summoned wings. <a data-passage="UD_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I keep my head tilted down and don’t utter a word. I’m sure Rahim didn’t want to hear me as much as I didn’t want to hear him. He shakes his head in annoyment. “I’ll meet you guys at Faye’s.” Using the open door to shield himself from any curious eyes, he teleports away with a single beat of his unseen yet summoned wings. <a data-passage="UD_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“How did you get out here so fast? Were you already on your way?” “No, Amarante is, in a way, linked to me, and you’re avoiding the question. What did you do?” <<include "UD_NT1">>
“It means I don’t know. I was going through something, and then next thing I know, I open my eyes, and she’s in front of me and screaming right along with me.” “And exactly what is that something that you were going through?” <<include "UD_NT1">>
“Give me a minute!” I shout, “I was just screaming a minute ago too, but I don’t see anyone worrying over me.” “I’m worried about you,” Amari shouts in an oddly cheerful manner from where she is before going back to her task. “I stand corrected.” Rahim glares at me, “answer the question, $name.” <<include "UD_NT1">>
“I’m unstable,” I murmur, hardly loud enough for even me to hear my own words. This is not how I wanted any of them to learn about this, especially seeing that I’m going to now have to explain why I kept it from them, how long it’s been going on, and what exactly is going on. “You’re what!” he asks, his eyes bulging as he glares at me, “so instead of telling us you risk innocent lives?!” “Be honest, would you even care if it wasn’t Amarante who I ended up hurting?” “You know what, I wouldn’t,” he admits, “there are only a select few people that I care about. So, when they’re in danger, I get angry. You’re actually lucky it’s her. If this was Amari<<if $cp>> or Chris<</if>>, then you could’ve killed <<if $cp>>them<<else>>her<</if>>.” His words cause me to swallow whatever words I had been prepared to say, glancing over at Amarante, who is still in shock after whatever I had done. “What the hell?” Tristen asks, coming out of the building and down the steps, his path set for us, “I’m getting insulted because the people I thought were here to help seem to have better things to do?” “Amari is finding someone we think might be part of all this,” Rahim sighs. “And why did you leave?” Rahim whispers something to Amarante, and she nods her head in response. “Nevermind that, I have an idea, Tristen, come on.” The two walk back into the building, leaving me alone with a shivering Amarante. [[Apologize to her.]] [[Ask her what happened.]] [[Go to the car.]]
“I’m sorry, Amarante. I don’t know what I did, but I didn’t mean to.” “I’m not as mad as Rahim is,” she tells me, trying to form a smile but failing, “he means well, but he has some anger issues.” She lets out a soft chuckle. “I’m more worried about you and your emotions, I felt what you were going through, $name, and gosh am I sorry.” She shivers as she trails off, wrapping her arms around herself. “I need to go. Rahim knows I’m leaving.” On shaky feet, she stands, “good luck, $name.” She disappears, leaving behind nothing but small floating and glowing orbs that soon dissolve over time. I glance around, sighing in relief when I see that no one was around to see what she had done. <<include "UD_NT2">>
“Amarante,” I whisper, “what happened? What did I do to you?” “I was trying to get you to calm down,” she tells me, gazing at me like she didn’t blame me for what had transpired, “when I touched you, I felt what you were going through, and you attacked me. I’ll be okay, I’m just … your emotions …” She shivers as she trails off, wrapping her arms around her. “I need to go. Rahim knows I’m leaving.” On shaky feet, she stands, “good luck, $name.” She disappears, leaving behind nothing but small floating and glowing orbs that soon dissolve over time. I glance around, sighing when I see that no one was around to see what she had done. <<include "UD_NT2">>
I spare Amarante one last glance before standing and walking to my car, fighting the headache that protests my steps. Feeling like this, I should’ve just stayed at Faye’s and took another day of doing nothing. Though, I wasn’t so sure that would make any of this better. Regardless of where I was and what I was doing, I would still be in the same position. One that meant I was dying. <<include "UD_NT2">>
I don’t know what all happens before the others come back, and part of me doesn’t care. With everything that had taken place, I just wanted to get back to Faye’s place and sleep. From the looks that<<if $cp>> Chris and Amari sends<<else>> Amari send<</if>> me, I presume that Rahim had told them what I had told him and what had taken place. “Are you okay?” Amari questions, placing a hand on my shoulder, “why didn’t you tell us? We could’ve tried to help you.” I let out a sardonic laugh before peering up at her, “hey guys, guess what, I’m dying! I don’t know how to stop it, neither does the almighty Angel of Death. He’s just as stumped as me. But you guys can help, right? You guys aren’t just about to look at me like I’m just another problem tacked onto a long list of ones we already have?” I shake my head and look away from her, “no one can help me, Amari.” “Well,” she whispers, “you never gave us the chance to see if we could.” “Alright, you know now. What now?” She bites her tongue, “exactly.” <<if $cp>>\ “$name,” Chris says in a condemning tone, but saying nothing more. <</if>>\ I was tired. Tired of myself and the mysteries, of the riddles, of everyone looking at me as if I was broken. Tired of everyone getting on me for shit that hardly was my fault. As we wait, I send a quick text to Faye’s group but get no reply. Depending on what they were doing, and where they were, they were either away from their phones or had no coverage. Rahim approaches a few minutes later, stopping at the car and speaking to <<if $cp>>all of us<<else>>both of us<</if>> but refusing to look towards me. “I’ll meet you guys at Faye’s.” Using the open door to shield himself from any curious eyes, he teleports away with a single beat of his unseen yet summoned wings. <a data-passage="UD_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We get to Faye’s an hour later, finding the others already there. There looked to be an intervention happening with Bradley sitting in the middle looking annoyed as Faye and Rahim stand around him. The two seem to be tag-teaming him and less than pleased about whatever he had done to deserve this. “Finally,” Bradley shouts, rushing to my side and grabbing my arm, “I finally have someone who’ll be on my side.” “Whoa,” Zillah chimes in, “I was on your side this entire time.” “No offense, Zillah, but I need someone who they’ll actually take seriously.” <<if $rahim <50>>\ “Then you’re grabbing onto the wrong person,” I hear Rahim mumble. <</if>>\ “What happened?” I inquire. “He killed <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston<<else>>Petri<</if>>.” [[“If not him, then me.”][$sympathy -=3; $bradley +=3; $rahim -=3; $chris +=3; $amari -=3; $zillah +=3]] [[“Whoa, no way, high five!”][$sympathy -=3; $bradley +=3; $rahim -=3; $zillah +=3]] [[“He did what!?”][$sympathy -=3; $bradley -=3; $amari +=3; $rahim +=3; $chris -=3; $zillah -=3]] [[“How are you feeling?”|UDFeeling][$sympathy +=3; $bradley +=3; $amari +=3]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> “It’s about time, don’t you think? If not him, then me. Actually, I’m kind of upset that I wasn’t there to see it myself.” “If you had told the truth, then trust me, you would’ve,” Rahim says, annoyed. Bradley beams beside me, and Faye looks ready to strangle both of us. “What’s the big deal?” I ask the group, mainly Rahim and Faye, and then look over at Bradley, “are you okay.” “I’m great.” “Then what’s the big deal? Bradley’s fine. Everyone’s safe. I’m sure the gateway is now secure, though I do want to hear all about what happened. But it seems like everything worked out.” <a data-passage="UD_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> “Whoa, no way, high five!” I laugh, giving him a high five. “You see, $name has my back,” Bradley smiles triumphantly. “This is unbelievable,” Rahim says, annoyed, and Faye nods in agreement, looking ready to strangle both of us. “What’s the big deal?” I ask the group, mainly Rahim and Faye, and then look over at Bradley, “are you okay.” “I’m great.” “Then what’s the big deal? Bradley’s fine. Everyone’s safe. I’m sure the gateway is now secure, though I do want to hear all about what happened. But it seems like everything worked out.” <a data-passage="UD_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> “He did what!?” I ask in shock, pinning Bradley with a furious glare. “Oh, no. Not you too,” he sighs, leaving my side as he trudges back to the sofa. “Would you rather have me leave him alive?” “You should’ve let Zillah deal with it. That’s why he was there,” I point out. “Zillah was the only one who understood why I needed to do it.” I shift my stare to now look at Zillah, who doesn’t seem the least bit phased. “You guys treat the kid like … well, a kid,” he tells us. “Because, like how you so eloquently put it, he is one.” <<if $bcure>>\ “That’s your problem, $name. You treat me like a kid, and so shit like you not consulting me about my own mind becomes an issue. I’ve lived on my own for years before knowing most of you. I know how to handle myself.” <<else>>\ “I am not! I’m sixteen about to be seventeen in a couple of months. Stop treating me like some burden that doesn’t even know what’s going on. I’ve lived on my own for years before knowing most of you. I know how to handle myself.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="UD_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> “How are you feeling?” Bradley puffs out his chest before speaking, “I’m fine, better than fine, actually. I feel like I faced my fear today.” “I don’t like it,” I say to them, “but if he’s better, then I’m not going to sit here and complain about what he should and shouldn’t have done. Though, you should’ve let Zillah handle the killing. That’s why he went.” “You're the last person who should be giving advice to someone about what they should and should not do,” Rahim interjects, his glare never wavering. Bradley continues, “Zillah was the only one who understood why I needed to do it.” I shift my stare to now look at Zillah, who doesn’t seem the least bit phased. “You guys treat the kid like … well, a kid,” he tells us. “Because, like how you so eloquently put it, he is one.” <<if $bcure>>“That’s your problem, $name. You treat me like a kid, and so shit like you not consulting me about my own mind becomes an issue. I’ve lived on my own for years before knowing most of you. I know how to handle myself.”<<else>>“I am not! I’m sixteen about to be seventeen in a couple of months. Stop treating me like some burden that doesn’t even know what’s going on. I’ve lived on my own for years before knowing most of you. I know how to handle myself.”<</if>> <a data-passage="UD_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Rahim told us that you’re unstable,” Faye adds, “when were you going to tell us?” I shoot a glare his way, and he meets it with one of his own. “I was going to tell you,” I say but then pause as Faye continues to gripe. I’m instead faced with a headache and fill the need to lay down and do nothing more than that. Ignoring her, I make my way to the empty couch and lay down, grabbing one of her throw pillows and placing it over my face. “Seriously, $name?” I hear her shout from the other side. “Maybe we should let $name rest and everyone else calm down. It’s been an … odd day,” Amari whispers. Her words music to my ears. <<if $cp>>\ “I agree. Faye, how about you tell us what happened on your end,” Chris says next, their voices drifting off as I hear footsteps hitting the wooden boards of the stairs. <</if>>\ <<if $RRomance >=5>>\ Rahim follows behind them and I shake my head as he goes. “Are you going to just keep ignoring me?” I say under my breath, watching as Rahim pauses, though refusing to turn around. “I don’t like liars, $name.” “Yea, well no one –” “No,” he interrupts, “I //really// don’t like them. I …” he pauses as he tries to find the words, gazing at the ceiling before the floor, “the last person that lied to me ...” He stops completely, choking on his own words before shaking his head and stiffening. “Just don’t lie to me.” He walks away, heading back towards the stairs and leaving me in the living room alone. I plan for a quick nap that would help restore the energy that I feel like had been drained out of me. I can only hope that I’m visited by no dreams. <<else>>\ I don’t know if anyone else is left in the living room with me, but I begin to drift off as soon as the quiet sets in. I plan for a quick nap that would help restore the energy that I feel like had been drained out of me. I can only hope that I’m visited by no dreams. <</if>>\ A sharp knock sounds at the door before sleep can truly overtake me, and with a sigh, I get up. Finding Amarante and another man standing beside her. <a data-passage="U3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“It was … interesting,” I try out. Bradley interrupting me before I can say anything more about everything we faced. “First, what happened to you guys?” “Nothing much,” Amari answers. “What happened, //Rahim//?” Bradley restates, cutting Amari off and not even sparing her a glance. Her mood drops, and she slinks off towards the sofa that I was sitting by to get out of the spotlight. “Like Amari said, nothing much. We met up with Amarante’s contact, went to a meeting, sat there, and figured out who was responsible, and Amarante and the specialist, Tristen, took it from there. Nothing exciting.” A victorious grin appears on Bradley’s face as he looks over at me. “Sounds like we were the A-Team today, $name.” I chuckle in agreement as they all stare at me in question. “There were demons at the gateway. Apparently, Raum sent them in to disrupt the gateway by trapping and then later killing the wendigo to keep us from accessing the gateway.” “Was Raum there?”<<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Amari<</if>> questions. “No, but <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>Langston and Petri were and boy were they glad to see us.<<elseif $langstonfate is "kill">>Petri was and boy was he glad to see me.<<else>>Petri was.<</if>>” “And?” Rahim pushes, “you’re here, so I’m going to guess that you took care of it?” <<if $petrifree or hasVisited("Persuade him to help out.")>>>>\ “$name let him go!” Bradley blurts, and, like before, I roll my eyes. He probably wasn’t going to let me live that decision down. Rahim doesn’t seem as shocked as he is curious, “why?” “He wasn’t there for us; he was there to get revenge on Raum. I’m not about to potentially kill someone who could help us out. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?” “That rarely ever works out like the speaker wants it to, but I won’t fault you,” Rahim tells me. He takes out his phone and dials someone’s number before leaving. <<elseif $sparehim>>\ “He’s dead, Bradley made sure of that,” I tell them, ignoring the look that Bradley gives me. “You did what?” Rahim inquires. “I’m not getting into this with you. Especially when I already had to go through it with Faye.” Bradley stands and leaves before anyone could question him further. He takes out his phone and dials someone’s number before leaving. <<else>>\ “Yea, we took care of it,” I sigh, rubbing my eye and bringing the throw pillow closer to my chest, “we don’t have to worry about <<if $langstonfate is "alive">>them<<else>>him<</if>> ever again.” Rahim begins to question me but then stops. Instead he just nods and grabs his phone out of his pocket. He dials a number and walks off to speak to whoever he had called in peace. <</if>>\ With the conversations over, I rest my head on the back of the couch, and though I try to fight it, sleep slowly overcomes me. I can only hope that my dreams are empty. A sharp knock sounds at the door before sleep can truly overtake me, and with a sigh, I get up. Finding Amarante and Tristen standing there. <a data-passage="U3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $unstable>>\ “$name, this is Tristen. Tristen, $name,” Amarante introduces, stepping into the house as I shake hands with the man in question. He appears to be in his late-20’s, perhaps early 30’s even. His sun-kissed, freckled skin was free of blemishes, and there was a lively sparkle in his emerald eyes. His ginger hair was cut short into a mop-top hairstyle, the hair hiding his forehead just barely reaching his eyes. “Tristen was our contact for the job that I asked you guys to help me with earlier,” she continues to explain. With the two now inside, I close the doors and tell the others who have arrived, heading back to the sofa. “Amarante. Tristen,” Rahim greets as he approaches, <<if $cp>>Amari and Chris<<else>>Amari<</if>> right behind him. “What are you two doing here?” “We wanted to thank you for your help,” Tristen answers, rummaging in his knapsack, “I can’t give money, but here are some fae potions, mostly used in spells. The best I could do, sorry.” Rahim waves his words away, accepting the bag and peeking inside, “no, I’m sure Faye would love these. I’ll make sure to give them to her.” “And we were glad to help,” Amari says next with a warm smile, “did everything work out okay?” “Yea, we actually found Thuriau,” Tristen tells her, “they hid him well enough to keep faeries from finding him but not a half-fae.” “Did they hurt him or tell you why they kidnapped him to begin with?” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> questions. “Haven’t gotten it out of them yet? The fae took them back to Fairyland to interrogate them,” Tristen answers, glancing over at Amarante. “Which we should be heading back to. They wanted both of us to stick around, but we wanted to come by first.” The others say their farewells while I hang back, focusing on the mounting headache that I was beginning to get again. Hopefully, after they left, there would be no more distractions, I really needed to sleep. And thankfully, voices get farther as sleep finally settles upon me. <<else>>\ “$name,” Amarante greets, forcing a smile as she walks past me and into the house. Tristen trails close behind, nodding his greeting. “What brings you two here?” I ask before shouting to the others that we had visitors. “Amarante. Tristen,” Rahim greets as he walks down the stairs, <<if $cp>>Amari and Chris<<else>>Amari<</if>> right behind him. “What are you two doing here?” “We wanted to give you an update on what happened. We found Thuriau and are questioning everyone who was involved,” Tristen tells us. Rahim nods as he listens, whispering to Amarante, who waves off whatever he was saying. “I want to also thank you for your help, even if things didn’t go as planned,” Tristen’s gaze swivels over to meet mine, and I glance away, not wishing to hear about all of this again. Instead, I lay down, telling myself to block everyone else out. Rahim clears his throat and holds out his hand, “you’re welcome. I’m sorry about what happened truly.” There’s a cutting edge to Rahim’s words, letting me know exactly how he felt about everything that had transpired. I was too sleepy to respond, and the weight of what happened today was still sitting on my shoulder. It would seem that my want to not get the others to look at me any differently was in vain. Since this day caused it to happen anyway. Thankfully, the longer I lay there the more the voices get farther away as sleep finally settles upon me. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="U4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Night has set when the others wake me, specifically planning what will take place tomorrow. We’ll head out there during the eclipse, and when the sun and moon are joined, the gateway should rise.<<if $unstable is false>> Even though Bradley gave me the quick version of what happened, I still don’t understand how they were able to get the wendigo guardian on our side. Something with demons and a lot of blood and killing was all that I got.<</if>> After we’re safely across, the others would return home and prepare. Faye and Zillah both state that they know portals that would recognize specific demonic signatures, meaning that after we grab Sydero, we make the portal on our side, use her blood, and should be transported here. “This feels real,” Bradley sighs, sitting back in his seat, “before, it always seemed like a dream. In less than forty-eight hours, Syd will be back.” <<if $cp>>\ “Yippee, remind me to get the balloons and streamers,” Chris says in mock happiness. <</if>>\ “It’ll be longer for you guys,” Rahim reminds him, “the Underworld works on a different time.” “I know, I know,” Bradley drifts off as he sits there, <<if $bcure>> “I’m excited. My sister is finally coming back!” Bradley squirms in his seat, but I notice Rahim frowning, looking ready to say something but keeping his thought to himself as he focuses on the map.<<else>> “I want to feel excited, but I’m just not there yet,” he smiles up at us, “I will be, though.”<</if>> “Well,” Rahim sighs, sitting back and scratching his head, his eyes never wavering from the map, “next stop, the Underworld.” We all rise to our feet, heading towards our respective sleeping area when a booming voice from outside causes us to pause. “$name Roe.” I gulp, knowing exactly who that voice belongs to. “How about you come outside, and we talk?” “Is that?” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Faye<</if>> hisses, but I finish <<if $cp>>his<<else>>her<</if>> sentence. “Raum.” <a data-passage="NT_EP8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> “Do I? I don’t care about your world’s petty rules. If this neighborhood burns, then it burns. Along with every living soul here. Ask $name, life means very little to me.” “All to keep us from getting to Sydero?” Rahim questions further. Raum pauses, “I’m tempted to let you go,” he shifts his attention to me, “to see that she’s not who she once was. I’m so tempted. I want to see the shock on your face right as she pulls the skin from your body. Meticulously pulling out one organ after the other, trapping your soul in your body, so you get to feel each and every bit of it.” <img src="images/divider.png"> “Food,” one of the closer beasts’ screech in a low grating tone, breaking the tree line and showing itself. It stands on four scrawny, rotting legs that support an oddly shaped body, much like a giraffe’s. Its roughly pink, pus-appearing neck twirled and arched, and residing on the tip were three deformed faces with long, unkempt black hair. Each sporting razor-sharp teeth that stuck out in odd directions. “Food,” it screams again, and its words are like a beacon to the others, more eyes appear, and more monsters begin to crawl, fly, and walk out of the trees’ safety. <img src="images/divider.png"> “That’s Lust’s castle?” “Indeed,” Rahim says, stroking his beard, “I heard that each of the demons have their own tastes in architecture, did not expect this though. Reminds me of home.” “Home?” “Well, not home per se,” he answers, “but I was born in Las Vegas, stayed close by until my mother chose to move me out of state.” //A big thank you to Patron Specter for letting me use their half-fae character, Tristen, for this epsiode.// [[Content Warning]]
<<nobr>>\ <<set $ep6unlock = true; $raincheck = false; $cbupg = false; $cbup = false; $q1 = false; $q2 = false; $q3 = false; $q4 = false; $unstable = false>> <<unset $notchosen>> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/epsix.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> I take a sip of the water bottle that one of the others had plopped in my hands some time ago. Since coming back, my eyes have been trained on one figure, and he was currently smirking at me from his restrained position in front of me. Even while the others held conversations, asking me questions about what had happened and taken place, my eyes hadn’t wavered. The others now follow my example, though, all eyes on Zillah. <<if $cp>>\ “So, this is him?” Chris asks, scratching the stubble on his chin, stubble that I note had grown considerably, whereas Old Chris always made sure to keep it low and faint. “I don’t know, I thought –” “I swear if you say taller, I’ll eat you,” Zillah warns with a toothy grin. Chris stiffens and shudders, “I was going to say I thought it was all in $name’s mind.” I throw him a dirty look, but he ignores it. “Look, it’s one thing to hear about some monster living inside of you. It’s another to see said monster sitting in front of you. I guess I was really hoping you were just losing your mind or something. I don’t know, ignore me.” “That’s what they always do anyway,” Zillah smirks and then winks. <</if>>\ “This isn’t the same body as before?” I point out, noticing that this new one is a completely different ethnicity. This one has short, silky, black curly hair, though I’m sure if one stretched out a strand, then it’ll be much longer than the length it currently portrays. He’s a warm tawny beige with an average muscular appearance. His smile, not counting the sinisterness behind it, is full and bright. I have an inkling that whoever this man was before he ended up in this chair, was someone kind and helpful, an ironic twist. “Where’d you get this one?” “I’m curious to that as well,” Zillah pipes up, “this shouldn’t be possible. Compliments of you, darling?” he asks Lucia, who is staring at him like she would devour him right then and there if she could. “I shouldn’t take all the credit,” she blushes, waving his words away. “You should. You’re the only competent person standing in this room right now,” his eyes flicker to me, “your power is enrapturing.” The way Lucia blushes, one would think that he had given her the compliment, and based on everyone’s response, they thought so as well. And yet, I find myself questioning whether those words were for her or me. <a data-passage="D1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“The body?” I remind her, and she clears her throat. “Ah, yes, well after you passed out, we talked about what could have gone wrong, and all evidence pointed to the body we had brought in before.” “Ooo,” Amari says excitedly, jumping onto the sofa and then sitting with a broad smile, “I’m in this story!” “We realized that moving a shade into some random body probably wasn’t going to cut it,” Rahim steps in to explain, “and we all came to the same conclusion, bloodline.” Zillah stiffens, looking at his hands and feet. With each passing second, his brow furrows deeper until it can’t anymore, he glares at Rahim with a mixed expression. “Yea,” Rahim starts with a smirk, “you have a bloodline.” “They allowed her to keep the child then,” he mumbles loud enough for us to hear. I watch with interest as joy lights up his features, and he throws his head back in laughter, “I guess my life wasn’t a complete failure then. But,” he clicks his tongue, “there are still far more questions than answers here.” I nod, not wanting to verbally agree with him. <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q3")>>“Who is that?”<<else>>[[“Who is that?”|D1Q3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>>
“How’d you figure out his bloodline in the first place?” <<if $savechris>>\ “It wasn’t easy,” Faye mumbles, rubbing at her eyes, obviously tired, “Rahim had to try and read you multiple times.” Rahim grumbles something incoherently and even seems to pout. “We also had to do a quick spell that would allow us more insight. I’m still not even sure how we did that.” “That’s because none of that shit worked, so ya brain is screwin’ with the facts,” Jeff snorts from his spot, “Bradley did some name searching and figured out what Zillah meant. Hebrew, and seeing that he was a shade, Chris pointed out that we should try ancient civilization and any culture that included Hebrews. Took damn near forever, but we finally got something and went from there.” “That something is called Derivation,” Bradley corrects, “it’s the equivalent of those family tree websites but on the dark web and definitely way creepier and far more accurate.” <<else>>\ <<if hasVisited("Ask Amari.")>>Rahim glances over at Amari, “it was Amari. She told us that you told her about Zillah being ancient Egyptian, so we started there.”<<else>>Amari raises her hand, “when we were playing Raum’s little game in the woods, and you told me what Zillah said about the note and how it was ancient Egyptian. I told them that, and so we had a starting place.”<</if>> “<<if hasVisited("Ask Amari.")>>He’s giving her all the credit<<else>>She’s trying to take the credit,<</if>> but it was mostly Jeff and I,” Bradley corrects, tossing Amari the dirtiest look he can muster, one that causes Zillah to snicker. “We used a site called Derivation. It’s the equivalent of those family tree websites but on the dark web and definitely way creepier and far more accurate.” <</if>>\ “Find anything about me?” I question. “Trust me,” Jeff chuckles, “we looked, but nothing weird popped up.” Bradley continues, “we learned about Zillah’s line and were able to track it through there.” “Answer me this,” Zillah pipes up, “was the first a girl or boy?” Bradley, at first, is quiet, unsure whether he should answer or not, “a boy. His name was Tumaini.” Zillah nods and says no more. <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q3")>>“Who is that?”<<else>>[[“Who is that?”|D1Q3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
“The other body then, what did you do with it?” “Well, Lucia wanted to keep it,” Bradley tells me in disgust, his eyes darting towards her, but she’s not paying him much attention. <<if hasVisited("Ask Amari.")>>\ Faye nods towards Amari who's still in dog form, though she had now chosen to hide her face underneath a pillow. “She took it back while the rest of us focused on retrieving the new body.” I nod, at least Lucia didn’t get her hands on it, though I had to ponder what she would even do with a body. Nothing good, I suspect. <<else>>\ “I returned it,” Amari tells me, appearing quite pleased with herself, “I took it back to the morgue as the others handled the new body issue.” I smirk, “why do you seem almost happy about that?” “I mean, it wasn’t fun. I was handling a dead body, but trying to sneak it back in was awesome.” I would have to question her later, but I was interested in asking her what happened. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q3")>>“Who is that?”<<else>>[[“Who is that?”|D1Q3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
“So, who is that?” I question, pointing at Zillah’s new host’s body. “Someone from Zillah’s lineage,” Rahim answers and shrugs, “if you want more than that, then I can’t help you. I didn’t really try and pull up his whole history.” “How’d you find him? It seems way too coincidental that you just happened to find the perfect host while also on a time limit.” This causes all of them to grow silent. I needed someone to tell me the truth, and I needed it now. [[Ask Amari.]] [[Ask Lucia.]] [[Ask Rahim.]] [[Ask Jeff.]]
I turn to Amari, and as soon as she realizes why she shakes her head frantically. “Come on, this isn’t fair! Do you know how hard it is for me to lie? I once told a man I was a hybrid because he looked me in the eye and said, don’t lie to me. He didn’t even ask what I was!” “Amari,” I start, “how did you guys get the body?” She looks over at the others, and because my back is turned to them, I don’t see what they say or do. “I nervous shift!” she shouts and then rushes behind the sofa. At first, I don’t know what to say, when I move forward, though, a dog appears<<if $a_fear is "dogs">> and I shriek, moving away.<<else>>.<</if>> She whines, tail tucked between her legs as she hops onto the sofa, hiding her eyes with her paws. “<<if $a_fear is "dogs">>Well that’s a great way to get out of answering,” I sigh once my heart has calmed<<else>>Great way to get out of answering,” I mumble and turn to the others.<</if>> I suppose I wouldn’t be getting that answer. <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
I look over at Rahim expectedly, “mind telling me what happened?” “I do,” he says, his face not shifting or showing even the smallest bit of emotion. “Don’t I have a right to know?” “You would’ve been better off asking, Amari, or Faye. I’m not saying, mostly because I don’t wish to hear your incessant nagging afterward.” “You’re impossible,” I draw out, but he doesn’t rise to my words or reply, his eyes on Zillah. <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
I turn and look at Lucia, whose attention is divided between us and examining Zillah. “Lucia,” I start, “how did you guys get the body?” She clears her throat, ignoring the looks the others throw, “well, we didn’t have room to mess up again. These ingredients are rare or expensive or both, and we only had enough for one more go. So, we had to attempt to get as close to a suitable body as possible. Long story short, after a lot of crossing out and list searching, we landed on this one,” she points to the body. “And we made sure he had an unfortunate accident. I was able to capture some of his soul, and Faye was able to do some tinkering to reapply it to the body so that Zillah had something to cling to when moved. Rahim didn’t do anything, he’s more useless than I would’ve guessed when he’s balanced.” “Don’t test me, hag,” he barks. “You mean to tell me you killed an innocent man for this?” Lucia waves my concern away, “who counts anymore? Did you want the shade out of your body or not?” [[“I didn’t want this though!”]] [[“You should’ve done something else.”]] [[“You have a point, I guess.”]] [[“It’s done now.”]]
I clap my hands and turn to Jeff, “alright, Jeff, tell me what happened.” “Now, you got a room full of folks to ask, and you ask me?” “I know you won’t lie to me.” “Well, guess what!” he shouts with a wide grin, “you’re absolutely right. They killed a man, but they’ll tell you that it was an unfortunate accident. Whatever the hell that means.” “It’s what you’re about to have,” Faye growls, but Jeff only raises his mug in response. “You mean to tell me you killed an innocent man for this?” Lucia waves my concern away, “who counts anymore? Did you want him out of your body or not?” [[“I didn’t want this though!”][$rahim -=3; $amari +=3; $chris -=3]] [[“You should’ve done something else.”][$rahim -=5; $amari +=5; $chris +=3]] [[“You have a point, I guess.”][$rahim +=3; $amari -=3; $chris +=5]] [[“It’s done now.”][$rahim +=5; $amari -=5; $chris -=5]]
“I didn’t want this, though!” I shout, trying not to think that yet another man lost his life because of me. Of course, I had no say in what happened, but this was all to benefit me. It always had to do with me … “You should’ve used a dead body.” “Don’t cry over spilled blood,” Zillah snorts from his chair, “isn’t that the saying?” “Can we please tape his mouth shut?” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> asks. “That’s your blood,” I choose to remind him, and he shrugs his shoulder. “And if he was meant to be alive, then he still would be. Fate deemed it the end of his journey.” A wretched smile appears, “he should’ve been stronger.” <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
“You should’ve done something else. There had to be someone else that was more compatible.” Lucia lets out a dark laugh and points at Zillah, “from where I’m standing, I think we did a fabulous job. And like you said, did you think the universe was going to line up yet again to help guide you forward, sweetie?” She says the pet name in a way that makes my fists tremble. <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
“You have a point, I guess.” “Well, stop guessing,” Lucia instantly says, “it’s done, let us move on.” <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
“Yea, it’s done now.” Questioning them now wouldn’t really change that, the deed is done, and there’s no way to go back. What more can I do? <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
“How long was I out? You guys did this in a matter of hours?” “You were out for some time,” Faye admits, “about five hours at best. And with all of us working like we were. We were able to.” “You’re right to wonder, though,” Lucia comments, “if we didn’t have the nephilim, then I doubt we would have been able to help you at all. The two of us had to fly all over Africa and Europe to figure out who to get. Zillah has a decently large family.” Zillah’s smile widens in pride. “Us? You mean me. You simply played the role of talkative luggage,” Rahim reminds, stretching his back as if merely talking about it brought back the soreness. <<if hasVisited("D1Q1")>>“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”<<else>>[[“How’d you figure out his bloodline?”|D1Q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q2")>>“What did you do with the other body?”<<else>>[[“What did you do with the other body?”|D1Q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q3")>>“Who is that?”<<else>>[[“Who is that?”|D1Q3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("D1Q4")>>“How long was I out?”<<else>>[[“How long was I out?”|D1Q4]]<</if>> [[Continue on|D1_1]]
“So,” Bradley asks, “what do we do with him?” “You know,” Lucia chimes in, “if you don’t want him then I’d love to take him back to –” “No,” Rahim cuts her off, his annoyance reaching its limit, “Zillah is the only one who knows about $name. Why would we give him to you when he holds all the answers?” “Probably because you’re not going to get shit from me,” Zillah offers, pouting as he looks between us all, “unless one of you is a secret expert torturer, I’m not scared of any of you. <<if $cp>>Wait, I take that back. I’m terrified of Chris and his complaining. It makes my ears bleed.”<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ “I’m going to go find some tape, I’ll be back,” Chris says blankly, turning and walking downstairs. <</if>>\ Jeff claps and nods, already heading towards the door, “I’m going to go get a beer to celebrate all of this.” Faye groans but follows after him, whether to protect her alcohol collection or to keep an eye on him, both seemed feasible. “So, we go get Sydero now?” Bradley asks, seeming to grow highly interested in whatever we say next. “Yea, that’s the next thing. I guess we should start planning that,” I say to Rahim, but Lucia’s laughter sends a chill down my spine. We all turn to her, watching as she lazily flips through Faye’s spellbook. “That’s not how this works.” “What do you mean?” “Did you think the gateway was just open 24/7 for the entire year? No, it only opens during a natural phenomenon, which usually has heavy ties with the supernatural. Eclipses, strange things dealing with the moon, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etcetera.” “Why are you just now telling us this?” Bradley questions irritably, already pulling his laptop out to probably look up when the next one would be. “I’m sorry I thought you smart kids knew this already.” “Ha,” Zillah chuckles, “‘smart’ and ‘you guys’ just don’t seem to fit in the same sentence. This one, this one right here,” he nods his head at me, “thought I was a figment of their imagination for the longest. This is a team of idiots.” <a data-passage="D1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>\ “Hurry with the tape, Chris!” Rahim shouts downstairs. “There is none,” Chris grumbles, appearing a moment later. <</if>>\ “Bradley?” I question, coming to his side. “The next one is July 27th, a lunar eclipse.” “That’s two weeks away, though,” Amari points out, <<if hasVisited("Ask Amari.")>>standing up from her position behind the sofa. She finally chose to revert back to her human form and, after becoming situated, comes to my side.<<else>>coming to my side.<</if>> “Someone taught the dog a new trick it seems,” Bradley whispers under his voice, earning a slight tap from Rahim. “It gives us time to prepare and make sure $name is ready,” Rahim notes, “so this is good. A short break to get our bearings back, but not too long to make us rusty.” <<if $proSyd >=3>>He pauses and glances over at me, raising a tired brow, “that’s fine with you, $name?” I roll my eyes, choosing not to grace his question with an answer.<</if>> So, two weeks … two weeks and then we go rescue Sydero and that chapter will be finished. Zillah snorts, grabbing my attention and focus yet again. For a minute, I think he was still able to read my mind, but he seems to snort only because of our, and his, current predicament. [[Punch him.][$pacifist -=3]] [[Ask him if he’s comfortable.][$pacifist +=3]] [[Continue staring.][$serious +=3]] <<if $zillah >=50>>\ [[Boop his nose.][$zillah +=2; $amari +=5; $boop = true; $serious -=3]] <</if>>\
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Violent ++</span><</if>> Without a second thought, I let my feet carry me towards him, and land a solid punch to the side of Zillah’s cheek. One strong enough to cause my knuckles to erupt into splintering pain. “Fuck,” he growls, his eyes wide in shock. I shake my hand out, but the tension residing there continues to mount. Everything Zillah has ever done and said comes back to me, my vision shifts, the past gets pulled into a vortex of feelings that screams to be released. [[Release it.][$rahim +=5; $amari -=5; $chris +=3; $zillah -=10; $pacifist -=5; $nerve -=5]] [[Stop.][$rahim -=3; $amari +=5; $chris -=5; $zillah +=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Violent ++</span><</if>> Mere minutes ago, he was throwing me around ruins and asserting his power over me, and now I was supposed to feel pity? No. I wind up for another punch, and then another. A third and then a fourth. My vision blurs as I no longer recognize where I was and what was going on. Voices and other noises exist on the edge of my senses, but something wouldn’t allow them any closer. Each time my fist hits flesh, I feel a renewed sense of energy rush over me, voices in my ears whispering for me to hit harder, faster, to keep going. To make him pay for every second he invaded my body and had put me through hell. “Enough,” someone shouts. The only reason I hear it is because something yanks me backward, sending me to the floor. I repeatedly blink, reminding myself of where I was and what had just taken place. Over me stands Rahim, appearing annoyed but not by much. “Are you back with me?” he questions, the world righting itself. I close my eyes and calm my breathing, nodding. “Good, you’re free to kill him, but only after we get answers, okay?” I nod again, sitting up and looking at where Zillah is. The skin around his eyes and nose have already begun to change colors, and one eye is becoming swollen. Blood rushes down his nose as well as from a cut on his cheek. “Fuck all of you,” Zillah manages to say, spitting a wad of blood out. “Get Faye to look at him,” I tell them, straightening up and heading towards the door. Despite having calmed down, I suddenly felt exhausted, in need of a bed and silence. The others let me go without question, and I head towards the guest room. Once there I face plant into the bed, letting its warmth pull me in closer. My eyes close and I fall asleep. <a data-passage="D2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I put a stop to my actions, putting my emotions in check before I allowed them to go too far. He wasn’t going anywhere anyway. <<include "D1_2_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pacifist ++</span><</if>> “Are you comfortable?” I ask Zillah who pauses and then raises a brow. The others do as well, each of them choosing to stare at me as if I had lost it. “Ah, you’re being sarcastic. Well, fuck you too,” Zillah snorts. [[“I was being serious.”][$rahim -=5; $amari +=3; $chris -=3; $zillah +=3; $sympathy +=3; $serious +=5]] [[Shrug and smirk.][$rahim +=3; $amari -=3; $chris +=5; $zillah -=3; $sympathy -=3; $serious -=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++ | Serious ++</span><</if>> I clear my throat, “I was actually being serious. You made my life hell, but I’m not the same.” Zillah seems even more shocked than before, and he wasn’t the only one. The others stare at me with raised brows and mouths ajar. <<if $cp>>\ “Who cares if he’s comfortable?” Chris asks, “in fact, I think he should be as uncomfortable as possible right now, after all the stuff he put you through?” <</if>>\ “That’s what you’re worried about?” Rahim questions, “how comfortable he is?” “I’m not him,” I repeat to them. “I agree,” Amari states, nodding her head with a smile, “just because he’s a jerk doesn’t mean you need to be one as well. You’re the bigger and better person.” “He possessed you and used you,” Rahim reminds me, “and you’re worried that him being uncomfortable while tied to a chair is a sign of you being like him?” Rahim rolls his eyes but says nothing more. <<include "D1_2_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++ | Comical ++</span><</if>> I shrug, and though I fight it, can’t help the smirk that races across my features. Zillah grumbles something under his breath and glances away, shifting around in his seat. <<include "D1_2_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Serious ++</span><</if>> I stare at Zillah, still trying, and might I add, failing to wrap my mind around the fact that he was no longer inside of me. That he was sitting right in front of me in a body of his own. Not to mention that Zillah had a life before this and a bloodline. Again, I’m reminded of my never-ending list of questions, compared to that of my sticky note consisting of two lines of answers. “Staring problem?” Zillah snorts, wearing a smirk that immediately reminds me of his shadow form. <<if $serious >=50>>“Still trying to get over the fact that you now have a face,” I tell him simply, turning my back to him and putting my attention on the others.<<else>>“Yea, your face isn’t symmetrical, and your eyebrows look a mess,” I tell him, ignoring his shouts of horror as I turn to the others.<</if>> <<include "D1_2_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> I walk a few steps closer to Zillah, everyone quieting down as they watch my movements. My gaze flickers across his face as I take him in, he honestly had a body now. A face that wasn’t just some deep expanse of darkness that never ended. “What are you doing?” Zillah asks, his voice coming out breathlessly, a tinge of fear there as well. I lift a hand, and I can see Amari twitch; I then bring it down onto Zillah’s noise and say, “boop.” “Did … ?he just ... boop his nose?” Bradley asks, his tone as confused as the question. I smile as I do it again, grabbing his cheeks and pulling them back and forth. <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ “Stop it,” Rahim grumbles. <<elseif $CRomance >=3>>\ “Would you stop,” Chris protests. <<else>>\ “That looks like it hurts,” Amari pouts. <</if>>\ “I can’t help it. You guys haven’t had to see his other face for this long, I did. Do you know how weird it is to finally be able to physically interact with him? In a way that doesn’t involve shadows and tendrils?” <<if $bcure>>\ “Like tentacle hentai tendrils?” Bradley questions<<if $cp>>, ducking out of the way as Chris throws his shoe at him.<<else>>.<</if>> <</if>>\ “Stop touching me!” Zillah shouts, snapping his neck to the side in an attempt to bite my hand. “For some reason that hurts and just feels weird.” I roll my eyes as I take a step back. <<if $amari >=50>>\ “Can I get my nose booped?” Amari asks. Without having to ask twice, I lean over, and boop hers. A broad smile emerges on her face, appearing immensely pleased with herself. <</if>>\ I turn back to the others. <<include "D1_2_1">>
<<nobr>>\ <<if $nnZ is not "sphinx" or "trouble">>\ <<set $nnZ = "pet">> <</if>>\ <</nobr>>\ <<if $RRomance >=3 and $ZRomance >=2>>\ “We should speak about what comes next,” Rahim tells me, resting a hand on my shoulder, his body angled towards the door. “And when you’re done with that, $nnZ, you should come back so I can help you relax. We all know how stressful and unexciting Rahim is,” Zillah smiles in triumph. “Why haven’t we taped his mouth shut?” Rahim growls. Zillah snorts, “because $name knows all the fun things I can do with my tongue.” “You’re disgusting and a leech. I only wish I could say that that surprised me.” Despite Rahim’s words, Zillah doesn’t look the least bit bothered, “and ?he’d rather mess around with a leech than some nephilim cur. Who’s the real loser here?” Rahim stiffens and turns, a massive scowl on his face as he approaches Zillah. “I’d reckon it’s the one tied to the chair.” “Why so upset, Rahim? Wasn’t it you who said that $name is nothing more than an acquaintance at best? Either you lied, or you’re just really insecure.” Zillah sits back and shrugs, “either way, I’m sure you wish you left me where I was.” Zillah’s eyes flicker to me, and I can see a wild spark grow within them, he glances back at Rahim. “Tell me, Rahim, how does it feel to know that I was //deep// inside of $name?” “Ah, no!” Amari shouts, springing forward before the rest of us could react. Rahim had taken a step forward, a light grey mist slowly forming around his body. As soon as Rahim realizes that Amari is in his path, the mist fades once again, and he turns his back to her, walking out of the room. “I’m going to go talk to Lucia,” he shouts back over his shoulder. <<if $cp>>\ Chris gives me a weak smile, “and I’m going to go eat. I feel like I haven’t eaten in years.” “I’ll come with you,” Bradley chirps, happily following behind Chris as the two discuss what they were going to fix. <<else>>\ “And with that, I think I’m going to go persuade Faye to make me a sandwich or some soup. Something,” Bradley tells me, leaving the room before I can respond to him. <</if>>\ <<elseif $cbreak and $ZRomance >=2>>\ “Hey,” Chris tells me softly, “you should get some rest. Lord knows how tired you are.” “And when you’re done with that, $nnZ, you should come back so I can help you relax. Unless Chris wants to talk again, then definitely come back, we all know how boring that is,” Zillah smiles in triumph. “You’re so lucky I didn’t find any tape,” Chris growls at him. “I’d be happier if you found me some earplugs or something. Anything besides listening to your incessant whining. Do you sound like that in bed?” “Of course, your mind would go there,” Chris points out, grabbing my hand and tugging me towards the door. “Why so upset, Chris? It’s not like the two of you are together. Aren’t you still on break?” Zillah asks in an almost innocent voice. “I can take care of ?him while you try to figure out how your dick actually works and how to be an actual asset instead of an ass.” Zillah’s eyes flicker to me, and I can see a wild spark grow within them, he glances back at Chris. “Tell me, Chris, how does it feel to know that I was //deep// inside of $name?” “That’s enough,” Chris barks, releasing my hand and turning on Zillah. “Ouch, did I hit a spot?” Chris takes another step towards Zillah, but Amari stops him, resting her hands on his chest and pushing him away. “Jeff!” Chris shouts, turning and walking out of the room, “I want a beer.” Rahim rolls his eyes, “and I’m going to go talk to Lucia.” “She’s probably with Faye, I’m going to try and persuade Faye to make me a sandwich or some soup. Something,” Bradley says to Rahim, joining him as they both leave the room. <<else>>\ Amari comes to my side, “perhaps you should go and lie down. It’s been a hard few hours for you.” “Agreed, I’m going to go find Lucia,” Rahim tells us, already heading towards the door. <<if $cp>>\ Chris gives me a weak smile, “I’m going to go eat. I feel like I haven’t eaten in years.” “I’ll come with you,” Bradley <<if $bcure>>chirps, happily <<else>>murmurs,<</if>> following behind Chris as the two discuss what they were going to fix. <<else>>\ “And with that, I think I’m going to go persuade Faye to make me a sandwich or some soup. Something,” Bradley tells me, leaving the room before I can respond to him. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="D1_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Amari?” I ask, and she shrugs from her position near Zillah. “I’ll stay and keep an eye on him.” “Oh, yes,” Zillah sighs dramatically, “because I need a babysitter since I’m tied to a chair.” Amari doesn’t seem deterred though, “someone should keep an eye on him. From what you guys have said, he seems untrustworthy.” “You’re welcome to stay, little wolf,” Zillah mumbles in a sarcastic tone, “we can do each other’s nails and talk about which is better, porterhouse steak or prime rib.” “I know you’re being sarcastic, but it’s so obvious,” Amari huffs, “it’s the porterhouse steak.” “Prime rib,” Zillah says at the exact time that Amari answers. Amari glares at him while Zillah wears the largest smirk a human face could possibly muster. “I’m going to go lay down,” I mumble, leaving the two to argue over food. Despite wanting to enjoy my first Zillah free day, I feel as if I hadn’t slept in almost a week, and the exorcism left me feeling a peculiar kind of weak. I walk to the guest room and face plant into the bed, letting its warmth pull me in closer. My eyes close and I fall asleep. <a data-passage="D2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The sound of an unknown animal causes me to jolt awake, my eyes landing on the familiar landscape of the guest room. I reorient myself with my surroundings sitting up in bed when I see a … [[… cat.|D2_1_1][$dreamanimal to "cat"]] [[… raven.|D2_1_1][$dreamanimal to "raven"]] [[… coyote.|D2_1_1][$dreamanimal to "coyote"]] [[… vulture.|D2_1_1][$dreamanimal to "vulture"]]
… $dreamanimal. It <<if $dreamanimal is "raven" or $dreamanimal is "vulture">> hangs out on the small bookshelf near the door, staring at me as if I was the intruder. It <<if $dreamanimal is "raven">>caws<<else>>screeches<</if>> and takes flight, flying out of the room and down the hallway.<<else>>sits at the entrance of the room, staring at me as if I was the intruder, and it was politely waiting on me to move. When it finally seems to have enough, it <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote">>whines and does a low yelp like bark<<else>>simply meows<</if>> before turning and darting down the hallway.<</if>> I move to follow but find that my legs felt like cement, refusing to budge even the tiniest bit. Though I don’t feel panicked, sweat begins to run down my face as my heartbeat picks up. I tell myself to calm down, that everything is okay, but my body does the opposite. It feels like an invisible force was being pushed down upon me, but my brain still tells me that everything was okay, that I was just overreacting. I begin to doubt everything, not knowing whether or not my body or my brain knew better. I just wanted to escape this. And I do. <a data-passage="D2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I stare up at the ceiling, noting that unlike a mere second ago, everything now felt right. My legs were moving and my heart was beating at its regular pace. I sit up and look around further, finding nothing out of place. Due to the room not having windows, I’m unable to tell what time it is. That and I couldn’t find my phone anywhere. “This is pointless,” Bradley shouts, opening the door, only to pause when he sees me glancing at him with a raised brow. “Or maybe it’s not. I’ll be right back.” Before I can question him, he turns and leaves, leaving me speechless and confused. Staying true to his word, he comes back a few minutes later, a can of fruit in his hands. “<<if $cp>>Rahim, Jeff, and Chris<<else>>Rahim and Jeff<</if>> went grocery shopping so right now this is all we got.” He comes in further and passes me the can. “What time is it?” I question. “12PM,” he answers, and I nod as I eat, my stomach humming in satisfaction, “of July 14th.” I choke on the fruit that easily slips down my throat; the exorcism took place on the 11th. Bradley chuckles awkwardly, “look at it this way, you didn’t have to hear Jeff rant to everyone about the 13th falling on a Friday. And we actually found some tape for Zillah, he really wouldn’t shut up.” “Bradley,” I shout, “I’ve been asleep for two days?!” <<if $RRomance >=3 or $CRomance >=5 or $ARomance >=2>>\ “Give a few hours, so maybe two days and a half.” I clench my eyes closed. “You’re fine, we checked up on you whenever we could, some of us more than others.” “What do you mean?” Bradley smirks, “a certain someone was very worried about you.” He extends the word very and says it in a sing-song voice. I sit up, continuing to eat the fruit but motioning for him to continue. <<if $ARomance >=2>>\ “Amari looked like some lost, stupid puppy that didn’t know what to do with herself.” “I know you don’t like her, but really, lost stupid puppy?” “Yea, it felt horrible saying,” he grumbles. “She tried to check in on you every few minutes. Faye had to give her a list of things to keep her occupied.” <<elseif $CRomance >=5>>\ “Chris was going crazy, he literally camped outside the door. I’m pretty sure every time he heard the bed creak, he probably peeked in to see if you were awake. He forgot food was a thing.” “But you said he went shopping with Jeff and Rahim?” “Yea, that’s because they dragged him along. And I mean literally, they grabbed him and forced him to go along with them.” <<else>>\ “Rahim tried to act like he didn’t care,” Bradley laughs, “but every time Faye said that someone needed to check up on you, he didn’t even wait to see if someone else was okay with it, he practically raced up to your room.” “You’re kidding.” “Nope,” Bradley laughs, “the last time he did it, I even put on my announcer’s voice. He waited a minute before checking on you that time. His personal record.” <</if>>\ He stands and stretches, “you should get up and try to walk around when you get the chance.” He then turns and heads out. <<else>>\ “Give a few hours, so maybe two days and a half.” I clench my eyes closed. “You’re fine, we checked up on you whenever we could.” “Thanks.” <<if $bcure>>\ “Don’t thank me,” Bradley mumbles, “the only reason I was the one to greet you was because Faye forced me to. I’m still not really in the mood to talk to you.” I sigh, knowing that he wasn’t just going to accept the fact that I had messed with his mind. I just wonder how long it would be until he forgave me. I glance at his face, seeing livelier eyes and seeing more of a pre-torture Bradley peeking through. I wasn’t happy about him being pissed off at me, but I wasn’t about to complain if it meant, in the end, he was better. He stands up, throwing up the peace sign as he walks out of the room. <<else>>\ “Yea, you’re welcome,” he tells me, offering me a small smile that disappears a tick later. It was as if his muscles couldn’t support such an action any longer, and so it just fell. His eyes and skin both looked like they lacked color, heavy eyebags forming, and stating that they weren’t going to go anywhere. His hair was a mess, and I even spot a few tangles existing in them. “You’re not doing well, are you?” He waves my words away, standing. “I don’t want to talk about me. You should get up and walk around if you can.” With that, he turns and leaves. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="D2_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I stay in bed for an hour or so more, finishing the fruit before finding my phone and seeing if I needed to catch up on anything. I then stretch and make sure my muscles wouldn’t totally give up on me if I stand. Once I was convinced that I was fine, I get up and decide to check in with the others. [[Find and speak to Rahim.]] [[Find and speak to Zillah.|DA1Zillah]] [[Find and speak to Amari.]] <<if $cp>>[[Find and speak to Chris.|DA1Chris]]<</if>>
I wipe away any additional sleep still surrounding my eyes as I enter the living room, noticing Rahim standing before Faye’s glass bookcase, examining the spines of each book before carrying on. “What are you up to?” I question, taking a seat on the couch, my body thanking me. “Faye has an immensely large and interesting classic collection,” he tells me, pointing to the end table behind him where a stack of books rests. “I just finished //Silas Marner// and was hoping for a more … engaging tale.” [[“What was that one about?”]] [[“Sounds boring.”]] [[“So, you’re into classic tales?”]]
“What was that one about? The //Silas Marner// one, I mean.” “Short and simple? About a weaver who finds hope and redemption in caring for a child that is not his. It’s an engaging tale, if not slow. I enjoyed it though.” “You say that as if most classics you don’t enjoy.” “That’s because I don’t. Most of the classics are written in a manner that doesn’t truly allow you to be absorbed into the story, slow and far too much time spent on elements that add little if nothing to the overall story.” “Then why continue reading them?” “Reading relaxes me. That and I’ve always been interested in learning why these books out of hundreds of others were chosen to represent humanity’s past.” <<include "D2_Rahim1">>
I snort, letting my head fall back on the sofa, “sounds boring.” “The book or me reading classic tales?” “Take your pick,” I shrug. “Well, it’s not the most interesting hobby, that I can admit.” “Then, why do it?” Rahim doesn’t immediately answer, taking a book and examining the cover before opening it. His eyes skim over the contents before adding it to the pile. “Because it actually relaxes me. That and I’ve always been interested in learning why these books out of hundreds of others were chosen to represent humanity’s past.” <<include "D2_Rahim1">>
I go to the sofa nearest to the end table that Rahim was using to hold his books and sit. I place the collection on my lap, looking through them all. Some I had heard about, like //The Scarlett Letter//, //Animal Farm//, and //Wuthering Heights//. And then a few that I hadn’t ever heard of //Fahrenheit 451//, //Anna Karenina//, and //Slaughterhouse Five//. “So,” I ask, flipping one of the books open, wondering where Faye got these books as I look over the yellowing pages, “you’re into classic tales?” “Some of them. Reading relaxes me. But I am interested in learning why these books out of hundreds of others were chosen to represent humanity’s past.” <<include "D2_Rahim1">>
“So, you want to understand what makes them classics?” “Exactly.” He hums to himself as he grabs a book and turns his back to the bookcase. “I think I’ll read this one next.” I sit quietly as he puts the other books he had taken out back in. “Faye,” he calls out, “do you mind if I borrow a book?” “Go ahead,” I hear her shout from the kitchen. Finally, Rahim looks to me, his eyes sweeping over me as if finally realizing that I was indeed sitting there. “I’m not an artist myself, but I am a fan of it,” he tells me, “writing, art, music, things that require an immense amount of creativity always pique my interest.” <<if $creativity >=10 or $cmajor is "Creative Arts">>\ “I can relate, doing creative things always relaxes me. I’m kind of sad that I haven’t been able to do it lately.” “What do you do?” Rahim questions. [[“I’m a writer.”][$rahim +=3]] [[“I’m an artist.”][$rahim +=3]] [[“I’m a musician.”][$rahim +=2]] [[“I act, theatre stuff.”][$rahim +=2]] <<else>>\ He pauses, “how are you, by the way? You were asleep for at least two days.” “Yea, I know, don’t remind me,” I <<if $sympathy>=50>>sigh<<else>>grumble<</if>>, shaking my head. It still felt like the exorcism was yesterday. “You didn’t answer the question, though,” he points out, flipping from page to page before going straight to the end of the book and letting his eyes glide over the page. [[“I feel like something’s missing.”][$rahim -=3]] [[“I’m great.”][$rahim +=3]] [[“I’m okay but I’m also worried.”][$rahim +=2]] [[“You are horrible! Reading the last page?”]] <</if>>\
“I’m a writer,” I answer, “though I haven’t written something in what feels like forever.” “Doesn’t make you any less of a writer,” Rahim chimes in, his hand slowly feeling the cover of a book. “I’m envious,” he laughs before continuing on, “my mother would force Sydero and me to read when we were little. Sydero refused to read anything unless it was by Edgar Allen Poe, while I was perhaps too much of a fan of William Faulkner.” “//As I Lay Dying//?” I question, and Rahim produces a jovial laugh. “Yea. My favorite, rivaled only by //A Rose for Emily//.” Rahim shoots me a smile though it disappears a moment later as Lucia enters the room. <<include "D2_RahimEnd">>
“I’m an artist, actually. I haven’t drawn anything for a while though, so I’m pretty rusty.” “Do you enjoy it?” “Immensely. I don’t think I could ever be one of those people who do it for a living, only because I feel like it’ll take the joy out of it. But then, who knows? Maybe I could,” I ramble. “Do you have any works that I could see?” <<if $optimistic >=50>>I pout as I think about all the things I’ve done. I could probably show him a few of my pieces, they weren’t too bad.<<else>>The question causes me to shift uncomfortably, wondering if I had anything that wasn’t a total mess and worth showing.<</if>> I prepare to answer his question when Lucia enters the room. <<include "D2_RahimEnd">>
“I’m a musician,” I answer, “I know how to play a few instruments, but I still have a few that I want to learn. I also don’t have the worst voice so, that’s a positive.” A sad smile appears on Rahim’s face, “perhaps that is why you and Sydero can get along.” “Wait, what do you mean?” He raises a brow, “ah, she never told you.” He doesn’t complete his sentence or actually answer my question, he just hums in thought. Gazing up and narrowing his eyes on someone. I turn to see Lucia enter the room. <<include "D2_RahimEnd">>
“I act, theatre stuff, you know?” “As in plays, on stage?” I nod to answer. “Seems scary. How long?” “Since elementary school. I’ve been in comedy, drama, and musicals. I became a thespian in high school, and we even won One-Act one year. I can see my life going a completely different path if it wasn’t for,” I peer up at the ceiling and snort, “all of this.” Rahim opens his mouth to say something when Lucia enters the room. <<include "D2_RahimEnd">>
“I feel like something’s missing,” I admit, watching as Rahim stiffens. “Yea, the malicious spirit that tried to hijack your body.” “Come on,” I chuckle, “I don’t think that’s what Zillah was trying to do.” “I will never understand why you defend it.” “Him.” “It,” Rahim growls dangerously. “Anything it says can’t even be trusted.” “I’m guessing that the two –,” I start but hold my tongue when Lucia enters, her eyes landing on Rahim. <<include "D2_RahimEnd">>
“I’m great, honestly. I feel like I could take on the world now.” “Keep that energy for when we have to go get the brat in the other dimension,” he sighs, obviously still not a fan of the idea of rescuing his own twin. He rolls his eyes, “but I’m glad to see that you’re free from his hold. Free to do what you want without that burden.” “So am I, it really does feel like –,” I start but hold my tongue when Lucia enters, her eyes landing on Rahim. <<include "D2_RahimEnd">>
“I’m okay, far better than I felt when he was inside of me. But I’m also worried that maybe what he said is true. What if him being inside of me was the only thing holding me together and keeping me from, I don’t know, exploding?” “Do you feel like you’re about to explode now?” “No, but –” “Then just keep,” Rahim begins but trails off. I turn in my seat to see Lucia entering. <<include "D2_RahimEnd">>
I barely hear whatever he asks, staring wide-eyed at his actions, “you are horrible!” I exclaim. “What?” “Did you just read the last page?” His eyes flicker down to the book in his hands and then back at me, “yes?” “Monster. You’re horrible,” I laugh, though my tone is serious, “why would you do that?” “Some of us don’t like surprises,” he answers. “But you don’t even know the characters. Reading the last page is like watching the last two minutes of a film. You can’t judge it just off of that.” “I can and I will,” he snorts, his amusement so evident that I almost expect him to stick his tongue out. And then, it vanishes, his eyes fixated on something behind me. I turn in my seat to see Lucia entering. <<include "D2_RahimEnd">>
“Nephilim, come help me with this spell so I can go home,” she says in more of a command than a question. Rahim rolls his eyes but gets to his feet, nodding his farewell to me as he follows her up the stairs. <<if hasVisited("DA1Zillah")>>Spoken to Zillah already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.|DA1Zillah]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Amari.")>>Spoken to Amari already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Amari.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("DA1Chris")>>Spoken to Chris already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.|DA1Chris]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Head back to sleep.|D3]]
I stretch my muscles as I begin searching for Amari, finally finding her outside the house, sitting on a blanket in the front yard. Soothing music plays, and upon closer inspection, I surmise that she’s practicing some yoga positions. I see her twitch, gazing over at me before I even have the chance to announce myself. “$name! You’re finally awake,” she says in a cheerful tone, patting the space in front of her and moving into a new position. “Come, come. Join me. What do you know about yoga?” <<if $athleticism >=10 or $cmajor is "Exercise Science">>“A good bit,” I tell her, sitting down and performing some light stretches, “you do this often?”<<else>>“Not much besides knowing that it’s supposed to be something you do regularly and helps with stress. The basics, really. Do you do this often?”<</if>> “Yea, actually. When I get stressed out or too stuck in my own head, I do. I used to do this every day, but the more we kept running, the less time I had.” She frowns, raising her hands up in the air and placing her palms together, “I missed it.” “I’m shocked to hear that you joining us is less excitement than when you were on the run.” “Oh, I never said that,” she giggles, “on the run was just a lot of moving around, but it was hardly ever interesting. Just going from one place to the other because my dad didn’t like the feeling of being in one place for very long. You guys,” she stops short and shakes her head. “I doubt I’ll ever have a boring day again.” “It makes moments like this better,” I point out, and she nods vigorously. “It makes moments like this needed. Before, yoga was something that I did because I was bored and, like I said, to get out of my own head. With you guys, it gives it new meaning.” “Never heard something so negative turn into such a great positive,” I laugh, and she sends me a bright smile. “I try.” There’s a pause in the conversation, and when I look up to see what Amari is doing, I find her examining me. “You know, $name, I really admire you.” “Huh?” I question, cocking my head to the side. “I know I haven’t been with your group long, but just watching how you solve issues and how you deal with things, it’s impressive. From what I gathered, you were kinda thrown into this life, like, only a few months ago. The only times it ever seems like you’re not familiar with it is when specific subjects come up<<if $supernatural >=10>>, and even then you show that you’re still educated.<<else>>.<</if>> Otherwise, you seem like you were born into it. I don’t know, I wish I could do what you do, adapt I mean.” She looks ready to say more, but then she frowns, stopping herself with a shake of her head. [[“You’re adapting right now, Amari.”][$amari -=5]] [[“Thank you, really.”][$amari +=3]] [[“I’m just that good.”]]
“You’re adapting right now, Amari,” I point out and then gesture to everything around us. “Only a few weeks ago, you were running around with your parents trying to avoid being caught by your pack. And now you’re hanging out with a mismatched group of folks who’s still trying to figure out if they’re a team or just convenient strangers.” “I … I never thought of it like that.” “Don’t sell yourself short, you’ve come far as well, or do you not think so?” “After becoming a hybrid, I floundered, is that the right word? You know, struggled. I felt werewolf to the core, but my stepmother was obviously a vampire, and I love her, so I believed that I could learn from her. Everything felt weird, and for a while, I felt disgusting. Having to drink from blood bags and looking at people like they were walking food. I felt … I felt like a monster.” [[“And eating human hearts didn’t freak you out?”][$amari -=5]] [[“I can relate.”][$amari +=5]] [[“So, what happened?”]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Monsters are nowhere as beautiful as you?”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Monsters are nowhere as beautiful as you?”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Hey, I never want to hear you call yourself a monster.”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Hey, I never want to hear you call yourself a monster.”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“Thank you, really,” I start, “it’s not always the easiest thing.” “But, you obviously made it.” “Yea, I guess I did. What about you though?” “After becoming a hybrid, I floundered, is that the right word? You know, struggled. I felt werewolf to the core, but my stepmother was obviously a vampire, and I love her, so I believed that I could learn from her. Everything felt weird, and for a while, I felt disgusting. Having to drink from blood bags and looking at people like they were walking food. I felt … I felt like a monster.” [[“And eating human hearts didn’t freak you out?”][$amari -=5]] [[“I can relate.”][$amari +=5]] [[“So, what happened?”]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Monsters are nowhere as beautiful as you?”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Monsters are nowhere as beautiful as you?”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Hey, I never want to hear you call yourself a monster.”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Hey, I never want to hear you call yourself a monster.”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
I sigh and, with a chuckle, lay back on the grass, “I’m just that good, Amari. I can’t help it.” She laughs as she throws a few blades of grass at me, rocking back and forth as she eyes me. “Are you really, or was that a joke?” “It was a bit of both. I’ve always been good at adapting to things. For me, I see little point in freaking out when it won’t solve anything. So, I try and meld myself into whatever I need to be to survive. I’m not going to act like it’s easy, especially when you realize that whatever you need to become might not be what you want to become, or even that you don’t know what to be. But I try my hardest.” “You see, inspiring,” she smiles brightly. “Come on,” I draw out, “you’re a walking inspiration as well. Or do you not think so?” “After becoming a hybrid, I floundered, is that the right word? You know, struggled. I felt werewolf to the core, but my stepmother was obviously a vampire, and I love her, so I believed that I could learn from her. Everything felt weird, and for a while, I felt disgusting. Having to drink from blood bags and looking at people like they were walking food. I felt … I felt like a monster.” [[“And eating human hearts didn’t freak you out?”][$amari -=5]] [[“I can relate.”][$amari +=5]] [[“So, what happened?”]] <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Monsters are nowhere as beautiful as you?”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Monsters are nowhere as beautiful as you?”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Hey, I never want to hear you call yourself a monster.”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Hey, I never want to hear you call yourself a monster.”][$amari +=5; $ARomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“And having to eat human hearts didn’t freak you out and make you feel like a monster?” I question in confusion, “if you ask me, werewolves are worse than vampires.” Amari stiffens, biting her bottom lip, “yea, I suppose you’re right.” “But, you don’t, so …” I sigh, attempting to make the impact of my previous words lighter, but there’s no way I can do that. She seems to understand that and gives me a half-smile, one that disappears a moment later. “I think I’m going to head in, I’m done with yoga.” She gathers the blanket up and walks inside. I stay in my spot for a little while longer, sighing as I eye the lovely light blue sky above, not a cloud in sight. If only the sky reflected my mood. <<if hasVisited("DA1Zillah")>>Spoken to Zillah already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.|DA1Zillah]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Rahim.")>>Spoken to Rahim already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Rahim.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("DA1Chris")>>Spoken to Chris already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.|DA1Chris]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Head back to sleep.|D3]]
“You know,” I tell her, running my fingers through the healthy-appearing grass that peeks out from the edge of the blanket, “I can relate.” “You can?” “I’m sure you’ve heard us talk about it before, but I really did think I was human until last month. As soon as I was told, I felt … disgusting. Like maybe I was pure in some kind of way and then –” “Suddenly, you were the most disgusting thing on the face of the planet?” Amari questions, though ultimately, she was finishing my sentence. We both sigh, letting the wind hit us as we enjoy the other’s company. “It gets better right? We learn that we’re not what we think we are and that we’re actually the heroes?” <<if $optimistic >=50>>I give her a gentle smile, “I think so. I think if we keep moving forward and we keep our heads up and remember that what we are, isn’t who we are, I think we’ll get through it.” She gives me a small smile, but her eyes show signs of doubt, and I wonder if mine mirror hers.<<else>>I frown, glancing up at the sky, “yea. I don’t really think it ever gets better, Amari. We just learn to live and adjust and keep going.” She whimpers but says nothing more.<</if>> A few minutes later, she rises, telling me that she’s going to head in and collecting the blanket. I stay in my spot for a little while longer, sighing as I eye the lovely light blue sky above, not a cloud in sight. If only the sky reflected my mood. <<if hasVisited("DA1Zillah")>>Spoken to Zillah already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.|DA1Zillah]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Rahim.")>>Spoken to Rahim already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Rahim.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("DA1Chris")>>Spoken to Chris already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.|DA1Chris]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Head back to sleep.|D3]]
“So, what happened?” She pauses, a sad look in her eyes as she looks past me. She shivers, “nothing.” “What do you mean, nothing?” I push, though regretting it as soon as the words slip past my lips. Amari gets up and attempts to give me a smile. “Nothing, nothing has changed. I’m still not past that phase, I guess.” She shoots me one last glance before gathering the blanket up and walking inside. I stay in my spot for a little while longer, sighing as I eye the lovely light blue sky above, not a cloud in sight. If only the sky reflected my mood. <<if hasVisited("DA1Zillah")>>Spoken to Zillah already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.|DA1Zillah]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Rahim.")>>Spoken to Rahim already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Rahim.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("DA1Chris")>>Spoken to Chris already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.|DA1Chris]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Head back to sleep.|D3]]
I send her a broad smirk, “last time I checked, monsters are nowhere near as beautiful as you. So, try again, this time with a better word to describe yourself.” She blushes, turning away from me so that I won’t be able to see it, but I lean forward, softly resting my hand on her chin as I turn her gaze back to me. Her wide eyes stare back into mine, breathless as she shivers beneath my touch. “I mean it,” I say as seriously as I can. She doesn’t seem able to reply, her mouth moving, but no words or even sounds originating. Abruptly, she scrambles to her feet, almost falling over as she gathers the blanket into her arms. “Uh, thanks for the talk. It was,” her eyes swipe from side to side, “I need to go.” She rushes inside, and I snicker, sighing happily as I eye the lovely light blue sky above, not a cloud in sight. <<if hasVisited("DA1Zillah")>>Spoken to Zillah already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.|DA1Zillah]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Rahim.")>>Spoken to Rahim already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Rahim.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("DA1Chris")>>Spoken to Chris already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.|DA1Chris]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Head back to sleep.|D3]]
“Hey,” I say, my tone far sharper than I had initially intended it on being, “I never want to hear you call yourself a monster, alright? As far as I can see you’re a good person, and far from what I would describe as being a monster.” “Well, it’s not like you know me very well,” she grumbles. “No,” I say, grabbing her hands and pulling her closer, “you’re not a monster. Say it with me, Amari, not a monster.” She continues to stare at me, her mouth moving as if to say the words but no sound originating from them. I’m suddenly aware why, my eyes darting to the blossoming color appearing on her cheeks to how close we now sat. My eyes meet hers once again, and I feel all the weight slowly travel off me. “Amari,” I mumble, my eyes darting to her lips before she snatches her hand out of my grasp and scrambles to her feet. “Uh, thanks for the talk. It was,” her eyes swipe from side to side, “I need to go.” She rushes inside, and I snicker, sighing happily as I eye the lovely light blue sky above, not a cloud in sight. <<if hasVisited("DA1Zillah")>>Spoken to Zillah already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.|DA1Zillah]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Rahim.")>>Spoken to Rahim already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Rahim.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("DA1Chris")>>Spoken to Chris already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.|DA1Chris]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Head back to sleep.|D3]]
I yawn as I make the trek up to the attic, pushing the door open to see Jeff asleep on the sofa and Zillah groaning from the chair. “Did you come in here to replace him?” Zillah questions, nodding at Jeff, “he’s getting on my last nerve. If I hear one more drunken proverb, I’m going to ask that one of you kill me.” He pauses, a smile encroaching on his face as he tilts his head to the side. “Did you come to check on me, $name? How sweet.” <<if hasVisited("Punch him.")>>\ [[“I actually came to punch you again.”][$zillah -=3; $pacifist -=2]] [[“I wanted to apologize for earlier.”]] <</if>>\ [[“Yea, I did actually.”][$zillah +=3]] [[“Not really.”][$zillah -=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Violent ++</span><</if>> “I actually came in here for round two,” I tell him, the words untrue, but the more I stared at his face, the more I wish to . “So violent,” he snorts, “but sure. Get it all out of your system.” “Don’t tell me what to do,” I say, tipping the chair with my foot until it sends him and it crashing to the ground. I grin when I hear a thud and moan later. <<include "D2_Zillah0">>
I scratch the back of my neck as the words form in my head, every inch of me <<if $sympathy >=50>>saying that this was the right thing<<else>>was screaming, telling me not to continue<</if>>, “I wanted to come and apologize for what I did earlier.” <<if hasVisited("Release it.")>>“You mean when you pummeled my face in?” he questions, suddenly growing serious.<<else>>“Ah, you mean that lovely little punch of yours?” he questions, his words light but his expression the opposite.<</if>> “Yea ... that wasn’t one of my finest moments.” <<if $ZRomance >=2>>\ “I would disagree,” Zillah hums, nodding his head from side to side before stopping, his eyes coming to rest on me and I spot a glimmer within, “I thought it was incredibly sexy.” “You … what?” He shrugs, though the action looks awkward due to his current situation, “what can I say? You’re powerful and you have no problem showing what you can do. I find that kind of confidence attractive,” he huffs, “bite me.” “You wish.” “Now I do,” he smirks, winking at me. <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Tease him.][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah -=2]]</span><<else>>[[Tease him.][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah -=2]]<</if>> [[Take a step back.|D2_Zillah0]] <<else>>\ “Do you have fine moments, $name? You seem full of nothing but hot air and horrible decisions.” I narrow my eyes on him, “you’re making apologizing really hard.” “Then keep your apology. I don’t care one way or the other. For me, and … this face, it happened, and nothing you say will change that.” “You act like you didn’t deserve it,” I growl, and he chuckles. “And there it is. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I always thought apologies came without excuses. So,” he leans in and there’s a flash of rage within his eyes, “you can take your apology and fucking choke on it.” He sits straighter in the chair and smirks, “want to punch me again now?” <<include "D2_Zillah0">> <</if>>\
"Oh, do you?" I ask, lowering my voice and taking a flirtatious step towards him. His cocky smirk wavers as he eyes me, attempting to figure out if I was serious or if I had other motives. I suppose it was both. "Depends," he answers cautiously, stiffening as I hover over him. I lean in, propping my hand on the top of his chair as I lean in towards his ear. "On what?" I whisper, blowing a soft breeze of air that causes him to shiver and tilt his head away. "What are you doing, $name?" "Just trying to figure out if you wanted me to really bite you or not. And if so," I lower myself so that I was closer to his neck, ghosting my lips across his skin, "where." "Careful," he growls, his eyes darkening as I pull back just enough to see his reaction. I lean back in, my attention now on the corner of his mouth. <<if $zillah >=50>>\ "Here?" I ask. I travel up the side of his face, lightly trailing my hand across his chest and then to his collarbone. Every intake of breath and shiver, I caught, and I can't help but smile when I hear him try to swallow a whimper. I draw back so that he could see me bite my lip. His eyes dart down to the action, and they widen, lust pouring into them as he shifts in his seat. <<else>>\ “You know?” I say, lightly trailing my hand across his chest and then to his collarbone, catching every breath and shiver he released. I pull back and look at him straight on. “I would never want this.” I feel his entire body stiffen, and he narrows his gaze on me as he tries to control his breathing. I stand with a superior smile, mentally questioning why there was a part of me that didn’t feel so victorious. My heart was beating faster than it had any right to, and my senses were alive and screaming. This was just lust playing with me. That was it. He chuckles, and I’m thankful for the distraction, “I’ll admit, you had me. Should’ve known, though.” “You should’ve,” I say with no hint of remorse, swallowing the disappointment that I felt. And yet, for what? <</if>>\ “What’s going on here?” Jeff asks, causing me to take a step back, “would’ve never guessed you two, but I was always a horrible guess.” He pouts before clapping his hands, forgetting about what he had just seen, “$name! You’re up!” “Miss me, Jeff?” I question, taking a few steps away from Zillah, not missing the deep guttural growl he sends Jeff’s way. <<if $serious >=50>>\ “Did I miss you? Naw, you’re too serious for me to have a lot of fun with. Always work and no play. But I’m glad to see you picked your lazy bones out of bed.” “Excuse me for going through an exorcism and being tired,” I remind, but he seems uncaring. “See, serious. I was kiddin’ with ya. Now, since you’re here, I’m going to go take a piss break.” <<else>>\ “Did I miss you? Of course, I did, you’re the only fun one. Everyone else is too serious, or I don’t know em well enough to actually get a laugh out of em. You have no idea how much I’ve been hoping you get up.” “We have to make up for lost time, I’m thinking pranks?” “Ya, read my mind! We’ll talk about it after I take my piss break,” he tells me, sprinting out the room. <</if>>\ My attention turns back to Zillah. “What’s going to happen to me now that you’re out?” “That’s a question you should’ve asked before expelling me. Don’t you think?” “I’m asking you now.” “Yes, I can see that. You know, just because I’m physical doesn’t mean you’re suddenly more assertive or scary or anything other than the same weak and foolish being you were before. The only thing that has changed is your clock,” he pauses in thought, “that and who you opened yourself up to.” “What do you mean?” <a data-passage="D2_Zillah"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Yea, I did actually. This is as new for you as it is for me.” “Aw, do you miss me?” he mocks with a snort. <<include "D2_Zillah0">>
“Not really, but if that’s what you want to believe then go ahead. I was just trying to see who was unlucky enough to be stuck on babysitting duty.” “Excuse you,” he snorts, “I’m a blessing to be near.” “Said no one ever.” <<include "D2_Zillah0">>
“God’s piss,” Jeff exclaims, yawning and getting to his feet, “you’re finally awake, $name.” “Disgusting sack of shit,” Zillah grumbles, avoiding my gaze. “Miss me, Jeff?” I question and he slaps my back harshly. <<if $serious >=50>>\ “Did I miss you? Naw, you’re too serious for me to have a lot of fun with. Always work and no play. But I’m glad to see you picked your lazy bones out of bed.” “Excuse me for going through an exorcism and being tired,” I remind, but he seems uncaring. “See, serious. I was kiddin’ with ya. Now, since you’re here, I’m going to go take a piss break.” <<else>>\ “Did I miss you? Of course, I did, you’re the only fun one. Everyone else is too serious, or I don’t know em well enough to actually get a laugh out of em. You have no idea how much I’ve been hoping you get up.” “We have to make up for lost time. I’m thinking, maybe pranks?” “Ya read my mind! We’ll talk about it after I take my piss break,” he tells me, sprinting out the room. <</if>>\ My attention turns back to Zillah. “What’s going to happen to me now that you’re out?” “That’s a question you should’ve asked before expelling me. Don’t you think?” “I’m asking you now.” “Yes, I can see that. You know, just because I’m physical doesn’t mean you’re suddenly more assertive or scary or anything other than the same weak and foolish being you were before. The only thing that has changed is your clock,” he pauses in thought, “that and who you opened yourself up to.” “What do you mean?” <a data-passage="D2_Zillah"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $zillah <50>>\ Zillah looks me up and down before finally sighing, “whether you want to believe me or not, I was helping you. What comes next for you demands it. My presence was also keeping your mind from being hijacked by other beings, if only because my presence was a signal that you weren’t ready. Interested parties will now have their eye on you.” “You said that my body wasn’t mine.” “I did, and I meant it.” “What does that mean?” “It means it’s not your own,” he laughs, <<if $ZRomance >=2>>following it up with a sigh as he looks me up and down, “which is such a shame because it is a really nice body.”<<else>>rolling his eyes.<</if>> “But,” I start and he stops me, shaking his head. “I’m done answering questions.” <<else>>\ Zillah sneers, “you are foolish. I just said that you don’t scare me. I’m not telling you anything. If you were anxious about your life and what I had to say, then you would’ve done everything I told you to. Obviously,” he nods at himself, “that isn’t the case, so I have nothing more to say to you.<<if $ZRomance >=2>> Unless,” he purrs, “you want to talk about something much more,” he pauses as his eyes slowly crawl over my body, “desirable.”<<else>>"<</if>> As if being called in by Zillah’s words, Jeff walks back into the room with an arm full of drinks and snacks. He nods his thanks before walking back to his position. I give Zillah one last glare before walking off. <</if>>\ “You people are so unhealthy,” I hear him mumble, his words most definitely aimed at Jeff. <<if hasVisited("Tease him.")>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> Zillah watches as $name finally leaves the room, and he couldn’t help but sulk, realizing that he was once again stuck with the drunk. His thoughts didn’t drift on this for long as he thought about the multiple sensations that this new body of his was feeling. It’s been centuries since he felt anything, and right now, $name had awoken each and every sense and lit them on fire … especially the one between his legs. That was perhaps the strangest yet the most entertaining. Damn did he want to fuck, $name. That was a thought he had even as a shade but didn’t pay too much attention to, his job was never supposed to get this complicated. He couldn’t get mad though, this complication caused his smile to broaden, his eyes drifting to each piece of furniture and how he could claim $name against it all. It was a concept that seemed foreign, yet so natural to him. He shivers at the idea of his name coming from $name’s lips as he laid ?him out on the dresser. No, this room wasn’t fun enough. “Stop grumbling over there,” Jeff shouts, throwing something hard and round at Zillah. He blinks, gazing and trying to figure out whatever the small brightly colored object is. Zillah mentally sighs, this is all in his head anyway, Roe wouldn’t be up for it. He smirks, or would ?he? <img src="images/divider.png"> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Amari.")>>Spoken to Amari already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Amari.]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Rahim.")>>Spoken to Rahim already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Rahim.]]<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("DA1Chris")>>Spoken to Chris already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Chris.|DA1Chris]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Head back to sleep.|D3]]
I walk into the kitchen to grab another snack, happening upon Chris as well. I pause when I see him slide across the floor at the same time as hearing him sing, “so why don’t you slide. Yea, I’m gonna let it slide. Don’t you love the life you killed?” He continues singing, totally unaware of my presence and the fact that I was watching a concert for free. “The priest is on the phone. Your father hit the wall, your ma disowned you – $name!” he shouts. Dropping the water bottle he had. His eyes wide as he looks at me, clearing his throat nervously. “How much of that did you see?” [[“I wish I saw more.”]] [[“I just walked in.”]] [[Slide.]]
“If I’m to be honest with you, Chris, I wish I saw more,” I laugh, taking a seat at the table. He blushes, “I thought I was alone.” “No need to get embarrassed,” I say, “I’m regretting not having food. Could’ve had a dinner and a show.” “Shut up!” he smirks, tossing a wadded-up napkin at me. <<include "D2_Chris0">>
“I just walked in, so you’re fine. I only heard the ‘ma disowned you,’ part,” I chuckle as I take a seat. “Oh, then yea, you didn’t miss much,” he lies, turning around but not before a bright shade of red appears across his cheeks. <<include "D2_Chris0">>
I wave off his concern, making it seem like I hadn’t seen anything before clapping my hands and then sliding across the floor while saying, “and slide.” I almost run into the fridge, but I’m too busy laughing to care much. “Oh, shut up!” he smirks, tossing a wadded-up napkin at me. <<include "D2_Chris0">>
“What were you singing anyway?” “Come on,” he whimpers dramatically, “Goo Goo Dolls?” He rolls his eyes and continues to fix himself a sandwich. “Surprised you weren’t just listening to Nirvana or something.” “I have an appreciation for all the rock legends,” he sneers, “plus I always told myself that I needed to learn different music genres if I ever wanted to teach it. Not the best example but, yea.” “Oh, that’s right. You did want to be a music teacher. What grade level, I don’t think I remember.” “Middle school. I feel like that’s the perfect age range for kids who are still trying to find themselves but generally know what they like and don’t.” He grabs his plate and sits in the seat opposite me, laughing as he shakes his head. “I’m talking about it like it’s going to be a thing.” “You never know. Everything ends, including this. Maybe you’ll get that wish.” Chris pouts, shrugging his shoulders before taking a bite of his sandwich, “maybe. Are you thinking that far into the future?” [[“No, I like to live my life day by day.”][$chris -=3]] [[“I’m trying to, or at least a month in advance.”][$chris +=5]] [[“Future planning helps me out.”][$chris +=3]]
“No,” I snort, grabbing an orange from the fruit basket and starting to peel it, “I live my life one day at a time. Planning too far ahead is stupid, though I’m pretty sure you’ve seen that.” “Yea, you plan one day and fate plans something else, like an exorcism.” “Surprisingly, that’s one of those things that I actually did plan for. Stuff like Raum popping back in is what I’m not prepared for and what makes planning stupid.” <<include "D2_Chris1">>
“I’m trying to, or at least a month in advance, anything that gives my life just the tiniest bit of structure. I need something to look forward to or, I’m lost. I feel like I’m just wandering, and I don’t like that.” “This entire life feels like we’re just winging it from day to day.” “I agree with you there,” I murmur, grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl and begin peeling it. <<include "D2_Chris1">>
“Future planning helps me out whether it happens or not; it just makes me feel like I’m in charge of my future and gives me things to look forward to. It reminds me that I have ambitions and goals and things that I want to do before my clock strikes zero.” I sigh, more to myself, as I reach forward and grab an orange from the fruit bowl, peeling it. “I get it. I’m not as put together as you, but I do like planning at least a couple of months.” <<include "D2_Chris1">>
“Seems like everything is starting to wind down. I mean, there’s not this huge list of things to do anymore, you know?” Chris questions, “the last thing on the list is to wait for this eclipse so that you guys can go get Sydero.” He pauses, taking a bit of his sandwich, “what happens if you can’t get her, though?” “What?” “Come on, $name,” he groans, “you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about all the ways that this can go wrong.” [[“Sorry, I’ve been too busy.”]] [[“Oh, I have. Definitely.”][$chris +=5; $optimistic -=5]] [[“I haven’t actually.”][$chris -=5; $optimistic +=5]]
“Sorry,” I say in a sarcastic tone, “I’ve been too busy running from werewolves, saving people, pissing off demons, and trying to get the disembodied voice out of my head.” Chris sends me a look of doubt that causes me to sigh upon receiving. <<include "D2_Chris3">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pessimistic ++</span><</if>> “Oh, I have. Every time we bring up her name, the issues that we’ll run into race through my mind. I just try not to focus on them.” “And it works?” he asks with a raised brow. “It does something that keeps me from pondering on them for too long.” <<include "D2_Chris3">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Optimistic ++</span><</if>> “I actually tried to be positive in that field. If I tell myself that rescuing Sydero isn’t going to happen, then who knows what might happen. That and I don’t want to experience the glares that Bradley sends to you.” <<if $bcure>>\ “You’re one to talk. He gives you an entirely different glare for what you did.” Chris rolls his eyes at himself, sending me an apologetic look for reminding me. <</if>>\ <<include "D2_Chris3">>
“Well, I’ll leave it at that. I’m going to imagine that Sydero is this totally reasonable person who, upon seeing you and her hated twin, she’ll agree to go with you. Or that she’s not totally demonic, and she’s not going to go crazy on you, regardless of who you are.” “You didn’t leave it at anything,” I tease, throwing one of the peels at him. He erupts in laughter, the sound dying as Bradley walks into the kitchen. “Let’s go, Chris, I’m ready.” “That makes one of us,” he murmurs, and I give him a questionable look. “Jeff forgot some stuff for Faye when we went to the store. She threatened Jeff’s life, and somehow, I got pulled in, so I promised her that I'll go and she told me to bring Bradley.” “Good luck with that then.” He gives me a glance that partly agrees with my words, as well as asking for me to save him. The two leave, and I go back to peeling the rest of my orange, eating it, and then cleaning up the mess before moving on. <<if hasVisited("DA1Zillah")>>Spoken to Zillah already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Zillah.|DA1Zillah]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Amari.")>>Spoken to Amari already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Amari.]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Rahim.")>>Spoken to Rahim already.<<else>>[[Find and speak to Rahim.]]<</if>> [[Head back to sleep.|D3]]
Despite finally feeling more functional, sleep still clings to my bones and my muscles, urging me to go back to bed. I never know what will happen next, so making sure I’m refreshed and ready seems like the smartest thing to do. I grab a water bottle and go back into the room, happy to see it untouched since leaving it earlier. I don’t know where the others are sleeping, but, at that moment, at least, I don’t really care. I get back into bed and fall asleep far too quickly for someone who thought they were well-rested. <a data-passage="EP6-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/acttwo.png"> The sound of <<if $dreamanimal is "vulture">>something screeching causes me to jump awake, my eyes glancing around the dark room until they spot the winged creature flying a few inches away from my face. Unlike before, I take note of the purple vein-line currents residing in its wings, as well as the brilliant purple of its eyes. It stares at me, and I stare back, neither of us doing much else as we try to read the other. Abruptly, it screeches again, and the vulture flies out of the room.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "coyote">>barking causes me to jump awake, my eyes glancing around the dark room until they spot the large, mangy appearance of a coyote. Being closer than before, I take note of the purple tints residing in its fur, as well as the brilliant purple of its eyes. It stares at me, and I stare back, neither of us doing much else as we try to read the other. Abruptly, it barks before darting out of the room.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "cat">>meowing causes me to jump awake, my eyes glancing around the dark room until they spot the small, pristine appearance of a cat. Being closer than before, I take note of the purple tints residing in its fur, as well as the brilliant purple of its eyes up against silky black fur. It stares at me, and I stare back, neither of us doing much else as we try to read the other. Abruptly, it hisses before darting out of the room.<<else>>cawing causes me to jump awake, my eyes glancing around the dark room until they spot the winged creature that was now perched on the edge of the dresser. Unlike before, I take note of the purple vein-line currents along its wings and back, as well as the brilliant purple of its eyes. The raven stares at me, and I stare back, neither of us doing much else as we try to read the other. Abruptly, it caws again, and the raven flies out of the room.<</if>> “Hey!” I shout, rushing after it. As soon as I pass beyond the threshold, my surroundings shift sporadically, as if this is nothing more than a simulation and the shift, a glitch. The house is the same, but the walls are moldy, the ceiling holds large holes that let bits of darkness in, debris liters the floor. It shifts back, and I catch sight of the $dreamanimal as it heads in the direction of the attic. This is starting to make more sense now, it’s Zillah’s doing, it has to be. He still has some kind of control over my mind, and this is his way of leading me to him. [[Nope, going back to sleep.][$daring -=5]] [[Let’s see what he wants.][$daring +=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Cautious ++</span><</if>> I turn around and head back into the room. This was my mind, and I refused to give him the satisfaction. So, did kicking him out actually change anything? Were we still connected somehow? <<include "D3_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Daring ++</span><</if>> I produce an audible groan, hoping that Zillah could hear it from his place in the attic. I suppose it would be a good time to question how he was doing this. If this was all for naught, then I would like to know as soon as possible. <<include "D3_1">>
<<nobr>>\ <<playlist "ambience" unloop fadeout>> <<audio "dream" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.40>> <</nobr>>\ I walk into the room, and it shifts completely. Unlike the last time where I was still in Faye’s house, the location now is something completely different. I stand in the middle of nowhere, a desert landscape stretching as far as the eye can see in all directions. In the far distance, I can see the rise of dunes, the moon peering down at them from its position in the sky. The darkening heavens hold an array of stars and colors, drifting from purple and blue to even some calming goldish tints. Despite the barren backdrop and lack of life, the sky causes my surroundings to come alive, to experience a new type of tranquility and being. “Why am I not surprised?” I hear Rahim question. I jerk from one side to the other in an attempt to find him, finally spotting him behind me, sitting amongst the sand in a meditative like position. “Not even safe in my own head,” I hear him murmur under his breath. “Rahim? Where the hell are we?” With a blank stare, he replies, “in Faye’s house.” “This is not Faye’s house.” “My apologies, I’m in Faye’s house. You’re in my mind, unwelcomed and unannounced, might I add.” “I’m in your head?” “Unwelcomed and un-a-fucking-nnounced.” I plop down and begin to rub my temples, ignoring his face as it morphs into annoyance. I’m far too busy trying to figure out what’s going on. A break. A. Break. Is that really too much to ask for? Just a day, maybe even a few hours. Something! <a data-passage="D4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Rahim, my mind isn’t really working as well as it should. I’m going to ask that you talk to me like you would someone who has no idea what’s going on.” <<if $rahim <50>>\ “So how I always have to speak to you then?” he utters under his breath. <</if>>\ “Like I just said, you’re in my mind, my dreams. I don’t know how to further simplify those words. A part of me even wants to wake up now, but I don’t know what kind of damage that may cause. But,” he sighs, rising, “let us figure out why.” “Wait, stop. I’m still trying to figure out how this is possible,” I begin, dragging my hands down my face and choosing at that moment to close my eyes. Maybe when I reopen them, this will all disappear. Three seconds later and I open them, sighing in defeat when my landscape hasn’t shifted. I glare over at Rahim. “You should be panicking, why aren’t you panicking?” “No offense, $name, but with all the shit that happens to you, nothing causes me to be surprised anymore.” He gestures with his head for me to follow and I do, still attempting to grasp this new concept. “Okay, so what do we do? How do I figure out what’s going on?” He only hums as he begins to walk towards the dunes, and I follow. He’s silent, rubbing his fingers through his beard as he goes, stopping every now and again in thought before going back to walking. “What is this place anyway?” “My mind,” he says in annoyance. “No, the setting. Egypt?” “You’re not too far off, but the Arabian Desert, actually. During my training, I would fly out here to think, I suppose I haven’t stopped.” [[“Training?”]] [[“Why the desert of all places?”]] [[“You’d just fly out here?”]] [[“I see why, it’s beautiful!”]]
“Training?” I ask. “To learn how to use my abilities. If you thought I was self-trained, then you’re horribly wrong.” “So, you were part of angel boot camp?” He stiffens, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, “if that is the only way you can imagine it, then yes. But we’re here about you.” He turns to face me. “The only thing that this can be is that you’re dream walking,” he informs me, biting the inside of his cheek. <<include "D4_1">>
“Why the desert of all places? And not even an oasis. At least then you have pretty scenery.” He pauses and turns to face me, “you don’t think this is beautiful?” He questions and gestures to our surroundings. “It is, but have you ever seen a desert oasis?” Rahim stiffens, raising a brow as he looks me over, “I have. I find them noisy and busy. Among the dunes, though, there’s nothing but you and your own thoughts. Your only companion being the occasional wind, and the sun and moon as your mindful judge.” He pauses, crinkling his brow before shaking his head. “The only thing that this can be is that you’re dream walking,” he informs me, biting the inside of his cheek. <<include "D4_1">>
“You’d just fly out here? Like down from heaven?” “Heaven isn’t technically up, though I know you westerners like to believe that hell is below and heaven above.” “What is it then?” “It’s here,” he says and spreads his arm out. “Think of it as existing right on top of you, but being part of a dimension that you can’t see.” “That makes sense.” “Now, back to you. The only thing that this can be is that you’re dream walking,” he informs me, biting the inside of his cheek. <<include "D4_1">>
“I can see why. This place is beautiful. How can you do anything but step back and admire it?” I turn to face Rahim, who is watching me intently, “is it even possible to have a negative thought out here?” A small smile encroaches onto his face, “I’ll tell you if I ever have one.” He frowns, rubbing his chin as he shifts the focus back to my predicament. “The only thing that this can be is that you’re dream walking,” he informs me, biting the inside of his cheek. <<include "D4_1">>
“Which means?” “Literally what it sounds like. You’re walking into dreams that are not your own. There’s a handful of supernatural creatures that can do it. Witches, djinn, lust demons, and some angels. The problem here is that you shouldn’t be capable of doing it unless on purpose. Obviously, you didn’t do this on purpose, so that means either you’re under a spell or you were forced here.” [[“I was chasing an animal.”]] [[“Do you think this is Lucia’s doing?”]] [[“How do you know I’m not doing it on purpose.”]]
“I was chasing an animal before I was brought here, a $dreamanimal.” “That doesn’t give me a lot of information. I’m also not the most knowledgeable about things like this. And, I’d be lying if I said that me helping you isn’t more so to get you out of my head.” “My presence can’t be that bad.” “When I want nothing but silence, your presence is shattering.” <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ [[Fight the disappointment, “well, I’m sorry to be such a bother.”]] [[Smirk and nudge him, “I can shatter a lot more than that.”]] <</if>>\ [[“I’m not enjoying this either.”]] [[“I didn’t mean to intrude.”]]
“Do you think this is Lucia’s doing? I don’t fully trust her.” “No, she left earlier today. She could have left something behind, but Faye would’ve picked up on it. And though she’s not to be trusted, Lucia does seem genuine with not liking bad reviews.” “At least we have time to figure this out.” “The sooner, the better. I would like you out of my mind.” “My presence can’t be that bad.” “When I want nothing but silence, your presence is shattering.” <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ [[Fight the disappointment, “well, I’m sorry to be such a bother.”]] [[Smirk and nudge him, “I can shatter a lot more than that.”]] <</if>>\ [[“I’m not enjoying this either.”]] [[“I didn’t mean to intrude.”]]
“How do you know I’m not doing all of this on purpose?” I question, leaning in with a cocky smirk. He glares at me, “because you didn’t even know what dream walking was a minute ago.” “That could’ve been me just trying to throw you off my trail.” “Then let me be the first to say that you should try harder, the fact that we’re having this discussion means you did something wrong.” He groans, “I just want you out of my head.” “My presence can’t be that bad.” “When I want nothing but silence, your presence is shattering.” <<if $RRomance >=3>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Fight the disappointment, “well, I’m sorry to be such a bother.”][$RRomance +=1; $rahim +=3]]</span><<else>>[[Fight the disappointment, “well, I’m sorry to be such a bother.”][$RRomance +=1; $rahim +=3]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Smirk and nudge him, “I can shatter a lot more than that.”][$RRomance +=1; $rahim -=3]]</span><<else>>[[Smirk and nudge him, “I can shatter a lot more than that.”][$RRomance +=1; $rahim -=3]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[“I’m not enjoying this either.”][$rahim -=3]] [[“I didn’t mean to intrude.”][$rahim +=3]]
I try to swallow the disappointment that slithers through me, “well, I’m sorry to be such a bother.” Rahim pauses, glancing at me with a softer look in his eyes. “I … I didn’t mean it like that.” “I really don’t see how else I could’ve taken shattering,” I say, walking past him, eyes widening when he grabs my hand. I glance from him to my hand, and he immediately releases me, clearing his throat. <<include "D4_1_0">>
I smirk, nudging him with my elbow, “I can shatter a lot more than that if you’d let me.” He raises a brow, “was I supposed to take that sexually? You shattering what exactly?” “Your mind, of course.” “Is this just your way of trying to salvage a bad joke?” “No, but the more you push it, the more I can’t really seem to defend myself. Apologies for trying to lighten the mood since my presence is just that bad.” I throw my arms into the air as I trek past him, only to pause when he grabs ahold of my wrist. He releases it a minute later, frowning as he avoids my gaze. <<include "D4_1_0">>
“That was probably the wrong word to use. Though I can’t really think of anything better. I come here when I need to think things through, and you being here really isn’t helping that, especially since it’s about you.” I pause, waiting for him to correct himself, but he doesn’t. He only continues to stare at me. “You came here to think about me?” “I came here to think through the problem you put me in,” he corrects. “You are never going to let me live down bringing you on to save your sister, are you?” “For the first time ever, that’s not what I meant. I have feelings for you. I have for a while.” Hope picks up my heart, my eyes widen, and a blush crossing my cheeks is imminent. “You make me …” he frowns, “question things. But that’s the problem, now isn’t it?” He chuckles to himself, bringing me out of whatever world that my mind was starting to conjure. “What do you mean?” “I don’t trust you, $name,” he says matter-of-factly as he walks past me, “you’re an enigma that becomes more mysterious each moment I’m near you. A puzzle that I desperately want to put together. But frankly,” he sighs, running his hand down his face and sounding more like someone who could use a long nap than someone tired of the conversation, “that’s the last thing I need.” I can see him looking at me out of the corner of his eye, a comet shooting across the sky as the last words past his lips, “I’m not keen on the idea of you destroying what’s left of my heart.” I take a step forward when I hear <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote" or $dreamanimal is "cat">>whining. I turn to see the $dreamanimal from earlier glancing at me from the top of a dune, cocking its head to the side.<<else>><<if $dreamanimal is "raven">>cawing<<else>>low hissing<</if>>. I turn to see the $dreamanimal from earlier flying with the moon to its back, its beak pointed towards me.<</if>> “The $dreamanimal!” I shout, gazing over at Rahim, who looks in the direction I point but otherwise, remains calm. “Did it <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote" or $dreamanimal is "cat">>run away?<<else>>fly off?<</if>>” he asks. I glance back, only to see it still there. “No, it’s right there.” Rahim glances again but sighs, “well, obviously the fact that I can’t see it means that this has more to do with your mind and whatever’s happening to you. I advise you to follow it.” I nod in agreement, darting up the side of the dune in hopes of being able to spot it. I pause halfway up the dune, turning to gaze back at Rahim, his words from earlier still fresh in my mind. My heart shudders, not knowing what to tell it with the position it’s now in. “Go,” he tells me, “please just go.” I nod and turn, hushing everything within me as I force myself to the top of the dune and then over. Because even though he told me to go, his eyes and his tone beg me to stay. <a data-passage="D4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You know, I’m not enjoying this either. If you think I went to sleep, excited about entering your dream instead of my own, then you’re wrong.” I tell him, and he shrugs, appearing content with my words. “Good, then we’re both on the same wavelength. Get you out of my head as fast as possible.” I take a step forward when I hear <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote" or $dreamanimal is "cat">>whining. I turn to see the $dreamanimal from earlier glancing at me from the top of a dune, cocking its head to the side.<<else>><<if $dreamanimal is "raven">>cawing<<else>>low hissing<</if>>. I turn to see the $dreamanimal from earlier flying with the moon to its back, its beak pointed towards me.<</if>> “The $dreamanimal!” I shout, gazing over at Rahim, who looks in the direction I point but otherwise, remains calm. “Did it <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote" or $dreamanimal is "cat">>run away?<<else>>fly off?<</if>>” he asks. I glance back, only to see it still there. “No, it’s right there.” Rahim glances again but sighs, “well, obviously the fact that I can’t see it means that this has more to do with your mind and whatever’s happening to you. I advise you to follow it.” I nod in agreement, darting up the side of the dune in hopes of being able to spot it. I get to the top and lose my footing, slipping, and tumbling down. <a data-passage="D4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Look, I didn’t mean to intrude, seriously,” I sigh as my voice trails off, thoughts of Zillah appearing, “I know what it feels like to have someone in your mind when you don’t want them there. It’s not something I’d wish on anybody. So, I’m sorry that this is happening.” He stiffens but then relaxes just as a warm breeze rushes past us, causing the cold desert night air to subside. “You’re right, I’m sorry. You seem just as confused as I am, and you’re trying to fix it. I just …” he stops himself and shakes his head. “We should get back to it.” I take a step forward when I hear <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote" or $dreamanimal is "cat">>whining. I turn to see the $dreamanimal from earlier glancing at me from the top of a dune, cocking its head to the side.<<else>><<if $dreamanimal is "raven">>cawing<<else>>low hissing<</if>>. I turn to see the $dreamanimal from earlier flying with the moon to its back, its beak pointed towards me.<</if>> “The $dreamanimal!” I shout, gazing over at Rahim, who looks in the direction I point but otherwise, remains calm. “Did it <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote" or $dreamanimal is "cat">>run away?<<else>>fly off?<</if>>” he asks. I glance back, only to see it still there. “No, it’s right there.” Rahim glances again but sighs, “well, obviously the fact that I can’t see it means that this has more to do with your mind and whatever’s happening to you. I advise you to follow it.” I nod in agreement, darting up the side of the dune in hopes of being able to spot it. I get to the top and lose my footing, slipping, and tumbling down. <a data-passage="D4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
As I descend, the glitch effect from earlier happens again. This time the dunes are instantly replaced by dead grass, the star-speckled sky turning a haunting cloudy grey, and the distant moon now hidden. The only thing in the distance is flatness. I jolt upwards and look around. I reside in a field that goes on in all directions, the only thing upsetting the view is a wicked appearing tree with contorted branches that reach out in multiple directions and curl at the edges. I pull my eyes away from the lone tree, shivering as I attempt to look for the $dreamanimal, spotting it at the base of the tree. I take one step, unsurprised to find my world once again shifting. The $dreamanimal turns to me as my world falls apart, and for a minute, I believe it narrows its eyes at me. <<if $bcure>>\ I stand in the middle of an arcade, the overhead lights dimmed down, allowing the glow of the multiple arcade games to illuminate the large room. “Victory!” Bradley shouts, tapping the side of the machine as if it’s an old friend, “you really should try harder.” I look around in hopes of spotting who he’s talking to, spotting a slumped over man in a childish uniform behind a counter. Large bags rest under his eye, and his chin is heavy with stubble and clusters of razor bumps. His hair is matted, sticking out from underneath the hat that he wears, and if this was a cartoon, I’m sure stench wafts would be exuding from him. “Bradley?” I question, finally taking my eyes off of the man. “$name?” he asks, not peeling his eyes off of the machine, “what are you doing here?” “Do you know where you are?” “In an arcade,” he replies, clicking his tongue at the obvious answer. “Yea, but you’re dreaming.” “I doubt that. I wouldn’t have conjured you up if I was,” he shrieks as he jumps away from the game and does a victory dance, “another record. Get those prizes ready for me, Cortez!” [[“That doesn’t matter.”]] [[“I see you’re doing better.”]] <<else>>\ I stand in front of what I believe to be a burnt down house. Parts of the house remain standing, but most of it rests in a large pile of debris. The sky is dark, the sound of an incoming storm far in the distance. “$name?” I hear Bradley question, I glance around for him to see him across the street, swinging on a lone swing. “What are you doing here?” “Do you know what this is?” I ask him, and he shakes his head, “I mean.” He narrows his brow, “I’m confused. I know who you are, but I know that you’re not supposed to be here. I shouldn’t know you, but I do.” I pause at his words, like he hinted at, there’s no recognition in his eyes. The fact that he knows my name seems to bother him the most. I’m going to guess that the house is his parents' and that he has yet to learn that he’s dreaming. “Bradley,” I begin, narrowing my gaze. [[“What year is it?”]] [[“Do you know who Rahim is?”]] [[“Do you know this is a dream?”]] <</if>>\
“Well, lucky for me, that doesn’t matter. I’m dream walking right now, and you seem to be my next stop.” “When did you get an ability like dream walking?” he questions, raising his brow towards me before glancing around for his next victim. “Rahim doesn’t believe it’s me doing this but something else. I’m chasing after a $dreamanimal, so hopefully, it’ll have answers for me.” <<include "D4_2_0">>
I look him over before taking a second look at the standard arcade that we found ourselves standing in. “I see you’re doing better.” “Do you want a pat on the back or something?” “Nope, not asking for that at all.” <<include "D4_2_0">>
“Huh,” he pauses, shooting me a glare, “this would be the second time you fucked with my mind, huh?” “I’m not doing anything to your mind, Bradley. I’m just a visitor.” “An unwanted one.” <<if $serious >=50>>“I want to get out of this as much as you want me out. If I can figure out how, then I’ll be on my way.”<<else>>“Geez, you guys are so stingy with who you allow in your minds, Rahim said the same thing.”<</if>> Bradley throws me a scowl as he presses start on the next machine. “So, what do you need help with?” “I don’t know, last time the $dreamanimal just kind of showed up while I was talking to Rahim. I followed it, and my world changed to this creepy place before changing to this. I’m guessing that as long as I continue following it, I’ll figure out what’s going on.” Bradley pauses, voluntarily dying as he glares at the screen. “You said you were chasing a $dreamanimal? Did it have purple tints and eyes?” “Yea, you’ve seen it? Because Rahim didn’t see it.” “I’ve seen something like it,” he gestures for me to follow him, walking to the front of the arcade where the lone employee stands, not even blinking as we approach. Bradley points to the wall of stuffed animals behind him, and sure enough one of the stuffed animals looks exactly like my $dreamanimal. <a data-passage="D4_2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Do I just grab it?” I question, and Bradley shakes his head. “That’s the wall of prizes, you have to win it.” “Well, how much?” “A thousand tokens,” the employee says in a low monotone voice that causes my ears to pop. “How many tokens do you have?” “Nowhere near enough,” Bradley comments and pumps his fist into the air, “you know what this means, right?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer as he grabs me and yanks me over to a dance machine. “It means we have to hurry and get those tokens. The only way to get all the tokens is to make the entire arcade our bitch.” [[“I was born for this.”][$bradley +=3]] [[“I’m not the biggest gamer.”][$bradley -=3]] [[“You want me to keep up with you?”][$bradley +=5]]
I crack my knuckles and then roll my neck around, “I was born for this moment, Bradley. All those quarters I spent as a kid on these games are about to show you just how good I am.” Surprisingly, Bradley claps and hollers in excitement, starting the game as he jumps from one foot to the other. The game starts. <<include "D4_2_2">>
I nervously rub my arm as the game comes to life, asking us to choose our dance character. “I’m not the biggest gamer.” “Why am I not surprised?” he asks, raising a brow at my confession before choosing a small calico cat with urban style wear. “It’s not that hard, just dance to the beat and step on the markers when they appear.” “But –,” I begin, unable to say more as Bradley leans over and chooses an old man with a cane for my character. “No buts, you want that stuffed animal or not?” The game starts. <<include "D4_2_2">>
“I know these games, but you’re also asking for me to keep up with you,” I point out, “you, the King of Games?” He chuckles, puffing out his chest in pride, “well, that’s true. It will be hard for you to keep up with me, but try your hardest.” I snort as the game comes alive. We pick our characters, and it starts. <<include "D4_2_2">>
It starts off relatively easy, but for every perfect we get, the harder the level becomes. The beat speeds up, and the pressure rises. Striving to get perfect is no longer as simple as before, and I struggle on some. On the other hand, Bradley seems totally at peace, causing me to wonder how many times he’s played this game and if he could do all of this in his sleep. I suppose that’s what he’s doing now. We earn 100 tokens from the game and move on to the next, the number building up more and more as we run around the arcade. When we finally have 900 of them, I head to the last machine that Bradley has yet to play, Demonslayer. “$name?” Bradley murmurs, appearing behind me, but his eyes are narrowed on the last arcade game. “Can you play that one instead?” [[“Yea, of course.”][$bradley +=3]] [[“I’m sorry, about all of this.”][$bradley +=2]] [[“Do you suck at it or something?”][$bradley -=3]] [[“You’re not as okay as I thought, huh?”]]
“Yea, of course,” I say and step forward, preparing the game. I don’t overthink why he doesn’t want to play it until the first level appears. Part of me had almost forgotten that this is a dream, his dream, to be more specific. The more I think about it, the more I see it. This dream is one that the old Bradley would conjure up. At first, I see no sign of anything traumatic, but that’s also because I hadn’t been looking out for it. There’s a werewolf and vampire killing game, another game called ‘Rescue the Princess,’ and I recall watching Bradley play a game where he had to help everyone as much as possible before time runs out. And then there’s this game. I don’t say anything, my eyes passing over to Bradley before going back to the game. But I’m sure Bradley had seen me looking around. “It’s not as bad as you think,” he tells me, leaning on the game. He turns his head, and the snarling face of a demon greets him. Immediately he straightens up and comes to my side. “Not as bad as it could be, I mean. I have nightmares sometimes, but even those aren’t as bad. The memories I got back, they hurt at first, but … I don’t know. I feel over it.” “I’m not understanding. So Wrath removing the memory block, did it not really do anything?” “It did, but I think her removing the memory block was worse than the thoughts that came back to me. The best way I can describe it is like showing you images of something horrible that you experienced years ago. You remember those images, something inside of you reminds you that you lived it, but you can’t remember precisely what happened and how it affected you.” He scrunches up his face and points his finger at me, “don’t go thinking that means I forgot what you did.” [[“What about forgiveness?”][$bradley +=3]] [[“And I’d do it again.”][$bradley -=5; $stubborn +=5]] [[“I know, I know.”|DIKnow][$bradley +=5; $stubborn -=5]]
I eye the machine, immediately realizing why Bradley refused to play the game, it doesn’t help that the demons are ugly to look at, globs of what looks like some evil scientist threw together. My entire body shivers as I stand in front of the game. I clench my fists together and turn towards Bradley, “I’m sorry about all of this.” He takes a step towards me but then pauses. “… I know. I know you’re sorry. But hey, it’s not that bad.” He attempts to put a positive spin to it and shrugs, taking a step back. “I have nightmares sometimes, but even those aren’t really horrible. The memories I got back, they hurt at first, but … I don’t know. I feel over it.” “I’m not understanding. So Wrath removing the memory block, did it not really do anything?” “It did, but I think her removing the memory block was worse than the thoughts that came back to me. The best way I can describe it is like showing you images of something horrible that you experienced years ago. You remember those images, something inside of you reminds you that you lived it, but you can’t remember precisely what happened and how it affected you.” He scrunches up his face and points his finger at me, “don’t go thinking that means I forgot what you did.” [[“What about forgiveness?”][$bradley +=3]] [[“And I’d do it again.”][$bradley -=5; $stubborn +=5]] [[“I know, I know.”|DIKnow][$bradley +=5; $stubborn -=5]]
I frown, taking a step closer to it and pressing a button to bring it to life. Classic platform game with some ugly demon-like monsters didn’t seem too difficult. “Do you suck at it or something?” “I don’t suck at any video game,” he corrects me just as a demon from the game does a classic villain laugh, causing Bradley to bristle, “I just don’t want to play it.” It takes me a few more minutes before realizing why Bradley refuses to play this game and nothing else, and most of that has to do with the young player-controlled boy that has to try and escape a house filled with demons. I beat level one and then sigh, glancing back at him. “It’s the memories. Is it still as bad?” “Not at all,” he tells me, pointing to a demon that I hadn’t seen. I successfully maneuver around it and continue on. “I’m better, I feel better. I have nightmares sometimes, but even those aren’t as bad. The memories I got back, they hurt at first, but … I don’t know. I feel over it.” “I’m not understanding. So Wrath removing the memory block, did it not really do anything?” “It did, but I think her removing the memory block was worse than the thoughts that came back to me. The best way I can describe it is like showing you images of something horrible that you experienced years ago. You remember those images, something inside of you reminds you that you lived it, but you can’t remember precisely what happened and how it affected you.” He scrunches up his face and points his finger at me, “don’t go thinking that means I forgot what you did.” [[“What about forgiveness?”][$bradley +=3]] [[“And I’d do it again.”][$bradley -=5; $stubborn +=5]] [[“I know, I know.”|DIKnow][$bradley +=5; $stubborn -=5]]
I look him over again, and besides the new emotion that rests in his eye, nothing else seems different from when I first looked him over. “You’re not as okay as I thought you were, huh?” “I’m … I’m better,” he tells me honestly, “really, I am. The thoughts and images still get to me, and sometimes I wake up with nightmares, but I feel like it could’ve been worse. The memories hurt at first, but … I don’t know, it felt like part of me was over it. Like it had already faced this issue, and it was just waiting for the rest of me to catch back up.” “I’m not understanding. So Wrath removing the memory block, did it not really do anything?” “It did, but I think her removing the memory block was worse than the thoughts that came back to me. The best way I can describe it is like showing you images of something horrible that you experienced years ago. You remember those images, something inside of you reminds you that you lived it, but you can’t remember precisely what happened and how it affected you.” He scrunches up his face and points his finger at me, “don’t go thinking that means I forgot what you did.” [[“What about forgiveness?”][$bradley +=3]] [[“And I’d do it again.”][$bradley -=5; $stubborn +=5]] [[“I know, I know.”|DIKnow][$bradley +=5; $stubborn -=5]]
“I’m not asking you to forget what I did, but what about forgiveness?” “What about it?” he asks gruffly. “Will it ever happen? I miss my friend, Bradley.” He chokes up at my words but quickly schools his face, “you should’ve thought about your //friend// before you played with his mind.” I hear him, loud and clear, but decide not to answer and turn my attention back to the game. <<include "D4_2_3">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Stubborn ++</span><</if>> “And you know what, I’d do it again if it means you end up like this and not something else. If it means keeping you safe, then it’s worth it.” He studies me for a long time before asking, “so you’d risk our friendship to keep me safe?” I nod, and a heavy frown appears. “I would hope you cared more about our friendship,” I hear him mutter under his breath. I hear him, loud and clear, but decide not to answer and turn my attention back to the game. <<include "D4_2_3">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Reasonable ++</span><</if>> “I know, Bradley. The day you let me forget that is the day the world will burn.” He stares at me long and hard, finally some emotion moving into his eyes as they soften, “only because I don’t want you to do it again. What you did hurt. You’re like an older sibling to me, and I know you did it for me but, next time, can you not? Or at least talk to me about it first. It could’ve worked out well still, who knows?” A large part of me doubts that, but I keep such thoughts to myself, nodding to Bradley before turning my attention to the game. <<include "D4_2_3">>
The game has ten levels in all, and despite the connotation behind it, it’s a relatively simple game with hardly any difficulty. The game congratulates me and asks me to put in my name for the records. I press enter, looking to see that there is only my name, the game has never been touched by another. “Come on,” Bradley says, grabbing the tokens that the game gives me for winning, “we can get your stuffed animal.” The two of us trek back to the prize booth, and Bradley points to the stuffed animal, yelling at Cortez to hurry up. This doesn’t cause Cortez to move any faster, his tired and slow pace still continuing as he grabs the stuffed $dreamanimal and hands it to me. “Now what?” Bradley asks, but I have no time to answer as <<if $nerve >=50>>my world begins to shift, colors twisting, and the landscape turning. A breath later, I find myself in the familiar field, but I was much farther away from the lone tree. <<else>>a screeching sound is heard in the near distance. I drop to my knees as it gets louder and louder, my entire body reacting to whatever was taking place. A second later, it’s no longer taking place, and I’m no longer in the company of Bradley but in a familiar field. The fog has drifted closer in, obscuring much of my surroundings. <</if>>\ <<if $cp>><a data-passage="D4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
“What year is it?” “2013.” I frown, so it’s what I had thought, Bradley doesn’t know this is a dream or has any recollection of who I am. <<include "D4_2_4">>
“Do you know who Rahim is?” “No, never heard that name before,” Bradley tells me, his words causing me to frown. So, I was right to assume that Bradley didn’t know that this was a dream. <<include "D4_2_4">>
“Do you know this is a dream?” He blinks, looking around, “is it?” I frown, not immediately answering. <<include "D4_2_4">>
Unlike Rahim, who was cognizant of his surroundings and of I, Bradley seems more like an audience member to whatever dream is unfolding. The thing is, I don’t know whether or not I need his help to get out of here. The $dreamanimal may just show up, or I might need Bradley’s help in finding it, and him not knowing what’s going on isn’t about to help me. More so, me helping Bradley may be my way out. //Trigger Warning: Suicidal Topics and Thoughts. If you wish to avoid this then choose ''not'' to tell Bradley the truth.// [[Tell Bradley the truth.]] [[Keep the truth to myself.]]
I keep my thoughts and the truth to myself, looking around once again in hopes of changing the conversation. “Whose house is this?” Bradley’s eyes flicker back to the burnt down house, sighing as he swings himself again, “my parents.” I pause and glance over at him, spotting the tears that begin to well up in his eyes and then flow down his cheeks. My stomach twists, why, out of all dreams, did he have to dream about this? “It’s all my fault,” he whimpers, releasing the side of the swing and burying his face into his hands, “I thought I was saving them by leaving. Why didn’t the wolves just come after me? I’m the one with the chip! They died not even knowing that I was okay. I’m such a horrible son.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>My features soften as I kneel down to be on his level, “how could you have known this was going to happen? You did what you thought was right.”<<else>>I stiffen, “how could you know this was going to happen? You did your hardest.”<</if>> “They warned me about being so curious. Everyone warned me. But it didn’t kill me, it killed them. How is that fair?” He looks up at me with teary eyes, the corners growing a brighter red as he continues to rub at them. “How many more people will pay because they know me?” I bite the inside of my cheek, my mind involuntarily answering his question. <a data-passage="D4_2_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I need his help to get out of here, and despite it being a dream, I don’t want to lie to him. “Bradley,” I start, choosing my words carefully. “I’m $name. The year is 2018, Sydero’s stuck in hell, we met her brother, Rahim. I just exorcised Zillah from –” “You’re pointing out everything but the most important thing.” Even though he scolds me for it, not even he brings it up, and I watch as the swing slows, and Bradley slumps down. Where once he just seemed sad, he’s now tired. I practically watch as the emotion drains from his eyes, then his face, and finally from his body. He looks like a lump of indifference, someone with nothing to gain or to lose, and more importantly, someone who doesn’t care whether they do lose. “I’m so tired,” he sighs, resting his head on the rusting chain of the swing, “I’m tired all the time, it’s too much. The images don’t stop. The feelings don’t go away. Nothing helps. I can’t even cry anymore,” he sniffles, but like he just said, no tears are shed, “I just want to cry and feel again.” “Come on,” I say, shaking him lightly, my tone pleading, “we still need to save Sydero.” “I don’t think I care about that anymore,” he tells me, shrugging his shoulders at my stunned face. “$name, I just really want to disappear. I’m tired of everyone who I care about hurting and paying because of me. I’m the variable you mash the delete button for.” [[Hug him.|DHugB]] [[Just sit beside him.][$bradley +=3]] [[Try and find a way out.][$bradley -=3]]
I don’t allow him to say anything else as I tug him off the swing and into my arms. It was the only thing I can do; it was the only thing I could ever do. He wraps his arms around me and swallows a sob. “You think you won’t be missed, but I promise you, with everything inside of me, you would be. The entire team would go on a mission to find you, and if you don’t think we will, then you doubt our determination.” He doesn’t answer, his arms just tightening around me. We stay like that for a while when I feel Bradley stiffen. He releases me and moves back, cocking his head to the side. <<include "D4_2_5">>
I take a seat beside him on the swing set and offer him a supportive smile. His muscles twitch, attempting to curl but never doing so. He looked more like a baby trying to mirror someone’s expression than a teenage boy. He finally stops with his attempt and looks back towards the house. <<include "D4_2_5">>
I shift uncomfortably, getting to my feet, and looking around, eyeing the landscape as if it had shifted. I still needed to get out of here, and I had no clue where to start. Bradley wasn’t much help, though I understood why. This was my problem, and besides intruding into his mind, he had no reason to help me. He had other things to deal with. <<include "D4_2_5">>
“That’s a weird looking $dreamanimal.” I dart around, and sure enough, the $dreamanimal sits off to the side. “Uh, Bradley,” I start, glancing over my shoulder at him, “I kind of have to follow it.” “Go ahead, I’m about to wake up or whatever to stop all of this.” “Find Rahim if you need company, okay?” He nods, rolling his eyes at the suggestion. I falter, not wanting to leave him, but the $dreamanimal is already leaving the scene. With one last look at Bradley, I chase after it. The world glitches. <<if $cp>><a data-passage="D4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
“Let me help you,” I say, “let’s get out of here.” He shakes his head, “I came with someone.” He seems unsure about whether to continue on but then shrugs his shoulders, “it’s a woman who said she’ll help me.” I stiffen, “is her name Sydero?” He nods. “She’s here?” He nods a second time. <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ Would it be possible to actually call upon Sydero? The thought roams into my mind more as a side thought than an idea, but it lingers, long enough to become more than just a consideration. This is a dream, a place that she can easily appear in with her powers. And the fact that there’s a desire between us just might be all that I need. <<if $supernatural >=10>>\ I close my eyes and try to figure out what else is needed to summon a succubus. There are many ways, and most of them are meant for the waking world. One, I do remember, is fairly simple. Create a circle made out of blood and then summon the succubus with your thoughts. It might work, it might not. <<if $bloodfear>>\ I shiver when I think of blood though, frowning and wishing to just not go any further. It might not even work, what’s the point? <a data-passage="D4_2_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ [[Don’t summon her.]] [[Summon her.][$lustmet = true]] <</if>> <<else>>\ I had no idea how to summon her though, not even knowing if it’s possible due to being in Bradley’s dreams and not my own. <a data-passage="D4_2_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\ <<else>>\ I wonder where she is, and if she does return, will she be able to see me and interact. The rules of this place still elude me, Rahim picked up on my presence immediately and knew who I was. Bradley did not. Does it have to do with the difference between the two men or their dreams? Maybe Rahim’s dream isn’t much of a dream, but then, how did I pop into it. <a data-passage="D4_2_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
I decide not to try, it’s too risky, and there’s a high chance that it won’t work. Summoning a succubus into Bradley’s dreams, the thought doesn’t sit right with me, and if something goes wrong, then that’s on me. Perhaps if it was my own thoughts or if I understood what’s going on. But I don’t, and so I decide to stay my hand. “Hey, look!” Bradley shouts, bringing me out of my thoughts and pointing to something near the house. I look, joy rushing through me when I see the $dreamanimal make an appearance. “You’ll be okay here?” I ask him. He gives me a questioning look, and I take that as a yes, he would be able to dream the rest of this dream in peace, I just hope that my presence didn’t affect him in any harmful way. I rush after the $dreamanimal that was already turning to leave. The world glitches. <<if $cp>><a data-passage="D4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
“Hey, look!” Bradley shouts, pointing to something near the house. I look, joy rushing through me when I see the $dreamanimal make an appearance. “You’ll be okay here?” I ask him. He gives me a questioning look, and I take that as a yes, he would be able to dream the rest of this dream in peace, I just hope that my presence didn’t affect him in any harmful way. I rush after the $dreamanimal that was already turning to leave. <<if $nerve >=50>>Abruptly, I freeze as my world begins to shift, colors twisting, and the landscape turning. A breath later, I find myself in the familiar field, but I was much farther away from the lone tree.<<else>>I rush after the $dreamanimal when suddenly there’s a screeching sound in the near distance. I groan and drop to my knees as it gets louder and louder, my entire body reacting to whatever was taking place. A second later, it’s no longer taking place, and I’m no longer in the company of Bradley but in a familiar field. The fog has drifted closer in, obscuring much of my surroundings.<</if>> <<if $cp>><a data-passage="D4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
“Hey, Bradley?” I start, “this is going to sound weird, but I might be able to help you if I do this. Mind imagining my arm bleeding, badly?” He frowns but I stop him before he can ask me anything. I’m quite sure if this will even work, it isn’t like I have a manual on what can and cannot be done in dreams. “No questions, just do it. This area,” I tell him, pointing to the part of my arm that would aid me. He glances from me to my hand, a million questions wanting to be asked, but before I can remind him about what I said earlier, my hand begins to bleed, a gash that isn’t there before now appearing. I nod my thanks and get to work with making a circle. The pain that I feel is minimal, perhaps due to Bradley or maybe even because of all this being a dream. Once done, I wrap my arm in my shirt and kneel in the middle, thinking about Sydero and the feelings that course through me when it comes to her. I think of her body, her smirk, her glistening eyes. My mind moves to images that have her in a lack of clothes, a dark room which no eyes can see into. Our two bodies pressed up against each other as she kisses me, her hands traveling, her lips getting lower. “Hmm, well, don’t you have a dirty mind?” A new voice inquires, my eyes flashing open as something tilts my chin up. The first thing I see is a wispy arrow-pointed tail that loses shape every couple of seconds before growing thicker. The slightest breath causes it to move and shift to whatever it wishes too. I follow the tail to the person, my heart stopping as my eyes inch up the body and stop once I get to a pair of bright crimson eyes. “But that’s why you called me, huh?” Sydero questions. My jaw goes slack as suddenly she’s on top of me, her sharp nails digging into my shoulder as she keeps me from moving. She rolls her hips across mine, and my eyes bug out. A pounding of conflicting emotions rushes through me, pleasure and pain, freedom but captivity, desire, but a creeping danger that causes me to want to run. It’s as if someone is choking me, sitting on my chest, and squeezing my lungs. “Sydero?” I’m hardly able to say, taking in her appearance. The only thing that’s the same is her skin tone and hair, and even that seems foreign. Bright red pulsing veins are scattered across her body, and parts of her skin are covered in iridescent goldish red scales. A pair of large dark red wings rest on her back, twitching in anticipation for flight. Her horns are curved with rune-like markings etched into them. <a data-passage="D4SH"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My head falls back, “Sydero, it’s me.” “You say that like I should know who you are,” she snorts, running her finger down my jaw. Far more interested in touching me than talking. Her hand wastes no time exploring my body, making me involuntarily scream for more. I shiver, this isn’t right. This is a mistake. Is this even Syd? “Syd,” I try, gritting my teeth as pleasure clouds my mind, “it’s me, Roe.” I attempt to look her in the eye, but the expanse of red makes it hard to figure out what she’s thinking or feeling. By her actions, it’s nothing but lust. A second jolt of desire and pain flashes through me, the pain mixing into pleasure as Sydero nips at my neck, rolling her tongue across it later as if to apologize for the act. This feels so right, my body wanting her to devour me. To give itself to her and beg her to never stop. But my brain rioted against this, screaming that this isn’t right, that I need to fight. Right as she pulls back, a figure from the side shrieks. Her head whips around, and I feel her stiffen from on top of me. Finally, I’m able to breathe, my entire body claiming air it didn’t want to believe it was losing. She rises and makes her way towards Bradley. “Who are you?” she asks, but Bradley doesn’t answer. Her entire demeanor seems to have changed. She circles him, a war being fought on her face as she studies him. <a data-passage="D4SH1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“And so, we finally meet,” a new voice adds. I whip around to find a well-groomed man standing off to the side. He wears a long-sleeved white button-down shirt with a black vest and tie. His pants are immaculately pressed and on his feet rest the shiniest shoes that I believe I’ve ever seen. His dark brown hair was swept to the side, not one strand out of place, and I can’t say that his short beard is much different. He has dark eyes with a hint of amber within. “Who are you?” I ask as he approaches, though a part of me already believes it knows. I glance over to see that Syd is still studying Bradley, the kid just sitting frozen in place with no idea what to do. “Excuse me for my lack of manners, sometimes I forget myself.” He blinks, and his human-like eyes are replaced by an ocean of dark blue. “My name is Asmodeus, or, if you wish, you may call me Lust.” “Sydero’s dad,” I breathe out slowly, my insides clenching. “Yes, and an avid fan of yours. You are something that none of us have come across, but something so vital to the past, present, and future.” He sighs and releases a light chuckle that causes my senses to come alive, “and yet, at this moment, I only care about your intentions with my daughter.” [[“What intentions?”]] [[“Don’t play the dutiful father now.”]] [[“You’re not what I expected.”]]
“What intentions?” I ask, recoiling at the look he sends my way. He doesn’t immediately answer, his gaze swiveling over to Sydero, who is speaking to Bradley. “If you have no intentions for her, then that is fine as well. It makes this much easier for you in the long run. But do not think me stupid, I am lust. I am desire. If you crave it, I know it.” He takes a threatening step towards me and points towards Sydero, “and I know you want her. If not, then this conversation would not be taking place, now would it?” <<include "D4_2_8">>
“Don’t play the dutiful father all of a sudden. You’re not persuading anyone here.” “I don’t care to persuade you. But I have no reason to pretend either. Whether you accept it or not, I love my daughter. But I also know duty and responsibility. Something your father obviously didn’t instill into you,” he smirks. <<include "D4_2_8">>
“You’re not what I was expecting.” “I shall take that one of two ways,” he starts, wiping the dust from his vest. “Either you envisioned me appearing to you in demon form, which would be foolish. I would cause this poor child to combust, and you would die upon a single glance. Or, you meant that you envisioned me naked and wishing to fuck everything that can breathe, which that wouldn’t surprise me. Heathens hardly possess vivid imaginations.” He blinks and smiles at me, “but you are no heathen.” <<include "D4_2_8">>
He straightens up, narrowing his eyes at the sky. “And this is a presence I have not felt for some time. Why not show yourself, old friend?” He says ‘old friend’ with aversion, his eyes brightening to an electric blue as he waits for a response that doesn’t come. He smirks before looking back down at me. “Come finish this up so we may depart, Sydero. I have seen all that I have wished to.” Immediately she saunters over, a seducing sway to her hips as she approaches me. “What did you do to her?” “Absolutely nothing. You imagine me the monster due to you being far too afraid to accept the idea that she has just become what she has always meant to.” I shake my head, but Lust simply shrugs his shoulders. “I have no doubt that I’ll be seeing you soon, $name. Perhaps then we can discuss whatever you wish further. Until then,” My world goes dark as Sydero’s eyes are the last thing I see, a pit that drags me in, causing my body to explode in pleasure, “let me help you out.” My eyes open, and once again, my world begins to sway, much like one would if they were drunk. My heart pounding and my body feeling like it just ran five marathons without rest. I try to grasp onto the fact that I had just met Asmodeus. I met Sydero’s father. At least he seems more civil than the other Princes I’ve met, though that itself could be a trick. <<if $cp>><a data-passage="D4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
It's all soon replaced with the sound of waves hitting the shore and wind racing along the coast. In a way, the serenity reminds me of Rahim’s dream, a retreat from the world. I breathe in the humid ocean air, salty and balmy, the scent enough to calm my nerves and set me at ease. I gaze around for the person whose mind I’m in, finding Chris sitting on a sizeable boulder further down the beach. “Chris,” I call out, making my way towards him. He furrows his brow upon seeing me, eyeing me as if I’m an apparition. I sigh, readying myself to explain. “Alright, so this may sound weird but –” “You’re dream walking?” I pause, frowning as I place my eyes back on him, he doesn’t look shocked or scared, just curious to whatever my answer will be. “Yea, how’d you know?” “Read about it in one of those books, can’t remember which. I just didn’t know you had the ability.” “Yea, well, neither did I or Rahim. I’m chasing a $dreamanimal right now, trying to figure out what it wants.” “A $dreamanimal?” he repeats in question, “<<if $dreamanimal is "coyote">>I remember reading that the coyote is supposed to represent weakness, hypocrisy, and meddling in things that aren’t your business. But I’ve also seen things that seeing them in dreams are just a reminder to not be too serious.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "cat">>I remember reading that the cat is supposed to represent lack of trust in your intuition and misfortune. But I’ve also seen things that say that they’re a sign of independence and power.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "raven">>I remember reading that the raven is supposed to represent betrayal, death, or misfortune. But I’ve also seen things that say that they’re a sign of new beginnings.<<else>>That’s a fun one, they say it means you’re being watched and that someone is using you. But it could also mean purification.<</if>>” He shrugs his shoulders, “choose your pick.” [[“Can I pick none of the above?”]] [[“I’m surprised you knew I was here.”]] [[“Guess I’ll find out when it appears.”]]
“Can I pick none of the above, or is that not an option?” “It’s always an option, whether it’s the right one, then I don’t know about that.” “You sound like a professor during a test,” I joke, the two of us laughing before putting our attention back on the scenery. <<include "D4_3_1">>
“I’m surprised you knew I was here,” I point out, trying to ignore his earlier words. So, was this all a lesson? Something that this $dreamanimal needed to teach me, and why now? “I don’t know what to tell ya. I’ve been dreaming of this place for a while. I guess I’m so used to it that I’m alert? I don’t know,” he chuckles. <<include "D4_3_1">>
“Guess I’ll find all that out when it appears and tells me what this is all about.” “The $dreamanimal is going to talk to you?” he teases. “Oh, shut up. You know what I mean,” I glance around, “what is this place anyway? Somewhere you went on vacation?” “Uh, one of our tennis matches, actually. We were able to get a break, and all of us came out here, of course, it was sunnier, and there were more people. I returned in the morning when there were fewer folks. My match was that day, so I wanted to clear my head.” “Did you win?” “Naw. Didn’t think I would either.” “Two points for optimism.” Chris lightly shrugs, a frown settled on his face as he looks out at sea, the horizon appearing to go on forever. Despite neither of us speaking, silence never settles due to the sounds of the ocean waves and wind. Calming my senses and allowing my brain to think about something other than a dire situation. <a data-passage="D4_3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cbreak>>\ “I know I’ve hurt you,” Chris finally says, breaking the silence, his eyes still trained on that horizon, “and it was never my intention to. I think my foot forever stays in my mouth,” he takes in a shaky breath, “which I still need to work on. I say and do the wrong things, and somewhere in my brain, I tell myself it’s fine. That it’s going to all be okay and that I don’t need to worry. All lies,” he snorts with a small smile that he can’t bear to hold on to for longer than a few seconds. “So we’re talking about this finally?” He nods. “This whole thing has been a gigantic ball of stress that never really finishes unraveling. Every other minute we’re either running for our lives or saving someone or I’m the one that needs saving. Or we’re planning to do something crazy. So, you became this sort of light for me. You became that factor that I didn’t think would change, that one constant. And I put you on this untouchable pedestal, and that was so fucking unfair of me.” He finally looks over at me, his eyes tired and downcast, “and that’s why we had to do this break. There were so many things that I needed to figure out for me ... that I still need to figure out for me. <<if $gender is "male" or $gender is "nonbinary">>Not to mention the whole orientation change. I don’t want to lie, not now. I think some part of me was trying to come up with a reason to say it was wrong. Using every negative thing to happen to us to be a reason. But I’m starting to think that maybe my dad’s voice is just louder than I thought. And it took longer than I thought to silence him. I needed to figure it all out if I ever wanted there to potentially be an us.<<else>><<if $chris >=50>>Because if there’s ever going to be an us, then I need to learn how to be there for you the best way I can.<<else>>Because if there’s ever going to be an us, then there first has to be a me.<</if>><</if>>” [[“Maybe there shouldn’t be an us.”][$CRomance to 0; $cbreak = false; $cbupg = true]] [[“You’ve done some pretty hurtful things.”][$chris -=5]] [[“We both need to work on things.”]] <<else>>\ I stay for a few minutes longer before I stand and begin to search for the $dreamanimal. Chris, though wishing to help, stays where he is when I tell him that he probably will be unable to spot it. It was his dream as well, and I was the intruder, I’d rather let him get back to thinking while I figure out what’s going on and how to get out of it. I leave the beach behind and make my way towards one of the hills, wondering if it’s smarter to stay put. So far, there’s no pattern. Rahim and Chris were aware of me, and that they were dreaming, Bradley was not. It isn’t like the $dreamanimal just popped up after I did something, and I don’t quite understand why it’s leading me through my companions’ dreams. Is there something I’m supposed to learn? Something I’m supposed to see? I continue on my way when I spot the $dreamanimal sitting on top of an adjacent hill, peering down at me in judgment. I watch as it turns and disappears like it always does, and I chase after it. <a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Maybe there shouldn’t be an us,” I speak, starting to pace back and forth along the beach. Chris gazes at me for a second longer before putting his eyes back on the ocean. “Because we take about five steps back for every time we step forward, and soon we’re not even going to be playing on the board anymore.” Chris doesn’t immediately speak, his eyes still on the waves as they crash along the shore. <<if $RRomance >=4>>\ “Is it Rahim?” “What?” I question, freezing as I turn to look at him, my eyes wide and my breath hitching in my throat. Chris eyes me carefully, before his eyes drift down to the sand, nodding slowly. “I guess I should’ve seen that one coming.” “Chris,” I start, not knowing what I was going to say, what did you say in this situation? “No need to explain anything, $name,” he lets out a rueful chuckle, “compared to all the shit I’ve done, you look like a saint, right?” I’m unable to tell if his words are meant sarcastically or genuine, especially since he’s turned his back to me. “You might be right. We might really not be fit for one another, and it took who knows how many near-death experiences to realize that.” <<elseif $ZRomance >=2>>\ He pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he asks, “please tell me it has nothing to do with that damn monster that you finally got out of your head?” “And whether it does or not, why does it matter?” “It doesn’t matter because of me and you, but I’m worried about you. This thing was in your head, and you’re making nice with it.” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “You don’t have the entire picture, nor do I need your worry.” “He tried to kill you!” Chris growls, “why the fuck are you just forgetting this?” “Again. I don’t need your worry.” He looks like he wants to say more, but instead, he shakes his head, turning his back to me. <<else>>\ “Making nice? Have you seen my interactions with him?” “So you’re a sadist with a new toy? Is that it.” “Chris.” “$name,” he says right back, “I’m not going to stand here and act like whatever you feel for that thing isn’t normal or healthy. I’m worried about you.” “I don’t need your worry.” He looks like he wants to say more, but instead, he shakes his head, turning his back to me. <</if>>\ “You’re right. You don’t.” <<else>>\ “You might be right. We might really not be fit for one another, and it took who knows how many near-death experiences to realize that.” <</if>>\ He stands, leaving the rock behind as he approaches me. Despite there only being a few feet separating us, it feels like there was an entire ocean. Blue eyes that I once found sanctuary in now seemed so closed off. Cold was never a word I thought I would use to describe them, and yet, that’s what they were. “I hope you find what you’re looking for,” he finally says, reaching out but then stopping short. He pulls his hand back to his side, using it to instead run it through his hair. He steps away and then continues walking down the shore, walking just along the path where the tide meets the sand before retreating. I watch his ebbing figure, a mix of emotions coursing through me, feelings that I didn’t want to stop and think about, not at that moment anyway. That would be a problem for awake me. With a sigh, I turn my attention to my surroundings, spotting the $dreamanimal sitting on top of a hill, peering down at me in judgment. I wonder if it had seen that entire exchange? I watch as it turns and disappears like it always does, and I chase after it. <a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Yea,” I say, my voice growing in pitch due to emotion that I try to hamper down, “you’ve done some pretty hurtful things.” “Yea, and saying sorry or making up some lame-ass excuse isn’t going to be enough. If it would, then I’d be screaming it to the rooftops. I’m sorry, you know I am. I didn’t do any of those things to hurt you, I really didn’t.” <<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>>\ “You sure? Because you dancing with the girls at the “party definitely felt like you wanted to hurt me.” “It wasn’t, but I don’t think you’ll like the answer either way.” “Tell me why.” He turns his back to me and sighs deeply, “all the shit going on just got too much, and being at the party reminded me of college. Simple shit. Shit that I felt was right for me. And I wanted to, just for the night, go back to it. The issues with you and me, and then Bradley, and the whole Sydero thing.” He stops. “Look, if you’re looking for a good reason, I don’t have one. I was selfish. That’s all there is to it. I just have to learn how to be better, same as you.” <<else>>\ “Then, why did you?” “If I gave you a reason, would it make it any better?” he asks, “it happened, and I just have to learn how to be better, same as you.” <</if>>\ I frown, “what?” He snorts incredulously, “come on, $name, you’re not about to stand here and put this all on me, are you?” He turns his entire body to face me, cocking his head to the side in hurt. “I know I fucked up, alright. I spend every fucking night thinking about it and questioning if I could possibly be stupider. But you’re not exactly perfect either.” [[“I have never done the things you did.”]] [[“Because I’m not human.”]] [[“I never said I was.”]]
I sigh, plopping down on the sand, scooping some of it into my hand before letting the wind blow it all away. “We both need to work on things. Relationships work both ways, and it’s unfair and untrue to make it seem like you’re the only person in the wrong. Don’t get me wrong, you’ve done some pretty messed up stuff, but I haven’t exactly been some picture-perfect partner either. I’ve been focused on me lately, and that’s it.” <<if $chris >=50>>\ “That’s not bad,” Chris points out, but I scoff at his words and shake my head. “A relationship takes two people, not just one focused on them and the other trying to have their back. You needed a break to focus on yourself, and I took it personally when I should’ve just supported you. And honestly, I think the break is needed. What’s happening to me is big and I appreciate your support but I can’t rightfully say I won’t continue being selfish. It’s my life and at this exact moment, I am what I’m most worried about.” <<else>>\ “You kinda have,” Chris teases, and I pick up a shell to toss it at him. “Have I been that bad?” “We’ve both been pretty horrible, in different parts of the relationship. But, yea, it hurt that every time I thought I was doing something good that would help me, you made it about yourself and seemed to just gloss over it. I felt like I had no support, but it was expected of me to give you everything. And I get it, you’re going through crazy shit but ...” “Damn, I’m so sorry,” I grumble, covering my face and shaking my head. My chest knotting at his words. <</if>>\ “Hey,” Chris says, getting off his rock and coming to my side, plopping down as ungracefully as I did. “Whether we like it or not, we’re both still new to this. We haven’t even been living this life for three months yet, and the most stressful shit you can think of has been going on.” He takes my hands in his and squeezes them. “If you can forgive me and I can forgive you, and we can agree that either this needs to end before it even begins or we both work at it and understand it won’t be figured out until all of this settles down.” [[“Let’s work at it.”][$CRomance +=1; $chris +=5]] [[“We should make that break permanent.”][$CRomance to 0; $cbreak = false; $cbupg = true; $chris +=5]]
“I have never done the things that you did, so don’t even try that.” <<if $leonaSleep>>\ “You are absolutely right, you’re worse, but see, I try not to hold that over your head. You had sex with Leona, or did you forget that? Or did you hope that I forgot that? I at least can kick my pride to the side and say I fucked up, but you can’t even seem to do that.” He wipes his hands down his face. “Does it ever occur to you that the rest of us is going through shit as well? You can tell me what you’re feeling and going through all day long but you gotta understand, I’m not you. I will never feel the same or completely understand it. Only you will ever feel what you’re feeling, the rest of us will just be sympathetic at best.” <<elseif $RRomance >=2 or $ARomance >=2 or $ZRomance >=2>>\ “You are absolutely right, but since we’re pointing fingers, am I supposed to just be okay with you flirting with the others too?” He raises his hands in mock surrender, “I dance and you flirt, either we’re both horrible or not.” He wipes his hands down his face. “Does it ever occur to you that the rest of us is going through shit too? You can tell me what you’re feeling and going through all day long but you gotta understand, I’m not you. I will never feel the same or completely understand it. Only you will ever feel what you’re feeling, the rest of us will just be sympathetic at best.” <<else>>\ “I never said you did, $name. All I said is that you aren’t as perfect or as innocent in all of this as you think,” he licks his lips and takes an unsteady breath in, “I say that we need a break because I need to work on me, and you get insulted. I know you’re going through things, but does it ever occur to you that so is the rest of us? You can tell me what you’re feeling and going through all day long but you gotta understand, I’m not you. I will never feel the same or completely understand it. Only you will ever feel what you’re feeling, the rest of us will just be sympathetic at best.” <</if>>\ “I know that.” “No,” he shouts, growling to himself as he gets off the rock, “you’re not listening. You want me to be there for you, and I tell you I can’t, that I want to but I can’t, and you take that shit personally. You make it seem like me putting myself first is a crime and that I can’t be going through anything because it doesn’t seem to amount to what you’re going through. You compare shit. I told you when I first said we should take a break that it had nothing to do with our argument, and what did you do? Make it immediately about you. If I’m going through something, then it has to be traced back to you. You don’t think that’s an issue?” [[“Not as big as yours, no.”]] [[“You’re making up reasons to be mad at me.”]] [[“It is. I didn’t realize.”]]
“Yea, yea, yea,” I say in agitation, “because I’m not human, I know Chris, you won’t let me live that down.” “No, actually, that’s not what I’m talking about, but you do use that as a fallback now. Every time,” he starts and then licks his lips, taking a deep breath in, “I say that we need a break because I need to work on me, and you get insulted. I know you’re going through things, but does it ever occur to you that so is the rest of us? You can tell me what you’re feeling and going through all day long but you gotta understand, I’m not you. I will never feel the same or completely understand it. Only you will ever feel what you’re feeling, the rest of us will just be sympathetic at best.” “Of course.” “No,” he shouts, growling to himself as he gets off the rock, “you’re not listening. You want me to be there for you, and I tell you I can’t, that I want to but I can’t, and you take that shit personally. You make it seem like me putting myself first is a crime and that I can’t be going through anything because it doesn’t seem to amount to what you’re going through. You compare shit. I told you when I first said we should take a break that it had nothing to do with our argument, and what did you do? Make it immediately about you. If I’m going through something, then it has to be traced back to you. You don’t think that’s an issue?” [[“Not as big as yours, no.”]] [[“You’re making up reasons to be mad at me.”]] [[“It is. I didn’t realize.”]]
I frown and narrow my eyes, “I never said I was, Chris. Don’t try to make this about me when it’s about you.” “No, that’s where you’re wrong. For the first time ever, you don’t want to make it about you. Does it ever occur to you that the rest of us is going through shit as well? You can tell me what you’re feeling and going through all day long but you gotta understand, I’m not you. I will never feel the same or completely understand it. Only you will ever feel what you’re feeling, the rest of us will just be sympathetic at best.” “Of course.” “No,” he shouts, growling to himself as he gets off the rock, “you’re not listening. You want me to be there for you, and I tell you I can’t, that I want to but I can’t, and you take that shit personally. You make it seem like me putting myself first is a crime and that I can’t be going through anything because it doesn’t seem to amount to what you’re going through. You compare shit. I told you when I first said we should take a break that it had nothing to do with our argument, and what did you do? Make it immediately about you. If I’m going through something, then it has to be traced back to you. You don’t think that’s an issue?” [[“Not as big as yours, no.”][$CRomance to 0; $chris -=10; $cbreak = false; $cbup = true]] [[“You’re making up reasons to be mad at me.”][$CRomance to 0; $chris -=10; $cbreak = false; $cbup = true]] [[“It is. I didn’t realize.”][$chris +=5]]
Chris deflates, frantically searching my face to figure out if I really feel that way. “I don’t even think it’s an apology that you want, $name. Because no matter how many times I apologize, you don’t seem to even care to hear it.” “You apologized, what, like two times?” “And you haven’t apologized once.” “You keep trying to make this about me.” His shoulders slump, and he finally seems unable to look me in the eyes, “because,” he pauses and cocks his head to the side. Wordlessly he gets to his feet, dusting his clothes off from the sand. “I just realized that if you can’t see your faults and why I feel this way, then it doesn’t matter in the long run. This was never going to work out, and I’m feeling like shit about it when I should just accept that.” He bites down hard on his bottom lip, “I’m sorry, $name.” With that, he turns and heads away, walking just along the path where the tide meets the sand before retreating back. I watch his ebbing figure, a mix of emotions coursing through me, feelings that I didn’t want to stop and think about, not at that moment anyway. That would be left for awake me. With a sigh, I turn my attention to my surroundings, spotting the $dreamanimal sitting on top of a hill, peering down at me in judgment. I wonder if it had seen that entire exchange? I watch as it turns and disappears like it always does, and I chase after it. <a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You’re making up reasons to be mad at me,” I point out. “Then round of applause for me and how long I can keep this supposed lie going. I’ve been saying this for a while, whether or not you listen to me, well that I can’t say. I don’t know what you wnat me to say here. I //fucked// up. A lot of things is my fault. You wanted me to explain but I couldn’t because I needed time to figure out why I felt the way I did. And here I am.” He deflates, frantically searching my face to figure out if I really felt that way. “You’re still not hearing me, are you?” Wordlessly he gets to his feet, dusting his clothes off from the sand. “I just realized that if you can’t see your faults and why I feel this way, then it doesn’t matter in the long run. This was never going to work out, and I’m feeling like shit about it when I should just accept that.” He bites down hard on his bottom lip, “I’m sorry, $name.” With that, he turns and heads away, walking just along the path where the tide meets the sand before retreating back. I watch his ebbing figure, a mix of emotions coursing through me, feelings that I didn’t want to stop and think about, not at that moment anyway. That would be left for awake me. With a sigh, I turn my attention to my surroundings, spotting the $dreamanimal sitting on top of a hill, peering down at me in judgment. I wonder if it had seen that entire exchange? I watch as it turns and disappears like it always does, and I chase after it. <a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“It is,” I sigh, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. I ignore the look he gives me as I inhale, happy that this conversation was happening here and not somewhere where the air is dank. “I didn’t realize it until now. Which I suppose just adds weight to your argument.” “$name,” he murmurs, but I stop him, a small understanding smile breaking through the distraught look that had taken over my features. “You don’t have to try and soften the blow or anything, it’s okay, really. I … I don’t really know what to say. I didn’t mean to make it always about me. I really didn’t.” I chuckle, trying hard to hold it in but failing. “Gosh, and now I see what you mean with the excuses thing. It sucks to be on the receiving end, huh?” He rises from his rock and comes and sits across from me, “yea, it really does. But I know that I messed up, multiple times at that. So, I’ll take it.” I grab his hand, “we’ll take it. I’m sorry.” “Whether we like it or not, we’re both still new to this. We haven’t even been living this life for three months yet, and the most stressful shit you can think of has been going on. He takes my hands in his and squeezes them. “If you can forgive me and I can forgive you, and we can agree that either this needs to end before it even begins or we both work at it, then I’m okay with that.” [[“Let’s work at it.”][$CRomance +=1; $chris +=5]] [[“We should make that break permanent.”][$CRomance to 0; $cbreak = false; $cbupg = true; $chris +=5]]
I stare at his hands, trying to figure out if all this would be worth it in the end. Could I picture Chris by my side in a romantic way? I think about tomorrow, and the day that will come after that, and the weeks and months after that. In each quick flash, I saw him, I wanted him to be there. I bring his hands closer to my chest, as if afraid that he would disappear. “Let’s work at this,” I murmur against his hands, “I at least want to say we tried. We’re not together, but let’s keep each other’s feelings in mind.” He leans in and presses a warm, long kiss to my forehead, “that’s all I want to. Let’s go one day at a time and –” Both of us jolt at the sound carried to us on the wind, turning to see the $dreamanimal sitting on a hill. “I’m guessing that’s what you came here for?” “Yea, I,” I start, glancing back at him, and he releases me. “We can talk about this further when we both wake up.” I nod and get to my feet, wiping the sand off of me as I dart after the $dreamanimal that seems to wait for me. <a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I stare at his hands, trying to figure out if all this would be worth it in the end. We were both under so much stress and trying to have a healthy relationship when you were afraid that the next day wouldn’t even come wasn’t the smartest thing. I close my eyes, the words I wanted to speak were there, it was just the act of saying them aloud. “No worries, $name,” Chris whispers, leaning in and placing the lightest of kisses on my forehead, “I know you well enough to know what your answer is. I’ll always be here for you, though.” He squeezes my hands again before releasing them, rising to his feet, and tossing me a farewell gesture as he walks along the beach. With a sigh, I turn my attention to my surroundings, spotting the $dreamanimal sitting on top of a hill, peering down at me in judgment. I wonder if it had seen that entire exchange? I watch as it turns and disappears like it always does, and I chase after it. <a data-passage="D4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>The $dreamanimal, like before, disappears along with the scenery. Thankfully, there’s no glitch effect. Instead, my new location fades in as everything else fades out.<<else>>The glitching effect calms and<</if>> I find myself standing in the middle of a large field with a few cars scattered about, all facing a large screen projecting some old movie that I’ve never seen. I furrow my brow, looking around to better take in the scene. Every car parked had a couple or a group of friends, laughing and talking or too busy making out or watching the movie. Whose dream was this supposed to be? “Oh, oh, $name!” I hear an excited voice shout, looking to my right to see a friendly face waving me over, “you’re just in time.” “Amari, what is this?” “Beats me,” she laughs, moving over to the passenger side of the classic convertible, patting the seat that she had just given up. “My dreams are usually some random mess.” I get in the car and continue to look around, still trying to figure out what was going on. “So, you know this is a dream?” “Yea,” she replies, lightly bouncing in her seat, her eyes wide as she takes in the movie. [[“And you’re okay with me just walking in?”]] [[“Why are you so excited?”]]
“And you’re okay with me just walking into your dream?” “Why not? The more, the better, right?” Her eyes widen, and she gasps, “wouldn’t that be awesome?! If we could all just walk into each other’s dreams and hang out? The person whose dream we walk into has control and can imagine whatever they want? I mean, I suppose we would have to go with someone who's not dark and doesn’t just want to kill us but,” she drifts off, her eyes on the screen as the two leads share a kiss. “Um, Amari?” She doesn’t answer, taking in the scene, gaping in awe. <<include "D4_4_0">>
“Why are you so excited? You’d think you’ve never been to a drive-in movie theatre,” I trail off as I say the words, realizing that she probably hadn’t. She glances over at me, an embarrassed smile on her face. “What else haven’t you done?” “A better question is what have I done,” she laughs, the laugh turning into a nervous chuckle as she sighs, visibly deflating in her seat. “I haven’t done a lot of things. I’ve never been to a fair or an amusement park. I’ve never been to a beach or had a picnic. I’ve never had a night out with friends or gone to a haunted house.” She twitches as she looks back at the screen, her body shaking in excitement as the two leads share a long kiss. “I just want to finally start experiencing things.” <<include "D4_4_0">>
I wait for the kiss to end before capturing her attention again, “have you seen a weird animal around, a $dreamanimal with purple tints and eyes?” “Nope,” she says, not even sparing me the tiniest bit of attention, but I realize that her focus wasn’t on the movie anymore either. She was gazing at the other cars, people observing, and then before I can even get used to her a new action, she whips and looks at me. “Want to take a walk?” “I thought you were watching the movie?” She turns back to it, that enthusiasm from before now gone as she shakes her head and looks over at me. “I’m done now. So how about that walk?” There was no sign of the $dreamanimal, so why not? We get out of the car, and I follow her to the back of the drive-in area and then follow the street that leads away. The sound of the movie gets farther away, and soon, we’re surrounded by silence, Amari turning agitated and paranoid. Her movement is frantic as she moves in closer towards me, her eyes darting from one area to the next. There was nowhere for anything to hide, but one would think we were walking through a maze with how she was reacting. <<if $flirt_Amari>>\ [[Grab her hand.][$ARomance +=1; $amari +=3]] <</if>>\ [[“Are you okay?”][$amari -=3]] [[“Want to head back?”][$amari +=3]]
I reach down and grab her hand, squeezing it to remind her that I was there. She turns towards me, her eyes full as she looks from our intertwined hands and then back at me. She seems to calm down tremendously, taking a deep breath in. “Holding your hand is nice.” “Oh, is it?” I chuckle. She rubs my hand with her thumb, a soft smile on her face. “It is. Being near you is nice,” she murmurs, a blush forcing its way onto her cheeks. My brain short circuits, what do I say? This feeling that was slowly creeping over me must mean something. And yet, my mouth and brain refused to cooperate. “I like the way your hand fits in mine,” I say, the words falling out of my mouth, or more so tripping. I pause and berate myself, a cliché line, and one that was really stupid, it wasn’t even original. “Like a cute little puzzle piece,” she chuckles, swinging our hands, cocking her head to the side, the moon causing her dark brown eyes to glimmer. Without thinking, I catch her other hand in mine and turn her to face me. “Like that one missing puzzle piece.” We stare into each other’s eyes, neither of us moving an inch as we try to read what the other could possibly be thinking. Abruptly, I hear a <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote">>growl behind me, and I jerk around to see the coyote glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "cat">>hiss behind me, and I jerk around to see the cat glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "raven">>caw behind me, and I jerk around to see the violet glowing eyes of what I guess to be the raven.<<else>>low hiss behind me and I jerk around to see the vulture glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<</if>> “$name?” Amari asks, her eyes wide as she looks past me, but I expect that she sees nothing. Unlike any other time, the $dreamanimal charges towards me. <<if $nerve >=50>>I stumble backward just as Amari gasps, and I fall to my knees. I feel bile rise in my throat, paired with an incapacitating headache. I attempt to shout but no sound makes it past my lips.<<else>> I stumble backward just as Amari gasps, and I fall to my knees. My body screams and riots, every muscle spasming and causing me to want to vomit. I try to call for help, to make some kind of noise, but no sound makes it past my lips. Every second that passes brings excruciating pain. And my world begins to fade.<</if>> <a data-passage="D4_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Hey, are you okay?” “Yea, why?” I raise a brow, looking her up and down. “Well, you are acting a bit weird. It’s like you’re waiting for something to jump out and grab you.” “Oh,” she stiffens and forces a smile, “sorry, sometimes my mind gets away from me. I don’t really like silence. It’s … it’s unnerving.” “I guess that makes sense,” I start, shrugging my shoulders as I think her words over. “You’ve never really been in silent situations, silence for you probably feels like –” “Please stop,” Amari says, stopping. I slow down and turn to her in confusion. “What did I do?” “Stop trying to rationalize it.” “It? Amari, what are you talking about?” “Just, let’s talk about something else?” She wraps her arms around herself and walks past me, “please.” Abruptly, I hear a <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote">>growl behind me, and I jerk around to see the coyote glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "cat">>hiss behind me, and I jerk around to see the cat glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "raven">>caw behind me, and I jerk around to see the violet glowing eyes of what I guess to be the raven.<<else>>low hiss behind me and I jerk around to see the vulture glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<</if>> “$name?” Amari asks, her eyes wide as she looks past me, but I expect that she sees nothing. Unlike any other time, the $dreamanimal charges towards me. <<if $nerve >=50>>I stumble backward just as Amari gasps, and I fall to my knees. I feel bile rise in my throat, paired with an incapacitating headache. I attempt to shout but no sound makes it past my lips.<<else>> I stumble backward just as Amari gasps, and I fall to my knees. My body screams and riots, every muscle spasming and causing me to want to vomit. I try to call for help, to make some kind of noise, but no sound makes it past my lips. Every second that passes brings excruciating pain. And my world begins to fade.<</if>> <a data-passage="D4_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Want to head back?” I ask, and she nods. “I didn’t know it would be this quiet out here. It’s … unnerving.” That’s all she had to say, and we turn around and begin to head back the way we came. “I guess that makes sense,” I start, shrugging my shoulders as I think her words over. “You’ve never really been in silent situations, silence for you probably feels like –” “Please stop,” Amari says, stopping. I slow down and turn to her in confusion. “What did I do?” “Stop trying to rationalize it.” “It? Amari, what are you talking about?” “Just, let’s talk about something else?” She wraps her arms around herself and walks past me, “please.” Abruptly, I hear a <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote">>growl behind me, and I jerk around to see the coyote glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "cat">>hiss behind me, and I jerk around to see the cat glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "raven">>caw behind me, and I jerk around to see the violet glowing eyes of what I guess to be the raven.<<else>>low hiss behind me and I jerk around to see the vulture glaring at me, its violet eyes glowing in the dark.<</if>> “$name?” Amari asks, her eyes wide as she looks past me, but I expect that she sees nothing. Unlike any other time, the $dreamanimal charges towards me. <<if $nerve >=50>>I stumble backward just as Amari gasps, and I fall to my knees. I feel bile rise in my throat, paired with an incapacitating headache. I attempt to shout but no sound makes it past my lips.<<else>> I stumble backward just as Amari gasps, and I fall to my knees. My body screams and riots, every muscle spasming and causing me to want to vomit. I try to call for help, to make some kind of noise, but no sound makes it past my lips. Every second that passes brings excruciating pain. And my world begins to fade.<</if>> <a data-passage="D4_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The world materializes just in time for me to see a large pit in front of me. I shout in alarm, trying to jump back, but my foot slips, sending me falling into the hole below. My landing isn’t as worse as it could be, I land onto something that softens the fall considerably. I shift around, attempting to get a better look at what was going on when my hand slips on something, and I fall forward. I come face to face with a pile of dead carcasses, all of which have their eyes gouged out and their tongues removed. I shout in horror, but my shout is drowned out by the ravens overhead, each screeching as they take flight. The ravens dart off, leaving only the $dreamanimal from earlier in front of me. I take a step back as the creature shifts, a man in a somber Italian suit appearing before me. He adjusts his clothing before standing at his full height. “$name Roe, a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Let me introduce myself, I am the Archangel Azrael.” <a data-passage="EP6-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>> <<audio "dream" unloop fadeout>> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 fadein>> <</nobr>> <img src="images/actthree.png"> I shift back a step, putting more space between me and the angel standing there. He doesn’t seem offended by my action, his posture unwavering as he looks me over. “Excuse me for my staring,” he starts, clearing his throat, “this is … rare.” He circles around me, his eyes inspecting me closely, “rare indeed.” [[“You’re an angel?”]] [[“Ah, a friend of Wrath and Envy?”]] [[“Roe … oh, wait you know that.”]] [[“I don’t care who you are.”]]
“So,” I start, not knowing what else to say, “you’re an angel?” “I’m an archangel,” he corrects, a soft smile on his face. “And you want something from me?” “No, actually I have what I came for.” His smile disappears as he looks me over, appearing miffed and uncomfortable with whatever he was thinking about. <<include "D4_5_0">>
I stiffen, “ah, you’re the friend of Wrath and Envy? The one who needed to deliver a message to Zillah?” I feel the anger mount upon realizing that he knew that they were coming after us. “Ah, those fleas,” he grunts. “Guessing you’re not a fan of demons due to your whole, angel vibe, huh?” “I see angels in the same light. Despite me being an angel, I do not share the same purpose as they. Both groups are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. I work for powers much more important.” “I’m guessing that’s why you’re here?” <<include "D4_5_0">>
“$name Roe,” I introduce in a nervous fashion, my brain far more focused on his title than on anything that I was saying, “wait, you already know that.” He chuckles, “you have nothing to fear from me, trust in that.” “Then what do you want?” <<include "D4_5_0">>
“I don’t care who you are. But what I do care about is being forced to go from one dream to another without any idea about what is happening or why it’s happening. So, Azrael, how about you answer that for me.” <<include "D4_5_0">>
“I have been tasked with testing you, something that was always supposed to happen when Zillah left your body.” “This was all a test?” “It was supposed to be, yes. But it became more of you chasing my friend and asking pointless questions and seeking outside help along the way.” “How was I supposed to know this was a test? Does your entire faction just keep things like this to yourself until it’s too late?” Azrael says nothing as he watches me, brow raised, “if you were properly prepared then you wouldn’t need to be told. Instinct alone would have taken the needed steps that would have allowed you to take control and free yourself immediately, as well as test certain proficiencies. But the only things I have learned from you is that you are easily distractible, and that you are unstable.” “I’m what!?” “Further proof that you know hardly anything,” he growls, “what was Zillah thinking?” [[“I exorcised him.”]] [[“Your buddy is useless.”]] [[“Then you tell me.”]]
“I exorcised him,” I tell the archangel, no remorse or care in my voice. Azrael appears shocked, taking a step back and looking me over as if he hadn’t gotten a proper look at me before, “you managed to exorcise a shade, one of his status at that?” <<if $honesty >=50>>\ “With the help of my group, yea.” He pauses, as if trying to figure out who could possibly aid me, “you must have … powerful friends?” The look he offers me tells me that he has a sneaking suspicion of who those friends are, but I remain quiet. <<else>>\ “What?” I ask with a cocky huff, “like it’s hard?” “Interesting that you can properly perform something as difficult as that but fail considerably at a test that should have been trivial.” <</if>>\ “This does explain why you are in the state that you are in.” “Then help me. Answer my questions, tell me how to stop this.” “I’m afraid that telling you anything will only speed up your decline.” “How?” <<include "D5">>
“Your buddy is more trouble than he’s worth. He didn’t prepare me for anything but a headache.” “Something that I can see,” Azrael murmurs, “this is something that I will have to look further into.” “Yea, well you do that. How about you answer some questions though.” “I’m afraid I cannot. Telling you anything will only speed up your decline.” <<include "D5">>
“Then how about you tell me! You all keep saying that I need to be prepared and ready. But for what? No one has given me any information on what’s to come or what I am, and it’s frustrating!” “I can imagine so,” Azrael tells me, though he looks no closer to answering my questions than Zillah. “Telling you anything, I’m afraid, will only speed up your decline.” <<include "D5">>
“How?” “Frankly, that is only what we hypothesize due to observing other familiar situations. Though, that isn’t saying much either, your situation is the first of its kind. None of us truly know what to expect.” “And I’m supposed to be okay with that answer? What’s going to happen to me?” He frowns, “your body will begin to decay from the inside. Your dreams will become nightmares. Your powers will act sporadically, and you will be a danger to those around you and yourself. You will suffer from visions and other physical inflictions until your body can no longer handle it. And sadly, my presence is not aiding you. If you were prepared properly then you would be able to hold me, but your mind is not strong enough.” “The nausea and the headaches from earlier,” I say through a strangled breath. He nods. “I have seen all that I need,” he tells me, turning on his heel. “That’s it?” I question, “how do I stop this deterioration?” He looks back at me and cocks his head to the side in confusion, “there is no stopping it. I doubt Zillah knew how much his presence was keeping you stable but as soon as he left your body, you began to crumble. <<if $nerve >=50>>From what I can sense, it is affecting you slowly, but it is happening and there is no stopping it.<<else>>From what I can sense, the process is fast, and you probably will now see your powers acting erratically. There is nothing you can do to stop it.<</if>> Simply pray that we figure out what to do before it is too late.” [[“Can I just get Zillah back?”]] [[“Like I trust you.”]] [[“There has to be something I can do!”]]
“Can I just stuff Zillah back inside me? I mean, we’ll have to set boundaries and know who’s in charge, but if it keeps me from dying, then it’s doable.” Azrael watches me with amusement, even going as far as smirking. “My apologies,” he chuckles, “but this is still strange for me, and I’m still struggling to get used to … this.” He gestures at me but shakes his head. “No. It is not possible to just ‘stuff’ Zillah back inside of you. Especially since he is currently powerless and experiencing,” he looks as if he had just smelled something disgusting, “human sensations.” “So, I have to be content with hoping that you can pull through? What if you don’t?” I ask. “Then know that the world owes its destruction to you.” A set of large wings spring from his back. They’re angelic but only due to the general shape, thick tar like droplets drip off the tips of his feathers, corroding the ground and killing all that it touches. A few of his feathers slowly drift down to the ground as well despite there being no wind or any force that could pluck them in such a fashion. “Or perhaps, the angels are to blame.” Not explaining himself, I can see his wings ready to take flight. <a data-passage="D5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Ha,” I snort, putting on a much braver face than I thought I could muster, especially when my insides are still reacting to the unstable information. “Like I trust you or your shady faction.” “I and my shady faction is the only thing standing between you and death.” “And if you don’t pull through?” “Then know that the world owes its destruction to you.” A set of large wings spring from his back. They’re angelic but only due to the general shape, thick tar like droplets drip off the tips of his feathers, corroding the ground and killing all that it touches. A few of his feathers slowly drift down to the ground as well despite there being no wind or any force that could pluck them in such a fashion. “Or perhaps, the angels are to blame.” Not explaining himself, I can see his wings ready to take flight. <a data-passage="D5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Azrael,” I call out, “there has to be something I can do! Please. You don’t want me to die, and I don’t want to die.” He observes me, a saddened look in his eyes, “you don’t trust me, and that is something that I understand and don’t fault you for. But trust me when I say that if there was anything, anything at all, I would do it. Like I said before, this has never happened. You have us all in quite a state of frenzy.” “Who are all of us?” “Again, I can’t tell you. Lest you wish to test how much your body can take right now. Sometimes the truth is indeed far worse than a lie or no information at all.” “And if you don’t pull through?” “Then know that the world owes its destruction to you.” A set of large wings spring from his back. They’re angelic but only due to the general shape, thick tar like droplets drip off the tips of his feathers, corroding the ground and killing all that it touches. A few of his feathers slowly drift down to the ground as well despite there being no wind or any force that could pluck them in such a fashion. “Or perhaps, the angels are to blame.” Not explaining himself, I can see his wings ready to take flight. <a data-passage="D5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“No!” I shout, lunging forward to stop him. His figure vanishes <<if $dreamanimal is "coyote" or $dreamanimal is "cat">>and I’m faced with nothing but the gaping maw of a $dreamanimal as it attacks me.<<elseif $dreamanimal is "vulture">>and I’m faced with the raging face of a vulture and its open beak, talons poised to strike.<<else>>and I’m faced with the violent thrashing of a raven’s wing, hitting my face as darkness takes over.<</if>> I stumble backwards only to fall out of the bed, my head hitting the floor violently, causing me to groan in anguish. I pick myself off of the floor and reach for my phone, sighing when I see that it is only nine o’clock in the morning. I drag my hand over my face, opening my eyes only to shriek as I watch as the walls begin to grow decrepit, the wallpaper peeling off and giving way to rotten wooden boards infested with bugs. A blink later, and the walls are like they have always been, nothing unusual about them. I can feel my heart speed up. My body shivering as Azrael’s words come back to me. //There is nothing you can do to stop it.// [[I can’t trust him.][$nerve +=3]] [[I … I trust him.][$nerve -=3]]
He knew Zillah. He knew Envy and Wrath. And he, just like everyone else, refused to answer my questions. For my own health, I had to believe that he was lying. He said that this has never happened. For all I know, hes just as mystified and haven’t figured everything out. There could be a way. <<include "D5_1_0">>
Despite not knowing anything about him, Azrael didn’t seem like the type to play games, not like Zillah anyway. He seemed genuinely confused and shocked by everything and seemed just as interested in getting to the bottom of it as me. He spoke in riddles, but he at least explained why he couldn’t share the information he had. Despite what I wanted to believe, I had a significant feeling that he was truthful. Which only meant that I was doomed. <<include "D5_1_0">>
At the same time, I understood that it didn’t matter. Whether or not I trusted him or not, there’s truth to his words since I’m living it. I focus on my breathing, trying to calm my racing heart. “Fuck,” I growl, finding a bit of comfort in the word as I repeat it. Despite this, my emotions rise everytime the word passes through my lips. This is too much. It’s all too much to deal with. I’m tired. So incredibly tired. On shaky legs, I leave the room and walk into the kitchen, already spotting the others crowded around the table. <<if $bcure>>\ “The dream surfer is awake,” Bradley announces with a mouth full of food, “you really are going for a record on how many people’s heads you can mess with, huh?” “Not in the mood,” I warn, not even risking a glance at his face and risking it pissing me off more. “In fact, I found out who it was.” <<else>>\ “Morning,” Bradley grumbles, a tired smile on his face. “Morning,” I say, “so I found out who it was that dragged me into all of your dreams.” <</if>>\ The separate conversations die as all eyes fall on me. “Archangel Azrael.” All gazes shift over to Rahim, who doesn’t seem phased, his stare just as blank as it was before. “Know him, Rahim?” I question. “I know //of// him, but I’ve never met him myself. Despite being an archangel, he doesn’t really spend much time in Elysium. I only know of him because he’s the Angel of Death. His feelings on other angels is not exactly a positive one.” “What did he want with you?” Amari inquires. “He said that the entire dream walking process was supposed to be a test, one that I failed. He was always supposed to come and test me for readiness. From what he said, Zillah leaving me was supposed to mean that I was prepared for whatever they have planned.” I’m about to say more when I pause, should I tell them about Azrael saying that I was unstable? It can mean that I get their help, figure out if anything can be done. But it can also mean that they just sideline me, believing I’m too dangerous. The thought of them looking at me like I’m some kind of dangerous beast causes my stomach to knot. They continue staring at me. [[Tell them about what Azrael said.][$unstable = true]] [[Keep what Azrael said to myself.]]
“Azrael said more,” I say, taking a deep breath in, “he said that I was unstable, deteriorating.” The air of the room shifts, everyone looking far more rigid than before. “What,” Amari begins, “what does that mean, $name?” “He said that my body is deteriorating from the inside. My powers will start acting up sporadically, and I’m going to begin to see things.” Rahim frowns, “and did he tell you how to slow this process?” “He told me that there was no stopping it.” <<include "D5_1_1">>
“That’s it, or that’s all that was important,” I tell them, swallowing the lump in my throat. Rahim narrows his eyes but says nothing more as Faye clears her throat. <<include "D5_1_1">>
“Sounds like we need to go talk to Zillah,” Faye comments, and the group nods, everyone rising and heading upstairs. <<if hasVisited("Fight the disappointment, “well, I’m sorry to be such a bother.”") or hasVisited("Smirk and nudge him, “I can shatter a lot more than that.”")>>\ Rahim walks towards me, and we make eye contact, the words he said in his dream coming back to me. I hadn’t had much time to think about it and now isn’t the best time either, but I want to discuss it. I need to know what he meant and where we stand, if only to find out how to move on. I open my mouth to speak, and he walks past me, leaving me with only one word. “No.” I close my eyes, blinking a few times as if that’s going to help solidify what he said. I sigh and turn to head up the stairs. <<elseif $cbupg or $cbup>>\ Chris lingers, and I approach him, only to be cut off by Amari. “Come on, we should head on up there,” Amari says with a broad smile, linking our arms and pulling me towards the stairs. I try to look back at him but Faye and Bradley are right behind me and blocking my view. <<else>>\ I fall in step beside Amari. She gives me two thumbs up and a cheerful smile as we head up the stairs. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="D5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I get to the door first, and uneasiness lowers itself onto my shoulders. What if I open this door and find him no longer there? What if Azrael visited and freed him? Was that even possible? It never occurred to me that Azrael may know where we are. I push the door open, releasing the energy that has been building when I see Zillah still sitting off to the side. “Hey, assholes!” he yells towards us, “reality check. I gotta piss.” <<if $cp>>\ “Sounds like you’ve been spending way too much time with Jeff,” Chris points out. “Rather him than you, Mr. America,” Zillah barks, “now, is someone going to get me out of this chair so I can use the bathroom? Fuck, how do you guys even do that? Is there a bowl?” <<else>>\ “Wow, your ability to hold it is pretty admirable,” Amari points out, causing Zillah to roll his eyes. “No. I just didn’t have to go. Now I do,” he pauses, “how do you guys even do that? Is there a bowl?” <</if>>\ “Well,” Amari starts but I <<if $sympathy >=50>>motion for her to stay quiet for now,<<else>>silence her,<</if>> “I’ll let you out of that for a break after you tell me what Azrael said to you.” He growls, his jaw tensing as he looks at the wall, “I told you that you were making a mistake.” “So, he did visit you?” “Of course he did,” Zillah huffs. [[“You could’ve told me more.”][$zillah +=3]] [[“I see no mistake.”][$zillah -=5]] [[“Answer me!”][$zillah +=5]]
“You could’ve told me more. Telling me that something is a bad idea and not explaining why it is isn’t really helpful. Especially when it’s coming from someone who’s known to lie.” Zillah groans like a five-year-old child, “does it really matter now? I’m out, you’re free, and Azrael is pissed.” <<include "D5_3">>
“I see no mistake. I got the parasite out of my body just like I intended.” Zillah narrows his gaze and grits his teeth, “call me that again, please. I’m waiting for my powers to settle back in and when they do, I am truly going to enjoy what comes next.” <<include "D5_3">>
“Answer me!” I shout, taking a step towards him. Amari grabs my shirt and yanks me back. “Sorry, I just don’t think you being violent is going to help us get an answer.” <<if $pacifist >=50>>“I wasn’t going to hit him, Amari, I’m not that violent.” She releases me, nodding.<<else>>“Oh, come on, I wasn’t going to hit him that hard. Just a nice little slap across the face.” She rolls her eyes, refusing to release me.<</if>> <<include "D5_3">>
“What does he want?” Rahim questions, bringing the conversation back to what we had initially come up here about, “Azrael isn’t known to suffer fools lightly.” “Then make sure he doesn’t meet you,” Zillah snorts, “he came to administer a test, and he did. By the way $name, he said you sucked, like horribly. You should work on your test-taking skills.” <<if $serious >=50>>\ “Most have ample time to prepare and study.” “Tsk tsk,” he laughs, “you really think you’re prepared for this life when you’re still <<if $cp>>as worse as your friend there. At least Chris can admit he’s in over his head.”<<else>>waddling around in a diaper. You’re drowning, and you don’t even know it.”<</if>> <<else>>\ “Says the man who doesn’t even know how to piss right,” I snap back, fighting the small smile that threatens my face when the others snicker behind me. <</if>>\ “What else did he tell you?” Rahim continues. “How about this,” Zillah chimes in with, “for every question you ask, I get to punch you in the face, with this chair. I’ll tell you everything then.” “You’ll tell us everything now,” he growls. “Careful Rahim, you may be related to her, but you’re no Sydero. The only person in this room I’m even remotely afraid of is Amari. But, she’s also the only person who I can probably stand to be stuck with too, her and the kid anyway.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Amari smile as if she won a prize while Bradley just raises a questioning eyebrow. <a data-passage="D5_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We’re not going to get anything out of him,” I tell Rahim, who seems to understand that but refuses to move. “Give ?him a prize!” Rahim turns his back to Zillah to look at the rest of us, “we will have to turn those ropes into something stronger soon. As it stands right now, the ropes are enough, but he’s still becoming adjusted to that body. Once his powers come back, we’ll need something else. Bradley <<if $chris >=50>>and Chris<</if>>, do you know of any wards that might work like devil traps?” Bradley pokes his bottom lip out in thought, “I don’t know off the top of my head. Most of the things that I can think of might not incorporate a shade.” <<if $cp>>\ <<if $chris >=50>>“We could try frankensteining some wards together. More research, but it’s probably the best we’ll find,” Chris suggests, earning a nod from Bradley. The two leave, and it doesn’t take long for the rest of us to follow. I pause at the door, seeing Jeff head over towards the sofa.<<else>>Bradley waves his own words away a moment after, nodding to Rahim before turning to leave. It doesn’t take long for the rest of us to follow. I pause at the door, seeing Jeff head over towards the sofa.<</if>> <</if>>\ I weigh the cons and pros of staying back to watch Zillah, seeing nothing wrong with it, especially since this is my first time doing it. “Hey, Jeff,” I tell the man right before he sits, “I’ll take over babysitting duty. How long do you typically watch him before you switch out with someone else?” <<if $ZRomance >=3>>Jeff answers me, but I’m hardly listening, my body tingling as I feel a heated gaze watching me keenly. <<if $zillah >=50>>I wish to turn around, to catch him in the act, but I don’t, at least acting like my attention is on a still chattering Jeff.<<else>>I know he’s staring, but it’s how I’m reacting that causes me to stop listening to a chattering Jeff. I abhor Zillah, just seeing him open his mouth sometimes makes me want to lash out. And yet, his gaze on me is setting some of my nerves on fire. I don’t want, nor need, his attention. Right? I shake my head and clear my throat, nodding my head at Jeff to make it seem as if I had been listening.<</if>><<else>>“An hour or so. Let him walk around too, he still walks like a baby.” I nod in understanding.<</if>> “Scream if you need anything,” he tells me, tossing his hand up in farewell before closing the door behind him. I finally turn to face Zillah, unsurprised to see him smirking. <a data-passage="D5_4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Wanted to get me alone, did you?” “More like I needed to question you about this whole unstable thing that Azrael talked about.” Zillah looks from me to the door, “and you didn’t tell them?” <<if $unstable>>\ “I did, actually. But you probably know more.” He shrugs, “what did he say?” <<else>>\ I bite the inside of my cheek, “no, I ... I figured it would be better to keep it to myself.” “Probably,” he says, a serious tone to his words, “otherwise they’ll just look at you like the monster of the week and handle you accordingly.” I’m about to utter a retort, but Zillah continues on, “what did Azrael say?” <</if>>\ “He said that I was slowly coming undone because you left me.” I begin to undo his rope, waiting for his answer. “He’d be right. I told you not to exorcise me.” <<if $ZRomance >=3>>\ “You barely gave me a warning,” I correct, undoing the last rope on his feet. I’m barely able to stand when Zillah’s upon me, my back hitting the wall as he pins my arms to the side. “Is this what you really want to talk about?” Zillah coos, licking his lips. <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“I can think of something else.”][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah +=3]]</span><<else>>[[“I can think of something else.”][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah +=3]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Glare at him.|ZR2][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah -=3]]</span><<else>>[[Glare at him.|ZR2][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah -=3]]<</if>> [[“Release me, now.”][$zillah -=3]] [[“Yes, it is.”][$zillah -=3]] <<else>>\ “You barely gave me a warning,” I correct, undoing the last rope on his feet. “Bathroom first, answers later,” I tell him, grabbing his arm to aid him in walking. It seems that he’s still getting used to having feet. I lead him out of the attic and to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. “The hell is this thing?” I hear him ask behind the closed door, “it looks like a ridiculous glamorized bowl. Is this even necessary.” I roll my eyes sighing and zoning him out. I’m about to close my eyes when the fear of the world shifting stops me. I shake my head; will I even be able to sleep? Azrael said it’ll affect my dreams as well. Zillah opens the door, and before I let him out, I show him how to flush the toilet, an action I never thought I’d have to show a grown man, even if he’s an ancient soul who last walked the earth during the time of pharaohs. Once we get back to the attic, Zillah goes right back to his chair, plopping in it awkwardly but swinging his legs across one of the arms. “Get up and at least walk around,” I tell him. Surprisingly, he does as I ask without any kind of retort. I lean my weight on the door of the attic. <a data-passage="D5_4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Release me. Now.” <<include "D5_4_2">>
“Yes, it is. Now answer the question.” <<include "D5_4_2">>
“You’re no fun,” Zillah sighs, rolling his eyes though the action is awkward as it seems like his eyes pause and just fall back down to their usual place. “Bathroom first, answers later,” I tell him, grabbing his arm to aid him in walking. It seems that he’s still getting used to having feet. I lead him out of the attic and to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. “The hell is this thing?” I hear him ask behind the closed door, “it looks like a ridiculous glamorized bowl. Is this even necessary.” I roll my eyes sighing and zoning him out. I’m about to close my eyes when the fear of the world shifting stops me. I shake my head; will I even be able to sleep? Azrael said it’ll affect my dreams as well. Zillah opens the door, and before I let him out, I show him how to flush the toilet, an action I never thought I’d have to show a grown man, even if he’s an ancient soul who last walked the earth during the time of pharaohs. Once we get back to the attic, Zillah goes right back to his chair, plopping in it awkwardly but swinging his legs across one of the arms. “Get up and at least walk around,” I tell him. Surprisingly, he does as I ask without any kind of retort. I lean my weight on the door of the attic. <a data-passage="D5_4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Well,” I draw out, watching his tongue travel across his lips and feeling a shiver race down my spine, “I can think of something else. Something that involves far fewer words.” “I’d be interested,” he whispers, leaning in more, but his eyes widen, “but first, that bathroom.” He darts towards the door, almost tripping. I roll my eyes as I make it to his side, helping to balance him before opening the door to the attic and leading him down the hall and to the bathroom. “The hell is this thing?” I hear him ask behind the closed door, “it looks like a ridiculous glamorized bowl. Is this even necessary.” I roll my eyes sighing and zoning him out. I’m about to close my eyes when the fear of the world shifting stops me. I shake my head; will I even be able to sleep? Azrael said it’ll affect my dreams as well. Zillah opens the door, and before I let him out, I show him how to flush the toilet, an action I never thought I’d have to show a grown man, even if he’s an ancient soul who last walked the earth during the time of pharaohs. Once we get back to the attic, Zillah goes right back to his chair, plopping in it awkwardly but swinging his legs across one of the arms. “Get up and at least walk around,” I tell him. Surprisingly, he does as I ask without any kind of retort. I lean my weight on the door of the attic. <a data-passage="D5_4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I glare at him, refusing to say anything but only because I didn’t trust myself right then. My mind is still trying to wrap itself around all of this, and it’s doing a pretty horrible job. I don’t like Zillah. This is a creature that I’ve loathed for so long that it feels second nature to immediately hate him. I don’t know how not to hate him. So, how in the hell can he be standing in front of me and causing my heart to ache like this and making my knees shake. I yell at myself as I do it, but I glance down at his lips, they’re so close. If one of us just accidentally moved forward, then that’s it. I feel heat wash over me as I imagine my lips claiming his, my hands restraining him – I grunt as I push Zillah away, trying to gather myself. “You get that close to me again, and you will wish death.” “I’m wishing for a bathroom,” he tells me, not seeming the least bit bothered by my words, or having picked up on what had happened earlier. He darts towards the door, almost tripping, and I just barely manage to hold in my laugh. He clears his throat as he balances himself and opens the door, walking out. “The hell is this thing?” I hear him ask behind the closed door, “it looks like a ridiculous glamorized bowl. Is this even necessary.” I roll my eyes sighing and zoning him out. I’m about to close my eyes when the fear of the world shifting stops me. I shake my head; will I even be able to sleep? Azrael said it’ll affect my dreams as well. Zillah opens the door, and before I let him out, I show him how to flush the toilet, an action I never thought I’d have to show a grown man, even if he’s an ancient soul who last walked the earth during the time of pharaohs. Once we get back to the attic, Zillah goes right back to his chair, plopping in it awkwardly but swinging his legs across one of the arms. “Get up and at least walk around,” I tell him. Surprisingly, he does as I ask without any kind of retort. I lean my weight on the door of the attic. <a data-passage="D5_4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“There’s nothing more I can add to what Azrael told you, unfortunately,” Zillah says as he walks behind the sofa, almost falling onto it. “I knew you were growing unstable, but that was because of your abilities, I didn’t know more than that.” I open my mouth, but Zillah cuts me off, “and no. Azrael didn’t tell me anything more. He simply wanted to know where we were.” “Did you tell him?” “I don’t even know where we are. I’m a shade, not a honing beacon that can sprout coordinates. Plus, he’s neither my maker nor my keeper, so I’m not here to satisfy him, nor do I care to.” Zillah’s tone makes it sound as if he and Azrael are equals, an idea that makes me shift uncomfortably. “So, you have nothing for me?” I question. <<if $ZRomance >=3>>\ “I wouldn’t say that,” he snorts, walking back to his seat and looking from me to his lap, “I think I have a lot to offer.” //To continue Zillah's romance or to have a fling with him, you must choose 'Oh, do you now?'// [[“I don’t think so.”][$zillah -=5; $ZRomance to 1]] <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Oh, do you now?”][$ZRomance to 5; $raincheck = true]]</span><<else>>[[“Oh, do you now?”][$ZRomance to 5; $raincheck = true]]<</if>> <<else>>\ “Does it seem that way?” he questions as he walks back to his seat and sits down, ready for me to strap him back in, “then it’s that way. If you’re looking for anything else, then I don’t have it for you.” “No shocker there,” I mumble, going over to him to redo his bindings. Once he’s in and I know he’s not going anywhere, I leave to find Jeff and then the others. <<if $cbup or $cbupg>><a data-passage="D5_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="D6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>> <</if>>\
I grimace as I go back to him and harshly grab his hand, pinning it to the chair arm to tie him back up. “I don’t think so,” I tell him as I secure him back to the chair. Straightening up upon completion and wiggling some of the bindings to make sure they aren’t loose. “Ugh, go get Jeff. He’s better company than this,” Zillah smirks, shooing me away. “I’m sure you have better things to do, like crawl into a corner and complain about how life isn’t fair.” I clench my jaw, trying to focus on anything else but his words. It pisses me off how much they’re true, not the crawling into a corner, but the complaining. Though, complaining is the wrong word to use, I don’t consider ones life falling apart to be complaining. I simply ... I don’t know anymore ... I say nothing more, first finding Jeff before entering the living room and seeing everyone else there as well. <<if $cbup or $cbupg>><a data-passage="D5_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="D6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
<<if $zillah >=50>>\ A coy smile finds its way on my face as I go back over to Zillah, grabbing his hand and tying it back up and then the other. “Oh, do you now?” I question as I tug on the rope for his wrist, making sure it’s tight enough. “Yes,” he purrs, “something very personal.” I step between his legs, leaning my weight forward so that I’m now hovering over him. “Sounds interesting. You sure I’d like it?” I ask, lightly tugging on his chin hair. I see him shift, struggling against his bonds but not dropping eye contact. “I’d think you like it a lot,” he whispers. The way in which he says it, combined with the look in his eye, a flash of gold appearing and then disappearing, lights up a fire in my belly. Suddenly I’m aware of everything about him, how close we are, and how close I want to be. My chest clenches as I imagine sitting down on his lap, grinding up against him and stroking the heat we’re both feeling. My legs tremble as if to go forward with that plan. But I stop myself, taking a step back, much to both of our disappointment. “Maybe,” is all I manage to reply with as I turn to leave. Quickly exiting the room before my brain can imagine up any more scenarios. <<else>>\ An annoyed frown finds its way on my face as I go back over to Zillah, grabbing his hand and tying it back up and then the other. “Oh, do you now?” I question in a sarcastic tone as I tug on the rope for his wrist, not stopping until I hear him hiss in pain. “Oops? Too tight?” “I know something else that could use some loosening up,” he chuckles, “you know what I mean. Don’t you, $name?” “No idea whatsoever.” “When are we, I’m sorry, you, going to stop playing this game?” “Remember,” I mimic him, “three words, three syllables.” “Please fuck me,” he purrs. I fight the shiver that slips down my spine, along with the scene of me taking what I want from him right as he sits there, restrained and powerless. I grab his hair and tilt his head back, hearing him groan. Part of me roars in approval, happy to show that I’m not his little plaything, and I care little for his state of being. Similar to how he never cared about what he did to me. But I’m terrified of the part that continues to tingle with need. “I will never.” “How are you so bad at riddles?” he laughs, and I release him with a disgusted noise. “I’m going now, there’s only so much I can subject myself to and still say that I love for myself.” “Do you mind wiggling that cute little ass for me as you go?” If I could just teleport out of the room, I would. But I decide to simply walk off, refusing to entertain him any longer. I feel his gaze on me the entire time, and though I wish to direct all the anger and confusion I’m feeling at him, I can’t. Because it’s me, not him, who’s enjoying his eyes on me. <</if>>\ <<if $cbup or $cbupg>><a data-passage="D5_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><<else>><a data-passage="D6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a><</if>>
Once I'm down the stairs, I search for Chris, finding him in the kitchen with Amari. I enter and take a seat. <<if $cbupg>>\ “Hey,” I start, and he gives me a genuine smile, one that causes me to calm down considerably. I hadn’t had much time to think about what had happened in the dream, but upon seeing him this morning, I needed to know if we were still on good terms. I don’t want to lose a friend because we both realized that we aren’t right for each other. “Hey,” he greets back. “I just wanted to know if we were okay?” “We are,” he says with a shrug, “I meant what I said. We agreed that we weren’t right for each other, and I think we both can respect that.” “Agreed. I just,” my words trail off as I fail to find anything more to say. “Hey,” he says, reaching forward to touch my hand but then stopping, “I get it. It might be awkward at first, but I’m sure we’ll get over it. We were best friends first, right?” I nod and lean in for a hug before standing to go. <<else>>\ “Hey,” I start, “can we talk?” “I actually don’t want to talk because there’s nothing to talk about. I said everything I needed to on the beach.” “Chris,” I groan, but he stops me. “Don’t. I don’t feel like arguing, and that’s where this is going to go.” I huff, and he glares at me. “You typically don’t give a fuck about what I say anyway. So let’s wrap this up and move on.” “Fine. You know what, fine.” I stand up and throw my hands in the air, shaking my head as I let him have this. There’s far too much going on for me to be concerned about him and his petty reasons. And so, I walk away with my brows furrowed. <</if>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> Chris continues to stare at the wooden table resting in front of him, listening out for $name’s footsteps and then ?his voice. He didn’t know who ?he <<verb "was">> talking to, but he was fortunate since it gave him a better idea of where $name was. He listens intently as ?his voice grows dim before finally disappearing. His stiffness relaxed, giving way to sloping shoulders and a heartache that he doesn’t really want to experience. He feels like half of his heart was left on that beach, half-buried under the sand. “Are you going to be okay?” Amari asks, sitting down, sliding a water bottle over to him. <a data-passage="D5_5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I don’t know,” Chris starts, telling his heart to calm down but it ignores him, “I really thought that talk was going to end well. I thought that finally saying what I needed to say the way I wanted to say it was going to get $name to realize how I felt and why I needed to take that break. You know, all that stuff I told you before … but it didn’t do that at all.” “Hey, you both said what you needed to say, and, in the end, it was what neither of you wanted to hear. There’s nothing wrong with that.” “I shouldn’t have said anything,” Chris growls, running his fingers through his hair, unable to calm himself and stop the shaking, “maybe I was the only one in the wrong. I mean I did –” “Come on, Chris,” Amari says, “you’re not wrong for feeling. You guys just can’t be what the other one needs, and it’s better to know that now than later. It’s going to get better.” “You’re right,” Chris says, attempting to smile just as a sob racks his body, his head falling as he clenches his eyes closed, “but fuck does it hurt.” “Yea,” Amari whispers, her heart going out for the young man, “that’s going to happen too.” <img src="images/divider.png"> <a data-passage="D6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I walk into the living room to find Rahim there, his eyes on a collection of papers scattered across the coffee table. “What are you up to?” I question as I take a seat, rubbing my temples. “Planning for this trip to the Underworld,” he glances up at me and raises a brow, “everything okay?” [[“When is anything ever okay?”|D6_0_1]] [[“Just worried.”|D6_0_1]] [[“No. Nothing is fine.”|D6_0_1]]
I put on a simplistic but tired smile, “yea, I’m fine. Stressed and worried about a few things but fine.” The lie rolls off of my tongue so easily that I have to mentally pause and question if that was actually the truth. It’s not, a fact that doesn’t take long for me to realize. At the last moment do I remember that Rahim is an empath and I try to correct the shaking that my body produces. If he realizes that anything is off then he does an excellent job of hiding it and showing that he doesn’t care. So well that I realize that he’s not picking up on anything because perhaps he doesn’t care. //Who does?// The voice questions. //No one cares. No one cares.// The words repeat over and over. Rahim nods in understanding and leans forward, “focus on another emotion then, because worrying is only going to stress you out and make you think irrationally. If we’re going to get Sydero, then you need to start draining yourself.” “What do you mean?” “Hell is shaped by your own thoughts. If you carry this worry with you, then Hell is going to use that against you.” “So, feel nothing, got it.” My insides laugh. <<if hasVisited("Fight the disappointment, “well, I’m sorry to be such a bother.”") or hasVisited("Smirk and nudge him, “I can shatter a lot more than that.”")>>\ Speaking of feelings, I think to myself as I glance over at him, his eyes now on his phone. I take a deep breath in and tell myself to say the words, no matter how much my stomach tries to warn me. Is this really a good idea? Am I ready to let Rahim know? Should I even after what he said about his heart? “Stop,” Rahim suddenly says, and I jump, finding him glaring at me. “What?” “I’m a weak empath, but even I can sense your feelings ricocheting everywhere. Whatever you’re about to say or you think you want to say. Don’t.” “Rahim ...” //He picks that up but not your earlier turmoil?// The voice points out and I fight the shiver. Why is it right? “No,” he says, sending me a warning glare, one that causes me to move away from him, “it’s simple. Forget what was said when you were trespassing in my mind. If you have feelings, drop them.” I open my mouth but the words repeat over and over. //No one cares. No one cares.// He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, “I really need to finish this. Can you please go so I can do that?” I do so with no hesitation, leaving him to it as I take my leave. <<else>>\ “Anything else I should know?” “Yea, but we can talk about that tomorrow. I need to finish looking over these papers and see if Bradley has any additional information. We’ll talk about everything tomorrow; we should start preparing soon.” I nod my head in agreement, standing to leave him to it. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="D6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if hasVisited("VF5_Bradley")>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $supernatural +=5>><</nobr>>\ Despite my head feeling as busy as a city highway during rush hour, I find that I have little to nothing to do. And the one thing I don’t need is to think. I dedicate most of my free time to reading books that Faye offers me, reading up on demons, the Princes, and Hell. But, for all I know, this information is wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time. <<else>>\ Despite my head feeling as busy as a city highway during rush hour, I find that I have little to nothing to do. And the one thing I don’t need is to think. I dedicate most of my free time to fixing my car’s broken glass. It’s a task that I’ve put off repeatedly and one that needs to be rectified. <<if $engineering >=10>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $nerve +=5>><</nobr>>\ Faye had already brought everything that I needed to replace the window, I just had to do it. And thankfully, it’s a task that required my full attention and relaxed me at the same time. <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $engineering +=5>><</nobr>>\ Faye had gotten the pieces, I just needed to do it, a task that I’m prepared for but need to do all the same. I pull up a How-To video and get to work, thankful that I’m able to focus on something other than my own demise, if only for a short time anyway. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="D6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I soon find myself alone in the kitchen, time having passed by since I’ve first taken a seat to catch a breather. My past is shrouded in fog, my future planned for me and contained who knows what. My present is exactly that, some unwanted present from someone who likes to play pranks and every other hour I’m opening some mystery box to see what’s inside. I finally get Zillah out of me, learn when we can save Syd, and then I’m hit with this. That I’m unstable, my own body beginning to decay for reasons no one knows. How dangerous am I now? What I did to Bradley, though it seems so far away, it happened a few weeks ago. I sigh as I pick my head up and open my eyes, shrieking when I find the walls crumbling on top of me. I scramble out of my seat only to fall into an abyss. At the end, I barely see the glint of teeth. I scream, thrashing but continuing to fall. The teeth right there. I was going to be consumed. A sharp pain causes me to jump, which inevitably sends me flying backward in my seat. My gaze darts from one area of Faye’s intact house to the next, my heartbeat calming down, but barely. <<if $nerve <50>>I manage to make my way over to the sofa, and I crawl into a ball, fighting back the tears as an excruciating headache sets in, and the sounds of things that I know aren't really there, creep closer.<<else>>I back up into a wall, about to clench my eyes closed when I realize what happened last time I did that. I decide to keep them open, practicing my breathing as I gaze at the ceiling. But it does little to keep the sounds and visions at bay. They creep closer as my body grows tired.<</if>> <a data-passage="NT_EP7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> “How long do you think I have before I … I die?” He stops his balancing trick and peer up at me. “What are you experiencing?” <<if $nerve >=50>>\ “Headaches and nausea, sometimes my surroundings will shift, but that’s the worse so far.” He’s silent for a while, staring straight ahead as he clenches and then unclenches his jaw. “I’d give you less than a month.” <<else>>\ “Headaches, nausea, tingling, blackouts, heat flashes.” I’m about to continue on when Zillah shakes his head with a melancholy chuckle, “you can stop. I give you a few more weeks, two at best.” <</if>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> "What's going on?" I question, butting in to see a wrinkled and aged map lying across the coffee table. "It's a rough version of hell," Bradley starts. "A //very// rough version," Rahim adds in, a plain coffee cup in his grasp, "they got limbo right, but that's about it." <img src="images/divider.png"> “Well,” Rahim sighs, sitting back and scratching his head, his eyes never wavering from the map, “next stop, Hell.” [[Episode Seven: Unpredictability]]
<<nobr>> <<set $zsex = false; $fling_know = false; $fling_no = false; $nofling_know = false; $nofling_no = false>> <<unset $teleport, $lustsex, $helpRah, $weakRahim, $gotthrough>> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 play>> <</nobr>> <img src="images/epten.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> Six crows stare down at me from their barren perches. Life resides all around us, but the tree they chose is dead and has been that way for some time. Desolate branches cling to the tree’s trunk, while some lay limp on its side, the last fibers connecting it. It’s an unusual sight. A forest filled with life, birds chirping and frogs croaking in the distance. But here, here sits six crows whose glares are fixed on me. I walk from one place to another, seeing if they are just frozen or actually looking at me. Their gazes following me answers me right away. <<if $uncledead>>I know this is a dream, it screams the truth to me but how to wake up eludes me.<<else>>This all feels strangely familiar, as if this isn’t the first time I had had this dream, had seen these crows …<</if>> I take a step closer, examining the tree on which they sit. It seems old and decaying, some parts letting off a strange thick secretion, that when it touches the ground, causes it to sizzle and produce light burn holes. I open my mouth to question it when the tree catches on fire, no warning given, not even from the crows. I glance at the branches but see that the birds are no longer there, the sounds of life had vanished, and my surroundings have grown considerably dark. No one is behind me. No one else exists, just me and the burning tree. <a data-passage="WDCK1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My head pounds as my eyes flutter open, every part of me feels like it’s competing with another to ache more. The sad part is that they’re all worthy competitors. Moving a leg hurts as much as moving an arm. “Move him, please,” Faye tells someone, opening the door to the guest room and jumping in shock when she sees me. “$name! You’re finally up.” “Oh,” I whimper, still unable to move anything but my face, “don’t say that. How long have I been asleep?” I was beginning to feel like a week was actually a day. If this trend continues, then I’ll be in 2019 in no time. “Not that long,” she chuckles, a sadness to it, “only two days. I’ve been trying my hardest to,” she motions to my body, “help, I suppose.” “What do you mean?” “I put some ointment on you not too long ago, it makes your body feel as heavy as rocks, but you’re supposed to feel the complete opposite when it wears off.” I nod and hum, “well, at least I know why I can’t move.” She pulls up a chair that I hadn’t noticed in the room until now, leaning forward and grabbing my hand, squeezing it. “We’ve done everything we could. The only one who can really do anything for you now is Zillah.” <<if $nerve <50>>\ “What happened?” I question, feeling like there’s more to this. Faye’s face shifts and she seems ready to cry, lowering her gaze and wiping at her eyes. [[“Faye, tell me.”][$nerve -=5]] [[“Don’t tell me.”][$nerve +=5]] <<else>>\ “How are you feeling?” “Besides that ointment, fine.” Faye doesn’t seem pleased, and I can’t blame her. “Well, I came in here to check on you. That ointment still has an hour to go, and you should let your body rest, so you’ll be here for a while.” She rises from her seat. [[“Sydero? How is she doing?”]] [[“How are the others?”]] <<if $int is not "none">>\ [[“How is …” I attempt to hide my blush.]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“Faye, tell me,” I implore, about to sit up when I remember that my arms can’t move. “You fainted the night you came back, and so there was nothing we could do but bring you to the guest room … when you woke up,” she starts sobbing, “you woke up screaming. Your skin was ... I don’t know how to describe it. It was like you were turning into a rotting corpse right in front of us, and your eyes were this horrible misty grey. We knew you were dying. We all knew it. Since you were awake, Zillah was able to do something. He stabilized you, and since then, you’ve been asleep.” “Goodness,” I state, letting out a shaky breath. I look down at my arms, nothing looking abnormal to me. But there’s a pit in my stomach, something that feels like it’s swallowing the knowledge and planning to use it against me. “I shouldn’t have asked.” Faye bites her lips and looks at my arms. “How are you feeling?” “Besides that ointment, fine.” Faye doesn’t seem pleased, and I can’t blame her. “Well, I came in here to check on you. That ointment still has an hour to go, and you should let your body rest, so you’ll be here for a while.” She rises from her seat. [[“Sydero? How is she doing?”]] [[“How are the others?”]] <<if $int is not "none">>[[“How is …” I attempt to hide my blush.]]<</if>>
“Don’t tell me,” I say to her, shaking my head and knowing what that knowledge could potentially do to me. I wasn’t interested in speeding up an already low timer. “How are you feeling?” “Besides that ointment, fine.” Faye doesn’t seem pleased, and I can’t blame her. “Well, I came in here to check on you. That ointment still has an hour to go, and you should let your body rest, so you’ll be here for a while.” She rises from her seat. [[“Sydero? How is she doing?”]] [[“How are the others?”]] <<if $int is not "none">>[[“How is …” I attempt to hide my blush.]]<</if>>
“Sydero?” I ask, “how is she doing?” A warm smile appears on her face, and she nods her head. “Far better. We can’t remove the cuffs, and she’s still camping out with Zillah in the attic, but she’s not how she was when she first came in. Rahim told us about the stages that Gluttony said she’ll go through. I’m not completely positive, but I think she’s in the later stages of trying to get free and fed. I gave her a bit of this faerie concoction that aids and strengthens memories, and she at least knows who we are, though that means little. She knows Bradley and Rahim, but she barely remembers me and doesn’t remember Jeff at all.” My eyes widen, and Faye smiles, “you can see for yourself later if you wish. Just beware of Bradley. Not only has he been sleeping outside of the attic, but every time I tell him to leave her alone, he sees it as an invitation to go inside.” Despite her sounding like she’s annoyed, she chuckles and smiles. <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ “I don’t blame him,” I say, “if I wasn’t knocked out, I’d be right beside him.” Faye frowns, “$name, unlike Bradley, you feel desire for her. You especially need to be careful. We’re taking every precaution, but I don’t want to think about what might happen if she feeds off you, especially in your condition. If you go see her, please, be careful. I can’t stress this enough. The Sydero up there is //almost// our Sydero, but not quite.” I nod, biting my cheek as I try to figure out if keeping my desire to a minimum is possible. This is Sydero we’re talking about. <</if>>\ Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]]
“How are the others? Now that everyone knows?” “We actually found out when you were gone. I can’t recall the conversation, but Zillah dropped it on us, he thought we knew. They’ve been talking about having a group meeting once you were up for it, which probably just means as soon as you and everyone else is up and thinking clearly.” “Great,” I sigh but leave it at that, this was bound to happen, might as well get it over with. Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]]
“How is …” I start, feeling my cheeks start to heat up, and I foolishly try to control it. Judging by Faye’s look, I failed. <<if $cbreak>>\ “Chris is fine. If you’re wondering why he isn’t here, it’s because I warded the room off so that no one but a witch can enter. You can imagine how happy he was about that. He already pulled out enough of his hair when you were gone, I didn’t need him pulling out even more. But if it means anything to you, he didn’t leave willingly. I actually had to get Amari to grab him, she is so much stronger than I thought. Once the ointment wears off, you should go find him.” Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]] <<elseif $raincheck>>\ She frowns, “I feel like you’re referring to Zillah, but goddess have mercy on me if you are. I really don’t understand what you see in him.” [[“Nothing, he’s just a fun fuck.”]] [[“He’s easy on the eyes.”]] [[“I see nothing!”]] <<elseif $ARomance >=3>>\ “Amari is fine if that’s who you’re referring to. If you’re wondering why she isn’t here, it’s because I warded the room off so that no one but a witch could enter. Thankfully, she understood why I had to do it; I don’t think I would’ve been able to remove her any other way. But if it means anything to you, she didn’t want to leave. She was ready to camp out here on the foot of the bed until you woke up. Once the ointment wears off, you should go find her.” Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]] <<elseif $RRomance >=5>>\ “Rahim is fine, he went to sleep in my room and woke up yesterday. I don’t know if he’s refreshed yet. Honestly, I don’t know a lot of stuff. I wanted to ask him if he’s planning on leaving or staying since we have Sydero now, but I haven’t gotten the chance. He’s been in his own little headspace. Which, I suppose, is understandable. I warded the room so that no one but a witch could enter, and I was afraid that he would attempt to, seeing that he’s part witch and all, but he didn’t. I don’t know; once the ointment wears off, you should go find him.” Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]] <<else>>\ “I don’t actually know who you’re referring to. But everyone’s fine, staying to themselves mostly. They want to have a group meeting later, so you’ll be able to see them all then.” Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]] <</if>>\
“Nothing, he’s just a fun fuck,” I say with a broad smile and Faye recoils. “That’s one thing I don’t want to hear. Keep that between the two of you,” she laughs. “But besides asking if you were awake, he hasn’t checked up on you or anything, mostly because he’s still in lockdown. We still banish him to the attic, and when he’s out of the attic, besides the night you came back, he’s wearing cuffs.” “Kinky,” I snort, causing Faye to get to her feet, shaking her head in disgust. Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]]
“He’s easy on the eyes,” I say, shrugging my shoulders, “and hair, and lips, and –” “And I think I get the picture,” Faye chuckles, “I’m not going to tell you who to like or who to crush on but …” she sighs and scratches her head as she gathers her words, “I just don’t think he’s good enough for you. There’s so much we don’t know and, may I remind you that he was in your mind, abusing you?” I glance away and frown, remembering all too well about the things he’s done. <<if $zillah >=50>>Explaining my reasoning or what I hope is going to happen is hard and I doubt Faye will understand my argument, and so, I don’t.<<else>>The thought appears every time I see him, and the rage and hatred that I feel for him sometimes feels like it’ll never stop growing. But then there’s always something else as well, something else that tugs me to think that maybe, just maybe. But perhaps that’s all it was, a maybe that will never see its full potential.<</if>> Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]]
I stiffen at the accusation and frown, “I see nothing in him, I didn’t even say that was who I was talking about, you just assumed.” “And judging by how defensive you now are, I suspect that I assumed right. $name, if you like him, you like him. He is handsome and has that bad boy flair to him,” she pouts, “and his libido is fairly attractive, I believe if I was younger then –” “Ah! Stop, Faye! The last thing I want to hear is some deep repressed thoughts about you and Zillah getting it on. No thanks. And for the record, I don’t. He’s annoying. My frustration with him far outweighs any other emotion that I have for that man … creature … shade thing.” “Mmhmm,” she hums with a smirk, “I think you’re trying to persuade yourself, more than you’re trying to persuade me.” Faye begins to walk towards the door, pausing as her hand hovers over the knob. “$name.” She turns on her heel to look at me. “Do you want to talk about it? What happened while you were there?” [[“I’m known to scare off therapists.”][$serious -=5]] [[“No, I don’t.”|WDCKNoID][$sympathy +=5]] [[“I wouldn’t put you through that.”][$serious +=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> “Ah, don’t volunteer yourself for that position, Faye,” I chuckle, no longer meeting her eyes as my mind automatically attempts to put up blockers to keep out everything that had happened, “I’m known to scare off therapists far and wide. Think my longest was three months, and that’s only because he saw me three times.” “$name,” Faye starts, but I shake my head as a response. “I can … handle this myself.” She doesn’t push me further, and after one last attempt at an encouraging smile, leaves. I replay my previous words, my frown darkening with the understanding that I couldn’t. <<include "WDCK1_2">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> “No, I don’t. And let’s leave it at that.” “$name,” Faye starts, but I shake my head as a response. “I’m serious, Faye. Leave it.” She doesn’t push me further, and after one last attempt at an encouraging smile, leaves. My frown darkens with the understanding that I did need to get it off my chest, but I didn’t want to burden them or scare them or just tell them in general. <<include "WDCK1_2">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Serious ++</span><</if>> “Honestly, I do, but I wouldn’t put you through that. If a normal therapist couldn’t handle the things I was dishing out back then, then I don’t think you could handle what I’m carrying now.” “$name,” Faye starts, but I shake my head as a response. “I got this, but thank you.” She doesn’t push me further, and after one last attempt at an encouraging smile, leaves. I replay my previous words, my frown darkening with the understanding that I didn’t. <<include "WDCK1_2">>
If it wasn’t for me being unstable and that alone taking up a good deal of my focus, I would probably check myself into a mental institution. This entire time I was trying to be braver and stronger. Wear a mask so sturdy that no one can see what rested beneath, evne when the tear at it. I’ve been deteriorating far before all of this unstableness has hit, it was just now my appearance has caught up. Tears that I can’t wipe away roll down my cheeks, and I quietly thank Faye for leaving me when she did, as well as warding the door, for the tears are rushing down at an alarming rate. If it could, my entire body would be shaking due to the power of it. I’m not just lost. I was trapped, and tired, and afraid. I don’t know what the next day will hold, let alone the next week or month. I was so tired. And so weak. That was it. I was weak. I was weak. <a data-passage="WDCK2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My eyes drift open, and I begin to stir, my body feeling much better, though not as light as Faye made it seem before. With a yawn, I begin to crack some of my bones, pausing when I see <<if $cp and $CRomance is 0>>Chris<<elseif $amari >=50 and $ARomance is 0>>Amari<<else>>Bradley<</if>> slumped in the chair beside me. <<if $cp and $chris >=50 and $CRomance is 0>>\ “Chris?” I question, watching as he stirs slowly, blinking a few times before finally looking at me. “$name,” he says, yawning as he says my name, “how are you?” <<elseif $amari >=50 and $ARomance is 0>>\ “Amari?” I question, watching as she stirs slowly, blinking a few times before finally looking at me. “$name,” she says, yawning as she says my name, “how are you?” <<else>>\ “Bradley?” I question, watching as he stirs slowly, blinking a few times before finally looking at me. “$name,” he says, yawning as he says my name, “how are you?” <</if>>\ “I’m doing better than before. What are you doing in here? I thought Faye warded the door.” <<if $cp and $chris >=50 and $CRomance is 0>>\ “Oh, she did. But I did what Zillah labels as my, ‘woe is me’ routine, and I got her to remove it so I can come in. Before that, I used my best friend status, but I don’t think she cared much for that.” He stretches, and I hear a few bones crack as he does so. Once done, he leans forward, a shine in his eyes. “Hey,” he says in a cheerful tone, a tone that causes me to snicker. “Hey, Chris,” I answer. He continues to examine me, and the more he does, the more I see the anguish residing in his eyes. His gaze raises to meet mine, and he seems almost sheepish about feeling his former emotion, a light blush appearing. “It’s all shitty, huh?” “<<if $optimistic >=50>>It’s getting better,” I inform, shrugging my shoulders in an attempt to lighten the mood.<<else>>It really is. But what else is new?” I question, shrugging my shoulders.<</if>> “You can talk to me, $name.” “You don’t need to carry that burden.” “Yea, but I want to. Especially if it helps you, in any kind of way.” I gaze over at him and bite my cheek. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. [[Tell him. Get it all off my chest.|WDCKOffChest]] [[Don’t tell him, I don’t want to.|WDCKKeepIn]] <<elseif $amari >=50 and $ARomance is 0>>\ Amari stretches once more, yawning as she nods, “oh, she did. But I gave her the biggest puppy eyes I could, and she undid it for me.” I snicker and shake my head, “so you know those eyes of yours are a weapon.” “Most definitely,” she giggles, “why be violent when I can just do this and say please in an adorable voice?” she questions and proceeds to give me the look that she probably used on Faye. I can see how Faye crumbled, saying no to that look, added with her tone, it’s downright impossible. “Ah, I also didn’t know how hungry you were, so I brought these.” She reaches down and holds up a full reusable grocery bag, dumping the contents onto the bed. I watch as junk food after junk food comes out, a few healthier snacks here and there, but the majority is nothing but sweets. I move forward and begin to rifle through them, unable to keep my laugh at bay, “exactly who helped you pick all of these out?” <<if $cp>>“Chris, he said these were the best,” she informs, pouting. I smirk and shake my head, remembering just how bad Chris’s own sweet tooth is. The man’s lucky he liked working out as much as he liked junk food, or he wouldn’t be able to walk around with a body like that.<<else>>“Jeff, he said that you’d love these,” she informs, pouting. I smirk and shrug my shoulders, leave it to Jeff to trick Amari into getting a bunch of things he would love.<</if>> I grab one of the fruit cups and sip from it, my stomach awakening and growling, telling me that these just won’t cut it. “Do you want to talk about it, $name. I’m a good listener or at least I try to be. My mom says that I’m not, that I talk too much.” She catches herself and brings her knees to her chin, “I’m trying. Do you want to talk about it?” [[Tell her. Get it all off my chest.|WDCKOffChest]] [[Don’t tell her, I don’t want to.|WDCKKeepIn]] <<else>>\ “She did, but then I said that if she didn’t take the warding off, I’d just go back to Sydero. That made her reconsider really quick.” He stretches and then freezes, appearing a bit sheepish, “I would’ve come earlier, I swear, but Faye wasn’t hearing it then, and I really wanted you to get your rest.” “You’re fine, Bradley,” I chuckle, “you don’t have to explain yourself. I understand.” He nods and finishes his stretch before moving from the chair to the bed. “Everything is horrible, huh?” “<<if $optimistic >=50>>It’s getting better,” I inform, shrugging my shoulders in an attempt to lighten the mood.<<else>>It really is. But what else is new?” I question, shrugging my shoulders.<</if>> “If you want to talk about it, I can handle it. Really. You taught me that getting stuff off your chest is better than keeping it bottled in. Maybe we can help each other with that.” [[Tell him. Get it all off my chest.|WDCKOffChest]] [[Don’t tell him, I don’t want to.|WDCKKeepIn]] <</if>>\
<<if $cp and $chris >=50 and $CRomance is 0>>\ The next breath I take is far shakier, and before I can back out, I begin to tell him everything, and I mean everything. Some of it, he knows, as he went through it right along with me. From the faeries to the werewolves, to Zillah, to the Princes in the bar, and even the voice that sometimes awakens. If I could remember it, I told him. As I speak, I visually see the building of the mask, how every decision and experience made it sturdier, and added another layer. As the story winds down, I realize that the mask isn’t even that anymore, it’s another face entirely. A face with bold and brave eyes, a confident smile that wavers only every so often, but knows what to do. Everything about this new face was built and manipulated to show the opposite of what it meant to hide someone who is far too broken and battered and tired. But now. Now even that face is faltering, malfunctioning and turning back into a mask. The edges are chipping, revealing the true face underneath. After I stop, both of us are quiet for a while. Chris listened to everything I had to say, only adding in his thoughts ever so often. <<elseif $amari >=50 and $ARomance is 0>>\ The next breath I take is far shakier, and before I can back out, I begin to tell her everything, and I mean everything. Some of it, she knows, as she went through it right along with me. I talk about the faeries and the werewolves that kidnapped Bradley<<if $cp>> and Chris<</if>>, to Zillah, to the Princes in the bar, and even the voice that sometimes awakens. If I could remember it, I told her. As I speak, I visually see the building of the mask, how every decision and experience made it sturdier, and added another layer. As the story winds down, I realize that the mask isn’t even that anymore, it’s another face entirely. A face with bold and brave eyes, a confident smile that wavers only every so often, but knows what to do. Everything about this new face was built and manipulated to show the opposite of what it meant to hide someone who is far too broken and battered and tired. But now. Now even that face is faltering, malfunctioning and turning back into a mask. The edges are chipping, revealing the true face underneath. After I stop, both of us are quiet for a while. Amari listened to everything I had to say. There were a few parts that she ended up commenting on, her ramblings taking her somewhere distant before she would apologize and bring it back to the topic at hand. She was indeed a good listener. <<else>>\ The next breath I take is far shakier, and before I can back out, I begin to tell him everything, and I mean everything. Some of it, he knows, as he went through it right along with me. From the faeries to the werewolves, to Zillah, to the Princes in the bar, and even the voice that sometimes awakens. If I could remember it, I told him. As I speak, I visually see the building of the mask, how every decision and experience made it sturdier, and added another layer. As the story winds down, I realize that the mask isn’t even that anymore, it’s another face entirely. A face with bold and brave eyes, a confident smile that wavers only every so often, but knows what to do. Everything about this new face was built and manipulated to show the opposite of what it meant to hide someone who is far too broken and battered and tired. But now. Now even that face is faltering, malfunctioning and turning back into a mask. The edges are chipping, revealing the true face underneath. After I stop, both of us are quiet for a while. Bradley listened to it all only humming to say that he’s paying attention or asking a question for me to elaborate on my feelings. In another life, I’m sure he’d make one hell of a therapist. <</if>>\ <<include 'WDCKKeepIn'>>
<<if $cp and $chris >=50 and $CRomance is 0>>\ “When all of this is over, I’m buying you a ticket to the most luxurious resort I can find. Somewhere far away too.” “You say that like you wouldn’t come.” “I wouldn’t,” he answers, “you deserve that and deserve to be away from anything that could potentially remind you of this life. You need a break, my friend, a long one.” “I won’t disagree with you there.” I lean forward, and a bolt of pain races across my chest and ends in my stomach, pulling a deep whimper from me. “Whoa, hey,” Chris whispers, already up and at my side. “Are you …” he bites his lip and shakes his head, cursing. “That’s a stupid question. Fuck, I’m so sorry this is happening to you, $name. I really am. And all I can do is watch. It’s not fucking fair.” I look up to see his eyes growing watery, but he fights it. “Hey,” I say, nudging him, my own heart wishing to go through another round myself, “remember we talked about you and not crying. Fuck your dad.” Chris bursts out in laughter, the tears freeing themselves from their prison simultaneously, “yea, fuck him. Fuck,” he moans, dragging his hands down his face, “why you? Like, what the hell did you do to deserve this bullshit?” I don’t answer, sitting quietly as Chris continues to mumble. [[“Can I get a hug?”]] [[“It’s fine, Chris.”]] [[“Fuck this.”]] <<elseif $amari >=50 and $ARomance is 0>>\ “When this is all over, we should do something fun. It’s almost over, right? Like Sydero is back and you need to figure out what you are, but there’s no way we won’t figure that out, we’re like …” she drifts off, and I follow her eye to see that she’s staring at one of the more brightly wrapped snacks. “We’re like the …” she tries again, but her attention doesn’t waver from the snack, she leans in and grabs it, “this looks interesting. What’s a party cake? Aw, it’s kind of shaped like a beach ball. Oh, I see it’s like a summer snack pack theme thing. I like it, I wonder what flavors they have.” She finally stops her eyes rising as she glances over at me, and she freezes. “I’m so sorry, what were we talking about? Um,” she tries to remember, but I stop her, shaking my head with a relaxed smile. “We were talking about what to do when this is all over.” “Oh, a sleepover! Or a movie night!” she gets up and begins to pace, “you know, like a lot of snacks, though I guess everyone would need their own kind of snack. But it could be really fun, I’ve never …” she calms down just enough to turn to me with wide eyes. “I missed you … a lot.” “Amari?” I question, and she shifts back and forth in her spot. “Like a lot a lot. I mean, I missed Rahim too. I missed both of you. And I’m just sorry that this is happening to you,” I see tears begin to well up in her eyes. [[Open up my arms for a hug.]] [[Steer the conversation back towards happier subjects.]] [[“Look a ball!”]] <<else>>\ “When all of this is over, I think we all need just one long and enjoyable vacation. And I mean long. I mean so long that we start forgetting which is a vacation and which is real life.” “A cruise?” “Three cruises,” Bradley chuckles, “I can probably win us tickets. I used to do that for a few people I knew.” “Just win random cruise tickets?” “They weren’t always for a cruise but, yea. It was nice, sending random people I thought needed to get a break for free. I mean, as free as you can anyway because you know capitalism is all around us and rules the world.” I erupt into laughter, cocking my head to the side as I examine him. “You seem much better than when I left.” <<if $bcure>>\ “Well, I was already getting over the whole demon thing, not over over it, but enough that it wasn’t bothering me. If anything, I just had a problem with you and your decision.” My gaze lowers, and he lets out a chuckle. “Do you know what the first thing Sydero said to me was when she realized who I was?” “What was it?” “Well, not the first thing, the first thing she said to me was that I can jump out the attic window because I was reading to her, and she was hella annoyed. But, who cares,” he chuckles at his own words, “but, I had told her about what happened, and she just hummed and said, ‘great, a reason for me to finally kill Wrath.’ I don’t know, it reminded me whose fault it was. That and Sydero said that she would’ve done the same, and something else about Rahim doing a sloppy job. But that’s not the point. The point is, everyone would’ve done something different and had their own reasons for why. But really, talk to me next time first. I’m okay, though. It makes me feel better to know that I have people looking out for me, even when the decision is a really hard one. So, thank you … can I hug you?” <<else>>\ “Would it be shocking to say that I was able to put things in perspective?” “What do you mean?” “It’s not that I was making my own problems seem small or unimportant. But … I … while you were gone, Jeff asked me to come with him. He didn’t tell me where, just that he wanted me to come, and I was the only one he felt wouldn’t judge him. I did, and I learned that he’s been attending AA meetings and it was his day to talk. I was listening to all these people, and it made me think, you’re still here, Bradley. You’re still kicking and you … you chose life when you definitely could’ve chosen death. You … I chose to stick around and fight.” The smile he sends me is warm and inviting, a smile that almost reminds me of the old Bradley. “I wouldn’t say I’m one hundred percent, and I really don’t know if I ever will be. But I’m much better. And a lot is also thanks to you … can I hug you?” <</if>>\ [[“Get over here!”]] [[“Can we do something else?”][$bradleyhs = true]] <</if>>\
“Hey, Chris?” I start, sniffling as my eyes once again grow watery. He stops his mumbling and freezes when he sees my current state. “Can I get a hug?” The entire word is barely out of my mouth when he moves in and wraps his arms around me, bringing me in for one of his notorious hugs. Tight and filled with enough love to last someone a month. His hugs always leave me feeling warm, like even if I know deep down, he doesn’t understand, it doesn’t matter because it feels like he did. It always feels like Chris is there, through each and every little or big thing. I know he’s a constant. “Thank you, Chris,” I say, my voice muffled as I burrow my face into his chest. “Ah, stop that. You’re like a sibling to me. No, better yet, you are. You don’t have to thank me for stuff like this. I always got your back, always.” When he says always, he pulls me closer and squeezes, and I silently thank him in my mind, because at that moment, that’s exactly what I needed. <a data-passage="WDCK2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I take a deep breath in, trying to control emotions that I really don’t have any control over anymore. “It’s fine, Chris, really.” “How can you think any of this is fair?” he questions, his voice softening. “Because what else can I think? Thinking that the universe is against me won’t help me out. And I’d rather not sit here and think about it, not when I can at least try and do something about it.” Chris is quiet for a bit before he nods his head, fighting a smile that inevitably shows. “You’re right. You’re the star of the worst show in town, and you still manage to prove to everyone that you’re stronger than that. I admire you for that. I admire the hell out of you for that.” He shakes his head, “you’d still be here if I wasn’t. I wouldn’t still be here if you weren’t.” “You don’t give yourself credit,” I snicker, nudging him roughly in the ribs. “And you’re just trying to change the subject so that I’ll stop praising you,” he chuckles, poking my arm. I grab a pillow to try and stop the onslaught, but he snatches it from me, whacking me softly and thus declaring war. I grab another and turn to him, raising a challenging brow. “You are so on!” he laughs, throwing the pillow he had at me as he grabs another. I bring the pillow down, missing him as he pulls backward. The war commences, both of us focused on hitting and dodging that when we’re both spent, we have no idea who won. We simply crash on the bed out of breath and willing ourselves to stop laughing. <a data-passage="WDCK2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Fuck this,” I mumble, narrowing my eyes on the far wall. “Right, fuck this.” We glance at each other, the words on the tip of our tongue, “fuck this,” we both say in unison, Chris’s smile growing and becoming contagious. “Fuck what?” he questions. “This!” I answer, trying not to laugh and ruin the semi-serious tone that makes all of this worth it. “Fuck,” he starts. “This,” I finish. Soon, we’re just saying it louder and louder until someone bangs on the door. “Damnit, fuck you two,” Jeff hollers, “I’m tryna get morning drunk, and all I hear is you two saying the same damn two words. Shush!” Unable to keep it in, we both laugh. I slump over on Chris’s shoulder as I just let myself enjoy this moment. I needed a laugh, and even if it’s over something so trivial and something that only contains two words, it doesn’t matter. <a data-passage="WDCK2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
A heartwarming smile breaches my face as I open my arms and motion for her to come. With an embarrassed grin, she crawls onto the bed and into my arms, and I pull her close. “It’s going to be okay,” I tell her, <<if $optimistic >=50>>and part of me genuinely believes that. I can’t help but think it.<<else>>though I don’t even believe my own words.<</if>> “I just hate that this is happening to you. I mean, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, but you’re so cool. You welcomed me in, no questions asked and have been nothing but kind and nice to me. And I know I have a mom and dad, and they love me, but I’m beginning to love this group, and you’re a big reason for that. You’re the older sibling I never had, and I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” “With someone like you watching my back, I doubt anything bad ever will,” I say, squeezing her, and she squeezes back. I gasp in shock, and she immediately relaxes her hold. “Ah, I’m so sorry. I really forget that I’m like this super-strong hybrid.” “Yea, yea, you do,” I laugh and give her one last squeeze. I silently thank her in my mind, because at that moment, that’s exactly what I needed. <a data-passage="WDCK2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I pout and clear my throat, “you’ve never been to a sleepover or had a movie night? Right?” I knew the answer, but I gave her the ability to either go with it or continue on the path we’re headed on. At that moment, I just want to talk to Amari, not worry about everything that’s haunting me. For once, I want to think that everything will be okay. “No!” she shouts, getting on the bed and snatching a pillow, “can we do both, or is it a choose one or the other kind of thing?” “You can definitely do both.” “Yes! In movies, they just stay up all night gossiping and eating junk food, but sometimes they would leave the house and do really fun things. Oh, have you ever gone to a cliff that overlooked a neighborhood and just hung out? I want to do that or go on the roof of a building and just sit and look at the stars. I used to stargaze a lot by myself and cloud gaze, but it’s never fun when you’re doing it by yourself.” I relax as she continues, jumping from one thought to another, and I didn’t mind. The more she spoke, the more I learned, and the more I realized that I wanted to do these things too. Each and every one. <a data-passage="WDCK2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Look a ball!” I shout and point to a random corner. Amari narrows her eyes on me. “You’re trying to change the conversation, and it won’t work. Plus, I don’t just see a ball and get excited.” I raise a brow at her words as she twitches. She’s definitely fighting every fiber in her body not to look to where I pointed. Finally, she gives in, turning to look and then jerking around to face me. “You lied to me,” she shouts but in a playful tone. “You said you wouldn’t be tempted,” I laugh. “What am I supposed to do! I’m literally part dog.” “And vampire. Does anything activate that?” She shrugs as she jumps on the bed and comes to sit right beside me, tucking herself under the cover, so only her head is seen. <<if $boop>>I can’t resist the temptation and lean over to boop her nose, watching as she squirms in her spot with a broad smile. “Boop!” she says.<</if>> “Not really,” she answers, “blood, but I don’t count that as something like the ball thing. Being part vampire isn’t as much fun as being part werewolf. Also, not all werewolves fall for that, I think I’m just weird.” “Aww, you’re not weird,” I pause, “well, you are.” She laughs, playfully nudging me softly. “But everyone in this house is weird. You’re weird in a good way, don’t let anyone tell you differently.” “Never!” she says with a half-playful, half-serious tone, saluting me. I snort and hit her with the closest pillow, laughing as she squeals. <a data-passage="WDCK2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I rub my eye and open my arms up, “get over here!” He chuckles and moves in, letting me envelop him in a tight hug that I make sure to put all my love into. “It’s great to have you back. My family is back together,” he mumbles into my shoulder, “I don’t care, everything is going to get better, starting with you.” I silently thank him in my mind, because at that moment, that’s exactly what I needed. <a data-passage="WDCK2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Is it okay if we do something else? I’m not really in the mood for hugs.” Bradley pokes out his lip in thought when his eyes widen, and he moves in closer, sitting cross-legged across from me. “How about our own unique handshake?” I perk up in interest, moving in as I see him do a few signs and gestures, sorting through the handshake. “It has to be complicated enough to be just ours, but not complicated enough that we can’t remember it.” I watch in fascination as he does a few more hand movements before waving his hands in excitement, “alright, I got it.” With patience I didn’t know I possessed, I sit through him showing me the handshake and then the two of us performing it about ten times. The last time that we do it, we execute it perfectly, and instead of high fiving, we just repeat the handshake, laughing at how flawless we were. <a data-passage="WDCK2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
It’s almost an hour later that I finally get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I wash my face, brush my teeth, take care of some self-grooming needs, shower, and wash my <<if $hairlength is "bald">>scalp, before leaving the bathroom.<<else>>hair. I style my $hairtype hair the best I can with the energy that I possess before leaving the bathroom.<</if>> Feeling a tad bit more refreshed, yet still out of energy, I get on with my day. Faye said that everyone wanted to call a group meeting, but it’s still pretty early, I might have time to check up with someone before that meeting commences. //You’ll be able to check-in with everyone, though at different times throughout the episode.// [[Go and find Rahim.|WDCKRahim]] [[Check on Sydero.]] [[Go and get some breakfast. (Choosing this will not allow you to check in with Rahim and Sydero.)|WDCK3]]
I search for Rahim, not knowing where I can find him since it’s been two days since I last saw him. <<if hasVisited("Lay there with him.")>>Not to mention that I slept beside him, he probably woke up and had a heart attack. Though whether good or bad is the real question.<<elseif hasVisited("Kiss his forehead.")>>Not to mention that I kissed his forehead and he was unconscious. He wouldn’t know but I did, and that’s all that mattered.<<else>>Last time I had seen him, he was about as bad as I was, both of us needing our rest.<</if>> I walk by an agape door, only pausing when I hear a low grunt and a curse soon following it. I’m about to keep going when I hear Rahim growl in frustration, his next words in a language foreign to my ears. I decide to find out what’s going on, knocking on the door before pushing it open, raising a brow at the sight. Rahim sits on the ottoman bench at the foot of the bed, one wing tucked close to his body and the other outstretched, the natural light from the window causing the soft buttermilk color to gleam against the more subtle sapphire tint. “What?” Rahim growls, my eyes leaving his wing as I make eye contact with him. The sharp blue in his eye still threatens to overtake his entire eye, doing away entirely with his pupil. The sight warns me that he’s still struggling to balance himself out. “I heard grunting, and curiosity got the better of me,” I say, raising my hands up in defense. <<if $RRomance >=5>>\ “Well, you investigated now go,” he snaps, turning his attention back to his wing. I watch as he struggles to move a few of his feathers out of the way due to his angling and just because of the number of feathers he has. I narrow my eyes, soon deducing that he’s cleaning them, a spray bottle, rag, and brush sitting within reach. “That looks difficult and time-consuming.” “That’s because it is,” he says blatantly. “Want some help?” “No. Leave.” I roll my eyes at his words, choosing not to budge, “I think you could use some help.” He pauses, lowering his wing so that he doesn’t have to move his entire body to look at me. He narrows his eyes, glancing from his wing to his other one, and then back to me. “Do you even know what you’re doing if I say yes?” “I’m a fast learner,” I tell him entering the room and grabbing the spray bottle. He says nothing to direct me, watching to see what I do, probably testing me. Using all of my brain cells, I spray a cluster of his feathers, amazed at how soft they are as I clump them together. I then pick up the rag and carefully run it over the damp plumes. “Am I doing it right?” I ask him. “Yea,” he whispers, his tone and the look in his eye much softer than before. With a victorious smile, I go back to it. I remove the shedding feathers and spray all the other ones. When I get done with one area, I brush it over, watching the ripples and the shine that they each take on. “Your wings are beautiful,” I say, carefully raising one that has more of the sapphire coloring than the others, the luminous feather proud of it too as it shines. “They’re a pain in my ass.” “But you obviously take good care of them.” “I have to unless I want to crash like that one time,” he pauses, snapping his gaze over towards me, “nevermind. There’s a lot of them, I can handle the rest.” He’s about to move when I tap his head with the brush. “Stop moving and let me work.” He blinks a few times before slowly falling back to the ottoman, wearing what I would almost describe as a pout. <a data-passage="WDCK2_R1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ He sighs, nodding his head, “how are you feeling?” “Like shit. You?” “Same. Though I wouldn’t dare compare myself to your state.” “Let’s not make this into a competition,” I remark, taking a seat on the bed, looking around the room and realizing it was Faye’s. After all this time, I had never really been in here, never had any reason to. Her room is as decorated as the rest of her house. The few things that are on display probably hold some considerable importance, but other than that, nothing. I pause when I see one photo of Bradley, though, cheesing as if nothing can knock him down from the invisible pedestal he stands on as he holds up a computer. “What are you doing anyway?” I question, turning and gesturing to his wings. “Cleaning them,<<if $rahim <50>> obviously,<</if>>” he tells me, grabbing a loose feather and yanking it. “That entire trip did a number on them, and they ache. But if I don’t clean them now, then I’ll just regret it later.” “You can’t just snap your fingers and magically make them clean.” He pauses and glances over at me with a doubtful look, “though I wish that was all it took, no.” He sighs and makes for a spray bottle, spraying a few of his feathers, grabbing a brush next. I watch him for a while before finally leaving, knowing I’d see him soon anyway, thanks to this group meeting they feel is necessary. <<if hasVisited("Check on Sydero.")>>Already checked on Sydero.<<else>>[[Check on Sydero.]]<</if>> [[Go and get some breakfast.|WDCK3]] <</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("Kiss his forehead.") or hasVisited("Lay there with him.")>>I fall back into my work, getting into a comfortable routine, and thinking about before. Should I tell him? Did he know? He had yet to bring it up, so maybe he didn’t want to talk about it? Or perhaps he just didn’t remember? Could his memory be faulty? These questions are getting me nowhere, and so I decide to question him when I pause, Rahim’s wings shaking and a light snort coming from him. I glance over to see his eyes drifting closed, a subtle and content smile on his face as his head tilts to the side. I continue to brush his wing, watching as he grows more and more relaxed.<<else>>I fall back into my work, getting into a comfortable routine when I pause, Rahim’s wings shaking, and a light snort coming from him. I glance over to see his eyes drifting closed, a subtle and content smile on his face as his head tilts to the side. I continue to brush his wing, watching as he grows more and more relaxed.<</if>> It’s a sight that I don’t recall ever truly seeing on Rahim’s face. The tension in his forehead gone, his eyes fluttering, and the corners of his mouth twitching. A hint of blue is seen as his eyelids will rise just enough to let the color peek through. His head sways to the side, and a clump of his hair falls down onto his face. I let out a gasp, widening my eyes when he straightens up and looks my way, my gaze going back to his wing. Before I can grab another group of feathers, his wing retracts, going back to his body. “Alright, that’s enough. I can do the rest myself,” he grunts, avoiding eye contact. “Are you –,” I start, but Rahim’s groan stops me. “Yes, now go. I’m sure you have better things to do.” I let out a heavy sigh as I turn and walk towards the door, pausing when I feel Rahim’s hand grab my wrist. I turn my head to see what he needs, looking from my wrist to him. “Um … thank you,” he says, releasing me as if I’m made of fire, rubbing his palm with a furrowed brow. I frown. [[“Why do you push me away?”][$RRomance to 5]] [[“Take your time, I’m here.”][$RRomance to 10]] [[“We said we’d talk.”][$RRomance to 10]]
“Why do you push me away?” I find myself asking, my hand curling into a fist. “What?” he questions. “Come on, Rahim, just be straight with me. You have feelings for me, I have feelings for you. I get it. You said you don’t trust me, but what do I do? I … I want to …” I’m unable to finish, not even knowing what I want to do. That and far too terrified to speak it aloud. “Just … tell me what you need me to do.” “I need you to focus on yourself,” he says, words that I don’t want to hear, despite the truth they hold. I was top priority, yes. But he’s using it to avoid the question. “Rahim,” I start, but he shakes his head. He moves in as if hevs about to cradle my face but then stops short, balling his hand into a fist and cursing, “I need you to focus on yourself.” He turns away from me and goes back to the ottoman, keeping his back to me, and so, I leave. <a data-passage="WDCK2_R2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Rahim,” I say, approaching the door and mustering up a smile, “take your time. I’m here.” I can see the emotions battling on his face, his mouth opening and closing as he wants to say one thing but decides against it. It takes a while, but he finally just closes his eyes and hangs his head. “Thank you,” he whispers. With a sweet smile, I nod and leave the room. <a data-passage="WDCK2_R2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We said we’d talk,” I start, “can we?” “Everything that I said in the Underworld, just forget it okay.” He draws back, but I move forward, not fast enough to grab his hand but enough to get his attention. “I don’t want to.” “$name.” “Please, Rahim. I know what you said, I get it, but your feelings aren’t the only ones on the line here. Give me something, anything.” He seems to battle with himself in between saying something and choosing not to. I close my eyes, “tell me this. The things you said in Hell, you said forget them. Is that because you’re scared or because you didn’t mean any of it?” It feels like the next minute is just a long drawn out hour, me waiting for him to speak and Rahim looking ready to just fly out the window. He closes his eyes. “I’m terrified,” he whispers, “and I’m sorry.” I take a shaky breath in, though I feel much calmer than before. I was preparing myself for him to say that it was all fake, a rush of emotions that caused him to speak out of turn. “Whenever you’re ready,” I tell him and leave the room. <a data-passage="WDCK2_R2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/divider.png"> Rahim watches in silence as $name goes, his fingers still fluttering over his palm, his chest aching. Why the hell did he send ?him away? He stretches his wing out as if it holds the answer, but all he sees are glistening and clean feathers. A task that would have taken him at least another hour had taken $name ... He pauses. He had no idea actually, he had begun to fall asleep. The feeling of $name’s fingers along his feathers added with ?his presence caused him to enter a state of relaxation, and for someone reason, he didn’t know if the thought made him feel safe or angry. <<if hasVisited("Kiss his forehead.")>>\ As if by instinct, his fingers trail across his forehead, faintly remembering the feeling of a soft pressure there. He wasn’t totally out, he had heard some of what had been said, and he felt like he had a decent idea of what had taken place. So why is this part fuzzy? Part of him knew that $name had kissed him, and the thought thrilled him, causing him to shake in delight. But he’s also kicking himself, again reminding himself of all the things wrong with that and why he shouldn’t feel anything. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Lay there with him.")>>\ It isn’t like it’s the worst thing, especially seeing that he awakened to $name sleeping right beside him. He still felt as confused as he did when he had woken up. He didn’t sleep when others were around, he didn’t trust them. The most he did was meditate, and what he did in that bed was not meditation. $name had no right making him feel that comfortable and safe. Especially when safe is dangerous. Safe means his defenses are lowered. Safe means that it’s an easier shot to his heart. Safe means heartbreak. <</if>>\ Rahim chokes on his own thoughts, his heart refusing to believe so as everything else tells him differently. His heart is a silly little thing though, far too human-like for his liking. Always falling in love with the wrong people. His head droops to the side as he goes back to the ottoman. “Always falling for the wrong people,” he murmurs. And yet, as he begins to clean the rest of his wing, $name’s gentle and caring touch refused to leave his mind. All he want is to go and bring ?him back.<<if hasVisited("Kiss his forehead.")>> To once again feel that touch, to feel those lips against his skin.<<elseif hasVisited("Lay there with him.")>> To once again feel that touch, to lay beside ?him and feel like it was okay to close his eyes.<<else>> To once again feel that touch, if even for a moment.<</if>> Even if it’s going to destroy the rest of his broken heart. But that kind of thinking is exactly what put him in this situation in the first place. <img src="images/divider.png"> <<if hasVisited("Check on Sydero.")>>Already checked on Sydero.<<else>>[[Check on Sydero.]]<</if>> [[Go and get some breakfast.|WDCK3]]
I head towards the attic, each footstep growing heavier until I feel like my heart is in my stomach and my chest ready to collapse. Is this even a good idea? “I can hear you breathing on the other side of the door,” I hear someone shout from within, “either come in or get lost.” I roll my eyes, yep, Sydero’s back. I enter and glance around, shocked to see that Zillah isn’t currently there. Sydero currently sits in what used to be Zillah’s chair. She isn’t bound to the chair and can freely get up and walk around the small area of the Devil’s Trap. At the moment, she’s lounging in the chair, her legs hanging over one of the arms as she sits with her back to the other. “You smell like death,” she snorts, glancing over at me. Her scales have since disappeared, as well as her horns, but her wings are still there, and her eyes peculiar. They seem to reside between her human form and her demonic. Her sclera bathed in crimson, but her iris an intense gold, small speckles of a more brownish tone dwelling within. <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ I swallow the lump that resides in my throat as I look her over. I tell myself that this is real, that Sydero is right here, and yet I can’t believe it. Not thinking, I take a step closer, my hand reaching out to touch her, to reassure myself. It’s only when I see her perk up that I stop myself, closing my eyes as I curse myself a million times. All that we worked for could’ve just been undone because I can’t control myself properly. “Oh, you’re no fun,” she huffs, relaxing back in the seat, staring at the wall in boredom. “Do … do you remember who I am?” “Roe,” she says matter-of-factly, still appearing as bored as before, no inflection or emotion in her voice, “resident unknown mutt. Dumbass who went to the Underworld to save, yours truly. And probably a few other things that I’m forgetting.” “Mutt?” “Take no offense, I even refer to myself as one,” she says, glancing over at me, “there’s nothing but mutts in this little group of yours. Special mutts, but mutts all the same.” I look her over, my heart doing flips and wanting to break all at the same time, even as I desperately try to control it. “Do you even have feelings for me still?” She doesn’t reply immediately, her eyes closed as she lightly swings her leg. I almost think she didn’t hear me when she finally shifts in her seat, sitting in it the correct way and leaning forward, peering at me. “Tell me, Roe, did we ever fuck?” Something in her tone causes me to shift uncomfortably, “no.” “Kiss then?” “Yes.” “And did my powers at all go into play?” “Why does that matter?” I ask, throwing my hands up. “Because if they didn’t, then you’re vastly overestimating your importance to me. If they did, you’re forgetting what I am and how all of this works for me.” <<if $nolove>>In the back of my mind, I hear Lust’s voice, telling me the same thing though in a different way.<</if>> <a data-passage="WDCK2_S1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Probably because I’m five steps away from his door.” “Hmm,” she chuckles, “rough day in the office?” I roll my eyes, though not surprised at her words, I expected nothing less. “Do … do you remember who I am?” “Roe,” she says matter-of-factly, still appearing as bored as before, no inflection or emotion in her voice, “resident unknown mutt. Dumbass who went to the Underworld to save, yours truly. And probably a few other things that I’m forgetting.” “Mutt?” “Take no offense, I even refer to myself as one,” she says, glancing over at me, “there’s nothing but mutts in this little group of yours. Special mutts, but mutts all the same.” She perks up in her seat and turns to me. “Answer me something that’s been on my mind, heavily. Why’d you do it?” “Come get you?” She nods. <<if $sydero >=50>>\ “You’re my friend, Syd. You don’t remember me, and that’s okay, but we were friends. You were still warming up to me completely, but …” I shrug, rubbing at my eye as I suddenly feel tired again. “But yea, I wasn’t about to leave you down there.” She doesn’t say anything, examining me as if she’s trying to find some fault in my story. <<else>>\ “You’re a pain in the ass, to put it mildly, but leaving you down there wasn’t right.” “You have other things to worry about,” she points out, and I nod in agreement. “Yea, well, you try and look at Bradley and tell that kid no. It was either get you or let him go get you.” She doesn’t say anything, examining me as if she’s trying to find some fault in my story. <</if>>\ “Do you believe me?” I ask, and she shrugs. “It’s not the point of believing you or not. Your motives just interest me. You were with Rahim, and I know for a fact that his motive wasn’t selfless. And so, I’m trying to figure out where you lie in all of this.” I nod in understanding and then motion to her. “How are you feeling? And ignore how stupid that question probably is.” She smirks, “as good as someone you dragged from the Underworld can be. Don’t know what Faye gave me, but it helped enough to let me reclaim part of my mind.” “Reclaim?” “You’re pretty new to all of this, huh?” “I’m still learning, I guess you can say.” “Well, maybe when you’re older,” she says in baby talk, and I roll my eyes, standing from the seat I had taken on the sofa. “It’s nice to have you back, Syd.” I get up and walk to the door. “Roe.” I pause, turning to look at her and see that she’s looking at me through narrowed eyes, “I don’t know what that means.” I nod, “hopefully soon, you will.” With that, I leave the attic behind. <<if hasVisited("WDCKRahim")>>Rahim already talked too.<<else>>[[Go and find Rahim.|WDCKRahim]]<</if>> [[Go and get some breakfast.|WDCK3]] <</if>>\
“Yes,” I growl, “I swear if one more person reminds me that you’re a lust demon, you included, I’m going to <<if $pacifist >=50>>scream<<else>>start throwing blows<</if>>. But can you stop for a minute and remember that’s not all you are, you have human in you and humans are capable of love.” She snickers, and I stop her, shaking my head as I pace the room. “I’m serious, Syd. Please. Look me in the eye and tell me you never felt anything, even if it was only for a minute, even if you no longer feel it now. If you don’t remember, then just say that, but don’t tell me we had nothing.” Sydero peers at me, pouting as she looks me up and down, and I see her eyes soften. My heart screams, only needing her to verbally say it. “I barely remember it,” she starts, “but,” she looks at me with pleading eyes before her gaze drops to my lips. I find myself leaning forward, wanting to feel her close after all this time. Wanting to just hold her, reassure myself that she’s here. A month or so, but it feels like so much longer — all the things that were left unspoken, the questions that still had no answer. She’s so close, within reach. I pause when I hear a light shattering and glance down to see that a small crack has begun in the cuffs, and when I look into Sydero’s eyes, I see her iris being taken over by the crimson. I back away, my heart pounding as I just realize what had happened. She straightens up and sighs in irritation. “You … you were planning that?” I ask, trying to bite back the anger and hopelessness. “Figured that out on your own?” she hums in question, “Roe, the most I remember about you is that you were a headache to deal with, and the desire that rolls off of you is oh so delicious. Whatever else you’re searching for, I can’t help you with. So, unless you want to help get me the fuck out of these,” she says, jingling the cuffs and anger seeping into her tone, “then leave.” I glance at the floor, not knowing what to do but knowing that standing there isn’t going to change anything. [[“You’re going to push me away.”][$SRomance to 5]] [[“I’ll wait for you.”][$SRomance to 10]]
“You know Syd, you’re going to push me away, and when you do, I won’t come back.” “And you’ll regret ever doing it, every day you’ll regret it,” she mimics, smirking, “frankly, I don’t think you deserve an Emmy with that performance. Leave and then come back and try again.” A rush of emotions follows me as I leave the room, causing me to feel dizzy and weak as I close the attic behind me. <<include "WDCK2_S2">>
I tremble as the emotions continue to shoot through me, “I have patience, especially dealing with you,” I tell her. She narrows her eyes but says nothing. A rush of emotions follows me as I leave the room, causing me to feel dizzy and weak as I close the attic behind me. What exactly did I expect? To continue where we left off? No, of course not, it would’ve been nice, but I was more realistic than that. I just wanted some kind of confirmation, something to reassure me that … I close my eyes and take a deep breath in, stopping my train of thought for my own sake. With unsteady steps, I walk away from the attic, each step yet again feeling more cumbersome than the last. <<include "WDCK2_S2">>
<img src="images/divider.png"> Sydero closes her eyes as she listens to the steps get farther and farther until once again, she’s bathed in silence. If there’s a plus to any of this, it’s the silence. They aren’t as loud as the Underworld’s demons and raucous crowds, a second to breathe there is like asking for salvation and heavenly glory. Her eyes travel to the cuffs that still adorn her wrists. Roe managed to give her just enough of a rush to do that, but it seems it’ll take so much more to actually get these things off and then figure out how to get out of the damn Devil’s Trap. She shifts in her seat, frowning as she thinks about the person who was just in here. She hadn’t been lying. Only a few of her memories came back, enough to put a face and name to people. She remembered Faye but hardly, and the weird man that looked as bad as he smelled just didn’t ring a bell at all. The person she had the misfortune of sharing this space with, wasn’t someone she recognized either. The only people she truly remembers is her brother and the kid, Bradley. "Roe. $name Roe," she said, the first part of the name sounding foreign on her lips, unlike their surname. She saw flashes, random conversations that go by far too fast for her to grasp onto, scenes that mean little but fill her with agitation and a mix of resentment yet excitement. But she keeps coming back to two in particular, a bar scene and one in a motel. The bar scene is lust and desire, but the motel is not. It’s something different, labeled in the realm of desire but not the typical lust that she knew. And that’s what causes her frown to grow heavier. There’s something else, something about them that takes her back to the Underworld. She looks at the door and narrows her eyes. Licking her lips as she ponders aloud, "who are you, Roe?" <img src="images/divider.png"> <<if hasVisited("WDCKRahim")>>Rahim already talked too.<<else>>[[Go and find Rahim.|WDCKRahim]]<</if>> [[Go and get some breakfast.|WDCK3]]
I walk down the stairs, glancing into the living room before stepping into the kitchen where I find Faye flitting around the kitchen. When she sees me, she gasps, her eyes misting over as she turns to face me. She quickly closes them and shakes her head, gesturing to the spread. “I cooked breakfast! I didn’t know what you’d be in the mood for, so I cooked everything that I could think of,” she gestures to the counter that’s filled with an assortment of different foods. I glance over at Jeff, who refuses to look my way, chewing on a piece of toast from his position on the counter. “Do you need anything?” Amari asks, moving towards the fridge, “juice?” “Here’s a seat,” Bradley informs me, tugging on my sleeve and sliding the chair near him out. [[“Seriously, guys?”]] [[“If only I was dying every day.”]] [[“Enough.”]] [[“Thank you, guys.”]]
I sigh, grabbing a plate and stacking all the attractive food that I spot on it, “seriously, guys? Let’s not make this into the Last Holiday.” “Can you blame us?” Bradley asks, shrugging as he scoots his laptop away, “we have no idea how long you have left.” <<include "WDCK3_0_1">>
“Huh,” I say with a smirk, going to grab a plate and stacking it high with all the attractive food that I see, “if only I was dying every day. Then I’d never have to worry about anything ever again.” <<if $cp>>\ “Wouldn’t you have to worry about dying?” Chris asks, swiftly being punished by Bradley. <</if>>\ <<include "WDCK3_0_1">>
“Thanks, guys, it’s appreciated but enough,” I grab a plate and begin stacking it with food, “I don’t want to spend however long I have left with you guys treating me like some fragile doll.” “You’re not going anywhere,” Amari says matter of factly. “Then stop treating me like I am,” I point out. <<include "WDCK3_0_1">>
I rub at my eye and manage a smile as I go to grab a plate, “thanks guys, the food looks awesome, by the way, Faye.” “Anything, sweetie.” I stack it high with food before taking a seat. <<include "WDCK3_0_1">>
Every bite causes my stomach to hum in satisfaction, <<if $nerve >=50>>and I even find myself getting up for seconds<<else>>though each bite also leads to a headache and a screaming gut that wishes to vomit it all back up<</if>>. I blink, and I notice a swarm of something black in the corner, the wallpaper there beginning to rot, and the room’s lighting starting to shift. “Great, everyone’s here,” Rahim states as he enters, his wings now glistening as some of the morning light hits them in just the right way, devoid of any leftover blood or dirt. “This meeting starts now.” I force myself to pay attention to what is happening in front of me and not to the wallpaper that continues to peel or the swarm that grows in size. “What about Syd and Zillah?” Bradley questions, and it seems like it takes every last inch of willpower for Rahim to control his face. “All the //important// people are here. So, everyone knows, $name is dying.” <a data-passage="WDCK3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Ugh, why must you say it like that,” Amari questions, crossing her arms and looking at me, her heart on her sleeve as she mirrors the look that Faye has, “we’re really sorry, $name. I don’t think we can say that enough. <<if $unstable>>You never told us and we just thought whatever was happening could be fixed.<<else>>We thought you were joking when you said it because … well, people joke about that.<</if>>” <<if $cp and $unstable is false>>\ Chris sighs and nods, “yea, especially today’s generation, always joking about it like dumbasses.” I watch as Bradley chokes on his water, turning to Chris with a raised brow. “You literally said you wanted to die like a week ago, you hypocrite.” “Can’t be a hypocrite if I never claimed to not be one of those dumbasses.” Bradley begins to say something and then shakes his head, about to say something again when Rahim clears his throat. <</if>>\ <<if $nerve >=50>>\ “How did you guys find out again?” I question after I swallow some food. <<else>>\ “How did you guys find out again?” I question after I swallow some food, pausing to settle my stomach, feeling the bile in my throat. I pause, jumping slightly in my seat when I see that all of their faces now appear to be skulls, skin sliding off, bones dissolving, and the smell. I close my eyes and focus on breathing, my entire body shaking as I fight to control myself. “Are you alright,” Bradley questions, everyone looking at me, but their faces are back to normal. “Yea, food went down the wrong way,” I say, forcing a smile, “how did you guys find out again?” <</if>>\ “Zillah told us,” Jeff pipes in. “We were creating the portal, but he was far more worried about asking me about spells and concoctions that could potentially slow someone’s life timer, pause it,” Faye explains, “when we questioned him about it he seemed shocked that we didn’t care and then he told us. At first, we thought he was joking but, you learn quick that when Zillah doesn’t say some smart-alecky comment that he’s serious.” “The real question,” Rahim chimes in, “is what are we going to do?” “What can we do?” Bradley asks, “we don’t know what $name is or what’s happening besides the fact that we fucked up with pulling out Zillah.” [[“No, he fucked up.”]] [[“Yea, not our smartest move.”]] [[“Excuse you, that was a victory.”]] [[“Has he said anything that could help?”]]
“No, he fucked up. No one told him to be a complete nuisance while living in my mind, which, I would like to remind everyone, was against my will.” “But wasn’t it for your own good? Obviously, it kept you alive,” Amari points out, and I hold up a hand to stop her. “He’s an asshole, end of story. Let’s continue on. Any ideas about what to do? Bradley?” <<include "WDCK3_1_1">>
“Yea, that probably wasn’t our smartest move. Especially seeing that now some random witch has my blood, and I’m dying.” “You know, when you put it like that, it really does make that whole exorcism ordeal just … pointless,” Jeff points out, and I send him my most sarcastic smile. I then turn my attention to Bradley, “any ideas about what to do?” <<include "WDCK3_1_1">>
“Excuse you and your negativity,” I start, “but I count that as a victory.” Rahim raises a brow, “you’re literally dying right now because of that ‘victory.’” I shrug, “you can’t win a war without losing some casualties.” <<if $cp>>\ “Okay, wait, but you are that casualty! The only one too,” Chris points out, appearing like his head is starting to hurt. I shrug and turn to Bradley, “do you have any ideas about this?” <<else>>\ “Well, technically,” Bradley starts, but I cover his mouth, humming and nodding my head, hiding the disgust as he licks my palm. I remove my hand and wipe it off before glancing at him, “do you have any ideas about this?” <</if>>\ <<include "WDCK3_1_1">>
“Has he said anything that could help while we were gone? Keywords mostly?” “No,” Faye informs me, “he seems just as stumped as the rest of us.” I glance over at Bradley, “how about you? Anything?” <<include "WDCK3_1_1">>
“I’m still scouring the web for anything and everything. My hits are slow because, well, there are no hits.” He sighs and leans back in his chair. “Best case scenario is that my search results show something in the next hour or so or that Zillah can delay it, so I have more time. The worst case scenario is that you die, we preserve your body, and then send Rahim and Sydero to retrieve your soul … hmm, maybe that’s the better plan.” “Let me get this straight,” I say, a bit of shock seeping into my tone, “you want me to die so you can go retrieve my soul? And you think that’s the better plan?” “It’s not as easy as he makes it seem anyway,” Rahim inputs as if the action is what I was hung up on and not the actual part about dying, “you’d go to Purgatory. But the only ones allowed in Purgatory would be Amari and Zillah. Amari would be targeted and hunted as soon as she enters for being an abomination, and Zillah, well, Zillah might just make matters worse depending on if all of this is what he wants.” <a data-passage="WDCK3_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“How does one actually get into Purgatory?” Bradley questions, leaning forward. Jeff coughs, raising his hand as he eats a sausage link, “well, you need a reaper, and they’ll take your soul for a fee. Some reapers do a ten-year deal, others do a give me a soul, and I’ll help sort of thing. Some just ask you for things, like a fucking burger. Because all that reaper wants is a gotdamn burger!” The kitchen grows quiet as everyone stares at Jeff with different expressions, though I’m sure all of us are united in our bewilderment. Bradley is the first to break the silence, “but why are you so angry?” “Because it was my damn burger! Not his! Mine!” More silence follows, as one question is answered, but two more just appear. Bradley sighs, “I’m not going to ask any more questions about this, but we will come back to this at a later, more appropriate time.” “Well,” I say with a shaky breath, steering the conversation back to my predicament, “we have time.” “Do we?” Rahim questions, “you’re seeing things right now? Aren’t you?” <<if $nerve >=50>>“Some stuff, nothing to be worried about,” I lie, though I suppose it’s only a half-lie. The surroundings haven’t repaired themselves like they have in the past, and the darkness feels like it won’t just retreat. Instead, it’s steadily moving in.<<else>>I quiver as I try to keep up the façade, seeing a figure appear in the corner of my vision. Yet when I turn to look at them, they’re gone.<</if>> “I’m going to go get Zillah,” he says, shaking his head, “go back to the guest room.” “And hope for a miracle?” I huff, beginning to dislike how they’re treating me. With everything I’ve been through, the last thing I need is to be treated like some fragile doll who needs to be kept out of the way. [[“No more of this.”]] [[“If I’m dying, I’m dying with respect.”]] [[Let it go.|WDCK3LetItGo]]
“No, before we agree on anything, we’re going to get this understanding out of the way. I don’t care if you don’t like it or disagree because this is how this will go. Everyone following along?” I don’t wait for them to say anything, continuing on after a quick look around. “You’re going to stop treating me like some fragile creature. I’m not handing in you guys placing blame and nitpicks on me for this. Treat me like you treat me any other day. Yes, we need to figure this out, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to break. I’m going through shit, but how about you not make it worse. Okay?” “Okay,” Faye is the first to say, and the rest follow suit. “That sounds fine, but you still need to see Zillah.” I’m about to disagree once again when Faye speaks up. <<include "WDCK3_3">>
“Nope. If I’m dying, then I’m dying with some respect. Stop all this overly nice behavior to start with. Okay? I’m dying, not dead.” I’m about to disagree once again when Faye speaks up. Bradley smiles while Amari and Rahim look confused but seem to get over it a moment longer. “Good to know. I’m going to go get Zillah now,” Rahim says. I’m about to disagree once again when Faye speaks up. <<include "WDCK3_3">>
I let their behavior go. It’s understandable at least and I’m not entirely sure how I would react if I learned that one of them was dying. At least they aren’t placing all of their issues on me as if they’re mine to carry. “$name?” Rahim asks, and I tune back into the now, shaking my head. I’m about to disagree once again when Faye speaks up. <<include "WDCK3_3">>
“He can help you more than the rest of us can. Please, $name,” Faye begs. I push myself away from the table and nod. I head towards the stairs, and once I’m halfway up, I hear a loud shrill noise that sounds like someone screaming and something crashing down. <<if $nerve <50>>Used to this by now, my instincts scream to duck, and I do so, my heart pounding even after I realize that there’s nothing there and that nothing has truly taken place. <<else>>My instincts scream for me to duck and I do so, slipping on the step and my chin slams down onto one of the steps. I whimper as I rest there, closing my eyes as I fight the ache.<</if>> <a data-passage="WDCK4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I get to the room without further incident, sitting on the edge of the bed and resting my face in the palm of my hands as I think. “And how is the patient?” Zillah asks, sliding into the room, behaving as if he had a clipboard in his grasp. “Stop it,” Jeff reprimands as he comes in behind Zillah and slapping the back of his head, “if he tries anything, $name, just scream for us. Do like the most high-pitched scream you can muster, just for a laugh mostly.” With a wink and a nod, Jeff leaves, closing the door and leaving me with a Zillah who gazes at me with a raised brow. [[“Let’s get this over with.”]] [[“Staring issue?”]] [[“They’ll give a medical license to anyone nowadays.”]] [[“You ready for this?”]] [[Say nothing.|WDCKNothing]]
I roll my eyes and sigh, “let’s get this over with. What do you need to do?” “Read you, and you need to find some way to relax so that I can attempt to buy you more time.” “Yea, whatever.” <<include "WDCKNothing">>
“Staring issue?” I question. “Can we get this over with? I’d like to go back to annoying Sydero,” he says sarcastically, but there’s a curious tone to his words that almost makes me believe him. <<include "WDCKNothing">>
As he approaches, I snort, “they’ll give a medical license to just about anyone nowadays, huh?” A smirk appears as he matches my teasing behavior, “bold of you to assume that I didn’t just steal it. Much easier.” <<include "WDCKNothing">>
“You ready for this?” I ask, attempting to ask the question with a light and almost carefree tone, though I’m sure I sound just as tired as I look. “I’m far more concerned with you and your preparedness.” <<include "WDCKNothing">>
I move further onto the bed as Zillah sits on the edge, resting his hand on my head. I jump at the touch, and he pauses, clearly biting his tongue as he waits for me to settle. When I finally do, he places his hand back. “Did you know this would happen?” “Your timer speeding up?” he asks, his eyes remaining closed. “Yea.” “I had a feeling. Wasn’t sure.” “A feeling?” I question, stiffening, and he opens one eye to give me a reprimanding look, shifting to once again try and get a read on me, “you didn’t think to tell me this?” “I also had a feeling that the Underworld might actually save you. Should I have told you both feelings? Give you hope and unneeded information that might do more harm than good?” “How about you try me next time and let me decide?” Zillah’s frown deepens, and he doesn’t reply. I say nothing more to allow him to work, waiting patiently for him to tell me what he’s sensing. “Alright,” he starts, finally withdrawing his hand, “good news or the bad news first?” I mentally curse, though what did I expect? Only good news? [[“Give me the good news.”][$optimistic +=5]] [[“Hit me with the bad first.”][$optimistic -=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Optimistic ++</span><</if>> “Give me the good news, we all know I need some of it.” <<include "WDCK4_0_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pessimistic ++</span><</if>> “Hit me with the bad first, you might as well.” “You have a day at best.” “Yep, that’s bad news. And the good?” <<include "WDCK4_0_1">>
“I can delay it, not by much, and it’ll depend on how relaxed you can actually get” “What does that have to do with anything?” “There’s a reason I can’t go into your mind when you’re asleep, you’re not conscious, and there are walls up. Even when you are conscious, you have mental walls up that keep me from going deep enough to actually help and make a difference. If you’re relaxed, those walls come down. The deeper I can go, the more I can help<<if $raincheck>>,” he pauses to sneer, “mentally, physically … especially physically.”<<else>>.”<</if>> <<if $raincheck>>\ <<if $zillah >=50>>I blush when I realize what he means and roll my eyes.<<else>>I growl and slap him in the chest, “this is not the time.”<</if>> <</if>>\ “So relaxing, exactly what does that entail?” <<if $raincheck>>\ “I have a few ideas,” he smirks, glancing up at the ceiling as if it was about to agree with him. “Am I going to regret asking you what they are?” He shrugs, “maybe, it’s a plus for you, though. A massage.” “A massage?” “Correct me if I’m wrong, but they still relax people in this era, yes?” “How do I know any of this is right? This wouldn’t be the first time you lied to me.” “You seem to forget that I have a stake in your life. You live, I live. I can’t do any mental damage to you since I’m in this,” he says, referring to himself, “most I can do is use my powers and calm yours. Think of this as what I was doing inside of you, free of charge, but now I can only do halfway.” <a data-passage="WDCK4_Z1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “You tell me, your mind was a cluster fuck when I was inside it. Just calm down, relax, and let me try and give you a few more hours.” I take a few deep breaths in, fighting the unstable nature than I can feel deep inside me. “This is going to sound weird,” Zillah begins, “but let them in. You’ll never relax fighting it.” “You’re right,” I growl, “that sounds like horrible advice.” “I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true, but we’ll be here all day if you don’t.” I groan and do as he says, mentally removing the walls that kept all of that away. Whether this is just how my brain sees this or if this corruption is real, I find myself on a dark staircase. Above me resides the sickness, thick gooey appearing entrails that look to be breathing. Droplets drip off of it, corroding the area that it lands and melting right through. I take my eyes off it and look down, learning that it isn’t just a staircase but a winding one. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, followed by a low groan and someone begging for help behind me. I close my eyes and glance over my shoulder, disgusted by the figure that stands there. It appears like me, but there is a giant hole in its stomach, and its entrails look more like loose noodles trying to escape a bowl of soup. Its skin is decaying and peeling, and half of the skull is missing. A deep chasm resides where one of its eyes should be, and its mouth holds a mouth that holds a mouth. <a data-passage="WDCK4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Don’t blame this on me,” I growl, and he sighs, dragging his hand down his face. “$name, I just want to get this over with. Do I get the pleasure of touching you while doing it? Yes. I shall count my blessings,” he says, the last part being said in an overly sarcastic tone. I glare at him, waiting to see some fault in his mask or slip up. I even wait for him to add some annoying line to tease me just so I can say no, and yet, the more I glare at him, the more he looks genuine, irritated, but sincere. I slowly turn my back to him, lying down stiffly and growing even tenser when his hands rest on my shoulders. My eyes flutter close as my body betrays my mind, instantly melting under the touch, and feeling like it’s screaming its need for this. It doesn’t help that his hands feel magical, pressing against every muscle and working out every kink that shouldn’t be there. <<if $zillah >=50>>\ I hum, feeling his hands working their way across my body, not being able to argue his, ‘this will get you relaxed’ words any longer. He kneads every sore muscle and works his fingers across every area that needs his attention. A gasp rushes past my lips as he massages an area of my neck that I didn’t even know needed care. “Hmm,” he snorts, “enjoying yourself, $name?” “I could ask you the same thing.” “I am most certainly enjoying myself.” I hear him breathe as if he’s about to say more, but no words travel past his lips. Instead, he continues on with his work, his hands traveling farther south until they’re on my lower back. My eyes flutter closed as a vision of him slapping my ass appears, all while he kisses me passionately, his hands wandering with need. I shiver and fight back a whimper before it can come out. The room is getting hotter, unbearable even, my heart thuds, and my core heats up. “Zillah,” I say, but his name leaves my lips like a moan, and I hear him curse under his breath. “What?” he asks. “Maybe … we should stop?” “Are you relaxed?” he asks, a teasing tone to his voice. “This is going to go somewhere far from relaxation,” I point out, my legs shaking as another flash of pleasure rockets through me. He leans forward, and I feel his breath ghost across my ear. “I disagree,” he whispers, “you know how fast those walls of yours will come down when you’re feeling pleasure like that?” My heart thuds and my brain flashes up a few more scenarios. Though his lips don’t meet my earlobe, I can feel the pressure there. If I move even an inch, then skin will meet skin. With gentle hands, he flips me over so that I’m now lying on my back and gazing up at him as he hovers over me. My entire body is lit up, waiting to see what he’ll do as he searches my face; he bends down and places a feather-light kiss at the corner of my mouth. “This is torture, $nnZ. Let me pleasure you,” he whispers. <<else>>\ Part of me fights to go back on alert, knowing that no matter how good this feels, this is Zillah touching me. Regardless of how genuine I believe him to be, there is always something lying underneath, something he isn’t telling me. A gasp rushes past my lips as he kneads an area of my neck that I didn’t even know needed attention. My mind quickly reminds me after the shock wears down that that is my neck. He has just been close enough to choke me. What am I doing? As if hearing my thoughts or feeling how stiff I grow yet again, I hear the deep rumbling of a laugh as he continues on. “The whole point of this is to relax,” he whispers, his voice husky, and that, along with his wandering hands, causes my mind to cave. Frustration that has continuously been building yet ignored, pulses through me. And part of me knows he feels it too. “Fuck,” I hear him whisper, so lightly that I doubt I’m supposed to catch it. His rough hands dig into my back, inches away from my ass, and I feel my heartbeat quicken as I picture his hands grasping it, his lips on my neck, his … I growl, but it also shifts into a whimper. The room is getting hotter, unbearable even, my heart thuds, and my core heats up. No. No. No. “What are you doing?” I question, venom thick in my words, my voice shaking, and so I clear my throat. “Is something the matter, sphinx?” he chuckles, and I move to sit up, but he applies just enough pressure to keep me down. “Zillah.” My legs shake as another flash of pleasure rockets through me as his breath ghosts across my ear. “What’s the problem?” he whispers, “imagining some interesting things?” No. No. No. And yet my legs shake as if cold. Perhaps they are, I can feel the goosebumps emerging on my arms, although I’m burning up. I’m about to say something when I freeze at his words, “can I tell you what you’re forcing me to go through back here? Because I don’t really think you know how hard it is to fucking touch you and not do anything more. If I say please,” he purrs in my ear, “can I have a taste?” <</if>>\ [[“And what comes next?” (This option will allow you to continue the romance but will end the scene.)|“And what comes next?”][$ZRomance to 10]] <<if $zillah >=50>>[[“You can have me.”]]<<else>>[[“Only if you beg.”]]<</if>>
<<if $virgin>>\ “And what comes after that, huh?” I question, wiggling out of his grasp and causing him to sit up in confusion. “You take away my virginity and then throw me away like some used, broken toy?” I’m aware that I was dragging my fears from Hell into this, but something inside of me needs to know he won’t do the same as his Hellish-copy. If I don’t get that confirmation, I can’t continue. I don’t want to. “Uh? What?” he asks, brow raised, and then he freezes. He focuses on me, and his perplexed expression shifts to a much darker one, “you’re a virgin?” “Of course,” I start, unable to finish as Zillah stands and is already walking towards the door. Now it’s my turn to be confused. <<if $zillah >=50>>I feel my heart speed up, did I misjudge him. Someone who wanted an individual just for that wouldn’t leave after they drop that news, right?<<else>>Did I misjudge him? Placing the weight of my fears on him when he has yet to prove he deserves it? No, it’s because I was a virgin, but why would that make him angry? Anyone else would probably try and double down on their advances, and yet, here he is leaving. Was this a trick? Him trying to make me feel like the asshole?<</if>> “Zillah!” I shout, wanting him to explain himself, needing him to. “Your shit is delayed, and my work is done.” And just like that, he leaves the room. <a data-passage="WDCK4_ZPOV"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “And what comes after that, huh?” I question, wiggling out of his grasp and causing him to sit up in confusion. “You throw me away like some used toy?” “Uh? What?” he asks, brow raised, “what just happened?” “I …” I start but pause, knowing that I was bringing my fears from Hell here with me. But nothing about Zillah has ever screamed that he cared or was interested in anything more than what resides between my legs. <<if $zillah >=50>>Realizing that he’s about to get just that just makes me realize that maybe Hell’s visions aren’t as outlandish as I thought.<<else>>This realization is the wake-up call I need. Reminding me who I’m dealing with and why I had every right to be as guarded as I was when it came to him. What was I even thinking? The fact that we made it this far proved that I was out of my mind.<</if>> I stiffen and exhale a lengthy sigh, “were you able to delay it?” “… Yes.” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “Then leave, you’re done. Sorry, you can’t leave with a prize.” A large part of me hopes that he disproves my theory right there, but nothing of the sort is done. He huffs as he stands, glaring down at me, “you say that as if I’m leaving here empty-handed.” I glare after him, not knowing what that meant, but knowing that it will probably catch up to bite me. I shiver as I place my head on my knees, steadying myself and wanting to take another nap. <<else>>\ “Then get the hell out of here. You did what you came to do. Poor Zillah will just have to be okay without even a consolation prize.” He snarls as he stands, “I think I got what I came for. Your consolation prize be damned.” “Get out!” I shout, letting anger that I’ve felt since the beginning rear its head. Zillah hums as he walks to the door, “even anger is an emotion that can be utilized, $name. Remember that, would ya?” With that, he opens and closes the door, and I tremble in rage, not knowing what the hell he meant and not caring. All I want is a nap and for all of this energy to leave me. To forget that I was close to ever giving myself to him. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WDCK5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
I bring him in closer, “what do you want?” I whisper, biting my lip as I see his eyes darken, and a smirk appears on his face. He leans in, and his lips leave a searing impression on my cheek. He makes a path for my ear, and my chest begins to ache as he flicks his tongue across my earlobe. “You,” he says with such a primal tone to his words, a hint of a growl existing just underneath the surface. “Can I?” [[Kiss him. (This allows you to continue the romance but no sex.)][$ZRomance to 10]] [[Stop all of this. (This will end the scene as well as end Zillah’s romance.)][$ZRomance to 0]] [[Reward him. (This will lead to a sex scene.)]]
I snarl, “only if you beg.” The words are said as a challenge, but one that I know he won’t take. //This is Zillah//, I say to myself. I gasp when I feel ghost kisses along the back of my arm, the sensation driving me crazy, and my breath picking up when I realize that a ‘please’ follows each one. “I live to serve,” he whispers, coming back up to my ear, “so just tell me what I have to do to earn it.” [[Kiss him. (This allows you to continue the romance but no sex.)][$ZRomance to 10]] [[Stop all of this. (This will end the scene as well as end Zillah’s romance.)][$ZRomance to 0]] [[Reward him. (This will lead to a sex scene.)]]
<img src="images/divider.png"> Zillah closes the door and fights everything within him not to turn and punch it. He knew enough languages to curse himself out in each and every one of them, and as he trudges back to the attic, that’s what he’s doing. Why did he not ask about that? The single most important factor. Should he have just known? He was in $name’s mind for how long and didn’t know that? Now every nerve is on edge and not for the right reason. He feels dirty, like a thief who had grown a conscious at the last minute and decided to leave before he could actually steal anything. Ugh, he’s helping his case. He walks into the attic and closes the door, sliding to the floor as he continues to berate himself. “Oh, someone struck out,” Sydero laughs from her place, practically falling out of her chair as she laughs. “How about this, you promise to shut up and I promise not to annoy you for the rest of the day?” “No deal,” Sydero laughs, “what was it, your small pee-pee?” “Did you know $name’s a virgin?” Zillah questions, ignoring her previous statement for his own sanity. “Hmm, no. But doesn’t that just make it better? No matter what, ?he won’t forget you?” she asks, her laughter finally subsiding. Zillah’s frown deepens. “No,” he mumbles, walking over to the sofa, “I don’t deserve that right.” He lays down, staring at the wall in front of him, his insides in turmoil. “You, are very peculiar.” He didn’t disagree, he feels peculiar. This is lust, so why doesn’t he treat it as such. $name is so ready to give him that honor, and yet, here he is, lying on the couch listening to a chained up cambion laugh at him. His brows furrow as he looks over at Sydero “You can sense the desires of others. Can’t you?” She hums, relaxing as she closes her eyes, “you want me to reassure you that what you’re feeling right now is pure and unadulterated lust?” “Can’t you?” “Sure,” she smirks, “if it was true.” She chuckles to herself and silence fills the room as Zillah plays her words over and over. <img src="images/divider.png"> <a data-passage="WDCK5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I bring him close and press a blistering kiss to his lips, one that he gladly returns. <<if $zillah >=50>>\ He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer, a certain gentleness in his actions that I hadn’t expected due to his more urgent and lust-filled movements. Each kiss leaves me breathless, causing my mind to draw a blank before coming back and remembering what was going on, only to delve back into that darkness for a second more. His scent, taste, and presence surround me, leaving me feeling like I was being cocooned in the safety of his arms, the world fading as his hands wander my body. Zillah draws back, biting my bottom lip before releasing it and pressing kiss after kiss along my neck, trailing his tongue along the muscle in my neck before stopping right at the intersection of my collarbone, his hand lightly trailing across my clavicle. I close my eyes at the feeling of intoxication that had me experiencing two different sensations. One was thrilling, senses heightened due to the attention I received from the handsome man in front of me. Though small, the other was of worry, also due to the man sitting before me. <<else>>\ I wrap my legs around him and pull him close to me, relishing his lips meeting mine as we press closer and closer to one another. The kiss was chaotic and rough, lips dancing, and both of us attempting to come out on top by the end of this. Each kiss leaves me wanting more, the craving to taste him growing and causing my entire body to hum in want. His scent, taste, and presence surround me, leaving me feeling like I was drowning in him, and my body was still trying to figure out if he was my salvation or downfall. He draws back, biting my bottom lip and tugging, only releasing when I mutter a moan. He then trails his tongue along the muscle in my neck before stopping right at the intersection of my collarbone, his hand roughly trailing across my clavicle. I run my fingers through his hair as I arch my body to meet his, savoring every touch. I close my eyes at the feeling of intoxication that had me experiencing two different sensations. One was thrilling, senses heightened due to the attention I received from the handsome man in front of me. Though small, the other was of worry and confusion, I shouldn’t like this. I should stop this. <</if>>\ I feel Zillah’s hands wander farther and farther just as someone knocks on the door. “Zillah, you almost done?” I hear Bradley question, and Zillah pulls away from me, “we have a … I don’t know what to call it, just both of you come on.” Zillah’s back is to me, so I can’t see his face, but I can hear him cursing. “Whatever,” Zillah answers, turning and grabbing my chin and placing a kiss so passionate and deep that it causes me to grow dizzier far faster than any of the others. “Let’s go,” he growls, pulling himself away and walking to the door, not taking a second look back. I gather myself slowly, my mind asking question after question, even though I can provide no answer. <a data-passage="WDCK5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
It feels like a lightbulb goes off in my head, and clarity washes over me. I stare at a waiting Zillah and realize what’s about to happen and the position I’m in. I move him, scrambling away as I fix myself, straightening my clothes and refusing to look at him as my heart races. “Uh, what just happened?” he questions, sounding genuinely confused. <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “Nothing you care about, let’s be honest,” I say, getting to my feet and walking towards the door. “I’m still confused.” “Were you able to delay it?” I question, and at first, Zillah doesn’t answer, continuing to glare at me. “Yes.” “Great, please go be confused somewhere else.” <<else>>\ “I came to my senses is what happened. I forgot that you were, well, you.” His face scrunches up at my words, and he glares at me, but I don’t care, shaking my head as I walk towards the door. “Were you able to delay it?” I question, and at first, Zillah doesn’t answer, continuing to glare at me. “Yes.” “Great, leave.” <</if>>\ Zillah’s confusion stays for a few more seconds before he stiffens and looks like his old self. He leaves the room with no other question and no second glance my way. I close the door and press my back to it as I gaze around the room, fighting with myself to forget what had almost happened. I feel like I need a nap after all of that. <a data-passage="WDCK5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $zillah >=50>>\ <<if $virgin>>\ “You have to be gentle,” I tell him, “this is my first time.” I didn’t think it possible but the entire air shifts. I blink and glance down at Zillah who’s staring back up at me, conflict clear on his face. “What’s wrong?” “You’re a virgin?” he questions, and I nod. He closes his eyes and says something in a language that I don’t recognize. “Of course,” he mumbles, and as gentle as I’ve ever seen him, he carefully moves me off of him. “What’s wrong?” “This … just,” he trips over his words as he tries to gather himself. “Nothing. Just know that you’re better.” “Zillah!” I shout, anger flooding into my voice, trying to still figure out what had just happened. “Your shit is delayed, my work is done.” And just like that he leaves the room. <a data-passage="WDCK4_ZPOV"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Fuck Zillah,” I moan, “you said you’ll take me, so do it.” My words seem to be the last spark Zillah needs as he captures my lips with his once again, his tongue licking the inside of my mouth as his hands busy themselves with my clothes. He removes his lips for a long enough time to remove my shirt, before moving his attention to my neck, nipping at the area with quick yet sharp bites that cause me to yelp. <a data-passage="ZillahT1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\ <<else>>\ His words spark a fire that, before, always had the potential to become more but never had the kindling for it. I’m hardly able to think about what I’m doing when I turn and somehow, find his lips. His hands flip me over so that I’m now on my back and he hovers over me. I hook my leg around his and pull, successfully flipping our positions. He doesn’t miss a beat, reaching forward to bring me back to his lips. They’re intoxicating, a feeling that I don’t really think I need but one that I find I now crave. My body trembles with need and I grind my hips against him, breathing harshly in as my hips meet his hard on. I feel Zillah’s hands find my hips, encouraging me to do it again and I grind harder, pushing against the fabric of his pants as I glide across his erection, feeling the pressure inside of me build. “Fuck! $name!” he says whimpering, “let me fuck you. I can’t take this.” <<if $virgin>>\ “Then just fucking do it and stop saying it,” I tell him, “just not too rough, its my first time.” I didn’t think it possible but the entire air shifts. I blink and glance down at Zillah who’s staring back up at me, conflict clear on his face. “What’s wrong?” “You’re a virgin?” he questions, and I nod. He closes his eyes and says something in a language that I don’t recognize. “Of course,” he mumbles, and as gentle as I’ve ever seen him, he carefully moves me off of him. “What’s wrong?” “This … just,” he trips over his words as he tries to gather himself. “Nothing. Just know that you’re better.” “Zillah!” I shout, anger flooding into my voice, trying to still figure out what had just happened. “Your shit is delayed, my work is done.” And just like that he leaves the room. <a data-passage="WDCK4_ZPOV"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Shut up,” I growl as I continue to dry hump him, though it’s now just to spite him for earlier. As I continue my actions, he growls, his member rubbing up against my core and causing the tension in the room to rise. His hands dig into my sides as he adds to the tension. I moan as I change the angle and rotate my hips over him, relishing the pressure and need that the fabric creates but feeling the mounting frustration that it causes just as much. I roll my hips one last time before I can’t take anymore, and something carnal decides to take over. My lips are slamming into his once again as my hands yank down his pants to expose his already erect member, and his hands work at my clothes as well. His hands wrap around me, pulling me closer as I fight his hold, swatting his hand away as my free hand digs into his shoulder, eliciting a low rumble that I swallow. He shifts and tries to flip us again to regain control, but I challenge him, applying pressure and restraining his arms. A fire lights up his eyes, “someone thinks they’re in charge.” <a data-passage="ZillahB1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
<<if settings.showec>>\ <<if $sex is "v">>\ “Shit, $name,” I hear him say, whimpering when he rubs my clitoris, taking it in his mouth and pulling on it. I grab a handful of his hair and bring him closer, urging him on as he takes me into his mouth, sucking with just the right amount of force to cause my entire being to shake. My breath turns ragged as he sits up, yanking me farther down the bed before leaning forward to hover over me. “I know damn well you’re not speechless,” he chuckles, but I was less focused on his words or answering him as I was with his erection brushing my leg. I go to take a glance and freeze up at the sight. He was of average girth, but his length was nowhere near ordinary. “There is no way you’re shoving all that inside me,” I tell him, raising a brow and feeling my body scoff at the words, begging for his entire length to be buried inside me. “Hmm, I am,” he whispers, his tip brushing against me, “every fucking inch.” I open my mouth to say something when he pushes himself inside, and at the last minute, I remind myself not to moan as loud as I wished to, swallowing most of it. He takes only a minute to get situated before pushing himself deeper inside, and I grit my teeth, gasping when I expect him to stop, but he’s still going. He starts to pump, his pace quickening, and it begins to feel like his tip was pressing against my stomach. I grit my teeth, clenching my eyes closed as the sensation of pleasure and a hint of pain courses through me. “Should I stop,” I hear him ask, a touch of worry in his tone. <<elseif $sex is "p">>\ “Damn,” I mumble breathlessly, running my hands through his hair, still getting over that Zillah currently had my dick in his mouth. He comes up, running his tongue along the underside of my shaft as his hands begin to work the lower part. I groan and raise my hips to push myself deeper into his mouth, my breathing picking up as he continues on. He removes his mouth from around me and removes his pants. I go to take a glance and freeze up at the sight. He was of average girth, but his length was nowhere near ordinary. “There is no way you’re shoving all that inside me,” I tell him, raising a brow and feeling my body scoff at the words, begging for his entire length to be buried inside me. “Hmm, I am,” he whispers, his tip brushing against my butt, grabbing both of my ankles to allow him to slide smoothly past my cheeks, “every fucking inch.” I open my mouth to say something when he pushes himself inside, and at the last minute, I remind myself not to moan as loud as I wished to, swallowing most of it. He takes only a minute to get situated before pushing himself deeper inside, and I grit my teeth, gasping at the rough friction and expecting him to stop, but he keeps going. He starts to pump, his pace quickening, and it begins to feel like his tip was pressing against my stomach. I grit my teeth, clenching my eyes closed as the sensation of pleasure and a hint of pain courses through me. “Should I stop,” I hear him ask, a touch of worry in his tone. <<else>>\ “Damn,” I mumble breathlessly, as his lips leave mine. He removes his fingers from inside me and removes his pants. I go to take a glance and freeze up at the sight. He was of average girth, but his length was nowhere near ordinary. “There is no way you’re shoving all that inside me,” I tell him, raising a brow and feeling my body scoff at the words, begging for his entire length to be buried inside me. “Hmm, I am,” he whispers, his tip brushing against my butt, grabbing both of my ankles to allow him to slide smoothly past my cheeks, “every fucking inch.” I open my mouth to say something when he pushes himself inside, and at the last minute, I remind myself not to moan as loud as I wished to, swallowing most of it. He takes only a minute to get situated before pushing himself deeper inside, and I grit my teeth, gasping at the rough friction and expecting him to stop, but he keeps going. He starts to pump, his pace quickening, and it begins to feel like his tip was pressing against my stomach. I grit my teeth, clenching my eyes closed as the sensation of pleasure and a hint of pain courses through me. “Should I stop,” I hear him ask, a touch of worry in his tone. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “There is no way you’re shoving all that inside me,” I tell him, raising a brow and feeling my body scoff at the words, more than prepared. “Hmm, I am,” he whispers, spreading my legs, “every fucking inch.” I open my mouth to say something when he enters, and at the last minute, I remind myself not to moan as loud as I wished to, swallowing most of it. I grit my teeth, gasping at the rough friction and expecting him to stop, but he keeps going, the sensation of pleasure and a hint of pain courses through me. “Should I stop,” I hear him ask, a touch of worry in his tone. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="ZillahT3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.showec>>\ <<if $sex is "v">>\ “Don’t you dare,” I growl, resting one of my hands on his thigh and digging my nails into his flesh. I hear him let out a low snarl as he does as I say, roughly pushing into me. He leans in and takes one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking and scraping his teeth across it lightly. I involuntarily let out a needy cry, finding that I no longer know where the pain stops, and the pleasure begins. Everything about this was intoxicating. I had thoughts about sleeping with Zillah, but none of them came close to this, this drunk sensation caused me to feel like I was in a world like no other. He drills into me harder, and I release all inhibitions and worries about the others hearing us, letting out a sharp shaky whimper. “Damn!” Zillah hisses, “you feel so good. I’m almost upset you made me wait this long.” I open my mouth to say something when he harshly <<if $hairlength is "bald">>tilts my head<<else>>pulls on my hair, yanking my head<</if>> to the side and causing me to gasp. “I don’t want to hear shit, but you either screaming my name or moaning for release.” As if my body was agreeing, another moan leaves my mouth as he slows his pace only to pound into me furiously. <<elseif $sex is "p">>\ “Don’t you dare,” I growl, taking my own cock into my hand and stroking myself, matching his pace. I hear him let out a low snarl as he does as I say, roughly pushing into me. I involuntarily let out a needy cry, finding that I no longer know where the pain stops, and the pleasure begins. Everything about this was intoxicating. I had thoughts about sleeping with Zillah, but none of them came close to this, this drunk sensation caused me to feel like I was in a world like no other. He drills into me harder, and I release all inhibitions and worries about the others hearing us, letting out a sharp shaky whimper. “Shit, $name!” Zillah hisses, “you feel so good. I’m almost upset you made me wait this long.” I open my mouth to say something when he harshly <<if $hairlength is "bald">>tilts my head<<else>>pulls on my hair, yanking my head<</if>> to the side and causing me to gasp. “I don’t want to hear shit, but you either screaming my name or moaning for release.” As if my body was agreeing, another moan leaves my mouth as he slows his pace only to pound into me furiously. <<else>>\ “Don’t you dare,” I growl. I hear him let out a low snarl as he does as I say, roughly pushing into me. I involuntarily let out a needy cry, finding that I no longer know where the pain stops, and the pleasure begins. Everything about this was intoxicating. I had thoughts about sleeping with Zillah, but none of them came close to this, this drunk sensation caused me to feel like I was in a world like no other. He drills into me harder, and I release all inhibitions and worries about the others hearing us, letting out a sharp shaky whimper. “Shit, $name!” Zillah hisses, “you feel so good. I’m almost upset you made me wait this long.” I open my mouth to say something when he harshly <<if $hairlength is "bald">>tilts my head<<else>>pulls on my hair, yanking my head<</if>> to the side and causing me to gasp. “I don’t want to hear shit, but you either screaming my name or moaning for release.” As if my body was agreeing, another moan leaves my mouth as he slows his pace only to pound into me furiously. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Don’t you dare,” I growl. I hear him let out a low snarl as he does as I say. I involuntarily let out a needy cry, finding that I no longer know where the pain stops, and the pleasure begins. Everything about this was intoxicating. I had thoughts about sleeping with Zillah, but none of them came close to this, this drunk sensation caused me to feel like I was in a world like no other. He goes harder, and I release all inhibitions and worries about the others hearing us, letting out a sharp shaky whimper. “Shit, $name!” Zillah hisses, “you feel so good. I’m almost upset you made me wait this long.” I open my mouth to say something when he harshly <<if $hairlength is "bald">>tilts my head<<else>>pulls on my hair, yanking my head<</if>> to the side and causing me to gasp. “I don’t want to hear shit, but you either screaming my name or moaning for release.” As if my body was agreeing, another moan leaves my mouth as he slows his pace only to quicken it once again. <</if>>\ “Zillah,” I growl, moving away as fresh pain and pleasure spreads through me. I close my eyes when I feel his hand grab my chin, and I reopen them. “None of that, $nnZ, I want to see those beautiful fucking $eyes eyes of yours when you come.” As soon as he says this, he pounds into me again and keeping eye contact with him I freely let the whimper leave my lips and see gold speckles appear within them. I feel my release come up, and I believe Zillah was near as well. He buries himself as deep as he can, and my back arches as my legs twitch, the release hitting me. I see a hint of fear and worry appear in Zillah’s eyes, and he quickly removes himself, backing away from me as his release comes and coats the rumpled duvet. I tell myself to question the switch, but my release rocks my body, and I can’t do anything more than breathe heavily. “It’s delayed now,” Zillah tells me, pulling his pants up with a deep and content sigh, “you have at least a day and some hours.” “And what about them?” He pauses, “them? What about them?” I scratch the back of my neck, sheepishly, “what do we tell them? I’m sure they heard or will be curious why you were in here so long.” He shrugs, “I don’t give a fuck what you tell them,” he snorts after a second of thought, “I’m pretty sure if I tell them we fucked they’ll probably think I’m lying.” He straightens up and regards me, “what do you want to tell them, $name?” [[“Nothing, it was a one-time thing anyway.”]] [[“If they ask, we tell the truth, it was a one-time thing.”]] [[“We say nothing. They don’t need to know.”]] [[“We tell the truth.”]]
<<nobr>><<set $zsex = true>><</nobr>> <<if settings.showec>>\ <<if $sex is "v">>\ My yelp morphs into a gasp when Zillah inserts two fingers into my clit, my back arching at his rough nature, hands clawing the bed as my brain reminds me that we weren’t the only ones in this house. He works his fingers in and out, pumping into me before adding a third, and I whimper, cursing myself soon after. “I want to hear you scream,” he growls in my ear, sucking on my earlobe. “They’ll hear,” I say breathlessly, burying my hands into his hair as he continues to work his fingers in me, curling them and causing my back to arch in ecstasy. “Do you think I give a fuck?” he questions. He sucks and nips a path down my stomach until he’s at my clit, and I can feel the fire there growing. It only needed a little more kindling to allow it to grow into something so much more. He removes his fingers and trails his tongue down the length of my core, repeating the journey a few more times. His actions are careful yet rough enough to cause my legs to shake even though he was only beginning. My eyes flutter close as he separates my legs farther and buries his head within me, curling his tongue as it enters me, pulling groan after groan from my lips. <<elseif $sex is "p">>\ My yelp morphs into a gasp when Zillah inserts two fingers into my ass, my back arching at his rough nature, hands clawing the bed as my brain reminds me that we weren’t the only ones in this house. He works his fingers in and out, pumping into me before adding a third, and I whimper, cursing myself soon after. “I want to hear you scream,” he growls in my ear, sucking on my earlobe. “They’ll hear,” I say breathlessly, burying my hands into his hair as he continues to work his fingers in me, curling them and causing my back to arch in ecstasy. “Do you think I give a fuck?” he questions. He sucks and nips a path down my stomach until he’s at my dick. Still toying with my ass, he licks my erection’s length, twirling his tongue around the tip before sucking it. He removes himself with a nice, back-shivering pop. “Fuck. How are you so good at this?” I question, not knowing Zillah’s past, though, at the moment, I really didn’t care. I see him shrug as he begins to jerk me off, and I press my head into the pillow underneath me, my hips shaking as he also pulls on my sack, eliciting a low growl from me. “It’s what I would want,” he smirks, bending over and taking me into his mouth, taking me inch by inch until he gets to my base. <<else>>\ My yelp morphs into a gasp when Zillah inserts two fingers into my ass, my back arching at his rough nature, hands clawing the bed as my brain reminds me that we weren’t the only ones in this house. He works his fingers in and out, pumping into me before adding a third, and I whimper, cursing myself soon after. “I want to hear you scream,” he growls in my ear, sucking on my earlobe. “They’ll hear,” I say breathlessly, burying my hands into his hair as he continues to work his fingers in me, curling them and causing my back to arch in ecstasy. “Do you think I give a fuck?” he questions. He sucks and nips a path down my stomach and then back up. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ My yelp morphs into a gasp when Zillah inserts two fingers, my back arching at his rough nature, hands clawing the bed as my brain reminds me that we weren’t the only ones in this house. “I want to hear you scream,” he growls in my ear, sucking on my earlobe. “They’ll hear,” I say breathlessly, burying my hands into his hair as he continues to work, causing me to arch my back in ecstasy. “Do you think I give a fuck?” he questions. He sucks and nips a path down my stomach and then back up, all while he works to remove his pants. I go to take a glance and freeze up at the sight. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="ZillahT2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>><<set $zsex = true>><</nobr>> <<if settings.showec and $sex is not "na">>\ “Someone doesn’t know how to behave,” I tease right back, going through my own personal war as my body was struggling to not just slide down on his dick right then and there, instead I needed to stay in control. <<if $sex is "v">>\ “Let me let you in on a little secret, sphinx,” he whispers in such a low and husky voice that I find myself shivering due to it, “I don’t behave.” He jerks from his position, and instead of switching our roles, both of us go tumbling off the bed. I harshly hit the floor, and Zillah lowered himself onto me, roughly teasing my clit with his hands. My lower half trembles in ecstasy as my upper half continues to try and regain control. A sound mixed between growl and whimper rushes past my lips as he inserts a finger, licking his lips as he looks at me with a raised brow. “Look who’s behaving,” he sneers, and before he can get the entire sentence out, I grab a fistful of his hair and force him down to my clit. He gladly allows it, taking me into his mouth before adding his tongue while his thumb teases my clitoris. “Good boy,” I coo as I buck against him, grinding my hips further into his mouth, never wanting to have this end. I bite down on my lip, refusing to whimper as I knew that was precisely what he was aiming for. But I couldn’t deny his skills, curling his tongue inside me like he was trying desperately to scoop something up. My insides scream in satisfaction, part of me almost wanting to cry out when he pulls back. He wraps his arms around my thighs and brings me closer. Once secure, he bites his way up my exposed stomach and to my breast, where he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking on it and then toying with the bud in his mouth. With a finishing lick, he moves so that he was hovering over me, looking down at me with nothing but want in his gaze. <<else>>\ “Let me let you in to a little secret, sphinx,” he whispers in such a low and husky voice that I find myself shivering due to it, “I don’t behave.” He jerks from his position and instead of switching our roles, both of us go tumbling off the bed. I hit the floor harshly, and Zillah lowered himself onto me, roughly teasing my dick with his hands. My lower half trembles in ecstasy as my upper half continues to try and regain control. A sound mixed between growl and whimper rushes past my lips as he plays with my sack, licking his lips as he looks at me with a raised brow. “Look whose behaving,” he sneers, and before he can get the entire sentence out, I grab a fistful of his hair and force him down to my cock. He gladly allows it, taking me into his mouth and running his tongue along the underside of my dick. “Good boy,” I coo as I buck against him, grinding my hips further into his mouth, never wanting to have this end. I bite down on my lip, refusing to whimper as I knew that was precisely what he was aiming for. But I couldn’t deny his skills, bobbing up and down and taking all of me into his mouth, while performing light hums that cause my entire to body in rapture. My insides scream in satisfaction, part of me almost wanting to cry out when he pulls himself off with a gratifying pop. He wraps his arms around my thighs and bring me closer. Once secure, he bites his way up my exposed stomach and to my chest where he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking on it and then toying with the bud in his mouth. With a finishing lick, he moves so that he was hovering over me, looking down at me with nothing but want in his gaze. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Someone doesn’t know how to behave,” I tease right back, going through my own personal war as my body was struggling to not just slide down onto him right then and there, instead I needed to stay in control. “Let me let you in to a little secret, sphinx,” he whispers in such a low and husky voice that I find myself shivering due to it, “I don’t behave.” He jerks from his position and instead of switching our roles, both of us go tumbling off the bed. I hit the floor harshly, and Zillah lowered himself onto me, roughly teasing me with his hands. My lower half trembles in ecstasy as my upper half continues to try and regain control. A sound mixed between growl and whimper rushes past my lips as he licks his lips, peering at me with a raised brow. “Look whose behaving,” he sneers, and before he can get the entire sentence out, I grab a fistful of his hair and force him down onto me, and he gladly allows it. “Good boy,” I coo never wanting to have this end. I bite down on my lip, refusing to whimper as I knew that was precisely what he was aiming for. But I couldn’t deny his skills, my insides scream in satisfaction, part of me almost wanting to cry out when he stops. He wraps his arms around my thighs and bring me closer. Once secure, he bites his way up my exposed stomach and to my chest where he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking on it and then toying with the bud in his mouth. With a finishing lick, he moves so that he was hovering over me, looking down at me with nothing but want in his gaze. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="ZillahB2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.showec>>\ <<if $sex is "v">>\ “I’m done fucking playing with you,” he barks, grabbing both of my hands and restraining them above my head. He kisses me with just as much passion as before, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I softly bite down and suck on it, swallowing a deep moan from him. I wait until his hold eases up before I hook both feet around his legs and then push myself up. I’m successful in getting the two of us in a seated position, neither of us breaking the kiss. His hands wander my body like a drowning man attempting to find purchase on the one vessel that could save him. He squeezes and claws, and each one sets my senses on fire and draws a hiss from me. “Fuck me,” I growl, taking his length in my hand and pumping it, stiffening when I feel how long he was. Girth wise, I’d estimate he was average but his length, roughly guessing my mind kept going to eight or nine inches. Zillah takes me by surprise as one moment we’re on the ground, and the next, he slams me into the wall, pressing himself close as one hand keeps me up, and the other guides his erection to my entrance. I prepare to make a snide remark just as Zillah thrusts into me, and instead, I whimper as I take him in, feeling him give me inch after inch with no sign of stopping. “Shit,” I groan, digging my nails into his back as I feel like the tip of his dick settles itself in my stomach. “Can’t take it?” Zillah laughs, and I grind my hips against him, causing both of us to hiss at the action. “Do better,” I manage to say right as he beings to pump into me, rocking my entire body with one blast of pleasure after another. Pain mixes in as well, the feeling of his dick being way too deep and his fingers raking themselves across my skin in desperation. And yet, even as I register the bits of pain, pleasure swiftly overtakes it each time. <<elseif $sex is "p">>\ “I’m done fucking playing with you,” he barks, grabbing both of my hands and restraining them above my head. He kisses me with just as much passion as before, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I softly bite down and suck on it, swallowing a deep moan from him. I wait until his hold eases up before I hook both feet around his legs and then push myself up. I’m successful in getting the two of us in a seated position, neither of us breaking the kiss. His hands wander my body like a drowning man attempting to find purchase on the one vessel that could save him. He squeezes and claws, and each one sets my senses on fire and draws a hiss from me. “Fuck me,” I growl, taking both of our lengths in my hands and pumping us in tandem, stiffening when I feel how long he was. Girth wise, I’d estimate he was average but his length, roughly guessing my mind kept going to eight or nine inches. Zillah takes me by surprise as one moment we’re on the ground, and the next, he slams me into the wall, pressing himself deep as one hand keeps me from turning around and the other guides his erection to my entrance. I prepare to make a snide remark just as Zillah thrusts into me, and instead, I whimper as I take him in, feeling him give me inch after inch with no sign of stopping. “Shit,” I growl, digging my nails into the wall as I feel like the tip of his dick settles itself in my stomach. “Can’t take it?” Zillah laughs, and I push against him, causing both of us to hiss at the action. “Do better,” I manage to say right as he beings to pump into me, rocking my entire body with one blast of pleasure after another. Pain mixes in as well, the feeling of his dick being way too deep and his fingers raking themselves across my skin in desperation. And yet, even as I register the bits of pain, pleasure swiftly overtakes it each time. <<else>>\ “I’m done fucking playing with you,” he barks, grabbing both of my hands and restraining them above my head. He kisses me with just as much passion as before, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I softly bite down and suck on it, swallowing a deep moan from him. I wait until his hold eases up before I hook both feet around his legs and then push myself up. I’m successful in getting the two of us in a seated position, neither of us breaking the kiss. His hands wander my body like a drowning man attempting to find purchase on the one vessel that could save him. He squeezes and claws, and each one sets my senses on fire and draws a hiss from me. “Fuck me,” I growl, taking his length in my hand and pumping it, stiffening when I feel how long he was. Girth wise, I’d estimate he was average but his length, roughly guessing my mind kept going to eight or nine inches. Zillah takes me by surprise as one moment we’re on the ground, and the next, he slams me into the wall, pressing himself close as one hand keeps me up, and the other guides his erection to my entrance. I prepare to make a snide remark just as Zillah thrusts into me, and instead, I whimper as I take him in, feeling him give me inch after inch with no sign of stopping. “Shit,” I growl, digging my nails into the wall as I feel like the tip of his dick settles itself in my stomach. “Can’t take it?” Zillah laughs, and I push against him, causing both of us to hiss at the action. “Do better,” I manage to say right as he beings to pump into me, rocking my entire body with one blast of pleasure after another. Pain mixes in as well, the feeling of his dick being way too deep and his fingers raking themselves across my skin in desperation. And yet, even as I register the bits of pain, pleasure swiftly overtakes it each time. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “I’m done fucking playing with you,” he barks, grabbing both of my hands and restraining them above my head. He kisses me with just as much passion as before, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I softly bite down and suck on it, swallowing a deep moan from him. I wait until his hold eases up before I hook both feet around his legs and then push myself up. I’m successful in getting the two of us in a seated position, neither of us breaking the kiss. His hands wander my body like a drowning man attempting to find purchase on the one vessel that could save him. He squeezes and claws, and each one sets my senses on fire and draws a hiss from me. “Fuck me,” I growl. Zillah takes me by surprise as one moment we’re on the ground, and the next, he slams me into the wall, pressing himself deep as one hand keeps me from turning around and the other guides himself to enter me. “Shit,” I growl, digging my nails into the wall. “Can’t take it?” Zillah laughs, and I push against him, causing both of us to hiss at the action. “Do better,” I manage to say right as he beings to do just that, rocking my entire body with one blast of pleasure after another. Pain mixes in as well as his fingers rake themselves across my skin in desperation. And yet, even as I register the bits of pain, pleasure swiftly overtakes it each time. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="ZillahB3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Are you okay?” someone on the other side of the door asks with a knock. “Fuck off!” Zillah shouts, causing anything I was going to say to die on my tongue. I realize I don’t mind, the idea of the others now knowing what was probably happening meant that I might as well enjoy myself. <<if settings.showec>>\ <<if $sex is "v">>\ “Go deeper,” I growl into his ear, “earn my release.” “Yes, $name,” he purrs in my ear, knowing precisely what that tone of his did to me. I shiver uncontrollably, hanging onto him for dear life as he continues to crash into me, his strokes varying perfectly to pull on my release. One minute, I thought I could take more, and the next, my legs were weak and wavering, and my release was crashing up against me. The only reason I know Zillah comes at the same time is because of the warmth that spreads through me and the light throbbing of his cock I feel as he slows down and then removes himself. His grip on me relaxes just enough to allow me to slide down the wall, both of us collapsing on the floor as we ride out the rest of our orgasm and the reality of what just happened sets in. <<else>>\ “Go deeper,” I growl into his ear, “earn my release.” “Yes, $name,” he purrs in my ear, knowing precisely what that tone of his did to me. I shiver uncontrollably, doing everything I can to keep myself up as he continues to crash into me, his strokes varying perfectly to pull on my release. One minute, I thought I could take more and the next, my legs were weak and wavering, and my release was crashing up against me. The only reason I know Zillah comes at the same time is because of the warmth that spreads through me and the light throbbing of his cock I feel as he slows down and then removes himself. His grip on me relaxes just enough to allow me to slide down the wall, both of us collapsing on the floor as we ride out the rest of our orgasm and the reality of what just happened sets in. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Go deeper,” I growl into his ear, “earn my release.” “Yes, $name,” he purrs in my ear, knowing precisely what that tone of his did to me. I shiver uncontrollably, doing everything I can to keep myself up as he continues to crash into me, his strokes varying perfectly to pull on my release. One minute, I thought I could take more and the next, my legs were weak and wavering, and my release was crashing up against me. His grip on me relaxes just enough to allow me to slide down the wall, both of us collapsing on the floor as we ride out the rest of our orgasm and the reality of what just happened sets in. <</if>>\ “Three words?” I say in-between breaths. “Fuck me again?” I get to my feet to only fall onto the bed, looking over at Zillah, who pulls his clothes back on and stretches. “They’re definitely going to ask what happened,” I point out. He shrugs, “I don’t give a fuck what you tell them,” he snorts after a second of thought, “I’m pretty sure if I tell them we fucked they’ll probably think I’m lying.” He straightens up and regards me, “what do you want to tell them, $name?” [[“Nothing, it was a one-time thing anyway.”][$fling_no = true; $ZRomance to 1]] [[“If they ask, we tell the truth, it was a one-time thing.”][$fling_know = true; $ZRomance to 1]] [[“We say nothing. They don’t need to know.”][$ZRomance to 10; $nofling_no = true]] [[“We tell the truth.”][$ZRomance to 10; $nofling_know = true]]
“Nothing, it was a one-time thing anyway, so no one needs to know. We’ll just say that it took me a while to get relaxed.” Zillah snorts, “took you all of two seconds.” “That, right there, don’t do that. When you walk out of here, it never happened, okay?” “Okay, okay, sheesh,” he groans, opening the door, throwing me a look over his shoulder. “You should know you’re one vocal partner, though. Moan after moan after moan.” I grab a pillow, and with a laugh, he leaves before I can throw it, closing the door and leaving me alone. I can only hope that he does indeed keep this between us. <a data-passage="WDCK5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“If they ask, then we tell the truth, it was a simple one-time thing, so I don’t see it being a big deal.” Zillah nods his head in agreement before opening the door and leaving. <<include "WDCK5">>
“We say nothing about this. They don’t need to know.” <<if $j3 or $RRomance >=5 or $cbreak>>\ “Hmm,” he says, scratching his beard, “you mean you don’t want //him// to know.” “Zillah,” I warn, but he waves my words off, rolling his eyes. “I frankly don’t care, and I won’t say anything,” he opens the door and smirks, throwing me a look, “no matter which one of those suckers you choose, I had you first.” With that, he leaves, probably with a happy skip in his step. <<else>>\ “Whatever you say,” Zillah chimes in, opening the door before leaving me alone. <</if>>\ <<include "WDCK5">>
“It happened,” I say, “if they ask, we tell the truth.” “That you fucked the shade that used to live in your head?” I look him over and frown, “you left a few things out, but yea, that.” Sensing the shift, Zillah nods and heads out. <<include "WDCK5">>
“You!” it screeches and charges towards me. No questions asked, I turn and run, taking each step carefully until I adopt a rhythm. Abruptly, the staircase shifts to a slick service, and I slip and slide down, screaming as my speed increases, but I’m unable to grab onto anything to slow my descent. I peer down and see what rests at the bottom, a pit of corpses and arms, all reaching out to grasp whatever they can. They grow closer and closer, and I scream, only stopping when I feel something harsh tap me upside the head. My eyes flash open, and I find myself in the room once again, Zillah in front of me, almost appearing bored. “Please tell me that worked,” I groan, unable to stop shivering despite how warm the room is. I try to calm down, feeling my heartbeat slow itself down until I’m once again breathing normally. I don’t feel that overwhelming darkness, at least that’s a good sign. “Yea, you have at least a day. Though with how you behave, you’ll find a way to shorten that again.” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ I manage to laugh and surprising enough, he smiles as he gives me space, “I’m a handful, huh?” “You have no idea,” he says with a shake of the head. “Thank you though.” <<if $boop>>\ He pauses, frowning as if it’s the first time he’s ever heard the words, and with his confusion comes an opening for the perfect boop. Before he can move away, I lean forward and boop his nose with a broad smile watching as he pulls back, eyes wide. “Why do you keep doing that?” “Boop,” I answer, and he growls, and though I say nothing, I see the faint rise of his cheeks. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Can’t you just keep helping me?” “I can,” he says, “but I need to recharge just as much as you do. You’ll be fine for now.” “Zillah?” I ask as he rises, looking at me as he waits to see what I have to say, “why? Why do all of this?” He frowns, “because I fear him far more than I ever will you.” He walks to the door, and I call out, “who is he?” “You’ll get your answer sooner than you think.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WDCK5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I take a little more time to gather myself before leaving the room and walking into the living room, curious to see who all is there. I’m shocked to find that everyone, even Sydero, is present. <<if $zsex>>She sniffs the air and though she says nothing, I can already tell that she is sensing my previous actions. Her cocked brow and curious smirk is enough of an answer. I glance over at Zillah, but he seems utterly relaxed, and when he does catch my eye, he smirks.<</if>> “What’s going on?” I question, sitting beside Amari. “We were just about to question Sydero about what she knew,” Faye tells me, “perhaps something she knows can help us.” <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ She hums, “I’m only doing this if you,” she points to me as she narrows her gaze on me, “can answer a few questions for me later.” “About what?” “If you’re curious then you’ll come by later and see.” She glances away but not before I make out the smirk on her lips. Did she remember something? Or is this just another plot? <</if>>\ <<if $cp>>\ “What makes you think that she would even help us?” Chris inquires. Sydero’s head falls to the side as she looks over at him, “you know, I don’t know who you are, but I can already tell that I don’t like you.” “You tried to put me on a bus to nowhere,” he snarls. “Damn, Past Me fucked up big time. Should’ve just pushed you in front of it.” “Believe it or not, this is the same conversation you’d have with him if you did know him,” Bradley tells her, and she smirks while Chris grumbles. <</if>>\ “I’d be more inclined to help you guys,” Sydero chimes in, “if I knew everyone.” Her eyes slide over to Amari, and she soon follows said movement with action, “by that, I mean you, beautiful.” <<if $SRomance >=5>>She glances at me, “is she part of //this//?”<<else>>Fuck everyone else.” I watch as she seems to sniff the air near Amari, and she leans back on her heels, “the vaewolf I was sensing, interesting.”<</if>> <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ [[“No, and it’ll stay that way.”]] <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Let Amari speak.][$rahim -=3; $chris -=3; $amari -=3; $poly +=1]]</span><<else>>[[Let Amari speak.][$rahim -=3; $chris -=3; $amari -=3; $poly +=1]]<</if>> <<else>>\ [[“Leave her alone.”|WDCKLeaveAlone][$amari -=2; $sydero -=3; $chris +=2; $rahim +=3]] [[“That’s Amari.”][$amari +=3; $sydero -=3; $rahim +=2]] [[Let Amari speak.][$rahim -=3; $chris -=3; $amari -=3; $ASRomance +=1]] <</if>>\
“No,” I frown, “and I’d rather it stay that way.” Sydero huffs in amusement, “I’d say there’s enough of me to go around but I want my answers so I’ll play nice ... for now.” <<include "WDCK5_0_1">>
<<if $SRomance >=5>>\ I understand that Sydero asked me the question but I throw a glance at Amari, allowing her to answer for herself. My silence gives them my answer, curiosity growing as I wait to see what Amari thought about the potential three way. She cowers, her leg shaking as she’s pinned under both Sydero’s and my own scrutinizing eye. She glances towards me, asking for help with her gaze. “Uh uh,” Syd chides, “stand up straight.” She says it with such an authoritative voice that even I find myself sitting up straighter. Amari does so immediately, her eyes wide, and I can spot a mix of emotions flooding into them. “Good girl. Now, your name?” “Amari Foster,” Amari says breathlessly, and Sydero hums, mouthing her name. She smirks and bites her lip, “cute.” She turns her gaze to me and her smirk only grows wider. I watch as Sydero returns to her position near Faye and Bradley and glance back at Amari, her eyes still watching Sydero closely, though it doesn’t look like fear rests in her eyes any longer. She gives me the same look and the curiosity burns even brighter. <<else>>\ I say nothing, glancing to see what Amari will do. She cowers, her leg shaking as she’s pinned under Sydero’s scrutinizing eye. She glances around at the rest of us, asking for help with her gaze, but none of us come to her rescue. “Uh uh,” Syd chides, “stand up straight.” She says it with such an authoritative voice that even I find myself sitting up straighter. Amari does so immediately, her eyes wide, and I can spot a mix of emotions flooding into them. “Good girl. Now, your name?” “Amari Foster,” Amari says breathlessly, and Sydero hums, mouthing her name. She smirks and bites her lip, “cute.” I watch as Sydero returns to her position near Faye and Bradley and glance back at Amari, her eyes still watching Sydero closely, though it didn’t look like fear rested in her eyes any longer. <</if>>\ <<include "WDCK5_0_1">>
“Leave her alone,” I warn Sydero, who turns to me with a raised brow. “What? She can’t speak for herself?” Sydero asks, but she moves on, now uninterested. <<include "WDCK5_0_1">>
“That’s Amari,” I tell Sydero, who looks over her shoulder at me. “What? She can’t speak for herself?” Sydero asks, but she moves on, now uninterested. <<include "WDCK5_0_1">>
“Let’s get this over with,” Rahim murmurs, “what do you know?” “I know that you’re an asshole,” she points out, winking at her brother. “Can you guys fight later, $name needs all of our attention,” Faye reminds, and though Rahim looks sheepish, Sydero shows no care, “do you know anything that might help $name out? Anything about what they have planned?” <a data-passage="WDCK5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I frown, “what do you mean by that?” “You know the demon prophecy, right?” “Yea,” we all say in unison. “Well kids, the whole point of that prophecy is to free //Him//. He needs a vessel, and so here I am.” Rahim’s eyes narrow, “how do you know you’re the vessel for Lucifer?” “Maybe because I’ve been told so since I was like, what five? The Princes won’t shut up about it. What did you think was going to happen? Have you really not figured out that we’re all vessels for something? Do you know nothing about the angel prophecy?” Judging by the look on Rahim’s face, I’d say the answer is no. Being told that there’s not only a demon prophecy, but an angel one also doesn’t seem to make any of us feel better. The only ones who don’t seem bothered by Sydero’s news is Sydero herself and, of course, Zillah. She points towards me, “you're the weird one. Best I got is you’re a vessel for a third party but who –” With no warning given, the lights explode, and the electricity goes haywire as we all jump to our feet, the only one who don’t appear on guard is Rahim. He glances around, and his jaw stiffens, “shit.” A shrill whistling is heard that causes me to scream in pain, falling to my knees as I attempt to smother the noise by covering my ears. I hear a loud whoosh, and the whistle disappears, and the world once again settles. I blink a few times before getting to my feet, greeted by an older man in a navy and gold Sherwani suit. He stands to his full height, and though they aren't materialized, I can see his wings’ shadows as they fold in. The glow of his eyes finally calms, and he scans over us all, a deep frown residing on his face. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rahim tremble as he takes a knee and bows his head. “Greetings, Michael.” <a data-passage="EP10-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/acttwo.png"> “Greetings, Michael,” Rahim says just loud enough for all of us to hear, his trembling continues. “You may rise,” Michael says dismissively, hardly looking over at him as he takes the rest of us in. Rahim stands and clears his throat, “what do I owe the pleasure?” “Hardly pleasurable to come to backwater towns such as this,” he huffs. His gaze lingers on Zillah, cocking his head to the side, but he continues his examinations coming to a halt when he sees Sydero. With a smile, he turns to Rahim. “Well done, Rahim,” Michael says, “your mother is safe and will remain so as long as this,” he points between the two of them, “understanding is kept.” “Why am I not surprised? You’d sell me for a corn chip to these motherfuckers if you could!” Sydero yells, held back only by Bradley, and the knowledge that she’s powerless with the cuffs on. “Mom’s life was on the line because once again, you fucked up,” he hisses, “what was I supposed to do?” “This is about to be a repeat of that abandoned neighborhood situation, just keep talking to me.” Rahim stiffens, doing so even more, when Michael makes a disgusted noise, “do not engage filth, especially filth that should otherwise be removed, Rahim.” And just like that, all the fire extinguishes itself from Rahim’s eye, and he nods his head in understanding. “Filth!” Sydero shouts, fighting against Bradley, “I’ll show you what filth is you high strung –” Her mouth continues to move, but no words come out of them, and Michael smiles with a peaceful look upon his face. Sydero, on the other hand, just raises her hand and begins to sign words, Bradley sighing and Zillah chuckling at whatever she says. Michael ignores it, again scanning the room when his eyes rest on me. “And here ?he <<verb "is">>, the infamous $name Roe.” <<if $RRomance >=5>>Rahim moves as if he’s about to stop his father, but he falters, bowing his head and glancing away from me. <</if>>Michael’s approach is made with premeditated steps, each one giving him a new angle as he regards me. “You’re welcome by the way,” he says, standing straighter. “For what?” “For your life. You’d be wise to remember those who helped you that day. For like everything, it came with a cost.” I narrow my eyes as he turns his back to me. [[“What does that mean? What did you do?”]] [[“I ain’t paying shit.”]] [[“I didn’t ask you to do that.”]]
“What does that mean? What did you do?” I question, shrinking just a bit at the intensity in his gaze when he looks at me. “I did nothing. I wasn’t there when my brothers and sisters saved you, I only gave the order.” “Saved me?” I continue to ask, “from what? From who?” <<include "WDCK5_2">>
“I ain’t paying shit,” I snort, “I didn’t agree to any transaction so you can take that mindset and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.” Rahim tosses me a warning stare that I glance away from. I know who I’m talking to, but when your timer is ticking down, minute by minute, one begins to lean towards the ‘I don’t care’ side a bit more. “You should learn to watch your tone, especially when dealing with those above you.” “Oh, I will, when someone who fits that description appears.” <<include "WDCK5_2">>
“I didn’t ask you to do that. Whatever //that// was.” “Nor did you need to. Does a roach thank the wearer of a shoe that has managed to avoid them? No, but the gratitude is there regardless, for that roach has yet another chance.” “Are you comparing me to a roach?” <<include "WDCK5_2">>
Michael ignores me and turns back to Rahim. “I came to tell you of your mother,” his eyes flicker over to me and then Sydero, “and to see exactly how much time we have left before we must move. You are prepared, yes?” Rahim clenches his jaw, his eyes glued to the floor as he nods. “Use your words.” “Yes, sir.” “Good. Report to me directly if there –” he tells him, pausing when Bradley interrupts him. “What’s the angel prophecy?” He spares him a mere glance before looking back at Rahim but Bradley continues. “Does it exist? What does it say?” “You speak far too much for an ant. It doesn’t concern you.” “It concerns those I care about, so it concerns me.” “Rahim,” Michael shouts, “if you care about this young man, I advise you to control him.” “Bradley, let it go,” Rahim warns. “No,” the young man shouts, summoning his full height as he glares down Michael, truly looking like a child to a man. “Do you know what I can do to you, boy? You think what the demons did is any match for the torture that I can inflict upon you? By the time I’m done with you, they’ll be cleaning your brain up with a mop as you –” Abruptly, a flash of light appears in the corner of my vision, and I hear Michael scream in agony. I jump back in fear, hitting the edge of the sofa and tripping. I hold my breath as everything grows silent, the flash fades, and Michael has disappeared. Faye rounds the corner, her hand bloody and looking both frustrated and tired. <a data-passage="WDCK6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Well,” I start, ending my sentence there when something flashes in front of me. For a second, I think it’s Michael’s return or another hallucination, whatever delay Zillah had done already starting to wear off. But I soon learn that it’s Sydero, her path leading her straight towards Rahim, who barely manages to avoid being hit by her cuffs. “Calm yourself,” he grunts, darting out of the way as she attempts to kick him. “Fuck you!” she shouts, lunging for him and managing to tackle him. The two flail about on the ground, Rahim having the upper hand due to Sydero’s cuffed wrists, but he seems just as desperate to move her away. “Huh,” Zillah says from his spot, “so this is what they mean by demon on angel action.” [[Stop them.|WDCKStop][$sydero -=5; $rahim +=5; $zillah -=3]] [[Let them go at it.][$sydero +=5; $rahim -=5]] [[Throw some water on them.][$sydero -=5; $rahim -=5]]
I move forward, trying to figure out the best way to break the two of them up without adding a third body. Before I can get close enough to grab either, Zillah places his hand on my shoulder and pulls me back. “Do you just look at situations and go, ‘how can I add myself to that?’” “I’m not about to let them continue fighting,” I growl, attempting to get from under his grasp. “You fuck up, and you’ll undo all the work from earlier<<if $zsex>>,” he leans in and growls his next words lowly in my ear, “and though I know you want this cock again, I’m going to still insist that you sit here.”<<else>>. So, sit down and enjoy the show.”<</if>> With force I didn’t know he possessed, or perhaps because my body is still recovering from everything, he forces me down onto the couch. Luckily, Bradley is the one that steps in and calms Sydero, walking her away from Rahim. <<include "WDCK6_0_1">>
I stay back, and the others do the same, though Faye seems seconds away from intervening. Rahim attempts to get up, and Sydero, seeing her opening, stops him by stepping on his wing, causing him to scream out. “Where’s my mom!” Sydero shouts, her voice shaky. “You don’t need her. You got Bradley,” Rahim groans, doing his best to move her, but his current angle isn’t allowing it. “And you do?! You have her, that little faerie of yours, and Mica. And who knows who else! This is what you do.” I notice something shiny appear on her skin, and take a step closer, seeing her scales begin to reemerge. I glance to see that Bradley has seen it too, and both of us move forward, grabbing her and yanking her away from Rahim. She thrashes and growls as we pin her down, only calming down when Bradley grabs her face, tears appearing in his eyes. <<if $SRomance is 10>>She glances between him and me, and as quickly as they appear the scales stop but they don’t recede.<<else>>She studies him intently and I watch as her scales being to stop emerging, though they don’t retreat.<</if>> <<include "WDCK6_0_1">>
I head towards the kitchen and grab the pitcher that Faye always keeps filled with water. Returning, I push past Jeff and Bradley, remove the top, and splash them both with the pitcher’s contents. It works as they both freeze, but their anger turns towards me. “Seriously, $name!?” Rahim growls. “Do it again, Roe!” Sydero shouts, upon me in a flash as she grabs me by the shirt and pulls me closer, “and it will seriously be the last thing you ever do.” I can see her iris growing smaller as the crimson begins to eat away at it, upon her arms, her scales start to reemerge. “It was only to separate you two,” I attempt at reasoning, but Sydero’s grip only tightens. “Come on, Syd,” Bradley urges, stepping forward. As if his words are magic, she releases me. <<include "WDCK6_0_1">>
“I want to go back in the attic,” she says, emotion absent from her face, and she now just appears tired. She doesn’t wait for someone to guide her, heading towards the stairs on her own, leaving the living room still recovering from the latest developments. I turn to Rahim, “what understanding?” “What?” he questions, gathering himself, checking out his wing. “Michael said that your mother will be safe as long as the two of you keep your understanding. What understanding?” He avoids looking at any of us, “why do you think I agreed to go get Sydero after all that had happened?” “What?” Bradley questions, beating me to it, his eyes widening with what seems like betrayal. “That’s … that’s okay, right?” Amari inputs, her eyes frantic as she tries to keep the peace. “Didn’t you all know that he was helping for a certain reason.” Rahim snorts as he stiffens, “I was about to leave you all after I learned that they were targeting my mom and Amarante. I wasn’t going to come back, and then Michael came to me and told me that I needed to go get Sydero and with that, an understanding formed. That’s the only reason I got her out of there.” <a data-passage="WDCK6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Everyone is quiet as we stare on. “But,” Amari starts, “your own sister?” “Wow,” Bradley scoffs, “you really would sell her. You’re fucking horrible, you know that?” Rahim rolls his eyes as Bradley leaves, heading up the stairs to probably check on Syd. “Aw, is the show over?” Zillah asks, standing and clapping his hands, “not the most compelling episode of this wonderful drama, but I’m sure the finale will go off with a boom.” “I need a drink,” Jeff whistles, turning and heading into the kitchen. <<if $cp>>\ “Wait, pour me one too, damnit,” Chris chimes in, immediately rising and following after him. <</if>>\ Amari spares Rahim one last look before turning to Faye, “let’s go bandage this hand.” Faye nods, and the two head to the bathroom. I now find myself alone with Rahim, neither of us saying anything to the other. “Rahim,” I start, but he growls, waving my words away as they reach him. <<if $RRomance >=5>>\ “Worry about yourself, $name,” he grumbles, avoiding my gaze. “No, that’s not how you’re going to leave this. Talk to me! The one thing you always refuse to do.” “I’m going for a walk.” He ignores me entirely, approaching the door. Before leaving, I assume he puts a glamour on his wings as they suddenly disappear, and he then walks out. And just like that, I’m the last one left. I gather myself, letting everything settle, wondering if I’d get a break from all of this one day. I snort, <<if hasVisited("Check on Sydero.") and $SRomance >=5>>heading up the stairs and to the attic to see what Sydero wanted to discuss earlier.<<else>>wondering where <<if $cp>>Chris or<</if>> Amari had gone.<</if>> <<else>>\ “I don’t need a lecture,” he grumbles, “I’m going for a walk.” And just like that, he heads towards the door. Before leaving, I assume he puts a glamour on his wings as they suddenly disappear, and he then walks out. And just like that, I’m the last one left. I gather myself, letting everything settle into me, wondering if I’d get a break from all of this one day. I snort, <<if hasVisited("Check on Sydero.") and $SRomance >=5>>heading up the stairs and to the attic to see what Sydero wanted to discuss earlier.<<else>>wondering where <<if $cp>>Chris or<</if>> Amari had gone.<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Check on Sydero.") and $SRomance >=5>>\ <a data-passage="WDCK6_Syd1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ [[Check on Amari.]] <<if $cp>>\ [[Go and find Chris.]] <</if>>\ [[Peruse that kitchen. (Choosing this will not allow you to check in with the other two.)|WDCK7]] <</if>>\
Knocking on the door, I let myself in to see Sydero back in the Devil’s Trap restraints, the cuffs resting in Bradley’s hands as he speaks about something adamantly. “Sounds like him,” Syd snorts, but there’s no trace of amusement on her face. “He’s not as bad sometimes,” Bradley continues, “but there’s a lot he obviously keeps to himself, so who knows what he’s thinking. Do you think he’ll go now that we have you back?” “One can only hope,” she murmurs, her gaze rising to meet mine. “Hey Bradley, I need to speak with the special mutt behind you. You mind?” He shakes his head, turning to me with a nod and motioning towards the door. “I can see if any of my hits brought anything up.” With that, he goes, and we watch his departure silently. “Besides twin douche, that kid’s the one I remember best,” Sydero starts, shifting in her seat, “but I can’t for the life of me remember him being so talkative.” “You missed out on a lot,” I remind her, “you could remember nothing and be full-demon, and I think he’ll still be talking your ear off.” I place my attention on her, narrowing my eyes, “what did you want to question me about?” “Huh?” “Downstairs, you said you had questions for me.” “Ah, is that what I said,” she asks, snickering to herself, “no, that was a lie just so the others didn’t try to interfere. I’m sure if I said the real reason, I’d be on maximum lockdown again.” <a data-passage="WDCK6_Syd2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“What is the real reason?” “To sate an annoying curiosity that’s been growing since your last visit. Something about you reminds me of the Underworld, but all I get are quick flashes. I’d like them to end, and there’s only one way for that to happen.” “Which is?” My heart thuds in my chest. She wants to remember or at least understand. It’s better than nothing, but the thud isn’t just because of what can be. It’s also due to what may happen. The last time I was up here, I almost undid everything we worked for in one simple moment. I have doubts that I can avoid that again. “Kiss me.” My brain short circuits at her words, and before I can even think further on the request, I’m turning and heading towards the door. “Oh, for fucks sake, I’m serious.” “So is my walking towards the door,” I hiss. “How much of an idiot do you take me for?” She cocks her head to the side, and I growl, keeping her from speaking, “don’t answer that. I’m not doing this.” “You speak like you know me all the time. Do you not trust me?” “No, don’t do that,” I argue, taking a threatening step towards her, though I’m sure she sees it as simply a step, “I trust Sydero. You are not her.” “You don’t see that mindset as odd?” she asks, squinting curiously, “you simply trust the horribly balanced side of me? Not the human nor the demon?” I open my mouth and then close it. On the one hand, she has a point, but this isn’t just a bad trait that someone has to learn to live with. This is quite simply her being a demon, with no care for anyone but herself. She has already shown herself to be crafty and an adequate schemer. No one will doubt that her escape is your fault. Bradley is a close second but only the two of you, and unlike him, you don’t have an alibi. [[“No, I won’t.” Leave.]] [[“You’ve already tried to fool me once.”]] [[“What is a kiss supposed to do?”]]
I shake my head, “I’d rather just wait until you’re further away from this entire,” I gesture to all of her, “this.” “Nicely put,” she snorts. If she’s upset about my decision, she doesn’t show it, leading me to wonder what her true intentions are. I understand that I’ll never learn them, even when she’s far more balanced than now. By then, she’ll have forgotten, and if I ask her now, she’ll just lie. Patience is a virtue that many do not have, I being one of them. And so I leave before I can think twice about my decision, wondering where <<if $cp>>Chris or<</if>> Amari had gone. [[Check on Amari.]] <<if $cp>>\ [[Go and find Chris.]] <</if>>\ [[Peruse that kitchen. (Choosing this will not allow you to check in with the other two.)|WDCK7]]
I shake my head, “I’d rather just wait until you’re further away from this entire,” I gesture to all of her, “this.” “You already attempted to fool me once, or have you forgotten about that?” “It happened like two hours ago. I’m gaining memories, not losing them,” she sighs, sitting up in her chair. “You’re right. I did trick you, and I’m not sorry for it. I want out.” “Making a really bad case for yourself right now, Syd.” “Let me finish,” she growls, “unlike earlier. I wasn’t curious about you. Now I am, and one thing I really don’t want is to be sitting up here in this quiet ass attic, wondering who the fuck you are and why I keep getting these flashes when I can just get an answer and be done with it.” <<include "WDCK6_Syd3">>
“How is a kiss supposed to help you remember?” “Earth to Roe, I’m a succubus.” “Yea, I remember. And this seems right up horny town row.” She raises a brow, and I wave the words away, “shut up, okay. This just feels like a trap.” “I’m also a pretty good empath. That, combined with succubus powers, can have a lovely effect on my memory and understanding. How do you think a succubus figures out what its victim desires the most? How do you think we learn so much about them to easily manipulate them?” “Hurting or helping?” “Neither. I’m just being truthful with you. Unlike earlier, I wasn’t curious about you. Now I am, and one thing I really don’t want is to be sitting up here in this quiet ass attic, wondering who the fuck you are and why I keep getting these flashes when I can just get an answer and be done with it.” <<include "WDCK6_Syd3">>
“So you want me to believe that your curiosity outburns your wants of being free?” “Right now, at this specific moment, yes. Though if you keep asking me stupid questions, my need to choke you may just win out.” “Kinky,” I smirk, surprised to see the side of her mouth upturn as well. “Either believe me or not. But I can get all my answers from a kiss. I can’t promise you that my powers won’t get the better of me, but my intention isn’t to escape, so that alone should keep this stupid trap intact. Maybe.” It’s a gamble. That much is clear. But what hasn’t been? Another stupid thing to add to my list won’t really shock anyone, and I can’t deny the overgrowing need and want to trust her. If this can potentially help her, then why not? I ignore the logical side that reminds me of her escaping. Just for now, it can chide me later. I give her a nod. <a data-passage="WDCK6_Syd4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
She rises and walks to the edge of the Devil’s Trap, extending her hand towards me, and though I falter, I inevitably give in and place my hand in hers. Before I can even think twice about what’s going on, she pulls me towards her and twists me around. I find myself sitting in the chair now, Sydero straddling my lap and igniting every nerve in my body. My heart races at a thousand beats per second as her lips hover over mine, smirking as she moves in. My brain freezes, chiding about how this is it. This is how she gets free. But I can’t seem to care much as our lips connect. The world slows, and at that moment, I can only think about her presence. The feel of her soft and skilled lips upon mine, her tongue tracing paths and leaving a trail of heat wherever it goes. I don’t know her true intentions, but I at least believe she had been honest. The unmistakable pressure that usually accompanies her actions isn’t as intense. It’s present but weak as if something is holding it back. Syd’s hands cradle my cheek as she shifts, pulling out a needy groan as my mind voluntarily slips down into a sea of euphoria. The want it craves bubbles up, and I go from simply resting my hands on her waist to wrapping them around her. She needs to be closer. After all this time, I need to claim her the same way her lips are claiming all of me. The roughness and hunger increase and I have no doubt that if we continue on, my lips will be sore after this. But it’s she who pulls back, and I see why. I wasn’t stupid. I knew the longer we went, the more she wouldn’t be able to restrain herself and the further she’d slip. But selfishness rose up, and my own desire deemed itself far more important. I run my hands through her hair as she squeezes her crimson eyes shut, fighting her succubus side. “Are you okay?” I whisper, not trusting my voice. She moves off my lap, clutching her head as she steps off to the side. “Fine,” she growls, straightening up, but her eyes tell me a different story. I leave the seat and step outside the Devil’s Trap, “did you find what you were looking for?” “Yes.” “Are you going to tell me what it was?” “No.” I understand how dangerous it was to push my luck, especially when she was teetering and all of me simply wanted to sit right back in that chair with her on top of me. I nod, taking a step back when she asks, “what? Not going to check the Devil’s Trap?” I glance at it but shake my head, “I trust you.” She narrows her eyes, “you shouldn’t.” She’s probably right, but I choose to live in whatever fairytale land for a bit longer. If she gets free, I’ll simply be prepared for the onslaught of blame. If she doesn’t, then my trust wasn’t misplaced. With one last look at her, I leave, feeling her predatory eyes on me as I go. [[Check on Amari.]] <<if $cp>>\ [[Go and find Chris.]] <</if>>\ [[Peruse that kitchen. (Choosing this will not allow you to check in with the other two.)|WDCK7]]
I walk towards the stairs to see that a body is currently occupying the bottom step. Amari gives me a small smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes, looking to the floor. “Sorry, am I in your way?” “No, I was actually coming to look for you. Ask how you were doing,” I say and gesture to the seat beside her. She moves over and sighs, her eyes downcast. “I should be asking you that. <<if $nerve >=50>>You’re the one who’s practically knocking on death’s door.”<<else>>You’re the one who was literally on your death bed the other day.”<</if>> I frown at her words, glancing over at her and seeing her staring glumly at the floor. “Alright, what did you do to my Amari? Seriously, Amari doesn’t frown that much unless she’s thinking.” “Is it even possible to be positive about something like this?” she questions, covering her face. “I’ve been going through cheerful things to say all day, and I just sound like a robot, saying the same old generic stuff.” She leans back and stares up at the ceiling, “my smile hurts.” <<if $ARomance >=3>>\ “Yea, I can bet. Being optimistic in this group deserves a reward.<<if $optimistic <50>> You see now why you’re the only one.<</if>>” “Faye is a bit optimistic, but I think she’s more realistic than anything. That and she just knows how to keep her mouth closed. I don’t. I want everyone to be smiling and positive. Sometimes I feel like the odd one with you all. I shouldn’t be smiling.” [[“Never stop smiling.”][$amari +=5]] [[“Sometimes it is bad timing.”][$amari -=5]] <<else>>\ [[“About time.”][$amari -=10]] [[“We appreciate it.”][$amari +=10]] <</if>>\
“Don’t say that,” I correct, grabbing her hand and squeezing. “Don’t smile if you don’t want to, but don’t think that your smile is a problem. Because it’s the opposite, I assure you, it’s probably why half of us even try as hard as we do.” <<include "AmariCheck1">>
“Honestly, you do sometimes have bad timing,” I admit, and her frown deepens, “don’t get me wrong, you have a beautiful smile, and your optimism is valued. But sometimes a smile and a cheerful and positive disposition aren’t what we need.” <<include "AmariCheck1">>
“I feel so helpless,” Amari says, leaning on my shoulder. Cautiously, I wrap my arm around her, and she snuggles closer, my heart thumping wildly. “You heard that, didn’t you?” I ask blushingly, and she giggles. “I did, but it’s nice to know you feel the same way about me as I do you.” She pauses and straightens up, looking at me, “you do, don’t you?” [[“Of course!”][$ARomance to 10]] [[“Not yet, but I think so.”][$ARomance to 5]] [[“No.”][$ARomance to 1]]
“Of course!” I blurt out, unable to hold back the amount of joy I feel. “I mean, if anything, I thought my feelings for you were one-sided.” “What!? Come on,” she teases, “you’re like a superhero. I would’ve been lucky to land someone like you when I’m … I’m just me.” “Amazing, beautiful, a ray of sunshine, energetic? Should I go on?” I question, bringing her close, “Amari, I’m just as lucky to have someone like you like someone like me, if not luckier.” “We’re cute, aren’t we?” Amari laughs, her words immediately causing me to follow suit. “Oh, we’re adorable.” She straightens up and looks at me with eyes full of admiration that I can practically feel my heart shifting in embarrassment and glee. “We should definitely explore this, but only after we save you. I don’t want this on your mind right now.” “This is probably the only plus to all of this,” I say, resting my head on her shoulder. “Me too,” she whispers, gently picking up my head, “but I really want to make sure you’re safe first. That’s okay, right?” “Yea, Amari,” I say, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on the back of it. She moves in and places a kiss on my cheek, drawing back as if it was unwelcomed. <a data-passage="WDCK7_A1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Not yet, but I think so,” I say, replaying my own words and groaning, “that was probably really confusing.” “No, no,” Amari immediately says, grabbing my wrist and then releasing it with a small smile, “I understand. Crush status, right? Plus, you’re going through a lot right now. This is probably horrible timing.” I grab her hand and squeeze, “horrible timing is neither of us ever telling the other.” “Then I’m happy we did. I’m here whenever you’re ready.” “Hey,” I say, trailing my thumb across her hand, “we will definitely come back to this. I like you, I do. But there are a few things I need to kinda figure out too.” She nods enthusiastically, and I feel my heart swell with adoration. I place a soft kiss on the back of her hand before letting it go. At the same time, she moves in and places a kiss on my cheek, drawing back as if it’s unwelcomed. <a data-passage="WDCK7_A1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“No,” I tell her, scratching the back of my head. “I just -” I’m unable to say more as she covers my mouth, eyes wide with worry. “Please don’t finish that sentence,” she quickly removes her hand and gives me a shy smile, “it’s just that, I get it. We don’t know each other that well, and a lot has happened. Sydero is back, and you just got back from the Underworld, not to mention you’re dying. And I’m me.” “Whoa, hey, Amari, don’t do that. This is me, not you.” She nods, but I can see that the letdown is, well exactly that, a letdown. “I’m going to go check in with the others, see what I can do to help you out. Thanks for the talk and for clearing it up. It’s better than leading me on,” she says with a shrug, getting to her feet. With that, she walks off to do as she had said. I stay there for a bit longer before deciding that I needed to move as well, there were things to be done. <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Go and find Chris.")>>Chris found and spoken too.<<else>>[[Go and find Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
<img src="images/divider.png"> Amari’s heart speeds up at her own action, she shouldn’t have done that. But they just said they liked one another, and ?he kissed her hand. It was fine, right? Before she can question herself any further, $name brings her close, kissing her like no one has ever kissed her before. She’s experienced drunken kisses, short and shy kisses, speedy kisses, kisses that left behind the knowledge that they would be gone the next day, mixed feeling kisses, and even kisses that beg for something more. But this kiss is something different — a mix of need and passion; want but patience fueling it. And, for the first time, it’s done by someone she so badly wanted to kiss. The kiss doesn’t last long, and when $name begins to draw back, she leans forward, wanting to once again feel those lips upon hers. Wanting that memory and action seared into her brain. Her eyes flutter open to see $name gazing at her with those beautiful $eyes eyes. Were their eyes always that $eyes? That incredible? And that easy to get lost in? <a data-passage="WDCK7_A2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Amari? Words?” $name chuckles, and she draws back, nodding her head like an idiot, a giggle escaping her even though she told it no. Her brain jumps everywhere, a normal thing for her, but at that moment, she hated herself so much for it. For once, she needs to concentrate. But the more she tells herself to focus, the more her brain rebels. She gets to her feet and darts off. “Bathroom!” she screams over her shoulder, skipping the step where she kicks herself for her own stupidity. She closes the door once she’s safely in the bathroom, her back sliding down the door as she trails her finger lightly over her lips. Her cheeks are beginning to hurt, and she closes her eyes as she allows herself to soak it all in, all the emotions. <img src="images/divider.png"> <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Go and find Chris.")>>Chris found and spoken too.<<else>>[[Go and find Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
“About time,” I snort. “What?” Amari asks, genuinely confused. “It’s just, it’s not that your optimism is bad, but it’s not helpful, you know? You walking around with a megawatt smile isn’t about to help any of us, it’s not about to help the situation. I know I’m about to die, but here you are saying it’s going to be okay, and even you don’t believe it. It’s not going to be okay, and I’d rather have you helping us figure out things than just reminding us how good a job we’re doing.” Amari glances at the ground, her almond brown eyes searching for something I doubt was there, “I’m sorry.” I sigh, “don’t be sorry. Just do better. All I’m saying is that your smile isn’t going to solve our problems.” We sit there in silence for a moment longer before she glances over at me, “you know, my father and mother said the same thing. They needed my help with figuring out a permanent solution to our problem, and all I could say was, ‘we’ll figure something out.’ I just,” she rubs at her eye. “I’m sorry, I mean, I’ll get better.” “That’s all I ask.” She nods and gets to her feet. “I’m going to go find <<if $chris >=50 and $cp>>Chris<<else>>Jeff<</if>> and see if I can help them with anything.” She rises and walks off. I stay there for a bit longer before deciding that I need to move as well, there were things to be done. <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Go and find Chris.")>>Chris found and spoken too.<<else>>[[Go and find Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
“Give it a break,” I tell her, playfully nudging her, “but do know that we appreciate it, nevertheless.” “Really?” she asks wide-eyed, excitement pushing its way forward and upsetting her once glum mood. “Of course,” I motion to our surroundings, “when you’re surrounded by one bad thing after another, you really appreciate that one ray of sunshine, and that’s you. You’re that one positive ray of light, <<if $optimism >=50>>and trust me, I know how hard that is to be here.<<else>>and I bet it’s tiring, being the only one here who actually knows what optimism is.<</if>>” “Thank you,” she says, a blush overtaking her cheeks, “sometimes I think I’m more annoying than anything.” “Why would you think that?” “My parents didn’t exactly like my positive outlook. They said it was unhelpful and … well, annoying. It’s hard to be positive when most of your life, you’ve been told that you shouldn’t even exist,” she looks up at me through teary eyes, “but I try, I try really hard.” “I know you do, Amari,” I say, opening my arms and allowing her to get a hug in, “and from the bottom of my heart, do I appreciate it.” We stay like that for a few seconds more before we separate, Amari, excusing herself. I remain there for a bit longer before deciding that I needed to move as well, there were things to be done. <<if $cp>>\ <<if hasVisited("Go and find Chris.")>>Chris found and spokent too.<<else>>[[Go and find Chris.]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
I go on a search for Chris, finding that he’s no longer in the kitchen with Jeff. Instead, I see him outside in Faye’s front yard, his shirt resting on the railing on her porch and rock music flooding from his phone. I lean on one of the pillars as I watch him, focused in his own little world, as he does his workout. After completing a rep, he turns and grabs a water bottle, nodding to me in acknowledgment. “Here’s the Chris I know, shirtless Chris. Was wondering when he’d make an appearance again.” Chris chokes on some of the water, wiping his mouth, “I truly hate shirts, sue me.” “You’re braver than most, braving North Carolina weather in the middle of summer to work out?” “Eh, lived in the south all my life, so working out in the heat is what I’m used to,” he tells me, panting after. “You should see me in the winter.” “Oh, I remember,” I chuckle, “you barely do it.” Chris chokes on his water, dripping a bit on his hand before throwing it my way. I dodge though it’s a pointless feat, “mind if I stay out here with you?” Chris raises a brow, and at first, I believe he’s going to tease me, but the worry is apparent, “you sure you should be out here?” “Zillah helped me out,” I assure him, “I’ll be good for a few more hours.” “Oh, he did,” Chris asks, eyebrow raised, “what did he do?” <<if $cbreak>>\ <<if $fling_know or $nofling_know>>\ “Um,” I start, scratching the back of my head, “we actually had sex.” Chris pauses his workout and looks at me, blinking a few times as he stares on, and then his eyes flicker to the ground. “I wanted to tell you …” “Sex?” he asks, and I nod, waiting to see how he’ll react. “Huh,” he snorts, “I … don’t know how I’m supposed to react to this. I can say this, though, stop talking to me.” “Chris,” I start, but he tosses me a warning glare, his frustrations and anger rising. “You fucking get on to me about flirting. Flirting! And I’m supposed to be fucking okay with you fucking the local monster … ugh, stop talking to me, $name, seriously. And then with him, of all fucking people. He’s a fucking monster that abused you and held you captive in your own mind. The hell were you thinking?” [[“I’m thinking it’s my body.”][$cdone = true; $CRomance to 1; $cbreak = false]] [[“I wanted to tell you.”][$cdone = true; $CRomance to 1; $cbreak = false]] <<else>>\ “Told me to relax as he proceeded to, I don’t even know,” I laugh. <<if $fling_no or $nofling_no>>Chris snorts and laughs as well, my mind shaking its head at the lie I told but Chris didn’t need to know. I doubt Zillah will tell him and I definitely wouldn’t.<<else>>Chris snorts as he pauses his workout, turning to me fully.<</if>> I resituate myself, choosing to sit on the railing to let my feet dangle. “It’s good to see you doing better, especially after just not seeing you.” “Aw, did you miss me, Chris?” He easily parts my legs as he stands between them, bringing me close and planting a light kiss on my lips. <a data-passage="WDCK6_C2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <<if $fling_know or $nofling_know>>\ “Um,” I start, scratching the back of my head, “we actually had sex.” Chris pauses his workout and looks at me, blinking a few times. “Excuse me?” “Don’t make me repeat myself, Chris.” “Sorry, it sounded like you said you had sex with the monster living in your head.” “Chris,” I chide, but he shakes his head, retrieving a rope and walking towards the cement. “Have you lost your mind, $name?” “No, but I came out here to talk to you about it and not have my best friend jump down my neck.” “You’re right. So, go ahead.” <<else>>\ “What are you even doing? Just working out?” “Yea, needed to get my mind off of everything for just a minute. And working out helps me focus,” he pauses and glances over at me, “well, you know this.” “Perks of knowing you for years, buddy,” I laugh, “am I to presume that this is what you were doing the past two weeks I’ve been gone?” “No and yes. I had a really good schedule of go to sleep, worry about you, eat breakfast and worry, shower and panic, <<if $chris <50>>train with Zillah and Amari or just Amari<<else>>learn from Bradley and Jeff, or just Bradley<</if>>. Think everything was going to get better, panic some more, eat, one more ‘oh shit’ moment, and then sleep.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WDCKC1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“I’m thinking it’s my body and I can do whatever the hell I want with it.” He claps, “and that makes you a fucking hypocrite. I can’t move //my// mouth to flirt but you can open your legs. You can do whatever the hell you want, and I have no reason getting mad. But when I do whatever the hell I want, I get called an ass … stop talking to me.” “I came out here to –” “To nothing. I’m done, that’s all that needs to be said. Go fuck your monster again, I don’t fucking care. I’m just going to continue my workout and then try and figure out how to help you later because I just consider myself a good person.” He says nothing more as he goes to his phone, stuffs it in his pocket, and then turns on his heel and jogs away. I hadn’t expected anything else to happen, but I knew I had to tell him, even if it meant it would be the end of us. He deserved to know. I sigh and walk into the house, I still have my own life to worry about. <<include "ChrisRun1">>
“I wanted to tell you,” I start, “it was a spur of the moment thing and –” “And what, $name? What could make you think that I’d be okay with that? I’m over here trying to think of what would make this situation slightly better, and nothing is popping up. Ugh, and I bet he’s walking around like the cockiest person on the planet.” “Chris,” I start, taking a step closer, and he pulls away immediately. “Do not touch me. Do not talk to me. Just leave me the fuck alone. I’m done. I’m done feeling like the asshole for no reason whatsoever while you can do whatever the hell you want. I’m not worth much, but I’d be damned if I’m not worth more than this.” His jaw stiffens as he closes his eyes. He says nothing more as he goes to his phone, stuffs it in his pocket, and then turns on his heel and jogs away. I hadn’t expected anything else to happen, but I knew I had to tell him, even if it meant it would be the end of us. He deserved to know. I sigh and walk into the house, I still have my own life to worry about. <<include "ChrisRun1">>
<img src="images/divider.png"> Chris rubs the tears from his eyes, gritting his teeth as his father’s words replay through his head. //No crying, you’re a bitch if you do//. He repeated the words to himself, trying to tell himself that maybe his father was right, he’s obviously right about relationships and how Chris will always be second place. He speeds up, shaking his head and trying to combat his own thoughts. No, he just fell for the wrong person, that’s not bad. It’s something that happens. //Yes, but you were lost for years, and what are you coming out of it with? A broken heart? A fucked up life? Pathetic.// Chris shakes his head, cutting up the music even though he doesn’t hear it. //You’re just for fun. ?He left you for a monster. You’re worth nothing.// Chris’s steps grow heavier and heavier as he slows to a stop and leans up against a street lamp, letting his head hang as tears rush from his eyes. He wants to hit something, rip something apart. It hurt, and he hates it. He feels like someone just poured acid onto his heart, and he’s forced to watch it get destroyed. <a data-passage="WDCK6_C1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
He falls to the ground, covering his face as he tries to gather himself. “Stop fucking crying!” he growls to himself, “you’re a fucking man,” he said, hearing more of his father’s voice, than his own. “Well, that’s toxic as hell,” he hears someone say, and picks his head up to see Rahim standing there, gazing down at him in both confusion and sympathy. “What the hell do you want?” Chris questions, gazing away as he wipes at his eyes, but his insides don’t care about having an audience. For every tear he wipes away, another presents itself. “I’m sorry.” Chris pauses, glancing towards Rahim, more curious about the man’s tone than anything more. “About what?” “I don’t know,” he admits, taking a seat, “but I can feel how broken you feel, and no one deserves that. I can only guess who did it and well, <<if $j3 is false>>I know you loved ?him.<<else>>I know how you feel.<</if>>” <<if $j3 is false>>\ <<nobr>><<set $RCRomance +=2>><</nobr>> Chris’s eyes begin to mist over again, choking on his sobs and not fighting Rahim as he pulls him in for a hug. “Let it out,” he whispers, and Chris does just that. His father’s voice replaced by Rahim’s as Chris lets each and every tear roll. <<else>>\ <<nobr>><<set $RCRomance +=1; $RRomance to 3>><</nobr>> “Then you should know,” Chris says, anger slipping into his voice instead of sadness. “The two of them …” “Yea, I guessed as much. Surprised it didn’t happen sooner.” “Nice to know it doesn’t bother you.” “It does,” Rahim corrects, “but right now we have bigger things to worry about.” Chris watches as he gets to his feet and extends his hand, “walk back with me? Slowly, and probably the long way. Neither of us is really looking forward to being back.” With a nod, Chris grabs his hand and allows him to help him to his feet, the two continuing down the road. <</if>>\ <img src="images/divider.png"> <<if hasVisited("Check on Amari.")>>Amari checked on.<<else>>[[Check on Amari.]]<</if>> [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
<<if $gender is "female">>\ “Like crazy. I’m trying to think of a good simile, but we both know I get a bit stupid when I’m in workout mode.” “Ah,” I smirk against his lips, giving him another peck, “you’re talking about the Chip Incident?” “And the Water Bottle Showdown.” “Oh, don’t forget about the Treadmill Fiasco.” “You weren’t supposed to see that one.” “Oh, I did, and though I still don’t really understand how that even happened, I regret nothing. You should be proud; you closed that entire side of the gym down for a week.” “My coach had my ass for that. Laps on top of laps.” I throw my head back and laugh, one that feels so refreshing after everything that I’ve been going through. I notice him looking at me with soft and admiring eyes, the tips of his mouth curling upwards. “What?” “You,” he says matter-of-factly, and I feel him shiver. <<else>>\ I blink, glancing at him and then at his lips, my heart doing flip after flip, “Chris,” I start, “that’s the first time you ever kissed me.” He frowns, taking a step back, “no, it’s not.” “Yea, it is. Trust me, I’ve been waiting for those lips for the longest.” Though I didn’t think it possible, his frown deepens as he thinks, probably doing the same thing as me, going through every memory. “It’s fine, I just, I mean, I know why you –” My words are replaced by a gasp as Chris surges forward and in one swift move, grabs my face and brings my lips to his. I close my eyes and deepen the kiss, everything going off like fireworks at the sensation that travels through me. Chris’s entire essence surrounds me, overwhelms me, claims me, and blankets me. For a minute, the world around me disappears. It’s only Chris and me, our lips connected after what seems like forever. I want to exist in this moment and nothing else, to only hold him close. <</if>>\ <<if $j2 is false and $j3 is false>>\ “I love you,” he whispers after pulling back just enough, his words ghosting across my lips, “fuck, I love you so much.” “Chris,” I start, but he covers my lips with his yet again, this time he pulls back a second later. “You don’t have to say it back, I just needed to tell you. I don’t want you to doubt that you don’t mean everything to me. That and if I didn’t say it, I was probably going to pop.” [[“I love you too.”][$CRomance to 10]] [[“I’m not there just yet.”][$CRomance to 5]] [[Push him away.][$CRomance to 1]] <<else>>\ With a sigh he scratches his head and smiles, “but um, I think you have better things to do than just stick around and watch me workout.” “I beg to differ,” I laugh but he doesn’t laugh along with me, in fact, he refuses to look at me. “I …” he breathes out and gives me a small smile, “I’m going to continue this workout before I get out the mindset. You should probably go relax. I’ll see you later, okay?” I can hear the emotion seep into his voice, but I don’t argue. I don’t know what else to say, and making this more awkward than it already is probably isn’t the wisest move. And so, I turn and head back in, leaving Chris alone. <<if hasVisited("Check on Amari.")>>Amari checked on.<<else>>[[Check on Amari.]]<</if>> [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]] <</if>>\
I laugh as it was my time to bring him in for a kiss. I place kiss after kiss upon his face, ignoring the sweat as my entire being wishes to claim the man in front of me as mine. “I love you too. And no, I’m not just saying that. I really do.” <<if $gender is "female">>\ “I believe you,” he whispers softly. We sit just like that, our foreheads touching, our hands intertwined, and just existing in one another’s space. <<else>>\ “Do you know how happy I am to hear you say that and not hear some voice in the back of my head scream at me about how wrong it is to love someone that’s not a woman? I can’t stop realizing that if it wasn’t for you being brave and letting me know, I would never have discovered this part of me.” We sit just like that, our foreheads touching, our hands intertwined, and just existing in one another’s space. <</if>>\ “You’re going to be alright, right, $name?” I pull back to look at him to see all that emotion resting in his blue eyes, love and hope, and sadness. All of it swimming freely, competing with each other to be the strongest emotion. “I … I really hope so, Chris.” Silence sets in, and though I would much rather stay out here with him, I know I have to go inside. I kiss him goodbye and duck back inside. <<if hasVisited("Check on Amari.")>>Amari checked on.<<else>>[[Check on Amari.]]<</if>> [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
“I’m not there just yet,” I tell him honestly. <<if $gender is "female">>\ “I already said that I don’t expect you to,” he chuckles, bringing me close. “That was for me — no pressure on you. I just needed to tell you. While you need to focus on getting better.” I continue to hug him, genuinely needing to feel him close at that minute before we finally pull apart. He goes back to working out, and I walk back inside, having other things to do. <<else>>\ “I already said that I don’t expect you to,” he chuckles, bringing me close. “That was for me. To be able to say that and mean it to someone who isn’t a woman means a lot. Not to mention to say it and not hear my dad’s voice immediately after. You helped me discover an entire part of myself that I didn’t even know was there. So thank you.” I continue to hug him, genuinely needing to feel him close at that minute before we finally pull apart. He goes back to working out, and I walk back inside, having other things to do. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Check on Amari.")>>Amari checked on.<<else>>[[Check on Amari.]]<</if>> [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
I push him away and cock my head slightly, “Chris,” I manage to say, not knowing what to follow that up with. <<if $gender is "female">>\ “No, I’m stupid,” he remarks, taking a step back, his hands balling into fists. “I shouldn’t have said it. I’m sorry.” “No, Chris,” I search for words, and the longer the silence stretches on, the more Chris realizes why. “I …” he breathes out and gives me a small smile, “I’m going to continue this workout before I get out the mindset. You should probably go relax. I’ll see you later, okay?” I can hear the emotion seep into his voice, but I don’t argue. I didn’t know what else to say, and making this more awkward than it was already was probably not the wisest move. And so, I turn and head back in, leaving Chris alone. <<else>>\ “Don’t,” he smiles, “it’s okay. Even if we are ending, I’ll never forget what you helped me discover about myself. It’s cos of you that I realized I’m pansexual and not actually straight, and that there’s nothing at all wrong with that. I would like this not to be the end but it’s not //the end//.” He scratches the back of his head, “if that makes sense.” “It does,” I chuckle, “I’m proud of the man standing before me. No matter what the future holds for us.” “That means a lot …” he breathes out and gives me a small smile, “I’m going to continue this workout before I get out the mindset. You should probably go relax. I’ll see you later, okay?” I can hear the emotion seep into his voice, but I don’t argue. I didn’t know what else to say, and making this more awkward than it was already was probably not the wisest move. And so, I turn and head back in, leaving Chris alone. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Check on Amari.")>>Amari checked on.<<else>>[[Check on Amari.]]<</if>> [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
<<if $fling_know>>\ “Well, we had –,” I begin, but Chris interrupts me. “Don’t repeat it, I’m prone to throw up.” “It was just a one-time thing.” “Sounds more like it should’ve been a no-time thing. Seriously, $name, him? Him!?” He moves in and lowers his voice, “was he good?” “Actually, he was –,” I start to answer, but Chris hollers, waving his hands in the air to stop me. “I take it back. I don’t want to know.” “Then why ask?” “Because that’s just my default. <<if $chris >=50>>$name, I love you but that’s just a no.<<else>>$name, I love you even with how annoying we both think the other is, but that’s just a no.<</if>> That delay better had been worth it.” “It was,” I smirk, and he again cringes. “Hey, let me work out in peace. Take you and your dicked down gutter mind and go somewhere else,” he chuckles, shaking his head as he begins to jump rope. “Me think someone is curious,” I sing as I walk back towards the door. “Me think not,” Chris sings right back. <<elseif $nofling_know>>\ “I’m confused,” I admit, plopping down to the ground with a frown. “This is Zillah.” “Yea, I agree.” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “No, but there are sides of him you don’t see.” “Oh, I bet there are,” he snorts, and I throw a glance at him. He raises his hands in surrender before beginning to jump rope, allowing me to speak. “I don’t know. Part of me feels like there’s something there, but it’s crazy, right? I mean, Zillah has done horrible things to me and is still keeping stuff from me. I feel stupid for even having an inch of thought, or hope that this could be more.” “As your best friend, I want to slap you,” Chris says, slowing down to speak, “as anyone else, I tell you that congrats, you got the D, now run.” “Neither of those help me.” <<else>>\ “And like, I hear his name and want to punch him.” Chris opens his mouth, but the look I send him causes him to close it. “And it used to be that when I saw him, I wanted to punch him. But now, it’s that and something else. There’s so much frustration.” “And you worked that off, right?” “I thought I did, but I’m even more confused. I sure as hell thought that it was lust, but, ugh, I don’t know. Even thinking about it, my brain begins to hurt and rebel.” “Good, $name’s brain, keep doing that.” “Chris,” I groan. <</if>>\ “What do you want me to say, $name? I don’t know enough about the man to actually trust him, let alone with you. I don’t trust him, like him, or can stand him.” “That’s valid,” I sigh. Chris pats my shoulder before walking past me. “To be frank, you have more important things to worry about anyway, like figuring out a way to slow it down. Handle that before trying to figure out if you’re crazy or not.” He has a point, I nod and rise, thanking him before heading back inside and letting him continue his workout in peace. <<else>>\ <<if $chris <50>>\ “Train?” “Oh yea,” he says, stretching before grabbing a jump rope and moving to the cement, “Faye thought it’d be a good idea, and Amari was game. So mostly it was me and her, she was teaching me how to defend and be on the offensive from creatures hell of a lot stronger than me. She’s a great teacher, she actually tries and doesn’t pull her punches, but she knew her limits.” “And Zillah?” “When he was a good boy,” he chuckles, “Jeff would let him help us. Giving me two targets to fight and helping me with some dual-pistol action.” “Who do you think you are, Lara Croft?” I laugh, causing Chris to mess up and start over. “Man, I wish. She’s goals, though.” The conversation drifts off as he goes back to working out, and for a while, I watch. Enjoying the heat on my skin and the breeze that would roll in from time to time. It’s only when the breeze stops, and the temperature feels like it’s intensifying do I choose to abandon my position and head back inside, it wasn’t like I didn’t have things to do. <<else>>\ “Learn?” “Oh yea,” he says, stretching before grabbing a jump rope and moving to the cement, “Bradley showed me how to access the dark web and how to go even deeper than that when need be. How to be safe and undetected, the lingo, and where to go and where not to. How to find certain things and all this other computer and research shit. The kid knows what he’s doing.” “Of course, he does, he’s the team’s brainiac.” Chris laughs, “you know, you don’t know how stupid he is until you spend a certain amount of time with him. The kid can research and find the meaning to life but ask him who the first president is, and he goes blank.” “Seems like you two would be great friends because what you make up for in smarts, you lack in common sense.” “Hey,” Chris shouts playfully, “I don’t care if what you say is true, I did not sign up to be disrespected.” I snort, and the conversation drifts off as he goes back to working out, and for a while, I watch. Enjoying the heat on my skin and the breeze that would roll in from time to time. It’s only when the breeze stops, and the temperature feels like it’s intensifying do I choose to abandon my position and head back inside, it wasn’t like I didn’t have things to do. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Check on Amari.")>>Amari checked on.<<else>>[[Check on Amari.]]<</if>> [[Peruse that kitchen.|WDCK7]]
Suddenly, I feel lightheaded, the floor feels like it’s remaining still, but the walls itself are now moving. They speed up as time goes by until they’re going by so fast the I have to squeeze my eyes closed. My feet continue until I bump into something, and I slowly open them, finding myself in the kitchen, my hands clutching the counter. “No,” I whisper, placing my head on the surface, “this is too soon. Zillah delayed it.” I repeat the words to myself, but somewhere inside me, I can feel the shift, it doesn’t matter what he had done. My death is coming. I dart to the sink and splash cold water in my face, breathing deeply as I center myself the best I can. “Yes, because some guy out in Florence, Italy knows about this,” Bradley chimes as he enters. “Kid, my contacts are the best of the best,” Jeff attempts to defend. I straighten up, turning around to face them as they both take a seat. “Oh yes, just like your one contact from Philly. The one that still hasn’t answered me back.” “Benny is a mystery all on his own.” “Yea so is that money I sent him. All these mysteries that I feel the need to call the fucking Mystery Gang.” Jeff wears a smug grin as he leans in, “they’re not real.” “And neither is your contact.” “Guys,” I chuckle, the action hurting, so I abandon it, “what’s going on?” <a data-passage="WDCK7_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Bradley appears guilty before shaking his head, “still looking for a solution to your problem. The closest thing I got was some bull crap about hexes, but that’s not what this is.” “How do we know?” “Because ain’t no witch put this on you,” Jeff tells us, “and if they did, then we got a house full of em that could’ve been removed em or at the very least, sensed it.” Bradley nods, “Faye, Lucia, Sydero, and Rahim are all witches. Granted, Sydero and Rahim are half, and Rahim doesn’t really seem like he knows that much, and Sydero isn’t in her right mind, but one of the four would’ve been able to sense it by now.” [[“Maybe it’s time to just accept this.”]] [[“It’s coming back.”]]
“Maybe it’s time to just accept all of this,” I say, telling myself not to look at the looks I know they give me. “What kind of quitter talk is that?” Jeff questions, turning his nose up in disgust. “Why would you say that?” Bradley asks, “we’re not quitting on you. Like I said, worst case scenario is we retrieve your soul.” “I’d rather avoid that,” I point out. “I don’t care. I’d rather you avoid dying, but I’m not about to get that wish, according to you. We finally get the gang back, and you’re trying to check out early, no! You’re going nowhere.” Shockingly, Bradley grabs my shirt, pulling me closer to him, “got it?” <<include "WDCK7_1_1">>
“It’s coming back,” I tell the two of them, shifting in my spot, avoiding the looks I know they give me. “Did Zillah not help you?” Bradley questions. “He did, but I think we’re too close to the end. Or Hell is still weighing on my psyche.” “Probably the latter,” Jeff hums. I breathe out slowly and see Bradley perk up, narrowing his eyes at me. “No, that’s quitter sigh! You’re going nowhere.” Shockingly, Bradley grabs my shirt, pulling me closer to him, “got it?” <<include "WDCK7_1_1">>
“Yes, sir,” I say immediately, and he nods. <<if $cp and $cdone is false>>\ “Is Bradley threatening people again?” Chris questions as he enters, “he jacked me up about ten times this week alone.” “You’d think you’d stop talking shit about Sydero,” Bradley points out, typing away. “That won’t ever happen.” <<else>>\ “Bradley, stop threatening people,” Rahim orders in a monotone voice as he enters. “Rahim, stop fucking over your sister,” Bradley mimics. Thankfully, Rahim ignores him. <</if>>\ “Any progress on the angel prophecy?” I ask him, and he shakes his head. “Nothing, I also don’t know where to look.” “Say,” Jeff starts, rubbing his beard slowly as he stares off into space, “that ancient book that Faye has might have something about it. It should be in the attic; Zillah and I were pouring through it the other day. I reckon it has some angel mumbo jumbo in there.” “You reckon?” Bradley asks, brow raised. “Sometimes, the southerner in me comes out.” “What do you mean sometimes? It’s always out.” I roll my eyes as the two engage in one of their notorious back and forth arguments. <<if $cp and $cdone is false>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> joins me on the trip to the attic. Once there, we find that both Sydero and Zillah aren’t there, probably helping Faye with something, either that or they escaped … But seeing that Rahim isn’t worried I think the former is more plausible. “Do you know what we’re looking for?” I ask him as he wanders to the book that sits on a pedestal, flipping through it randomly. “The basics.” <<if $nerve >=50>>I take a step forward, feeling woozy yet again but this time, it at least fades soon after.<<else>>I take a step forward, and my eyes widen when it feels like someone grabs my neck, tightening their grip and rendering me unable to move. I gasp, and the world grows blurry, but as soon as this happens, it stops.<</if>> I find myself just standing where I am and take a moment before going to <<if $cp and $cdone is false>>Chris’s<<else>>Rahim’s<</if>> side. <a data-passage="WDCK7_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp and $cdone is false>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> flips through the book, resting on a few pages before choosing to continue on. I wish to help, but I feel far more ready to vomit, a slight pain beginning on the left side of my brain and slowly exploding. “This is weird,” <<if $cp and $cdone is false>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> starts, stepping to the side to show me. I fight the feeling away and glance over the page, frowning when I see what he’s alluding to. On the opposite page, it speaks of angels, and though it doesn’t plainly speak of the angel prophecy, I can see the next page referring to such text. The problem is that the next two pages have been torn. Torn close enough to the binding to prove that whoever had done it, did it deliberately and showed that the attention given was not of someone who cared for the book. “Someone ripped out the next pages?” “I’m guessing, Zillah. Only logical choice if you ask me.” [[“You’re right, probably Zillah.”]] [[“Maybe it was Jeff?”]] [[“You sure it just wasn’t Faye.”]] [[“Lucia. 100%.”]]
“You’re right, it was probably Zillah,” I agree, “he’s the only one who has been here that long, and he probably managed to read most of the book. Do you think he read something he didn’t like and decided to just tear it out?” “Hmm,” he says and nods, “probably something that gave him away. We know the Princes know Zillah, and Michael almost seemed to recognize him as well.” <<if $cp and $cdone is false>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> takes a step away from the book and frowns. <<include "WDCK7_2_1">>
“I feel like that’s too obvious, maybe it was Jeff?” “Jeff?” he asks. “Yea. Jeff is in here a lot, and let’s not forget that the man is a known drunk. For all we know he tore out the pages because they were cursing at him.” <<if $cp and $cdone is false>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> takes a step away from the book and frowns. <<include "WDCK7_2_1">>
“You sure it just wasn’t Faye? It is her book, and the book is pretty old at that. It could’ve been nothing.” “You’d think Faye would rip out pages just because?” “I’m not saying she didn’t have a reason, it’s just as possible as her not having a reason. I just think that if anyone did it, it was Faye.” <<if $cp and $cdone is false>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> takes a step away from the book and frowns. <<include "WDCK7_2_1">>
“It was Lucia. 100%.” “The witch isn’t even here and you’re blaming her?.” “Yes! She left a bad taste in my mouth.” “She helped you, and it’s not like you didn’t pay her for said help. She has no need to get revenge on you or sabotage us.” “Yea, keep thinking that. Lucia is clever, and she has a thirst for knowledge. Whether she ripped the pages because it held something important or she did it for another reason, don’t know, don’t care. I just think she did it.” <<if $cp and $cdone is false>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> takes a step away from the book and frowns. <<include "WDCK7_2_1">>
“I’ll go see if Bradley knows anything regarding it,” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> assures me, standing and leaving me in the attic alone. I take a seat before I can stumble, ignoring the rotting wallpaper, the crumbling décor, and the debris falling from the ceiling. I’m still trying to figure out how this had happened. I don’t doubt that Zillah delayed it. I felt the feeling of the delay, so why is it back so soon? Was it because of Hell? Because I was so close to death? I realize that I’m shivering and try to stop, but my body continues, completely ignoring every order I send it. I’m afraid, terrified of what’s happening, and what so quickly approaches. “About time,” I hear a low rumble from the side of the room say, glancing over to see a figure walking from out of the darkness that was not once there, “I thought he’d never leave.” “You’re a figment,” I growl, shaking my head, “you’re not here, Azrael.” “Now, when have I ever come to you under false pretenses?” “I’m not dreaming, so you can’t be here,” I tell him, rolling my eyes in annoyance. “You’re right about one of those,” he says, walking a step closer, the tar from his wings hitting the floor and causing it to sizzle. “You are a busy mortal, $name. Almost impossible to track down and remarkably busy.” <<if $nerve >=50>>\ [[Try to wake up.]] [[“What do you want?”|WDCKWhatWant]] [[“Do you know how to save me?”]] [[Dart to the door.]] <<else>>\ [[Try to wake up.|WDCK7_3]] [[“What do you want?”|WDCK7_3]] [[“Do you know how to save me?”|WDCK7_3]] [[Dart to the door.|WDCK7_3]] <</if>>\
I close my eyes and tell myself to wake up, this is just some bad dream, caused by my rising unstableness and the fact that I’m literally two steps away from death. “Wake up,” I whimper, reopening my eyes to see that nothing has changed. Azrael cocks his head to the side and frowns. “You truly think you’re still sleeping.” <<include "WDCK7_3">>
“Do you know how to save me?” I ask, gripping the pedestal in front of me. “I do, and yet, I don’t. Healing you is no longer needed.” “What does that mean.” He doesn’t answer, and with a growl, I turn to him fully. <<include "WDCK7_3">>
I narrow my eyes before darting towards the door, somehow forgetting that my body and mind are failing me. I don’t even make it past the pedestal when I trip, landing hard on the ground and moaning in agony. “That was … unfortunate. Good effort on your part, though.” <<include "WDCK7_3">>
“What do you want? Huh? What can I possibly offer you, especially now?” “Strangely enough, you offer much.” “Yes, yes, I know, I’m so important to some future plans. If there’s one thing I’m sure about, it’s my importance.” Azrael watches me but says nothing more on the subject, and when I raise a brow to him, he only offers me a simple hum. <<include "WDCK7_3">>
<<if $nerve <50>>\ I fall to the ground with a scream, my insides feeling like they’re being crushed under an invisible weight. “You’re worse than I thought,” I hear Azrael say, approaching with measured steps, “I now see why Zillah urged me to come when he did. You wouldn’t have lasted the night.” I vomit blood, shivering at the disgusting taste that lingers in my mouth. I feel like I’m tasting ash, tar, blood, and metal, all mixed into one revolting concoction. <</if>>\ “You said you couldn’t find me,” I remind him, and he nods his head. “And that much was true, but thanks to Zillah, that has since been rectified. The first of many.” He takes a step towards me, and the tension in the room seems to mount, my heart stutters, and most of the air seems to drain out. This feeling isn’t the feeling of fear. That is something I’ve grown so accustomed to that I doubt I will ever not be able to place it again. This, this is something else. It’s a feeling of unease and discomfort. Like being in a situation that caused one’s anxiety to trigger, but they can’t flee, they’re forced to just stand there and deal with it. But there’s something else, something that feels so comforting about it, a strange sense that rivals the unease just enough to cause this confusion within me. “You feel it, don’t you?” he asks, stepping closer. Stopping to glance out the window with narrowed eyes. “Get away from me,” I scream, regaining his attention. I’m about to turn and run when I hear him snap his fingers and his last words. “It’s time.” <a data-passage="WDCK8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/divider.png"> //Downstairs of Faye’s House …// “Can you give me some space,” Bradley barks, everyone surrounding him immediately taking a step back as they raise a brow. “Thank you. Now,” he starts, controlling his breathing before focusing back on his computer screen. “I’m not finding anything that specifically talks about this angel prophecy, but I got one good hit, hinting at what it might say.” “Sent by my contact in Philly, Benny,” Jeff adds in. “Shut up!” Bradley barks. “Can you find more? Or someone who might know?” Rahim asks, about to scroll down the page when Bradley stares over at him, daring him to do as much. “I mean,” he says, clearing his throat and nodding at the screen, “can you scroll down.” Bradley does as he’s asked, turning to the others. “I can keep looking, but it’ll take more searching. In cases like this, we might be better off going after this lead, it’ll … Sydero?” Everyone glances towards the cambion as she comes to a stop by the window, narrowing her eyes at the peaceful scenery outside. “Does anyone else feel that?” she finally questions. Rahim, Amari, and Zillah all pause, raising an eyebrow as they try to extend their surroundings. Amari shivers, sensing something, but it’s peculiarly subtle, like the calm right before a tornado strikes the land. Zillah senses something closer, a more than familiar figure whose presence he had accounted for. And Rahim, he feels the same as his sister, cautious and curious. The house grows quiet as everyone tries to figure out what’s about to happen and their feelings towards it. And with the stillness came understanding, a warning shout, and then an explosion. Fire surrounded them as Faye’s house burst into flames, and the screams from those within are all that is heard. <a data-passage="WDCK8_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/divider.png"> I groan as my vision swims, coming in and out as I take in the warm lit African aesthetic of the room in which I lie. I clench my eyes closed, hearing distant whispering as my senses come back to me. “Bow,” I hear Azrael growl from nearby, reminding me how I got here and what had just taken place, “you stand in the presence of Death.” My blood slows until it chills to a stop. This is where Azrael has brought me? Why?! Feeling returns to my body, and as I begin to push myself up to my knees, I see the bottom of a silk black robe. I follow the fabric up to take in the person who stands before me, a tall figure wearing a black button-up robe with a hood. I can’t see skin or any distinct facial features, but their eyes draw me in, showing me the universe in its entirety. The cosmos and the very essence that makes everything I know up. It all rests within the figure’s eyes, bringing even more life to the warm, homey room. “No need for that,” they say, their voice loud and commanding, they reach a hand out to me and though suspicious and wary of everything, I take it. With great strength, they help me to my feet, and out of the corner of my eye, I see that everyone has dropped to a knee to bow to the figure. So, this is Death. The longer I stare at them, the more I can see it, and fear grips my tongue, disabling me from speaking. Death grabs my shoulders and squeezes, offering me a warm smile from beneath the cape, “welcome home, my child.” [[To be continued ...]]
<img src="images/title.png"> Hello readers! I want to thank all of you so much for playing, showing your support on Tumblr,, and Patreon. If you have any kind of feedback/critique, then you can send them to my email: For sneak peeks, extra content, and all that jazz that I hope you consider supporting me through Patreon, or by donating to the project through And even if you can't, you can follow me on Tumblr for updates. To load in your Roe for Season 3. You will need to export the save by using the button below. Be sure to keep this save for when Season 3 comes out so that you can import it back in. <<set $RoeData to { name : $name, gender : $gender, trans : $trans, sex : $sex, chest : $chest, int : $int, s_att : $s_att, r_att : $r_att, injuries : $injuries, car : $car, cmajor : $cmajor, fightingstyle : $style, nerve : $nerve, honesty : $honesty, daring : $daring, serious : $serious, optimistic : $optimistic, stubborn : $stubborn, sympathy : $sympathy, pacifist : $pacifist, engineering : $engineering, charisma : $charisma, combat : $combat, perception : $perception, medical : $medical, creativity : $creativity, bartending : $bartending, supernatural : $supernatural, blades : $blades, guns : $guns, exorcise : $exorcise, darkburns : $darkburns, darktruth : $darktruth, darkcontrol : $darkcontrol, chris : $chris, sydero : $sydero, bradley : $bradley, zillah : $zillah, rahim : $rahim, amari : $amari, CRomance : $CRomance, SRomance : $SRomance, ZRomance : $ZRomance, RRomance : $RRomance, ARomance : $ARomance, ASRomance : $ASRomance, RCRomance : $RCRomance, poly : $poly, j2 : $j2, j3 : $j3, cbreak : $cbreak, cdone : $cdone, flirt_Chris : $flirt_Chris, flirt_Syd : $flirt_Syd, flirt_Rahim : $flirt_Rahim, flirt_Amari : $flirt_Amari, flirt_Zillah : $flirt_Zillah, a_fear : $a_fear, blood_fear : $blood_fear, m_fear: $m_fear, l_fear: $l_fear, curse_gluttony : $curse_gluttony, curse_wrath : $curse_wrath, curse_pride : $curse_pride, curse_greed : $curse_greed, curse_lust : $curse_lust, bcure : $bcure, dreamanimal : $dreamanimal, eyes : $eyes, hairlength : $hairlength, hairtype : $hairtype, haircolor : $haircolor, jealouschris : $jealouschris, uncledead : $uncledead, cp : $cp, chrissafe : $chrissafe, virgin : $virgin, virgin : $virgin, zsex : $zsex, nofling_no : $nofling_no, nofling_know : $nofling_know, uncleknows : $uncleknows, unclepicture : $unclepicture, bartendingknow : $ss_bartending, suicidal : $suicidal, slapthequeen : $slapthequeen, believer : $believer, bradleyhs : $bradleyhs, marked : $marked, dealisdone : $dealisdone, nnZ : $nnZ, boop : $boop, petri_alive : $petri_alive, }>>\ <<button 'Export the Data'>> <<export $RoeData 'RoeS2' 'base64'>> <</button>>
<<nobr>>\ <<set $justright = false; $elegant = false; $revealing = false; $leona to 0; $joinLeona = false; $breaknoclub = false; $rolandalive = false; $rolandjustice = true>> <<unset $rahimp, $chrisknows>> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/epthree.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> I feel like I’m drowning in my own self-inflicted pain. A type of pain that I could easily vanquish if only I knew how. The world around me is closing in with a wicked and knowing grin, pulling me deeper and deeper into a hole just wide enough for me to crawl out. All I have to do is try, but that’s the problem. Asserting even the tiniest bit of will causes my bones to ache. An oppressive pressure settling on my shoulders, every second growing denser. “$name!” My eyes shoot open as I look into a pair of leery eyes. Rahim takes a step back, and I remember where I am. Outside of a fast food and gas station combo building that we had decided to stop at. Being inside had soon proved too much for me, that and one look at Bradley had me hyperventilating. I had decided to come out here so that I could breathe, how long ago that was, I knew not. “Here, I brought you some water,” he tells me, passing me a water bottle. I take it with quiet gratitude and guzzle it down, breathing heavily as I rest my head back on the rough yet cold concrete. I can feel Rahim’s judgmental glare, and when I open my eyes, I find that he is none too shy about it. “What?” I growl, anger flaring up so easily due to stress, “don’t mess with me right now, Rahim. Especially since I don’t know how to control myself.” <<if $pacifist >=50>>I meant my words in more of a friendly warning than a threat, but the way Rahim’s eyes gleam over, I realize that he took them the wrong way.<<else>>My threat comes off far harsher than I originally meant for it to, and by the way Rahim’s eyes gleam over, I realize that he had definitely picked up on the tone.<</if>> “Then I’ll ask that you remember,” Rahim whispers, standing over me, his narrowed eyes never straying from mine, “who I am and what I’m capable of. Don’t mess with me either, $name.” [[“I can say the same.”][$rahim +=3]] [[“Yea, whatever.”][$rahim -=3]] <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“That’s the first thing I want to do,” I say with a teasing smirk.][$rahim -=3; $RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“That’s the first thing I want to do,” I say with a teasing smirk.][$rahim -=3; $RRomance +=1]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Yes, sir,” I say breathless.][$rahim +=3; $RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Yes, sir,” I say breathless.][$rahim +=3; $RRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“I can say the same, don’t you think?” I question, rising to meet his threat with my own. “You don’t even know what your powers are reacting to,” he reminds me, “and until you learn what you are, your powers will never reach their full potential.” He sighs and scratches his forehead as he takes several steps back. “Look, I’m sorry. I was asking for that kind of response with how I came at you. But I do hope you understand. I didn’t join this group just to have to protect myself and everyone else from you. Figure it out.” I say nothing to him, mostly because my mind was trying to figure out how Rahim could make a genuine apology sound so much like a threat, all at once. <<include "CR0">>
“Yea, whatever,” I mumble, my eyes on the ground as I try to scream without words that I just wanted to be left alone. He seems to get the memo because the next time I look up, he’s gone. <<include "CR0">>
“Ah, Rahim,” I chuckle, straightening the front of his shirt and wiping imaginary dust off of it, “the first thing I want to do is play with you.” My words put him at a disadvantage as he raises a brow. I’m about to try and take over the situation when he recovers, and with faster reflexes than I initially thought, grabs my wrist and pins it to the wall. He takes a step closer to me, “just know that I warned you.” With that, he releases me and walks back into the building. My heart beating rapidly and heat spreading through every inch of me. <<if $SRomance >=4>>I was beginning to figure out that the Theron twins had a thing for pining people up against walls. And I couldn’t exactly say that I was against it.<</if>> <<include "CR0">>
I’m acutely aware of how much closer Rahim was now. He had unknowingly taken a step closer, only a mere foot separating us as we stare into each other’s eyes. My mouth goes dry, and my body begins to yearn for something that I knew it wouldn’t receive, the fact that it was yearning period wasn’t a good sign. “Yes, sir,” I manage to say, watching him blink a couple of times, his body stiffening as his eyes dart from my eyes to my lips. The heat intensifies. Before I could get any ideas, though, he takes a step back and heads back into the building, leaving me there with my own issues to work out. <<include "CR0">>
I go to the car, suddenly not feeling hungry and certainly not wanting to be around other people at this time. I relax in the backseat, the seat I was sentenced to for most of the drive as I try to come to terms with what happened. I had hurt Bradley, and not on purpose either. I don’t even fully remember how I had done it. The only thing I know was that whatever was going on with me, it had decided right then and there to show itself. I had been having horrible headaches and painful flare-ups, only to lead to that. Now, the only reason I had a headache was because of my constant mental screaming for Zillah. I do it again, waiting for him to show himself, to even give me a clue that he was around. I still wasn’t sure about him and if he actually stayed within me or if he could leave whenever he liked. It wasn’t like he was going to answer my question either. I do one more scream, and when he doesn’t show himself, I give up. I play with my phone, going to contacts, and gazing over them. <<if $uncledead is false>>\ [[Call Uncle Matheus.]] <</if>>\ [[Call Faye.]] <<if $SRomance >=4>>\ [[Call Sydero.]] <</if>>\ [[Call no one.]]
I press my uncle’s name and pray that he would pick up. A piece of me wanted to visit him in Arlington before leaving Virginia, but it was much too dangerous now. I was no longer being hunted, but my power rearing its head like it did wasn’t exactly comforting. What would he think of me anyway? If I told him that I wasn’t human? That he might not even be my real uncle. My jaw locks as the thoughts work their way through my mind, undoing me. “$name!” a cheerful male voice shouts, “how many times do I have to say that I want to see your face pop up every week?” Despite my current mood, I chuckle. “Life is hectic. My bad.” “Don’t apologize. I just want to know you’re okay.” “What have you been up to?” “Work, sleeping, house cleaning. I found some baby pictures of you in the basement. Not appealing ones, though, your gigantic forehead took up most of the shots.” “You sure that’s me?” I ask, only realizing what I said once it’s too late. “What? Of course, it’s you. Do you know anyone else with a forehead this big?” A moment later, my phone vibrates to alert me of a text. I bring the phone back, and I’m unable to help the hearty laugh that escapes. My uncle had sent me a photo where smaller me seemed to have been trying to headbutt the camera. My forehead is large, and besides the edge of my hair, one could only make out my $eyes eyes. I stare at the photo for what seems like forever, wondering if past me would have ever believed this possible. What would ?he think? The conversation with my uncle continues on, mostly with me asking him questions and vaguely answering any for me. I hang up just as the others walk out of the building and come towards the car. <a data-passage="CR0_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I dial Faye’s number and hope that she was free to talk. I needed someone to talk to, and she was the only other person who I could think of. “$name,” I hear her say in greeting, “how are you?” “Are you asking that because you know what happened or no?” She sighs, and I can hear her take a sip of something, “I heard. Bradley called me what I suppose was a few hours after everything happened.” I don’t recall seeing or hearing Bradley doing such a thing, but I was also asleep for a good portion of the ride. “I …” I start, not knowing what to say. “Hey, it’s okay. You had no idea that this was going to happen. In fact, I’m almost happy that it did.” I pause, and she chuckles as she works to change her wording. “Well, I’m not happy that this incident in particular happened, but that some power showed itself. Most of the time, in situations where powers haven’t shown themselves, but the person realizes what they are, it leads to more devastating results. It’s like not knowing was keeping them safe. And then, as soon as they find out, everything blows up and – it’s just horrible.” The conversation from there is random. Talking about what’s been going on where she is and how Jeff is causing her to want to choke him, as well as thank him. I hang up just as the others walk out of the building and come towards the car. <a data-passage="CR0_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Knowing what I was about to be faced with, I call Sydero’s number and listen to the phone ring, waiting for someone to pick it up. I knew where she was, knew what this would lead to, and my heart still dared to break. As if it thought Sydero being gone was all an illusion, and this one call would prove that. “Hey,” I hear her voice say, and my heart lifts, “you probably got the wrong number. I’d advise you to redial and never call this number again.” Before the voicemail goes off, I can hear Bradley in the background, screaming at her that she did it wrong and that she needed to redo it. I hear her familiar huff and the call cuts. <<if $SRomance >=3>>\ I miss her. I miss her so much. As odd as it was, I missed her sarcasm and the looks she would spare me whenever something went wrong. The raised eyebrows and the desire that would burn in her eyes. The way her lips touched mine. I growl and shake my head. Stop, I needed to stop. Reminding myself of these things would only just hurt more until I found her. I put my phone away just as the others walk out of the building and come towards the car. <<else>>\ I miss her, why do I miss her? I put my phone away just as the others walk out of the building and come towards the car. <</if>>\ <<include "CR0_1">>
I put my phone down and make up my mind to call no one. I wasn’t in much of a mood to talk to anyone, especially if it possibly led to me being lectured. I choose to fiddle with the phone in my hands instead, my mind bouncing from one subject to the next. I only stop when I notice the others walking out of the building and heading back towards the car. <<include "CR0_1">>
Rahim motions for me to join them, and I do. Going to the front of the car as he places a large map against the hood and circles a city. <<if $bradley >=50>>Bradley follows behind him and comes to a stop right beside me. His close proximity immediately brings the memories of what had taken place a few hours before, back. A soft nudge to my core brings me back, and I tune back in to see Bradley giving me a crestfallen look.<<else>>Bradley follows behind him, hesitating when he saw the space between Rahim and me. Instead of occupying it, he goes to Rahim's left, farther away from the map but a good enough distance away from me it would seem.<</if>> “Chicago?” Bradley asks, raising a brow, “are you sure you want to go there?” “What’s in Chicago?” <<if $cp>>Chris asks<<else>>I ask<</if>>. “It’s a supernatural hotspot,” Rahim answers, “let’s say normal towns have about ten supernaturals at the most. Well, hotspot towns and cities have hundreds. These places have concentrated supernatural factions, and you’ll end up getting into occult politics if you’re not careful.” “Think New Orleans, Savannah, New York, Washington, and San Francisco, to name a few,” Bradley tells us. [[“Occult politics?”]] [[“And how do they get by?”]] [[“Supernatural factions?”]]
“Occult politics?” I question, “is that what I think it is?” Rahim clears his throat before saying, “most of the families that keep these places running are either tied up in the occult, or they are part of it. Chicago, for example, is technically run by an old werewolf family. The governor knows them, the police cooperate with them, and any other official works with them. Usually, hotspots have councils to make sure they keep the peace and a few trusted humans who make sure normal people don’t get caught up, and word gets out.” <<include "CR1">>
“And how do they all get by? I’d think resources would be limited, but you named high population places.” “Places that have a lot of tourism are bound to be hotspots,” Bradley tells me, “they typically have strict laws in place to keep the supernaturals in line. But that’s not to say that it always works. But the supernatural creatures you’d find in these places are a lot more organized than the ones we’ve come across.” <<include "CR1">>
“Supernatural factions? Like werewolf versus vampire?” “Sometimes werewolf versus werewolf versus werewolf,” Rahim tells me, “it’s too much to go into, but it’s an entirely different society and culture when it comes to the factions. They don’t behave like the creatures you’ve come across. It’s politics, century-old grudges, and everything else. If you can imagine humans fighting about it, then supernaturals will too, it’s just a lot bloodier and bad for the rest of us.” <<include "CR1">>
“Now,” Rahim continues, back to his original point, “getting into hell the way I know how isn’t easy. Every continent holds a gateway, and it changes every year. Also, a guardian oversees said gateway. Finding the gateway on our own is practically impossible, and so we’re going to have to talk to some people who probably know about it.” He pauses and looks each of us in the eye, “have you ever dealt with vampires before?” <<if $bradley >=50>>Beside me, <</if>>Bradley bristles, grumbling something under his breath. “Are they as bad as Hollywood makes them out to be?” I question, and Rahim lets out a soft chuckle, one that’s deep and wry. “They’re worse, actually. But I’ll let you make up your own mind about them.” He gazes around, pointing to the store. “Get everything you need before we go, we won’t be doing a lot of stopping from here to there. Bradley, you in front with me.” <<if $cp>>\ I bite the inside of my cheek, looking at Bradley, who intentionally avoids my eyes. We give Rahim a list of what we want, and he and Bradley go into the gas station, leaving me alone with Chris. [[“So, you were right.”]] [[“Here to say I told you so?”]] [[“Is Bradley doing okay?”]] [[Say nothing to him.]] <<else>>\ I bite the inside of my cheek, looking at Bradley, who intentionally avoids my eyes. I give Rahim a list of what I want, and he and Bradley go into the gas station, leaving me alone. I let go of a shaky breath, looking up at the darkening sky as if one of the emerging stars held an answer. I didn’t want to think about anything that had occurred. In fact, I wanted to behave like it never happened, a near-impossible thing to do since Bradley’s face always reminded me of my actions. Once they return, we get back in the car and continue on our way to Chicago. The conversation drifting to one conversation to another, though referring to it as a conversation was odd, as it never lasted for more than a minute. Most of it revolved around Chicago and why we were going there of all places, especially since we had more than eight hours to go. I relax in the seat, thankful that Rahim was now with us. He was a smart driver, had impeccable driving reflexes, and his no need for sleep made him the best driver for the job. I let the lo-fi music that he had cut on soothe my nerves and put me to sleep. If anything, I only hope that Zillah visits me to at least explain to me what was going on. <a data-passage="CR1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“So,” I begin, turning towards Chris, who seems surprised at me, “you were right. I’m a danger to those around me. And who knows what else.” “You say that like I wanted to be right,” Chris mumbles, cautiously coming to my side. “You aren’t? You seemed so sure back when we had that argument. Like there was no right or wrong, there was just your idea, and that was it.” <<include "CR1_0">>
“Here to say I told you so?” I question, leaning along the side of my car, dragging my finger down the metal door slowly. “You say that like I wanted to be right,” Chris mumbles, cautiously coming closer to my side. I see the hesitation and frown, looking away in an attempt to hide my expression. “You aren’t? You seemed so sure back when we had that argument. Like there was no right or wrong, there was just your idea, and that was it.” <<include "CR1_0">>
“Is Bradley doing okay? I … I haven’t really gotten a chance to ask him myself.” “You should talk to him,” Chris tells me, “he’s not as pissed off as you might think he is. He’s bothered at most, but he doesn’t blame you.” “But you do, I’m sure. I mean, you made all that clear multiple times.” <<include "CR1_0">>
I don’t speak a word to him, letting the silence drag on as we wait for the other two to return. “Nothing to say?” he questions, “or just nothing to say to me?” “A bit of both, I guess. You said everything back at Rahim’s house, and during the hunt.” <<include "CR1_0">>
He drags his hand down his face, looking up at the darkening sky, “I said a lot of shit that I didn’t mean, $name. I’ve done a lot of shit that I’m not really happy about. I don’t want you to think that I’m blaming you, or that I don’t see your side. If roles were reversed, then I don’t even think I could handle what you’re going through. But, they’re not, so you have to see how dangerous you can potentially be. I trust you, but look at what happened.” <<if $pacifist >=30>>“Don’t talk about it, please.” I don’t even want to think about it, I wanted to behave like it never happened, a near-impossible thing to do since Bradley’s face always reminded me of my actions. Chris opens his mouth to say something else but closes it, shaking his head and letting the conversation die.<<else>>“Alright, drop it.” I don’t even want to think about it, I wanted to behave like it never happened, a near-impossible thing to do since Bradley’s face always reminded me of my actions. Chris opens his mouth to say something else, but I send him a warning glare that declares I’m seconds away from socking him. He shakes his head and lets the conversation die.<</if>> “This is a talk we need to have,” Chris reminds me and I nod in agreement, I just didn’t want to have it right now. He seems to get that and backs off. Once the other two return, we get back in the car and continue on our way to Chicago. The conversation drifting to one topic after another, though referring to it as a conversation is odd, as it never lasts for more than a minute. Most of it revolves around Chicago and why we’re going there of all places, especially since we had more than eight hours to go. I relax in the seat, thankful that Rahim is now with us. He’s a smart driver, has impeccable driving reflexes, and his no need for sleep made him the best driver for the job. I let the lo-fi music that he cut on soothe my nerves and put me to sleep. If anything, I only hope that Zillah visits me to at least explain to me what’s going on. <a data-passage="CR1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Is it not obvious?” Zillah asks, appearing right as I think my last thought. The landscape shifts to one that resembles a building under construction, groups of beams leaning on pillars, debris littering the foundation, and red clay for miles in all directions. “Why is this area constantly shifting?” I question. “Did you really come here to talk about the infrastructure?” he chuckles, raising a brow, but he doesn’t move from his spot, which happens to be on a randomly placed box, odd amongst everything else. “I’m guessing you’re not surprised at what happened?” “Surprised isn’t the word I’d use. I was surprised when you decided to take it out on poor ol’ Bradley, and even a bit shocked when it decided to finally show itself. But that’s about it. Oh, I’m also surprised about what exactly took place. I had no idea you could get powers from that injury.” “The injury?” <<if $darktruth>>He points to his own cheek, and I realize that he’s talking about the scar that his predecessor had left.<<elseif $darkburn>>He outstretches both of his arms, and I realize that he’s talking about the burn marks that his predecessor had left.<<else>>He points to the side of his chest, and I realize that he’s talking about the mark over my chest that his predecessor had left.<</if>> “That’s what happened? This thing is supernatural?” “I suppose it is. The spirit who gave it to you, I assume, was a little too handsy. It was just one of a list of many that got them killed in the end. I always wondered if it would mean anything, I got my answer.” “What does it do?” He sits quietly, that cartoon-like smile appearing over his dark and endless face. [[“Damnit, Zillah, tell me!”]] [[“Come on, please.”]]
“Damnit, Zillah, tell me!” “I think I’m more interested in seeing how far you think you’ll get with that tone of voice,” he snickers. <<include "CR1_1_1">>
“Come on, please. I’m completely in the dark here. What if this ends up killing me?” “Oh, it won’t do that. It might make you weaker and weaker, but I see that as more of a plus than a negative.” <<include "CR1_1_1">>
<<if $entitytakeover>>\ He’s silent for a while, gazing at one of his oily tendrils, “I’ll make you a deal, $name. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. What your powers can do, how to control them, and how to use them to benefit instead of hinder you and that ugly little attitude of yours. In return, you just have to open up your mind.” [[“How does that work exactly?”][$zillah +=2]] [[“That’s a gigantic red flag.”][$zillah -=2]] <<if $flirt_Zillah>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Ah, you think my attitude is ugly?”][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah -=3]]</span><<else>>[[“Ah, you think my attitude is ugly?”][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah -=3]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<else>>\ He’s silent for a while, gazing at one of his oily tendrils, “I’ll make you a deal, $name. You give me permission to control you and I’ll teach you everything you need to know. What your powers can do, how to control them, and how to use them to benefit instead of hinder you.” [[“So your second attempt, huh?”][$zillah -=2]] [[“Not this again.”][$zillah +=2]] <<if $flirt_Zillah>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“You had me at control me.”][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah +=2]]</span><<else>>[[“You had me at control me.”][$ZRomance +=1; $zillah +=2]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“How does that work exactly? What do I have to do?” “You have to do nothing,” he tells me with a casual wave of his hand, “I’ll take care of it. Completely harmless, in a way, this is a one-sided deal.” “I highly doubt that. You wouldn’t have said it otherwise.” He winks at me, “I just need permission.” I begin to pace, going over what he told me which wasn’t much. I would need to open my mind, something that he claimed he could do. On the one hand, I have no idea what that means and what it would mean for me in the future. But I had given him permission to take control of my body whenever he wanted to, and he’s done a decent job of not making a habit out of it. He was willing to help me control and understand this. The question was, did I trust him? I open my mouth to respond when he lifts a finger to stop me, “think on it.” With a large smile, he snaps his fingers, and I find myself back in the backseat of my car, the midnight air streaming in through the minorly cracked windows. The sound of Rahim’s music still moves through the car, but the backlight on the dashboard and the light of the car’s radio display was bathed in darkness. <a data-passage="CR1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“That’s a gigantic red flag if I ever saw one,” I point out, and he shrugs his shoulders before casually waving my worries away like they were some form of pest. “Look at it however you want. Just know that this is a fair deal, and the ball is in your court.” “I highly doubt that. You wouldn’t have said it otherwise.” He winks at me, “I just need permission.” I begin to pace, going over what he told me which wasn’t much. I would need to open my mind, something that he claimed he could do. On the one hand, I have no idea what that means and what it would mean for me in the future. But I had given him permission to take control of my body whenever he wanted to, and he’s done a decent job of not making a habit out of it. He was willing to help me control and understand this. The question was, did I trust him? I open my mouth to respond when he lifts a finger to stop me, “think on it.” With a large smile, he snaps his fingers, and I find myself back in the backseat of my car, the midnight air streaming in through the minorly cracked windows. The sound of Rahim’s music still moves through the car, but the backlight on the dashboard and the light of the car’s radio display was bathed in darkness. <a data-passage="CR1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Ah, you think my attitude ugly?” I jest. He rolls his eyes, “it’s certainly not attractive.” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “I guess I’ll have to do something about that, now won’t I?” “Like lose it altogether,” he mumbles, not picking up on the flirtatious tone that I was using. After a while of thinking, I’m partly happy that he couldn’t. Why was I flirting with the spirit that was obviously using me for his own nefarious reasons? And again, spirit. <<else>>\ “Well, neither is having some strange creature in my head that thinks he can control me. And neither you nor your attitude is exactly what I would call attractive.” “Oh, you wound me,” he says dramatically and sarcastically, “as if I’ve never heard those words before. Look, do you want to accept the deal or not.” <</if>>\ I begin to pace, going over what he told me which wasn’t much. I would need to open my mind, something that he claimed he could do. On the one hand, I have no idea what that means and what it would mean for me in the future. But I had given him permission to take control of my body whenever he wanted to, and he’s done a decent job of not making a habit out of it. He was willing to help me control and understand this. The question was, did I trust him? I open my mouth to respond when he lifts a finger to stop me, “think on it.” With a large smile, he snaps his fingers, and I find myself back in the backseat of my car, the midnight air streaming in through the minorly cracked windows. The sound of Rahim’s music still moves through the car, but the backlight on the dashboard and the light of the car’s radio display was bathed in darkness. <a data-passage="CR1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Ah, so this is your second attempt, huh?” “Is that what it seems like? Then that’s what it is.” “And what makes you think I’ll agree now when I didn’t agree then?” He chuckles mirthlessly, “then, you always had that ounce of hope that someone besides me could save you. Now? Well, the only one who can help you is me.” I think over what he told me, which wasn’t much. I would need to give him permission to be able to control me, something that he already asked for once. The real question was what he would do if I gave him permission. Would he constantly take over whenever he wanted to? And what would happen to me? But, could I afford to say no? I open my mouth to respond when he lifts a finger to stop me, “think on it.” With a large smile, he snaps his fingers, and I find myself back in the backseat of my car, the midnight air streaming in through the minorly cracked windows. The sound of Rahim’s music still moves through the car, but the backlight on the dashboard and the light of the car’s radio display was bathed in darkness. <a data-passage="CR1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Oh, not this again. You really don’t ever give up, do you?” I question, and he shrugs his shoulders. “I’m a glass half-full kind of guy.” “And what makes you think I’ll agree now when I didn’t agree then?” He chuckles mirthlessly, “then, you always had that ounce of hope that someone besides me could save you. Now? Well, the only one who can help you is me.” I think over what he told me, which wasn’t much. I would need to give him permission to be able to control me, something that he already asked for once. The real question was what he would do if I gave him permission. Would he constantly take over whenever he wanted to? And what would happen to me? But, could I afford to say no? I open my mouth to respond when he lifts a finger to stop me, “think on it.” With a large smile, he snaps his fingers, and I find myself back in the backseat of my car, the midnight air streaming in through the minorly cracked windows. The sound of Rahim’s music still moves through the car, but the backlight on the dashboard and the light of the car’s radio display was bathed in darkness. <a data-passage="CR1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I snicker and with a flirtatious grin, say, “you had me at control me.” He starts to reply before stopping, as if only now did he realize what I had said. “If I didn’t know any better, $name, I’d say you were flirting with me.” <<if $zillah >=50>>\ “Teasing, flirting, there are many words for it.” He suddenly appears beside me, his narrowed eyes looking straight into mine. “Careful, $name, careful. Now, is it a deal or not?” <<else>>\ “Well, no one exactly gave you the award for being the smartest cookie in the jar,” I snort, rolling my eyes and dropping my previous tone, “I was being sarcastic, but your horny mind probably didn’t pick up on that.” “You know, you’re terrible at this flirting thing, perhaps we can work on it after you answer my initial question. Deal or no deal, $name?” <</if>>\ I think over what he told me which wasn’t much. I would need to give him permission to be able to control me, something that he already asked for once. The real question was what he would do if I gave him permission. Would he constantly take over whenever he wanted to? And what would happen to me? But, could I afford to say no? I open my mouth to respond when he lifts a finger to stop me, “think on it.” With a large smile, he snaps his fingers, and I find myself back in the backseat of my car, the midnight air streaming in through the minorly cracked windows. The sound of Rahim’s music still moves through the car, but the backlight on the dashboard and the light of the car’s radio display was bathed in darkness. <a data-passage="CR1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I can just barely make out the sleeping figure of Bradley<<if $cp>>, and of Chris whose neck was going to be full of cricks come morning.<<else>>.<</if>> I rub my eyes, shaking my head as the conversation with Zillah rewinds. Think about it, seriously? Though, I suppose that was the smart thing to do. Could I really afford to not learn about these newly forming powers? Could I even trust Zillah to stay true to the deal? And what was I really giving up in return? “You keep thinking that hard, and I might be able to hear your thoughts in a while,” I hear Rahim chuckle, breaking the peace of the ride. “How’d you know I was awake?” “I felt the energy in the car shift.” “Are you really that in tune with energy? How is that possible?” “I’m not as powerful as I could be, but being balanced means that I end up being very in tune with things around me. It’s just a perk. Empathy.” [[“So you can read me?”]] [[“Sydero was the opposite.”]] [[“What’s the most powerful you’ve been?”]]
“So, you can read me?” I question. “A little. I would have to get to know you better to be able to go deeper, but right now, yes due to how strongly you feel.” “Try me.” “Agitation, confusion, doubt. And a little bit of anger. If I knew you well enough, then I could go even deeper and see the smaller emotions and even who or what their intended target is.” “Is there a way for you to not do that?” Rahim chuckles, “no. I’ve tried to shut it off, but it’s just one of the perks, or curses, to being balanced. Have you spoken to Bradley yet?” <<include "CR1_2_1">>
“Sydero was the opposite. It always seemed like she skipped being balanced and was either too human or too demonic.” “Can’t say I’m surprised. For all that she claims to know, she hasn’t really figured out how to balance herself. Honestly, I doubt she ever tried.” “Is it hard?” “Is what hard?” “Balancing oneself.” “Yes and no. Think of it like going a certain speed in a car. It’s easy to fluctuate, going from fifty to forty-nine to fifty-one and higher. But, once you get the hang of it, understand just how much pressure is needed, you got it. Sydero never took the time out to learn how much pressure is needed.” I snort, “trust me, I know. The woman drives like she’s always late.” Rahim hums in acknowledgment. “Have you spoken to Bradley yet?” <<include "CR1_2_1">>
“What’s the most powerful you’ve been?” Much like when Rahim had said he felt the energy in the car shift, I felt a slight change as well. As if Rahim had just closed himself up, making sure nothing could get in or out. “I’d rather not talk about it or dredge up those memories.” I honor his want and drop the conversation. “Have you spoken to Bradley yet?” <<include "CR1_2_1">>
My eyes dart over to the sleeping boy, and I groan, leaning back in the seat, “no. And don’t ask why. I really don’t know.” “He thinks it’s his fault. Saying that if he wasn’t that close, then it wouldn’t have happened.” “Oh jeez,” I sigh. <<if $bcure>>\ “That’s not all. He also said that if he could just tell you that he’s alright, then you wouldn’t keep blaming yourself. But he’s afraid that you’ll push him away.” “Can you put a temporary block over that?” I question, knowing the answer but feeling far too irritated to not ask. “Only one block at a time, I’m afraid.” <<else>>\ “That’s not all. He also said that if he could just tell you that he’s alright, then you wouldn’t keep blaming yourself. But he’s afraid that you’ll push him away. Even teared up a little.” “Shit,” I sigh, “if I had let you do that temporary block thing … would this have gone better?” “Maybe. Though I doubt it. It just seems like he can’t catch a break.” “You’re telling me.” <</if>>\ I rest my head on the seat, closing my eyes to actually get some sleep. Though, the lingering deal that Zillah offered me is all that I can think of. <img src="images/divider.png"> Wolves howling fill the night sky, causing the girl to jerk around as she eyes the endless empty haze above her. She grumbles to herself, wondering why she’s looking up. Would bats rain down upon her, because werewolves certainly can’t fly. She pushed herself to continue on, the bags in her hands growing heavier with every step. She has been nothing but a tightly wound ball of nerves the entire trip. She doesn’t see why she needs to go into town. Or why her parents seem so keen on returning to this terror-filled city where every single person wants them dead. She’s ninety, if not the full one hundred, percent sure that whatever called for her parents to return, was all part of a trap. They told her that they still had allies, but she has yet to see any sign of them. For some reason, she understood something that neither of her parents did. They had no allies, they never did. <a data-passage="CR1_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
She crossed the street, her senses on high alert as her hair stands on end. Something is wrong. She sniffs the air and looks around at her location, everything seems fine. People mill about like they always do on a Thursday night in downtown Chicago. The streets are hardly ever empty, something that she liked about it. For her anyway, she feels like she isn’t totally alone when she’s walking the streets, even when she knew she was. But at that exact moment, she felt surrounded. She picks up her step, shuffling through crowds and winding down streets she wished were less familiar. She froze, a figure standing in front of her catching her attention. To anyone else, he was just some attractive guy who was out just like them. But she could smell him, she could detect what he was and what pack he belonged to. She could sense his bloodlust and his hatred for her. If he could have it his way, he would be tearing her apart right then and there. But unlike her, he isn’t alone. She picks up multiple smells, all of them getting closer and closer. She feels nauseous, suddenly, being surrounded by people is the last thing she wants. She doesn’t have many options, she’s surrounded on all sides, and her senses are heightening, warning her of the impending trouble. And so, she does the one thing she’s good at. She flees. Though everyone knows that you should never run from a dog during the hunt. <img src="images/divider.png"> I slide the card we’re given into the slot and open the door, eyes widening when we walk into the spruced-up hotel room that Rahim paid for. It cost <<if $cp>>both Chris and I an arm and a leg<<else>>me an arm and a leg<</if>> just to get Sydero to consider paying for motels. I hadn’t said anything to Rahim, in fact, he didn’t even look bothered when the woman told him how much it was going to be for the five nights he asked for. <a data-passage="CR1_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“A guy can get used to this,” <<if $cp>>Chris laughs as he goes to one of the beds and jumps on it. Bradley opens the door that connects the two rooms up, looking around, and after being satisfied that they’re similar, relaxes.<<else>>Bradley sighs happily as he goes to one of the beds and jumps on it.<</if>> “The fact that you’re excited about a three-star hotel is quite frightening,” Rahim tells him. “You’re used to this?” I ask, “how do you even pay for it?” “I told you, I’m not a hunter or a specialist. I’m more of a bodyguard, I get paid. I just choose to save money more often than spend it.” “Well, living in an abandoned house that you don’t have to pay bills on probably helps,” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> points out, and I chuckle. “Yes, that and not having to pay a car note.” With a good-natured shrug, Rahim leaves to put his bag down in the other room. [[Check out the view.]] [[Rest on the bed.]] [[Check out the rest of the room.]]
I wander over to the window and gaze out, straining my neck to see if I could catch some of the skyscrapers that surround us. The hotel was nestled amidst the city. In the distance, I could barely make out Millennium Park. I was far more interested in seeing what this view looked like at night, with all the grand artificial lighting. <<include "CR1_4_1">>
I lay on the bed, sighing and welcoming the change from hard car seats to the soft, comfortable mattress. We didn’t know how long we would be here, but five nights in a bed like this sounded like bliss. For a mere minute, I was able to forget about every daunting thing that was happening. Every small relationship flaw that surrounded my companions and me, the whole idea of there being a spirit dwelling inside of me. For just that minute, it was me and this bed, and the opportunity to see Chicago. <<include "CR1_4_1">>
I check out the rest of the room, pausing at each little thing as if I had never been in a hotel room before. A small flat screen tv was mounted on the wall, underneath that was a mini-fridge, drawers, and a microwave in one of the dresser’s cubby space. A desk sat beside the wide dresser and a large closet beside that. The bathroom, though small, was shining and had a spotless tub. <<include "CR1_4_1">>
Rahim hardly gives us time to settle into our new location, calling us into the main room. “So the group we’re meeting is going to be at the club tonight, like always. We’ll have to meet them there. Do you guys have club going clothes?” “Can I be excused since I’m obviously not the target audience here?” Bradley questions, and Rahim nods. We all watch as he goes over to the desk and sets his laptop down, beginning to hook a series of devices up to it that causes me to raise a brow. <<if $cp>>\ “I don’t have any club going clothes,” Chris tells him, and I nod to say that I was in the same boat. I hardly had a closet full of clothes to start off with. Since we’ve started down this road, we’ve gone shopping for clothes maybe two or three times, most of the time buying nothing but practical items. Rahim nods as if he could have expected this. He takes out his phone and checks something before looking at the two of us. “Well then, come on. We don’t have that much time before we need to head to that club, and they have a semi-strict dress code.” “How much are we going to owe you before the night’s up?” Chris ponders aloud, Rahim rolling his eyes. “Nothing, now come on.” He didn’t have to tell me twice. <a data-passage="CR1_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “I don’t have any club going clothes,” I tell him. I hardly have a closet full of clothes to start off with. Since we’ve started down this road, I’ve gone shopping for clothes maybe two or three times, most of the time buying nothing but practical items. Rahim nods as if he could have expected this. He takes out his phone and checks something before looking up at me. “Well then, come on. We don’t have that much time before we need to head to that club, and they have a semi-strict dress code.” [[“How much am I going to owe you?”][$rahim +=3]] [[“How much money do you have?”][$rahim -=5]] [[“Just know that I don't owe you shit.”][$rahim -=5]] <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“You can spoil me any day.”][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“You can spoil me any day.”][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“First, the hotel, now a small shopping trip? How much am I going to owe you by the time this is over with, Rahim?” He shrugs his shoulders as he goes, “as much as you want to owe me, $name. I’m not really asking for you to pay me back.” If anyone else would have said that, I would immediately believe they were lying. But somehow, I doubt Rahim would, especially about something he was treating so small. <<include "CR1_5">>
“I’m dying to know now, how much money do you have saved away?” “I suppose it would be a lot. Like I said, I don’t spend it unless I need to or want to. And my services don’t come cheap.” “So am I talking to an undercover millionaire?” “I wouldn’t say undercover. If someone asks, I’ll tell them. I don’t exactly care.” I could figure that out by the tone of his voice, he was practically rich, and he spoke about it like it was such an irrelevant thing. <<include "CR1_5">>
I send him my most flirtatious smile, “you know, Rahim, you can spoil me any day.” “So, today then?” he asks plainly, with no rise or fall or mention of my flirtatious attitude. “Yea, I guess so,” I say with a sigh. He points to the door, and I roll my eyes. <<include "CR1_5">>
I level my glare on him and wrinkle my nose as I glance away when his gaze meets mine, “just know that I don’t owe you shit, alright? You volunteered, so don’t even think about holding this over me in the future.” “One would think you’ve never gotten a gift before,” Rahim smirks, daring me to answer. Saying yes would make me look like some inconsiderate brat while saying no would welcome pity and further discussion about why that was. I’d rather leave it. <<include "CR1_5">>
We grab a taxi, Rahim taking the lead naturally. I watch as downtown Chicago flies by. The area is surrounded by nothing but skyscrapers, buildings that wish they can be skyscrapers, and cars. I try to imagine what living here would be like, listening to the noises that come naturally with cities and seeing the sights that accompany them. It seems distant, but not so distant. We head to a shopping plaza and Rahim backs down, looking to <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to figure out where <<if $cp>>we<<else>>I<</if>> wanted to go. I walk past store after store, each looking more intimidating than the next. One store, I think is more of my speed until I watch a group of upper-class citizens walk out like they owned the world. In a way, I’m sure they do. They hardly spare my group a glance, and I eye what we each have on. Rahim looks as comfortable as always in joggers, sandals, and a hoodie vest that was currently sheltering his hands. I, myself, wear some jeans and a casual t-shirt. <<if $cp>>Chris is dressed in jeans and a classic white t-shirt with an open jacket over it. His hair is raised up as if he had forgotten to brush it this morning, which is probably true.<</if>> [[“Anyone else feel completely out of their element?”]] [[“What is this dress code anyway?”]] [[“I think I want to live at that food court.”]]
“Anyone else feels completely out of their element?” I question. <<if $cp>>\ I turn to face the others, and Chris raises his hand almost immediately. Rahim glances back and forth at us. Either he was baffled, or he secretly lived a life of lavish, the latter I doubt seeing that his main safehouse was an abandoned house. “Come on,” Rahim starts and motions for us to follow him, “I got a store in mind.” <<else>>\ I turn to face Rahim, and he glances back at me. “Just me then, huh?” I sigh. <</if>>\ <<include "CR1_5_1">>
“What even is this dress code? It might help narrow down which store is the right store.” He pokes out his bottom lip and looks to be mentally kicking himself for not explaining it earlier, “nightclub wear, obviously. But the area we’ll be in, they want you to be dressed a little bawdier. The more skin you show, the better, but they also expect you to do it elegantly.” <<if $cp>>\ “So something only vampires can really pull off?” Chris questions. “I’ve seen my fair share of weres who manage it as well, but yes.” <<else>>\ “How does one dress like they’re about to be in a porn video and make it look elegant?” “Trust me,” he chuckles, “I doubted it being possible until I went. It is very much possible.” <</if>>\ <<include "CR1_5_1">>
“I don’t know about you, but I think I want to live at that food court and never leave.” “I’ve actually never tried the food there,” Rahim tells me, boringly dragging his foot back and forth along the carpeted floor. “Don’t need sleep and don’t need to eat?” “I need food a little more than I need to sleep, but yes.” <<include "CR1_5_1">>
“Come on,” Rahim starts and motions for me to follow him, “I got a store in mind.” Rahim leads us into a store whose lighting was dim and whose mannequins seem to have more class than your average citizen. On one side are racks on top of racks of beautiful dresses, jumpsuits, rompers, and suits for women. On the other, suits and different outfits for the guys. It was evident that the store catered more towards the woman, especially since the woman’s area took up most of the area. I start looking for something to wear, browsing the racks and asking <<if $cp>>the others what they<<else>>Rahim what he<</if>> thought as I go. I try a number of the outfits I grab on, finally deciding to go with a … <<if $gender is "male">>\ [[Oxford button down and khakis.][$elegant = true]] [[Dropped armhole muscle tank with chino shorts.][$revealing = true]] [[Deep V see through shirt with leather pants.][$justright = true]] <<elseif $gender is "female">>\ [[Lace bra, leather jacket, and high waisted shorts with tights.][$justright = true]] [[Black slashed mini dress.][$revealing = true]] [[One shoulder jumpsuit.][$elegant = true]] <<else>>\ [[Black slashed mini dress.][$revealing = true]] [[Oxford button down and khakis.][$elegant = true]] [[Short V-neck romper.][$justright = true]] <</if>>\
I went with a standard Oxford patterned button down and khakis with some dress shoes. Nothing too fancy, and definitely not something revealing. I know what Rahim said but I just wasn’t comfortable with showing tons of skin. <<include "CR1_5_2">>
I end up deciding to go with a dark grey dropped armhole muscle tank top that shows off enough to get anyone’s imagination to stir about what rested underneath, and pair it with denim blue chinos. Rahim said revealing was the way to go and so I went as far as I could possibly take it, besides not entering without a shirt. <<include "CR1_5_2">>
I go with a black deep V see-through lace shirt and a pair of leather pants. The leather pants gave the outfit a rough edge, while the deep V lace shirt pretty much took care of the revealing, yet elegant part that Rahim had told me about earlier. <<include "CR1_5_2">>
I end up combining a bunch of things that I liked. A nice leather jacket that was made of real leather, a sexy lace bra with tights that were the same pattern, and high waisted shorts. Rahim said elegant and revealing was the way to go and I think I was doing a great job with making sure both of those boxes were ticked off properly. <<include "CR1_5_2">>
I finally decide on a black slashed mini dress that stops at the upper part of my thighs. The back is missing, the sleeves are spaghetti straps, and both sides have different sized slashes in them to make sure that imaginations soar. It at least covers Rahim’s revealing dress code part. <<include "CR1_5_2">>
After a lot of looking, I finally find the perfect fit for me with a very stylish one shoulder jumpsuit, classic black. It would entirely hide my feet, stopping just enough for me to walk without tripping. The sleeve was missing off the right side and the present sleeve on the left stops at my elbow. It wasn’t revealing but it was elegant, and I was okay with that. I wasn’t okay with showing everything off to a bunch of supernatural strangers anyway. <<include "CR1_5_2">>
I fall in love with the short V-neck romper that stops at my thighs and clings tightly to everything else. It cuts off right before anything chest related could be exposed, and though it was revealing, it could easily be worn to a fancy event, meaning that it checked off the elegant box to in my books. <<include "CR1_5_2">>
We approach the cashier to pay, her eyes taking us in as she grimaces and seems to make up her mind about us. As soon as she scans the items, she glances up at us with a smirk. “That’s going to be <<if $cp>>$854<<else>>$654<</if>> in total.” [[Keep calm.]] [[Curse.]] [[Whelp, time to return these.]]
I keep calm, my face giving nothing away as Rahim hands his card over without even blinking. The woman takes it, swipes it, and looks ready to say that it’s been declined when the machine accepts it, and the money is transferred. With a half gaping mouth, she hands the card back to Rahim and sends him a charming smile. She opens her mouth to say something, but he grabs the bags and walks away before she can utter another word. <<include "CR1_5_3">>
“What the hell? I better be able to fly and learn the true meaning of life with that price,” I say with wide eyes, gaping at the price that shows up on the register. The woman sneers at me as Rahim hands his card over without even blinking. The woman takes it, swipes it, and looks ready to say that it’s been declined when the machine accepts it, and the money is transferred. With a half gaping mouth, she hands the card back to Rahim and sends him a charming smile. She opens her mouth to say something, but he grabs the bags and walks away before she can utter another word. <<include "CR1_5_3">>
I move to grab the clothes that had been bagged, trying to figure out if I should just leave them there or actually return them. “What are you doing?” Rahim asks, raising a brow as he stops my actions. “Uh,” is all I say as he hands his card over without even blinking. The woman takes it, swipes it, and looks ready to say that it’s been declined when the machine accepts it, and the money is transferred. With a half gaping mouth, she hands the card back to Rahim and sends him a charming smile. She opens her mouth to say something, but he grabs the bags and walks away before she can utter another word. <<include "CR1_5_3">>
We leave the store, and after grabbing some lunch, head back to the hotel to get ready. We disappear, each of us trying to get prepared. I look myself over in the mirror, knowing what I was getting ready for, it felt less like a job and more like a night out with friends. We were about to go clubbing, though I suppose we were just about to enter the club, and that was going to be all. <a data-passage="CR1_5_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>As I begin to get ready, I start to wonder if one of the others would want to help. Bradley isn’t joining us, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be open to being part of the experience. It would probably be a good time for us to talk to one another, settle whatever is between us. Or I can ask Chris. In the past, we did things like this a ton of times before going out, so he already knows what to expect. <<if $CRomance >=5>>But that was before feelings got involved and … everything else. If I wanted his genuine reaction to how I looked, it would be better to not call him.<<else>>It would also be an opportune moment to try and bury the hatchet with him.<</if>><<else>>As I begin to get ready, I start to wonder if one of the others would want to help. And by others I meant Bradley, he isn’t joining us, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be open to being part of the experience. It would probably be a good time for us to talk to one another, settle whatever is between us.<</if>> [[Get ready on my own.]] [[Ask Bradley for help.]] <<if $cp>>[[Ask Chris for help.]]<</if>>
I decide to get ready on my own, taking a shower, then getting dressed, and finally settling my attention on everything that comes after. Once done in the bathroom, I go and pull on my shoes and tell myself that this would be fun. The first fun thing in a while, at least. For at least this night, I would move Zillah’s deal and the doom and gloom of life to the back of my mind. <a data-passage="CR2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
After taking a shower and putting on a t-shirt and lounge shorts, I call Bradley in. He peeks his head in, his eyes downcast. “What’s up with you?” “Oh, nothing,” he lies, sighing and rolling his eyes at himself, “I don’t want to go, trust me. But I feel like I’m going to be bored out of my mind here.” I chuckle as I turn to him, “Rahim told you not to hack anything?” “Rahim told me not to hack anything!” he shouts, “can you believe that? Like what else am I supposed to do?” [[“Video chat with Hillary?”]] [[“Gaming?”]] [[“Just relax?”]]
After taking a shower and putting on a t-shirt and lounge shorts, I call Chris in. He peeks his head in a few minutes later, eyebrow raised in bafflement. “You called?” “Want to help me get ready?” I start, “you know, like old times?” <<if $CRomance >=5>>There’s a shadow of doubt, and I turn my back just in case he wants to leave without raising a fuss. But in the end, he nods,<<else>> He nods,<</if>> though he kicks me out so that he could take a shower before the two of us officially started to get ready. Once he’s done, we both go into the bathroom and prepare, Chris staring at his hair while I put on lotion. “Remember that one time we decided to get turnt up before we went out? We were drunk before we even left the suite?” [[“You mean you were drunk.”]] [[“Oh yea, that night was great.”]] [[“I told you that was a bad idea.”]]
“That Hillary girl we met back in Bladenboro, do you still talk to her? Why not video chat her?” <<if $bcure>>\ “Huh, that might actually be a great idea,” he says, tapping his chin in deep thought. <<else>>\ “I don’t know. She’ll ask what’s wrong and I’m not ready to talk to anybody about that. I’m still trying to get over it myself.” “Healing isn’t done that quickly, buddy. I say go for it, get your mind off of it.” He pouts but nods. <</if>>\ <<include "CR1_5_5">>
“I feel like it’s been a while since you kicked some ass in the gaming world, why not that?” “Huh, that might be smart. If I get rusty, then it’s all over for me and my reputation. Yea, I think I’ll do that.” <<include "CR1_5_5">>
“Just relax. Let your mind wander and enjoy the peace and quiet.” <<if $bcure>>\ “Yea, that sounds like it could be fun. Order room service and watch nothing but a bunch of movies. Huh, I guess you’re right, that sounds great.” <<else>>\ “It’s during the quiet that my mind goes to things that I don’t want it,” Bradley tells me in a soft voice. “Cut a movie on and order room service. Just let go though.” He pouts but nods his head. <</if>>\ <<include "CR1_5_5">>
“Anyway, do you want to help me get ready?” His attitude seems to pick up a bit at that, and he nods, going to the bag with my clothes in it and taking them out to get a better look. “Whoa, exactly what kind of club are you guys going to?” “Rahim said that the dress code was to be as revealing as possible but to do it elegantly.” <<if $justright>>“Well, I think you’ve met those requirements. This outfit seems like a good mix of both.”<<elseif $elegant>>“Well, I think you’ve met the elegant requirements, it doesn’t seem that revealing though.”<<else>>“Well, I think you’ve met the revealing part. I wouldn’t say this is elegant, but maybe I don’t know elegance when I see it.”<</if>> He peeks his head into the bathroom as I focus on preparing, “are you trying to impress someone with this outfit?” <<if $cp and $flirt_Chris>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“A guy you know as Chris.”|ImpressChris][$CRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“A guy you know as Chris.”|ImpressChris][$CRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Rahim, actually.”][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Rahim, actually.”][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $flirt_Syd>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Heh, if only Sydero was here.”][$SRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Heh, if only Sydero was here.”][$SRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[“Yes. Everybody.”]] [[“Naw, no one.”]]
“If I recall correctly, you were the one drunk, and I had to practically drag you around because you refused to stay home,” I remind him, and he laughs, running his hand through his wet hair. “That was the one night I could get our names on the list to that club. I wasn’t about to let that go to waste just because I was a little tipsy.” “Tipsy my ass,” I laugh, squirting some lotion on my hand before launching it at him, “you were stone-cold drunk!” The two of us laugh as we stand there, silence slowly setting back in. <<include "CR1_5_6">>
“Oh yea, that night was great. I only remember the beginning. After we took shots at that first club, I forget what else took place. I know I remember watching someone streak, I just don’t know who.” “Oh, that was you. I remember.” “What? No, I’d think I’d remember streaking.” He looks at me with a raised brow, his expression asking me if I really would. I laugh as I squirt some lotion on my hand and then launch it at him. He’s unable to dodge, and we both laugh as we stand there, silence slowly setting back in. <<include "CR1_5_6">>
“I told you that was a bad idea,” I point out, and he rolls his eyes. “You said that after I had about three tequila shots in my system.” “And you should’ve stopped there. But no, you just had to keep going.” The two of us laugh as we stand there, silence slowly setting back in. <<include "CR1_5_6">>
His hands grip the sides of the sink as he stares down at the countertop, “what happened to us?” “You became an asshole, and I became a supernatural,” I mumble, trying to not sound solemn and upset over my own words. “Yea … $name, those things I said …” “Right now isn’t the time to apologize, Chris. I think the conversation goes deeper than that. And it’s not //just// what you said,” I remind him, but he doesn’t seem to agree. “For now, let’s just have a nice night.” We go back to getting ready, conversation shifting from one small topic to the next. When I walk back into the bathroom with my outfit on, Chris pauses and raises a brow. He lets out a long whistle and nods his head in awe. “Whose eye are you trying to catch?” he chuckles, using some gel to style his hair. <<if $cp and $flirt_Chris>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“This one guy ...”|ImpressChris][$CRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“This one guy ...”|ImpressChris][$CRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Rahim, actually.”][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Rahim, actually.”][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $flirt_Syd>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Heh, if only Sydero was here.”][$SRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Heh, if only Sydero was here.”][$SRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\ [[“Yes. Everybody.”]] [[“Naw, no one.”]]
<<if hasVisited("Ask Bradley for help.")>>\ “Yea, this one guy you know as Chris, hoping to get some kind of reaction out of him. What do you think?” “I guess it depends on how you look when you’re ready to have a night on the town. It’s weird, but I don’t think I remember ever seeing you … try.” “Well, damn, Bradley. Thanks.” He snickers, “you know what I mean. I think it’ll be weird seeing you all actually looking dressed up and whatnot.” He sways back and forth on his heel, “is there anything you need my help with.” <<if $hairlength is "bald">>I shake my head and get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<<else>>“Hairstyle?” Bradley joins me in the bathroom as we go back and forth with potential hairstyles, both of us finally agreeing on one and him helping me make the idea become a reality. I get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR1_5_6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “This one guy you might know.” Chris doesn’t reply, but he does glance over at me, raising a brow. “Blue eyes, dark brown hair, got a little stubble on his chin there,” I say, playfully poking his chin. Chris moves towards my touch slightly, sighing when he realizes what he’s doing and pulls back. He chuckles softly before leaving the bathroom to finish up getting dressed. And I’m left wishing to just get my friend back. <a data-passage="CR2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“I’m actually trying to get Rahim’s attention. Which doesn’t seem that easy with what I’ve been faced with so far. Think I got a chance?” <<if hasVisited("Ask Bradley for help.")>>\ “I guess it depends on how you look when you’re ready to have a night on the town. It’s weird, but I don’t think I remember ever seeing you … try.” “Well, damn, Bradley. Thanks.” He snickers, “you know what I mean. I think it’ll be weird seeing you all actually looking dressed up and whatnot.” He sways back and forth on his heel, “is there anything you need my help with?” <<if $hairlength is "bald">>I shake my head and get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<<else>>“Hairstyle?” Bradley joins me in the bathroom as we go back and forth with potential hairstyles, both of us finally agreeing on one and him helping me make the idea become a reality. I get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR1_5_6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “I don’t actually know,” Chris tells me honestly, “he doesn’t really seem that interested? Or maybe that’s not the right word. He just doesn’t seem to be falling for any of it, you know?” “Oh, I know,” I sigh, scratching my temple, “the guy is like an impenetrable wall. I send a flirtatious smile, and he sends me back a scowl.” <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ “Well,” Chris says with a wide smile that doesn’t even come close to reaching his eyes, “we’re going to make sure there’s no way in hell he can ignore you tonight. You’re about to be the sexiest thing in the building,” I smirk, and Chris’s eyes turn downcast before he swallows and tries to look happy. <<else>>\ “Well,” Chris says with a teasing smile, “we’re going to make sure there’s no way in hell he can ignore you tonight. You’re about to be the sexiest thing in the building. I mean, second to me of course, but you’re used to that.” I smirk and playfully punch him. <</if>>\ “Alright, come on, let’s finish up.” <a data-passage="CR2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("Ask Bradley for help.")>>\ “Heh, I’d have an answer for you if Sydero was here. It’s kinda weird, knowing that she’s going to miss this.” “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind,” Bradley starts and shrugs, “she’d probably talk about how your clothes would look much better on the floor anyhow.” “You’re totally right there.” “It’s weird though. I don’t think I remember ever seeing you … try.” “Well, damn, Bradley. Thanks.” He snickers, “you know what I mean. I think it’ll be weird seeing you all actually looking dressed up and whatnot.” He sways back and forth on his heel, “is there anything you need my help with.” <<if $hairlength is "bald">>I shake my head and get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<<else>>“Hairstyle?” Bradley joins me in the bathroom as we go back and forth with potential hairstyles, both of us finally agreeing on one and him helping me make the idea become a reality. I get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR1_5_6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Heh, I’d have an answer for you if Sydero was here. It’s kinda weird, knowing that she’s going to miss this.” “I’m just going to nod and, as your friend, say insert encouraging words here. That’s the best I got.” “That in itself is a record, you didn’t even insult her.” “Ah, but the night is still young,” he chuckles, leaving the bathroom to finish up getting dressed. <a data-passage="CR2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("Ask Bradley for help.")>>\ I turn towards him and with a smug smirk motion to my body, “yea, everybody. It would be a crime to keep someone from appreciating all of this.” “Okay, cocky!” he laughs, quieting down as a weird look appears in his eye, “it’s weird though. I don’t think I remember ever seeing you … try.” “Well, damn, Bradley. Thanks.” He snickers, “you know what I mean. I think it’ll be weird seeing you all actually looking dressed up and whatnot.” He sways back and forth on his heel, “is there anything you need my help with.” <<if $hairlength is "bald">>I shake my head and get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<<else>>“Hairstyle?” Bradley joins me in the bathroom as we go back and forth with potential hairstyles, both of us finally agreeing on one and him helping me make the idea become a reality. I get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR1_5_6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ I turn towards him and with a smug smirk motion to my body, “yea, everybody. It would be a crime to keep someone from appreciating all of this.” “Okay, cocky. I like it!” he chuckles, leaving the bathroom to finish up getting dressed. <<include "CR2">> <</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("Ask Bradley for help.")>>\ I roll my neck around, “naw, no one really. I’m good with going in there, doing what’s needed, and leaving.” “Yea, makes sense,” he replies, a weird look appearing in his eye, “it’s weird, though. I don’t think I remember ever seeing you … try.” “Well, damn, Bradley. Thanks.” He snickers, “you know what I mean. I think it’ll be weird seeing you all actually looking dressed up and whatnot.” He sways back and forth on his heel, “is there anything you need my help with.” <<if $hairlength is "bald">>I shake my head and get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<<else>>“Hairstyle?” Bradley joins me in the bathroom as we go back and forth with potential hairstyles, both of us finally agreeing on one and him helping me make the idea become a reality. I get dressed, and he helps me with everything that follows, a comfortable silence between us. I’m putting on the last parts of the outfit when I gaze towards him.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR1_5_6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ I roll my neck around, “naw, no one really. I’m good with going in there, doing what’s needed, and leaving.” “Yea makes sense,” he replies, tapping my arm before leaving the bathroom to finish up getting dressed. <<include "CR2">> <</if>>\
“I never said I’m sorry,” I whisper, meaning to speak louder but obviously failing. “No, you actually did, a couple of times,” Bradley corrects, handing me my other shoe, “I don’t blame you. I know it was a weird accident.” “Yea, but that weird accident could happen again. I have no idea what’s happening to me and what might happen next. It’s not like someone teaches you a class on how to be a monster.” <<if $bcure>>\ “You’re not a monster. You’re a supernatural. No supernatural creature is born a monster … besides werewolves. But it’s what you choose to do with your life and abilities that define you. Not once after what happened did I think you did it on purpose or had control. I knew it was an accident, and I was just scared that you blamed yourself for all of it.” “I have no idea how to even start with learning how to control it,” I say, though that wasn’t entirely true. I had an idea, it just involved me making a deal that I didn’t know if I should. He goes on to say something when both of our heads pick up at the sound of a knock at the door. <a data-passage="CR2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “You’re not a monster. Those demons that tortured me are monsters, and unless you think you’ll turn into them, then don’t ever call yourself one. Not once after what happened did I think you did it on purpose or had control. I knew it was an accident and I was just scared that you blamed yourself so much. I know you sometimes blame yourself about my kidnapping, and with everything I’m going through, I just thought this might be the icing on the cake.” He rubs his arm, “it’s weird but, what you did to me doesn’t even compare to what they put me through. In a way, it was like someone pinching me, when I’m sure it should’ve been a lot worse. Sometimes ...” he trails off, refusing to make eye contact with me. <<if $suicidal>>\ [[“I know. Me too.” :: Trigger Warning - Suicidal Conversation with a Minor ::|CRSuicidalHelp][$bradley +=5]] <</if>>\ [[“Do you need someone to talk to?”][$bradley +=5]] [[“Do you think you’re numb?”][$bradley -=5]] <</if>>\
I keep my eyes trained on him, picking up on some cues that hit too close to home. “I know,” I find myself saying, “me too.” “What?” He glances at me, his eyes wide and slightly terrified. “You’re not the only one who had dark thoughts,” I frown at my words but continue on, “when my parents died, I was lost, horribly lost, really. I did some things to myself that I wasn’t proud of and had dark thoughts that, to this day, make me shiver. It’s not an easy road, but I know what you’re going through, at least. <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>Sometimes, I think that maybe that road is what made me want to go into psychology. To learn and understand and hopefully even prevent.” “I,” he gulps, rubbing at his eye as his eyes grow watery, “I don’t want to talk about this, not right now anyway.” I want to argue, but he seems confident, giving me a strained smile. “I will, just not today or maybe tomorrow. I want tonight to end at least decently.” I sigh but nod, “just please remember that I’m here.” He nods, his eyes asking for permission but his mouth refusing to move. [[Hug him.|E2BradleyHug]] [[Just tell him to keep going.]]
“Do you need someone to talk to? You know I’m always here, but if you’re not comfortable with me, then we can find someone.” <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>\ “Weren’t you trying to become a therapist?” “I was majoring in psychology, that didn’t mean I had dreams of becoming a therapist. Frankly, I don’t know what I wanted to do with the degree.” “Yea. I guess I just think you’d be the best person to talk to. Otherwise I’d have to talk to some poor therapist about my demon induced horror.” His words cause me to think about all the therapists my uncle took me to. Even though I was only a kid, the memories of every painful rejection still numbed me. Remembering the disbelief in their eyes as they told my uncle to find someone else. “Yea, you’re right. Always remember that I’m here, okay?” He nods as tears fall from his eyes, and he gazes at me, his eyes asking for permission but his mouth refusing to move. <<else>>\ “What?” he snickers, “you want to find a therapist so I can tell them about my demon induced horror?” His words cause me to think about all the therapists my uncle took me to. Even though I was only a kid, the memories of every painful rejection still numbed me. Remembering the disbelief in their eyes as they told my uncle to find someone else. “Yea, you’re right. It might be better to just talk it out with one of us. Always remember that I’m here, okay?” He nods as tears fall from his eyes, and he gazes at me, his eyes asking for permission but his mouth refusing to move. <</if>>\ [[Hug him.|E2BradleyHug]] [[Just tell him to keep going.]]
“Do you think you’re numb to it now? Not the trauma, but to further pain?” “Yea, I guess. It’s like every time something happens, I immediately compare it to what I went through. It’s a bad and good thing. It makes me feel stronger almost, I was able to survive that so I can survive anything. But at the same time, whenever I compare something, I feel like crying. Like a part of me knows that pain is pain and I shouldn’t compare it, but then I do, and I feel so different. Like this isn’t who I wanted to become. This isn’t who I want to be. I miss the old me. The me that could laugh with you guys and make jokes. But he stands behind this door of horrors, and I have to relive everything just to get to him.” “And you don’t think it’s worth it?” “Nothing is worth that.” Tears fall from his eyes, and he gazes at me, his eyes asking for permission but his mouth refusing to move. [[Hug him.|E2BradleyHug]] [[Just tell him to keep going.]]
I bring him in for a tight embrace, sitting there quietly with him and realizing that he was keeping his face away from me so that he wouldn’t mess up my outfit. I snicker as he pulls back and gives me a thankful smile, both of our heads picking up when we hear a knock at the door. <<include "CR2">>
I pat his shoulder and give him a small smile, “it’s going to get better; I promise you that, Bradley.” He nods his head and wipes the tears from his eyes, both of our heads picking up when we hear a knock at the door. <<include "CR2">>
“You ready?” I hear Rahim question from the other side of the door. I give my reflection one last look over before opening it. <<if $cp>>I’m immediately met by the two smartly dressed men, causing me to feel like I had just walked into some kind of staged magazine photoshoot. Chris is leaning against the outer edge of the doorframe wearing a tight plain black t-shirt, a patterned black and gold jacket, and leather pants.<<else>>I’m immediately met by the smartly dressed man, causing me to feel like I had just walked into some kind of staged magazine photoshoot.<</if>> Rahim stands proudly before the door with a low V-cut shirt that exposes the start of his chest hair, a leather jacket, and a pair of cargo pants with boots. To finish off his look, a pair of shades rest on the top of his head. <<if hasVisited("ImpressChris")>>\ Chris raises a brow as his eyes take me in, drinking in my appearance like I was an ice-cold beverage on the hottest of days. Rahim elbows him, shaking his head and rolling his eyes as he nods at me. “Let’s go.” Rahim moves but Chris doesn’t, his eyes meeting mine and a blush instantly appearing. “You … uh, you look really good. I mean, better than good. Um … what I mean to say is that you’re going to have all eyes on you in that club,” he assures me. [[“There’s only one pair of eyes I want.”]] [[“That’s the plan.”]] [[“You look nice too.”]] <<elseif hasVisited("“Rahim, actually.”")>>\ Rahim looks me over and gives me a single nod before motioning for me to follow behind him, “let’s go.” I raise a brow, was that it? I didn’t just look like a snack, I made sure I looked like the full course meal. <<if $cp>><<if $CRomance >=5>>I look over at Chris who shrugs and comes to my side, his hand resting on the small of my back. “I for one think you look great.”<<else>>I look over at Chris who shrugs his shoulders and follows behind Rahim.<</if>><</if>> My heart drops partially as I glance down at what I was wearing. Did I make a mistake when I chose this outfit? If I had, would Rahim have nodded, or would he have pointed it out? Trying to read him was about as easy as reading Sydero, both of them had masks that didn’t budge for anyone. Maybe he was the kind of guy who didn’t just give out compliments to push conversation. I shake my head, I could think of hundreds of reasons why I had only gotten a nod, but it didn’t really matter. <<include "CR2_1">> <<else>>\ <<if $CRomance >=4>>\ Chris raises a brow as his eyes take me in, drinking in my appearance like I was an ice-cold beverage on the hottest of days. Rahim elbows him, shaking his head and rolling his eyes as he nods at me. “Let’s go.” Rahim moves but Chris doesn’t, his eyes meeting mine and a blush instantly appearing. “You … uh, you look really good. I mean, better than good. Um … what I mean to say is that you’re going to have all eyes on you in that club,” he assures me. <<else>>\ Rahim looks me over and gives me a single nod before motioning for me to follow behind him, “let’s go.” <<if $cp>>I look over at Chris who shrugs his shoulders and follows behind Rahim.<</if>> I wasn’t expecting an entire boatload of compliments, but being told that I was at least dressed for the part would have been enough. I roll my eyes and follow behind <<if $cp>>them<<else>>him<</if>>. <</if>>\ <<include "CR2_1">> <</if>>\
“There’s only one pair of eyes that I want on me, though,” I tell him, walking by him so that I could follow Rahim. I purposely run my hand across his chest, biting the inside of my cheek as my hand travels lower and passes over the bulge in his pants. He makes no attempt to move me away. A few images appear in my head, but I keep them down, calming my heart as I walk away from him. Behind me, I can hear him take a deep, shuddering breath in before following. <<include "CR2_1">>
“That’s the plan,” I tell him, walking by him so that I could follow Rahim. I purposely run my hand across his chest, biting the inside of my cheek as my hand travels lower and passes over the bulge in his pants. He makes no attempt to move me away. A few images appear in my head, but I keep them down, calming my heart as I walk away from him. Behind me, I can hear him take a deep, shuddering breath in before following. <<include "CR2_1">>
I take him in once again, my eyes coming to rest on the slight bulge that his leather pants refuse to hide. I fight the blush that threatens to appear and look him in the eye. “You look nice too.” He scratches his hair, causing part of his hair to take on a messy appearance, but instead of hindering, it only further enhances his look. Giving him that easy on the eyes and effortlessly beautiful look that I know he possesses. “We should probably catch up with Rahim,” I say and point to the still retreating form of the man. “Oh, shit, yea,” he says and whether he realizes it or not, grabs my hand and pulls me after him. It’s only a few steps in that he realizes what he did and releases me, ducking his head as a blush forms, and he speeds up. <<include "CR2_1">>
<img src="images/divider.png"> We grab a cab, and forty minutes later, pull up to the club. I’ve been to a few nightclubs, but I’ve never actually seen the so-called clubs whose lines stretch on for miles. I had no idea how far this line went, but I know it was long. It seemed almost pointless to waste an entire night standing and hoping that you would be able to get into a club. By the time you get to the front, the club would probably be closing. Rahim pays the cab driver and leads us to the front of the club. I can feel eyes travel to us, trying to figure out what gave us the balls to skip everyone. I’m almost wondering the same thing when Rahim comes to a stop at the three bouncers in front. “We’re here to see a woman with eyes the color of midnight roses.” The bouncer nods at his words and wordlessly lets him in. We walk into a neon-lit tunnel, the sounds of the club before us. [[“Never took you for a club going kind of guy, Rahim.”]] [[“Midnight roses?”]] [[“What other tricks you got hiding in those sleeves?”]]
“Never took you for a club going kind of guy, Rahim,” I tell him, and he looks over at me with a raised brow. “I’m not.” “Then what was that?” “It’s a supernatural code to get in, not all have it, but I’ve learned that most people like to keep a nephilim close. So, I guess I get a few perks.” <<if $cp>>\ “A few,” Chris snorts with a large smile. <</if>>\ <<include "CR2_2">>
“Midnight roses?” I ask as we walk. “I don’t know. The werewolf who owns the club created that password, from what I’ve heard no one knows why that phrase and all people do is guess.” I nod in understanding. <<include "CR2_2">>
“What other tricks you got hiding in those sleeves of yours, Rahim?” “I really wouldn’t call those tricks,” Rahim shrugs, “just perks of the job.” <<if $cp>>\ “You’re way humbler than I could ever be,” Chris tells him, “with the power you’re wielding, I wouldn’t know how to act. I’d probably have grabbed a few girls to come inside with me.” <<if $CRomance >=4>>\ I glance over at him with a raised brow, and he blushes, avoiding my gaze and taking an interest in the neon-lit walls. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<include "CR2_2">>
We enter the club, dance music infiltrating our ears as strobe lights go off and on. Like the neon lights outside, the primary colors of the club are pink, purple, and blue. At the far end of the club is the DJ booth. Tables are littered to the side next to the bar, each of them bordered by peach neon lights. “Think they have enough neon?” I question as I follow Rahim over to the bar. “I wonder the same thing,” he tells me. He weaves through the crowd like a pro, his destination clear. I, on the other hand, pick up on the numerous eyes traveling to me. I make eye contact with a few, seeing the envy that flares up as others look like they mentally undress me right there on the spot. I see one couple totally pause as I pass. Once we get to the bar, Rahim leans forward and captures the bartender’s attention. “A Bloody Mary for me, hold the bane.” The bartender’s lips curl up in a snarl, “great, an asshole. The exit is over there to your left buddy, take it.” With that said, the bartender walks away, tending to other customers. Rahim doesn’t seem surprised; he straightens up and walks in the direction that the bartender told him. <a data-passage="CR2_2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Once there, he applies pressure to part of the wall, and I can barely make out the indention of a door. I would’ve never noticed it if it wasn’t for Rahim’s actions. The door opens, and he motions us into another tunnel that’s far darker than the one we had previously been in. The only source of light is the dark red neon beams in the floor that pulse every few seconds. “Alright,” Rahim starts, eyeing the end of the tunnel before turning to face <<if $cp>>Chris and me.<<else>>me.<</if>> “Before we go any further, you need to know some things. First, don’t treat these people like you treat those that you hunt, they’re not the same. Second, no fighting or causing trouble. You do, and you’ll end up having multiple factions out for you. This club is supposed to be neutral territory, keep it that way. Third, don’t do anything stupid.” <<if $cp>>\ <<if $chris >=50>>\ Chris attempts a smile and elbows me, “you just summed up $name’s entire personality with one-word, good job.” I knew he was trying to lighten the mood, not only because of his nervousness but also between us. We had agreed to talk later and have fun now. <</if>>\ “Am I going to be alright in there?” Chris questions. “You’re entering with two strong supernatural creatures, so you should be fine. Hopefully.” “Hopefully?” Chris growls. “Unless you want a collar?” “What?” “Most of the humans in there wear collars to keep other supernatural creatures from getting to them, the collar means you belong to someone and you won’t be touched.” [[“Well, that’s demeaning.”]] [[“Oh, kinky.”]] [[“I’d pay money to see this happen.”]] <<else>>\ We get to the end of the tunnel just as two figures emerge from the shadows. Both men are large and dressed in nothing but black. One stays where he is, holding a strange symbol attached to a string near us while the other holds a device that he scans our bodies with. “Clear,” the man with the symbol says gruffly. “Clear,” the one with the device says a few seconds later. The door unlocks, and the two men essentially merge back into the darkness, allowing it to swallow their forms completely. I attempt to use my other senses, but I pick up nothing, it was as if they had disappeared entirely. I follow Rahim in, only to stop and gawk at what awaits me. <a data-passage="CR2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
I raise a disgusted brow at Rahim’s words, “well, that’s demeaning. Who would even agree to that?” Chris hums in agreement but Rahim looks unbothered by our words. “If it’s not your cup of tea, then it’s not your cup of tea,” Rahim starts, “but I can think of a few good uses for a collar.” Chris and I both gaze at him in shock and he chuckles with a shrug. “Just keep your thoughts to yourself, Chris, and act like you’ve been around supernatural beings before.” <<include "CR2_2_2">>
“Oh, kinky. I like it,” I laugh, and Chris lightly but seriously slaps my arm. “Do I look like someone’s pet? Who would even be into that sort of stuff?” “If it’s not your cup of tea, then it’s not your cup of tea,” Rahim starts, “but I can think of a few good uses for a collar.” Chris’s jaw drops at Rahim’s words, and I can’t blame him. “Rahim!” I laugh, and he shrugs at our shock, “look, Chris, just keep your thoughts to yourself, and act like you’ve been around supernatural beings before.” <<include "CR2_2_2">>
“I’d pay money to see this happen. So, how bout it, Chris?” “Do I look like someone’s pet? Who would even be into that sort of stuff?” “If it’s not your cup of tea, then it’s not your cup of tea,” Rahim starts, “but I can think of a few good uses for a collar.” Chris and I both gaze at him in shock, and he chuckles with a shrug. “Just keep your thoughts to yourself, Chris, and act like you’ve been around supernatural beings before.” <<include "CR2_2_2">>
We get to the end of the tunnel just as two figures emerge from the shadows. Both men are large and dressed in nothing but black. One stays where he is, holding a strange symbol attached to a string near us while the other holds a device that he scans our bodies with. “Clear,” the man with the symbol says gruffly. “Clear,” the one with the device says a few seconds later. The door unlocks, and the two men essentially merge back into the darkness, allowing it to swallow their forms completely. I attempt to use my other senses, but I pick up nothing, it was as if they had disappeared entirely. I follow Rahim in, only to stop and gawk at what awaits me. <a data-passage="CR2_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 fadeout>> <<audio "chicagorogue" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.60>> <</nobr>>\ The lights are far dimmer in here than they were in the central part of the club. But similar to the hallway, they are all tinted red. Near the entrance are two small stages with cages sitting on top of them, each hosting a bare-chested woman whose species I can’t identify, and at the moment, I would rather not try. There are numerous poles throughout the room, each with some near-naked, if not wholly, figure dancing for those nearby. Further down is a long bar and past that, a sitting area. <<if $cp>>\ “This place can’t be up to code,” Chris says from beside me, loud enough to be heard over the hypnotic beat, “I just spotted like seven health code violations.” He gazes around, “eight.” <</if>>\ “Come on,” Rahim growls. Whether he was comfortable or not, I couldn’t tell. Rahim travels deeper, exposing <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to more sights and sensations. Along the far wall to my right is a hall that I notice an erratic train of people originating from. Right outside that hallway is a sitting area on both sides, one guy sits with his head at an unnatural angle as two women feed on him. On another sofa, three women practically beg for the vampire to feed off of them, one grinding in his lap, another kissing him behind the ear, and the last being the only one being fed off of. In another area, I watch as a group laughs, a group of people with collars on sitting beside them dutifully, only responding when their leash is pulled on. <<if $cp>>\ Two women walk past me, their shoulders bumping mine as they slow down and eyeball Chris. Under the dim phosphorescent lights, I can see a pair of fangs protruding. [[Grab Chris and keep him close.]] [[He was on his own, keep going.]] <<else>>\ Two women walk past me, their shoulders bumping mine as they go. [[“Excuse you.”]] [[Ignore it, keep going.]] <</if>>\
I grab Chris’s arm and yank him to my side, narrowing my gaze on the two women. The one whose fangs I had spotted before sneers as the other one erotically drapes herself over her companion, cocking their head as if ushering an invitation. <<if $revealing>>\ Their attention is no longer on Chris as their eyes rake over my body, desire lighting a fire in their eyes. <</if>>\ “Keep up,” Rahim growls, nudging us further along. <<include "CR2_3_1">>
I ignore him and keep going, Rahim had already warned him, and helping Chris out wasn’t really going to help him, not in the long run. He needed to know how to deal with these kinds of things if he wanted to be a good hunter. I feel Chris push himself further towards me in hopes of putting space between the two women and himself. <<include "CR2_3_1">>
“Excuse you,” I growl, both women stopping as they seductively turn their attention towards me. I feel my body shiver as their eyes undress me, whispering to themselves as they continue glaring at me. One erotically drapes herself over her companion, who then smirks, and I watch as fangs emerge. They cock their heads towards me as if ushering a silent invitation. “Keep up,” Rahim growls, nudging me further along. <<include "CR2_3_1">>
I ignore them and continue following Rahim. I would chop it up to being an accident, it wasn’t like I wasn’t going to be brushing shoulders with a lot more supernaturals tonight. <<include "CR2_3_1">>
“Well, would you look who it is,” an enchanting voice coos, causing us to turn around. A black woman with long silver hair nears, biting her bottom lip as she looks Rahim over. “Rahim Theron, it’s been a minute since I’ve seen you.” “Leona,” Rahim greets with a friendly smile, “I see you’re still working here.” “Why would I give up the best job there is? Total immunity and protected by the boss man? Oh, I ain’t ever giving this job up, sweetie.” Her eyes flicker to <<if $cp>>Chris and I<<else>>me<</if>> and they idle for a second or so before meeting Rahim. “Where’s Sydero? I haven’t seen that gorgeous face in a while and,” she chuckles, “I have some unfinished business with her.” “Sydero is … well, how do I put this,” Rahim thinks aloud, “she’s going through hell.” Leona laughs, “I’m going to think you mean the actual place.” Her eyes meet mine, “hmm, so you replace one beautiful face with another? Can I get a name?” [[“Of course, beautiful.”][$leona +=1]] [[“I don’t know, can you?”]] [[Simply tell her my name.]]
“Of course, beautiful,” I smile flirtatiously, “it’s $name.” Her brow raises as she slowly licks her bottom lip, her eyes crawling over my body. I feel like I was a piece of meat hanging in a butcher’s shop, a customer coming in and wanting to appraise me until they get back to my eyes. “Very nice to meet you.” Her eyes return to Rahim. <<include "CR2_3_1_1">>
“I don’t know,” I say with a blank expression, “can you?” She raises a brow, but she doesn’t seem offended by my words. <<if $cp>>\ “This is $name,” Rahim introduces, “and that’s Chris.” She looks Chris over and raises her brows in shock, “a human? I hope you don’t expect him to leave this place in one piece.” Chris stiffens, trying to stand taller than before, and she hides a giggle, “cute.” <<else>>\ “This is $name,” Rahim introduces, and she hums in acknowledgment. <</if>>\ <<include "CR2_3_1_1">>
“My name is $name,” I tell her and extend a hand for her to shake. She glances at my hand before snorting and pulling her hand back to her side, “sorry, I keep forgetting that some people actually have manners.” <<include "CR2_3_1_1">>
“So Rahim, I know this isn’t your kind of scene, so what are you doing here?” “I need to talk to the big guy; I have a favor to ask.” He takes a step towards a closed door, and she moves to step in front of him, “sorry, sexy, but he and the other faction leaders are currently in the middle of a meeting.” “This is important,” he says impatiently. “Hmm, I’m sure,” she snickers, obviously not caring, “but I’m a lot more scared of them than I am of you.” “How long?” Rahim asks, biting his lip as his leg taps the ground repeatedly. “An hour or so.” Rahim opens his mouth to argue, but she shushes him, placing her hand on his chest, “now, because I like you, Rahim, I’ll go inside and tell him so that we can bump you up. You know, typically, it’ll be a week without an appointment, but again, I like you. Does that sound good to you?” He wordlessly nudges her hand away from him but nods. She smiles and sends us a wink before entering the room, opening the door just enough so that I couldn’t see anything within. [[“You two were extremely friendly.”][$rahim -=3]] [[“An hour, are you serious?”][$rahim +=3]] [[“Does this mean we can explore?”]]
“You two sure were friendly, extremely so,” I point out, and Rahim rolls his eyes. “Leona is friendly with everyone. She’s popular and well-known amongst the supernatural circles. So, don’t mind her. I highly doubt she has an off switch though she so desperately needs one.” His look of pure dread shifts to shock. I try to follow his eyes, but I’m unable to find whatever he’s looking at. “Do whatever you want, just try not to get into trouble. Meet back here in an hour.” With that, he walks towards whatever captured his attention. <<include "CR2_3_2">>
“An hour, are you serious?” I ask as Rahim leads us to the side so that we weren’t in anybody else’s way. “That’s what it sounds like,” he sighs, looking around the club. He seems to dread whatever was on his mind, when all of a sudden, his face shifts to shock. I try to follow his eyes but I’m unable to find whatever he was looking at. “Do whatever you want, just try not to get into trouble. Meet back here in an hour.” With that, he walks towards whatever had captured his attention. <<include "CR2_3_2">>
I tap Rahim on the shoulder, much like a little kid, “does this mean we can explore?” He looks ready to scowl when his face shifts to shock. I try to follow his eyes, but I’m unable to find whatever he was looking at. “Do whatever you want, just try not to get into trouble. Meet back here in an hour.” With that, he walks towards whatever had captured his attention. <<include "CR2_3_2">>
<<if $cp>>\ I’m left standing beside Chris, who seems at odds with himself. His eyes dart from one person to the other, but his body language is deceiving, he looks perfectly collected. “What are you about to do then?” I ask. “Try not to get into trouble,” he tells me, “and hopefully disappear.” He makes a beeline for the bar, leaving me alone. <</if>>\ I gaze around, attempting to figure out what I could do when Leona walks back out of the meeting room, her gaze landing on me instantly. “Ah, sweetie, were you left to your own devices?” “Indeed.” “Well, you can keep me company if you wish. I never say no to a pretty face,” she tells me, seductively sitting on a loveseat couch. [[Join Leona.][$leona +=1]] [[Go and find Rahim.]] <<if $cp>>\ [[Go and seek out Chris.]] <</if>>\ [[Party!]]
I shrug my shoulders and take a seat next to Leona, who seems all too happy to have me join her. I wait for her to bombard me with questions, and when she doesn’t, I raise a brow. “Not going to ask me twenty questions, like how I know Rahim and what he wants to talk to your boss about?” “Oh, I don’t like getting into other people’s business,” she tells me, moving her hair so that it cascaded down one shoulder. “it’s the quickest way to getting yourself killed. Now, if I happen to hear it, then who am I to pass it up. But I rarely ever ask.” “But you’re not against answering?” “Ask away,” she smiles. [[“What do you do here exactly?”][$leona +=1]] [[“What are you?”]] [[“How do you know Rahim and Sydero?”]]
“What do you do here exactly?” She leans towards me with a curious smile, “what do you think I do here?” “You’re not moving from this door, so I want to say bouncer, but that doesn’t seem like it’ll be your kind of job.” “You’d be right,” she sighs, fiddling with a string on the couch with a manicured finger, “if it was up to me, then half of these poorly dressed fools wouldn’t even make it into the human side of the club.” “I’ll probably regret this, but my outfit, it is good enough to stay?” Her eyes linger on my outfit for a second before she replies, <<if $revealing>>“a little too revealing for my taste. I like for my imagination to run free when it comes to dressing. But you still have taste, sweetie, that’s all I’m looking for.<<elseif $justright>>“you’ll hear no complaints from me. I’m almost tempted to put a picture of you on the outside door to show everyone what the dress code looks like in action.<<else>>“a little too prudish for my taste, you disregarded the revealing part, but the elegant part was handled nicely. But you still have taste, sweetie, that’s all I’m looking for.<</if>> And to answer your question, I don’t have an official title, but I’m almost like an advisor to the boss man. He wants to have better relations with the witches here so, picking a witch as his advisor seemed like the smartest move. And has proven so.” “Werewolves and witches don’t get along?” “Hell no,” she laughs, “head to New Orleans or Savannah, and you’ll be caught in one of their fights before someone can even hand you a pamphlet.” <<include "CR2_3_3">>
“What are you?” I ask. “A hereditary witch.” I raise a brow to show that I didn’t really know what that meant, she picks up on it a minute later and chuckles. “You must be new to the scene, sweetie?” I shrug my shoulders, “you can say that.” “Well, I won’t bore you with a history lesson, but there are seven types of witches. Typically when you meet one, they’ll introduce themselves as such. The type of witch someone is can give you plenty of information about them and what they believe. Not enough for you to judge them on the spot, though many do, but enough to get a basic idea of them.” “Hereditary witches,” she points to herself, “are witches born with powers. Some call us the true witches and anyone else merely practitioners, but that idea is outdated, and most witches find it offensive. The other witches are traditional, Gardnerian, who are all stuck up bitches, trust me. Hedge, kitchen – love them, solitary, and eclectic.” “And witches will always fall in one of those?” “Yes. If they never tell you what, then just assume solitary or eclectic.” <<include "CR2_3_3">>
“How do you know Rahim and Sydero?” I question. “The real question is who doesn’t know the twins?” she laughs, “when a cambion or a nephilim pop up, and they’re not actively hunted, you take notice. Something happened, and Sydero and Rahim both popped up here to get answers. Rahim left before I could get to know him. Sydero, on the other hand, well, she stayed, fucked shit up, and then left. Best fucking week ever.” “Yea, that sounds like her.” <<include "CR2_3_3">>
“Anything you can tell me about the boss then? So, when we go in there, we can be on his good side?” <<if $cp>>She taps her finger on her chin, “well, don’t bring that human friend of yours inside. The big bad wolf has no problem with humans, but he doesn’t like them thinking they’re on the same ground as he and the other supernaturals. There’s only one human he respects enough, and that’s one too many for him. Call him Roland, not sir, or any other formality, he hates it. And be blunt, he hates those who waste his time.”<<else>>She taps her finger on her chin, “call him Roland, not sir, or any other formality, he hates it. And be blunt, he hates those who waste his time.”<</if>> I nod as I listen to her words, mentally reviewing all of the things she said and thanking her for keeping it short and straightforward. I glance over at her to see her eyes roaming my body yet again, biting her lip suggestively. [[Keep talking to her, but that’s it.][$leona +=1]] [[Ignore her and sit quietly.]] <<if $int is "women" or $int is "both">>\ [[Make her work for what she wants from me.]] [[Ask if I can kiss her.|LeonaKiss]] <</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("LeonaKiss")>>\ “No,” I manage to say, drawing back and putting space between the two of us. She seems disappointed by the change in plans but doesn’t press any further. Instead, she leans back into the sofa and, with a small grin, shift the conversation. We hop from one subject to another, most of it is spent with me questioning her about how the supernatural factions work in the city. The more we converse, the more relaxed she gets, and after a while, I learn that Leona was much more than her flirtations. She was highly knowledgeable, and definitely someone you wanted to be friends with. <<else>>\ I ignore the looks she sends me and continue to converse, hopping from one subject to another, mostly questioning about how the supernatural factions work in the city. At first, she seems incredibly bored with the topic of conversation. But the more we converse, the more relaxed she gets, and after a while, I learn that Leona was much more than her flirtations. She was highly knowledgeable, and definitely someone you wanted to be friends with. <</if>>\ <<include "CR2_3_4">>
I smirk at her as her eyes meet mine, and she rolls her eyes as a dark blush appears on her cheeks. “Use your words, Leona,” I tell her, leaning in teasingly to whisper in her ear, “what do you want?” “Don’t tease me, sweetie,” she says, moving her face just enough. Strands of her hair tickle my forehead as we gaze into one another’s eyes. “I don’t think I’ll be able to stand it.” I shrug, about to draw back when she stops me, her fingers lingering on my chin. “Words, Leona.” “Can I kiss you?” she questions, her voice not wavering even a bit, she was confident, and she knew what she wanted. I felt like I could turn her down right then, and she wouldn’t be the least bit bothered. “Most wine and dine me first,” I tell her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I ain’t like most, sweetie. If you want that, then I’m the wrong girl,” she cocks her head to the side, “so can I?” [[“Yes.”|LeonaKiss]] [[“No.”|Keep talking to her, but that’s it.][$leonaNo = true]]
I ignore her and bring out my phone, choosing to sit patiently until it was time to go inside. Leona allows me to without pouting or pointing it out, it would seem that she had her own work to do. <<include "CR2_3_4">>
“Is it time?” I hear Rahim question and glance up to see him approaching. With a sigh, she stands and straightens her clothes, “I’ll go see if they’re finished.” She returns a minute later, “come on.” She holds the door open for us and beckons us forward. <<if $cp>>Chris is behind me, but Leona stops him, whispering something in his ear that causes him to stop his advance. He looks at us before sighing and turning.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if hasVisited("Make her work for what she wants from me.")>>\ “Yea, you can,” I tell her, and I feel her shiver as she moves forward, her lips cautiously pressing up against mine. The kiss is wary, lost within an uncharted territory. But it was also inquisitive, trying to figure out what it could discover. Despite how confident Leona seemed, I could feel how nervous she was, second thinking every flick of her tongue, every time her teeth scraped against my lip. <<else>>\ “Yea, you can,” she whispers, and I feel her shiver as I move forward, my lips cautiously pressing up against hers. The kiss is wary, lost within an uncharted territory. But it was also inquisitive, trying to figure out what it could discover. Despite how confident Leona seemed, I could feel how nervous she was, second thinking every flick of her tongue, every time her teeth scraped against my lip. <</if>>\ I mentally roll my eyes and snake my hand to the back of her neck, pulling her close to me as the other hand settles on her hips. I deepen and quicken the kiss, eager to discover everything I could about her. She tasted like whiskey and sweetness, a drunken mistake if I ever had to think of one. Her hand rests on my stomach before going to my hips and leaving an electric touch behind. My senses suddenly awaken, as if I was aware of every little thing she was doing. I growl as I tangle my hand in her hair, yanking her neck back to get better access to it. I hear a moan work its way past her lips, and my heart picks up beat. I wanted her, and a part of me was so brave that it was telling me to have her right then and there. “Is it –,” I hear Rahim question and then pull away from Leona, just in time to see his eyes widen and then stray to someplace else, though I’m sure our surroundings were no better. Leona looks less embarrassed, and though she seems upset about leaving my side, she stands and straightens her clothes, “I’ll go see if they’re finished.” She enters the room, and I sit there silently, running my finger across my bottom lip and trying my best to avoid Rahim’s gaze. “So, that’s your type?” he questions. I detect no hints of judgment, but I also don’t trust the idea of him merely being curious. I roll my eyes as Leona comes back. “Come on.” She holds the door open for us, and as I pass her, she winks. <<if $cp>>Chris is behind me, but Leona stops him, whispering something in his ear that causes him to stop his advance. He looks at us before sighing and turning.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I’m going to go and see if I can find Rahim,” I tell her, sending her an apologetic smile. She nods and sends me off without a care. I go in the same direction that Rahim had headed off to. He looked like he was searching for someone, and so I doubt he would be dancing. I eye the sitting areas, ignoring the vampires draining their victims dry, and the other couples who didn’t seem like they could make it to a more private space. Finally, I spot him, his hand resting on top of an ethereal appearing woman. Her skin was glossy, and her white, pink, and lavender-colored layered hair was draped over her shoulders and stopping at her chest. She wore what I could only classify as a chic golden dress that stood out among all the bawdy dressed patrons. I get closer, and she looks towards me as if sensing my approach and hesitation. A pair of mint and peach-colored eyes meeting mine. “Can we help you?” she asks, her voice silvery, immediately reminding me of a nightingale. “Oh, $name,” Rahim says, his eyes narrowing as they meet mine, “what’s wrong?” “I don’t know anyone here,” I tell him, feeling a bit uncomfortable now that I was standing there, people walking around me like I was a nuisance. He motions to the seat next to him and leans back in his place, seeming far stiffer than he was a minute ago. [[Ask Rahim who she is.]] [[Introduce myself.]] [[Sit quietly.|EP3SitQuietlyClub]]
“So, Rahim, going to introduce your friend to me, or should I start guessing names?” “Oh,” he says, “this is Flower.” She chuckles and swipes at him, admiration clear in her eyes, “my name means flower. But it is actually Amarante. I do hate when you introduce me as that.” “Probably why I keep doing it,” he chuckles, poking her cheek. [[“I didn’t ask.”]] [[“My name means something too.”]] [[“Well, everyone’s name sounds nice like that.”]] [[Clear my throat.]]
“So, um, I’m $name, if there are to be any introductions.” “Amarante,” she tells me, leaning forward to shake my hand. I shake it as Rahim chuckles, casually wrapping a coil of her hair around his finger. “It means flower.” [[“I didn’t ask.”]] [[“My name means something too.”]] [[“Well, everyone’s name sounds nice like that.”]] [[Clear my throat.]]
I sit there and say nothing. If they wanted to be awkward, then we could be awkward. But it’s not uncomfortable, enough time doesn’t even pass for it to become so. The unknown woman sends me a smile so charming and innocent that I forgot where we were. “My name is Amarante,” she tells me, causing Rahim to laugh as he casually wraps a coil of her hair around his finger. “It means flower,” he informs me. [[“I didn’t ask.”][$serious +=3]] [[“My name means something too.”][$serious -=3]] [[“Well, everyone’s name sounds nice like that.”]] [[Clear my throat.]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Serious ++</span><</if>> “I didn’t ask,” I chuckle as if making a joke, though I was serious. I really didn’t ask and didn’t really care. Amarante laughs good-naturedly, but Rahim raises a brow at my tone, saying nothing on the matter and choosing to let it go by. <<include "CR2_3_5">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> “My name means something to,” I state, both of their eyes falling on me, “I mean most names do. You’re not, you know, alone in that.” I chuckle to ease the tension in my shoulders, and Amarante follows close behind, even her giggle breathless and airy. Rahim, on the other hand, raises a brow at my tone, saying nothing on the matter and choosing to let it go by. <<include "CR2_3_5">>
I snort as I sit back, “well, yea, everyone’s name sounds nice when you say it all light and carefree like that.” Both of them raise a brow, not knowing what I meant and causing me to shift uncomfortably. <<include "CR2_3_5">>
I clear my throat, causing some of the spit to go down the wrong way and I end up gasping for air. Amarante moves closer to me but I wave her away, getting myself back under control, ignoring the heat rushing to my cheeks. <<include "CR2_3_5">>
“So, how do the two of you know each other?” Amarante looks at Rahim, waiting for him to answer, but when he doesn’t, she rolls her eyes playfully. “I’ve known Rahim for some time now. We’re very close,” she playfully slaps his leg at that, “though not close enough to get an update on life and what’s going on apparently.” “Yea, I’m sorry,” he sighs, hiding his face in his hands, “life has been hectic, to say the least. That’s no excuse, but I can only offer you my deepest apologies.” She leans forward and places a hand on his knee, “just don’t let it happen again, you hear me? Don’t forget that you’re not alone.” [[Nudge Rahim playfully.][$rahim -=3]] [[Ask Amarante what her species is.][$rahim +=3]] <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ [[Glare at that hand.]] <</if>>\
I glance between the two before nudging Rahim playfully, raising a knowing eyebrow as I look back and forth between him and Amarante. “What?” he questions, of course not picking up on the subtle hints. The two seem reasonably close, closer than friends anyway. <<include "CR2_3_6">>
“Amarante, what species are you?” I pause, “is that rude to ask?” “No,” she chuckles, “not at all. I’m a fae.” “A faery?” I question, and she nods. Against my will, my face scrunches up as memories of the only other time I had dealt with faeries, come back to me. “Is there a problem?” she questions, and I shrug. “Sorry, just last time I met one of your kind, they tried to sacrifice me to the forest.” She looks embarrassed but not shocked, nodding and then scratching her head. “Yes, well, some of my kind still cling on to the old ways. But there are still just as many of us who have chosen different paths. Many of us followed King Oberon’s lead and came here.” “Ah, more royalty. Yea, the one who grabbed me was Queen Titania.” Amarante’s eyes widen as she leans closer towards me, “you have seen her highness? Is she well?” <<if $slapthequeen>>“Seeing that I slapped her, I’m sure she’s not the happiest naked camper.” <<else>>“Yea. The woods are alive and thriving due to sacrifices, and she’s still walking around naked, I presume.”<</if>> <<if $slapthequeen>>\ “You did what?!” I don’t know if Amarante is just shocked or truly horrified and upset about what I said and before I can question her further, Rahim puts an end to the relationship. “Later, alright. You follow Oberon anyway, Amarante. He’d be overjoyed to hear that.” <</if>>\ <<include "CR2_3_6">>
I glare at her hand, willing it to catch on fire or, at the very least, to remove itself. She does so after some time, and I huff at my insufficient victory. <<include "CR2_3_6">>
She turns her attention back to Rahim, “so you say that you’re here to speak to the faction leaders?” “Not all of them, just whoever’s in charge now. Who is that, by the way?” “Still Roland from what I’ve seen. I haven’t been here in a while. But I do know that talking to one means that you’re talking to all. Just remember that when you do go in there.” “What made you come back?” I question, and she blushes as she looks over to Rahim. “I was a few states over when I felt Rahim’s energy. It was getting closer before stopping, and I was able to pinpoint it to Chicago. Seeing that he was only here one other time, I guessed that he was probably going to end up here.” “Stalker,” Rahim snorts, poking her in the side, and she swats his hand away. [[“Oh, get a room.”][$rahim -=2]] [[Ask how much time is left.]] <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ [[Just go. (Trigger Warning: Sexual Harassment)]] <</if>>\
“Oh, get a room,” I sigh dramatically, shooting a smirk towards Rahim, who raises a brow and rolls his eyes. “Excuse me?” Amarante questions, and before I can repeat myself to her, Rahim chimes in. “Ignore $name, ?he has a knack for saying the most random of things,” he changes the conversation speedily, “do you know what their meeting is about?” “No. No one out here has said anything about it, but I do wonder. When I first came in, I heard the term hybrid a lot.” Rahim stiffens in his seat, glancing at the ground before over at me. He eyes me for a minute before shaking his head. “That’s certainly interesting news. I’d be interested to see what else we can learn about this.” The rest of the conversation drones on with me, paying more attention to my phone than to the two talking. They were talking business and about things that I knew hardly anything about. And so, I began to drift off, waiting for an hour to pass by. When time approaches, Rahim hugs Amarante goodbye and the two of us walk back to the door<<if $cp>>, Chris notices us and comes over as well.<<else>>.<</if>> “Is it time?” Rahim questions Leona. With a sigh, she stands and straightens her clothes, “I’ll go see.” She returns a minute later, “come on.” She holds the door open for us and beckons us forward. <<if $cp>>Chris is behind me, but Leona stops him, whispering something in his ear that causes him to stop his advance. He looks at us before sighing and turning.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I nudge Rahim and nod to his wrist, “how much time do we have left?” He stares at his watch for a few additional seconds before informing me, “about twenty more minutes or so. And that’s hoping that they don’t go over the time //and// that they agree to meet with us.” I sigh but nod, relaxing on the sofa as the two drone on without me paying much attention. I’m far busier on my phone, especially since they sound to be discussing nothing but business. When time approaches, Rahim hugs Amarante goodbye and the two of us walk back to the door<<if $cp>>, Chris notices us and comes over as well.<<else>>.<</if>> “Is it time?” Rahim questions Leona. With a sigh, she stands and straightens her clothes, “I’ll go see.” She returns a minute later, “come on.” She holds the door open for us and beckons us forward. <<if $cp>>Chris is behind me, but Leona stops him, whispering something in his ear that causes him to stop his advance. He looks at us before sighing and turning.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My eyes linger on the area that Rahim had just poked Amarante, and I feel a tinge of envy and tiredness. “It was nice meeting you, Amarante,” I tell her, standing. “Oh, nice to meet you too, $name, right?” I nod and turn to leave when Rahim questions me. “Where are you going? It’s not time yet.” I shrug, I’d rather wait beside Leona than sit there and be excluded and ignored. <<if hasVisited("“Rahim, actually.”")>>It didn’t help that he had yet to even notice or say anything about my current clothing.<</if>> I walk away, navigating my way past dancing bodies, and stuck in my own mind. Why was I even trying to capture his attention? He barely knew me, and it was evident that he didn’t trust me. Was I jealous? [[Hell yea.]] [[No, not at all.]]
A dash of anger and envy race through me, of course, I was jealous. Who wouldn’t be? Amarante looked like some divine spirit that walked straight out of a model industry. <<include "CR2_3_6_1">>
No, not at all. Firstly, I wasn’t the jealous type. And secondly, though I received little to no attention from Rahim, something told me that they weren’t close in //that// manner. And even if they were, that was Rahim’s past, when I was aiming to be his future. <<include "CR2_3_6_1">>
I’m so caught up in my own thoughts that I end up running into someone. I watch as a large built man turns to look down on me, giving me a wolfish grin that sends shivers up my spine. “Excuse me, sir,” I manage to say under my breath, stepping around him. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him. “Now, where do you think you’re going? Especially without an apology?” he takes a threatening step closer to me. [[“You got until the count of three.”][$pacifist -=3]] [[“First off, breath mint.”][$serious -=3]] [[“I’m sorry.”][$stubborn -=3]] [[Yank my arm free.][$daring +=3]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pacifist ++</span><</if>> “You got until the count of three,” I tell him. I wasn’t in the mood, and I was trying my best not to wipe the floor with this man, lest I garner the faction’s attention, and I’m run out of town. “Hmm,” he hums, grabbing my chin with his free hand, “I wonder what happens then.” I growl through clenched teeth as his grip tightens. With my other hand, I move to punch him, but he’s faster than me. With both wrists in his grasp, I’m left with only one more means of attack. But he seems to be two steps ahead of me. He begins to move closer, and to keep from tripping, I back up, only stopping when my back hits the cold wall. His face only half lit up by the pulsing lights overhead. <<include "CR2_3_7">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Comical ++</span><</if>> “First off,” I say, taking a step further away from him, “breath mints exist and come highly recommended.” “Cute,” he says, moving his face closer to me. His grip tightens, and a fresh wave of pain runs up my arm, “real cute.” I growl through clenched teeth as his grip tightens. He begins to move closer, and to keep from tripping, I back up, only stopping when my back hits the cold wall. His face only half lit up by the pulsing lights overhead. <<include "CR2_3_7">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Reasonable ++</span><</if>> “I’m sorry,” I tell him, “can you let me go now?” He hums, “I don’t think that was meant sincerely, try again.” “I’m sorry,” I growl through clenched teeth, his grip tightening. But that seems to displease him as much as the first one. He begins to move closer, and to keep from tripping, I back up, only stopping when my back hits the cold wall. His face only half lit up by the pulsing lights overhead. <<include "CR2_3_7">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Daring ++</span><</if>> I ignore him and worry more about getting my arm free of his grip. As soon as I pull, his grip tightens, and a fresh wave of pain runs up my arm. “Hmm,” he hums, “that didn’t sound like an apology.” “How perceptive of you,” I growl through clenched teeth, his grip tightening. He begins to move closer, and to keep from tripping, I back up, only stopping when my back hits the cold wall. His face only half lit up by the pulsing lights overhead. <<include "CR2_3_7">>
He pins me to the wall roughly, one of his sharp nails poised at my neck as he leans in, his breath reeking of alcohol. “You’re a cute one,” he whispers into my ear, “how about we go to one of those rooms in the back, and you apologize to me properly?” “Get off!” I shout, glancing around for help. “I’ll drag you there sexy, it doesn’t really matter. It’ll just be easier if you agree, or don’t, it might just be way more fun if you don’t.” He leans in closer, and my eyes widen as I realize what he’s about to do. I thrash frantically, my instincts kicking in as my mind tries to come up with a proper plan. He’s strong and large, a type of strength that is inhuman, and him being drunk is only making it worse. Before he can say another word, his grip is released from me, and I watch as he staggers back, Rahim now standing beside me, staring daggers at my assailant. “How about you leave,” he growls. “Or what,” the man sneers. “Or I drag you outside, away from neutral territory, and let you meet my companion here on equal ground. Do believe me when I say that ?he can beat you within an inch of your life. The only thing stopping ?him right now is the rules of this club.” The man’s eyes move from Rahim to me, neither of us backing down as he snarls and then slowly backs away into the crowd. Once he’s gone, Rahim sighs, and without even looking at me utters, “didn’t I tell you to watch yourself?” [[“Oh, go back to your girlfriend.”]] [[“That’s why I have you.”]] [[“I had that handled.”]]
“Oh, go back to your girlfriend,” I snort, trying to hide the envious tone that somehow seeps into my words. “You think I have a romantic relationship with Amarante?” he questions, catching my attention when he says it almost in disgust. I glance up to see him giving me a doubtful and dismayed look. “The two of you seemed close.” “She’s the only person I’ve been able to call a friend in a long time,” he tells me, “there for me when I needed someone the most. So, yes. The two of us are close, but your assumptions go too far.” “Well, how was I supposed to guess that?” I question, though I roll my eyes. “By asking,” he points out, tapping my forehead with one finger. Though I wasn’t about to admit it, I could’ve guessed that. But in my defense, Rahim was a good-looking man. It wasn’t strange to doubt some of his friendships. I begin to straighten my outfit back out, looking up to see Rahim watching me out of the corner of his eye. I just barely catch his eyes roaming over my body as I do so. He shakes his head, “you’re ignoring my initial question though, what was that?” <<if $pacifist >=50>>“That was just some jerk who didn’t understand basic English. Because being a supernatural being, I guess, allows you to do what you want,”<<else>>“That was an entitled asshole. One I could’ve easily dealt with if it wasn’t for the stupid rules of this club,”<</if>> I rant, and for the second time that night, my back is touching the wall. Anyone watching is probably shaking their head and thinking I was a glutton for punishment. Rahim stands over me, his eyes narrowed as he stares at me, his eyes electric. <a data-passage="CR2_3_8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Well, that’s why I have you,” I tell him, allowing the sarcasm to drench every word, “my knight in shining armor. Always ready to defend me.” The two of us roll our eyes simultaneously, but Rahim’s is accompanied by a long sigh. <<include "CR2_3_8">>
“I had that handled,” I snort, straightening my outfit back out, looking up to see Rahim watching me out of the corner of his eye. I just barely catch his eyes roaming over my body as I do so. “Yes, because that’s what it looked like. Tell me, were you going to put an end to it before or after it got too far?” “Bite me,” I growl, and for the second time that night, my back is touching the wall. Anyone who was watching was probably shaking their head and thinking I was a glutton for punishment. Rahim now stands over me, his eyes narrowed as he stares at me, his eyes electric. <<include "CR2_3_8">>
“And what would’ve happened if your powers acted up again?” <<if $stubborn >=50>>“Enough with the what if’s, it didn’t happen, so it doesn’t matter.”<<else>>“Probably something extremely bad. I guess we should both be happy nothing happened then.”<</if>> “I beg to differ.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>“Whatever, can we just move on?”<<else>>“Well, no one asked you for your thoughts.”<</if>> I attempt to move, but Rahim stays planted. I drop his gaze, feeling my heartbeat rise as I become keenly aware of everything about him. His clothing, his scent, his closeness. I shiver as a thought runs through my mind, and then another. I bite my lip to ward off the thoughts, and Rahim’s gaze drops down to them due to the action. He seems to lean in before abruptly stopping and then walking away. “It’s time for the meeting,” he says flatly. “Asshole,” I murmur under my breath, following behind him, fanning myself. “Is it time?” Rahim questions Leona once we make it to her. With a sigh, she stands and straightens her clothes, “I’ll go see.” She returns a minute later, “come on.” She holds the door open for us and beckons us forward. <<if $cp>>Chris is behind me, but Leona stops him, whispering something in his ear that causes him to stop his advance. He looks at us before sighing and turning.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I’m going to go and see if I can find Chris,” I tell her, sending her an apologetic smile. “Ah, the human. Might wanna go catch up with that one, before he becomes a snack for someone else.” I give her a look, but she doesn’t seem bothered. I head in the direction of the last place I saw Chris go, the bar. Despite there being a large crowd, finding Chris is relatively easy, mostly because he has done his damnedest to distance himself from others. I weave my way through them, hardly getting any glances besides the ones that seem like they want to devour me and my being whole. But, as soon as I settle beside Chris, all eyes move to me. “Great,” Chris mumbles, “all eyes on us.” [[“I think they expect me to eat you.”]] [[“Hi, can I help you?”]] [[Ignore them.|EP3IgnoreChris]]
“I think they expect me to eat you,” I whisper to Chris, smiling as he snorts while taking a sip of his drink. “I gotta agree with you there. I’m far more shocked that no one has tried to approach me yet.” “Count your blessings,” I tell him, nodding to the drink, “is it any good?” “Yea,” he summons the bartender over and orders the same thing for me. <<include "CR2_3_9">>
“Hi, can I help you?” I ask sarcastically, staring daggers at everyone until they look away. Well, the majority anyway. Those that do glance away go back to their business, but a few continue staring, probably looking to see what I would do if they don’t. I choose to ignore them, especially since I didn’t know what their individual species are. I’m still pretty much in the dark about who I am, starting a fight isn’t the wisest thing to do, especially in a club that’s neutral ground. <<include "CR2_3_9">>
I ignore them, putting my attention on Chris, who continues to drink and ignore the many eyes as well. <<include "CR2_3_9">>
“Wishing you stayed back with Bradley yet?” I question. “No, but if one more vampire walks past me and flashes me their fangs, then yes, definitely.” “Would you rather them flash something else?” I joke and he rolls his eyes. <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ <<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>>\ Chris throws his shot back before turning to me, “dance with me?” <<if hasVisited("Two can play that game.")>>\ I gesture to those already dancing, “you sure you wouldn’t rather dance with one of them?” He takes two more shots, leaning in to say, “I could ask you the same thing.” Before I can offer a retort, he grabs my hand and yanking me towards the area where all the other dancers are. <<else>>\ I gesture to those already dancing, “you sure you wouldn’t rather dance with one of them?” He takes two more shots before grabbing my hand and yanking me towards the area where all the other dancers are. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ Chris throws his shot back before turning to me, “dance with me?” I raise a brow, not knowing if that was a good idea with all the things that were still left unsaid. He waves his hand to stop me, taking two more shots that I hadn’t noticed sitting beside him. I raise a brow, but he leaves me little time to think it over, without an answer, he grabs my hand and yanks me towards the area where all the other dancers are. <</if>>\ He rests his hand on my waist, tugging me closer to his chest as I move my hips to the music, and he sways with me. Despite the looming conversation that needed to be had, I find myself relaxing, happy to once again be in his arms. The more we dance, the more I realize that I’ve missed this, missed us. Ever since this venture began, we’ve been off and on. One minute we’re arguing, and the next, Chris is seconds away from spilling everything he’s ever felt about me out. <<if $gender isnot "female">>Not to mention that our last serious talk about us centered around Chris finally coming to terms with his new orientation. <</if>> Perhaps this is it, it’s all finally falling into place. <<if $optimistic >=50>>Maybe tonight, we’ll manage to talk and put all of that behind us.<<else>>So why do I feel like a pit is opening in my stomach?<</if>> <a data-passage="CR2_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ We drink in silence for a while, choosing to just relax until it’s time to go into the lion’s den. I begin wondering what the council members were like. Intimidating? Understanding? Unwilling to budge unless it somehow helped move their plans along? If they were anything like politicians, then this meeting would be nothing but a massive headache. I wanted to give them more credit than that, but something inside me told me not to. “Did you see where Rahim went?” Chris questions, finally breaking the silence between us. “Nope. I’m guessing he went to go see someone though. He had this look like he had seen someone who he didn’t think would be here.” “Yea,” Chris drifts off and looks around. “I’m surprised you’re not out there dancing. You’ve never been the type to sit on the sideline.” “Maybe if I was in the main part of the club, but I feel like one minute I’ll be dancing and the next I’ll be someone’s meal.” “Yea, you’re probably right.” Conversation after that goes in and out, both of us trying to think of any topics that didn’t have to deal with the conversation we were both ignoring. The conversation that we needed to have, despite how casual we wanted to be, and how much we wanted to just forget. I’m about to order another beverage when Rahim approaches, motioning for us to follow him as heads back towards Leona. Guess this was it. “Is it time?” Rahim questions Leona once we make it to her. With a sigh, she stands and straightens her clothes, “I’ll go see.” She returns a minute later, “come on.” She holds the door open for us and beckons us forward. <<if $cp>>Chris is behind me, but Leona stops him, whispering something in his ear that causes him to stop his advance. He looks at us before sighing and turning.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
<<nobr>>\<<set $cbreak = true>><</nobr>>\ Chris spins me around to face him, one hand lingering on my hips as the other grasps my chin. I watch as his lips get closer and closer, my heartbeat skyrocketing as I imagine his lips on mine. Was it smart to indulge in this when we really needed to talk? Was he using this kiss as a way to get out of that talk? My thoughts cause me to tell him to stop, but I realize that he already ceased his actions. I open my eyes and see a sadness in his eyes, along with something else, regret? “Chris?” I question breathlessly, and he backs away though his hands never leave their place on my waist. “I’m sorry, $name,” he starts, and I shiver. Something in his voice told me that he isn’t apologizing for what he had said back at Rahim’s safehouse<<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>> or what he did at the party.<<else>>.<</if>> “What are you sorry about?” “I think we should take a break. To put whatever this is on pause for now until I get my head on right.” I push away from him as I replay those words. “Are you breaking up with me?” I question though I know how odd that is to say. We aren’t dating, but that’s what this feels like, a breakup. “I would’ve used different words, but I suppose.” [[“Did I do something?”]] [[“You suppose?”]] <<if $gender is "male" or $gender is "nonbinary">>\ [[“You just came to grips about your sexuality!”]] <</if>>\
“Did I do something?” I question, and he shakes his head though I can tell that he’s only doing it to soften the blow. “This has nothing to do with our argument.<<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>> Though I guess it may have something to do with what happened at the party.”<<else>>”<</if>> “But it does have something to do with me, and what I am now?” He drags his hand through his hair, <<if $breaknoclub>>giving him a crazed, ‘I don’t sleep’ look.<<else>>inevitably messing up the style he worked so hard to do.<</if>> <<include "CR2_4_1">>
“Seriously?” I ask in shock, “but you just came to grips about your sexuality?! You took a step forward to just take three back?” “This has nothing to do with my sexuality,” he ensures me, but it does little to nothing to make me feel even the slightest bit better. “I would hope not, as I was under the assumption that you had figured it out.” He drags his hand through his hair, <<if $breaknoclub>>giving him a crazed, ‘I don’t sleep’ look.<<else>>inevitably messing up the style he worked so hard to do.<</if>> <<include "CR2_4_1">>
“You suppose?” I shout, not caring <<if $breaknoclub>>if Rahim and Bradley heard us or anyone else for that matter<<else>>when some of the dancers look my way<</if>>, “the hell kind of response is that, Chris?” “$name,” he starts, but I hold up a finger and send him a warning glare. “Don’t tell me to calm down or lower my voice.” “This has nothing to do with our argument.<<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>> Though I guess it may have something to do with what happened at the party,”<<else>>,”<</if>> he reassures. “But it does have something to do with me, and what I am now?” He drags his hand through his hair, <<if $breaknoclub>>giving him a crazed, ‘I don’t sleep’ look.<<else>>inevitably messing up the style he worked so hard to do.<</if>> <<include "CR2_4_1">>
“I need time to come to grips about the future,” he begins, choosing his words carefully. But at that moment, I didn’t want careful, I wanted everything out and in front of us. “What does that even mean?” I growl, and in response, he looks even more frustrated at my tone. “I’m sick of feeling like the asshole because you don’t understand where I’m coming from.” <<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>>“Maybe because you are. You’d rather just do things instead of stopping to explain. Just explain to me why. For once, answer the question.” I shout and plead simultaneously, “you owe me that.”<<else>>“Then help me understand,” I shout and plead at the same time, “you owe me that.”<</if>> “My entire world was flipped on its side when I joined you. And I had to restructure my entire life to fit with what all of this would bring. I was okay with that; I could do it because I had you at my side. But then ... then I learn that you’re not human. And now, once again, I have to restructure everything. Christ, $name, some people can do that, but I can’t. Having to rethink my entire life over, again and again, I hate it. I had visions of spending the rest of my life with you, $name. I want children and to not come home and think that my partner was eaten by some godforsaken monster,” he tells me, clearing his throat <<if $breaknoclub>>and trying to get a grip on his emotions once again.<<else>>when two people walk by and give him a heated glare.<</if>> He sighs and rubs at his eyes, “I want a family and a happy life. And I’m not even sure that it’s possible because the person I wanted it with is a complete mystery. And sometimes, by the way you act, I don’t think we want the same thing. I’m scared, $name. I’m terrified that I’ll wake up, and when I look at you, you won’t be yourself. Or even more you leave and never come back. I’m scared that you’ll do something you’ll regret because you don’t know how to control yourself and you’ll carry that with you. I don’t know how to help you. And I damn sure don’t know what that spirit inside of you has planned. I don’t … I can’t go through this right now. I’m either imagining you doing something horrible or something horrible happening to you. I don’t dream of us together and happy anymore. I dream of fucking darkness and all the bad shit that can and will happen to you.” <<if $breaknoclub>>\ If I had any words, they halt their advance in my throat, refusing to go any further. Chris turns away from me, wiping at his face in attempt to rid himself of the tears that managed to flee. I’m frozen in my spot, unsure of what to do or say when Rahim saves me from all of it with his presence. His phone is in one hand, and an annoyed Bradley in the other. “See, I told you they were talking. Can you let me go now?” Rahim does as he asks and points to me and then at Chris. “Problem?” “Nope, no problem whatsoever,” Chris answers, avoiding my gaze as if I had a disease. I wonder if he thought I did. “Great,” he sneers, “because you two are going to go and visit Leona, see if you can get her help in locating one of the hybrids.” “And what are you going to do?” I ask, raising my voice louder than I initially want. “Bradley and I are going down to the station, see if we can’t get our hands on some of that tape.” [[“And Bradley can’t take one of us instead?”]] [[“Alright, fine.”]] <<else>>\ If I had any words, they halt their advance in my throat, refusing to go any further. Chris squeezes his eyes, and though the club is dark, I can see the wetness bordering them. Absentmindedly, I reach forward to wipe them, but his hand catches mine, his reflexes five times better than what they used to be. He’s trembling as he raises my hand to his lips and kisses it gently. After that, he slowly retreats, allowing the crowd to swallow him and leaving me standing there by myself. I’m much more aware of my surroundings now, feeling like eyes were on me and judging me with every passing second. I clear my throat and head towards the bar. [[Nope, I’m crying this out elsewhere.]] [[Just sit there, I need to stay focused.]] [[Time to get drunk. I don’t care.]] <</if>>\
I stop and back up, choosing to go elsewhere. I walk down the hallway, anger, and sadness rippling through me as the sounds of people making love and probably being fed off of fill my ears. I suppose I now knew what all these rooms were for. I cut a corner and open a door, finding myself outside. The chilly Chicago air surrounds me, and I breathe it in as if I had just surfaced from being held underwater. Tears rush down my face as I finally let them go, as I finally let it all go. We hadn’t been dating, so why did it hurt like he had truly broken up with me? As if we had shared millions of happy moments together? //Because you did, dummy//, I tell myself. Flashes appearing through my mind. When did just being his friend become so complicated and painful? There was a sharp pain in my heart that I wished wasn’t there. And despite telling myself to suck it up and to head back inside, my legs give out, and I fall to the ground as the sobs escape. I was that person, crying in an empty alleyway with what felt like a broken heart. <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I clear my throat and wipe invisible dust off of my outfit. I’m oversensitive to everything going on around me all of a sudden. Every laugh, every whisper, every glance. It all seemed like it was for me. Even though a part of me knew that it had nothing to do with me, another part wanted to scream. Once at the bar, I order water, choosing to keep my head clear so that I could go to this meeting. Crap, Chris would be there too. I would have to sit or stand beside him for who knows how long. I would have to listen to him speak, and if he was close, I would have to deal with that cologne he loved so much. The same cologne that, in the past, would make me feel so safe and adored. I hit the bar, cursing the thoughts as I clear my head of him. To forget about Chris, I choose to focus on the meeting that we were about to have. I think about scenarios and what the best and worst cases would be. I then think of Bradley, and then about Zillah’s deal. When my mind runs out of things to think about, I shift all of my attention to my phone, letting the minutes tick by. I’m close to celebrating when Rahim approaches me, touching my arm and motioning for me to follow him. “Is it time?” Rahim questions Leona once we make it to her. With a sigh, she stands and straightens her clothes, “I’ll go see.” She returns a minute later, “come on.” She holds the door open for us and beckons us forward. <<if $cp>>Chris is behind me, but Leona stops him, whispering something in his ear that causes him to stop his advance. He looks at us before sighing and turning.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I shove my way past the hoard of people dancing and make a beeline right back to the bar. The bartender raises a brow when he notices me but says nothing more, though I catch him glancing around for Chris. “Tequila shots, keep em coming until I say stop.” He immediately goes and does just that, never questioning why like other bartenders. If Sydero was anything to go off of, then supernatural creatures had a higher tolerance for alcohol, though it could be just a cambion or Sydero thing. I roll my eyes, I just wanted to forget everything Chris had just uttered past his lips. If I could, I’d like to forget him too, but I doubt there was any alcohol that could accomplish that feat … besides Everclear. The bartender returns with five shots of tequila, pouring them in front of me before pushing them closer. I take them one after the other, only stopping enough to clench my eyes closed as the liquid burns its way down my throat. Every minute that ticks by, the world gets farther away, the noises sounding like they exist as nothing but background noise. <<if $entitytakeover>>\ “You are hopeless,” I hear a voice within me say, “no, you’re past that.” It grumbles something, but my world continues to grow darker as the noises and lights of another seem to rise before there’s nothing. Just silence. <a data-passage="CR2_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“No offense, Leona, but moments like these are rare for me. I think I’m going to go make the most of it.” “Don’t let me stop you,” she chuckles, “but a little tip for you, sweetie, stay where others can see you. Some of these folks don’t play too nicely, damn the club rules.” I take her advice with me, knowing that she had a point. The last thing I needed was to be carted off by a vampire. I take to the dance floor, dancing with stranger after stranger. All the songs are in the hip hop and electronic genre and have some dark undertones to them. It was music that before now I couldn’t possibly picture being played at a club. Of course, this was no ordinary club, but I’m still shocked at how easy it is to dance to music such as this, a hypnotic but a mostly slow and mystic beat. It went with the aesthetic of not only the club, but those inside. The more the music plays, the more I dance, the more I forget where I’m at. All the tension that’s been building begins to leave me. I dance away the stress of making a choice with Zillah, of the meeting that’s coming up, of my unknown origins and powers, of having to rescue Sydero. Everything seeps from my being, every move causing a crack to grow larger until stress was no longer an issue. The group I’m dancing with head towards the bar, motioning for me to follow them as well as one of the guy’s orders shots for everyone. [[Opt out.]] [[Might as well.]]
I decide to opt-out, the group not seeming too stressed about my decision as they take shot after shot before joining me back on the dance floor. I still needed a clear head for this meeting coming up. I didn’t even want to think of what Rahim would say if he found out I was sloppy drunk and barely hanging onto consciousness. He might’ve agreed to join us, but that didn’t mean he trusted me, and I wasn’t trying to give him more reason to think this was all a bad idea. I continue dancing, grinding, and messing around until someone taps me on the shoulder. Rahim stands behind me, brow raised, but there was a lack of judgment within his gaze. “Have you been drinking?” I shake my head, too out of breath to reply with words. “Good, come on.” Leona sees us approach and she stands up, straightening her clothes, “I’ll go see if they're ready.” She returns a minute later, “come on.” She holds the door open for us and beckons us forward. <<if $cp>>Chris is behind me, but Leona stops him, whispering something in his ear that causes him to stop his advance. He looks at us before sighing and turning.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I shrug, I said that I wanted to relax and let go, this was part of it. I accept the shots that the bartender passes us. After clinking the glasses with the others, we all throw the shot back. One after another, I take the shots passed out, only stopping enough to clench my eyes closed as the liquid burns its way down my throat. We dance some more; we drink some more. The process begins again. Every minute that ticks by, the world gets farther away, the noises sounding like they exist as nothing but background noise. <<if $entitytakeover>>\ “You are hopeless,” I hear a voice within me say, “no, you’re passed that.” It grumbles something, but my world continues to grow darker as the noises and lights of another seem to rise before there’s nothing. Just silence. <a data-passage="CR2_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
Zillah growls as he rotates $name’s shoulders. Taking over is becoming easier, though still unpleasant. Somewhere, in the back of his … $name’s mind, he could hear ?him snoring. “I can’t wait to be done with this damn job,” he growls, walking towards the meeting area. Who would’ve thought he would have to save the day. In fact, why did he in the first place? Probably because drunk $name would’ve chosen to ramble around downtown Chicago. The best-case scenario is that ?he would fall asleep in some alley, the worst case was that ?he’d get hit by a car. Both seem highly possible. When Zillah makes it to the meeting room, Leona gives him a nod before getting up to check if the supernaturals are ready. But Zillah has little time to even think about that, a hand grabbing the back of his shoulder and forcing him into the wall. “Relinquish your hold, spirit. Now,” Rahim barks in his face. Zillah’s insides war with each other, one side wanting to hit the hell out of the man before him, the other wanting to shrink away. Nephilim’s are bad news, cambions too, but nephilim’s seem programmed to get rid of every little nasty thing they deem below them. Cambions at least were fine with letting the powers that be continue, as long as it didn’t affect their own selfish interests. “Hey,” he chuckles, swatting Rahim away, “hands off the merchandise. I need this body in good shape.” “I will repeat myself, let ?him go.” “Or what? You’re going to smite me? Well, I’m not a demon. Banish me? Not a normal spirit. But I’m sure you knew that.” Zillah stands straighter, rolling his eyes, “plus, you should be thanking me. This idiot went and got shit-faced. I saved $name from becoming roadkill.” Rahim seems to straighten up at that, backing away. At first, Zillah believes he won, until Leona opens the door at the exact same time. He rolls his eyes, going inside and smiling at a still fuming Rahim. “When we get back to the hotel, if I still sense even a piece of you,” Rahim whispers, “I will pull you out of $name and banishing you will be seen as a mercy.” Zillah raises a brow as Rahim walks in, smirking to himself. It would seem even that even the angel boy had a dark side. <a data-passage="CR3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<audio "chicagorogue" unloop fadeout>> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.50 fadein>> <</nobr>>\ <<if hasVisited("Time to get drunk. I don’t care.") and not hasVisited("CR2_5")>>\ I can feel my body moving, the different materials that rub against my skin. And yet, through it all, I can barely sense them until it’s too late. And even when it is too late, my senses are still too numb to register whatever I made an impact with. Sounds begin to merge with others to create something foreign to the ears, and my eyes attempt to piece where I am at together. I feel oddly warm, but something tells me that I shouldn’t. “Hey!” someone shouts, and something barrels into me. My head aches as my senses come alive, piecing everything together as my heart kicks into overtime, my adrenaline pumping, and muscles aching though they hadn’t been doing anything strenuous. I blink, and gaze around, finding myself on the sidewalk and those walking past me staring down at me in confusion but continuing about their business. “Are you okay?” a woman questions, cocking her head to the side and causing her black hair to follow. Large doe shaped eyes stare back at me, a mix of fear and trepidation resting within them. Maybe it was my hazy state of mind or the city lights, but whoever this woman was, she was beautiful. [[“What happened?”]] [[“Damn, you’re gorgeous.”]] [[“Can you get off me?”]] <<elseif hasVisited("Nope, I’m crying this out elsewhere.")>>\ The tears dry up before I feel like moving. My entire body feels numb, and I still struggle to understand why. This was more than just Chris telling me that he needed a break, or whatever he wanted to call his poorly timed confession. It felt like everything that I was going through decided that now was the time to come out. My newfound powers, Zillah’s deal, Sydero, and the mission revolving around her, my own struggle with myself, and what I was. The tears carry them away, leaving me feeling empty and indifferent about everything. What I want right now is a nice warm bed and to worry about nothing but keeping my toes under the blanket. And that’s exactly what I was about to get. I turn to head inside to tell Rahim that I’m not about to stick around but think against it. Whether I tell him or not, I’m going to get an earful about it later. In fact, telling him now will probably make it even worse than later. The last thing I need is Rahim shouting at me tonight. I make sure that I have everything and head to the end of the alleyway and back out onto the lit and bustling street. I wait until I watch others hail a taxi before I attempt to hail one of my own. Once inside, I sink into the seat, further allowing my mind to wander. Feeling empty like this feels almost weird. Leave it to Chris to turn what was supposed to be a fun night into a horrible one. I keep my mind off of the events of today, and yesterday, and the week before that. Though it’s hard, I do my best to keep my head blank of thoughts. Trying to exist away from myself. I walk to our room and head straight to the bed, ignoring the look that Bradley gives. Hopefully, he’ll see my reluctance and keep any thoughts to himself. I just wanted to disappear into the bed. Let today’s problems be for tomorrow. <a data-passage="CR3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ The people gathered around the long rectangular table were intimidating yet appeared like regular people. They’re dressed in classy clothing, causing one to forget that there’s a club filled with hungry, drunken, and horny adults on the other side. The man at the head of the table looks like a force to be reckoned with. Broad shoulders, a thick beard, lightly greased back hair, and to wrap all of that up a pair of disdainful, shark-like eyes, and a mouth that seems permanently set in the frown position. <<if hasVisited("CR2_5")>>\ Rahim walks towards the man, and instead of giving him a handshake, he drops to one knee with his head bowed. The man looks at him and, with a nod of approval, touches the top of Rahim’s head. “Seems all just a little too god-yearning for me,” Zillah snorts, smiling at the glare that Rahim sends him. “Shut up. Not another word.” “Or what,” Zillah whispers, “you gonna punish me?” Rahim remains quiet, looking to the lead councilmember for something. <<else>>\ Rahim walks towards the man, and instead of giving him a handshake, he drops to one knee with his head bowed. The man looks at him and, with a nod of approval, touches the top of Rahim’s head. He comes back to my side, waiting for something. <</if>>\ “Alright, young man,” the man says, “you have the floor.” “We came to Chicago because we believe you all possess an up to date map on the gateway to hell. Is this assumption true?” A woman dressed in all black and possessing pale skin, textbook vampire if <<if hasVisited("CR2_5")>>Zillah<<else>>I<</if>> was to guess, is the one who answers, “yes, this is true. Why do you need it? As you probably know, enchanting a map is neither easy nor cheap. Especially with something this monumental.” Another man grunts from the other side of the table. “I do. We will pay whatever price you deem fair.” The woman believed to be the vampire leader starts to speak but then quiets down, looking at the leader of the entire council. “Roland, do you think we might have found the solution to our little problem?” Roland’s eyebrows perk up as he regards <<if hasVisited("CR2_5")>>them<<else>>us<</if>>, his eyes narrowing on <<if $drunkentity>>Zillah.<<else>>me.<</if>> “You. What are you?” <<if hasVisited("CR2_5")>>\ “I’m nothing but a poor misunderstood child of the Earth. Please have pity on me,” Zillah answers, putting his hands to his chest, attempting to pout. Rahim leans in and whispers tautly, “that’s not what $name sounds like.” <<if $pacifist >=50>>“Oh hush, you’ve known ?him for all of two days.” Rahim is unable to retort as<<else>>“Oh right, stab, stab. Die, die.” Rahim bristles, ready to choke the spirit or whatever it was, but he pauses when<</if>> Roland clears his throat. “Is there an issue?” “No, sir. My apologies.” <a data-passage="CR3_0_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ [[Tell him I’m human.]] [[Tell him my name.]] [[Be honest, who knows?!][$leona +=1]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“What happened?” I ask, accepting her extended hand as she helps me to my feet. “I don’t know. All I know is that you were about to cross the street when cars were coming.” “Ugh. I have no idea how I even got out here,” I groan, retreating farther off the sidewalk so that I was no longer in anyone’s way. “Yea, you’re drunk,” she tells me, “can I help you get to where you need to go? Or at least to help you with a cab?” <<include "CR3_0_2">>
“Damn, you’re gorgeous,” I find myself saying, not phased in the least when she blushes and coughs in embarrassment. “Uh, thanks. Though you wouldn’t be the first drunk person to tell me that,” she snickers playfully. “Totally sober for the next three or so minutes, trust me.” She waves my words away and helps me to my feet, proving to be stronger than I initially thought based on her size. “Can I help you get to where you need to go? Or at least to help you with a cab?” <<include "CR3_0_2">>
“Um, thanks for whatever you did just then, but can you get off me?” I question, and she shrieks, rushing off of me and straightening up. “I am so sorry.” “It’s fine,” I tell her, accepting her extended hand as she helps me to my feet, “what exactly am I thanking you for though?” “You were about to cross the street when cars were coming. I just pulled you back to the sidewalk.” “Ugh, I have no idea how I even got out here,” I groan, retreating farther off the sidewalk so that I was no longer in anyone’s way. “Yea, you’re drunk,” she tells me, “can I help you get to where you need to go? Or at least to help you with a cab?” <<include "CR3_0_2">>
“Where am I? And do you know how to get to the Hilton from here? The one near Millennium Park?” “A cab then,” she chuckles, walking to the side of the road and hailing one. I stand behind her, watching as she abruptly stiffens and looks into the distance, her eyes moving from one area to the next before she seems to calm down, but not much. “Are you okay?” I question, and she throws me a smile, “of course. Here you are.” A cab pulls over and stops, as I get in, the girl walks to the side and questions how much it would be for me to be sent to the location I told her earlier. She pays and without more than a wave goodbye, is off. I watch her as she leaves, trying to figure out how that interaction could have possibly gone any different. Just as mysteriously as she had appeared, she was gone, like a guardian angel. Huh, I now wonder if that was just another job description, like being a specialist or a hunter, or if angels were seriously given such tasks. Rahim obviously was not given such a task by some higher being, but he had taken it upon himself to be such a thing. I didn’t have much time to think that over, my senses were slowly slipping back into whatever land my drunken state decided to conjure up. I stumble into the lobby, ignoring every single look that I garner. I just wanted to forget that I had up and decided to do this to myself. Between making my way to the elevator and then lying down in my bed, I hardly remember anything. I especially don’t remember that I was supposed to be in a club, helping Rahim figure out how to get a location to enter hell. <a data-passage="CR3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Victoria brings up an excellent point,” Roland starts, “as you may know, hybrids are frowned upon.” His eyes cut to Rahim, but they leave him just as fast. “Over the past two years, we have done an admirable job of exterminating them. We have reason to believe that two of them have returned to Chicago, an elusive bunch. Those that we have sent thus far have either been killed or unsuccessful.” “You want us to track them down,” Rahim starts, Roland finishing the sentence, though. “And bring us their heads. Yes. In reward for this, we’ll give you the map.” He pauses and looks over at Victoria, and she nods. “To be fair, you need to bring only one of their heads to us, either the man or the young woman. Bring us proof of death, and the map is yours.” Zillah watches, his face giving nothing away as Rahim steps forward and shakes Roland’s hand. This isn’t really his problem, it’s $name’s. And so, with the deal done, he turns and heads back outside. Once there, Rahim grabs onto Zillah’s shoulder for the second time, Zillah sighing wistfully as he turns to him. “We’re headed back to the hotel, now.” “You really need to learn how to use your words,” Zillah begins, moving Rahim’s hand for the second time that night, “you’re more handsy than Sydero.” Zillah mentally applauded Rahim for controlling himself, he definitely thought that would get him further riled up. “But lead the way, awe inspiring leader.” With a grunt, Rahim walks to the exits<<if $cp>>, Chris following soon after, and Zillah taking up the rear.<<else>> and Zillah taking up the rear.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I’m a human,” I tell him, not knowing if they could sense that or not. “You’re unlike any human I’ve ever smelled,” one of them mentions, his nose twitching as soon as he says it. Murmurs of agreement are heard around the room. “?He <<verb "doesn’t">> know what ?he <<verb "is">>. That little mystery is still a work in progress,” Rahim tells them, giving me a disapproving look before focusing back on the council members. <<include "CR3_0_3">>
“I’m $name Roe.” “I asked what you are, not who.” “I don’t like repeating myself.” Is all I answer with, getting mixed replies from those surrounding me, most of them negative. <<include "CR3_0_3">>
“Honestly, no idea. I’m still new to the whole supernatural life, and no one I’ve met has been able to put a label to me.” A part of me prays that one of them could tell me, that maybe I had some of them in me, perhaps I was even a hybrid. But none of them mention anything, all regarding me with interest. <<include "CR3_0_3">>
“Victoria brings up an excellent point,” Roland starts, “as you may know, hybrids are frowned upon.” His eyes cut to Rahim, but they leave him just as fast. “Over the past two years, we have done an admirable job of exterminating them. We have reason to believe that two of them have returned to Chicago, an elusive bunch. Those that we have sent thus far have either been killed or have been unsuccessful.” “You want us to track them down,” Rahim starts, Roland finishing the sentence, though. “And bring us their heads. Yes. In reward for this, we’ll give you the map.” He pauses and looks over at Victoria, and she nods. “To be fair, you need to bring only one of their heads to us, either the man or the young woman. Bring us proof of death, and the map is yours.” Rahim doesn’t turn to me or asks me if I agree. He takes a step forward and shakes Roland’s hand and leads me back outside. [[“The hell, I didn’t sign up for this.”][$rahim -=3; $daring -=3]] [[“We now have to seriously hunt someone?”]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Cautious ++</span><</if>> “The hell,” I say as soon as the door closes, and we’re away from Leona, “I didn’t sign up for this.” <<if $cp>>\ “Sign up for what?” Chris asks upon approach, “what happened?” “Technically, you did,” Rahim corrects, ignoring Chris’s previous questions, “and there’s no other way. The council agreed, and changing their mind is either going to be impossible or too much work. Especially with something this insignificant.” <<else>>\ “Technically you did,” Rahim corrects, “and there’s no other way. The council agreed, and changing their mind was going to either be impossible or too much work. Especially with something this insignificant.” <</if>>\ “They’re asking for us to take someone’s life,” I growl. <<if $cp>>\ “What? What happened?” Chris inquires again, this time louder. “You have taken plenty thus far,” Rahim reminds. <<else>>\ “You have taken plenty thus far.” <</if>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>>“And do you think I did that with a gigantic smile on my face? Enjoying every minute of it?” I ask him in confusion.<<else>>“They deserved it,” I say in disregard.<</if>> “And those we’re tasked with hunting know the consequences of being hybrids, especially in places such as this. So, make up your mind. Either do it or sit back and complain.” With that, he turns and walks towards the exit. <<if $cp>>I begin to follow when Chris stops me, gazing at me with a questionable look. “I’ll tell you back at the hotel, come on.”<<else>>I follow behind him a while later, once again stuck in my own head.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We now have to seriously hunt someone?” I question, attempting to wrap my head around what the council had just asked us to do. “It would seem so,” Rahim answers, though he does so with a distant look in his eye, absentmindedly rubbing his beard. “And? How are we supposed to do that?” Rahim sends me a playful smile, “with research.” I grumble, even though I probably wasn’t going to be the one researching anything to begin with. <<if $cp and $chris >=50>>\ “That’s your area of expertise, Chris,” I say, turning to him as he approaches and waving my hand dismissively. “What is?” “Research. I’ll fill you in when we get back, but we’re now working a job.” “I’ll talk to Bradley.” “Great, now then, let’s go,” Rahim stresses, “this club shifts into something monstrous after one o'clock and I’d rather not be privy to it.” <<else>>\ <<if $cp>>\ “Guess we’ll have to inform Bradley and see what he can come up with,” I say, gazing over at Chris as he approaches. “What happened in there?” “We’ll fill you in back at the hotel. Right now, I’d like to go. This club shifts into something monstrous after one.” <<else>>\ “Great, now then, let’s go,” Rahim stresses, “this club shifts into something monstrous after one o'clock and I’d rather not be privy to it.” <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/divider.png"> I groan, scratching the side of my head as I find myself, once again, in whatever land or illusion that Zillah has created. “Oh, don’t groan,” he speaks behind me. I turn to see a colossal shadow figure, towering over me for no reason but because he can. “How’s the weather up there?” “It smells like shit. You should take better care of your body, $name,” he tells me and dissolves into the ground below us, again appearing at my side and at his regular height. “Now, I need an answer.” “I’m not done thinking it over.” “Too bad. I’m not a patient being. Which will it be, agree to my terms, and I’ll help you with your powers, or no? It’s not that hard. Deal, or no deal?” I gulp as I gaze down at his outstretched hand. Everything he said earlier coming back to me. <<if $entitytakeover>>If I shake his hand, then he would open up my mind, or whatever he said. He was vague when it came to what he meant by that and what it would entail. Did I trust him? He could control me whenever he wanted to, but he rarely ever did, his reasons for not doing so, not known though. The only time I can remember him actually taking over was when I was in extreme danger or when I was walking into it.<<else>>If I shake his hand, then I was giving him permission to take over my body, something I refused to give him a while back for obvious reasons. But unlike then, this was something he could actually help me with. Controlling my powers, helping me to understand them? Could I afford another accident like the one I had with Bradley?<</if>> I close my eyes and sigh; I had my answer. [[Deal.|EP3-ActTwo][$entitydeal = true, $zillah +=5, $nerve -=5]] [[No deal.|EP3-ActTwo][$nerve +=5]]
<<nobr>>\ <<if $entitydeal and $entitytakeover>> <<set $prep to 2>> <<elseif $entitydeal or $entitytakeover>> <<set $prep to 1>> <<else>> <<set $prep to 0>> <</if>> <<unset $justright, $elegant, $revealing>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/acttwo.png"> I shoot forward in bed, placing my hand to my chest as the pressure that was once there seems to mitigate itself. The black dots fade as my vision corrects itself, piecing the room that I was in together. It was morning, or maybe even early afternoon, by the looks of the sun. Currently, the room was bathed in the soft glow of the sun, the brightness only hindered by the curtains that rest over the window. It was silent, no other being present. <<if $entitydeal>>\ I clutch my head as it rings, feeling like someone had the most annoying chime and was constantly ringing it every few minutes to remind me of its presence. If it was possible, I would even say that that was exactly what Zillah was up to. I felt like I had just gotten back from the nosiest event in my life, ringing, nothing but constant ringing. <</if>>\ I get out of bed slowly, each movement needed to be met by an entire minute of me trying to come to grips with it. I walk to the dresser and spy a bright pink sticky note on the wall. //Meet us in the conference room. // That was just great, they could’ve just woken me up. They probably had placed bets on how late I would be. [[Take a shower first.]] [[Head down straightaway.]]
<<if hasVisited("Time to get drunk. I don’t care.") or hasVisited("Nope, I’m crying this out elsewhere.")>>\ I grab some clothes, about to throw them on when I see my reflection in the mirror. I felt like a hideous mess, and my appearance backed up that claim rather nicely. If I was walking around like this last night, then I’m sure I scared at least a dozen people. I shake my head and start for the shower, taking a quick one and relishing the feeling of cold water hitting my body. It wakes me up enough to get me to the boardroom quicker than before. <<else>>\ I grab some clothes, about to throw them on when I see my reflection in the mirror. I felt like a hideous mess, but my appearance told a different story. I had bed hair and a bit of slob on the side of my face, but otherwise, I wasn’t that bad. A classic case of feeling worse than I actually looked. Regardless, I choose to take a shower, relishing the feeling of the cold water striking my body. It wakes me up enough, and I quickly head down to the boardroom. <</if>>\ <<include "CR3_1_1">>
I didn’t have time for anything else, I doubt I looked that bad anyway. I toss a piece of gum in my mouth, throw on some casual clothing, borderline pajamas, and head down to the boardroom. <<include "CR3_1_1">>
<<if $cp>>\ “What you’re asking me to do is just not possible with some shitty ass three-star hotel Wi-Fi,” I hear Bradley shout before I see him. I push open the conference room door to see the three young men within. Rahim is currently pacing back and forth, what I perceive to be a stress ball is held tightly in his grip and being put to work. Chris is flipping through a folder nonchalantly, and Bradley sits at the end of the table with his laptop open. “I need to be in a police station or at least near it to do the things you’re saying. Are the files not enough?” he inquires. <<if $chris <=50>>\ “These files are shit,” Chris groans, closing the manila folder and propping both feet up onto the table. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Chris, do you need more pictures?” “Actually, yes, I do.” <<else>>\ “No, no, they’re fine,” Chris tells him, running his hand through his unbrushed hair, which stands on end, “but it’s not like these files tell us where they are, just who.” <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “What you’re asking me to do is just not possible with some shitty ass three-star hotel Wi-Fi,” I hear Bradley shout before I see him. I push open the conference room door to see the two young men within. Rahim is currently pacing back and forth, what I perceive to be a stress ball is held tightly in his grip and being put to work. While Bradley sits at the end of the table with his laptop open. “I need to be in a police station or at least near it to do the things you’re saying. Are the files not enough?” he inquires. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Take a shower first.")>>\ His gaze shifts to me, and a <<if $bcure>>smirk<<else>>scowl<</if>> appears, “look who decided to get up.” He looks me over and nods, “you don’t look like shit, I’m surprised.” “Yea, it’s called a shower, Bradley.” “I was beginning to think you forgot what those were.” If I had something to throw at him, I would. “Yes, thank you, Bradley,” I groan and plop down in the nearest chair. <<else>>\ His gaze shifts to me and a <<if $bcure>>smirk<<else>>scowl<</if>> appears, “look who decided to get up,” Bradley states, turning to me and looking me up and down with a raised brow, “you look like shit, smell like it too. And that’s saying something, you should’ve seen yourself last night.” “Yes, thank you, Bradley,” I groan and plop down in the nearest chair. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if hasVisited("Time to get drunk. I don’t care.")>>\ “Enough,” Rahim growls, coming to my side and setting a steaming cup down in front of me, “drink that.” “Oh, thank god,” I sigh and shoot him a grin, taking a quick gulp only to wish for death right then and there. “The hell is that, Rahim?” I stop talking, telling myself to breathe as I feel the drink coming back up. “Your salvation, now drink it. All of it.” Why is he and his sister so much alike? Why?! <<else>>\ “Enough,” Rahim growls, giving me a single look before focusing back on the conversation. “So, is that what you need, Bradley?” Rahim asks him, getting back on topic, “to be near a police station?” “I need a lot of things, but that’s our best bet since it gives me access to traffic cams. Why don’t we just go inside and ask them for it?” <</if>>\ <<if $cp>>“How the hell do you expect us to do that?” Chris questions.<<else>>“You must like being rejected in person?” I question.<</if>> “This city is a hotspot, meaning most police will know about the supernatural since some crimes might be unexplainable, and most supernaturals have illegal activities going on. At the very least, the sheriff or chief will know about them,” Bradley explains. Rahim pauses from his pacing, throwing the idea around in his head before shrugging. “I’m sure throwing out Roland’s name will be helpful too. I’ll give him a call and see if he can get us in.” He pulls out his phone and leaves the room to make the call. I rub my temples, part of me wishing that I had just stayed in bed for the day. “Wow, is this what a club hangover looks like?” Bradley questions in awe, “I always thought you just go and dance.” <<if $cbreak>>\ “It’s not //just// dancing. It’s dancing, drinking, socializing, and getting told that since you’re another species, a relationship won’t work out.” “I did not say that,” Chris growls from his seat, throwing his head back to look up at the ceiling. “See, I didn’t even say your name, but if the shoe fits. Right?” The room becomes quiet, Bradley glancing from me to him and then back again. “Um, I just realized that I need to make a phone call as well,” he says, standing up and bringing out his cell. I send him a scowl, “really, to who?” “Faye, actually. I told her I’d update her, and here I am now, about to go update her.” Awkwardly, he makes his way to the door and closes it behind him, leaving only Chris and me. “We can’t let this change the team dynamics,” he finally says, still refusing to look at me. [[“It’s already changed the team dynamics.”]] [[“Says the guy who can’t even look me in the eye.”]] [[“Agreed.”]] <<elseif $CRomance >=5 and $cbreak is false>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $breaknoclub = true>><</nobr>>\ “Eh, you wouldn’t be wrong,” I tell him, “most people go and either dance, drink, or get laid by someone. The club we ended up going to just had a little bit more.” “Hey, Bradley,” Chris interjects before Bradley can reply to me, “can you give me and $name a minute.” <<if $bcure>>\ “Yeah, sure. Just make sure you wear a condom,” he tells us, scurrying out of the room before I can throw something at him. “Can you believe him?” I chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood of the room. It had suddenly gotten tense, the air becomes still, and the temperature feels like it’s dropping. <<else>>\ “Whatever,” he grumbles, grabbing his laptop and snapping it shut. I watch him go, sitting quietly as I feel the mood in the room shift. It had suddenly gotten tense, the air becomes still, and the temperature felt like it’s dropping. <</if>>\ Chris is quiet for some time, staring at either his hands or at the long oak table sitting before him. “I’m sorry, $name,” he starts, and I shiver. Something in his voice told me that he wasn’t apologizing for what he had said back at Rahim’s safehouse. “What? What are you sorry about?” “I think we should take a break. To put whatever this is on pause for now until I get my head on right.” I push away from him as I replay those words. “Are you breaking up with me?” I question though I know how odd that is to say. We aren’t dating, but that’s what this feels like, a breakup. “I would’ve used different words, but I suppose.” [[“Did I do something?”]] [[“You suppose?”]] <<if $gender is "male" or $gender is "nonbinary">>\ [[“You just came to grips about your sexuality!”]] <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Eh, you wouldn’t be wrong,” I tell him, “most people go and either dance, drink, or get laid by someone. The club we ended up going to just had a little bit more.” <<if $cp>>\ Chris snorts at my words, “just a little bit? It was practically a glorified orgy.” “That you participated in?” Bradley asks with a raised questioning brow, causing Chris’s cheeks to turn a bright red. “No! Do I look like I want to be at the wrong end of some vamp’s fangs?” <<if $bcure>>“Who knows? I try not to judge,” he smirks just as Rahim walks back into the room.<<else>>He shrugs, leaving it at that as Rahim walks back into the room.<</if>> “Alright, Roland said that he would tell the officers to expect us. $name and Chris, I want you two to go visit Leona and see if you can persuade her to do a locator spell to find our hybrids. Bradley and I will go down to the station and take a look at the traffic feeds, see if we get anything interesting.” <a data-passage="CR4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Would you go again?” [[“Heck no.”]] [[“Probably.”]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
“Oh please,” I start, snorting at his words, “it’s already changed the team dynamics. This does nothing but change the team dynamics.” “Well, that’s why I said //can’t// and //let it//. Not won’t.” “When you mess with someone’s feelings, dynamics are bound to change.” “I’m not messing with your feelings, $name.” “Like hell you’re not.” <<include "CR4_0_1">>
“Says the guy who can’t even look me in the eye. You haven’t looked my way since I entered.” “My bad,” he says sarcastically, “sorry, my attention isn’t fully focused on you as soon as you step in the room.” I hit the table and growl, “you know that’s not what I mean.” <<include "CR4_0_1">>
“I agree,” I say with a straight face. “You say that, but I can already see that it is.” “I don’t know what you want me to say, Chris. I just agreed with your point, and then you go back on it?” “It’s the attitude in your voice.” “Ah, let me remove some of that attitude for you. Because accommodating you and your petty ass needs is always my top priority. Everyone freeze because Chris is, once again, uncomfortable.” <<include "CR4_0_1">>
“The hell do you want from me, $name?” he shouts, “I say I need to think shit through, and you get pissed off at me? This relationship isn’t going to work at all if every time I need a moment to think, and it’s not to your liking, you get mad.” [[“It’s all the time though.”]] [[“My bad for being upset at being called monster.”]] [[“Oh, so now it’s a relationship?”]]
“You know, I’d give you that if it wasn’t every single minute of the day. There’s always something you need to think through. Always something in the way, and something stopping you. It gets annoying, Chris. It feels like I’m waiting on a child to grow up.” “Okay, so all I’m hearing is ‘Chris, stop complaining and actually stating what’s wrong with you.’ Thanks, $name, message received.” “Stop putting stuff in my mouth. You don’t talk about what’s wrong with you. I would in fact love if you did. No, what you do is say something is wrong and then leave it at that. Leaving me to wonder because you and words don’t mix so well.” <<include "CR4_0_2">>
“My bad for being upset at being called a monster by someone I actually care about. You’re totally right, Chris.” “I didn’t call you a –” “Don’t even try and finish that sentence, you did.” “I didn’t mean it.” “Yea, it sounds like you don’t mean a lot of shit that you say nowadays.” <<include "CR4_0_2">>
“Oh, so now it’s a relationship? I could’ve sworn this was something totally different. When was I supposed to get that memo?” “You know what I mean,” he sighs heavily. “No, I don’t. I never do anymore, actually.<<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>> Was it a relationship back at the party? Or are we picking and choosing now?<</if>>” <<include "CR4_0_2">>
<<if $RRomance >=3>>\ “Stop trying to make it seem like I don’t have legitimate reasons to feel the way I do. And, why does this even matter to you? Don’t you have a thing for Rahim?” “<<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>>I could ask you the exact same. You seemed to have gotten really friendly with those girls at the party.”<<else>>Does it matter if I do or not? Not like you want anything to come out of this.” I gesture to him and me.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("WGBChris")>>\ “For fucks sake, $name. It was just a dance!" “I nod. And it’s just a conversation with Rahim.” <<else>>\ “It still matters to me.” “So you want the cake all to yourself but you don’t want to eat it? Your main goal is to make sure no one else can eat it, though, huh?” <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Stop trying to make it seem like I don’t have legitimate reasons to feel the way I do.” “Then what?” <</if>>\ He rubs his forehead, “I just want to think and not be harassed because of it. Just ... just please let me think.” I’m about to rise and walk out when Rahim comes back in, his phone in one hand, and an annoyed Bradley in the other. “See, I told you they were talking. Can you let me go now?” Rahim does as he asks and points to me and then at Chris. “Problem?” “Nope, no problem whatsoever,” Chris answers, going back to avoiding my gaze. “Great,” he sneers, “because you two are going to go and visit Leona, see if you can get her help in locating one of the hybrids.” “And what are you going to do?” I ask, raising my voice louder than I initially want. “Bradley and I are going down to the station, see if we can’t get our hands on some of traffic footage.” [[“And Bradley can’t take one of us instead?”][$rahim -=3; $cbreak = true]] [[“Alright, fine.”][$rahim -=3; $cbreak = true]]
“And Bradley can’t take one of us instead? It has to be you?” Rahim levels me with an icy glare that seems to affect the room’s temperature, “yes.” I decide not to continue questioning him, especially if it was only going to lead to a colder room and me still having to work with Chris. “Text me when and if you get something,” he shouts over his shoulder, once again leaving me alone in the room with Chris. <a data-passage="CR4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Alright, fine,” I say, deadpan. “Text me when and if you get something,” he shouts over his shoulder, once again leaving me alone in the room with Chris. <a data-passage="CR4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Heck no. That club was claustrophobic and far too intense for me. I’d rather just kick back with a drink, some good food, and hang out with people that I know and like.” “So, what I was doing?” “Exactly.” I grow quiet when I hear the door to the conference room open, Rahim looking at his phone before setting his attention on us. <<include "CR4_0_3">>
“Probably, it was actually a cool club. It was something different. The idea of all those supernatural beings under one roof too, it’s weird and scary but amazingly cool too, you know?” “No, I don’t. As a human, I’d rather avoid those places.” “Yea, I can understand that.” I grow quiet when I hear the door to the conference room open, Rahim looking at his phone before setting his attention on us. <<include "CR4_0_3">>
“Alright, Roland said that he would tell the officers to expect us. $name, I want you two to go visit Leona and see if you can persuade her to do a locator spell to find our hybrids. Bradley and I will go down to the station and take a look at the traffic feeds, see if we get anything interesting.” “By myself?” I question and he nods. “Don’t worry, Leona doesn’t bite, worst thing she does is flirt. Persuading her shouldn’t be hard unless the impression you left yesterday was horrible. You should be fine.” And with that, he leaves again. <a data-passage="CR4_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I return to the room and get ready, shutting the bathroom door behind me as I walk over to the sink and mirror. <<if hasVisited("Take a shower first.")>>I didn’t look half as bad as I did that morning, but I could still see dark circles beginning to form under my eyes.<<else>>I looked horrible, like a person that just wandered in from out of the woods. I shake my head and take a quick shower, feeling five times better when I get out but still noticing the dark circles beginning to form under my eyes.<</if>> I tear my gaze away and splash some cold water on my face, looking up only to jump at the sight. “Zillah?” I question, turning around and seeing the shadow figure. He stands stoically right beside me, the area that I would call his face just a sea of darkness holding no expression. “Is this because of my powers?” I question, pointing to my face. “No, you’re just ugly.” “Ah, you really think so, or are you trying to get out of answering my question?” <<if $entitydeal>>\ “One of these days, you’ll learn that I take my deals seriously.” He points to my face, “everything you’re feeling. The stress, fatigue, headaches, that’s all from your powers awakening, and you learning what you are. It won’t stop until you learn to master what you already have.” “And how do I do that?” He shrugs, “you won’t. It’ll find you long before you even learn to recognize it. By then, everything is going to be in place, so you won’t have to worry.” “Okay then, when are you going to teach me how to use my powers?” “I can’t teach you how to use something if you don’t even know what it does or what it even is.” “I feel like we’re just going back and forth, and we’re not getting anywhere.” He doesn’t seem phased by my words, choosing to take on a shadow profile of a person and sit on the counter. <a data-passage="CR4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “I’m just not answering you at all. I made it clear to you that the only way I was going to help you was if you accepted my deal, you did not.” “You can’t even answer that one little question?” “I can. I definitely can. But I won’t. A deal is a deal,” he snickers. “Then, why are you here?” “To guilt trip you into feeling bad about not accepting the deal,” he turns to me with his signature smirk, “I can feel your powers getting ready for round two. I wonder who’s going to get hurt this time.” <<if $pacifist >=50>>I lower my head and grind my teeth together as frustration races through me. Taking a deep, steadying breath in, I pick up my head to question him further when there’s a knock at the door, and Zillah disappears.<<else>>I clench my jaw and fist, ready to swing on him when there’s a knock at the door, and Zillah disappears.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Surprisingly enough, when that shadow creature touched you, it gave you powers. It’s not rare, but it’s certainly not normal, and it wasn’t authorized.” “Authorized?” “You’ll find out in due time,” he chuckles. <<if $darktruth>>\ “The spirit gave you that scar on your cheek and with it, an ability that allows you to get the truth out of certain people. It’ll work on any human and some supernatural creatures. Pretty much anyone below you, those on the same level, a possibility, but those above you won’t be afflicted.” “Power of truth,” I repeat to myself, thinking back to what happened to Bradley and me when I had accidentally used the power. “Is me feeling pain normal?” <<elseif $darkburns>>\ “The spirit gave you those burn scars on your arms and with it, an offensive ability that allows you to expel a deadly smoking mist that’ll burn anyone close enough to it or you.” “The ability to burn others,” I repeat to myself, thinking back to what happened to Bradley and me when I had accidentally used the power. “Am I supposed to get burned too?” <<else>>\ “The spirit gave you that scar over your heart and with it, an ability that allows you to control someone for a period of time. It’ll work on any human and some supernatural creatures. Pretty much anyone below you, those on the same level, a possibility. Those above you, well, you won’t get far with trying to take them over.” “The ability to control someone,” I repeat to myself, thinking back to what happened to Bradley and me when I had accidentally used the power. “Is me feeling pain normal?” <</if>>\ “Until you learn how to control them, they’ll probably act up when you’re experiencing emotional turmoil, or you’re in danger, a flight or fight response. Also, all powers and abilities come with a price, I don’t know anyone whose abilities don’t. Think about vampires, they can live forever and do things no one else can, but they’re slaves to their own appetite and immortality.” “That was beautiful, Zillah.” “Shut up. Your price is that whenever you use the power, <<if $darktruth>>it’ll feel like someone is pulling out your teeth. The other person will feel the same, but their pain will be ten times worse, hence the blood.” Zillah is suddenly at my side, that classic smirk of his on his face.<<elseif $darkburns>>it’ll feel like you’re being burned as well. For you, it’ll feel like someone struck you, and then it’ll numb before flaring back up randomly. For anyone else, it’ll feel like a second-degree burn, maybe even a third.” Zillah is suddenly at my side, that classic smirk of his on his face.<<else>>your own body will be completely vulnerable, and then once you’re back in it, you’ll have a miniature heart attack.” Zillah is suddenly at my side, that classic smirk of his on his face.<</if>> “How did it feel, $name? <<if $darktruth>>Making Bradley, out of everyone, bleed?”<<elseif $darkburns>>Putting Bradley through that?”<<else>>Controlling Bradley, pushing him out of his own consciousness?”<</if>> <<if $pacifist >=50>>I narrow my eyes and tremble in anger as I glare at him, about to snap back<<else>>I clench my jaw and fist, ready to swing on him<</if>> when there’s a knock at the door, and Zillah disappears. <a data-passage="CR4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>\ “Come on,” I hear Chris shout, “Rahim gave me the address, we gotta go.” I look around for Zillah and then search myself for him, feeling no trace of his usual presence. Getting myself together, I splash some more water on my face and then use the nearest towel to dry off, leaving the bathroom. Chris and I grab a cab, using the address that Rahim sent us for Leona. I bring up the address on my phone, sighing when I realize that it’ll be at least a thirty-minute drive, adding in the traffic and the lights. I sit back, trying to figure out what I should spend my time focusing on. <<else>>\ “Come on,” I hear Rahim shout, “we’ll share a cab and drop you off first.” I look around for Zillah and then search myself for him, feeling no trace. Getting myself together, I splash some more water on my face and then use the nearest towel to dry off, leaving the bathroom. I ride in the same cab that Bradley and Rahim grab, Bradley sitting unhappily in the middle with Rahim and me on either side of him. I bring up the address on my phone, sighing when I realize that it’ll be at least a thirty-minute drive, adding in the traffic and the lights. I sit back, trying to figure out what I should spend my time focusing on. <</if>>\ [[Look over the files.][$rahim +=2]] [[Just watch the city go by.]] <<if $cp>>[[Talk with Chris about a game plan.][$chris +=3]]<</if>>
I grab the files that the others had this morning. Seeing that I had come in late and by the time I got there, they were done, I wasn’t able to look through them. The first picture is of a man in a suit, his entire posture, one of excitement, and his eyes filled with hope. It wasn’t the type of picture I expected to find in a folder put together with the interest of killing someone. Nigel Foster, the file contained the man’s age, appearance, species, which was a hybrid, and his last known whereabouts, an entire bio, and some personality traits. I assume the personality traits are there to try and help us formulate some plan for capturing or killing him. If he was loyal, then using those he loved as bait was a smart ploy. If he was a runner, then we needed to have exits covered and an ambush set. I flip to the next picture and see a woman with sad eyes glancing back at me: Loretta Foster. She was a vampire, and I quickly take note that she had the same last name as Nigel. The two didn’t look familiar, and so I rule out siblings. Was it possible that they were married? There’s little about her, and I notice that her bounty was nowhere as large as Nigel’s. She didn’t mean as much to them as Nigel, and whoever else was in this file, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they would rather her be alive, if only to torture her or make her live the rest of her immortal life without her loved ones. The last file causes me to raise a brow and makes me ponder even more if Nigel and Loretta were married. The woman looking back at me was the spitting image of Nigel, nothing about her could I give Loretta credit for. Her name was Amari, and she was, like I guessed, the last hybrid. Her bounty was the greatest. The picture they have of her looks like it was grabbed from a surveillance camera or a traffic cam, the image blurry, and she looked like she was going somewhere in a hurry. I read through her file but find nothing of interest, they had nothing on her, just that she was a hybrid. It would seem that Loretta and Nigel left town before they could learn about the young girl. I close the files and recheck my phone, five minutes away. I needed to prepare and hope that Leona was just as flirtatious and friendly as she was the other day. <a data-passage="CR4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I wouldn’t exactly say I was a city or a country kid, I was raised near both. Fairfax and Arlington had its city structures, but it also still had country. Even if I was raised within the heart of Arlington, it would never amount to Chicago, one of the largest cities in America. I could see how people compared these cities to concrete jungles. Concrete spires meeting the horizon, the occasional small planted tree, or low hedge of bushes. People walk down the street with their own agenda on their mind, walking with a purpose, and with such a brisk pace, I wondered if they ever thought to stop and look around. Were they jaded, or did they simply have better and more pressing matters to attend to? From the seat of this taxi, the city was bustling like always. Cars honking, people shouting in the distance, and the faint sound of an emergency vehicle siren. It was so alive, and yet it felt so quiet and lonely. Despite the many sounds, it wasn’t like anyone was really listening. It was a different style of life here; a different attitude was needed to survive. The cityscape continues to pass by, and I take a break from watching it to check and see how close we were to Leona’s. Five minutes, it was time to focus. The cab rolls up to the curb, a long row of pretty red and tan brick townhomes existing on one side of the road, with a few small businesses on the other. <a data-passage="CR4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Any idea how we should go about this?” I question, gazing over at him. “Not really. I talked to Leona a bit yesterday, she spoke but still seemed to have her guard up. She didn’t really seem open, you know?” <<if $joinLeona>>“I actually don’t. I sat and talked to her the entire hour, she seemed pretty open and talkative to me. I guess it’s a human thing, Rahim did say that supernaturals will avoid humans sometimes since they belong to someone else.”<<else>>“Really? She seemed pretty open when we first met her. I guess it’s a human thing, Rahim did say that supernaturals will avoid humans sometimes since they belong to someone else.”<</if>> “I don’t fucking belong to anyone,” he growls, and I shrug. “Never said you did, but still, you can at least see where Leona is coming from. Whether she saw you as someone else’s or as a hunter, telling you too much, in either case, was dangerous.” “You just can’t win in this life,” Chris sighs, setting his head back on the seat and staring up at the dark grey roof of the taxi, “supernaturals don’t trust you and humans see you as an outsider or a weirdo. I’m cursed to walk some thin middle line.” [[“Boohoo.”][$chris -=10; $optimistic -=3]] [[“You got Bradley and other hunters.”][$chris +=10; $optimistic +=3]] <<if $CRomance >=5>>[[“And you still push me away?”]]<</if>>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pessimistic ++</span><</if>> “Oh, boohoo,” I growl, “I swear you can’t go five minutes without complaining about how bad your life is. Honestly, Chris, I think you could leave this life right now, and no one would ever come looking for you.” “Oh fuck you, $name,” he snaps right back, and I turn to him. “No, fuck you. You complain about Sydero, you complain about the hunting life, which you chose to stay in by the way, and you complain about yourself. I don’t think I remember what you sounded like when you didn’t complain. When this started, I gave it to you, but you’ve had multiple opportunities to leave, and you didn’t. So, get over yourself and take control of your life.” With that said, I turn my back to him and pull out my phone, looking to see how far we were from Leona’s. Thankfully, we were only about five minutes away now, perfect. <a data-passage="CR4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Optimistic ++</span><</if>> “But at least you have Bradley and other hunters. So, in a way, at least you’re not that one lonely guy that no one likes.” “The first part of that sounds so positive, but the more you talk, the worse it becomes,” he laughs, and I smile with a shrug. “But you’re right. I kinda miss Bradley.” <<if $bcure>>\ “He’s acting like he normally does,” I say, biting the inside of my cheek, hoping this wasn’t his way of bringing what I allowed Rahim to do back up. He opens his mouth to reply but then closes it a moment later, “you know what, let’s not talk about it. Let’s get back to this plan.” <<else>>\ “Yea, at least he seems to be doing better.” “But is that because he’s ignoring his trauma or because he’s finally facing it?” “Unless he tells us we won’t ever know. We can only be there for him.” “You’re right. Of course, you’re right. Anyway, let’s get back to this plan.” <</if>>\ “Do you think she’ll be more likely to listen to us if we’re straightforward or if we ask her about her day first?” “I don’t know,” he comments, “chatting her up just feels like she’ll catch on later and be pissed off that we wasted her time and only came to ask her something. Which, she probably already knows we are since she’s not the one who gave us the address.” I nod. Knowing Chris and how Leona treated him, I would probably be taking point here. I’ll figure it out when I get there. For all I know, we wouldn’t even have to persuade her. <a data-passage="CR4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $chris >=50>>\ <<set $chris +=10>> <<else>>\ <<set $chris -=10>> <</if>>\ “And yet, you still push me away, even with that mindset. I don’t understand.” He groans loudly, loud enough for the driver to raise a brow and gaze at us through his rearview mirror. “Your buddy dere not sick, is he? I don’t need to be cleaning nobody’s vomit.” His Chicago accent is subtle but still noticeable. “No, he’s fine, stupid, but fine.” He groans again. “See, that’s what I mean,” he finally says in a low voice so only I could hear him, “that right there?” “Insulting you?” “No, you always making it about you.” “Who else is it supposed to be about? You didn’t break up with Rahim, it was me.” “I ask you to let me think and can’t even get that. Also, I didn’t break up with you, we were never dating,” he corrects. “You said we’re taking a break, so therefore you broke up with me. Conversation over.” I turn my back to him before he can utter another word and pull out my phone, looking to see how far we were from Leona’s. Thankfully, we’re about five minutes away now, perfect. <a data-passage="CR4_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The cab rolls up to the curb, a long row of pretty red and tan brick townhomes existing on one side of the road, with a few small businesses on the other. <<if $cp>>\ “Thanks, sir,” Chris tells the driver and hands him a wad of cash for payment. I get out and check to make sure we were at the right place. I guess this was it. <<else>>\ “I’ll send another cab here in an hour or so if you want,” Rahim tells me. I get out of the cab, and Bradley immediately moves over, huffing in relief as he attempts to stretch his legs but hits the back of the seat now in front of him. “It’s fine. I have cash on me, and I can just call one up whenever I’m through here.” He nods in acceptance, “keep me updated.” With that, the cab rolls away, and I check to make sure I was at the right place. I guess this was it. <</if>>\ With a deep breath in, I walk up the stoop and knock three times, taking a step back and biting the side of my cheek. Now that I think about it, did Rahim even tell her that <<if $cp>>we were<<else>>I was<</if>> coming? How would she react to seeing <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> at her door, she hardly knew me. <<if $cp>>\ “Hello?” Leona asks, opening up the door and then pausing. Her smile disappears, and she looks from me to Chris. “Well, I didn’t expect this. Sexy and human.” “I have a name,” Chris informs with an aggravated tone. “Well, thank God for that.” She rolls her eyes and places her eyes on me, “how the hell did you find out where I live?” <<else>>\ “Hello?” Leona asks, opening up the door and then pausing. Her smile disappears as she stares back at me. “Well, I didn’t expect this. How the hell did you find out where I live?” <</if>>\ “Rahim gave me your address.” She growls, though her anger doesn’t seem targeted at me, “who da hell does he dink he is, just giving my address away to some stranger? I swear da nerve of dat guy.” She continues cursing, her Chicago accent getting stronger the more she rants. When she finally is done, she gives me a lopsided grin and moves out of the way. “Come in though.” I move forward, gazing around her home in interest. It looked exactly what I presumed it would look like, a subtle modern style with a personal touch to it. Her sofas were mismatched, and the picture frames that were littered all over the room were mostly of friends, family, and odd appearing art. “I thought you and Rahim were friends?” <<if $cp>>Chris questions, coming to a stop in the middle of her living room.<<else>>I ask, leaning forward on her sofa.<</if>> “Friends? No. I loathe the guy if I’m to be honest, he’s got one too many sticks stuck up his fine ass.” “But back at the club ...” She collapses on the sofa, “oh, sweetie, that was just professionalism. I’m friends with Sydero, though. But I doubt you came here to ask me who my friends are. Can I help you?” [[Talk about her home.]] [[Ask her to do the spell.][$leona +=1]]
“Your home,” I start, watching as she raises a brow and gazes around. “What about it?” “The pictures, what’s the story behind them?” “The art, that’s what you came here for?” I sit quietly, nodding was a lie and looked pretty stalkerish, how would I even have known she had art like that. But, shaking my head seemed just as worse. “Okay, listen, sweetie, you suck at small talk. What do you want?” <<include "Ask her to do the spell.">>
“We were hoping that you could do a locator spell to help us find the hybrids.” She says nothing, sitting further back on the sofa and looking around as if trying to figure out what was missing from her décor. “Okay,” she starts, and I perk up, “it’ll be seventy-five dollars.” “What?” “Sweetie,” she starts, my eye twitching as her tone matches the same one that an individual would take with a child, “I got rent to pay. If you think I give my services up for free, then you’re wrong. Seventy-five is a discount too.” <<if hasVisited("LeonaKiss")>>\ [[“We can continue where we left off.”][$locatorspell = true]] <</if>>\ <<if $charisma >=15 or $cmajor is "Psychology">>\ [[“You sure Roland will appreciate that?”][$locatorspell = true]] <</if>>\ <<if $perception >=15 or $cmajor is "Communications">>\ [[“Do it for Sydero then.”][$locatorspell = true]] <</if>>\ [[“Please!”]]
“We can continue where we left off if you do it for free,” I say in a light sing-song voice, hoping that she was as eager as I to do just that. She cocks her head to the side, and a small smile suddenly appears as her eyes trail down my body. I once again see the flirtatious witch that I had met at the club, a sparkle of mischief lighting up her eyes as she closes her eyes and hums. “Seriously?” “Seriously,” I reply with a charming smile. <<if $cp>>\ “A locator spell, you say? Follow me.” She stands and heads towards another room. <<if $cbreak>>\ <<if $chris >=50>>\ My gaze shoots to Chris, who makes sure to avoid it as if one look my way would give him the plague. I knew we were on a break, but one would think he would still be bothered at me being so willing to have sex with another. Knowing Chris, he was trying to cause as little issue as possible and save himself from the drama that would come up later. <<else>>\ As soon as Leona turns her back to us, Chris grabs my arm to stop me from walking off. “Seriously?” he barks lowly. “You said we were on a break.” “So is that you giving me permission to go fuck whoever I see fit? Or are you going to be a hypocrite and argue with me?” I pull out of his grasp and follow behind Leona. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ Chris clears his throat, “am I coming or staying?” “Whichever you like.” The two of us follow Leona into her kitchen and then through a short hallway into a separate room. The room is filled with tombs, jars, herbs, and crystals. There was a lack of organization, everything appearing like she had come in, thrown it somewhere, and then waved the worry of never being able to find it again away. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the floor with a collection of notes and vials. To the side is a large altar and etched into the walls are numerous symbols and runes. Some, like the pentagrams, I recognize, but most are unfamiliar. <<else>>\ “A locator spell, you say? Follow me.” She stands and heads towards another room. We two head into her kitchen and then through a short hallway into a separate room. The room is filled with tombs, jars, herbs, and crystals. There was a lack of organization, everything appearing like she had come in, thrown it somewhere, and then waved the worry of never being able to find it again away. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the floor with a collection of notes and vials. To the side is a large altar and etched into the walls are numerous symbols and runes. Some, like the pentagrams, I recognize, but most are unfamiliar. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR4_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I hum to myself before asking, “you sure Roland will appreciate that?” “What?” she inquires, sitting up in her seat, a dangerous look entering her eye as she dares me to repeat myself. “No offense meant. I’m just trying to figure out how pissed off Roland will be if he learns that you refused to help us.” “I didn’t refuse shit,” she growls, “I said a price, and you don’t want to pay it.” “Ah, so a glorified refusal. It’s fine, I’ll tell Roland that we had to find the hybrids the hard way and that if any more lives were lost then well, if only we had gotten there faster, right? Thanks for your help, though.” I move to walk past her, and she moves to stand in front of me, her eyes narrowed even while a smirk rests on her lips. “I like you. But, also, I wouldn’t say I like being threatened. Try to balance the two a tad bit better next time, sweetie. Follow me.” <<if $cp>>\ Chris clears his throat, “am I coming or staying?” “Whichever you like.” The two of us follow Leona into her kitchen and then through a short hallway into a separate room. The room is filled with tombs, jars, herbs, and crystals. There was a lack of organization, everything appearing like she had come in, thrown it somewhere, and then waved the worry of never being able to find it again away. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the floor with a collection of notes and vials. To the side is a large altar and etched into the walls are numerous symbols and runes. Some, like the pentagrams, I recognize, but most are unfamiliar. <<else>>\ She stands and heads towards another room. We head into her kitchen and then through a short hallway into a separate room. The room is filled with tombs, jars, herbs, and crystals. There was a lack of organization, everything appearing like she had come in, thrown it somewhere, and then waved the worry of never being able to find it again away. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the floor with a collection of notes and vials. To the side is a large alter and altar into the walls are numerous symbols and runes. Some, like the pentagrams, I recognize, but most are unfamiliar. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR4_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“If you’re not going to do it for me or Rahim, then do it for Sydero.” “And why would that sway me?” she questions. At first, I ponder if I had it all wrong. If the word friend to her meant nothing more than someone she talked to once upon a time and didn’t immediately feel the urge to hex. But the way she knits her brows and leans forward in her seat causes me to think differently. “She’s in trouble. And I know that’s Sydero’s whole image, but I mean it.” I remember Rahim telling Leona in a joking manner that Sydero was growing through hell, and Leona choosing to take it literally. She obviously didn’t take him seriously, but perhaps she would now. “She’s literally in hell?” Leona questions, and I nod, “and how would me doing a locator spell so you can hunt a bunch of hybrids going to help her?” “The council has an enchanted map that will show us where the gateway to hell in America is. It changes –” “Changes every year, so you definitely need this map or at least knowledge about where it is,” she finishes for me, nodding her head. She covers her face with her hands, “damn Sydero, what you got yourself into now.” When she pulls her face away, she looks to me and nods, “follow me.” She rises and begins walking toward an adjoining room. It would seem Rahim was wrong, more than one person cared about Sydero. I only wonder if Sydero knew that. <<if $cp>>\ Chris clears his throat, “am I coming or staying?” “Whichever you like.” The two of us follow Leona into her kitchen and then through a short hallway into a separate room. The room is filled with tombs, jars, herbs, and crystals. There was a lack of organization, everything appearing like she had come in, thrown it somewhere, and then waved the worry of never being able to find it again away. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the floor with a collection of notes and vials. To the side is a large altar and etched into the walls are numerous symbols and runes. Some, like the pentagrams, I recognize, but most are unfamiliar. <<else>>\ The two of us head into her kitchen and then through a short hallway into a separate room. The room is filled with tombs, jars, herbs, and crystals. There was a lack of organization, everything appearing like she had come in, thrown it somewhere, and then waved the worry of never being able to find it again away. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the floor with a collection of notes and vials. To the side is a large altar and etched into the walls are numerous symbols and runes. Some, like the pentagrams, I recognize, but most are unfamiliar. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR4_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $leona >=3>>\ <<nobr>>\ <<set $locatorspell = true>> <</nobr>>\ “Come on, please Leona. I don’t have that kind of money and you’d be really doing us a favor.” “And what favor am I about to get?” “I don’t know, can you name something other than money at least?” She looks ready to say no but then pauses, poking her lips out and allowing her eyes to wander around the unlit room. “Actually, yes. I’ll make you a deal.” I groan to myself, closing my eyes at the word, I was getting sick of it if I was to be honest with myself. “I know Roland wants the head of the beasts so here’s my deal. I’ll do the locator spell if you bring me back a vial of the hybrid’s blood.” “What do you want with that?” “Frankly, it’s none of your business. Do we have a deal or not?” “Yea, we have a deal.” I shake her hand and she motion for me to follow her as she walks into an adjoining room. <<if $cp>>\ Chris clears his throat, “am I coming or staying?” “Whichever you like.” The two of us follow Leona into her kitchen and then through a short hallway into a separate room. The room is filled with tombs, jars, herbs, and crystals. There was a lack of organization, everything appearing like she had come in, thrown it somewhere, and then waved the worry of never being able to find it again away. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the floor with a collection of notes and vials. To the side is a large altar and etched into the walls are numerous symbols and runes. Some, like the pentagrams, I recognize, but most are unfamiliar. <<else>>\ The two of us head into her kitchen and then through a short hallway into a separate room. The room is filled with tombs, jars, herbs, and crystals. There was a lack of organization, everything appearing like she had come in, thrown it somewhere, and then waved the worry of never being able to find it again away. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the floor with a collection of notes and vials. To the side is a large altar and etched into the walls are numerous symbols and runes. Some, like the pentagrams, I recognize, but most are unfamiliar. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR4_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Come on, please Leona. I don’t have that kind of money, and you’d be really doing us a favor.” “And when did that become my problem? I told you how much it cost, either pay up or get out.” “What if I get Rahim to pay you later.” “Uh uh,” she laughs as she rises and walks towards the door, “you think I’m stupid? Now, I might not be the most business-savvy witch you’ll come across, but I take my payments upfront. Because otherwise, sweetie, I’m doing work for free.” She opens the door, “you can go now.” <<if $cp>>I look at Chris, but he offers no help. Defeated and not knowing what else to say, we both walk to the door.<<else>>I gape but close my mouth soon after, refusing to look defeated, even though it was obvious that I was.<</if>> “Have a safe ride back, sweetie.” [[“Stop calling me sweetie.”]] [[“Yea whatever.”]] [[Just leave.]] <</if>>\
“Stop calling me sweetie,” I growl, but all she does is snort before closing the door as soon as I’m clear. I gaze at it and then walk down to the sidewalk. Now what? <<include "CR4_4_2">>
“Yeah, whatever,” I growl, but all she does is snort before closing the door as soon as I’m clear. I gaze at it and then walk down to the sidewalk. Now what? <<include "CR4_4_2">>
I don’t reply, giving her nothing as I walk out of the house and down to the sidewalk. Now what? <<include "CR4_4_2">>
<<if $cp>>\ “That didn’t work out at all, now what?” “I don’t know. Is the locator spell really needed? I mean, I think we can get by without it.” “I’m less concerned about us not having it than I am with the look we’ll get from Rahim.” “You can’t tell me you’re scared of him.” “I don’t know if I’m scared of him, but you have to admit that he gives off some pretty violent vibes when he wants to. It’s like Sydero but with more restraint.” I don’t answer, remembering how many times the air had shifted, especially when he was telling me that he didn’t trust me. “Hey, I know you’re sick of me saying it, but I’m sorry.” “Is this about that conversation we had?” “Yea.” “And you want to talk about this now?” “There’s no talking, not like that anyway. The shit I said was unwarranted. I could’ve at least worded it better. You were right. I’m making it seem like you’re the monster here when you’re as confused as the rest of us about what’s going on. I had no right to dump all my shit and fears on you as if they were your problem.” “Is that it?” He pauses, moving to the side so that anyone who happened to walk by could still continue on their way. “You’re right about the complaining thing too. If it bothered me that much, then I should’ve left. It’s not like I haven’t had multiple chances to do it. I keep acting like you’re dragging me everywhere, and we both know that’s not true. Truth is, I’m just scared half the time and complaining about it seems to make me feel like it’s not my fault. Blaming everyone else, it was working, but it does get aggravating after some time. I’m not saying that I agree with our current plan though, I still think Sydero can rot in hell and that we shouldn’t go after her. I just wanted to say I’m sorry about everything.” [[“Apology accepted.”][$chris +=3]] [[“Actions, not words.”][$chris -=3]] [[Nod and keep walking.][$chris -=5]] <<if $cbreak>>\ [[“And you still want this break?”][$CRomance +=1]] <</if>>\ <<else>>\ I walk down the street, trying to figure out what I would tell Rahim. I was hoping that the locator spell didn’t play a crucial part in all of this, that there was something else we could do to find the hybrids. I suppose I could always turn it around on Rahim and tell him he should’ve warned Leona or me about her prices. I was starting to question why anyone would want to be a hunter, the wages were horrible. And specialists weren’t any better. Unless you were widely known, then you didn’t really get a chance to land jobs. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what I would tell Rahim, I get a text from him telling me to meet him at a restaurant. I hail a cab and head there, wondering if Leona had already called him and cursed him out. <a data-passage="CR5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Now,” Leona begins, her back to us as she washes her hands in a fountain that I hadn’t noticed before, “I’m guessing neither of you has anything that belongs to one of the hybrids.” “That implies that we’ve met them already,” I point out, and she nods. “It’d make this a whole lot easier, but I’m not surprised. Since we don’t have something that belongs to them, we’ll have to use blood.” <<if $bloodfear>>\ “I’m out,” I immediately say, taking a step towards the door, a chill running down my spine as I try to block out all images of the thick crimson liquid. “Ah, you have hemophobia.” <<if $cp>>\ Chris shakes his head, “no, $name’s afraid of blood. Not gays.” Both of us stare at him but say nothing, Leona being the one to clear her throat. “Alright, then, human, you’re up.” “I’m not so sure I’m down with that idea.” “I don’t have time for this, do you want to find the hybrids or not?” “You can’t just –” She silences him with a glare, and he willingly surrenders his hand to her. She grabs it and walks him over to the table. Moving some of the notes out of the way, she scours through a mess of papers until she grabs a large folded up one, unfolding it to show us that it was a map. “Alright,” she starts and hands Chris a knife, “when I say cut yourself, do it and then hold and spread it over the map. I need blood, not just some pinprick. Understand?” He eyes the blade, “is this thing sterilized?” She grunts and grabs his hand, placing the knife in his palm before looking at the map. She begins to chant some words in a language foreign to my ears. The few words that I do make out make me assume she’s speaking Latin. Her chanting gets faster and louder, her hands continuing to move around the map as if they had a mind of their own. “Do it now,” she tells Chris, and with a silent prayer from him, he slices his palm and then holds and squeezes it over the map. <<else>>\ “Yea, I do. So, you can cut your hand, right?” “I can,” is all she says, and though she doesn’t seem bothered, I can tell by her tone that she’s annoyed. She moves some of the notes out of the way and scours through a mess of papers until she grabs a large folded up one, unfolding it to show me that it was a map. “Alright,” she starts, placing a knife down beside her, “let us … well, me, begin.” She begins to chant some words in a language foreign to my ears. The few words that I do make out make me assume she’s speaking Latin. Her chanting gets faster and louder, her hands continuing to move around the map as if they had a mind of their own. “Might want to turn around,” Leona warns me, picking up the knife and slicing her palm. <</if>>\ I feel the bile race up my throat, and I turn my back to the scene, closing my eyes and doing everything I can to forget what I had just seen. I think about meadows and forests, oceans, and sunsets. I stay away from anything that has blood coursing through its veins, mostly to avoid my mind playing sick tricks on me. One minute I’ll be thinking about a cute little deer, the next, it’s on the ground bleeding out. Oh crap, I just did it to myself. I continue to think about the most boring of things until <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Leona<</if>> tells me that it’s over. I turn around to see that Leona <<if $cp>>has given him a bandage to wrap around his palm.<<else>>now has a bandage wrapped around her palm.<</if>> The blade is gone, and one section of the map is now stained red. <a data-passage="CR4_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Ah, it’s one of those spells. Lovely.” “Honestly, you might want to get used to this. A lot of spells and even some other things that have to deal with the occult need blood. Don’t ask me why, that’s just how it is.” She walks over to the table and begins moving some of the notes out of the way. She then ducks and scours through a mess of papers until she grabs a large folded up one, unfolding it to show that it was a map. She also ducks one more time, a blade in her hands. <<if $cp>>\ “So who's doing it?” I point at Chris, and Chris points at me. [[“I’ll do it.”]] [[Rock, paper, scissors it.]] <<else>>\ “I guess I’m it, huh?” I ask as I take the blade from her, looking it over. Was it possible to know if something was clean just by looking at it? I saw no rust, and besides some dust particles, nothing else catches my eye. “Calm down, sweetie, it’s sterilized. When I say cut yourself, do it and then hold and spread it over the map. I need blood, not just some pinprick. Understand?” “Yea, yea, can we get this over with?” She nods and focuses in on the map. She begins to chant some words in a language foreign to my ears. The few words that I do make out make me assume she’s speaking Latin. Her chanting gets faster and louder, her hands continuing to move around the map as if they had a mind of their own. “Do it now,” she tells me, and I do as she had directed me to do. I slice my palm and then hold and squeeze it over the map, attempting to color it. She begins to chant again, her hands now at her side. My spilled blood trembles, slowly inching across the map in one general direction. It groups up and then starts to fade into the map, dyeing it and turning that one section a pale burgundy tone. “Here.” She hands me a bandage, and I wrap the still oozing cut up, deciding to clean it once we were done here. <a data-passage="CR4_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\ <</if>>\
<<if $sympathy >=50>>\ “I’ll do it,” I tell her, taking the knife. <<else>>\ “I’ll do it,” I tell her, taking the knife and shooting Chris a dark glare. “I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to be the bigger person here and guilt me into doing it. But guess what, it’s not going to work. You got this.” “Yea, I know, that’s why I said I’ll do it and then proceeded to grab the knife.” I roll my eyes and nod to Leona. <</if>>\ “Alright,” she nods, “when I tell you to, I need you to cut your palm and spread it over the map. I need a cut, not some pinprick, understand?” I nod. “Let us begin.” She begins to chant some words in a language foreign to my ears. The few words that I do make out make me assume she’s speaking Latin. Her chanting gets faster and louder, her hands continuing to move around the map as if they had a mind of their own. “Do it now,” she tells me, and I do as she had directed me to do. I slice my palm and then hold and squeeze it over the map, attempting to color it. She begins to chant again, her hands now at her side. My spilled blood tremble, slowly inching across the map in one general direction. It groups up and then starts to fade into the map, dyeing it and turning that one section a pale burgundy tone. “Here.” She hands me a bandage, and I wrap the still oozing cut up, deciding to clean it once we were done here. <a data-passage="CR4_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<set $random to either(1, 2)>> <</nobr>>\ <<if $random is 1>>\ We stare at one another, and without needing to say anything, both whip out our hands and begin to play rock, paper, and scissors. “You have got to be kidding me,” Leona sighs dramatically. “Quiet,” Chris hisses, “this takes focus and finesse.” We go for the best two out of three, and in the end, he wins. I growl as I hold out my hand for the knife. “When I tell you to, I need you to cut your palm and spread it over the map. I need a cut, not some pinprick, understand?” I nod. “Let us begin.” She begins to chant some words in a language foreign to my ears. The few words that I do make out make me assume she’s speaking Latin. Her chanting gets faster and louder, her hands continuing to move around the map as if they had a mind of their own. “Do it now,” she tells me, and I do as she had directed me to do. I slice my palm and then hold and squeeze it over the map, attempting to color it. She begins to chant again, her hands now at her side. My spilled blood tremble, slowly inching across the map in one general direction. It groups up and then starts to fade into the map, dyeing it and turning that one section a pale burgundy tone. “Here.” She hands me a bandage, and I wrap the still oozing cut up, deciding to clean it once we were done here. <<else>>\ We stare at one another, and without needing to say anything, both whip out our hands and begin to play rock, paper, and scissors. “You have got to be kidding me,” Leona sighs dramatically. “Quiet,” Chris hisses, “this takes finesse.” We go for the best two out of three, and in the end, I win. He groans but holds his hand out for the knife and eyes it untrustworthily, “is this thing even sterilized?” “When I tell you to, I need you to cut your palm and spread it over the map. I need a cut, not some pinprick, understand?” Chris nods. “Let us begin.” She begins to chant some words in a language foreign to my ears. The few words that I do make out make me assume she’s speaking Latin. Her chanting gets faster and louder, her hands continuing to move around the map as if they had a mind of their own. “Do it now,” she tells Chris, and with a silent prayer from him, he slices his palm and then holds and squeezes it over the map. He moves his hand back and forth, trying to get as much blood onto the sheet as he could. Leona begins to chant again, the blood reacting to her words by trembling. With a raised brow, I watch as they slowly inch across the surface in one general direction, before freezing, grouping up, and then fading into the map. The blood turns one section of it a pale burgundy tone. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR4_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“It’s done,” she sighs, steadying herself on the edge of the table, “I’m actually shocked that worked. You would think the hybrids would have a cloaking spell on em.” I examine the map, eyeing the area that was now stained before looking at Leona. “That’s what, a three-mile radius? The spell couldn’t be more specific?” “You’re lucky it gave us that. I was expecting a whole quarter of the map to be ruined. This is why it’s better to have something that belongs to them, I could’ve given you something much more accurate.” [[“Thanks, Leona.”]] [[“Does this mean all three of them are there?”]] [[“What was that, Latin?”]] <<if hasVisited("LeonaKiss")>>\ [[“So, about picking up where we left off.”]] <</if>>\
“Thanks, Leona,” I respond, fishing out my phone and taking a picture of the map for later. “Yea, yea. Don’t tell nobody I did this for free. And tell Rahim that next time he decides to give someone’s address out, he clears it by them first.” I nod, wondering what Rahim would say if I did indeed tell him that. He probably wouldn’t even react; he’d be uncaring and at most roll his eyes. I find myself back on the street, the job is done, and now we were one step closer to finding and finishing this. As I’m walking, my phone vibrates, and I check to see that it was a text from Rahim, telling <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to meet them at a restaurant. <a data-passage="CR5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Does this mean all three of them are there or something else?” Leona huffs as she leans on the table, her eyes on the map, “it probably means that they’re all in that general area. If they weren’t, then some of the blood should have separated. If anything, this shows you how unwelcomed hybrids are here. I was only thinking hybrid, nothing more specific than that, and it only gave me this small area.” “Shouldn’t it have given you Rahim’s location then?” “I was exaggerating when I said just hybrid. I, at least, had werewolf in my mind.” “Well, I guess <<if $cp>>we’ll<<else>>I’ll<</if>> be seeing you, Leona,” I tell her, and she waves my words away but gives me a half-smile. “I doubt it, sweetie. Good luck though.” I find myself back on the street, the job is done, and now we were one step closer to finding and finishing this. As I’m making my way down the stairs, my phone vibrates, and I check to see that it was a text from Rahim, telling <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to meet them at a restaurant. <a data-passage="CR5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I’m wondering, what was the language you were chanting? Latin?” “Most witches just call it the spell language, but if you want to be technical, it’s a mix of Theban and Latin.” “Theban?” “Also known as the witches’ alphabet. I don’t know that much, just the basics from my mom when she was teaching me.” I nod in understanding, fishing my phone out of my pocket to take a picture of the map. “<<if $cp>>We’ll<<else>>I’ll<</if>> be seeing you, Leona,” I tell her, and she waves my words away but gives me a half-smile. “I doubt it, sweetie. Good luck though.” I find myself back on the street, the job is done, and now we were one step closer to finding and finishing this. As I’m making my way down the stairs, my phone vibrates, and I check to see that it was a text from Rahim, telling <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to meet them at a restaurant. <a data-passage="CR5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“So,” I start with a wide smile, “about picking up where we left off?” The tension in her shoulders immediately melts away as she looks me over. <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ “You sure your boyfriend won’t mind?” she questions, nodding at Chris, who’s doing his best to ignore the conversation, but the way he stands awkwardly says that he was failing. “Oh, he’s not my boyfriend.” “Oh,” Leona says, grabbing my hand and pulling me after her, “then you won’t mind if I borrow your //friend// for a moment, would you?” <<if $serious <=50>>\ “I hope this doesn’t just last a moment,” I snicker. <</if>>\ “Actually, I do,” Chris speaks up, grabbing my other hand and yanking me back to his side. “We need to go. We have work to do.” Both look at me for my final answer. Leona doesn’t seem like she’ll be put out either way, but the way Chris’s eyes seem to regard me, he would be bothered. Did he forget that we were on a ‘break?’ [[“He’s right, I forgot.” Leave with Chris.]] [[“Yea later, come on.” Sleep with Leona.]] <<else>>\ “Then follow me, sweetie,” she smiles pleasantly, grabbing my hand and lightly pulling me to follow her. <<if $cp>>I turn to Chris and throw him a thumbs up and he smirks and rolls his eyes, shooting me one right back as he heads towards the living room, and Leona and I upstairs.<</if>> <<include "CR4_7">> <</if>>\
I release her hand and with an apologetic look, nod. “Yea, I forgot that Rahim wanted us to do something else. Sorry, Leona.” She doesn’t buy it, glancing from Chris to me and then back again. Her eyes linger on him, but before I can guess what she’s thinking, she shrugs and smiles. “No problems, sweetie, good luck on your hunt.” She walks to the door and sees us out. Before I make it out the door, she stops me, her eyes on Chris, but her words meant for me. “You’re not going to get anywhere with him,” she finally looks at me, no hint of teasing or playfulness in her eyes, “sooner you learn that the better for both of you.” She waves us away and closes the door, leaving me with her words. As I’m making my way down the stairs, my phone vibrates, and I check to see that it was a text from Rahim, telling <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to meet them at a restaurant. <a data-passage="CR5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I shake off Chris’s grip, “yea, later. Come on, Leona.” I take the lead, even though I don’t know where we’re going. Noticing this, she motions me towards a staircase, and we disappear, leaving Chris to his own devices. <img src="images/divider.png"> $name shakes off Chris’s grip, before giving him a lopsided grin that didn’t quite reach ?his $eyes eyes. “Yea, later. Come on, Leona.” And that’s all it took. Chris watches as Leona leads $name up the staircase, soon disappearing from sight, the only proof that they hadn’t reached their destination was the echoes of their steps on the carpeted floor. Chris felt woozy all of a sudden, his back hitting the wall before sliding down. He rubs at his eye until he felt like he was rubbing the skin off, he wasn’t about to get mad or sad at this. Not when he was the one who said that the two of them needed to take a break. Maybe this is how it should be, they were never going to work out. A human and a supernatural, that was grounds for a hybrid which obviously wasn’t exactly smiled upon in the supernatural culture. Before, Chris always thought $name was out of his league. Most of the girls he went after were simple. They just wanted to feel loved and have sex, two things he could give and fake easily. He didn’t really try and build emotional connections with them. In his mind, there were always others. But $name wasn’t like that and Chris should’ve seen that coming. He wanted to march up those stairs and scream at $name for being an idiot. For even thinking that ?his actions were okay. And the other side wanted to see this as his chance, his chance to grab some scissors and snip all emotional ties. But both thoughts only left him feeling empty inside, and one could only do so much before the tears decided to fall. <img src="images/divider.png"> <a data-passage="CR4_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<set $virgin = false>> <</nobr>>\ Leona closes the door to her room behind us before turning her attention back to me, her lips meeting mine as our tongues press together, exploring the other’s mouth with fervency. Her hands wander my body as I push her up against the door, <<if hasVisited("Make her work for what she wants from me.")>>letting her strip my shirt off and with it, every little problem and stressful thought that was swarming around my head.<<else>>stripping my shirt off and with it, every little problem and stressful thought that was swarming around my head.<</if>> I wanted to once again, forget everything, to remember what it felt like to live in the moment instead of two days into a future I didn’t know existed. <<if settings.showec>>\ <<if $sex is "p">>\ Her hand wanders down to the growing bulge hidden beneath my pants, moaning against my lips and causing me to want to quicken this. I wrap my arms around her body as her fingers toy with my pants, my hands finding her plump titties and fondling them before moving the short distance to her nipples and squeezing them. “Tease!” she sneers, working my pants down. I stop her movements, twisting her hair around my fingers and then yanking on it so that she was now looking up at me. <<if hasVisited("Make her work for what she wants from me.")>>\>>“Get on the bed.” She bites her lips and does as I say, immediately heading over and then turning to me.<<else>>“Get on the bed.” I nod in obedience and does as she say, immediately heading over with her leading me.<</if>> I work the rest of my pants down, until my member is finally able to spring free. I glance up at her, her eyes wide as she looks me over, her fingers digging into her thigh as I’m sure she begins to fantasize about all the things we were about to do. I clear my throat to get her attention looking from her to my member and without anything else needing to be said, Leona practically pounces on me. She licks my erected cock from the tip to the base, squeezing and gently massing my balls before finally working me into her mouth. I throw my head back as she picks up her pace. She lets my cock slip out of her mouth as she moves lower, licking her way from my balls back to my shaft. Her tongue tracing the underside before she slips me back into her mouth. I hear her hum as she works her way farther to the base, my legs trembling at the sensation and I let out a curse. My hands find their way in her hair again, eager to reach my peak. I hold her head steady as I begin to mouth fuck her, pushing my dick deeper and deeper into her mouth until I can feel it reach the back of her throat. Her eyes flicker up to mine and she hums again, mumbling against my member and causing me to get even closer to coming. <<if hasVisited("Make her work for what she wants from me.")>>\I pick up the pace, letting the sensation and pressure build until I release her.<<else>>She swats my hands away and takes control, working my member in her mouth as the sensation and pressure builds within me and I release my load.<</if>> She doesn’t move away, her hands working on my member as the cum floods out and right into her mouth. <<if hasVisited("Make her work for what she wants from me.")>>\I’m not sure if she’s done or not, if I made a mess, I really didn’t care. I grab her body and turn her over. Quickly grabbing a condom and putting it on before licking my hand and rubbing it roughly against her clit.<<else>>I’m not sure if she’s done or not, and she doesn’t give me much time to figure it out. She moves and grabs a condom, tossing it at me with a smirk. As if on a time limit, I put it on before licking my hand and rubbing it roughly against her clit.<</if>> “Fuck me!” she moans, wiggling underneath me. I was about to do just that. I line myself up at her entrance, smirking when I feel the tip enter her and she squirms in pleasure. I slowly work my way further inside, allowing both of us to get adjusted. Leona moves before I do, spreading her legs farther before pushing back into me, letting out a loud groan as she takes more of me in. I grip her hips to work a different angle, hearing her moan and curse as I guess I hit a sensitive spot. <<elseif $sex is "v">>\ Her hand slips into my pants and then into my panties, moaning against my lips and causing me to want to quicken this. I wrap my arms around her body as her fingers toy with my pants, my hands finding her plump titties and fondling them before moving the short distance to her nipples and squeezing them. “Someone’s already wet for me,” Leona says, bringing her head back just enough to whisper the words. “It’ll make this easier,” I joke back, claiming her lips once again and teasingly biting down on her bottom lip. Leona chuckles as she begins to work my pants down but keeps my underwear where they are. She gives me no time to question when her lips go to my neck, and she slowly kisses it. Licking and trailing her tongue from one area to the next. I focus on removing the rest of her clothes, tossing them to the side before pulling back, ignoring her groan, and dropping to my knees. I lean in and place dainty kisses on her pubis area. “Hmm, wait,” Leona stops, “let’s move this to the bed.” I couldn’t agree more, and so I back off of her, discarding any clothes that were still left to be rid of. She lies down, and I immediately go back to what I was doing, one hand massaging her breast as the other aids me in heating up her core. I lick her womanhood, using my tongue to move her folds away and then delve into her sex. I use my hand to keep them separated as I taste her, randomly flicking her clitoris and enjoying the way she bucks in pleasure. “Fuck, stop teasing me,” she whines, and I ignore her. I push in deeper, swirling my tongue around and then flicking it back and forth. I respond off of her movements and groans, sliding in a finger as I suck. I slide in another, pumping them into her as she moans my name. Suddenly she pulls back, giving me little time to think as she brings me into her lap, encouraging me to grind against her. I do so, throwing my head back as the sensation takes over, our hips pushing into each other and then soon joined by the palm of her hand, roughly rubbing my sensitive clit. <<else>>\ Her hand slips into my pants, moaning against my lips and causing me to want to quicken this. I wrap my arms around her body as I deepen the kiss. “Someone’s eager,” Leona says, bringing her head back just enough to whisper the words. “It’ll make this easier,” I joke back, claiming her lips once again and teasingly biting down on her bottom lip. Leona chuckles as she begins to work my pants down but keeps my underwear where they are. She gives me no time to question when her lips go to my neck, and she slowly kisses it. Licking and trailing her tongue from one area to the next. I focus on removing the rest of her clothes, tossing them to the side before pulling back, ignoring her groan, and dropping to my knees. I lean in and place dainty kisses on her pubis area. “Hmm, wait,” Leona stops, “let’s move this to the bed.” I couldn’t agree more, and so I back off of her, discarding any clothes that were still left to be rid of. She lies down, and I immediately go back to what I was doing, one hand massaging her breast as the other aids me in heating up her core. I lick her womanhood, using my tongue to move her folds away and then delve into her sex. I use my hand to keep them separated as I taste her, randomly flicking her clitoris and enjoying the way she bucks in pleasure. “Fuck, stop teasing me,” she whines, and I ignore her. I push in deeper, swirling my tongue around and then flicking it back and forth. I respond off of her movements and groans, sliding in a finger as I suck. I slide in another, pumping them into her as she moans my name. Suddenly she pulls back, giving me little time to think as she brings me into her lap, encouraging me to grind against her. I do so, throwing my head back as the sensation takes over, our hips pushing into each other. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ Her hand slips into my pants, moaning against my lips and causing me to want to quicken this. I wrap my arms around her body as I deepen the kiss. “Someone’s eager,” Leona says, bringing her head back just enough to whisper the words. “Hmm,” I hum, claiming her lips once again and teasingly biting down on her bottom lip. Leona chuckles as her lips go to my neck. Licking and trailing her tongue from one area to the next. I focus on removing the rest of her clothes, tossing them to the side before pulling back, ignoring her groan, and dropping to my knees. I lean in and place dainty kisses on her pubis area. “Hmm, wait,” Leona stops, “let’s move this to the bed.” I couldn’t agree more, and so I back off of her, discarding any clothes that were still left to be rid of. She lies down, and I immediately go back to what I was doing. “Fuck, stop teasing me,” she whines, and I ignore her. I continue my actions, using my tongue and responding off of her movements and groans. I slip my fingers in as she moans my name, taking her further and further. Both of us reaching our peaks in a matter of minutes. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR4_8"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.showec>>\ <<if $sex is "p">>\ I pick up the pace, thrusting into her harder and harder, letting her moans fill up the room and possibly her home. <<if $cp>>Hopefully, Chris had the television on or something.<</if>> Her body was trembling under my hold, her back arching more and more as I slam into her. I reach under her and roughly rub her clitoris, smirking as she screams out in pleasure. “Fuck, I’m close,” she growls into her sheets and I nod to myself, I could feel myself reaching the peak again as well. The more she moans, the faster I go, only possessing an inch of control as both of us reach our peaks. “Shit, shit, shit,” Leona repeats and I feel her clench around me, but I don’t slow down, I continue going, her moans like music as I finally feel myself cum for the second time. I grunt as I slow down and finally pull out. Her body shivering as she collapses onto the bed. “Fuck!” she groans, rolling onto her back. I grab my clothes, knowing that I needed to go. “You sure you don’t want to make this a routine thing? That was way too good to be just one time.” I smirk at her, shrugging my shoulders as I put my shirt on. “You’ll probably never see me again, Leona.” “Oh, sweetie, you’re gonna make me cry. Especially after that. It’s going to take me a while to get that off my mind.” I lean in and kiss her before telling her goodbye and leaving. I wasn’t typically a one-night stand kind of person, in the past I’ve had too much to do and it just wasn’t a priority. But I had to admit, the amount of power I felt at just walking off and leaving the other person pining, it felt strangely good. <<elseif $sex is "v">>\ She takes my breast into her mouth, sucking and squeezing as I can do nothing but sit and enjoy the feeling of her mouth on me. She moves me so that I’m now laying on my back, immediately putting her face into my clit. My entire body tenses up in pleasure as she eats me out, every second of it causes my body to buck. I feel her put in two fingers, curling them and causing me to groan her name, begging for more. “Leona,” I moan, and she quickens her pace. I no longer felt in control of my body, unable to focus on anything but the surmounting pleasure coursing through me. “I am so close,” I whisper, the words barely getting out as she pushes her fingers deeper and curls them again, her tongue flicking against my clitoris. I use my hands to pull and squeeze her tits, getting even more turned on as she moans up against me. I feel myself clench and explode, my entire body trembling as I cum. “Did you?” Is all I can say as I move to lie down, trying to ride out the waves of pleasure that still come over me. “You know it,” she giggles, moving to lie on the other side. “Fuck!” she groans. And I use that as a cue for me to get up and grab my clothes, knowing that I needed to go. “You sure you don’t want to make this a routine thing? That was way too good to be just one time.” I smirk at her, shrugging my shoulders as I put my shirt on. “You’ll probably never see me again, Leona.” “Oh, sweetie, you’re gonna make me cry. Especially after that. It’s going to take me a while to get that off my mind.” I lean in and kiss her before telling her goodbye and leaving. I wasn’t typically a one-night stand kind of person, in the past, I’ve had too much to do, and it just wasn’t a priority. But I had to admit, the amount of power I felt at just walking off and leaving the other person pining, it felt strangely good. <<else>>\ I lay her back down and once again begin to eat her out. “Fuck, stop teasing me,” she whines, and I ignore her. I continue my actions, using my tongue and responding off of her movements and groans. I slip my fingers in as she moans my name, taking her further and further. Both of us reaching our peaks in a matter of minutes. “Did you?” Is all I can say as I move to lie down, trying to ride out the waves of pleasure that still come over me. “You know it,” she giggles, moving to lie on the other side. “Fuck!” she groans. And I use that as a cue for me to get up and grab my clothes, knowing that I needed to go. “You sure you don’t want to make this a routine thing? That was way too good to be just one time.” I smirk at her, shrugging my shoulders as I put my shirt on. “You’ll probably never see me again, Leona.” “Oh, sweetie, you’re gonna make me cry. Especially after that. It’s going to take me a while to get that off my mind.” I lean in and kiss her before telling her goodbye and leaving. I wasn’t typically a one-night stand kind of person, in the past, I’ve had too much to do, and it just wasn’t a priority. But I had to admit, the amount of power I felt at just walking off and leaving the other person pining, it felt strangely good. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Did you?” Is all I can say as I move to lie down, trying to ride out the waves of pleasure that still come over me. “You know it,” she giggles, moving to lie on the other side. “Fuck!” she groans. And I use that as a cue for me to get up and grab my clothes, knowing that I needed to go. “You sure you don’t want to make this a routine thing? That was way too good to be just one time.” I smirk at her, shrugging my shoulders as I put my shirt on. “You’ll probably never see me again, Leona.” “Oh, sweetie, you’re gonna make me cry. Especially after that. It’s going to take me a while to get that off my mind.” I lean in and kiss her before telling her goodbye and leaving. I wasn’t typically a one-night stand kind of person, in the past, I’ve had too much to do, and it just wasn’t a priority. But I had to admit, the amount of power I felt at just walking off and leaving the other person pining, it felt strangely good. <</if>>\ As I’m making my way down the stairs, my phone vibrates, and I check to see that it was a text from Rahim, telling <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to meet them at a restaurant. <a data-passage="CR5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I place my hand on his shoulder and smile, “apology accepted, Chris. Whether you believe it or not, you’re a member of this team. We wouldn’t trade you in for anyone. Just stop calling me a monster, okay?” “Yea, okay.” He chuckles, and we go back to walking. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what we would tell Rahim, we get a text from him telling us to meet him at a restaurant. We hail a cab and head there, wondering if Leona had already called him and cursed him out. <<include "CR5">>
I scratch my brow, “I need actions, not words, Chris.” “Yea, you’re right. My words mean shit if I just keep complaining, huh?” He chuckles, and we go back to walking. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what we would tell Rahim, we get a text from him telling us to meet him at a restaurant. We hail a cab and head there, wondering if Leona had already called him and cursed him out. <<include "CR5">>
I give him a nod before going back to walking. I don’t know how I felt about his words. We’ve had this discussion a few times before, believing that he was going to change because he apologized and called himself out was foolish. I would have to see, and he would have to work harder for any kind of forgiveness. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what we would tell Rahim, we get a text from him telling us to meet him at a restaurant. We hail a cab and head there, wondering if Leona had already called him and cursed him out. <<include "CR5">>
I chew on the side of my cheek, “and you still want this break?” I finally ask, fearful that he would say yes. He nods his head, shoving his hands in his pocket. “I was serious about what I said earlier, I need to figure out what a future can even look like and if it’s even possible. I need to better myself and how good I am at this if I even want to feel comfortable with the idea of us.” “Why do you need to get better at the job?” “I know what you’re going to say, that you don’t need protecting, but it would make me feel better if I knew that at the end of the day, I did everything within my power to protect and help you, regardless if I fail or not. I don’t want to think that I sat on the sidelines and let everything happen without backing you up. So yea, I need to better myself.” I nod, I was done with fighting and arguing, especially since I now knew it wasn’t going to get anywhere. A piece of me wanted to wrap my arms around him and kiss him, to tell him that I understood but that he didn’t need to do all of this. But I don’t. If space is what he needs, then that’s what I would give him. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what we would tell Rahim, we get a text from him telling us to meet him at a restaurant. We hail a cab and head there, wondering if Leona had already called him and cursed him out. <a data-passage="CR5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $cp>>\ We get there fifteen minutes later and immediately find Rahim sitting with Bradley <<if hasVisited("Go and find Rahim.")>>and another visitor that I’ve met before, Amarante.<<else>>and an ethereal appearing woman. Her skin was glossy, and her white, pink, and lavender-colored layered hair was draped over her shoulders and stopping at her chest. She wore a white summer dress that made her look like some mystic nymph. She just needed a flower crown to complete the look. She glances up, a pair of mint and peach-colored eyes meeting mine.<</if>>\ “Damn,” Chris whistles, lowering his voice so that she couldn’t hear him, “who is that?” <<if hasVisited("Go and find Rahim.")>>\ “Her name’s Amarante, a friend of Rahim’s,” I answer. As soon as we make it to the table, Chris sits in the unoccupied seat closest to her and extends his hand. “I’m Chris. Amarante, right?” She nods and places her hand in his. <<if $cbreak or $CRomance >=5>>He shakes her hand with a small smile.<<else>>With a smirk, he gently brings it to his lips and winks at her, seeming to be taken entirely with her light and airy giggle. “Hopefully he can finally score a girl,” I joke to Rahim and Bradley. Bradley raises a brow, glancing up at the two who are still talking but, says nothing more. Rahim snorts in mock amusement, “I highly doubt that, seeing that Amarante is aroflux,” he glances between the two of them, “and from what she told me at the club she’s currently feeling apathetic to it all.” It was a shame, but Chris was no stranger to rejection, he’d get over it like always.<</if>> <<else>>\ “No idea,” I answer. As soon as we make it to the table, Chris sits in the unoccupied seat closest to her and extends his hand. “I’m Chris.” “Amarante,” she smiles sweetly, placing her hand in his. With a smirk, he gently brings it to his lips and winks at her, seeming to be taken entirely with her light and airy giggle. <</if>>\ Rahim turns all of his attention to me, “did Leona do the locator spell?” <<else>>\ I get there fifteen minutes later and immediately find Rahim sitting with Bradley <<if hasVisited("Go and find Rahim.")>>and another visitor that I’ve met before, Amarante.<<else>>and an ethereal appearing woman. Her skin was glossy, and her white, pink, and lavender-colored layered hair was draped over her shoulders and stopping at her chest. She wore a white summer dress that made her look like some mystic nymph. She just needed a flower crown to complete the look. She glances up, a pair of mint and peach-colored eyes meeting mine.<</if>> “$name,” Rahim greets, and I nod back, taking the seat next to Bradley, <<if hasVisited("Go and find Rahim.")>>“you remember Amarante, right?”<<else>>“this is my good friend, Amarante.”<</if>> “A pleasure to meet you,” she smiles sweetly, extending her hand towards me to shake. I shake it and glance over at Bradley who gives me a look I can’t decipher before looking back at his laptop. “Were you able to do the locator spell?” Rahim questions. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR5_0_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $locatorspell>>\ “Yea,” I start, retrieving my phone, loading up the picture, and then handing it over to him. He looks at it for a second before passing my phone to Bradley, who takes it and studies it for much longer. “Did everything work out on your end?” I ask, gazing over at Amarante, wondering what she was doing there. <<else>>\ “Yea, about that,” I start, Rahim leveling his gaze on me in irritation, “she wanted payment, and we were broke. You couldn’t warn her? Tell her <<if $cp>>we were<<else>>I was<</if>> coming or something?” “Honestly, I thought she’d help since this is something Roland wants done. This will make it harder to figure out where they’re at.” He rubs his beard, lightly tapping Bradley’s shoulder. “Let me see the traffic pictures.” Bradley rummages through the notes that are placed nearby and hands him a file. “So, I’m guessing everything worked out on your end?” I ask, gazing over at Amarante, wondering what she was doing here. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Time to get drunk. I don’t care.")>>\ “Yea, though we do need to talk to you about something.” Rahim sorts through some of the photos before handing one to Bradley, who lays it down in front of me. It’s a traffic cam photo, but I see nothing unusual. As if reading my mind, Bradley taps the side where a figure looks to be on the ground, and another figure hovering over them. “What am I looking at?” Neither reply as Bradley begins typing something, turning his laptop to me, and pressing play. The video that plays is dark, but I instantly recognize myself. I watch as, with an intoxicated swagger, I walk into the road just as traffic comes racing towards me. At the last minute, a figure appears and grabs me, pulling me back onto the sidewalk, saving my life. Bradley pauses the video. “That person who grabbed you is our hybrid, Amari,” he tells me. <a data-passage="CR5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Indeed,” Rahim answers, still looking at the pictures, “Amarante’s here for extra help. She’s going to see if can get something from these traffic photos.” He slides one over to her and she focuses in on it and touches it. “No,” she answers, Rahim then giving her another. This goes on for some time until Amarante finally gets a general idea of where the hybrids might be, an area that was quite large but was mostly an abandoned warehouse district. <a data-passage="CR5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Do you remember her?” Rahim questions and I shake my head, seeing flashes, but that was it. “I was crazy drunk; I hardly remember all of that even happening.” “Amarante can help with that,” Rahim says and motions for the faerie to come forward. She rises, and I push myself away from the table, sending her a glare to stop. “What do you mean help?” “I can access your memories,” she informs me, “you made physical contact with the woman, which will allow me to actually home in on where she is.” <<if $locatorspell is false>>\ “Meaning that you failing to get Leona to do the locator spell is okay. Because we can get an even better idea as to where the girl is. And that will probably lead us to the others.” [[“I’m not letting her touch me.”][$rahim -=5]] [[“Will it hurt?”]] [[“Back up, can you reword that?”][$amaranteMemory = true]] <<else>>\ “Meaning that if you let her, then we can get an even better idea as to where the hybrid woman is. And that will probably lead us to the others.” [[“I’m not letting her touch me.”]] [[“Will it hurt?”]] [[Let her.][$amaranteMemory = true]] [[Don’t let her.]] <</if>>\
“I’m not letting her touch me, no. No way. I don’t know her, and I don’t know what she can do.” “All faeries under Oberon’s rule can do this, it’s not a unique power,” Amarante tells me. <<if hasVisited("Ask Amarante what her species is.")>>“I don’t care. I still don’t know you, and the last thing I’m going to let you do is go traipsing through my mind.”<<else>>“She’s a faerie?” I question, wide-eyed, and remembering what the last faeries I met almost did to me. “It’s a definite no now.” <</if>> She takes a step forward, and I lift a finger of warning. “Calm down, $name,” Rahim growls, and I send him the same warning look that I gave her. “You keep this up, and you might activate your powers. Calm down.” My eyes flicker to Bradley, who still sits right beside me, he was right. “Now, let her touch you.” “No,” I growl, “you let her touch you.” “I’m not the one who was tackled to the ground by the hybrid. This isn’t a choice.” “My body, my choice. And I’m saying no.” “You have a better plan on finding the hybrids? Because if so, then I’m all ears. If not.” He doesn’t finish his sentence; instead, he nods to a waiting Amarante. He stares daggers at me, and I send the same glare right back at him. <<if $locaterspell>>\ [[Let her.][$amaranteMemory = true]] [[Don’t let her.]] <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $amaranteMemory = true>><</nobr>>\ “Hurry up,” I mutter to Amarante, shivering as she places both of her hands on the side of my head. Images of being on streets run through my mind until the night I was drunk appears. The surrounding area is blurry until the woman’s face appears, staring at me as she helps me to my feet and hails a cab. The scene fades, and Amarante draws back a second later and straightens up, “got it.” <<include "CR5_2">> <</if>>\
“Will it hurt?” I ask Amarante, and she shakes her head. “All I’m doing is replaying your memories from last night. You’ll see what I’m seeing.” <<if $locaterspell>>\ [[Let her.][$amaranteMemory = true]] [[Don’t let her.]] <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $amaranteMemory = true>><</nobr>>\ “Hurry up,” I mutter to Amarante, shivering as she places both of her hands on the side of my head. Images of being on streets run through my mind until the night I was drunk appears. The surrounding area is blurry until the woman’s face appears, staring at me as she helps me to my feet and hails a cab. The scene fades, and Amarante draws back a second later and straightens up, “got it.” <<include "CR5_2">> <</if>>\
“Back up,” I say and turn to Rahim, “can you reword that? The failing part is kinda getting to me.” “What would you call it?” he questions. “How about you word it in a way that doesn’t make it seem like I didn’t even try. I was unprepared for what she wanted. Either that or add-in that you failed to prepare me.” “Someone else’s fault, huh?” he asks, and the need to punch him suddenly becomes near overwhelming. “Anyway, let her touch you. This really isn’t a choice seeing that it’s our only option.” “Hurry up,” I mutter to Amarante, shivering as she places both of her hands on the side of my head. Images of being on streets run through my mind until the night I was drunk appears. The surrounding area is blurry until the woman’s face appears, staring at me as she helps me to my feet and hails a cab. The scene fades, and Amarante draws back a second later and straightens up, “got it.” <<include "CR5_2">>
I nod to her and give her my permission, shivering as she places both of her hands on the side of my head. Images of being on streets run through my mind until the night I was drunk appears. The surrounding area is blurry until the woman’s face appears, staring at me as she helps me to my feet and hails a cab. The scene fades, and Amarante draws back a second later and straightens up, “got it.” <<include "CR5_2">>
“Yea, I’d rather not. I already have one person who's taken up residence in my head, I don’t need anyone else. We have the locator spell; we should be fine.” The others nod, leaving it at that. <<include "CR5_2">>
“Alright,” Bradley sighs, closing his laptop and looking at us, “what’s the plan, just so I understand. Because I hear a lot of this,” Bradley raises his hand and moves it to mimic talking, “and not a lot of this.” He then mimics his hand walking and then begins to beat up the other hand. <<if $locatorspell or $amaranteMemory>>\ “We have their location. And since hybrids can turn whenever they want with no restrictions, then we don’t have to worry about the moon phases.” <<if $cp>>\ “You saying that doesn’t really inspire confidence, you know,” Chris points out, poking out his bottom lip and shaking his head. <</if>>\ “So, you plan on attacking them tonight, then?” Bradley inquires. “You say you as if you’re not coming,” Rahim divulges with an interested smile. <<else>>\ “We have a general location. Hopefully, we’ll get lucky and find them. And since hybrids can turn whenever they want with no restrictions, then we don’t have to worry about the moon phases.” <<if $cp>>\ “You saying that doesn’t really inspire confidence, you know,” Chris points out, poking out his bottom lip and shaking his head. <</if>>\ “So, you plan on attacking them tonight, then?” Bradley inquires. “If we find them today, then yes. I’m trying to stay optimistic here. And you say you as if you’re not coming,” Rahim divulges with an interested smile. <</if>>\ “I am?” “He is?” <<if $cp>>Chris and I say at the same time, exchanging glances before looking back at Rahim.<<else>>I say, staring at him as if he’s lost his mind.<</if>> “Yes, he is. We need Bradley’s skills to hack into the traffic cams and have a good view of the area. It’s either that or we go in blind.” None of us wanted that and so <<if $cp>>we<<else>>I<</if>> stay quiet. “Bradley will watch the cams, and the rest of us will go inside and corner them. Two of them are hybrids, and one of them is a vampire. The plan is to get the vampire and then force the other two to surrender. But be ready for anything.” “You make it sound easy.” “It won’t be,” Rahim tells me, “but we’ll succeed.” <a data-passage="CR5_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We head back to the hotel, getting ready for the night, and making sure everything was prepared for the trap that we were about to set. Hoping to draw them out, Amarante agreed to play a woman in distress who was being chased by vampires. An easy enough task for her since she could create illusions. The more I think about the plan, the more I see it working. And the more I think about finishing all of this and getting that map. Before now, I hadn’t thought about what getting this map from the council would do for us. I always knew that it would lead us one step closer to getting Syd back, but I never really stopped and thought how close. Besides being further informed about what to expect, this would be the last real thing. The map would give us the gateway, and we just had to head that way. “You seem deep in thought,” Rahim points out, appearing at my side. “Yea, I was just thinking about Syd and how close we are. How do you think she’ll react to seeing you?” “Oh, she’ll be pissed, no doubt about it. Careful,” he snickers grimly, “if she sees me, she might choose to just stay in hell.” [[“What happened between the two of you?”][$rahim +=3]] [[“We’ll drag her right back out then.”][$rahim -=2; $proSyd +=1]] [[“Eh, I wouldn’t really care.”][$rahim +=2; $proSyd -=1]] <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“I can’t imagine seeing you and being mad.”][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“I can’t imagine seeing you and being mad.”][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“What happened between the two of you?” “A better question would be what didn’t happen. Sydero is selfish, abrasive, stubborn, and sneaky. She puts herself before others, and as long as she comes out on top, she doesn’t care who she steps over or hurts. I tried, more than once, to give her a chance. And each time she repaid my trust and hope by acting like she always does. I don’t trust her, no one can. In the end, she’s only out for herself.” “You don’t think she’s changed?” “No, I don’t. Last time I saw her was a month or so ago. She caught up to me in Virginia, and we had an … argument. Pretty much destroyed the neighborhood we were in when she threatened to kill me if I didn’t give her what she was looking for. The good thing was the neighborhood we were in was deserted.” Realization settles itself on my shoulder as I remember the lights in the sky that we thought were oddly timed firecrackers. “Wait … the bright lights, that was you two?” “You were there?” “Close by. I was at work. It felt like there was an earthquake going on, the city said it was a gas line breaking.” “No, just Sydero throwing a temper tantrum.” “I found her on a path near my job after you two fought. She was damn near concussed, what happened to you?” “I landed on the other side of town, no one found me. I woke up with two cats sleeping in my lap and left before Sydero could track me down again.” I nod in understanding, not being able to help but think how this would all be different if Rahim was the one I had found instead. “You guys ready?” Bradley asks, poking his head into the area we were at and bringing the hat that he wore further down, trying to go for an incognito look and failing. “Yea,” Rahim tells him and nods to me, leaving. <a data-passage="CR5_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“We’ll drag her right back out then,” I tell him. “I still don’t understand why you’re so set on ‘saving’ her, but I won’t judge you or anything. Listening to you and Bradley, it sounds like she’s changed, but I doubt it. Especially when I hear some of the stories you recount when you first joined up with her. I don’t know, maybe you guys got a different version of Sydero than I did.” “You guys ready?” Bradley asks, poking his head into the area we were at and bringing the hat that he wore further down, trying to for an incognito look and failing. “Yea,” Rahim tells him and nods to me, leaving. <a data-passage="CR5_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Eh,” I start with a light shrug, “I wouldn’t really care.” “Yea, I noticed that. It seems like Bradley is the only one here who actually wants to get her back.” “She doesn’t make it easy to like her. Sometimes I wonder how she even got Bradley to like her so much.” Rahim pouts but doesn’t say anything, as if trying to figure out the same thing. “You guys ready?” Bradley asks, poking his head into the area we were at and bringing the hat that he wore further down, trying to for an incognito look and failing. “Yea,” Rahim tells him and nods to me, leaving. <a data-passage="CR5_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I poke my lips out as I regard Rahim, causing him to raise a brow in interest. “What?” he chuckles. “I’m trying to imagine seeing you and feeling anything but, I don’t know, happy.” He snorts, his cheeks heat up, producing a subtle rosy shade as he looks away. “Get to know me, and you’ll probably change your tune, by a lot.” I lightly nudge him with my shoulder, “I highly doubt that.” Though he avoids looking at me, I can see the blush intensifying. Once his cheeks go back to their original color, he turns to me, an appraising look in his eye. There was a gentleness in his eyes now, and though it was small, the smile he currently displayed was genuine with a hint of adoration. “You guys ready?” Bradley asks, poking his head into the area we were at and bringing the hat that he wore further down, trying to for an incognito look and failing. Rahim clears his throat and straightens up, “yea.” He doesn’t spare me a glance as he follows Bradley back inside. <a data-passage="CR5_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
A few minutes later and we’re driving to the area that we believed the hybrids were in. It’s only been a few days, but it’s felt much longer since I’ve actually driven my own car. None of us were looking forward to losing our parking spot and having to pay the fee, and so decided to rely on cabs while here. As for the hybrids, hopefully, they weren’t out and about, a possibility despite how small the chances were. The entire city was hunting for them, being out at night was probably the dumbest thing they could do. <<if hasVisited("Time to get drunk. I don’t care.")>>And yet, if one of them weren’t out, I would’ve probably died or been in the hospital.<</if>> Once at our location, I park in an area that would lead us back to the main streets if we needed to retreat. Bradley begins to set up his adapter and laptop, typing away once both were ready. The sound of his fingers racing across the keyboard is joined only by the sounds of cars in the distance and guns being loaded. “I’ll tell you guys when I’m all set,” he tells us, never taking his eyes off his laptop. I nod and open the duffle bag that we keep in the car, again telling myself to try and upgrade the car so that we could stop toting around a suspiciously heavy duffle bag with us. [[I grab my gun.][$guns +=5]] [[I grab my blade.][$blades +=5]]
I grab my gun and make sure the ammo within is silver, Rahim already telling us that it was one of the weaknesses hybrids still had thanks to both vampires and werewolves sharing the vulnerability. I check the safety and then put it in its holster. <<include "CR5_4_1">>
I grab my blade. It was a bit late to be checking it for rust or any other damage, but I do it anyway. I would need to sharpen it later but for now, it would do its job. <<include "CR5_4_1">>
“Alright, I got eyes. Go ahead.” Amarante slips off her heels and she checks with us to see if she looked disheveled, before leaving. Her screaming would be the cue. <<if $cp and $chris >=50>>\ “Come on,” Rahim says to me, Chris going over to Bradley’s side and checking his gun, he would stay with Bradley unless we called for him. Something he was doing more so now than before since he didn’t see himself as an adequate fighter. The two of us walk off, keeping close to the shadows as we slink across the empty warehouse or factory area. There were too many machines lying around for this place not to be a factory, but it didn’t give off the same feeling that plants did, a lot more of the buildings here all looked like warehouses. <<else>>\ “Come on,” Rahim says to <<if $cp>>us. The three<<else>>me. The two<</if>> of us walk off, keeping close to the shadows as we slink across the empty warehouse or factory area. There were too many machines lying around for this place not to be a factory, but it didn’t give off the same feeling that plants did, a lot more of the buildings here all looked like warehouses. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR5_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Unexpectedly, Rahim stops, lifting a finger for <<if $cp and $chris <50>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to do the same. Upon stopping, I hear nothing, but then I begin to hear the sounds of conversation up ahead, both voices feminine. One sounds worried and out of breath, Amarante, while the other sounds sympathetic but troubled. <<if $RRomance >=3>>I’m waiting on the cue when I lift my eyes to glance over at Rahim, shocked when I find him already peering at me. I raise a brow, too worried to open my mouth and question him verbally. He snorts lightly and with a hint of a smile, turns away, focusing back on Amarante’s voice. My heart does flips involuntarily but I force myself to focus, as best as I could anyway. We wait patiently for the cue, only daring to move when Amarante finally screams.<<else>>We squat, waiting patiently and listening for the cue, only daring to move when Amarante finally screams.<</if>> “Secure her,” is all Rahim orders before surging forward with a speed I’ve never seen before. I leave the safety of the shadows and head towards the woman, her eyes shifting to us, though it’s already too late. She was in a vulnerable position, and even her supposedly good instincts shouldn’t be able to aid her. She goes to stand up, but Rahim is upon her, knocking her legs out from underneath her. [[Pin her down.]] [[Secure her hands.]] <<if hasVisited("I grab my blade.")>>\ [[Put the blade to her throat.]] <</if>>\
Taking advantage of her being on the ground, I pounce on her and pin both of her hands down, shifting all my weight so that it was harder for her to throw me off. She thrashes and fights, more than once, almost being able to push me off of her, but I continue to shift my weight to accommodate her movements, and soon she stops trying. <<include "CR5_5_1">>
Taking advantage of her being on the ground and still shocked that all of this had happened, I wait just a moment longer so that she could sit up. Once she does, I shoot behind her and pin one arm behind her back and grab the other, moving my head back enough so that she couldn’t headbutt me if she tried. <<include "CR5_5_1">>
Taking advantage of her being on the ground, I pounce on her and bring my now unsheathed blade to her throat, keeping it there as she struggles. As soon as the tip makes contact with her skin, she ceases her movements and growls in pain. <<include "CR5_5_1">>
“Please don’t do this,” she yelps. “Where’re the others?” Rahim questions, taking his phone out, and texting someone. I assume it was Bradley, wanting to know if he was getting anything on the cameras. “No,” she cries, “I know what you’re here to do. Leave them alone, please. We’re all innocent.” She tries to move, but I remind her that I’m there and she stops. “What do you want? Money? I can give it to you, I can give you anything. Just leave us be.” Rahim’s phone rings and he picks it up, putting it on speaker. “Bradley?” “Yea, I see two figures in one of the buildings closer to where I’m at. I don’t know if that’s them since we can’t get their entire profile.” I glance down at <<if hasVisited("Look over the files.")>>the hybrid, Amari if I remember correctly from the files<<else>>the hybrid<</if>>, searching for any kind of reaction. She stares at the concrete, refusing to give us what we searched for. “Please don’t be difficult,” Rahim tells her, “truly this is not personal. But this must be done. Unless I want a sixteen-year-old boy snapping at me.” The last part he grumbles, only <<if $cf>>Chris and I hearing him.<<else>>me hearing him.<</if>> “You did tell me that they only wanted the head of one of them, just take hers,” Amarante suggests, causing the young woman to sob even more. [[“Can you please shut up?”][$sympathy -=2]] [[“I’m sorry about all of this.”][$sympathy +=2]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> “Hey,” I start, poking her in the side, “can you please shut up?” “You’re about to kill me,” she hisses. “Yea, but go out with some dignity, at least. You have snot rolling down your face.” <<include "CR5_5_2">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> “I know this isn’t going to make you feel any better,” I start, talking to the hybrid, “but I’m sorry about all of this. This isn’t really the way I like to do things.” “You normally just get it over with, huh?” she questions, hate in her tone. I open my mouth to respond but close it, what could I say to make this any better? It was either her or her dad or whoever he was to her. <<include "CR5_5_2">>
“I suppose that only makes sense,” Rahim finally decides, his mind still on Amarante’s words. He unbuckles the machete at his side, “you can move off of her now, $name. She can’t go anywhere.” I do as he says and sure enough, though she squirms and fights, something holds her in place. “I beg you, don’t do this,” she cries, “we didn’t even choose to be like this. We don’t deserve this!” “Why the hell would you even come back here, knowing that they want to kill you?” “My dad was tricked, he thought Roland had come to his senses. Please, you don’t know them like I do. Whatever they promised you is not worth this.” [[“Off with her head.”][$pacifist -=2]] [[“Your dad knows Roland?”][$pacifist +=2]] [[“I’ll say.”]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Violent ++</span><</if>> I groan, “come on, off with her head!” “You’re a little eager for bloodshed,” Rahim points out, brow raised, “you sure you don’t want to do it?” “If it means getting this shit over with, then sure. I want to be done here before a vampire and a hybrid come over and try to eat us.” “No, no, please, you have to listen to me,” she continues to beg, “you don’t know the whole story.” “I don’t think I care enough to hear it either,” I say dismissively. “You’re being played! This isn’t even about getting rid of hybrids to Roland, it’s about getting rid of the last two witnesses.” “Witnesses?” Amarante questions. “Like I said, you don’t know them like I do.” <<include "CR5_5_3">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pacifist ++</span><</if>> “Your dad knows Roland?” She violently nods her head, her hair sticking to her sweaty face, “they were best friends once. He was Roland’s Beta.” “That’s a pretty high status for a hybrid,” Amarante makes a note of. “He wasn’t always a hybrid. Like I said, you don’t know them like I do.” <<include "CR5_5_3">>
I snort, unable to help myself, “I’ll say. We’re only getting an enchanted map for this. We should at least be getting paid and the map.” The last bit is said to Rahim, who rolls his eyes. “And they probably know that,” she says to me and then looks at Rahim, “Roland knows exactly what he’s doing. This isn’t even about getting rid of hybrids, it’s about getting rid of the last two witnesses.” “Witnesses?” Amarante questions. “Like I said, you don’t know them like I do.” <<include "CR5_5_3">>
I look at Rahim, and he looks back at me, closing his eyes and cursing as he moves. The hybrid jumps forward, coughing and then repositioning herself. She doesn’t make a run for it, though I’m sure that’s only because she knows she won’t get far. “Inform us then, what’s going on?” <<if $sympathy <50>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $rahim -=3>><</nobr>>\ “No,” I shout, “no, no, no. We are not having storytime.” “Scared of the truth?” Rahim questions, raising an amused brow. “No, I just know where this is going. She’s going to weave some sob story, and whether it’s true or not, you’re going to feel sympathy for her and decide not to kill her.” “So, you’re okay with killing her? Even if it’s the wrong thing to do?” he asks. I nod, but he dismisses me, motioning for Amari to continue. Leave it to a Theron twin to completely disregard someone else’s thoughts and opinions. Honestly, I don’t know why I’m even remotely surprised. <</if>>\ She takes her time, trying to get her breathing back under control before starting, “my father was Roland’s Beta before he took over, another pack was currently in charge, and Roland wanted the position. He did every shady thing to undermine the current leader. Some of those things involved killing innocent people, and even some notable leaders who didn’t side with him. He used the vampires as a scapegoat for most of the killings, almost got them banished from Chicago. When my dad found out, he threatened to expose him, saying that he couldn’t let Roland get away with all the death and suffering he caused. He had proof too. What my dad didn’t know was that Roland had a powerful witch ally; he’s sitting on the council now. He agreed to curse my dad’s line with the hybrid gene if he could get whatever he wanted. And so, here we are. Being a hybrid is bad enough, but when it got out, Roland made it seem like he didn’t know and planted false evidence to make it seem like my dad was the one who committed most of the murders. Only thing we could do was run.” [[“Then why come back?”]] [[“But you’re one too.”]] [[“How easy is it to do this curse?”]]
“They why come back? That makes no sense.” “My dad loved Roland like a brother, they grew up together, he was his Beta. That’s a closeness you will never understand. Even when he did all those horrible things, he still wanted to redeem him. My dad got a call a few weeks back from Roland saying that he was going to come clean and pardon us. My dad believed it. Foolish, but he did.” Rahim paces, tapping his chin as he thinks Amari’s words over. [[“Whoa, this changes nothing.”]] [[“What are you thinking?”]] [[“Well this changes things.”]]
“But … you’re a hybrid too? Were you born before or after? I’m confused.” “I was initially just a werewolf; my biological mom is dead. Miranda is my stepmom, but I consider her my real mom. When the witches set the curse, they used her blood and cursed my father’s line, which includes me.” Rahim paces, tapping his chin as he thinks Amari’s words over. [[“Whoa, this changes nothing.”]] [[“What are you thinking?”]] [[“Well this changes things.”]]
“How easy is it to do this curse exactly? It seems like it should be much harder.” “Oh, no, it’s plenty hard. It takes the life force and sacrifice of a witch with eternal hatred for the species to actually put a were curse in place. The ritual to turn someone into a vampire with magic, that’s a bit easier to complete. The witches were powerful and had all the components they needed, and plenty of reason to do it.” Rahim paces, tapping his chin as he thinks Amari’s words over. [[“Whoa, this changes nothing.”][$sympathy -=3]] [[“What are you thinking?”]] [[“Well this changes things.”][$sympathy +=3]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> “Whoa,” I start, moving so that Rahim had to either walk past me or stop altogether, “this changes nothing.” “Seriously?” he questions. “She tells us a sob story, so what? What does this have to do with bringing her or her father’s head back to the council?” “Roland is using us to clean up the last bit of his past. We do this, and we’re letting him get away with murder.” “Wasn’t it you who told me that people die in this line of work? And that they know the consequences of being a hybrid?” “That was before I knew it was forced onto them like it was.” “Then they avoid the damn city. I still don’t see your point here.” “That’s a little cold,” Amarante points out, and I point over at her with a snarl. “You, shut up.” Rahim stops and cocks his head at me, looking me over, “Sydero means that much to you?” “Nope, don’t do that. You were all gung-ho about this just a minute ago. You had your machete ready and everything.” He returns to pacing, choosing a new route so that I was no longer in his way. <<include "CR5_5_4">>
“What are you thinking?” I ask him. “I don’t know. This complicates matters.” “In what way?” “I heard about the murders that she’s talking about; it was one of the reasons I came to Chicago. Vampires were being massacred, along with innocent people. If Roland is the one who did it, then he needs to be brought to justice. I refuse to let him walk away with that and use us to get rid of the evidence.” “Evidence? Is there evidence?” I ask Amari, and she nods. “My dad has the phone call recorded and the documents he stole before we left. He wants the council to see it but obviously can’t get close. Ever since we entered and then learned it was a lie, we’ve been stalked mercilessly.” <<include "CR5_5_4">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> I sit on the ground and sigh, “well, this changes things.” “You’re telling me,” Rahim growls, “I heard about the murders that she’s talking about; it was one of the reasons I came to Chicago. Vampires were being massacred, along with innocent people. If Roland is the one who did it, then he needs to be brought to justice. I refuse to let him walk away with that and use us to get rid of the evidence.” “Evidence? Is there evidence?” I ask Amari, and she nods. “My dad has the phone call recorded and the documents he stole before we left. He wants the council to see it but obviously can’t get close. Ever since we entered and then learned it was a lie, we’ve been stalked mercilessly.” <<include "CR5_5_4">>
<<if $cp and $chris <50>>“Are we bringing her in or not?” Chris asks. I glance over to see him near Amarante, rubbing his temples as he tries to wrap his mind around everything that we just learned.<<else>>“Are you going to bring her in or not?” Amarante asks.<</if>> Rahim stops and looks over at the young woman, her eyes large and hopeful as she stares up at him. I open my mouth to say something, but <<if $cp and $chris >=50>>two approaching figures capture<<else>>an approaching figure captures<</if>> our attention. “Guys!” Bradley gasps, slowing down once he reaches us,<<if $cp and $chris >=50>> Chris at his side,<</if>> “damn, you guys don’t know what phones are for, huh? I’ve been trying to reach you.” He stops when he sees the woman, his eyes filling with a mix of hatred and disgust. “Bradley,” I shout, clapping my hands to regain his attention, “what is it?” “A group is headed this way. I don’t know who they are, but there’s at least five of them.” “There was seven,” a voice corrects. Bradley darting to Rahim’s side as a group of five, just like he said, advances. “But this bitch killed them.” “Go to hell,” <<if hasVisited("Look over the files.")>>Amari<<else>>she<</if>> shouts back, baring her teeth and fangs. He ignores her and looks at the rest of us, “I’m guessing you’re the specialists that Roland called in. You gonna help us gut this monster or not?” Rahim moves slightly, a movement that I saw as nervousness but could also be taken as protective. He stands somewhat in front of <<if hasVisited("Look over the files.")>>Amari<<else>>the young woman<</if>>. [[“Seriously? A pretty face and everything changes huh?”]] [[“So I’m taking that as a no?”]] [[“Guess we’re hunting something else now.”]]
“Seriously,” I question incredulously, “a pretty face shows up, and everything changes, huh?” He snickers, “yea, that will do it. How do you think you were able to persuade me?” <<if $RRomance >=3>>I raise my brows at his words, unable to stop the lopsided grin from spreading across my face. I turn away, fighting the blush and clearing my throat, he won this round.<<else>>I roll my eyes, of course, he would compliment me at a time like this.<</if>> “Ah, so that’s how it is,” the leader comments, nodding his head, “then I guess we’ll be bringing Roland more heads than we thought.” They charge. <a data-passage="EP3-ActThree"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
“So, I’m taking that as a no then?” I ask Rahim, who sends me a look that tells me to figure it out. Amarante walks around to join us, and everyone takes on a more defensive position. The young woman doesn’t move though, looking at all of us in shock as well as hope. “Ah, so that’s how it is,” the leader comments, nodding his head, “then I guess we’ll be bringing Roland more heads than we thought.” They charge. <a data-passage="EP3-ActThree"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
I stretch and prep my weapon, shaking out my legs and then rotating my head. “Guess we’re hunting something else now.” “Werewolf,” Rahim tells me, and I shrug, at least they’re not vampires, I haven’t really fought them yet, “and vampires.” I would say I was shocked, but I really wasn’t. If anything, I was disappointed in Rahim for withholding that fact for as long as he did. “Ah, so that’s how it is,” the leader comments, nodding his head, “then I guess we’ll be bringing Roland more heads than we thought.” They charge. <a data-passage="EP3-ActThree"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<set $AmariFoster = true>> <<unset $breaknoclub, $random, $locaterspell>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/actthree.png"> <<if $cp and $chris >=50>>My group reacts instantly, Bradley putting more space between himself and our assailants, and Chris staying close to him while the rest of us rush forward, even <<if hasVisited("Look over the files.")>>Amari<<else>>the hybrid<</if>>. Each of us faces off against one, though two of them head for Rahim.<<else>>My group reacts instantly, Bradley putting more space between himself and our assailants, while the rest of us rush forward, even <<if hasVisited("Look over the files.")>>Amari<<else>>the hybrid<</if>>. Each of us faces off against one<<if $cp>>.<<else>> though two of them head for Rahim.<</if>><</if>> The one coming towards me has a gleam in his eye, and I realize that I have no idea whether or not this one is a werewolf or vampire. [[Make the first move.]] [[Wait for him to do something.]]
<<if hasVisited("I grab my blade.")>>\ I make the first move, tightening my grip on my blade before surging forward. I slash at him, and he deftly maneuvers out of reach each time. My arm was getting tired, and I was still no closer to finding out whether or not he was a werewolf or vampire. He was fast, a trait both species had. “Tired?” he questions with a smirk, leaning forward and showing me the two fangs that he possesses. Of course, because the universe didn’t hate me enough. <<else>>\ I make the first move, lifting my gun and having to use hip fire to even hope to catch him off guard. The bullet grazes his leg, and though he does move away, I hear him groan in pain. “I’m going to make you wish you didn’t do that,” he tells me, appearing at my side with a wide smirk. He leans forward and shows me the two fangs that he possesses. Of course, because the universe didn’t hate me enough. <</if>>\ <<include "CR5_5_5">>
I hold off on doing anything, especially something I might regret. At the moment, I didn’t know whether he was a vampire or werewolf, it seemed wise to wait until he showed more of his cards before showing my own. “Waiting?” he asks, smirking and showing me the two fangs that he possesses, “wrong move.” <<include "CR5_5_5">>
I’m unable to respond as the man shoots forward, his speed too fast for my eyes to keep up with. I see a flash to my left, but before I can react, I’m pushed to the ground. The vampire appears on top of me, baring his fangs, and preparing to bite me. I panic, and with all my power, I grab him and lift off the ground, attempting to flip over. The momentum and his shock at my actions allow me to execute the move. I release him and scramble to my feet, still not fast enough when he abruptly appears in front of me again. “Amari!” a voice shouts, many of us pause as we look to see a woman and a man running towards us. They both hiss and with supersonic speed, both attack the man nearest to them. Amari’s parents, I presume. The vampire I’m fighting is focused back on the fight before I am, and I pay for it by being slung through the air. <<if $entitydeal>>\ “Lesson number two,” Zillah starts up, his voice echoing through my mind. “I’m kinda busy,” I think, almost tripping as I try to avoid the next speedy attack, “is this all vampires can do? Zip from place to place and hope to throw you?” “Eh, don’t know, don’t care. Remember when I told you that your powers will act up if you’re in danger? Put yourself in danger.” “What!?” I shout, this time saying it aloud, though no one seems to care. “I’m going to show you what your powers can do upon mastery. Plus, it’ll end this silly fight a lot quicker. It bores me.” I leap out of the way and attempt to attack, though I know it’s pointless. “You want me to put myself in danger? No.” He laughs, “it’s funny, you think you have a choice. You seem to keep forgetting that I can step right in and take over whenever I want to. It’s only out of the kindness in my absent heart that I choose to ask you instead.” He has a point, and I remind myself that the last thing he seems to want is for me to die. So, that’s something, at least. I surge towards the vampire, knowing that the action is idiotic before I even do it. He takes advantage and grabs my arm, tossing me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing. I soar through the air, my body hitting the ground with a thump, and I feel the intense pain and dizzying feeling spread across every muscle and bone. I groan, not even on my feet before the vampire appears in front of me, grabbing me by the throat and lifting me off the ground. “Pathetic,” he chuckles. I think I hear someone scream my name in the distance, but I’m not sure. As the pain rises, my senses grow dull. “Let’s see how you taste.” Zillah feels like he’s right beside me, his aura surrounding me as it feels like I’m being pushed out of my own body, told to sit in some chair in the corner. “Tell me, $name, what would you like their punishment to be?” [[“Don’t kill them.”][$zillah -=5]] [[“Make them pay.”][$zillah +=5]] <<else>>\ I weakly get up, dazed, and running out of options. I had the weapons to attack them, but being quick enough to do so was the problem. [[I needed more power.|CR5_5_6]] [[Sometimes it was better to retreat.|CR5_5_6]] <</if>>\
“Don’t kill them,” I think more than I speak. Zillah groans, but I can feel his acceptance. <<include "CR5_5_7">>
“Make them pay,” I think more than I speak. Zillah chuckles, and I can feel the warmth that radiates off of him, happy to do as I ask. <<include "CR5_5_7">>
I’m still looking at the world around me, but I know I’m not in charge. I’m merely a passenger, having to watch as the world unravels. My body is still being held by the vampire, but I can feel the pain subside, my senses coming back to life. There’s something else there as well, an electric kind of energy in the air. Similar to the air during a lightning storm, charged and ready to guide the bolt wherever it wishes to go. And, like a switch going off, the lightning touches down. <<if $darkcontrol>>\ The strangest feeling I believe I will ever feel is not being in control of my own body, but then, being even farther detached than that. I feel like my eyes are kaleidoscope lenses, five separate views, and none of them are my own. I feel a piece of everything, and yet finding the piece that I’m most comfortable with is absent. “And now, for my next trick,” a voice echoes, bouncing off of transparent surfaces and entering my mind again and again, “we shall all die.” <<if hasVisited("“Don’t kill them.”")>>\ “Zillah!” I shout, but even I know that my voice is drowned out, lost within an abyss that I don’t understand. <</if>>\ I see movement, and before I can adequately catch on, I feel a stabbing feeling in my heart. It’s a painful experience, but not as painful as it should be. The first rush of pain is unbearable, but every wave that follows after reverberates through me, causing me to grow numb to the ordeal. And then, I feel connected to myself again. I’m about to celebrate when I feel my chest tighten, my arm tingling and nausea overtaking me. I shiver, but I’m not aware of my body actually doing so. It feels like my world is caving in, that this will be it. And then it feels like someone is pushing down on my chest, trying to settle all their weight there. I try to breathe, to move, to do anything, but I can’t. This is it. <<elseif $darkburns>>\ The burning sensation that I feel is minor, nothing like what I felt the last time this happened. I expect that’s because I’m not in full control of my body, so even though it’s happening, I’m only getting just enough to be aware of it. I focus more on the sounds of people screaming, watching as the mist organizes itself, much like a hoard of locusts, and shoots towards all of those who attacked us. It swarms around them, burning their entire being as they scream for mercy. <<if hasVisited("“Don’t kill them.”")>>“Zillah!” I shout, but even I know that my voice is drowned out, lost within an abyss that I don’t understand. <</if>>Their screams get louder and louder as the burns go from second to third, the mist never leaving the five figures before me. When it finally does end, the smoke settles and disperses, and the tips of my fingers feel incredibly numb. “I think I overcooked them,” Zillah laughs, though there is truth in his words. The smell of charred bodies begins to penetrate my nose, a disgusting smell that causes me to want to upheave all that I ate today. <<else >>\ The pain in my cheek is minor, nothing like what I felt the last time this happened. I expect that’s because I’m not in full control of my body, so even though it’s happening, I’m only getting just enough to be aware of it. I focus more on the sounds of people screaming, watching as they all fall to their knees, blood dripping out of their agape mouths. “This … this isn’t supposed to be an offensive ability.” “That’s true unless you use it strictly for the pain,” Zillah answers me. When his words don’t echo, I realize it’s because he’s thinking them instead of saying it aloud. “You let this go on for a time, and they’ll die from choking on their own blood. Besides the vampires, I’ll kill them manually.” <<if hasVisited("“Don’t kill them.”")>>\“Zillah!” I shout, but even I know that my voice is drowned out, lost within an abyss that I don’t understand. <</if>>Their screams get louder and louder as they lose more blood, and like Zillah said, he goes to all the vampires and pierce their hearts. Turning to all those that stand shocked. “This is why you brush and floss,” he tells them. My body feels like it goes through a transition, I’m not in control, but neither is Zillah. His shadow form looks at me with a smile, pats my head before disappearing. <</if>>\ And it’s over. I surge forward and see everyone around me, worry in their eyes. “How the hell did you do that?” Amari questions, her eyes wide in disbelief. “That … I’ve never seen anything like that,” Amarante speaks next, turning to look back at all the now-dead bodies, “and how fast you did it. I … have no words.” Rahim narrows his gaze on me, his thoughts unreadable, and it doesn’t seem like he’s going to say anything anytime soon, either. Zillah’s fading voice echoes through my head as I gather my bearings, “you’re welcome.” <a data-passage="CR6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I sprint out of the way, though that doesn’t make a difference as the vampire is in front of me once again, backhanding me and sending me reeling. I watch as Rahim destroys the man who he was fighting, decapitating the man and looking annoyed at best. Even Amarante seems to move gracefully around her opponent, her hands making strange symbols and calling upon magic. “Pathetic,” he chuckles. I think I hear someone scream my name in the distance, but I’m not sure. As the pain rises, my senses grow dull. “Let’s see how you taste.” One minute I’m gazing into the eyes of the monster that’s possibly going to be my murderer, and the next, <<if $darktruth>>I’m on the ground, gripping my cheek in pain. It feels as if someone has a whip and is continually lashing out, somehow hitting my cheek and only that area each time. I yell in pain as I crawl into a ball, wishing to disappear, when I hear another scream, realizing that it isn’t my own scream but the vampire’s.<<elseif $darkcontrol>>I’m staring at my body, my head falling to the side. I release myself, and I slump to the ground, proving that I’m in the vampire’s body. There’s a pain as the vampire thrashes in his own body, cursing me in both terror and rage.<<else>>I’m on the ground, my arms flaring up in pain. They feel as if they’re being held over an open flame. The sun directly overhead and heating up my arms past the point of sunburnt, past even the pain that causes everything to grow numb. The pain is so much that my screams don’t even make it past my lips, all dying as my body tells me to save my energy.<</if>> <<if $darktruth>>\ “The hell are you doing to me,” he shouts, backing away, crying blood as the same thick plasma drips out of his mouth. “You monster!” he shouts in disgust, the pain intensifying as he mirrors my position. “Put him out of his misery,” I hear someone whisper, and I watch as Amari’s father comes over, decapitating the vampire swiftly. In his dead eyes, he almost seems thankful. The pain slowly subsides, and though no blood drips out of my mouth, it feels like my cheek is now raw, nothing but bone. I close my eyes, hoping to forget more of the pain, hoping to be free from it. <<elseif $darkcontrol>>\ I can’t concentrate, I feel his emotions plus my own, not to mention the pain. I feel like I’m on the back of the wildest bull known to man, trying to stay on for a fraction longer but knowing I won’t be able to. “You will pay for that!” Amari’s dad growls, surging towards the vampire, towards me. “No,” I shout, but words don’t come out, I can only control so much. Amari’s father impales the body with a blade straight through the heart. And my eyes widen. I feel death grab and choke me, but only with enough force to warn me that it will not be so kind in the future. It feels like someone is squeezing my heart and stepping on my chest, my entire body numb and yet sensitive to even the smallest of things. My world caves in, telling me that this will be it. I try to breathe, to move, to do anything, but I can’t. This is it. <<else>>\ The vampire before me is screaming as well, his eyes wide in fear and pain. “The hell are you doing to me,” he shouts, stumbling backward as he holds his arms out in front of him. A mist swarming around his arm, but it inches further up, never stopping the climb. “You monster!” he shouts, and his body erupts into flames. His screams, that wailing will haunt me. It causes my blood to freeze. The sounds of a man being burned to death. He drops to the ground and tries to put the fire out, but it’s no use; he continues to burn. And the pain in my arms continues to grow. And then his horrifying shrills fade, his body hits the ground as the mist begins to disperse and disappear, leaving a charred and unrecognizable carcass behind. The pain in my own arms begin to fade as well. I clench my eyes shut as I bring my hands closer to me, trembling and wanting to scream out as the last of the horror fades. <</if>>\ And it’s over. I fall forward as the others rush over. “What the hell happened?” Amarante questions, trying to piece it all together but failing. <<if $cp>>Rahim and Chris narrow their gazes on me, their thoughts unreadable, and it doesn’t seem like they’re going to say anything anytime soon either.<<else>>Rahim narrows his gaze on me, his thoughts unreadable and it doesn’t seem like he’s going to say anything anytime soon either.<</if>> “Congrats,” I hear Zillah say, “you’re really getting control of your power.” The words are sarcastic, and even if he means them, I know he’s lying. That felt like the complete opposite of control. I just want to sleep. I really did … and so I do. <a data-passage="CR6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if hasVisited("CR5_5_6")>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $rolandjustice = true>><</nobr>>\ I jerk forward, hitting the door of my car with my foot. I jerk around, looking for anything to ground me when I see Bradley. His open laptop illuminating his face. “Bradley?” I question, but he plainly stares at me, “what’s going on? What happened?” “You passed out after you … killed that vampire. Are you okay?” The pain and tiredness that I felt seem miles away, so distant that it’s hard to tell myself that it happened that day. I look out the window to check if it’s still night, finding my thoughts to be true. We’re sitting in the parking lot of the nightclub, and I furrow my brow. “What’s going on?” “Let’s see. After you passed out, the hybrid’s father commanded us to help him bring down Roland. Rahim was all for it, but Amarante stopped him, and the two of them had like an hour-long discussion about shit that I didn’t really care about. I guess they figured out some plan that would appease everyone, though, because they went in to put it into motion. They came out to check on you and bring the hybrid and her parents in about thirty minutes ago.” “And it all worked out?” Bradley shrugs, obviously not a fan of the conversation. “You should be concerned about yourself,” he grumbles, “stop using your powers until you can control them.” [[“You don’t think I know that?”]] [[“If only it was that simple.”]] [[“I know, I know.”]] <<else>>\ We stand off to the side as Amari tells her parents what had taken place, telling them all that she had told us and what we were discussing before Roland’s group came over. Once they’re done, they join us, Amari’s dad looking us all over, though his gaze lingers on me. “You’re willing to help us bring down Roland?” [[“No.”|EP3No]] [[“Yea.”|EP3Yea]] <</if>>\
“You don’t think I know that?” I question in anger, telling myself to calm down a second later. It’s been a long day, and not just for me. Bradley doesn’t reply, his eyes on his laptop though he makes no move to change the screen. “If they’re taking down Roland, how are we going to get the map?” “No idea,” he tells me, shooting me a look that says he’s wondering the same thing, “I guess they’ll just take it. But that’s only if the council members give it to them. The hybrids are still alive, and they all kinda wanted them out of the picture.” <<include "CR6_0_1">>
“If only it was that simple,” I mumble. How was I supposed to learn anything when I don’t know the origins or what’s going on? The more they flare-up, the more I was able to see and get a general idea of what was going on, but that’s a general idea. And the flare-ups are getting worse. By the time I can grasp a complete picture, it will probably be too late. <<include "CR6_0_1">>
“I know, I know,” I repeat, reaching for a water bottle that I always keep in the car. “I think my powers respond when I’m in danger. It just happened, no warning. At least in the past, I had those crazy headaches, this just came out of nowhere.” “The headaches were probably due to your body not being used to what was about to happen. You probably won’t be getting warnings like that again.” <<include "CR6_0_1">>
I sigh and rest my head on the cold window, relishing the feel of it, “what’s happening to me?” “I’m sorry this is happening to you.” “Thanks, Bradley,” I reply, sending him a small and thankful smile. I say nothing else, and neither does he, both of us choosing to sit in silence as we wait for the others to come back. It feels like hours have gone by before they do, though I won’t say I’m complaining since I get another nap in. When I see them walking towards us, I leave the car to meet them. “You’re okay,” Amari shouts, rushing forward and hugging me. “Um,” I start, and she releases me, blushing. “Sorry, I’m just thrilled and … thankful.” She turns to Rahim<<if $cp>>, Amarante, and Chris<<else>> and Amarante<</if>>, “so thankful. Thank you all for helping us. I never saw it going the way it did.” “Don’t thank us,” Rahim tells her, “you and your family still won’t be welcomed. At the end of the day, you’re still hybrids.” I look over at Amari’s parents, they seem to know the same thing, their attention on the passersby. “We’ll have to go back into hiding, or at least find a place that accepts us,” Amari’s father states, “but at least we were able to do this. Thank you.” He shakes Rahim’s hand and the three of them turn to go. Amari looks at us over her shoulder, following her parents as they disappear into the night. “Let’s get to the hotel, I want a bed,” Rahim sighs. I nod in agreement, getting into the car and watching as the city lights fly by, thinking about the bed that awaits me. <a data-passage="CR7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“No,” I blurt before Rahim can get a word in, “unless one of you have some enchanted map that will lead us to the current gateway to hell, then we can’t help you. Or did you forget that whole reason we came looking for them?” “Exposing Roland doesn’t mean we lose out on the map.” “Doesn’t it? At the end of the day, whether Roland pays or not, they’re still hybrids, and the council still wants them gone. That’s not going to change, the most they’ll get is a pity slap on the back followed by a dagger through the heart.” “So, what? You want to kill one of them right here and now?” They all stiffen, both parents looking ready to fight or run. But Amari stays planted, gazing at me with hope. She doesn’t know me, and yet she’s looking at me like she trusts me with her life. “No,” I growl, “but stealing that map isn’t possible, so I don’t see a way we can all win.” <<include "CR6_0_2">>
“Yea,” I answer along with the others, “but something tells me that it’s not going to be that easy.” “Why not?” Rahim questions. “Because we still need that map. Whether Roland pays or not, they’re still hybrids, and the council still wants them gone. That’s not going to change. The most they’ll get is a pity slap on the back, followed by a dagger through the heart. I don’t see a way we can all win this.” <<include "CR6_0_2">>
“I think there is,” Amarante chimes in, all of us glancing up to see her holding up one of the decapitated vampire heads. “I can glamour this head, make it look like either of them and bring it back to the council.” <<if hasVisited("“Please!”")>>\ “Leona wants the blood from one of them. If I don’t bring that to her, then she’ll know something is up. And no, I’m not even going to attempt to trick her with fake blood. I like being hex free.” “You can have my blood. I’ll give it to you willingly,” Amari tells me. <</if>>\ “There will be no need for that,” the father tells her, “I can’t expose him if he thinks I’m dead.” “We can just give them the documents,” Amari suggests, “they can say that they found all of them on your person or where you were hiding out. Everyone wins.” “No,” he scowls, “Roland is my responsibility. I won’t send children to do my task.” We each raise a brow at his choice of words. The only child here is Bradley and he’s seen enough darkness to make him braver than any grown man I’ve met. <<if $cp>>\ Chris steps up to my side and whispers to me, “do we even want to expose this man? Not saying that Roland doesn’t deserve justice, but taking him down is fucking with the system. We don’t know enough about the politics and structure here to take down a leader.” I knit my brows as I think over his words. He has a point. Amari said that Roland blamed it on vampires at first. If this gets out, then it’s possible that the vampires will want retribution and who knows what that will lead to. Not to mention that this will also affect the witches and werewolves directly. <</if>>\ “Someone needs to pick something,” Amarante points out, looking bored. [[“We won’t expose Roland.”][$bradley +=5; $chris +=5; $rahim -=5; $amari -=5; $rolandalive = true; $honesty -=10]] [[“We’re exposing Roland.”][$bradley -=5; $chris -=5; $rahim +=5; $amari +=5; $honesty +=10]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Deceit ++</span><</if>> “We’re not going to expose Roland. We have no idea about the consequences of that action, but we know that it won’t change shit in your case if we do expose him. You’ll still be hunted, and we’ll just be out of a map.” “You’ll let a murderer call himself King of Chicago?” Amari's father asks. I glance over at the others, just by looking at them, I’m unable to see what they think, but they all stand at my side. “I’ve known of kings who’ve done worse. So you can either play by our rules, or you can go.” The father’s eyes darken as he takes a step towards me, Amari being the one to come in between us. “We’re lucky we even go this chance. And they’re right. I didn’t think about it, but exposing Roland will open a power vacuum, and we all know how supernaturals get when power is on the line.” She turns around and faces me, “glamour the head to look like me and take my blood if that’s needed for further proof.” “Amari!” her dad shouts. She clenches her eyes closed but remains standing before us, holding out her quivering arm. I take it and pull her closer, watching her parents with wary eyes. Neither of them makes a move, but neither of them is happy either. <a data-passage="CR6_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Honesty ++</span><</if>> “We’re going to expose Roland. He needs to be brought to justice for what he did. Hopefully, we still get the map out of this, but that’s the last thing on my mind right now.” “Thank you for this,” Amari’s father says to me. “Don’t thank me until we do this.” I stop for a minute and try to gather my bearings, the hard part is yet to come. <img src="images/divider.png"> The next destination is the club, packed to near capacity just like every other night. The hybrids wait for us on the outskirts, each of them appearing nervous but ready for what’s to come. “You ready?” I question, approaching them, <<if $cp>>Rahim and Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> right behind me. “I’ve been ready for this moment for years,” the father tells me, gripping the documents harder. Why anyone would ever leave a paper trail is beyond me, but I suppose one’s crimes can never completely disappear. Rahim calls ahead to tell Roland that we’re bringing him a surprise, and when we get to the door that leads to the supernatural side of the club, we find we have an escort. At first, I shift uncomfortably, thinking they will recognize our guests, but when they say nothing, I can only assume that they have never seen them before, and they also couldn’t tell what they are. We make it past the last checkpoint and head straight to the meeting room where the other council members are gathered. As soon as we enter, they all rise with large eyes, Roland’s glare darkening. “This was not the deal,” Roland shouts, moving in closer, but Rahim shifts to intercept him. <a data-passage="CR6_0_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I think the council deserves to hear what they have to say. Don’t you, Roland?” I lean against the wall as Amari’s father puts the documents on the table, and then begins to play the recording of Roland’s voice. All the while, Roland attempts to get past Rahim but makes little effort. He knows what Rahim is, and it seems like he knows the consequences of engaging him in combat. “You will pay for this betrayal,” I hear Roland whisper to Rahim, but he remains unphased. “It was you,” the vampire councilwoman, Victoria, questions. She rises from her seat and begins to slowly walk towards him. “Entire nests were wiped out, people I had known for decades, vampires almost being banished from all of Chicago. And it was because of you and a petty power grab?” A shift to my right catches my attention, and I watch as a man makes a dash for the door. He’s unable to reach it as she speeds to him, snapping his neck. With that, the entire room erupts. One of the members transforms into a lion as it pounces towards Roland, two henchmen shift into canines, moving to protect him. “What the hell?” Leona asks, pushing the door open, her mouth hanging open when she sees the dead man. “Erin!” she screams, attracting the attention of the partygoers. The music falters, and more and more people seem to move closer. “Get back!” Victoria shouts, baring her fangs, but the others do no such thing. [[“Rahim, can you get us out of here?”]] [[Search for the map.]]
“Rahim, do you think you can get us out of here?” I ask, moving to his side as the commotion rises. The chances of us escaping this place without being brought into the mess are small. “Yea, I can.” <<if $cp>>I grab Chris and go back to Rahim’s side, both of us touching him. I<<else>>I touch his shoulder and<</if>> close my eyes, and when I reopen them, we’re back outside near my car. Bradley looks from us to the club, people filing out quickly. I can hear the distant sounds of screams, and a few minutes later, gunshots ring out. “Shit,” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Rahim<</if>> mutters. There isn’t anything we can do. I tug on <<if $cp>>Chris’s<<else>>his<</if>> shirt and motion to the car, it’s best to leave now before the police show up or the fighting finds its way outside. I glance back at the club, wondering if Amari and her parents made it out, or if they fell victims to tonight’s event. This whole thing was to help them, and now there’s a good chance that Roland got what he wanted in the beginning anyway. <a data-passage="CR7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
As the tension escalates, I go to the other side of the table to where Victoria sits. I search through her bags, but I’m unable to find the map. Did she even bring it with her? Roland must have told her too, or did Roland have it? I glance towards him to find that he’s transformed into a large dog, fighting the lion along with his two thugs. Getting close is dangerous, but I need that map. I move forward, but abruptly I’m back outside, the fading sounds of beating wings being my only indicator of what just happened. “No, Rahim!” I shout, “the map.” “The chances of you finding that thing wasn’t worth it,” he tells me. “So what, that’s it? We did all this crap for no reason?” He doesn’t reply, dropping my gaze as he moves towards the car. I can hear the distant sounds of screams, and a few minutes later, gunshots ring out. “We need to go, now.” I don’t argue, I back up towards the car and get in, watching as people run out in waves, filling the sidewalks. I glance back at the club, wondering if Amari and her parents made it out, or if they fell victims to tonight’s event. This whole thing was to help them, and now there’s a good chance that Roland got what he wanted in the beginning anyway. <a data-passage="CR7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The next destination is the club, packed to near capacity just like every other night. For Amari’s safety, we tell her to stay with her parents, though I can’t help but be bothered by how they will feel about Amari willingly giving up her blood and agreeing with us to not expose Roland. The glamoured head currently rests in a trash bag that Rahim holds. As well as sending Amari off, we agree that it’s also best for Amarante to go, to erase any doubts. Rahim calls ahead to tell Roland that we’re bringing him a surprise, and when we get to the door that leads to the supernatural side of the club, we find we have an escort. We make it past the last checkpoint and head straight to the meeting room where the other council members are gathered. I hang back as Rahim walks forward and places the bag on the table, a henchman approaching and removing the head. I eye the rest of the council, not one of them looking disgusted by what now sits on their table, not even the tad bit concerned or uncomfortable. How much death have they seen? How much of it done by their hands? If we did expose Roland, would they even be bothered? There’s always the possibility that everyone here already knew of his deeds, the witch councilmember did. “I must say I’m impressed. Not only did you bring a head in, but it’s the bitch’s head,” Roland laughs, clapping his hands in happiness. He picks up the fake head and turns it around, letting out a low whistle. “The father?” he questions. “Ran off when we killed his daughter.” He hums motioning to the vampire councilwoman to act. She grabs a briefcase and slides it over to us. “What we agreed on, plus the bounty for her head. You have Chicago’s thanks.” He sneers when he says this, a sneer that says he’s one step closer to erasing his past. I suppose that’s politics, though. They all have skeletons in their closet. It’s inevitable. I grab the case, and we leave, thanking them. <<if hasVisited("“Please!”")>>Rahim leads us out, making a beeline straight for the exit. As we go, I get a glimpse of Leona, she says nothing to any of us as she walks past. Before she can get past me, I surreptitiously hand her the vial of blood that Amari gave me. I feel her grab the bottle, and just like that, the exchange is over.<<else>>Rahim leads us out, making a beeline straight for the exit. His pace and demeanor scream for everyone to get out of his way. He isn’t comfortable, nor did he want to stay long. I can’t blame him much, I can think of nothing but a warm bed and tomorrow’s continental breakfast.<</if>> <a data-passage="CR7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The following day is mixed between us packing our things, <<if $rolandalive>>relaxing, and eating. We hear nothing from Roland, and since we haven’t been attacked yet, we surmise that the glamour trick worked. If he ever does learn that we tricked him, then we’ll be long gone before then.<<elseif $rolandjustice>>relaxing, and eating. We hear nothing about Roland and what’s going to happen now. Nor do we hear anything from the witch community and who’s going to step up to fill Roland’s now-vacated position. Rahim attempted to get ahold of Leona but was constantly sent to voicemail.<<else>>being on edge, and eating. We hear nothing directly from the supernatural community, but the news has been keeping us updated. They report an increase in dog and cat attacks, shootings, and talk about the number of brawls that police have had to stop. Along with that, the news also talk about some of the victims. Whether we’re shocked or not, both of Amari’s parents pop up.<</if>> “Ugh,” Rahim growls as he pushes the drink he ordered farther away. “Not a fan of tea?” I question, and he rolls his eyes. “I love tea, and I thought I was in the mood for it. Turns out that I need something stiffer.” <<if $cp>>\ “Send it this way,” Chris blurts, “I’ve been hella thirsty.” “Just order more water,” Rahim suggests, refusing to slide the cup over. Chris leans in before replying, “I’ve had like ten glasses. The waitress is starting to give me the eye.” I roll my eyes and ignore him, attention back on Rahim. <</if>>\ “Do you typically drink?” “No, but hotspot cities will make you want to become an alcoholic.” I hum as I take another sip of my own drink, gazing over at Bradley. He devours the hamburger he ordered like he hasn’t eaten in days. And I know for a fact that he ordered room service atleast three times a day. [[“Slow down, Bradley.”]] [[“How much was the hotel?”]] <<if hasVisited("“Rahim, actually.”") or $RRomance >=3>>\ [[“I’m surprised Amarante isn’t here.”]] <</if>>\
“Slow down, Bradley. Because if you throw up in my car, I’m going to fight you.” <<if $bcure>>“You’ll lose,” he sneers, and I throw the paper from my straw at him.<<else>>He ignores me, saying nothing as he continues to eat at the same pace.<</if>> “You can’t be //that// hungry,” Rahim points out, “with how much room service you ordered.” Bradley shrugs, “you shouldn’t leave me to my own devices, everyone knows that.” “I didn’t,” he snarls with a playfulness in his eye. <<if $bcure>>He, too, throws the wadded-up paper at him.<</if>> Bradley is unable to counter when the sound of someone clearing their throat behind us grabs our attention. <<include "CR7_0_1">>
“How much was the hotel, by the way?” I question Rahim, who takes another disgusted sip of the tea. “Why? You plan on splitting the price with me?” <<if $rolandalive>>“With the money we got from the bounty, I could.”<<else>>“If I could, I would you know, but I’m broke.”<</if>> “It wasn’t as bad as I was estimating,” he informs me, poking Bradley, “but he sure did make the cost go up.” “I’m a luxury,” he tells us with a full mouth, all of us grumbling in disgust as we look away. And then, the sound of someone clearing their throat behind us grab our attention. <<include "CR7_0_1">>
I gaze around the homey restaurant, as if just thinking about her would cause her to appear, “I’m surprised Amarante isn’t here.” Rahim raises a brow, “why do you say that?” “The two of you seemed joined at the hip most of the time.” He pauses and looks at me, “you don’t like her, do you?” <<if hasVisited("“Rahim, actually.”")>>\ “It’s not that I don’t like her, I barely know her,” I shrug as I trace a figure eight on the table, “I just remember that she holds your attention more than anyone else.” “What does that mean?” “Come on,” I chuckle, “you didn’t even notice me that day in the club. I even got compliments from the bartender.” He snorts in his cup, raising a brow, “didn’t think you were the type who needed to be reminded of how attractive they are.” I open my mouth and then close it, trying to figure out if that is an insult or not. “Yea, you’re right, I’m not. Just forget I said anything.” I pick at the dessert that I ordered, wondering why I even brought that night up. I freeze when a warm and gentle pressure is applied to my chin. Rahim turns my head so that I’m now looking at him, an alluring smile teasing his lips. “I did notice how beautiful you were that night. Don’t for a minute think I didn’t.” I gaze into his eyes, and he, back into mine, when we hear someone clear their throat behind us. <<else>>\ “It’s not that I don’t like her, I barely know her,” I shrug as I trace a figure eight on the table, “just forget I said anything.” Rahim frowns, appearing like he wanted to question me further when we hear someone clear their through behind us. <</if>>\ <<include "CR7_0_1">>
We all turn to see Amari there, a small smile on her face<<if $rolandalive>>, though it fails to reach her eyes.<<else>> as she rummages through her large pack for something.<</if>> <<if $rolandalive or $rolandjustice>>\ “Hey Amari,” I greet, “what’s up? Is everything okay?” <<else>>\ <<if $sympathy >=50>>“Amari, I’m so sorry,” I instantly say, happy to know that she’s still alive but remembering the fate of her parents.<<else>>“Amari,” Rahim starts “you have my condolences.”<</if>> <</if>>\ <<if $rolandalive>>\ “Um, yea. I see how this might be weird, tracking your scent and all. I just wanted to come by and thank you again.” She bites the inside of her cheek and looks down. I notice a large pack on her back and raise a brow, “and to ask if you would mind me joining you guys?” <<elseif $rolandjustice>>\ “Um, yea. I just wanted to come by and thank you again.” She finds what she was looking for and passes it to me, “and to give you this. I grabbed it without them knowing. This is what you needed, right?” I take the item from her and unroll it, the map. “Amari, this is exactly what we needed.” “I’m glad,” she tells me, still looking a bit uncomfortable, “I also was wondering if you would mind if I tagged along with you guys.” <<else>>\ “For what?” “Your parents, we heard about what happened.” She snorts, “Oh, they’re not dead. Your friend, Amarante, she cast another illusion. Hoping to give us more time to get away before a mob came after us. My parents are fine, peeved at me but fine.” She finds what she was looking for and passes it to me, “I also found you to give you this. I grabbed it without them knowing. This is what you needed, right?” I take the item from her and unroll it, the map. “Amari, this is exactly what we needed.” “I’m glad,” she tells me, still looking a bit uncomfortable, “I also was wondering if you would mind if I tagged along with you guys.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="CR7_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Hell no!” Bradley shouts, his mouth still stuffed, but his eyes filled with hatred, “fuck that!” “Bradley,” we all comment, but he’s having none of it. He points an accusing finger at Amari, “I have nothing against hybrids, but her kind is the worst of the worst. You don’t take two of the lowest beings in the supernatural world and put them together. Frankly, they deserve to be hunted down and killed like the monsters they are.” “Alright,” Rahim growls, sending Bradley one last warning glare before looking at Amari. Fresh tears rush down her cheek as she tries to hide her face. “I don’t think it’ll be a good idea,” Rahim murmurs, “this group is already a mess. We already see how Bradley feels, and $name practically needs an exorcism.” “Hey,” I growl, not knowing why I was surprised. “For the spirit?” Amari questions, rubbing her eye and looking over at me. “What do you know about my spirit?” “I can sense them, a perk to being a hybrid. Though it’s not like any spirit I’ve ever sensed.” “A perk to being a hybrid,” Bradley mimics. “Yes,” Rahim says, answering her previous question, observing her. “I know a witch. A really powerful one that will definitely know what to do. She practices ancestral magic. I don’t know her type, though, just what she practices.” Rahim thinks her words over, looking at the rest of us. [[“I say let her come.”][$amari +=10]] <<if $gender is "female">>\ [[“I vote yes, I need another girl.”][$amari +=10]] <</if>>\ [[“No.”|EP3ANo][$amari -=10]]
“I say, let her come. We could use the help if you ask me, and obviously, I need that witch.” <<include "CR7_1_0">>
“I’m going to vote yes here, I need another girl in this group. You guys drive me crazy.” “I’ve never had a girl friend,” Amari points out, grabbing my hand and yanking me out the seat and to her side. “Could we have sleepovers? And stay up and talk about boys? Or eat ice cream all night?” <<if $sympathy >=50>>I pat her head, “sure, Amari. Whatever makes you happy. Though, all of those things are very cliché girl things.”<<else>>I yank my hand back and snort, pointing my thumb at the guys, “do those guys look good enough to gossip over? No, I’ll answer that for you.”<</if>> <<include "CR7_1_0">>
<<if $cp>>\ “Chris?” Rahim asks. He shrugs nonchalantly, his focus mostly on his food, “I see nothing wrong with her joining.” <</if>>\ Rahim spares a glance towards Bradley, who glares at the plate in front of him like it offended him, “we all know where Bradley stands. And I think she could be useful. So, if you want to, Amari, you’re welcome to come with us.” “What exactly does coming with you entail?” she asks, curiosity piqued. <<if $serious >=50>>“Pretty much hunting and trying to figure out how to get a friend of ours out of hell. There’s never a boring day, I’ll tell you that,” I inform her.<<else>>“Oh, you know, hunting down baddies, being thrown into walls, and having guts fall on you. A lot of guts ... like, a lot of them. With the occasional illegal dash of roleplay here and there. Never a boring day, I’ll tell you that.”<</if>> “I … yea, I want to come –,” she’s unable to finish her sentence as Bradley hits the table and gets up, angrily walking out of the restaurant. “He’ll get over it,” I tell her, though I doubt my own words, “he’s not a fan of vampires or werewolves, especially werewolves.” “So, I pulled the short stick?” <a data-passage="CR7_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
With a straight face I look at Rahim, “no.” <<if $cp>>\ “Chris?” Rahim asks. He shrugs nonchalantly, his focus mostly on his food, “I say she should come along.” <</if>>\ Rahim spares a glance towards Bradley, who glares at the plate in front of him like it offended him, “we all know where Bradley stands. And I think she could be useful, not to mention that she knows a witch that can help you, $name. Seeing that we could use as much help as possible with this, I think if she wants to come, then she’s in.” “What’s the point of asking me then,” I growl. “What exactly does coming with you entail?” she asks, curiosity piqued. “Pretty much hunting and trying to figure out how to get a friend of ours out of hell. There’s never a boring day, I’ll tell you that,” I inform her. “I … yea, I want to come –,” she’s unable to finish her sentence as Bradley hits the table and gets up, angrily walking out of the restaurant. “He’ll get over it,” I tell her, though I doubt my own words, “he’s not a fan of vampires or werewolves, especially werewolves.” “So, I pulled the short stick?” <a data-passage="CR7_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You did,” Rahim answers, “do you need to speak to your parents about this? Or gather your things?” “No, I said my goodbyes to them this morning. If you guys had said no, then I was still going to go my own way. Meeting you guys, even for that short period of time ... and most of it being filled with you guys threatening to kill me, it reminded me that I don’t want to keep following my parents everywhere. I want to live and be happy and explore. I’ve wanted it for a long time, I was just scared. I still am if I’m to be honest with myself.” <<if $cp>>\ “Join the club, we make shitty cookies,” Chris smiles. <</if>>\ “Then let’s head out,” Rahim sighs, “before Bradley hotwires the car and decides to drive off.” We leave a tip and head towards the door, making plans to head towards one of the towns that sit on the outskirt of Chicago. Rahim still wanted to visit a bar, and we needed to fill in our newest member. <a data-passage="CR7_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
We enter the bar, and I pause at the low number of people within. I check my phone, the time saying that it was at least 11:30. Perhaps the town didn’t have that many people who wanted to get drunk on a Friday, it wasn’t like there was no one here. I shrug the thought away, turning to the others. “I’ll find us a table,” Amari beams, bouncing off. <<if $cp>>\ Chris rolls his eyes and follows, “the hell you mean ‘find us a table,’ Amari. The place is practically deserted.” <</if>>\ “Let’s get some drinks,” Rahim says to me, and I nod, reminding myself to order some extra food for the grumpy teenage boy that sits in the car. The two of us walk up to the bar, looking at the menu as the bartender continues to wipe down some glasses and speak to those on the other end of the bar. “Hey, we’re ready,” I call out. “Hey,” they grin. They blink, but when their eyes reopen, it is only a brilliant green swimming in a wicked sea of tainted black, their pupil now a slit. Everything suddenly happens at once. Within the span of a single blink, Rahim is thrown across the bar into the wall, his body up against the wall like an ornament.<<if $cp>> Chris lets out a shout as someone pins him down, and<</if>> Amari screams in pain as a silver blade is brought to her throat. I shiver in my spot, unable to move or act as I look at the bartender. They blink, and once again, they look like an average human. They give me a charismatic smile, “what can I get for you today, $name?” <a data-passage="NT_EP4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> They straighten up, taking a few steps back as they regard me with interest, “I’m so rude, apologies. Let me introduce myself. To the pricks scattered around this bar, I’m Leviathan. But you may know me, and you will call me, Envy.” <img src="images/divider.png"> “Warning and reminder.” I stiffen as Envy and Wrath both move in towards me. “Obviously,” Envy comments, “the warning is for you, $name.” “But the reminder,” Wrath follows up with, “is for Zillah.” They knew him, they knew his name. They knew his species. <img src="images/divider.png"> “The werewolves after us are another problem. I told $name already, but I doubt that I was able to lead them off of your trail, Amari. The leader, it would seem that he has made it his life mission to destroy you.” Amari frowns as she gazes into the pool, “was he Hispanic? Medium length black hair, bright brown eyes, and a scar over his upper lip?” I glance over at Rahim to see him studying Amari, “that’s your pack?” <img src="images/divider.png"> “Well, hello to you too, $name.” “Raum,” I answer simply. [[Episode Four: The Vulnerable Five]]
<<nobr>>\ <<set $RahimTheron = true; $rahimp to 0; $visit to 0; $answer to "Virginia Daily">> <<include "stattamer">> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.40 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/eptwo.png"> <img src="images/actone.png"> The room is silent, each of us staring at Rahim while Rahim stares back, the frustration growing on his face with each passing second. I watch as he twitches in his seat, and I squint as if that was going to help me with my current assessment of him. The more I stare, the more I start to see a resemblance. Skin tone wise, Rahim is a lighter beige than Sydero, but they both have the same nose and black hair. Whereas Sydero’s eyes are an intense amber, his eyes are a light blue and grey tone that aren’t necessarily intense, but they are probing. If Sydero’s eyes make it near impossible for one to commit the act of lying to her, Rahim’s eyes simply says the action is foolish. His eyes seem to be able to catch everything, every facial tick, shift of voice, even the smallest sweat beads that may appear. “If someone doesn’t talk, then I’m kicking you out,” he barks, massaging his temples as if our presence alone is giving him a headache. “Sydero has a brother?!” Bradley blurts, looking less than pleased that there is something else Sydero hadn’t told us. Unlike her keeping the truth of me from all of us, I wasn’t as shocked to hear that she kept her family a secret. But that only further meant that there could be more secrets and that maybe I didn’t know Sydero as well as I thought. “No,” he says sarcastically, “I would just claim her because she’s such a terrific person.” He doesn’t even attempt to hide his disgust. <<if hasVisited("q1")>>“So you’re a cambion as well?”<<else>>[[“So you’re a cambion as well?”|q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2")>>“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”<<else>>[[“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”|q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3")>>“What do you do?”<<else>>[[“What do you do?”|q3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4")>>“What about your mother?”<<else>>[[“What about your mother?”|q4]]<</if>> <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if hasVisited("q5")>>“Are you single?”<<else>><<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>><</if>> <</if>>\
“So, you’re a cambion as well then?” He stiffens considerably, his icy gaze falling on me, “don’t ever compare me to one of those atrocious beings.” Bradley laughs, “no, you can’t be!” He laughs harder. I’ve wanted to hear him laugh for some time, but this isn’t it, this laugh is disturbing, like a maniac who finally caught on to a joke no one else knew about. “You’re not a nephilim, are you?” “You’d be correct.” Bradley stops laughing, both shocked and awed at Rahim. <<if $supernatural >=10>>\ I can hardly blame him, I feel about the same. It’s hard to understand where I should run or continue staring in awe. It’s not everyday that you come across a nephilim. Though I suppose the same can be said about a cambion as well. “A nephilim,” I repeat, still trying to wrap my mind around it. “The offspring of an angel and a human.” <<else>>\ “A what?” I ask. “Nephilim, the offspring of an angel and a human.” <</if>>\ <<if $cp>>“Are you telling me that your mother got down with a demon and an angel?” Chris questions, “I thought hybrids were against the rules or something.<<else>>“Wait, hold up,” I start, massaging my temples, “you’re telling me that you’re half-angel and your sister is half-demon? And you’re not being hunted, aren’t hybrids illegal?<</if>> And didn’t you say you were twins? How is that possible?” Rahim groans, “hybrids are 'illegal' unless they’re sanctioned by higher-ups. As you probably know, Sydero’s dad is a Prince, my dad is an Archangel.” We grow quiet, processing his information and what it means. I was still learning about the supernatural, but something about this screamed wrong. I notice how he leaves out explaining how they’re twins. Jeff’s talk about a prophecy comes to me, there was no way this didn’t have anything to do with it, it all seems far too coincidental. <<if hasVisited("q2")>>“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”<<else>>[[“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”|q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3")>>“What do you do?”<<else>>[[“What do you do?”|q3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4")>>“What about your mother?”<<else>>[[“What about your mother?”|q4]]<</if>> <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if hasVisited("q5")>>“Are you single?”<<else>><<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>><</if>> <</if>>\ [[No more questions.|WBN1]]
“It doesn’t seem like you and Sydero get along,” I point out, and he snorts. “She’s a blight. And no, I’m not saying that just because she’s a cambion,” he trails off, stopping whatever he’s about to say next. Instead, he clears his throat, “just know that neither of us have high regards for the other. Which is why I’m curious why you think I’d help you.” “Well, we didn’t even know she had a brother,” I point out, “so we didn’t know how much she despised you.” He doesn’t verbally respond but he does nod and shrug his shoulders, probably unconcerned and unsurprised at my words. <<if hasVisited("q1")>>“So you’re a cambion as well?”<<else>>[[“So you’re a cambion as well?”|q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3")>>“What do you do?”<<else>>[[“What do you do?”|q3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4")>>“What about your mother?”<<else>>[[“What about your mother?”|q4]]<</if>> <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if hasVisited("q5")>>“Are you single?”<<else>><<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>><</if>> <</if>>\ [[No more questions.|WBN1]]
“What do you do? Sydero was a specialist, are you one as well?” Rahim shrugs, “I suppose you can call me that if you want, but I’m not a supernatural hunter. I do jobs from time to time, but mostly it’s guardian type of jobs or something dealing with intel. Someone needs protecting or to be watched, they call me. Otherwise, I help give information to hunters that I like and trust.” <<if $cp>>\ “Wait, you’re kidding right?” Chris questions with a small smirk and a raised brow, “so you’re like a guardian angel?” Chris erupts into laughter at his own joke. Only ceasing when he realizes that all of us were staring at him. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("q1")>>“So you’re a cambion as well?”<<else>>[[“So you’re a cambion as well?”|q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2")>>“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”<<else>>[[“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”|q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4")>>“What about your mother?”<<else>>[[“What about your mother?”|q4]]<</if>> <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if hasVisited("q5")>>“Are you single?”<<else>><<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>><</if>> <</if>>\ [[No more questions.|WBN1]]
“What about your mother,” I ask, hoping to learn more, only to receive a look that Sydero has given me more than once. I can definitely see it now, there is no way they aren’t related. “My apologies, but I don’t know you. I’m not about to blab my personal life out to you. Also, you know my sister, so I automatically don’t trust you much, my apologies.” <<if $cp>>\ “I don’t blame you,” Chris adds and Rahim seems to at least warm up to Chris for the comment. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("q1")>>“So you’re a cambion as well?”<<else>>[[“So you’re a cambion as well?”|q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2")>>“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”<<else>>[[“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”|q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3")>>“What do you do?”<<else>>[[“What do you do?”|q3]]<</if>> <<if $flirt_Rahim>>\ <<if hasVisited("q5")>>“Are you single?”<<else>><<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“Are you single?”|q5][$RRomance +=1]]<</if>><</if>> <</if>>\ [[No more questions.|WBN1]]
“So?” I question, leaning forward with a charming smile, “are you single?” Rahim raises an intrigued brow, “why is that important?” <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ “Yea, $name, why is that important?” Chris inquires, unable to mask his animosity as he narrows his eyes on me. <</if>>\ <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ “Don’t you and Sydero have a thing?” Bradley questions, raising a brow. <</if>>\ “We should perhaps get back on topic. Are there any more questions?” he asks, sparing me one last glance before looking away. <<if hasVisited("q1")>>“So you’re a cambion as well?”<<else>>[[“So you’re a cambion as well?”|q1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2")>>“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”<<else>>[[“Doesn’t seem like you like her much.”|q2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3")>>“What do you do?”<<else>>[[“What do you do?”|q3]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4")>>“What about your mother?”<<else>>[[“What about your mother?”|q4]]<</if>> [[No more questions.|WBN1]]
Rahim stands and motions for us to follow him into the kitchen. Once there, he passes each of us a water bottle before leaning onto the counter. “I still have yet to hear a convincing reason to aid the <<if $cp>>three<<else>>two<</if>> of you.” “Because just saying that helping us is what’s right is not enough?” Bradley asks, narrowing his eyes, the bottle sitting unopened in his hands. “You’d be correct. First, I fail to believe that Sydero didn’t either plan to go back or want to on her own volition. Secondly, she’s been nothing but a thorn in my side for decades. Even if I didn’t think she wanted this outcome, you’re asking me to deal with her, and that’s enough for me to say no. And lastly, I have better things to do than play hero and //attempt// to rescue my sister.” [[“Does family mean nothing to you?”][$rahim -=5]] [[“Have you heard anything about a prophecy?”][$rahim +=3]] [[“You don’t know her like we do.”][$rahim -=3]]
“Does family mean nothing to you?” I question, tilting my head to the side as I regard him. With a sarcastic demeanor, he taps his chin with his pointer finger and pouts, “nope. Nothing. There’s only one person in my life that I would die for, and she, finally, is safe. No thanks to Sydero. I don’t see the point in doing anything that might inevitably mess that up.” <<include "WBN1_0_1">>
“Have you heard anything about a prophecy, one concerning the demons?” “You speak of the one that foretells three keys. Yes, I’ve heard of it. Which is why I’ve been preparing myself for years to fight her. That’s what all of this will inevitably come down to.” “You think that’s the only option?” Bradley questions, brow raised. “It’s a prophecy. You can do everything within your power to change it, but it will come to pass. Fighting it is a ridiculous venture. If you ask me, you let it happen and deal with the parts that the prophecy don’t spell out. It’s all you can do.” <<if $cp>>\ Chris huffs in agreement, “a dark look, but it makes sense.” <</if>>\ <<include "WBN1_0_1">>
“I know you think you know her, but you don’t. She’s not the same person you think she is.” My words cause Rahim to laugh, a genuine one that, as far as I can tell, holds no malice. When he finally manages to calm down, he looks at me and his smile begins to fade. “Oh, you were serious. I see,” he takes another moment to fully get over his giggle fit, “let me put it like this, I’ve known Sydero since she was a babe, and I’ve only seen her change one time. And that change was her going from a spoiled brat to a spoiled brat with an attitude and an unjustifable bone to pick with the world.” <<include "WBN1_0_1">>
Rahim performs an overdramatic shrug, “is that it? Are we done here?” Bradley hits the table as he stands, pointing an accusatory finger at Rahim, “if you refuse to help us, then you’re not worth our time. Point us to someone who can.” “Not possible. Only beings that can enter hell are angels, demons, and reapers. And you guys are none of the above. Your best alternative plan would be to find a reaper and somehow convince it to take you on that trip. But reapers will demand something back, probably being one of your souls.” [[“You want us to beg?”]] [[“What do you want us to say?”]] [[“Do you want something in return?”]]
“So, what?” I question, on my feet as well with keys in hand, “you want us to beg you for your help? Get down on our knees and plead with you?” “No,” he says simply, “I want you to be honest with me about why each of you is doing this. Because your whole ‘it’s to save the world’ speech wasn’t rehearsed well enough. It lacks verve.” <<include "WBN1_0_2">>
“What do you want us to say, huh? Because we’ve answered all of your questions, and it seems like we’re not getting anywhere.” “I want you to be honest with me about why each of you is doing this. Because your whole ‘it’s to save the world’ speech wasn’t rehearsed well enough. It lacks verve.” <<include "WBN1_0_2">>
“Is this your way of telling us that your services aren’t free, and you’re being uncompromisable because we haven’t talked payment?” “I think you have me confused with my sister. All I want is for you to be honest with me about why each of you is doing this. Because your whole ‘it’s to save the world’ speech wasn’t rehearsed well enough. It lacks verve.” <<include "WBN1_0_2">>
<<if $cp>>\ Chris laughs before any of us can respond to him, “no offense, but you’re like a mirror image of your sister with the whole honesty thing. Both of you have a knack for saying more than what’s needed.” To my surprise, Rahim doesn’t seem offended by his words, he even smirks. <</if>>\ “You could’ve just said that,” Bradley grumbles, “I’m doing this because … because I love Sydero.” Rahim straightens up, shocked that he had used such a word to describe his bond with her. “Sydero and I have a past, and ever since then, she’s been the closest thing I’ve had to family. I’m not about to let what happened when I was a kid happen again. So, whether or not I have you guys, an army, or no one at all, I’m going after her.” We’re all rendered silent as we digest Bradley’s words. This has been the most confident I’ve seen him in a while. I was far too used to the quiet and detached Bradley now, the one that cared little about whether he died or not. It was at this time that I remember what Sydero told me about how much she wanted Bradley, out of all of us, to stop and live his life. I frown as I glare at the floor, feeling eyes on me and looking to see Rahim now waiting on me. [[“She’s my friend, I care about her.”][$proSyd +=1; $bradley +=3; $chris -=3]] [[“She’s our pain in the ass.”][$proSyd -=1; $chris +=3]] [[“Literally cos Bradley won’t shut up.”][$proSyd -=1; $bradley -=3; $chris +=3]] [[“This ain’t show and tell.”]] <<if $SRomance >=5>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“She owes me an explanation.”][$proSyd +=1]]</span><<else>>[[“She owes me an explanation.”][$proSyd +=1]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“She’s my friend, and I care about her. I get where you’re coming from, but you weren’t there. You weren’t around her in those final moments and those days leading up to it. The only reason she went with the plan was because there was no other way. She could’ve done a lot of messed up things, and I mean a lot. But she didn’t. I know she’s a demon, but she’s not //just// a demon.” <<include "WBN1_0_3">>
“Don’t get me wrong, she’s a gigantic pain in the ass if there ever was one. But, as much as I hate to say it, she’s our gigantic pain in the ass. We’re a team, and she’s part of it.” <<include "WBN1_0_3">>
“Literally cos Bradley won’t shut up about it. I have no other reason to go after her. We aren’t friends, I can’t even say I enjoy her company much. I’d even go so far as to say that I agree with everything you just said, but I won’t officially agree because I bet Bradley is currently giving me the darkest glare he can muster.” <<if $cp>>“You’d be right,” Chris chuckles and I choose not to turn to look at Bradley.<<else>>I risk it and turn to see Bradley doing exactly what I had said he would be. With a smirk and a knowing look, I give Rahim a glance that he chuckles at.<</if>> <<include "WBN1_0_3">>
I frown as I think about my reason, my true reason. “She owes me an explanation and the truth.” Rahim studies me, appearing like he wants to question me further but choosing not to. <<include "WBN1_0_3">>
As soon as his gaze moves to me, I wave my hand dismissively, “what is this show and tell? I’m not some kid in kindergarten. Move on.” My antipathetic attitude seems to tell him more than an actual answer, and he hums in acknowledgment. <<include "WBN1_0_3">>
<<if $cp>>\ “And you?” Rahim questions Chris, who seems all too ready to tell him his thoughts. “Frankly, I think she can enjoy the rest of her life down there. I see no point in rescuing her.” Rahim raises a brow and turns his gaze to <<if $proSyd >=2>>Bradley and me<<else>>Bradley<</if>>. “And you <<if $proSyd >=2>>two are<<else>>you’re<</if>> fine with that?” “Define ‘fine,’” Bradley grunts but says no more on it. <</if>>\ Rahim chews on the inside of his lip as he thinks all of our words over, bobbing his head from side to side. “Alright, but I’m not completely signed on just yet.” I sigh, “what does that mean?” “It means that I’ll do it, but you have to prove to me that you guys know what you’re doing. Sydero knows enough about hunting and is powerful enough to where she could’ve done all the work if she ever took you hunting. I need to see how much you know. I would hate to sign on and die before getting to the good part.” <a data-passage="WBN1_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I agree with his request since it seems logical enough, any person with common sense would probably wish the same. “Great, you can stay here for the night. There are two guest rooms that I’ve cleaned up but have never been put to use, <<if $cp>>you can figure out who sleeps where<<else>>for obvious reasons<</if>>. Tomorrow, I’ll point you to where you’ll be doing the hunt.” We <<if $cp>>all<<else>>both<</if>> nod and move to leave the kitchen. I stop when I feel something rest itself on my shoulder, turning to see Rahim’s hand there. “Stay a moment.” I stop in my tracks and wait for Bradley<<if $cp>> and Chris<</if>> to disappear before turning to see what Rahim wanted. He stares at the now empty doorway with a critical eye. “Your group is broken. You know that, right?” I sigh, sweeping my hand down my face as I relax on the counter he was near, “you get all that from just a glance, did you?” “It’s pretty clear. Sydero’s gone, the boy, Bradley, well he’s all over the place. You don’t seem like you’re in the best shape, either.<<if $cp>> And the other fellow is giving you looks like you needed to be handled delicately.” I scrunch up my face as I listen to him.<<else>>” I sigh, well, he wasn’t exactly wrong. We were all dealing with our own personal things, Sydero needing to be rescued was just causing all of us to deal with our problems as we focus on her as well.<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ “Chris?” Rahim nods, “it’s none of my business. I’d rather stay out of matters that don’t concern me.” “No, Chris just really isn’t happy about any of this, and he’s been very vocal about it. To be honest, he’s always been very vocal about all of this and how much it pisses him off. He and Sydero never really got along, she was always telling him to get lost, and he was always trying to turn us against her.” “Hmm, smart lad, but that’s not what I mean. I’ve seen people like that, been around them. I know that look, and that’s not the look he has. Whatever his deal is, it’s with you.” I frown, wondering what it was now. Lately, we’ve had so many issues that it feels like it’s just been mounting up. <<if $CRomance >=5>>Not to mention that he hasn’t brought ‘us’ up in a while, a talk we still needed to have.<</if>> <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN1_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Bradley, though,” Rahim begins, tapping his chin in thought, “what’s his problem? I felt him wishing to strangle me several times.” “And he probably would’ve if actually given a chance,” I laugh, “but he’s been traumatized by demons and he’s not taking it well.<<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>> He told me that they tortured him with visions about his parents and that they showed him their faces.<</if>>” <<if hasVisited("Find and speak to Bradley.")>>\ Rahim stiffens, his face full of sympathy as he glances towards the doorway where Bradley had left through. “Poor boy.” “Is it really that bad?” “Worse. An average demon can kill a human easily letting them see their real face. Scared to death literally. The reason they don’t is that it’s painful for them to show it, and it ruins the body of whoever they’re possessing. I’m guessing Bradley saw a newly converted demon. I’ve seen a demon’s face before, and the only reason I’m still alive is because of my angelic nature. To subject a kid to that, and then some, it’s despicable.” <</if>>\ Rahim frowns deeply before gazing over at me, “I can help him.” “How?” “I can create a sort of temporary memory block. All that the demons showed him, I can hide it from him.” <<if hasVisited("q1_2")>>“Wait temporary memory block?”<<else>>[[“Wait temporary memory block?”|q1_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2_2")>>“Just how temporary is this?”<<else>>[[“Just how temporary is this?”|q2_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_2")>>“How can you do that?”<<else>>[[“How can you do that?”|q3_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_2")>>“Will it hurt him?”<<else>>[[“Will it hurt him?”|q4_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q5_2")>>“Why not just free him from everything then?”<<else>>[[“Why not just free him from everything then?”|q5_2]]<</if>>
“Wait, back up, what do you mean temporary memory block? What is that?” “Pretty much what it sounds like. Think of the block more as a wall. When I place it, he won’t be able to access those memories. They’ll be blocked off from him, they can’t get out and he can’t get in. In a way, he won’t even remember having them or recall any of it ever occurring. He’ll be free.” <<if hasVisited("q2_2")>>“Just how temporary is this?”<<else>>[[“Just how temporary is this?”|q2_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_2")>>“How can you do that?”<<else>>[[“How can you do that?”|q3_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_2")>>“Will it hurt him?”<<else>>[[“Will it hurt him?”|q4_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q5_2")>>“Why not just free him from everything then?”<<else>>[[“Why not just free him from everything then?”|q5_2]]<</if>> [[No more questions.|WBN1_3]]
“Just how temporary is this?” “I say temporary because he can take it down whenever he wants to. This does not erase those traumatic memories, it simply puts it off until later. But since the whole point of putting it up is to not tell him, it’ll either come down when he’s ready or if whoever put it up is killed.” “And I’m sure you’re not looking for that to happen anytime soon.” “I’m not. It’ll be pretty hard to kill me, I’m invulnerable to most things.” <<if hasVisited("q1_2")>>“Wait temporary memory block?”<<else>>[[“Wait temporary memory block?”|q1_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_2")>>“How can you do that?”<<else>>[[“How can you do that?”|q3_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_2")>>“Will it hurt him?”<<else>>[[“Will it hurt him?”|q4_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q5_2")>>“Why not just free him from everything then?”<<else>>[[“Why not just free him from everything then?”|q5_2]]<</if>> [[No more questions.|WBN1_3]]
“How can you do that?” “It’s an ability I get for being balanced. I simply need to perform it when he’s asleep or when his mind is free moving, due to not wanting him to know.” <<if hasVisited("q1_2")>>“Wait temporary memory block?”<<else>>[[“Wait temporary memory block?”|q1_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2_2")>>“Just how temporary is this?”<<else>>[[“Just how temporary is this?”|q2_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_2")>>“Will it hurt him?”<<else>>[[“Will it hurt him?”|q4_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q5_2")>>“Why not just free him from everything then?”<<else>>[[“Why not just free him from everything then?”|q5_2]]<</if>> [[No more questions.|WBN1_3]]
“Will it hurt him?” “No. It’s supposed to be performed when someone’s asleep or whenever their mind is moving because, well, it’s easier, and they won’t feel it. The more stress they’re putting on their memories, the more likely it would hurt. So, long explanation short, no, he won’t feel anything.” <<if hasVisited("q1_2")>>“Wait temporary memory block?”<<else>>[[“Wait temporary memory block?”|q1_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2_2")>>“Just how temporary is this?”<<else>>[[“Just how temporary is this?”|q2_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_2")>>“How can you do that?”<<else>>[[“How can you do that?”|q3_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q5_2")>>“Why not just free him from everything then?”<<else>>[[“Why not just free him from everything then?”|q5_2]]<</if>> [[No more questions.|WBN1_3]]
“Why not just free him from everything then? From Sydero and the years he’s spent all on his own? Trust me, she even said she’d rather that.” “When it comes to placing these blocks, I can’t just pick random sequences. For example, I can do the traumatic events because it all happened without interruption, I can isolate that. What I can’t do is just skip around and pull random things. Memories are grouped together. They’re sequenced, and I can’t interrupt that sequence. Also, from how he was speaking about her, he loves Sydero and so all those memories aren’t bad. I don’t want to take away the good, just the bad.” <<if hasVisited("q1_2")>>“Wait temporary memory block?”<<else>>[[“Wait temporary memory block?”|q1_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q2_2")>>“Just how temporary is this?”<<else>>[[“Just how temporary is this?”|q2_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q3_2")>>“How can you do that?”<<else>>[[“How can you do that?”|q3_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q4_2")>>“Will it hurt him?”<<else>>[[“Will it hurt him?”|q4_2]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("q5_2")>>“Why not just free him from everything then?”<<else>>[[“Why not just free him from everything then?”|q5_2]]<</if>> [[No more questions.|WBN1_3]]
I think about everything Rahim has told me thus far, tapping my chin, “what’s the catch then?” “The catch is small enough. I wouldn’t even call it a catch if I’m to be honest with you. If I put that block up, then the only way it can come down on his end is by him probing it. For example, if you had PTSD and your trigger was explosions and you happened to hear one, nothing would happen to the block. The most that would happen is you just end up feeling uncomfortable. Now, most people would leave it at that, no one wants to be uncomfortable. But if you were to stick around, letting yourself fester in that uneasiness and trying to figure out why you didn’t like explosions, then the block will start coming down. The more you ‘scratch’ at it, the weaker it gets.” “So, you’re offering to only put the torture behind this block. What happens to Bradley, personality-wise?” “He goes back to however he was before, trauma-free. He’ll be able to face the trauma on his own time, probably when he has more of a stable support system.” [[“Hey! I’m stable!”]] [[“You mean after Sydero is back?”]] [[Nod in understanding.]]
“Hey!” I growl, “I’m stable.” With a smile, Rahim cocks his head to the side and raises an amused brow, “are you? I can’t read minds, but I can sure read auras and other things, and you’re just as broken as <<if $cp>>the rest of your team<<else>>as Bradley<</if>>.” <<include "WBN1_4">>
“You mean after Sydero is back?” He nods, “I’m not saying you’re not enough, but he seems bothered enough about Sydero that if she was back, he’d probably be able to handle it. That and Sydero can probably help him far better than either of us.” <<include "WBN1_4">>
I don’t say anything, as I nod my head to show him that I understood. <<include "WBN1_4">>
“And you want me to make this decision? Shouldn’t it be Bradley’s?” “I would say yes, but I feel like he won’t understand what I’m saying. I also feel like he’ll be biased, choosing whichever route helps you find Sydero faster. And lastly, if I tell him then I won’t be able to block the conversation about it from him, he could potentially doom himself if he decides to put the block up.” I sigh and scratch the side of my head, listening to the footsteps that echo through the house and the bags that hit the wooden floor. Free Bradley from his trauma or let him deal with it, and whatever comes with it? Rahim looks to me, waiting on my decision. [[Tell Rahim to do the memory block.][$bcure = true]] [[Tell Rahim not to do the memory block.]]
“Alright, Rahim. Do it.” He nods, “I’ll do it tonight then.” <<include "WBN1_4_1">>
“Don’t. Let him figure this out on his own. It’s neither of our place to make a decision like that for him.” Rahim nods in understanding, “alright, then.” <<include "WBN1_4_1">>
I move to leave when Rahim stops me again, “one last thing.” I turn to face him and see that though curiosity still resides in his eyes, there’s also a darker aspect to them. I shift in my spot, feeling like the prey who hadn’t realized they were being hunted until cornered. “Why do you allow that spirit to share your body?” I go cold, though it didn’t feel like it was me. Somewhere deep inside me, a place that I couldn’t touch nor truly see, an air of shock and weariness originates. Zillah. “You can sense him?” “Yes. Were you hoping I wouldn’t be able to?” [[“I didn’t even know it was possible.”]] [[“I don’t care, do you know how to separate us, though?”][$rahim +=3; $zillah -=3]] [[“No, but I’d rather you leave it alone.”][$rahim -=3; $zillah +=3]]
“I didn’t even know it was possible, let alone you had the power to do it.” <<include "WBN1_4_2">>
“I don’t care. The real question is, do you know how to separate him from me?” “No, I don’t have that power. But I know that there has to be a spell or two out there that can.” “Great, that puts me right back at square one.” <<include "WBN1_4_2">>
“No, but I’d rather you not use your weird power to detect what’s inside me anymore. It’s kinda awkward.” <<include "WBN1_4_2">>
“You can guess why I’m wondering,” he points out, pushing himself off the counter and walking towards me. He stops right beside me and turns only his head to look me in the eye. “I’m not only trying to see if you guys can protect yourself, but also how dangerous you can potentially be.” His eyes grow a shade darker, and I take a self-preserving step back. The same malevolent energy that would sometimes radiate off of Sydero, I felt faintly from Rahim. “You don’t know what you are, and you have a malevolent spirit inside of you. In simple terms, I don’t trust you. I hope you prove me wrong.” With that said, he walks away. <a data-passage="WBN2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I’m sitting on the edge of my bed, <<if $uncledead>>staring hard at the floor as I try to get my thoughts in order. Was there a chance that Uncle Matheus knew? Did he lie<<else>>my finger hovering over the call button next to Uncle Matheus’ name. Did he know? Has he lied<</if>> to me my entire life about who I actually was? The man could barely keep surprised birthday parties that he had put together to himself, let alone something this big. But then again, that could have been an act. A surprise birthday party, Santa Claus not being real, that was trivial. Uncle Matheus, if he needed, he could keep something this big to himself … or could he? I bury my face in my hands. I was becoming paranoid, there was no way Uncle Matheus knew. But why was that? Did my parents know? Were they both supernatural creatures? Is that why they died? Or was it only one of them? Or … neither of them? Were they even my real parents? What was the chance that I was adopted? [[I could be a monster ...][$nerve -=10]] [[I was something great.][$nerve +=10]] [[Only time and patience would tell me what I was.]]
I shake as I try to keep myself together. Everything was a mess. Not one bit of it made sense anymore, and I had no answers, not even hints. No, that wasn’t true. The only clue I had was that I wasn’t some common supernatural species, the ones who could get passes like vampires and werewolves. And the only other hint was living inside of me, refusing to give me the time of day. What if I was a monster? Something like BB, the Bladenboro Beast, or something equally as terrifying or horrible. What if my lack of knowledge pertaining to what I was, was all that was holding the monster back? And now that I knew it was only a matter of time? What would happen if I accidentally hurt one of the others … or worse? I feel the bile rise in my throat, I could lose myself, become something I didn’t understand. All my humanity could disappear … everything I knew could just become dust in the wind, all because of me. <<include "WBN2_0_1">>
I had no clue what I was, but it couldn’t be bad, right? Zillah might have failed to tell me what was going on, but it was evident that he knew and probably has a hand in shaping me. He had said multiple times already that I need to let whatever happens, happen. The real question was, what was supposed to happen? <<if $entitytakeover>>\ I had given Zillah access to my body once before, allowing him to take over. I recall the power I felt coursing through my blood when he was in charge. How formidable I felt, like I could take on anyone if given the opportunity. Did that have something to do with it? <<else>>\ When Zillah had asked me in the past to take control of my body because we were in a tough situation, I had denied him. I knew Zillah well enough to know that he would do anything to complete whatever his mission was and be done with it. Saying no probably earned me some time, but I had no doubt that he would find a way to get back on track if he hadn’t already. <</if>>\ <<include "WBN2_0_1">>
I wasn’t happy with the lack of knowledge of what I was. But psyching myself out and thinking about cases that might not be wasn’t going to help me. I could be something extremely evil or something good. And yet, despite my need to stay neutral about what blood coursed through me, what genes I held, I can’t help but imagine the scenarios that left me alone. That caused those closest to me to pull away. <<include "WBN2_0_1">>
I shudder at the notion and shake loose the thoughts from my mind. <<if $cp>>\ “$name!” someone shouts, pulling me from any other dark thoughts that I could conjure up and back to my surroundings. I look at the door to see Chris standing there, a suspicious look in his eye as he regards me. “Sorry,” I start, wiping at my eyes, “what’s up?” “I was coming by to get your opinion on Rahim … are you okay?” “I’m fine. And why? You here to tell me that you don’t trust him either all because he’s related to Sydero?” Chris snorts, glowering at me, “I was actually going to say I do trust him.” [[“You make no sense.”]] [[“Of course you do.”]] [[“And why is that?”]] [[“Oh, good.”]] <<else>>\ <<include "WBN3">> <</if>>\
“You make no sense. I hope you know that,” I tell him, wondering why I was even surprised by his words. This was Chris we were talking about. My thoughts remind me about what Rahim had said earlier, about Chris having some kind of problem with me, one that went past the Sydero problem. <<include "WBN2_0_2">>
“Of course you do,” I murmur, narrowing my gaze on the floor as Chris stands there silently, not wishing to reply. The two of us enter into an awkward pause. Chris, tapping his foot on the floor, his eyes sweeping around the room as if he had never seen it before. My eyes glance over at his bags that sit in the corner, assuring me that he has. <<include "WBN2_0_2">>
“And why is that?” I question him, catching his shocked facial expression that lets me know he hadn’t thought I would inquire further. He shrugs nonchalantly, “just something about him, I suppose.” I stare at Chris, my thoughts remind me of what Rahim had said earlier, about Chris having some kind of problem with me, one that went past the Sydero problem. <<include "WBN2_0_2">>
“Oh, good. I agree.” I shoot him a smile, and the two of us enter into an awkward silence. Chris, tapping his foot on the floor, his eyes sweeping around the room as if he had never seen it before. My eyes glance over at his bags that sit in the corner, assuring me that he has. <<include "WBN2_0_2">>
“So, when do you want to decide who sleeps with who?” “What’s your problem with me, Chris?” He furrows his brow as he looks at me with bewilderment in his eyes. <<if $CRomance >=5 and hasVisited("“Chris … stay.”")>>\ I sigh, “for a minute, let’s act like I’m not stupid, alright? I know there’s something up, you’ve been acting cold since we got back. That night I told you to stay …” <<if $chris >=50>>\ <<if $gender is "female">>\ “I stayed,” Chris shouts, “we slept in the same bed.” “And yet, it still felt like I was miles away from you.” Chris calms down at my words and drops his gaze, the guilt palpable in his eyes. I rise off the bed and go towards him, about to cradle his face when I stop myself. Instead, I reach out and rest my fingers on his hand. “What’s wrong? Tell me.” <<else>>\ “I stayed,” Chris shouts. I snort, “you sat there staring at me like I was the newest attraction.” “I did not,” he says, inhaling deeply. He attempts to come up with a defense but the guilt is palpable in his eyes. And yet again, we descend into silence. “Just tell me what’s wrong,” I mutter, seeing no reason to have round two of this. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “I told you, $name, you needed your sleep.” “I said, let’s act like I’m not stupid. I would’ve believed it more if you blamed it on yourself. That you needed sleep and were exhausted.” Chris drops his gaze, the guilt palpable in his eyes. <<if $gender is "female">>I rise off the bed and go towards him, about to cradle his face when I stop myself. Instead, I reach out and rest my fingers on his hand.<</if>> “What’s wrong? Tell me.” <</if>>\ <<else>>\ I sigh, “for a minute, let’s act like I’m not stupid, alright? I know there’s something up, you’ve been acting cold since we got back.” “I’ve been tired, $name. We all have.” “And being tired gives you the right to treat someone like a dick?” “I don’t see you giving Bradley this lecture.” “Bradley’s been traumatized. I’m not condoning his actions, but that’s a big difference from just being tired.” <<if not hasVisited("“Chris … stay.”")>>Chris drops his gaze, the guilt palpable in his eyes. I rise off the bed and go towards him, about to cradle his face when I stop myself. Instead, I reach out and let my fingers graze his hand.<<else>>Chris drops his gaze, the guilt palpable in his eyes.<</if>> He’s quiet for a while, staring a hole into the ground, almost looking like he wanted to stomp at it for an offense it had no part in. <<if not hasVisited("“Chris … stay.”")>>“What’s wrong? Tell me.”<<else>>“Just tell me what’s wrong.”<</if>> <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN2_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You,” he finally says, glancing up to look at me. He attempts to strengthen his resolve, but I can see it failing him. “Me? What did I do now?” “It’s not what you did, it’s … $name … I,” he takes a deep breath in, “who are you?” “I’m $name Roe. What kind of –” He interrupts me, “//what// are you?” [[“So, that’s what this is about?”]] [[“I’m still me.”]] <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“No, Chris. Not you.”]]</span><<else>>[[“No, Chris. Not you.”]]<</if>> <</if>>\
I lean back, chuckling breathlessly as I gaze around the room, looking at anything but Chris. “So, that’s what this is about? That’s why you’ve been treating me differently? And here I am thinking it was because of Sydero or something else. No, it’s because my supposed best friend thinks … What do you think, Chris? That I’m going to wake up and tear your throat out? Or maybe I’ll suck your blood, eat your heart? Maybe I’ll –” “Okay, stop,” he barks, “you don’t even know what you might do. That’s the problem. You don’t even know what you are, and people like Rahim and Sydero, who are well-versed in this crap, don’t even know. Does that not bother you?” “Whether it bothers me or not doesn’t matter right now. We’re talking about how it bothers you so much that you would rather just treat me like crap than talk about it.” “I’m not treating you like crap, I’m being careful. For god’s sake, $name, you have a spirit living inside of you. You forget that I was there when he brought you to your knees back when we were trying to get Bradley. So, my bad that I’m a bit worried that one day you’ll wake up and not be yourself.” <<include "WBN2_1_1">>
“I’m still me,” I say in a despondent tone, my stomach churning as my mind questions the truth in my words. “Come on, $name, don’t make it seem like I’m the crazy one, with no reason whatsoever to be worried or cautious. I know you, yes. I’m not scared of the parts of you I know, but what we don’t know. And honestly, I think I have a right too. For god’s sake, $name, you have a spirit living inside of you. You forget that I was there when he brought you to your knees back when we were trying to get Bradley. So, my bad that I’m a bit worried that one day you’ll wake up and not be yourself.” <<include "WBN2_1_1">>
“Not you too, Chris,” I find myself saying, my body trembling as the words leave my mouth. He reaches towards me as if to assure me that what I’m thinking is wrong, but then pulls back as if burned. His face practically contorts in on itself as he shakes his head and begins to pace. “What do you expect me to do here?” “Not this,” I say, wrapping my arms around myself, “do you not think I’m punishing myself for this?” He opens his mouth to speak but then closes it when I shake my head. “I can’t help this, and I damn sure didn’t ask for it.” I chuckle flatly, “our next conversation was supposed to be about us. I suppose this is that conversation.” “$name, I’m not –” “What? Are you not telling me that you’re worried you’ll wake up one night with me trying to kill you or something?” “Would you not be? Are you telling me that if we all learned that I was some unknown supernatural creature this entire time, you wouldn’t be freaked out?” “I’d be curious, sure.” “Yea, sure. And let’s not forget the little friend you have living inside of you. You forget that I was there when he brought you to your knees back when we were trying to get Bradley. So, my bad that I’m a bit worried that one day you’ll wake up and not be yourself.” <<include "WBN2_1_1">>
The two of us stare at one another, neither of us speaking or moving. I bite my bottom lip, taking a breath in as I resituate myself. “I don’t know how but I do think that you and I shouldn’t sleep in the same room. So, we’ll ask Bradley who he’d rather bunk with.” Chris gives me a look I’m unable to read, mostly since I don’t care to. With those words said, he hums in compliance and leaves. <a data-passage="WBN3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
On the edge of the bed, I cradle my head and the headache that slowly tries to slip in. Rahim’s words are starting to make so much more sense to me now. His doubts about how capable we are to actually handle a trip into hell. I doubt that whatever he has planned for us tomorrow will go smoothly. We can’t even do a simple cleansing. “Not to mention how simple that cleansing was supposed to be,” Zillah laughs. I don’t bother looking, I can feel his presence right beside me, a restless and adverse weight that refuses to be ignored. “I gotta say, watching all of this unfold is most entertaining. And here I thought this job would be dull. Wait, that’s my doing, how could I forget?” [[“I’m so happy I can entertain you.”]] [[“You must want a cookie?”]] [[“No, I think you’re wrong there.”]] [[“Why don’t you fuck off?”]] [[“How could Rahim sense you?”]]
“I’m so happy that I can entertain you in some shape or form. It makes all of this worth it.” “Come now, $name. No one likes a sarcastic asshole.” “You’re a sarcastic asshole.” “Wrong. I’m just an asshole.” “I’m so glad you know this. Now can you disappear again? Your knack for only appearing to kick me when I’m already down is annoying.” <<include "WBN3_0_1">>
“You must want a cookie or something?” “What makes you say that?” “You’re so overjoyed with yourself; I just thought a cookie would send you over the edge. But since it won’t, I’m going to ask that you leave now. Your knack for only appearing to kick me when I’m already down is annoying.” <<include "WBN3_0_1">>
“Eh, Zillah, I think you might be a little off there, if not completely wrong. See, last time I checked, your job was to make my life a living nightmare and to completely irritate me whenever you can. You’re like that one woman from the reality tv show whose only purpose is to cause drama, not even drama that makes sense.” “And yet, doesn’t she get paid the most and is always kept around? But also, no one asked you.” “My bad, I’ll just let you talk to yourself. It seems like you enjoy the sound of your own voice anyway. When you’re done, though, I’m going to ask that you disappear and go back to that hole of yours. Your knack for only appearing to kick me when I’m already down is annoying.” <<include "WBN3_0_1">>
“Why don’t you fuck off for once?” I question, “I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. Common sense would say that if we left each other alone, then our lives would be so much easier.” “True, but my job requires me to fuck with you,” Zillah comments, “and frankly when I get this kind of response back, it makes it that much more worth it.” “Well, whenever you’re done, I’m going to ask that you disappear and go back to that hole of yours. Your knack for only appearing to kick me when I’m already down is annoying.” <<include "WBN3_0_1">>
I ignore his words, “how could Rahim sense you? And don’t try and feed me some bullshit line as if you don’t know. I felt you go cold.” Zillah growls, stiffening as he moves away from me. “Anyone with a brain could come up with an answer to that, $name. His powers allow him too. Did I think he would be that strong? No. It’s a mistake I won’t make again, rest assured of that.” “Wow, you actually answered me, that’s new. Well, now you can go back to that hole of yours. Your knack for only appearing to kick me when I’m already down is annoying.” <<include "WBN3_0_1">>
“And here I thought you wanted some news. I was willing to give it.” “No, you weren’t.” Zillah appears in front of me, his shadowy face inches away from my own, “let’s put it to a bet.” “No. You aren’t true to your word, and I’m not about to look like a fool. Especially since whatever you can tell me won’t equal to what you ask for. What, you want me to give you the go-ahead to control me?” “Oh, my pet,” Zillah coos, a tendril lightly caressing my cheek, <<if $entitytakeover>>“I already have that right.”<<else>>“you need to be more specific when you talk like that. My mind goes to … other things.”<</if>> [[Slap it away.][$zillah +=3]] [[Spit at him.][$zillah -=3]] <<if $flirt_Zillah>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Tease him right back.][$zillah +=5; $ZRomance +=1; $nnZ to "pet"]]</span><<else>>[[Tease him right back.][$zillah +=5; $ZRomance +=1; $nnZ to "pet"]]<</if>> <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[Threaten him.|ZR1][$zillah -=5; $ZRomance +=1; $nnZ to "sphinx"]]</span><<else>>[[Threaten him.|ZR1][$zillah -=5; $ZRomance +=1; $nnZ to "sphinx"]]<</if>> <</if>>\
“Get that thing away from me,” I growl, slapping his tendril away from my face, personally shocked when my hand actually makes contact, proving that he was currently corporeal. <<if $cp>>\ “Has anyone told you how mean you are?” Zillah questions, his tendril vanishing as he flops right back on the bed like it was his own, “I’m sure Chris would agree.” “Shut up, go!” Much to my surprise, he does just that, vanishing and leaving me once again alone in the room. <<else>>\ “Has anyone told you how mean you are?” Zillah questions, his tendril vanishing as he flops right back on the bed like it was his own. “I’m bored anyway, try not to fuck up even more than you are now.” With that said, he vanishes, leaving me alone in the room. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I spit at him, watching as it lands on the side of his shoulder. <<if $cp>>\ “Nasty, nasty,” he reprimands, vanishing from in front of me and then appearing on the bed behind me, “no wonder Chris thinks you’re a monster.” “Shut up, go!” Much to my surprise, he does just that, vanishing and leaving me once again alone in the room. <<else>>\ “Nasty, nasty,” he reprimands, vanishing from in front of me and then appearing on the bed behind me, “we really must work on your manners while we wait for everything to fall into place. But we’ll have time for that, I’m bored now. Try not to fuck up even more than you are now.” With that said, he vanishes, leaving me alone in the room. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if $entitytakeover>>“Yea, that’s the only right you have, and you’ll ever have with that attitude.” His tendril slowly leaves my cheek, gently caressing the skin before snaking back to his side.<<else>>“Of course it does. And that’ll be all you have, thoughts. Especially with that attitude.”<</if>> “I’ll have you know that my attitude has gotten me a lot of things. And it will continue to get me what I want.” “You sure about that,” I question with a smirk, but his smirk makes me feel that he was indeed sure about that. “I am,” Zillah says his ghostly figure gliding closer to me, “anything I want from you –” “What? You’re going to take it?” I growl, stiffening at my own words and the meaning behind them. He chuckles and though he doesn’t touch me, the chill of him being close causes me to shiver profusely, “shh, my pet, let me finish.” His voice ghosts across my ear as I do as he says, but silence follows. I open my eyes to see that he had vanished, once again leaving me alone. <a data-passage="WBN3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Don’t you dare touch me,” I roar, swatting the tendril away, only for another to catch my wrist, yanking it over my head as he takes a step closer to me. My heartbeat quickens in rage as I try to escape his hold, failing as his grip only tightens. “Or. What?” he asks, looming over me with a wide smirk. We engage in a stare-off, my eyes penetrating his shadowy being, fueled by all the rage that I felt towards him, memories of what he’s done thus far, and even for what I knew he still had yet to do. I narrow my eyes, trying to think of a way to get out of his grip and turn this situation in favor of me. “All you have to do is ask really nicely,” he whispers, leaning in so that he was now only a few inches away, “for that release.” “You are the most infuriating //thing// I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. Get away from me,” I shout, punching him as hard as I can, and in an effort to avoid the blow, he releases and backs away from me. “Trust me, the feeling is beyond mutual,” he retorts, but he’s smirking, “tsk tsk, $name, all that pent-up anger, what is one weak human to do with it all?” He looks me up and down for a minute. “Amuse me for a minute.” “Amuse yourself.” He ignores my previous words and continues, “a simple riddle, sphinx. Three words. Three syllables. They can rock one to their foundation, change all they know.” “I hate you,” I answer immediately, and he snorts. “I was thinking ‘just fuck me,’ but I suppose that one brain cell of yours can only go so far.” “You’re the one to talk,” I say in disbelief. He chuckles, and though he doesn’t touch me, the chill of him being close causes me to shiver profusely, “I have two.” His voice ghosts across my ear and when I open my eyes, I see that he had vanished, once again leaving me alone. <a data-passage="WBN3_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.30 fadeout>> <<audio "sadevening" loop volume 0 fadeto 0.70>> <</nobr>>\ The last of the sun’s rays come through in fragments due to the dirt resting on the window. I walk by each, making my footsteps as quiet as possible as I wander the strange house that we saw ourselves spending the night in. I haven’t seen nor heard anything from our host since the conversation we had earlier today. He could have left, and I wouldn’t have noticed, mostly due to me isolating myself. <<if $cp>>\ I had been avoiding Chris at every turn, a task that wasn’t hard when he had been eluding me just as hard. The one time we almost ran into each other, we just walked past one another, his eyes on the ground and mine on the phone in my hands. Nothing needed to be said, not yet anyway. He had said enough. [[I understood where he was coming from though.]] [[I was harsh enough on myself, I didn’t need his judgment too.]] [[He better just stay out of my way.]] <<else>>\ <<include "WBN3_2">> <</if>>\
It was true, I did understand where he was coming from. And honestly, if the tables were turned and it was he who had a spirit living inside of him, and we had just found out he wasn’t human, I probably would react the same. But that meant little. It wasn’t him, it was me. And the last thing I wanted to hear was that someone who had known me for more than a year now thought of me as a monster. And if not that, then they just saw me differently. <<include "WBN3_2">>
Trying to wrap my mind around being something other than human was hard enough on me. Knowing that Zillah knew something and was hiding it from me, that any moment now something could happen to me … it infuriated and scared me. My stress level was far below healthy, and yet, Chris had done nothing to help, he had only heightened it. That was the last thing I needed. <<include "WBN3_2">>
There was nothing more to say about Chris and what he had said to me. His best bet at the moment was to steer clear of me and not to get in my way unless we were on a mission, and it was absolutely needed. Otherwise, well, he might just be the first to meet his so-called monster. <<include "WBN3_2">>
I creep through the house, stopping when I make it to the living room and notice the faint flicker of a candle. I peek my head in and see our supernatural host sitting in a worn-out chair, an open book in his hands, but his eyes trained on me. “Getting some late-night reading in?” “Attempting to,” he answers with a nod of greeting, “I’m not used to there being others in this house. So, every time I hear a shift in the wood, or … <<if $cp>>someone arguing<<else>>speaking to themselves<</if>> …” He trails off near the end, but I hear him all the same. I sigh dramatically as I crash onto the nearby sofa, rubbing my temples. <<if $cp>>\ “So, did you hear all of it or just some?” “Enough to be in your business whether I cared to be or not.” There’s a short silence before he asks, “are you afraid? Of what you might become, I mean?” <<else>>\ “For the record, I was speaking to the spirit, not myself. And please, let’s not get into it. I have enough on my mind.” There’s a short silence before he asks, “are you afraid? Of what you might become, I mean?” <</if>>\ [[“No, I’m excited.”][$nerve +=3]] [[“I don’t know what I feel.”]] [[“Hell yea, I’m terrified.”][$nerve -=3]]
“No, I’m utterly excited to see what I can do. And it’s not just because it’ll make me a better hunter … specialist. Since I was a child, I’ve felt like the odd one out. That either I was incredibly unlucky or just living a life I wasn’t supposed to. This could give me answers, tell me what really is true and what’s not. Because right now, I don’t know anything. Everything I’ve ever known could be a lie. What I am, it could solve everything.” I look over at Rahim, who seems neither shocked nor bothered. <<include "WBN3_2_1">>
“I don’t know what I feel. Am I supposed to feel something? All I know is that emotionally and mentally, I’m everywhere. One minute I’m thinking about how cool it would be to have abilities and to finally have answers to questions I’ve had since I was a kid. The next minute, I’m thinking about all the negative things and what all this could mean. How I could become a monster or have more questions than answers once this is done with.” I look up at Rahim to see him giving me a blank, indifferent look. <<include "WBN3_2_1">>
“Hell yea, I’m terrified of what this could all mean and what my future holds for me. I think about Zillah, the spirit inside of me, and what he says is waiting for me. I think about the fact that no one knows what I am. We fought a beast that was a cryptid a while back, no one really knew much about its existence either, what if I’m like that? What if thinking that I’m human, not knowing the truth, was all that was holding back the monster living inside of me? What if it’s waking up?” With terror in my eyes, I look up to see Rahim, the definition of unperturbed. <<include "WBN3_2_1">>
“And you think that’s …?” “I don’t think anything, it’s none of my business how you feel about what you are,” he shrugs, “I …” he swallows the words he’s about to say, biting the inside of his cheek. “Your species doesn’t make you a monster, your actions do. I don’t know you, $name, and so judging you at this point in time isn’t my place.” I huff, gazing up at the ceiling, “how did you feel when you learned what you were?” Rahim pauses, his brow knitting in concentration as he closes his book and repositions himself upon the chair. “I can’t remember all of the emotions I felt. I remember fear mostly. Terrified for my life when my mother told us that normally, people like us are hunted down ruthlessly. And then she said that neither Sydero or me would be hunted. She said we were special and brought here for a reason.” “And now?” “Now? Well, it’s a little too late for me to start getting pissed off about what I am. I’ve come to accept it, dangers and all.” The two of us sit in comfortable silence, Rahim soon ending it with a thud as he puts his book on a nearby end table and stands. “I’m going to retire for the night. I shall see you tomorrow.” <<if $bcure>>\ “Before you go, that thing with Bradley, when will you do it?” “Already did,” Rahim informs, “he didn’t even flinch. Hopefully, you’ll see a return to his true personality when he awakes.” I nod my thanks. <</if>>\ I tell myself that I’ll move later. At the moment, the left side of my head throbs intensely, feeling as if it had its own heartbeat. And for the first time in a long while, <<if $darkburns>>the burned parts of my arms were aching.<<elseif $darktruth>>my left cheek was aching, similar to the feeling of having an aching jaw or a tooth sore.<<else>>the area over my chest was aching, feeling as if someone was constantly poking the wound that rests there.<</if>> I take a deep breath in and close my eyes, telling myself that I would just rest my eyes, if only for a minute. <a data-passage="EP2-Act Two"><img src="images/acttwobutton.png" alt="Act Two" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\ <<set $albertfish = false; $shot_job = false; $shot_vg = false; $shot_bone = false; $chrisknows = false>> <<audio "sadevening" unloop fadeout>> <<playlist "ambience" volume 0.40 play>> <</nobr>>\ <img src="images/acttwo.png"> Though the other aches have vanished, the headache ceases to disappear, and the dosage of pain relievers that I took doesn’t seem to be helping either. I currently sit at the kitchen table, nursing my headache with some tea from a teabag that Rahim had lying around. <<if $bcure>>\ “Morning,” Bradley yawns, rubbing the sleep from his eye as he takes the seat nearest to me. I observe him as if the changes that Rahim had made would be more physical than they were psychological and mental. <<if $cp>>\ “You never came in the room yesterday, where did you sleep?” he asks. “On the sofa.” <<else>>\ “It looks like my bed was twice as comfortable as yours.” “I didn’t sleep on a bed, I fell asleep on the sofa,” I correct. <</if>>\ “Couldn’t have been comfortable,” he pouts. “Yea, the crick in my neck would agree with that.” I turn towards him, narrowing my eyes as he looks around the kitchen for something to snack on, “you seem … happy.” Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Rahim send me a quick glare before going back to the book in his hands, but I keep my attention on Bradley. “I’m as happy as I can be in this situation,” he murmurs, “I’d be even happier if there was something to eat. I’m starving.” His words didn’t surprise me, I couldn’t remember the last time he had eaten anything. <<else>>\ “Hey, Bradley,” I greet, paired with a nod of acknowledgment. He groans, grabs a water bottle, and then collapses in the seat farthest away from me. I sigh, ignoring the look that Rahim was currently sending my way. <</if>>\ <<if $cp>>\ Chris is the last of us to come in, he spares me a glance, but that was it since I’m the one who looks away. The once peaceful atmosphere contorts and shifts until only negativity is left. <<if $bcure>>\ Bradley looks from Chris, who is now sitting in the farthest chair from me, and then back to me. “Did I miss something? What’s up between you two?” Neither Chris nor I answer. <<else>>\ Rahim peers around at all of us, his brow raising as he shakes his head, and says, “I believed in impossible that you all would be even more divided than yesterday, but here you are.” <</if>>\ <</if>>\ The sound of a phone buzzing ends the awkward tension that seeps into the room. We all shift our attention to Rahim as his eyes fly over whatever message was sent his way and then look to us, “well, you got your hunt.” <a data-passage="WBN4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I lean forward in my seat, “what is it?” “A simple one.” <<if $cp>>\ “Our last simple one wasn’t so simple,” Chris points out, sending a glare towards Bradley. “You shouldn’t always rely on everyone else, Chris,” Bradley snaps right back. “Bradley is right,” Rahim starts, cutting off whatever Chris is about to retort with, “if I could, I’d assess you all individually. But seeing that such a thing is not possible, I’m going to have to hope that you guys can put your little debacle aside.” He grimaces, showing just how much faith he has in that belief. <<else>>\ <<if $bcure>>\ “Our last simple hunt wasn’t so simple,” Bradley points out, less than pleased at his own words, “though, I can’t seem to remember why I was so … out of it.” He leans forward with a growing frown. “Yea, there’s Sydero missing but -” “It doesn’t matter,” I tell him with a small smile, “we learned from it, so let’s move on.” I say, clearing my throat and hoping to shift Bradley’s attention back to the now. <<else>>\ “Our last simple hunt wasn’t so simple,” Bradley points out. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, Bradley,” I start, “it taught me to trust in me, myself, and I to get me out of tough situations.” Bradley gives me the most insufferable look he can, but I roll my eyes. <</if>>\ “It sounds harsh, but $name is right. I’d assess the two of you separately. But seeing that such a thing is not possible, I’m going to have to hope that you can put your little debacle aside.” He grimaces, showing just how much faith he has in that belief. <</if>>\ “Debacle?” Bradley questions, gazing over at me and then leaning in, “and why are we even doing this?” “What do you mean?” “I mean that Sydero’s in that direction,” he replies and points down, “while Rahim has us going in that direction.” I raise a brow as he swings his pointer finger around in the air wildly. “Why?” [[“We need Rahim, so we have to do this.”]] [[“What direction is that?” Mimic how he spun his finger around.]] [[“Sometimes to take a step forward, you take two back.”]] [[“How about we ask?”]]
“We need Rahim, he’s our only sure shot at getting Sydero back. So, we have to do what he wants, even if it has nothing to do with her. I know you’re antsy, we just have to do this first.” Bradley performs his notorious pout but nods his head. “Yea, sorry. I’m just ready to get her back from those demons.” At the sound of his own words, the corners of his eyes scrunch, and he visibly shivers. “So, Rahim,” I say, clearing my throat and hoping to shift Bradley’s attention back to the now, “what else can you tell us about this hunt?” <<include "WBN4_1">>
I smirk as I mimic the action Bradley had just done with his finger, “what direction even is that, Bradley?” “It’s whatever way Rahim is about to have us go,” <<if $bcure>>he playfully chuckles, slapping my shoulder lightly.<<else>>He rolls his eyes and focus back on Rahim.<</if>> <<if $cp and $bcure>>\ Chris notices and raises a brow, “you’re in a good mood, Bradley. One minute you’re giving us all the –” “So, Rahim,” I say, clearing my throat and interrupting Chris before he can finish his statement, an action that less than pleases him. I had forgotten to tell him about what Rahim had done, probably because I didn’t wish to speak to him. I would just have to tell him later, seeing that he was a danger to Bradley now. “What else can you tell us about this hunt?” <<else>>\ “So, Rahim,” I say, “what else can you tell us about this hunt?” <</if>>\ <<include "WBN4_1">>
I lean towards him as if I had a secret that I was only comfortable with him knowing. “Sometimes, Bradley, you have to take two steps back, to take one forward.” He blinks, “that’s ridiculous, you’re literally just walking backward if you do that.” “Are you? Huh.” Bradley <<if $bcure>>chuckles, slapping my shoulder playfully.<<else>>rolls his eyes irritably before focusing back on Rahim.<</if>> <<if $cp>>\ Chris notices and raises a brow, “you’re in a good mood, Bradley. One minute you’re giving us all the –” “So, Rahim,” I say, clearing my throat and interrupting Chris before he can finish his statement, an action that less than pleases him. I had forgotten to tell him about what Rahim had done, probably because I didn’t wish to speak to him. I would just have to tell him later, seeing that he was a danger to Bradley now. “What else can you tell us about this hunt?” <<else>>\ “So, Rahim,” I say, “what else can you tell us about this hunt?” <</if>>\ <<include "WBN4_1">>
Bradley had taken the thoughts from my mind and turned them into words. He wasn’t the only one concerned about this and how irrelevant it was regarding our true mission. “Rahim,” I start, “I’m really failing to see the point in this. We came to you to help us get Sydero back, not to lead us around America to hunt creatures.” “For what feels like the tenth time,” he grumbles, “I’m not going on something this dangerous with people I don’t trust and can get me killed.” “We’ve survived this long,” I point out, and he glares back at me. “Luck is certainly a phenomenon that occurs. Now, you can either suck it up and do the damn hunt, or you can go find yourself another supernatural who can and is willing to help out in the slightest. I’m not helping you out of the goodness in my heart.” I roll my eyes but nod, “what else can you tell us about this hunt?” <<include "WBN4_1">>
“Nothing,” he tells us, turning around and placing a few provisions in a bag, “that’s part of your test. How many hunts did you go on with Sydero?” “Three,” I respond honestly, “and Bradley gave us one of those.” “Jeez, why am I not surprised?” Rahim whispers to himself. “Alright, then this will also be me testing to see how well you guys can think on your feet.” <<if $cp>>\ “So you’re sending us out there with barely any information? Wow, reminds me of a certain cambion,” Chris chooses to point out. Rahim chuckles, zipping up his bag and then jotting something down on a piece of paper. Afterward, he turns to Chris, “the first time, I let it go. But compare me to her again, and you’ll then be comparing who had greater patience with dealing with you. Don’t push my buttons, and I won’t push yours.” When he says this, his eyes roam over to me, and he passes me the paper. “Here’s the address. Time to go.” <<else>>\ “That’s it? No last-minute information?” “Call it curiosity if you will, but I’m rather interested to see what you guys //think// you know already,” he retrieves a piece of paper and jots something down before passing it over to me, “here’s the address. Time to go.” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN4_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I crank up the car, waiting for <<if $cp>>Chris and Bradley<<else>>Bradley<</if>> to finish packing it back up before getting inside. I search for Rahim, finding him standing off to the side, his pack on his back. He looked more like a college kid who had chosen to hitchhike than some ethereal half human half angel. He was wearing sweatpants, a loose jacket vest, and wide-framed glasses that sit on his face, giving him the cliché geek guy look that all the girls would swoon over in class. [[“I’d pick you up.”]] [[“Perk of the job, no uniform.”]] [[“You were that antisocial kid.”]]
“I’d pick you up,” I tell him as I approach, earning nothing but a raised confused brow. “Are you saying I look like a hitchhiker?” “A comfortable hitchhiker.” “Ah,” he snickers, “because the comfortable part diminishes the hitchhiker bit.” <<include "WBN4_3_1">>
“Perk of being a hunter,” I start, getting his attention as I approach him, “no uniform.” He snorts unamusingly, “oh, there’s a uniform. If the situation calls for it, there are quite a few.” <<include "WBN4_3_1">>
“You were that one antisocial kid, right?” I question as I approach, standing beside him as he glances over at me for not even a minute before putting his attention back on his phone, “that one kid that talked to no one. You were the wallflower or loner in school that everyone avoided?” “Actually, no. I was quite popular. Voted Most Likely to Become President, Succeed, Grow Famous, all of those stupid awards that meant nothing.” “So, Mr. Popular all the way? You played some kind of sport too, didn’t you?” “No,” he looks up at me, “your view of me must be exceedingly illiberal.” I’m at a loss for words, and so I do what I do any other time, clear my throat, and change the subject. <<include "WBN4_3_1">>
“Why are you standing all the way over here anyway? The car is right there.” “I am not riding with you all. I have something I need to do first and then I will meet you.” “You’ll meet us there?” “Text me when you get there,” he says, and then walks down the sidewalk. I wait to see if he’ll grab a car or maybe even a bike, but nothing, he just keeps walking. I sigh to myself and head back towards the car, getting inside and setting up navigation. Pulling off the curb and starting the one hour and thirty-minute drive. <a data-passage="WBN4_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I park the car and get out, gazing around the unknown town that we had found ourselves in now. At this rate, I was going to be able to visit every southeastern state by Christmas. I snort at the thought, that was plenty of time since we were only in June. To think, yet again, I’ve only been doing this for a full month. Time was a crazy concept, this time last month I was in college, human or at least believing as much, and the most stressful part of my day was gathering the willpower to get out of bed. “Where’s Rahim?” <<if $cp>>Chris<<else>>Bradley<</if>> asks, getting out of the car and looking around. “I just pressed send on the text, so who knows –” My reply isn’t even fully out of my mouth when the sounds of wings flapping are heard and Rahim suddenly appears next to the car, causing us to jump in fright. “You guys took your precious time getting here. I was able to get in an entire nap.” “Where did you just come from?” I question, moving out of the way as he goes to the sidewalk and sits, stretching out his legs. “My house, where else?” “Angels can teleport, that’s what the flapping sound was. He was flying, in a weird teleportation, angelic way,” Bradley tells me, looking a bit bored with everything. “Alright, Rahim, we’re here. What are we hunting? And what exactly are you judging us on?” “Still not telling you what you’re hunting,” he corrects, “I’m simply watching to see what you guys know, how you react, and how well you can handle yourselves. So,” he starts and stands, “by all means. Show off.” [[“You don’t care about us succeeding?”]] [[“Is this a team grade?”]] [[“Whatever will make this go by faster.”][$rahim -=3; $proSyd +=1]] <<if $cp>>\ [[“Some of us can’t do anything.”][$chris -=3]] <</if>>\
My forehead wrinkles as I turn to face him fully, “you didn’t say that you were judging us on how fast we solve this or if we succeed or not.” “Because I’m not judging you on that. By the time this all ends, if you don’t understand everything that I’m doing, then you pretty much failed.” <<include "WBN4_3_2">>
“I gotta ask,” I start, “is this a team grade, or are you judging us separately?” He snorts, “worried your team can’t do it?” “I’m not the one who keeps pointing out how broken everyone is.” “I’ll be judging you personally, worry less.” <<include "WBN4_3_2">>
“Whatever will make this go by faster so we can get on with the actual important stuff,” I say to him. “People dying and you being able to stop that, that’s not important?” he asks me, a glimmer in his eye. It was the sort of glimmer one had when they were honestly interested in the response of the other person. <<if $sympathy >=50>>“Of course, that’s important. But don’t act as if there aren’t other hunters in the world.” He shrugs but seems content with what I said.<<else>>I lean in, trying to keep my voice even as I answer him, “if not them today, then just someone else tomorrow.” He regards me in disgust but says nothing more.<</if>> <<include "WBN4_3_2">>
I throw a look over at Chris before saying, “some of us can’t do anything,” I pause, “wait, besides complaining. That’s it though.” “Grow up, $name,” he mumbles as a response. <<include "WBN4_3_2">>
Rahim rummages around in his bag before pulling out a newspaper, setting it on the hood of my car, “begin.” “They still make these things?” Bradley questions in disgust, poking the newspaper as if it would bite him. “Some people do still read newspapers, Bradley,” <<if $cp>>Chris tells him, moving the newspaper closer to him to get a better look.<<else>>I tell him, moving the newspaper closer to me.<</if>> <<if $bcure>>\ “I’m pretty sure anyone left reading real newspapers is about ten steps from the grave.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>“Bradley!” I scold, but he looks less than bothered.<<else>>“Seriously, Bradley?” I snort in amusement.<</if>> “And they also don’t care much about the environment. This is made of paper, online reading is made of pixels.” <<if $cp>>“Yea, but I’m sure –,” Chris starts,<<else>>“But I wonder –,” I start,<</if>> interrupted by Rahim producing a fake cough. We pause the conversation and gaze over at him. <<else>>\ “I can obviously see that, hence why they’re still in production. Anything else you want to point out, Captain Obvious.” <<if $cp>>“I must say, your Sydero impression is beautiful,” Chris states sarcastically, “any idea when you’re going to drop that act and go back to being Bradley?”<<else>>“How about you climb down the attitude ledge and come back to ground level with the rest of us,” I point out, shooting him a glare.<</if>> <<if $cp>>“Any idea<<else>>“How about you<</if>> –,” Bradley starts, interrupted by Rahim producing a fake cough. We pause the conversation and gaze over at him. <</if>>\ “My apologies, don’t mind me. I’m just judging you guys and watching how fast you become unfocused.” [[Roll my eyes.][$rahim -=3]] [[“Can you let us breathe?”][$rahim -=5]] [[“Rahim’s right.”][$rahim +=3]]
I roll my eyes, putting my attention back on the newspaper. <<include "WBN4_4">>
“Can you let us breathe? You said you were just going to watch. Your mouth doesn’t need to move for that.” Rahim raises a brow but puts his hands up in surrender, saying nothing more. With that taken care of, I put my attention back on the newspaper. <<include "WBN4_4">>
I sigh and scratch my forehead, “Rahim’s right. We need to focus up. We’re wasting time.” <<if $cp>>The others say<<else>>Bradley says<</if>> nothing in reply to my words, but Rahim hums in approval, or agreement, how was I to know which? I focus back on the task at hand. <<include "WBN4_4">>
Thankfully, Rahim had already flipped to the page that we needed. My eyes immediately catch the title of the article: //Sixth Child’s Disappearance Has Town On Edge. // The article basically talks about the most recent disappearance of a child last seen by their parents, and the next day, missing. In the past few months, children ranging from six to fourteen have been disappearing. Some, like the most recent, went missing after the child had supposedly gone to sleep. Others had been out late and just never returned. Police have been on alert for the past few weeks, but the disappearances are random, there’s no way for them to guess where the supposed kidnapper will strike next. The article states that two children had been found in ... abhorrent circumstances, but that is all that they say on that. No one has any idea where the other missing children are. No leads, no nothing. They just vanish. I let <<if $cp>>the others<<else>>Bradley<</if>> read the article if <<if $cp>>they want<<else>>he wants<</if>>. I think about what I had just read and what our next step should be. We need more information, as the newspaper just gives us the gist and what our end goal is. We’re still pretty much in the dark about everything. Once we were done with the newspaper, I put it in my bag in case we need it later. “Alright,” Rahim says from his spot, “what’s next?” <<if $cp>>\ Chris starts, “I say we go to a local hangout spot, see what they’re saying about all of this. What they think is going on.” <<if $bcure>>\ “I disagree,” Bradley speaks up, “I think we need to first find out if this is even supernatural, there could be other reasons for this … human reasons.” All eyes turn to me, seems like I was the deciding vote. <<else>>\ I turn to Bradley, who stays quiet, his eyes on a certain car seat that his bum has grown far too accustomed too. “Bradley?” I question. “I’m sleepy.” That’s all he says as he marches right back to the car, and sure enough, lays his head down. I turn back towards Chris, who waits for my thoughts. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <<if $bcure>>\ “I think we need to first find out if this is even supernatural, there could be other reasons for this … human reasons,” Bradley starts, turning to me to see what I thought. <<else>>\ I turn to Bradley, who stays quiet, his eyes on a certain car seat that his bum has grown far too accustomed too. “Bradley?” I question. “I’m sleepy.” That’s all he says as he marches right back to the car, and sure enough, lays his head down. I turn towards Rahim, who seems as surprised as me but says nothing. It would seem that I would be doing the majority of the hunt myself. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ [[Do some research.][$rahimp +=1; $chris -=2; $bradley -=2; $visit +=1]] [[Go and speak to the locals.][$chris +=2; $bradley -=2; $visit +=1]] [[Go and look at the evidence.][$chris -=2; $bradley +=2; $visit +=1]]
<<if $visit is 1>>\ <<if $bcure is false and $cp is false>>\ I turn to address Rahim, who still seems interested in the almost asleep Bradley. “If you need me, I’ll be in the library.” He nods in both approval and acknowledgment, following me inside. <<else>>\ “Actually, I think going into the library that’s sitting right in front of us might be smarter.” And as if to further confirm my point, I point and move out of the way so that everyone can see the building waiting patiently for eager minds. <<if $bcure>>Neither<<else>>He doesn’t<</if>> seem happy about my decision, but one look at Rahim and where he’s currently heading is all we need to know what he thinks. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ We decide that going to the library next is probably the best course. <<if $bcure is false and $cp is false>>Or more, I decide since Bradley is far too out of it and Rahim is simply observing.<</if>> <</if>>\ Like any other library that I’ve been in, it’s filled with rows of tables, some with antique appearing computers, and others had nothing but a cheap but functioning table lamp. The shelves full of books wrap around the entire area, only stopping due to a staircase that takes an individual up to the next floor. A large circular desk sits in the middle of the room, an older man and woman standing there talking as they type away at their computers. I can count the number of people here on two hands, though I suppose that would just give us privacy. I go to the computers resting in the far back and start researching. <<if hasVisited("Check history of the town.")>>You have researched the history of the town.<<else>>[[Check history of the town.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Research all the recent victims.")>>You have researched the recent victims.<<else>>[[Research all the recent victims.][$visit +=1]] <</if>>
I type in the town we were in, rolling my eyes when I realize that researching it was probably pointless. We were in Virginia, to be more specific in the city of Virginia Beach. There was nothing but a rich and dark history in this city. The town of Bayside alone held about two or three well-known haunted locations. Having a few lesser-known but just as spooky neighborhood haunts wasn’t surprising. Trying to figure out what spirits could possibly roam the streets would yield an extensive list that these computers probably couldn’t handle. Nevertheless, I research whatever I can find. Rolling my eyes in the end when I find little to nothing that I hadn’t already known. <<if hasVisited("Check history of the town.")>>You have researched the history of the town.<<else>>[[Check history of the town.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Research all the recent victims.")>>You have researched the recent victims.<<else>>[[Research all the recent victims.][$visit +=1]] <</if>> [[Leave the library.|WBN4_5]]
Finding the needed articles for the most recent victims is an easy task. Just typing in disappearances give me what I need. I could probably have shortened that and just typed in ‘children.’ I pour over the information I’m shown, names, ages, background, anything that might tell us that there’s a pattern. The only pattern that I can identify is the one that the articles point out, the age range consists of children and young teens, pretty much preteens. I would then go on to say them disappearing in their homes would be a pattern, but a few of them had been out when they disappeared. I look for articles concerning the two children whose bodies were found, finding nothing on them, probably due to the newspaper not wanting to go into describing whatever happened. <<if hasVisited("“New in town, parents just moved my brother and me here.”") or hasVisited("“Just a visitor, my parents and little brother live here.”")>>\ The last thing I check is anything regarding Cassidy. I find very little, just an article that talks about her brother’s disappearance and how Cassidy was found by police, wandering the woods with a dazed and disheveled look. It goes on to say that the police took her in for questioning, but that was it. <</if>>\ <<if hasVisited("Check history of the town.")>>You have researched the history of the town.<<else>>[[Check history of the town.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Research all the recent victims.")>>You have researched the recent victims.<<else>>[[Research all the recent victims.][$visit +=1]] <</if>> [[Leave the library.|WBN4_5]]
“Any thoughts yet?” Rahim asks me after I push away from the computer and relax in my seat. I turn to see the man had been sitting off to the side, a book in his hands. It was a sight that I was becoming used to seeing. <<if $bcure>>\ “Not yet. Bradley, you?” “I have a few hunches,” he tells me, peeking from behind the computer, “but I’d rather confirm them on my laptop. Unless you guys are cool with me bypassing some restrictions and bringing down firewalls.” “Yea, no. Save it for your laptop. Can you even access the dark web here?” “You can access it anywhere, whether it’s safe or not, is actually the question. I doubt this place has a reliable VPN or even decent antivirus software.” “Humor me,” Rahim comments, standing and wandering over to us, “if I asked you to hack that man’s computer right now? How fast could you do it?” Rahim points to the older man slowly typing away at his computer, not a care in the world, and not an inch of knowledge that he might be hacked in a matter of minutes. Bradley rocks his head from side to side. “Rough estimate, give me five minutes.” “No need,” Rahim chuckles, “it was just a question.” “Yea, and now I’m curious about seeing how fast I can actually do it.” <<if $cp>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $chrisknows = true>><</nobr>>\ “Nope, come on little guy,” Chris insists, standing up and hoisting Bradley up as well. “Unhand me, Christopher!” Bradley shouts, and Chris immediately does it. His eyes widen on Bradley, confusion, and a touch of joy resting within them. “Did you just … call me Christopher?” he questions. “You act like it’s the first time,” Bradley huffs. “No, it’s just that … ever since –” “Hey Bradley,” I interject, “I almost forgot, can you find us a motel for the night?” “I’ll help,” Rahim adds in, “I don’t do cheap and distasteful.” He throws me a look over his shoulder as he walks Bradley back towards the entrance. <a data-passage="WBN4_5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <<else>>\ “Come on, Bradley,” I tell him with a small smile, “we all know how easy it is for you. Hacking that computer would be child’s play for you.” “Yes,” he says and stands, “I’m glad you know.” He leads the way to the entrance, and we both follow. <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Go and look at the evidence.")>>You have looked over the evidence.<<else>>[[Go and look at the evidence.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “Not yet. Give me until we all get comfortable to lay it all out.” Rahim nods in understanding, motioning to the entrance, and I nod. I shut the computer down and gather my things before leaving. <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Go and look at the evidence.")>>You have looked over the evidence.<<else>>[[Go and look at the evidence.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
Once they’re gone, Chris turns to me with a scowl, “the hell, $name? What was that?” “I forgot to tell you,” I start, scratching the side of my forehead, “Bradley doesn’t remember the torture because Rahim put a temporary mental block to hide it from him. For Bradley, it’s like it never happened, any of it.” Chris’s mouth hangs open, glancing from me to the still retreating forms of the others. “And he was cool with that?” “He doesn’t know.” The look of shock shifts to anger in a heartbeat, “are you kidding me? You did this without his approval? You fucked with his head and didn’t even have the decency to tell him?” [[“I’m seconds away from doing the same to you.”][$chris -=5; $pacifist -=5]] [[“If we told him it wouldn’t have worked.”][$chris +=2; $serious +=5]] [[“Shh, we’re in a library.”][$chris -=3; $serious -=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Violent ++</span><</if>> “You know, I’m seconds away from doing the same to you. So stop screaming.” “You know, the sad thing is I don’t know if you’re playing or not.” <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ “How could you think that I was serious?” I question, watching as he lowers his gaze, now refusing to meet my eyes. “Do you even see $name anymore? Or just this monster you created up in your head.” <<else>>\ <<if $chris >=50>>“I’m playing, but the fact that you have to question me … it’s not saying much for our supposed friendship.”<<else>>“Continue screaming and find out.”<</if>> <</if>>\ <<include "WBN4_5_2">>
“If we told him, then it wouldn’t have worked. I’m not about to repeat the conversation that I had with Rahim, but just know that I thought it through. I wouldn’t just do this because I didn’t want to deal with Bradley’s attitude. And I’d appreciate it if you stopped insinuating that I would.” <<include "WBN4_5_2">>
“Shh,” I say, glancing back and forth dramatically, “we’re in a library.” “This is serious.” “I’ll say. How many ‘inside voices’ posters do you need. It’s like, we get it, you want us to be quiet.” I catch Chris glaring at me, and I pout as if trying to figure out why. “I’m sorry, would you like to get back to making it seem like I’m some horrible person who tricked our friend for my own selfish reasons? Because I’d just rather not.” <<include "WBN4_5_2">>
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, “someone needs to tell him.” “You do that, and it could be even worse than what we saw.” “Damnit, $name. Why couldn’t you just let him go through this naturally?” “You’re not mad that I let Rahim do it, because I’m pretty sure you would have done the exact same thing. You’re mad that I didn’t tell you. But you were avoiding me, remember?” I walk past him, feeling good that it was finally my turn to leave with the last word, and him standing there by himself. <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Go and look at the evidence.")>>You have looked over the evidence.<<else>>[[Go and look at the evidence.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\
<<if $visit is 1>>\ <<if $bcure>>\ <<if $cp>>“I agree with Chris, speaking to the locals, and learning what they know and what they think or could’ve seen is probably the next smart thing to do.”<<else>>“I think it would be smarter if we went and spoke to the locals. We could probably find out the gist of what’s going on through them.”<</if>> Bradley rolls his eyes, “and exactly how will we find this hotspot?” <<if $cp>>“Oh, I got that handled,” Chris smiles and then talks to his phone, telling it to give him the routes to any fun local hangout locations. The closest, and most popular one it seems, is a small café that’s a mile up the road.<<else>>“Easy,” I state, bringing out my phone and questioning it, hoping it could give me directions to any fun local hangout spots. The closest, and most popular one it seems, is a small café that’s a mile up the road.<</if>> <<else>>\ “I think you may be onto something, Chris. But where do you think they’d be?” Chris doesn’t bother replying to me as he whips out his phone and questions it, telling it to give him the routes to any fun local hangout spots. The closest, and most popular one it seems, is a small café that’s a mile up the road. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <<if $bcure is false and $cp is false>>I<<else>>We<</if>> decide to go find and speak to the locals, mostly teens, since they probably knew more than their adult counterparts. <</if>>\ The good thing is that it’s summer, and teens have nothing better to do than hang out all day. The bad thing is that my high school days feel like centuries ago. A culture that I was far too happy to leave in exchange for college now greets me with a shit-eating grin. The café we enter is one part modern and two parts too much. The colors that they use are loud, and the pop music that plays across the overhead stereos is more of an ear soar than easy listening. “Ah, high school,” I start as I start the daunting task of figuring out which group belonged to what clique, and where they rank on the social hierarchy if there even is one. “The one thing we all just want to forget ever happened.” “Do any of us even remember that far back?” Rahim inquires, his eyes darting from one exit to the other. Another trait he unknowingly shared with his sister. <<if $cp>>\ “I do,” Chris smirks, “I was quite popular.” <</if>>\ <<if $bcure>>\ Bradley yawns before saying, “I just never went.” “Wait, you homeschooled yourself?” “Yea. I mean, at first, I was like fuck school because down with the patriarchy and institutionalized learning. But then I said that knowing some stuff would be beneficial. I just only learned the important stuff, though, the basics really.” <</if>>\ [[“I was popular, but I still don’t miss it.”]] [[“I was basically a loner.”]] [[“I suppose I was one of the geeks and nerds.”]] [[“Was I the only normal high school student?”]]
“I was popular,” I snort with a smile, “but I still don’t miss any of it. High school has a weird way of making you forget that the real world doesn’t care.” <<include "WBN4_5_3">>
“I was basically a loner; I think I remember a few people trying to be my friend, but I didn’t have time for it. That and I just really didn’t care for friends.” <<include "WBN4_5_3">>
“I suppose I was one of the geeks and nerds. I actually liked that crowd; of course, the theatre kids did the absolute most sometimes, but they were better than some of the other groups I had to deal with.” <<include "WBN4_5_3">>
“Was I the only normal high school student? Normal high school life. I went to school, came home, and complained. Rinse and repeat.” <<include "WBN4_5_3">>
“Alright, well, let’s see what you can figure out,” Rahim tells me, going over to a far table and taking a seat, doing a rather bad job of blending in as a few nearby ladies and men, immediately begin to stare at him in interest. I scout out a group to talk to, having to figure out who looks like they would be talkative and open to conversing with a complete stranger. As I search, I wince in pain as my headache from earlier slowly sets back in, along with the subtle pain that courses through my <<if $darkburns>>arms. It almost feels like a pinched nerve, and it possibly is the case.<<elseif $darktruth>>cheek. It almost feels like I got punched there, for all I know a bruise was beginning to form.<<else>>chest. No longer a poking sensation, it now felt like someone was stabbing me with the tiniest of needles, doing a poor job at acupuncture.<</if>> I squeeze my eyes closed and weather through it, in the process, I pick out a table of diverse looking teens and move towards them. “Hey,” I greet, the table quieting down as all eyes shift over to me. “Hi,” a girl with an open sketchbook resting in front of her greets cautiously. Wicked pictures of shadows and red eyes stare back at me, “who are you?” [[“New in town, parents just moved my brother and me here.”][$rahimp +=1]] [[“Just a visitor, my parents and little brother live here.”][$rahimp +=1]] [[“No one important.”]]
“I’m new in town, parents just moved my brother and me here a week ago.” It was a bold lie, especially if my appearance and age didn’t quite match up. A few of them raise their brows in doubt as they look me over, but the majority don’t seem particularly bothered. If anything, they were more curious about my presence entirely. <<include "WBN4_5_4">>
“Just a visitor, my parents, and little brother live here, I’m just visiting.” The lie seems to go over well as none of them seem to doubt my words. <<include "WBN4_5_4">>
I clear my throat as I sway back and forth on my feet, “do you guys mind if I ask about what’s going on in town?” I’m met by stares, the girl who first greeted me freezes, her shoulders stiff as she refuses to turn back around and face me. “You must be worried about your brother?” a girl with large blue eyes and a soft circular face asks, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders. I mentally high five myself for actually coming up with that lie. It at least gave me a reason to be questioning all of this. “Yea,” I say, attempting to look a bit shy, “he’s ten, and I’m not trying to …” I trail off, hoping that it looks sincere to those before me. “We understand,” a built guy in a varsity jacket says, the man looks like he moved boulders for a living, “a lot of our parents have been worried. No kids our age have gone missing but try and explain that to the town. Everyone’s on curfew now.” “Like anyone follows it,” a girl with long black hair and a face caked with makeup, snorts. “My mom said that it’s just some creepy pedophile.” “Yea, my dad said the same though he used a whole lot more adjectives and what he likes to call no-no language to describe the guy,” the jock laughs. The pretty girl stares at her nails before cocking her head to the side with a snide smirk, “though if you ask Cassidy, then she’ll tell you it was some scary monster.” I was about to question which one of them is Cassidy, or if she is even present when the girl with the sketchbook stiffens considerably more. All eyes on her as she glares down at the table. “Excuse me,” she whispers, gathering her things and walking away, leaving the café behind. “Sick fuck,” one of them whispers, and I raise a brow. “Police questioned her as a suspect,” the nearest girl tells me in a whisper, the others now too busy talking about Cassidy and the disappearances, “her little brother was the first to go missing, and they said they found her in the middle of the woods, dazed and out of it.” [[“They let her go though.”]] [[“Maybe she saw who took him.”]] [[“Then why let her sit here?”]] [[“Do you know her, personally I mean?”]]
“No one important,” I tell her with a quick smile. She shrugs her shoulders and goes back to drawing. I clear my throat as I sway back and forth on my feet, “do you guys mind if I ask about what’s going on in town?” I’m met by stares, the girl who first greeted me freezes, her shoulders stiff as she refuses to turn back around and face me. “Why? You one of those sick fucks who just like to follow the sickest trends?” a guy with a varsity jacket questions. I glance at the others, seeing that they too, are giving me untrustworthy looks. “I’m actually here to figure out what’s going on. Trying to help here.” “What?” another guy asks, “you some cop? Let’s see proof.” I sigh, there’s no way I was going to be able to get anywhere with them now. They were too hostile, and unless I can show some kind of proof, they were done talking to me. “I’ll be going,” I tell them and make my exit, feeling their eyes on me the entire walk back to my group huddled in the corner. <a data-passage="WBN4_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Obviously, they let her go, though, so she must not be a suspect anymore.” The girl shrugs her shoulders as she takes a sip of her drink, “or it could be because they just don’t have enough evidence. The way they described her and the things I heard, it definitely sounds like she had something to do with it.” <<include "WBN4_5_5">>
“Maybe she saw who took him, and she’s just too afraid to say anything.” The girl shrugs her shoulders as she takes a sip of her drink, “or it could be because they just don’t have enough evidence. The way they described her and the things I heard, it definitely sounds like she had something to do with it.” <<include "WBN4_5_5">>
“Not trying to judge the rest of you, but why let her sit here if she’s so creepy and disliked?” “She used to be popular, I mean, like all of us were her friends at least. Her parents begged everyone not to treat her differently since she didn’t do anything. And honestly, none of us want to be next, so we try to keep on her good side. Well, everyone but Miranda anyway.” “So you all know her; personally, I mean?” “I guess. We were best friends back in elementary and middle school, borderline inseparable. Now we’re just … I don’t know. I tried to be on her side, but she’s just gotten weirder and weirder. And that’s before her brother went missing.” <<include "WBN4_5_5">>
“Do you know her? Personally, I mean?” “I used to. We were best friends back in middle school, borderline inseparable. Now we’re just … I don’t know. I tried to be on her side, but she’s just gotten weirder and weirder. And that’s before her brother went missing.” <<include "WBN4_5_5">>
“What do you mean?” “I mean, everyone knows how much she hated her little brother. Like, her entire world changed back in elementary school thanks to him being born and never got better from what she told me. And then some time before her brother went missing and after, she started acting really weird. I mean like freaky, witchy weird. She started drawing strange symbols and pictures in her book and all that. People started saying that she was a witch, and it’s not like anyone could try and come to her defense, everyone was thinking it.” I nod my head in thanks and walk back to where the others had huddled up. <a data-passage="WBN4_6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Anything?” I ask, massaging my forehead, imploring the still present headache to cease. <<if $bcure>>\ “I was able to get a few things, mostly I just had to teach those plebs what they were doing. Can you believe they didn’t even know what spoofing was? And they even said that the café’s wi-fi was too hard to hack. This is baby hacking!” I chuckle but also sigh, “so, Bradley got nothing.” <<else>>\ Bradley shrugs, why he even decided to leave the sanctuary of the car was beyond me. <</if>>\ <<if $cp>>\ “I’d like to say I got something, but the girls were too busy asking me about my romantic life,” Chris tells us. <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ “Oh, and what did you tell them?” The other two notice the rising tension and take a collective step back. “I told them that it was severely complicated,” he answers, his lips pressing into a thin line as he glares back at me. “Would be less confusing if you –,” I start but Rahim interrupts me. “No, not here and not right now.” I sigh and, after throwing one last look Chris’s way, back down. <</if>>\ <</if>>\ Rahim frowns, “please tell me you have something, $name.” <<if hasVisited("“New in town, parents just moved my brother and me here.”") or hasVisited("“Just a visitor, my parents and little brother live here.”")>>\ “Yes, I do, actually.” I lead them outside, telling them everything I learned from the teens, mostly I recount what I had learned about Cassidy and what had happened. <<if hasVisited("Research all the recent victims.")>>\ “We didn’t see any of that in the news, did they just leave it out?” Bradley questions, though none of us reply. It would seem that they did. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “No, unless them thinking that I’m some sicko counts for anything,” I tell them. Rahim doesn’t say anything, but it’s evident that he probably thinks we’re hopeless. <</if>>\ “We’ll figure it all out at the motel once we’re done,” Rahim tells us. <<if hasVisited("Do some research.")>>Research has been completed.<<else>>[[Do some research.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Go and look at the evidence.")>>You have looked over the evidence.<<else>>[[Go and look at the evidence.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\
<<if $visit is 1>>\ <<if $cp>>\ <<if $bcure>>“I’m going to actually agree with Bradley on this one. There could be a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this, not all of them even sinister. I’d rather make sure we know for sure that we’re dealing with the supernatural before driving all around town.”<<else>>“I actually think it would be smarter for us to look over the evidence before we go driving all around the town. For all we know, there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this, not all of them even sinister. Let’s figure out if this is even supernatural.”<</if>> Chris opens his mouth to say something but closes it a minute later, <<if $bcure>>“fine. And how do we go about doing that?”<<else>>“whatever.” He heads towards the car, getting in the backseat.<</if>> <<if $bcure>>\ “Oh, pick the jockstrap out of your ass,” Bradley snorts, “we go speak to the cops.” <<if $chrisknows is false>>Instead of looking insulted by what Bradley says to him, he seems equal parts relieved and bewildered. I already know what he’s about to say and so I beat him to it.<</if>>\ “I can get you in,” Rahim tells us. <<else>>\ Chris opens his mouth to say something but closes it a minute later, “I can get you into the police station,” Rahim tells me. <</if>>\ I nod in understanding, “so, how about we stop standing around and go?” I turn to Rahim and address him, “so are you riding?” “I’ll ride, flying can be quite tiresome.” <<else>>\ <<if $bcure>>“Agreed. But the question is, how do we look over that evidence?”<<else>>I turn to Rahim, seeing that he was the only one who was out here to listen to me.<</if>> <<if $bcure>>\ “Police station, we just have to figure out how you can get in without proper identification.” “I can get you in,” Rahim tells us. <<else>>\ “I’m going to go by the police station, but do you have any idea how I could possibly get in? I doubt they’ll let me look at pictures just because I ask nicely.” “I can get you in,” he reassures me. <</if>>\ “So, does that mean you’re riding?” “I shall, flying can be quite tiresome.” <</if>>\ <<else>>\ After discussing it with <<if $bcure is false and $cp is false>>Rahim<<else>>the others<</if>>, and agree that the next stop will be the police station. <</if>>\ Once we park in the parking lot belonging to the police station, I gaze over at Rahim who sits in the passenger’s seat, rummaging through a pocket in his pack. I look around, gauging what kind of cops we were dealing with. It was a sheriff’s office, officers that I was used to. They probably weren’t used to dealing with cases this big and receiving this much unwanted outside attention. “$name,” Rahim says, grabbing my attention. In his hands rests a reporter’s badge, a fake name and a highly professional shot of him on it. <a data-passage="WBN4_7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“How’d you get this?” I question, taking it from him and looking it over. I was having a hard time believing it was fake, though I suppose I hadn’t seen many reporter badges to compare this one with. <<if $bcure>>\ “Most hunters have a box full of them,” Bradley starts, leaning in to see the badge for himself, “fake badges so that they can get into areas that, well, you normally can’t. Faye has asked me to do a few for the hunters she deals with.” “Does Sydero have any?” I question him and he shrugs, leaning back and shifting his attention to his phone. <</if>>\ “Come on. Our cover story is that we work for <<if $perception >=10>>''Virginia Daily''<<else>>Virginia Daily<</if>>, you’re new to this and I’m the head reporter. They should only need to see my badge as I claim yours is still being created. Tell me now, do you want to take the lead on this or sit back?” Rahim’s face doesn’t shift, giving me no clue if this was just one of his tests or if he was truly going to aid me. [[“I’ll take the lead.”][$rahimp +=1]] [[“You can take the lead.”]] <<if $cp>>\ [[“What about Chris?”]] [[“Take Chris, I’ll wait out here with Bradley.”]] <</if>>\
I jab my thumb in Chris’s direction, “what about him?” Rahim glances for a second before putting his attention back on me, “bringing in more than one person would be suspicious, especially two rookies with no badges. Unless you want me to take Chris in and not you.” [[“I’ll take the lead.”][$rahimp +=1]]] [[“You can take the lead.”]] [[“Take Chris, I’ll wait out here with Bradley.”]]
I think about his words and what I was capable of, shrugging my shoulders when I come to a decision. “It’s fine, I’ll take the lead.” He nods in approval and we both get out of the car, walking inside the building. We introduce ourselves to the receptionist and she points us to the sheriff’s office. The man inside was an older gentleman who seemed to be at war with his hair. Parts of it was a stark grey, while other parts held the blackest hair strands, contrasting greatly with the rest of his hair and his skin tone. “Can I help you?” he questions. I lean forward and shake the man’s hand, “Roe and Theron, sir,” I introduce, “reporters from …” <<textbox "$answer" "">> <a data-passage="TakeLead"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if [ "virginia daily", "Virginia Daily" ].includes($answer)>> <<nobr>>\<<set $rahimp +=1>><</nobr>>\ “Reporters from Virginia Daily. We were hoping to get a statement from you, as well as anything you can tell us about the recent disappearances.” <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $rahimp -=1>><</nobr>>\ My mouth goes dry as I struggle to remember the place Rahim said we were using. “Virginia Daily, sir,” Rahim interjects, saving me from more awkward silence, “I apologize for my assistant here. Roe is still trying to figure everything out.” I nod my apologies, “we were hoping to get a statement from you, as well as anything you can tell us about the recent disappearances.” <</if>>\ “For Christ’s sake, you goddamn vultures don’t know how to leave a town be, do you? We just became your next promotion, huh?” [[Sympathize with him.][$sympathy +=5]] [[Threaten him.|EP2Threat][$sympathy -=5]] [[Ignore him and ask my first question.]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> “I understand,” I begin, putting on my most compassionate smile, “I have a little brother who lives not far from here. But that’s one of the reasons why I took this job. I know that, right now, it seems like we’re just reminding you of everything wrong. But this can help ... we can help. The more people learn about this, the more people can be on the lookout and can make sure to save their children. Virginia deserves to hear your story, to know that there are children out there who need each and every person looking so they can return home safely.” I gaze in the sheriff’s eyes and smile when he nods in understanding. “You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s been a stressful month. What would you like to ask me?” <<include "Ignore him and ask my first question.">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> “Alright, let me lay this out for you,” I tell him, scooting up in my seat so that I was now sitting on the edge of it. “Either you can answer all of my questions, and I head straight home to write this article. Or, you can give me bullshit and insult me, and I’ll just head to the houses of the disappearing children and ask the parents. I’ll make sure to tell them that instead of being out looking, the sheriff is sitting on his ass in his office.” “Are you threatening me?” the sheriff asks incredulously. “You can call it whatever you want. Just know that I gotta pay bills just like you, and this article is my job. So, what I’m saying is that I will get this job done, with or without your help.” He licks his lip and narrows his eyes on me but nods regardless, “hurry up and ask your questions so you can go.” <<include "Ignore him and ask my first question.">>
“How frequent are these disappearances happening?” “The first one was about a month ago, and the second was two weeks after that. Since then, it’s been once a week.” “Meaning that the next one will happen this week? No specific day? Just one day out of the week?” “Indeed. The only thing we know about this schedule is that it happens at night. One of them was out for a jog when they got grabbed, another kid was coming back home from a friend’s house. Others, from what their parents said, were just snatched out of bed.” [[“What do you think it is?”][$albertfish = true]] [[“And there are no witnesses?”]] [[“Have any arrests been made?”]]
I think about his words and what I was capable of, shrugging my shoulders when I come to a decision. “If it’s alright with you, I’d rather you take the lead.” He nods in acceptance and we both get out of the car, walking inside the building. We introduce ourselves to the receptionist and she points us to the sheriff’s office. The man inside was an older gentleman who seemed to be at war with his hair. Parts of it was a stark grey, while other parts held the blackest hair strands, contrasting greatly with the rest of his hair and his skin tone. “Can I help you?” he questions. I lean forward and shake the man’s hand, sitting down as Rahim introduces us and tells him why we’re there. “For Christ’s sake, you goddamn vultures don’t know how to leave a town be, do you? We just became your next promotion, huh?” Rahim moves in, his face the definition of warm and supportive, “I understand. And trust me when I say that I didn’t want to be put on this case. I heard what happened, and having a son myself, didn’t … I didn’t want anything to do with this case. But my wife reminded me that she would’ve never known this was happening if I hadn’t brought it up. And I realized that Virginia doesn’t know, and they need to. This is serious. People are losing their loved ones to some godawful person, and you and your men are putting your lives on the line to find them. I know this is hard, and I can’t apologize enough for forcing you to once again retell it, especially to someone you know nothing about. But I implore you to, so that I can get this story out and have more people aware of the monster taking our kids.” I look from Rahim to the sheriff, both of them staring deep into each other’s eyes. I feel like the oddball out, wondering what either of them are thinking. [[Sydero could never.|WBN4_8]] [[That was impressive.|WBN4_8]] [[Eh, I could do better.|WBN4_8]]
I think about his words and then look back at Chris, “take Chris with you. I’ll wait out here with Bradley.” He nods in acceptance and turns to Chris, both of them getting out of the car and slowly walking towards the building as I assume Rahim informs Chris on his part of the plan. I relax in my seat, or as best as I can as pain continues to rock through my body. I was beginning to think that all the stress was beginning to catch up with me. I’m pretty sure doubting one’s own humanity wasn’t healthy, even less so when they’re running from things trying to kill them every other second. <<if $bcure is false>>\ In an attempt to get my mind off of it, I glance at Bradley who stares at the roof of the car, his mind obviously far, far away. “Everything okay, Bradley? Need to talk about anything?” “Yea let’s talk about what’s going on between you and Chris,” he answers. “I was thinking we’d talk about you.” “Or better yet,” he continues, speaking as I hadn’t said anything, “let’s talk about Rahim and how much he doesn’t want to find Sydero, making him obsolete in our mission. Or, if it really is bothering you that much, let’s talk about you, $name ‘Not So Human’ Roe, and the spirit that lives inside you.” [[“Great talk.”]] [[“Just say no thank you.”]] [[Snap right back off at him.][$bradley -=3]] <<else>>\ They come back out thirty or so minutes later, Chris looking ready to throw up, while Rahim seems deep within his thoughts. “So?” I question, and Rahim shakes his head, a signal that he would tell me everything later, probably at the motel. <<if hasVisited("Do some research.")>>Research has been completed.<<else>>[[Do some research.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
I turn around in my seat and cut on the radio, “great talk,” I mumble. The blaring rock music fills the car as we sit in silence, waiting for the other two to come back. They come back out thirty or so minutes later, Chris looking ready to throw up, while Rahim seems deep within his thoughts. “So?” I question, and Rahim shakes his head, a signal that he would tell me everything later, probably at the motel. <<if hasVisited("Do some research.")>>Research has been completed.<<else>>[[Do some research.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\
“Just say no thank you next time, jeez,” I tell him, turning back around and cutting on the radio. The blaring rock music fills the car as we sit in silence, waiting for the other two to come back. They come back out thirty or so minutes later, Chris looking ready to throw up, while Rahim seems deep within his thoughts. “So?” I question, and Rahim shakes his head, a signal that he would tell me everything later, probably at the motel. <<if hasVisited("Do some research.")>>Research has been completed.<<else>>[[Do some research.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\
“Or we can talk about you, Bradley ‘The One True Asshole’ Whittaker,” he glares at me, and I roll my eyes, “what? You’re going to bring up how we should tread carefully with you because you’re traumatized. Reality check, we all are. Now, I’m sorry about what happened to you and that we took so damn long to come and find you, but your attitude isn’t going to change shit.” “Stop talking to me like I’m some little kid!” he shouts. “Then stop acting like one,” I shout right back, noticing that a few officers nearby were looking our way. I sigh and slump down in the seat. I say nothing more as I cut the radio on, allowing the blaring rock music to fill the car as the two of us sit in silence. The other two needed to hurry up. They come back out thirty or so minutes later, Chris looking ready to throw up, while Rahim seems deep within his thoughts. “So?” I question, and Rahim shakes his head, a signal that he would tell me everything later, probably at the motel. <<if hasVisited("Do some research.")>>Research has been completed.<<else>>[[Do some research.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\
The sheriff nods, rubbing at his eye, “you’re right. I’m sorry for being so rude. What is it that you want to know?” Rahim, with nothing but compassion in his voice asks question after question and I write everything down. From what the sheriff was saying, the disappearances started up a month ago, the next one happening two weeks later, but since then has been a every week thing. They haven’t been able to figure out when the killer is going to strike, simply because it’s a random day out of the week. The only thing the disappearances had in common was that it happened at night, though where didn’t exactly line up. [[“What do you think it is?”][$albertfish = true]] [[“And there are no witnesses?”]] [[“Have any arrests been made?”]]
“You must have some idea about what’s doing this?” He wrinkles his brow and looks at me, “what? You mean who? I know it’s some sick pedophile. Probably a copycat who for god knows why got his inspiration from Albert Fish.” I glance over at Rahim, who nods his head, artfully motioning for me to put my attention back on the sheriff. <<include "WBN4_8_1">>
“And there are no witnesses? No one who saw anything?” “Nope. Well, there’s one, or we thought she was one. Cassidy Miller, her brother, was the first to go missing, and we found her in the middle of the woods near her house. We questioned her, but she was either too traumatized or seriously dazed and doesn’t remember anything.” <<include "WBN4_8_1">>
“Have any arrests been made of possible suspects?” “No. We arrest someone, and we learn they’re innocent, this town won’t care, and they’ll go on a witch hunt. We’re trying to be as careful and as swift as possible.” <<include "WBN4_8_1">>
<<if hasVisited("“I’ll take the lead.”")>>\ “One last question. The papers said that two children were found. Is it possible for us to get a look at them?” “No. You can go now.” “People deserve to know what’s going on here.” “And they will when we figure it out.” <<if $sympathetic >=50>>\ He goes to stand up, and I stop him, “please, I just want to help.” He runs his hands through his hair before going to his filing cabinet. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He slaps down a folder in front of me, and as I open the file, I immediately turn away, my stomach growing queasy. <<else>>\ He goes to stand up, and I stop him, “I’m guessing you already identified the kids, meaning the parents saw them. I could go ask them.” “You’re a horrible person,” he says, opening a filing cabinet and slapping down a folder in front of me. I give him a sarcastic smile as I open the file and turn away, my stomach growing queasy. <</if>>\ <<else>>\ “One last question,” Rahim says, “the papers said that two children were found. Is it possible for us to get a look at them? To better choose the language of our article. We don’t want anyone to panic, but we do need our readers informed.” He runs his hands through his hair before going to his filing cabinet. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He slaps down a folder in front of us, and as I open the file, I immediately turn away, my stomach growing queasy. <</if>>\ “Goodness,” Rahim says, bringing the file closer to him, “and you said the parents were able to identify them?” “Yea. By their clothes, that’s it. That’s … all they could do.” [[Look at the pictures.]] [[End the interview.]]
I take a deep breath in and look over the pictures resting in the file. The photo I had been greeted with was less of a child and more of a very humanlike doll that had been cut up. Feet, hands, knees, everything disconnected from the actual body. And there were even some parts that weren’t present. Bones stick out in deformed ways like someone had snapped certain areas strategically. <<if $nerve >=40>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $nerve +=5>><</nobr>>\ I move that one out of the way and get a closer look at the second. A bloody arm where the skin was no longer there. I was staring at a bone, some meat, and noticeable teeth indentations. I look through the others, ignoring the disembodied child and how much pain they had to have gone through if they weren’t immediately killed before this had all happened. <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $nerve -=5>><</nobr>>\ My stomach could hardly handle the first, there is no way I wish to see what else lies in this packet. Trying to contain the swelling emotions and the want to vomit, I move away and allow Rahim to do the rest. <</if>>\ Once we were done, we thank the sheriff who tells us to leave, and we do just that. “Well, that was informing.” “Indeed, we’ll discuss everything we learned back at the motel.” <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.")>>Research has been completed.<<else>>[[Do some research.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\
<<if hasVisited("“I’ll take the lead.”")>>\ “Well, can’t say you didn’t try and warn me, I suppose,” I tell him with an ingenuine smile, getting to my feet, “we have all that we need.” “Good, can’t say it was a pleasure.” I shrug and nod in agreement, Rahim and I both turning to leave. <<else>>\ “Thank you for your time, sir. I do hope that you and your officers bring this … monster, to justice.” The sheriff nods his thanks and sees us out. <</if>>\ “Well, that was informing.” “Indeed, we’ll discuss everything we learned back at the motel.” <<if hasVisited("Go and speak to the locals.")>>You have spoken to the locals.<<else>>[[Go and speak to the locals.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.")>>Research has been completed.<<else>>[[Do some research.][$visit +=1]]<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Do some research.", "Go and speak to the locals.", "Go and look at the evidence.")>>\ [[Reconvene.|WBN5]] <</if>>\
We reconvene in a motel room of what I can definitely say is the nicest motel I’ve ever been in. Though, their choice in bed comforters were less than eye-catching. The floral patterns clashed violently with the patterned rug, causing me to grimace every time my eyes chose to rest on them. “So, what do you know?” Rahim begins, carrying an air about him that made me believe he had already figured this entire thing out. For someone who said they didn’t hunt much, he sure seemed like a professional. We had each put what we learned out and was now trying to all get on the same page. “This started a month ago and every week another child is taken, meaning that sometime starting tomorrow through the week, another kid is going to be taken,” I start, not even attempting to see if my other <<if $cp>>companions<<else>>companion<</if>> wanted to take the lead. “The victims are all children and pretty much preteens, and it’s happening at night. Two kids were found … eaten?” I question, looking at Rahim who nods. “There were bite marks on multiple parts of the body. Not to mention that the areas not seen could have been digested completely.” <<if $cp>>\ “I am so gonna be sick,” Chris mumbles, waving our words away as he holds his stomach with his other hand. “This job isn’t for the queasy,” Rahim reminds him, and I’m taken back to the moment a bucket of organs had dropped onto me. <</if>>\ “So, do we think this is supernatural related?” Bradley inquires. “It sounds like it can still go either way,” I answer, “it can either be some sick bastard or some supernatural creature that’s feeding on kids. I’m sure there’s plenty of those.” Rahim nods. “Okay, but what are we thinking?” Bradley continues. [[“I think it’s supernatural.”]] [[“I think it’s something else.”]] [[“Would you send us on a non-supernatural hunt?”][$rahimp +=1]]
“I think it’s supernatural. We don’t have enough evidence to say that it’s not and so I’m willing to give this the benefit of the doubt. Humans are inherently creatures of habit, whether we like to think it or not. Even if this was a person, picking their targets randomly, they wouldn’t just mix it up like this. Doing that is the best way to get caught.” “I disagree,” Bradley says, “supernaturals are far more likely to stick to a certain pattern. Humans are adaptable, and maybe that’s what they had to do here to avoid getting caught.” <<include "WBN5_0_1">>
“I think it’s something else. We don’t have enough evidence pointing to supernatural,” I answer, beginning to pace. Even as I answer, I still feel like there was so much we didn’t know. <<include "WBN5_0_1">>
“You seem like you already figured it out, so would you send us on a non-supernatural hunt?” With a sly smile, Rahim shrugs his shoulders and relaxes in his chair, “some hunts end up not being as paranormal as you think. It’s part of the job.” “In other words, ‘find out, $name.’” He doesn’t reply but the smile that he still wears tells me all that I need to know. <<include "WBN5_0_1">>
“We need more information,” I claim. “That works,” Rahim agrees, standing up, “would you like to command your troops or me?” I pout, knowing that this is probably another test. Though, this could just be Rahim trying to see if I thought myself as the leader of this group. [[“You can do it.”][$rahimp +=1]] [[“I got it.”]]
“You can do it,” I tell him, mostly because I didn’t really know what we should do next, besides sleep that is. He nods and turns to Bradley first. “Bradley, stay here and do as much research as you can. See what you can find.” <<include "WBN5_0_2">>
“I got it,” I tell him, standing but not knowing what to say. What else was there to do? We had done enough and besides sleep and just try to speak to some people tomorrow, like Cassidy, I didn’t know what else to do. I turn to Rahim who seems like he was less than shocked at my silence. He stands and addresses Bradley first, “Bradley, stay here and do as much research as you can. See what you can find.” <<include "WBN5_0_2">>
<<if $albertfish>>\ “Also,” I add, “look up a man named Albert Fish. The sheriff said that the killer might be a copycat.” <</if>>\ Bradley nods his head and immediately goes to grab his laptop, getting comfortable on one of the three existing beds. <<if $cp>>\ “Chris,” Rahim diverts his attention, “there’s a college party going on, and I’m sure more of the popular high schoolers will be in attendance, head there.” “But isn’t there a curfew?” he asks. “I doubt anyone cares. Plus, the killer isn’t going after adults, college students have little to worry about. $name, you can go with him if you like.” <</if>>\ “And what will you be doing?” I question. “I won’t be doing nothing if that’s why you’re asking. I’m going to go to the local bar, see if I can learn anything.” [[Go with Rahim.|WGBRahim]] [[Stay with Bradley.|WGBBradley]] <<if $cp>>[[Go with Chris.|WGBChris]]<</if>>
I tell Rahim that I’ll be joining him and we head out<<if $cp>>, dropping Chris off before we head towards the bar<</if>>. It’s like any other bar, though this one carries with it an American colonial theme. With Rahim leading, we head to the bar counter and take a seat, both of us ordering soda for the first round. I nudge him and nod towards the area in the back where a sign reads ‘Parent Meeting.’ “I guess I was right. Nothing like a bunch of drunken and angry parents to figure out how to catch a killer.” He hums as he observes them, “doesn’t seem like they’ve started yet. I suppose they’re still waiting. We’ll wait for them. Get closer once we see them begin.” After that, we both grow quiet. I leave it to Rahim to start up a conversation, but he says nothing, his attention on the parents in the back. “Alright,” I start, clearing my throat and finally seeming to garner Rahim’s attention, “this is going to get pretty boring, pretty fast.” “What is?” “This. This silence. It’s going to drive me crazy. Staring at them isn’t going to speed the process up.” “We need to focus,” he reminds me in a monotonous voice. I frown as I gaze around, watching as a group at the far end of the bar laugh as they play beer pong. “I got it. Let’s play a drinking game.” “I say we need to focus and you,” he glances over at me, “offer to play a drinking game?” [[“You’re right, let’s focus.”][$rahimp +=1; $stubborn -=5]] [[“Come on, lighten up!”][$stubborn +=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Reasonable ++</span><</if>> I roll my eyes but give up trying to persuade him, “you’re right, let’s just focus. Let’s sit here in silence and stare at people because … focusing …” Rahim says nothing more, and we do exactly what he says, focus. I order two more drinks while we wait for the last few members to come in, and once they do, we both move to a table closer to them. <<include "WBN5_2">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Stubborn ++</span><</if>> “Come on, Rahim, lighten up. Or are you always this stiff?” I was hoping that the challenge would be enough to encourage him, but he continues to drink and stare off into empty space. It would seem that that was a yes. I prepare to call the bartender over when Rahim finally speaks, “what game?” “You’re willing to play?” “Hurry up before I change my mind.” “Never have I ever?” “And pray tell how someone plays that.” I begin to answer when I pause, “that’s like one of the most common drinking games ever, and yet, I’m not shocked that you know nothing about it.” “I’ll take that as a compliment. Can you explain now?” “We start off with ten shots and go back and forth, stating things we’ve never done. If you have done it, then you have to take a shot, if not then we just keep going. You’ll say never have I ever, and then whatever you’ve never done. The first person to finish all their shots is the loser.” “Simple enough, shall I start?” Rahim questions, calling over the bartender. I shrug my shoulders as the bartender pours the twenty shots, and Rahim turns to me. “Never have I ever played this game.” A devilish grin spreads across his face as soon as I frown and reach for the shot glass. “Alright, I can play dirty,” I tell him, “never have I ever teleported somewhere.” I send his grin right back at him as he grabs his first shot and takes it. “Fine, I get your point.” He looks around, attempting to think of one, “never have I ever been fired from a job.” [[Take a shot.|NHE_Job][$shot_job = true]] [[Don’t take a shot.|NHE_Job]]
<<if $shot_job>>\ I take the shot. Rahim observes me carefully, “do I want to know? Is that part of the game, telling stories?” “It can be if you want. But it’s a pretty dull tale. Let’s just say that I deserved it.” <<else>>\ I don’t take the shot and Rahim nods, though whether it was because he was beginning to understand the game, or because he was impressed, I don’t know. <</if>>\ “My turn. Never have I ever …” [[“… gotten kicked out of a bar.”]] [[“… hitchhiked.”]] [[“… been in a threesome.”][$RRomance +=1]]
“Never have I ever gotten kicked out of a bar.” My mouth hangs open as Rahim takes the shot, putting me in the lead. “Whoa, what happened?” “It wasn’t my fault,” he says in disgust, “a misunderstanding is all. I even told the man that I would pay for the damages to avoid further complications.” “Damages?” He waves my question away as he taps his fingers on the surface of the counter, “never have I ever played a video game.” [[Take a shot.|NHE_VG][$shot_vg = true]] [[Don’t take a shot.|NHE_VG]]
“Never have I ever hitchhiked.” <<if hasVisited("“I’d pick you up.”")>>\ “You will not let that go, will you?” he questions, the first sight of a smile appearing on his face. “I don’t think I will.” He reaches for his shot glass, but at the last minute pulls his hand back and smirks. <</if>>\ “You forget, I have wings. I have no need to hitchhike.” He hums as he taps his fingers on the surface of the counter, “never have I ever played a video game.” [[Take a shot.|NHE_VG][$shot_vg = true]] [[Don’t take a shot.|NHE_VG]]
“Never have I ever been in a threesome.” “Is it normal for this game to be, rated R?” he asks, and I shrug my shoulders with an interested and smug smile. He shakes his head, not moving, “I am a … one partner type of man.” He doesn’t give me time to respond as he taps his fingers on the surface of the counter, “never have I ever played a video game.” [[Take a shot.|NHE_VG][$shot_vg = true]] [[Don’t take a shot.|NHE_VG]]
“Never?” I ask, “not even the mobile app games?” “Never. Mostly because I am never in a position to play them, either too busy or not around the correct devices to play them. I’ve been curious, but I don’t have the time.” <<if $shot_vg>>\ I take a shot, thinking up of my next one. <<else>>\ I don’t take a shot, and Rahim raises a brow, “you lie.” “Nope. I never played a video game, but I have played board games. My uncle was big on them and loved having family nights where me and him would just sit around playing. App wise, I just never had the time or want. I downloaded one once, but never played it.” <</if>>\ [[“Never have I ever been to heaven.”]] [[“Never have I ever said, ‘I love you’ without meaning it.”][$RRomance -=1]] [[“Never have I ever faked an orgasm.”][$RRomance +=1]]
“Never have I ever been to heaven,” I state. “I haven’t either,” he tells me with a shrug, “the outskirts, yes. But not Elysium itself. Do not mistake my angelic nature for someone that Elysium would accept. I am still every inch of the horrid beast that they believe I am.” His eyes grow downcast, and he picks at the chipped wood of the bar, “I am only here to fulfill a purpose. One I know almost nothing about.” He clears his throat, “never have I ever broken a bone.” [[Take a shot.|NHE_Bone][$shot_bone = true]] [[Don’t take a shot.|NHE_Bone]]
“Never have I ever said, ‘I love you’ without meaning it,” I smirk, looking to see if Rahim drinks. He stares straight ahead, his mind going elsewhere. “If you don’t mind, I’d rather this game come to an end. We should be focusing anyway.” And just like that, Rahim’s mask slides back onto his face. A mask that was almost as impervious as Sydero’s. He was once again silent and focused, and with a huff, I down the rest of the shots, shaking my head in sadness. We wait in silence for the last few members to come in, and once they do, we both move to a table closer to them. <a data-passage="WBN5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Never have I ever faked an orgasm,” I smirk, watching as Rahim laughs while reaching for his shot and taking it. “Oh, I need this story. Tell me what happened.” A redness appears on his light beige cheeks as he gazes at everything but me, “it’s embarrassing. It was consensual, yes, but,” Rahim laughs again, shaking his head in embarrassment, “she was … um, vocal, shall I say. I felt uncomfortable but she was enjoying herself, and I didn’t wish to hurt her feelings. And so, I faked one so that we could end it sooner.” “Rahim!” I shout, playfully nudging him. “We will never again speak of this. And to further avoid thinking of it, never have I ever broken a bone.” [[Take a shot.|NHE_Bone][$shot_bone = true]] [[Don’t take a shot.|NHE_Bone]]
<<if $shot_bone>>\ I take the shot with a sigh, and he looks me up and down as if that would help him figure out where. “My leg. <<if $uncledead>>My uncle felt horrible about it, and he never forgave himself for it. Though, I hope he did.<<else>>Let’s just say my uncle feels horrible about it, and he will never forgive himself.<</if>> Hmm … never have I ever …” <<else>>\ I shrug my shoulders as I think about the next one, “hmm … never have I ever …” <</if>>\ [[“… stolen something from a store.”]] [[“… pooped in a public bathroom.”]] [[“… fallen in love at first sight.”]]
“Never have I ever stolen something from a store.” Rahim doesn’t drink, and I shake my head with a light laugh. “No way, there’s no way you live this life and haven’t stolen something.” “You say that, and yet you haven’t.” “Touché.” Rahim prepares to ask another when movement catches his eye. I follow his gaze, watching as two people walk towards the meeting that looks ready to get underway. “I suppose this is where the game ends.” He glances over at the patiently waiting shot glasses. He opens his mouth to speak but then stops himself, shaking his head as he rises and wanders to a table closer to the group. I take two more of my shot glasses and follow him, sighing with a roll of my eyes. <a data-passage="WBN5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Never have I ever pooped in a public bathroom,” I laugh, doing so harder when I notice the look that Rahim sends my way. “I’m offended that you think I did,” he tells me, not reaching forward to grab one of the shot glasses. Rahim prepares to ask another when movement catches his eye. I follow his gaze, watching as two people walk towards the meeting that looks ready to get underway. “I suppose this is where the game ends.” He glances over at the patiently waiting shot glasses. He opens his mouth to speak but then stops himself, shaking his head as he rises and wanders to a table closer to the group. I take two more of my shot glasses and follow him, sighing with a roll of my eyes. <a data-passage="WBN5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.” He scratches the back of his neck nervously, a small smile encroaching on his face as he sits there. Before I can ask him anything, he reaches forward and takes a shot, his squinted-up eyes meeting mine. “May I ask who the lucky person was?” “Mmm an old friend who meant very much to a younger and more trusting me. But who hardly matters anymore, besides to remind me of a lesson learned.” Rahim prepares to ask another when movement catches his eye. I follow his gaze, watching as two people walk towards the meeting that looked like they were ready to get underway. “I suppose this is where the game ends.” He glances over at the patiently waiting shot glasses. He opens his mouth to speak but then stops himself, shaking his head as he rises and wanders to a table closer to the group. I take two more of my shot glasses and follow him, sighing with a roll of my eyes. <a data-passage="WBN5_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“Thank you for coming,” the lead man says, the entire bar seems to quiet down as he speaks, even those who were playing bar games in the corner. “I called this meeting because we need to come together and figure out a way to save our children from this monster. It has already taken six children from us. Some … some from their own homes.” I watch as some of those in attendance begin to cry, dabbing lightly at their eyes as some look ready to grab the torches and pitchforks. “The question is, how.” A cacophony of noise starts up as everyone begins to shout their ideas, most of them having to do with a neighborhood watch group that will patrol the streets every night. The leader seems to favor this idea more so than the others and begins to ask for recruits, most of the men, and only a few of the women volunteering. I tap my chin in thought, drifting off into my own mind as they continue on. “We’ll volunteer,” I blurt, eyes of the bar traveling to our table and Rahim staring at me, that mask of his well in place and making the task of knowing what he was thinking difficult. “Great, thank you for helping us out,” the man says. One of the other men coming over to share his contact information with me. I thank him, staying to hear what else they had to say before moving to leave. <a data-passage="WBN6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“You <<if $cp>>two<<else>>can<</if>> go, I’m going to stay here with Bradley.” <<if $cp>>The two nod<<else>>Rahim nods<</if>>, leaving me alone with the teen. <<if $bcure>>\ “I don’t need a babysitter,” Bradley chooses to point out as soon as the door closes. <<if $serious >=50>>\ “I’m not here to babysit you. I just rather stay than go.” “Tired of Rahim’s judgemental gaze on your back?” “<<if $cp>>And Chris’ too. Don’t forget him.<<else>>Immensely.<</if>>” He hums as his focus is put back onto his laptop. <<else>>\ “Ever think that maybe it’s me who needs the babysitter?” He lets out a small chortle, shaking his head as he puts his focus back on the laptop. <</if>>\ I did have ulterior movies for staying behind that had nothing to do with Bradley. This headache. This pulsing headache that has been visiting me time and time again is growing worse. At most, I find solace in the gaps existing between them. I have a sneaking suspicion that Zillah has something to do with it, especially since he’s been reticent since it seems to have begun. But then why now? It feels like too many questions are being asked and I, like always, have no answers. “Bradley.” I say his name before I realize what I’m doing and find it too late to go back now. “What’s up?” I hear him say, his hands still racing across the keyboard. “Are you scared of me?” <<if $pacifist >=50>>“Have you met yourself? The phrase ‘wouldn’t hurt a fly’ applies.”<<else>>“You do get this scary look when you’re in your violent mode. I’d pick you in a fighter game.”<</if>> “I’m serious,” I snort, “are you scared of what I can be?” He shrugs, “not really, but maybe that’s because of Sydero. She’s a cambion, and you don’t get a more dangerous combination than that. As long as you’re not some weird werewolf or vampire, then I’m fine with whatever you are.” He pauses, “are you scared?” [[“Yes.”|WGBBradleyYes][$nerve -=3]] [[“I don’t know anymore.”|WGBBradleyIDK]] [[“No.”|WGBBradleyNo][$nerve +=3]] <<else>>\ “For what?” Bradley inquires, his frown deepening as he glares at me. “Maybe I just want to hang out with you?” “We’re not talking about anything, so you might as well catch up to <<if $cp>>the others before they leave<<else>>Rahim before he leaves<</if>>.” <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>\ “Sometimes talking actually helps a lot. Even if I don’t understand or agree, ranting and getting whatever is off your chest may help.” “Trying to put that not yet acquired college degree to use?” The sarcastic smirk he wears vanishes, “stop trying to shrink me. If you want to stay here, you can, but we’re going to do it quietly.” “If that’s what you want,” I trail off, wanting to say more but finding that it may be wiser to just sit quietly. “What I want,” he snorts, shaking his head. <<else>>\ “Bradley, I just want -” “And I just wish you’d listen for once. Leave me alone. I’m trying to work.” <</if>>\ The silence that descends between the two of us grows and shows no sign of shifting to a more comfortable one. Part of me shouldn’t be surprised, but I can’t help but hope that maybe he’d be more forthcoming with his thoughts and feelings. I did have ulterior movies for staying behind that had nothing to do with Bradley. This headache. This pulsing headache that has been visiting me time and time again is growing worse. At most, I find solace in the gaps existing between them. I have a sneaking suspicion that Zillah has something to do with it, especially since he’s been reticent since it seems to have begun. But then why now? It feels like too many questions are being asked and I, like always, have no answers. <a data-passage="WBN6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“Yes.” “Why? You’ll learn what you are and then figure out how to control it if it needs controlling. You’ll still be you.” “Will I? Sydero turns into someone completely different when she’s a demon. Were-creatures do the same. What will make me different?” He seems unable to answer, not that I wait for one anyway. With that, neither of us says anything more, and I find myself falling asleep to the white noise of Bradley’s typing and clicking. <a data-passage="WBN6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I don’t know anymore. At one point, I thought I was fine with it, and then a minute later, I’m worried all over again. Now. Now I just want to figure it out and move on.” “Kind of hard for you to do that when you’re going to be living it.” “It can’t be too bad, right?” “You’ll be amazed at the supernaturals that exist,” he gives me an apologetic look, “it won’t matter, right? It’ll be you. And you know you.” He’s right but also wrong. Werewolves are taken over by their primal side. I’ve even seen Sydero being taken over by her supernatural side, so what will make me different? Neither of us says anything more, and I find myself falling asleep to the white noise of Bradley’s typing and clicking. <a data-passage="WBN6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“No. It’s like you said, well, not what you said but implied. It’s up to me to figure out what to do with what and who I am. I know who I am, so what’s there to fear?” Even though I believe in my words, something about them causes me to question their likeliness. What if I was something so borderline evil or could potentially become that? Then what? I don’t know enough about all of this to be comfortable with what the future may hold, and due to that, I worry. Neither of us says anything more, and I find myself falling asleep to the white noise of Bradley’s typing and clicking. <a data-passage="WBN6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The ride to the party is spent in awkward silence, one that makes all the other ones look standard. Seeing that neither of us wishes to speak to the other, I chose to cut a radio station on. After first being met with nothing but static noise, I finally find a decent station that seems to favor ads over actual music. So, that was the end of that. Next was rolling down the window, only to be hit with stale, stuffy warm air. And so, the windows were rolled up promptly after that. The only good part about the ride was that our destination wasn’t far from the motel that we had ended up at. The house that was hosting the party was like all the other colonial houses that we’ve been across, just in mansion form. As we walk towards the door, I spy a swimming pool and hear music coming from the direction. I don’t know when the party began, but it seemed like we were late, there already seemed to be more than one hundred people present. “Split up and see what we can find,” Chris sighs, immediately walking away from me and disappearing within the crowd. I stare after him before looking at my surroundings. <<if $optimistic >=50>>I could do this. The whole social thing with a bunch of strangers that I knew nothing about. Having to make it seem like I was one of them. It could be easier than I was making it seem. Despite whether I appreciated being back in Virginia or not, at least I knew of it. And I knew the college scene, my college was about three or four hours away, I could do this.<<else>>With eyes wide, I look around; I couldn’t do this. My mind was no longer trained to be a social butterfly, though I would never use such words to describe myself anyway. For all I know, half of the people at this party were supernaturals. Was it possible to smell a hunter? Did they know what they look like? Why was I worried about that in the first place?<</if>> I stand taller and head in, smiling and nodding my head as if this is a regular thing for me. I head towards the kitchen and grab a water bottle. After making sure it hasn’t been touched, I take a long sip from it and gaze around. That’s when my eyes land on the only familiar face at this party, Chris. Three girls hanging off of him like loose clothing, each with that typical college girl look. The look that said they were wishing to get laid that night. And he seems to be enjoying every bit of it. [[Approach him and remind him of our mission.][$chris -=2]] [[Mind my own business.]] <<if $CRomance >=5>>[[Two can play that game.]]<</if>>
I curse lowly and then make my way towards Chris and his three new girls. I plant myself in front of them, ignoring them as I glare at Chris. “Do I really need to remind you why we’re here?” “No, you don’t,” he growls, continuing to dance and willing me to walk away with the tone of his voice. “You sure? Because you sure are behaving like you forgot.” <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ “I’m just blending in, $name,” he says, taking a swig of the beer in his hands as a few girls push against me to get to him. I swallow, my eyes floating up to the ceiling, trying to refrain from choking anyone. <<else>>\ “I’m trying to forget that you’re here right now,” he groans, pulling one of the girls closer to him. I gaze at him, trying to refrain from slapping him over the head and dragging him to help me. <</if>>\ “Have fun then,” I say, turning around. I wasn’t about to go back empty-handed. Whether Chris understood this or not, children are dying and going missing, and we could help stop it. If he didn’t wish to, then that was his business. He won’t blame this on me. This was all him. <a data-passage="Mind my own business."><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\<<set $albertfish = true>><</nobr>>\ <<if hasVisited("Approach him and remind him of our mission.")>>After dealing with Chris, I concentrate<<else>>I finish the water bottle before concentrating<</if>> on why Rahim sent us here in the first place, to figure out if anyone here knows anything. I attempt to head somewhere a bit quieter, hoping to find party-goers who are more inclined to just sit around and chat than grind on each other to ear-drumming hip-hop. I venture through what I believe is the living and dining room, go through a hallway where I spot a couple making out, forgetting the world when I find myself in the study. Three other people are present, and I send up a silent prayer when I notice that none of them seem to be trying to get it on. “Needed a break too?” the first girl to notice me asks, her black hair teased to give her an 80’s punk style. Her makeup is done eccentrically, and her outfit only seals the deal, causing me to wonder why she’s here and not someplace else. [[“Yea, this isn’t really my scene.”]] [[“I’m hiding from an ex.”]] [[“Was just exploring.”]]
“Yea, this isn’t really my scene,” I tell her with a shrug of my shoulders, gazing around the study. I doubt any of the three people in this room was actually the host, and so I doubt they’ll attempt to kick me out. <<include "MindBusiness1">>
“I’m just hiding from an ex,” I tell her with a lackadaisical grin. “Preach, sweetie,” one of them says, holding up a beer bottle though they don’t seem particularly keen on finishing it off, “who knew three of the folks I’m talking to would be here.” “Maybe you should learn how to keep it in your pants,” the 80’s punk girl suggests. “That’s kind of hard to do, honey, when all of them just dive right in.” <<include "MindBusiness1">>
“Was just exploring,” I tell her with a forced smile. “More like you were trying to figure out what was worth stealing,” the only guy present points out. He sits at the desk, feet propped up on a stack of papers without care. If he was friends with the 80’s punk girl, then I couldn’t see it. <<include "MindBusiness1">>
“So, where are you from?” the one waving their beer bottle around questions, though their movements didn’t seem drunken like, they probably just enjoyed being extra. “George Mason Uni, one of my friends dragged me here.” “Well then, they dragged you a mighty long way. The Masons don’t have parties of their own?” “It’s Virginia Beach,” I reply, “who can say no?” They don’t argue that, sighing as they set their head on the back of the lounge couch that they’re sprawled across. “Any of you locals?” The one at the desk raises his hand, looking rather unhappy about it. “So you know about all the disappearances? About the missing kids?” I question. He gazes at me with an unimpressed look. “So you’re one of those sickos, huh? The ones who come down to our little old town because some poor kids suddenly begin to disappear.” “Wait, what?” the 80’s chick questions, looking from me to the boy, “fuck that. I want to know now. What’s going on around here?” He rolls his eyes, “cut on the news. Children are disappearing.” With a sick smile, he leans forward and whispers, “they say it’s the Boogieman.” “Oh dear,” Champagne sighs, “I am certainly not drunk enough for this.” <a data-passage="MindBusiness2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“So, what is it really?” the girl asks, “since you know, the Boogieman doesn’t exist.” He shrugs, “some say it’s just a sicko wandering around, even heard someone say it’s a psycho that sees inspiration in Albert Fish. But no one knows, no one has seen anyone, and there’s no proof.” “What do you think is happening?” I question, narrowing my gaze in interest. For the first time since we started speaking, his face changes, and he seems to seriously consider my question. “No idea. But I’m pretty sure it’s just some sicko that gets turned on by capturing kids.” With that conversation over, I get up and leave the study, going to search for Chris, who is harder to find than I would like. It takes another ten minutes to finally see him, a beer in hand and still dancing with the girls from earlier. [[Tell him it’s time to go.][$chris +=2]] [[Leave him there.][$chris -=2]]
I clench my eyes closed before pushing my way through the crowd until I get to Chris. “Chris,” I yell, my displeasure clear as my heart begins to rapidly beat. I tighten my hands around the keys as he pulls himself free from the girl draped over him. <<if $serious >=50>>\ “Are you serious right now? We’re supposed to be figuring out what happened, and you’re dirty dancing with a girl?” “And who the hell are you?” the girl questions with a raised brow, and I make it a point to ignore her. <<else>>\ “Find any lost children ...” I look the girl up and down, “in that?” I give him a sweet smile, “you might want to get closer. I’m sure you’ll find them soon or maybe end up even making some of your own.” “What the hell are you talking about?” the girl questions with a raised brow, and I make it a point to ignore her. <</if>>\ “It’s time to go. Either come on or get left.” I turn on my heel, not waiting to see if he follows me, mostly because I don’t care. The headache from earlier has returned, thrashing up against the walls of my head. <a data-passage="WBN6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
My hand travels down to my pocket, and I feel the cold metallic touch of my keys. I continue to stare at the man who<<if $CRomance >=5>> had just caused my feelings to become even more strained. We aren’t together, that much is true, but …<<else>>, if I had to guess, hasn’t done anything to help out with this investigation. We were trying to figure out why children are disappearing, and here he is, grinding against some random chick he’ll never see again.<</if>> I shake my head and tremble in pain as the headache from earlier comes back, thrashing up against the walls of my head. I turn on my heel and walk away, refusing to look back at that scene. Chris could find another way back because I definitely wasn’t going to be his ride. <a data-passage="WBN6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I raise a brow and make up my mind, two can play that game Chris Richardson, and truthfully, I believe I can play it better. Getting others to dance with me isn’t hard, all one has to do is start dancing. In little to no time at all, there’s a guy pressed up against me, swaying me with as the two of us rock our bodies to the music. I make sure I’m staged perfectly to where all Chris has to do is glance up and he’ll see me. I would have to behave as if I don’t see him or know that he’s even in the same vicinity. Two songs go by, and the guy goes off to find other partners. I glance towards Chris, if he’s bothered with what I had just done, he does a great job of hiding it. I growl, coming up with an idea … or two. [[Persuade a group of guys to help.]] [[Become center of attention.]]
I search for a group of guys that seem cool enough to agree, a task that’s hard to do when every guy is either grinding on someone or look like they would probably take it too far. <<if $gender is "male">>I also need to make sure whoever I find is comfortable with a guy dancing on them. Otherwise, that produces another problem I don’t have the patience in facing.<</if>> One duo grabs my attention, both of them relaxed as they lean up against a wall, watching those nearby dance with bored expressions. //I was crazy, that’s a given//, I think to myself as I plant myself before them. Two pairs of eyes travel to meet my $eyes ones. “This is going to sound crazy and weird, but I need to make a guy here jealous,” I tell them and motion my head towards Chris. They look before peering back at me. One, with a darling smile that can melt any heart of ice, turns to his friend, “I’m in. I’m bored out of mind just standing here.” “Is he a boyfriend? I’m not trying to end today with a black eye,” the other questions. “No. A … crush. And he started it, I’m just finishing it.” The other one shrugs in agreement. I tell them the plan, and once the song changes, we make our way to the middle. Though the two guys dance close to me knows this is fake, I can’t help but feel a surge of excitement racing through me. Both guys are attractive, and though this won’t go anywhere, it’s nice to be wanted, to have others gaze over at me with jealousy in their eyes. Soon, I end up forgetting my main objective, the want to just enjoy myself for a moment taking over. <img src="images/divider.png"> <<if $gender is "female">>\ It’s always funny just how fast tables can be turned and how a negligent asshole finally realizes they’re the problem. What’s even funnier is human pride and how realizations mean little to nothing when it comes face to face with that predicament. This is all to say that the ounce of joy that Chris had been feeling was totally obliterated as soon as he saw $name dancing against those two men. He wasn’t stupid. He knew what $name was doing and hated to say how effective it was. <<else>>\ It’s always funny just how fast tables can be turned and how a negligent asshole finally realizes that they’re the problem. What’s even funnier is human pride, and how realizations mean little to nothing when it comes face to face with that predicament. And, if it wasn’t too much, how hilarious one finds themselves accepting sexuality at the worst of times. As soon as he saw $name dancing with the two guys it didn’t matter what his father said. It didn’t matter what anyone thought. All he understood was that $name was dancing with someone else and that was pissing him off. <</if>>\ What was he doing? He takes a step back, noting how the girl doesn’t even realize he has stepped off. Reality sets in, and the need for fresh air overtakes him. He leaves the building behind, leaning against the cold brick, hoping to gather thoughts that refuse to settle. He really needed to gather these thoughts and figure out what he wanted and needed. <a data-passage="WBN5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I wasn’t the cockiest person in the world, but I did have my moments. Some moments are far more embarrassing than others, though. The important thing is that I knew how to grab the attention of a room. I wait until the song changes, letting the beat take over my body as I begin thinking about all the dance moves I’ve learned in my life. As a teen, I took a few dance classes, mostly due to my uncle saying that I needed to do more and those classes being one of the things we both thought of at the time. Every second that passes, I feel more and more eyes shift towards me. I’m given more room as people begin to cheer me on, causing me to laugh to myself as I continue dancing, going harder and faster. I was no longer in control of my body, the music was guiding my every step, my every twitch and move. After a while, I forget what I was doing, and I just let go. <img src="images/divider.png"> Chris’s movements slow as he watches $name, along with everyone else. His eyes follow ?his every move. The sight taking him back to days in the dorm. He knew $name had taken dance lessons, he had seen $name dancing plenty of times in the room and couldn’t help but pause and watch, making sure not to disturb ?him. The one thing he’s always wanted was to be dancing with ?him though. <<if $gender isnot "female">>Funny, how one can trace back the moments of their questioning sexuality.<</if>> What was he doing? He takes a step back, noting how the girl doesn’t even realize he has stepped off. Though her eyes are on $name as much as everyone else’s. Reality sets in, and the need for fresh air overtakes him. He leaves the building behind, leaning against the cold brick, hoping to gather thoughts that refuse to settle. He really needed to gather these thoughts and figure out what he wanted and needed. <a data-passage="WBN5_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/divider.png"> <<if hasVisited("Become center of attention.")>>\ After the song goes off, I stop and, with a goofy smile, thank all those who start applauding me. I leave the circle and look back towards where I last saw Chris, only to see that he had disappeared. I search everywhere for him, checking my phone and going outside to see if he’s waiting by the car. For all I know, he hadn’t seen anything. The dance was exhilarating, but it’s for nothing if Chris didn’t seen anything. <<else>>\ After the song goes off, I stop and, with a goofy smile, thank the two guys. “I hope it works out for you,” one of them whispers in my ear, “but just a bit of advice. Jealousy isn’t always the best way.” I nod my head, not needing a lecture from some stranger about something I already know. I leave their presence and look back towards where I last saw Chris, only to see that he had disappeared. I search everywhere for him, checking my phone and going outside to see if he was waiting by the car. For all I know, he hadn’t seen anything. The dance was exhilarating, but it’s for nothing if Chris didn’t seen anything. <</if>>\ I check the time and gaze around; Chris is gone, and my heart feels like it’s in my throat. I wanted nothing more than to call it a night. I call Chris, text him, and after being ignored, just choose to go home alone. He’s a big boy, he knows how to get back to the motel. When I get back to the motel, I attack the nearest empty bed, laying across it like it’s my personal sanctuary. At the moment, it was. Bradley is already fast asleep, <<if $bcure>>snoring blissfully and taking up most of the bed that he had claimed as his. I haven’t seen him sleep like that in some time. Mostly because in the past, he never slept. Now, he’s always sleeping, though it’s no longer because of his traumatizing events.<<else>>curled up in a tight ball with a pillow in his grip. I watch as he twitches, his breathing picking up before going back to normal, only to rise once again. This continues on for some time, and I, being able to do nothing, turn my back to him. <</if>> I stare up at the ceiling, getting my thoughts together, getting my mind off a headache that refuses to leave. <<if hasVisited("Two can play that game.")>> I need to get my mind off of Chris and the issues that are springing up left and right between us. I have to focus on the mission, not him.<</if>> I close my eyes for just a minute, and somewhere along the line, I end up falling asleep. <a data-passage="WBN6"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I rise the next day with my headache subsiding, only having to deal with a light pulse that I could easily tune out if need be. I gaze around the small room, finding Bradley still sleeping in the position I saw him in before I had drifted off. <<if $cp>>Chris is back and sleeping on the sofa, his clothes from last night still on.<</if>> I see no sign of Rahim, but after wandering around the room, notice the door ajar, and peek outside. I spot him in a small grassy clearing next to a streetlight, looking to be stretching. With a light yawn and a ravenous stomach, I make my way towards him, sitting a ways off as he continues his routine. “You normally wake up this early?” I ask, grabbing my phone to check the time, it was about to be ten. I feel like I should still be in bed. “I rarely sleep,” he tells me, expertly doing a handstand and holding the position, “so, I suppose that is a yes, to your question.” He finally comes back down and sits like a normal person, glancing at me. “So far, what are you thinking in terms of the hunt? What do you think it is?” [[“Something we haven’t come across yet.”]] [[“A human.”]] [[“A spirit of some sort.”]]
“I’m thinking it’s something we haven’t come across yet,” I begin, raising a brow as he just hums in acknowledgment, “but I’m guessing you have.” <<include "WBN6_1">>
“Honestly, all signs are pointing to a human,” I begin, raising a brow as he just hums in acknowledgment, “but I’m guessing you know better.” <<include "WBN6_1">>
“My best guess is that it’s a spirit of some sort,” I begin, raising a brow as he just hums in acknowledgment, “but I’m guessing you have another idea.” <<include "WBN6_1">>
“Perhaps, but this hunt isn’t about me.” “But these children. What if we’re to slow? Are you okay with another one being taken just so you can properly assess us?” Rahim stares at me, holding my gaze for a few seconds longer before responding, “sometimes hunters fail, and horrible things come from it. If that’s what this comes to, then so be it. Let that be a lesson to you.” <<if $sympathy >=50>>I open my mouth to object, but he stops me with a raised hand and by getting to his feet. “Don’t try and shift the blame to me, if I wasn’t here and this was your hunt, then who would you blame? The cops? The parents? Take responsibility for whatever happens. That’s just one of the many lessons to learn about this life.” He walks past me and back towards our motel room, leaving me to think.<<else>>I narrow my gaze and think about what he said. It was a hard pill to swallow, but, in a way, he was right. There could be a hundred ‘what if’ scenarios that came out of this hunt. What if we fail? What if we succeed? What if we had never come upon this hunt? If no one did? What would have happened to all the children?<</if>> After visiting the motel’s breakfast bar and sating my howling stomach, I head back to the room to see everyone up and about. Bradley’s laptop sits in his stomach, his eyes widening in hope when he sees the unopened muffin in my hands. [[Toss it to him.][$bradley +=3]] [[Ignore him.][$bradley -=3]]
I toss it to him, shocked when he catches it, and less shocked when he rips into it like a wild animal. As long as he was eating, I was good. <<include "WBN6_1_1">>
I ignore him as I continue further into the room, sitting down on the bed that I claimed yesterday. <<include "WBN6_1_1">>
<<if hasVisited("Two can play that game.")>>\ I raise a brow as I look over at Chris, who, by the way, is doing a great job at acting like I don’t exist. “Where did you go yesterday? I called and texted, and you never replied.” “Went to take a look at the neighborhoods, see if I could find anything suspicious or any kind of clue.” “And did you?” Rahim questions. “No weird vans. No weird people. It seemed normal. Cops were patrolling the streets though, that was it.” Rahim’s eyes travel over to me, “and you? Find out anything at the party?” I press my lips together as last night’s events come back to me. After I realized Chris was gone, I left too. Far more focused on making him jealous than actually finding out anything new. The silence is all that Rahim needs to answer his own question, rolling his eyes. “Well, you can join me later tonight with the newly formed neighborhood watch group.” “The what?” Chris questions. “At the bar, a group decided that the best course of action was to form a neighborhood watch to patrol the streets at night to try and disrupt the weekly pattern. I volunteered us, excluding Bradley.” <<elseif hasVisited("Leave him there.")>>\ “Oh, good morning, $name,” Chris says sarcastically, every word dripping with it, “thanks for leaving me at the party. Very mature of you.” <<if $serious >=50>>“Like it was mature of you to waste your time drinking and dancing with a bunch of women? Did you even learn anything? Or did you just let go?” I ask, and he rolls his eyes without answering, avoiding Rahim’s gaze.<<else>>“Thanks,” I lightly chuckle with a good-natured smile, “you used a condom, I hope.” My words cause Rahim to choke on the water he’s drinking and Bradley to snicker, causing Chris’s cheeks to redden.<</if>> <<if hasVisited("Approach him and remind him of our mission.")>>\ “I really hope you enjoyed it, though,” I say with a petty smile, “dancing with some pretty girls that you can relate to. Being able to remember the good ol’ days, you know the ones you’d rather go back to because everything and everyone in your current life is so fucked up.” I pause, taking a deep breath in as I try to reel my foul mood back in. I really didn’t want to have this conversation with Rahim and Bradley just feet away. <</if>>\ “Tell me, Chris. Did you find anything out?” I ask<<if $chris >=50>>.<<else>>, and he rolls his eyes without answering, avoiding Rahim’s gaze.<</if>> <<if $chris >=50>>\ “Actually, I did,” he says with a smile that practically translates to 'check mate.' <</if>>\ “And did you?” Rahim questions me. “Yea, and you?” “Less discovering and more planning. At the bar, a group decided that the best course of action was to form a neighborhood watch to patrol the streets at night to try and disrupt the weekly pattern. I volunteered us, excluding Bradley.” <<else>>\ <<if $cp>>\ Rahim takes a long sip of his drink before glancing over at Chris, “learn anything at the party?” <<if $chris >=50>>He nods, “the Albert Fish stuff mostly and what everyone thought was happening. Some stuff may be helpful, but I doubt it. You two?”<<else>>He blushes, “not really.” Leaving it at that, he shifts the focus, “how about you two?”<</if>> “Less discovering and more planning. At the bar, a group decided that the best course of action was to form a neighborhood watch to patrol the streets at night to try and disrupt the weekly pattern. I volunteered us, excluding Bradley.” <<else>>\ “Bradley, tonight $name and I will be joining a group that decided the best course of action was to form a neighborhood watch to patrol the streets at night, every night to try and disrupt the weekly pattern. You’ll stay here.” <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<if $bcure>>\ “Why exclude me?” he asks with a raised brow. “You’re close in age to those going missing. I’m not about to use you as bait.” Bradley shrugs as if to say he understood. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN6_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“I have some information too,” Bradley starts, turning his laptop to us, “<<if $albertfish>>remember when you guys told me to look up that Albert Fish guy? Well, I’d like you to meet him.”<<else>>while doing some digging, I came across this man. Meet Albert Fish.”<</if>> A black and white photo of an older man glares back at us. “Aka the Boogieman.” “What do you mean?” I question. “Albert Fish is a notorious serial killer, known for kidnapping and get this, eating children. He was put to death in 1936 by the electric chair. No one has any idea how many kids fell victim to him. They know of three because of evidence and confession, but the kids he targeted have no records because they had no homes ... there’s no way to know how many.” “And they called him the Boogieman?” I ask. “Some of the children did. It’s not that the Boogieman legend came from him, but it did get me thinking. The Boogieman lore all revolves around misbehaving kids being visited by the monster that lives underneath their bed. It’s in more than one culture, and no one can actually pinpoint what the Boogieman does. I mean, there’s El Coco, the Spanish version. The Japanese one, the Namahage. And then there’s Oude Rode Ogen and L’uomo Nero. They have their individual characteristics but are all surrounding the idea of misbehaving children being punished.” [[“Sydero said the Boogieman doesn’t exist.”]] [[“The what and the who?”]]
I raise a finger to stop Bradley, “Sydero said the Boogieman doesn’t exist.” Rahim snorts, “she also doesn’t think Bigfoot is real.” “He’s real?” I question slack-jawed. “They, first of all. And thriving actually, along the northwest region anyway.” <<include "WBN6_2_1">>
I raise a finger to stop Bradley, “the what and the who?” “We don’t have time for this, $name,” he tells me, “just know that different cultures have different names for them. Like the Namahage, the Japanese version, a demonic creature believed to steal crops, young women, and children. The Oude Rode Ogen is thought to come in the shape of a black dog with piercing red eyes and is thought to eat kids alive. That one actually has a sad backstory. But you get the picture.” <<include "WBN6_2_1">>
“And you think we’re dealing with a Boogieman?” “It matches up, right?” Bradley asks, looking from me to Rahim. “We have no idea,” I answer, upon sensing that Rahim wouldn’t, “we don’t know anything about the kids … besides one … That Cassidy girl. What all did we learn about her again?” <<if $cp>>Stretching out along the sofa, Chris sighs as he answers me, “not much. Just<<else>>“Not much,” Bradley answers, “just<</if>> that she started acting weird when her little brother was born and is believed to have hated him. He was the first kid to go missing, and police found her in the woods but no trace of him.” “I think it’s about time we go and speak to her.” The others nod, and we leave to find out more about her location. <a data-passage="WBN6_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
It takes a lot of asking around, a lot of lies and half-truths, to finally learn the whereabouts of Cassidy Miller. She sticks out in a park full of playing kids and watchful parents. As we wander over, I notice that she’s drawing feverishly, her pencil flying across the paper in every direction. If I didn’t catch sight of the sketching, I would have thought she was scribbling instead. “Cassidy?” I ask, getting her attention. She jumps to the other side of the bench she’s sitting on, her eyes wide as she looks from me to Rahim<<if $cp>> and then to Chris.<<else>>.<</if>> “Sorry to scare you, we actually wanted to talk to you. If that’s okay.” <<if hasVisited("“New in town, parents just moved my brother and me here.”") or hasVisited("“Just a visitor, my parents and little brother live here.”")>>\ “I know you,” she begins, “you were at the café, asking about the disappearances. You have a brother, right? You wanted to know what was going on so that you could better protect him?” I nod, and she huffs tiredly, “well, as long as he’s not an asshole, then he should be fine.” I glance at <<if $cp>>the others, all of us thinking the same thing.<<else>>Rahim, wondering if we were thinking the same thing.<</if>> “And why would you say that? Was your little brother an asshole?” She visibly stiffens, “I should go.” I stop her, sighing as I sit down next to her. “We want to help stop this.” <<else>>\ “I know you,” she begins, “you were at the café, asking about the disappearances. You said that you wanted to help, and the others ran you off, right?” I nod, and she looks around nervously, probably wondering if she should continue speaking to me. “I … I should go.” “Wait,” I start, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder as I guide her back down to the bench and sit beside her, “I was serious when I said I wanted to help.” <</if>>\ “So, why aren’t you stopping it? Why are you talking to me?” “We think you can help us out.” She immediately shakes her head, trembling as she looks at us, “I … I don’t know what’s going on. I just know my brother is missing.” <<if $perception >=10>>“You sure?” I ask with a raised brow, “you said it, not him, her, or they.” She shifts in her seat, looking to get ready to run again.<</if>> [[“I think you know exactly what’s going on.”][$sympathy -=5]] [[“We’re just here to learn more, please help us.”][$sympathy +5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Disdain ++</span><</if>> “With everything that’s been going on, I think you know exactly what’s going on. You want to know why?” I ask not caring if she nodded or shook her head. “From what we know, you started acting weird around the same time your brother went missing. You also hated him. Not to mention that the cops found you wandering the woods the same night he went missing.” “What are you saying?” she shouts, causing a few glances to travel over to us. <<if $cp>>\ “You know what, move,” Chris growls, pulling me up by the collar of my shirt and dragging me out of the way so that he could sit instead. “Hey Cassidy,” he starts, “I’m Chris. I’m sorry about ?him, ?he’s trying this new thing called being an asshole to everyone.” I open my mouth, but Rahim gingerly clears his throat. “I’m an only child, but I do have people in my life that are pretty much like family to me. And I know how easy it is to fight and hate someone for something they said or did. And I know if something bad happens to them how horrible I would feel and how much I would regret what I said. It’s not a crime to be mad at someone, Cassidy.” He chuckles to himself, “and I also know a little something about seeing things that others would say aren’t real. Trust me when I say that we won’t judge you for it, whatever you tell us you saw, we’ll believe you.” “What are you, Ghosthunters?” Chris pauses, “more like monster hunters.” “Oh, like the video game?” He snickers, “yea, just like that. So, can you tell us what you know?” <<else>>\ “First off, bring it down a notch,” I tell her, “calm down. We’re not saying you have anything to do with this, but we can’t stop what’s going on if we don’t even know what we’re after.” “What are you, Ghosthunters?” I pause, “more like monster hunters.” “Oh, like the video game?” “Yea,” I snicker, “just like that. So, can you tell us what you know?” <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN6_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Sympathy ++</span><</if>> “And that’s enough, Cassidy. Enough for us to want to ask you what you know. We’re not here to blame you for anything or say that it’s your fault, we just need to know what’s going on and to learn more so that we can help out. Don’t you want to stop this?” “You wouldn’t believe me,” she mumbles, and I snicker in reply. “You’d be surprised at all the things we’ve seen.” //And the things some of us are//, I think to myself, swallowing that thought and giving her another smile, “I can assure you that whatever you say, we’ll believe.” “What are you, Ghosthunters?” I pause, “more like monster hunters.” “Oh, like the video game?” “Yea,” I snicker, “just like that. So, can you tell us what you know?” <a data-passage="WBN6_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“What would you like to know?” “Everything. If you can, start from the beginning.” She nods and begins to fidget with her sketchbook, “a while back, my little brother broke one of my mom’s favorite vases. He was terrified of getting in trouble since it was an accident, and so when mom asked us, I took the blame. I told him that I got his back … that I always would. But, after that, he started blaming everything on me. I would tell my parents that he was lying, and they would never believe me,” she wipes at her eyes as her voice catches, her trembling starting up again. “It got worse and worse until he didn’t even need to blame me, they just believed it was me. I was always in trouble, and I couldn’t do anything. I … I hated him,” she cries, “my mom and dad didn’t believe me and would always talk about how much I was messing up and how I was just doing this for attention. And so I told him, I told him that if he kept doing it, then the Boogieman was going to get him. I looked some stuff up and started to scare him.” I watch as she steels herself, but the tears flow; nevertheless, her eyes locked onto the grassy spot in front of her. <<if $cp>>I look at the other two, both silent as she continues her story.<<else>>I turn to look back at Rahim, his eyes meet mine before going back to Cassidy.<</if>> “I guess I scared him because he stopped. And for a while, everything was great, I … I thought that I was finally going to be able to be happy and that everything was going to be okay. But then, a month ago, he took our dad’s gun and accidentally fired it. The neighbors called the cops, and when they came over, he said that it was me. He said that I had gone into our parent’s room and played with it.” Her weeping picks up once again. “I got into so much trouble, I couldn’t go to my friend’s birthday party, and everyone at school started to call me a liar and a freak. They said that I was going to shoot up the school with the gun but was stopped just in time. And I was all alone. And so, I went into his room, and I drew a symbol and later showed it to him and said that the Boogieman was going to come that night and eat him. That night I heard him scream and … and when I went into his room saw him being dragged out the window by that thing. I tried to get him back, but I couldn’t. I lost him.” She breaks down once again, her entire face wet from tears as she lets it all out. <<if $sympathy >=50>>I bring her closer to me, hugging her and trying to calm her down as she continues to cry. The first to move is Rahim, walking to the other side of the bench and to the open sketchbook. He flips through the pages, sketch after sketch of a dark figure with red piercing eyes, and a lanky body glares back. He stops on one page that has a collage of symbols on it.<<else>>We stand there oddly, not knowing how to calm the young girl. The first to move is Rahim, walking to the other side of the bench and to the open sketchbook. He flips through the pages, sketch after sketch of a dark figure with red piercing eyes, and a lanky body glares back. He stops on one page that has a collage of symbols on it.<</if>> “Cassidy, which is the symbol you drew on the wall?” she moves and scans the page. Tapping a symbol with three crooked arms attached to a circle, “it was that one. I saw it on the internet and decided to use it.” <a data-passage="WBN6_5"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Back at the car, I lean forward, squinting as I try to wrap my mind around what Bradley had just told us over the phone. “Are you sure, Bradley?” “For the last time, yes,” he <<if $bcure>>sighs dramatically, “that symbol you sent me is a summoning one, classic witch shit.”<<else>>groans, “stop asking me stupid questions.”<</if>> “Sorry, I’m just having a hard time picturing that little girl summoning the Boogieman.” “It’s not hard, honestly,” he tells me, “it’s easy to find most of this stuff on the internet. Most of it is just out there for anyone to find.” “He’s right,” Rahim tells me, “hiding in plain sight, really. You go to a forum discussing a werewolf, and you find people saying that they are one and fact-checking others. Most people will assume they’re a troll, or they’re just crazy.” “Alright, fine. Can someone tell me how we kill the Boogieman then? Because he’s killed six children since he’s been here with no signs of stopping.” “I’ve got good news and bad news regarding the answer to that. Which you want first?” [[“Good news, let’s have it.”][$optimistic +=5]] [[“Always the bad news first, give it to us.”][$optimistic -=5]]
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Optimistic ++</span><</if>> “To un-summon the creature, we just need to recite this old nursery rhyme.” “Are you saying that I just have to sing the creature into disappearing?” “Yes and no. Yes to the singing, no to you. The person who does it has to be the person who summoned the creature to begin with. And it has to be when its guard is down, so when it’s about to feed.” “And the bad news?” “Well, the bad news was just that we can’t kill it. Huh, guess good news first is better.” <<include "WBN6_5_1">>
<<if settings.statShow>><span class="stats">Pessimistic ++</span><</if>> “There’s no way to kill it.” “What?” “Yea. I mean, there’s ways to ward it off, but once it’s let loose, the only way to really kill it is by starving it.” <<if $cp>>\ “Well, that’s impossible. Unless one of you have clearance to evacuate the entire town,” Chris chooses to point out. Bradley replies, “it’s not that extreme. You would just have to tell every child and preteen that’s been bad to sleep with the lights on.” <</if>>\ “And the good news?” Rahim inquires. “There’s a way to un-summon the creature.” “Well, don’t hold us in suspense, Bradley.” “An old nursery rhyme.” “Are you saying that I just have to sing the creature into disappearing?” “Yes and no. Yes to the singing, no to you. The person who does it has to be the person who summoned the creature to begin with. And it has to be when its guard is down, so when it’s about to feed.” <<include "WBN6_5_1">>
“This is still impossible. How are we going to know where this thing will strike next?” <<if $cp>>Chris questions. A good question, and one that none of us have a solution to.<<else>>I question, met only by silence.<</if>> I glance over at Rahim, who raises a brow, looking down at my phone before picking his gaze back up and giving me a knowing look. It takes me a while, sticking everything together before I finally realize what he’s eluding too. He wants to use Bradley as bait. <a data-passage="EP2-Act Three"><img src="images/actthreebutton.png" alt="Act Three" style="float:right"/></a>
<<nobr>>\<<unset $albertfish, $shot_job, $shot_vg, $shot_bone>><</nobr>>\ <img src="images/actthree.png"> <<if $cp>>\ “This is a horrible plan,” Chris tells us as he paces back and forth in the motel room. “I already agreed to it. I don’t have a problem with doing this,” Bradley reminds him. <<if $bcure>>Chris sends me a dirty look, one that I make sure to ignore.<</if>> “Well, you haven’t really been making great decisions lately.” “Can someone talk some sense into him?” Bradley questions, his eyes landing on me. “Me?” Chris shouts, “how about you!? Talk some sense into him.” [[“This plan is sound.”][$chris -=2; $rahim +=2]] [[“I agree with Chris.”][$chris +=3; $bradley -=3]] [[“If only you could be bait, Chris.”][$chris -=3]] [[“You got a better idea?”]] [[“We shouldn't even be here!”][$chris -=3; $rahim -=5; $bradley +=5]] <<else>>\ “I still don’t know how I feel about this plan,” I tell the others as we wait in our motel room for the night to draw closer. “I already agreed to it. I don’t have a problem with doing this,” Bradley reminds me. “Well, your strong suit isn’t exactly decision making,” I remind him. “Can you talk some sense into ?him?” Bradley questions, his eyes moving to Rahim. “It is a nice plan, though it still has its faults,” he tells me, and I shake my head. [[“That right there, faults.”][$bradley -=2]] [[“What about the neighborhood watch?”]] [[“Are you sure Bradley?”][$bradley +=2]] [[“We shouldn't even be here!”][$chris -=3; $rahim -=5; $bradley +=5]] <</if>>\
“This plan is sound, Chris. Bradley knows what to do, and we’ll be nearby in case anything goes wrong, plus, we’ll have Cassidy with us to end it. So, unless you have a better one, then I say we go with this plan.” “The neighborhood watch idea, that can work.” “Barely,” I tell him. “Who knows how many neighborhoods there are in this town and where the creature will strike next. Not to mention that I doubt we’ll be able to grab Cassidy and bring her along. The fact that we’re dragging her here and encouraging her to lie to her parents is bad enough.” <<include "WBN6_5_2">>
“I agree with Chris,” I tell Bradley, who looks even more agitated at my confession, “I’m not comfortable with you playing bait either.” “Well, it’s a good thing that only my consent matters.” “Bradley,” I start, but he stops me before I can get any additional words in. “Don’t Bradley me! Stop treating me like a kid.” “Listen here, Ariel, you’re not playing bait!” <<include "WBN6_5_2">>
“If only you could be the bait, Chris,” I sigh thoughtfully, “then we’d be able to avoid all of this.” “Look, if you don’t have anything useful to say, then just stop talking,” he tells me with a grimace. “By the way you’re complaining, you must have a better idea?” I inquire. “The neighborhood watch idea, that can work.” “Barely,” I tell him. “Who knows how many neighborhoods there are in this town and where the creature will strike next. Not to mention that I doubt we’ll be able to grab Cassidy and bring her along. The fact that we’re dragging her here and encouraging her to lie to her parents is bad enough.” <<include "WBN6_5_2">>
“You must have a better idea?” I ask. “The neighborhood watch idea, that can work.” “Barely,” I tell him. “Who knows how many neighborhoods there are in this town and where the creature will strike next. Not to mention that I doubt we’ll be able to grab Cassidy and bring her along. The fact that we’re dragging her here and encouraging her to lie to her parents is bad enough.” <<include "WBN6_5_2">>
The sound of someone whistling gets all of our attention, turning to look at Rahim, who behaves as if he doesn’t know what he’s doing. “Who’s to say that the Boogieman will even come for Bradley?” Chris points out, “he’s barely within the age range, and he’s not really misbehaving.” Bradley scoots off the side of the bed and approaches Chris, landing a punch right to his midsection. He groans as he bends over, trying to find his escaped breath. “I just keep doing stuff like this, and I’m sure I’ll have enough bad points to land me on his naughty list.” “Rahim?” I question, and he shrugs. “I think it’s a sound plan. And if Bradley is okay with it, then I say go with it.” “He’s not even old enough to drink or vote,” Chris reminds us, “but he’s old enough to play bait and risk his life? Now, I gave you my idea. If you guys refuse to listen to me, then whatever. But I’m not comfortable with this.” We’re all silent, trying to figure out an alternative way. The neighborhood watch idea is safer, yes, but it is also extremely open. There’s no way to get Cassidy to come with us, and we could end up in the wrong neighborhood. I suppose all of this has too many variables though, not even Bradley is a sure-fire way. <a data-passage="WBN7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“See, it’s that right there, faults. That’s what gets me. Why are you two so eager to risk a life on something that might not work.” “There’s a chance none of this will work,” Bradley argues, “this entire lifestyle, hunting, is one big might. We won’t know unless we try –” “Something different,” I cut in, finishing his sentence and then shooting him a wink and smile. The frown soon comes back, “what about the neighborhood watch idea? Can’t that work?” <<include "WBN6_5_3">>
“What about the neighborhood watch idea? Can’t that work?” <<include "WBN6_5_3">>
“Are you absolutely sure about this, Bradley?” I ask again, knowing that he was getting sick of me asking, but I didn’t care. I was never comfortable when it came to others playing bait, and Bradley has been through enough. “You got a better idea?” “What about the neighborhood watch idea? Can’t that work?” <<include "WBN6_5_3">>
“Barely,” Bradley responds, “who knows how many neighborhoods there are in this town and where the creature will strike next. Not to mention that I doubt you’ll be able to grab Cassidy without anyone growing angry. Let’s not mention that we’re also asking her to lie to her parents to help us.” “Who’s to say that the Boogieman will even come for Bradley?” I point out, “he’s barely within the age range, and he’s not really misbehaving.” Bradley gives me a look that I wave away instantly, along with walking that statement back. He was right, that was dumb to point out, he’s been nothing but hard to deal with and unpleasant. <<if $bcure>>Though he’s been far more pleasant than what he could be …<</if>> “A cussword here and there, and I’m sure I’ll have enough bad points to land me on his naughty list.” “Rahim?” I question, and he simply shrugs. “Like I said before, I think it’s a sound plan. And if Bradley is okay with it, then I say go with it.” We’re all silent, trying to figure out an alternative way. The neighborhood watch idea was safer, yes, but it also was extremely open. There was no way to get Cassidy to come with us, and we could be in the wrong neighborhood. I suppose all of our options had too many variables, not even using Bradley was a sure-fire way. <a data-passage="WBN7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I’m seconds away from wanting to tear out my hair<<if $hairlength is "bald">> ... even though I don’t have any in the first place.<<else>>.<</if>> Perhaps it’s a terrible thought, but if we had just kept to our actual mission, then we wouldn’t be here. This would be someone else’s problem. “We shouldn’t even be here!” I find myself shouting, pacing back and forth as I think through everything that Rahim had said. <<if $cp>>\ “Whose the broken record now?” Chris mumbles, and I reach down to take off my shoe to throw it at him but stop, telling myself to calm down. I glance over at Bradley, reassured when he gives me a small, thankful smile. “Who’s to say that the Boogieman will even come for Bradley?” Chris points out, “he’s barely within the age range, and he’s not really misbehaving.” Bradley scoots off the side of the bed and approaches Chris, landing a punch right to his midsection. He groans as he bends over, trying to find his escaped breath. “I just keep doing stuff like this, and I’m sure I’ll have enough bad points to land me on his naughty list.” <<else>>\ “Who’s to say that the Boogieman will even come for Bradley?” I point out, “he’s barely within the age range, and he’s not really misbehaving.” Bradley gives me a look that I wave away instantly, along with walking that statement back. He was right, that was dumb to point out, he’s been nothing but hard to deal with and unpleasant. <<if $bcure>>Though he’s been far more pleasant than what he could be …<</if>> “A cussword here and there, and I’m sure I’ll have enough bad points to land me on his naughty list.” <</if>>\ “Rahim?” I question, and he simply shrugs. “Like I said before, I think it’s a sound plan. And if Bradley is okay with it, then I say go with it.” We’re all silent, trying to figure out an alternative way. The neighborhood watch idea was safer, yes, but it also was extremely open. There was no way to get Cassidy to come with us, and we could be in the wrong neighborhood. I suppose all of our options had too many variables, not even using Bradley was a sure-fire way. <<if $cp>>\ “He’s not even old enough to drink or vote,” Chris reminds us, “but he’s old enough to play bait and risk his life? Now, I gave you my idea. If you guys refuse to listen to me, then whatever. But I’m not comfortable with this.” We’re all silent, trying to figure out an alternative way. The neighborhood watch idea was safer, yes, but it was also extremely open. There was no way to get Cassidy to come with us, and we could end up in the wrong neighborhood. I suppose all of this had too many variables though, not even Bradley was a sure-fire way. <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN7"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
A thought comes to mind, and I pause, “is it possible to re-summon the Boogieman?” I ask. Bradley is the first to pick up on the idea taking shape within my mind, narrowing his gaze in thought, “what do you mean?” “Like if I drew the symbol and did whatever Cassidy did to summon it? Would it work? Would it appear here?” Rahim taps his chin, rocking his head from one side to the other as he thinks, “it would behave more like a homing beacon than anything else since it’s already here. But it would work if the monster sensed food in the same direction.” <<if $bcure>>Bradley lays himself along the bed as if he was a full course meal, winking at us.<<else>>Bradley points to himself, an irritated gleam in his eyes.<</if>> I look back at Rahim, and he shrugs, “worst-case scenario. The beast is too distracted to pray on a child tonight, and though we have to have this conversation again, the children live to see another day.” No one can come up with anything better, and so it’s settled. Rahim leaves to grab Cassidy, leaving <<if $cp>>us<<else>>me<</if>> to listen to Bradley air his grievances and misbehave the only way he knows how. The motel room, after his tantrum is done, is a mess, and I’m just glad we checked in under a false name. <<if $cp>>\ I stand at a table preparing for tonight while Chris stands on the other side, silently prepping his mind and weapon. I watch him for a moment, thinking about everything that rests between us. Only a table separates us, and yet, it feels like he’s on the other side of the widest river in the world. [[“We’re going to need to talk.”]] [[“That gun won’t do anything.”]] <<if $CRomance >=5>>\ <<if settings.dialog>><span class="romance">[[“Are we pointless?”]]</span><<else>>[[“Are we pointless?”]]<</if>> <</if>>\ <<else>>\ <a data-passage="WBN7_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a> <</if>>\
“We’re going to need to talk,” I tell him, glancing up before back down at the table. “Yea, I agree,” is all he says in reply, continuing on. “When –” “Not now,” he tells me, and the only thing that saves us from yet another argument is a text from Rahim, telling me that he has Cassidy and will be back soon. I check the time. The night was approaching, and we needed to make ourselves scarce once everything was in place. I give Chris one last look before going about my business. <a data-passage="WBN7_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
“That gun won’t do anything,” I point out, “pretty sure the Boogieman is immune to it.” “Guess we’ll be seeing, huh?” is all he says in reply, continuing to load it. Thankfully, I receive a text from Rahim, telling me that he has Cassidy and will be back soon. I check the time. The night was approaching, and we needed to make ourselves scarce once everything was in place. I give Chris one last look before going about my business. <a data-passage="WBN7_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I try to avoid the question on my mind, the question that pokes at my heart and screams at me. Finally, I sigh and look at him, “is this pointless? Are we pointless?” Chris pauses, and I see his hand tremble, but he doesn’t look at me. “Is this really the time to talk about this?” he questions, his voice low and distant. “I’d say no if the time ever seemed to present itself. Chris -” “Not now,” he tells me, and the only thing that saves us from yet another argument is a text from Rahim, telling me that he has Cassidy and will be back soon. I check the time. The night is approaching, and we need to make ourselves scarce once everything’s in place. I give Chris one last look before going about my business. <a data-passage="WBN7_1"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The night looms closer as we all prepare ourselves. We crowd around Bradley as we set the last pieces of the puzzle in motion. Rahim<<if $cp>>, Chris,<</if>> and I will wait in my car since our presence can possibly scare the Boogieman away. Cassidy and Bradley will remain inside. Bradley playing bait, and Cassidy waiting for the Boogieman to show so that she can say the nursery rhyme that Bradley claims will un-summon the monster. “Close your eyes and count to three and repeat these words after me: When the stroke of dawn has come, it’s time to go back to where you’re from. Sleep now, rest again, for, at last, your time has come to an end. Now forgive me for what I’ve done, for this fight, I hardly won. And this all began because of the one they call the Boogieman,” Cassidy recites, reading off of Bradley’s laptop screen before closing her eyes to commit it to memory. [[“Rhyming is hard.”]] [[“Nice, creepy but nice.”]] [[“That’s some deep stuff right there.”]]
“You know rhyming is quite hard. Who even comes up with these?” I question, looking the nursery rhyme over for myself. “Witches mostly,” Rahim answers blatantly, “many of the nursery rhymes are created by witches.” Rahim closes his mouth when he notices Cassidy giving him a look, still probably trying to wrap her mind around what’s about to happen and what’s out there. <<include "WBN7_1_1">>
“Nice, creepy but nice,” I say, looking the nursery rhyme over for myself. <<include "WBN7_1_1">>
“That some deep stuff right there,” I chuckle, looking the nursery rhyme over for myself. “Is it? I thought it was straight and to the point,” Rahim frowns. “It’s called sarcasm, Rahim.” <<include "WBN7_1_1">>
“So,” Cassidy says, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt as she turns to us, “when I do this, and he goes away. Will everything go back to normal? My brother … will he come back?” I gaze over at Rahim, who narrows his eyes on Cassidy. I can see the war in his eyes as he tries to figure out whether the truth or a lie would be better. “Who knows,” he finally says. Cassidy gives him a smile that sings tragic tales of the hope she has. I remember the two bodies that the authorities found. I still don’t know why those two bodies out of all six appeared, but I did know that there is no way any of the children taken are still alive. “You ready?” I ask Bradley, glancing towards the door where the symbol we drew earlier lies. My stomach churns at the sight of it, wondering if this will work. “It’ll be fine,” he tells me somberly, “go before you ruin it.” I nod and leave the room, stopping at the door and turning to the kids. [[“If trouble starts, call us immediately.”][$bradley -=2]] [[“Keep it rated G in here.”][$bradley +=2]] [[Say nothing.]]
“If trouble starts, call us immediately,” I tell them, and they both nod, Cassidy more so than Bradley. I close the door behind me and walk to my car and get in, trying to get as comfortable as possible as I think about all the ways this could possibly go wrong. <<include "WBN7_1_2">>
“Keep it rated G in here, okay?” “Get out,” Bradley growls, hurling his shoe at me as I chuckle. The chuckle is a somber one, though, fading as soon as I close the door behind me. I walk to my car and get in, trying to get as comfortable as possible as I think about all the ways this could possibly go wrong. <<include "WBN7_1_2">>
I glance at the two of them and take another trembling breath in, closing the door behind me as I walk to my car and get in. I get comfortable, my eyes going from the time on the dashboard to the windows of the motel room. <<include "WBN7_1_2">>
Time ticks by slowly, the energy of the car becoming one big chaotic mass of anxiety and displeasure. <<if $cp>>\ “Is this not creepy to anyone else?” Chis questions, both Rahim and I raising our brow as we look at him. “This. Waiting in a car, it being pitch black outside, no sound, and you know something’s stalking you?” “Technically, we’re not on the menu, but I suppose I know what you mean,” I tell him. “Hmm,” Rahim hums loudly, “I always found the worst places to be were tight places. Mazes or cornfields, where the definition of unknown surrounds you.” I think about the one location I would never want to be stuck in … <<else>>\ “I never thought I would add an experience like this to my creepy list,” Rahim points out, “but here we are. Something is unnerving about sitting in the pitch black, no sounds, and knowing that a monster is out there, and you can do nothing.” “That’s a fear for you?” “No. I always found the worst places to be were tight places. Mazes or cornfields, where the definition of unknown surrounds you.” I think about the one location I would never want to be stuck in … <</if>>\ [[In the middle of the ocean.][$l_fear to "ocean"]] [[The forest is pretty creepy.][$l_fear to "forest"]] [[Being stuck underground.][$l_fear to "underground"]] [[Haunted houses are pretty scary.][$l_fear to "hauntedhouse"]] [[Wide open spaces, like large clearings.][$l_fear to "openspace"]] [[Stuck in a maze or a cornfield.][$l_fear to "maze"]]
“Mine would probably be the middle of the ocean. Not a fan of just drifting out in the open like that.” “You feel vulnerable, an easy target?” Rahim questions, and I shrug. “I don’t really try to analyze it honestly. I just know that every time I think about it, I get the chills.” <<include "WBN7_1_3">>
“I always felt like the forest was pretty creepy. And having to be there all alone, even worse.” “Why is that?” “I don’t really try to analyze it honestly. I just know that every time I think about it, I get the chills.” <<include "WBN7_1_3">>
“I gotta say being stuck underground would probably scare me shitless. All that ground all around you, ready to collapse and …” I trail off and shiver. <<include "WBN7_1_3">>
“I don’t know about you guys, but haunted houses, and I mean the real ones, not the fun ones. Knowing that spirits are lingering and the house has a violent history. It’s terrifying.” <<include "WBN7_1_3">>
“Wide open spaces, like large clearings where it feels like you can see for miles in any direction. Creepy.” <<include "WBN7_1_3">>
“I have to agree with you there, Rahim. The spookiest place for me would be the maze or a cornfield. Never knowing what else is in there with you, where to go, where the exits are. That’s nightmare fuel.” <<include "WBN7_1_3">>
More was to be said when we hear a scream erupt from the room, and that was all we needed. We scramble out of the car, forgetting about banishing the Boogieman and just making sure that those inside were safe. We burst through the door, our hearts in our throats. The Boogieman stands beside Bradley, it’s lanky arms gripping his arm and drawing blood. Its body trembles profusely as Cassidy finishes the nursery rhyme. Large red eyes never drop the gaze of the young girl as the Boogieman’s body begins to wither away. As soon as she finishes, Cassidy drops to her knees and begins to hyperventilate, attempting to breathe but failing as tears stream down her face. She covers her face with her hands as her sobs rack her body. The remains of the monster are swept away by an invisible force, putting an end to the kidnappings and everyone’s darkest nightmares. But also taking with it, the knowledge that those lost will never return. <a data-passage="WBN7_2"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
The following morning brings a mix of emotion and weather conditions. A light sprinkle falls from the sky, just enough to cause some to rethink their outdoor plans. And yet, as the rain falls, the sun stays out, shining brightly overhead as if it didn’t receive the day’s memo. I take a seat next to Cassidy, who watches as the others pack the car up. Rahim stands closer to the street as he waits for the car he called to pull up so that he could take Cassidy home. “You gonna be okay?” I question. “No, I don’t think I will. I have to now live with the knowledge that my actions led to five children being torn from their families, all because I wanted to punish my brother.” [[“Yea, maybe stay away from the occult.”]] [[“It was a mistake.”]]
“Yea, it might be smart to stay away from the occult for now on. Just a thought though.” “I need to do more than that. I have to go home and know that I’ll never see my brother again because I let a monster eat him. All because I was upset.” <<include "WBN7_2_1">>
“It was a mistake,” I reassure her, and she shakes her head. “No, a mistake is you yelling at your best friend and insulting them. A mistake is you writing the wrong information down and then calling yourself stupid afterward. This, this …” she doesn’t finish as she tries to keep from crying. Though one look at her face and I knew, she had no more tears to shed. She was becoming numb to the feeling, and it was a feeling that would tear her apart. <<include "WBN7_2_1">>
<<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>“Hey, blaming yourself is going to do nothing but lead you to an early grave. My best advice for you is to go see a therapist. Please talk about this, don’t keep it in. Alright?” She nods, rubbing at dry eyes.<<else>>“Hey, come on, don’t do that. You can’t change the past.” She nods, rubbing at dry eyes though it’s obvious that my words did little to change her mind.<</if>> “Cassidy,” Rahim shouts, “you ready to go?” She stands up and turns to me, sticking out her hand. “Thank you.” I shake it, “you’re welcome.” <<if $bcure>>\ She turns to go and then hesitates, “you should know. When we were in there, Bradley,” she bites her lip as she looks over at the boy and then back at me, “he didn’t put up a fight or tell me that the Boogieman was there. I figured it out only because I felt a chill, and when I started to banish it, Bradley just stood there. He seemed shock when I asked him why, like he didn’t even know why.” I nod with a frown, did he somehow remember something? “Maybe he was just scared though, that makes sense too.” With that said, she walks towards Rahim, leaving me with new and unsettling knowledge. <<else>>\ She turns to go and then hesitates, “you should know. When we were in there, Bradley,” she bites her lip as she looks over at the boy and then back at me, “he didn’t put up a fight or tell me that the Boogieman was there. I figured it out only because I felt a chill, and when I started to banish it, Bradley told me to stop.” “Wait, what are you saying?” <<if $cmajor is "Psychology">>“That I’m not the only one who needs to see someone.” With that said, she walks towards Rahim, leaving with new and unsettling knowledge.<<else>>“He … he was willing to die at the hands of that monster. I saw it in his eyes.” With that said, she walks towards Rahim, leaving me with new and unsettling knowledge.<</if>> <</if>>\ <a data-passage="WBN7_3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I’m sitting on the edge of the sidewalk when I hear the sound of wings and see Rahim standing in front of me. “You’re not worried someone’s going to see you?” I question, pointing to a nearby security camera that looks like it may be aimed straight at us. He glances over at it but shrugs, “my presence, when I want it to, can knock out electricity.” I poke my lower lip out, thinking about how handy that would be in several situations. Most of them not legal. “So, the hunt is done, are you going to help us?” I inquire, <<if $cp>>the others wander<<else>>Bradley wanders<</if>> over, all eyes on Rahim as we wait to see if he got the results that he said he was watching for. <<if $rahimp >=4>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $rahim +=2>><</nobr>>\ He gazes at the ground and bites the inside of his cheek before looking up and nodding, “yes. You impressed me, especially you, $name. And trust me, it’s not easy to impress me.” “I try,” I joke, and Rahim chuckles, a serious expression coming onto his face again. <<else>>\ <<nobr>>\<<set $rahim -=2>><</nobr>>\ He shrugs his shoulders and nods, “yes. You guys did a decent enough job. I’m not going to say I’m impressed, but you solved the hunt, and I was at least able to see the pros and cons of your … group dynamic.” He isn’t praising us, but I never pegged Rahim as the type to give out praise. As long as he agreed, I was okay. <</if>>\ “But,” Rahim immediately says after agreeing to help us, “you all need to figure out your issues with each other and resolve them. Nothing bad happened, but that doesn’t mean you’re not making it easier for it to happen.” I continue to listen to him when the left side of my head begins to throb, another annoying headache, no doubt. <a data-passage="WBN7_4"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
I attempt to ignore it, focusing my attention on Rahim when <<if $darkburns>>everything from my elbow and down to my fingertips suddenly feels like they’re on fire. I scream in pain, eyes widening in fear as a black mist begins to rise off of my arms like wispy smoke.<<elseif $darktruth>>my jaw suddenly flares up in pain. It feels like someone had just taken a pot of boiling water and poured it on the inside of my cheek. I scream in pain, hearing an additional scream that isn’t mine. I glance around when I see Bradley on the ground. Blood pouring out of his mouth as Rahim tries to stop it.<<else>>my chest suddenly begins to hurt. I grow woozy, placing my hand on Bradley’s shoulder to help balance myself, only to jump back when he starts to make a choking noise. I scream in pain as everything around me intensifies. My vision grows blurry, and my actions seem like they’re no longer mine. I glance around to see myself through eyes that aren’t mine with a body not my own. I hear someone screaming in the back of the mind, pounding at invisible barriers.<</if>> <<if $darkburns>>\ “$name!” Bradley calls out in pain, falling away from me. The right side of his arm now holds the same wispy black smoke that my arms give off, the only difference being that white flecks dance throughout. “It burns,” he cries, and Rahim grabs his arm, gritting his teeth as he attempts to stop whatever is happening. The pain ceases in my arms, and the smoke slowly fades. The headache slowly subsiding as I begin to understand what just happened. What I had just done to Bradley. <<elseif $darktruth>>\ “$name!” Rahim growls at me. “It hurts,” Bradley screams, clutching Rahim’s shoulder like his life depended on it. “Think about something else!” Rahim shouts to me, and I close my eyes. I think about the sun and the rain that falls onto my skin. I think about birds and trees and forests and wildlife. Slowly, the headache subsides along with Bradley’s whimpering. I begin to understand what just happened. What I had just done to Bradley. <<else>>\ “Bradley?” Rahim shouts, appearing in front of me, his eyes wide as he looks at me, or Bradley, and then at my frozen body. “The hell … $name?” “It hurts,” I hear someone say. It’s me, and yet it isn’t. “Think about something else!” Rahim shouts to me, and I close my eyes. I think about the sun and the rain that falls onto my skin. I think about birds and trees and forests and wildlife. Slowly, the headache subsides along with Bradley’s whimpering. I begin to understand what just happened. What I had just done to Bradley. <</if>>\ Words don’t form as I look at the others, my eyes wide in panic and confusion. I hear a cackling noise echo through my head, Zillah sighing contently before saying, “it has begun.” <a data-passage="NT_EP3"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
<img src="images/nexttime.png"> <img src="images/divider.png"> “That’s what happened? This thing is supernatural?” “I suppose it is. The spirit who gave it to you, I assume, was a little too handsy. It was just one of a list of many that got them killed in the end. I always wondered if it would mean anything, I got my answer. “What does it do?” He sits quietly, that cartoon-like smile appearing over his dark and endless face. <img src="images/divider.png"> “Alright,” Rahim starts, eyeing the end of the tunnel before turning to face <<if $cp>>Chris and me.<<else>>me.<</if>> “Before we go any further, you need to know some things. First, don’t treat these people like you treat those that you hunt, they’re not the same. Second, no fighting or causing trouble. You do, and you’ll end up having multiple factions out for you. This club is supposed to be neutral territory, keep it that way. Third, don’t do anything stupid.” <img src="images/divider.png"> And it’s over. I surge forward, and the others rush over. “What the hell happened?” Amarante questions, trying to piece it all together but failing. <<if $cp>>Rahim and Chris narrow their gazes on me, their thoughts unreadable, and it didn’t seem like they were going to say anything anytime soon either.<<else>> Rahim narrows his gaze on me, his thoughts unreadable and it didn’t seem like he was going to say anything anytime soon either.<</if>> [[Episode Three: Chicago Rogue]]
<<nobr>><<set $sex to "v">><</nobr>> You have a vagina.
<<nobr>><<set $sex to "p">><</nobr>> You have a penis.
<<nobr>><<set $sex to "na">><</nobr>> You have chosen not to disclose this information.
<<nobr>><<set $chest to "p">><</nobr>> You have breasts.
<<nobr>><<set $chest to "np">><</nobr>> You do not have breasts.
<<nobr>><<set $gender to "male"; $trans = false>><</nobr>> Cis male.
<<nobr>><<set $gender to "male"; $trans = true>><</nobr>> Trans male.
<<nobr>><<set $gender to "female"; $trans = false>><</nobr>> Cis female.
<<nobr>><<set $gender to "female"; $trans = true>><</nobr>> Trans female.
<<nobr>><<set $gender to "nonbinary">><</nobr>> Nonbinary.
<<nobr>>\<input type="checkbox" id="fullscreen"><label for="fullscreen" class="gofullscreen"><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'FullScreenGo_white.png'" alt="Go full screen" title="Go full screen" class="fullscreenImg"></label><label for="fullscreen" class="exitfullscreen"><img @src="setup.ImagePath+'FullScreenExit_white.png'" alt="Exit full screen" title="Exit full screen" class="fullscreenImg"></label> <</nobr>>\
<a href=""><img src="images/logo.png"></a>
© 2022 Bum Studios LLC ~~Version 3.4 //Superstition// contains gore, alcohol reference, sexual content, and other material that may be disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.~~
<<link '<i class="fas fa-circle-info"></i> Credits' "Credits">><</link>>
<<set $name = "Not Known">> <<set $gender = "Not Known"; $trans = false; $sex = "unknown"; $chest = "unknown">> <<set $int = "unknown"; $virgin = false; $s_att = "not known"; $r_att = "not known">> <<set $eyes = "unknown"; $hairlength = "unknown"; $haircolor = "unknown"; $hairtype = "unknown">> <<set $car = "Not Chosen"; $cmajor = "Not Chosen"; $style = "Not Known">> /*Personality*/ <<set $nerve to 100>> <<set $honesty to 50>> <<set $daring to 50>> <<set $optimistic to 50>> <<set $stubborn to 50>> <<set $sympathy to 50>> <<set $pacifist to 50>> <<set $serious to 50>> <<set $engineering to 0>> <<set $charisma to 0>> <<set $combat to 0>> <<set $perception to 0>> <<set $medical to 0>> <<set $creativity to 0>> <<set $bartending = false; $supernatural to 0; $exorcise = false>> <<set $blades to 0; $guns to 0>> /*Relationships*/ <<set $ChrisRichardson = false; $chris to 70; $CRomance to 0; $flirt_Chris to false>> <<set $sydero to 10; $SRomance to 0; $flirt_Syd to false>> <<set $zillah to 50; $ZRomance to 0; $flirt_Zillah to false>> <<set $RahimTheron = false; $rahim to 30; $RRomance to 0; $flirt_Rahim to false>> <<set $AmariFoster = false; $amari to 50; $ARomance to 0; $flirt_Amari to false>> <<set $bradley to 50>> /*Unique Relationships*/ <<set $jealouschris = false; $jealouschris2 = false; $cbreak = false; $cdone = false>> /*JC1:*/ /*Guys three way jealousy: Chris & Rahim = j2*/<<set $j2 = false; $j3 = false>> <<set $bradleyhs = false>> <<set $proSyd = false>> <<set $zsex to false; $rlock_z to "unknown"; $boop to false; $nnZ is "unknown">> /*Entity Takeover is giving Zillah permission to take over (Body1). Whereas the deal is allowing him to help with your powers (Mind2). */<<set $entitytakeover = false; $entitydeal = false>> /* Zillah's Control */ <<set $prep to 0>> /*Fate of Amari's Pack (Marked = alive) */<<set $marked = false>> /*Relationships: AS = Amari/Syd; RC = Rahim/Chris Get Together; Poly = AmarixRoexSyd */ <<set $ASRomance to 0; $RCRomance to 0; $poly to false>> /* Chris's BB Deal */ <<set $dealisdone = false>> /*Status|Fears|Curses*/ <<set $dreamanimal = "unknown">> <<set $darkburns = false; $darktruth = false; $darkcontrol = false>> <<set $a_fear = "unknown"; $l_fear = "unknown"; $m_fear = "unknown"; $bloodfear = false>> <<set $curse_gluttony = false; $curse_wrath = false; $curse_greed = false; $curse_lust = false; $curse_pride = false>> <<set $bcure = false>> /* Important Variables */ <<set $chrissafe = false; $cp = false>> <<set $uncledead = false; $uncleknows = false; $unclepicture = false>> <<set $suicidal = false>> <<set $slapthequeen = false>> /* Roe Believing in God */ <<set $believer = false>> /* Langston & Petri Variables */ <<set $langstonfate to "alive"; $petri_alive = false>> /* Asmodeus was met in Syd Confrontation */ <<set $lustmet = false>> <<set $cf = false>> <<set $unstable = false>> /* Misc Variables */ <<set $sydfound = false>> <<set $ic_love = false>> <<set $visit = false>> <<set $random to 0>> <<set $ds = false>> <<set $hidet = false>> <<set $ep4unlock = false>> /* Music */ <<cacheaudio "bck1" "audio/night_timelapseloop.mp3">> <<cacheaudio "bck2" "audio/dark_halls_cello.mp3">> <<cacheaudio "bck3" "audio/darkendings.mp3">> <<cacheaudio "start" "audio/anotherday.mp3">> <<cacheaudio "sadevening" "audio/evening_caress.mp3">> <<cacheaudio "chicagorogue" "audio/darktrail.mp3">> <<cacheaudio "dream" "audio/dreamland.mp3">> <<createplaylist "ambience">> <<track "bck1" volume 0.30>> <<track "bck2" volume 0.30>> <<track "bck3" volume 0.30>> <</createplaylist>>
<img src="images/personal.png"> ''Name'': $name Roe ''College Major'': $cmajor ''Car'': $car ''Fighting Style'': $style <img src="images/skills.png"> ''$name's Nerve'': $nerve ''Honesty'' $honesty ''Deceit'' ''Daring'' $daring ''Cautious'' ''Optimistic'' $optimistic ''Pessimistic'' ''Sympathy'' $sympathy ''Disdain'' ''Stubborn'' $stubborn ''Reasonable'' ''Pacifist'' $pacifist ''Violent'' ''Serious'' $serious ''Comical'' ''Engineering'': $engineering ''Charisma'': $charisma ''Combat'': $combat ''Medical'': $medical ''Creativity'': $creativity ''Perception'': $perception ''Supernatural'': $supernatural ''Bladesmanship'': $blades ''Guns'': $guns <span class="sidenote">Tip: Click the names below for more information on them.</span> <img src="images/affiliates.png"> <<if $ChrisRichardson>>\ <<link "Chris Richardson">> <<popover 'opaque'>>\ <img src="images/char_chris.png" alt="Chris Richardson" align ="left" width ="30%" HSPACE="50" VSPACE="50"/><h1>Chris Richardson</h1> Chris is a Caucasian-American male (he/him) described as having short wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and a beard usually in the style of long stubble. He has an athletically tone body despite his love for junk food and smoking habits. He is a caring, intelligent, and laidback guy who loves learning new things, even if that means never applying them to life. He enjoys listening to others talk about their passion and supporting those in his life. His initial trust in others is lacking, and he’d much rather keep strangers at a distance. He is determined, and when he puts his mind to it, he can accomplish anything, though it might take a bit more time than he originally planned. His laid-back nature easily hides some of his achievements, and though he doesn’t boast, he loves when others point it out. Though flirting comes easily to the man, he struggles to voice his thoughts more often than not. This typically leads to miscommunication, and things that should be said are left to be buried. ''Relationship'': $chris (<<if $chris >=50>>Friendship<<else>>Rivalry<</if>>) <<if $flirt_Chris>>''Romance'': $CRomance<<else>><</if>> <</popover>>\ <</link>> 22-year-old human male <meter @value="$chris" min="0" max="100"></meter> <</if>>\ <<if $sydfound>>\ <<link "Sydero Theron">> <<popover 'opaque'>>\ <img src="images/char_sydero.png" alt="Sydero Theron" align ="left" width ="30%" HSPACE="50" VSPACE="50"/><h1>Sydero Theron</h1> Sydero is an Arab-American female (she/her) said to have long black hair, commonly straight but at times is known to be curly. She has amber-colored eyes and a light beige complexion. Mostly described as being unbearable to put up with, Sydero's first impression for many is usually the same. Her stubborness and determination to do things her way, regardless of morality, often leads to her butting heads with others. She's not much of a talker, choosing rather to sit in silence than carry an entire conversation with those she's in attendance with. When she does speak, it's either off-brand and straightforward, or has her saying something either flirtatiously inappropriate or being sarcastic. She is first and foremost a loner, keeping her secrets close to her chest and refusing to let anyone close enough to uncover them. ''Relationship'': $sydero (<<if $sydero >=50>>Friendship<<else>>Rivalry<</if>>) <<if $flirt_Syd>>''Romance'': $SRomance<<else>><</if>> <</popover>>\ <</link>> 23-year-old female <<if $sydknown>>cambion<<else>>witch<</if>> <meter @value="$sydero" min="0" max="100"></meter> <</if>>\ <<link "Bradley Whittaker">> <<popover 'opaque'>>\ <img src="images/char_bradley.png" alt="Bradley Whittaker" align ="left" width ="30%" HSPACE="50" VSPACE="50"/><h1>Bradley Whittaker</h1> Bradley is a young, Caucasian-American male (he/him) in his mid-teens, he has a light rosy complexion, medium-length disheveled brown hair that stops at his eyes in front, and the nape of his neck in the back. He has dark brown eyes and is the average size and height for boys at his age. As a young child, Bradley was extremely inquisitive about the world around him and how it worked. He had an interest in everything and thus was unable to focus like other kids his age. This behavior came to a halt after his curious nature caused a domino effect of things to occur. Though it hasn’t totally disappeared, Bradley is more likely to think things through before jumping into them immediately. He adores problems and fixing them with both an analytical and creative view. He would rather focus all of his attention on one issue and come up with multiple ways to fix it than to focus on various problems or take the easy way out. The closer to home the problem is, the more Bradley is dedicated to fixing it. Despite his knowledge, skill, and how fast he had to grow up due to his circumstances, Bradley is still a teenager and behaves as so. Though surrounded by those older and more mature than him (or at least they should be), he has teenage tendencies. He gets flustered when meeting pretty girls, throws tantrums at moments when he doesn’t get his way, and enjoys being teased and teasing those he considers his family. On his good days, Bradley is hugely playful and joking, always ready to downplay the seriousness of an event and help pick up the spirits of those around him. On his worst days, Bradley is an introvert and can even be toxic to those he loves. He has a hard time figuring things out, and he becomes one-track-minded. ''Relationship'': $bradley <</popover>>\ <</link>> 16-year-old human male <meter @value="$bradley" min="0" max="100"></meter> <<link "Zillah">> <<popover 'opaque'>>\ <<if $ep6unlock>><img src="images/char_zillah.png" alt="Zillah" align ="left" width ="30%" HSPACE="50" VSPACE="50"/><</if>><h1>Zillah</h1> Zillah, originally known as 'the Entity' is a malevolent <<if $ep4unlock>>shade<<else>>spirit<</if>> (he/him) whose purpose, origins, and reasons for being present are mostly unknown. He appears as a Though much of his background is unknown, Zillah's personality is more than obvious. He's traditionally cocky and rude, asserting his power knowingly without much care for the consequences. There is little that he takes seriously and the things he does, turn into a cryptic mess of riddles and half statements that help no one. ''Relationship'': $zillah (<<if $zillah >=50>>Friendship<<else>>Rivalry<</if>>) <<if $flirt_Zillah>>''Romance'': $ZRomance<<else>><</if>> <</popover>>\ <</link>> a malevolent <<if $ep4unlock>>shade<<else>>spirit<</if>> <meter @value="$zillah" min="0" max="100"></meter> <<if $RahimTheron>>\ <<link "Rahim Theron">> <<popover 'opaque'>>\ <img src="images/char_rahim.png" alt="Rahim Theron" align ="left" width ="30%" HSPACE="50" VSPACE="50"/><h1>Rahim Theron</h1> Rahim is an Arab-American male (he/him) with short black hair that is usually well-kept, many even pointing out how not a strand is out of place. He has stunning blue eyes and a light beige complexion. Though fit, many do not exactly see this due to the type of clothing that Rahim wears, mostly clothing that doesn’t cling and is for comfort. Similar to his choice in clothes, Rahim’s attitude comes across as uncaring and detached more often than not. First impressions award an air of stoicism to his behavior as well as a straight-forward and problem-solving mannerism. Rahim does what is needed, nothing more and nothing less. He’s not shy about keeping his thoughts to himself and any sign of caring what others think about that thought is usually sidelined. For those who manage to get closer to him, find that Rahim does become more open and willing to speak about his interests and life, and is fiercly protective to those he cares for. ''Relationship'': $rahim (<<if $rahim >=50>>Friendship<<else>>Rivalry<</if>>) <<if $flirt_Rahim>>''Romance'': $RRomance<<else>><</if>> <</popover>>\ <</link>> 23-year-old male nephilim <meter @value="$rahim" min="0" max="100"></meter> <</if>>\ <<if $AmariFoster>>\ <<link "Amari Foster">> <<popover 'opaque'>>\ <img src="images/char_amari.png" alt="Amari Foster" align ="left" width ="30%" HSPACE="50" VSPACE="50"/><h1>Amari Foster</h1> Amari is a Native American woman (she/her) with long, straight black hair, dark brown eyes, and a medium beige complexion. She is of average build with noticeable muscles thanks to her very active lifestyle. She is best described as fun-loving, hyper-active, and a sweetheart to all those that meet her. Her positive attitude is commonly compared to a ray of sunshine, drawing mixed feelings from those that know her. While some view her postive and forgiving outlooks as a breath of fresh air in an otherwise bleak and untrusting setting, some believe that the outlook goes too far and is far too unrealistic for a world that will neither accept nor put up with it. When excited, Amari tends to go on a tangent, rambling on and jumping from one topic to another, failing to realize she’s doing so unless someone points it out. ''Relationship'': $amari (<<if $amari >=50>>Friendship<<else>>Rivalry<</if>>) <<if $flirt_Amari>>''Romance'': $ARomance<<else>><</if>> <</popover>>\ <</link>> 20-year-old female vaewolf <meter @value="$amari" min="0" max="100"></meter> <</if>>\
<img src="images/bumstudios.png" width="500" height="111" align ="center">; © 2019 Bum Studios LLC. All rights reserved. @@ All images are copyright by Bum Studios. All audio is either licensed under Bum Studios or credited below. Copyright infringement is punishable by law. ''A FEW THINGS ...'' If you can play it in a browser then just do that, downloading the file is purely for those that have really horrible internet. The download version will take you back to the browser but since the data is already downloaded and there, will allow the player not to have a working connection to play. ''SAVING AND LOADING'' The game has an autosave function and will automatically save at acts and at the end of each episode. So, if you end up ever forgetting to save it, then the game has your back. You can also save the game to your files. To do this when you have the save widget up go to 'save to disk.' It will automatically download and save to whatever folder you have that receives everything you downloaded (typically your downloads folder). To load the game up with a previously saved disk file, press 'load from disk', go to the folder that holds your saved game file and load it in. ''UPDATING - ONLY FOR DOWNLOADED FILES'' For those who download the files, whenenver there's an update, simply replace the folders with the newer version. The save will not be effected. If you wish to be cautious regarding this, have a copy save of your game by downloading it to disk (See Saving and Loading). ''CONTACT'' If you have any questions or issues please contact me @ ... email: tumblr: [[Return|$return]]
<img src="images/title.png">; Welcome to Season Two of ''Superstition'' // Sydero is gone. Your team is broken and weak. Raum is still at large. And you now don’t even know what you really are. Your world has begun unraveling ever since you found the amber eyed girl unconscious in the alley. More than ever, you need those closest to you for support, but you have learned that trust isn’t an easy word to come by. As you learn more about the supernatural world, your skill and determination are put to the test, with danger crawling around every corner, and even living inside you.// @@ If you played Season One and exported your save, then import it back in with the button below and continue on. If you wish to continue on without importing then [[continue here|ImportantCheck]] instead.; <<import '$imported' 'base64'>> & [[Continue|StatShift]] If you already played then be sure to check out the other seasons. Similar to this game, they are free. Otherwise, enjoy. [[Season One|]] | [[Season Three|]] | Season Four @@
<<nobr>>\ <<set $name to $>> <<set $gender to $imported.gender>> <<set $trans to $imported.trans>> <<set $sex to $>> <<set $chest to $imported.chest>> <<set $int to $>> <<set $s_att to $imported.s_att>> <<set $r_att to $imported.r_att>> <<set $injuries to $imported.injuries>> <<set $car to $>> <<set $style to $imported.fightingstyle>> <<set $nerve to $imported.nerve>> <<set $honesty to $imported.honesty>> <<set $daring to $imported.daring>> <<set $serious to $imported.serious>> <<set $optimistic to $imported.optimistic>> <<set $stubborn to $imported.stubborn>> <<set $sympathy to $imported.sympathy>> <<set $pacifist to $imported.pacifist>> <<set $engineering to $>> <<set $charisma to $imported.charisma>> <<set $combat to $imported.combat>> <<set $perception to $imported.perception>> <<set $medical to $imported.medical>> <<set $creativity to $imported.creativity>> <<set $bartending to $imported.bartending>> <<set $supernatural to $imported.supernatural>> <<set $blades to $imported.blades>> <<set $guns to $imported.guns>> <<set $exorcise to $imported.exorcise>> <<set $chris to $imported.chris>> <<set $CRomance to $imported.CRomance>> <<set $flirt_Chris to $imported.flirt_Chris>> <<set $sydero to $imported.sydero>> <<set $SRomance to $imported.SRomance>> <<set $flirt_Syd to $imported.flirt_Syd>> <<set $bradley to $imported.bradley>> <<set $zillah to $imported.zillah>> <<set $a_fear to $imported.a_fear>> <<set $m_fear to $imported.m_fear>> <<set $bloodfear to $imported.blood_fear>> <<set $eyes to $imported.eyes>> <<set $hairlength to $imported.hairlength>> <<set $hairtype to $imported.hairtype>> <<set $haircolor to $imported.haircolor>> <<set $jealouschris to $imported.jealouschris>> <<set $uncledead to $imported.uncledead>> <<set $uncleknows to $imported.uncleknows>> <<set $unclepicture to $imported.unclepicture>> <<set $cp to $imported.cp>> <<set $chrissafe to $imported.chrissafe>> <<set $virgin to $>> <<set $entitytakeover to $imported.entitytakeover>> <<set $darkburns to $imported.darkburns>> <<set $darkcontrol to $imported.darkcontrol>> <<set $darktruth to $imported.darktruth>> <<set $cmajor to $imported.cmajor>> <<set $langstonfate to $imported.langstonfate>> <<set $believer to $imported.believer>> <<set $suicidal to $imported.suicidal>> <<set $slapthequeen to $imported.slapthequeen>> <<if $cp>> <<set $ChrisRichardson = true>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ You can now check your imported stats on the right hand. If your save did not import there is a good chance that your save is corrupted or is not a complete game. If that is the case then check out ''Credits'' on the left sidebar. You can go back to Season One and save again or simply continue on and remake your character. <a data-passage="ImportantCheck"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Before starting, let's make sure everything is right. If any of your important stats are wrong then change them below. You can check this by looking over the Stats section to the right. *''Imported Roe's'': You must check out [[relationships and sexual interests|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$ic_love = true]] before continuing on. *''New Characters'': You should go through all of that is below. A missed variable can lead to a potential bug and missed gameplay. [[Name]] (Your current name is: $name Roe.) [[Gender, Pronouns, and Sex]] (Your gender is: $gender; you are <<if $trans>>trans<<else>>not trans<</if>>; and your current pronouns are: ?he/?him) [[Relationships & Sexual Interest][$ic_love = true]] [[Appearance]] [[Story Elements]] <<if $ic_love>>\ ''Please make sure everything is right before continuing, there's no way to come back to this besides restarting.'' [[Everything is right, let's continue!|Season Two]] <</if>>\
<<message 'Male Names'>> [[Damon.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Damon"]] [[Arlo.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Arlo"]] [[Kyrin.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Kyrin"]] [[Jett.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Jett"]] [[Leo.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Leo"]] <</message>> <<message 'Female Names'>> [[Zora.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Zora"]] [[Marion.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Marion"]] [[Nero.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Nero"]] [[Delanie.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Delanie"]] [[Sage.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Sage"]] <</message>> <<message 'Non Gender Specific Names'>> [[Hunter.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Hunter"]] [[Robin.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Robin"]] [[Indigo.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Indigo"]] [[Quinn.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Quinn"]] [[Cadence.|ImportantCheck][$name = "Cadence"]] <</message>> [[Can't believe I have to spell this out ... |Insert Name]]
Please state your name. <<textbox "$name" "" autofocus>><<button "Enter">><<replace "#name">>Nice to meet you, $name.<</replace>><</button>> <span id="name"></span> <a data-passage="ImportantCheck"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
Your gender is: $gender; you are <<if $trans>>trans<<else>>not trans<</if>>; and your current pronouns are: ?he/?him. Your sex is currently $sex and you have <<if $chest is "p">>breasts<<else>>do not have breasts.<</if>> <<link 'Choose Pronouns Here'>> <<pronouns>> <</link>> <<set _gender = ["Cis Male", "Trans Male", "Cis Female", "Trans Female", "Nonbinary"]>>''Select gender:'' <<listbox "$gender">> <<optionsfrom _gender>> <</listbox>> ''My gender was ...'' <span id="gender-info">(nothing)</span><<script>> $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { /* Initial display of text pulled from the "gender Info X" passages. */ $(event.content).find("#gender-info").empty().wiki("<<include 'Gender Info " + State.variables.gender + "'>>"); /* Trigger text display upon listbox change. */ $(event.content).find("#listbox-gender").on("change", function (event) { /* Fade out text. */ $("#gender-info").fadeOut(500, function () { /* Update text and then fade it back in. */ $("#gender-info").empty().wiki("<<include 'Gender Info " + State.variables.gender + "'>>").fadeIn(500); }); }); }); <</script>> //If you do not want to see explicit content then the next two choices are not necessary.// Choose your sex (genitals). <<set _sex = ["Vagina", "Penis", "No Disclose"]>><<listbox "$sex">> <<optionsfrom _sex>> <</listbox>> ''Sex:'' <span id="sex-info">(nothing)</span><<script>> $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { /* Initial display of text pulled from the "Sex Info X" passages. */ $(event.content).find("#sex-info").empty().wiki("<<include 'Sex Info " + + "'>>"); /* Trigger text display upon listbox change. */ $(event.content).find("#listbox-sex").on("change", function (event) { /* Fade out text. */ $("#sex-info").fadeOut(500, function () { /* Update text and then fade it back in. */ $("#sex-info").empty().wiki("<<include 'Sex Info " + + "'>>").fadeIn(500); }); }); }); <</script>> Choose whether or not you have breasts. <<set _chest = ["Breasts Present", "Breasts Not Present"]>>''Select chest:'' <<listbox "$chest">> <<optionsfrom _chest>> <</listbox>> ''Chest:'' <span id="chest-info">(nothing)</span><<script>> $(document).one(":passagerender", function (event) { /* Initial display of text pulled from the "Chest Info X" passages. */ $(event.content).find("#chest-info").empty().wiki("<<include 'Chest Info " + State.variables.chest + "'>>"); /* Trigger text display upon listbox change. */ $(event.content).find("#listbox-chest").on("change", function (event) { /* Fade out text. */ $("#chest-info").fadeOut(500, function () { /* Update text and then fade it back in. */ $("#chest-info").empty().wiki("<<include 'Chest Info " + State.variables.chest + "'>>").fadeIn(500); }); }); }); <</script>> <a data-passage="ImportantCheck"><img src="images/continue.png" alt="Continue" style="float:right"/></a>
//Roe's current appearance: Roe has $eyes eyes and <<if $hairlength is "bald">>is bald.<<else>>has $hairlength, $haircolor, <<if $hairtype is "braids" or $hairtype is "dreads">>$hairtype.<<else>>$hairtype hair.<</if>><</if>> ''Eye Color'' <<if ndef $eyes>><<set $eyes = "brown">><</if>><<listbox "$eyes">> <<option "Black" "black" `$eyes == "black" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Dark brown" "dark brown" `$eyes == "dark brown" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Brown" "brown" `$eyes == "brown" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Hazel" "hazel" `$eyes == "hazel" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Amber" "amber" `$eyes == "amber" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Green" "green" `$eyes == "green" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Blue" "blue" `$eyes == "blue" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Grey" "grey" `$eyes == "grey" ? "selected" : ""`>> <</listbox>> ''Length of Hair'' <<if ndef $hairlength>><<set $hairlength = "medium">><</if>><<listbox "$hairlength">> <<option "Bald" "bald" `$hairlength == "bald" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Short" "short" `$hairlength == "short" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Medium" "medium" `$hairlength == "medium" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Long" "long" `$hairlength == "long" ? "selected" : ""`>> <</listbox>> ''Type of Hair'' <<if ndef $hairtype>><<set $hairtype = "wavy">><</if>><<listbox "$hairtype">> <<option "Straight" "straight" `$hairtype == "straight" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Curly" "curly" `$hairtype == "curly" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Wavy" "wavy" `$hairtype == "wavy" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Kinky" "kinky" `$hairtype == "kinky" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Braids" "braids" `$hairtype == "braids" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Dreads" "dreads" `$hairtype == "dreads" ? "selected" : ""`>> <</listbox>> ''Color of Hair'' <<if ndef $haircolor>><<set $haircolor = "brown">><</if>><<listbox "$haircolor">> <<option "Black" "black" `$haircolor == "black" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Brown" "brown" `$haircolor == "brown" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Red" "red" `$haircolor == "red" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Blonde" "blonde" `$haircolor == "blonde" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "White" "white" `$haircolor == "white" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Blue" "blue" `$haircolor == "blue" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Pink" "pink" `$haircolor == "pink" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Purple" "purple" `$haircolor == "purple" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Green" "green" `$haircolor == "green" ? "selected" : ""`>> <</listbox>> [[Reload this Page|Appearance]] [[Continue On|ImportantCheck]]
<<nobr>>\ <<if $r_att is "present" and $cp and ($int is "men" or $int is "both") and ($s_att is "high" or $s_att is "low")>> <<set $flirt_Chris to true>> <<else>> <<set $flirt_Chris to false>> <</if>> <<if $r_att is "present" and ($int is "men" or $int is "both")>> <<set $flirt_Rahim to true>> <<else>> <<set $flirt_Rahim to false>> <</if>> <<if $r_att is "present" and ($int is "women" or $int is "both")>> <<set $flirt_Amari to true>> <<else>> <<set $flirt_Amari to false>> <</if>> <<if $s_att is "high" and ($int is "men" or $int is "both")>> <<set $flirt_Zillah to true>> <<else>> <<set $flirt_Zillah to false>> <</if>> <<if $s_att is "high" and ($int is "women" or $int is "both")>> <<set $flirt_Syd to true>> <<else>> <<set $flirt_Syd to false>> <</if>> <</nobr>>\ [[Reload this Page|Relationships & Sexual Interest]] [[Go to Invest Points Page|InvestPoints]] [[Go back to stats menu|ImportantCheck]] Are you a virgin? Currently you <<if $virgin>>are.<<else>>are not.<</if>> [[Yes.|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$virgin = true]] [[No.|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$virgin = false]] What gender are you interested in when it comes to romance? You are interested in: $int [[Men.|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$int = "men"]] [[Women.|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$int = "women"]] [[All.|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$int = "both"]] [[None.|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$int = "none"]] ''Sexual Attraction:'' High attraction means you are sexually attracted to others and sex scenes will always appear while both Roe and other characters can make advances. Low attraction means that though you do feel sexual attraction, sex scenes may not always appear and will rely on Roe's actions. Characters will not make advancements. Non-existent attraction means that you are not sexually attracted to others and sex scenes and sexually toned choices will not appear. ''Romantic Attraction:'' Present attraction means you are romantically attracted to others and characters are free to make advances. Absent attraction means that you are not romantically attracted to others and characters will not make advances. //Some characters are not able to be romanced by a character with a low or non-existent interest/attraction in sexual activity. This will be available to change each season or carry over. Chris needs ''at least'' low. Sydero and Zillah requires high. And the two new romances can be romanced with any Roe.// ''Sexual Attraction & Advances'' <<if ndef $s_att>><<set $s_att = "high">><</if>><<listbox "$s_att">> <<option "High Attraction" "high" `$s_att == "high" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Low Attraction" "low" `$s_att == "low" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Non-existent Attraction" "none" `$s_att == "none" ? "selected" : ""`>> <</listbox>> //Keep in mind that only one character, Sydero, allows for an aromantic relationship.// ''Romance Attraction & Advances'' <<if ndef $r_att>><<set $r_att = "present">><</if>><<listbox "$r_att">> <<option "Present Attraction" "present" `$r_att == "present" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Absent Attraction" "absent" `$r_att == "absent" ? "selected" : ""`>> <</listbox>>
[[Back to Relationship Page|Relationships & Sexual Interest]] [[Go back to stats menu|ImportantCheck]] Your preferences allow you to romance: <<if $flirt_Chris>>Chris($CRomance). <</if>><<if $flirt_Syd>>Sydero($SRomance). <</if>><<if $flirt_Rahim>>The new male romance, Rahim. <</if>><<if $flirt_Zillah>>The new male romance, Zillah. <</if>><<if $flirt_Amari>>The new female romance, Amari.<</if>> //Note: You can only invest points into Sydero and Chris.// <<if $int isnot "none">>\ Would you like to invest romance points in any of the following love interests? <<if $flirt_Syd>>\ [[Invest romance points in Sydero.|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$SRomance to 5]] <</if>>\ <<if $flirt_Chris>>\ [[Invest romance points in Chris.|Relationships & Sexual Interest][$CRomance to 5]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\
Here's what your main story choices are looking like ... *No choice is the 'right' choice, each choice leads to different content and story elements, each has its pros and cons. You are free to change what you wish, but keep that in mind. *Whether this is your first time or not, make sure to answer the ''fears questions''. *When done, [[click here|ImportantCheck]] [[Click here for fears.|Fears]] <<if $uncledead is false>> Your uncle, Uncle Matheus, is alive. You were able to save him from Raum and his group and check him into a hotel for the time being. [[Change to Uncle Matheus is dead.|Story Elements][$uncledead = true]] <<else>>\ Your uncle, Uncle Matheus, is dead. Killed by Raum and his group to send you a message. [[Change to Uncle Matheus is alive.|Story Elements][$uncledead = false]] <</if>> <<if $cp is false and $chrissafe is false>> Your best friend from college, Chris Richardson, was killed by Raum. [[Change to Chris is with the group.|Story Elements][$cp = true, $chrissafe = true]] [[Change to Chris is alive, but not with the group.|Story Elements][$chrissafe = true]] <<elseif $chrissafe and $cp is false>> Your best friend from college, Chris Richardson, is safe and alive but he is not with the gang. [[Change to Chris is with the group.|Story Elements][$cp = true]] [[Change to Chris was killed by Raum.|Story Elements][$chrissafe = false]] <<else>> <<nobr>><<set $ChrisRichardson = true; $cp = true>><</nobr>> Your best friend from college, Chris Richardson, is part of the gang. After saving him from Raum, you told him to stick with you. [[Change to Chris is not with the group.|Story Elements][$cp = false, $ChrisRichardson = false]] [[Change to Chris was killed by Raum.|Story Elements][$cp = false, $chrissafe = false, $ChrisRichardson = false]] <</if>> <<if $darkburns>> When you were a child, you were permanently injured on both of your hands, receiving burn marks on both hands that reach to your elbow. [[Change to wound over your heart.|Story Elements][$darkcontrol = true, $darkburns = false]] [[Change to wound lying on your cheek.|Story Elements][$darktruth = true, $darkburns = false]] <<elseif $darkcontrol>> When you were a child, you were permanently injured and received a scar on your heart that looks oddly like a bullet entry wound. [[Change to burn marks on your arms.|Story Elements][$darkburns = true, $darkcontrol = false]] [[Change to wound lying on your cheek.|Story Elements][$darktruth = true, $darkcontrol = false]] <<else>> When you were a child, you were permanently injured and received a deep scar on the side of your face, roughly following the curve of your cheek. [[Change to burn marks on your arms.|Story Elements][$darkburns = true, $darktruth = false]] [[Change to wound over your heart.|Story Elements][$darkcontrol = true, $darktruth = false]] <</if>> What happened to Langston, the shapeshifter, at the end of Season One? At the moment: <<if $langstonfate is "kill">>You killed him yourself.<<elseif $langstonfate is "sacrifice">>Raum sacrificed him for the ritual.<<else>>He is alive and well.<</if>> [[I killed him during our fight.|Story Elements][$langstonfate = "kill"]] [[Raum sacrificed him.|Story Elements][$langstonfate = "sacrifice"]] [[He is still alive.|Story Elements][$langstonfate = "alive"]] Did you let the Entity, Zillah, take over your body to escape the curse of the witch? At the moment, you <<if $entitytakeover>>let him take control.<<else>>didn't let him take control.<</if>> [[No, he didn't take over.|Story Elements][$entitytakeover = false]] [[Yes, I gave him control.|Story Elements][$entitytakeover = true]] You currently drive a ... $car. [[Change to Dodge Challenger.|Story Elements][$car = "Dodge Challenger"]] [[Change to Ford F-150.|Story Elements][$car = "Ford F-150"]] [[Change to Honda Civic.|Story Elements][$car = "Honda Civic"]] [[Change to Jeep Wrangler.|Story Elements][$car = "Jeep Wrangler"]] When it comes to guns and blades, you usually leaned more towards ... [[Guns.|Story Elements][$guns = 15]] [[Blades.|Story Elements][$blades = 15]] <<if $style is "Not Known">>\ What is your chosen fighting style? (This choice is dependent on your stats, make sure you either handled that <<if $ds is not true>>[[here|DS]]<<else>>here<</if>> or by importing them.) Your current fighting style is: $style <<if $pacifist >=50>>\ [[Aikido.|Story Elements][$style = "Aikido"]] [[Judo.|Story Elements][$style = "Judo"]] <<else>>\ [[Boxing.|Story Elements][$style = "Boxing"]] [[Taekwondo.|Story Elements][$style = "Taekwondo"]] [[Kenpo.|Story Elements][$style = "Kenpo"]] <</if>>\ <</if>>\ <<if $ds is false>>\ ''Stats'' You can check your stats on the right sidebar. If you do wish to reset your stats then [[click here|DS]]. You will be prompted to choose your major and the resulting stats will be based off of that decision. <</if>>\
<<nobr>>\<<set $ds = true; $combat = 10; $supernatural = 20>><</nobr>>\ To make sure your default stats are close to the character you wish to play, what was your college major? [[Creative Arts.|Story Elements][$cmajor = "Creative Arts"; $creativity = 25; $perception = 15; $engineering = 5; $pacifist = 70]] [[Nursing.|Story Elements][$cmajor = "Nursing"; $medical = 25; $charisma = 15; $perception = 5; $pacifist = 70]] [[Education.|Story Elements][$cmajor = "Education"; $charisma = 25; $perception = 15; $engineering = 5; $pacifist = 70]] [[Law or Criminal Justice.|Story Elements][$cmajor = "Criminal Justice"; $combat = 25; $perception = 15; $charisma = 5; $pacifist = 30]] [[Exercise Science.|Story Elements][$cmajor = "Exercise Science"; $combat = 25; $medical = 15; $pacifist = 30]] [[Communications.|Story Elements][$cmajor = "Communications"; $creativity = 25; $charisma = 15; $engineering = 5; $pacifist = 70]] [[Psychology.|Story Elements][$cmajor = "Psychology"; $medical = 25; $charisma = 15; $perception = 5; $pacifist = 30]] [[Computer Science.|Story Elements][$cmajor = "Computer Science"; $engineering = 30; $creativity = 5; $pacifist = 30]]
[[Return to Story Elements|Story Elements]] [[Reload this Page|Fears]] ''NOTE: If your fears are actually appearing correctly then I advise not to change them as some choices that carried over will be undone.'' <<if $bloodfear>>\ You have a fear of blood. [[I do not have a fear of blood.|Fears][$bloodfear = false]] <<else>>\ You do not have a fear of blood. [[I do have a fear of blood.|Fears][$bloodfear = true]] <</if>>\ What is your main fear? Currently your main fear is: $m_fear ''Main Fear'' <<if ndef $m_fear>><<set $m_fear = "evil">><</if>><<listbox "$m_fear">> <<option "Corrupted and evil" "corrupted and evil" `$m_fear == "evil" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Being unloved" "being unloved" `$m_fear == "unloved" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Having no support" "having no support" `$m_fear == "supportless" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Being worthless" "being worthless" `$m_fear == "worthless" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Being insignificant, losing sight of myself" "being insignificant, losing sight of myself" `$m_fear == "insignificant" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Being deprived and stuck in routine" "being deprived and stuck in routine" `$m_fear == "deprived" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Being controlled" "being controlled" `$m_fear == "controlled" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Separation and losing everything" "separation and losing everything" `$m_fear == "separation" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Being incompetent, stupid in other's eyes" "being incompetent, stupid in other's eyes" `$m_fear == "incompetent" ? "selected" : ""`>> <</listbox>> What creature are you most afraid of? Currently it is: $a_fear ''Animal Fear'' <<if ndef $a_fear>><<set $a_fear = "spiders">><</if>><<listbox "$a_fear">> <<option "Birds" "birds" `$a_fear == "birds" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Dogs" "dogs" `$a_fear == "dogs" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Cats" "cats" `$a_fear == "cats" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Insects" "insects" `$a_fear == "insects" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Spiders" "spiders" `$a_fear == "spiders" ? "selected" : ""`>> <<option "Snakes" "snakes" `$a_fear == "snakes" ? "selected" : ""`>> <</listbox>>
<a data-passage="Episode One: Heaven Sent"><img src="images/title.png" alt="Episode One: Heaven Sent" style="float:center"/></a> <img src="images/quote.png">
<<silently>> <<if $nerve >100>>\ <<set $nerve to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $nerve <0>>\ <<set $nerve to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $honesty >100>>\ <<set $honesty to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $honesty <0>>\ <<set $honesty to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $daring >100>>\ <<set $daring to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $daring <0>>\ <<set $daring to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $optimistic >100>>\ <<set $optimistic to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $optimistic <0>>\ <<set $optimistic to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $stubborn >100>>\ <<set $stubborn to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $stubborn <0>>\ <<set $stubborn to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $sympathy >100>>\ <<set $sympathy to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $sympathy <0>>\ <<set $sympathy to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $pacifist >100>>\ <<set $pacifist to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $pacifist <0>>\ <<set $pacifist to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $serious >100>>\ <<set $serious to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $serious <0>>\ <<set $serious to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $chris >100>>\ <<set $chris to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $chris <0>>\ <<set $chris to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $cp is false>>\ <<set $chris to 0>> <</if>> <<if $sydero >100>>\ <<set $sydero to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $sydero <0>>\ <<set $sydero to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $rahim >100>>\ <<set $rahim to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $rahim <0>>\ <<set $rahim to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $amari >100>>\ <<set $amari to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $amari <0>>\ <<set $amari to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $zillah >100>>\ <<set $zillah to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $zillah <0>>\ <<set $zillah to 0>> <</if>>\ <<if $bradley >100>>\ <<set $bradley to 100>> <</if>>\ <<if $bradley <0>>\ <<set $bradley to 0>> <</if>>\ <</silently>>